What does rip stand for. What is RIP or R.I.P? RIP in different languages

R.I.P. ... ... This abbreviation can often be seen on the Internet, in the media, in real life. It is not difficult to trace that this inscription is present where condolences are expressed regarding the death. ... ...

Rest in Peace - this is how this phrase sounds completely in English. Rest is a noun meaning "rest, rest, sleep", peace is a noun meaning "peace, silence, pacification." Thus, in general, the whole phrase is translated "rest in peace" and most succinctly and clearly expresses thoughts about the grief of the past.


For the first time, Catholics and Protestants began to use this expression (the Latin expression requiescat in pace was used - "may he rest in peace"). The English counterpart appeared later and successfully took root in the entire Christian culture of the West. The phrase itself is found in a prayer calling on the deceased person to rest in peace while awaiting the coming loan day. ... ... R. I. P. - it is in this form (with dots) that the phrase finds its presence in obituaries and on the gravestones themselves.


The consequence of the spread and popularity of social networks, as well as the desire to imitate the Western way of life, was that R. I. P. began to be used very, very often. Each message about this or that death and tragedy is inevitably accompanied by hundreds of "rips" in the comments.

However, rip can be decoded and translated differently:

  • Routing Information Protocol - stands for "routing protocol". With the help of this protocol in the field of information modern technologies get a certain amount of certain data.
  • Resin Impregnated Paper (or "RIP - insulation") - used to denote insulating paper that is impregnated with a special resin.
  • Raster Image Processor (a term used in printing) - refers to the processor of the printing device itself.
  • DVDrip, BDrip, HDrip - from the English verb ripping, which directly denotes the process of direct transfer of information from a certain medium to a hard disk file.
  • Rip - also another one english verb "tear".
  • Receptor interacting protein (biological) is a protein that interacts with the TNF receptor itself.
  • Rip van vickle Is a character created by writer Washington Irving. This is the hunter in one of his stories.
rip ̈ɪrɪp I
1.noun cut, gap
1) a) cut, rip, tear (in one swift motion) (also rip up) Jim ripped the cover from the book. John tore the cover from the book. The wind ripped the sail to pieces. ≈ The wind tore the sails to shreds. Syn: tear b) splitting (wood) c) sawing along the grain (wood)
2) a) break, tear Syn: tear b) break, split
3) rush, rush forward (about a boat, car, car, etc.) let her rip let it rip let things rip Syn: rush along ∙ rip across rip apart rip away rip down rip into rip off rip out rip up II noun
1) Syn nag: jade, nag
2) decomp. libertine gap, cut;
ripped seam (technical) rip saw, rip open;
rip - to * open a letter open a letter - to * the trimming off a garment rip the trim off a dress - to * (the seams of) a garment rip a dress - to * a tire puncture a tire - to * apart tear to shreds - the kitten * ped apart my paper kitten completely tore up my newspaper - to * smth. across rip in half - he * ped the report across and threw the halves into the basket he tore the report in half and threw the pieces into the basket - he had his shirt * ped across his shirt ripped from top to bottom rip, rip - the sort of cloth that * s at once matter that breaks easily (to) break, destroy - wooden buildings were * ped to match wood by the gale the hurricane blew to pieces wooden houses - anyone can * your story to sheds anyone can not leave a stone unturned from your version (into) to pierce, crash;
penetrate - the animal's teeth * ped into the meat the animal's teeth pierced the meat - bullets * ped into the fuselage of the bomber bullets pierced the fuselage of the bomber attack, pounce on (smb.) - in the fifth round the champion * ped into his opponent with short jabs to his body in the fifth round, the champion inflicted short direct blows on the body to his opponent, chopping (firewood);
split split, burst sawed along the grain (tree) (colloquial) rush, rush forward - let her *! do not delay !, do not stop! (military) (colloquial) deliver powerful blows (mountain) blow up the roof\u003e to * and tear tear and throw;
rampage\u003e to let things * be careless, don't give a damn about everything\u003e to let * go berserk, go berserk;
scold, swear;
sprinkle curses;
rant nag libertine rubbish, insignificance excitement at sea;
swell ~ tear, tear;
cloth that rips at once fabric that rips easily let her (or it) ~ col. let's go full speed! let her (or it) ~ inf. do not delay !;
rip off rip off ~ up open;

to let things rip do not interfere, do not disrupt the natural course of events rip the nag ~ burst, split ~ rush, rush forward (about a boat, car, car, etc.) ~ cut, rip, tear (in one swift motion;
also rip up) ~ gap, cut ~ split (wood) ~ saw along the fibers (wood) ~ rasp. libertine ~ torn, whip;
cloth that rips at once fabric that rips easily let her (or it) ~ col. do not delay !;
rip off rip off ~ out rip off;
to pull out ~ out to emit (shout) ~ out to release (expletive) ~ up to open;
to rip up old wounds to rip up old wounds;
to let things rip do not interfere, do not disrupt the natural course of events ~ up to rip ~ up to rip;
to rip up old wounds to rip up old wounds;
to let things rip do not interfere, do not disrupt the natural course of events

Comprehensive English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 2001.

R.I.P. - what does this abbreviation mean?

Arseniy Yatsenyuk in his twitter left a message (reaction to the death of Boris Nemtsov), at the end of the text letters R.I.P. What do they mean?

What does RIP mean?

R.I.P. what does this inscription mean?

Stepan bv

Arseniy Yatsenyuk tweeted to R.I.P, because the famous politician and statesman Boris Nemtsov died, this abbreviation opens like this:

  • R - Rest
  • I - In
  • P - Peace

" Rest in peace "


This abbreviation stands for "Requiescat in pace", it is from Latin. The literal translation into Russian is "may he rest in peace." This abbreviation is often found on tombstones, as well as in notices and documents related to death, in the countries of Western Christian culture, that is, where Catholicism and Protestantism are widespread. The English version of the decoding of this abbreviation sounds like "Rest in peace", which means about the same.


In English-speaking countries, such as the United States of America, England, there is a certain tradition - to write on the gravestones of the dead R.I.P., which means "rest in peace." Here Yatsenyuk made such a postscript on his twitter. After all, Ukraine is now completely oriented to the west and everything should be in the west.


This is the American abbreviation for which is written on graves in the United States. The literal translation of her "Rest in Peace". If this was written by Yatsenyuk, why was it not done in Ukrainian or Russian? Perhaps the prime minister wants to show his knowledge of English.

Vladislav h

Here is the answer to your question from the Internet:

How is RIP translated? something like "passed away" ...

Ekaterina kulikova

1) cut, gap
a) breaker, surf, swiftness, whirlpool (in the sea)
b) \u003d rip current
c) preim. amer. threshold (on the river)
3) dial. or colloquial.
a) explosion (laughter)
rip of laughter - burst of laughter
b) Amer.; muses. a special technique of playing musical instruments (glissando, which turns into a sudden and sharp dynamic amplification of individual sounds or chords)
c) Amer.; sl. fine, collection (for violation of laws on the protection of public order)
a) cut along the fibers (wood)
a) to be torn, to be torn
b) burst, split
3) rush, rush forward (about a boat, car, car, etc.)
4) inform. convert a file from one audio format to another (like wma to MP3)
5) sports.
a) hit sharply (on the ball)
b) Amer. win, crush (opposing team)
6) sl. to steal, steal, rob; (also rip off)
7) pronounce it sharply or distinctly; (also rip out)
8) criticize, condemn, condemn
9) Australian; sl. annoy, irritate; com. in the phrase:
wouldn "t it rip you - isn't it boring?
rip and tear - rave, rave, tear and throw
1) a nag, a worn-out horse
2) decomp. rake; libertine, libertine
3) an insignificant thing; insignificance (also about a person)


RIP - abbreviated from the Latin "requiescat in pace", literally "let him rest in peace", re-deciphered in English as rest in peace, which means "rest in peace" (almost a direct translation) or "peace on thy dust" (inscription on the grave )

Raushan mithtakhov

Translated from English, RIP stands for “Restinpeace”, or “Rest in Peace”. But in fact, this abbreviation was originally used in Latin. In Latin, "RIP" means "Requiescatinpacem", in antiquity and the Middle Ages, these words were written exclusively on tombstones and gravestones. It is the Latin version of this phrase that can be found on medieval burials in America, England and other countries where Protestantism and Catholicism occupy a leading position in religion.

What does the English "RIP" mean?

Dum spiro, spero

The phrase "Requiescat in pace" translated from Latin means "May he rest in peace"
Rest In Peace is the English version of this expression.

R.I.P. (or RIP) - these are the initial letters of a phrase that is part of the final formula of the Requiescat in pace prayer for the dead; as well as the usual inscription on tombstones mainly in countries with Catholic and Protestant influence. ...
Depending on the specific situation, there may be small variations in the decoding of this abbreviation in Latin, for example:
Requiescat in pace - May he / she rest in peace
Requiescant in pace - May they rest in peace
Requiescit in pace - He / she rests in peace
Initial letters R.I.P. or RIP are the same when translating this Latin expression into English Rest In Peace and into Italian Riposi in pace.

Kirill Vinogradov

1. Requiescat in pace - a traditional inscription on tombstones in English-speaking countries ("rest in peace")
2.Routing Information Protocol - routing protocol in computer networks
3.Raster Image Processor - component of the printing device
4.Rip, ripping, rip (from the English ripping, tear off) - transfer of information from the media of audio-video information to a file
5.RIP - Russian magazine about gothic subculture and noir

RIP, what does RIP mean?


What does the inscription mean? RIP? Inscription RIP I usually met in foreign cartoons on tombstones when it comes to cemetery.

Sweden 4ever

RIP stands for "Rest in peace", that is, "rest in peace". Initially, this phrase came from the Latin phrase "Requiescat in pace". Usually RIP and the name of the deceased are written often. For example, RIP Nelson Mandela.


RIP is an inscription traditionally applied in Europe (in English-speaking countries) on gravestones. These letters are an abbreviation of the phrase Rest In Peac. Also in Russia there is a magazine of the same name on a gothic theme. There is also RIP insulation (resin impregnated paper)

What does RIP mean, and why is this abbreviation very common on tombstones in English-speaking countries? Let's find out.

Perhaps, in our age of high technologies, television and the Internet, everyone has ever seen three English letters - "RIP" in films or in illustrations to dark books. But not everyone knows what these letters mean, so for many, this article will be especially interesting. We also advise you to find out what it means.

Translated from english RIP stands for "Restinpeace", or "Rest in Peace"... But in fact, this abbreviation was originally used in Latin. In Latin, "RIP" means "Requiescatinpacem", in antiquity and the Middle Ages, these words were written exclusively on tombstones and gravestones. It is the Latin version of this phrase that can be found on medieval burials in America, England and other countries where Protestantism and Catholicism occupy a leading position in religion.

An interesting fact: it did not come out of nowhere by itself, and this is not just a "wish of the living to the dead." The words "Rest in Peace" were originally mentioned in the Latin prayer RequiemEternam, which translates as "Eternal Rest". In prayer, there is an appeal to the Lord with a request “to give the deceased eternal rest and give him eternal light”, and the words “Requiescatinpacem” conclude the prayer.

Prayer itself is used to this day by Catholics when turning to God in order to free the righteous soul of the deceased from Purgatory. In Catholicism, and indeed in Christianity in general, the key role in "life after life" is played by where the soul of a person goes after his death. Initially, she finds herself in Purgatory, and if the deceased had any sins during his lifetime, there is a risk of ending up in Hell. It is precisely in such cases that the priests begin to praise the soul of the deceased with this prayer, in which the words “ May you rest in peace. Amen"So that the soul of the deceased does not go into the hands of the Devil, but goes to heaven.

Later, analogs of the phrase appeared in other languages \u200b\u200b- Italian and English. In Italian the phrase “Rest in Peace” sounds like “Riposiinpace”, and in English the meaning of the letters R.I.P is the well-known “Restinpeace”. Have you noticed how similar the phrases are, even though they are written in three different languages? This only indicates that the Italian language, English and Latin originally came from the same language group and are related.

It is interesting and funny that in the phrase "Rest in Peace" on english language there is a certain play on words. So, for example, in English the word "RIP" () and the word "reaper" are pronounced quite similarly. The word "reaper" in English translates as "reaper". In the culture of many countries, death comes precisely in the form of the "grim reaper", "black reaper", whose permanent attribute is the scythe. It is in the image of a skeleton with a scythe that death is depicted in many religions and Western European cultures.

Also, in Western European countries it is believed that the soul and body are connected by an invisible thin thread, and while they are in a bundle - a person is in the world of the living, he lives. As soon as the thread between the soul and the body breaks, the person dies, and the soul leaves for another world. The word "rip" in English is also a verb and means "to break", "to break".

The abbreviation "RIP" is actively used in youth gothic culture, as well as in the musical genre "Metal". The Goths position themselves as philosophers and lead reflections on the meaning of life and the meaning of death. But metalheads like to play with words in different ways in the titles of their works, while maintaining the integrity of the abbreviation. So, the heavy metal band from Australia "AC \\ DC" has a song called "RIP - Rockinpeace", and the trash metal band "Megadeth" released the song "Rustinpeace", which translates as "Rust with the world".

Another fun fact: In Denmark, if you write “Thank you for everything” to someone in a letter, you may be offended or simply not understand. The fact is that such thanksgiving among the Danes is used only in addressing the dead and has absolutely the same meaning as the English phrase "Restinpeace". And if the Catholics write on the gravestones precisely "Rest in Peace", then the Danes carve the phrase "Thank you for everything" on the gravestones.

To the question What does R.I.P. on the graves ??? given by the author Lena Knev the best answer is Rest In Peace - rest in peace

Answer from Amonina Ameno[guru]
R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) is an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the subjunctive mood of the 3rd person and more precisely translates as “May he / she rest in peace] in the world"). Remarkably, the abbreviation is the same in both English and Latin (because nouns are borrowed from Latin, and the preposition "in" is of common Indo-European origin and is the same in both languages). It is often used in grave inscriptions like this: "R.I.P.,% username%".
Due to its memeticity, R.I.P. very often used even by the Russian-speaking public, often completely out of place. Used by:
- Those who believe that by sticking a non-Russian word, they will make the phrase much deeper and express strong grief for the deceased. For example, if you score “r.i.p.” in Yandex, the search option for the words “r.i.p. ratmir ”that kakbe is hinting.
- Instead of the word "died" (usually by gamers). When used, the word is often russified and even conjugated: "I got a Persian ripped!"
- Thanks to the originally cemetery theme of the Goths Herkami. Example:
- Just in relation to someone's death. For example, on the LOR there are often wishes like "FreeBSD RIP".
- Linux in general in relation to software M $.
- As a postscript to a cattle (like "Lubricating DefFkA", "Sexy Girl", etc.) by herks and just especially gifted males.
Interesting Facts:
- There is a play on words: R.I.P. " and "reaper" (literally - a reaper, not literally - death with a scythe - if the grim reaper is a grim reaper), in the complete absence of a common origin, sound similar and mean almost the same thing.
- There is a game of the same name.
- In the ancient game Digger, when the protagonist of a wheelbarrow dies, a grave appears at the scene with this inscription.
- The verb "" rip "" means "(to) rip", which can also cause a play on words.
- Duke Nyukem, having made another boar, sometimes says “Rest in Pieces”.
- Pindossian mitol-gang Megadeth has in its repertoire a song and an album of the same name "Rust in Peace" ("Rust in Peace").
- The Brazilian mitol-gang Sepultura has the song "Rest in Pain" in its repertoire.
- Pindossian racial nigra Brotha Lynch Hung has the song "Rest in Piss" in its repertoire.
- In the printing industry RIP is the process of rasterizing images, that's it!
- In game, video and music piracy, RIPing (English "to rip smth.") Is the process of repackaging / rebuilding / re-encoding the original content in order to reduce the size / bypass protection / transfer to another format, etc. Usually ( but not always) is produced with the loss of some of the original data (in games - cut clips and sound, in music / video - lossy encoding with loss as an output stream). The resulting material is called RIP.
- In network technologies, the name of the routing protocol.
- On the graves of Windows users they write "RIP", on the graves of administrator-kulkhackers - "RIP2", and only on the graves of labor- * nix system administrators they write "w: OSPF".
- In molecular biology, RIP (receptor interracting protein) is a protein that interacts with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor and has a death domain, so and so.
- Rip van Winkle is a racial American hunter. I slept for 20 years in the forest, and upon returning home I did not understand anything.
- In the Hellsing manga, Rip van Winkle is a vampire, fascist and magic shooter all rolled into one. The character's name is taken from the legend of (SUDDENLY) Rip van Winkle and Rip is just a Dutch name.
- In the x86-64 architecture, RIP is a pointer to machine instructions. That should hint kakbe.

Answer from Kobyak[active]
rest in peace.

Answer from Anya maslennikova[active]
R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) is an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the subjunctive mood of the 3rd person and more precisely translates as “May he / she rest in peace] in the world") .

Answer from Yoasha Shaposhnikov[newbie]
In Russian Without Abbreviations Rest in Peace

Answer from Amerlan Dzubiev[active]
say this RIP eta magila