Tarzan Husband Natasha Queen: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Homemade video Korolevoy

Recently, Stripter Sergey Glushko, famous for the brutal pseudonym Tarzan, spoke at the nightclub in Volgodonsk. They say the public was not to learn the details of the spouse of the spouse of Natasha Queen, as the party was closed. But it was not there. Someone from the audience literally from under the floors took a passionate dance of Tarzan and placed it on the net.


Now anyone who already has 18 years old, may be in free access to evaluate the physical data of the King's husband. The stripter in one sheet on the stage was hot to himself, laid on her back, and also put on the fourths a shaking brunette, which was not inferior in the artistry curly Glushko.

The scene was so small that the audience, overlooking it, could easily see all the details of the extremely frank erotic dance of the artist and his partner. Visitors to the club, who laugh at who with widely revealed eyes, carefully followed the action, and those who were painful, filmed video.

You might think that an exceptionally women followed the glush and magnificent lady, but it is not. Judging by the roller, there were many men among the guests of the institution, who with no less curiosity observed this performance.

In the comments, Internet users noted that the dance of the stripter was too frankly: "Even a bust seems to me (here and then the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Ed. Ed.)", "What a nightmare !!!", "is a shame! How does Natasha make it all allowed ?? "," Oh God. What horror: DDDD "," Natasha Queen is not the same "," Mrazi! "

In this shooting, the spouses indulge in the carnal joy. For example, a woman standing on his knees in front of a man, pleases him with oral caresses. Long-haired muscular blond masturbates into the chamber, and a figured beauty, spreading his legs wide, toys with a vibrator ...


Vitaly Milonov, deputy of Scripture St. Petersburg:

People to whom the attention of millions must be more responsible to behave even in privacy: why do you all shoot on video? Considering that modern world Everything can be stolen and ran in the network. Yes, and for normal harmonious relationships it is not necessary. Tarzan now complains that he stole the phone. But what kind of man are you, if you store photos of a nude wife in the phone and leave it where it fell, risking her reputation?


Joseph Prigogin, Producer:

On these intimate photos and videos Natasha - with a legitimate spouse Sergey Glushko. What they do at home, which "movie" is removed for personal use - their right. In addition, she is not a deputy and not a politician, but an artist.

In general, I think it is necessary to punish those who have stole this family archive and distributed on the network. And the queen of the titles only for having sex with her husband is absurd!

In the personal life of Natasha Korolev, serious changes may occur. IN lately The star is often seen in society not her husband Sergei Glushko, but a cute brunet. Natasha spends a lot of time with him and has already presented to his loved ones.

The new favorite Natasha is the name of Herman Titov, "said the stars surrounded by us. - He is a composer. Natasha is familiar with him for a long time, but lately they began to communicate more closely. You would see how they look at each other! She also introduced his team to his team. Those began to release different jokes in his address, but Natasha all conversations immediately stopped. "I know a sense in composers!" - Star said. Recently, by the way, she even decided to withdraw him to the stage, recorded a duet song "If we are with you." We all understood that it was for a long time.

Now Natasha and Herman spend a lot of time together. And recently even starred in a joint photo shoot. During shooting, the star was not shunted in the manifestation of feelings, gently reaching his chest.

It should be noted that Herman is 11 years old Natasha. But Natasha does not bother the difference at all. But pays attention to other marks. Hermann, like Tarzan, from Belarus. And on the horoscope they are one sign. The star presented the composer to some of his star friends. Some of them Hermann know. For example, Nikolay Baskov, which Titov wrote a few years ago het "Well, who told you that love does not happen?"

Natasha is now in an unprecedented rise, - continues our source. - Her eyes glow: she is ready to roll the mountain. We have not seen it for a long time.

At the same time, the Korolev with Tarzan recently see not so often. They even rest separately. In September, for example, Tarzan went to Miami in proud loneliness and unexpectedly found himself at the Hurricane Hurricane epicenter. The queen at that time decided to leave on tour on the Volga region.

When Sergey returned to Moscow, he was invited to participate in a famous talk show on the "First Channel" and tell about the experience of horror. Maintain a husband in the studio of television drivers offered and a queen. But that, having learned the topic of the conversation, unexpectedly refused, referring to a shortage of time. Although on the day of shooting, she was not scheduled for any performances.

I don't call me anymore on this issue, "Koroleva answered unexpectedly rudely.

The Korolev itself does not comment on his connection with the composer yet. Correspondents "Light!" They called the artist so that she clarifies the situation. But Natasha came out of himself.

I am divorced seven times a year! What should I react every time? Everyone is trying to climb into my personal life, but I will no longer let it anymind. Believe me, I do not need any publicity, I want calm and silence. I'm tired of what is followed by every step. Leave me alone. I am now preparing for a concert in the Kremlin, so cease to dismiss me with all sorts of nonsense, "said the singer and hung up.

By the way

Buzova stands up by Korolev to go to sex

The other day Natasha Koroleva visited "House-2". On televal, the mermaid did not have to miss. Seeing Buzov, she began to tell her mother's mother's singer's career and leaves the scene in the kettle. Olga did not serve this.

The name of Sergei Vitalyevich Glushko in our country is known to a little. But if you say the scenic name of this person - Tarzan, and even next to the name of His spouse, then immediately becomes clear, about whom.

Sergey Glushko was born in the north, in the village of Mirny Arkhangelsk region, in 1970. Birthday, which fell on March 8, turned out to be symbolic. But in the 1970s, the Serezha boy became a gift for a female day for Mom. A couple of dozen years will pass, and Tarzan will become a gift for many women who received the opportunity to admire a muscular young man on the podium and scene.

BUT B. early age Sergey Glushko if and dreamed of a scene, then in another key. From the 1st grade, the boy was engaged in sports, dreaming to be the same as dad - a military man, strong and reliable, like a boulder. Sergey attended sports sections, but preference gave bodybuilding.

But even more Glushing-younger liked to sing. Sergey had a musical rumor and a beautiful voice. At 16, the young man, together with like-minded guys, created the Fortun group. The frontman of the collective and the soloist - this was whom Sergey Glushko in Fortune. The group quickly gained popularity in the native town and other settlements of the Arkhangelsk region. One song of the team even got into rotation at the regional radio station. But above this stage, the popularity of "Fortune" did not rose.

In the last grade, Sergey Glushko decided to go in the footsteps of the Father, who served on the cosmodrome "Plesetsk". The young man entered the Military Space Academy. After graduating from this university with honors, Sergey was serving to serve on the same "Plesetsk", where dad worked. But several years of work by an energy engineer responsible for providing space complexes, and the title of senior lieutenant inspired the young military to continue career. Glushko felt that Rutin was delayed, threw the work and went to Moscow, to the aunt. In essence, nowhere.


MOSCOW 90s met the young man in the wrong way. Here, and without Sergey, there were enough "first conquerors." At first, Sergey Glushko was taken for any job, just to survive. The young man worked as a security guard, furniture seller. In the cabin he worked as administrator. But at the same time continued to do bodybuilding. This occupation as a result helped the young northeild was not lost in the capital.

Thanks to the pumped body and growth of 186 cm, a young man fell into the Moscow modeling agency. Working here, starred in television advertising. Then Sergey began to invite music clips. The memorable turned out to be a video for the song "Because it is impossible to be in the light of the beautiful such" popular group "White Eagle", in which Sergey Glushko appeared in the image of the main character.

Soon, Glushko received a proposal to professionally engage in striptease. The career of a young artist began to rise into the mountain. One day Tarzan - such a stage name took a Sergey Glushko in these years - I got to the eyes of Olga Saturotina. Theatrical director invited Tarzan in the formulation called "Sexual Coverage". The role of Macho was for a beginner artist step to fame.

Tarzan was willingly invited to the metropolitan erotic show as a stripter. In the nightclubs of the capital, Sergey quickly becomes popular. Soon Glushko begins to participate in the speeches of the stars of show business. The artist is invited with choreographic rooms as accompaniment.

But Sergey Glushko did not focus on achieved, the young man always wanted more. Sergey becomes student Russian Academy Theatrical art, where vocal deposits improve.

In 2003, Sergey Glushko's vocal debut took place. Together with Natasha, the Queen Artist recorded the album "Wrieve or not." Songs "Without you", "I will not forget" "Your world" fell to the listeners. In 2006, recording songs for the next pair album - "Paradise where you are" followed.

The incoming proposals to play in the cinema is welcoming with joy. The debut of Tarzan in the cinema is considered to be the Cinemotic Grigory Constantinople 1999 release "eight and a half dollars". Tarzan received an episodic role, but was happy to appear in one frame with a cinematic bomb - ,. Four years later, Sergey starred in the historic picture "Anastasia Slutskaya" Yuri Elchova. In the film, Glushko got the role of the first plan - the warrior of the Budimira. The tape received the warm review of critics.

In the mid-2000s, work was followed by the Balzakovsky Age, or all the men ... ", as well as in the rating sitcom" my beautiful nanny "and" happy together. "

Further followed by new offers. The cinematic biography of Sergey Glushko rapidly increased new pages. Tarzan starred in the militant "clowns do not kill", the triller "Confession of the Devil", the Drama "Moscow Gigolo", historical tape "Rusichi". The artist also lit up in the TV series "Univer", "truckers" and "fee for love".

In addition to the scenic career, Tarzan continued to learn the world muscle training systems. Own look at this topic athlete outlined in the Body Cult book, which saw the light in 2010.

Personal life

Sergei Glushko's first marriage took place in peace. Ryzhanka Elena Peredentseva, also serving a cosmodrome, drew attention to the military-blond, which Sergey was surprised. Sergey seemed that such beauty would never agree to become a wife of a simple lieutenant. But it happened. For some time, the young people lived happily, but this period lasted for a short time. Relationships finally spoiled when Glushko left the service. Spouses divorced.

Familiarity and soon marriage with the singer Natasha Queen were fateful. Not only the personal life of Sergey Glushko, but also a career has gained a new meaning and acceleration. It is noteworthy that the couple got acquainted at the time when the singer's husband was still Igor Nikolaev, but the relationship of the spouses at that time had already been taught their own and both.

In 2002, the pair was born firstborn. A year later, Tarzan and Queen officially legalized the relationship. Now Natasha's son and Sergey lives in Miami.

Sergey's wedding and his beloved was enchanting, as Natasha dreamed. The celebration took place in St. Petersburg. Newlyweds and guests swam on a ship by Neva, a chorus sang in the Peter and Paul Fortress for the marriage, and the banquet himself took place on a stone island.

During the collaboration, the artists have repeatedly become the defendants of the scandalous chronicle. Sergey Glushko attributed novels with partners on stage. Journalists each time tried to find a compromising on a stripter and present the facts of the public and Natalia Queen, but Sergey once assured that all the spicy details from his stage life were relevant only to the profession, but not to personal life. Sergey values \u200b\u200bthe happiness and calmness of the family, following the example of its own parents, which are already approaching a diamond wedding.

In 2015, Intimate photos and video of the couples, who promulgated the attackers with the artist's stolen, got into open access. Initially, the offenders tried to blackmail their spouses, calling the amount of ransom - $ 50 thousand. But the artists did not agree to a dubious deal.

Sergey Glushko to communicate with friends and fans uses the "Instagram" social network. In addition to own photos The artist often places posts dedicated to charitable shares in favor of sick children.

Sergey Glushko now

Sergey Glushko continues to speak with his own "Tarzan Show". Several numbers combined with one concept, weekly appear in the concert program of the Zall night club. On the scene, Sergey, in addition to the dance, uses original special effects, as well as the elements of the fire show.

In addition to the speeches, Shasta Sergei Glushko is filmed in the film "Night Change" about the young family man Max (), who, after dismissal from the enterprise, is fed into stripters. To hide the truth from the wife of Anna (Ksenia Teplov), the young man goes to deception. In Kinineomedy will also appear. The film premiere is scheduled for January 4, 2018.

In 2017, Sergey Glushko became a member of the transfer of the Kings of Plywood, where I reincarnated in to execute the song "Wanderer", and also appeared in the image of the singer musical composition "Choose a miracle." The project is so fascinated by Sergey that the artist persuaded to participate in the transfer of his spouse to Natasha Queen. For the singer's parody number reincarnated in the artist.

In December, Sergey and Natasha were recognized as the most rapid married couple of the year on the "Family Year-2017" award.


  • 1999 - "Eight and a half dollars"
  • 2003 - "Anastasia Slutskaya"
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Happy together"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2008 - "Rusichi"
  • 2008 - "Moscow Gigolo"
  • 2012 - "One for all"
  • 2015 - "Stone Jungle Law"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"

Natasha Koroleva said that after the night spent with Tarzan could no longer be forgotten.

Natalia Queen decided to tell about the most intimate - about the first sex with his current husband Sergey Glushko. As it turned out, there were no long courts and a candy-bought period of future spouses: the passion climbed them right on the first date. The night spent together made such a strong impression on the singer that she, without hesitation, moved from his luxurious mansion into a removable dial of a new boyfriend-stripter.

Spouses still celebrate May 4 - the day of their first date, as a large family holiday. Natasha and Sergey call him "Day apricot jam"- It is this dessert that Sergey treated his beloved at a party 16 years ago.

Then Natalia just broke up with his first husband Igor Nikolaev. In the life of the singer, cavity and fans happened, but the actress did not take anyone from the surrounding men of her men.

"She broke the notebook to choose who to pass the evening, and suddenly it accidentally stumbled upon the Tarzan phone," the Queen recalls. - We have already collaborated with him, his guys took part in my concerts. And I hoped that they were hanging out somewhere in the club. Ring Seryazh, and he takes a bath at this time. He says: "We are all at home today, but if you want, then come to me," says Natasha.

And Natalia decided. Sergey Glushko at that time lived in a two-room apartment, removing her with friends: in the same room he, to another - married couple. I quickly paying out the neighbors of the housing, Tarzan began to feverishly to escape, hoping that the guest would not pay attention to the Bardak in his apartment.

"Everyone covered, the light turned off, put the candles," says Natalia. "I come - he opens the door in all its glory, in a bathrobe on a naked body. The room covers the table: there is a bank of the apricot jam, who sent him a mother, and tea carcade. And I brought whiskey, which turned out to be Palen. But I was like in the fog, drunk without wine ... ", continued the queen.

To resist such a temptation of the singer was difficult. And the first night with a future husband became unforgettable for her.

"I can say that everything happened to us! - she admits. - Did you like it? This is not forgotten! When at six in the morning I got into the car and drove home in a blank Moscow, I said to myself: "Everything, Natasha, calmed down and forgotten! Well, that, that beautiful ... ", told the singer Lere Kudryavtseva to the" Secret per million "transmission

By that time, the queen was already broken up with Nikolaev, but not yet divorced him. And, being another formal married woman, the singer moved into a two-handle to his new beloved. Since then, a pair of inseparable. Although, as Sergey is recognized, then, after the first date, he could not think that the queen would become his wife.