Melatonin 3 MG Application Instructions. Melatonin: Instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in pharmacies of Russia

If you are forced to move often from one time zone to another, if you have sleep disorders, and immunity is noticeably weakly, the Melatonin medicine will come to your aid. It will help adapt in a new time zone and avoid unwanted effects that are usually given ordinary sleeping pills, such as inhibition and drowsiness during the day.

How to properly take the named tool, how to correctly establish its dosage and in what cases should be resorted to such treatment, we will talk in this article. It will be available in it with melatonin-containing drugs produced in Russia, Ukraine and abroad: Melatonin Plus, Melaksgen, Vita-Melatonin. Patient and specialists about them will help you in choosing.

What is melatonin?

First of all, let's figure it out about which substance is in question and for what it needs to be our body.

Melatonin is the so-called which produces the size of the pea, which is in the base of the brain. Since ancient times, by the way, she was considered a clairvoyance authority - the "third eye" of man. Probably, therefore, with the specified hormone still connected with a lot of mysterious and not studied to the end.

You read here about the preparations containing it here) in modern medicine they consider the body's daily rhythm regulator. So, especially its high level is observed at night - the peak of production falls for the period from 12 o'clock at night to 4 am. That is melatonin - this is a kind of natural sleeping pill.

But, in addition, this hormone is also a powerful antioxidant, with which the body is saved from cancer and premature aging. Melatonin is capable of penetrating any cell and to provide its protective effect on its kernel, which contains DNA, and this allows the damaged cell to recover.

Studies on laboratory animals made it possible to establish that the lack of melatonin in the organism of highly organized mammals leads to rapid aging, early menopause, a decrease in insulin sensitivity, as well as the development of obesity and cancer.

Medicinal Melatonin: Application

But the number of the mentioned hormone produced by the epiphysis (sishkovoid iron) is not always enough to ensure the entire variety of biological effects. For this purpose, a drug containing synthetic melatonin is used.

Preparations with melatonin well contribute to the offensive of sleep, as the hormone is able to regulate the sleep-awakening cycle (which is especially necessary when a forced change of time zones), the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system and brain cells. This hormone also stabilizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The described means in tablets are produced. It starts its action in an hour or two after taking inside.

Preparation "Melatonin": Analogs

According to numerous reviews, synthetic melatonin is considered to be the least toxic among the known substances. For him, the so-called LD-50 was not found (we are talking about the dose of the drug at which half of the experimental animals dies).

In the USA, where it was opened in the 50s of the last century, the synthetic hormone is generally attributed to food additives. In Russia, this is a drug, which, by the way, is available in stores sports nutrition called Melatonin (Melatonin).

Analogs of this drug sold in pharmacies are referred to: "Vita-Melatonin", "Melaxen", "Melaton", "Melapur", "Circadine", "Yukaline". They enjoy well-deserved in cases where it is necessary to increase physical and mental performance, reduce the impact of stressful situations and improve sleep quality.

In which cases use pills with melatonin?

The accompanying almost every means comprising indicates that it is assigned to sleep disorders, problems with the human immune system, as well as to facilitate the premenstrual states in women. By the way, the described hormone is 9 times higher than the effectiveness of Vitamin C, strengthening immunity and saving our body in autumn and winter from colds and infections.

In addition, melatonin significantly improves memory, learning and ability to focus. It can be used as part of complex therapy in neurotic patients, as well as under depressive states. Melatonin also significantly reduces the energy costs of myocardial, translating it into a more economical mode.

Excellent results The drug has demonstrated and in the treatment of patients with eczema.

Melatonin and life duration

It is impossible to not pay the attention of the reader and at the amazing feature of the hormone to influence the processes of aging in the body.

As it turned out during the studies, the level of melatonin in the blood of a person by forty-five years is only half of the amount produced in the youthful years. This is associated with the fact that in the epiphysis, where the production of hormone occurs, morphological changes with the rebirth of cell elements and their death are already detected to the mature age, as a rule.

Interestingly, the rats that the epiphynes from young donors were transplanted, the life expectancy was significantly increased. And this makes it possible to conclude that the amount of melatonin in the body directly affects how many years you will still be preserved.

Due to what Melatonin prolongs life

And although there are no serious research on this score yet, experts already confirm that if Melatonin helps live healthier and longer, then this is due to:

  • reduction of cell damage by free radicals;
  • deceleration of aging of the immune system;
  • high security cardiovascular system;
  • and also due to the preservation of the normal daily rhythm and stimulating the production of growth hormone.

What other opportunities are hidden in the hormone

According to the reviews of scientists who conducted research on volunteers for five years in Norway, the seasonal reception of melatonin does not have any side effect. Moreover, in the body there is practically no addictive to it, and the production of its own hormone does not decrease.

Recent studies make it possible to state that melatonin is very useful to patients with heap ischemia, hypertension and ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. But the most promising effect of the mentioned hormone gives in the fight against oncological diseases Breasts associated with an increase in the level of female hormones of estrogen.

Does melatonin cause the effect of drowsiness like sleeping pills?

The undoubted advantages of the synthetic hormone include those of all preparations containing melatonin, the reviews that emphasize that in neither morning, nor during the day, these funds do not give characteristic of sleeping and sedatives of the effect of drowsiness and stunning. If there is still a similar reaction to it, it is sufficient to reduce the dosage to one that will not cause it.

All patients taking pills with hormone noted a feeling of vigor and energetic after a strong sleep if the dosage was chosen competently.

Features of Melatonin reception

Despite the existing drugs containing melatonin, reviews, consumers still do not forget that this hormone has a lot of secrets and mysteries. He is continued to actively learn throughout the world.

As already mentioned, the level of production of "sleep hormone" in the body with age changes significantly in a smaller side. It is best and in the large quantity it is produced in children, so taking melatonin they have no need.

There are still situations in which you need to refrain from reception of melatonin:

  • because of the unknown, the effect of the drug on the fetus should be abandoned with pregnant and nursing;
  • it is impossible to take melatonin patients with epilepsy, autoimmune and allergic diseases, as well as women seeking to conceive a child (as the remedy has some contraceptive effect);
  • in addition, it was found that the drug negatively interacts with substances containing, for example, acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen.

From which it follows that before receiving any means with melatonin, it is necessary to consult with the doctor!

In addition to the above, it should be remembered that to take the melatonin tablets, the instruction of which is now being considered, it is worth the courses, giving a breather to the body.

When and how best to take drugs?

Specialists advise to accept these funds only immediately before bedtime, somewhere for half an hour. At long journeys, it is better to take a tablet (1.5 mg) before the departure to sleep. Often, the tool is prescribed 3-4 days before the trip to synchronize the biological cycles and the rhythms of our body. The tablet is not painted and drove with water.

By asking the question "How to take melatonin?", Remember what to do it only compare with the usual rhythm of sleep and wake. So, if you sleep at night, you should not take a remedy in the daytime, because it is the specified hormone that is responsible for the clarity of the biorhythms of our body. In addition, it is proved that in the daylight, the hormone is destroyed, and this again confirms the need to receive it only in the evening.

Does drugs with melatonin have side effects?

The adverse reactions in the process of receiving the synthetic hormone were extremely rare. As a rule, they were expressed by discomfort in the stomach, the headache, the state of drowsiness or the "heavy head", depression.

Specialists remind that all cases of adverse reactions, even those that do not indicate an attached to any drug containing melatonin, instructions for use, must be informed of the doctor!

If the reception of melatonin was produced in less than six hours before going to work, then the patient, by the way, a decrease in the concentration of attention and coordination of movements may be discovered.

The state of overdose by the drug was not marked. Only the reviews available to the Tablets "Vita-Melatonin" noted the specified state after a simultaneous reception of 30 mg of substance. It provoked disorientation, memory loss to previous events and long sleep.

Melatonin reception eliminates alcohol and smoking. Attention! Be sure to consult your doctor before applying drugs!

Indications for the use of drugs containing melatonin

Once again I want to recall, in what cases you need to take preparations containing melatonin. Reviews about them Surely convinced the reader in the usefulness of this hormone. So, the methods described are recommended primarily:

  • persons suffering from sleep disorders
  • with frequent stressful situations
  • suffering from neurological disorders, depressions and phobias;
  • patients with endocrine disorders;
  • with menopausal disorders;
  • with some cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis;
  • with immune disorders;
  • senior people (this hormone helps to resist polymorbidity - a condition in which a person has several diseases at the same time).

What signs can you suspect the lack of melatonin?

If you have a swelling under your eyes, you have a tired look, look older than your age, you have a premature hair, and irritability and alarms are increasing in behavior, it is possible that the melatonin production is reduced in your body.

A no less bright signal about this is a superficial sleep, without dreams, as well as dark thoughts that overcome you to falling asleep. If it seems to you that you never get enough sleep, you do not tolerate the transition to summer or winter time And you are pursuing a state of tension and concern - obviously, it's time to seek advice to the doctor so that it picks you up with the necessary dose of the drug containing melatonin.

Melatonin-SZ: instructions for use and reviews

Melatonin-SZ is an adaptogenic drug, normalizes physiological sleep and biological rhythms.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of tablets coated with film shell: round, double-screwed, on one of the sides, the separation risk, shell and core - almost white or white (in the contour cellular packs of 10 tablets, in a cardboard pack 1, 2 or 3 packs; In contour cellular packs of 30 tablets, in a cardboard pack of 1 or 2 packs; in polymer banks / bottles of 30 tablets, in a cardboard pack 1 bank / bottle and instructions for the use of melatonin-sz).

In 1 tablet contains:

  • active substance: Melatonin - 3 mg;
  • auxiliary components: sodium carboxymethyl starch, MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate, magnesium stearate;
  • the composition of the film shell: polysorbate 80 (Twin 80), hypimleloose, titanium dioxide (E171), Talc.

Pharmacological properties


Melatonin-SZ is an adaptogenic preparation, its active substance - melatonin, is a synthetic analogue of a hormone of a cisheloid body (epiphyse) and has, along with adaptogenic, sedative and sleeping pills.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is implemented by normalizing circadian rhythms, increasing the level of serotonin concentration and gamke (gamma-aminobacing acid) in the middle brain and hypothalamus. Melatonin affects the change in the activity of pyridoxal kinase, which participates in the synthesis of dopamine, serotonin and gamke, regulates the sleep and wake cycle, changes in the locomotor activity and body temperature occurring during the day. It has a positive impact on the intellectual-enestic functions of the brain and the emotional and personal sphere.

Melatonin is involved in organizing biological rhythm and regulating neuroendocrine functions. Promotes the normalization of night sleep, speeding up and improving sleep quality. People sensitive to weather conditions helps the body adapt to changes in weather conditions.


After the intake, melatonin is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) quickly. When used at a dose of 3 mg, its maximum concentration (C max) in the blood plasma is reached after 20 minutes, blood serum and saliva - 60 min. C MAX in blood serum when taking melatonin in the range of doses from 3 to 6 mg 10 times the level of endogenous melatonin in the blood serum at night. With simultaneous meal, absorption slows down. Against the background of therapeutic doses (2-8 mg), melatonin pharmacokinetics retains linear character. Bioavailability on average is 15%.

The binding of melatonin (in vitro) with plasma proteins (mainly with albumin, alpha1-sour glycoprotein, high density lipoproteins) - 60%. The volume of the distribution (V d) is approximately 35 liters.

The substance overcomes the hematorecephalic barrier, penetrates the placenta. The concentration of melatonin in the spinal fluid is 2.5 times lower than its plasma level.

Metabolized melatonin mainly in the liver with the participation of the isoenzymes of the cytochrome R450 system (CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and, presumably, CYP2C19). It is subjected to significant (up to 85% of the adopted dose) of biotransformation during primary passage through the liver, by hydroxylation and conjugation with sulfate and glucuronides, with the formation of the main inactive metabolite - 6-sulfootymelatonin.

The average half-life (T 1/2) is 45 minutes. It is derived from the body through the kidneys - about 90% in the form of a glucuronic and sulphate conjugate of 6-hydroxymelatonin, the rest is unchanged.

The pharmacokinetics of the active substance is influenced by caffeine, smoking, oral contraceptives, the age of the patient. Patients in critical state accelerates absorption and elimination is disturbed.

The elderly patients can be reduced by a 50% suction rate and slow melatonin metabolism.

In case of violation of the kidney function, the long-term use of melatonin-SZ does not cause the drug cumulation.

If the liver function is violated, the endogenous melatonin level rises. In patients with liver cirrhosis during the daytime, the plasma concentration of the drug significantly increases.

Indications for use

The use of melatonin-SZ is shown in sleep disorders, including those caused by a violation of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness with a sharp change of time zones (desynhrosis).



  • liver failure;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • severe renal failure;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Melatonin-SZ, Application Instructions: Method and Dosage

Melatonin-SZ tablets take inside.

  • sleep impairment: 3 mg 1 time per day 0.5 hours before the waste to sleep;
  • desynhrosis (when changing time zones as an adaptogen): 3 mg 1 time per day. The first dose should be taken 1 day before the alleged flight, then to continue receiving reception in the new time zone within 2-5 days.

Maximum daily dose of melatonin-sz - 6 mg.

Elderly patients taking tablets should be 1-1.5 hours before sleep.

Side effects

Frequency of development side Effects According to WHO Recommendations (World Health Organization) [Very often (\u003e 0.1); Often (from\u003e 0.01 to<0,1); нечасто (от >0.001 BE<0,01); редко (от >0.0001 BC<0,001), очень редко (<0,0001, в т. ч. отдельные сообщения); частота неизвестна (установить частоту возникновения по имеющимся данным невозможно)]:

  • from the lymphatic system and blood: rarely leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • invasia and infections: rarely - a herpes sliding;
  • disorders of the psyche: infrequent - anxiety, irritability, nervousness, unusual and / or nightmarish dreams, anxiety, insomnia; rarely - the plasticity, mood changes, aggression, stress symptoms, disorientation, assessment, early awakening in the morning, raising libido, reduced mood, depression;
  • by the body of the vision: rarely - the uncertainness of vision, decrease in visual acuity, increased tearing;
  • from the nervous system: infrequently - lethargy, headache, migraine, dizziness, drowsiness, psychomotor hyperactivity; rarely - poor quality sleep, fainting, memory violation and / or concentration, restless legs, delirium, paresthesia;
  • from the side of the hearing body, labyrinth disorders: rarely - dizziness, benign paroxysmal positional dizziness (DPPG);
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system: infrequently arterial hypertension; rarely - tides, feeling of heartbeat, stress angina;
  • from the metabolic party and nutrition: rarely hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hyperitriglyceridemia;
  • from the digestive system: infrequently dryness in the mouth, ulcerative stomatitis, nausea, abdominal pains (including the upper abdomen), dyspepsia, hyperbilirubinemia; Rarely - an unpleasant smell of mouth, hyperection of saliva, ulcerative glossitis, vomiting, bullous stomatitis, enhancing peristaltics, gastrointestinal disorder, bloating, abdominal discomfort, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric dyskinesia, gastritis;
  • from the immune system: the frequency is not established - the reaction of hypersensitivity;
  • dermatological reactions: infrequently dry skin, itching (including generalized itch), sweating at night, rash, dermatitis; rarely - erythema, dermatitis of hands, itching rash, generalized rash, shouting of nails, eczema, psoriasis; The frequency is not installed - the swelling of quinque, the swelling of the tongue and / or mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • from the urinary system: infrequently - proteinuria, glucosuria; Rarely - Niccountura, Polyuria, Hematuria;
  • from the skeletal-muscular system and connective tissue: infrequently pain in the limbs; Rarely - pain in the neck, muscular spasm, night cramps, arthritis;
  • from the side of the genital organs and the chest: infrequently - symptoms of menopause; rarely - prostatitis, priapism; Frequency is not installed - Galathery;
  • laboratory changes: infrequently - deviation from the norm of indicators of the liver function, increase body weight; rarely deviation from the norm of the results of laboratory tests, an increase in the activity of hepatic transaminases, a change in the content of electrolytes in the blood;
  • general disorders: infrequent - chest pain, asthenia; Rarely, thirst, fatigue, pain.


  • symptoms: involuntary loss of consciousness against the background of the use of melatonin at a dose of 1000 mg. When taking a melatonin-sz in doses exceeding 3000 mg for several weeks, the appearance of spasms in the abdominal cavity, diarrhea, the development of drowsiness, hyperemia, headaches and cattle;
  • treatment: Immediate washing of the stomach, activated carbon intake. Purpose of symptomatic therapy. After taking inside, the active substance spontaneously derived from the body for about 12 hours.

special instructions

During the treatment period, impact of bright light should be avoided.

The simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages is contraindicated.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

Since the effect of the drug causes drowsiness, reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions and the concentration of attention, during the application of melatonin-sz, it is necessary to refrain from the management of vehicles and the fulfillment of other potentially hazardous activities.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The use of melatonin-sz is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Women planning pregnancy should be borne in mind that the drug has a weak contraceptive effect.


It is impossible to take Melatonin-SZ tablets to persons under the age of 18.

With violations of the kidney function

The use of melatonin-sW is contraindicated under severe renal failure.

Care of patients with renal failure of varying severity should be taken.

When violations of the liver function

The use of melatonin-SZ with liver failure is contraindicated.

Application in old age

Patients in old age should take tablets for 60-90 minutes before sleep.

Medicinal interaction

With simultaneous use with melatonin-np:

  • fluvoxamine: inhibits melatonin metabolism, which leads to a significant increase in the concentration of the latter in the blood; It is recommended to avoid this combination;
  • 5- and 8-methoxypsoralen: when combined with the specified means, caution should be taken due to an increase in the concentration of melatonin;
  • cimetidine (inhibitor of CYP2D isoenzyme): helps to increase the content of melatonin in plasma;
  • estrogen-containing means (including oral contraceptive): Against the concomitant substitution hormone therapy, the concentration of melatonin increases;
  • hinolons and other inhibitors of CYPA2 isoenzymes: it is possible to increase melatonin exposure;
  • carbamazepine, rifampicin (inductors of the CYP1A2 isoenzyme): contribute to a decrease in the plasma concentration of melatonin;
  • nicotine: smokers can reduce the concentration of melatonin;
  • snow pills of benzodiazepine and non-heavenzodiazepine rows: Melatonin potentiates a sedative effect of a coolon, a campidem, zopylic. The consequence of the combination with the specified means may become a progressive coordination disorder, attention and memory;
  • tioridazine, imipramine: the joint appointment of drugs affecting the central nervous system, the clinically significant pharmacokinetic interaction with melatonin does not cause. It is possible to increase the feeling of calm, difficulties in performing certain actions, strengthening the feeling of turbidity in the head;
  • ethanol: alcohol consumption and intake of ethanol-containing drugs reduce the efficiency of melatonin-sz.


Analogues of Melatonin-SZ are Caspal Neo, Melelane, Melaxen, Melaksgen Balance, Melaritm, Sonnovanny, Circadine, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Take care of children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 ° C in light-protected place.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Melatonin is a hormonal drug that has an impact on the human nervous system.

In most cases, it is used in severe stress as a sedative drug when the psyche is not able to independently cope with the existing voltage.

However, its long-term use has an immunostimulating effect, allowing to strengthen the protective functions of the body. How to take melatonin, instructions for use and contraindications, as well as prices and reviews, consider further.

Melatonin, called sleep hormone, is able to intensify and normalize human biological rhythms that it does not work independently in a state of stress.

Therefore, its testimony for use is the following disorders:

  1. Change climatic belts with a change in time. This is especially true of those who are forced to travel from the Western Hemisphere to the East. The drug helps speed up the process of adaptation to local time, normalizing all biorhythms.
  2. Insomnia of various etiologies, including caused by a strong migraine. The sedative drug properties based on an increase in the concentration of a natural sleep hormone, which wears the name of the same name, help quickly immerse themselves in sleep even in the most difficult situation.
  3. Violations of the sleep process. The drug helps customize biorhythms in such a way that the person gets a full eight-hour sleep at night, which is necessary for the rest of the whole organism.
  4. Strong psycho-emotional overexcitation. The drug brakes the nervous system, giving the opportunity to a person to relax, which is extremely important for preventing serious health effects (prevention of stroke and infarction).
  5. Treatment of a depressive state that lasts more than 5 days.

It has been scientifically proven that the medicine slows down the processes of aging, therefore it is allowed for taking older patients, in the absence of other contraindications.

As a prophylactic agent, melatonin is prescribed to people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as patients whose work is carried out at night.

The main advantage of melatonin in front of the sleeping pills and other sedative drugs is that it is identical to that hormone, which is synthesized by an endocrine system, so the body perceives it well without provoking adverse reactions.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that in most cases the medicine is well tolerated, there are categories of patients who should be abandoned by its reception:

  1. Children's and adolescent age - the introduction of a hormone can provoke a hormonal imbalance, especially during puberty, when the endocrine system is experiencing an increased load.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period - at the time of tooling the fetus, the hormonal system of the woman is constantly changing, therefore it is impossible to use hormones, especially without a doctor's knowledge. The drug is well absorbed into the blood and breast milk, which makes it impossible in the period of breastfeeding.
  3. Sugar diabetes - violations of secretion of the pancreas can be aggravated with artificial introduction of hormones.
  4. Renal failure in chronic form - medicine metabolites are derived from a greater extent with urine, therefore an increased load is on the kidneys.
  5. Diseases of autoimmune character - melatonin can increase diseases, as well as provoke a deterioration in the dynamics.
  6. Oncological diseases - the presence of neoplasms, even a benign nature, makes the reception of hormonal drugs dangerous.
  7. Epilepsy.

With extreme caution, the drug is carried out by persons who have a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

In this case, before starting the course of treatment, the initial dose is recommended to reduce 10 times, after which make sure that there is no clinical signs of the manifestation of allergies.

Alcohol is able to influence the hormonal system, which makes the drug less efficient.

In the case of increased individual intolerance, the drug is not used in therapy, replacing it similar to properties, but otherwise in composition.

With special care and under sensitive doctors, the drug is used in complex therapy, excluding its simultaneous introduction with such medicines as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds;
  • other antidepressants capable of increasing the sedative effect.

Side effects after taking the drug melatonin, even if the course is long, expressed weakly and manifest themselves extremely rarely.

In most cases, this is due to an independent increase in the dosage recommended by experts, which can manifest itself in the form:

  1. Sleepiness, a feeling of apathy, against the background of which the loss of appetite is noted, the lack of mood and life tone.
  2. Disorder of sexual function, reduced libido.
  3. Hyperoportability.
  4. Difficulties of morning awakening, no appetite.

When the individual intolerance to the drug is noted, an allergic reaction can develop.

It is characterized by such clinical signs as:

  • urticaria - red small rash, which is strongly zudit;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • drying the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and eye;
  • angioedema swelling.

The most dangerous manifestation characterized by rapid flow is anaphylactic shock. In 35% of cases, the lethal exodus occurs immediately. The cause of anaphylaxis is the acute reaction of the immune system on the re-administration of allergen.

With the appearance of signs of an allergic reaction, it is important to quickly provide first medical care, introducing a dose of antihistamic preparation and a sorbent that can reduce the content of toxins in the intestine. You should also call an ambulance, describing the patient's condition in detail, and what exactly it was caused.

Perhaps the following topic will be interesting for you :. In which products contain melatonin and is it possible to get this substance from food in sufficient quantity.

Method of application and dose

The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment completely depends on what disorder is worried about the patient. Two options for receiving melatonin are distinguished:

  1. The course of treatment, at least 10 days - allows to normalize biorhythms and metabolic processes in the body. Effective with strong mental disorders. The dosage is selected individually. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 20 days, after which a break is required for at least 30 days.
  2. Single techniques are recommended if the insomnia is not associated with a mental disorder and is a single phenomenon.

In the course of scientific research, it was proved that even minor doses of melatonin are able to provide therapeutic effects. As one-time reception of the drug, it is recommended to use half a pill, which is quite enough for a full night sleep.

Despite the fact that the drug is released in a pharmacy without a prescription and is in free access, it cannot be used independently, which can provoke a number of adverse reactions dangerous to the body. At home it is impossible to determine which dosage is the most optimal for a particular case, therefore it is better not to experiment with your own health, giving preference to the doctor's experience.

Tablets take 30-40 minutes before sleep, drinking a small amount of warm water, which speeds up the process of splitting.

Since the drug has a sedative effect, its application is not recommended during the daytime, especially when it is planned to perform actions that require increased concentration of attention: driving vehicles, technological process, etc.

The maximum daily dose of the drug, which does not contribute to the development of adverse reactions, is 6 mg. Usually the therapeutic dose is 1-3 mg. This is quite enough to get a full dream and rest. In the case when it's hard to wake up in the morning, and all day accompanies the feeling of drowsiness, the dosage should be reduced by half.

When selecting the optimal dosage, such indicators are taken into account as:

  1. Age - the older the person is, the amount of melatonin is choosing, so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences.
  2. Floor - in women hormonal system is more active, so they are quite a third part of the pill, to sleep hard, while a man may need a double dose.
  3. Weight - in the presence of overweight, the dose increases by 1 mg for every 30 kg. If there is no obesity, it is important to make sure that there is no diabetes, acting as a contraindication to the reception of this medication.

Strengthen the effect of drugs will help food that contain substances preceding the active mining of sleep hormone:

  • eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • non-fat varieties of fish.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the level of melatonin in the body can be increased to dangerous indicators in the case when a person besides melatonin simultaneously uses other hormonal sedative medicines.

It is worth considering in complex therapy in order to avoid the development of unwanted adverse reactions.


If for some reason the dose recommended by the doctor has been increased several times, signs of overdose can develop. The clinical picture will depend on how much dose is enlarged. Inxication occurs already with a fivefold increase in the maximum daily dose.

Overdose appears as follows:

  1. Intoxication of the body is nausea and abdominal pain, sometimes with vomiting and diarrhea. Strong chills, rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia.
  2. The loss of consciousness is the lack of reactions to the external stimulus, a decrease in body temperature, cramps. In rare cases, a drug coma is observed.

In the case of diagnosing symptoms of overdose, immediately cause ambulance, as well as to perform a number of first aid actions:

  • clear the contents of the stomach, causing a vomit reflex;
  • reduce the concentration of toxins by introducing sorbents;
  • put a cleansing enema, the water for which should be boiled, but room temperature.

In no case cannot be increased melatonin dosage, since in large quantities it can provoke an increased load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys. The nephropecy is most dangerous, because it can lead to degenerative processes in the kidneys, which will entail their further refusal.

Cost and analogs

Packaging of 90 tablets, a dosage of 3 mg, will cost the buyer in 860-900 rubles.

Any other variations of melatonin, depending on the target use, can have excellent prices.

The drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect can be considered as follows:

  • Melaxen;
  • Circadine;
  • Melapur;
  • Melanon;
  • Yukaline.

In many countries, melatonin is not considered a drug, relating to a group of nutritional supplements.

Melatonin, an epiphyse hormone, regulates sleep, eliminates insomnia and facilitates the restructuring of the body when changing time zones. As an additional admission, with a lack of melatonin in the body, a drug is prescribed, which in addition to the adjustment of sleep contributes to a number of positive effects. Therefore, it is important to know the features of reception, indications and side effects.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone, which regulates the circadian rhythm of all living organisms (sleep - wakefulness), facilitates falling asleep, eliminates insomnia caused by overwork, irritability and change in the time zone. More Melatonin is called "sleep hormone", it is a serotonin derivative, which, in turn, is made from tryptophan (L-tryptophan is an indispensable amino acid).

The highest concentration of melatonin in the blood is observed at night (00: 00-05: 00), and the peak is achieved by approximately 2 hours in the morning. In the afternoon, the blood level falls, which is natural when the body's wakefulness.

Features of the hormone

Meltenonine generation depends on daily rhythm. In the evening and least illuminated time, the production of hormone rises, in the lighter time of the day - decreases. It is also interesting that winter synthesis in the blood increases, and in the summer it is reduced. Even with age, the production decreases, it leads to a worsening of sleep, insomnia, which negatively affects the phase of deep sleep, and this causes irritability, organs and systems are not restored, all these factors negatively affect the human nervous system. Melatonin is also capable of reduced systolic pressure.

Who and why need to take it?

  • First, Melatonin is necessary for people suffering from insomnia, experiencing difficulties in falling asleep due to long wakefulness and overwork. Increasing the concentration of hormone leads to acceleration and facilitate fallback. Melatonin has a sedative effect, soothes the nervous system.
  • Secondly, melatonin is necessary for people who experience irritability, due to the change of work schedule or time zone. Also with muscular overwork, the additive helps to relax and recover during sleep.

Effects and beneficial properties

In addition to the main function - to improve sleep, the benefits of melatonin is that it takes part in regulating the activities of the endocrine system. Reduces physical and emotional activity, while wakefulness prevents normal bioritum. Also, hormone has an antioxidant, anti-stress, antitumor and immunostimulating effect, slows down the aging process.

In sports

Athletes drink melatonin to improve sleep quality, which is inextricably linked at the rate of recovery of the body after physical exertion. Intensive workouts are capable of causing an overwork in the body as a whole, to promote the irritability of the nervous system. All this can lead to a worsening of sleep, and this negatively affects the restoration, which is especially necessary athletes to perform certain tasks. During sleep, muscle relaxation, the restoration of the nervous system and internal organs occurs. Consequently, the better the sleep of the athlete, the faster it will restore and reaches high results.

Influence on libido

Studies have shown that melatonin does not affect the libido and sexual function. Research results have shown that the reception does not affect the production of anabolic hormones responsible for the libido.

Influence on testosterone

Testosterone is the so-called men's hormone, which is not only responsible for anabolic processes, but also sexual function and attraction. As studied, melatonin does not affect the development of testosterone, thereby not suppressing it. However, an increase in the female hormone prolactin can adversely affect testosterone. But this is the only possible indirect influence, with certain dosages.

Relationship with prolactin

The results of scientific research are rather contradictory, some of them showed the inhibitory effect of melatonin on prolactin, some have not confirmed any influence, although the period and time of the study did not specify. However, it was revealed that during the dosage of 5 mg per day during the month, the level of prolactin increased in young people. In addition, the increase in the level of prolactin was recorded daily. An increase in the concentration of female hormone was especially observed at night, at the maximum concentration of melatonin.

How affects growth hormone

The positive effect of melatonin on (somatotropin) is proved. The increased secretion of GR, like melatonin, is observed at night. Since growth hormone is produced in a dream, insomnia and bad sleep, naturally, adversely affect its development. GR is responsible for the growth of cells in children and adults, has an anabolic and anti-catabolic effect, takes part in carbohydrate exchange, enhances the absorption of calcium in the bone tissue. Therefore, it is necessary not only to teenagers, but also athletes. The main properties of melatonin - the impact on sleep and restoration, directly have a positive effect on the production of somatotropin.

Use for weight loss

The effect of molandon on weight loss is also well studied. The useful properties include stimulation of glucose absorption and glycogen accumulation in tissues (muscles). Promotes an increase in the production of ATP (energy) and creatinephosphot. These factors affect the increase in energy during loads, which contributes to an increase in the duration of training, which lead to fat burning. Reduced glucose and insulin levels reduces the percentage of adipose tissue.

Indications and contraindications


Violation of sleep rhythm is the main indication for the use of the drug, insomnia, irritability and stress that affect the quality of sleep.

Contraindications :

  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.
  • Leukemia.
  • Lymphoma.
  • Meloma.
  • Epilepsy.

Attention! Reception of melatonin is prohibited by children under 12, adolescents prescribes only a doctor.

Instructions for use

The drug is accepted for the night, 30 minutes to the desired falling asleep.

Melatonin begins to act 45-60 minutes after taking the drug. After receiving the hormone, it is necessary to avoid bright light, which suppresses the effects of additives. Tablets are wrapped with water.


Depending on the choice of a pharmacy or a bade of sports nutrition, the melatonin instruction will differ, pay attention to the dosage in the same tablet you purchased the tool.

A safe dose in which the effectiveness of melatonin is noted - up to 3 mg of the active substance. Start receiving with 1-2 mg during the first days. If necessary, increase the dose.

Do not exceed the daily dose of 6 mg melatonin. In case of side effects or the absence of effect - cancel the drug.

How long can you take

Melatonin reception rate lasts 1 month. When prescribing the drug by a doctor, a course for 2 months is possible. After the course it is necessary to make a weekly break and, if necessary, repeat the reception of the drug. When regulating the blood pressure, the doctor may prescribe the elderly patient a course from 3 months to six months.

Forms of release

The drug is produced in the form of white tablets, which are wrapped with water. Although in additions, some manufacturers produce chewable forms of melatonin.

Preparations Melatonin

  1. Vita Melatonin. One tablet contains 3 mg melatonin, the country of the USA. 30 Tablets
  2. Melaxen. One tablet contains 3 mg of active substance, US manufacturer
  3. Circadine. One tablet contains 2 mg melatonin. Manufacturer - Switzerland
  4. Melaritm. Contains 3 mg of substances in one tablet, packaging 24 pcs. Manufacturer Russia

Sports nutrition

The manufacturers of additives began to produce their own melatonin dietary supplements, since it has a positive effect on the restoration and growth (anabolism) athletes during sleep. Anti-catabolic effect in stress, loads, with general physical and emotional overvoltage, as well as improved sleep, made additives very popular among athletes. Budge of the gym is also recommended for the night half an hour before sleep. Also, the drug can be taken an hour before changing the time zone during flights. It is not necessary to take melatonin before training, since the suppression of physical activity and disorientation may affect the quality of the load. Reception of the drug is inappropriate in daytime, morning time and before training.

Sports manufacturers

  • Optimum Nutrition. 100 tablets of 3 mg.
  • Now Foods. 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Ultimate Nutrition. 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Scitec Nutrition. 90 tablets of 1 mg.
  • Universal Nutrition. Melatonin in one tablet 5 mg. 60 capsules in the package.
  • Contains 10 mg melatonin and vitamin B6. Packing 60 tablets.

In comparison with pharmaceutical preparations, melatonin in sports nutrition is much more profitable than in a pharmacy. Dosages are the same, but the number of capsules in additions is at times exceeds pharmacy preparations, and the cost of the gym may be the order below.

Melatonin in food

The greatest concentration is in rice, unlike other products. Melatonin enters the body from foods in minor doses that do not affect sleep and do not contribute to the preparation of the positive effects of the hormone. But you can take products containing L-tryptophan, from which melatonin is subsequently produced. For a pronounced action, it is worth taking a hormone additive additionally in a dosage from 1 to 6 mg per day. It is impossible to get such doses from food.

Melatonin during pregnancy

Adding additives is contraindicated when entering the fetus during lactation. Even during the period of conception or planning a child, it is necessary to eliminate the reception of melatonin, since it has a contraceptive (contraceptive) action.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Reception of melatonin simultaneously with drugs blocking beta-adrenornian, will reduce the secretion of the hormone.
  • Interacts with some sleeping pills that have a synergistic effect, for example, the candidate.
  • Interacts and increases the antitumor effect of tamoxifen.
  • Interacts with isoniazid, increasing the antibacterial effect.

Side Effects, Risks and Harm

The hormone is considered safe, melatonin harm can be expressed in individual intolerance to the drug, nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination, fatigue, thirst. Perhaps poor well-being and fatigue in the morning.

Reception of some pharmacy drugs can cause:

  • irritation,
  • increased excitability
  • high heartbeat,
  • headaches,
  • migraine,
  • worsening
  • violation of attention
  • night sweating,
  • dizziness.

It is recommended to avoid driving transport, since melatonin can affect coordination and attention. Do not accept children, since there are no studies on the influence of some drugs on children. Created to slow down growth and sexual development in children.


Symptoms of overdose by the drug were revealed when a dose of 30 mg is exceeded - disorientation, a long sleep, memory loss.

Terms for sale and storage

Preparations are released in pharmacies without a recipe, are also available in sports additives. Store the drug is necessary in the original closed packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees of heat, avoid direct rays of light.

Shelf life. Typically, drugs are produced for a period of 3 years, with proper storage.


The equivalent of Melatonin is a biologically active additive tryptophan (manufacturers - Evalar, Vansiton). The arrival of the daily dose of 500 mg of an indispensable amino acid L-tryptophan provides serotonin production (joy hormone) during the day. At night, Melatonin hormone is formed from Serotonin, which improves the rhythm "Sleep-wakeing". Also in the preparation contains vitamins B5 and B6.

The lack of melatonin leads to a breakdown of sleep, provokes insomnia, reduces the adaptation of the body to changing time zones. The deficiency of this hormone epiphyse is possible to compensate for the reception of special preparations. They not only normalize sleep, but also have additional positive effects. In order for the tool to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of admission, reference to the use, possible side effects.

Melatonin is called a hormone responsible for regulation of the circadian rhythm of living organisms, that is, for wakefulness and sleep. The connection helps to get rid of insomnia arising against the background of overwork, irritability from a sharp change of time zone. Thanks to such peculiarities, it is often called "sleep hormone". Melatonin is a serotonin derivative produced by tryptophan.

The latter is an indispensable amino acid L-tryptofan. The greatest concentration of hormone in the blood falls at night, namely from midnight to five in the morning. The highest peak is reached at 2 am. Happy melatonin level decreases. In other words, when a person wakes melatonin decreases, and rises during sleep.

Characteristic features of the hormone

The production of melatonin is directly due to the daily rhythm. In the light, that is, the day, the mining of the hormone is sharply reduced. In the dark, its concentration on the contrary begins to rise. In the summer, when the duration of the daylight rises, the synthesis of melatonin is largely reduced, and in winter, on the contrary, increases. Age also plays an important role.

The older the person becomes, the less melatonin is produced. This becomes the deterioration of falling asleep. The person most often torments insomnia, which is negatively reflected in the phase of deep sleep. He becomes more irritable. His systems and organs cease to recover properly. Melatonin leads to a decrease in systolic pressure.

Why and when is it necessary to take a "dream hormone"?

Melatonin is required to take people in the following situations:

  1. The hormone is needed to those who suffer from insomnia, is experiencing difficulties with a falling asleep due to strong overwork and long-time wake. If you increase the concentration of melatonin, problems with sleep will significantly decrease. This substance has a sedative effect and soothing acts on the nervous system.
  2. The connection is required to each person who is experiencing increased irritability or due to a change of time zone or work schedule. Hormone is useful for those who are engaged in physical exertion leading to muscle overwork. The substance helps to relax and better recover in a dream.

The substance helps to cope with fatigue after training and overwork.

Effects and beneficial properties

The main function of the hormone is to improve the quality of sleep. The connection takes an active part in the normalization of the processes of the endocrine system. Melatonin reduces emotional and physical activity, but only at that time when wakefulness becomes an interference with normal biorhythms.

Hormone has also side positive effects. It has an anti-stress, antioxidant, immunostimulating, antitumor impact. In addition, it reduces the rate of aging processes. Along with the common properties, the compound has a specific impact, depending on the specific physical activity.

Athletes take melatonin, first of all, in order to improve sleep. Such an impact directly depends on the rate of regenerative processes of the body after sports. The higher the intensity of the workouts, the more irritated the nervous system. This impact negatively affects the condition of the body.

The quality of sleep after severe physical activity becomes much worse, and recovery requires much longer. If a person is experiencing insomnia, it means that athlete will not be enough forces to perform specific tasks. Sleep allows muscles to relax, and internal organs and nervous system are recovered. The better the athlete sleeps, the faster it is restored, and the sports results are largely improved.

Impact on libido

A huge amount of research was carried out on this topic. They showed that no direct relationship between the concentration of melatonin and libido does not exist. Reception of drugs that increase the level of this substance does not directly affect the anabolic hormones that are responsible for the Woman Libido.

Influence on testosterone concentration

The level of male hormone has a positive effect on anabolic processes, sexual attraction, sexual function. Melatonin, as was revealed during the studies, directly affects production and does not suppress testosterone synthesis. A negative impact on a male hormone has a female, called prolactin. Such an indirect effect is possible exclusively at certain dosages.

Relationship with prolactin

There are no specific specific results regarding the relationship between melatonin and prolactin. Some studies have demonstrated the absence of any influence on a female hormone, but no clarifications regarding the term and period of exposure was not clarified.

In young people who took five milligrams for a day for thirty days, the level of prolactin level was revealed. The increase in the female hormone was recorded daily. The increase in prolactin concentration was observed not in the day, but at night, when the level of melatonin reached the highest concentration.

Influence on growth hormone

Somatotropin (growth hormone) is depending on melatonin. "Sleep hormone" has a positive effect on gr, the peak of the concentration of which falls at night. Both compounds are produced during the rest. Their concentration is reduced during problems with sleep and insomnia, which leads to a decrease in production and melatonin, and somatotropin.

GR positively reflects on the growth of cells not only in children, but also in adults. It has a catabolic and anabolic effect, participates in the exchange of carbohydrates, increases the digestibility of calcium bone tissue. Somatotropin is required not only in adolescence, but also those who are actively engaged in sports. The main property of melatonin is that it has a positive impact on sleep quality and recovery. This hormone well affects the production of somatotropin.

Use for weight loss

Many studies are devoted to how Melatonin affects human weight. The hormone stimulates the absorption of glucose and accumulating in muscle tissues of glycogen. The substance stimulates an increase in the production of creatine phosphate and energy, that is, ATP. This impact allows you to increase energy during exercise. It helps to increase the duration of the training, which, in turn, contributes to greater burning of subcutaneous fat. The fat burning effect of insulin and glucose level helps to reduce the mass.

Indications and contraindications

It is impossible to take a drug with melatonin to those who suffer from diabetes, autoimmune diseases, myeloma, lymphoma, leukemia, epileptic seizures. Hormone is contraindicated to the use of children who have not reached twelve years. Teenagers should prescribe only a specialist.

The hormone is designed to receive in the evening. It is best to eat the drug thirty minutes before the departure to sleep. The active substance begins to act 45-60 minutes later. When hormone takes, direct contact with bright light should be avoided. It suppresses the effect after the use of the drug. Tablets are powered by plenty of water.

Instructions and optimal daily dosage of the drug completely depend on what bad or pharmacy preparation is accepted. It is necessary to carefully study how many melatonin is contained in one tablet. The daily optimal and safe norm of the active substance is up to three milligrams. In the first days, it is recommended to accept one or two milligrams, and then increase the dosage. The limit dosage is 6 mg. The deterioration of the well-being is a signal that it is necessary to refuse to receive additives.

Course duration

Melatonin is recommended to accept within a month. A longer reception of the course (up to two months) is possible exclusively by appointing a doctor. Next, be sure to take a break, equal to the week. If there is a need, then after a week pause, the course repeat the course. From three months and to six months, the drug may prescribe the elderly people who are undergoing treatment in order to normalize blood pressure.

What form is the drug?

The addition is sold in the form of white tablets, which are then powered by water. Some manufacturers produce a preparation in the form of chewing pill.

Preparations with melatonin

Hormone is contained in the following additives:

  1. Vita Melatonin, in each tablet which is concluded up to three milligrams of the active substance. Released in the USA. In one package concluded 30 tablets.
  2. Melaritm.containing a similar amount of melatonin as the American drug. Russian additive is made in packs of 24 tablets.
  3. Circadinerepresenting a Swiss drug. One pill contains two milligrams of the hormone.
  4. Melaxen.Another American additive. In each tablet, three milligram substances are concluded.

People who are actively engaged in sports are recommended to accept non-pharmacy preparations, but dietary supplements. Food manufacturers are developing and producing their own additives that have a positive effect on rehabilitation processes after training in the sleep phase. They have a positive anti-catabolic effect when a person is experiencing emotional, physical tension. Such an impact made these drugs popular among the leading active lifestyles of people.

Biologically active sports additives with melatonin is recommended to take on the night (half an hour before the deposit to sleep). In addition, they are recommended for use in flights if time zone changes. Before the flight should drink additive per hour. Do not drink the drug before training. The oppression of physical activity with disorientation leads to a decrease in the efficiency of classes. It is not recommended to drink the drug in the morning and during the day.

Best manufacturers and sports additives

  • Optimum Nutrition with 100 tablets of 3 mg.
  • Now Foods. With 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Ultimate Nutrition With 60 pills of 3 mg.
  • Scitec Nutrition with 90 tablets of 1 mg.
  • Universal Nutrition with 60piles of 5 mg.

If you compare pharmacy preparations and sports additives with an active substance, the latter are much more profitable. The content of melatonin in each individual capsule is equally, but the number of tablets in the badges is greater, but at the same time have a lower cost.

Most of the substance is enclosed in rice. The amount of hormone that enters the body together with food is quite small. It does not allow to obtain a sufficient dosage that would help you get positive effects in terms of improving sleep quality. The use of products with L-tryptophan, which contributes to the production of melatonin is much greater benefit. To strengthen the result obtained, it is required to add hormone to the amount of 1-6 milligram per day. Such dosages get from ordinary food is simply impossible.

Melatonin during pregnancy

Add a contraindicated to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is not recommended to use the drug to those women who plan to become pregnant because the hormone has a contraceptive property.

Interaction with other drugs

Reception of the drug with funds that block beta-andrenornceptor leads to a decrease in the production of hormone. Melatonin additives are well combined with sleeping pills that have a synergistic effect. The hormone increases the efficiency of tamoxifen, which has antitumor effect. It enhances the antibacterial effect of isoniazid.

Side Effects, Risks and Harm

Melatonin is customary to be safe for reception. Some people may have individual intolerance, expressed in the loss of coordination, severe dryness, vomiting, nausea. In the morning hours, some people can feel enhanced fatigue and poor well-being. Some pharmacy drugs cause irritability, elevated heartbeats and excitability, headache, dizziness, night sweat, loss of attention concentration, impairment, migraine.

After receiving the "hormone of sleep", it is not recommended to sit behind the wheel of the vehicle. This is due to the fact that melatonin affects the decline in attention and concentration. It is impossible to give the drug to children, as no research on how it affects them is unknown. He can slow down sexual development. An overdose is negative on the body, if more than 30 milligrams take more than 30 milligrams, when disorientation occurs, the memory is lost, the duration of sleep decreases.

Terms for sale and storage

Preparations are released without a recipe even in pharmacies. Sports additives are presented in free sale. The means must be stored in the purchase packaging, in the place where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees protected from direct sunlight. Usually the shelf life of the drug is up to three years, but only under the correct storage conditions.

Analogue Melatonin

Triptofan is a biologically active additive, the reception of which in the daily dosage of 500 mg contributes to the synthesis of serotonin. At night, this hormone of joy is converted to melatonin. In addition, this preparation contains vitamins B5, B6.