Mark birthday two years. Photo of birthday decoration ideas: how to make a holiday unforgettable

Our scenario of children's birthday for 2 years is a designer. Choose or supplement the parts that you like. Remember that small kids are quickly tired, so that such crumbs will suit the event with a duration of two hours (this is approximately).

By the way, remember that if you wish, you can divide the birthday of the child as it were for 2 parts: day after lunch (when the baby sleep) Invite his buddies with their moms, still a birthday - children's holidayBut in the evening, call adults - relatives and friends.

1. Sending invitations
Unusual invitations for the holiday that you can send by mail or pass personally on a walk, can also be part of the event. For example, in the case of a suited event (for example, on the topic "Insect Ball"), you can independently make small stylized cards on which it will be depicted, for example, Ladybug.

Just do not forget to call the guests and clarify whether they received an invitation (if you sent by mail).

2. Guests have arrived
To the small guests of your birthday room, and it was interesting for him, you can put on the corridor on the kids for a birthday party. And with a child you can learn a small poem, which he with your help will tell guests.

And it will still be very fun if, at the entrance to the apartment of each of the guests, you will include a merry melody. And the birthday girl and the included guests will probably like this beginning of the birthday.

While the rest of the guests are going, responsible (for example, the father of the birthday party) can be folded in one of the rooms with the kids, play something neutral to start the celebration itself, when everyone gather.

3. We start celebrating
As a hurry for a holiday, it can be: the quest game - "Return a festive cake." The bottom line is that at the very beginning, the kids are invited to blew candles at a festive cake. But when you bring a cake in the box, everyone discovered that there is empty, but there is a note that it seems that the cake has disappeared and first need to perform a few fun tasks to the birthday whose symbol is a cake, took place.

Another option for the beginning of the holiday: someone from adults makes a "magic" (pre-prepared by the parents) box or scroll from some fabulous hero, whom the birthday party loves. Read the message to the birthday girl: "Dear kid! So one more wonderful year passed ... .. (Here the parents will enter any wish, make an important achievement of the child, praise him, etc.)... But so that the birthday is good, you and your friends need to try, for this first need to dance carefully. " And everyone is invited to do what is written in the message. That is, the tone of the event asks this message with instructions to action.

If your event is costumed, then it can also be beat. For example, solemnly announce that today everyone gathered on the insect ball - bees, ladybugs, etc. You can offer first kids to eat in the integration, and then continue the games for the birthday of the child.

Show fantasy. Surely the examples described will pump you on your idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the birthday of a child of two years.

4. Played
We definitely recommend showing a puppet theater (for example, Dad and the mother of the birthday officer take into the hands on the toy and beating a fairy tale in the improvised shirma). Also, be sure to dance more with kids, to tell the cave around the birthday room.


Like on mishina (cars, pets) name day
We baked a loaf.
Here is such an embroider!

Raise your hands taken in your hands and show what a high loaf turned out.
Here is such a nizenna!
Lower your hands down and show where this huge loaf begins bottom.
Here is a width!
We dreamed and stretching in a circle, as wide as possible so that the loaf can fit.
Here is such a dinner!
It is clear that such a huge loaf just can not be narrow.
Loaf, loaf,
Who do you want to choose!

If the child is still very small or simply jerked, then support it, taking a mandatory answer to the dance on yourself:
I love, of course, all
Well, Masha (or any name) - the most.

"Flower-sevenceticism". We make in advance of paper flower with 7 petals (or how much is needed by the number of children). Each petal is the simplest task. Dance, jump on one leg, etc. And performs it not only the one who stretched out, but all together. So kids are easier and more fun.

"Funny animals". You can show kids on the computer screen Animal and ask you to show all the children, what kind of sound is publishing such an animal (cow mice, goat meets, etc.). For the kids it will not be difficult, with all the fun.

"Quickly collect." Another game for the little ones. Prepare the same type toys in advance. For example, parts of the pyramid, soft toys, etc. That is, there are several parts of the same type. Only so that you can easily explain to the kids, what is the difference. The goal is to raise its items faster - for example, someone collects all wooden cubes on the carpet, and another baby is all balls, etc.

"Fly balls"- Active game for small children. Children fun throwing the balloons up, the task, so that your ball as long as possible did not touch the floor. Babies will wear around the room and catch balls. In fact, the balls will immediately fall to the floor, since the kids are not so clever, but it will still be fun and for several minutes everything will deal with things.

"Merry relay". The main essence - kids will run from one end of the room to another, but not just so, and move according to the voiced condition. For example, on one leg, along the closed ribbon, holding three balls in his hands, etc. Bladfully reward the kids for the tasks made by candy, small toy, etc.

"Lovely throw". We give someone from adults to hold a basin or bucket. And the kids take turns cheerfully throw toys into it. Who throws everyone to everyone - receives a gift.

"Angry". For this game, you need dads, which will be on all fours, put babies on the back and fun with them run around the room.

By the way, you can also solemnly circle your babesnik's palm or make the casts, and also hold a small photo session with kids.

And you can also plan with kids to pour soap bubbles, get together, watch the cartoon.

When all the tasks according to the event of the event (all tasks from the magic box, etc.) will be completed, you can move to the festive children's table with a solemn takeaway of the cake and stains the candles. Be prepared that all the kids will be asked to blow the candles, so that the event on strangling will delay.

5. For adults
If you need to take adults, take a note of several ideas:

  • View photo presentation, video about a little birthday person (if you prepared them in advance)
  • Songing the quiz about the birthday officer (when it was born how much weighed, in which maternity hospital, that he now loves to eat, what achievements for the year, etc.)
  • We remember childhood - for example, dad shows, and adults guests guess the cartooner.
  • We solemn the wishes for the birthday room, which he will read after 10 years or at the age of majority, fold into the box.

6. Completion of the holiday
It is advisable to think about the final of the festive event. Mom can solemnly read on the part of the poem for guests on behalf of the birthday. And you can also distribute gifts to all kids - magnets, whistles, soap bubbles, candy. And adult memorial photos of the birthday girl, a video with a video about it.

And on the street you can run into the sky balloons or celestial lanterns. It will be beautiful.

We hope you like our child's birthday scenario for 2 years.

Dear Parents! We urge you to show fantasy and complement the script with your ideas.

Music can truly work wonders. She will create great mood both a birthday room, guests and you, parents. Spend time in advance and prepare the appropriate musical compositions. We recommend even splitting everything on blocks: music for meeting guests, for dances, for contests, for the time of cutting cake, for meals, etc. Just somewhere you need a calm, somewhere cheerful, etc.

Step 2. Decorate the room with balloons, garlands and other attributes

You can make a mix: part of hanging ordinary balls, but so that it looks even more spectacular, decorate the room and balls with helium. Of course, they are more expensive, but they look very cool. Making the order, ask them to deliver them on the day of the holiday in the morning, podding when the baby will sleep. Looks like a larger than the birthday boy and his little guests can jump for threads and play with balls, and not just to look at them.
You can also decorate the room with garlands, toys, etc. You can enjoy the day before the holiday of the baby to the decoration, it will probably be interesting for him. Just do not forget to comment, rejoice in parallel to play with the baby so that this process gives him pleasure.

Step 3. We make the wall newspaper for the birthday of the child in 2 years

Buy Watman or even a few, or take a piece of wallpaper. Only you decide how big will be your wall newspaper. Acquish the child to make it. It may be an interesting occupation for you and the baby a few days before the birthday.
What to place on the wall newspaper dedicated to the second birthday? Pictures of a child with funny signatures, written from hand or printed curiors, form a list of achievements of a child for the year, his favorite dishes, games, so that everyone can familiarize themselves. And you can still make a mini-exhibition of drawings, appliques and crafts of the baby.

Step 4. Collective Congratulations

More guests will be interested to write, and then read congratulations to parents and baby, it is collective congratulations. Buy a big postcard or prepare the desired Watman in advance, where guests will fit congratulations to the baby. By the way, it can do not only adults, small guests can draw something, and parents will help sign pictures. Then you can make a joint photo of all guests and after the holiday will print and attach it to all congratulations. Then it will be interesting not only to read, but also to look.

Step 5. Photo and video

An older guests will be interested to see the pictures of the child, as well as a video (video film), dedicated to the holiday "Birthday of a child for 2 years." Photos can be simply running from a computer in the form of a slideshow to the music, and you can, prepared in advance, issue as a presentation with comments, inserts about the development of a child (for example, "how we conquered a pot", "Mine-assistant", etc. ). That is, there will be some kind of dynamics, not just a photo one by another, but an interesting photo-story is interesting about the second year of the child).

And if you have the opportunity to make a video or a video on the second birthday of a child, it's just wonderful. To do this, you need to "pick up" in advance and master the Aza video programs, the benefit of the Internet is always ready to tell what. You can connect someone close to this task. Assess from acquaintances, someone from the guys can do it. After all home video Many kids have. And here you can intend to mount, impose credits, add music. It will be very cute and touching. If you wish, as a gift, you can give a recorded disk with a video about the child to close guests. This is a very memorable and non-bank gift.

Also, a plus, with the presence of a video about the child, is the fact that so far adults look, they do not interfere with the kids. You can make plenty of play with kids.
Another interesting occupation for adults will be a comparison of the photo of a child with parents, grandparents at the same age. You can cook ordinary printed photos, and you can scan the parent and already look at everything on the computer screen. This is also an interesting and entertaining procedure for adults.

Step 6. Gifts for a child 2 years

For your guests it was easier, as well as for your child to be given only the necessary things, make a list of what you can give a birthday boy and send close. They will be grateful to you, as you will facilitate the search for a gift. Just carefully manage the process (specify who will give what will give) so that you do not give the same thing twice.

By the way, if there will be small guests on the holiday, they will also be nice to get small presents. After all, the kids are not always understood why everything is given only to one. So beautiful bright sachets with small things - soap bubbles, magnets, something delicious, small toy, sets of chalks, etc. - Will not cost a lot, but very encouraging young guests.

Step 7. Attributes for the birthday of the child 2 years

Prepare all the attributes - the caps on the head, soap bubbles, everything for contests, games, so on.

Step 8. Think about the birthday menu 2 years

It is hard to imagine a real bright holiday without a feast. Be sure to take into account the age of children when preparing festive dishes. It should not be given heavy food (fried, with mayonnaise, etc.) to small kids. It is better to immediately think through the light menu, and more time and fantasy to pay for the decoration of dishes.

But for adults can cover a separate table. Well, if the apartment has the opportunity in one room to put the children's table, and in the other - for adults. If you can not do it, think about how to combine dishes for children and adults.
For children, it is better to buy bright disposable dishes, beautiful napkins, etc.

By the way, remember that it would be nice to first give the children to play a chance, slightly hijacked their snacks, and then decompose the table. After all, if the table immediately stands in the middle of the room, then play children there, alas, will not work.

The child has a birthday. Moms and dads break her head over how and where to spend this holiday so that he remembers the baby. Now a huge number of entertainment centers, where you will provide a huge range of services. But you can organize a holiday yourself and yourself. And it will be the best holiday, because you will make it yourself. You best know that you love your child than he is fond of, you can use your knowledge.

First you need to choose the plot of the holiday. Think that your child loves, and choose a story dedicated to your favorite topic. Invite children - friends and birthday friends. Try the children to be about the same age.

So the second birthday of Ulyana came. We began to congratulate her back on Friday. She woke up from the fact that the edge of the eyes in the mirror saw a bunch of balls. And pushed them to scatter and look for ...

Because the baby we have very active and movable, we decided to make a bright and colorful birthday. Preparing for about two weeks. The room was needed to be spacious so that the kids could run ...

The topics of the holiday came into my head after we chose a birthday gift - a hike in the water park. Our favorite Hero is Polyna - Luntik. And without him, the holiday was also unthinkable ...

Our daughter Victoria on December 4 was two years old. And in honor of this day I decided to arrange a real birthday for her. We printed invitations, then delivered them to everyone ...

Birthday is first of all a holiday for a child. Therefore, the second birthday of our daughter Sveta we decided to celebrate in the circle of her friends - the kids with whom she plays on the playground ...

Now, finally, this long-awaited day came - Lerochka turned 2 years old !!! According to the already established (since last year), the traditions decided to celebrate May 1 at the cottage with relatives, and on May 5, at home with kids ...

Every loving and caring parent wants to make his child's birthday with a special and wonderful holiday. For this, of course, it is necessary to work well and think about ...

Preparing for the holiday, I, as always, rummaged the entire Internet in search of something interesting for two years. I wanted to organize a holiday no worse than last year ... I came across the script ...

I bring to your attention your dual birthday scenario. The biennium of my daughter Mary and the year of Emilia (daughters of my girlfriend) were noted. Birthday was held in the form of a ball in a flower ...

Every loving parent tries to make a child's birthday unforgettable. We celebrated the first birthday of my daughter at home, and this year they decided to sing it in the country and make even more colorful and cheerful ...

It all started with the fact that we visited the birthday day. Holiday, arranged by his parents for 13 children of different ages (from 1.9 to 11 years) and for twenty adults, we were impressed. Everyone got gifts and for sure ...

On the eve of the evening, when Masha fell asleep, we inflated multicolored balloons and decorated them with a nursery. Put there a house-tent. At five in the morning, a causing cry came from the nursery: "Mom!". I come: my daughter ...

In the evening, when Nick fell asleep, Dad poured a bunch of balls in her room, we hung the garlands and put the gifts on the prominent place. In the morning, a happy birthday girl came to our bedroom and brought everyone around the ball, then we ...

Optical adventure of machines, or two-dimensional dymosk in the style of "cars". The second birthday of Dima fell on Tuesday, so it was decided that the main gift from Dad and Mom will give to give it all the same on this day ...

I thought for a long time how to celebrate the second birthday of the son. I really wanted in nature, but the time of year does not allow it to do. Yes, and all guests are immediately assembled. In general, we decided to celebrate the holiday of the house ...

Recently, my son turned two years old. I have long been preparing for this event, and that's what happened. I hope my little experience in holding children's holidays will help mommies! ..

I decided to organize a holiday for the biennium of my son. First, publishing publications on the Internet. Then he decided to write his own scenario.
Since the guests were expected from the midst ...

Birthday 2 year old boy
I will begin my story with the fact that exactly 2 years ago at 11:00 a boy was born, whom parents called Roman. Since that time, 2 years have passed, but the feeling is that it was just yesterday ...

AT lately Nika is so imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe birthday that we decided to organize for her intermediate, after all, two and a half years are also almost round date ...

Make invitations with a child using the holiday theme. The next step will be writing the script. It can look something like this: congratulations, sweet table, games, disco. You can come up with a congratulation in the form of a small performance or sing a song song that everyone knows: "Happy birthday you." This can take part, both adults and children. You can play the game "What we know about the birthday room". Who else and best knows the answers about the birthday room, gets a small prize.

Prizes need to be thought out in advance. It may be inexpensive baubles, balls, candy. You can hide the birthday gifts and arrange a quest with notes. Now very popular aquagrim. To do this, buy special harmless paints for children and offer them to color each other. Children love to sing in karaoke and dance. During the disco, you can organize flying soap bubbles.

After the holiday script is ready to make a list of everything you need for a holiday and proceed to acquire or manufacture. Decorate the room with balls, bows, garlands, multicolored rain. Include your fantasy, and your baby's holiday will be unforgettable.

As I planned, we celebrated my birthday at a convenient for all day - on Saturday, February 4, although the birthday itself was on January 30, on Monday.
Many people gathered, our three-room Khrukhuba barely fit all. From the children was Vataga boys and Anya (the older sister of Dima, she is already 13 years old).
On this day, Dima did not sleep during the day, anticipated the arrival of guests and new toys as a gift. He ran through the rooms, but did not forget about his favorite cognitive series on the "Sesame Street" disk. Recently, the series has loved him very much, and now Dima was ready to watch him day and at least around the clock. And adults were preparing for the holiday.
It was planned a lot, but what we've got it in total:

Photocollage to the two-year birthday party.
So we are working on this life, overflowing with all the colors of the rainbow. Our unchanged friends are fairy tales, songs, smiles and laughter! :-) The path is open - the green light of the semaphore is burning. The flying angel warns all that the train rushes ahead, called "Dimasik"! This train in the way has already been 2 years old. During this time, where he just did not have visited, which just did not see who he just did not meet. A cheerful locomotive of time leaves the path on which all small steps are imprinted and the achievement is still a small little man. But all the steps are very bright, very important and most importantly, such fun and interesting that the locomotive will never stop, continuing his way further, and further, leading to new successes, to new joys and smiles!

Festive table
The children had his own, children's table, on which there was not:
- Mushroom mushrooms from eggs and tomato - every child on a plate;
- chocolate sausage;
- Canapes of their fruits on the skewers (a little seen by the cake);
- Salad from multicolored macaron bows;
- Cake for the namemanship.
The cake is laid out of the cookie "Sleeping", inside everything is lubricated by fruit mashed potatoes "Sleep" (from Frutonian), and from above - crew-cottage cheese "Agusha". From jewelry: wheels from twisted marmalade; headlights, lights - marmalade fruit garden; In the body - mushroom-cookies and fruits from marmalade. The number "2" is posted from the Draza "M & MS").

Adults were served with salmon rolls, crab chopsticks and cucumber.
Another well forgotten new / old dish: small pizza.
Recipe: Conventional Branches are discharged in warm milk for about 40-50 minutes (before softening, but so that they are not yet collapsed. Then they are laid out on the baking sheet, abundantly lubricated with lean oil, and inside each labushka impose meat minced meat with the addition of spices to taste. You can also sprinkle slightly grated cheese and / or greens (depending on your opportunities and desire). Then you need to bake it all in the oven for 15-20 minutes and ... Ready!
All dishes for the birthday were chosen from recipes for the children's menu (except for an adult table, of course) so that the kids do not have to persuade ...

Holiday ... Gifts ...
Fun reigned from the very beginning. Children were especially having fun - looking at the gifts of the nameman and immediately starting to play with them.
Dimas gifts presented a wide variety of:
- Gouache, tassels, drawing album;
- a set for blowing a picture on the fabric;
- Set for drawing: seats, stencils, markers;
- Parking multi-level;
- the game "Little Driver";
- Little model "BMW" (probably with a hint of a future real BMW);
- beautiful suit;
- "talking alphabet" to study the alphabet;
- And ... a gift from the godfather (parents will remember him for a long time) - A huge truck, about a meter in length!
On Him in our apartment, I will not even go to our apartment, it just does not fit! But how to warm, we will go to the street with him - to ride on it and play with a scenery, because It is still attached by a huge size of the blade and bucket.

As I said, the children began to rage from the very beginning. When everyone was invited to the table, they quickly snapped and continued the work started ...
The birthday cake of the boys, headed by the leaders and the leadership, looked around here: all the decorations were treated, the cookie was torn off.
And the adults at that time spent the master class on how to keep sticks and take rolls, drinking this business wine and uttering toasts in honor of the birthday man.

According to the program, we had a puppet theater - put the "three piglery" fairy tale (according to S.V. Mikhalkov). Scenario
We were preparing for this fairy tale in advance. She stitched 3 piglets (they dress up on her hand, nodes nodes and mashed their paws); bought a wolf character; Constructed theatrical scenery: three houses that will cost pigs.
First house (It should be made of straw in a fairy tale) cut out of a plastic bottle, the corrugated paper chopped on top of the straw.
Second house (From the rods) cut out of the cup from under the pop roof and on top built the roof, which was represented by a woven a spruce basket for flowers. It was dried leaves, which flew out when the wolf blew on the house.
Third house (From stones) We built from the structure of the structure of the LEGO type, only large.
The very idea was mysterious and quite interesting.
The candle is lit, the fairy tale begins ...
The production involved three people who performed the role of the lead, wolf and three piglets.

How well as well and engineering to celebrate the birthday of a child for 2 years? What are the criteria I. the necessary conditions Merry and unforgettable holiday? What games should the guys be involved?

Today on the site for moms We will answer all these and some other exciting moms and dad questions.

Birthday child 2 years old - holiday for a small person

The kid in his 2 years is already a real person, with his interests and hobbies. It is very important to take into account when organizing the birthday of a child for 2 years. Therefore, this event differs from. It is quite important to invite your baby to celebrate his friends with whom he has already managed to meet During daytime walks, games or visits to circles.

Do not forget to verify your list of guests invited with the opinion of the child: if you did not pay someone attentive. Yet the organization of the holiday should be focused on quality, and not the number of participants, so that everyone has fun and interesting.

Birthday of the child 2 years old must be saturated games and a variety of employee funWhat is not only emotional (jumping, songs and dancing, stains the cake candles), but also a subject. At this stage, your baby still retained a strong emotional connection with his parents and others, but actions and acts are already beginning to take a meaningful-meaningful character. The baby begins to accumulate experience not only by observing the surrounding world, but also with the help of direct participation in the simplest life situations and cognitive plot games.

For example, suggest kids to play where necessary guess animals by soundsthey publish. All children should be involved in the game, and a small prize or treat for the correctly admitted animal. All participants should receive prizes at the end of the game (in our case, the birthday of a child is 2 years old) risks completed with someone's tears.

Mastery postcard for birthday

When the kids have hung up and dug in plenty, the milk of activity is most. As the site notes, the birthday of a child for 2 years will pass even more interesting if new game Include parents of participants of the celebration. Try to prepare greeting card birthday. The main thing is to participate all those invited, so there should be enough space for creativity to everyone.

To provide a peaceful creative process, prepare a large sheet of Watman, and the carpet is made by the loaf. Ask parents in advance to bring apron or clothes for drawing.

Template of the future postcard It looks like this: the sheet will be bunned in half, all the kids got markers, chalks, paints and pencils of different colors, the "face" of postcards can be left for a snack, but the inner side is a space for the work of small artists. You can discuss what we will draw, you can ask each child to draw a flower or butterfly and something from yourself. You can ask for a birthday room to leave the tracks with my little palm on the postcard.

The front part of the postcard can be decorated with proud digit 2 and multi-colored traces from the palms of all participants in the creative process. You can ask the guys to sign the results of your creativity.

Baby birthday 2 years: engage breeding energy

The kids-to-peers of your baby will like Dancing and children's karaokewhere everyone will be able to disappear and shook. You can prepare across a trampoline, games in the pool with inflatable balls.

Perfectly breathe kids collective gameswhere you can involve adults, such as "train with trays", entering balls to goal, building houses from a large designer and its subsequent noisy destruction.

At the birthday of a child, 2 years can be played in a fun game "Wonderful bag"where the disguised adult wizard will ask questions for the correct answers to which the kids will be able to get prizes and toys.

Fruit table and Sweet Completion of the holiday

Kids - the people are very movable and nonsense, so we expect from them to be able to stream on children's chairs for a long time, do not have to. The ideal option of the festive table will serve Buffet. All for the convenience of the children. At the birthday of the child 2 years, it is better to give preference coffee tablewhere to reach all tasty and interesting will be without the participation of adults (however, under their emergency control).

Better to place on the table fruitchopped into small pieces and without seeds, fruit juices In individual bags with a tube, quite a bit candies and cookies.

But the menu table menu should be pre-discuss with the parents of the children. Thus, it will be possible to protect the holiday of the guys from the subsequent allergic reactions of someone from the kids.

What kind of baby's birthday is 2 years old without a birthday cake? Of course, without him - nowhere. A cake will appear on the holiday should even before the kids get tired and many of them will want to go home and sleep. After all, it should still be enough for all the energy for the combating the congratulatory song, the friendly blowing of the candles and the loud eating the cake!

Does your crumb like his noisy second birthday? Take a closer look at his wipe with paints and cream muzzle, which simply shines from pleasure. Should I ask a similar question? It is better to be ready to answer the question of your baby, will it soon be the next birth? 🙂

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