Travmatin instructions for use for cats dosage. Traumatin for cats: indications and instructions for use

Many of us have pets at home. Almost from the first days of their appearance in the family, they turn into the main object of attention. Like any living creature, they periodically get sick, but besides this, animals often find themselves in unpleasant situations. It is not uncommon for cats and dogs to suffer various injuries for different reasons. At such a moment, it is very important to provide timely assistance to the animal before going to the veterinarian.

Purpose and properties of traumatine

The drug was developed by domestic scientists to be used in helping pets. It represents a highly efficient complex homeopathic remedy veterinary medicine. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory and purulent processes, for localization on the skin of an animal. Veterinarians recommend using the drug in the treatment of cats and dogs with injuries of various etiologies that occur during injury, wound processes or after surgery.

The tool is available in the form of a colorless liquid for injection, as well as in the form of tablets. As part of the drug contains mainly herbal ingredients:

  • echinacea;
  • arnica;
  • calendula;
  • belladonna;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • biologically active substance ASD-2;
  • sulfuric calcium liver;
  • auxiliary components.

The drug belongs to low-hazard drugs, therefore it harmless to animals It is safe to use it to treat kittens. All the components that make up Traumatin do not accumulate in the body of animals. This drug is prescribed by veterinarians in the form of injections and tablets for the treatment of many diseases in animals:

  • fractures;
  • bruises;
  • various wounds;
  • birth trauma;
  • dislocations;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • painful, traumatic shock, etc.

The medicinal properties of the composition of the drug

The traumatine contains unique substance ASD-2 on the properties of which it is worth dwelling in more detail. It has a powerful tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. ASD-2 contains natural components, with the help of which the processes of cell regeneration and restoration are triggered in the animal's body. They help the body fight disease and stimulate natural immunity.

When the ASD substance gets externally or inside the body, it cleanses the body of toxins and activates metabolic processes at the cellular level. ASD belongs to the group of biologically active substances. Get it by distillation of meat and bone meal... After taking the drug, all functions are restored and the consequences of intoxication and exhaustion pass faster.

Instructions for use

Trvmatin is used as injections for animals intramuscularly or subcutaneously for 1-5 days 1-2 times a day in single doses - for dogs and cats, 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The maximum single dose should not exceed 4.0 ml.

According to the instructions, the drug can be use for different conditions of cats:

  • frostbite, burns, stab, bite and laceration wounds;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, injuries and concussions, hematomas, sprains, fractures;
  • effective after surgery, as it shortens and facilitates recovery from anesthesia and restores tissue, prevents possible complications, helps cats to tolerate surgery less painfully;
  • pneumonia, acute otitis media, viral infections, and without the additional use of other drugs;
  • assists in childbirth, facilitating the strength of contractions and helping to quickly restore strength, soothes and relieves spasms in the animal;
  • helps cats to recover from shock or heatstroke;
  • it is often used for newborn kittens to relieve them of previous birth injuries.

If you use traumatine for dogs, the instructions for use are not much different. These mobile animals are always active, so various injuries on the body of dogs are not uncommon.

For dogs of medium and large sizes, a single dose is maximum should be 4.0 ml, but not less than 2.0 ml. For small breeds and small puppies, a single dose should be in the range from 0.5 to 2.0 ml of traumatine preparation.

Depending on the severity of the animal's disease, 1-2 injections can be made within 1 day for 5-10 days. If you use traumatine to facilitate childbirth in bitches, then it must be used from the first minutes of the birth process. In case of difficult childbirth, the dog is injected with traumatine again after two hours.

Side effects and contraindications

Since traumatine is a remedy created on the basis of plant components, side effects were not found during its use. There were no specific contraindications for the drug. In some animals, traumatine can cause individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

If, when using traumatine, you follow all the rules for using the drug, the recommended doses, there should be no adverse reaction.

Sometimes animals may exhibit an allergic reaction to some of the components in the traumatine. In this case, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately. The tool is applied together with other medicines, including those of animal origin.

Traumatine should only be stored in sealed containers and protected from direct sunlight. It should not be kept near food and animal feed. The most favorable storage temperature is from 0 o to 30 o C.

If the bottle is opened, then as much as possible it is kept in this form for no more than 21 days from the moment of opening. When the drug has expired, it is strictly prohibited to use it.

Judging by the reviews of many pet owners and veterinarians, such a remedy must necessarily be in a house where there are animals. They advise be sure to buy an effective and safe medicine that can help the pitoma to be healthy and active.

But most often this medicine is used to treat various ailments associated with inflammatory reactions. The list of them is very large, but still we will give examples of the most common pathologies:

  • Abscesses, abscesses and phlegmon, as well as other types of cases of purulent inflammation.
  • Mastitis, including fibrous. Practice shows that without "Traumatin" a sick cat is much more likely to be left without mammary glands.

Thus, this drug is in many ways universal. But many veterinarians and pet owners forget about one more of its valuable qualities. The point is that Traumatin can be successfully used as an effective anti-shock agent. If you introduce it intravenously immediately after the animal receives some kind of injury, then the likelihood of death from pain and shock is significantly reduced. The only problem here is that not every animal lover owns the technique of intravenous drug administration.

Instructions for use

Trvmatin is used as injections for animals intramuscularly or subcutaneously for 1-5 days 1-2 times a day in single doses - for dogs and cats, 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The maximum single dose should not exceed 4.0 ml.

According to the instructions, the drug can be used for different conditions of cats:

  • frostbite, burns, stab, bite and laceration wounds;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, injuries and concussions, hematomas, sprains, fractures;
  • effective after surgery, as it shortens and facilitates recovery from anesthesia and restores tissue, prevents possible complications, helps cats to tolerate surgery less painfully;
  • pneumonia, acute otitis media, viral infections, and without the additional use of other drugs;
  • assists in childbirth, facilitating the strength of contractions and helping to quickly restore strength, soothes and relieves spasms in the animal;
  • helps cats to recover from shock or heatstroke;
  • it is often used for newborn kittens to relieve them of previous birth injuries.

If you use traumatine for dogs, the instructions for use are not much different. These mobile animals are always active, so various injuries on the body of dogs are not uncommon.

For dogs of medium and large sizes, a single dose should be maximum 4.0 ml, but not less than 2.0 ml. For small breeds and small puppies, a single dose should be in the range from 0.5 to 2.0 ml of traumatine preparation.

Depending on the severity of the animal's disease, 1-2 injections can be made within 1 day for 5-10 days. If you use traumatine to facilitate childbirth in bitches, then it must be used from the first minutes of the birth process. In case of difficult childbirth, the dog is injected with traumatine again after two hours.

Side effects and contraindications

Since traumatine is a remedy based on herbal ingredients, no side effects were found during its use. There were no specific contraindications for the drug. In some animals, traumatine can cause individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

If, when using traumatine, you follow all the rules for using the drug, the recommended doses, there should be no adverse reaction.

Sometimes animals may exhibit an allergic reaction to some of the components in the traumatine. In this case, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately. The tool is used in conjunction with other medicines, including those of animal origin.

Traumatine should only be stored in sealed containers and protected from direct sunlight. It should not be kept near food and animal feed. The most favorable storage temperature is from 0 ° to 30 ° C.

If the bottle is opened, then as much as possible it is kept in this form for no more than 21 days from the moment of opening. When the drug has expired, it is strictly prohibited to use it.

Judging by the reviews of many pet owners and veterinarians, such a remedy must necessarily be in a house where there are animals. They advise be sure to buy an effective and safe medicine that can help the pitoma to be healthy and active.

Depending on the age of the dog and on the stage of the disease in the animal, the dosage of the drug will also differ:

  • the total dose for an adult dog is 2-4 ml per dose;
  • the total dose for a puppy or small breed dog is a single dose of 0.5–2 ml.

The number of daily doses of "Traumatina" completely depends on the injury itself, as well as on the severity of the processes. In general, treatment should take 5 to 10 days. For minor and minor injuries, a single use of the drug is enough. In case of serious tissue disorders, accompanied by inflammation and severe pain, it is allowed to give the dog 3-4 doses, and sometimes doses of the drug per day.

Tablets for dogs are used in 1 pc. 2 times a day. Sometimes the number of tablets can be increased to 2 pcs.

"Travmatin" is also actively used in veterinary medicine to facilitate the delivery of a dog. If the process is rather difficult, then after it you can re-inject the drug after 2-3 hours after childbirth.


The drug "Travmatin" for dogs consists entirely of natural ingredients, so it has no serious contraindications for use. An exception may be individual intolerance.

With the correct dosage according to the instructions, no side effects are observed.

"Traumatin" for cats, as well as for dogs, is used for fractures, bite, stab and laceration wounds, bruises, dislocations, arthritis, arthrosis, as well as to facilitate childbirth and in the postpartum period.

It's important to know! The drug "Tavmatin" is effective only for ordinary injuries! If the cat has suffered a serious head or spine injury, it will most likely need surgery, so this medication will not help the animal recover in such cases.

Intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous administration of the drug is allowed. Sometimes the solution can be given to the cat and orally, as well as tablets. The dosage should be as follows:

  • for kittens and young individuals - from 0.2 ml to 0.5 ml at a time;
  • for an adult animal weighing at least 4 kg - from 1 ml to 1.5 ml per dose.

Travmatin tablets are dosed as follows:

  • for an adult cat - 1 tablet once a day;
  • for a young animal - 1/2 tablet once a day;
  • kids - 1/4 tablet once a day.

The duration of treatment is approximately 2 weeks, but if the injury is really serious, then the drug can be used up to 1.5 months.


As for contraindications, here, as in the case of dogs, they are not available. The drug "Travmatin" consists of natural substances, so it does not cause any side effects. The main thing is to observe the indicated dosage.

The drug is prescribed by a veterinarian in the presence of the following problems:

  • concussion;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • bruises;
  • stretching;
  • fractures;
  • pain shock;
  • cuts;
  • bites;
  • bleeding;
  • mastitis;
  • burns;
  • skin disease;
  • convulsions;
  • suppuration and inflammation.

It is used after operations for the early healing of wounds, cats are prescribed during childbirth as an anesthetic, also as a sedative during medical procedures. Instructions for using the drug in veterinary medicine are presented below.

For cats, the dose of medication is calculated as follows:

  1. After surgery, or if a cat is injured, the amount of the drug is 0.1 mg per 1 kg of animal weight at a time. The number of receptions is from 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-7 days. It is administered subcutaneously.
  2. To facilitate childbirth apply once at the beginning of labor. In the case of a difficult labor, an injection can be given after four hours.
  3. When treating mastitis no more than three injections per day. It is administered subcutaneously, the course of treatment is 5-10 days.
  4. Newborn kittens in the absence of a sucking reflex, 3-5 drops are recommended every 30 minutes until the reflex appears.

The tablets are taken according to the following scheme:

  • adult cat - 1 pc. Once a day;
  • young cat - 0.5 tablets per day;
  • kitten - ¼ tablets per day.

Thanks to the extracts of medicinal plants, the drug reduces or completely stops even heavy bleeding, and also has an anti-shock effect, so its use is justified for any injuries or burns. Traumatin is no less effective for serious infectious diseases - it greatly facilitates the condition of a sick animal.

The medicine quickly relieves traumatic edema, shortens the recovery time of the animal and solves many postoperative problems. Many pet owners claim that Traumatin is able to replace antibiotics. But this is not the case. In combination with antibacterial agents, it provides a quick recovery of the pet, but is not able to completely replace them.

Traumatin in most cases can alleviate the condition of the pet, but serious pathologies cannot be cured with its help. If something is wrong with your dog and cat, you should definitely contact your veterinarian. He will diagnose and determine the appropriateness of using the drug.

Thanks to herbal extracts in its composition, Traumatin helps to stop or reduce even heavy bleeding. More importantly, the drug has a pronounced anti-shock effect, and therefore its administration is indicated in cases of any injuries or burns. Travmatin will not interfere with severe infectious diseases, since this medicine can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick animal.

As the name implies, it is irreplaceable for all types of injuries. This is largely due to the fact that it can quickly relieve traumatic edema. Its use is shown in the postoperative period, and for the same reasons. Practice shows that this medicine significantly shortens the recovery time of the animal and alleviates many postoperative problems.

But not everything is so good. Especially "impressionable" individuals claim that Travmatin is supposedly capable of even replacing antibiotics. Of course it is not. Yes, in combination with antibacterial agents, it contributes to the speedy recovery of the animal, but it cannot replace these drugs. After all, these are just plant extracts in homeopathic doses! What can they do, for example, with the causative agent of feline panleukopenia?

Note that even very small kittens can be prescribed Travmatin. The medicine, for the entire time of its practical use in veterinary medicine, did not reveal any side effects, the manufacturer also does not report any contraindications. Overdose cases are also unknown.

The medicine is administered subcutaneously and intravenously. Intramuscular use is also possible. In addition, even the injection solution can be given orally. Of course, the pills are prescribed only internally. Before or after feeding, it doesn't really matter. The dosage is very simple. If you use a solution for injection, then 0.2-0.5 ml is taken for one kitten or young animal. In the case when we are talking about an adult cat, the mass of which is from 4 kilograms, the volume of a one-time injected solution can be increased to 1-1.5 ml.

Indications for use

  • Since the composition of the drug contains natural ingredients, the only contraindication can be the individual's non-perception by the pet of one of the constituent components.
  • With the correct prescription of the dose, no side effects are observed during use.
  • In terms of pharmacological composition, traumatine has no analogues.

No negative effects were observed when taking Traumatin. Therefore, it is used even in the treatment of small cats or during childbirth. There are no health risks in case of overdose. However, it is best to read the instructions for use of Traumatine for cats before use. Some pets may be sensitive to certain ingredients in the medication. If they develop allergies, then the treatment should be stopped.

Almost all animals, including dogs, are very active creatures. Often, their active behavior leads to injuries that require the use of drugs to help the animal. One of these drugs is Travmatin.

Instructions for the use of the drug "Travmatin"

"Travmatin" for dogs is a completely new drug, but today it enjoys great success in the field of veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals. The drug is a homeopathic remedy of complex action, the production of which was carried out on the basis of many years of research on the physiological characteristics of animals.

Composition and pharmacological action

"Travmatin" is produced and produced in the form of a colorless liquid solution (injections) and tablets. The preparation contains the following active (active) substances:

  • echinacea
  • calendula
  • arnica
  • pharmaceutical camomile
  • belladonna
  • St. John's wort
  • sulfuric calcium liver
  • immunomodulator ASD-2
  • auxiliary components

Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea allows you to prevent the development of viral and purulent diseases, and also prevents the spread of pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

Calendula prevents the development of purulent processes and accelerates the healing process.

Arnica has an analgesic, hemostatic, absorbing effect. Prevents the development of sepsis and pyemia.

St. John's wort indicated for injuries in which the integrity of the nerves occurs. These can be, for example, spinal cord and brain injuries.

chamomile is an effective and efficient sedative that relieves pain of various origins.

Belladonna has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for symptoms such as: high fever, swelling, pain, fever, and others.

Thus, "Travmatin" has the following pharmacological properties: analgesic, anti-shock, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulating.

As a pain reliever, the drug acts instantly, without requiring the use of additional analgesics. If a dog has an inflammatory process, "Travmatin" not only prevents the development of foci of inflammation, but also promotes the rapid healing of damaged tissues (bone, muscle, cartilage and skin).

Indications for use

The drug has a very wide
application area

Since Travmatin is a broad-acting drug, it is customary to use it in the following cases:

  1. Various kinds of injuries, bruises, sprains, fractures, concussions and hematomas concerning: the skin, the musculoskeletal system, internal organs.
  2. During childbirth and birth trauma in a dog. In this case, the drug is used to regulate the strength of contractions and attempts, facilitate the birth process, prevent postpartum complications, and restore the genitals. Studies have shown that the use of "Traumatin" during childbirth in dogs significantly reduces the duration of treatment, significantly reduces the number of such phenomena as acute postpartum endometritis, and also quickly restores blood biochemical parameters.
  3. Reducing the time to recover from anesthesia.
  4. Acute inflammation. Since the composition of the drug includes such components that have an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect, it is used to eliminate such phenomena.

In addition, "Travmatin" is indicated for:

  • pneumonia
  • acute mastitis
  • acute dermatitis
  • acute arthritis
  • bursitis
  • acute otitis media
  • abscess
  • phlegmon
  • periodontal disease
  • inflammation of the skin

Method of administration and dosage

Depending on what kind of disease or ailment occurs, it is recommended to do one or two injections per day. The course of treatment lasts 5-10 days. In the case of mild injuries, one injection of the drug is enough, for severe injuries or fractures, 3-5 injections can be administered, however, the time interval should be 24-48 hours.

In case of childbirth or postpartum complications, the drug is used at the very beginning of the labor process. If childbirth is painful, the drug is re-administered after two to three hours.

Contraindications and side effects

Traumatine practically does not have

Due to the fact that "Travmatin" is a herbal preparation, there are no special contraindications for use. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance or sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

With proper use of the drug and adherence to the recommended dose, side effects are not observed.

Many veterinarians have a very controversial attitude to homeopathy, but nevertheless, some homeopathic medicines do indeed have therapeutic efficacy, allowing, among other things, to significantly speed up and facilitate the recovery of sick pets. These include Traumatin for cats.

The preparation contains the following components:

  • Belladonna extract. The plant itself is extremely poisonous, but in microscopic doses, its extract helps to reduce the sensitivity of the nervous system. Helps with cramps and cramps.
  • Extraction of mountain arnica. It is equally widely used in veterinary medicine and medicine. Helps stop bleeding.
  • Calendula extract. The ability of this plant to accelerate the regeneration of wounds has been known since ancient times. Excellent for the treatment of ulcers, eczema and dermatitis, as well as wounds.
  • Echinacea extract. It is known as a potent immunomodulator of natural origin. Significantly enhances the general tone of the body.
  • The infamous ASD-2. A phenomenally "versatile" drug: it enhances regeneration, accelerates and normalizes metabolic processes, enhances the body's nonspecific resistance.

Storage conditions of the medicine

Since the drug contains many (in fact, the medicine consists of them) components of plant and animal origin, the storage conditions must be observed very carefully:

  • Immediately, we note that it is highly discouraged to freeze the medicine! The storage temperature should be kept between 4 ° and 25 ° Celsius.
  • The drug must always be stored so that direct sunlight does not fall on it! Ultraviolet cure has an extremely negative effect on the plant extracts that make up the medicine.
  • In addition, during storage, it is necessary to isolate the medicine from the access of small children and pets. In principle, the drug is safe enough, but still its "excessive" consumption can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The shelf life is exactly three years from the date of issue. If a medicine bottle is opened, its contents must be used within three weeks.

Forms of issue

We list the main forms of release:

  • Solution.
  • Pills.
  • Gel.

In the first case, the medicine is a clear, colorless liquid. The manufacturer informs about the admissibility of a slight yellowish tint. It is unacceptable to use the preparation with sediment. It is packaged in 10 ml and 100 ml vials made of dark or light glass, sealed with rubber stoppers and additionally protected with aluminum caps.

Small bottles (10 ml) are placed in cardboard packages of ten pieces each. The bottle and additional packaging are always marked with the production date and expiry date. If this information is erased, blurred or otherwise damaged, the use of the medicine is not allowed, it must be disposed of.

The drug is also available in the form of tablets packed in plastic bottles of various capacities. Much less often, "Travmatin" comes on sale in the form of a gel for oral use, which is packed in plastic tubes.

"Travmatin" has the following properties:

  • Significantly dulls and reduces the intensity of pain reactions of any etiology.
  • The drug has a powerful anti-shock effect, which is especially pronounced when administered intravenously.
  • Promotes rapid stopping of bleeding and natural resorption of hematomas.
  • Relieves puffiness.
  • It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Slows down the spread of infection throughout the body and prevents the reproduction of pyogenic microflora.
  • Accelerates healing processes.
  • Normalizes and accelerates metabolism. This property, in particular, accelerates the release of the pet from anesthesia, and therefore the drug is actively used in the postoperative period, and is also prescribed before surgery.

Indications for use

Since the indications for the use of the drug are quite diverse, they should be given a separate section.

General indications

The drug is good for all types of injuries and burns, as well as for diseases accompanied by frequent bleeding. It is also prescribed for infectious pathologies. Although the medicine does not work on the causative agents of these pathologies, it contributes to the speedy recovery of the pet and its return to normal physical condition.

In practice, it has been proven that the remedy also contributes to the rapid and gentle removal of traumatic edema. For this reason, it is prescribed not only for injuries, but also in the postoperative period. It speeds up the recovery of the cat and mitigates the consequences of surgery. Finally, the purpose of the drug is indicated in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system (including pneumonia and severe bronchitis).

Important note. Despite all its useful properties, "Travmatin" is not some kind of panacea. For any orthopedic pathology (or other serious illness), priority should be given to specific drugs and techniques. Simply put, with a fracture of the paws, the medicine will only alleviate the condition of the cat, but it will still not be possible to do without surgery!

Skin pathologies

  • Burns of chemical and thermal etiology.
  • Frostbite.
  • All kinds of wounds.
  • Many types of dermatitis and eczema of any etiology (bacterial, etc.). Regular use of the drug accelerates the healing of the skin by about 15%, promotes the rapid formation of foci of granulation even with severe, non-healing ulcerative lesions of the skin.

Orthopedic pathology

Also "Travmatin" can be used in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the bone, muscular, ligamentous and articular systems:

  • Weight types of joint diseases (including arthritis and arthrosis). The medicine has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieving swelling and soreness.
  • Fractures. Even so, the drug helps by accelerating callus formation and bone regeneration.
  • Sprains and similar injuries. And in this case, the medicine relieves puffiness and alleviates the general condition of the animal.

Pathology of inflammatory etiology

Above, we have repeatedly noted that the agent has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is not surprising that veterinarians often use it in the treatment of pathologies of inflammatory etiology:

  • Pyoderma, abscesses.
  • Inflammation of the mammary glands (i.e. mastitis).
  • Purulent pathology of the periodontium.
  • (especially purulent).

Postpartum pathologies

- the strongest shock for the animal's body, and in some cases it is the shock state that is the reason for the development of severe postpartum pathologies. Fortunately, Travmatin can significantly alleviate shock conditions. If the drug is administered intravenously immediately after childbirth, the cat's condition will stabilize faster, and the likelihood of developing pathologies will become much less.

It is also used in cases where it was not possible to prevent the appearance of pathologies. In particular, the regular administration of "Traumatin" helps with endometritis, vaginitis, and other gynecological diseases.

The practice of veterinary obstetricians proves that with regular administration of the drug, the likelihood of infertility in cats is significantly reduced, even after severe endometritis.

Postoperative period

We advise you to use "Travmatin" after any surgical interventions, as in these cases the effect is simply wonderful. The medicine speeds up and normalizes the metabolism, due to which the under-oxidized products are removed from the cat's body much faster.

The tool significantly reduces the toxic load on the liver and kidneys. The healing process of the operating area is accelerated, the suture material is absorbed faster, the risk of postoperative bleeding, thrombosis, and other dangerous pathologies is reduced several times.

Instructions for the use of Traumatina

Immediately, we note that instructions for the use of "Travmatin" are in each box with tablets, gel or solution, and we would advise you to familiarize yourself with it. But the problem is that the official document can seem difficult to people outside of veterinary medicine. We will try to provide the necessary information in a simpler form.

Mode of application

Depends on the dosage form.

"Travmatin" in the form of a solution is administered exclusively parenterally, subcutaneous, intravenous and intramuscular administration is allowed. In some cases, the solution is used for oral administration.

The tablets are used exclusively for oral administration. But we would like to dwell on a few important nuances.

  • The optimal site for insertion is in the area of ​​the scapula. When the front limb moves, the drug is "rubbed" into the subcutaneous tissue, which makes its absorption and assimilation much faster.
  • For the injection, we advise you to choose the area of ​​the gluteal muscles (for the same reasons - the drug is absorbed faster in this case). Still, veterinarians believe that the optimal route of administration is intravenous. In this case, the drug begins to act almost immediately after it enters the general bloodstream.
  • When administered intravenously, "Travmatin" can be used as a means of providing emergency assistance to an animal (fractures, painful shock, etc.).

Note that with any method of parenteral administration, the pain response is minimal. Moreover, the medicine itself reduces the intensity of the pain reaction, so that the cat experiences a minimum of unpleasant sensations. As a result, the pet does not have a panic fear of the veterinarian, and he is not so afraid of medical procedures.

The gel form is intended for external application. It is used, in particular, in the treatment of bruises, sprains, frostbite or burns, etc.

Drug dosage

To calculate the required dose, the owner does not need to possess any veterinary skills, since the dosage of the drug is very simple:

  • With injection for every kilogram of a pet's live weight, there is 0.1 ml. The dosage is the same for all animals, including kittens and older cats. Usually, injections are given twice a day, with equal intervals between them. The duration of the standard course of treatment is ten days. In the treatment of serious diseases, the duration of the therapeutic course can be significantly increased (up to one and a half months).
  • In the case of pills one animal per day give up to two pills every 12 hours.
  • Gel formulation applied to the lesions three times a day, smearing it with a thin layer and gently rubbing it into the skin.
  • In case of obstetrics the drug is administered at the very beginning of the process and the administration is repeated four hours later. On the following days, the drug is used in the same way as described above.
  • If kittens do not have a sucking reflex and they do not suck on the mother, they are given 3 drops of the solution every half hour until the reflex appears.

When using the injectable form of the drug for the treatment of kittens and young cats, we would advise not to inject more than 0.5 ml of solution per day. In severe cases (wounds, fractures, etc.), you can immediately inject 1.5-2 ml of medication, regardless of the weight of the pet.

In the treatment of severe orthopedic pathologies and other diseases, the medicine can be used up to six months or even longer. There is nothing wrong with this, there will be no serious consequences for the animal's body.

Approximate application schemes (in the form of injections)

Below we provide a table that describes exemplary scenarios for using the drug in the treatment of various pathologies.

Side effects

As a rule, side effects when using the drug in accordance with the above instructions for use are not observed. This is due to the fact that the drug belongs to the fourth hazard class, and therefore it can be prescribed without any fear to all categories of cats, including newborn kittens and lactating females.

Only in extremely rare cases is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug is possible. This usually happens in animals suffering from allergic reactions to vegetation. In such situations, the medication should be stopped immediately and antihistamines should be prescribed.


As we have already indirectly mentioned, there are practically no contraindications for the drug. One of the few exceptions is animals prone to developing allergic reactions. In such cases, the drug should be used exclusively under the supervision of a veterinarian.

If the medication accidentally gets into the cat's eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with plenty of water.

In other cases, irritation may develop. If it becomes necessary to administer the drug to an animal suffering from hypersensitivity, use the lowest possible dosage. If signs of an allergic reaction appear (redness, swelling, itching, etc.), it is necessary to urgently stop administering the medication and immediately prescribe antihistamines to the pet.


Homeopathic remedies are more and more common today, and therefore the remedy has analogues:

  • Traumeel.

Dogs usually behave very actively on walks, and as a result, they often receive injuries and injuries of varying degrees of complexity. In this situation, the owners have to help them.

This drug has recently appeared on the market, but quickly gained popularity and is actively used in the treatment of injured animals.

The medicine is homeopathic, complex and highly effective. It was created according to the results of long-term research work and taking into account the physiological characteristics of the dog.

The average price in Russia is for 10 milligrams - 250 rubles.

Increasingly, on the advice of veterinarians, owners are using Traumatin for dogs. What is this remedy, how to use it and whether it has contraindications, this article tells.


The medicine comes in several forms. Can buy:

  • pills;
  • gel;
  • liquid for injection.

The preparation contains extracts:

  • echinacea;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • arnica;
  • St. John's wort;
  • belladonna.

In addition, Traumatin for dogs also contains:

  • sulfuric calcium liver;
  • ASD-2 (immunomodulator).

All substances in the complex allow:

  • stop blood;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • anesthetize;
  • activate natural defense mechanisms;
  • have an anti-shock effect;
  • destroy pathogens.

Moreover, it is possible to reduce the suffering of an injured animal very quickly, which makes it possible to avoid the use of other more harmful analgesics.

The complex action of the drug promotes the accelerated recovery of damaged tissues.

When to apply

Traumatin has a wide spectrum of action, while Hondartron, for example, is able to provide assistance only for arthritis or arthrosis. It is used once most often in cases where the dog has received:

  • injury;
  • fracture;
  • shake;
  • hematoma;
  • stretching.

During childbirth, it helps to control contractions, greatly facilitates the process itself, which is very important, especially when this happens to a dog for the first time. Taking the drug after the puppies are born allows you to reduce the risk of complications, more likely to restore the injured genitals.

Systemic use of Traumatin reduces the risk of postpartum endometritis, normalizes the blood count.

An injection of a drug in an operated animal significantly reduces the time it takes to recover from anesthesia.

An effective remedy is also in the treatment of acute inflammatory processes of various etymologies.

Travmatin is shown as an auxiliary medication if the animal has such acute pathologies:

  • pneumonia;
  • dermatitis;
  • mastitis;
  • arthritis;
  • otitis;
  • bursitis;
  • abscess;
  • plague;
  • phlegmon;
  • periodontal disease;
  • arthrosis.

How to use

The form of the product is used that suits best in each case. If we are talking about injections, then they must be done no more than two per day. The course lasts up to 10 days.

When the injury is minor, a single application is sufficient. Not everyone knows where to inject. The tool can be administered:

  • intramuscularly;
  • subcutaneously;
  • intravenously.

For inexperienced dog breeders, the second option is suitable. In this case, the injections are done like this:

  • pull back the skin on the nape of the animal;
  • they massage her a little;
  • the needle is then sharply inserted along the fold, parallel to the body, and the medication is injected as soon as possible.

Usually the dog does not even understand what happened to it. The injection site must then be thoroughly rubbed. A single dose for a large animal is 2 to 4 milligrams. For puppies and little dogs, 0.5-2 is enough.

Severe injuries require 3-5 injections. Here, the interval between injections is at least a day, maximum two.

During childbirth, the injection is given at the first contractions. If the animal experiences severe pain, it is allowed to enter another dose, but not earlier than 3 hours later.

The tablets are used in situations where the injection is not possible. The gel is applied locally, directly at the site of injury.

Side effects

Subject to dosages and rules, Traumatin does not give side effects.

However, since the preparation contains mainly plant components, it can cause an allergic reaction in animals with hypersensitivity. In this situation, you should refuse to accept. The dog is then definitely given antihistamines.