London in England or UK. London from "A" to "I"



London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the largest city in the British Islands. The city was founded in 43 n. e., during the invasion of Britain, the Romans led by the emperor Claudius. The modern name of the city comes from the Roman "Londinium". In the Saxon Epoch, London lost all meaning. However, in 884, Alfred Great made the city with his capital.

The terrible plague of 1665 claimed the life of 70,000 Londoners, and a year later, a terrible fire turned into ashes and ash 4/5 of the city buildings. According to projects of the brilliant architect Christopher Rena, the Cathedral of St. Paul and fifty urban churches. A century later, the fathers of the city decided to demolish the last remnants of the city wall that prevented London to grow and develop. The Grand World Exhibition of 1851 in Crystal Palace has demonstrated wealth and power to the world British Empire. At that time, the number of residents of London exceeded 1 million. Today, London's population with suburbs exceeds 12 million people, and the capital of Great Britain is considered one of the largest cities in the world.

London is a city of wonderful historical monuments and excellent architectural ensembles, museums of world importance and magnificent art galleries, a city of pictorial suburbs and extensive shady parks.

As the London Cultural Center acquired fame with its richest museums and art galleries, theaters and musical life. The city is also known to numerous old churches, in which the national shrines of the English people are stored.

Tower is not only the most ancient building, which has been preserved in the city, but also the most valuable storage, where most of London's history is concentrated. During the centuries, Tower completed and changed, depending on the taste of the ruling monarch, gradually approaching his architectural ensemble to the appearance, which can be seen today. The most old part of the Tower is the White Tower, built in 1078 as a fortress for protection against attacks, as well as as a personal residence of Wilhelm's conqueror.

London's symbols have long been the Cathedral of St. Paul, built in beginning of XVIII centuries according to the projects of the architect Christopher Rena, and Westminster Abbey - the traditional place of coronation and burials of English monarchs. In the corner of the Poets of Westminster Abbey, the ashes of Choser, Samuel Johnson, Tennison, Browning, Dickens and many other famous writers and poets rest.

The modern building of Parliament was built in 1850, Architect - Charles Barry and Augustus Pyzhin. The building was erected at the site of the initial building, which was almost completely destroyed during the fire of 1834. The famous Tower of the Big Ben Parliament, who received his name on the name of the 13.5-ton bell, is also a symbol of London.

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of British monarchs. When the monarch is located in the palace, the Royal Standard flour over the roof of the palace. Part of the premises of the Palace is open to visitors usually one or two months a year. The daily solemn shift of Karaul at the Buckingham Palace is in constant popularity of tourists.

City is a city in the city. Here there is your own Lord Mayor, elected for a year, his own police. In working hours, about 1.5 million people accumulate here. And at night, only a few thousand people remain in the city - guard, cleaners.

The focus of the London Museums is the area of \u200b\u200bSouth Kensington, in which there are a museum of natural science, the Museum of Science, the Victoria Museum and Albert (the world's largest meeting of decorative and applied art and design). Other remarkable museums - the British Museum, the collection of which is about 7.5 million exhibits; London National Gallery, one of the most respected artistic museum museums; The famous museum of wax figures Madame Tussao; Museum of Sherlock Holmes.

The London Eye Foreign Wheel 135 meters high takes visitors high above the Thames, opening views of the magnificent city.

30 thousand shopping and boutiques of London tire even the most sophisticated shopping lovers, and 6 thousand restaurants will clearly demonstrate why the British worship their chefs as celebrities.

The most famous place for shopping in London is Oxford Street, but this is not the only shopping street of the city: Londoners and tourists are also popular with Bond Street in Mayfire and Knightsbridge, which is located the famous Harrod's shopping center. Fashion stores can be found in the same Mayfire, on Carnabi Street in Soho and on Kings Road Street in Chelsea.

In London, you can find many restaurants for every taste. The most expensive are in Westminster, more democratic - in Soho. Over the city, restaurants specializing in national cuisine of different nations are scattered, the most famous of them are Chinese in London Chinatown and Bangladesh on Briklein Street.

Despite the fact that 60 years ago, after the Great London Smog, an unusual nickname was entrenched "The Big Smoke"Today there is quite wet, fresh and clean air of a huge megalpolis pleases its inhabitants and tourists. Of course, the fog, who served the main reason for the famous tragedy in 1952, is not uncommon for the city and today, but after the loud incident, the power of the metropolis is carefully followed by the ecology of the capital and the state. In addition, everyone who wants to visit London should be captured with an umbrella, which will immediately become the subject of the necessity, because small rain is drizzled here almost every day.

Despite the sad weather and the residents of the hospitable London's huts are very friendly, smiling and, it seems, never sad. The warm atmosphere of the city is literally impregnated with joyful mood and creative spirit. On Friday evening, all the places of rest (especially pubs) are so crowded that you can see a lot of people who simply stand on the street, communicate and treat each other wine or beer. Another thing Sunday evening - the city seems to be free and rarely you can find a passerby on the street.

Of course, compared to New York, where life takes place in eternal hurry, London - the city is not such a "fast and active", although there are hard time on the measured sophisticated breakfast. But settling somewhere in the park on the grass surrounded by nature and urban inhabitants with coffee, warm bun or sandwich - very English. In the afternoon in such London parks is always very crowded, however, everyone around feel free and comfortable.

English excerpt and patience are inherent not only to high-ranking titled persons, but also by the usual London police officers who will always prompt the tourist road and friendly talk about local rules and laws. Patience and politeness of the law-abiding residents of the capital of Great Britain will noticeably reflected on the roads, where drivers even at night on a blank track try not to exceed the speed, and in the afternoon they miss each other, thereby preventing infinite traffic jams.

A bit of history

The history of London is multifaceted and interesting. The oldest city of Europe was founded in 43 AD. Megapolis, which today takes 1706.8 km 2, rose from settlement about 1.6 km long and width of 0.8 km. Since the beginning of the origin of London was a significant shopping center and an important port, and to 100 g. He became the capital of Britain. After another 100 years, when Britain was divided into several parts, the Romans erected a protective wall around the city, and today tourists who are departed in London can see her remnants.

For several centuries in a row, London moved from hand to hand, more than once destroyed and recovered again, but at the same time did not stop developing and constructed. In 1066, the city's power moved to Wilhelmu to the conqueror, which began the construction of a famous Tower, which many centuries go legends that attract the interest of tourists.

The beginning of the XVIII century was significant in the history of London, when, after the Great Plague and the Great London Fire, the city was completely restored and began to wear the proud title of the capital of Scotland and England.

By the way, a lot of interesting things about London can be found here:

Transportation London

Transportation for London is not just a means of movement, and one of the main symbols of the city, especially when it comes to two-storey buses, the world's oldest metro and the busiest airport in Heathrow.

Despite the impressive scale of the city metropolitan, divided by 6 zones, does not cause special difficulties. In the first zone, i.e. In the center, all the sights of London are concentrated. Those plans to often move around the city on the subway, cheaper and more convenient to buy a travel ticket that works one or a few days.

There are quite a lot of buses in the city, and in the center you can see their schedule, as well as schemes of interest in routes. Travel is paid to the driver or cashier at the entrance. But it is worth remembering that during the day when the streets are crowded, getting to the place on time on the bus is very difficult, so it is better to go on the subway. But the buses ride around the clock, so you can walk freely until the morning.

Security in London

Like any megapolis, city of London Not deprived of crime, but the effective work of the police allows all coming tourists to feel confident in someone else's city. Even in the evening, you should not be afraid of walking down the street, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bSoho, where there are many people in the evening. Nevertheless, remote areas of the city, such as Williston, should not be visited, and, as a rule, tourists do not fall there. In any case, even in the center of the capital, no you need to lose vigilance, for example, it is better not to "catch" an illegal taxi on the street.

London Attractions

Tower and Tower Bridge are the most popular attractions of the city and its symbols. They may not be better to tell about the history of London. The oldest Tower fortress today is the historical center of the capital.

It is unlikely that there is at least one tourist who did not hear about Big Ben - the third hour tower in the world in height. Big Ben is the name of the largest bell on a huge clock of the Westminster Palace, which weighs 13 tons.

Surprisingly beautiful and fascinating the Cathedral Church of Westminster Abbey is built in the Gothic style and is located in the area of \u200b\u200bLondon called Westminster. In the temple, you can see the tomb of the most famous people of England: kings, military leaders, cultural figures.

In the same area there is a Buckingham Palace - the residence of British monarchs. Here are the most important techniques, official ceremonies and banquets. Every year, the residence is visited by approximately 50,000 guests invited to royal ceremonies and techniques. Around the Buckingham Palace extends the largest private garden of London.

The main museum of Great Britain and one of the largest museums in the world is the British Museum. The main treasure of England is kept here - library of the British Museum.

And for dessert - Interesting video about "toy" London:

London is located in the state (country) Great Britainwhich in turn is located in the continent Europe.

What administrative part of London is the city?

london is included in the administrative and political part: England.

The administrative and political part is the integrined territory consisting of several subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

What county (district) is London City?

The city of London is part of the county (county) Big London.

The characteristic of the county (district) or the subject of the country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements, which are part of the county (district).

County (district) Large London is the administrative unit of the United Kingdom.

The population of the city of London.

The population in the city of London is 8,416,999 people.

Which time zone is London?

The city of London is located in the administrative time zone: UTC0, summer UTC + 1. Thus, it is possible to determine the time difference in the city of London, relative to the time zone in your city.

Phone code of the city London

Area Code of the city of London: +44 20. In order to call London from a mobile phone to the city, you need to type code: +44 20 and then directly the subscriber number.

Official site of the city of London.

Website London, the official website of the city of London or as it is also called "the official site of the city administration of London":

Flag of the city of London.

The flag of the city of London is the official symbol of the city and is presented on the image page.

Coat of arms of London.

The description of the city of London shows the emblem of the city of London, which is a distinguishing mark of the city.

Metropolitan in London.

The metro in the city of London is called London Metropolitan and is a means of public transport.

Passenger traffic of the Metro of the city of London (Metro Underground London) is 1 260.00 million people per year.

The number of metro lines in the city of London is 11 lines. The total number of metro stations in London is 270. The length of the metro lines or the Metro path length is: 402.00 km.

London is the brilliant capital of the United Kingdom. This is the place where it is especially worth come. This is the birthplace of all parliaments and, perhaps, the most famous royal family throughout the world. London has all the attributes of the city of world importance, whose charm consists of combining the full opposites. London - political, economic, commercial and cultural center of the United Kingdom.


London is located on the flat locality, on both shores of the River Thames, surrounded by small elevations and forest arrays. The city takes more than 1,500 square kilometers, and together with suburbs constitutes the largest European agglomeration. The general geography of the city is quite smooth, with small height differences - the highest point Located in the south-east and reaches only 245 meters above sea level. The plane of the plain dissected not only by the main shipping river, but also a multitude of tributaries, only a part of which is removed into collectors under the areas of the British capital. Most of small rivers occur in green areas isolated in parks and recreational sections. Of great importance is the fact that in the middle of the 20th century it was decided to limit the distribution of building with green plantings - because almost a continuous forest array is arranged around London. London is located on the zero meridian, called Greenwich, where all the time zones of the planet take countdown. The starting point is the Greenwich Observatory. The time difference with Moscow is + 3utc (that is, in Moscow time more for three hours). Geographically, the British capital consists of historical districts, which have formed over the entire existence of London, as well as due to the peculiarities of the area. If you look at the city from space, it is pretty compact and practically corresponds to the circle concentrated around the old London. Administrative division - municipalities and areas (the so-called Boro), which are 32, as well as the City district, having a separate status.

Climate London

The greatest impact on the weather conditions of the city has the warm Atlantic flow Golf Stream, due to which the climate of the British capital is determined as a moderate marine. Minor remoteness from the ocean provides a rather soft winter and warm summer. Winter months in London can only be determined by the calendar, since the average air temperature ranges around + 5 ° C to -3 ° C. In the entire history, the lowest indicator reached only -16 ° C. Winter in the British capital is more similar to the same period in the subtropical regions of the planet. Spring months are characterized by small temperature drops with the absence of frost and strong precipitation. During the year, the thermometer indicator rarely falls below 0 ° C and falls for the period from November to March. Almost all months of the year have an equal level of rain, therefore are not divided into some specific periods. Summer in London is moderate and not roast - the average temperature is located in the area + 22-23 ° C, with rare periods of July and August, when a possible maximum reaches + 37 ° C. But this happens not often and hot weather lasts no more than a few days. Autumn begins in October and lasts almost until mid-December. This season is characterized by a smooth decrease in temperature, and rare night frosts. Autumn time In the British capital, it is practically no different from other seasons by the amount of precipitation, sometimes a storm or storm is possible.

When is it better to go to London?

Spring and summer - a warm season, when enough ordinary clothes for visiting all the attractions. Flowering gardens, parks and royal reserves attract many tourists with their incredible paints and variety. The hot summer months can be diluted with a campaign on city beaches, as the Thames warmers almost at the Mediterranean level and gives pleasant sensations from swimming. The duration of the day in summer allows you to walk more in a bright day of day. Autumn and winter also attract tourists - a pleasant weather does not require special clothes, as in the Russian capital. In addition, infrequent snowfalls practically do not leave tracks on urban streets - utilities are carefully followed by this. There is no feeling of winter in London, since warm air masses from the Atlantic Ocean completely level the effects of frost.


The age of the main British city has many hundreds of years, as it originates since the ancient Roman fortress of Londinium, the remains of which can still be observed in the form of destroyed fortifications. The Anglo-Saxon period of 6-7 centuries is characterized by the fact that London became the main residence of the king and began to be intensively built. The most significant examples of the architecture of that time are Tower, Westminster Abbey and the Old Westminster Palace. It was during this period that the division of the British capital into two districts - directly the city, which is now known as City; Former island of Tornin, who became Westminster. 1216 is celebrated in the chronicles, as the last time the city captured foreign troops, and this led to the fact that London developed quickly and intensively, while safe. The greatest losses for London brought the Great Plague of 1666 and the Great Fire following her, destroyed as the population of the capital, and almost all wooden buildings. After that, decree came out that all buildings in London should be stone. In memory of the victims of the disease in the city center there is a plaque column.

By the beginning of the 18th century, London finally became the global financial and trading capital, which a lot of fairly loyal laws and the predisposition of the authorities and the new one were promoted. At this time, the Bank of England and the East India Trading Company opens - ensuring the colonial development of Britain and entering new types of goods to London. Open different scientific institutions, including the Greenwich Observatory. Installed as the capital of Great Britain and the largest city in Europe, London began rapid development in the 18-19 centuries. Almost all major architectural monuments relate to this period - the Buckingham Palace and St. Paul's Cathedral, Tauer Bridge and Trafalgar Square, Albert Hall and the London Bridge. In 1836, the first railway was opened in the city, in 1863 - the first metro, by the end of the 19th century, the entire city of Zaisala branched sewage system. In the 20th century, during the first and second world wars, the British capital was twisted several times to airplanes and bombards, which left a trace on the development of London, but did not have any tangible effect on its development. Being a relatively safe refuge, the city continued to attract emigrants from Europe. London is the only city in the world that the Olympic Games took three times.

London Attractions

  • One of the oldest and most famous attractions in the city is London Tower, founded by Wilhelm I. In the course of history, it was a fortress, the Royal Palace, the State Prison and Arsenal. Now Tower is a unique museum in which you can experience past centuries and touch the walls that have witnessed a lot of tragic events of British history. Here is an exhibition of weapons and shapes of kings on horseback in full size. All exhibits can be carefully examined - they are not placed in glass display cases, and interactive conditions allow us to come close to historical times.
  • Westminster Abbey is called the Cathedral Church of St. Peter. It is here that the monarchs of the UK are coroned. Construction (with interruptions) continued from 1245 to 1745. In the abbey, the famous writers and poets are resting next to the royal tombs. There is an immortal author " Canterberian stories"Jeffrey Chosera, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennison, Lord Byron and many others.
  • Westminster Palace - the building in which the meetings of the British Parliament are held. After a fire that happened in 1834, the palace was built anew. The construction of the complex was made on the old Westminster-Hall, as well as the remains of the chapel of St. Stephen with a crypt. The old palace survived several fires and was destroyed during World War II. Recent restoration work under the leadership of Charles Bury revealed the original use of golden yellow sandstone during the construction of the palace.

  • Trafalgar Square - the main square and the geographical center of London. She was called in memory of the victory of Admiral Nelson over Napoleon's fleet in the Trafalgar battle in 1805. On the north side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery.
  • Museum of wax figures Madame Tussao has its own interesting story. This woman lived at the court of Louis XVI and created the wax figures of all famous people, executed in the era of the Great French Revolution. These exhibits were presented at the first exhibition in 1835. Since then, the collection is constantly expanding - the statues of politicians, artists and celebrities are depicted in full size, which often sacrifice their own clothes for their wax twins.
  • Another very important and significant attraction of London is the London Eye - one of the largest wheels in the world of ferris wheels (its height is 135 meters). This attraction is relatively new, built the wheel in 1999 (in honor of the new millennium), and the first launch was carried out already in 2000. From the uppermost point of the wheel, a view of the whole city. Ticket office and cafes are located in the former County Hall building. One circle (including landing and disembarkation) takes approximately half an hour. In clear days, visibility is approximately 40 kilometers. Nowadays, the London eye is one of the most visited tourists attractions. The trip should be performed in the first half of the day to enjoy the best illumination of the city. Do not forget to take binoculars and camera at this exciting journey!

  • Docks were considered dangerous quarters of London. Edgar Wallace describes these, life-threatening, places in the famous work about Jack Ripper. However, in our days, these places are very attracted by tourists. In this district big choice Old classic pubs. Revival of docks shows which metamorphoses occur with old buildings in the conditions of modern architecture. A good example of such a conversion is the Hays Galleria gallery.

Events and festivals

The multital appearance of London, the mass of ethnic groups and the effect of diverse cultures led to the fact that there are many purely English holidays in the city, as well as all sorts of events that are not stopped almost never:

  • january - 1, a grand New Year's parade begins, in which dozens of musical groups take part. The procession passes in the center of the city and ends with a major fair. At the end of January, as a rule, the Chinese New Year in Chinata is also celebrated.
  • february - in the middle of the month, the London Fashion Week starts, at which all the famous couturiers of the world are represented. The British capital is not in vain is considered one of the capitals of fashion, as many famous brands work here, for example, Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney.
  • march - the famous St. Patrick's Day, which is stretched almost a week of festivities. During the festival, various walks, parades, fairs, processions and other entertainment events are held. The ancient Celtic celebration of the spring equinox on the night of March 21 is also clearly marked. The last week of the month passes Head of the River - the traditional rowing competition held on Thames.
  • april is famous for the most massive and large-scale London marathon, as well as elite events - the London golf show and the exhibition of antiques. April is the time of Easter holidays, which are marked by fairs, festivities, festivals and concert events.
  • may - starts with Mayday - a simple reason to relax in nature in a circle of friends. On this day, picnics and fun in numerous parks in London are organized. Flower show in Chelsea is the most iconic spring event and the largest in the world. In May, the Final of the Cup of England is held at the famous Wembley Stadium, the International Theater Festival, the three-week Opera and Musical Festival in Covent Garden.
  • june - In the first or second Saturday of the month, when the weather allows, the most important British holiday is held - the birthday of the queen. In June, two music festivals are held in June in the Tower Hamlets and Islington area - the first is devoted to classical and ethnic music; The second is the modern direction in music and the theater.
  • july - Famous Morning Concerts as part of the City Festival. In the same month, a prestigious Wimbledon Tennis Tournament is held, an exhibition of flowers in Hampton Corte, the festival of novice artists in the East Barnet. In mid-July, the oldest regatta in the world of Dogget`s Coat and Badge starts. Surprises with its original concerts and championships Festival Soho. One of the most beautiful events is the "Swan Raising" ceremony ("Swan Upping"), usually, as a rule, July 20-24 and has long-standing historical roots.

Ceremony "Raising Swan"

  • august - the last month of summer is famous for one of the largest festivals of Caribbean culture in Notting Hill, as well as the opening of the Buckingham Palace for visitors in the last days of August.
  • september - the beginning of the autumn marks the grandiose and traditional boat parade at the Thames when the spectators are presented by plaquinity from various eras. Also on the first autumn month in the city there is another week of fashion.
  • october - This month is famous for the discovery of the session of the Parliament - or rather the official passage of the Queen in London and massive street events. A London restaurant festival is also held, where the chefs from all over the world come. The end of the month is marked by the beginning of the International Film Festival.
  • november - Food festival and opening of ice sculptures exposure in Hyde Park. In November, Halloween celebrates traditionally, the night of Guy Fox, which are famous torch processions and burning stuffed, fireworks and festivities. From 1215th, the annual parade of Lord is held.
  • december - Christmas time and preparation for it. Fair and festivals start almost from the first days and last until the New Year's parade.

Restaurants and Cafes London

London is a city of numerous cultures and nationalities, so finding here the kitchen of any country will not be difficult. Rich colonial past and close ties with the Commonwealth countries led to the fact that in the British capital you can taste almost any dishes that exist in the world. It is very noteworthy that gourmets can use guidebooks and find out for themselves a variety of catering establishments:

  • national Kitchens - In addition to standard species, such as French or Chinese, you can enjoy regional dishes. So, lovers will be able to try Celtic dishes, the food of the peoples of Africa, a variety of Indian cuisine, Scottish or Irish food.
  • brand restaurants - in an expensive business city or in the area of \u200b\u200bfashionable boutiques, you can visit places with artistic cuisine, many of which are marked by Michelin signs. For example, The Ledbury, Gastron Home and many others.
  • the establishments of the average price category are located in tourist centers, shopping and entertainment complexes, in the cozy streets of the inner city.
  • cafe - you can meet everywhere and everywhere - from huge business centers to parks. In addition to network establishments, such as McDonalds, there are a lot of small cafes representing original and inexpensive dishes, drinks and desserts.
  • pubs - you can not go to London and not at least in one beer institution. Their popularity is so great that even in the city you can find almost every corner. In pubs, the mass of British beer varieties is usually served, as well as stronger national drinks.


London is a generally recognized center of world high fashion, but the purchase here can be made absolutely different. Price categories will also allow everyone to buy for themselves. Brand boutiques, salons, multi-brand stores, outlets - all this can be easily found in the British capital. Among the tourists are popular shopping centers Harrods, Selfbridges, Liberty, Covent Garden Market, as well as the most central streets for shopping - Oxford Street, Ridge-Street, Piccadilly. But the most important thing is, there are souvenirs that can be bought in specialized stores, on layouts of street traders, in large shopping and entertainment complexes. In memory of London, in addition to the standard set of postcards or a magnet to the fridge, you can buy:

  • english tea is a traditional drink that is firmly associated with London. The city has a lot of companies that have more than a century-based tea production history and offer gift and souvenir packages with a refined drink.
  • attributes of sports clubs and universities - there are many of them in the British capital, and therefore for everyone you can find a scarf, sweatshirt, a cap, a flag with an image and an inscription, for example, the Chelsea Club or Oxford University.
  • figures - London sights in the form of small copies that will enjoy everyone. Here are the famous Guardsmen, Big Ben, Red Telephone Booth, Double Decker, Other options. Most are made in the form of piggyback, boxes, cases, so that will bring and benefit from their owners.
  • cult things - remember that in London there is a lot of museums and other sign places. Museum Harry Potter and Sherlock-Holmes, Beatles, where they always sell a lot of different souvenirs.
  • scarves, umbrellas, shawls - these things have always been very important for Londonman, they can be bought in different parts of the city.

How to get to London?

The easiest and most convenient way to come to London is to use airlines. Next to the British capital are the two largest international airports - Heathrow and Gatwick, as well as 4-5 small airports that international flights take. Almost all airlines in the world provide flights to London, as it is a large transit node. You can choose different flight options - from business class to Low Costa. All airports are located pretty close to the city and have a developed message through ground, underground and railway transport. The second version of the trip is the train under the strait of La Mans. London can be reached by high-speed railway from Paris or Brussels, from where the trains run to the British capital. Usually, the trip does not take much time and passes through a unique architectural object - an underwater tunnel. You can go to London to London, but you will have to drive all of Europe and use the ferry to cross the islands. In addition, entry into the city has limitations due to smog and air pollution, and the passage of the skip is quite high, so you will have to leave the car in the suburbs.


The city is famous for the fact that the subway appeared in it and until today it is considered the most modern and one of the most branched in the world. If you look at the map of London, then the station is almost in all significant and important places, as well as the subway covers almost all sleeping areas. A distinctive feature of the London metro is that its cost depends on the distance of the trip, and the direction is determined on the sides of the world - for example, in the transplant unit will be written "to the southwest" or "north". The next popular view of public transport is the famous two-storey buses - Double Deckers - painted in traditional red color. They run throughout the city, but more often found in the center and surrounding areas. Taxi is represented by many private companies that use the most different vehicles. But the traditional is considered black "Cab" - a car original design with a high body. Since the kebs are in great demand, you can only call it on the phone, and you will not catch the street. Rent a car in London is represented by several dozens of companies, but the entire center has restrictions on entering significant payment, and parking will require additional funds. Even the Londoners themselves are trying to use public transport, which is cheaper, and in traffic jams does not idle for hours.

Accommodation in London

Huge metropolis provides hundreds of settlement options that will suit any traveler, businessman or tourist. The hotel farm, as in most major cities is represented by different places for the Number:

  • 5-star hotels are represented by vintage residences and buildings that belong to network brands - The Kensington, The Savoy, Royal Garden Hotel.
  • 4-star - also have a high level of service and are often located in the heart of the city - Hilton London Paddington, The Rubensatthe Palace, Hilton, Marriott, Novotel.
  • 3-star - make up the main hotel and can be located both in ancient mansions and in modern buildings throughout London - Premier Inn, Holiday Inn, Ibis.
  • In addition, in the British capital there are hundreds of proposals from 2-star small hotels, family hotels, rental apartments and hostels.

For any tourist, you can find inexpensive accommodation located in the historic center or nearby. In some cases, the quality of service is low enough, but if you are traveling to walk and attend sights, it will be quite enough - especially to students and young people.


In the capital of Great Britain, a very high level of providing the Internet in public places - from hotels, to large shopping centers and parks. All establishments are equipped with a Wi-Fi network. Telephone communication is provided by GSM standard for mobile operators and conventional stationary apparatus for internal and international communication. Roaming in the UK is quite expensive, therefore it is recommended to purchase a local company card or use the usual phone for calls, both in place and abroad. Most often, tourists use the Internet to negotiate with relatives, but no one will refuse themselves to use the traditional red-booth of the phone.

1. The best and fastest way will get acquainted with London a bus tour, especially if you have little time.

2. Walk to your pleasure in London shops is very good. The main shopping streets are Rijin Street, Oxford Street and Pont Street. It is worth knowing that it is best to go shopping on weekdays, in the first half of the day, as shops work on weekdays until 18:00, and only major trading complexes work on weekends.

3. For those who wish to acquire something, London is considered a paradise place where even the most incredible desires are being executed. Near Oxford (40 minutes from London) is one of the largest discount centers in England Biceester Village.

4. If your stay in London will take more than three days - it is necessary to purchase the pass "Oyster". It will allow you to significantly save on transport.

5. If you arrived in London for a couple of days, then a sightseeing bus system "Hop-on, Hop-Option" will help you as much as possible. The essence of the system is that you can get acquainted with the main attractions of the city through which the bus route comes. You have the opportunity to get out of the bus at any stop, inspect the sights, and then go to next bus (they go every 15 minutes).

6. Most museums in London operates from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and on weekends from 14:00 to 17:00.

7. We must certainly know that in London almost everywhere it is forbidden to smoke, and all the parks and squares closes overnight.

8. For those who want to save in London will be a useful list of some free attractions: British Museum (British Museum), National Gallery, Parliament (House of Parliament), Tate Gallery and Whitechapel Gallery Temple Church (Temple Church).

London on the map, panorama

London (English London, Lat. Londinium) - the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as England, the largest city in the British Islands. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 1706.8 km. Population of more than 8 million people. In the population, the city ranks 21st in the world, 2nd in Europe, and the first in the European Union and the UK.

London plays a leading role in political, economic and cultural life UK. The city has a Heathrow International Airport, one of the world's largest, river port on the River Thames, many world famous sights: Westminster Abbey, a complex of the Westminster Palace with a clock tower, St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Fortress and others.

London is located on zero meridian, which is also often called Greenwich (by the name of the area that he crosses).


origin of name

The modern name of the city is London - comes from the older Roman "Londinium" (Lat. Londinium). There is no single opinion about the origin of this word, but hypotheses about the etymology of the name were repeated scientists. Here are the four most popular assumptions:
Name - Latin origin, and formed from the Roman personal name denoting "frantic";
The name is Latin origin, and comes from the word Lond, which means "wild (that is, overgrown with the forest) place";
The name is Celtic origin, and consists of two words: Llyn (Lake) and Dun ("Dun", strengthening): In the Celtic period, the city was called Llyndid; The root "-dun" is also found in the title of many other Celtic toponyms;
The name comes from the ancient European word Plowonida, which means "pouring river".

Unofficial names in London

The British are often called London The Big Smoke (or The Great Smog). This name can be literally translated as "big smoke." This definition is connected, of course, with the famous London could XIX-XX centuries. Another unofficial name of the city is The Great Wen. Wen is an old English word that is literally translated as "furuncle", which in this context means "overpopulated city". As for the nicknames of the districts, then the city is sometimes called a "square mile".

History of London

Foundation of the city and the Roman period

London was founded in 43 n. e. during the invasion of the Romans led by the emperor Claudius. There is a theory that, by the time of the invasion, there was a major settlement in this territory, but during archaeological excavations, nothing like this was discovered. However, most of the historic center was not exposed to excavations, and the existence of the settlement before the invasion cannot be completely dedicted.

At first, London occupied a very small territory. In the XIX century, archaeologists were established that the length of the city from the east to the West was approximately 1 mile (approx. 1.6 km), and from north to south - about 0.5 miles (approx. 0.8 km).

At about 60 n. e. The city was attacked by the Britty Queen of Bladiikki (Boadicelas) and a significant part of London was predicted fire. The Romans responded to this capture of about 80,000 Britons. Soon after, the battle between Britons and the Romans took place. According to the established opinion, the battle occurred on the site of the modern Kings Cross station, and Bladikka, the defeat, committed suicide, accepting poison.

The Romans restored the city for several years, according to a clear city plan. Soon, Londinium became one of the most important settlements of Roman Britain. In the second century, he reached a heyday - by 100 Londinium became the capital of Britain, changing the Colchester, the population was about 60,000 people. The city was the most important administrative buildings.

At about 200 years 200, Britain was divided into two parts - the upper and lower. Londinium became the capital of the Upper Britain. At about the same time, the so-called Roman wall was built - defensive strengthening around the perimeter of the city, the remains of which are preserved in the center of modern London. At the end of the IV century, Britain was re-divided, and Londinium became the capital of the province of Maxim Caesaresis. In the V century, the Romans left Londinium, and the city began to gradually settle with Britons.

Saxon period and Middle Ages

In the middle of the 6th century Lundone (London Strengthening, the Saxon Name of Londinium) was included in the Eastern Saxon Kingdom. In 604, the king of Saybert accepted Christianity, and a bishop appeared in the city. The first London bishop was called Melithius. Then the Cathedral of St. Paul was built. Presumably, initially it was a rather modest chapel. Later, the cathedral was destroyed by the heirs-heirs of Saybert.

At the end of the 6th century, the Saxon settlement of Lundevik was founded at about one and a half kilometers from Lundurburg (that is, the London settlement). Apparently, there was a harbor for shopping ships and fishing boats in Lundevice.

Since 730, the city has passed under the power of Mercia, the major English kingdom. In the IX century, Lundenburg was attacked by Vikings. They controlled the city for twenty years, after which the King Alfred Great concluded the world with the invaders. However, in 1013, Lundenburg was again occupied by Vikings and was under their power until 1042.

In 1066, after the victory during Hastings, the King of England became Wilhelm the conqueror. Coronation was held in just a complete Westminster Abbey. Wilhelm gave residents of London some privileges compared to residents of other cities. With its board, fortifications were built in the south-east of the city, now known as Tower. In 1097, his son Wilhelm II began the construction of Westminster Hall, which served as the basis of the Westminster Palace. In 1176, the construction of a valued London bridge existed for about 600 years began.

In May 1216, London was the last time occupied by foreign troops - the city captured the French king Louis VIII, putting an end to the board of John the landless. Later, his own barons were rebelled against Louis, and the power in the country with their help again moved into the hands of the British. Thus, London is the only european capital Which was not captured by the enemy never over the past 8th centuries.

Plague, in the XIV century, raging in Europe, did not bypassed London. "Black Death" came to England in 1348. The exact number of dead in London is unknown, but it is assumed that the victims of the plague were from 30 to 50 thousand people.

The epidemic has become an indirect cause of the peasant uprising under the leadership of Tyler's scot (1381), during which London was progressing and devastation. The peasants assigned Tower, killed Lord Chancellor (an important state office in medieval England), Archbishop of Canterbury Simon and the Keeper of the Royal Treasury. The uprising was eventually suppressed by the royal troops, and Tyler himself was sentenced to death.

In the Middle Ages, London was divided into two main parts - administrative and political Westminster and Trade City. This separation is preserved and understood. For the Middle Ages, London could be considered a large city - by 1300 approximately 80,000 people lived in it. The city self-government has developed - the head of London was the Lord Mayor.

London in the XVI-XVIII centuries

With the arrival of the tudor dynasty in England, the era of the absolute monarchy began. The centralization of power in the hands of the king led to the fact that the capital began to develop and rich even faster than before. Henry VIII and Eduard VI, London Gaid Park and Kensington Garden and Kensington Garden and several major hospitals were founded on the city of Gender of Henry VIII.

The Reformation that occurred in England in Henrich VIII did not end, unlike other countries, bloodshed: here church transformations were controlled by the king and were initiated by "top", and not "from the bottom", as in most other countries. After the Reformation, about half of London's area was occupied by religious structures and about a third of the population were monks. The situation has changed in 1538-41, after Heinrich VIII issued a law on the leadership of the king over the church. After that, a significant part of the church property was confiscated and transferred to the king and his closest Vassalam.

London developed to one of the largest shopping centers in Europe. Small enterprises flourished in the city, and large English owners led their trading worldwide - from Russia to America. Giant companies were created, such as East India in 1600. After in 1572, the Spaniards captured and plundered the major Dutch city of Antwerp, London became the largest center of commerce on the North Sea. The population of the capital was rapidly increased - from 50,000 people in 1530 to 225,000 in 1605. Also in the XVI century, the first London cards appeared. The first public theaters appeared, the most popular of whom was the Globus, in which the plays of William Shakespeare went.

In the XVI century, the aristocrats and courtiers began to shave in West End. Soon the area became one of the most prestigious places of the city. Until now, the house in West End is a pass to the highest light of London.

During the British Civil War, London ranked the side of Parliament. The militia troops were created and defensive fortifications were erected to protect the city from royalists who, the farther, the closer moved to the capital - Battle of Brentford occurred just a few miles from London. However, well-organized defense did not allow the royal troops to take the city, which played a crucial role in the war - the wealth kept in London helped the parliament to win.

In London, as in all European cities of that time, there was no sewage and a health care system, besides, the city was strongly overcoiled, and therefore epidemics regularly broke out with many hundreds, and sometimes thousands of victims. But the most terrible happened in the middle of the XVII century, in 1665-1666. In England, it is called the Great Plague (Eng. The Great Plague). In London, approximately 60,000 people (the fifth of the city) became victims of the epidemic. Samuel Pips, chronicle of the city, recorded on September 4, 1665, the following: "For a week, more than 7,400 people died, of which 6,000 - from the plague. Day Night Almost without a break from the street there is a funeral ringing of church bells. "

Immediately after the end of the epidemic, another catastrophe has happened - the Great London Fire of 1666. If the Great Plague was bored by the population of London, the fire had serious material damage, destroying 13,200 homes (approx. 60% of the city) and 87 churches (including the Old Cathedral of St. Paul). Oddly enough, only eight people died in the fire, but many were left without home and lost all means of existence.

After the restoration, London finally turned into the financial capital of the world. In 1694, the Bank of England opened, which allowed the country to further increase its influence on the global economy. In 1700, 80% of imports and 69% of the export of England accounted for London, and the population of the city exceeded 500,000 people.

In the XVIII century, in the era of the enlightenment, the press and literature were widespread. Since then, London's publishing life has become Fleet Street Street. In the same age, the increase in crime in the capital was noted, because of what punishments were tightened: even for a minor crime, the death penalty was now threatened.

In 1707, London acquired the status of the capital of Great Britain, a new state created by the unification of England and Scotland. In the same XVIII century, the new St. Paul's Cathedral and the Buckingham Palace were built - symbols of modern London - as well as the Westminster Bridge, which was just the second bridge in London through Thauses. By the end of the XVIII century, the population of London reached a million people.

London in the XIX century

London XIX century - city of contrasts. On the one hand, he was the capital of the largest state in the world - the British Empire, the economic and political center of the world, and on the other, the city, where millions of poor people lived in the slums, almost no livelihood.

XIX century - the era of rapid industrialization and urbanization in Europe and North America. In this century, a huge number of new factories and plants was built in London, and the population increased 6 times. In the XIX century, London was the largest city in the world, by 1900 his population was about 6 million people. In the capital there were whole industrial areas, and the most famous of them - East End, which was the opposite of a fashionable West End. I must say, from the point of view of English, it is quite logical: East End (English East End) is translated as "Eastern Edge", and West End (Eng. West End) - as the "West Edge", that is, even these etymologically Two areas are two edges, two sides of one city.

In the XIX century, cardinal changes occurred in London's appearance. In 1836, the first railway, which connected the London Bridge and Greenwich, was opened, and less than 20 years opened 6 stations. In 1863, the first metro in London appeared. In addition, Big Ben, Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square complex, Tower Bridge were built in the XIX century. For the first time in the entire history of London's existence, sewage appeared (see the great stench).

In the XIX century, the system of urban self-government was reformed, since the old system that existed from the Middle Ages clearly did not clearly meet the requirements of the rapid metropolis. In 1855, the Metropolitan Board of Works was established (Eng. Metropolitan Board of Works), which controlled urban construction and the creation of infrastructure. In 1888, this body was eliminated, and administrative functions were first assigned to the elected body - the London District Council (English London County Council).

In 1851, London adopted the World Exhibition.

In the middle of the century, London first encountered mass immigration. Particularly large tributary came from Ireland. Also in the city formed a large Jewish community.

London in the XX - early XXI centuries

First world War For a while suspended the development of London. The city was first subjected to airline. In the period between the two world wars, London continued to increase, but more in the area, and not on the population.

In the 1930s, many residents of the city were injured due to the Great Depression: the unemployment rate was greatly increased, the standard of living has increased. The inability of the authorities to do something led to the emergence of many radical batches of both the left and right direction. Most of them were based in the worker East End. In the UK Parliament, several places of the Communist received, and the British Union of Fascists also enjoyed broad support. The culmination of the struggle between the left and right was the so-called "Battle of Cable Street" - street fighting between the political extremists of both flanks and the police.

In the same 30s in London, many Jews fled from fascist Germany. During World War II, the capital of Great Britain was subjected to repeated airbabers, the greatest of which fell on September 1940 and May 1941. Many residents were evacuated from the capital. Metro station served bomb shelter. In total, during the war in London, 30,000 civilians became victims, 50,000 were injured, tens of thousands of houses were destroyed.

Immediately after the war, London took the Olympic Games for the second time (1948).

In the post-war period, London lost the status of the largest port of Great Britain, as the equipment of the docks outdated and the port could not serve large cargo ships. London's water terminals were transferred to the nearby cities of Felikstau and Tilbury, and the Distrands District in the 1980s was rebuilt - now there are offices and apartment buildings.

In 1952, the Great was able, an extremely harmful mixture of fog and smoke of industrial origin, went down to London for five days. Soon the concentration in the air of combustion products has become so high that about 4,000 people died in the city from Smog, and another 8,000 became victims of the catastrophe in the next few months. The eventful forced the authorities seriously to engage in this problem, as a result of which the National Law "On Clean Air" (1956) was issued (1956), as well as a similar city law (1954)

In the 1960s, thanks to popular music teams like Beatles and Rolling Stones, the city became one of the world centers of the youth subculture (having received the nickname "Swing London"). In 1966, England's team won in the final at Wiembli Football Championships in the final.

London became the target for terrorists in the 1970s, when the city was first subjected to attacks of the Irish Republican Army. These attacks were regularly repeated until the end of the 20th century, after which the Al-Caeda group arrived at the change of the Irish, organized a series of explosions in London public transport on July 7, 2005.

From the middle of the century, despite the influx of immigrants from the Commonwealth countries (especially from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh), the population of the city began to decline, decreasing from almost 9 to 7 million people in the 1980s, after which it began to grow slowly.

The new Millennium London met the discovery of several new buildings, such as Millennium Dome and London Eye (London Eye), the Ferris Wheel, which became a new symbol of the city.

At the beginning of the XXI century, London achieved the right to hold the 2012 Olympic Games. The capital of Great Britain will be the first city, who accepted the Olympics three times.

In 2004, a plan for the development of the city was adopted. According to him, by 2016, the population of London should reach 8.1 million people, the number of skyscrapers should increase. The authorities also intend to improve the public transport system.

Geography and climate

London covers an area of \u200b\u200b1706.8 km.

Coordinates: 51 ° 30 s. sh. 0 ° 00 h d. (G)


From the south-west to the east, the city crosses the Thames, the shipping river flowing into the North Sea. The Thames Valley is fertile and fairly flat, which allowed London to expand evenly. Initially, the river was wider, and her shores were swampy and shaky, but because of the human activity, all this disappeared. Thames - a tidal-tidy river, and therefore in London there is a risk of flooding. IN last years This danger increased due to raising the water level in the river.


The climate in London is moderately sea. Most days per year are cloudy, although the amount of precipitation is even less than in Rome or Sydney. Snow is rare even in winter. Record high temperature - +38 ° C (fixed in 2003).


London has been the capital of the country for almost two millennia: at first Roman Britain, then England and the UK. All British and British kings ruled mainly from London, and the city has always been the center of political life of the country.

Now all bodies of the United Kingdom are located in London, in the Westminster area. The government and the parliament of the country meet in the famous Parliament building, not yet created by the country's highest court will be located in the Middlsex Guildholl Palace in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe capital.

The current mayor of London (from May 5, 2008) - Conservative Boris Johnson. The previous mayor - Laborist Ken Livingston - held the head of the head of the city two times: in 2000 he was elected to the post as an independent candidate, in 2004 won the election, moving away from the party of Laborians.

London is presented in the House of Communities of the British Parliament 74 by deputies, of which 44 Laborist, 21 conservative, 8 liberal-democrats and 1 member of the Respect Party.

Administrative division and urban self-government

London urban self-government has a rather complicated structure. It has two tiers - the first is the urban control, the second is local. The city department is engaged in the Great London Authority, Abbreviated GLA), local administrations of municipal districts. The city administration is responsible for strategic planning, the economic development of the city, the police, the fire service and transport, local - for local planning, schools, social services, etc.

In turn, the London administration consists of two parts. The first is the mayor of the city representing executive, the second is the London City Assembly, limiting the authority of the mayor and approving the urban annual budget. The Greater London administration appeared recently, in 2000, instead of the Bolshoi London Council abolished in 1986 (thus, 14 years old existed without central).

Administratively London is divided into 33 districts, including 32 municipal districts denoted by a special word Borough (Borough) and City. Each of the districts have its own administration and the district council, the elections in which take place every four years. There is no district administration in the city, but in the area there is a traditional authority - the London Municipality (English Corporation of London), virtually no change has been preserved from the Middle Ages. In addition, there is a private police in city, independent of urban.

List of administrative districts of London

Kensington and Chelsea
Hammersmith and Fulham.
Tower Hamletes.
Kingston at Thames
Barking and Dagenhem
Waltham Forest


London is the most important Economic and Financial Center of Great Britain and Europe, one of the global financial centers. The gross regional product of the city in 2004 amounted to $ 365 billion (17% of GDP of the UK). The economic significance of the entire London agglomeration is even higher - the regional product in 2004 amounted to $ 642 billion.

The most important branch of the city's economy is finance, including banking service, insurance, asset management; London is the headquarters of the largest banks and financial companiesincluding such as HSBC, Reuters, Barclays. One of the world's largest currency and stock centers is the London Stock Exchange. For centuries, the focus of urban financial life is the City Business District.

The second largest industry in the economy of London is information. The headquarters of the BBC Apartment is located in the capital, one of the largest media corporations in the world. The most popular newspapers are published in London, including The Times, the almost 700-thousand edition daily, The Sun, The Daily Mirror and others.

London has headquarters of many English and transnational companies, including BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever, Corus Group, Sabmiller, Cadbury Schweppes, etc. Central offices are more than 100 from the Top500 largest European companies are located in the British capital.

London remains one of the largest industrial centers of Britain. The industry of the city and suburbs is represented by mechanical engineering (automotive industry, electronic industry, machine-tool construction, shipbuilding and ship repair, etc.), lightly developed light, food, refineries and petrochemical industries, printing, etc.

One of the most important sources of income for London is tourism. In 2003, this industry provided a permanent job of 300,000 people. For the year, visitors leave 5 billion in London. Popularity in tourists is inferior only to Paris.

Despite the fact that once London was one of the largest ports of Europe, now he is even in the UK only in third place. Annual freight turnover - 50 million tons of cargo.

Heart of Economic London - City. Also many offices of various companies are located in the area of \u200b\u200bPiccadilly Square.


The fastest, the population of London increased in the XIX - early XX centuries, during the period of urbanization. From about 1825 to 1925, London was the most populated city in the world, after which he was ahead of New York. The highest level in its history The population of London reached in 1939 (approx. 8.6 million people). Now this is the second city in the population of Europe (after Moscow) and the twenty-first city of the world.

The first census of residents took place in 1801. Early digits are calculated by historians and archaeologists.

Ethnic composition

During the 2001 census, 71% of Londoners attributed themselves to the White (European) race, of which 60% considered themselves British (that is, the English, Scots, Welsh), 3% - Irish (the rest are 8.5%); 10% of Londoners - immigrants from South Asia and from the Middle East; 11% - representatives of the Negroid race (5.5% - Africans, 5% - caribbeans, 1% are the rest); 1% are Chinese, 2% falls on other nationalities (for the most part, it is the Philipps, the Japanese, Vietnamese). 27% of Londoners were born outside the European Union.

Religious composition

Christianity is most popular from beliefs - 58.2%. After him, Islam goes - 7.8%; Hinduism is 4.1%; Judaism - 2.1% and sikhism - 1.5%. Pretty much in London atheists - 15.8%.

Compact residence of London Muslims - Tower Hamletes and Newham. The large Hindu community is located in the northwestern districts of Harrow and Brent, Sikhi live mainly in the eastern and western regions, and Jews - in Stamford Hill and Golders Green, located in the northern part of London.


Most guests of London fall into the city through the railway stations. Many of them were built in the XIX century and served as a prototype of train stations throughout Europe. Among the most loaded stations of London - Waterloo (trains from southwestern counties), Victoria (trains from suburban counties), Paddington (trains from Western counties and Wales), Saint Pancras (trains from Europe) and Kings Cross (trains from Scotland) .

The London public transport system is one of the most loaded in the world, and therefore it has to constantly increase and thereby complicate. The next turn of the city's increase in the city's transport network is associated with preparing for the 2012 Summer Olympiad. Three main types of public transport in London are buses, metro and taxis.

The Municipal Transport For London service is responsible for London city transport. In particular, it exploits the subway, buses and trams of London and licenses urban taxis and water transport.

Buses serve for local movements. There are 700 routes for which the buses are transported on weekdays to 6 million passengers. The famous Routemaster buses, which became one of the symbols not only London, but also to the UK, were removed from linear operation in 2005 and now go only on excursion routes.

London Metropolitan is the oldest in the world. It is continuously working since 1863 and transports 3 million passengers daily, which per year is a number of approximately 1 billion people. The London metro consists of 12 lines, most of which binds the city center with its outskirts. Londoners are often referred to as the metropolitan "pipe" due to the very small diameter of the tunnels of deep down.

In addition to the "classic" subway, in London, since 1987, the Docklands Light Railway system operates, which can be called a light metro. Unlike the "classic" London subway, the Docklands Light Railway track is mainly laid in the tunnels, but on the overpars. DockLands Light Railway trains follow automatically. There are several transfers between the London Metropolitan and Docklands Light Railway.

Before in London there was an extensive tram system, but it was closed in 1952. Since 2000, in Croydon, the suburbs of London, the modern tramlink tram system operates. There are plans for the construction of new tram lines closer to the city center: West London Tram and Cross River Tram (opening is planned in 2016).

In addition to trams in London, there was a trolleybus message that was discontinued in 1962. However, there are plans to restore the trolleybus message.

Also in London there is a public water transport. The system of urban water routes is known as London River Services. Some routes are aimed at tourists, others are more often used by the Londoners themselves as ordinary public transport, for example, for travel trips. Although London River Services are licensed by Transport for London, the operation is carried out by private firms, and in London's water routes, the bus and metro will not act (although they can give discounts).

"Classic" taxi in London

The famous London black taxis looks absolutely the same as seventy years ago, except for advertising that covers now many of these cars. Now in London, more new models that look more modern are also used as a taxi. It is worth noting that, unlike most major cities, in London, all taxis are controlled by the city administration, or rather by the Municipal TRANSPORT for London.

Closer to the outskirts of the city move on the streets predominantly automotive. London has several high-speed trails, an internal ring road. For the entry of private cars to the center of the city charge (since 2005 - 8 fs, about 400 rubles).

In London, there are five airports: the world's most loaded in the world, one more large airport Gethwick, small Stansted and Luton, as well as London City, intended mainly for charter flights of businessmen.


About 378,000 students are studying in London, and 125,000 of them - at the University of London. This university is the largest in the UK and includes 20 colleges and several institutions. Other large higher education institutions: London Metropolitan University, University of Eastern London, University of Westminster, University of South Bank, University of City, University Middlsex, New London College, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Museums and libraries

The focus of the London Museums is the area of \u200b\u200bSouth Kensington, in which there are a museum of natural science, the Museum of Science, the Victoria Museum and Albert (the world's largest meeting of decorative and applied art and design). Other remarkable museums - the British Museum, the collection of which is about 7.5 million exhibits; London National Gallery, one of the most respected artistic museum museums; The famous museum of wax figures Madame Tussao; Museum of Sherlock Holmes. You can call the museum and the current royal residence - the Buckingham Palace, some of the premises of which are open to visitors usually one month a year (August-September). Also, sightseeing tours are held on the buildings of Parliament, Tower, London Cathedrals. London is the National British Library.


Several major commercial theaters specializing in the formulation of musicals, comedies and drams are located in the West End area. There is even a special term West endan theater (English West End Theater), used in England to designate entertainment commercial theaters of Broadway type. From classical theaters it should be noted the national theater in the area of \u200b\u200bSouth Bank, the new Globus Theater and the theater at the Royal Court.

London classical music theaters in the world are widely known: the famous Royal Opera Theater in Covent Garden, Royal Albert Hall, Elizabeth Theater II.

Famous Streets and Square

Piccadilly (Street and Square) - Economic Center of the city. Walls of houses on the square are hung advertising. In the middle (but not in the geometric center) Piccadilly area is the fountain and the famous Anteros sculpture, called the people of Eros.
Trafalgar Square is dedicated to the defeat of the Spanish-French Fleet in 1805. In the middle of the square there is a monument in honor of Horatio Nelson, Admiral who commanded the British fleet in the Trafalgar battle. The London National Gallery is located on Trafalgar Square.
Oxford Street is a street store. Here are boutiques and shopping centers.
Harley Street - Street in Westminster, famous for the streets of doctors - many doctors still behave on this Harley Street.
Abby Road is famous for the eponymous recording studio, on which many legendary musicians have made their records: Beatles, Pink Floyd, Manfred Mann and others. Beatles in 1969 released an album called "Abby Road" (English ABBEY Road).
Baker Street - Street, on which Sherlock Holmes Museum is located.


The dominant religion in London is Christianity, it confesses more than half of the city's population. Therefore, most temples of the capital are Christian, mostly Anglican. Medieval churches were almost no preserved - the majority were destroyed by the Great Fire 1666. London's symbols have long been the Cathedral of St. Paul, built at the beginning of the XVIII century and Westminster Abbey. In these temples are serviced by Anglican rites. Do not confuse Westminster Abbey with the nearby Westminster Cathedral, which is the largest Catholic temple in England.

In the regent park there is central London Mosque. The Temple of Naasden in Brent is one of the largest reluctal Hindu structures in Europe.

There are two Russian Orthodox churches. The central is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God and all the saints, located near the Metro Station "Knightsbridge".


The most famous place for shopping in London is Oxford Street, but this is not the only shopping street of the city: Londoners and tourists are also popular with the popularity of Bond Street in the Mayfire and Knightsbridge, which is located the famous Harrod's shopping center. Fashion stores can be found in the same Mayfire, on Carnabi Street in Soho and on Kings Road Street in Chelsea.

In London, you can find many restaurants for every taste. The most expensive are in Westminster, more democratic - in Soho. Over the city, restaurants specializing in national cuisine of different nations are scattered, the most famous of them are Chinese in London Chinatown and Bangladesh on Briklein Street.

One of the most famous places in London is a soho - a small area in which there are bars, restaurants, pubs and shops. Among other things, SHOHO is known thanks to the cereal establishments, including brothels and nightclubs. In Soho, there are also several clubs and pubs for homosexuals.

Fashion in London

London became one of the centers of world fashion in the XIX century. The capital of Great Britain, unlike Paris or Milan, gained fame thanks male fashion. Street of fashionable workshops became Savil-Row. By the beginning of the last century, the appearance of the style of dandy, spread throughout Europe.

Here is my Onegin free:
Oxt of the last fashion,
How dandy London is dressed -
And finally saw the light.

(A. S. Pushkin)

The second round of the popularity of English fashion came at the beginning of the 1960s, when a cultural revolution occurred in the Western European society. The first place was disgusting disharmony, asymmetry, expressed a protest against the conservative bourgeois lifestyle. It gets the development of the style of Casual, it quickly becomes popular in a circle of various youth movements: fashion, skinheads, football hooligans. Ben Sherman spoke in Novator, a tennis player retired Fred Perry, the British analogue of the Frenchman Rene Lakost, who, too, with a racket, won all sorts of tennis rewards, was greatly popular with a racket, and he devoted himself very popularity. Mary Cuant and Barbara Hulanitski became leading designers of the youth fashion. The 1970s became the era of Pankov. The leader among the English designers was Vivien Westwood. Modern leading designers of the British Fashion - Paul Smith, Alexander McCoin, Julian McDonald.

In London, a week of high fashion takes place annually from the beginning of the 1990s, the number of shots during the week increased from 15 to 50.

Subculture of London

The population of London is so great that internal traditions, flows and dialects were inevitably needed to appear, which together constitutes the subculture phenomenon. The role of London in the life of Great Britain is such that he has always become the center of informal youth movements of the country.

Swing London

Swinging London (Eng. Swinging London) is the London Youth Subculture in the 1960s. The term was born in 1966 thanks to the article in the "Time" magazine. This period is characterized by the refusal of young people from traditional values, hedonism and optimism. The period of "Swing London" was reflected in music, literature, visual art, not to mention the style of life. The real cultural icons of this time were the Rock Musicians The Beatles, the literary character Jan Fleming James Bond, a mini-cooper car. The period of the Swing London ended in about 1967, when he was replaced by a hippie subculture that came from the west coast of the United States.

Cool Britannia.

A significant phenomenon in the cultural life of Great Britain in the 1990s was the period of Cool Britannia ("Cool Britain"). His beginning (perhaps it is no coincidence) coincided with the coming to power in the country of Laborov led by Tony Blair. The period is characterized by the approach of patriotism, as well as a common interest in British culture, which has reflected, in particular, in music, fashion, cinema, and also in the architecture of the city. Worldwide Fame Bought Many New Heroes of London: Model Kate Moss, Blur, Suede Group, who performed music in the widespread British-Pop style, new Pop Stars Robbie Williams, Spice Girls, East 17, Filmorezhissor Guy Ritchie.

London dialects

The most famous London spaciousness, common among the lower social layers of the population of the city - Cockney. For Cockties, a simplified pronunciation of words, incorrect use or skipping some sounds. Cockties Dialect in England often serves the theme for jokes and jokes.

Another famous type of local pronunciation is Estuary English, common not only in London, but also in the basin of the Thames in general. In addition, with the influx of immigrants from Central America, the Yamaican Creole dialect was distributed.

London architecture

London's architecture is represented by all styles from Norman to postmodernism. Many medieval buildings, however, have not been preserved, mainly due to the great fire of 1666, which destroyed more than 13,000 buildings, and airbabers during World War II.

Norman architecture in England brought Wilhelm the conqueror. From the facilities of the Norman style in London, the Tower, which began to be constructed during Wilhelm and was repaired by other kings.

The XIII century became an early English gothic age. One of the brightest samples of this style is the Westminster Abbey. Other samples of this period in London are not preserved. The epoch of the decorated English gothic came in the early early, but there are no examples in modern London, as well as examples of vertical gothic - the third gothic period of English architecture.

The Tududine period logically completed the Middle Ages. The architecture of the tudor epoch is similar to Gothic, but with significant changes like deep and high windows. Henry's chapel VII in Westminster and the Hampton Court Palace in Richmond - Monuments of the architecture of the Tuddor period.

At the beginning of the XVII century in London, the investigator of the English architectural tradition of Inigo Jones was worked. He instilled in British architecture of Palladianism (classicism), which is based on geometry, conciseness, functionality, elegance, lack of small parts and other architectural excesses. From Jones's works in London, only two were preserved - a banquet hall in Whiteholl and the Capella of the St. Jam Palace.

In the second half of the XVII century, Christopher Ren came to replace Jones. It was he who compiled a plan for the restoration of London after the Great Fire. In addition, Ren designed hospitals in Greenwich and Chelsea, the famous St. Paul's Cathedral and several more tens of buildings.

Georgian architecture, the era of which came in the middle of the XVIII century, generally complied with pan-European classicism. In it, the main ones were clear forms and proportions. This period is not presented in London with some famous buildings, but many residential and administrative buildings of the city are built in Georgian style. It is worth noting the churches designed by Nicholas Hawsmur, Somerset House Palace (Sir William Chember) with and entertainment center Pantheon on Oxford Street architect James Wihetta.

The XIX century differs from the previous variety of styles. The famous parliament building with Big Ben and Victoria towers on it is built in the neotic key; The famous John Nash, the author of the Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and Marble Arch, worked in the style of classicism; Westminster Cathedral is a model of the non -ovitantine style. Now the non-existent crystal palace belonged to the industrial style.

In the 20th century, skyscrapers appeared in the city: Lloyd's building in City, CANARY WHARF complex in Dockds. At the end of the past - the beginning of this century, Norma Foster became leading British architect, built in London Swissre skyscraper ("Cucumber") and New City Hall, the city hall building.

Traditions and ceremony

The United Kingdom is known as the country of traditions. Many of them have been preserved for a long time, and Londoners are invariably than them.
The shift of the Karaula from the Royal Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous and popular tourists in London traditions. This ceremony is held daily at 11:30 am from April to August, to other seasons - at the same time, but every other day. Practical benefit from the shift of Karaul, of course, no, but this tradition is one of the most beautiful in London.
The keys ceremony is a 700-year-old Tower closing ritual, performed by his main guardian at 9:50 pm every day.

Royal gun salutes are manufactured at special cases to which the day of the joining Queen on the throne (February 6), the birthday of the queen (April 21), the day of coronation (June 2), the birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh (June 10). If the holiday falls on Sunday, then the salute is made the next day.
The Thames Festival takes place in mid-September and includes a parade flare procession, fairs, fireworks and concerts.
Corner of speakers (English Speakers "Corner) is in the Hyde Park. Everyone may climb on any exaltation and practice in oratory for any topic. Now this tradition declines - it has become the usual tourist attraction, and a few speakers. The speakers are almost not heard due to the noise of cars on the next Park Lane Street (the use of microphones in the corner of speakers is prohibited by tradition).
In addition to Easter, Christmas and New Year, all holidays in England comes strictly on Monday. New Year - January 1, celebrated in a family circle with traditional apple pie. Easter is always celebrated in April, in Catholic temples on this day, concerts of organ music are held. Easter Monday - On this day, it is customary to congratulate each other with Easter, give gifts, children on the streets to give candy and toys.


Football Club "Arsenal" - winner of the Cup of England

London took the summer Olympic Games twice (1908, 1948), and in 2012 will do it for the third time. The capital of Great Britain will be the first city in the world, who made three Olympiads.

In the most popular in the UK and the world of sports - football - London clubs have achieved great success. Despite the fact that the "Liverpool" and "Manchester United" were always traditionally the strongest teams of England, the capital is most widely - at once five clubs - presented in the English Premier League. These are these teams: Arsenal, Chelsea, Fulham, Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham. At the moment, Arsenal and Chelsea are among the strongest clubs in Europe and the world. Chelsea won the Premier League in recent years and was the finalist of UEFA Champions League in 2008, and Arsenal 13 times became the champion of England and participated in the Champions League draw in 2006. Four clubs London is presented in the championship of England on rugby.


The largest stadium of the city - Wembley - was again open in May 2007 after a long reconstruction. The first match at the renovated stadium took place on May 19 between the Chelsea and Manchester United teams. The windows of the Football Cup and the Cup of the Cup (major national rugby tournament) are held at Wembley. Wembley also is a home stadium of the English football team. Matches in Cricket pass at the stadiums Owal and St. Johns Wood.

In London, or rather, in his suburb of Wimbledon, the eponymous tennis tournament is held annually.

Russians in London

For more than 450 years, there are state and commercial relations between England and Russia.

The first Russian guests in the capital of England were diplomats and royal people. Back in the XVI century, the Queen of Elizabeth I took ambassadors from Muscovy in the gardens of the suburbs of London Richmond and Greenwich (ambassadors then indignantly reported to Moscow that the Queen took them "in the garden").

The first Russian residents appeared in London in the XVII century, when young people sent by Boris Godunov for learning, refused to return home and remained in the British capital.

At the end of the 18th century, London was visited by a great embassy, \u200b\u200ba member of which was under the name of Peter Mikhailov and King Peter I. The future emperor stayed in England for about two months. He worked longer on shipyard in Detford, but also managed to inspect several factories, a mint, Greenwich Observatory and get acquainted with Isaac Newton.

The Russian ambassador to England in 1784-1806 remained in the memory of Londoners. Semen Romanovich Vorontsov. Thanks to Vorontsov, it was possible to avoid the war between Russia and the United Kingdom, when the British authorities were ready to send the fleet to the help of Turkey (see the Russian-Turkish War 1787-1792). Now in honor of Vorontsov in London is called Vorontsov-Road Street (Eng. Woronzow Road).

In the XIX century, London became the center of Russian free press - it was published by the magazines "Bell", "On the eve", "People's", "Bread and Will", which was then secretly transferred to Russia. In London, a considerable Russian colony was formed at the time. The most famous Russian Londoners of the XIX century - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen and Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev. Since 1876, the revolutionary Prince Peter Kropotkin lived in London.

The United Kingdom has become a refuge for immigrants from Russia and in the XX century. In 1903, the second congress of the prohibited Party of the RSDLP was held in London, on which she was divided into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Therefore, after the revolution of 1917, the influx of emigrants was, compared with Paris, Nice or Prague, Nice. It is worth noting only Paul Nikolayevich Milyukova, Chairman of the Party of Cadets.

In 2005, about 200 thousand people of the Russian-speaking population lived in London on unofficial information. The National Health Service of Great Britain, necessarily collecting data on the nationality of patients, reports about 40 thousand patients who called themselves Russian. According to Mark Hollingsurat and Stewart Lensla, the authors of the book "Londongrad or" from Russia with money "(2009), 300 thousand Russians live in London, including about 100 super-gogistics. Five newspapers in Russian are published, there are more than five Russian schools, several orthodox churches (parishes of the Sourozh diocese, ROCZ, as well as the Exarchate of the Constantinople Patriarchate), shops, in which you can buy "traditional" Russian products; Russian doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. are offered their services, and so on. There are both Russian restaurants focused on both emigrants and in London lovers of exotic. Since 2007, the center of London has been operating "Pushkin House" - an informal Russian cultural center, which lectures about Russian culture, Russian films are being demonstrated, classes in the Russian language are being conducted, the library works, exhibitions, presentations, concerts and techniques are organized. Pushkin House belongs to Pushkin House Trust, which is registered in the UK an independent charitable organization (number 313111), which owns its goal promotion of Russian language and culture. Pushkin House became the heir of the famous "Pushkin Club", which existed in London since 1955 and conducted similar activities.

In addition, London is known as a place of residence of several Russian billionaires - the owner of the Chelsea football club Roman Abramovich (however, it was recognized as a tax non-resident, because he spent only 57 full days in the UK in 2007), Oleg Deripaska, Vladimir Gusinsky. In addition, such ambiguously perceived persons like Boris Berezovsky and Ahmed Zakayev live in London.

In London, there are two monuments dedicated to Russians:
The Memorial of Soviet soldiers and citizens who died during the Second World War was opened on May 9, 1999 at Geraldine Mary Park at the UK Imperial Martial Museum, London. The monument of the Russian sculptor Sergey Shcherbakova is a three-meter bronze monument in the form of a woman's head bowed, over which there is a freely suspended bell, and at the foot of the monument - the granite plate with the memory words. Every year, May 9, the remaining veterans, representatives of states lay to the monument different countriesAnd also everyone willing to give a tribute to the memory of this great victory.
Peter's monument was first opened in 2001 in the London district of DETFORD, in the place on the banks of the River Thames, where Peter I lived for some time. The monument was created by the sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin and architect Vyacheslav Bukhayev.

Famous Londonians


Heinrich VIII.
Elizabeth I.
Karl II.
George III
Georg V.
Elizabeth II.

Art figures

William Turner
Alfred Hitchkok
Kelly Osborne


Michael Faraday
Charles Darwin


Alan Rickman
Tom Starridge
Emma Thompson
Tilda Suinton
Helen Mirren
David Souche
Helena Bonm Carter
Robert Pattison
Tim Rot
Jude Law
Ben Barnes


"London is a wonderful place if you can leave it" (Arthur Balfour)
"London fogs did not exist until the art was opened" (Oscar Wilde)
"It's good that you smoke. Each man needs some lesson. And so many idlers in London "(Oscar Wilde)
"Even flattened with its fellows in the London subway, the Englishman desperately pretend that he is alone here" (Germain Greer)
"If you are tired of London - you are tired of life" (Samuel Johnson)