Modern technology building cottages. Optimal materials and technologies for the construction of the cottage

Compare among yourself different types Country houses and let's call their main advantages and disadvantages.

Stone houses choose those customers who love thoroughness and solidity, regardless of architectural style and the view of the outer decoration.

Brick houses

A brick house is the most durable and durable, solid and prestigious, fireproof. Brickwork in combination with various types of finishes can embody any architectural intent.

Since the brick has a rather high thermal conductivity, brick walls need to warm. Modern technologies insulation allow you to do brick house Warm, in full compliance with modern standards on heat saving, without disturbing its architectural advantages.

High heat inertness of bricks allows you to keep the coolness in the house in the summer heat.

Houses from the invoked ceramic blocks

Personal ceramic blocks have all the advantages of bricks, but is deprived of its only drawback - high thermal conductivity. With them there is a need for the outer insulation of the walls. Construction is simplified, as it is not necessary to deal with the danger of condensate falling inside insulation.

Houses from foam blocks

Budget variant Stone country house - This is a house of foam blocks (more precisely, from foam concrete or gas-silicate blocks). The outer walls, isolated from foam blocks, do not need additional insulation: lightweight concretes for both created to build warm houses with single-layer walls. It is only necessary to take care of the insulation of belts from the monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete jumpers.

Houses from foam blocks are less durable and they are not so durable as brick houses or houses from the picked ceramics. Externally, the house of foam blocks is not inferior to a brick house.

Wooden houses prefer those who appreciate the beauty and environmental friendliness of natural wood. If the aesthetics of houses from glued timber and a round log stands for you in the first place, then it has to pay for significant heat loss in the winter. If you are all more expensive, it is necessary to pay attention to insulated houses from a simple, unstroitted timber of natural humidity with a ventilated facade.

Houses from glued timber

Among the wooden suburban cottages, the "elite" is allocated - houses from glued timber. Glued bar in much less degreeThan a log or a natural humidity bar is subject to shrinkage, strain and crack formation. The house-treated with a protective composition of the glued bar looks in elegant, gently and prestigious. In addition, they are very durable.

Country houses from glued bars belong to a fairly high price category. High-quality glued bar is relatively expensive, and the flaws of the "cheap" glued timber (insufficient thickness, poor-quality glue, the use of low-grade wood, violating lamella gluing technology) lead to what to build from it good house It is impossible.

Dolonged log houses

Relief walls of round logs with dense rollers of cacopa remind of antiquity, about epic, fabulous times, especially with the corresponding architectural appearance of the house with textured logs, with liardes, elegant carved parts. Houses from the rounded logs are built for beauty - those whom this original Russian canon of the beauty of roads and is close.
According to its consumer qualities (including at low heat resistant), the house of the rounded log is close to houses from the glued bar, and their cost is significantly lower. The most significant difference lies in the presence of a significant shrinkage that you have to consider in the construction.

Warmed houses from a simple timber

There is a budget option wooden housesOptimal in terms of price-quality ratio: houses made of unstroothedral vehicles of natural humidity with a warmed ventilated facade. Such houses are practically deprived of the shortcomings, but they have a number of advantages: the foundation of a chopped house, good heat saving, high durability, a magnificent ecology.
Appearance, thanks to the use of various finishing materials, can be made any: from unpretentious vinyl siding up to simulation of glued timber and brick facades.

Combined houses

The combined house is a synthesis of stone and wooden house. The stone first floor provides major, strength and fire safety, and a wooden residential attic floor is a good ecology and rural comfort.

The construction of combined houses allows you to manage the budget overwhelming, because the bottom can be both brick and foam block, and the top-built of glued timber, a rounded log, a simple bar with a warmed ventilated facade or even frame.

Quite often combined houses are built in the style of chalet. The architecture of the chalet, traditional for the Alps, was not bad in Russia.

Where to begin?

The construction of the house begins with the project. A sketch project allows you to imagine a future house and its binding to the site before the start of construction. The working draft is necessary so that the builders understand how and what you need to build. Without drawings and calculations to build a normal house is impossible.

However, before proceeding with the design, you need to decide on the purpose of the house, its main size, exemplary planning, architectural appearance and construction materials, so that, on the one hand, satisfy your needs and tastes, and on the other - to meet the planned budget. Will there be a house of summer or winter cottages, or is it supposed to live in it? How much does the residential rooms need? How many bathrooms? Will there be a cellar? Fireplace? Sauna? Built-in garage? From answers to these questions, the design, consumption of materials, engineering support of the future house and labor costs for its construction, and, knowing the answers, you are closer to the project to your plan.

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Modern building technologies develop sevenmal steps. Almost every year masters-professionals master the new, proposed by the construction market, materials, installation methods, etc. All this is only in order to increase the productivity of construction work and obtain a more efficient end result. That is why those who are going to start the construction of a country house, in some way in confusion from the abundance of technician and technology. To arrange all the points on "and", in the material below we will analyze the construction of country houses and cottages on the installation methods and find out how much it costs to build a house for each of them on average.

IMPORTANT: all installation of country houses can be divided into economies, and overhaul. Therefore, we will start the analysis with the simplest technologies that will help to figure out how to build a country house.

Frame construction

Building a country house for such technologies is best for those who want to mount the cottage in the most compressed dates. So, thanks frame technology It is possible to build a house, fully ready for living in it, in one season. The framework of frame construction is the use of a brusade frame and shields from the board of fiberboard, chipboard, OSB, etc., as a heating material between the plates of the trim, it is fashionable to use mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Important: The most fiscal option for mounting on the framework technology will be a house fully assembled with your own hands from purchased materials.

However, it is worth noting that frame construction also called canadian technology. Here, the basis of the installation is fully produced at the enterprise Domocomplekt, which is identical to the provided project. That is, the project documentation is first developed, then it goes to the factory, where professionals harves all elements frame house From SIP panels. Such a cottage will be at times warmer and better.

The benefits of framework technology can be attributed to:

  • Saving a construction budget on the installation of the foundation. Since the total mass of the skeleton house is small, then the basis can be made of lightweight type - columnar or pile.
  • Easy installation of the house. It is enough just to assemble the whole set in a single design.
  • Excellent house insulation by creating sandwich panels. As a consequence, saving resources for heating and the content of the cottage.
  • The house-frame house can be mounted in any region, even in seismic.
  • Moreover, frame house Allows you to use your creative potential when cutting out the construction.

However, for the framework technology there are some minuses:

  • So, the house collected from the frame and panels cannot have more than two floors. Otherwise, the mass of the design will have a strong pressure on the frame, which will lead to destruction. There will be no such house for a long time.
  • Certain costs for outdoor finishing at home, since the panels of the construction "Sandwich" in any case should be protected from moisture.

Wooden construction

The most common technology for the construction of country houses. Prefer those who for the ecologicity and naturalness of the finished cottage. After all wooden house - This is the unity with the harmony of nature. Mounting wooden cottages can be from such types of materials:

  • Log-rounded;
  • Log chopped;
  • Stroging Bar;
  • Bar profiled;
  • Bar glued.

Log-rounded log

Consider more of the construction technology from each tree type.

So, the houses from the rounded log are increasingly reminded by the good commencement of the times of Russian architecture. But you can assemble from such wood and cottages in the style of chalets. In any case, the material is processed in production in order to give it a single section along the entire length. Here, de at the enterprise, the grooves are cut into the assembly of all elements on the technology "in the bowl". This installation is also called a warm angle. That is, the house built on such technology has a low thermal conductivity, is able to maintain the optimal microclimate in the room and the minimally reacts to moisture under the condition of high-quality processing of rounding with antiseptics and antipirens.

To build a cottage from a rounded log can use rounded cross section from 18 to 32 cm. But in any case, it is desirable that it was wood from coniferous wood, and harvested in winter time. The cost of construction from such a material will cost approximately $ 130 / m2 and higher.

Houses from a chopped log

This technology has a higher cost, because here logs are processed solely manually. At the same time, only the bark is removed from the tree, and the lob and the worry are the layers that increase the strength of the material remain. In addition, the chopped log has a different section along its entire length. Therefore, the graduation assembly technology implies alternation of logs in the masonry in order to compensate for the differences in the level of the walls horizontally. Another factor that increases the cost of construction of a chopped log - manual formation of bowls for laying a tree in the corners. As a result, the chopped house will cost from $ 200 / m2.

Both types of houses (from chopped and rounded logs) have a number of advantages:

  • Cottages from logs are completely environmentally friendly. No harmful compounds and evaporation in the air even subject to the processing of material with antiseptics.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the log allows you to maintain heat in the house even without an additional outer or interior tree finish. What in turn makes it possible to save the flavor of the tree.
  • The valuable aromas of coniferous resins evaporated with wood have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state of households.

But with all its positive properties, the tree has a number of shortcomings:

  • Thus, the finished log cabin must pass the process of natural shrinkage when the log will lose its humidity. The period is 1-2 years. During this time, with non-compliance with the installation technology, the house can strongly change its linear contours, which will require additional restoration work. In addition, after shrinkage in the tree, there can be quite large gaps, which also requires insulation.
  • Even with high-quality wood processing with antiseptics and antipyrenami, the tree is not such a long-liver like a stone. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the log house has 50 to 80 years or a little more, and then requires repair.

Bruce houses

Planed Bar.

Brous houses are also popular with a modern developer. Country house, with their own hands built according to this technology, it looks no less interesting and presentable, especially subject to competent design.

The brusade house is assembled by the method of assembling the crowns upwards, and by allowing them in the corners in the bowl. Such an assembly resembles work with the designer Lego, only a little complicated. Especially if we are talking about a planed timber. The fact is that the planed timber is a sawn timber prepared at the production method of trimming a log before obtaining raw materials of a square or rectangular cross section. At the outlet, the planed beam has a humidity of 26-28%, which leads to a large shrinkage at home after construction. The cottage will fall at about 1-2 cm for each meter of its height. As a result, you will have to additionally correct the house and sow it outside to neutralize cold bridges. The price of building a house from a planed timber will be within $ 110 / m2.

Tip: If there is a doing to save, using the construction technology from the planed beam, it is better to take the chamber of chamber drying. Its humidly forcibly communicated to 18%.

Bar profiled

Here the cottage is collected from better raw materials. The name of the sawn timber indicates that the timber has a kind of profile. That is, the castle connection by type of spike groove. Collect such elements into a single design easier and faster. In addition, the profiled timber has a smaller humidity than the planed (about 16%), which gives it additional advantages.

Important: Houses from the profiled timber are initially harvested in production. That is, the master is provided with a project. Based on the documentation received, the specialist forms the desired number of elements from the lumber, which will later have to be simply assembled into a single construction at the construction site.

It is worth remembering that any brusade construction allows the use of lightweight types of foundations, since the mass of the finished wooden cottage is not so great, like a stone or log. The installation price of the house from the profiled bar will cost $ 125 / m2.

Glued bar

This type of material is the most expensive, but the highest quality. In the production of wood, first cuts into durable thin lamellas, which are then glued together into a single timing of the desired section. Depending on the parameters of the lumber in it can be from two to seven lamellas. At the same time, in order to neutralize the internal resistance of the finished bar, the lamellas in it are in such a way that their annual rings are perpendicular to the rings of neighboring lamella. In addition, the bar is high quality dry up to 8% and all the grooves are cut for high-quality and easy assembly.

As a result, the installation technology is reduced simply to docile all the elements of the house with each other. Ready cottage made of glued timber does not require additional internal or outdoor decoration. And the price of mounting such a cottage will be within $ 180 / m2.

Brick construction

No less popular technology of construction of brick houses. And you can use different types of it:

  • Silicate;
  • Full-time;
  • Ceramic;
  • Hyper pressed.

In any case, the house built of brick will last from 150 years. Such cottages require a reliable foundation facility. Most often used monolithic slab or belt basis. The masonry is carried out in one, one and a half or two bricks. Today, the technology of mounting a brick house in two walls is widely used, between which the insulation is placed.

It is worth knowing that brick construction is a labor-intensive process, because it has to deal with wet works. Laying blocks, plastering walls, etc. Sometimes the brick houses are built from two or more years. But the finished cottage is striking with its monumentality and thoroughness.

The cost of such construction depends on the type of material used. So, approximate prices look like this:

  • For home out ceramic brick - $ 330 / m2;
  • For a cottage from silicate brick - $ 300 / m2;
  • For full-time brick - $ 290 / m2;
  • Hypersed brick - $ 350 / m2.

Important: The price of brick construction is the only minus such technology among all modern.

Block technology

Blocks made of porous concrete - relatively new building material. However, it is it used in 70% of cases. Such popularity is substantiated by the structure of the material. After all, in production in concrete mix Add chemicals that result in its foaming. As a result, blocks that have low weight and low thermal conductivity are obtained. And in combination with ideal proportions, such blocks are considered almost perfect building material.

Houses from different types of blocks are mounted by technology brick masonry. The only difference is that the material laying is not required. cement mortar, and the finished glue mix. Moreover, it is required quite a bit to connect all the gates of the house in a single design.

For a block house, a complex foundation is not required. If the cottage is one floor, then a sufficiently tape fine-breed basis, or just a column. Which additionally heshes the construction.

For block technology, these types of materials are used:

  • Aerated concrete;
  • Foam concrete;
  • Ceramzite concrete;
  • Sandcate block;
  • Ceramic block.

Cost of construction different species The blocks will look something like this:

  • Aerated concrete - $ 226 / m2;
  • Foam concrete - $ 180 / m2;
  • Ceramzitoben - $ 172 / m2;
  • Ceramic block - $ 260 / m2;
  • The sandcate block is $ 160 / m2.

Important: All types of blocks have micropores that provide air circulation in the finished house. Thus, the building does not exceed and does not rot.

Construction for non-removable formwork

Such technology is the most modern one of all listed. The method is based on the installation of formwork in the entire height of the walls and filling it with polystyrene foam. The thermal conductivity of such a material will be several times higher than the wall of the brick or block. And the final cost of construction according to this technology will cost 40% cheaper. Cottages from non-removable formwork serve from 100-120 years. At the same time, their heating and content required 3-4 times less resources, which indicates the undoubted benefit of such installation.

Important: Houses made of non-removable formwork are mounted for one season. Therefore, such a country house is suitable for those who seek to play a faster to play a housewarming.

Modern technology building cottages Pestry the incredible number of proposals on materials and technologies, among which you are not easy to figure out and make right choiceAnd the Internet and lysterests only contradict and further confuse you with dubious and useless information.
Before you decide to build yourself country house From materials that only recently appeared on the market (up to 10 years) and have not yet received practical confirmation on reliability, safety, energy efficiency and residence comfort, ask yourself an important question: Do you want to test new technology on your example, having risked with your own funds? The main thesis for reflection: if cheap construction technologies (materials) were actually so wonderful, it is logical that they would quickly become popular! But this does not happen, because poor-quality goods do not receive massive recognition among consumers.

Any use of alternative wall materials is appropriate only from an economic point of view for those regions where there is no nearby enterprises for the production of traditional materials, such as brick, aerated concrete or ceramzite concrete, when delivery makes their comparative cost more than alternative materials of local production.

Modern technology building housesListed in the table below are the most popular, reliable, proven times that have the optimal price-quality ratio that building experts are recommended, apply leading architectural studios in the design of most cottages and use professional construction companies in the work. Some of them can rightfully be called revolutionary technologies in low-rise construction.

Optimal construction Materials and technology View constructive Benefits
Foundationary railway stove with frame Universal type of foundation that is suitable for many types of soils, incl. For bunched with high groundwater levels. Railway Railway warns possible deformations when loaded on the break. Foundation Plate. Almost completely outlined a more expensive technology for the construction of a bellbed belt foundation.
Walls from aerated concrete Walls from aerated concrete have the best consumer and specifications: affordable price, rapid construction, with a thickness of 375-400mm - Wall "warm" (does not require reduction), high carrier capacity, the best geometry of +/- 1mm blocks allows you to maintain a thin masonry 2-3mm without "cold bridges", minimal shrinkage 0,3mm / M allows you to start finishing work immediately after the construction of the "box" of the house. The technology strongly sweating the construction of brick walls. To date, 8 out of 10 stone houses are built from aerated concrete.
Walls from ceramic blocks Walls made of large-format bricks possess the following important characteristics: high quality, liquidity, durability. Construction is 7 times faster than the brick of a conventional format, fewer seams, which means there is less consumption of solution and less cold bridges. Wall "Warm". The total weight of the walls is reduced and, accordingly, the load on the foundation. The properties of ceramic blocks allow you to use any decoration Materials with no restrictions. More often, the exterior decoration produces facing bricks for the construction of the most respectable and highly liquid house.
Jumpers and armooU-blocks The U-blocks quickly and easily fit, perform the function of a non-removable formwork and thermal protection of reinforced concrete cores of jumpers and armoances. Almost completely outlined the technology of mounting monolithic w / w jumpers and armoances with additional insulation during the construction of walls from aerated concrete.
Monolithic w / w overlapping Monolithic inter-storey overlap has the best set of consumer and technical characteristics: reliability, durability, fire and biostostility, good sound insulation, connects the walls in a rigid construction, evenly distributing vertical loads. The technology strongly sweat the construction of floors on wooden beams.
Ceramic Chimneys and VentkanalsSchiedel The most efficient three-layer chimney system: simplicity and quick installation, blocks are of the same width as the wall bearing blocks, high resistance to high temperatures, effects of acids and alkalis, good thrust and quick removal of smoke, slowly contaminated soot and easily cleaner, official warranty Manufacturer 30 years. The technology has almost completely supplanted chimneys from bricks.
The most durable material - up to 150 years, the cost is cheaper flexible tile, high resistance to wind loads, increased waterproof, excellent thermostat and noise insulator (relevant for attic), presentable appearance, environmentally friendly, frost-resistant and non-combustible material.
PVC windows PVC windows with profiles Rehau, Veka, Kbee durable, energy-efficient, with good sound insulation and protection against hacking. Almost completely outstretched wooden windows. More than 80% of windows in new homes are plastic windows.
There are many options for finishing the facades of the cottage, but better facing bricks Technology for exterior decoration not yet invented. The best set of consumer qualities: strength, durability, presentability, maximum protection against aggressive effects of the external environment.
Paving clinker RAUF. The most durable and durable material for paving tracks, automotive races and parking lots. This is ensured by its special properties: abrasion resistance (including automotive spikes), low water absorption (virtually does not absorb moisture), high color stability.
Warm water field Elevated comfort: the floor is warm, it is nice to walk on it; reliability and durability (up to 490 years !!!); saving heating costs from 30-50% and higher; No electro-magnetic radiation; no circulation of dust; There are no warmed and raw corners; Aesthetic and designer attractiveness and MN.D.

Ideal building materials do not exist, because Each of them has its own scope and features that are governed by constructive solutions and requirements. If you know and comply with these requirements, then we will get the necessary result, and if we break the technology or we expect something to be not peculiar to it, they are deceived in expectations and begin to talk about its "shortcomings". But the optimal building materials that allow quality and inexpensively to build reliable, energy-efficient and comfortable homes are widely represented in the market of low-rise construction. But only professional construction companies can know these technology and have experience of their application.

Engineering technical composition Companies of Ful House regularly undergoes training in modern construction technologies in low-rise construction. The company is accredited by well-known manufacturers and official tolerances for the installation of their construction systems.

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