How long can Creon be taken. Creon - instructions for use, indications, dosage for children and adults, side effects, analogues and price of Creon 10,000 for which adults are prescribed

Creon is an enzyme medicine used to improve digestion for adults and children.

The mechanism of action of the medication consists in mixing Pancreatine minimicroser with intestinal content. After reaching minimicrosers of the small intestine, at the level of the pH, the value of 5.5, the destruction of the intestinal-soluble shell occurs.

Due to the release of pancreatic enzymes with amylolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic activity, a more complete splitting of food components (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) occurs.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

This drug is able to replenish the lack of enzymes in the pancreas area.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much is Creon 10000? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 300 rubles.

Release form and composition

The medication is produced in the form of intestinal solid hard capsules containing light brown minimicrosters - pancreatin (active component):

  • Creon 10000 - with a content of 150 mg of pancreatin (which corresponds to 10,000 units Ph.eur. Lipases);
  • Creon 25000 - with a content of 300 mg of pancreatin (which corresponds to 25,000 units Ph.eur. Lipases);
  • Creon 40000 - with a content of 400 mg of pancreatin (which corresponds to 40,000 units Ph.eur. Lipases).

When using a medication for children, it should be borne in mind that CREON 1000 is not released, and in pediatrics, Creon 10000 is used, the dose of which is calculated by the doctor based on the age and mass of the child's body.

The medication is produced in bottles of 20, 50 and 100 pieces.

Pharmacological effect

Konon includes pine origin pancreatin in the form of a minimicroser coated with intestinal shell. The contents of the capsule resistant to the acidic medium is quickly dissolved, releaseing the granules. It provides excellent mixing of the drug with the contents of the stomach, transportation in the intestine and a good distribution of enzymes in it.

When microspheres in the small intestine, the shell dissolves, released lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes. They provide splitting of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. After pancreatic digestion, the products are absorbed immediately or after hydrolysis in intestinal enzymes of the bowel content. According to research, the effect of the drug is manifested in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the reviews of scientists who carried out experiments, the medication does not show toxicity in the small intestine and other intestinal deposits.

Indications for use

Preparation Creon 10,000 is used in replacement therapy Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to violation of the production of enzymes or their excessive destruction in the intestinal lumen on the background of the tract pathology.

As a rule, Creon is prescribed in pathological states like:

  1. Fibrosis;
  2. After surgery on the pancreas;
  3. Obstruction of pancreas or bile ducts;
  4. After gastric gastrectomy;
  5. Partial removal of the stomach;
  6. Chronic pancreatitis;
  7. After the recent attack of the acute form pancreatitis;
  8. Schwahman Daimond syndrome;
  9. Oncology pancreas;
  10. In preparation for the x-ray or ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal organs.


Contraindications for Cream is modest. It can even take the children of early age on breastfeeding, but sometimes it is possible to refrain from taking medication on the basis of contraindications.

Reception of the drug is not allowed under the individual intolerance to one of the components that are included in Creon-10,000. If the child swallowed the capsule, and he had an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop taking medication immediately. It is impossible to independently begin treatment without a careful examination by a doctor. Pancreatic hyperfunction is a direct contraindication for receiving enzymes.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Data on how safely taking Creon's medicine during pregnancy and lactation is absent. This concerns in general any pancreatic enzymes. Therefore, the use of the drug is permissible only when the expected benefits of treatment for the mother significantly exceeds the likely danger to the fetus or kid.

Dosage and method of application

In the application instructions, it is indicated: Capsules Creon 10000 are taken inside while eating or immediately after each meal, including light snacks. They must be swallowed entirely and put it with sufficient liquid.

Patients who experience difficulties with swallowing, and capsule children can be carefully opened and add minimicrospheres contained in them to a soft food that does not require chewing and having acidic taste, or to take together with a liquid with sour taste. To allow for mixing food products: apple puree, yogurt, fruit juices (apple, pineapple and orange) with pH< 5,5. Такие смеси не подлежат хранению, поэтому должны быть использованы сразу же после приготовления. Не стоит смешивать содержимое капсул с горячей пищей.

  1. Dose of Cream 10,000 (in terms of lipase) is selected individually taking into account the type of violation, the severity of the course of the disease, the composition of the diet and body weight of the patient.
  2. In case of fiberglass, at the beginning of treatment, adults and children from 4 years are prescribed 500 units / kg, children under 4 years old - 1000 units / kg with each meal intake. Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the results of controlling steathea and individual sensitivity dose can be corrected. For most patients, the daily dose does not exceed 10,000 damage / kg of body weight or 4000 UR / g consumed fat.
  3. With other states accompanied by the enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, the dose is determined depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, including the degree of digestive insufficiency and the fat content in the diet. The main meal is usually required to receive a dose of 25000-80000 units of lipase, with light snacks - ½ therapeutic dose.

Children of Creon 10,000 apply only in accordance with the prescriptions of the doctor.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, with an increased individual sensitivity to enzymes in patients, as therapy, the following may develop side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions - rash on the skin, hyperemia, pronounced itching, urticaria;
  2. From the part of the organs of the digestive channel - pain in the epigastric region, nausea, increased salivation, urge to vomiting, constipation, intestinal disgrace, increase the appetite;

In rare cases, the development of angioedema edema or anaphylaxis phenomena is possible.


  1. Salivation;
  2. Severe abdominal pains;
  3. Nausea and vomiting.

The development of hyperurickozuria and hyperuricemia is possible. With the development of the patient, symptomatic treatment is conducted in the patient.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, familiarize yourself with the special instructions:

  1. Checking, grinding or adding minimicrospheres to food with a pH of more than 5.5 leads to the destruction of their shell, which protects against the action of gastric juice.
  2. During treatment, it is important to ensure sufficient fluid intake, because its absence can lead to strengthening constipation.
  3. To eliminate colon lesions, as a precautionary precautions in patients with fibrosis, it is recommended to control all unusual symptoms or changes in the abdominal cavity, especially in patients receiving more than 10,000 units / kg per day.
  4. Children with cystic fibrosis, receiving Creon 25000 for a long time, must be under the permanent supervision of the doctor.
  5. Preparation Creon can be taken to patients who profess Judaism and Islam.

Negative influence on the rate of reactions and the ability to concentrate attention medicine does not.

Medicinal interaction

Clinical studies on the interaction of medication with other medicines were not conducted.

If a person besides Creona-10000, forced to take other drugs, it is better not to risk and make a gap between medicines and enzymes at least 2 hours.

Excited to Creon 10,000 instructions for use indicates that the medicine is used to improve digestive processes and helps with pancreatic diseases. The drug is based on digestive enzymes, improving the splitting of the food lump and contributing to the full absorption of nutrients. But do not hurry to drink medicine. We study the description attached to the drug.

Creon 1000 is produced in tablets containing 150 g of pancreatin.

In units of measuring European pharmacology (UR. F.) 150 g of Pancreatin contain the following components:

  • 10,000 lipase;
  • 8000 amylases;
  • 600 protease.

Despite the multi-component composition of pancreatin, the activity of Creon 10,000 in pharmacology is considered to be the content of lipase.

In addition to the active substance, the tablet contains auxiliary components in mg:

  • macrogol 4000 - 37.5;
  • triethyl citrate - 3.13;
  • dimethicone 1000 - 1.35;
  • cetylovy alcohol - 1.18.

Pancreatin in pills is in the form of microspheres (special capsules, evenly distributed in the thickest base from auxiliary substances).

The medicinal base enclosure includes the following substances in mg:

  • gelatin - 60.44;
  • iron oxide black - 0.09;
  • titanium dioxide - 0.07;
  • yellow iron oxide - 0.05;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate - 0.12;
  • iron oxide red - 0.23.

Iron oxides give the pill characteristic red-pink or brownish shade.

Capsules are packaged into blisters of 10 or 25 pieces and bottles of 20 or 50 pieces. The drug has only an adult dosage, there is no children's form of release.

To understand how the drug acts, let's see what happens to pills after entering the stomach:

  • under the action of hydrochloric acid, the gelatin shell dissolves, microspheres are released;
  • during the digestion of food in the stomach of the microspheres, mixed with food, formed a lump comes into a small intestine;
  • intestinal juice destroys the microspheres capsule, releaseing pancreatin;
  • under the action of the enzyme, the splitting of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the intestines is improved.

Reception of Creon helps to prevent the appearance of the following symptoms in patients with enzyme failure:

  • pain discomfort in the stomach;
  • increased formation of intestinal gases;
  • problems with chairs (diarrhea or constipation):
  • unpleasant feelings in epigastrics.

Proteasa, lipase and amylase are not absorbed through intestinal mucous membranes, but actively "work" inside the food lump, providing a full splitting of nutrients.

The drug is adopted as substitution therapy in case of insufficient secretion of the pancreas and to improve digestion with accompanying gastrointestinal diseases.

For Creon 10,000, the following diseases are the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis (acute and aggravation of chronic);
  • violation of pancreatic duct (spasm, stricture, neoplasm);
  • fibergation;
  • resection of a duodenal intestine or stomach;
  • removal gallbladder;
  • malignant pancreatic neoplasms;
  • schwahman Daimond syndrome;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • severe bacterial infections of the small intestine;
  • preparation for ultrasound abdominal organs.

If there are no violations of the operation of the digestive tract, then for the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders, medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • long immobilization in injuries or heavy diseases;
  • lifelong lifestyle (paralyzed, faces with diseases of the joints, etc.);
  • difficulties when firing food caused by organic disorders;
  • elderly age;
  • incorrect meals

The drug contributes to improving digestion in the upper intestinal parts, helps a full digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients.

Contraindications for application

Contraindication for therapy Cleon will be the individual intolerance of the components:

  • pancreatin;
  • auxiliary components of the base of the tablet;
  • the substances belonging to the shell.

But, despite the minimum number of contraindications, do not make a medication without medical purposes.

On the forums dedicated to weight loss, you can meet the recommendations of Dr. Creon or other enzyme preparations for faster digestion, but this is an erroneous opinion: enzymes only improve the digestive process, and the number of calorie applicants does not change. But the risk of getting a complication with prolonged reception drug is.

Capsules are accepted while eating or immediately after the meal and drove to a small amount of water. It is necessary that the microspheres in the stomach are mixed with the treated with hydrochloric acid food, and in the small intestine, the release of active pancreatin occurred inside the eating lump.

Consider how to drink Creon 10,000 adult:

  • the initial dose is scheduled for 10,000 - 25000 units of Heb. F;
  • if necessary, the dosage can increase to 50,000 per reception.

Despite the fact that there is no children's forms of production, the drug is used in pediatrics for the treatment of enzymatic failure. How to take Creon 10,000 children, selected individually.

The calculation of the daily dose is made like this:

  • up to 4 years - 1000 / kg of weight;
  • older than a four-year-old age - 500 / kg body weight.

The resulting amount of medicine is divided into the frequency of foods - it is necessary to drink during each meal.

If a person has difficulty in swallowing pills, it is allowed to open capsules and their contents mix with a small amount of liquid food or water.

It is impossible to mix with the products you want to chew - this will violate the integrity of the microspheres and pancreatin will lose activity under the action of gastric juice. And the prepared mixture must be used immediately - during storage, Pancreatin loses its enzymatic activity.

How much time drink medicine is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the disease. The duration of the course of treatment fluctuates from 14 days to several months.

Treatment of pregnant and nursing mothers

Creon 10,000, like other enzyme funds, has the following properties:

  • penetrates the hemoplacementar barrier;
  • stands out with breast milk.

These studies conducted on experimental animals showed that Pancreatin does not have negative influence on the fruit. Pregnant and nursing is allowed to be treated with CREON 100,000 to maintain a full digestion, but in small doses.

According to obstetricians, in children born from mothers who took enzymes were not revealed with health. But still do not abuse medicine and drink without medical destination.

Creon 10000 is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases the patients have the development of side effects. First of all, the digestive tract suffers.

A person may have:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea (rarely);
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • constipation.

Less often occur other negative reactions:

  • rash on the skin;
  • attacks of suffocation (if a history of diseases accompanied by the obstruction of the bronchi);
  • svetq Qinkie.

With prolonged reception of Creon, accumulation is enhanced uric acid And the risk of rock formation in the stripes increases, and the appearance of strictures in the thick intestine is possible.

Symptoms of overdose are similar to side effects and occurs infrequently, only with a significant exceedment of the dose. It happens more often in childhood when the kid takes bright pills in a sweet shell for a delicacy and eats several capsules from the packaging. When overdose, it is necessary to wash the stomach and symptomatic therapy to eliminate the disorders.

Medicinal interaction with other medical research has not been identified, attention should be paid when caonic appointment with the following drugs:

  1. Iron preparations. Pancreatin reduces the absorption of iron and makes it difficult to therapy of iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Antacids having in magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate. These components reduce the enzymatic activity of Creon.

It is necessary to know that if an another enzyme preparation is appointed to Creona, then the composition should be carefully examined. If another drug contains lipase, protease and amylase, then the dose of Creon needs to be reduced to avoid overdose.

special instructions

Before starting a course of treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the drug:

  1. Do not eat with alcohol. Alcohol suppresses enzyme activity.
  2. When mixing the drug with liquid for the convenience of swallowing, avoid acidic media. Dilution in acidic juices in conjunction with the action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach leads to the destruction of pancreatin.
  3. When fiberglass, when the course of treatment is long, you need to regularly check the state of the intestine in order to identify the colon damage in a timely manner.
  4. During the treatment of drinking more fluid to avoid constipation.

Creon 10,000 does not affect the ability to work with accurate mechanisms and control vehicles.

The price of Cream 10000 in the pharmacy will be from 300 p.

The cost affects:

  • pharmacy location (lively street or quiet alley);
  • the nature of the settlement (in major cities the cost above);
  • trade cheating;
  • the manufacturer (rates in pharmacological companies differ slightly).

You can save, ordering a medicine on the site or buy a cheap analogue in a pharmacy.

Analogs of Creon 10000.

If not in the pharmacy of Creona or you want to buy a cheaper medicine, then you should pay attention to the analogues that have similar therapeutic qualities.


The medication is made on the basis of pancreatin and is shown in the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the horizontal bubble and liver;
  • digestion disorders caused by excess fatty foods;
  • mukobovysidosis.

Contraindication - intolerance to the components of the medication and the acute stage of pancreatitis. It costs from 190 rubles.

Contains pancreatin and a slight amount of hydraulic components.

Appointed in the following cases:

  • recovery period after halicetectomy;
  • diffuse liver damage;
  • violation of refractory;
  • pancreatitis;
  • reduction of the digestive function;
  • long bedding due to injuries or diseases.

Unlike Creon and Mezim-Forte, Festal has a lot of contraindications, the drug is forbidden to babies until three years. Price of Festal from 170 r.

The composition of the medication, except pancreatin, includes bovine yellow extract.

The drug is shown for the treatment of secretory failure:

  • stomach;
  • liver and bearded bubble;
  • pancreas.

Also, the drug is recommended to be taken to improve digestion by laying patients and older people.

Contraindicated with an acute attack of pancreatitis, liver failure and hepatitis. It is not recommended to apply in children under 3 years. Cost from 105 rubles.


Cheap Russian analog of Creon. Contains the active ingredient - pancreatin. Indications are the same as for Creon, but Pancreatin has more side effects.

In addition to negative reactions, possible for Creon 10,000, the patient may appear:

  • indickey obstruction;
  • perianal irritation;
  • violation of the synthesis and suction of folic acid.

The drug is impossible to two years of age, with the intolerance of the components of the medicine and during the acute attack of pancreatitis. The price varies within 20-30 rubles.

It should be remembered that the analogues differ in the dosage of pancreatin. If Creon is carried out with a cheaver medicinal product, then consult with a doctor about the dose of the drug.

Creon 10,000 is released without a recipe.

Shelf life - 2 years from the date of production indicated on the package. After the expiration of the shelf life, the effectiveness of the drug decreases and the risk of developing side effects is increasing.

To preserve enzymatic activity during the storage of the medication, the following conditions must be observed:

  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • temperature from +10 to + 22 ° C.

You can store in the closet at room temperature.

If there are small children at home, then it is necessary to take care that the medicine is not available to them. Bright coloring pill and sweetish taste of the shell attracts kids, and left "in the access zone" medicine is eaten like candy. This is the cause of child poisoning with Creon.

Problems with digestion in children of the first years of life are quite common - this is "ripening" the gastrointestinal tract after the uterine development, and the consequences of the use of medicines, and the incorrect feeding of the kids, and the recovery period after infection. Very often doctors prescribe the babies to the drug Creon during digestion complaints. However, do not hurry to buy it - the price of His "bites", and let's deal with together what this beast is such and whether this drug will help in your case.

Do not hurry to pink a small little man with medicines!

What is Creon

The preparation "Creon" is a dried substance from the pancreas "Pancreatin". Marking "10000", "40000" and other means different concentration of Pancreatine substance in the preparation. Creon 10000 is usually assigned to children. Pancreatin consists of enzymes:

  • amylase - breaks the starch;
  • lipase - helps when digesting fats;
  • protease - Splits proteins.

The beneficial components of this drug, no doubt, are useful for crumbs.

Pankrecine from the gland glands during slaughtering. The enzymes are purified from other biological impurities, including bacteria and viruses carrying by pigs, to permissible values, dried and form tablets or granules in a mixture with an additional volume of substances. From above, a shell is created, resistant to the action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - so that Pancreatin has reached safely to the patient's duodenal. That is, in addition to the enzyme itself, Creon contains:

  • macroogol - laxative, applied to people over 15 years old;
  • paraffin liquid - laxative, get from the distillation of kerosene;
  • fthalate methylhydroxypropylcellulose - chemical compound, used to give certain properties with a product or product (plasticizer), toxic;
  • dimeticone 1000. - wind and adsorbing agent, plasticizer;
  • dibutylFotlat - plasticizer, highly toxic;
  • iron Oxide Red (E172) - food coloring;
  • iron Oxide Black (E172) - food coloring;
  • iron Oxide Yellow (E172) - food coloring;
  • titanium Dioxide (E171) - food dye-bleach;
  • gelatin - get from animal tissues.

All of the above substances are contained in Creon 10,000 in small doses, but they fall into the child's body, and any parents should know that Creon is not harmless "vitamins" for the stomach, but a drug that has its own side effects.

So when should I give Creon?

Give Creon a child?

In the instructions for use (see or download the instruction), it is clearly written to Creona, which is used in the enzymatic lack of pancreas caused by various diseasesFor example, pancreatitis. If your child has one of the following diagnoses, Creon needs to be given to the baby:

  1. Pancreatitis.
  2. Mukobovysidosis.
  3. Schwahman-Daimond Syndrome or other diseases described in the instructions.

The doctor will write a drug with a certain set of symptoms.

However, Creon 10000 is often prescribed at other not described in the instructions, diseases. Favorites of doctors when appointing Creon children are diagnoses of "dibacteriosis" and "lactase insufficiency".

the child sucks finger

! " This phrase can be heard from many mammies. This harmless, at first glance, the habit may result in serious consequences. If your child does not take out the finger of the mouth immediately, Bate's alarm. In a person, a person lays her nose, not an exception in this regard and infants. However, small kids laid nose delivers a lot of inconvenience and anxiety. How to save baby from snot Read

What is dysbacteriosis and how not to be frightened?

Gastrointestinal tract of a child in the womb of mother sterileIt is settled during childbirth and the first applies to the chest - of the fruit water, mucous membranes, air, chest skin, diapers and other things that the baby contacts. Settlement occurs various species Microbes, but they survive only those that have something to eat. And this is the key point. In a child on breastfeeding (including without doping water and drugs), the microflora is 95-99% consisting of lactic acid bacteria. The most, for which pharmaceutical companies demand to give them money. The child on an artificial feeding of Flora is close to the Flora of an adult. That is, the nature of nutrition affects our microflora.

The process of appearance on light is a strong stress for a small weak body.

Under the dysbacteriosis, our medicine understands the change in the qualitative or quantitative composition of microorganisms that populate the gastrointestinal tract. Often, with dysbacteriosis, a "shift" of the balance towards pathogenic microflora is observed. Based on the "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Problems related to Health" of the tenth revision (ICD-10) - the World Health Organization document - Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, does not require treatment. "Frams" microflora are indeed due to various factors:

  • antibiotics reception;
  • rotavirus infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • fever.

To get rid of the negative causes of dysbiosis, you need to take CREON.

The restoration of the microflora characteristic of a particular person occurs over time - when abolishing antibiotics, the resumption of the usual nutrition, the normalization of body temperature and so on.

In the case of "dysbacteriosis", Creon can be given to children who are already eating lures in sufficient quantities, but only a limited time!

The smaller the days will receive a child Creon, the better his own pancreas will work. The optimal recommendation can be considered the appointment of Creon the first 3-5 days after infection or taking antibiotics. And be sure to reduce the initial dose of medication!

If the babe is powered only by breast milk, it means the drug can only harm.

  1. Failure it with water or juice harms fermented ferrous microflora.
  2. The components of the drug increase the risk of expanding the grinding microflora (it will be what "eat"!).
  3. The other pancreative child will be restored slower.

Lactase insufficiency

First, a little reference:

  • lactose - milk sugar;
  • lactase - The enzyme splitting milk sugar is well developed in babies.

The most important thing is to properly organize the Crooka's power schedule.

True lactase deficiency (lack of enzyme in infants) is observed in less than 1% of the human population. Those diagnoses that the right-left distribute pediatricians are "false lactase deficiency" associated with improper applying to the chest. With the right organization of breastfeeding, a child's chair and a weight gain usually come back.

Konon's appointment in the case of secondary (false) lactase insufficiency is unreasonable:

  1. May cause the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Does not solve the problem with overflowing lactose from the "front" milk.
  3. May cause allergies.
  4. Failure from a water bottle or juice affects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Period of appearance

first teeth

the child is a hard time for the kid himself and for his parents. To calm the crumb, moms and dads will have to resort to various tricks. White flaps may appear on the gums on the gums. Moms, do not need to panic and beat the alarm, figure out what to help

this article

The first teeth kid are most susceptible to the appearance of caries. The parents have a legitimate question: "Do I need to behave for a dentist?" On this page will discuss everything and against.

How to give Creon 10,000 baby

Conon's dosage is selected by the doctor individually depending on the mass of the body's body. Multiplicity of reception - 3-5 times daily during food intake. Break it in water or juice.

Creon can dissolve in the juice that the kids love so much.

Contraindication to therapy is:

  • pancreatic hyperfunction;
  • allergies on pork protein;
  • hypersensitivity to other components of Creon.

By the way, Pancreatin substance reduces the absorption of iron, as in the instructions for the drug manufacturers delicately default. But wise parents should know everything!

Creon 10000 can be used in almost any pharmacy, apparently due to its price: it ranges from 289 to 310 rubles per pack. Konon's analogues are:

  • Mezim - 185 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Panzinorm - 123 rubles / 21 capsule;
  • Pancreatin- 26 rubles, but it has 25,000 units of the active substance;
  • Penzital - 54 rubles;
  • Ermal - 175 rubles.

Reviews of Creon 10000

Maria, 25 years old, Sverdlovsk region:

"We dug off the Creon Course 10 thousand from a sharp increase in the size of the pancreas (everything was bad - both coprogram, and untapped pieces in a chair, and pain in kids). First drank on the floor capsule 3 times a day, then twice, then 1 time, then every other day, descending. Everything seems to normal, the chair is better, there are no pain, cheerful children. "

Gulina Family, Moscow:

"We were prescribed Creon on 1/3 of the capsule three times a day. Child 1.5 years almost. Prescribed because of a bad appetite, more precisely - its absence after the disease. The chair is also bad. The effect of Creon is good, but enough of us days for five - it is poorly dissolved in water or milk, they remain nasty grains, a small yelling and drinking refuses. "

Eugene, Perm:

"We drank Creon against the background of atopic dermatitis. Appointed at 3 months to ¼ capsule 3 times a day. No effect. Tormented with these capsules. Spit and refused. Nile without regret. "


So, the drug Creon:

  • shown in problems with the enzymes of the pancreas;
  • dysbacteriosis and lactase insufficiency does not treat;
  • it is necessary to give carefully, as it can reduce the secretory activity of the pancreas of the child;
  • reduces iron absorption.

Inna Urming

Against the background of unhealthy nutrition and bad ecology, digestive problems arise even in children. Against the background of the dust, the imperfect digestive system of infants can fail due to lack of enzymatic activity.

Diarrhea, pain, constipation, heartburn, increased gas formation and meteorism - similar symptoms are considered the most characteristic of violations of the tract. In such a situation, gastroenterologists experts recommend to accept Creon for the normalization of digestion and eliminate pathological symptoms.

Is it possible to take this drug?

Digestive problems are found in patients of any age, both adults and completely kids.

  • Ulcerative processes, gastritis, fibrosis and colitis, pancreatic pathologies are often found even in patients of quite small age. It is this particular patient that Creon Capsules are recommended that are safe even for newborns and infants.
  • Creon belongs to the most modern enzyme preparations of the newest generation. It was developed to normalize digestion by replenishing the insufficiency of enzymatic pancreaste.
  • The drug has a lot of advantages, because its main active substance is placed in micrographs coated with a shell resistant to gastric acid.
  • Microspheres are placed in a capsule on a gelatin-based basis. When the capsule gets to the stomach, it dissolves there, releasing hundreds of small microspheres. They are evenly mixed with food masses and penetrate with a lump of food into an intestinal cavity, where the microsphere shell dissolves, the release of pancreatic enzymes that will help the food better spread and seek.

Of course, the drug or one-year-old drug is appointed in smaller doses than adults, and the course of treatment with such small patients can be reduced. Usually in pediatrics used Creon 10,000.

The composition of the drug

As part of the drug, the main active substance is pancreatin, obtained by drawing from the pancreas in pigs. In each Cream capsule, there is a number of enzymes - amylases, proteases and lipases, recommended and safe for children.

In fact, Creon is not a medicine in the generally accepted concept, because he does not force the body of children to produce missing enzymes, but simply supplies them into the body already in a finished form.

That is, actually Creon is prescribed for substitution enzyme therapy. When the child will stop taking the drug, the lack of enzymes can again manifest.

Indications and contraindications

Capsules Creon are shown for admission to children with insufficient production of pancreas enzymes. This problem is typical for such conditions:

  • Chronic type pancreonenecosis or recovery stage;
  • Fibergation;
  • Degenerative chronic inflammation in ferrous tissues;
  • Partial resection of the pancreas or its complete ectomy;
  • Tumor neoplasms on iron having malignant origins;
  • Ball-name pathology or obstructive processes leading to violations of outflow of pancreas enzyme substances.

Also kids Creon are prescribed in the acute form of violations of the functionality of the gland, which occur against the background of underdevelopment or inferiority of ferrous structures. It is also recommended to use Creon for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, which often occurs on the background of antibacterial drug therapy.

The drug effectively copes with functional disorders of the liver, intestines, biliary tract, stomach and gallbladder, eliminates strong constipation with gas formation and bloody.

Creon also helps to eliminate intestinal colic, which often bother small children. The newborn crumbs can be given in difficulty with the intestinal emptying.

Although the drug is safe for small patients, there are states in which its use is contraindicated.

  1. With acute pancreatic form and other heavy lesions or necrosis. This is due to the fact that enzyme substances are present in the funds that can adversely affect the affected bodies, which leads to destructive changes in the pancreas.
  2. It is not recommended to receive CREON in hypersensitivity to separate components or the main active substance.

Konon's self-examination can lead to a variety of side reactions, so it is recommended to give the drug to the child only after appropriate medical purposes, without disrupting instructions.

How to take Creon 10,000 children?

The specific dosage of Conon is determined by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the pathological process, the age of a small patient and the degree of severity of the existing disease. Also, parents need to independently examine the annotation to the drug, only then give it to the child.

Dosage for Breasts

Before the start of the therapeutic process, it is necessary to note that the annotation shows special instructions for the use of Creon's infants and children up to 3 years of age.

The baby must eat fully and in sufficient quantities so that the enzymes have affected, as it should be and was not harvested by intestinal and gastric mucous membranes.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the crumb drank more water, because it is necessary to prevent constipation.

The daily dose must be divided into three identical parts and give a child before eating. Here, many parents face a problem, how to give a little crumbling capsule, because kids can not be swallow correctly. This case has strict instructions: the capsule can be opened, mix the microspheres with food or water and give the child.

Children are assigned Creon 10,000.

  • Breasts need to make only half the contents of the capsule in front of each full-fledged meal.
  • Children from the year are appointed by one capsule also before full-fledged meal.

Child older than 3 years

Children over 3 years of age can usually independently swallow the capsule, but if it causes vomiting or difficulty in swallowing, then you need to give a medicine by analogy with kids up to three years, i.e. mixing microgranules with eating or drinking.

It is better to mix the microspheres from the capsule with something sour, which do not need chewing. For children, it can be yogurt, apple puree or juice.

Before each full-fledged nutrition, the child is given 1-2 Capsules of Creon. Typically, such children are assigned to the drug to 3-5 times per day.

Also, parents need to know that pancreatins from Creon impair iron absorption, therefore, with long-term treatment, iron deficiency anemia may occur. Against the background of treatment with Konon, you need to give a child more drinking to avoid constipation.

Side effects

In case of non-compliance with the dosage, unreasonably long-term reception of Creon or the presence of intolerance in a child, adverse reactions may occur like:

  • Chalk problems, such as diarrhea or constipation;
  • Allergic reaction to the preparation in the form of rashes, vomiting, etc.;
  • Painful discomfort in the epigastric area.

To eliminate the likelihood of the development of adverse reactions, it is necessary to first familiarize themselves with the appended annotation, having studied contraindications and probable reactions to the drug.

Especially careful worth being in the treatment of children to one year old age. Admission to the drug by children, which feed on only breast milk, but only by medical prescription.


Since the drug is often appointed in pediatrics, then many parents have the experience of using Creon in children. Here are some opinions about this preparation.


I am a happy mother of three kids, and with each of them there were situations when Creon was appointed. A few months ago, an incomprehensible diarrhea flew out of the younger one and a half year. Delivered tests, it turned out, problems with a chair are associated with some new products that we recently introduced into the daughter's diet. Creon perfectly helps such crumbs to cope with digestive problems, it quickly helped us.


For half a year, I literally tormented constipation, the child was crying for hours, because I could not ride myself, and no funds helped until the pediatrician prescribed Creon. Already after several techniques, the chair softened. I gladly noted that the son ceased to be trusted with legs and cry. Yes, the medicine is expensive, but when it comes to children, no money is pity.


Cost of Creon 10000 20 capsules is about 242-314 rubles.


Among the most famous analogues of the drug can be noted Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin, Ermal, Mikrazim. They also have pancreatin as the main component, but not everyone can be used in the treatment of infants and young children, so it is not necessary to independently replace Creon analogue, it is better to discuss this question with the doctor.

When the baby appears with digestion, parents are often wondering if Creon will help for children? Creon is a digestive enzyme agent made of pork pancreatin, which is used to improve the digestion process.

What is this medicine?

This drug is accepted in cases where discomfort is felt after making food. Creon is present important enzymes for the body. These enzymes split proteins, fats and starch on amino acids, glycerin and fatty acids, dextries and monosaccharides. Then these products are becoming building material organism. The disadvantage of these substances occurs due to the state of the disease of the pancreas, which is not able to fully cope with the responsibilities assigned to it.

The drug is sold in capsules covered with a shell, inside which there are grains - mini microspheres, also in shells.

Creon is prescribed for diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • fibergation;
  • hepatitis;
  • after the operation on the stomach, the intestine.

Healthy people are taken with difficulty digestion after the use of "heavy" for the stomach products according to the instructions for use.

In the intestine, the mini microspheres are not destroyed, and the active substance releases. After the adoption of the drug capsule, the contents are immediately dissolved in the stomach, but penetrates the delicate intestine. And there already enzymes have their own medicinal action, improving the quality of digestion of food. Creon is included in the complex of drugs treated with the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the violation of the pancreas function is observed. Treatment can continue from several days to several years, depending on the state and diagnosis of the patient.

Indications for the use of Creon for children

All parents want their children healthy. To achieve this, in the modern world it is necessary to make certain efforts, including to increase your knowledge of the characteristics of the child's body. Often in children, due to various reasons, problems associated with digestion are happening. The imbalance can cause a dairy mixture that does not fit the child, or improper nutrition of a nursing mother. Is there any means capable of helping the child at such moments? With such a question, parents often refer to a pediatrician or a gastroenterologist. Often, doctors prescribe Creon. Indications for the use of Creon as substitution therapy may be: nausea, heartburn, absence of appetite, bloating, the matter of disturbing pain in the abdomen, food allergies, preparation for ultrasound examination. Give it also with diarrhea.

The drug is prescribed after a survey as a means that improves the digestion process, because it is important that the microelements obtained with food are properly learned by the body. Already at the beginning of treatment, it is possible to notice the effectiveness of the drug, which manifests itself in the fact that the child begins to feel better, the chair is normal, the mood is improved. The intestinal microflora is normalized after a protracted diarrhea.

The lack of pancreatic enzymes can be celebrated baby. When the kid has problems with digestion, it is bothering colic, the intestine dysbiosis can develop.

Therefore, Creon 10,000 can be assigned to the prevention of this disease for children. It should be remembered - so that there are no constipation after receiving Creon, you need to drink enough water.

Terms of application

Despite the fact that the drug is sold in a pharmacy in a free sale and how to drink Creon Instructions for use is available, the rules for taking medication will determine only the attending physician. Before that, the necessary examination will be carried out, analyzes that will allow you to diagnose.

Capsules of Cream, covered with a shell, give babies along with food. But the pills and capsules children swallow reluctantly, so the breast child and kids have been given a medicine, mixing with food or drink. To do this, open the capsule and pour a powder tool into a spoon with juice or puree. And then the adoption of the drug will be invisible for the kid. Do not forget to give the child a sufficient amount of fluid and remember that the absorption of iron is reduced under the influence of the drug. In addition, it is important to look at the shelf life of Creon, its effectiveness depends on how much it is "Fresh". Over time, therapeutic effect of the drug is reduced.

Is Creon useful?

When the medication is characteristic as a secure agent, there are still exceptions at its reception. Contraindications:

  • acute form of chronic pancreatitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • allergies to some medication components.

Be sure to consult a doctor if, after the use of Creon, the baby has side effects: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, gravity in the stomach or allergic reactions. You can help your child in this case, only by contacting a specialist in time. Self-treatment is unacceptable.

Dosage preparation

Creon produced depending on the number of active substances in dosages: 40,000 units, 25,000 units, 10,000 units. It is not necessary to hope that this drug will cure a disease (for example, the pancreas), Creon only improves the process of digestion. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the state of the baby, his age, the time of day, from food used by him. Creon is prescribed 10,000 units. The dose is reduced in the morning and in the evening, and at lunchtime it may be more. For children who are older than 3 years old, Creon is usually given during the main meal, that is, at lunch.

When and how long does this drug apply? The daily dose is calculated as: 10,000 units. per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if a child has a weight of 5000 g, it is enough to give him only half of the capsule, mixing in a spoon with breast milk or water.

The drug is allowed to use pregnant women and mothers who feed the children with breasts, only by appointing a doctor.

Do not decide to give your child Creon. Only a specialist can determine how to give Creon for children - dosage and duration of drug reception.

Analogs of Creona

Analogs of Creon - Capsules and Tablets: Mezim Forte, Pancreatin and others. All of them perform the same functions. Sometimes patients are asked: what is better - Creon or, for example, mesim forte. The advantages of Creon is that its microspheres are easier to mix with the contents of the stomach, faster fall into the intestines, the shell helps dissolve substances in the intestine. And yet the choice of an enzymatic drug depends on the state of human health, and to decide what to drink - Creon 25,000, Creon 10,000, mesim forte or pancreatin - must necessarily with the attending doctor.

Until recently, not many experts paid attention to the problems associated with the negative consequences of the introduction of dust baffers. Today, moms note that from new food their children began to jump more often, sometimes they still have vomiting.

Kids are increasingly facing the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. In the playgrounds, mommies are only talking about sick tummy, indiscriminate and increased gas formation. In most cases, with similar health problems, experts recommend taking a medicine called Creon. What is the uniqueness of the drug and how does it work?

Composition, form of release and principle of the drug

Popular medicine is produced in capsules. Inside the gelatin capsule contains many intestinal microspheres. Finding into the gastrointestinal tract, the Konon-10000 shell dissolves, releaseing the microspheres. The medicine, mixing with the contents of the stomach, is unhindered moving into a small intestine, where it is finally dissolved, the launch of the fermentation processes. Thanks to Creon, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are better absorbed in the body of a small patient.

The capsule has small sizes, so an adult swallows her without difficulty. The gelatin shell dissolves pretty quickly - enough for 3 minutes to release microspheres. Not to cope with such a task, so parents can open the capsule and pour out its contents in the food prepared for the child. Food should not be hot, otherwise enzymes when exposed to high temperatures, there will be no benefit from such treatment.

10 or 25 capsules are packaged 2 or 4 blisters in a pack. In pharmacies you can find Creon in the amount of 20 or 50 pieces in bottles.

The acting substance of Creon in the dosage of 10,000, 25,000 or 40000 is Pancreatin. The drug includes amylase enzymes, lipases and proteases. In addition, the drug is supplemented:

  • macrogol;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • phthalat methylhydroxypropylcellulose;
  • dibutyl inflatable;
  • dimethicone 1000;
  • iron oxide;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide.

In which cases assign a tool?

Creon-10,000 reception for children should be consistent with the attending physician. The drug acts as substitution therapy. It greatly facilitates the condition of patients with impaired pancreatic functions. In therapy, people who diagnosed are diagnosed:

  • fibergation;
  • pancreatitis in chronic form;
  • schwahman Daimond syndrome;
  • malignant pancreatic neoplasm.

The drug is accepted for problems with the gastrointestinal tract only to prescribe a pediatrician

Creon is able to alleviate the condition of the patient who has undergone operation on the stomach or pancreas. Patients with obstruction of pancreatic ducts The medicine is vital. Often, elderly people with characteristic age disorders need in medicine.

What are the contraindications?

Contraindications for Cream is modest. It can even take the children of early age on breastfeeding, but sometimes it is possible to refrain from taking medication on the basis of contraindications.

Reception of the drug is not allowed under the individual intolerance to one of the components that are included in Creon-10,000. If the child swallowed the capsule, and he had an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop taking medication immediately. It is impossible to independently begin treatment without a careful examination by a doctor. Pancreatic hyperfunction is a direct contraindication for receiving enzymes.

Instructions for the use of Creon

Enzymes are better taken during meals, drinking sufficient liquid. The dosage is calculated by the doctor individually. The age of a small patient, an applied diet and the degree of gravity of the disease, is taken into account.

Sometimes Creon for children is better to be given in parts. First, after a small snack, give half the capsule, and the remaining medicine kid should have a drink during or immediately after a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. Babies The contents of the capsule can be dissolved in food. Enzymes are better stored in an acidic environment.

Breast children drug add to milk

Newborn Creon as therapy is prescribed from birth. For children under 1, it can be given it exclusively by appointing a doctor. The newborn, the receipt, must be under the close attention of the specialist. If the drug is added to the food to the food, parents are required to give the baby more fluid so as not to provoke constipation. Sometimes treatment is limited to 3-5 days, but often the enzymes will get drunk for two weeks. In some cases, the duration of reception increases by a doctor to a month.

To restore the pancreas faster and start working correctly, the dose of the drug should be gradually reduced. If we neglect the recommendations, it will not affect the synthesis of enzymatic substances to the baby's pancreas. For each child, the doctor picks up a dose individually. Dose Cream per day, according to the instructions for use, should not exceed 10,000 lipase units per kilogram of the baby weight.

In rare cases, when a small patient suffers from digestive insufficiency (for example, when cycidosis), the dosage of the drug increases. It can be 8000-25000 units per 1 kg of body weight.

Side effects and overdose

Before starting the child's treatment with medicines, parents need to be familiar with the instructions for use. In some cases, the reception of Creon provokes side reactions, so it is important to know with which you can face after the microspheres fall into the baby gastrointestinal tract.

Taking the recommended dose, the little patient may feel bad. Children often arises nausea, accompanied by vomiting. Sometimes CREON-10,000 for infants leads to a disorder of the chair (diarrhea or constation). Allergic response to the components of the medication can develop. It manifests him with a rash on the skin of the child. In urine tests, an increased uric acid content is observed.

Failure to comply with the prescribed doses leads to the overdose of pancreatin, which is fraught with children in stomach and constipation. If the intake of Creon is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will recommend another drug, the benefits of the analogues today are sufficient.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinical studies on the interaction of medication with other medicines were not conducted. If the child, in addition to Creona-10000, is forced to take other drugs, it is better not to risk and make a gap between medicines and enzymes at least 2 hours.

Analogs of Creona

Doctors prescribe Creon to patients of any age. If for some reason the reception of the drug is impossible, it is replaced by another medicine with a similar principle of action. There are many analogues of Creon-10,000. Some patients are not satisfied with the release form, the price or age limit. Popular medicines represented by pharmaceutical networks are:

  • Mesim;
  • Festal;
  • Pancreatin.

The components of these drugs fill the missing pancreatic enzymes in the human body.

If Creon for Breasts gave side effects, apply other drugs only on the recommendation of the doctor. Low price Analogs is not a decisive factor in the choice of medicine for the treatment of children under 6 years. In the treatment of young children, the main condition is safety.

  1. When should Creon's preparation?
  2. What does Creon drug capsule contain?
  3. Dosage and method of use of Creon
  4. Application of the drug Creon during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  5. Special instructions for the use of Creon
  6. In what cases cannot be used Creon?
  7. What are the main symptoms and treatment of overdose by the drug Creon?
  8. Side Effects when using the drug Creon
  9. The interaction of the drug with other drugs
  10. Expert opinion Medicallies Polismed
Creon is an enzyme preparation, which is used as substitution therapy with an insufficient function (outer-generating) pancreas. Creon has a high efficiency in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Creon facilitates the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which in turn improves the process of digestion. As a rule, Creon is produced in the form of capsules that contain intestinal-soluble microspheres. The main indications for the use of the Creon preparation are the following: Creon 10,000 comprises:
  • 10,000 mete lipase, 8000 mea amylase, 600 me proteases
  • Creon 25000 contains:
  • 25000 mete lipase, 18,000 mea amylase, 1000 me proteases.
Creon is produced as an intestinal-soluble yellow capsules. The dose of the drug Creon is selected individually depending on the severity of the disease, as well as from the number of food and the age of the patient. For adults, the average dose of Creon is from 10,000 to 25,000 meters, that is, 1 Capulator Creon 10,000 or 1 Capulator Creon 25,000 (calculation per units of lipase). For adults, the minimum dose of Creon should be 20,000 (during the reception of the main food - breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 10,000 while taking easy food. In some cases, it is allowed to increase the single dose of Creon to 50,000. For convenience, various forms of Creon preparation can be used: Creon 10,000, Creon 25000, Creon 40000. The average dose is less than 10,000-15000 ME recommendations for the use of Creon Capsules: Capsules Creon Capsules are accepted Inside. During admission to the stomach, the CRONO capsule is dissolved within 2-3 minutes. Half a single dose of Creon's preparation should be taken before meals, and the remaining part of the drug is used during or after eating. With difficulty swallowing the drug Creon (young children or patients of older age), capsules need to be carefully opened, and the drug microspheres add to food or take together with the liquid. In no case should the Capsule Capsules should not be chewed. Capsules of Creon should swallow the whole, drinking with sufficient water. In the fiberglass, the initial dose of Creon's preparation for children under 4 years is 1000 IU on each meal. For children over 4 years old, Konon's dose is 500 meters. The dose of the drug Creon during fibrosis should not exceed 10,000 meters per day. Using the drug Creon during pregnancy and during the period of child feeding the breast has not passed proper test. Preparation Creon can be used for pregnant women or nursing mothers only under the supervision of the doctor. The influence of the drug Creon on the ability to drove vehicles was not found. The drug does not have a negative effect on the human body's nervous system. When using multiple drugs inside the gap between the medication reception should be at least 5 minutes. Preparation Creon should only be used after consulting a doctor. Preparation Creon should be stored in an inaccessible place for children. Creon is not recommended to use with a patient's increased sensitivity to a drug or its components. In addition, the main contraindications to the use of the drug Creon are acute pancreatitis, as well as chronic pancreatitis in the aggravation stage. The use of large doses of the drug Creon in some patients (especially in patients with fibrosis) leads to the appearance of strictures (narrowings) of the ileum and blind intestine. Under the fibrosis of the dose of the drug, Creon should not exceed 10,000 meters. Most often to the main features and symptoms of overdose by the drug, Creon include: hyperuricemia (increasing the level of uric acid in the blood) and hyperuricuria (increase in uric acid level in the urine). If there are the above features, first of all it is necessary to cancel the use of the drug Creon. Then, to prevent the drug absorption into the human body, it is necessary to cause vomiting by artificially. In order to reduce the absorption of the drug Creon, the patient must be washing the stomach. Before the arrival of the doctors, the victim should be given to drink activated carbon. The most common side effects when using the Creon preparation include: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, discomfort in the stomach area is extremely rare: allergic reactions (atopic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, swelling). As a rule, when using the drug Creon, side effects are expressed weakly and appear quite rarely. There are no data on the interaction of the drug Creon with other drugs. We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them Hello, I have chronic pancreatitis, the doctor discharged me to make Creon 25, 1 capsule three times a day. But in the appales there is only Creon 40. How can I take it? The response of medcollegia is best if you specify this question from the doctor, but if there is no such possibility, it is better to take CREON 40000 1 capsule 2 times a day. Since it is impossible to calculate the equivalent ratio of enzymes contained in Creone to Creona 40000. But the enzymes in them alone and the same. Simply different relative percentage and quantitative composition. At the first convenient case, notify the doctor about it, if it is necessary, it will manifest the dose of my child for 4 months a strong dysbacteriosis. Frequent Ponos., bowlism, after examination, the pediatrician recommended reception of Creon, tell me which subtleties of reception of Creon breastfish? The response of the medcollegia of the subtleties is not special, it is important to comply with the usual rules. The drug must be given with each meal. Better a capsule 10,000 units. A child for 1 kg of weight to give 1000 units of Creon, that is, if in 4 months the weight of the baby is 5 kg, then it is necessary to add half the contents of the capsule. It is not necessary to give "chew" a capsule. You can mix Creon with breast milk. It is also necessary to drink abundant to the child. The response of the medcollegia Dear Medicallies, is it possible to give Creon 5 for 5 years to improve digestion? What is better to do with doses? The response of medcollegia if Creon prescribed a doctor, then it is possible. Usually the doctor himself picks up a dose. It is necessary to calculate 500 units per 1 kg of the child's weight to receive. If the weight of the child is 15 kg, then the dose of Cream is 7,500 units. Two thirds capsules 10,000 units. Do not forget about abundant drink. Creon can be taken three times a day, during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The duration of reception of Creon must establish the attending physician. I have chronic pancreatitis, I accept Creon 40,000 for a year. How long can it be taken and will it be harmful? The response of medcollegia duration, dose and multiplicity of reception of Creon with Pancreatite you need to discuss with your doctor. Creon can be applied to one-time, course and constantly. It all depends on the severity of the disease, its flow. Sometimes you need to take constantly, but the doses are corrected. When remission - reduce, with a relapse to increase. Sometimes you can combine, or replace with other drugs.

How to take Creon 10,000 adults and children

Creon 10,000 is a unique drug that is used in violations in the work of the digestive system not only adults, but also children.

To date, every third suffers from problems with the stomach. Improper nutrition, alcohol and fatty food, excess weight - The most common causes of violations in the work of the digestive system.

Improper food behavior causes the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas. Normally, the juices are allocated in the amount of food required for digestion, and with deviations there is a shortage of vitamins and serious problems Health for which the use of an enzyme preparation is required to normalize the digestive process. To one of these drugs and refers Creon 10,000.

The main characteristics of the drug

This drug is as follows: solid two-color capsules in the gelatin shell, inside which there are minimicrosphic light brown granules.

One capsule of Cream includes: 150 milligrams of pancreatin (from the pancreas of pigs), 10,000 units of lipase, amylase, proteolytic enzymes.

Creon 10,000 is an enzyme tool, which is used with a lack of producing ferrustary enzymes. Suitable in treating, both children and adults.

The drug is gradually dissolved in the gastrointestinal tract, and minimicrospheres with enzymes are mixed with the content of the intestinal mass and contribute to their better redistribution. In the small intestine there is a dissolution of the shell, and enzymes are released, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are split off. Thus, due to enzymes, our body is saturated with useful substances and microelements.

Indications for application

Insufficient exocrine function of the pancreas in children and adults caused by all sorts of diseases of the digestive system, as well as:

  • fiberboard;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastrectomy;
  • pancreatic cancer.

Application of children

The drug Creon for children is prescribed with the lack of enzymes as a result of violations of the physiological development of the digestive system. Complaints of stool instability, increased gas formation, heaviness after meals, belching, and so on. Such children eat little, painful, have a lack of weight. Creon 100,000 helps to improve food digestion due to enzymes in it - compounds participating in the process of cleaning nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the smallest, which come into the bloodstream.

Even the smallest kids - infants, you can give the preparation of Creon. It is considered the safest and acceptable means for them.

How to take a medicine baby? Creon 10000 is appointed by a doctor in small doses at a non-time period of time to avoid failures in the natural work of the pancreas. When appropriate, the degree of illness and age of the child is taken into account.

If at all small child Unable to swallow such large capsules, pour into milk contained in it or baby food. Watch that the liquid is not too hot! Divide the daily dose of the drug on 3 parts and let the baby for the first time - before meals, the second time - during the eating, for the third time - after eating.

This means Usually transferred to children well. In rare cases, side effects may appear, it depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular person. It is important that he is prescribed to use allergic children.

Results after use

With systematic treatment with caon, positive changes in the processes of digestion are observed, the complete learning of the beneficial substances. Children are rapidly gaining weight, the intestinal dysfunction is eliminated, flatulence and intestinal colic disappears.

Reviews of mothers about the use of Creon their children confirm its effectiveness and benefit. They distinguish Creon among other enzyme drugs and noted the solution of problems with digestion: eliminates painful in the stomach, normalizes the chair, eliminates the belch.

How to use

Dosing of Creon involves consideration of individual factors: the intensity of disorders in the digestion of food and the composition of the food used, human weight. For kids up to 4 years of life, 1000 units are prescribed per day. Lipases per kilogram weight. Children from 4 to 12 years 500 units. for every kg. Adult patients 10,000-40000 units. With each meal.

Take the drug inside, at the time of eating or after the meal. Swallow entire pills, do not grind and not sprinkle - it contributes to damage to their intestinal shell and cause irritation of the mucous membrane. Put the capsules with large volumes of fluid, especially with the dehydration of the body.

If the swallowing occurs difficult (in the elderly), it is necessary to open the capsule, and the minimicroster contained minimicrosters are mixed with a non-rigid food of an acidic taste or pissing the acidic liquid. Such products include: yogurts, juices, kissel. Do not store food mixed with medicine, but use freshly prepared.


Individual intolerance to the components in which the doctor prescribes similar enzyme preparations, inflammation of the pancreas, aggravated or acute pancreatitis. In such cases, you can observe the deterioration of the patient.

With long-term treatment of children with Konon, consult regularly with a specialist.

Side effects are observed very rarely. However, there are complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea, rash and itching, allergies.

After prolonged use, you can quickly gain an excessive body weight, so you must adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor.

With the use of Creon, the children of particular side effects were found, and if any, they were similar to adult responses.

Storage conditions

Creon 10,000 is released without a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to store the drug, closing the container tightly, the temperature must be no more than 30 degrees, the shelf life is about two years. Open packaging no more than six months. Take care of children's access.

Some features

The drug does not affect the ability to control transport. The impact on the fruit and the course of pregnancy is not investigated. The combination with other medicines has not been studied.

In patients with fibrosis, taking large quantities of Pancreatine preparation, the strictures of the thick and blind intestine were revealed. If you have noticed unusual changes in the abdomen, immediately pass the medical examination.


Many drugs have analogs - means with similar components in the composition and providing such a healing effect. Creona is: mezim, festal, pancreatin.

Analogs and the original drug have a difference in price. According to the cost analogs are significantly cheaper, but doctors advise to apply Creon. This can be explained by the exact ratio of drug components and the absence in the composition of bile acid, so such drugs are more efficient and can be taken to people with diseases of biliary tract.

Creon - analogs. Cheap drug substitutes

Publication Date: 2017-01-05

Often you can hear the phrase: why Creon? Analogs of the drug is cheaper! Indeed why? What is so special, except that the price is "biting" (the price of one package of about 290-400 rubles)? It is necessary, firstly, pay attention to the country producing the drug. It is produced in Germany - a country that has a high scrupulsion in quality. And high-quality products, as you know, is always the road.

(I propose to get acquainted with the collection, which contains not only useful, as well as inexpensive and delicious dishes with pancreatitis).

The second feature is the "Design" of the medication itself. Design! After all, it is not just covered with a shell tablet or substance protected from instant destruction with gastric juice through the gelatin capsule. Most of the capsule is similar to the fruit of a pomegranate tree, where each individual berry has a separate shell- "wrapper" in addition to the overall peel for the whole fruit.

On the same principle, cassette ammunition are also arranged. But, unlike them, the "explosions" here occur here are purely peaceful: after passing the stomach, the dissolution of the general (for the entire dose) of the gelatin capsule, the substance passes the gatekeeper and falls into the duodenum (DPK) in the form of a mini microspheres. And here, the second "wrapper" for the active substance, protecting it from the destruction of even more caustic juice of the DPK, consisting of bile and pancreatic juice.

Thanks to a meager, specially selected microspheres, substances, contained in them, begin to act instantly. Moreover, activating directly inside the coma is a fabulous and partially digested stomach food. Therefore, you can not make a swallowing of the medicine as an independent act, but simply mix the medicine with food.

After all, for some people (children, for example, the point "Dosage for Children", the instructions for the use of Creon are also supplied) and in special cases the swallowing of the medication is already a problem. Since the drug capsules have a mini format, an ease of use is another reason to use it for treatment. And this is the third argument in favor of this that returns the health and joy of the life of the means.

Yes, but in the composition of the substance - in contrast to the analogues of Creon 10,000 - there are known for their destructive power - including, on the offspring - compounds of phthalic acid, phthalates? This is true, but their contents in ordinary water It is much higher from the water pipeline - if there is 4.1 or 8.2 μg in the preparation for modifications of 10,000 and 25000, respectively, then in 1 liter of water for drinking dibutyl phthalate of about 200 μg.

The actual dosage substance itself is the last argument. It is a pankreatin of a high degree of mechanical and chemical cleaning - its purity could serve as a reference for pharmaceutical products. And therefore, in terms of "action" and "integrity", the work is more natural - those obtained from the animal raw materials - analogues of the dosage form (in particular, the analogues of Creon 10,000) is noticeably losing it.

Mezim or Pancreatin - what is better?

To answer the question: Mezim or Pancreatin - what is better? - Several arguments should be taken into account. Natural pancreatins are a natural animal-slaughter raw material, not too thoroughly purified technically and chemically from substances that are not necessary for fermentation (and therefore ballasts) - from animal proteins and other substances capable of leading to an allergic reaction.

In addition to the possibility of allergyizing the already suffering body, from its "loaded ballast" and therefore, more "clumsy" structures follows and a lower degree of its participation in the process of digestion, especially with regard to fats. But in the splitting of proteins and starch the power of the first tool is greater.

As for the situation with side reactions and contraindications, then in the question: mezim or pancreatin, what is better? - There are no essential discrepancies between them (they are similar). As you can see, the nuances here are so subtle that the question of the preference of one medicine should be solved by another doctor. Based on the analysis of the necessary research.

Instructions for the use of Creon: Dosage for children

The drug can be used and children suffering from exocrine hypofunction - the pancreatic deficiency - as a polyesmanic agent to achieve the maximum absorption in the small intestine of fats, proteins and carbohydrates splitted. For the American Quality Control and Safety Control Office confirmed the absolute safety of drug use even newborn children.

As for the dosage, the multiplicity and volume of the received dose determines the doctor, based on the volume and composition of the usually adopted by the patient of food and the resulting effect, as well as the stage and forms of the gastrointestinal disease. The patient needs to be observed the main condition for achieving the effect of treatment - to accept microcapsules correctly.

That's right - it means:

  • without opening them, but in particularly difficulty - adding to a liquid, not requiring degradation, food either liquid with a pH of no more than 5.5 (with not too high acidity);
  • do not store, but immediately eating food with mini microspheres stirred in it

How to take Creon 10,000 adults?

In addition to the dosage for children, the instructions for the use of Creon reports how to take Creon 10,000 adults. Based on it, adults should take Creon 10,000 at least three eating food, observing the dose prescribed by the doctor (both the common daily and for each reception separately).

It is also necessary to remember: Creon 10000 began to take an adult, as soon as it happened, the risk of gout development significantly increases - the active substance contributes to the rise of the uric acid level in the blood and tissues. But in some cases, for example, in chronic pancreatitis, the risk of gout development is much lower than the risk of developing a cancer in the pancreas.

It should be noted that it occurs when it uses rather long and uncontrolled - the doctor's control is necessary not only in the "Children's", but also in the "adult" case! And also - in addition to dosage for children - Instructions for the use of Creon contains information about the form of chemical ingredients included in the form of chemical ingredients, honestly reported that it contains compounds leading - with long-term use - to impairment of suction to blood from the food consumed, so should be worried On the prevention of anemia.

In the treatment of the fibrosis - either in other cases of admission per day. Over 10,000 units of lipase / kg of weight - also recommended observation of unusual phenomena in the abdominal cavity with the formulation of them to the fame of the attending physician.

The same instruction reports the safety of the use of the vehicle driver either for the operation of any mechanisms.

So why the analogues of the drug Creon is cheaper? The answer to this question is the quintessence of all the above, allowing to do a lawsuit: because the dosage form with such a name is not only thoroughly tested and approved by the scrupulous German experts, but also deserved confidence in the patients themselves.

Creon - instructions for use

Creon - a drug used for substitution therapy with insufficient production of the pancreas of enzymes for the splitting of food.

Creon from pork pancreatine is made. The drug is produced in the form of two-color capsules, which are filled with beige minimicrosts. These minimicrospheres are covered with a shell, which dissolves when entering the stomach, exempting a large number of smaller minimicroser, whose shell is split only in the intestine, freeing the active substance. Such a complex structure of the drug allows it to be better mixed with the contents of the stomach and fall into the intestines in this form, and there, the released enzymes are already beginning to show amylolytic, lipotic and proteolytic activity.

Creon contains a complex of substances similar to natural pancreatic inclusions. Each capsule of the drug contains a certain amount of enzymes, and the dosage fixed in the title indicates the amount as part of the lipase. Thus, the name of Creon 25000 "says" that 1 capsule contains 25,000 units of lipase.

Views manufactured by Creon:

Creon 10,000 - capsules containing 150 mg of pancreatin with enzymatic activity (10,000 units. Eph lipase, 600 units of EF protease and 8000 units. EF amylase);

Creon 25,000 - capsules containing 300 mg of pancreatin with enzymatic activity (25,000 units. Eph lipase, 1000 units of EF protease and 18,000 units. EF amylase);

Creon 40,000 - capsules containing 400 mg of pancreatin with enzymatic activity (40,000 units. Eph lipase, 1,600 units EF protease and 25,000 units. Eph amylase).

The composition of the core granules includes macrogol 400, the shell of granules consists of a phthalate of hypimonosis, cetyl alcohol, dimethinkone 1000 and triethyl citrate. The shell capsules in the gelatin, iron oxide, titanium dioxide and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Creon application

Thanks to promoting the splitting of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, Creon is prescribed for substitution therapy against the background of lack of enzymes at:

Chronic pancreatitis;


Condition after gastrectomy;

Condition after pankettectomy;

Schwahman Daimond syndrome;

Pancreatic cancer;

Obstruction of ducts due to the neoplasms;

In senior age.

Use Creon and for symptomatic treatment with:

Partial resection of the stomach;

States after halicetectomy;



Cholestatic hepatitis;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Total gastrectomy;

Pathologies of the small intestine;

Excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine.

In children, the drug is used:

With a pronounced syndrome of the functioning of the pancreas due to its underdevelopment;

As an auxiliary, with dysbacteriosis, accompanied by active reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestine;

Occasionally to eliminate colic and disruption of defecation in babies.

Creon Instructions for use

The scheme of the prescribed treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease, as well as the diet of the patient. To ensure the convenience of using Creon, three species are produced, which differ in the content of the active substance and as a result - enzymatic activity.

Creon is needed with any meal, whether it is the main or extra.

Capsules should be swallowed entirely, while drinking enough water. If the patient cannot swallow the capsule, its disclosure is allowed and mixing the contents with liquid food or water. Storing the drug in this form is prohibited and it should be taken immediately.

During therapy, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed to prevent constipation.

On average adults are prescribed from 10,000 to 40,000 units of lipase on food intake.

Since there is no sufficient amount of information on the effects of Creon on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, the reception of it during this period is not recommended. Receiving the drug is possible with nursing women, as it does not have a systemic effect on the body.

Creon does not show interaction with other accepted drugs.

Creon 10000 and Creon 25000

Creon 10,000 is usually applied by adults for 2 capsules at the main meal and 1 - at each snack. The daily dose of it can be from 4 to 15 capsules.

Creon 25,000 at the beginning of treatment is used similar to Creon 10,000, and then the dose is beginning to gradually reduce with positive results of treatment.

Side effects

Most frequent by-effect is pain in the stomach. Much less often there are constipation, diarrhea, nausea, allergic reactions.

Creon for children

In childhood, Creon 10000 is prescribed, selecting the dose individually for each kid. It is recommended to not exceed the reception of 10,000 units per 1 kilogram of the child's weight throughout the day. At the same time, the dose of 1 reception is calculated for children, age less than 4 years old - 1 thousand lipase units per 1 kg of weight, and to achieve a 4-year-old age - 500 units of lipase per 1 kg of weight.

Capsules are preferably swallowed by whole during meals, drinking enough water. But the children are allowed to mix the contents of the capsule with liquid food or water, since often kids cannot swallow a solid capsule.

Rarely and only with the proven need, they prescribe the use of Creon and infants. At the same time, the doctor should very carefully calculate the dose, taking into account the mass of the child and the severity of enzyme failure.

Creon Analogs

Various manufacturers medicinal preparations A large number of analogs of Creon are produced. Among them are the most famous: Pancreatin, Mezim Forte, Gastenorm Forte, Panzinorm, Pancreenorm, Ermal. When choosing a drug from the list of analogs, you must examine their instructions to clarify possible differences in the application, contraindications, side effects, etc. It should be known that the advantage of Creon is the structure of a minimicroser, which is much better mixed with food and much more and high quality have their own action.

Creon price

Creon can be found in any pharmacy institution in Russia and Ukraine. At the same time you will not require a recipe from the doctor.

Prices for the drug in Russia:

Creon 10,000 (20 capsules) - 280-304 rubles;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) - 567-588 rubles;

Creon 40000 (50 capsules) - 1360-1420 rubles.

Cost of medication in Ukraine:

Creon 10,000 (20 capsules) - 97-125 hryvnia;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) - 184-238 hryvnia;

Creon 40000 (20 capsules) -.230-276 hryvnia.

Creon Reviews

I suffer from chronic pancreatitis from childhood. That only for this period did not trim. Creon approached most of me. Thanks to him, pains quickly take place during the exacerbation of the disease.

The pediatrician appointed the use of Creon when the baby was 3 months old, since she suffered diarrhea and the milk was not completely digested. Gave her for 10 days, mixing with a sacred chest milk. After such treatment, the re-analysis of Cala was already excellent. No more applied.

He treated Konon cholecistitis at her grandmother, as the gastroenterologist said that it was Creon, and not his analogues, best suited for the elderly. After a 2-week course of treatment, the grandmother has become much better. So the drug was satisfied with the drug and it is worth the money spent.

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Creon (10,000, 25000, 40,000) is an enzyme preparation that is prescribed with various digestive disorders, as well as in the recovery period after intestinal infections. With the insufficient functioning of the pancreas and for the treatment of fibrosis in children.

Pancreatic enzymes that are active component of the drug contribute to the relief of the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which significantly improves their absorption in the small intestine.

The mechanism of protection of Creon is mixed by Pancreatine minimicroser with intestinal content. After reaching minimicrosers of the small intestine, at the level of the pH, the value of 5.5, the destruction of the intestinal-soluble shell occurs.

Due to the release of pancreatic enzymes with amylolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic activity, a more complete splitting of food components (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) occurs.

Release the drug in the form of solid transparent gelatin capsules dissolving in the stomach.

In pharmacies you can buy:

  • Creon 10,000 in blisters of 10 or 25 pieces, or 20 and 50 pieces in the vials from half-water.
  • Creon 25000 (300 mg of pancreatin) in blisters of 10 and 25 pieces, as well as in bottles of 20, 50 and 100 pieces.
  • Creon 40000 - capsules containing 400 mg of pancreatin. Sold in bottles of 20, 50 and 100 pieces.

The drug does not affect the work of the central nervous system and does not oppress the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Indications for use

What does Creon help from? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Diseases associated with insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • Chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Any tumor that causes the relief of pancreatic ducts;
  • Hereditary diseases associated with the pathologies of the domestic secretion glands (fibrosis, Schwahman-Daimond syndrome);
  • States after complete removal of the pancreas or stomach;
  • Reducing the functions of the pancreas in older patients.

Often, Creon 10,000 is used in symptomatic therapy, for example, in violation of the processes of digestion of different etiology, with biliary obstruction, total gastrectomy, cholestatic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

It is possible to use under states after cholecystectomy, as well as after partial resection of the stomach during pathologies in the terminal section of the fine cat and with an excessive increase in bacteria in the small intestine, with duoden and gastrostase.

Instructions for the use of Creon (10,000, 25000, 40,000), dosage

Take up when eating, swallowing capsules entirely. Half or third of the recommended dose can be taken before meals, and the rest - during the eating. The dose of the drug necessary to normalize the digestive process is determined individually.

During therapy, it is very important to observe sufficient drinking mode, with a lack of fluid, chairs (constipation) disorders are possible.

In most cases, the initial dosage of Creon is from 10,000 to 25,000 units of lipase during each meal. Supporting dosage is calculated depending on the nature of the food, the degree of exocrine pancreatic deficiency and on average ranges from 20,000 to 75,000 during each main meal, and from 5 thousand to 25 thousand during additional meals.

When the dose of dose depends on the body weight and is at the beginning of treatment in children under 4 years old - 1000 units / kg for each meal, over 4 years old - 500 lipase / kg during food intake. According to the instructions, in most patients dose Creon should not exceed 10,000 units / kg / day.

Side effects

The instruction warns about the possibility of developing the following side effects in the appointment of Creon:

  • in rare cases, there may be violations of the functions of the digestive system (change of stool, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea);
  • allergic reactions (rash, itching, redness).


Contraindicated to assign Creon (10,000, 25000, 40,000) in the following cases:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • aggravation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • increased sensitivity to pine origin pancreatin and other components of the drug.

Due to the lack of clinical data on the application during pregnancy and lactation, the possibility of prescribing a medication is solved by an individually attending physician.


Reception of very high doses can cause an increase in the content of uric acid in the blood. When such symptoms appear, it is recommended to cancel treatment with the drug and symptomatic therapy.