Spider mite on Kalina buldenezh. Black aphid on viburnum: how to deal with it? Natural herbal preparations

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Executive Director of the Association of Russian Gardeners (APPYAPM), candidate of agricultural sciences. Sci., Leading Specialist of APPYAPM on Berry Crops

APPYAPM specialist

Using material krasnayagoda.ru; vsadu.ru

Viburnum pests

Kalina, like many other garden plants, is quite often damaged by harmful insects, which leads to a loss of decorative properties and a decrease (and sometimes complete death) of the crop - the buds do not open, the shoots dry out, the leaves are skeletonized. Fungal, bacterial, viral and other diseases are less common on viburnum and do not cause such strong negative consequences as pests, although sometimes they lead to discoloration of leaves, drying of flowers and decay of fruits.

The most dangerous pests of viburnum are the black viburnum aphid and the viburnum leaf beetle, somewhat less often the culture is damaged by the cap moth, the ringworm moth, the honeysuckle prickly sawfly, the spider mite, the viburnum leafworm, the greenish lobed moth, the viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges. In the southern regions, a comma-shaped scale is sometimes found on the branches of the plant.

Viburnum leaf beetle

Viburnum leaf beetle (Galerucella viburni Payk.) Is a brown-yellow beetle 5 - 7 mm long with an ovoid body, densely covered with short adjoining hairs. In a year, it develops from an egg to an adult insect. The leaf beetle, feeding only on viburnum, is harmful both in the stage of adult beetles and larvae.

In late summer - early September, females lay eggs, which hibernate in depressions made by the beetle in young non-lignified shoots and peduncles. As a result, the shoots dry up. The clutch consists of 18 - 24 very small round yellowish eggs and looks like a brownish-dirty, well-visible tubercle. One female can lay up to 700 eggs. The dirty-gray or greenish-yellow larvae hatching from eggs in May, reaching 12 mm in length at an older age, feed on young leaves, strongly skeletonizing them. Leaves damaged by larvae become laced due to the large number of through holes

In the first - second decades of June, the larvae complete their development, stop feeding and go into the soil under the bushes. Here, at a depth of 2–3 cm, pupation takes place. Young beetles, hatching a month later, gnaw holes of various sizes in the leaves. As the leaves grow, the damage increases.

During the years of mass propagation of the leaf beetle (especially in a cold rainy summer), only petioles and large veins of leaves remain on the viburnum bushes. In larger numbers, leaf beetles also feed on berries and shoots. Heavily damaged weakened bushes have a slight increase and do not bloom the next year.

Control measures. You can fight the viburnum leaf beetle by pruning, using the biological features of the development of the pest. Cutting and burning egg-laying shoots is the best defense against the leaf beetle, allowing you to destroy its eggs. This procedure is carried out both in autumn and in spring, before the hatching of the larvae. In addition, in the spring, as soon as the first leaves begin to appear, and all the hatched larvae are on them, these young leaves should be pinched off and destroyed. The operation is repeated two to three times with an interval of 1 to 2 days. This technique is most effective if the viburnum bushes are young and not too tall.

Chemical treatments against the viburnum leaf beetle are carried out in two stages: the first time - against the larvae, in late May - early June, again - against beetles, in late August - early September. For spraying, drugs are used: Actellik, Aktara, Fufanon (1 ml / l), 10% Karbofos (7.5 g / l), Bitoxibacillin (4 - 8 g / l), Kinmix (2.5 ml / 10 l of water) , Inta-Vir (twice with an interval of 7 - 10 days). It is impossible to spray on berries, treatments are stopped 20-30 days before harvesting, in view of this, autumn processing is permissible only on young non-fertile plants or after harvesting.

On the garden plot, you can use infusions of tobacco, onions, pepper (1 kg of pods cut in half or 0.5 kg of dry crushed fruits per 10 L of water), tomato shoots (4 kg of green or 1 kg of dried mass per 10 L of water) or chamomile (3 kg of green or 1 kg of dried mass per 10 liters of water) - plants are treated with them about once a week, achieving the complete disappearance of the pest.

Viburnum leaf beetle and damage caused by it

Black viburnum aphid

The black viburnum aphid (Aphis viburni Scop.), Or leaf twist - is a small insect up to 7 mm long. Adults are dark brown, almost black or crimson-brown. In late summer - early autumn, female black aphids lay eggs, wintering on the bark near the buds. During the blooming of leaves, larvae appear from the eggs, which feed on the sap of the plant and actively reproduce. The pest especially damages young plants. Aphid colonies, concentrating on the underside of the leaves, cause them to curl and then dry out. The tops of the shoots are deformed, stop growing and, weakened, freeze significantly in winter.

In early summer, winged individuals appear, which populate new plants. During the growing season of the viburnum, several generations of the pest develop. Black viburnum aphid can migrate, but lives only on viburnum. In addition to A. viburni, beet aphids (A. fabae) and alfalfa aphids (A. cracciuvora) are found on the viburnum plantings. Since aphids are carriers of viral diseases, close attention must be paid to this dangerous leaf-eating pest.

Control measures. In order to combat aphids, it is recommended to cut and destroy the root growth, in which eggs often hibernate. With a small number of insects, it may be enough to wash them off with a strong jet of water from an irrigation hose.

With a high number of aphids and the threat of significant or complete loss of yield during the growing season, plants are sprayed with approved preparations: Kinmiks, Karbofos, but no later than 30 days before harvesting. Early spring treatments with 0.2% Aktellik, 0.15% Rogor or Confidor are effective, the drug FAS helps (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). Before flowering, 0.08% Aktara or 0.1% Fufanon is applied.

From environmentally friendly methods, it is effective to treat plants during the growing season with a solution of laundry soap (200 - 400 g per 10 liters of water) or herbal preparations: infusions of onion husks, potato tops, pepper, celandine, decoction of tomato leaves, tobacco. To prepare the infusion, take 100 g of makhorka or snuff, boil in 1 liter of water, bring the volume to 10 liters and leave for a day. Then the strained infusion is poured into a bucket, into which soap (40 g / 10l) is added and young growing branches of the viburnum affected by aphids are dipped, carefully washing away insects from the tops of the shoots.

To destroy the population, they also use beneficial insects that feed on aphids - hoverflies, lacewing larvae, ladybugs. In addition, it is recommended to control aphid ants.

Colonies of black viburnum aphid on shoots and leaves

Lobed moth greenish

The greenish lobed moth (Acasis viretata) is a green and white-green caterpillar with a red-brown ringed pattern. She feeds on the flowers of viburnum, lilac and other plants.

Butterflies fly in April - May and June - July. Butterflies with a wingspan of 23 - 26 mm. Juveniles are usually olive green in color, which darkens quickly. The forewings are variegated, dirty-yellowish-green with light dots and transverse black lines, the middle and, partly, the outer part of the wing are black-gray, the outer edge is gray. Hind wings are light, gray tones. One generation develops per year, sometimes two (with a summer period in August and September).

Control measures. The main way to combat the pest is the use of insecticides against young caterpillars in the bud separation phase or immediately after flowering (10% Karbofos, etc.). It is advisable to process plants only in the centers of mass reproduction of pests. To determine the optimal spraying time, it is necessary to conduct phenological observations of the development of the pest.

Lobed moth greenish: caterpillar and butterfly

Honeysuckle prickly sawfly

The honeysuckle sawfly (Zaraea inflata) damages viburnum, decorative and edible honeysuckle. The larva of the pest has an olive-colored body and two transverse rows of white thorns, with a dark red back or mesh pattern, light gray sides and a yellow head.

The larvae hibernate in the upper soil layer. They pupate in the spring, and adult sawflies appear during the leafing season. Females lay eggs on the leaves, and the hatched larvae feed on their tender pulp. With severe damage, young bushes can be completely bare.

Control measures. Since one of the phases of insect development - the larva is for some time in the upper layer of the earth, autumn digging and mulching of the soil gives a good result. To destroy the sawfly, the bushes are sprayed with 10% Karbofos - before and after flowering.

In amateur gardens, it is recommended to process plants with herbal decoctions, using a bucket of water: 750 g of dried wormwood herb, or 200 g of onion husks or chopped cloves of garlic, or 200 g of tobacco waste. To fight the sawfly, you can lay pieces of roofing felt or roofing material around the viburnum bush. In this case, the larvae of the pest will not be able to penetrate into the upper layers of the soil, thus its life cycle will be interrupted. In addition, amateur gardeners have the opportunity to collect them by hand when the sawfly caterpillars first appear.

Honeysuckle sawfly imago and larva

Viburnum gall midge

Viburnum gall midge damages plant flowers. Its larvae are white, they hibernate in spider cocoons in the upper layers of the soil. Adult gall midges appear when the buds are exposed. Females of the viburnum gall midge lay eggs inside the bud, and the larvae also develop here. Damaged buds acquire an ugly shape, greatly increase, swell, turn red, their corolla thickens, stamens and pistil remain underdeveloped. As a result, the flowers do not open. The pest develops one generation.

Control measures. Late autumn and early spring soil digging. Spraying before and after flowering with 10% Karbofos, Iskra or other approved insecticides.

Viburnum gall midge

Viburnum leaf roll

Viburnum leafworm (Acleris schalleriana) damages viburnum and mountain pine. The wingspan of butterflies reaches 16 - 20 mm. Its forewings are grayish-white with a brownish-black costal spot that reaches the apex of the wing. Caterpillar is dark bluish-gray or olive-green, yellowish laterally, covered with light hairs, light brown head.

Caterpillars hatched in spring eat up the buds, and later damage the leaves, entwining them with cobwebs and knocking them into a ball (Fig. 7). Caterpillars pupate in the middle of summer in feeding places. With mass development, the leaf roll destroys the mass of leaves, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Control measures. Collecting and burning caterpillar nests. Treatment of plants during the period from the beginning of budding to the appearance of buds with 10% Karbofos. During the mass appearance of insects, 0.05% Decis or Inta-Vir is used (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). The procedure is repeated two weeks later.

Viburnum leafworm butterfly and caterpillar

Typical damage to viburnum leaves by a leafworm

Speckled moth

The family of moths (Gracillariidae) has about 2000 species. Moths - moths often damage fruit, decorative and industrial crops, sometimes multiplying in incredible quantities. These are small, rarely - medium-sized butterflies with a wingspan of 4.5 - 21.0 mm. The head is oval or round, smooth or with a tuft of hair-like scales. The eyes are relatively large and rounded. The wings are narrow, lanceolate, with a well-developed light, sometimes shiny pattern of distinct white stripes, spots or stripes on a dark background.

At the beginning of their development, the caterpillars of speckled moths mine the leaves of plants, then they fold a part of the leaf into a tube and skeletonize the inner side of the resulting shelter. Throughout the entire development period, the caterpillar feeds hidden in a mine inside the leaves, therefore, the fight against the pest is difficult. The caterpillar pupates in a cocoon in a folded sheet or on its surface. The pupa hibernates in mines on fallen leaves.

Control measures. To combat the pest, pyrethroids are effective - derivatives of the natural preparation of pyrethrum, which have a wide spectrum of action and are odorless.

Moth - speckled

Fruit cap moth

The cap moth is an insect of the family Coleophoridae, which has narrow transparent wings with light stripes, the span of which ranges from 7 to 40 mm (Fig. 9). The fruit cap moth begins to appear from June to July. Mass reproduction is facilitated by high humidity and air temperature exceeding + 19 ... 24 0 С.

Caterpillars of moths live in dense portable covers (hence the name of the family - Chekhlonoski), which are made from silk or pieces of leafy epidermis, some live in stems and fruits without a cap or form galls. Caterpillar hibernates, eggs very rarely.

The danger of the pest lies in the fact that it causes massive damage to the leaves, leading to their drying out and premature abscission, thereby causing the weakening of the plant and a decrease in its winter hardiness.

Control measures. As measures to combat the cap moth, it is recommended to sprinkle viburnum plants twice with chemical preparations Kinmiks, Karbofos, Decis, etc.

Fruit cap moth

Spider mite

The pest lives on the underside of the leaves, sucking juice from them. In this case, damaged leaves, starting from the lower tiers, first become yellow-brown, and then fall off. Ticks multiply rapidly and give several generations during the summer. The female pest hibernates under fallen leaves.

Control measures. Against the tick, drugs with acaricidal action are used, such as Actellik, Fitoverm and others.

Viburnum pests, cause her a lot of trouble, eating leaves and flowers and significantly affecting the quantity and quality of the crop. Viburnum has a lot of pests.

The greatest harm to viburnum can be inflicted: viburnum leaf beetle black viburnum aphid, as well as viburnum leafworm and honeysuckle prickly sawfly, viburnum and honeysuckle gall midge, green lobed moth

Leaf beetles almost completely destroy plantings, and the fight against them is difficult. I myself had to experience this, until I found an effective and I must say an effective method of dealing with harmful beetles.

In the early spring, dirty gray larvae with a black head appear. They settle on the leaf from its lower side, holding tightly to it, so it is impossible to shake off like other insects.

Leaf beetle larvae devour a lot and within a few days are able to destroy many branches, leaving only veins of leaves. Then the larvae go into the soil and beetles of yellow-brown color 6 mm long appear. They settle on the upper side of the leaves and continue to eat them vigorously.

By September, such a bush is almost entirely bare. He leaves before winter weakened and may die from frost.

Females lay their eggs in a chain, gnawing the bark to a depth of two millimeters, grabbing a little wood, and lay in the nest from 15 to 25 small eggs of light yellow color.

After the eggs are laid viburnum pests nests are immediately sealed with secretions, masking the color of the bark. But the masonry is clearly visible due to the convex shape of the "roofs".

Some females make nests in the stalks of the largest racemes, which sharply decreases the yield. At the end of summer, the beetles go to winter under a viburnum bush (some of them harm in September).

When beetles appeared en masse, in June-July, I shook them off the leaves in the early morning (at this time they are the least active), onto plastic wrap, and then swept them into a bucket of water and destroyed. Carried out this operation before laying eggs.

In early spring, when the branches were still bare, she cut off the tops of the shoots where the clutches of eggs were visible. She burned the trimmings immediately. If you carefully remove all damaged parts of the plant, then all the clutches can be destroyed, and the next year there will be no new beetles.

The next year, the manipulation was repeated and thus all the beetles - viburnum pests - were destroyed. You don't have to be late with pruning. This should be done before the leaves bloom. This way of fighting is completely harmless to plants. It is simple, convenient, and every gardener can use it.

The traditional measures to combat the viburnum leaf beetle include spraying the viburnum bush before it blooms with 10% karbofos (100 g of substance per bucket of water). During the growing season, it is recommended to treat the plant with hot pepper infusion (1 kg of pods cut in half or 0.5 kg of dried chopped pods per bucket of water) or infusion of tomato tops (4 kg of green or 1 kg of dried tops per bucket of water or infusion of chamomile (3 kg of green or 1 kg of dried pharmacy chamomile in a bucket of water).

Black viburnum aphid

Adults viburnum pests this variety is usually dark brown to crimson brown in color. His eggs spend the winter near the buds on the bark. The larvae, born in spring, settle on the leaves and successfully suck the juices from them.

Viburnum leaves, damaged by black aphids, curl, the top shoots are deformed. In June, pests with wings emerge and populate with new plants. In late summer - early autumn, females of black aphids lay eggs that will hibernate.

The black viburnum aphid can migrate, but lives only on the viburnum. With special cruelty, it damages young bushes. During the growing season, aphids develop several generations of viburnum.

Control measures

In order to combat the black viburnum aphid, it is recommended to cut and destroy the root growth in which viburnum pests lay eggs for wintering. To combat black aphids, beneficial insects are widely used that feed on aphids - hoverflies, larvae of goldsmiths, ladybirds.

Also, before buds bloom, shoots should be treated with 60% nitrophene paste (250g of substance per bucket of water).

A good result is obtained by treating viburnum shoots with preparations made from plants: infusion of potato tops (1.2 kg of green 0.7 kg of dried tops per bucket of water), infusion of pepper (1 kg of capsicum, cut in half or 500 g of dry crushed pods in a bucket of water, infusion celandine (3-4kg of fresh grass or 1kg of dried grass per bucket of water), finally with a solution of laundry soap (250g per bucket of water).

Viburnum leaf roll

Viburnum roll usually damages viburnum, as well as mountain pine. This pest of viburnum is a dark gray-blue or greenish-olive caterpillar, yellowish on the sides, all covered with light hairs with a light brown head. Caterpillars ( viburnum pests), which were born in spring, eat the buds when leaves appear, eat and damage them, having previously entangled them with cobwebs and knocked into a ball. The leafworm pupates by the middle of summer in the places where it feeds. With its mass reproduction, the viburnum leafworm is able to destroy a large number of leaves, and this leads to a strong decrease in yield.

Control measures

The fight against the viburnum leafworm is reduced to the collection and burning of caterpillar nests. Before buds bloom, viburnum should be sprayed with 60% nitrophene paste at the rate of 250 g of substance per bucket of water, as well as from the beginning of budding until the buds of the plant appear, it is necessary to process 10% karbofos.

Honeysuckle prickly sawfly

The sawfly damages the decorative and edible honeysuckle and viburnum. The larva of the pest has an olive-colored body and two transverse rows of white thorns, with a dark red back or a mesh pattern, light-gray sides and a yellow head. The larvae hibernate in the upper layer of the earth. Pupation occurs in the spring. Adult pests appear during leaf blooming, on which females lay eggs. The hatched larvae eat the leaves. They can overeat until they are completely naked.

Control measures

To combat the sawfly, autumn digging of the earth is effective. Then you need to spray the bushes before flowering and after it with 10% karbofos (100 g per bucket of water), as well as treat the plant with wormwood broth (750 g of dried herb per bucket of water) or garlic, tobacco, onion (200 g of tobacco waste or dust, 200 g of ground onion or garlic and 200g of onion peel in a bucket of water).

Viburnum and honeysuckle gall midge

These viburnum pests infect plant flowers. The larvae of the viburnum gall midge are white, and the honeysuckle - red. They spend winter in the upper soil layer, wrapped in spider cocoons. Adult gall midges show themselves when the buds are exposed. Females of gall midges love to lay eggs inside the bud, and the larvae also develop here. Thanks to this, the buds become ugly, significantly increase in size, swell, turn red, its corolla thickens, and the pistil and stamens are far behind in development, the flowers cannot open. Viburnum pests give only one generation.

Control measures

To combat gall midges, it is necessary to loosen the soil in early spring and late autumn, and before and after the flowering of viburnum, 10% karbofos should be sprayed at the rate of 100 g of substance per bucket of water.

Green lobed moth

The greenish lobed moth can damage the viburnum, buckthorn, lilac and other shrubs. This pest is a yellow-green caterpillar with two pairs of abdominal legs and a red-brown line along the back of the same color with dots and spots. It does harm only to flowers by gnawing flower ovaries.

This berry culture is widespread throughout the forest zone of Russia, and has been very popular since ancient times. The people have composed many songs and legends about this unique and beloved culture, which is distinguished by high decorative, special taste and healing qualities.

In the spring it is elegant with its beautiful white inflorescences and emerald three-lobed rounded leaves, in the fall - with bright red bunches of berries. They look especially beautiful when the first snow falls, when all nature is already falling asleep. It is not for nothing that viburnum is often used for landscaping landscaped settlements, and is now widely introduced into the culture on personal plots.

The genus of viburnum belongs to the honeysuckle family, it unites more than 100 species, of which 10 species grow in Russia, and the most common, of economic importance, is the common viburnum. It grows in the form of a small spreading tree or large bush up to 3-4 meters high. In favorable conditions, the viburnum grows rapidly, its annual growth reaches 40-80 cm, and the life span of the bush is about 50 years.

Berries, flowers and even viburnum bark are rich in vitamins, organic acids, especially ascorbic and valerian, essential oils, sugars, tannins and minerals. Viburnum berries contain iron, phosphorus and calcium, as well as a number of trace elements: manganese, iodine, copper, etc. The content of pectins, sugar, tannin and tannins in berries allows them to be used for making jams, marmalades, juices, jelly, various drinks and refreshing cocktails. In addition, the viburnum is dried, using for brewing tea, rubbed with sugar, getting "raw" jam.

Kalina is loved not only for its peculiar taste, but also for its unsurpassed healing properties. It is practically indispensable for many diseases.

In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also the vegetative parts of the plant - stems, leaves, bark, rhizomes, flowers, seeds. All these parts of the plant have a different chemical composition, depending on which they are used in various fields of medicine. The timing of the collection of raw materials also plays a role, for example, the bark and shoots of viburnum should be collected in the spring during the period of sap flow, flowers - at the beginning of summer, during their full bloom, berries - after the first autumn frosts, during this period they retain all their valuable properties.

All collected viburnum raw materials are dried in the shade outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. The dried parts of the plant are stored in dry linen or gauze bags in a place protected from light and used as needed.

In medical practice, viburnum is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for cardiovascular diseases; it is known as a hemostatic, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent. Kalina is widely used in gynecology, dermatology, for the treatment of stomach ulcers, liver diseases, and internal bleeding. It is irreplaceable for all colds, in cosmetology, and currently viburnum berries are used in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

The varietal composition of the common viburnum is not rich. In private gardens, seedlings or vegetatively propagated selective forms of local origin are mainly grown. In recent years, the Scientific Research Institute of Siberia has created varieties of viburnum, valuable in biological and economic terms, which are recommended for home gardening.

Zarnitsa is the largest-fruited variety with an average berry weight of 0.71 g, a yield of 6.2 kgf bush, taste of 4.3 points (tasting score according to a 5-point system).

Taiga rubies are the most productive variety - 7.8 kg per bush, average berry weight 0.51 g, taste 4.5 points.

Ulgen - average yield per bush 5.8 kg, average berry weight 0.64 g, taste rating 4.2 points.

Sauzga - average yield per bush 5.1 kg, average berry weight 0.65, taste rating 4.3 points.

Zhelobovskaya - average yield per bush 4.4 kg, average berry weight 0.57 g, taste 4.6 points.

Reproduction of viburnum

Viburnum reproduces well both by seeds and vegetatively - by layering and cuttings. With seed propagation, 1-2-year-old seedlings are grown in a separate area in the garden, which are then transplanted to a permanent place. In order to obtain economically valuable seedlings, ripe berries are harvested from the most productive and large-fruited plants. The seeds are separated from the pulp, washed with water and dried. They can be sown both in spring and autumn. Spring sowing is preferable, however, it must be remembered that for this, immediately after harvesting the seeds, they must be prostrated. To do this, they are mixed with wet sand and stored at a temperature of 4 ... 8 ° C. Viburnum seeds stratification lasts 5-6 months. In spring, seeds are sown in well-prepared soil, seeding them to a depth of 3 cm. During the growing season, seedlings need to be looked after: weeding and loosening the soil, watering and feeding the plants. After 1-2 years of cultivation, the seedlings are planted in the garden in a permanent place.

Autumn sowing of seeds does not require stratification, it is simpler, but in spring the seeds germinate poorly, they germinate en masse only after 1.5 years.

Vegetative propagation by layering and cuttings is more preferable, since it preserves the individual characteristics of plants and produces large-sized planting material faster.

The simplest and long-known method of vegetative propagation of viburnum is propagation by layering (like gooseberry), for which annual shoots in the spring, before bud break, are bent down on loose nutrient soil, pinned and sprinkled with earth. Shoots develop from the buds of the bent branches, and when they reach a height of 10-12 cm, they are spudded by 4-6 cm with moist soil. Then, after 15-20 days, a second hilling is carried out to 7-10 cm. In the fall, these layers are cut into the number of rooted shoots, from which the strong ones are planted in a permanent place in the garden, and the weak ones - for growing in a school.

Propagated by viburnum and cuttings, both lignified and green, similar to the propagation of black currant and other crops. When harvesting lignified cuttings, a part of the annual growth with well-developed buds is selected. The length of the cuttings is 15-20 cm. Before planting, the cuttings should be immersed with the lower ends (2-3 cm) in an aqueous solution of heteroauxin with a concentration of 0.01% for 12-36 hours. This operation promotes better rooting of the cuttings. In April, cuttings are planted obliquely in well-prepared, loose and moist soil, followed by frequent watering and loosening of the soil.

Green cuttings are carried out in June, cutting and planting the tops of annual growths of the current year with 3-6 internodes (about 10-15 cm) during the period when the shoot tissues begin to coarse.

Before planting, the lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, leaving 2-3 upper leaves, partially shortened for less moisture evaporation, and light longitudinal cuts are made in the lower part of the cuttings, which contributes to better rooting. As a rule, green cuttings are carried out in cultivation rooms under artificial fog conditions.

A simpler and more reliable method of propagation by combined cuttings is when a green cutting is cut with a "heel" - a part of a two-year shoot up to 4 cm long. Combined cuttings can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground, subject to regular watering.

Planting viburnum seedlings. The grown seedlings are planted in pits 60x60 cm in size, into which 8-10 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 80 g of potash fertilizers are introduced. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly (2-3 buckets for each bush) and mulched with peat or humus. During the growing season, the soil fertility is monitored by feeding the plants and loosening the soil.

In a fruit-bearing garden in the spring (at the end of April), nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the viburnum bushes - 30 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m2 of the trunk circle. In mid-June - during the period of active growth of shoots - complex fertilizers are applied at the rate of 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 of the trunk circle. In autumn, after harvesting, only superphosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied, excluding nitrogen fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - manure, compost or humus - are applied in the fall for digging the soil once every 3-4 years, 8-10 kg per 1 m2 of the trunk circle or into the grooves according to the crown projection.

Kalina loves moisture, so it is necessary to water the plants 3-4 times per season. It is last watered in September.

The main harvest of viburnum is located on annual growths, therefore it is necessary to achieve good annual growths of annual shoots - at least 25-40 cm.

When forming a bush, 6-7 of the strongest branches are left, all damaged, dry branches thickening the crown are cut out. As the bush ages, old branches are removed, replacing them with new, young ones. For this purpose, obsolete branches are cut into a ring or a strong lateral branch. Viburnum pruning is carried out during the ripening period, when the berries turn red.

Pests and diseases. The fight against pests and diseases of the viburnum is of particular importance, because the varietal viburnum like a magnet attracts numerous pests and in some years it is damaged so much that there are almost no healthy leaves on the branches.

The greatest harm to viburnum is caused by the black viburnum aphid, the viburnum leaf beetle, the viburnum leafworm, the honeysuckle prickly sawfly, the viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges, the green lobed moth, etc. However, the most malicious pest is the black viburnum aphid, which damages the viburnum every year. If you do not control this rapidly multiplying pest, the tops of the shoots turn gray, stop growing in mid-summer and wither. It is necessary to spray the plants even during the ripening of the crop, but at the same time they exclude all chemical preparations, and only plant extracts are used: garlic, onion husks, potato tops, dandelion rhizomes, celandine, tobacco, yarrow, wild elderberry.

The most effective and simple infusion of celandine, which is prepared as follows: 1 kg of dry or 3-4 kg of raw celandine is poured with 10 liters of water, infused for a day, then filtered and immediately sprayed with the bushes. The dry mass can be ground into powder and pollinated with it on the affected plants.

At the beginning of summer, the treatment with tobacco infusion gives a good effect - the berries are still far from ripening, the toxicity of nicotine disappears. For 10 liters of water, 400 g of shag or tobacco is required. The heated water with makhorka is kept for about 48 hours, after which 40 g of laundry or green soap is added - the solution is ready.

Garlic infusion is also effective, for the preparation of which 30 g of cloves are ground in a meat grinder, the mass is dipped into a bucket of water, mixed, filtered, it is not necessary to insist: you can immediately spray viburnum and other berry plants inhabited by gluttonous aphids, mites and honeydew caterpillars.

Onions are slightly weaker in phytoncidal action, but they give almost the same results.

To obtain the infusion, 150 g of onion husks are used, which is infused in a bucket of water for 4 days. Then the infusion is filtered and used for spraying plants.

An infusion of potato tops is a fairly effective tool that destroys hordes of aphids, suckers and ticks not only on viburnum, but also on other berry fields: 1.5 kg of green mass of tops is crushed, after clearing it from the ground, pour 10 liters of water, filter after three hours and spray the plants in the evening before dark. It should be remembered that an increase in the mass of potato tops is dangerous, as it leads to burns on young leaves.

To prepare an infusion of yarrow, 800 g of stems of this herb are required, which is dried in the shade, placed in a bucket of water, the mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, filtered, 40 g of soap must be added for better adhesion.

The phytoncidal action of wild elderberry has long been known. The berries contained in the aerial part of this plant are capable of destroying slugs, sucker and aphids. For 10 liters of water, at least 0.5 buckets of young elder shoots are required. They are insisted for two days, then the infusion is filtered, poured into a sprayer and the plants are treated with it.

Galina Aleksandrova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Lush viburnum bushes are widely used in landscaping. They are beautiful at any time of the year: covered with beautiful green leaves, delicate white inflorescences or red fruits, viburnum becomes a decoration of the site. However, even she is not immune from the attack of pests that cause significant harm to the shrub. Most often, viburnum is attacked by aphids - a very small, but terribly harmful insect.

How to recognize aphids?

The black aphid loves viburnum most of all. They are small, dark brown insects with high fertility. They lay eggs on the bark near the buds, from which larvae emerge in spring. The larvae begin to eat tender young leaves, and the bush stops developing. If you do not start an immediate fight, adults will lay many new eggs in the fall, and everything will be repeated in the spring.

Viburnum affected by aphids can be easily distinguished from other plants: first, an accumulation of insects appears on young shoots, then the leaves curl, and the bush stops growing.

Folk remedies against aphids

Aphids on viburnum must be destroyed at the very beginning, until it begins to multiply. In the initial stages, such as spraying will help:

  1. Soap solution... Dissolve 300 g of grated (household) soap in a bucket of water and carry out 3 treatments within a week. Wash off dead insects under pressure from a hose.
  2. Tobacco infusion... Pour 250 g of tobacco into 5 liters of water, leave for two days. Strain and add another 5 liters of water.
  3. A solution of ammonia... Pour 20 ml of alcohol into a bucket of water. Process twice with a break of two weeks.

Before starting processing, regardless of the method used, it is necessary to destroy young root shoots on the viburnum, where the aphid prefers to lay eggs.

Aphid preparations

If the moment is missed, and has already actively filled the entire bush, you will need more effective means. Among the special preparations for pests, they have proven themselves well:

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of aphids on the viburnum, it is necessary every spring to clean the bush from the old flaking bark, under which there may be masonry, and whitewash the trunk with lime. You should also regularly cut out root growth and tops.

If there are ants in the garden that contribute to the development of aphids, it is necessary to get rid of them by spilling the places of accumulation with boiling water. But some insects, such as ladybugs, should, on the contrary, be attracted to the garden, since they eat aphids.

Viburnum treatment from aphids - video

Kalina is a plant that has long been known for its healing properties. She is even mentioned in folk art: songs and poems. But, like any other flowering shrub, it is prone to various diseases, especially it suffers from the "raids" of black aphids. Today we will talk about how to deal with this pest: how to treat the viburnum in the spring to get rid of the aphids.

Black aphid: briefly about the pest

The black aphid is an incredibly resilient and extremely fast-propagating pest. It feeds only on viburnum. Adults are small in size, dark brown or dark crimson. The females of this pest lay eggs on the bark near the viburnum buds. From them, by the spring, larvae appear, which begin to actively feed on the vital juices of viburnum leaves. As a result, they begin to curl, and young shoots stop growing. By the end of August, winged individuals seek to "stake out" new viburnum bushes (by the way, the common viburnum is often mistakenly considered a tree, but in fact it belongs to deciduous shrubs). And by mid-September, females of black aphids lay eggs with future offspring for wintering.

Attention! Females of black aphids are incredibly fertile: they can produce offspring in the amount of several hundred thousand, and they are all ways to create offspring.

The pest should be destroyed immediately after its detection. Most often, aphids can be seen on young shoots of viburnum in May-June - it can be destroyed by using folk remedies, without the use of chemicals. One has only to start the situation, and then getting rid of the pest will be much more difficult.

In the fight against aphids, folk remedies are effective

The most effective methods of dealing with black aphids

When black aphids are found on viburnum, the first step is to eliminate the possible wintering place of these pests, and only after that, start treating the plant with various compositions. So, if you notice at least a few individuals on the bush, immediately cut out and destroy the growth located at the root. This will make it impossible for aphids to lay their eggs, since this is where they prefer to hide them. After that, you can start fighting directly with the pest. Let's consider the most effective ways.

Folk remedies

Experienced gardeners most often use such folk remedies to protect the viburnum:

  • Soap solution. To create such a solution, both the cheapest washing powder and laundry soap are suitable. A large bucket of water uses about 300 g of powder / soap. It is enough to treat the viburnum bush with the resulting solution 2-3 times during the week, and when the aphid dies, just wash it off from the hoses with a powerful pressure of water.
  • Ash solution. In a bucket of hot water, you need to dissolve about 300 g of ash, boil the solution and dilute about 50 g of laundry soap in it.
  • Infusion of potato tops. Pour 1 kg of young potato tops (absolutely healthy) with hot water, leave for a couple of hours and strain. Process the viburnum with a ready-made infusion until the pests disappear completely.
  • Tobacco solution. The black aphid dislikes tobacco very much, so it can be an excellent remedy for controlling it. We need about 250 g of tobacco, which must be infused in 5 liters of water for 2 days. Then we filter the infusion and dilute with the same amount of water.
  • Infusion of chamomile Caucasian / pharmacy. If you are using chamomile, you will need about 1 kg of dried flowers and leaves, and a bucket of water. We insist on the raw materials for 13-14 hours, then we filter. Viburnum should be sprayed with a composition consisting of 1/3 of chamomile infusion and 2/3 of water. You can add some laundry soap if you like. If you use Caucasian chamomile as a raw material, then you will need about 300 g of dried flowers, which must be pre-crushed, then poured with a small amount of water, insisted for a couple of hours and diluted with another 10 liters. Then immediately spray the viburnum.
  • Infusion of black henbane. To prepare an infusion of henbane, it is necessary to make preliminary preparations: we will either need to dry 0.5 kg of rosette leaves and roots (we use a plant no older than one year), or 1 kg of the ground part of the henbane (two years old). Pour the dried plant with 10 liters of water and leave for 13 hours. Immediately before spraying the viburnum, add 5 g of laundry soap to the finished infusion.

When using chemicals, do not forget about a protective suit for yourself


Products of artificial origin are used in the fight against aphids much less often, since they have a negative effect on humans and the environment. These funds can be roughly divided into several categories: contact, intestinal and systemic action.

  • The drugs belonging to the first type penetrate into the subcutaneous layer of the insect and kill it. The most popular drugs are the following: Karbofos, Fufanon, etc.
  • Drugs belonging to the second type penetrate into the digestive tract of the insect and poison or paralyze it, which leads to its death in the future. Such drugs are rarely produced in their pure form, most often they are combined with drugs of the first type. The most popular: Actellik, Confidor, etc.
  • The drugs belonging to the third type are the most effective, long-acting, but at the same time the most dangerous: they penetrate not only into the body of insects, but also into the soil, plant and even its fruits and remain there for several weeks. The most effective drugs of this type include the following: Tanrek, Commander, Biotlin, etc.

Birds and insects

Small birds do an excellent job with black aphids. So, titmouses, warblers, linnet, wrens and others feed the pest to their chicks. To attract these birds to your garden, build small, nesting boxes, arrange small bodies of water, or place water containers on the site.

Also, some types of insects are excellent defenders against black aphids, such as, for example, ladybugs (especially their larvae), lacewing, ground beetles, bugs (predators).

Ladybugs will help you destroy aphids

Attention. Black ants are faithful allies of the black aphid, feeding on its sweet secretions and guarding it carefully. To drive the ants away, it is necessary to destroy their anthill: for these purposes, boiling water is suitable, which must be poured over the ant's "house" or slaked lime, which must be sprinkled on it.

Garden plants

Oddly enough, but they can also become an excellent weapon in the fight against black aphids. Some of them can be used as bait as they attract with their scent, others as a repeller. So, beans, etc. usually planted at some distance from the viburnum to distract the aphids. But odorous herbs, garlic, onions, coriander, etc., it is desirable to plant directly next to the shrub to discourage the aphids from the desire to "visit" the shrub plant you have planted.

Our material has come to an end. We examined a wide variety of ways to combat aphids, both biological and chemical origin. Be sure to use at least a few of them, and you can protect your viburnum. Good luck!

Aphid control: video

Aphids on Kalina: photo