Russian hound hound. Russian hunting sighthound - history of the breed

We have repeatedly written on the pages of our site that it is necessary to choose a dog breed based on what purposes in the future you plan to "use", if I may say so, the animal. So, for example, for the protection of the house it is necessary to choose, but for the soul - representatives are suitable. Whereas for those people who are fond of hunting and in the future plan to attract their four-legged pet to participate in it, it is necessary to give preference to hunting dog breeds. And today we invite you to talk about just one of these dog breeds - Russian canine greyhound.

The appearance of the Russian canine greyhound

Looking at the sophisticated appearance of the representatives of this breed, it is hard to believe that they are capable of chasing the beast for a long time on the hunt, engaging in a fierce battle with it and emerging victorious from it. However, this is indeed the case. These dogs are large in stature, have a narrow build, and are distinguished by a dry and strong constitution type. Elegant - one would like to say looking at their silhouette.

The height at the withers of a Russian canine greyhound can reach 86 centimeters, and the height of a bitch can reach 78 centimeters. In this case, the index of elongation of females is equal to 105, and males to 102 units.

The head of the Russian canine greyhound is long, dry and narrow. The skull is oval, flat and narrow. In this case, the length of the dog's muzzle is equal to the length of the skull (this is a prerequisite for a clean exterior).

The eyes of the greyhound are large enough, oval in shape, dark brown in color, and the eyelids have dark edges.

The ears of the dog are rather small, mobile and thin, with sharp tips, set high, and at the same time tightly pressed to the neck, which is covered with thick and dense hair.

The dog's chest is not wide, but well developed.

Its tail is long, thin, saber-shaped with a dense dewlap.

In such a description of the appearance of representatives of this breed of dogs, I would like to pay special attention to their coat - it is soft wavy or represented by large curls, while on the sides and lateral surfaces of the limbs such wool changes to tight-fitting and short, while on the neck and back it is falls in waves.

The color of the Russian canine sighthound

Disadvantages of the color of the Russian canine greyhound

Character features of the Russian dog greyhound

Representatives of this hunting breed of dogs are distinguished by a calm temperament, however, the animal is quickly aroused if it sees another animal (it is not surprising, it takes its hunting roots). Also, such dogs are distinguished by a rather aggressive attitude even towards other pets, therefore, keeping a dog of this breed in the house and at the same time dreaming that it is not too reasonable. He, most likely, will be torn to pieces by the Russian canine greyhound, and there will be no need to blame her for this, because she simply performed what this breed was created for - to destroy other animals and to help in hunting. You can read about how this dog is used while hunting and about its hunting instincts in this article. So, if you do not want to watch bloodthirsty pictures with the participation of other pets and a Russian canine greyhound, get one, and do not hope that such a dog will eventually make friends with your cat or with another dog. Learn more about the relationship between a cat and a dog under one roof.

These dogs lend themselves well to training, education and training, therefore, it is better to do all this from an early age of the dog, so that later the grown-up Russian dog greyhound would be a humble friend for you, and not a hidden threat. Indeed, these dogs are unusually strong and fast, and if necessary, they are ready to prove their innocence with their teeth until their last breath.

Who shouldn't have dogs of this breed

Based on such characteristics of the character of these dogs, we would not recommend them to have them for families with small children, single and elderly people of the age, people who are limited in living space (live in a one-room apartment) and those who do not have enough time and energy and the desire to maintain the physical and psychological shape of the dog in proper condition.

The history of the emergence of the breed Russian hound

The first mentions of representatives of such a hunting breed date back to the 17th century - dogs, very similar to a modern greyhound, were actively used in hunting for an animal and were distinguished by excellent working hunting qualities. At the beginning of the 18th century, the blood of dogs brought to Russia from Western Europe was added to the original branch of the breed - these were English greyhounds, short and busty, and since the 20s of the 19th century such dogs have already been crossed with eastern greyhounds - Crimean and mountain. As a result of such breeding work, a large number of types of dogs representing this breed were formed, and only after the onset of 1888, when the first standard of this breed was carried out with a detailed description of its appearance, the breed framework was finally determined and the Russian dog breed was born. greyhound.

So, in the 20s of the 19th century, every wealthy Russian landowner kept hundreds of dogs of this breed, and actively used them during hunting, as well as hounds. In view of this, depending on the provinces, almost every landowner had his own type of canine greyhounds, which to some extent differed from each other. Such pedigree branches were usually called by the surname of the owner of such dogs. But gradually the range of such differences decreased, and the dogs, according to their appearance and working qualities, have already become quite similar to each other.

And, here is the first dog show of this breed was held in 1874 in Moscow (you want to know?). A little later, in 1888, the standard of this breed was officially adopted, and from that time the pedigree books of these dogs began to be kept. So, for example, the first genealogical book was founded by the Moscow Society of Hunters named after Emperor Alexander II at the beginning of the 20th century. Its first volume was published already in 1902 and it contained records of 15 representatives of the breed.

However, not only hunters were fond of such dogs. So, for example, many artists, sculptors, poets and filmmakers used their images in their work. And, here the peak of popularity of such elegant dogs fell on the Art Deco period. And, to this day, there are many sculptures of paintings that depict a dog of this breed, or a hound hunting with them.

Features of caring for dogs of the Russian Greyhound breed

Dog grooming

Russian canine sighthounds love to look well-groomed, therefore, all the manipulations (if you carry them out carefully) for combing the fur, cutting the hound and bathing it are tolerated quite patiently. However, in view of the fact that the dog has long hair - be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote to such procedures at least 1 day a week. By the way,

do not forget to cut the hair between the toes of dogs, so that it does not get tangled, does not cause discomfort to the dog while walking.

Another point to which you need to pay attention is that these dogs shed heavily, therefore, it is worth combing them more often during molting periods.

Walking the dog

In order for the dog to be in good physical shape and to take part in the hunt, it must be trained. Therefore, you will also have to devote some of your time to teaching her hunting skills, main commands and rules of conduct. In addition to all this, it will be necessary to walk often and for a long time with such a dog. An excellent workout for her will be your morning jogging or cycling with your owner.

Features of the diet

As for the peculiarities in the diet, another surprise awaits us here. These dogs are quite capricious in food and they must be fed expensive ones, while overfeeding the dog is strictly prohibited. It is better to give preference to several fractional feedings throughout the day than 2 meals a day.

active exercises, or, after the Russian hunting greyhound has dined, you should not plan - let the dog doze for a few hours.

The origin and purpose of the Russian canine sighthounds, the standard of the exterior, the character, the description of health, advice on care. The price of a puppy of a Russian canine greyhound.

The content of the article:

The Russian hunting sighthound is probably the most famous hunting dog in the world from Russia. Greyhound with a solid history of the formation of the breed, which has undergone both periods of extraordinary popularity and complete decline, since ancient times has become one of the main symbols of Russian dog breeding. A dog with an excellent reputation, repeatedly described in the literature by Russian writers and embodied in paintings by outstanding artists, many of whom were themselves great "greyhounds" and simply adored these elegant and graceful animals.

The history of the origin of the breed Russian hunting greyhound

In Russia since ancient times, there were many breeds of hunting dogs, with which they hunted the most diverse game since time immemorial. But not all types of hunting dogs managed to survive to this day, and even more so to receive such recognition and popularity as the Russian hound.

The first descriptions of dogs, similar in exterior to modern canine sighthounds, are found in written sources of the 17th century, relating to the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. It was this autocrat who was presented by the Cossacks-Zaporozhians as a gift, among other things, several "Circassian dogs" obtained in one of the campaigns in the North Caucasus. Whether it really was so or whether in Russia at that time there were also own dogs of a similar species, history is silent, but the fact that some greyhounds from that moment begin to be actively mentioned in descriptions of hunts in preserved documents is a historical fact.

However, there is another hypothesis about the origin of the future Russian breed from greyhounds supplied to the Russian kingdom from the Kazakh Khanate and Persia much earlier - during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is known that the stern sovereign loved hound hunting and observed splendor and mass in its organization. There is also a stubborn opinion that canine greyhounds have been in the Russian lands from time immemorial and are a primordially Russian breed, which, of course, raises great doubts (facts indicate otherwise).

Be that as it may, the further development of greyhounds in Russia for a long time occurred spontaneously and was not subject to any control. Every Russian boyar, and later a wealthy landowner, considered it a rule to keep as many as hundreds of hounds, cops and greyhounds in the estate. Having a large pack of dogs was not only effective during a round-up hunt, but also prestigious. And each pan carried out the selection of these animals to his taste, no one was a decree to him. For this purpose, many dogs were delivered from Europe, Eastern countries and the Caucasus Mountains. So gradually, to the previously existing greyhounds at the beginning of the 18th century, through the efforts of local landowners, the blood of the mountain, Crimean, horty, brudy and English greyhounds was poured. It got to the point that almost every province has its own type of dog, little similar in appearance to other greyhounds, but proudly named after its rich owner-breeder (Boldarev, Durasov, Sokolov, Chelishchev, Bibikova, Ermolov, Vasilchikova and many others). True, over time, all these differences somewhat smoothed out, and by the second half of the 19th century in Russia, a more or less close exterior was gradually formed for all greyhound canines. However, the well-known expert on hunting and hunting dogs, writer L.P. Sabaneev, in one of his essays on the Russian canine breed, noted that "... by the 60s, all Russian canines had lost their purebred, that it is hardly possible to find a greyhound between them without the slightest, at least distant, admixture of folds blood." By "folds" the writer meant greyhounds of the Eastern and Caucasian types: Crimean and mountain. Sabaneev sadly stated that the old famous type of greyhound greyhound dogs had in fact been completely lost.

By the way, the name "canine" comes from the traditional Russian hunting terminology, which calls the coat of a dog "canine". It was not customary to call animals that did not have rich wavy fur.

For the first time, hounds were exhibited in Moscow at the Polytechnic Exhibition in 1872, and then at the first Moscow exhibition of the Imperial Society of Correct Hunting in 1874. I must say that all the greyhound participants of these exhibitions were very far from the old classical ideal of the Russian greyhound. And even the dogs, which were already popular in Russia, as well-known family breeds, were so mixed among themselves by that time that the judges did not have to talk about some fundamental breed standard when assessing. Nevertheless, the red-piebald dog named Reward (owner - Mr. Chebyshev) did receive the gold medal of the Moscow show as the best representative of all canines participating in the championship.

Since 1874 in Russia, they have already begun to regularly hold shows of greyhounds and hounds, trying to demonstrate all the variety of breeds existing in the country. True, as experts noted, for all fourteen years of the exhibitions (up to 1888), fans of greyhounds never saw truly purebred Russian dogs.

The great success of the exhibitions and the need to comply with certain criteria for an objective assessment of the contestants, served as the beginning of active work on the standardization of Russian dog breeds. In 1888, the first standard "Russian Dog Borzoi" was developed and approved, from which the real planned work on the actual revival of the former Russian breed began. But here, too, there was friction. All fans of the Russian greyhound were divided into three opposing camps: some wanted to get a completely new dog breed, others - originally old, well, and still others adhered to the "golden mean". This "golden mean", as time has shown, won out in the end.

Thanks to these efforts, by 1917 there were more than three thousand canine greyhounds in Russia, almost two thousand of which were pedigree and met the accepted standard.

Subsequent events (the revolution of 1917, the Civil, and then the Great Patriotic War) put the very possibility of the existence of canine greyhounds on the brink of extinction. And only through the efforts of many post-war enthusiasts, the breed was able to revive, collecting the remaining pedigree dogs literally all over the country.

In 1956 the breed "Russian Hound Borzoi" was recognized by the FCI and entered into the International Pedigree Book.

The purpose of Russian canine sighthounds and their use

The main purpose of the famous Russian breed has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. With these swift-footed dogs, they still hunt wolves, foxes and brown hares, less often roe deer and wild goats. And although hunts are no longer so massive (in the old days, even a hound hunt with 10 dogs was considered "small grass") and pompous, they bring no less pleasure to their participants than in ancient times. And I must say that hunting with hounds and raising a greyhound is a whole science, which can only be overcome by people who are patient, persistent and truly passionate about this difficult task.

Much less often, Russian canines can be found as show dogs, or very rarely - as pets. And this is due not only to the peculiarity of their content, but also to walking. It is difficult for an ordinary person (especially in urban conditions) to fully walk such a high-speed animal capable of moving in sweeping jumps, overcoming a distance of almost 9 meters in a jump.

Description of the external standard of the Russian canine greyhound

According to fanatical Russian "greyhounds", none of the breeds of greyhound dogs existing in the world can compare with the Russian canine greyhound, such a uniquely aristocratic and frisky dog, combining extraordinary grace and nobility of lines with desperate courage and fast power. Greyhounds are second only to the Irish wolfhound in size. The growth of a male dog reaches 85 centimeters with a body weight of up to 47 kg, and that of a female - 78 centimeters (weight up to 40 kg).
  1. Head Russian canine, or rather its form, has always been the subject of controversy among specialists. In the existing international standard - the head is long and dry, with aristocratic refined lines, with a refined skull (in the old way - "wedge-shaped"). The presence of a "falcon" - a pronounced occipital protuberance is welcomed. The dryness of the head is such that the vessels and veins of the head protruding through the skin are visible. The stop is extended-smooth, barely pronounced. The nipple (muzzle) is pronounced, long, filled. "Short-handedness" is not desirable. The nasal bridge is straight (some slight hunchback is possible at the transition to the lobe itself, which in the old days was called "saigachina" or "mutton" because of the similarity of the dog's profile with these animals). Black in color (required) nose (in the old way "waxes") is large and mobile, hanging over the lower jaw. The length of the forceps is slightly more than or equal to the length of the elongated skull. The dog's lips are black, thin, dry and tight-fitting. The jaws are strong, well developed with a standard set of large white teeth. The bite resembles a scissor.
  2. Eyes(or in the old way "gap") greyhounds are set obliquely, bulging, almond-shaped, black, brown or dark cherry in color. Expressive, attentive ("woodcock eyes"). In the old days (and sometimes even now) among hunters-greyhounds it was considered desirable that the whites of the dog's eyes were reddish ("on the blood"), which indicated the special viciousness of the animal. The eyelids that frame the eyes have the obligatory black pigmentation.
  3. Ears set above the level of the eyes (with the correct "cut"), thin, mobile, hanging-tied back (ears in a "cut"). Sometimes both ears or one of them is raised by a "horse". Lop-earedness and slight "tightness" are not allowed.
  4. Neck strong, muscular, "tapering" (that is, proudly set, with a slight bend in the occiput region), rather long, as if slightly compressed from the sides, dry, without dewlap of the skin.
  5. Torso("Block") stretched type, lightweight proportions. It is strong, but exquisitely elegant graceful, "breamy" (an old term for the flattening of the animal's body from the sides). The chest is long and deep, well developed. The back ("steppe") is narrow, but very strong and surprisingly flexible. The line of the back is beautifully curved or, as they used to say in the old days, “stressed”. The elegant "springiness" should not develop into "hunchback" (disadvantage). If the back was straight (lack), then the dog was called "straight step". The croup is well-muscled, well-defined, slightly sloping (sloping croup is a conformation defect). A sharply tucked up belly of a greyhound in the old days was called "undermining", referring any sagging to the disadvantages.
  6. Tail("Rule") resembles a sickle or saber in shape, set relatively low, thin, long, pubescent with a dense "dog".
  7. Limbs hunters-greyhounds at all times inspected with the utmost care, in their terminology there were a lot of definitions describing all kinds of defects. The legs of a greyhound should be perfectly straight and parallel, dry but muscular and incredibly springy and strong. Paws elongated-oval (hare type), dry with curved toes. Paw pads ("crumbs") are dense and elastic. The claws ("hooks") are long and strong.
  8. Wool ("psovina"). The most important part of the exterior, which still causes a lot of controversy, is what it should be for a real greyhound. The standard requires the following quality of the cover: soft, silky, pliable, curly or wavy. Smooth coat ("willowy dog") or "clumpy" (harsh coat sticking out) are considered faults. On the dog's head, it is short and somewhat stiffer (satin). The fur on the neck forms an abundant "muff". Also on the sides of the head there may be "foxes" - something like sideburns. There are beautiful feathering on the legs.
Color is also an important point, causing a lot of debate among "greyhounds" to this day. The standard provides for the following coat colors:
  • "White";
  • "Sex" or "fawn" - the color of chaff or wheat bread;
  • "Salty" - beautiful faint yellow or pale yellow;
  • "Red" - the most different shades of red and reddish-red;
  • “Burmat” - “sexual” with a dark bloom;
  • "Dark burmat" - the wool seems to be covered with dust on the main red or fawn color;
  • "Gray-fawn" or "silver-blue";
  • “Murugy” - reddish-brown or “red”, with a black “belt” along the back, a black “mask” on the head and with black paws, with a black guard hair at the ends;
  • "Underdog" - the coat can have any color, but with a lighter color of the "mask" on the forceps, hair on the chest, limbs and abdomen;
  • "Chubary" - the presence of stripes or spots-apples in the main color;
  • "Black and tan";
  • "Red with mazurine" (that is, with a black "mask" on the face).

Character features of the Russian dog greyhound

Russian dogs are unique not only for their exterior, but also for their specific temperament and disposition. These dogs are very independent and not as easy to control as it might seem. Hunting instincts and the desire to pursue are simply off scale, which completely excludes the maintenance of such dogs in a city and apartment.

Although the breed itself is quite easy to handle. The very genetics of dogs provides for a certain straightforwardness, without any unnecessary conversations and "calf" tenderness there: hunting - feeding - rest in the estate until the next hunt. Therefore, greyhounds (with rare exceptions) animals are also quite straightforward to grasp the nuances of intonations and do not need human society too much. But closeness to the owner and encouragement are appreciated.

It is believed that they are spiteful towards the beast and benevolent towards people. This is so if you have managed to find an approach. If not, then it's not without problems (it can bite). Not having received proper walking, a greyhound can easily run away, breaking off the leash (however, it can simply run away from a careless owner and not return even during a walk or hunting). Greyhounds are absolutely not afraid of punishment, pain and intimidation. Therefore, it is very important to find the right approach and tactically correct attitude to the obstinate animal. The greyhound is completely unsuitable as a "first" dog for an inexperienced owner.

Russian greyhound health

In general, being a relatively strong dog in health, the Russian canine also has a number of breed predispositions to diseases. First of all, it is susceptible to: growth rickets in puppies, dental problems (usually begin in puppyhood and last a lifetime), rapid wear of the heart muscle due to constant high-speed running, hip dysplasia, volvulus and cataracts.

The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed reaches 7-10 years. Sometimes 12 years old.

Caring for the hair of the Russian canine is not more difficult than other breeds and is quite within the power of even a novice owner. But the content, organization of the correct diet and walking will not be so easy to organize, you will have to study a lot of specialized literature, checking it with practice.

To begin with, greyhound dog breeds are a whole group of hunting dogs that are used to track animals without a gun. The peculiarity of such pets is long legs and high speed, so they perform well in open areas, have excellent eyesight. Greyhounds have slender, muscular paws, so they are most often used to hunt hares or foxes.

It is also interesting that greyhound dog breeds are often used for sports competitions and races.

Australian greyhound

The Australian greyhound or kangaroo dog was bred in Australia. Previously used to hunt kangaroos, because they were harmful to the economy. This breed is distinguished by its high speed, ingenuity and use of instincts. Now used as a companion and a hunter for small animals. Works only on the plain, easily tolerates heat and can chase the victim for several hours. Now the breed is almost not popular, it is rarely kept in apartments, it requires long training due to excessive aggressiveness.


Azawak appeared in Europe in the Azawak valley, was used by nomads from the Middle East as a hunter, protector and added status. The pet can hunt any medium-sized game, it shows itself well in the fields or in the plains, it easily tolerates the heat. The peculiarity is high and strong paws, so it can even catch up with lions. The Azawakh is characterized by wild, detached behavior, the pet is closed in itself, not contact and cannot be kept at home.

Arab Greyhound (Slugi)

The Arabian greyhound (Slugi) is considered a rare breed that hunts down its prey with its sight. The most common dog in Africa, works for the hare, wild boar and fennec fox, sometimes acts as a protector. The peculiarity of the animal is long legs and dexterity of movement, since the pet can make sharp turns and put its front legs far forward when running. By nature, they are neat, obedient, selective and restrained animals, but they do not tolerate the cold well.

Few people know, but images of slugs were found in the caves of Tunisia, and they are interpreted 5000 years BC. e., and in Egypt, archaeologists were even able to find the mummies of these animals, which speaks of their veneration in the ancient world.

Afghan Hound

It appeared in Afghanistan for hunting, but it is very difficult to train, it is tied to the owner. It can hunt small game, wild boars and foxes, it normally tolerates different climatic conditions. Features are agility, high speed and the ability to overcome obstacles, so it will show itself well on plains or in thickets. By nature, they are independent, stubborn, hardy and independent animals, but they get along well at home.


Bakhmul first appeared in Russia and Afghanistan, belongs to the group of eastern greyhounds. Previously, they hunted only ungulates, now they hunted hares, foxes and wolves. Works in rocky, flat and wooded areas. Features are quickness, dexterity, good eyesight and hearing. By nature, these animals are calm, restrained, hardy, but reckless in the process of pursuit. The content requires a lot of space, constant loads are needed.

Greyhound (English greyhound)

It was bred in England as a hunting breed, although they do not differ in endurance and the possibility of a long pursuit. Their main advantage is short-distance running, so they use a pet to catch a hare, foxes. The dog is distinguished by intelligence, restraint, loyalty, learns quickly and everywhere follows the owner. But he cannot be kept in the apartment without long walks.

It is fascinating that earlier the Greyhound was used as entertainment for the nobility and a way of food for the poor. But after 1014, the breed was only available to the wealthy.


The Deerhound was first bred in Scotland, the purpose of the breed was to hunt deer unarmed, so the dog can catch up and kill the prey on its own. The characteristics of the animal are flair and quick reactions. Deerhound has endless energy, great physical strength, but he cannot do without stress and training. By nature, the pet is inherent in gullibility, calmness, emotionality, does not show aggression.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is considered one of the largest hunting dogs in the world, originating in Ireland. Used for hunting and protection, works well in open areas and in forests, hunts hares, wolves, foxes and wild boars. Advantages - travels long distances, uses scent and flair. By temperament - patient, kind, loyal and well-mannered, he adores his family.

Spanish galgo

The Spanish Galgo was bred in Spain for catching hares and small game, was often used as a running dog, and is considered one of the oldest breeds. The peculiarity is flair and a subtle scent, so Galgo never gets off the track. By the nature of the animal, tenderness, kindness, energy, calmness are inherent. It is better not to keep in the apartment, to give the opportunity to walk in the open space - on your own, since innate instincts cannot be overcome.

It is impossible not to mention the problem of cruel treatment with Galgo, because in Spain this breed is brought up only for the hunting season, and then the owners themselves are killed, abandoned or maimed. Since the Spaniards consider the dog to be only a game hunting tool. Therefore, all over the world there are actions to protect and preserve the breed.

Kyrgyz greyhound (Taigan)

The Kyrgyz Greyhound (Taigan) is an aboriginal greyhound dog that was formed in Kyrgyzstan. Used for hunting in mountainous and forest areas, works on fox, badger, wolf and mountain goat. He often works in pairs, catches up with the victim, and then holds or kills it, manages to catch burrowing animals. Also, the pet easily tolerates different climatic conditions, uses flair. By nature, they are obedient, independent and persistent.

Italian greyhound

Italian Greyhound is considered to be the smallest breed among hunting dogs, it appeared in Italy. It can hunt small animals in open spaces, the Italian greyhound has a developed hunting instinct and excellent vision. By temperament - calm, loyal, gentle, not aggressive, well-mannered. But they have fragile bones, require long walks, maintenance outside the city.

Magyar agar

Magyar Agar is a Hungarian breed that continues to form and develop. It can hunt small animals and burrowing animals, it is distinguished by its endurance, fast speed, and often leaves the owner for several kilometers. Another feature is overcoming various obstacles, ingenuity, the use of innate instincts. Also, the pet is characterized by playfulness, passion, kindness and sociability. Easy to learn but not emotional.

Russian greyhound

The Russian greyhound was bred in Russia and is used for tracking down small animals or big game. The pet tolerates different climatic conditions, runs fast, uses keen eyesight and flair. Best of all manifests itself when running short distances, reckless and aggressive when hunting. It is easy to learn, differs in endurance, devotion and poise, it is better not to keep in the apartment.

Want to know more? It turns out that the Russian greyhound was often painted by emigrants from Russia during the Art Deco period, and all thanks to the elegance and aristocracy of the pet.


The Whippet, originally from England, has always been used as a hunting dog for hares and small game. The dog thrives in temperate climates, hunts in forests or plains. The peculiarity is strong paws and high speed. Also uses flair and keen eyesight, learns quickly. The pet can live in an apartment, but subject to long walks (at least two hours), it is distinguished by its mobility and sociability.


The Hortaya breed of dogs was bred in the southern part of Russia for hunting hares, saigas and even wolves, it feels good in the field and on the plains, in the steppes. Easily tolerates heat and cold, but in case of severe frost it freezes. Features are endurance, high speed, agility and agility. It works best when running short distances. Hortaya is easy to learn, fulfills all commands, respects the owner, is devoted to him and is ready to protect. It is better not to keep it in the apartment.

Summing up, it can be noted that greyhounds are distinguished by agility, high speed, flair and keen eyesight. Although some cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

✅, which is used to bait the beast. The main advantages of greyhounds are docile nature and elegant appearance. Pets are great for people who love hiking, biking, and evening jogging.

Greyhound is crazy about outdoor activities and will be happy to keep you company. The dog treats its owner with trepidation and tenderness, while not intrusive, calmly endures short-term loneliness. Let's consider the representatives of this amazing breed in more detail.

The greyhound dog belongs to the number of ancient breeds ✅, accompanying man for more than one millennium. The pet was brought to Russia from Arabia in the 17th century at the request of a famous nobleman. At this time, the main entertainment of the nobility was hunting, so such breeds were actively "imported" and held in high esteem. Greyhounds were often presented as gifts to royalty. Over time, the dog "migrated" from the princely families to the "people", gaining popularity as a pet.

The character of the animal is rather contradictory - the dog behaves affectionately and friendly with the owner, but with a stranger it can show decisiveness and aggression. During training and training, greyhounds tend to show stubbornness, which can be broken by rewards. The dog does not require special care, its only nuance is regular bathing. Greyhounds love water and need bathing more often than other dogs.

The pet calmly tolerates the absence of the owner. Animals will not be dirty from idleness and lack of attention. Upon returning home from work, "surprises" are not expected.

A distinctive feature of the breed is an innate curiosity. It is vital for them to explore, sniff, and study various territories. Greyhounds can show signs of aggression on contact with other animals. They need time for adaptation and moral preparation for the fact that the territory will have to be shared with someone else.

Greyhounds are excellent nannies, they will conscientiously look after children, protecting them from trouble. The breed is famous for its good health, the only weak point is the stomach, so the choice of nutrition should be approached with your own responsibility.

The main element of pet care is a brush for combing wool. The procedure must be carried out at least once a week. Keep track of the length of the dog's claws, it is recommended to trim them regularly so that the pet does not experience discomfort while running.

Whenever you leave the house, take your dog with you - it loves walking, jogging and any kind of activity. This will give the greyhound pleasure and help to maintain muscle tone.

Australian greyhound

All about the breed:

  • color - any color can be found with large splashes of white;
  • appearance - height at the withers up to 78 cm, a large dog with an elongated muzzle and a muscular build;
  • content - apartment living is practically contraindicated, greyhounds feel comfortable only in country houses;
  • classification - the breed is widespread, but no official recognition has been received;
  • recommendations - not suitable as the first, is rather stubborn, requires experience and perseverance from the owner.

The Australian is the most ferocious and aggressive of the entire greyhound class. The dog cannot be called cute and family, it has retained its hunting inclinations, its instincts are very sharpened. The pet will show warmth to the household, however, it can enter into open confrontation with strangers and other animals. It is especially not recommended to start a breed in homes with children. The average cost of a puppy varies around 19,000 rubles.


The second name of the breed is the lion dog. The traditional color is brown and red. Pets are large enough, up to 70 cm at the withers. Africanis can develop impressive speed, while the physique is not massive.

Lion dogs were bred on the territory of Africa, on their "shoulders" were assigned many positions - hunter, watchman, shepherd. A characteristic feature of the breed's appearance is the ridge on the back.

The character of the pet is reserved and calm. The dog will not show aggression, but it cannot be called timid either. Animals quickly become attached to people, need their attention. At the same time, the "African lions" are quite independent.

The advantage of the breed is its unpretentiousness, you can keep a pet even in an apartment, despite its large size. Africanis is one of the rare and rare dogs, so buying a puppy can be a real problem. Kennels in Russia rarely offer dogs for sale, which leads to a high cost.

The pet is one of the breeds not recognized by the FCI system. However, this does not prevent Afghans from being excellent companions and exemplary pets. Dogs are distinguished by a sharp mind and excellent memory, they quickly learn new commands, but they do not always fulfill them due to their natural stubbornness.

The Afghan, like all greyhounds, is large in size - up to 75 cm at the withers. Has a sophisticated appearance and a royal posture. The general appearance of the pet is quite exotic.

The hunting instincts are well developed, the dog prefers hunting in the cold season. The animal tracks down and drives the victim in any area. The Afghan will be useful not only for hunting, he perfectly copes with the role of a watchman and security guard.

The dog loves long walks, preferably without restrictions in the form of a leash. The character of the Afghan is extremely proud and proud. He will not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

It is a rare breed on the territory of Russia, therefore trips abroad are not excluded to buy a puppy. The average cost of a pet will be about 37,000 rubles.

Irish Wolfhound

  • training - obedient, human-oriented, striving to please the owner by performing tricks;
  • appearance - growth at the withers up to 90 cm, have black, white, fawn color;
  • content - any training is perceived as a game, they like walks, it is not recommended to have a dog in an apartment, combing is necessary every few weeks;
  • food - pay attention to home cooking: porridge with minced meat, boiled meat, vegetables;
  • livability - sociable and non-aggressive pet;
  • health - the risk of developing cataracts and volvulus;
  • character - a kind and open heart is hidden behind a gloomy appearance, pets are distinguished by their devotion, love children;
  • price - from 50,000 rubles.

Read the detailed description of the breed.

Italian greyhound

The birthplace of the breed is Italy. Pets are very smart, they quickly learn new commands. The character of a greyhound is playful and loyal. Dogs are people-oriented, suffering from attention deficit. They sensitively determine the mood of the household - when they are willing to play with them, and when, on the contrary, it is better to leave the owner alone with him.


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Not an exception. This breed arose and was formed as a hunting breed during the 15th - 16th centuries for hunting in the wooded and forest-steppe regions of Russia, taking into account its climate, landscape and natural conditions.

Until the 15th century, there were no greyhounds in Russia. The adjective "greyhound" - fast, fast - was used to denote the speed of horses. Greyhounds were replaced by faster hunting birds - falcons, hawks and golden eagles, with which one could hunt both animals (including wolves with golden eagles) and birds. Large animals - bear, wild boar, elk - were hunted with large pickling dogs. The frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev depict the hounding of a deer by a sharp-eared dog and the hunt for a squirrel with a husky.

The first were brought to Russia by the Tatar-Mongols, who, in turn, took over the hound hunting (hunting with a greyhound) from the Persians and Arabs, but remade it in their own way. The natural conditions of Arabia (the ancestral home of all greyhounds) allow the hunter to pursue prey for an infinitely long time. The wooded nature of the area of ​​Southeast Russia, where the Tatars settled, required a new way of hunting with beaters, when beaters drove game from the forest or thickets of bushes (islands) to the edge of the forest directly on the greyhounds, which were kept in packs by hunters. The role of the beaters was performed by the Tatar hounds.

Russian princes enthusiastically accepted the new fun and became passionate canine hunters. It is known that the father of Ivan the Terrible, Vasily III, fell ill and died in a field outside Volokolamsk. Since the 15th century, the annals no longer mention fishing, catchers, but talk about hunting dogs, hounds. (1410, testament of Prince Vladimir Andreevich). Hound hunting reached its full development in Russia in the 16th century during the time of Ivan the Terrible, after the capture of Kazan, when the merging of the serving Tatar class and the Russian nobility began.

The Tatar greyhounds were of the eastern type with short hair on the body, lop-eared, with cloaks on the ears and a dewlap on the tail. At first, the Tatar princes, who settled in Russia, took care of the purebredity of their dogs, but gradually Russification and the erasure of national and class boundaries led to the fact that the mixing of the purebred Tatar greyhound with Russian "horse" dogs began, and in the second half of the 16th century, the breeding of a new "Russian "a breed of greyhounds, more meeting the requirements of a harsh climate, which had more hair (dogs) on the body, which saved the dog from hypothermia while waiting for the animal under the island, as well as greater growth required for hunting a wolf.

The new breed differed sharply from other groups of greyhounds - western and eastern. The northern wolf-like dog gave all the breed distinctions to the Russian greyhound: color - white, gray-piebald and gray; a long hound all over the body with a thick undercoat; long hair, a thick mane on the neck and erect or semi-erect ears (this form of "horse" ears is still found in the breed according to the laws of reversion); the position of the hind legs "under oneself" and the manner of hunting with a "throw", when the animal was concealing and then caught by a short desperate effort.

According to the descriptions, the old canine dog was tall, tough, i.e. not long, squared or shorter; with a top (curved upward line of the back and lower back); breamy with protruding vertebrae; a deep, flat chest that provided enough air for short work; with a long, low-set neck, which increased the dog's pockets - i.e. her dexterity in grasping the beast; with hind legs, relatively short, substituted "under themselves", ie. under the body.

All together - the bent, spring-like back with the lower back, the position of the hind limbs - created the opportunity for a throw, that is, such an ability of the dog, with an incredible effort for a short moment, to achieve the highest agility with almost imperceptible movements that the dogs in the glades "beat a hare like a log "and very often they crashed to death when they missed. The old canine possessed a terrible short-term agility, but she did not have high-speed endurance, and she did not need it - all the baiting took place in small clearings or jumpers between the forests.

With the accession of the Romanovs, the ordering of hunting for hounds begins (in 1635, "Regulus before the real hunt for dogs" by von Lessin was written), and the Russian greyhound finally became an independent breed. Hound hunting becomes widespread and becomes available to wide circles of the nobility. By the time of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, there is a proverb: "Falconry - royal, hound - lordly, and rifle - hound".

The old canine dog has not survived to this day. With the deforestation and the increase in the area of ​​the fields, a greyhound was required, which can catch not only short-term, but also into the distance. The "short-tempered sturgeon" did not satisfy the canine hunters. Experiments with imported greyhounds began in the second half of the 18th century.

During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, bruised greyhounds from Courland came to Russia. Russian greyhounds are attracted by their height, strength and viciousness. The adherence of the blood of the Baltic greyhounds to the Russian greyhounds leads to the creation of two new breeds: the Courland dog and the gustops, differing from each other in the structure of the body, the shape of the head and the distribution of a soft, very long dog over the body. In the Kurland canine, it was also in a small curl and very characteristically distributed over the body: the head, front sides of the legs and tail were covered with short hair; the whole body is covered with a dog of almost the same length.

The dog itself was low-forward, wide and walked with a "jump", amble. The greyhound greyhound had a very long and soft dressing dog that flew away from the slightest breath of wind, the body was not wide, the line of the steppe had a good top, the chest was breamy, the head was narrow with ears set high and close to each other, "stuck", so that the ends they crossed at the neck.

At the beginning of the 19th century, after the end of the Napoleonic wars, with the massive import of English greyhounds and Polish harts from Europe, a "chistopsovaya" greyhound was formed, which was distinguished by a longer body, smoother top line, better angles of the limbs and a shorter dog. In the 20s of the XIX century in Russia there were 4 independent breeds of greyhounds, which had obvious breed differences: Russian canine, Kurland, gustop and chistopsov. Almost every large landowner kept huge kennels, kept a complete hunt, which, in addition to greyhounds and hounds, included horses and servants. Many of these landowners kept their breed clean, not interfering with other dogs, trying to breed recognizable "family" dogs.

And after the Caucasian wars in the first half of the 19th century, the first representatives of the so-called mountain breed of greyhounds, belonging to the eastern group of greyhounds, were brought to Russia. The mountain greyhounds amazed the Russian hunters with their strength and agility in the race, the strength of their legs, they were not afraid of any ice or rocky ground.

Russian greyhounds began to mix fabulously fast short Russian greyhounds with frisky and strong mountain dogs - and the crossbreeds in the first generation surpassed all expectations. As a result, by the 60s of the 19th century, there were practically no dogs left in which there would be no admixture of mountain blood, a pure canine dog practically disappeared.

Mountain greyhounds were able for some time to give the Russian breed the width of the body and strength of the muscles, but they spoiled the ear: the breed characteristic - a thin small ear in a puff - almost disappeared; hitherto not characteristic of Russian greyhounds colors appeared: black, black and tan, red in mazurin; specks over the body, but the head is generally nobler, with a smoother topline and a fuller gable.

The elimination of serfdom immediately reduced the number of kennels, the maintenance of which became an unbearable burden for the owners. Hundreds of dogs were killed. Greyhounds survived only among true hunting enthusiasts and were very diverse. Since 1872, the first dog shows have been held, which served to unite canine hunters, persuaded them to refrain from crossing dogs of different breeds and laid the foundation for the formation of the modern canine greyhound, which absorbed the diversity of "family" offspring.

In 1888, a standard for the breed was adopted, proposed by the most authoritative greyhound of that time, Ermolov, which completed the formation of a modern canine. Strengthened the position and the creation of large hunts in Gatchina and Pershino. The famous Pershinskaya hunting of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, whose dogs were the best examples of the breed at that time, had a huge impact on the formation of the breed all over the world. The Russian canine greyhound, formed into a single breed by the end of the 19th century, compared with the old canine, had a greater development of muscles and great strength, while maintaining agility, and sometimes a throw.

The revolutions and wars that shook Europe at the beginning of the 20th century almost completely ruined the old breed in Russia. Some of the dogs from Pershinskaya and Gatchina hunts were taken abroad, which made it possible to save the best dogs and preserve the gene pool. The greyhounds remaining in Russia were persecuted as a legacy of the "tsarist regime", so in the Rostov region by 1925 not a single greyhound remained, all the dogs were destroyed.

Only urban dwellers have survived some greyhounds. The main livestock was concentrated in large cities, Moscow, St. Petersburg. By the mid-30s of the twentieth century, the attitude towards the Russian greyhound at home began to change for the better. Through the efforts of the largest dog handlers of that time, N.A.Sumarokova, N.N. Chelishchev and others, who stood up for the salvation of the national heritage - a magnificent original Russian breed, the Government of the RSFSR decided to create nurseries for purebred dogs and horses in the country. In 1936 near Saratov kennels of Russian greyhounds were created. Breeding work begins to preserve and restore the breed.

By the will of fate in Saratov, the passionate greyhound E.F. Dezor, exiled from Leningrad as the wife of an "enemy of the people". Evgenia Fedorovna brought her greyhounds with her, most likely from the dogs of the Gatchina (imperial) hunt. Thanks to this, part of the Leningrad population of greyhounds was saved, since, of course, not a single greyhound survived during the Great Patriotic War and the blockade in Leningrad. In 1959, Dezor returned to Leningrad and brought with him 5 adult dogs and several puppies. The revival of the Russian greyhound in our city began with these dogs.

Moscow greyhounds, thanks to the help of the city authorities, managed to save some of the dogs: bull's blood from the slaughterhouse and some cereals were given to thoroughbred dogs. Some greyhounds also survived in the steppe regions of the country, among village hunters-traders.

But the breed dropped again. The exterior level of the dogs has also worsened. Many village greyhounds were unclean: the hunter did not care about the beauty of the dog's form, as long as he caught it. The restoration of the breed level became possible thanks to the use of Russian greyhounds brought from Germany, originating from old German nurseries, based on the blood of canine greyhounds, exported from Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

Eagle (Germelin Zilbergoff) 95 / b Nevezhina (born 1947) - at the present time there is not a single canine greyhound of Russian breeding, in the pedigree of which this dog would not be. Femina Quick Molodets Gromova and Amur von Kaiserplatz Kolpakova are also found in most canine sighthound pedigrees. The type of these sires did not differ much from the type of working canine dog, since European greyhounds were actively used on the races, and for breeding according to the rules of the International Union of Sighthound Clubs (UICL), which existed from the 20s to the early 70s of the twentieth century. Grifo von Karolinger von Winnerwald (born 1967) also had a positive impact on the breed. Brought from Czechoslovakia, he also came from an old German kennel, was a very brilliant male, steadfastly transmitting his type, and had excellent working qualities, passing them on to descendants.

Unfortunately, the formation of the FCI led to the destruction of the UICL in 1973. The abolition of the requirement to test the working qualities of greyhounds of all breeds immediately began to affect the exterior of the dogs. The natural change of generations of experts led to the cynology of people who had no idea about the working type of the canine greyhound. In Europe, the view on the breed is changing, the greyhound turns into a companion dog, a show dog, and noticeably changes. The FCI standard for the breed, for example, removes the growth limit: large dogs look better in the ring.

The orientation towards show exhibitions greatly influenced the appearance of the Russian greyhound abroad. The movements of an elegant show trot in the ring require a high neck, sharper angles of the forelimbs and do not require much leverage in the hind quarters.

As a result - the creation of "collie-type" greyhounds - with a long, high-set neck, oblique shoulder, pronounced withers and "high-front" - with a topline falling from the withers to the croup and shortened hind legs, often straight like sticks: with poorly defined articulation angles , especially in the knee joint, short thigh and long metatarsal, dressed in a rich, long, to the ground, canine. The dry bone and musculature required by a working dog is no longer paid attention.

Further development in this direction leads to the appearance of rough, raw dogs, still called Russian greyhounds.

Until the 70s, hunting dog breeding in the USSR was under state control. There was a strict system of admission to breeding with a mandatory test of working qualities in the field by a hare and a fox. A dog must have a field diploma to be classified in any breeding class. A dog applying for the Championship must have documents of origin, field diplomas and at least one or two offspring with an assessment of the exterior and a diploma. The shows were a breeding event that assessed the level of the breed, based on a standard approved by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The standard adopted in the 50s on the basis of measurements of a huge number of greyhounds turns out to be very close to Ermolov's description. The preservation of uniform requirements for the structure of the head, body and limbs for more than 100 years is due to the fact that the canine in its homeland was and, thank God, still remains primarily a hunting dog that needs to be seen, caught up with and caught the beast, and, therefore, large, keen eyes, long levers and well-defined angles of articulations are required, sufficient, but not excessive height and weight, a long flexible, not high-set neck while maintaining the top of the steppe, strong jaws.

Unfortunately, most of the city dogs, as a result of being kept in apartments, have lost their developed dog and have become very "bald", but when dogs of the same blood are kept in an open-air cage, the wool is restored. An excessive amount of wool on a hunting greyhound is impractical, it is overweight and a high probability of heat stroke at temperatures above + 15 ° C.

But since the end of the 70s, the first clubs have been formed in large cities that bred greyhounds as an ornamental breed. Joining the FCI legitimizes the abolition of the field test for greyhounds. The active import of greyhounds from abroad also leads to a change in the type of Russian greyhounds, the dogs are becoming, on average, larger and heavier.

Raw, heavy dogs are not adapted for racing, they are not able to catch up with the beast - they are no longer greyhounds. Today, within the framework of one standard, two different breeds are actually bred, one of which is not a greyhound dog at all, but rather a greyhound molossus. This type of dog is characterized by: a rough heavy round skeleton, dampness of constitution, as a consequence of this, large, thick ears in the wrong way, damp lips with flews, folds on the throat; as well as very small and light eyes.

Thanks to excessive imports and ill-conceived mating, these defects began to spread among the population of Russian greyhounds. And insufficient professional expertise at many show-exhibitions, where judges are often not experts in the breed, fixes these defects in the minds of the owners, as a variant of the norm or even an advantage.

Once again, the old breed stands at a crossroads. If the Russian greyhounds need a hunting Russian greyhound, it is necessary to ensure that the requirements for checking the working qualities of dogs are included in the international standard, at least at movie theaters. It is more stringent to require verification of the field qualities of dogs for admission to breeding in Russia. The main thing is to preserve the traditions of hunting with dogs and thereby preserve the breed. If only hunting with a greyhound is prohibited, the Russian hunting greyhound will disappear, as many breeds have disappeared before it. Russia is the homeland of the Russian greyhound, and we are responsible for its fate. We, modern greyhounds, must preserve the unique creation of our ancestors, which survived so many persecutions, and pass it on to our descendants.

Tumanyan Susanna Georgievna
Greyhound breeds and testing expert.
International expert RKF
Head of the "Northern Hunting" club