Composition of the Motherland. Literary and musical composition about homeland

Literary - musical composition on the topic: "My small homeland"

Purpose: Formation in children of personal qualities contributing to love

"Small" homeland.

Tasks: 1.Realid the acquaintance with the stories of the stations where school pupils live.

2. Wear creativity of students, their interest in search research activities, teach children to expressive reading by heart.

3. Recompret the student sense of patriotism, pride and love for the "small" homeland.

Direction educational work: Patriotic.



Literary - musical composition on the topic: "My small homeland"

Purpose: Formation in children of personal qualities that contribute to love

"Small" homeland.

Tasks: 1. Continue acquaintance with the stories of the stations where school pupils live.

2. Develop the creative abilities of students, their interest in search research activities, learn children to expressive reading by heart.

3. Rail in students a sense of patriotism, pride and love for the "small" homeland.

Direction of educational work: Patriotic.

The form: Literary - musical composition.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, musical accompaniment, booklets containing information about small stations of the West Siberian Railway.

Event flow:


Hello, dear guests! Today we invited you to literary - the musical composition "My Malaya Motherland".

Rus. Russia. Motherland. In these sounds there is something from dawn, from free steppe windfrom the noise of Taiga with a bird of birds, from a funny burst of a wave on rivers and lakes,from the rockness of the blue seas and oceans ...In these sweet sounds there is something from the source, the source of life, an increasing and running in the solar lumen,that in the foggy wildlings of history.

Rus. Russia. Motherland. What measurement to measure it? To measure great people, wise men,heroes, poets or artists?This is not enough for one life.Do you measure it in the invasions of her enemies, whether it is victories? There is little and hundred lives. To measure it with great rivers - hard workerswith cities and villages, what are they molded to them, how to bunches to the grape vine? And if you measure it belts of time, we counted eleven belts, which means that in one day Russia meets eleven dawns and copes eleven New Year holidays. Yes, it is huge, immeasurable. But it is possible to comprehend it even in small. To do this, you need memory and heart to return to the land that fed you first bread, drove you with the first key water.With the word "homeland" we remember our family, school, house, street, alley.

The student reads the poem "Where does the homeland begins?" Under the melody from the song M. Matusovsky.

Where does the homeland begins?

From the windows burning away,

With old fatherly budenovka

What somewhere in the closet we found.

And maybe it starts

From the knock of carriage wheels.

And from the oath, which in his youth

You in your heart, brought ...

The student talks about the Koshkul station under the musical accompaniment of the song "Spring" and a knock of the wheels.

For me, my "small" homeland begins with his native village, from the street of my childhood, with a school bench. My homeland is a cat station. The name of the station was formed from the words "Kos" - a bird and "cult" - the lake, which means "Lake Birds". Previously, it was a large station with an average population, the station worked, which was built in 1898. In 1937, at our station were built two-storey house And the school, now, unfortunately, the school was closed. And we also worked as a pool, and there were six transition paths. In the period from 1917 to 1937, a detachment headed by Kolchak was held through the territory of Koskul. Kolchak at the station shot the machinists for the fact that they refused to carry his soldiers. At our station, a monument was made by these brave heroes. I love my station very much, and for me it is the most native.

The student reads the poem M. Mordovina "my youth cute edge."

My youth cute edge

Koshvul - Malaya Motherland!

Children's years of my true paradise,

Dressing - a dawn of the life of Ala ...

Frames are yours and fields,

Rivers quiet and lakes.

My ancestors native land

Putting and grove of latitudes and expanses.

I have been proud of you with all my heart

I believe in the happiness of the simple people

And someday, maybe come back

Under the wing of your sky.

The student performs the song "My Malaya Motherland."

The student tells about the station Gruzka under the wheel of the wheels.

Motherland is a country in which a person was born. For me, the "small" homeland is the Gruzka Station. Our station was formed in the 20s of the last century. At first it was a working settlement of the Omsk Road Department and was called deserted. In the 50s, after the accession of the Barabinsky plot to the Novosibirsk branch, the station was renamed to the godfather. That beautiful name Nikolai Porfiryevich Nikolsky offered the head of the Novosibirsk branch, because there were a lot of weary in our places. In 1952, they built a support traction substation, station, a spacious school for primary classes, a club, a bath, a store, a ways toblyan. At the station there were 4 main paths. The teams in their places worked in good faith, almost all the work was carried out manually, but people were not afraid of hard work. Many pensioners of our station awarded the title "Honorary Railway". I will tell you about the honorary railwayman of our station Oak Maria Denisovna.Maria Denisovna was born on July 18, 1937, she lived at the Gruzkovka station and worked as a monter of the path in the Cargath Distance No. 8 of the West - Siberian Railway. For many years of conscientious work Maria Denisovna received the title of the Honorary Railway and was awarded an honorary icon. Maria Denisovna at one time prevented an accident of two trains, which went towards each other, by calling the duty station in time.

In the 1980s, the documentary film "Echo passing trains" was removed about Gruzka. This film describes the conscientious workers of the West - Siberian Railway. In the mid-90s, the station was disbanded, closed the side paths, the station, but I still love my station because it is my "small" homeland.

The student reads the poem L. Boykova "I am going from the Motherland" under the musical accompaniment of the song "Behind the window of snow and snow ..."

I'm going from Mother's Motherland,

Birch, like the light belated,

Flashed in the carriage window.

I'm going from Mother's Motherland,

And something waved suddenly to me.

As if lost something.

As if even a long time ...

Wheels lead recreation

In total, the fate is given to me.

Knocking unusual - anxious.

And winds on the windows slide.

... You can go from the Motherland -

It is impossible to fall in love with another.

Let go of the few minutes

At the joints of the steel rut.

Maybe without his homeland happiness -

But it will be without love.

Clogged in the hearts of monochiefs

Such is the truth - the beast.

And the knocks explode rudely

In the open Tambura door.

"Comrade, leaving the pass! .."

"Comrade, will you eat? .."

And nature flashes in the windows,

And something from small in it is ...

The student talks about his family.

And for me, "small" homeland is my family! Our small, but friendly family lives and works at Gruzkovka station. My grandfather worked on 37 years railway transport. He was both a security guard, and a monter of the road, and the driver of Dresa. Grandpa told that the work required him of great responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to quickly make the right decisions. My grandfather could cause work at any time of the day, in any weather: in the blizzard and wind, in the snow and rain - eliminate the accident. The boss could always trust this responsible and responsive person, because he knew firmly - he would not let down.

My grandmother always said that the work on the railway is difficult, but interesting. She started his career with the Montera path, but professionally improving, began to work on duty at the station. This is a very responsible matter. It was necessary to announce the arrival and departure from the passenger and freight train. How I loved to listen to the radio melodious grandmother's voice!

Currently, my grandfather and grandmother are in a well-deserved rest, but they often tell me about their difficult workstation. The fate of the railway is not indifferent to them. By writing out the newspaper "Transib", they read it from "peel to crust." Grandpa and grandmother are glad that West - Siberian railway Linders among other roads of the country.

My dad also works on the railway, on the reference traction substation by an electromechanics, for 16 years. It serves and repairs equipment that feeds the contact network. The team knows and appreciate him as a competent specialist. Dad firmly knows: if you want to be a master of your business, then you will certainly need to take all new, advanced. I am proud of my father, understanding what kind of smart, fair, honest person.

My mother supports the purity of the premises on the traction substation and the distance of the contact network. At its workplace, clean, warm and cozy, like at home, because Mom is a very hardworking person. All his soul and the ability my mother is investing in his favorite job.

I am proud that we are railway workers !!!

The student reads the poem L. Boykova "We are Sibiryaki"

If thoughts mean - bold.

If people, it means strong.

Kohl of the case, then - Bogatyr.

Kohl work - in two hands.

These are we - Siberian

With the name: Siberians.

The student talks about Barabinsk Station under the knock of the wheels.

Barabinsk today is a city with a pronounced specialization. The population of Barabinsk is 31,000 people, there are various factories and plants in the city.Railway workers in our city provide transit, long-distance, as well as local transport. Locomotive depot is the largest enterprise of the city. Barabinsk car depot is one of the best on the West Siberian road. And at the station Barabinsk is our favorite school - boarding school No. 18 Russian Railways. (Story about school)

Conclusion. (Sound melody sounds)

Rus ... Russia ... I love my Russia, my "small" homeland. Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call Russia for the Fatherland because it lived in the time of the century and the fathers and grandfathers are living. My homeland we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native to us. And the mother - because she focused on her bread, rehearsed with her waters, learned her tongue. As a mother, she protects and protects us from any enemies ... There is a lot in the world and except for Russia of various good states and lands, but one person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

The student expressively reads the poem of L. Boykova "I am not a thought without my homeland."

I don't think without my homeland.

Without her ravend meadows

Where on the rainbow - on the rocker

A flocks of white clouds are hung.

I do not remember myself without a homeland.

Without her smoking in the sky hut,

Where is always good and modest,

And in Russian honestly say.

I don't know myself without a homeland.

I'm in it. And the whole is mine:

Mountain, Steppe and Forest -

Ringing like a song Solovna.

Signatures for slides:

Literary and musical composition "My Malaya Motherland"
Nikolai Porfiryevich Nikolsky
Essyukov family
Station Barabinsk
Railway station 70s
Boarding school number 18 Russian Railways
Boarding school number 18 Russian Railways

Literary - musical lesson

"The edge in which I live."

Subject: The edge in which I live.

Objectives: - awaken interest among students to the history of the emergence of their city, deepen knowledge about the history and music of the native land, induce to actively performer.

Development of the interest of self-education, horizons, attention, memory, the ability to use additional literature to search for the necessary information; Develop interest and respect for their national sources.

Rise children morally and aesthetically, instilling love for the native edge, to bring up patriotic feelings.

During the classes:

1. I love you my Russia

For clear light of your eyes,

(Song "Flource, My Russia")

(to the music of Edward Griega, with pictures of photos)

Breeding the polar circle

The train to the house is faster,

Hello, north, my faithful friend,

No in the light of you relative.

Looking in the windows of the eyes of lakes,

Masut of happily legs ate

And pearl hats of mountains

We can be seen barely.

And gets into the necklace lights,

Again guests at the gate meeting

Kandalaksha - the purpose of my life,

Queen of the polar region!

(T. Factory)

Our city is our particle big countries. There are many beautiful places in Russia, but everyone values \u200b\u200band loves the region, which was born and grew. And not even for a long time leaving your city, we remember it warm words

Ruzzy, Sieglasia,

You stand over cool

White Sea wave!

Kandalaksha my


Polar my city native!

Anthem Kandalakshi

We live far away - far in the north, for the polar circle. So today we will talk about our hometown and about the Earth, on which we live. This year, our city - celebrates the 500th anniversary of the mention in the Rostov chronicle.

A) - From time immemorial, people knew that somewhere in the country of the North Wind, there is a mysterious country of Lapland, where happy people live. True, they go in the animal skins, but the spirit is not a beast of them, but a man. For half a year in this country, a dark night, a lot of snow, the blizzard da frost. People believed that sorcerers and evil spellcasters, sending snow storms and igniting the waves of a green and raspberry fire in the icing, in this country.

Others, for example, the inhabitants of our region believed that Lisa lives in Tundra - a sorceress. It will wave a fluffy tail: in the snow - the sparks go, rise up, flashed fire.

What is this phenomenon of nature? (Northern Lights - Photo Show).

And I invite ......... She will tell the poem about how the very first inhabitants appeared in these parts.
Dmitry Ushakov under the spooleli polar Sianya ...

Under the spilos of polar Siagya,
Lapties tiloptav in the snow,
Once the Russians came to the sea
And frozen crowded on the shore.

They were width of the immense,
Mightily boulders of blue ice.
And cut off not walk back
Sea to settle forever.

In our land, people who were laid hunters and lucky fishermen lived in those distant times. We sewed clothes from the skins, lived in dwellings, which were a twilight, hemisphanage, covered by bark and turf.

Who will say to me, what is the name of this dwelling? (Taja)

From that behaient, a favorite animal appeared from Saamov. It feeds, clothes and shoes. Clothes from his skin warm, light and beautiful.

What kind of animal is that? (deer - photo show)

So lived on our land people in deer skins. Neither mosquitoes, nor the gnus, nor the dense forests, and also sang cheerful songs and played games.

(game "Deer")

B) a lot has passed - for many years. In the 11th - 12th century, Russian people began to penetrate into our edges - Novgorod, Arkhangelo City (16B.). Our land was very rich: a lot of fur, fish, pearls. In the place of Kandalaksha, several fishing houses were built. People came here and remained. So the settlement arose, which later became known - Kandalaksha. Already in 1517, the village of Kandalaksha was mentioned in the Rostov chronicle, when the ambassadors from our north came to Moscow to ask to consecrate the church and baptize the lops. As an old Pomeranian village, Kandalaksha - was known for a long time, and the city status received on April 20, 1938.

(photo "Old Town")

.................. read the poem, it is said about what Kandalaksha was in distant, long-standing times.
Kandalaksha. A. Khomenko .

Kandalaksha - Village Pomorskoye
Along the bay, yes under the mountain,
Gray heats, boats are flat,
The wind is worn by the party.

Gray heats, boats are flat,
But invisibly passed the year
And swim ships bulky,
And sail here.

And the streets are light - stone,
The path is far to the village of that
What junteled for centuries long
Along the bay yes above the mountain.

Kandalaksha - where did this name come from?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question.


Olders of our city remember that part of the village of Kandalakshi, lying on the left bank of the Niva River, was called the Zaretsky side or a small side, and on the right bank - the village. The village eventually grow up, a port, a forestry, a fish conservation plant appeared, and the main thing is built - the railway and the edge began to change.

(The passage from the song "Sacred War": Sl. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha, Muses A. Aleksandrov)

From the very first days of the war, Kandalaksha became a front-line city. Many Kandalakshtsy went to the army. They fought on various fronts V. O. War, including in the Polar.

June 25, Soviet Informbüro reported: "On June 24, 4 German aircraft tried to bombard the Kandalakshi area." But the border on the Candalaxian direction the fascist invaders switched on July 1. The battles were cruel.

The German troops rushed to our city, having an order to take it no later than July 15. In their plans, Nazis special attention was paid to the exit to the White Sea. This would give them the opportunity to cut off the non-freezing port from the center of the country. I got a lot and w. coup, electric and locomotive depot.

Kandalaksha Hitler's airplanes bombed 15 to 16 times a day, throwing large fugas and thousands of incendiary bombs. At the very first raid burned bakery. At the station burned cars with cargo and tanks with flammable; Damaged contact network and communication line.

The city industry has moved to the production of weapons, ammunition and equipment. From the first days of heavy battles on the Kandalaxian direction in the city, the flow of wounded. Dozens of women of the city went to work with nurses, medical examinations and cleaners in hospitals. For example, in school number 1 during the war, an evacuation office was located.

"EVERYTHING FOR THE FRONT! Everything for victory! " - Under this slogan, which became the main thing for the entire Soviet people, I lived and worked by Kandalakshan.

82 days were heavy, bloody battles, when we retired, but the Nazis advanced from the border of 75 km, having lost about 25 thousand soldiers and officers. They could not fulfill the task - to go to the Kandalaksha bay.

Now only sorrowful monuments are reminded about the past battles - obeliski. This is our eternal memory, our grief.

A lot of soldiers died, defending our homeland, and in memory of their feat, monuments, obeliski. And .............................. read the poem "Obeliski Polaria".

Stand up to the memory of a terrible war
It remains to burn in the clad!

Here, blood leaving on the exploded snow,
They walked breasts on dots ...
Words I can hardly tell
About the feat of immortal infantry!

Through, twisted, emit enemy
On land, and from the sky, and in the sea!
The victory went, I will not say Litgave,
For the price of suffering and grief.

Obeliski stand on Kola Earth,
As a friend about the past laws.
Stand to remember the terrible war
It remains to burn in the clad.

(show photos - monuments to soldiers)

The front-line city, at the approaches to which three years were enemy troops, surrendered and won, thanks to the courage and heroism of his defenders. At the price of his lives, the dead defenders did not let the Nazis in Kandalaksh, stopped the enemy at the turn of the Verman. Many streets of our city are named after their names.

(Presentation of the "City Street")

(reading poem

I love this little city,

I love this northern land

Although there is a silent, cold,

The wind will in the bushes of ragble.

I love the rocky mountains here,

And forests, and hills, and fields,

Sineokye rivers, lakes,

In white foam, gray seas.

The town so spread wonderfully

Surrounded by both the river and the bay,

Although it is known to call it hard,

With your colorful motive.

In the summer in the greenery it is drowning,

In bright colors rowan blooms,

And Birch Spit turns,

And the smell of the smell is going.

Although the narrow streets, well,

And not so high here at home,

In the fairy tale of the North, you will fall,

When winter comes to the city.

On trees silver frost,

White Pump covered with expanses,

On a clear day, the sky blue - blue,

Mountains bang in white hats.

I love this fabulous city

I love this northern land

For me, you will always be young

Kandalaksha, live, flourish.

(song about Kandalaksha)

On October 17, 1984, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the courage and persistence, manifested by the workers of the city during the years of V. O. Wars, and the success achieved in economic and cultural construction, the city of Kandalaksha was awarded the Order Patriotic War 1 degree.

(showing the book of "Bell of Our Memory")

D) - the war has not yet ended, the Kandalaxians had to do it in essence, to build and restore the destroyed.

In 1944, the interrupted works on the construction of Niva HPP -3 resumed - a sharp disadvantage of electricity was felt.

Aluminum plant - its construction resumed shortly after the end of the war, and in 1951 he issued the first metal.

Culture, folk education and healthcare received widespread development.

In the early 50s, the construction of Metallurg DK.

In 1959, 46 schools worked in the city and district, which studied 9 thousand students.

(Show photos "Construction")

D) Candalax has changed unrecognizable over the past decades. There were modern residential neighborings on the site and swamps, the tapes of asphalt roads and sidewalks stretched.

(showing photo "Modern City")

There are many people born in our city that the whole country knows.


Artists celebrate an amazing palette of gentle paints characteristic of Belarus. (Exhibition)

Many people who visited Kandalaksha fall in love with this edge, and they pull them back and again.

At the White Sea.

There is a neighbor's city - my Kandalaksha,

Where good, bright people live.

Port cranes above the glare of the bay,

Here are the squares and streets please

Here the pipes shot at the skies of Goredely,

How fame working, worker kaz.

Here are white nights like a fairy tale beautiful,

And they look at the hill in the lake blue.

Polar Siayan was bloated winter

And the frost sparkles on the crowns Osin.

White Sea, where rocks like a towers,

In the harsh largest peace elap,

There is a city of nonsense - my Kandalaksha

And my heart left me here.

Today we traveled from the past at the present our beloved, anniversary city.

Literary and musical composition

"Fatherland! Fireless your expanser ... ".

The theme of the Motherland in the works of Sergei Yesenin and Sergey Pureby.

Purpose: Education of love for homeland; reveal and show how the poets loved their homeland, as they knew how to express their feelings in words; show the beauty of the poetic word; Development of expressive reading poems.

Song sounds "How does the homeland begins?"

1 Presenter:- What is the homeland begins? ... the man will not immediately answer this question. For each of us - from something your personal. One, probably, will present a serene sky south, elegant cypresses, noble palm trees.

2 Host: The other is likely to remember the endless steppe.

1V.: The third calls the Arkhangelsk region, where Mikhail Lomonosov left on foot to the capital, to glorify Russia later.

2V.: Fourth, perhaps - Taiga Forest Siberia ...

1V.: For Turgenev, the Motherland began with the park in Spassky- Lutovinov

2V.: For Lion Tolstoy - with a clear clearing, without which he could not imagine Russia.

1V.: For Sergey Yesenin, the Russian poet, "Konstantinovo, located on the banks of the Oka.


The edge of the beloved! Heart shot

Sun Skirds in the waters of the Lona,

I would like to get lost

In the green of your storage.

On the ground, on the rift,

Razdar and Riza Kaski,

And aroused in a rosary

Willow-meek nuns.

Smokes cloud swamp

Gare in the heavenly rocker.

With a quiet mystery for someone

I hid in the heart of thought.

2V.: For the Tuvinian writer and the poet Sergey Pürby Motherland begins with the Taiga River Kara-Sug in the town of Egg.

1B: The source of childhood is born a feeling of homeland.

2 readers:

In the Tuvinian Territory, many rivers,

And between them there is one

You do not find her forever

Calling Kara-Sug she.

The river is the same as everything

No songs about her glory,

But I love her stronger.

All fast rivers of mine.

2V.: They say what has acquired in childhood, has acquired for life! The peasant son Sergei Yesenin and the son of a simple Arata, Sergey Pureby, remained the sown attachment to his native land. Listen to their poems: the soul of nature comes to them. Trees, flowers, grass, pashnya, the road - everything seems to open us their secrets, their most cherished.

3 readers:

Slepping the nick. Plain expensive

And lead gravity wormwood.

No homeland is different

My warmth will not flick me in my chest.

Here, everyone we have such a fate

And, perhaps, everyone ask -

Rejoicing, firmly and suffered

Well lives in Russia.

Light moon, mysterious and long,

Willow cry, whisper of poplar,

But nobody under the crane

Does not break away the sacrifices of the field.

1B: With all the flowers, the rainbow compares Sergey Pürby's paints of his native tea.

4 readers:

And again see I am ready

You, the birthmark of the nomad.

You bloat the rainbow colors,

Clothes of festive trees.

In the meadows - to dying,

Grows as it were on the bottom of the saucer;

The herds of the cows are barely! -

As if swimming, they graze in it.

I love you, native alag! ...

After all, summer is only afternoon of the year.

You say - come and blind

On the grass, mushrooms!

2V: In one of his letters to a friend, Sergey Alexandrovich wrote: "You know why I am a poet? ... I have a homeland. I have-like. I went out from there and, what nor. I will come there too! Want good advice to get? ... there is no poet without a homeland. "

1 reader:

You are one punch wreath,

Flowers suction stitch gray.

Oh, Rus, late corner,

I love you, you really believes.

I look in the worst of your fields,

You're all - distant and close,

Errice to me instigated cranes

And not alien path Sklizky.

1B: " Love for his native land, I was born to her nature in the upper reaches, in a taiga, when the father took me to hunt me when I learned to distinguish the singing of birds and the sounds of nature. My poetry began here, "Remember Sergey Bakizovich.

Here is a black-made eagle with prey in claws

Over the gorge sailed, flashed in the clouds

And, waving wings over the shreds of MGLL,

Highly sat down at the top of an impregnable rock.

Rivers are born here, Paduna was born

And shine and in the valley rushing from the steepness.

New frangies sparkle as mercury,

Sampling a mighty gdetcher chest.

In the world, everything that lives and glitters, and blooms -

All passes, - will come to shift.

But your beauty will never pass! -

You will be forever, native taiga, young.

2V.: "Mother-Russia," the distant ancestors talked about the Motherland. "Mother's depreciation", "Mother-Rodina" - now speak. So, in the same way, Russian poet Sergey Yesenin and Tuvinsky poet Sergei Pureby joined everything expensive.


Goy, you, Rus my native,

Hut-in the riza image ...

Do not see the end and edges

Only blue sucks eyes.

How to go a mantist

I watch your fields.

And at low octools

Call fought poplar.

Smell like an apple and honey

At churches your meek saved.

And buzzing behind the skate

On the meadows cheerful dance.

Run by mint stitch

On driving green lech,

I meet me, like earrings,

Sneaken girl laughter.

If the Holy Holy Wrinkles:

"Throw you rus, live in paradise!"

I will say: "I do not need paradise,

Give my homeland. "

1B: Such words expressed his strong limitless love for his native land Sergey Yesenin.

2B: Sergey Purbuy showed his love for his native Tuva in the following lines:


Fatherland! -


your spacious.

But if B.

i was told:

"Choose!" -

I would choose

Native Tuvinsky Edge:

Here -

cast ancient cool-commercial mountains


Water rivers

disgraced with childhood eyes,

Here -

Each bush, herb, ashes of the earth, -

Particle of Life

And I entered!

1B: Different words, but about the same - sons of love for homeland. They are full of sincerity, tenderness.

2V.: And how many songs are folded on their wonderful poems! They are very musical, singing. They have a lot of sincerity, tenderness, heartiness.

(Songs are played on Poems S. Yesenin and with Pürby to choose a teacher)

Schucha! All my good

Not gold, not silver -

You are a love love.

Love Sonnia Accept.

2 B.: Poets of different times and different nationalities left us a wonderful wealth-poetry, poetry of love for homeland. Their poems help us to live, see beautiful on earth, and most importantly - to love his native land.

Literary - musical composition.

"All about you is mine"

(extracurricular occupation)

Goal: give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic past of our Motherland, about the great feat of the Russian people through poetry, music; develop a horizon, expand knowledge about the history of the country; raise patriotic feelings. Equipment: Pictures of nature B. different time year, painting with the image of birch, coat of arms Russian Federation, coat of arms of the Volgograd region, Bykovsky district, Flag of the Russian Federation, Anthem of the Russian Federation; Dance costumes
Solemn music sounds: "We are your children, Russia!" Children overlook the balls, flags (white-blue-red) _01

Strusting a song: "I am a citizen of Russia" _02I am a citizen of Russia 1. As a friendly family, large cities,Flowers, grow and please Russia.Khabarovsk and Ryazan, Rostov and Volgograd,Moscow and the Perm of them in the world there is no beautiful.Smolensk, Kazan, Voronezh, Petersburg,All the story has its own, they are relatives.Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Orenburg,They are with you Great Russia.CHORUS: With my pose of friends, and together we are one. I am a patriot of my land, I am a citizen of Russia. We need to sing - and we sing, Words are completely simple. Let our motto come to every house, I am a citizen of Russia.
2. From the northern seas to the southern mountains,Rissed the country of his arms.Look around - Freedom and space,And people all each other as if brothers.And if you ask that, so in the way calls,And he warms the soul powerless.I will proudly tell me a patriot.I am a young citizen of native Russia
(Sounds quietly music "How are driving in Russia in Russia") _ 03

Vedas one: Gadal ancient

What is the Earth? On whose shoulders there are century of lake, cities and stones. Vedas 2: The shirts of the ancients were Solons, and the hands felt from the calloslement the world of their extreme-room Rusi live in captivity. Vedas 3: I got up over the land of the dome, the bells called, the famous protected from the enemy, as a mother's mother is ready.
Dance "Wigkey Wings Rus" _04
Vedas one: "Russia. What a beautiful word! And the dew and a blue something ... "So wrote Sergey Yesenin. Veda.2: Motherland ..., Russia ... The region, where we were born and live. This is our common big house.
Song "Russia" _05
Khokhloma, Volzhsky Ples, Shirms, cry birches, it's you, my homeland, it's you - Russia. Cupol, Sky, IT, for you our life, is you, the Motherland my, in the world No beautiful. CHORUS:Russia, Russia, you are my star,Russia, Russia, you are my fate."Russia, Russia" - I repeat again.Russia, Russia, you are my love.
Cranes, Poplar, Bread Yes Salt, View of the Kremlin, it's you, my homeland, it's you - Russia. Children's laughter, Curbatudas-free blue eyes. This is, my homeland. It is not beautiful.
Chorus: 2p.
Vedas 3: Our homeland - Russia is a big, great country. Valleys and mountains, forests and steppes, rivers and seas, cities and villages, warm edges and cold - this is our country, our homeland.
Vedas one: Motherland is a path with brod through the stream, and birds flying over the house. These are big cities and villages in 10 houses.
Vedas 2: And yet: Motherland is similar to a huge tree, on which each leaf is the contribution of people to the prosperity of the country.
Ved.3: But each tree has a root. The roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, thousand years ago. This is our story.
StudentMotherland, harsh and alponign all the cruel fights. The groves over the graves of the life of the nightingale.
Dance "Alley sunsets" _06
Vedas one: Thank you want to say to all those who gave us a peaceful sky above your head. Low bow to all veterans. Great Patriotic War pupils1. Just think, listen in the name of Russia! In it and dews, and blue, and the shine, and the power. I would just like one of the fate asked - the enemies again did not go to Russia again!
2. Victory! What winged word! It like fire, lights hearts! It makes you to tremble anyone! It raises a fighter!
3. Victory - and the vololates are thrown over Moscow, and the pipes are playing, and the lips sing. It will take you, Pachacora! Salute you, warrior! And our homeland, three times salute!

Song "The Holy Land" _07Sky mirror
The sky is huge
Star in the sky lights ...
Confession mystery
Slores modest
In braids woven days.

Good, sweet,
Caressing comforted, -
Pure Water Spring ...
With new forces -
Clear, snowy,
Stormy, like the river!
What, Russia, happiness yours?
What is the power of Russian land?
Happiness is that the heart sings
About your expanses away! ..

What, Russia, Pain and Dream?
How to divide sadness with you?
Gives your beauty light
To love, so that children grow.

You are impregnable
And proud princess
You can pass over the crowd,
Remember the song,
Simple, soulful,
With a honest hardest destiny.

In the morning Spring
All windows revealed you
And smiled dawn.
White lilac,
Dream fast
You bloomed in the yard! Chorus
Vedas 2: Love for Mountain Russia, the pride of her story was embodied in the symbols: Vedas 3: Anthem: This is a solemn song of Russia. In it - admiration for beauty, pride, her story.
pupils 1. The anthem is the Word of Greek origin, meaning a solemn song, fulfilled in special, most important cases. The anthem is a song dedicated to his homeland, this is a symbol of the state, he must be known and read, every citizen of Russia.2. The anthem sounds at international meetings, before the start of important events, in the days of solemn holidays, meetings, parades, in case of victory of athletes at international competitions. Each morning in our country begins with a state hymn that sounds on the radio.3. His execution is accompanied by signs of the highest respect - everyone gets up, the men take off the hats, and the military is honored. In international life, the execution of the anthem of another country means the expression of respect for its representatives.
Vedas one: Coat of arms: It has a captured history of Russia, its hopes, pride. The coat of arms is such a state symbol that can be admired as a work of art, you can read it, solving symbols. pupils

1. The shield depicts a double-headed eagle, whose views are addressed to two parts of light - Europe and Asia. Eagle - a symbol of power. Above the heads of the eagle - three crowns, two small and one big; They are connected by ribbon - it symbolizes the blood fraternity and a single story of three East Slavic peoples: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Eagle wings are like golden sunlight, and the Golden Bird herself is in the sun. Ismail

2. On the chest of an eagle an image of the rider is placed on the background of a red shield. This is the Holy George Victorious. He is on a white horse, in his right hand he has a spear, which helped him to defeat the snake. Semen

Vedas 2: Flag: He is given military honor and honor as a shrine.
Dance "Three colors of the flag" _08
Vedas 3:Russia, the sideline of cheerful, road runs by the village. The bottom of the birch is swinging, in bright rays bathes. Ved.1: The symbol of Russia has long been considered to be birch. Russia and birch - these concepts are inseparable. Slender, whitewher, she was always compared in Russia with a beautiful girl, bride.
(M. Agashina) White Birch

You were also born in Russia -

Edge of wild and forest.

We have in every song - birch,

Birch - under each window.

On every spring clearing

Their white live dance.

But there is a birch in Volgograd:

You will see - and the heart is zoked.

Veda.2: Russia is famous for athletes, Olympic victories and records. Elena Isinbaeva, Maria Sharapova, Pavel Pogrebnyak, Evgeny Plushenko, Alexander Lungs and many others.
Dance "Let's Russia" _09
Vedas 3:The expanses of Russia are huge. Miscellaneous people were settled everywhere. Everyone in his heart is a small homeland.
Representation of the dance-Popourry of different nations _010

/ Tajiks, Chechens, Koreans, Russian /

    Live in Russia different
Peoples with long-standing - Taiga on the moral, other - steppe space.
    Each nation
His tongue and outfit. One - the Circassian wears. Aweller put on a bathrobe.
    One - Fisherman from Birth,
The other is preparing honey. One - Mile autumn, others - mile - Spring. Everything. And Russia is all of Russia - alone!
Ved.1: Russia is a truly unique country that, along with a highly developed modern culture, carefully keeps the tradition of his nation, deeply flowing roots not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism. Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidaysThey believe in numerous folk signs and legends.
Hymn Hlebubi_011Veda.2: Christianity presented with Russians such wonderful holidays as Easter, Christmas and the rite of baptism, and paganism - Maslenitsa and Ivan Kapahu. Ved.3: National Russian traditions are traced in various spheres of life. Russian tea drinking, Russian bread and da-salt. According to the Russian tradition, the bread and salt of the hosts are brought by expensive guests.
About Bread There was a grain with a wonderful force from the sky, water and land. How the wheat field is beautiful! From the sun in it, the color of yellowness!
It is our honor and wealth! Nature energy in it! In the flour will turn out once - and bread from it bake.
Without bread no life in the world! Bread is the importance and essence of being! Bread - Life of the Universal Song! And he is just the whole head!
You will not replace it, so the bread is essentially somehow: and a frantic, and fresh ... But he was given in the painting ...
Hymn Volunteers _0121 verse:In our world a huge, in the bustling of endless days, we want people to learn to hear the people's mowing on the road, slowly looked around with a lot of good eyes and reliable hands. Chorus:Let hundreds of sincere eyes help believeLet hundreds of our hearts in a difficult hour warmLet our hands on the way be supporting you,You want to go with us, become a volunteer!

1Volontar: Russia - Holy Motherland,

I love you with all the soul.

Russia - you are the abode of paradise,

Goro Great country.

2 VolunteerFrom the west to the subway

With the shine of northern nights.

Beauty nature is wonderful,

Earth is native, no mile.
3 Volunteer Russian people wise, honest

For centuries proved proved.

In harsh battles - winner

Spirit, will, power showed.

4 volunteer Multi-shaded depreciation

Groom of spiritual purity.

Generous, not capric

Culture color and kindness.
5 Volunteer Russia is the Motherland of Holy,

I love you with all the soul.

Russia - you are the abode of paradise,

I am proud of a great country.

6 Volunteer We are a volunteer movement! For all examples should be 1 Volunteer Dispel fear and all doubt. The award will be the world of land! 2 Volunteer When children laugh nearby, when the old men are not touched, 3 Volunteer When there are no wars in the world - then we will not need! 4 volunteer Take care of Russia, there are no Russia different. Theberate her silence and peace, this is the sky and the sun, this bread on the subscribers native closens forget of the village 5 Volunteer Take care of Russia, without it, we do not live. Theberate her, so that it is forever to be true and by force, our proud fate..beregs Russia, there is no other Russia. 6 Volunteer Poets, artists, composers with words, paints, melody convey their love for their homeland. Volunteers perform a popurry about the homeland _ 013Fidget → My RussiaI draw white chalk cloud dream, there will be a day for sure, happiness will smile again for my country again CHORUS:My Russia, my countryYou are so beautiful in all yearsMy Russia, my friendsGod give us strengthWe are together one family
I love you Russia1. I love you Russiaiki me from childhood dear. Where does it ring under the sky of the Sinprolokolchik meadow. Oh, Tili Tilly LyuliOh, tili tyliliOh, Tili Tilly LyuliOh, I love you.Oh, yes, I love you.2. I love you Russia. There is such a people such a people. And the familiar path of the path will bring to the house. And the familiar path will lead to the house. Oh, Tili Tilly LyuliOh, tili tyliliOh, Tili Tilly LyuliOh, I love you.Oh, yes, I love you.
ALL RUSSIA 1 Volunteer We believe that the future is in our hands 2 Volunteer We must respect, appreciate and take the culture of every nation 3 Volunteer We want to have a good on earth 4 volunteer We can make a happy tomorrow 5 and 6 volunteers And then the world will light up with happy smiles of children.
1. Outpunched oursDream with a bright asterisk in the sky.And she illuminated the whole world with warm light she.United children of different nations planetsIn the heart of Russia you will find their names.
CHORUS: All Russia, all Russia We are a single family. Will world on the entire planet We will be together: You and I Fly on the wings of summer In unknown edges, All Russia, all Russia All Russia is you and me.
2. The world of detecting song of friends collecting. Towel. Open, Provided in other people's silent Zarya dawn dawn meeting, in the sky will be lit love and hope of a star. CHORUS: All Russia, all Russia We are a single family. Will world on the entire planet We will be together: You and I Fly on wind wings In unknown edges, All Russia, all Russia All Russia is you and me. You and I - a single family.

Literary and musical composition. "I love you, my village"

This literary and musical composition can be used in the lessons of courage? Open educational events, performances of teams in events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day.

Participants of this composition are students of grades 5-6.

Goal and tasks:

Purpose: Formation of the growing generation of an active civil position, education in the spirit of patriotism and love for a small homeland;


The acquisition of children, adolescents, young people to the patriotic and historical traditions of culture of their fatherland;

Upbringing students and pupils in the spirit of patriotism and love for a small homeland;

Formation moral feelings and the aesthetic needs of children and adolescents through work on the level of the repertoire;

Detection and support of talented children and adolescents, the implementation of creative opportunities, the development of the best traditions of artistic creativity.

Equipment: Music Center, Projector, Computer

The song "Where is the Motherland begins"

(The children begin to read poems under the slow melody)

1 Chets. . Where Russia begins?

Curil? From Kamchatka or Commander?

What eyes are sad

Over the reeds of all her lakes?

2 Chets. . Russia begins with whiff

To work, to patience. That is her star.

And this everyone sees her happiness.

It burns and always shines.

3 readers. Hence all things are big,

Her unique fate.

And if you are involved in it - Russia

Not from the mountains originates, but with you.

1 Chets. . Our big homeland is Russia. These lines are about it. And the small homeland has its own. The edge of the dense forests, the land of unprecedented rivers ... - It's all that, unique land Suksunskaya. And the small particle of her village Agafonkovo \u200b\u200band Berdykaevo.

2 reader : Each small branch,

Each flower over a stream

We are home to our beloved,

Major call.

Maybe more beautiful

Maybe happier

Maybe richer

Somewhere there are edges.

Only there is no nail,

Only there is no relative

On the village of the village

Than mine.

Leading : Motherland! Here we were born and live, here we first felt the gentle light of the sun, here we began to identify the world around us.

(Sounds quiet Music P. I. Tchaikovsky and students tell poems.)

1 Chets. : Our Malaya Motherland

Where born and grew

Associated with Lasse Mamina,

With shelling white birches.

2 readers: Our Malaya Motherland

Where in a hard year

Our heart is tired

A bit will rest.

3 readers: Our Malaya Motherland

Where in the farewell hour

Zori go to scarlet,

Good, accomplishing us.

(Performed by the students of the song "Our Region". Words: A. Sodiel. Music D. Kabalevsky )

4 readers. The village of Agafonkovo \u200b\u200band Berdykaevo is the land where we were born. Here our roots are here our family. Here, we made the first steps. These villages are the most distant villages of our area. The history of these villages is closely connected. The emergence of the village of Berdykayevo was officially fixed in 1675, then she first appeared on the map of the Kungur region. According to the census of Kaisarov, 3 yurts stood on the place of the present village of Berdykayevo. It turns out the village of Berdykayevo at least 400 years. The history of the emergence of the village of Agafonkovo \u200b\u200bis connected 1670-80 mies. According to the census of 1811, the village of Agafonkovo \u200b\u200bappears on the map, but the courtyards are listed in the village of Berdykayevo. According to the 1869 census, the parish center is located in the village of Agafonkovo, which came out of the village of Berdykayevo. The Argafonkovo \u200b\u200bvillage of Agafonkovo \u200b\u200bis considered to be Grandfather. Grandfather His, Enaist Kunylev, lived in the next yurt, next to Birdika Kobenyakov. According to the description of generic signs - they are from the same kind. Agafonkovo \u200b\u200bvillage is located on the picturesque coast of the Sylava River.

1 reader. Each leaf

Each bush

There is the main thing in the world

There is a homeland my own.

For Ivivka week

No river mile

For white birch

The edges are no relatives.

There is a branch of a leaf

Overactions at the stream.

Everyone in the world

There is a homeland my own.

And where we were born

Where you happily live

The edges of their relatives.

We call birthday.

5 readers. The most favorite place in my village is my native home for me.

All roads lead here

In my parent father's house

In this house is always spring.

I do not need beautiful choir

I do not need foreign land

This house is all for me

Louder than everyone sings droplets here

And the freshest of everyone, after the rain.

Song "Parental House"

Lead 1. In 1928, a collective farm arose in the village, which was given to the best lands of peasants. The first collective farm in the village was the Kolkhoz "Ignary", which consisted of 15 farms. The whole area was famous for the milk-commodity farm-winner of the regional competition. Advanced milking in 1958 are listed in the regional book of honor. In 1964, the collective farm changed the name on the Agafonkovsky collective farm in 2000, a collective farm in the agricultural production cooperative was reorganized, due to the collapse of the economy in the region, the area in the village. But the village did not save it.

Reader 2. I love you my village

For your beautiful fields

For gold color

And for the brilliance of the burdening stream.

For the ponds swore grass,

For the forests are green.

I'm looking for an eternal rest

Torn hand of Kovyli

Reader 3. In 1941, trouble hit our homeland: the Great Patriotic War began. 255 people left the front from our village. Our villagers did not remain aside: they were bravely fought, fought on different fronts, many were injured, 155 people remained on the battlefields. In 2015, the whole country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. And in our village there was only one veteran of the Great Patriotic War - Musabikova Gulshire. .

I read short summaries:
Like, front - without special fights ...
And we select the pilots,
Filled with heads.
Rifles take a cool.
Sadness rolls with yellow birch ...
And Sannaster girl
Does not enhance with tears.

Reader. Currently, the school is at the territory of Agafonkovo, once it was average, and today she is a branch of the teesse school - only 12 students are studying at school, and 10 preschoolers of a short stay group., And when he was famous for his disciples.
A quiet melody sounds, against which the student reads
Little piece from Russia -
My village is my
Many you have grown in the fields,
Let go to distant edges.

Released, never returned again,
And herself remained not so.
Small piece from Russia,
I'm away - my soul with you.

Only grandmothers are roaming around the village,
No guys and little grandchildren
Do not duty at night in order
The beater night is not knocking at night.
No one to spin and fire
Yes, and there is no one to desperate words.
Little piece from Russia
Can really die?

No one in the fields to plow and sow
Some kind of potatoes clean,
No one, my friends, believe
That the village can die.

I can not, but everything goes to death,
If only youth again
Will not return to the land where we were taught
Sow, harvest and clean the field.

Song "My Village"

Love for a small homeland is not empty words. I don't want to believe that our little one can disappear and such a dear village for us. But in our power to change everything and preserve the most expensive - a small homeland.

Leading : You can not be proud of the edge in which you live.

My favorite native village

You live in the world for many years.

For me, you are beautiful, and the road.

It is lit in windows light.

Fields your flowers

I am ready to kiss always

Hug forest beefs

To see the rivers of the native shore.

And it is impossible to forget

Your sweet smell of lilac,

Whisper of leaves, expanses blue,

Close of spring first drops.

I need you-

As sky, sun

I need you -

Like fish, water.

I need you

Like light in the window

I will always love you.
Leading: Malaya Motherland... Village where you were born, where your parents live, where everything is familiar to tears: a path to school, thin beauty-birchings by the road, patterned platbands native home. All this needs to save and save how the biggest jewel, because all this is homeland, and she has one person.