The forgotten victory of Russia over Ancient China - Arimia. Chinese plan for war with Russia War with China in the 6th century

Do not be afraid, you need to pay not right now, but in the future, although not so far away. Many of us will catch it.

Today's news that Russia has finally decided to supply China with S-400 systems reminded me of an interesting article in a pro-government Chinese newspaper, the translation of which I came across a couple of weeks ago.

Six wars in which China will participate in the next 50 years.

Illustration for the article "Six wars to be waged by China"

Below is a Russian translation of the text about the "sixth war". It is quite faithful, but mechanical, so those who wish can familiarize themselves with the English translation or the Chinese original.

China is not united great power. This is a humiliation of the Chinese people, a disgrace to the sons of the Yellow Emperor. For the sake of national unity and dignity, China must fight 6 wars in the next 50 years. Some regional, others perhaps total. No matter which, they are all inevitable for Chinese reunification.

The current relationship between China and Russia seems to be good, but this is the result of the US leaving them no other choice.

Both countries are closely monitored by each other. Russia fears that the rise of China threatens its power, but China has never forgotten the possessions lost to Russia. When the opportunity presents itself, China will return all the lost territories..

After five previous victories, by 2050, China will make territorial claims based on the domain (domain) of the Qin dynasty (as the unification of Outer Mongolia - based on the domain of the Republic of China) and conduct propaganda campaigns in support of such claims. Efforts must be made to ensure that Russia falls apart again.

During the time of "Old China" Russia occupied 1.6 million square kilometers of land, which is equal to one sixth of the territory of the current domain of China. Thus, Russia is China's worst enemy.

After winning the previous five wars, it's time to make Russia pay.

This must be leading to war with Russia. Although by this time China is the foremost military power in the field of aviation, navy, land and space forces, this is the first war against a nuclear power. Therefore, China must be well prepared in the field of nuclear weapons, the possibility of a nuclear strike on Russia from the beginning to the end of the conflict.

When China deprives Russia of the ability to retaliate, Russia will realize that it cannot compete with China on the battlefield.

They will only have to give up their occupied lands, paying a high price for their invasions..

And, in conclusion, a map known to many, very popular with Chinese nationalists (of which there are five times more than citizens of the Russian Federation in general)

You need to understand that in which case, the cry " Far East our!" will be very loud, and the reasons justifying the historical correctness will be found very quickly.

You are a fool, these are not Levashov’s fantasies, I myself don’t really relate to him, but is this a fact that many people know even without Levashov, or do you think everyone has the same short memory as you? Not all the Magi and Old Believers were destroyed in their time, in Russia to this day there are many keepers of this knowledge, but many mow down under them, and they consider the true ones to be insane, and the most famous reteller of our ancient history is Pushkin, who raised him? That's right - Arina Rodionovna, who was she? That's right - an old man. More than half of the fairy tales that Pushkin wrote are precisely those fairy tales told by her, simply translated by him into poetic form, and there are also Russian folk tales , all this of course needs to be understood and able to decipher. In those ancient times, it was forbidden to write down history, all holders of chronicles and scriptures were burned at the stake as heretics, after which the people decided to pass history orally from mouth to mouth, such “storytellers” - from the word “tale”, were considered guslars, then guslars together with the harp they began to burn at the stake. At one time, I didn’t touch on this topic about the Old Believers and didn’t think about history at all, but when I saw our coat of arms, I couldn’t understand what it meant, and after thinking logically, I immediately realized that a warrior kills not just a dragon, but something that is associated with dragon and China immediately came to mind, in Russia the dragon was called the Serpent Gorynych, which means that Gorynych is something that arrived from behind the mountains, follows: “China is the Dragon”, is located beyond the mountains, then I remembered the mythical “Mongol-Tatars” and figured where is Mongolia and where is Tatarstan? But, those who at one time were presented as “Mongol-Tatars” could not, in principle, fight with Russia, the Tatars were part of Russia, and the Mongols were too backward in development, now the situation is not better, but people do not know how to think differently when they have a brain at the level of a caterpillar, but the Mongols, like the Chinese, are Mongoloids ... Recall: With a long braid on a bald head, narrow eyes - a typical samurai ... Can you say in this photo the Mongol-Tatars? No, the Chinese ... I studied the battle on the Kalka River for a long time and came across a medieval image of this battle, two absolutely identical troops are fighting there, both in equipment and in appearance, only one has a regular banner, while the other has a flag with a face on it Christ, the thought immediately arises that there is a confrontation on religious grounds. Then I decided to take an interest in the Great “Chinese” wall and found an article about it, which says that it was built with loopholes in the direction of China, which means that someone built it against China, I began to find out who fought with China at that time and came across Tartaria, then found maps of the Great Tartaria, and after that the President of Russia himself officially published these maps, which are now stored in the museum. Well, it was not difficult to find out who George the Victorious was. Now I am interested in Peter and his imaginary “three hundred years” history, which was invented by Peter who destroyed everything Russian, our calendar, our chronology, and if you are not too lazy, you will find the decree of Peter I, which says that from that moment a year was introduced in Russia 1700 from the Nativity of Christ, as in all of Europe…. Ladushki, I was not too lazy to search, otherwise it’s important for you independent “Slavs” to search () ... After which Petrusha changed our ABC, shaved off the boyars’ beards, although in Russia it was considered a shame to be bare-bearded. But the monoliths and buildings of St. Petersburg are something grandiose and even our technologies are beyond the power of, and even Hitler did not dare to bomb such things as St. Isaac's Cathedral during the war, and when there was such a topic that the Germans would enter St. Petersburg, the Chikists delivered an ultimatum: " if the Fritz enter Leningrad, then it will be blown up until it is compared to the ground. Since Hitler was obsessed with the theme of the Slavic-Aryans, on this basis he created the organization “Ahnenerbe” - “ancestral heritage”, it was this heritage that Hitler tried to take away from under our noses. Do you want to know the truth? Seek, and do not slander those who seek.

On July 8, the pro-government Chinese newspaper Wenweipo published an article titled "6 wars China must fight in the next 50 years."

The planned 6 wars are all unifying (irredentist) for their own purposes - at their root is the development of those territories that imperial China lost as a result of the opium war with Britain in 1840-42. Defeat, from the point of view of the Chinese nationalists, which led to the "centenary humiliation" of China.

The English translation was taken from the Hong Kong blog Midnight Express 2046, the original article is The Hong Kong resource calls the article an excellent example of modern Chinese imperialism.

China is not a single great power. This is a humiliation of the Chinese people, a disgrace to the sons of the Yellow Emperor. For the sake of national unity and dignity, China must fight 6 wars in the next 50 years. Some regional, others perhaps total. No matter which, they are all inevitable for Chinese reunification.


Although we are content with peace on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, we should not dream of a peaceful unification with the Taiwanese administration (whether the Chinese Nationalist Party or the Democratic Progressive Party is in charge of Taiwan). Peaceful unification does not correspond to their interests in the elections. Their position is to maintain the status quo (desirable for both parties, each of which gets its own trump cards). For Taiwan, "independence" is more of a rhetoric than an official statement, and "unification" is a problem for negotiations, not real action. The current situation in Taiwan is a source of concern for China, because anyone can try to bargain for something from China.

China must develop a strategy for unification with Taiwan over the next 10 years, by 2020.

Then China should send an ultimatum to Taiwan, asking them to choose between peaceful unification (China's preferred epilogue) or war (forced measure) by 2025. Intending to unify, China must prepare everything three years in advance. When the time comes, the Chinese government will simply be able to choose one option or another to finally solve the problem.

Looking at the current situation, it is to be expected that Taiwan will take a defiant stance and a military exodus will be the only solution. This war of unification will be the first in the meaning of modern war for "New China". These fighting will be a test for the People's Liberation Army in modern war. China may win this war easily, or it may be more difficult. Everything will depend on the level of US and Japanese intervention. The United States and Japan can provide assistance to Taiwan or even launch an offensive on the territory of the Chinese mainland, the war risks dragging on and turning into an all-out war.

On the other hand, if the US and Japan just watch, China will win easily. In this case, Beijing will control Taiwan for three months. Even if Japan and America intervene at this stage, the war will end within 6 months.


After unification with Taiwan, China will take a breather for 2 years. During the recovery period, China will send an ultimatum to the countries surrounding the Spartly Islands, which expires in 2028. Countries contesting the sovereignty of the islands can negotiate with China to maintain a share of investment in these islands, but must withdraw their territorial claims. If this does not happen, China will declare war on them, their investments and economic benefits will be appropriated by China.

To date, the countries of Southeast Asia are already trembling at the prospect of unification with Taiwan.

On the one hand, they will sit at the negotiating table, on the other hand, they will not want to give up their interests on the islands. Thus, they will take a wait-and-see attitude and will postpone the final decision. They will not make this decision until China takes decisive action.

However, the US will not just sit back and watch China "reconquer" the islands. As mentioned above in the part about Taiwan, then the US may be too late to intervene in the conflict or simply be unable to stop China unifying Taiwan. This should teach the US not to clash too openly with China.

However, the US will still help Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines covertly. These are the 2 countries surrounding the South China Sea that dare to challenge China's dominance. And yet, they will think twice before going to war with China, unless they fail negotiations and are confident in US military support.

The best way out for China is to attack Vietnam, as Vietnam is the strongest power in the region. Victory over Vietnam will intimidate the rest. As long as the war goes on, other countries will not do anything. If Vietnam loses, they will hand over the islands back to China. Otherwise, they will declare war on him.

Of course, China will defeat Vietnam and take back all the islands. When Vietnam loses the war and loses all the islands, other countries, terrified of Chinese power but still greedy for their own gains, will negotiate the return of the islands and declare allegiance to China. Thus, China will be able to build ports and deploy troops on the islands, spreading influence in the Pacific.

Prior to this, China has achieved a complete breakthrough on the first chain of islands and infiltrated the second, Chinese aircraft carriers now have free access to the Pacific Ocean to protect the interests of the country.


China and India have a long border, but the only point of conflict between them is part of the territory of Southern Tibet.

China has long been India's imaginary enemy.

India's military goal is to surpass China. India seeks to achieve this by developing itself and through the purchase of the most modern military equipment from the United States, Russia and Europe, seeks to catch up with China in economic and military development.

In India, the official and media stance is friendly to Russia, the US and Europe, but repulsive or even hostile towards China. This leads to the insolvability of conflicts with China.

On the other hand, India greatly values ​​the help from the US, Russia and Europe, believing that it can defeat China in wars, which is the cause of long-term territorial disputes.

In 20 years, India will lag behind China in military power, but will remain one of the few great powers. If China tries to conquer Southern Tibet, it will lead to certain losses.

In my opinion, the best strategy for China is to incite the disintegration of India. By dividing India into parts, she will have no way to deal with China.

Of course, this plan may fail. But China must do everything possible to incite the provinces of Assam and Sikkim to gain independence in order to weaken India. This is the best strategy.

The second part of the strategy is to export the most advanced weapons to Pakistan to conquer South Kashmir and unify by 2035. While India and Pakistan will be busy with each other, China should carry out a lightning attack on southern Tibet, occupied by India. India will not be able to fight on two fronts, and, I think, will be defeated on both. If this plan is not accepted, the worst option remains, direct military action to retake Southern Tibet.

After the end of the first two wars, China gained strength for 10 years and became a world power in terms of economic development and military strength. Only the United States and Europe (if it becomes a single country, if not, then Russia will take this place. But from my point of view, European integration is quite possible) will be on the list of world powers who can cope with China.

After the return of Taiwan and the Spartly Islands, China will take a big step in the development of its army, air force, navy, space military forces. China will be one of the strongest military powers, second perhaps only to the United States. So India will lose.


In the middle of the 21st century, China acts as a world power, against the backdrop of the decline of Japan and Russia, the stagnation of the United States and India, and the rise of central Europe. It will be best time to take back the Diaoyu and Ryukyu Islands.

Many people know that the Diaoyu are Chinese islands since ancient times, but do not know that the Japanese annexed the island of Ryukyu (now Okinawa, with an American military base). The Japanese are misleading the Chinese public and government when they raise questions about the East China Sea, such as the "middle line" established by the Japanese, or the "Okinawa issue", implying that the Ryukyu Islands are native to Japan.

How shameful is this ignorance! According to the historical records of China, the Ryukyu and other countries including Japan, the Ryukyu have been subordinate islands to China since ancient times, which means that the islands belong to China. Is the “middle line” drawn by Japan justified in this case? Does Japan even care about the East Sea?

Japan has deprived us of wealth and resources in the East China Sea and has been illegally occupying the Diaoyu Islands and the Ryukyu Islands for many years. The time will come and they will have to pay. By then, it is to be expected that the US may intervene but be weakened, Europe will remain silent, and Russia will sit back and watch. The war could end within six months with an overwhelming victory for China. Japan will have no choice but to return the Diaoyu and Ryukyu Islands to China. The East China Sea will become an inland lake of China. Who dares to touch him?


Although there are advocates of unification by Outer Mongolia today, is this idea realistic? These unrealistic guys are only fooling themselves, making a mistake in strategic thinking. Now is not the time for the great cause of the unification of Outer Mongolia.

China should select the pro-unification groups, help them to rise to important positions in their government, and declare the unification of Outer Mongolia to be China's vital interest after the settlement of the South Tibet issue by 2040.

If Outer Mongolia can be united peacefully, that will be the best outcome for China. But if China meets external resistance, it should be ready for military action. In this case, the Taiwan model is useful: issuing an ultimatum by 2045. Give Outer Mongolia a few years, in case of refusal to resort to force.

By this time, the four previous wars had already ended. China has the military, political and diplomatic power to unify Outer Mongolia. A weakened US and Russia dare not go beyond diplomatic protests. Europe will have a vague position, India and Central Asia will be silent. After the unification, China can dominate Outer Mongolia for three years, after the unification is fully completed, it will place serious military forces on the border there to control Russia. It will take China 10 years to build conventional and military infrastructure to contest territorial losses from Russia.


The current relationship between China and Russia seems to be good, but this is the result of the US leaving them no other choice.

Both countries are closely monitored by each other. Russia fears that the rise of China threatens its power, but China has never forgotten the possessions lost to Russia. When the opportunity presents itself, China will return all the lost territories.

After five previous victories, by 2050, China will make territorial claims based on the domain (domain) of the Qin dynasty (as the unification of Outer Mongolia - based on the domain of the Republic of China) and conduct propaganda campaigns in support of such claims. Efforts must be made to ensure that Russia falls apart again.

During the time of "Old China" Russia occupied 1.6 million square kilometers of land, which is equal to one sixth of the territory of the current domain of China. Thus, Russia is China's worst enemy.

After winning the previous five wars, it's time to make Russia pay.

This must be leading to war with Russia. Although by this time China is the foremost military power in the field of aviation, navy, land and space forces, this is the first war against a nuclear power. Therefore, China must be well prepared in the field of nuclear, the possibility of a nuclear strike on Russia from the beginning to the end of the conflict.

When China deprives Russia of the ability to retaliate, Russia will realize that it cannot compete with China on the battlefield.

They will only have to give up their occupied lands, paying a high price for their invasions.

China is now considered one of our main strategic partners. However, the two great powers did not always coexist peacefully with each other. There were also conflicts, sometimes having the status of local wars.

IN mid-seventeenth century, when the Russians were at the borders of China, the Manchu imperial Qing dynasty seized power in this country, not recognizing the annexation of the Amur lands to Russia. The dynasty considered them to be its ancestral possessions, although before that it practically did not participate in their economic development in any way.
In 1649, a series of so-called Qing border conflicts began.

Siege of Kumar Fort

One of the major Russian-Chinese clashes of that period. It was preceded by a battle on the Sungari River in 1654, where about 400 Cossacks under the command of the serviceman Onufry Stepanov (comrade and successor of the famous Russian explorer and warrior Yerofey Khabarov) met the Manchu army under the command of Minandali. According to Stepanov's report, he was opposed by an army of 3,000 Chinese and Manchus, not including the Duchers and Daurs allied with them.

Despite the clear superiority of the enemy, Stepanov's Cossacks emerged victorious from the battle. However, the surviving Manchus went ashore and dug in. The Cossacks attacked them, but, having suffered losses, were forced to retreat down the river.
Fearing an attack, Stepanov began to restore the abandoned Kumar prison. And as it turned out, not in vain.

On March 13, 1655, the Manchurian army of 10,000 soldiers besieged the prison. Its defenders successfully repulsed several attacks of the many times superior enemy. On April 3, 1655, the Manchus were forced to lift the siege due to food shortages. Leaving, the Manchus destroyed all the boats of the Cossacks.

The siege of Verkhnezeya prison. One to twenty

Russia, realizing that sooner or later the conflict will take on armed forms, began to strengthen the Far Eastern borders. In the first year of the then formal reign of Tsar Peter the Great (1682), a separate Albazinsky Voivodeship was formed. Its center was the town of Albazin, the first Russian settlement on the Amur.

Albazin was sent to defend Albazin with a detachment of service people.
In November 1682, the Chinese commander Langtan, with a small cavalry detachment, visited Albazin, where he explained his appearance by deer hunting. Russians and Manchus exchanged gifts. In fact, the purpose of the "hunt" was reconnaissance. As a result, Lantan compiled a report in which he assessed wooden fortifications Albazin as weak. The Emperor of China "gave the go-ahead" for a military expedition against Russia.
Already in the next 1683, Lantan, who appeared on the Amur with advanced forces, surrounded near the mouth of the Zeya River with his flotilla and forced the plows of the Russian detachment Grigory Mylnik, numbering 70 people, to surrender from Albazin to prisons and winter quarters located on the banks of the Zeya River (a tributary of the Amur ).
The Russians, left without reinforcements and food, were forced to leave Dolonsky and Selemdzhinsky prisons without a fight. In Verkhnezeya prison, 20 Russian Cossacks defended for almost a year against 400 Manchus until February 1684. And they were forced to surrender mainly due to extreme exhaustion from hunger.

Defense of Albazin

At the beginning of the summer of 1685, the Qing army of 5 thousand people, not counting the cavalry, approached Albazin on the ships of the river flotilla. According to other sources, there were about 15 thousand people in the Chinese army. Among other things, the attackers had 150 guns. At that time, 826 servicemen, industrial people and arable peasants gathered in Albazin, who made up the garrison of the defenders of the fortress. There were about 450 "professional military" of them.

The Russians did not have a single gun in service (according to other sources, 3 guns). The demand of the Manchus was transferred to the fortress: under the threat of death, immediately leave the Amur.
On June 10, the Qing flotilla appeared near Albazin. She managed to capture on rafts 40 residents of the surrounding villages, who were in a hurry to hide behind the fortress walls. When the attackers opened cannon fire, it turned out that Albazin's log fortifications, designed to protect against native arrows, were easily penetrated by cannonballs. According to eyewitnesses, there were cases when one core flew through the city, breaking through both the northern and southern walls. As a result of fires that broke out in Albazin, grain barns and a church with a bell tower burned down. About 100 people were killed and wounded
June 16, early in the morning, the Chinese launched an assault. It went on for almost a whole day. The defenders of Albazin fought stubbornly, preventing the Manchus from overcoming the ditch and ramparts surrounding the fortress and climbing the dilapidated fortifications. Only at 10 pm the Manchus retreated to their camp.

Lantan gave the order to prepare a new assault. The Chinese filled up the moat with brushwood. The Russians were running out of gunpowder, so they could not drive the enemy away by shooting. Fearing that the defenders of the fortress were preparing to be burned along with her, Aleksey Tolbuzin turned to Lantan with a proposal to withdraw the garrison and residents from Albazin to the city of Nerchinsk. The Qing command, fearing stubborn resistance and heavy casualties, agreed. The Manchus believed that Nerchinsk was also on the Manchu lands, and demanded that the Russians leave for Yakutsk. However, Tolbuzin managed to insist on a retreat to Nerchinsk.

Albazin risen from the ashes. Second siege

Already in August 1685, Tolbuzin with an army of 514 servicemen and 155 fishermen and peasants returned to the city burned and abandoned by the Chinese. Albazin was rebuilt by winter. Moreover, the fortress was built more thoroughly, taking into account the previous siege.
In the spring of 1686, the Chinese tried to capture both the revived Albazin and Nerchinsk. In July, the five thousandth enemy army with forty guns again approached Albazin. The Chinese, who had previously destroyed the surrounding villages in order to deprive the besieged of "feeding" food, sent several previously captured Russian prisoners to Albazin demanding to surrender. At the assembled circle, the Albazians made a common decision: "One for one, head to head, but we can't go back without a decree."

Active hostilities began in July 1686. Already at the very beginning of the siege, Tolbuzin died from the Chinese core. Athanasius Beiton took command of the Russian troops. Through heroism and good military organization, Russian losses were about 8 times less than those of the Chinese. In September and October, the defenders of Albazin managed to beat off two powerful assaults. In the winter of 1686/1687, both the Chinese and the Russians began to experience hunger and scurvy. Albazin's defenders by December had no more than 150 people left. At the same time, losses in battles did not exceed 100 people. But more than 500 died of scurvy. The losses of the Manchus exceeded 2.5 thousand people killed and dead. However, they were constantly approached by reinforcements. Nevertheless, the Chinese, who did not know how many defenders remained in the fortress and feared heavy losses, went to negotiations, and soon lifted the siege.
Thus, the defenders of Albazin held out for almost a year and, in fact, morally defeated the many times superior enemy. True, in August 1689, Albazin was nevertheless abandoned by the Russians. This was the result of the signing between Moscow and Beijing of the Nerchinsk Treaty on the Russian-Chinese border.

Testing the Red Army for strength

The conflict on the CER can also be attributed to the border. The road itself and the area around it, according to the agreement between Soviet Russia and China of 1924, were considered joint property. The road even had its own flag, "compiled" from the Chinese five-color flag at the top and the Soviet red flag at the bottom. In the West, the conflict was explained by the fact that the Chinese were not satisfied with the fact that in the second half of the 1920s the CER brought less and less profit, becoming unprofitable precisely because of the position of Soviet Russia.

In the USSR, the reasons for the clashes were explained by the fact that the ruler of Manchuria (through which the CER passed, and which at that time was de facto independent of China) Zhang Xueliang was incited by the "Western imperialists" and white émigrés who settled in the border Chinese-Manchurian cities, eager to check How strong is the Red Army.
Traditionally, for Russian-Chinese conflicts, the army of the “Celestial Empire” was much more numerous. The Manchus put up more than 300 thousand soldiers to fight against Soviet Russia. Whereas from our side only 16 thousand military personnel took part in the hostilities. True, they were better armed. In particular, the Soviet side actively used airplanes. It was they who contributed to the success of the Sungari offensive operation.

As a result of an air raid on October 12, 1929, 5 of the 11 Chinese ships were destroyed, and the rest retreated upstream. After that, troops were landed from the ships of the Far Eastern military flotilla. With the support of artillery, the Red Army captured the Chinese city of Lahasusu. Moreover, the tactics of the Soviet troops was such that, having defeated the enemy, they soon retreated to Soviet territory. This was also the case during the Fugda operation that began on October 30. At the mouth of the Sungari River, 8 ships of the Far Eastern military flotilla with a landing force finished off the ships of the Chinese Sungarian flotilla located here, then two regiments of the 2nd rifle division occupied the city of Fujin (Fugdin), which they held until November 2, 1929, and then returned to Soviet territory.
The hostilities that continued until November 19 convinced the enemy of the moral and military-technical superiority of the Soviet troops. According to some estimates, the Chinese during the fighting lost about 2 thousand people dead and more than 8 thousand wounded. While the losses of the Red Army amounted to 281 people.

It is characteristic that the Soviet side showed great humanity towards the prisoners and conducted ideological work with them, convincing them that "Russians and Chinese are brothers forever." As a result, more than a thousand prisoners of war were asked to leave them in the USSR.
The Manchurian side quickly sued for peace, and on December 22, 1929, an agreement was signed, according to which the CER continued to be jointly operated by the USSR and China on the same terms.

Conflict on Damansky. On the brink of a big war

In a series of Russian-Chinese clashes, this was far from the largest, but perhaps the most significant in terms of its geopolitical and historical consequences. Never before have two major world powers stood so close to a full-scale war, the consequences of which could be disastrous for both sides. In 58 Soviet border guards were killed and, according to various sources, from 500 to 3,000 Chinese troops (this information is still kept secret by the Chinese side). However, as has often happened in Russian history, what they managed to keep by force of arms, the diplomats surrendered. Already in the autumn of 1969, negotiations were held, as a result of which it was decided that the Chinese and Soviet border guards would remain on the banks of the Ussuri without going to Damansky. In fact, this meant the transfer of the island to China. The island was legally transferred to China in 1991.

Fighting at Lake Zhalanashkol

A few months after the conflict on Damansky, the Chinese once again (the last at the moment) tried to test the "northern neighbor" for strength by force of arms. On August 13, 1969, at 5:30 am, a total of about 150 Chinese troops invaded Soviet territory in the area of ​​the Kazakh lake Zhalanashkol.

Until the last moment, the Soviet border guards tried to avoid hostilities and enter into negotiations. The Chinese did not react. They took up defense on the Kamennaya hill and began to dig in. The border guards of the outposts "Rodnikovaya" and "Zhalanashkol" with the support of 5 armored personnel carriers attacked the hill. Within a few hours, the height was recaptured. On the Soviet side, 2 border guards were killed. The Chinese lost 19 people.
Less than a month after this conflict, on September 11, 1969 in Beijing, Alexei Kosygin and Zhou Enlai agreed on measures to end the hostilities on the Russian-Chinese border. From that moment on, the tension in relations between our countries began to decrease.

At the moment, the length of the Russian-Chinese border is 4209.3 kilometers, there is both a land border and a river one, but there is no sea one.