Manganese Boric Acid Yod for Tomatoes. Spraying of tomatoes iodom

For all gardeners and gardens, it is important to obtain a large and high-quality harvest, while without the use of chemical fertilizers and stimulants. In the case of the cultivation of tomatoes, tomato spraying with iodine with milk is becoming increasingly popular. Of particular importance is the fact that this method in a small dosage is harmless to both the plant and a person.

By itself, such an element like iodine for tomato seedlings does not play any role for growth and development. If it is missing or not in all, the plant will not notice this. So why is it necessary? The element has a stimulating effect, since it improves the absorption and absorption of nutrients, helps to activate the protective forces of the plant in the fight against diseases.

There are several ways to enter iodine to vegetable cultures. Plants receive it from the Earth or with fertilizers - root or extraordinary treatments. It should be borne in mind that most often the presence or absence of this element is unknown, because it is not specifically added.

If we consider soil depending on the level of saturation by this element, you can select rich and poor soils. To rich include:

  • peat tundra;
  • reds and chernozem;
  • chestnut soils.

Poor are as follows:

  • serozia and forest soils;
  • podzolic;
  • solonians;
  • burosemes.

Before artificially saturate the plants with feeding, it is necessary to take into account the soil in which they grow, introduced fertilizers. Iodine-containing are: manure, peat, ash peat and wood, phosphoritic flour. If there is a suitable soil or feeding, the spraying of tomatoes with milk with iodine is produced only in case of problems that can suggest the need for action.

Such advocate:

  • reducing the usual level of yield or a significant decrease in the size of fruits while maintaining normal care;
  • later fruiting;
  • low seedlism immunity: their bad growth, disease, death;
  • the appearance of fungal diseases;
  • manifestation of iodine deficiency: weak thin stems, pale leaves.

Such a fertilizer for tomatoes as a feeding of iodine will help solve the difficulties.

Influence of iodine on seedlings

Most often, the element is used as a good assistant only seedlings of tomatoes before the appearance of uncess - later it is not recommended. During this period, it helps vegetable culture to gain nutrients. In itself, this substance is not a feeding. This is a powerful antiseptic, the use of which helps to cope with rot, fungal diseases, disinfect seeds. Of particular importance is the prevention of viral diseases.

Milk for vegetable culture

The use of milk in combination with tomatoes is only a positive effect. First, it is an environmentally friendly product. Secondly, it is saturated with many useful substances that are absorbed by vegetable with growth. Thirdly, the composition of milk is present amino acids, activating the growth of the plant.

All this contributes to improving metabolic processes, better absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the greatest effect in the case of tomatoes can be obtained using milk solutions in the process of growth and formation of fruits.

Supporting with a solution can be both root and extraxorno - each of them will have an impact: the root - saturate with useful microelements of the soil, and the extraxarrow - protect against pests.

Most of all, the raw milk is suitable for these purposes, but if there is no possibility of it, it is used and a pasteurized product or yard is used. The dairy serum is often used, which is formed during the jam. The most effective will be the processing of specially prepared solution, which has a comprehensive impact.

Milk with iodine

Wonderful extractive feeding - treatment of tomatoes with milk with iodine. This method additionally helps to protect them from pests, since almost all insects do not carry lactose and milk sugar. After the procedure of spraying on the surface of the leaves, a film is formed that does not allow penetrating inside the pathogens of many diseases. This method is especially useful in combating fungal lesions.

The mixture is prepared as follows: 4 liters of water and 1 liter of milk are taken, where 15 drops of iodine are added. About how to water the tomatoes with iodine, let's talk later.

Features of application

The treatment with a solution can be produced for tomatoes in a greenhouse or growing in open ground. But at the same time it is necessary to comply with some conditions:

  • there must be no straight sun rays;
  • watering seedlings are produced in the morning or in the evening;
  • the weather should be dry and windless, otherwise the mixture stalks from the leaves;
  • the best air temperature for this procedure is about 18 degrees.

It is important because the treatment with iodide solution in hot or sunny weather, as well as the wrong dosage, can lead to the appearance of burns on the surface of the leaves.

Ideally, the plant should "enhance" the cloud from the mixture and evenly allocate all over the seedling, for which the spraying of the tomato with iodine is produced using a finely dispersed pulverizer.

It is important and observing processing time. For the first time it is produced in 2 weeks after disembarking. The best period is July, since it is at this time an active growth occurs. Next, the procedure is repeated with an interval of 14 days if the vegetable does not bother. With the appearance of action problems will be different.

You can feed the seedlings in the event that there are no problems, but the plants are growing in the "poor" soil. This will help add nutrients and serve as a prevention of disease.

Do it as follows:

  1. For the first time, to bore tomatoes with a solution should be at the level of seedlings. To do this, on the water bucket take 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine mortar. Spray seedlings need completely.
  2. Then feeding the tomatoes iodine is made after disembarking into the ground. You need to feed the mixture of 5 liters of water, 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine solution. Bushes are processed before flowing. You can repeat the procedure in 3 days.
  3. During fruiting seedlings, the tomato processes if necessary every 2 weeks with a serum with iodine.

Benefit when dealing with diseases: phytoftor

This iodide method of struggle is particularly effective in combating fungal diseases. This will help when the "brown spot", "gray rot", "tobacco mosaic virus", a fusarious fading.

A particularly common problem is a fungal infection for the name "phytoofluoride": when the disease spread and tightening with measures can die up to 70% of the total harvest.

The pathogen is distributed by disputes, and signs of the appearance of the disease are:

  • dark spots on the back of the leaves;
  • the leaves become brown and dry;
  • fruits gradually black.

Infected parts of the plant almost impossible to save. They are removed, removed and burned or get rid of the same plant from the whole plant. Fire helps prevent the spread of the dispute. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease are limestone soils and high humidity, therefore the greenhouse needs to be aircraft as often as possible. Weak plants are subject to the greatest danger of infection, which lack nutrients.

All methods of struggle are based on environmental disinfection. The principle of spraying for seedlings of tomatoes and adult plants will be approximately the same. Since iodine is an antiseptic, and the milk has an acidic environment that is destructive for phytophors, this method is suitable as it is impossible.

To stop spreading phytoophulas, spraying seedlings should be carried out regularly, preferably every day. After that, we should not water vegetables.

In this article we will tell you like tomatoes. Following the advice, you will not only provide good care growing, but also be able to protect the harvest from. You will also learn what is the subtleties of iodine and.

What useful iodine for tomatoes

Usually, a shortage of the trace element can be determined visually, since its reduced amount causes many diseases, the symptoms of which are well visible on tomatoes.
There are several characteristic signs of iodine deficiency in plants:

Seed disinfection before landing

Iodine is used not only as feeding for tomatoes. A solution prepared on its basis is treated with vegetable crops before planting. Such processing reduces the risk of plant disease in the future and destroy various harmful microorganisms that can begin to multiply on seeds.

For processing you need to perform simple actions:

  • we take 0.1 g of iodine per liter of water heated to room temperature;
  • we fall asleep seeds into the resulting solution and keep for 10 minutes;
  • then we drain the solution and thoroughly rinse the seeds in clean water room temperature;
  • after washing, we lay seeds on paper napkins or a towel that absorbs the excess moisture.

The process of drying seeds is simple: they are maintained in the open sun for 7 days, during which the seeds are thoroughly mixed several times.

After drying, the seeds should be collected in a bag impermeable for rays and prepare for landing.
When dripping after drying, it is necessary to carefully check all seeds on the subject of spoiled or merging. Such in this situation should be divided. In the case of the presence of barely noticeable darkens or dark spots, infected seeds is better to throw out, since they are already infected with infection and cannot be treated.

Thanks to this processing, the risk of enhancing will noticeably decrease together with seeds in different causative agents of infections that can destroy all your crop.

Important! Almost all diseases of vegetable crops occur through the transmission of disease seeds (up to 80% of cases) and only 20% - from the lack of nutrients in the soil.

There is another way to disinfect when the prepared solution is additionally heated to 50-60 ° C. At the same time, the "natural selection" occurs, since seeds will be more weak and exposed to infections.

How to feed the tomatoes with iodine

Before proceeding with the process of feeding, you need to know when to use iodine for and how correctly this vegetable culture.
When tomatoes still grow in, it should be used to use such a feeder no earlier than 10 days from the date of the ground. After the first processing, the following spraying must be applied at a frequency once every three months.

According to the statements of dacnis, such a feeder allows the fruits of tomatoes to grow 15% more and mature 2-3 days earlier.

There are two feeding techniques: root and extraxnealing.


Root treatment allows you to feed tomatoes for better ripening of fruit both iodine and fertilizers based on it.

For the root supply, the recipe solution is made: one drop of iodine by 3 liters of water heated to room temperature. Next, the resulting solution should be thoroughly mixed to give the chemical to dissolve evenly in water.

The resulting solution handle the root of each plantmaking it when earth at the landing site a little dried.

  1. The optimal time for the root processing: the appearance of leaves on the second pair, without taking into account Semi-silders.
  2. Re-processing should be made when tying a brush in a tomato bush. At the same time, it is necessary to use a solution of a lower concentration: three drops per declined water bucket, and no more than one liter of solution should be given to each bush.
  3. The latter feeding at the moment of ripening is carried out at the stage of fruiting. In this case, a mixture with a more complex composition is used: in five liters, boiling water dissolves three liters of the ash powder, which is thoroughly stirred and left to cool. After that, 10 grams add to it.

This simple and inexpensive feeding of tomatoes increases the number of barriers at times. It will also protect the plants from diseases, accelerate the ripening of fruits. Tomatoes will become more sugar, large.

Especially effectively grown on such a system of tomatoes under adverse conditions, when the bushes bloom, but there are practically no wound.

Extra-corner feeding (spraying) in tandem with the right irrigation is better absorbed by plants, and also facilitates care and reduces the consumption of drugs.

The composition of the extraxornal feeding of tomatoes

  • 9 liters of water
  • 1 liter of milk of any fat
  • 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid
  • 10 drops iodine

Boric acid is dissolved separately in the glass of warm water, and then add to the sprayer to the other ingredients. It is very effective in combat with phytoofluoroa, promotes the formation of a large number of wounds. Also, boric acid prevents the crepe of flowers and fruits, protects them from rotting during an excess of moisture.

It is especially important to spray the tomatoes with this composition when growing in open ground and in a rainy summer with unstable weather, sharp drops of temperatures. Processing by boric acid with milk and iodine improves the taste of fruits, makes them sweeter. And tomatoes will start faster.

Signs of lack of boron from tomatoes

  • The upper leaves are yellow and twisted.
  • The leaves become small, deform.
  • The tops gradually faded and die away.
  • Little flowers and wounds.
  • A large number of empty flowers.

Iodine is also very an important microelegen For tomatoes. After use of iodine, tomatoes ripening, the likelihood of infection with phytoofluoro and root rot is reduced.

The frequency of spraying

  • The first - during the formation of buds.
  • 2 feeding is carried out during the period of bulk flowering.
  • 3 times spray as soon as the fruits begin to tie.

Taking tomatoes is better to spend in the morning or in the evening, or in cloudy weather. In no case in the sunny weather, as the plants will receive the strongest burn.

When repeated spraying distribute solution on the top leaves and buds, lower part Plants can not be touched. Bor has a property to accumulate in shoots, so we spray only new leaves and buds.

The yield of tomatoes also depends on how correctly watering is organized. Tomatoes do not like excess moisture In the soil and in the air, so it is often not necessary to water and much.

Potash fertilizer for tomatoes

During the period of active growth of fruits and ripening every 2 weeks under tomatoes, 2 tablespoons are being added dry ash.

After that, they are abundantly watered with warm water, and feed the biohumus solution: 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

The ash and biohumus provide plants with the necessary power and also accelerate the ripening of fruits, improve their taste. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer with a large number of nutrient macro and trace elements in a biologically accessible form.

Between the bushes, it is best to make a slight deepening and carefully pour water into it so that the moisture does not hit the leaves and did not provoke the appearance.

Pour tomatoes only warm waterHeated in the sun. Ice water with a well or well - present stress for plants.

Mulch use

An excellent result gives mulching of the soil around tomato bushes with a thick layer of straw or dry grass. They can be replaced with black agricultural. Mulch delays moisture, does not give rise to weeds, the rainworms are actively multiplied under it. And they, in turn, enrich the soil with oxygen.

How not to do

In no case, the tomatoes cannot be picked up with nitrogen during flowering and fruit tying. After watering or spraying with nitric fertilizers, the plants will die, increase only the green mass, will stand with greasy trunks and huge leaves. But the fruit is a cat with a drink.

Therefore, feed the tomatoes during this period only biohumus with ashes and spray on the sheet of boric acid with iodine and milk. Alternative to Biohumus -.

More on the topic:

When we land any garden crops, we, of course, hope that the crop will be able to get to the maximum. At the same time, most of the gardeners do not particularly want to use various chemistry as feeding. That is why, today, various folk methods are popular. Among these feeding of tomatoes iodine. This drug (within reasonable limits, of course) is not dangerous for a person or for the cultural grown by us. Get a maximum of any every way, if you know all the subtleties of its use. This completely applies to the use of iodine, in our case, we will use it for tomatoes.

We feed the tomatoes with iodine. What is the benefit of iodine for tomato seedlings?

We have already mentioned about the harmlessness of iodine in reasonable limits. Now let's stop at its benefits for plants. It significantly increases the intensity of nitrogen exchange. Iodine easily can be replaced with nitrogen fertilizers, the example of which can serve as a good novel. If you competently use iodine for tomatoes, then the yield is quite realistic to increase significantly. In addition, iodine will give Tomatoam a lot of useful, he will still be able to defend the seedlings of this popular culture from various harmful microorganisms that may be on the seedlings itself, and even more so in the soil. If iodine is not enough, it develops much slower, and certain signs of various diseases may appear on it.

Other garden crops are not particularly demanding of feeding with iodine. But Ied Tomatoam is very necessary, although a lot of iodine is not required. This pharmacy drug will help them remain healthy, and will bring much benefit when there are future fruit. Phytoofluorosis, which affects most of the tomatoes (if not engaged in prevention), it is quite possible to prevent if the use of iodine. They simply spray the seedlings of tomatoes when it appears the slightest signs.

If iodine is not enough. How can this be determined?

The appearance of your tomatoes can tell you that they lack iodine. A number of signs can talk about his lack:

  1. Seedling begins to root
  2. The fruction of tomatoes is significantly reduced
  3. The overall immunity of the entire plant is much reduced. For seedlings, this is especially undesirable.
  4. The plant regularly ill. Phytofluorosis, mosaic or bright spot can also occur alone.

Iodine, just, is great for preventing the same phytoofluorosis. If your tomatoes have any signs of a lack of iodine, then it is necessary to give it. And for this it is important to deal with the general rules of the competent application of iodine.

Application of iodine for tomatoes. How to make it properly?

An option here is two: this is an introduction of iodine with an extraordinated way, and the second option is to do it under the root. Best of all these options alternate, so the result will be much better. This also applies to the prevention of various, most common diseases.

Using the root method when performing a feeding of iodine

It is very important in time to give Tomatoam you need iodine. The first time you need to do this when the second pair of already real leaves appeared on young tomatoes. In this case, the solution is prepared on the basis of warm water (its volume is 3 liters), where you only add iodine drop. Increase the amount of this drug should not. As for the introduction of a finished solution, it is done only when the soil is wet. If we are talking about seedlings, the soil can be only a little moistened for this procedure. Even, having completed tomatoes with such a iodine solution only once, you can significantly improve their immunity. If we use such watering during fruiting, the fruits on tomatoes will become more, and their size will increase.

When tomatoes begin to tie brushes, Iodine should once again. Now we will dissolve it, we will not be 3 liters of water, but in 10. Again, the water should be only warm. This rule, however, is fully applicable and for ordinary, "planned" solution of iodine you should have enough for all bushes, for each of which will need to be spent on the 1st liter. If the varieties you grow short, then for each bush they are quite enough and 0.7 liters of such an iodine solution.

Tomatoes can be filled with iodine. This time, when they occur the phase of fruction. Now the solution must be more concentrated, and the composition is more complex. This time the water will need hot - 5 liters. It will be necessary to sift which, as a result, you should get 3 liters. And this is the amount of ash dissolve in water. From hour, the ash solution should be broken. Further, it adds more warm water into it, and the total amount of solution you must have 10 liters. Now it's time to pour in it iodine. We pour a whole bubble (this is usually 10 ml), add more and boric acid - 10 grams. After thorough mixing, we leave the iodine solution alone on the whole day.

Water with such a solution of tomatoes only under the root. But, it is preliminarily bred to the desired concentration - 1 liter of iodine mortar in 10 liters, again, only warm water. Iodine together with boric acid, with such a feeding, again, they play a significant role in general strengthening immunity.

Use the extraxornic method

Here we are except for the water (as always, the warm - 1 liter) and iodine (5 droplets), you will also need milk. It must be low-fat - 250 ml. All this is mixed, and it is possible to spray the tops. It is best to do this early in the morning or in the evening. When spraying, your task is to achieve the sprayed composition was very small (at a minimum), almost fog-shaped. It is not necessary to conduct too abundant spraying. Iodine to the solution do not need to make a lot (observe the dosage necessarily!) Not to burn

Iodine should be made timely and only normalized doses. If the proportions of this substance you thoughtlessly increase, then tomatoes can deform brushes, as well as

Feeding tomatoes boric acid

Boric acid, like iodine, is very useful for tomatoes, and, with its competent application, their crop will only increase. The best boric acid is to enter, applying the method of extractive, that is, spraying. But, there are options and conduct of irrigation with boric acid. In this case, tomatoes will already be assisted by it directly from the soil itself. Apply this drug only at a certain time. Then there will be no harm for tomatoes from it.

Boric acid for tomatoes during the season can be used several times. Usually, they do it three times:

  1. to the process of formation in tomatoes buds, and before the start of their flowering;
  2. already directly to the period of flowering;
  3. when the fruits are just beginning to ripening;

Tomatoes can react to boric acid in different ways. Some varieties simply do not like it. So, if the leaves changed their color, after the first feeding, or began to fade quietly, then you don't need to "bump" by these drug.

Boric acid is as well as iodine, quite well with the phytoophluorosis, and many pests. So, she can successfully replace iodine. The best time for its use is the end of June. But, before applying this drug, the seedlings need to be treated with the means in which the manganese is contained. As for the consumption of the acid itself, it should be about 100-ml per square meter of tomato bed. To protect the tomatoes from pests, boric acids (its number of 10 grams) are bred by a 10 liter bucket with water, and the bushes of tomatoes are already treated with this water.

So, iodine with boric acid today is used as as well as a good option from various, very common diseases. If you learn how to correctly apply these simple drugs, then your tomatoes will always be protected, and their yield will significantly grow.

About the benefit of the feeding of tomatoes iodine, and about the rules for her to conduct you here in this video. We look.

And one more video, where they are talking about the use of iodine for other popular garden crops. We look.