The basis of games with rules. Specific features of the game with rules


Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type №17" SemiCholetik "

urban district city Frolovo

Educator: Zhuza Nadezhda




Characteristics of games with rules as collaborative activities of children. A huge role in the development and education of the child belongs to the game - the most important activity. She happens to be effective tool The formation of the personality of the preschooler, its moral - volitional qualities, the need for the need for the world is being implemented in the game. It causes a significant change in his psyche. Known in our country teacher A.S. Makarenko so described the role of children's games: "The game is important in the child's life, it also has the importance, which adult has a job, service. What a child in the game, so in many ways it will be in work. Therefore, the education of the future leader takes place, first of all, in the game. "

Soviet psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, A. A. Lublinskaya, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin) consider the game of presenters in preschool age, thanks to The psyche of the child occurs significant changes, the qualities prepare to the new, highest stage of development are formed.

In the game, all directions of the person's personality are formed in unity and interaction.

According to S. L. Rubinstein, "in the game, as in focus, they are going to, in it, they are manifested and through it all sides of the mental life of the personality are formed." Watching a playing child, you can find out his interests, ideas about the surrounding life, identify characteristics of character, attitude to comrades and adults.

Unity and interaction are manifested differently in different kinds of games. In a creative game, the focus, collecting all directions of personality, is the idea, the content of the game and associated gaming experiences. From the wealth of plan, the degree of enthusiasm will depend on the power of emotions and, in a large extent, the ability to mental and volitional efforts.

In the Games with the rules, the main thing is to solve the task. Children are fascinated only by such games, movable and didactic, which require the efforts of thought and will, overcoming difficulties, primarily in the game ...

Creative game can not be subordinate narrow didactic targetsWith its help, basic educational tasks are solved. Games with rules have a different purpose: they enable the systematic exercises necessary for the development of thinking, feelings and speeches, arbitrary attention and memory, various movements. Each game with the rules has a specific didactic task, but in the final, it is also aimed at solving the main educational tasks.

An interesting game increases the mental activity of the child, and he can solve a more difficult task than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be carried out only in the form of the game. Training requires the use of a variety of methods. The game is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observations, conversations, reading, etc.

Playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, use them in different conditions. Creative games offer a wide scope for fiction, experimentation. In the Games with the rules, knowledge mobilization is required, an independent choice of solving the task.

Games with rules have a ready-made content and a predetermined sequence of actions. Aperable games with the rules were created by folk pedagogy. About their values \u200b\u200bK. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Come up with a children's game there may be one of the most difficult tasks of an adult man ... pay attention to folk Games, Develop this rich source, organize them and create an excellent and powerful educational tool from them - the task of future pedagogy. "

In modern kindergartens, popular games ("wand-cutting", "Gusi-Swans", "Bear's Bear", "Phanti", "Paints", etc.) are among the most beloved children. They are not only fascinating, but also require attention, intelligence, mental and physical effort.

Between games with rules and creative many common: the presence of a conditional gaming goal, the need for active independent activities, the work of imagination. Many games with the rules have a plot, roles are played in them. There are rules in creative games - without this can not successfully pass the game, but these rules are installed by themselves, depending on the plot.

The difference between games with rules and creative is as follows: in a creative game, the activity of children is aimed at fulfilling the design, the development of the plot. In the Games with the rules, the main thing is to solve the problem, the execution of the rules.

In games with the rules of the child's action and his relationship with other participants of the game are determined by the rules. Gaming rules are a special kind of prescriptions that define the functions and objectives of each participant, the sequence and content of gaming actions.

The game with the rules is always a joint activity of children, unlike the plot game, it cannot be individual, it always assumes partners. Since the rules in the game have the power of the law, they must be strictly implemented by everyone. The rules are impersonal, formalized and mandatory for all - regardless of whether they are invented by the players themselves (negotiating how to play), or they are already taken in the finished form. The obligation of rules for all participants is related to the joint action of children - only by observing them, children can play.

Another important difference of the game with the rule is its result, i.e. Winning. The radio task of such games is to strictly follow the rules and exceed (outdo) partners. At the same time, it is not the result of each in itself, and its comparison with the results of others, the championship of one of the players, which is again determined by the rules (for example, wins the one who earlier comes running, or will run in a circle longer, or who is better hidden). However, only one cycle of the game is once a winner, but not the game itself. Each loser may be the next time to achieve better results and win. The continuation of the game is the repetition of the same cycle that again ends with winning. Cyclic, the repeatability of gaming actions is another distinguishing feature of the game with the rule.

Games with rule can be very different. In pedagogy, highlights large groups of games with rules:

Outdoor games. Typical examples of such games are well-known seekers, lodges, classics, rope, etc.

Didactic. Didactic games, in turn, are shared

table games (Lotto, Domino, "Gusёk", checkers, etc.), verbal games ("gardener", "spoiled phone", "edible-inedible", etc.)

Despite the obvious external differences in the species of games, each of them has confrontation: an alociate competition of all players (as, for example, in a lotto) or leading and opposing participants (as in Salochka and Zhmurki).

Games with rules can be very simple, including one thing

or two rules. For example, the game in the salting: the leading should catch up

running and cautious them; The one who "fell out" becomes leading. But there are also complex games based on a whole system of rules, as if a special arch of the laws of the game. Such a complex game is all known classics. The complex rules system is also in games with a rope, with a ball. All these games require a high degree of arbitrary behavior and, in turn, form its solution to the task, the execution of the rules.

Pretary various changes, every plot role-playing game turns into a game according to the rules. This game gives the child two necessary abilities. First, the execution of rules in the game is always associated with their

conference and reproduction of an imaginary situation. The imagination is also associated with the meaning and, moreover, for its development implies special tasks for understanding. Secondly, the game with the rules teaches to communicate. After all, most of the games with the rules are collective games. They meet two kinds of relationships. This is a relationship of a competitive type - between the teams, between partners who have a direct opposite goal (if one wins, the other will lose), and the relationship of genuine cooperation - between the participants of the same command. Such cooperation, participation in collective activities helps the child to "go out" from the situation and analyze it as if. It is very important. For example, the child plays the "sorcerer". He runs away from the "sorcerer" and, in addition, can "dissipate", "revive" already enchanted. Make this baby is scary: it can enjoy him. But if you look at the situation from outside, it turns out that if he declares his comrade, then he will then be able to argue himself. The ability to look at the situation from the side is directly related to the most important component of the imagination - a special internal position. After all, it is this position and gives the child the opportunity to make sense to the situation, to make bad growing, terrible funny.

Thus, a game with the rules, alongside the Srezsermic, figurative role and plot-role-playing games, - prerequisite Development of imagination in preschool age.

Moving games are particularly important at the present time, when all children are "sick" video games, computer games. About the harm sitted image Life is written quite a few, but it is also important what exactly moving games with the rules help children strengthen social ties, again develop imagination, the ability to strive to cooperate.

There are various movements based on such games: walking, running, jumping, jumps, climbing, throwing, etc. Moving games satisfy the need of a growing organism in motion, have a beneficial effect on its emotional sphere, contribute to the accumulation of motor experience. Children learn to work together, trust each other, be even, disciplined. Attention develops, the rate of reaction increases, intelligence, resourcefulness. The execution of the rules contributes to the formation of volitional traits characteristics. Most moving games are designed for the participation of a large number of children. The guys learn to interact, contract, take into account the opinions of others, resolve conflicts. Here the leadership qualities of individual children are manifested, lagging behind the whole team seeks to help to achieve victory. For an adult, this is an excellent opportunity to observe the level of interaction and allocate some anxious signs.

Children of junior and medium preschool age It is more interesting to play plot moving games, the eldest doors like such games where they can show courage, resourcefulness, etc.

Recently, there has been a tendency to replace moving games with sports activities. To some extent it is normal, given the level growth physical culture population. However, the game should remain a game - an exciting diverse occupation. And the sport implies monotonous exaggeration of certain skills and movements. Sport has become a prestigious game. Meanwhile, the moving game reflects the pedagogical talent of the whole people, and there is a lot of meaning in it. Suppose we have a boy, a talented football in the role of an attacker. He is already unlikely to become a goalkeeper or defender. Thus, one-scene appears, the inflexibility of development. Lapta or bouncers are some of the favorite games, but football in this case becomes the only one.

Didactic games are built on the basis of autodactism and self-organization of children, as well as organized and carried out by adults and do not exist without their participation. For the didactic game, as for another any game with the rules, it is characteristic of the presence of a gaming plan. Gaming tasks can be very different. Actual and game actions: selection of objects or pictures, riding, folding, movement, imitation of movements. An essential element of the didactic game is the rules. The execution of the rules ensures the implementation of the game content.

Rules in the game are different: some of them determine the nature of the game

action and their sequence, others regulate relations between playing. There are rules limiting or prohibiting certain manifestations and actions or providing "punishment" for violation of other rules and completely different actions. There is a close relationship between gaming intent, game actions and rules. The game plan defines the nature of the game action. The presence of rules helps to make gaming actions and solve the game task. Thus, the child in the game learns unintentionally. This feature of the game is to train and develop a child through a game plan, actions and rules - autodortism.

Didactic games contribute to the exercise of children in the application of knowledge, deeper assimilation. There are a large number of games aimed at systematize knowledge.

In the process of the didactic game, the cognitive processes of the child are improved. In games with folk didactic toys, the sensory culture of children is improved: the perception of color, the size, the form of the subject develops. In some verbal games, thinking operations are improved: comparison, generalization, classification. In a number of games, intelligence and mental activity is formed. Each didactic game requires a long concentration of attention, there are special games that develop attention.

In the didactic game, the ability to obey the rules, as the outcome of the game depends on the accuracy of their observance. As a result, the game affects the volitional behavior, an arbitrary concentration of attention. Didactic game is a means comprehensive development Child. Moreover, considering that the game is always an exciting occupation, it causes involuntary attention, which greatly facilitates the perception of new skills and does not overload the child. It turns out instead of making a child to engage in uninteresting activities, you can try to present this activity in the form of a fascinating game.

It should be noted that the complexity of the game should increase as children grow up. As soon as the child masters this version of the game, you need to show him a new version, complicate the task.

The game is an independent activity in which children come into communicate with peers. They are combined by a common goal, joint efforts to its achievement, general experiences. Gaming experiences leave a deep mark in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, skills of collective life. The task of the educator is to make each child an active member of the game team, create a relationship between children, based on friendship, justice, responsibility to comrades. Children play because it gives them pleasure. At the same time, no other activities have such strict rules, such conditionality of behavior as in the game. That is why the game disciplines children, teaches them to subordinate their actions, feelings and thoughts of the goal.

As mentioned earlier, an independent game with the rules is recorded by researchers in children of senior preschool age. However, of course, it does not appear immediately in a developed form. How does her formation come from preschoolers?

This question touched upon in his works D.B. Elkonin (1960, 1978), although he limited his research by the development of the child's relationship to rule in the game: "In our tasks, it is not to find out the nature of the games with the rules, their occurrence, their connection with the lifestyle and child activity ... The child finds these Games are already in finished form and mastering them as an element of culture "(1978. P. 246). D.B. Elkonin nominated the thesis that the child has already contained a certain rule (hidden, unconscious), which is gradually allocated and acts as a conditional rule: "It can be argued that games on a specific plot contain a rule, But only this rule is hidden, and is as if within the content of the actions of the role that the child performs in the course of the game. It can also be argued that the games in preschool age are developing from games with a detailed story and roles with hidden rules within them to games with open rules "(1978. P. 248). In this argument, it is possible to see that the "rule" in the role-playing game (which, according to D. B. Elkonin, has more or less generalized knowledge of the actions and relationships of adults) and the rule in the game with the rules is regarded as homogeneous, essentially identical Education. This approach allows D.B. Elconina view the appearance of the game with the rules in a child as a derivative of the role-playing game: "The rules grow out of the plot, are crushed out of it, then generalized and take the nature of the rules actually ... Despite the external difference in games with roles and games with rules, within preschool age Between them there is so much internal unity that we can talk about a single line for the development of the game, during which, only by the end of the preschool age, the conditional rules are allocated, in any way associated with the plot "(1978. P. 270) [i].

Here you can see some contradiction with the above-cited approval by D.B. Elkonina that the child receives games with the rules in the finished form and seizes them as an element of culture.

In addition, in research D.B. Elkonin contains data indicating that children come to the game with the rules and to the conditional rule in it not only through the role (plot). It gives the results of observations of children in three different types of situations: 1) behavior and attitude to the rule in the context of the finished game proposed by adults; 2) the behavior of the child when playing a traditionally transmitted game (i.e., mastering themselves); 3) behavior in conditions requiring independent construction of the rules of the game.

D.B. Elkonin indicates that in the first kind of observations (on the material of moving games), the adoption and compliance with the ready-made rule of the game in the junior preschool age contributes to its meaningful connection with the role; In the older preschool age, the rule is observed without a role-playing frame: "The experiments carried out, as well as the analysis of moving games with the rules, showed that already in the middle preschool age it becomes possible to obey the game rule, not clotheled in role-based content; In the older preschool age, games with finished rules occupy a rather significant place ... "(1978. P. 256-257).

When observing traditional games (game in "Classics") D.B. Elkonin fixes that young children reproduce separate external elements of the game (they throw pebbles, jump), and even senior preschoolers comply with only individual rules, a general plan of the game, "Not climbing to summarizing the rules and their formulation of advance" (1978. P. 264) .

And finally, in the third type of situations where children were asked to play with new gaming material and formulate the rules of the game, D.B. Elkonin received the following results. Junior preschoolers only manipulate the material without deploying the plot and without formulating the rules. Middle-aged children develop the plot in which there are "hidden rules", but do not form them. In the senior preschool age, the rules are formulated to the game, "the basis for the development of rules is, on the one hand, public real rules, on the other - the rules of other games" (1978. P. 269).

These data, rather, indicate a parallel movement in mastering the child with the game with the rules and in the development of the story game. Indeed, this is the fact that in the middle preschool age in some conditions (in the absence of a ready-made rule), the child is guided in the game plot, and having a ready-made rule, obeys him without a storyline, role-based frame. Two possible lines are traced in these observations: the first - from the use of a finished rule, its compliance in the middle preschool age to come (mann and formulated by the children themselves in the older preschool age; the second - from the plot game to the game with conditional, pre-formulated by the rule. In His theoretical generalization of D. B. Elkonin allocates only the last. However, this line itself does not explain the appearance of a child with the rules with its specific characteristics, a special logic of construction.

The genesis of children's games with the rules explored J. Piaget (J.Piaget, 1932, 1945). He introduces to his analysis to consider the game with the rules as sociocultural education, as the micromodes of the regulatory world of adults. For J. Piaget, the specifics of the rule in the game with the rules is that this is the norm, the law, mandatory for all participants of the game, i.e. Members of children's society.

The early origins of the game rule, he associated with the emergence of the child by the end of the first year of life of the so-called adaptive engine schemes, which due to their repeat the sake of pleasure are converted into assimilative schemes, i.e. in Game. The repetition of such a motor scheme or an individual ritual gives the child a consciousness of patterns, about what is necessary foundation For the further development of the collective rule.

J. Piaget distinguishes the behavior in which the child enjoys the adherence to the pattern, order, and behavior in which the element of the obligation is. This element is the responsibility and differs the rule in the proper sense of the word, from simple patterns. The duties' relation appears from the moment the group arises at least from two individuals.

Actually the development of the game with the rules of J. Piaget analyzes on the material of observations for the traditional game for European children in the balls (J.Piaget, 1932). It distinguishes the rule in the game transmitted (i.e., an impotence to the game of senior children, moving from generation to generation) and the ECOUNTICAL Rule (i.e. arising between children for some time).

J. Piaget is interested in two groups of phenomena in a children's game with the rules: 1) the use of rules by children of different ages in practice; 2) Consciousness of the rule is the submission of children on the mandatory nature inherent in the rules of the game (an unreal or changeable rule arising by whose will or by the will of the child himself).

There are four consecutive stages in the application of the rules: 1) Pure motor and individual (the child manipulates game items in accordance with his own desires and habits, it can repeat the actions unchanged, i.e. to generate a rule for itself); This stage refers to 2-3 years, when the child has not yet watched the game of the elders; 2) Egocentric - begins depending on the circumstances between 2-5 years, when the child receives the example of codified rules; Imitating an example, the child plays one or others, but not trying to take over the top over them: everyone plays himself by itself, not taking care of the unification of the rules, guided only by external compliance with the sample; 3) the stage of born cooperation (appears by 7-8 years) - each of the participants is already seeking to gain up over partners, care for mutual control and unification of the rules appears; General rules are vague, but each time partners manage to agree on the time of one party; 4) The stage of codification of the rules (by 11-12 years) is characterized by interest in the rule itself as such; All the details of the game are strictly regulated; The act of the contract becomes attractive by itself; The game appears consciously adopted innovations.

For the consciousness of the rules, three stages are characterized:

1) the rule is not mandatory and is performed unconsciously (up to the middle of the stage of egocentrism); 2) the rule is regarded by a child as an absolute, inviolable, adult origin (that is, it is external in relation to it); Any proposed change causes the child's resistance and is perceived as a violation (from the middle of the stage of egocentrism until the middle of the cooperation stage - up to 9-10 years); 3) The rule is regarded as a law obliged by its origin mutual agreement, which should be respected, but which can be changed as much as possible (after 9-10 years). At the same time, according to J. Piaget, the age limits of steps are sufficiently conditional, the individual variations of the age of the transition from stage to the stage are very large and depend on the living conditions of the child.

At the same time, analyzing the whole development of a children's game, J. Piaget (J.Piaget, 1945) notes that in accordance with the development of intelligence, its character is determined by three consistently emerging structures: the exercise, the symbol, the rule. Moreover, with the emergence, relationship of cooperation, the rule may submit to the preceding structures. Deploying a game with rules is possible on the material as a simple sensing exercise, and symbolic action.

The development of the child's relationship to Rule J. Piaget (J.Piaget, 1932) is considering in a wider context of his relationship with other people. The nature of the rule varies depending on the latter. At first, this is the unconscious and optional rule (rule for themselves), then a forced rule appears, the external (in the Games with the rules it is drawn from the example of the senior), which has an absolute character for the child, due to the prestige, the authority of the elders. And at the stage of cooperation (with the inclusion of the child to society of equal), the rule is arise rational. It has a mandatory nature, but is based on a contract, mutual agreement, regarding, i.e. It may change subject to general consent, and internally needed to each child for a fair game.

At the same time, according to its psychological creature, the spontaneous motor rule is closer to the rule of rational (rather than to forced). Both of them are internally adopted, relatively changing, carry a creative start.

J. Piaget emphasizes that how co-operative relations do not occur from coercive relationships, and they displacing them as children grow up, the rational internal rule does not occur from the rule of forced, external, and displaces it. The change of compulsory rule is largely depends on the attitudes of adults with the child: the more these relationships are the nature of cooperation (mutual respect), and not coercion, the earlier the rational, internally taken rule is manifested.

By the way, J. Piaget notes that the elemental rules arising in the joint game (that is, the rules without samples of senior) take the mandatory character for them before, rather than the rules of the traditional games observed by them. He records the emergence of simple natural rules on the material of sensorotor actions already in the joint game of junior preschoolers (under the age of 5).

So, according to J. Piaget, the sources of the game with the rules can be both sensorizer exercises and symbolism, provided that they become collective. For the emergence of the mandatory, the internally adopted rules require elementary cooperation, i.e. Relationships of mutual respect, mutuality of at least two participants.

In the works of K. Garvey (C. Garvey, 1976, 1977) drawn attention to the fact that the unconscious rule appears in children early in joint activities (and not only as an individual ritual) in the form of a spontaneously emerging ritualized interaction game in which it is implemented The need of a child in monitoring the actions of others. Ritualized interaction (rhythmic and jointly repetitive actions) has its contents of simplest actions (movements, actions with the subject, speech actions, etc.), complicating as the child develops. The character of the ritual is complicated and the character of the ritual - children go from the exchange of the same actions to exchanges, including the continuation of the partner's action within a sense. The joint ritual consists of a spontaneously emerging "here and now" an unconscious rule, which for children is not a contractual character, but it arises spontaneously. Indicating such an early form of interaction of children, K. Garvi also believes that the gaming rule has its own source and the interaction of the child with adults, which at an early age is built as a game where an adult is a child partner. In such early games (such a hiding from each other - Ku-ku) already have harbingers of the Games with the rules: the separation of functions between the participants, the repeatability of actions, etc.

K. Garvi (1977) believes that in order to develop a joint game of children, it is necessary to master such a universal rule of human interaction and communication, as a reciprition - the focus of actions on a partner and the expectation of its response, which is connected to specific rules (actions with defined objects, in a certain situation, etc.), specific samples of action (role-playing, etc.). The model of a joint game is asked for a child for adults at an early age and the development of the child's game is largely dependent on them.

Based on D.B. Elkonina, J. Piaget, K. Garvi, can be concluded that, apparently, there are as far as three ways, which, interfering, determine the formation of the game with the rules in the child.

The first way includes the natural development in the game "Rules" as a generalized knowledge, as well as a spontaneously developing rule of a joint ritual (the rule "here and now"), the content of which is a simple exercise or symbolic effect. This line itself is unlikely to go to the game with the rules in its specific characteristics.

The second way is to comply with the traditional game through the observation of the actions of the elders. He asks a child a more complex complex of the ready-made rules, but usually these are mobile games, where it is difficult to catch the overall scheme of activity specific to the rules; Children allocate separate action rules and record attention to the achievement of an individual result. In addition, the practice of a modern preschooler in this regard is very limited. It is not by chance that the World Organization for Preschool Education is now paying much attention to the projects on reviving in the children's practice of traditional games (I. Ivich, 1987; Play and Culture, 1987).

From here - the relevance of the third path is a targeted pedagogical organization of conditions for the development of children of the game with the rules as specific activities. What should be these conditions? How can the teacher become a guide of children into the world of the game with the rules? How to cook and immerse children into this particular activity so that it becomes their independent joint activities with their specific developing functions, irrepustible any other activities (or fill only in part)?

In preschool pedagogy, the thought of researchers is mainly fixed on the development and education of a child through the game (i.e., through the didactic content and tasks in the activities of children organized and conducted by the teacher). Much less attention is paid to the development of the game with the rules as specific activities (in any case, the selection of games for different ages is based on more intuition and complication of didactic tasks; maybe for this reason they do not go into independent activities of children).

Speaking about the organization of conditions for the development of children's children with the rules, it is necessary to determine the content of the assimilation, approximate age steps, the means used by the teacher, alleged shifts in the independent activities of children. At the same time, we believe that the development of the game with the rules can go in parallel and quite independently of the development of the story game.

Based on the data of existing research regarding the development of the game with the rules, analyzing it as a specific activity, one can determine the general direction of its formation in children.

In our opinion, it is to introduce the rules as a mandatory prescription to joint actions, as the doctrine of child cooperation with adults and with peers. This formation of the game with the rules should go similarly to the formation of specific ways to build a joint storyline, i.e. Children immediately creates an orientation for the content of actions, and on a partner (see: Problems preschool game, 1987).

In the early stages of preschool childhood (2-4 years), the universal scheme of alternate reciprocal interaction should be the basis of the basis of all further different forms of joint activities. And already at this stage, the interaction of participants should include a rule implemented in the simple effects of each of them (exchange of identical actions) with a common gaming material (subject). Mastering the scheme of alternate interaction in the provision of various materials to children can lead to the expansion of a variety of independent joint action by elementary rule.

As a means of forming such simple joint actions, a holistic sample of the interaction of senior (adults), which is already containing a rule of action with the subject can be used. Since the children of early and younger preschool age are characterized by the desire to imitate, the emotionality of the behavior of the elders, simplicity of the rule (its evidence, openness for those perceiving), as well as the presence of a common sample for all children will ensure the transfer of interaction on the rule into independent activities. Simple ritual interaction (based on unconscious, natural rule) will be complicated due to the Rules not forced, but not forced adults. It is the voluntary imitation of a sample can already make an element of the obligation of attitude towards the rule itself (due to the desire of participants to maintain a sample).

The next stage of formation, in our opinion, should be associated with the development of children of the specific characteristics of the game with the rules - the winning criteria and arising on this basis the installation on winning, elements of competition, cyclicity, - usually hidden from the child when the game is mastered by traditional transmission.

The means of formation at this stage should be joint activities of an adult with children, where he is as a participant (equal member of cooperation) deploys with children specific game schemes with rules, but including a holistic process of building a game (cycle implementation, winning winning, transition to the next cycle and t .d.), Allocates the winnings (his own and others), demonstrates the desire to success (win), shows the possibility of its achievement with further deployment of the game. Under these conditions, submission to the finished rules is determined not so much an adult authority, how much the child's desire to maintain joint activities and ensure their success (win) as it is deployed. With this position of an adult (not standing over the children, and equally claiming successful) the rule is made voluntarily, but its observance is necessarily for the participants.

We believe that with this impact of adult, independent activities, although within the framework of ready-made, learned rules, will become more sustainable and attractive for children. The current setting will contribute to the mutual regulatory regulation of actions (based on the rules), increase the arbitrariness of actions without delivering conditions that are not specific to the game with the rules (role-playing, plot framing).

There is every reason to assume that the development of the game with the rules with its specific characteristics becomes possible to the middle preschool age. The second half of the fifth year of life is a critical point for the implementation of this formation phase. Indeed, the child is already capable of a fairly complex mediated arbitrary action (D.B. Elkonin, 1978, etc.), to the coordination of actions in the story game (N.Ya. Mikhailenko, 1987, etc.), the development of a collective symbol (J .Piaget, 1945). In addition, this age is already quite developed by the motivation of success, the ability to relate the results of their actions with the results of others (H. Hekhausen, 1986, etc.).

Mastering the specific features of the game with the rules on the material of specific ready-made games determines the possibility of transition to the next stage - the formation of the ability to convert the well-known rules of the game, to come to an agreement on new rules mandatory for all participants. Such skills are formed in children of senior preschool age.

To this end, a special kind can be used game Material, causing children of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe already known game with the Rules, but not allowing it to reproduce it (ie, incomplete, partially modified material). An additional stimulus for the deployment of actions for transformation, the construction of new rules is also the participation of an adult in a joint game with children, where the adult itself offers (as an equal participant) possible options for deploying the game, giving children an example of "breaking" stereotypes, loosening the usual game structures.

The result of this stage of formation should be the allocation in the joint activities of children's preliminary phase of "inventing" rules and agreements regarding them, while maintaining all specific features of the game with the rules. Independent joint activities of children will be complicated by including elements of creativity and joint action planning.

The consistent implementation of all phases of the formation, on the one hand, allows children to gradually master the game with the rules in the entire complex of its specific characteristics, on the other hand, provides independent joint activities on each age stage, corresponding to the specifics of the game with the rules to master the overall scheme of its construction ( Joint actions based on a simple rule of action with a variety of material; a game with a focus on the level of ready-made game rules; a game with a focus on a win, including the creative activity of the invention of new rules, an agreement on general rules).

The success of this kind of impacts, in our opinion, should be due to the position of an adult, immediately serving as a partner of the playing child. This is already shown on the example of the formation of children in children to jointly build a storyline (problems of the preschool game, 1987; N.I. Mikhailenko, 1987, etc.). In a number of studies, "the importance of such a position that equalizes the right of an adult and the child is noted, for the development of creative activity, personal independence of children (E.V. Sabbotsky, 1981), for the development of a child's communications with peers (E.V. Kravtsova, 1984). Recall As J. Piaget (J.Piaget, 1932) emphasized the importance of early relations to the adult cooperation with the child (in contrast to coercion relationships) for the development of attitudes towards the rule (rules of the game and more widely - as a moral norm) as a rational, internally needed For all members of the group, changeable in accordance with the general consent.

Having determined the nature of the participation of an adult in children's activity, it is necessary to consider the material on which the formation of the game with the rules can be implemented - the types of games (gaming material) that would make the formation process more efficiently.

As already mentioned, the kindergarten programs distribute games with rules in the ages depending on their didactic load, i.e. Complicate them according to the didactic content. At the same time, mobile and tables with the rules offered to children, up to senior preschool age, are largely loaded with plot elements.

Since we suggested that the formation of a game with the rules as specific activities can represent a special line, independent of the development of a storyline, naturally go further and say that, apparently, the most effective for the initial stages of each formation stage (i.e. . For a joint adult game with children) there will be a game with the rules (and a gaming material, respectively) without a plot framing that can close the rule from the child itself and specific features of the game with the rules.

Of course, at the first stage of formation (the formation of joint action according to the rule under the alternate interaction scheme), when it is still impossible to master the children of the central component of the game with the rules - winnings, it is not about the selection of the type of game with the rules, but only about the selection of game material for Joint actions, while still without comparing the results of participants in order to determine the winnings. At this stage, it is possible to use any gaming material that admits simple alternate actions of participants by rule. At the same time, in our opinion, the formation will proceed more efficiently if the game material meets the following requirements:

1) the gaming material contains one common object of operating, the possession of which is currently determined by the activity of one of the participants;

2) a gaming subject turns bright external effect - result that serves for the participants with the sign of the end of one of them and the transition of the Operation of Operation (and Activity) to the next participant;

3) Actions with the subject are attractive for children and do not require excessive efforts from them.

When switching to the second stage of the formation of a game with the rules (with winning as a central component), in principle, for any game material, you can enter ready-made rules containing also the winning criteria. However, in our opinion, the effectiveness of the development of the game with the rules as specific activity with the criteria of the winnings largely depends on the children's type offered during this period.

As noted earlier, three types of games are standing out with the rules: for good luck, physical and mental competence. Apparently, the game with the rules as specific activity will be more efficient to be mastered by children when using the teacher during its development of ready-made games for good luck. This thought may look quite controversial, because, indeed, the concept of chance appears in children enough late - by 10-11 years (J. Piaget, 1969; J. Flevell, 1967; H. Hekhausen, 1986). However, in this case, it doesn't matter how a child subjectively regards the result of its activities - whether he understands the true nature of the chance, refers its success at the expense of its own capabilities or by ease of challenge. This fact is important that the game for good luck with one degree of probability guarantees success (win) to each of the participants of the game and puts all the participants initially in objectively equal position. In games requiring physical or mental competence, the initial positions of the participants are unequal (by virtue of different abilities and the degree of development of children), success in the game is not guaranteed. In addition, attention "children is more concentrated on the implementation of actions requiring fair forces, rather than on the general process of a joint game, comparing its own results with the results of partners. In particular, this is evidenced by observations of the behavior of children in rolling games (L.S. Kartasheva, 1985).

We believed that the table games "Lotto" and "Gusk" (children's analogs of clean games for good luck) can be a suitable material on which it is possible to reveal for children specific characteristics of the game with rules.

These games are built on fairly universal schemes for the interaction of participants, the elements of competence in them can be reduced to a minimum, the final results of actions are visual and easily comparable, so they can easily determine the success (win) or failure.

Also, in our opinion, the loosening of the usual schemes of the game (ready-made rules) can occur more effectively if the game at first will be "cleared" from the requirements of special physical or mental skills.

All these arguments allow you to build a certain sequence of ready-made games (gaming material), which can be used for a phased formation of the game with the rules. Thus, at the first stage, simple exercise games should be used, constructed1 on alternately intended actions with the subject of elementary rule without a plot framing. In the second and third stages, when the children are available to compare the results and the allocation of the winning criteria, games should be used for good luck, to the maximum degree representing all specific characteristics of the game with the rules.

This does not mean that all games offered by children should be exhausted above. At each stage, for independent activities, it is possible to provide children with gaming material, which preserves the developed structure of the game, but requires greater competence (this is the line didactic use Games, but not just in terms of complication of the didactic problem, but complementing the line of development of the game itself), as well as including the plot framing (attracting children and carrying didactic load). In addition, all this does not exclude the organization by the teacher of complex moving games with the rules (with a large number of participants, with division for teams, etc.), which preschoolers cannot exercise independently.

We do not touch the special category of ritual plan games that cannot be attributed to the game itself, although it seems to be the actions in them are deployed by the rules. I. Ivich (1987) defines them as games built on universal models of human behavior. These are traditional, dance, ritual games with plot accompanying texts, transmission of action in a circle, etc. In essence, they do not intend to adverse relationships and achieve the final result - winnings. The simplest games of this type are used in preschool pedagogy and, undoubtedly, useful for the development of children. However, the subject of our consideration is the formation of children with the rules with the rules as specific activities, and not the pedagogical use of all types of activity, including the action according to the rule.

To verify the general assumptions outlined above regarding the formation of the game with the rules in preschool children, numerous special research is needed. In the studies we spent, the results of which are set forth in subsequent chapters, we tried to express only certain aspects of these assumptions that were key to experimental verification.

Didactic games are training games, the purpose of which is the mental development of the child, the development of its cognitive activity, intellectual operations, the education of the arbitrariness of the behavior and the moral and volitional qualities of the person. They are held both in the specially designated time in class and in other regime moments of children in children's garden.

By the nature of the material used didactic games We are divided into games with objects and toys, wall-printed and verbal. In didactic games with objects and toys, children master the actions with objects and thereby know a variety of properties: color, size, form, quality. Wall-printed games (paired pictures, lotto, domino) meet the peculiarities of the clear-effective thinking of children early age.

In the course of these games, kids are assimilated and consolidated knowledge in practical actions not with objects, but with their images in the pictures. The mental tasks solved in the wall-printed doedactic games are diverse: consolidation of knowledge of objects, their appointment, drawing up pairs; Children learn to compare two subjects, find the same items, make up a whole of parts.

On the third year of life, verbal games in the "clean" form are not conducted, but the wonderful motor games are organized. Wonderful motor dodactic games are built on words and acts of playing and are of great importance in the speech development of children. They form hearing attention, the ability to listen to speech sounds, repeat the soundness and words. Children learn to perceive the works of folk art: sweatshirts, boosters, fairy tales. The expressiveness of speech acquired during these games is transferred to an independent storyline.

The didactic game has a specific structure and, when drawing up the abstracts of didactic games, it is necessary to reflect the basic structural components of the game: the didactic task (training), the game problem, the game action and the rules of the game ..

Didactic task The purpose of learning and raising children, taking into account the level of their mental development, is determined. Didactic tasks are diverse. This may be: the development of ideas about the environment (animal and vegetable world, about objects and toys, events of public life); The development of speech (consolidation of the correct sound, the enrichment of the dictionary, the development of a connected speech). The didactic task may be associated with the sensory development of the child (to teach children to distinguish and correctly call colors, distinguish between geometric forms, form the ability to compare items on external signs, by location in space), etc.

Identifying the didactic task, we must first of all mean which knowledge of children (about nature, surrounding objects, social phenomena) should be entrenched, learned by children, what mental operations in connection with this should be formed (comparison, generalization), which qualities of the child's personality can be developed Through this game (observation, perseverance in achieving the goal, activity, independence, honesty). For example, in the didactic game "Store", the didactic task can be formulated as follows: "Teach children to call items, to allocate them in color, form, value, select the specified subject among others, ask questions; To acquaint with the forms of polite handling: Please thank you "; In the didactic game "What is it?" The training task may sound like this: "Enrich children's knowledge about household items (tea glass), explain the appointments of a cup and a glass, indicate their distinctive features, form a careful attitude to them", etc.

In the didactic game, the training task is carried out through gaming taskwhich defines gaming actions, becomes the task of the child himself, excites the desire and the need to solve it. Gaming tasks can be the most varied. So, in the game with a pyramid, the game task is to assemble it so that the edge is a flat line; When playing in the lotto - the first close all the cells of the big card. The game task and the informative focus of the upcoming gaming action are sometimes laid in the name of the game: "Find out what in a wonderful bag", "Who lives in which house?", "Guess the description", "Slug the picture", etc. For example, in the game "Find out the subject of the sound" learning task - to develop a hearing perception, teach children to relate sound with the subject. And the children are offered a game task: listen to the sounds that publish different items and guess these objects by sound. Thus, a "program" of gaming actions is revealed in the gaming task and the desire to perform them is stimulated.

The basis of the didactic game is made up gaming actions. Gaming actions are ways of manifestation of the activity of a child in gaming purposes: to lower your hand in a "wonderful bag", add a toy, describe it; put a red ball in a red box; Big Mishke give a big cup, small - small; pick up the doll outfits; disassemble and collect a nurse; guess the sound resistant who screams; To portray himself as shouting this or that animal; Learn and call the subject, etc. In the games of children of early and younger preschool age, game action is simple. Child younger preschool age carries the gaming effect itself with objects. Gaming action stimulates children's activity, causes children a sense of satisfaction.

Gaming rules Determine what and how to do in the game to each child, indicate ways to achieve the goal. Rules in the game are diverse: some of them determine the nature of the gaming actions and their sequence, others regulate relations between playing. For example, in the game "What has changed?" The gaming rule is that only the child answers the child who will call the Mom, and you need to answer loudly; In the game "Wonderful Pouch" The gaming rule - the object from the bag can only be delivered after you call it correctly, etc. The rules are carrying a training, organizing and discipline and most often interconnected. The rules ensure the implementation of the game content. They send behavior and cognitive activity Children set their sequence, regulate relations between playing.

Thus, in the didactic game, the presence and unity of all its components is required: didactic and game problems, the game action and the rules, between which there is a close relationship: the gaming plan determines the nature of the game actions, and the game rules help solve the game task. The child in the game learns unintentionally.

Outdoor games Aimed at the versatile development of the motor sphere of children, contribute to mastering the basics of motor culture, learn to navigate in space, perform action in accordance with the rules and text of the game, are involved in children to respond to signals in motion. The use of rolling games provides the necessary organism physical load and satisfies the need of children in movements.

The organization and methodology for conducting games with the rules is carried out by the teacher in three main directions: Preparation for the game, its conduct and analysis (see Source No. 1). When holding games, it is important that the game is entertaining for a child, goals are aware of the educator, and the child took the game. Never be forced children to play and punish in the game.

In the group "Kids", according to the Presska Education and Training Program, mobile games with walking and running can be held: "To visit dolls", "who quieter", "doghog", "bubble", "Sun and rain" , "Shaggy dog" and others, playing with bouncing and jumps: "Bunny white sits", "My cheerful ringing ball", "on a roving walkway", etc., games with climbing and crawling: "Knog", "Monkey" , "Upolt to rattles", "rabbits", "zoom and chickens", etc., games with throwing and fishing: "Ball in a circle", "catching the ball", "Sali Kehel", etc., as well as didactic games, clarifying the ideas of children about objects and their qualities: "Collecting color balls", "riding balls", "Find the same and bring", "one and a lot", etc.; Games clarifying the ideas of children about nature and labor of people: "Who or what is it?," Who does what? "," Who will find the same ", etc., as well as didactic games with the movement:" I can go (run, jump ) So, and you? "

Didactic game

"Wonderful bag"

Didactic task.Teach children learn objects for characteristics. ; intensify the speech of children; Develop memory, concentration, excerpt.

Game task. Find out what's in the bag, give a familiar subject to the touch.

Gaming rules. It is possible to get an object from the bag and show only after it is talking about him; The bag does not open if the subject is not recognized by the description, incorrectly named.

Gaming actions. Take a subject in the bag, call it and get from the bag.

Material. Items and toys of the surrounding environment (doll, machine, dishes, uluzzi vegetables and fruits, etc.).

The course of the game. By organizing the game, the educator picks up objects familiar to children (cup, spoon, cucumber, tomato, pyramid, nesting). Having planted the guys by a semicircle so that all items were visible to children, he spends a brief conversation, during which the name of the subject (toys) is specified, their functional purpose, characteristic features. Then asks several children to repeat the name of the subject, to answer, for which it is needed.

The teacher says:

- Now we will play. Who I call, he must guess that I will put in the bag. Nobody tells anyone

Vasya, look carefully on all items that lie on the table.

I remember? Now turn away! I put the toy in the bag, and you later

guess what I put. (Puts the object in the bag). Vasya, lower your hand in the bag, feel the subject. What is there? (machine) You called the item correctly. This is a machine. Give it from the bag. And now Vasya choose who comes to me and also learns what toy I put in the bag. (A child can choose not only the next player, but also a toy that put in the bag).

The game continues until all items are named.

In order of complication, this game offers another rule: there are several toys into the bag, which with children were not considered in advance. None of the children know about them. Caused by a child, dropping his hand into the bag and fastening one of the toys, tells about it. The bag will open if the children recognize the toy (object) in description.

Didactic game

"Open a doll for a walk"

Didactic task: Secure the ability of children to wear a doll on the weather, correctly call the items of clothing, wear them in a certain sequence. Relieve care of the doll.

Game task. Dress a doll for a walk.

Gaming actions. Dressup dolls.

Gaming rules. Choose the necessary clothes, correctly call it, wear a doll in a certain sequence. Take only one object of clothing.

Material. Doll, clothes for doll, umbrella.

The course of the game. I tell the children that Katya's doll has already recovered and she needs to walk. But it is necessary to wear a doll for a walk so that it again did not catch a cold / t. Accordingly, the weather /.

I suggest children alternately choose from clothes you need, clarify the name of the items of clothing and the dressing sequence.

If on the street is overcast, then I ask: - What else do you need to take a doll for a walk? /umbrella/.

After the doll is ready to go outside, children are too dressed. Katya doll "resembles" a sequence of dressing, "clarifies" some children the name of clothing.


1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M., 1990.

2. Didactic games and classes with young children: allowance for educators for kindergartens / ed. S.L.Novoselova. - M., 1984.

3. Didactic games and exercises on sensory education of preschoolers / ed. L.A.Verger. - M., 1978.

4. Frolova A.N. Mental education of young children. - Kiev, 1989.

Let's talk about moving games for preschoolers. Why are they so important for children? Than more games Will be able to offer an adult, especially since he will satisfy the life needs of kids. Moving games for preschoolers represent a natural way to develop movement coordination and shallow motility.

Baby swings and rocking things - favorite children's entertainment. Especially popular in children swing, which are attached to the support with ropes or metal chains. Such swings make it possible to change the trajectory of movement, unwind around their axis. Children's swing is not just entertainment, but also a beautiful simulator for the vestibular apparatus.

Playing, the child not only becomes agile. He learns to listen to, be attentive, to fulfill certain rules, coordinate movements and, of course, find mutual understanding with children and be friends. Moving games are especially important for shy kids, as such games help to overcome their timidity. In the game, kids are forgotten about their constraints and begin to actively play.

Moving games for preschoolers are divided into unustool, plot and fun games. But, in any case, the games must have lightweight rules. It is important to choose such games for children who correspond to the level of their development - will not be primitive, or vice versa, very complex.

It is also important that the child plays moving games with other babies under the guidance or with adult participation. It should be remembered, the children most of the injuries get during the games.

AT junior groups kindergartens got the greatest distribution scene games And simple games, unwearable types of fun games and traps. Unmucky game with elements of competitions, relay, game with objects (ringing, kegli, etc.) for such kids is still not available. At this age do not conduct sports games at all.

Scene mobile game helps children consolidate ideas and knowledge about the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. For example, about various means of movement (trains, aircraft, cars) and the ability to use them, about the peculiarities of their movement, about the habits of various birds and animals, etc.

Moving game for preschoolers "Birds in nests"

You can use such a number of children to play the game as far as the game is allowed. The kids are sitting on the chairs placed in the corners of the room are their "nests". At the signal of the leading all the "birds" fly to the center of the room, squatted, "looking for grains", take off again, swing the wings with handles. After the team "Birds, in the nest!" Babies should return to their chairs. It is important that the kids act on the team.

The game "Cat and Mice" is intended for children aged from one and a half to three years

Kids sit on benches or chairs. This is "mice in minks." In the other side of the site there is a "cat", the role of the cat is performed by an adult. "Cat" fell asleep (closes his eyes), and "mice" runs through the room or the site. But suddenly "Cat" wakes up and begins to catch "mice". "Mouses" run away and hide in nonorahs (take their chairs). The cat takes a mice takes towards him.

For children of four or five years, you can offer the game "Traffic light"

Cut circles (diameter 12 cm) of green, red and yellow color, they are attached to the sticks. Children perform an exercise according to the leading signal: on red - squatted, on green - marching, on yellow - jump.
Penalty points are accrued for errors. Who will be mistaken fewer times the winner.
No need to forget about other types of educational games - such as a game with water or sand.

And yet, when organizing moving games for preschoolers, consider that the children very quickly annoy the same type of the game, habitual for something alone, it becomes boring. Therefore, the rules in the games periodically change.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Games with rules
Rubric (thematic category) Education

Games with rules - a special group of games specifically created by folk or scientific pedagogy to solve certain tasks of learning and education of children. These are games with finished content, with fixed rules that are an indispensable component of the game. Educational tasks are implemented through the child's gaming actions when performing any task (find, to say, on the contrary, catch the ball, etc.).

Given the dependence of the Educational Task of the Game Task with the rules, they are divided into two large groups - didactic and mobile games, which, in turn, are classified taking into account different reasons. So, didactic games are divided By content (mathematical, natural, speech and etc.), by didactic material (games with objects and toys, wall-printed, verbal).

Moving games are classified According to the degree of mobility (games Small, medium, big mobility), according to prevailing movements (games with jumps, with fuses and etc.), on subjects which are used in the game (Games with ball, with ribbons, with hoops and etc.).

Among the didactic and moving games there are scene games in which players perform roles ('''koshki-myshki''''''magazin souvenir''''''''magazin''''''''''''magazin'j'''''''''''Mezhnye (''palochka-cutness'''''l changed?' And others).

In games with the rules of the child, attracts the gameplay, the desire to perform game actions, to achieve the result. But this gameplay is mediated by some task (do not just shift the pictures, and place them in pairwise, pick up by a certain sign; not just run, but run away from the fox). And this makes the behavior of the child arbitrary, subordinate to the game conditions in the form of rules. As A.N. Eleontyev rightly indicated, master the game rule - it means to master your behavior. It is exactly the fact that in games with the rules, a child learns to manage their behavior, defines their educational significance.

In respect of moral DevelopmentD. B. Elkonin highlighted in games with the rules of those in which there are doubletask. So, in the game in Lapta, the child can catch the ball, return to the player's circle, 'Casalny''''' earlier. So, the behavior in the game is sent by a double task: running myself, having sacrificed from the ball, and catch the ball to help a friend who got a ball. The actions of the child can only be limited to a clever run, but he puts himself in front of him and another goal - to help a friend, although it is associated with risk: if an attempt to catch the ball will be unsuccessful, you will have to leave the circle of playing. ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ, in games with a double task, a child on his own initiative assists a comrade and rejoices when it succeeds. In real life, such situations are not often developing, and the behavior of children is more often sent by verbal instructions of the teacher: '' pose arteom to tie a scarf ''Pomogi Lisa to remove cubes''''''''''''''''' Friendly solidarity such instructions are difficult to raise. Another thing - games with rules requiring mutual assistance participants, especially if they act and compete teams (''hat link will soon build a house?', Game-playing games).

Games with the rules enable each participant to compare their actions and their results with the actions and the results of others (Serezha is very agile - the catcher is difficult to catch it; Sasha often violates the rules, argue when he is talking about it, it is not fair; I do not like the ball and, Although I know a lot of plants, losing a plant in the game'''''''''''''). Valuable and what the child is trying alone evaluate Your actions and actions of other players (in contrast to other activities where adults do). Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, games with rules are favorable for the development of preschoolers abilities for mutualization and self-esteem. The fact that the child in a specific situation of the game, which he is interesting, brightly, emotionally painted, sees his mistakes, inconsistency with the requirements and realizes this in comparison, causes him a desire to become better, i.e. gives birth the desire for self-improvement. Also success in the game (was a clever, intelligent, folded the pattern from the mosaic) raises him in his own eyes and eyes of other children, encourages new efforts and achievements. ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, games with rules - the most important means of education and training of preschool children.

Games with rules - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Games with Rules" 2017, 2018.