Once again, the autumn season whirled with the wind. Scenario of the holiday in the group of different ages (4-7 years old) "Autumn sisters

Software content:
Expand knowledge about changes in nature with the arrival of autumn.
Develop creativity.
Foster a love of nature.

Preliminary work:
Selection of artistic and musical material.
Development of the scenario "An autumn noisy ball invited guests to his place."
Learning musical material.
Teachers to pick up poems, talk with children about how animals prepare for winter, about the signs of autumn.
Music hall decoration for the upcoming holiday.
Parents, together with their children, develop costumes and attributes for the holiday.

Leading, Fungus Borovichok - adults;
Girl Katya, bunny, fox, bear, sparrow - children senior group.
Birds: oriole, cuckoo, eagle owl, raven, woodpecker - children of the older group.
Entertainment progress:

Two people enter the hall to the sound of a waltz
Child: A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circling above the ground
Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a gold outfit.

Child: You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad motive sounded over the fields,
But we meet you, autumn, with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!
A waltz sounds, all the children run into the hall, get up scattered.

Child: Autumn time again
Spun with the wind
Miraculous paints she
Everyone was mesmerized:
Look what kind of carpet
Leaves at the door!
It's just a pity that there are bright days
A little in the fall. ...

Child: It's raining all over the land
Wet road
Many drops on the glass
And a little heat.

Child: Birch trees are sleeping in silver,
The greenery of the pines is brighter
Because in the yard
Gold autumn.

The song "Autumn, Autumn" does not give us a look ...

The cries of birds flying away are heard.

Host Oh guys, what does that mean?
Does it seem to me that someone is crying?

Child: These birds will gather in flocks
They will fly away and return to us in the spring.
High, high from the ground
The cranes flew south.

Child: Above the yellowed grass,
Over the poplar grove
A crane flies south,
With a flock of cranes.
Crane, crane,
Bon Voyage!
Crane, crane,
Arrive in the spring!

Song "Swallow, swallow"

Child: Autumn-bad weather,

Poplar - yellow

Suddenly there is a starling on a branch

He sang a song

The branch sways slightly

The rain does not end

Dream old starling

He says goodbye until spring.

Child: It rains in the fall.

Get it out, quickly. Umbrellas ...

Colored umbrellas,

Such beautiful!

Let's take umbrellas in our hands,

Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Child: Well, we will not be sad!
Autumn is good too!
We will all dance together,
Let the soul have fun!

Dance "Karelian"

Presenter: While we are waiting for the guests at the ball, we will read poems about autumn.

Child: Look outside the window
Autumn ignites colors!
And in the trees all around
The leaves are on fire!
Painted in autumn
In bright colors
Decorated with gold
Trees and Grass!

Child: Goodbye, summer!

Hello, golden autumn!

Trees dressed in gold1

And the leaves shine like gold
The teacher here is to mark the idea (about) of the poem.

Mushroom: Hello kids! Did you recognize me?
Mushroom: I am the largest Borovichok Mushroom in our forest! I congratulate you on the autumn holiday and know everything, everything in the world!
Host: It can't be!
Mushroom: I even know what you kids are thinking right now.
Children: About what?
Mushroom: About the past summer, you want it never to end. Well, guess what?
Children: Yes!
Host: Yes, Gribok Borovichok, the children really wanted it to be always warm, so listen to the poem, which is called “Summer has passed quickly”.

Child: Summer flashed quickly,
Ran through the colors
Walks behind the mountains somewhere
And he misses without us there.
Birds rushed after him
To the land where it's hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking at our door,
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Mushroom: Children, would you like to return summer?
Children Yes! But is it possible?
Mushroom: For me, nothing is impossible! (Claps his hands) Let summer be here for a moment - let the forest birds sing merrily!

The fungus is scared. What is it?
Host: Everything has its time, its own turn, this is an autumn thunderstorm. After all, autumn comes after summer with showers, with wind. But it seems that the rain is starting.

Mushroom: I love rain very much! While it is raining, listen to the fairy tale.

Child: Rains are knocking more and more
On the branches and along the path.
Katya picks mushrooms in the forest,
Bunny suddenly meets on the path.
Music sounds, bunny jumps out.
Bunny jumps to the music

Child: It gets colder every day,
It's very chilly in the rain!
I'm all trembling, all wet
Like an aspen leaf!
I would have a house, but drier,
It would have warmed paws and ears. Apchhi!
Katya opens her umbrella.

Ved: Here he opened up very handily
Our Katya is holding the umbrella.

Child: (Bunny):
Get under the umbrella baby
Warm your paws - run away!

Bunny hides under an umbrella, Chanterelle runs in.
Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful,
The three of us will not be cramped!

Child: (Chanterelle):
Hurry to us, Chanterelle,
Dry your fluffy tail!
The chanterelle is hiding under the umbrella, the Bear is walking.

Child: Good afternoon to you!
All: Hello, Mishka!
Child: I treat you all with a bump!
So tnank you!

Child: Can I get under an umbrella.
Warm your nose and ears?

Chanterelle (terrified):
Oh oh oh! Your height is very great!
Do you remember my fluffy tail!

Child: Enough space under the umbrella!
The four of us are not cramped!
(Calling Mishka)

Sparrow is flying.
Child: I flew in the rain,
I looked for grains everywhere.
The wings are heavy
I can barely fly.

Child: Come to us, Sparrow, fly,
Enough space for all five!

Light, joyful music sounds.
Child: So the rain has stopped! (Closes the umbrella.)

Bunny: Well, then I galloped! (Runs away.)

Chanterelle: Goodbye, I have to go,
There, in the forest, is my hole! (Runs away.)

Bear: Well, I have to go,
I'll go to my den to sleep! (Leaves.)

Sparrow: I flew then,
Goodbye friends! (Flies away.)

Child: Goodbye, animals!
I'll run to the guys too.
From the autumn forest
I'll bring mushrooms to everyone!
(Shows a basket of mushrooms.)

SONG: about mushrooms
Mushroom: What wonderful mushrooms. Want to play with them, show your dexterity

Game: Collect mushrooms

Dance: Croatian

Child: Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Today it is just like new!

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

Game "Pass to another"
All children are playing. Children stand in two columns.

Presenter: And now, for you guys, moms and dads will ask riddles.
1.Red hidden spine,
Only the layout is visible from above,
And you pick it up deftly -
And in the hands. (carrot).

2.There, in the garden, a bush grew,
Only audible: crunch and crunch!
In cabbage soup, in a hodgepodge densely
Juicy. (cabbage).

3. Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying:
"What will be for lunch?"
After all, she sat down tight
In the garden. (turnip).
Mushroom I also have a riddle for you:
Banana on a palm tree - for the monkey
And on a high pine. (bumps).
You guys have a treat - the cones are delicious, sweet
Host: What, Fungus Borovichok, we don't have bunnies, not squirrels, but boys and girls. They don't eat buds.

Mushroom: What do you love? (answers). What to do?
You can't do without magic! And you guys will help me! Agree? ... Just look, do not peep, otherwise the magic will not work!

Song: Dance with Leaves.

The mushroom pronounces magic words:
Transform, cones, spruce, pine,
The apples are fragrant, juicy, honeyed!

Fungus: Well, that's all done! Here are some treats for the guys!

The presenter and the children thank the Mushroom for the treat.

The fungus says goodbye and leaves.

Presenter: What a wonderful holiday Autumn gave us. It's time to thank her.

Child: Thank you, Autumn,
For generous gifts -:

For a bright patterned sheet:
For a forest treat -
For nuts and roots

Child: For lingonberries, for viburnum
And for a ripe mountain ash.
We say thank you
Autumn we thank!

Scenario of the Autumn holiday for children of the senior preparatory group

The garden scarecrow is visiting the guys. Autumn matinee for senior children preschool age

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, MBDOU DS No. 93, musical director of the city of Chelyabinsk
Material Description: the material is useful for teachers and music directors when organizing autumn leisure with older preschool children.
Purpose: create a joyful mood in children, cause a positive emotional uplift.
Equipment: A fake rowan tree, musical instruments, dummies of vegetables and fruits, baskets for dancing, a Scarecrow costume, children's costumes (prepared by parents), a table with medicines for the Badger.
(two children enter the hall, read poetry)
Child: A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circling above the ground
Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a gold outfit.
Child: You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad motive sounded over the fields,
But we meet you, autumn, with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!
(a waltz sounds, all the children run into the hall, get up scattered)

1. Login
Child: Autumn time again
Spun with the wind
Miraculous paints she
Everyone was mesmerized:
Look what kind of carpet
Leaves at the door!
It's just a pity that there are bright days
A little in the fall.
Child: It's raining all over the land
Wet road
Many drops on the glass
And a little heat.
Child: Birch trees sleep in silence,
The greenery of the pines is brighter
Because in the yard
Gold autumn.

2. Song "Round dance at the Ryabinushka"

Children sit down.

3. Cries of birds flying away sound.
Host: Oh, guys, what does that mean?
Does it feel like someone is crying?
Musical director: Birds gather in flocks
And in the spring they return to us again
High, high from the ground
The cranes flew south.
Wings threw up to the sky,
They left the sweet land.
They purred in the distance
I know you have prepared a lot of songs and poems about birds, let's perform them for our guests.

4. Song "Cranes"
Child: Starling! Look, there he is!
He has to go south
And he, before leaving
He returned home suddenly.
A bird flew to us
To say goodbye until spring.
Child: Above the yellowed grass,
Over the poplar grove
A crane flies south,
With a flock of cranes.
Crane, crane,
Bon Voyage!
Crane, crane,
Arrive in the spring!
Host: Now everything is clear to me. You know so much about birds that I wanted to play the game "The Birds Have Arrived" with you. Now I will only name birds, but if suddenly I am mistaken and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

5. The game "Birds have arrived"
Host: Birds have arrived:
Doves, tits,
Flies and swifts ... (Children stomp.)
Beginner: What's wrong?
Children. Flies!
Leading. And who are the flies?
Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:
Birds arrived:
Doves, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta! .. (Children stomp.)
Leading. Let's start again:
Birds arrived:
Doves, foxes! ...
Leading. Birds arrived:
Doves, tits.
Lapwings, siskins,
Teapots, swifts ... (Children stomp.)
Leading. Birds arrived:
Doves, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos ... (Children stomp.)
Leading. Birds arrived:
Doves, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Lapwings, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings ...
All of you are great! (Applause to yourself!)
Host: Well, we will not be sad!
Autumn is good too!
We will all dance together,
Let the soul have fun!

6. "Adults and Children"
After the dance, the boys accompany the girls to the chairs.
And the Ogorodnoye Scarecrow enters the hall, swears and waves his hands - "chasing" a crow. When the children sit on the chairs, the Scarecrow stops waving his arms.
Scarecrow: Who is this? I'm tired of chasing crows - everyone strives to peck apples! - and then uninvited guests came.
Host: These are the guys from kindergarten. And who are you?
Scarecrow: I'm a garden watchman. My name is Scarecrow Ogorodnoe. I'm guarding the crop here so that the birds don't eat it. Why did you come? To break the order? Pluck my vegetables? Shoo! Go here!
Host: Yes, we will not touch your beds. You better tell me, how long have you been guarding the garden?
Scarecrow: Yes, I've been standing since spring! As soon as the first shoots appeared, they put me here. Made of straw, gave out a shirt and a hat - for solidity.
Host: Aren't you bored here?
Scarecrow: Isn't it boring? Themselves would try to stick around on a stick from morning to evening. There is no one to have a word with. Some birds around.
Host: So let us amuse you.
Scarecrow: How is it?
Host: Our children can sing, dance, and can read poetry.
Scarecrow: Well? So let them show their skills!

7. Noise Orchestra.
Scarecrow: I see, you cheerful people,
I invite you to my garden.
To make it more fun, start a game soon.

8. Attraction "Disassemble fruits and vegetables"
Host: We played well with you. They scattered vegetables and fruits in buckets. But the old grandfather still cannot figure out where his turnip is in his garden, where is the carrot. Let's tell our guests a story about a grandfather who messed things up.

(Children come out, heroes of the scene, take places)

Host: Daddy planted a turnip in the garden ...
Grandpa turnip said:
Grandfather: You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
Fertilizer buckets five ...
Oh, tired, it's time to sleep.

(He lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)
Host: Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Turnip between the growing,
Yes fights with weeds:
With their feet and hands ...
It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly September morning
Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering teeth.)
Grandfather: Oh, I'm old enough to sleep.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little bit.
Ay, yes the turnip was born!
I never dreamed of this.

(Grabs the turnip and pulls.)
Host: Suffice, but the turnip was outraged.
Carrot: What an awkward old man you are!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You have not washed your eyes.
I am a hundred times slimmer turnips.
There is no substitute in the soup ...
And one more secret.
I am rich in vitamin
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!

And I'll pull out another turnip.
Potato: Oh, oh, oh. I protest!
I am not a turnip. I am Potato! Even a cat knows it.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s clear as two times two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
I hear for chips, grandfather,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look
I can become fries
I am your main crop!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
I'll go over the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the land!
Ah yes turnip, here they are!

Cabbage: Really, I'm outraged!
Grandfather, you ate too much sneakers,
I've seen enough of the series
Maybe you fell off the stove?
Once I didn't recognize the cabbage.
I'm not like a turnip
She has one piece of clothing
Well I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons ...
And then ...
I am crispy cabbage!
The salad is empty without me
Any lunch with me
Cabbage roll il vinaigrette ...
Will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear,
You can ferment and salt ...
And store it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: You are welcome ... to the basket.
Only still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

Bow: I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let it be a little tricky
But popular among the people.
The most delicious kebab
The one in which there is a bow.
All mistresses know me
They add to soup and porridge,
In pies, mushrooms, broth ...
I'm a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu is afraid of me ...
Even though I'm ready to fight now.
I am a great harvest!
Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
Host: The evening is coming to an end.
The month comes to heaven.
It's time for grandpa to go home.
Tomorrow morning
He will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Uh, heavy basket
A car would be useful ...
And the fairy tale came to an end.
The one who listened, well done.
We are waiting for your applause,
Well, and other compliments ...
After all, the artists tried
Let them be a little confused.

(children-artists sit down)
Host: And now, girls take baskets, but go for a walk in the autumn forest.

9. Dance with baskets.
Host: Well, Scarecrow-Ogorodnoye, did our guys entertain you?
Scarecrow: Oh, entertained, oh, entertained!
Host: How long are you going to stand here?
Scarecrow: The owners said until the fall. And when is this autumn? How do you know?
Host: So it's already autumn.
Scarecrow: It can't be! You're deceiving me.
Host: Guys, tell the Scarecrow, what time of year is it?
Children: Autumn!
The presenter invites the children to name the signs that indicate that it is autumn in the yard.
Child: Summer flashed by quickly, ran through the colors,
He walks over the mountains somewhere and misses us there.
Birds rushed after him
To a land where it is hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking at our door,
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Child: All around the colored umbrellas opened in the rain.
Someone's boots started running from the rain.
In vain mama ahala
It's pouring rain, so be it.
I'm not sugar at all
I'm not afraid to melt.
Under the roof for us with the girls
I don't want to go
Like mushrooms with butter
We are in a hurry to grow up.
Child: Here is a crow sitting on the fence.
All the barns have been constipated for a long time.
All carts have passed, all carts,
The time has come for bad weather.
She fusses on the fence.
Woe to her. Real grief!
After all, the crow has no grain
And there is no defense against the cold ...
Scarecrow: What's true is true. And I didn’t notice!
Host: Here, Scarecrow, your watch has come to an end. The vegetables in the garden are ripe, the apples on the trees are ripe. You can rest. Get off your pole and knead it properly!
Scarecrow: Hurray! Hurrah! Autumn time! Let's run and play! Let's sing songs!

10. Song "For mushrooms"
Leading. Shouldn't we arrange an autumn show
To everyone's surprise!
Our group of artists is full,
And it is easy for them to play a show!
There was a forest behind the village,
Full of fabulous wonders.
To cheerful music, the animals are engaged in "forest" affairs: squirrels are circling, a hare with a hare in a carriage walks, a bear sits on a bench, etc.
Leading. Here's a forty arrived
And they sat on a branch.

A magpie flies in to the music.
Magpie: Attention! Attention!
Dear residents!
Would you like to hear the latest news?
Badger opens a pharmacy
And he calls all the animals to him.
For the nicest buyers
There will be a rich choice.
The prices are very tempting,
The discounts are amazing!
Hurry quickly there,
To Uncle Badger's pharmacy!
All the animals sit down to the music.
A badger appears. A table is placed next to it, on it are various medicines.

Badger: Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
I will ask everyone here!
Come on quickly
Take a closer look!
There are forest herbs
Spare tails,
Useful tinctures
And the teeth are iron.
Fly in more fun
And buy, buy!
Host: The solemn moment has come:
The first customer appeared at the door!
Mikhailo Potapych came.
Bear: I was visiting the beaver,
I caught a cold - just fear!
I urgently need to warm up,
Maybe rub something?
Badger: From colds
A birch broom is most useful!
Heat the bathhouse hotter,
Take a broom with you -
Tomorrow you will be like a cucumber
You will forget about the disease.
To the music, the bear receives a broom and leaves.
Host: Two beauties galloped,
Did you recognize red squirrels?

Squirrels run out.
1st squirrel: We were in the fox's cabin,
They curled their mustaches there.
2nd squirrel: We burned the noses with a hairdryer
And they came to you for the ointment.
Badger: I know from childhood an excellent remedy!
Buy sea buckthorn here, rub your nose gently.
Wait three minutes and blot with a napkin.

The proteins get the remedy and run away.
Host: Mom comes with a child,
Hare with a little hare.
Hare: My son blew up a firecracker.
His ear dropped.
Used to frolic like a foal
And now the child hears nothing.
(sobbing): Help soon!
Give something faster!
Badger: Take the herbal tincture,
Apply a compress to your ear at night.

The hare and the hare leave.
Host: Here the dragonfly stood in line.
She stood, she stood. Yes, I fainted!

With a cry, the dragonfly falls onto the bench.
Host: Hey, orderlies, run here,
Bring the dragonfly to the hospital soon!

A wolf runs out to live music - an orderly, checks the pulse,
listens to breathing.
Wolf: So! All clear!
Summer sang red
I didn't eat vitamins.
The orderly takes the dragonfly by the hands.
Dragonfly (waking up): To the hospital? Injections?
What are you, no, no!
Shooting I'm better
More sweets!
Wolf: No!
Buy lingonberry syrup
And take it every day!
Host: The patient buys syrup,
He drinks it right there, (the dragonfly buys, drinks ..)
And with joy the dragonfly began to sing songs.

11. Song.
Host: Attention, dear viewers!
Would you like to see the continuation?
Evening is already coming in the forest
The badger closes the pharmacy,
He counts money at the cash desk.
Suddenly out of nowhere,
Kikimora swamp come!
Kikimora appears. Busyly examines the pharmacy, it is important
sits on a chair, crossing her legs.
Kikimora: What do I see? Business here?
Let me sit down!
Trade flourishes here.
And you miss me!
Jars, flasks, honey, mustard ...
And why do you all need to be treated?
My advice: eat in the morning
Three huge mosquitoes.
You will be healthy for a whole century
And you don't need doctors!
Host: I only managed to utter,
Suddenly she bent over, twisted!
(Kikimora doubled over in imaginary pain.)
A strong cough appeared,
The right eye suddenly squinted!
(Kikimora coughs and squints with his right eye.)
Suddenly a hand broke
Suddenly my leg was combing.
(Kikimora performs movements over the text.)

The script of the autumn holiday for the older group.

The presenters enter the hall to music, read poetry:

Leading # 1:

A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
A maple leaf is circling above the ground.
Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise,
And again put on a gold outfit.
Leading number 2:

You bring with you a sad violin

So that the sad motive sounded over the fields,
But we meet you, autumn, with a smile,
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

To the music, children enter the hall and become a semicircle, begin to read poetry

1. It's autumn time again
Spun with the wind
She is a miracle with paints
Everyone was mesmerized:

2.See which carpet
Leaves at the door!
It's just a pity that there are bright days
A little in the fall.

3 it's raining all over the land
Wet road.
Many drops on the glass
And a little heat.
4.Birch trees are sleeping in silver,
The greenery of the pines is brighter
Because in the yard
Gold autumn.

Leading number 1:

Guys, we're talking about autumn here, but it's not there.

And where is Autumn, we don't understand

Why doesn't she belong to us?

Probably with the rain together

Everything brings beauty!

Leading # 2:

Let's call Autumn,

Sing a song to her!
Song "Autumn has come", music by S. Nasaulenko.

Leading # 1:

Oh guys, hush, hush,

I think I can hear something.

Autumn enters the music


Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends.
Did you call me?
And I came to you for a holiday,
Although business did not let go,
But still, I found the time.

Leading # 2:

Autumn is a beautiful woman, a generous soul!

Hello long-awaited! How good you are!


I was in a hurry to see you, friends!

And I brought a gift!

The leaves are different here -

Yellow and red.

We'll take them all now,

Let's start a dance together.

Children take leaves on chairs and stand in a circle
Dance with leaves "Leaf fall"

After the dance, the children put the leaves on a tray and sit on chairs.


I walked to you along the forest path,

And follow me through the forest

The rain was rushing mischievous

Took me a little bit

And all the tracks got wet.

Leading # 1:

Autumn, and our girls know poems about rain and want to please you with them.
2 girls come out with umbrellas in their hands, they say in turn:

Is rain really bad? Just put on your boots.
And in them, not only along the roads, but even run through the puddles!

And how nice it is to whisper in the rain with an umbrella together!
And you can even take an umbrella and dance in the rain!

Leading # 2: TANETS "ZONT AND KI"

Leading number 1:

The rain has passed here and there,

He left many puddles for us.

Well, we'll forget about sadness,

Each puddle has its own drops

We will select.

Game "Each puddle has its own drops"

Leading number 1:

Now, autumn, sit down

And listen to our poems.

Summer flew by

Like a big bird.

It's already autumn

Knocking on our door!

Autumn! How glad you are!

A motley leaf fall is spinning!

Leaves near trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn, autumn golden!

Decorated our garden.

And today in this hall

She gathered the guys!

Autumn is yellow foliage

Autumn is the blue of the sky.

And on every one on the track

Autumn is visible in the puddles!

The breeze sweeps the path

And rustles with fallen leaves.

You came to us golden autumn

Glad to meet you again.

Autumn, autumn! You are very beautiful!

Colored leaves fly in the wind.
And they sing us a song with the breeze together,
They fall under their feet, rustle softly.

Leading number 2:

And now you, autumn, play with us.

Get up quickly into the merry round dance.
Round dance with AUTUMN

Leading # 2:

And now, guys, I’ll ask you a riddle:
And on a hill, and under a hill, under a birch and under a tree
Round dances and in a row, in hats, fellows stand. (Mushrooms)

Leading # 2:

And today mushrooms have come to our holiday.

Hey, mushrooms, come to us, tell everyone about yourself.
Children in mushroom caps come out, they say in turn:

I am a white mushroom, I am a brave mushroom.
I'm not afraid of anyone, where I want to, there I will show myself.

I know this clearing, I grow under an aspen.
The mushroom pickers are looking for me, the boletus I am.

Nearby with needles, mushrooms under the trees,
Not small, not large, and lie like dimes.

We will now dance for you, show our mushroom dance.
Mushroom dance

(A gnome sits down in a corner)
Leading # 1:

Oh, is there a mushroom? The mushroom seems to be asleep.
Hey, my friend, wake up soon, and show the guys.
The gnome gets up, stretches. (To the music)

Who called me mushroom? I am a forest cheerful Dwarf.
I got up in the morning, went out into the forest, all the forest people disappeared.
They don't play, they don't sing, they don't invite the Dwarf to visit.
What happened? Why? I don’t understand anything.
I'll jump on a tree stump, whisper, mutter,
I'll spin a hundred thousand times, I'll know everything now.
Jumps up on a tree stump, "conjures". Bunny runs out. (to the music)

Autumn, Gnome, has come to us. She took everyone with her.
On the fields, on the gardens - nowadays there is a lot of work there.
Minks need to be insulated and food stored.
Eat carrots, treat them. Goodbye, I'm running away!
Leading # 2:

Bunny correctly suggested: Autumn has come!
Decorated the foliage, washed everyone with the rain.

I need to call the Hedgehog, I want to know from him:
What is he doing, how does he live? Let him come to us now.
The Hedgehog enters with a basket in his hands. (To music)

Hello Gnome! And the guests too.
I am glad to congratulate all of you Hedgehog.
Here are the autumn gifts I brought for the kids:
Here, I just barely brought in box-nuts!

Leading # 1:

Hedgehog, do you want to play with our guys

And pick mushrooms?

Hey you nimble mushrooms

Climb on the stumps,

We love to play with you,

We will dance together.

Match with mushrooms


Hedgehog! Where are you in a hurry?
Aren't you going to visit the party?

I am in a hurry to hide in a burrow, I will sleep with it in the winter.
Goodbye, guys! Goodbye friends!(Leaves)
Leading # 1:

Let's call now the Toptyzhka, the fidget, the playful.
Let him come in kindergarten and look at the guys.
The Bear enters with a barrel in his hands, in it - candy. (To music)

Hello Misha, don't be shy! Come forward boldly.
What's in the keg? Are you carrying honey? You live well!

There is no honey. No need to be sad, I will treat everyone to chocolate.
Take my gift, but I'm in a hurry to go home.(Exit.)

Everything is clear, this autumn has come to visit us again.
Gilded all the foliage, she invited us to the holiday.

Leading # 2:

Gnome, let the music play, and we are together,
Let's continue the autumn holiday with a friendly, ringing song!

Oh, how good the song is, I liked it so much.
I thank you all, I give you my gifts.(gives away a barrel of sweets)

Well, I'll go home and get some rest. Goodbye!
The presenter and the children thank the Gnome and say goodbye to him.

Well, well, it's time for me to say goodbye.

So sorry to part with you.
But Winter's turn is approaching,

We will only meet in a year.
And goodbye, friends, I treat you to apples!(Gives a basket of apples).
Leading # 1:

Sweet Autumn, generous and beautiful,

Let's say Autumn together:

Autumn is leaving, children waving after her.
Leading # 2:

So our holiday has come to an end. Now we will go to the group, we will treat ourselves to delicious apples - gifts from the generous Autumn, drink tea with sweets, which the Dwarf and guests from the forest treated us to, and remember our wonderful autumn holiday.

The script of the autumn holiday for children of the preparatory group.

Music sounds, children enter the hall

Child 1st:

Autumn golden, who is not glad to you,

Having fun playing, we will meet the leaf fall.

Let's go to the garden in a crowd, pick up leaves,

We will decorate the house with golden foliage.

Child 2:

Autumn beauty splashed paints:

Heavenly blaze, as if from a fairy tale.

Lilac linden and aspen flames

Farewell cries of the crane family.

Leafs through the golden pages of October

And white birches are already dreaming about winter.

Child 3rd:

Between the trees, between the pines

Autumn wanders cautiously.

Autumn is a red fox

Paints the forest red!

But green dress,

Do not paint it at the pine forest:

For the fox are sharp and sharp

Forests are pine needles!

Child 4th:

It is raining all over the land, the road is wet.

There are many drops on the glass, but not much heat.

Birch trees sleep in silver, the greenery of the pines is brighter,

Because it's a golden autumn outside.

Once again, the autumn season whirled with the wind.

She charmed everyone with her miraculous colors!

Look at the carpet of leaves on the doorstep!

It's just a pity that there are few bright days in autumn ...

Autumn enters to the music.


Hello my friends! I came to you for a holiday!

I've dressed up everything! The dark forest has gilded -

It became as light as day in him! The leaves are on fire there!

Didn't you waste time in vain? Harvested from the fields?

Have you eaten berries and mushrooms? And ripe hazelnuts?

The gifts of Autumn are generous, there are no more generous times in the year!

Child 5:

Hello, Autumn is golden, the sky is blue!

Yellow leaves, flying off, lay down on the path!

A warm ray glides, plays, invites us into the woods,

There, in a lowland, under a bush, a mushroom has grown - boletus!

Child 6:

The garden is colored with flowers, so wonderful - look!

And in the foliage, clusters of red rowan trees are burning with fire!

What to be sad about summer now! Autumn has come to visit us!

I brought gifts to everyone in a gilded carriage!

Child 7:

Everything is ripe, everything is ripe! Time to clean the beds!

Let's get down to business together! We will help adults!

The clock of nature is running: day, week, month, year.

If it's autumn, people have a lot of worries every day!

Song performed ____________________________________________

Children sit on high chairs.


A month passes quickly

Days go by.

Nature is gradually changing her outfit.

There are many worries and deeds, I have daughters.

And I call every assistant for help!

Friends, do you want to meet them?

Children: Yes!

Sentyabrinka appears (a hat with fruits and vegetables, a basket in her hands)


I guys are Sentyabrinka,


I paint the leaves in a bright color,

There is no better paint in the world.

I command the fruits to ripen,

Harvest good ladies.

Want to know about him? 2

I ask you to guess riddles!

The hero is rich

Treats all the guys

Strawberries and blueberries

And white mushrooms,

And ripe nuts! (forest)

An eagle flies across the blue sky

I spread my wings

The sun is overcast. (cloud)

Without arms, without legs, trees are oppressed. (wind)

Without a path and without a road

The longest walks.

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness.

Only feet on the ground! (rain)

They grow green

Fall, turn yellow

They lie down and turn black. (leaves)


Well done guys,

Know how to guess riddles!

I know that you love to work,

And also have fun.

I invite the people!

Get up in a merry round dance!

Song performed _________________________________________

Oktyabrinka runs out to the music.


Leaves - time to fall.

It's time for the birds to fly away.

I guys are Oktyabrinka,

Gold and rain.

I have a lot to do:

I'll check the bunny fur coat

I'll cook some bark for them.

And I will try to foliage

Cover the burrow warmer. 3

Autumn: Hello Oktyabrinka, we are very glad to see you. Guys, as you know, after September comes October.

The harvest in the forest is ripe

Everyone takes baskets!

What will they collect?

You have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dance in a row:

Well done in hats! (Mushrooms)

That's right, mushrooms. Indeed, October is famous for its mushroom harvest.

Oktyabrinka: Do you know mushrooms?

Autumn: Of course we know!

Oktyabrinka: Well, I'll see if you know the names of the mushrooms?

I'm growing in a red cap

Among the roots of aspen,

You will see me a mile away

My name is …… .. (Boletus)

He stood in the forest

Nobody took it.

Young in a red hat,

Useless ... .. (Amanita)

I do not argue, not white,

Me, brothers, it's easier.

I usually grow

In a birch grove. (Brown birch tree)

There are no mushrooms more friendly than these,

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on my nose. (Honey mushrooms)

Autumn: Oktyabrinka, we have prepared a gift for you - a dance of mushrooms. Stay with us on the holiday.

The "Dance of the Mushrooms" is being performed.

Noyabrinka appears (with shiny sultans, a crown with dried leaves on her head)


I guys are Noyabrinka.

Cold and snowflake.

The forest fell asleep, glades,

Fogs fell on the meadows.

The bee and the bug are sleeping,

The cricket fell silent in the forest.

Just a funny tit

Suddenly it flies up, she can't sit!

Let's not forget the birds

They will have to winter.

They need so little food.

You hang a piece of bacon!

Fly my birds here,

Show us your dance!

The "Dance of the Birds" is being performed.


Holidays in the fall are different

And that's why they are called like this:

Children (one by one):

A feast of vegetables!

Autumn Ball!

Day of leaf fall!

Autumn carnival!

Or maybe a watermelon?


We will call Anash ...

All: Skit!


We respect cabbage in Russia,

The guys are eating her by both cheeks.

They make salads, soups and cabbage rolls with her ...

Do you eat cabbage? Then you are great!

Today on our skit will be fun contests, and the winner is the one who quickly decorates our cabbage heads with multi-colored bows. (That is, for each victory the team gets a bow).


Oh guys, don't you hear anything? five

Someone else is in a hurry for our holiday ...

Kikimora and Leshy enter to the music.


How long we walked with Leshim,

Finally found you!

We came to compete

To compete with the children!


Anyway, we are smarter than you,

And faster and stronger!


And we can all play

We will defeat you in no time.

Leshy :

We are a team, top class!

And not what you have there!

Autumn :

Well, Kikimora, we need to come up with names for the teams.

The children's team is GOOD.

And yours - …….

Leshy (shouts): Cucumbers !!!

Kikimora: You yourself are a salty cucumber! We will be SLEEPY!


Well, let's start the competition,

We are looking for the first task.

Guess the riddle

Where is the task - find out!

You are round, tasty, beautiful!

You are juicy, well, just a miracle!

Borsch, beetroot, vinaigrette ...





Autumn :




Autumn {!LANG-35a2aab1c6c09b0f0bc15f0cbbbec5b9!}





All: {!LANG-8b2e121e906add1718d18796e4958de2!}

Autumn: {!LANG-e90be5f30f546cf85537c9185901e91f!}

Kikimora: {!LANG-51f0ee3a8845a2d060b5c1ad18c057d9!}


Autumn: {!LANG-3e5f0168f6d057215f13a4dd38571089!}

















Autumn {!LANG-f563f01db8b7389a48725215134e14f0!}







Leshy: {!LANG-a09c53fc3f94f8b9b8bfd0c19b348aba!}

Autumn: {!LANG-a1b5c8949447789cd3c4f95a62692eb0!}



{!LANG-a6510948dc0538c91b472b7dc23836e9!} {!LANG-2f986b4537a21ed8bf418c86b57acce8!}





{!LANG-8979816079f1d79be278c14936c6316f!}{!LANG-69e7e9b5bcd0b63c19a78dc755cbbea7!} {!LANG-184b68ad15b66c583fac7f81a76de125!}


































































{!LANG-dcebe83ca8df8f55b73a1c3f3b8d3bec!} :


















Autumn {!LANG-b6aff3ba5afe96eba8a655348a294219!}












{!LANG-614ae10792ad46bedb07507cc8d35799!} {!LANG-201d233200ae739393b21b5209f240a3!}








{!LANG-5d2d774601f5776aebf5e8213272a6f9!} :










Autumn: {!LANG-6c9047f974cb4b3e53cb027f52fbb112!}

Kikimora: {!LANG-276c764036fb2b37db9eefea76396e39!}

Autumn: {!LANG-aacf1c1496ae84aa43a369e915c7db4b!}


Autumn {!LANG-a93edbca752e0e8d1bc0cebc3c604ba9!}


{!LANG-5d2d774601f5776aebf5e8213272a6f9!} {!LANG-4d0a0b663880ed745eaf10a807c19dfa!}

Autumn {!LANG-9f0c2629b1d2d8ed79e1ec65341557f8!} {!LANG-c770c1169c30f7e24d65db3e01cc754f!}

Kikimora: {!LANG-9ff253d69f157bb91cbacc511d78bdf6!}

Autumn : {!LANG-585c7270b90ab7f72212a35772ebe91f!}



Leshy {!LANG-90ff57deaece67a758380989871981f2!}

{!LANG-5d2d774601f5776aebf5e8213272a6f9!} {!LANG-59c2a2ddf064935f92d9248a358b537e!}

Leshy: {!LANG-de9d5cf26609c98f984798b26b89eafb!}


Kikimora: {!LANG-15292a7f871cb2ed8fd5f9757c9d98cf!}





Kikimora: {!LANG-1c36cdec738c33e05a5d1188541526a4!}



Leshy: {!LANG-18696d2822fea0d10da4f535b423b61b!}





Autumn: {!LANG-35fddc4f0f0b3258ddbed153aa8339ba!}







