Poodle dog breeds with photos and names. Types of poodles

This dog breed has enjoyed consistently high interest for a long time. It is generally accepted that the poodle is a dog for women, but this is absolutely not the case. In fact, the poodle is a strong and hardy dog ​​with a proud disposition and stylish appearance.

These dogs are always in the spotlight. From nature, the poodle received an unusual appearance and a sharp mind. In terms of intelligence, they are second only to the Border Collie breed.

Description of the breed

The breed is quite ancient, its history is very rich. The poodle is considered the French national breed, although it was originally a hunter's companion dog. The roots of the breed go to Northern European territory. The very name of the variety comes from the German "puddeln", which means "splashing in the water." The dogs were trained to jump into the water without fear.

According to their dimensions, representatives of the breed are divided into four groups, so it is believed that any person will be able to choose a dog for himself, based on his wishes. But this is a little false. If you are planning to get a guard dog, then a poodle will not work. Despite the fact that these dogs give a voice warning you that someone is nearby, the poodle will not attack other dogs or strangers. For such activities, the poodle is overly friendly.

It is worth considering whether you have enough free time to communicate with your pet. The poodle needs to enjoy your affection and encouragement daily. Larger dogs need regular exercise, and a toy poodle will also not be content with a seat in your arms. In contrast to their diminutiveness, such dogs are very active, they like to walk outside for a long time and are ready to follow their owner everywhere. Poodles love to play, play pranks and fool around. Sometimes it may seem that they have an excellent sense of humor. Also, dogs love any water treatments and swimming.

A poodle who is not regularly played with, who is bored and alone, is unlikely to be happy. This can turn into disgusting behavior. Consequently, you, as the owner, as well as members of your family, will not be happy.

At the same time, the poodle is a great option for the whole family, having an amazing character. They are great at finding mutual language with children, family and even single owners. They love to be in the company, being social dogs. In a number of situations, the poodle is able to worry, notifying everyone around him of the danger.

The hearts of many dog ​​lovers belong to poodles, which attract with their peculiar graceful appearance, and these dogs rightfully symbolize the entire group of decorative dogs.

Representatives of this breed managed to become one of the most adored dogs in all countries of the planet, which was facilitated by its originality, love of life, many unique features and quick wits. If we take as a basis the data of the reference book called "The World Almanac", which is published in America, then in the United States about one and a half million dogs of various breeds have official registration. And in the first place in this list is the poodle.

In addition to the original appearance, the poodle has a wide variety of talents. Many representatives of the breed, including the miniature poodle, have excellent hunting abilities. They are very active, energetic, have an excellent sense of smell and are easy to learn, grasping everything on the fly. Bright intelligence, coupled with a huge love of life, distinguish this dog from other breeds. The poodle was able to stand out among others even with an extensive range of its dimensions and coat color.

The dogs of this breed have a soft, balanced and good-natured character, which allows them to easily make friends with other animals. It has absolute affection for the owner, imitates his behavior. Allows children to play with it as they wish.

Being a very sociable, impressionable and active animal, the poodle can hardly be alone. He begins to worry, whine, bark, can ruin shoes and other things. If the dog got a little lost and lost sight of the owner on a walk, she is not upset and can approach any stranger and become a friend for him, albeit for a short time. Of course, this does not mean that the dog has thrown his beloved owner out of his head. Using his instincts, the poodle will look for the owner for a very long time.

Doggy growth
This type of breed has such an impressive difference as growth.

  1. Royal dogs are impressive-sized animals that need regular walks in a spacious area. He is easy to train and can play the role of a service dog.
  2. A medium-sized poodle usually starts up for exactly the same purpose, and also as a pet. It does not require excessive care and does not take up as much space as the royal poodle.
  3. Toy poodle or dwarf poodle - most suitable for those who want a decorative option for themselves. They run great, have high endurance and vitality, while taking up even less space. This sometimes becomes the predominant factor when choosing a poodle in small-sized housing.

animal color
As for the color, based on the color of the dog's coat, you can satisfy any, even the most demanding taste of the owner. Poodles with white hair are the most photogenic, but they also require appropriate care. Often, only an extremely clean person is willing to take the risk of having such a pet. People who like to fantasize get a poodle with a pink coat or with an apricot hue. For each person, a blue dog \u200b\u200bmay fit. The most practical option is a brown or black dog, which also has its own charm and does not require serious care.

poodle gender
Many owners pay considerable attention to the gender of the future pet. As usual, bitches are more refined, affectionate and more attached to the owner. Their psyche is more stable, the intellect is more developed than that of males, they perceive training more easily. All this for a number of people crosses out certain inconveniences that occur twice a year at the time of bearing offspring.

Males have a more strict character, aggressive disposition and outwardly look more elegant. They need long walks. It is generally accepted that if there is a boy child in the family, then it is desirable to acquire a male, and if a daughter, then a female.

Should I get a poodle?
The life expectancy of such a pet reaches, on average, 13-14 years. When purchasing a puppy, the owner must understand that a great responsibility for the pet is placed on his shoulders. The person will have to be attuned to living in their dog's home, hence any worries and hardships involved in caring for them must be accepted. Many dogs are very attached to the family, and the poodle is no exception. Therefore, before deciding to buy a poodle puppy, you need to think about whether your desire is so serious.

What to pay attention to?
It is advisable to take a poodle at a young age. But you should not buy a puppy until he is one and a half months old, since his character has not yet been formed. It is advisable to buy poodle puppies based on the recommendations of trusted clubs or groups of dog breeders. When choosing a puppy among all in the litter, you should take the strongest, most courageous and energetic representative. Be sure to get all the documentation that confirms the purebred and pedigree of the dog.

At a young age, the poodle is not yet too curly. His puppy coat, despite the density, is still soft and overly fluffy, so it looks like small hanging strands. Poodle teeth must be clean white color and sharp ones. The Silver Poodle is born with a black coat, but by the second month, the first patches of silver fur will be visible on the limbs and muzzle.

Puppy ears should be large and close fitting to the skull, free from dirt and bad smell. The eyes are certainly extremely dark, the eyelids are clean and dryish. The exception is brown puppies, as they happen to have amber eyes.

Training and education

A poodle that is being trained shows itself in all its glory, working with the owner. These dogs have a lively, sharp and strong intellect, occupying the highest places in intelligence among other breeds. Therefore, poodles usually don't have much trouble learning commands. With equal success, a poodle will turn out not only a wonderful companion for everyday life, but also a dog that successfully passes tests. If you yourself understand what you want, then, thanks to the poodle, you can turn into an excellent trainer.


The weak point of dogs of this breed is grooming. Based on this factor, the poodle is one of the most expensive pets. Especially if you have a desire to regularly cut your pet and participate in exhibitions with him. In addition, it is important to regularly subject the poodle to water procedures, bathing at least once every fortnight. Otherwise, the pet's coat will not retain its charming and spectacular appearance.

However, not everything is so deplorable. For example, a poodle does not shed at all. You can play with him for a long time, play and indulge - this will not result in his hair remaining on your clothes. Representatives of this dog breed are great for those owners who have a predisposition to allergies.

Pet Health

Many owners of poodles note that their pets have excellent and good health. By some signs, you can conclude how healthy your pet is:

  1. The poodle is mobile, energetic, the appetite is excellent, the dog adequately responds to the owner.
  2. The coat is thick and hugs the body tightly.
  3. The eyes are shining, there is no discharge of pus, the sclera are pink.
  4. The ears are pink, there is no smell or discharge, sulfur does not accumulate.
  5. The nose is cool, damp (for a poodle that has just woken up, the nose may be dry and warm).
  6. The tongue and oral mucosa are pink, not red or pale, and there is no salivation.
  7. Breathing is calm, unhurried, no wheezing or coughing.
  8. The pet relieves itself normally, without any problems.

If there is any suspicion that your poodle is ill, in any situation, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Only in the clinic, specialists will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, which will be carried out either at home or in a hospital.

Standard breed description

The standard for poodles does not differ depending on the size or color of the pet, it is the same.

  1. The poodle has a slender and graceful appearance, the coat is wavy or curly, the look is smart, observant, bold.
  2. The step is medium in size, smooth, these dogs run easily and naturally.
  3. The head is in proportion to the rest of the body, of medium size and width.
  4. The nose is pronounced, well developed and set high, with open nostrils. Pigmentation of the nose corresponds to the color.
  5. The muzzle looks strong, graceful, should not be too sharp.
  6. The poodle's lips are dry, not very wide. The lower lip should slightly overlap the upper.
  7. The teeth are strong and strong, the cheeks protrude, but the muscles involved in chewing are not overly developed. The cheekbones are smoothed, not very noticeable.
  8. The skull is slightly oval, elongated. The forehead between the eyebrows is wide, becoming narrower towards the back of the head. The ears are very long, drooping longitudinally to the cheeks, have a flat shape, wider in the middle.
  9. The neck is strong, of medium size, there are no folds. The head is held high and proud. The shoulders have developed muscles, the limbs are also muscular, the bones are strong.

Video: poodle dog breed

The pet is like a toy - cute, compact, nice, with curls and expressive eyes. But we are talking about a real dog, and the toy poodle is fully her. This is an excellent companion, intelligent, active, attentive and understanding. Often, the owners of such a treasure do not hold back and acquire one or two more babies in the company of the existing one. Naturally, like every breed, the toy poodle has its own characteristics and disadvantages, but they are not so serious as to deny yourself the pleasure of having a charming four-legged friend.

There is plenty of evidence that dogs resembling the modern poodle existed as far back as ancient times. The breed got its name in the 15-16th century and it happened in France. Large representatives were used as assistants during the hunt, they accompanied travelers and sailors. Smaller individuals roamed with circus troupes, successfully performing in the arena. In addition, poodles made excellent truffle hunters.

Initially, the dogs were hunting dogs, but the French monarch Henry IV found them another use - as guards and bodyguards for his own person. Looking at the king, many of his associates had such pets. Such a hobby gave a status prefix to large poodles - royal. They became the founders of smaller varieties - medium, dwarf and toy poodle.

Description of the breed of toy poodle

The little dog has a friendly, sociable disposition, proportionate build and tirelessness. The translation of the prefix “toy” from English is a toy, in fact, representatives of this variety of poodles correspond to it. Growth individuals varies from 25 to 28 cm, and the minimum indicator is preferable, weight depends on the subtype - for a standard toy it is 3-5 kg, and for a small toy it does not exceed 2 kg.

During the evaluation of an individual, special attention is paid to identifying signs of deformation changes in the skeleton or dwarfism, such dogs are immediately excluded from breeding. There is one exception regarding the occipital protuberance - it can be flat if all the proportions of the head are preserved. In other respects, the toy poodle should look like its larger counterparts.

The standard offers the following description of purebreds:

Wool quality and possible colors

The coat of toy poodles is plentiful, the outer hair is thin, fluffy, well curled, not soft, elastic, if pressed, it resists. The colors are predominantly monochromatic, there are individuals with black, brown, gray, apricot or red hair.

Character traits and disposition of little poodles

Any, even the smallest poodle, remains an aristocrat in his soul, he is graceful, intelligent, not without dignity. And no wonder, dogs of this breed accompanied the Russian and foreign nobility for a long time, being not so much guards as companions.

Due to the docile nature, the toy poodle gets along well with children, finds a common language with all household members and treats guests kindly. You can take such a pet into a house with small children only if the kids will play with a four-legged friend, and not mock him. If the dog feels that he is loved, admired, he will play with pleasure, follow the children and unquestioningly obey.

Experts warn that a poodle, even a tiny one, is not a toy. You can not spoil him too much and forgive him any prank, such an attitude will negatively affect the character and behavior of the dog.

The toy poodle is smart, self-sufficient and a predator. He has the instincts of a hunter, so an unbalanced animal is able to lash out for no reason. The owner should pay attention to the training of his pet.

The poodle is a real artist, he can learn the most difficult tricks, and with pleasure demonstrates them to a grateful audience. In general, the dog is not averse to being the center of attention. He will be happy to participate in joint games, such a pet can run around and have fun for a long time.

He is immensely devoted to his family, he does not like loneliness, he can hardly endure indifference or rudeness on the part of the owners. It can be obsessive, as it really needs care and affection.

When purchasing such a puppy, the owners should immediately understand that this nimble, curly lump will definitely stick its curious nose into all nooks and crannies. Therefore, it is important to immediately take care of the safety of your four-legged pet. Poodles remain mobile, inquisitive, interested in everything that happens around them all their lives.

If you want the house to be quiet, then it is better not to start a poodle. The dog is a real ringleader, he can be very noisy and not averse to barking loudly - no, not just like that, but expressing joy, fun, delight, indignation. He loves walking, loves to swim and will always be happy to go outside the apartment.

But with other dogs, they communicate little, they can behave cautiously and even shyly. If at home this "zhivchik" can often bark, expressing various emotions, then on the street, for the most part, he is silent. They generally prefer the company of humans over other animals.

The toy poodle can be left alone at home, leaving for work, but it should be taught to short-term, forced loneliness and provided with various toys.

How to raise and train a toy poodle?

The owners will not have any difficulties - the dog is obedient, intelligent, quickly learns. It is best to engage in raising such an active baby in a playful way. It is important that the puppy masters the basic skills as early as possible, this will simplify the process of training in the future. Although if the family is not going to teach the dog additional commands or tricks, then a basic obedience program will be enough.

In the process of training, it is enough to use encouragement methods, the baby will be happy to complete tasks in order to hear praise, for the opportunity to substitute the back for stroking or get a treat. Quite often, it is enough for him to hear the approval from the owner in order to be inspired. No aggressive methods can be used, and the smart little dog himself does not give a reason for this.

Do not think that since the dog is small, it does not need training. By the year, an ill-mannered toy can become an uncontrollable, eccentric dog that brings a lot of trouble. And thanks to his high intelligence, he will come up with more and more pranks, shocking his family. Moreover, it is almost impossible to rid a grown dog of bad habits.

Care and health features of the smallest of the poodles

Like most decorative dogs, toy poodles can be litter trained, but this will not free the owner from the daily walking of the pet. They bathe the dog every 6-8 weeks, and comb it out daily, even if it is cut short.

Once a week, you should examine the teeth and oral cavity of the pet, as well as monitor the condition of the claws. If there is tartar buildup on your teeth, you should contact your veterinarian. The nails are trimmed as they grow.

Poodles practically do not shed, they are classified as hypoallergenic breeds. But the dog needs a regular haircut, which is carried out every one and a half to two months. There are even the most popular haircuts for dogs of this breed: "Lion" - several options, "Modern", etc.

The owner can arm himself with special tools, learn the technique and cut the curly pet on his own, but, of course, the “hairstyle” from a professional will look more neat and effective. If the toy is to participate in the show program, then you can’t do without the help of a groomer.

If the dog is trimmed, then he will need clothes for the season, especially for an elderly or weakened pet. In winter, this should be a warm overalls and boots, for wet weather - a set of waterproof clothing.

In a frozen, wet baby, diseases of the bones and joints can worsen. In addition, the toy does not have a developed undercoat, and it quickly becomes supercooled in frosts.

breed diseases

The life expectancy of representatives of this breed averages 16-18 years, but often the maximum period is increased by 1-2 years. And if large royal poodles often suffer from joint diseases, this disease is very rare in small toys.

However, there are a number of diseases that most often develop in miniature dogs:

  • tonsillitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atrophic changes in the pancreas lead to type 1 or type 2 diabetes;
  • alopecia (hypotrichosis)- baldness of the outer part of the ears;
  • Gelino's disease- a pathology in which the dog becomes numb and does not respond to external stimuli;
  • cleft of the Botallian duct- a pathological condition of a congenital nature, not treated;
  • eclampsia- deterioration in the health of the giving birth bitch;
  • microphthalmia- congenital underdevelopment of the eyeball, combined with eversion of the eyelids.

Toy poodles are easily excited, so they often show signs of neurosis. The owner should be concerned if the pet begins to actively lick its paws, bite out the fur, and irritation occurs on the skin.

In addition, among surgical pathologies in Toy, dislocations of the patella occur more often than others, requiring surgical intervention.

Feeding regimen and diet

Owners of a toy poodle have a choice - to feed their pet with natural products or industrial feed. In addition, subject to certain rules, a mixed diet is allowed for a dog of this breed, when dry, canned food alternates with dishes from ordinary products. In this case, different foods should not be given in one feeding, but it is best to alternate them two days after two.

When choosing a suitable ready-made diet, you should pay attention to the brands of super-premium and holistic class. They are well balanced and contain quality ingredients. With this type of feeding, the animal does not need additional vitamin and mineral supplements.

If the owner prefers feeding with natural food, then the “menu” should include the following components:

  • meat- makes up at least 1/2 of the entire diet, it is pre-boiled (low-fat types are better - beef, veal, chicken, turkey, etc.);
  • cereals- oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, porridge seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • a fish- low-fat sea, boiled;
  • vegetables- potatoes and legumes are excluded;
  • eggs- give no more than 2 times a week, preferably quail;
  • fruit- give infrequently, more often in the form of treats (apples, bananas).

A toy poodle can become a virtuoso beggar who will be difficult to refuse - it is important to prevent such behavior.

The modern poodle, regardless of size, is exclusively a pet that must live under the same roof as a person. This is due not only to the lack of a dense undercoat, but also the need for the dog to constantly communicate with the owner and household members.

Photo of that poodle

Video about that poodle

Where to buy a puppy and how to choose?

Since there are several varieties of poodles, and today the mini dogs are the most fashionable, unscrupulous sellers can offer puppies that are far from miniature, passing them off as toys.

Outwardly, they practically do not differ and only time will tell whether this poodle is the one or the standard. In addition, the baby may even turn out to be a mestizo. Such a metamorphosis is sad, but future owners consciously take risks by buying a pet from random breeders.

If you need a purebred toy poodle that meets the standard requirements, then you should contact professionals - experienced breeders or a nursery where puppies with a pedigree are offered for sale. There are 2 nurseries in Moscow specializing in purebred toys:

  • "Atami" (large, miniature and toy poodle) http://www.atami.ru/;
  • "Charm" (dwarf and toy poodle) http://ocharovaniedog.narod.ru/.

The toy poodle is the smallest representative of the breed, but in no way inferior to its larger counterparts. This is an excellent companion, cheerful, cheerful, not letting you get bored.

The poodle is practically the only dog ​​breed that has a huge variety within the same breed. They come in four sizes: toy, toy, mini and king, and more than one color: silver, peach, black, chocolate, red, white, and harlequin (a two-color poodle, usually black and white or black and tan).

The birthplace of this breed is France. In ancient times, poodles were bred as hunting dogs, their purpose was to deliver game from the water to the owner. Due to the special structure of the wool, they did not freeze in the water and dried quickly. Now the poodle is mainly considered a decorative dog, but, despite this, many representatives of this breed have not lost their working qualities.


As mentioned above, this breed has 4 varieties, they differ in height and weight. Toy poodles are the smallest, measuring up to 25 cm in height and weighing up to 5 kg. Dwarf poodles are already larger, height at the withers 25-35 cm, weight up to 10 kg, small 35-50 cm, weight up to 15 kg. The largest are royal at the withers, ranging from 50 to 60 cm, weight up to 40 kg.


At various exhibitions, there are practically no equals to the poodle. They are very showy dogs, especially in the hands of experienced groomers and handlers. Six differs from other breeds in several ways:

  • No molt.
  • No undercoat.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • There is no growth limit (must be cut as it grows).
  • Curly or gathered into cords.

Of course, if you want your pet to conquer the judges in the ring, you will need to spend a lot on grooming. There are a lot of haircut options: lion, continental, modern, English saddle, etc. Some masters even make creative haircuts that can turn a dog into a completely different animal - a panda or a tiger. But one trip to the dog groomer a month will not get you off.

Representatives of this breed must be combed regularly to prevent the formation of tangles. To maintain a beautiful appearance, after walking in wet weather or after washing the paws, the coat must be dried with a hair dryer, otherwise it will become matted and look untidy.

But you should not be afraid of all this if you decide to take this breed just for the soul. Once every 4 months, the dog can have a hygienic haircut under the machine, periodically cut off her hair on the face and between the fingers.


As for the nature of the pet, then there is no better dog for a family. The poodle is agile, intelligent, patient, obedient and devoted.

Even an inexperienced owner can handle such a dog. But you can not consider poodles as dogs intended only for the joy of the family. With them, you can engage in almost any cynological discipline. Toy poodles, miniature and small are suitable for agility, frisbee, obedience, etc. Royals can even be tried in service dog disciplines such as OKD, ZKS and VN.

Feeding and maintenance

poodles quite unpretentious in food If not pampered as a puppy, they will eat anything offered, from dry food to natural food. But you need to remember that dogs of light colors (especially white) are prone to food allergic reactions, so you need to exclude various goodies from the table (cookies, waffles, etc.) from the diet. Chicken, cheese, sausages (boiled) can be given with caution.

The best diet for a poodle will be beef, cereals (rice, buckwheat) and vegetables (carrots, beets, zucchini). Additionally, you can give vitamin supplements, aimed at improving the coat, to preserve the presentable appearance of your pet.

Like all dogs, a poodle should have its own place in the apartment. Very often, representatives of this breed ignore the bed intended for them and seek to bed with the owner or on free furniture. In this case, it is necessary to show firmness of character and accustom the pet to its place, unless of course you want the dog to sleep with you, otherwise, leaving everything as it is, you risk seeing the dog in your bed for the rest of its life.


Poodles are very strong dogs, despite their glamorous appearance. This breed is considered one of the long-lived, they can live up to more than 20 years with the right maintenance, but this only applies to toy and pygmy poodles, since the principle inherent in all dogs is preserved here: "The smaller the size, the longer the life expectancy."

Despite the long life expectancy of poodles, there are many diseases inherent in this breed:

  • susceptibility to tumors. After 5 years, many representatives develop wen (lipomas) on any part of the body. In bitches after 7 years, a very high probability of developing a tumor of the mammary gland. In old age, after 9 years, poodles have a large number of papillomas, almost on all parts of the body.
  • Inflammation of the ear canal. This is due to the structure of the ears - they are hanging and therefore insufficient ventilation occurs in the ear canal, which contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria inside the ear. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash the ears once a month with a special lotion (otifrit, dewdrop) and remove the regrown six from the ear canal.
  • Cataract (clouding of the lens). This eye disease usually begins after 8 years, progresses every year, depriving the dog of advanced age of sight. You can use eye drops (taufon, iris) for prevention, but the effect of them will be insignificant, alas.
  • Food allergic reactions in light colored poodles.

Photo of the breed

The poodle, with its elegant decorative haircuts, is often perceived as a feminine, glamorous dog. Meanwhile, he belongs to the number of ancient hunting dogs. Brave poodles served in the army and even played the role of bodyguards under the French kings. How can two opposites coexist in a dog - a "circus performer" and a "soldier"? The description of the poodle breed will help shed light on the truth.

A dog with a shock of light curls has an incredible supply of energy. A cheerful, cheerful creature is ready to play all day long. Moreover, in this reckless puppy, mobility and lightness are most surprisingly combined with affection and tenderness for the owner. Also worth mentioning is his intelligence. The poodle is one of the most intelligent dogs.

Poodle: breed description

The poodle is classified as a decorative dog, successfully combining a sharp mind and an attractive appearance. True, looking at these enchanting handsome men with a wide variety of colors, few people wonder about the pet's intelligence.

However, it is the poodle dog breed that is able to attract attention not only with its extravagant appearance, but also surprise with its ingenuity. According to research, in terms of their intellectual abilities, they take an honorable second place, losing the championship to the Border Collie.

  • Weight . This breed combines four dimensions. Therefore, the size of an adult poodle is inextricably linked with the type of pet. On average, the weight of a dog can vary between 2.5-30 kg.
  • Growth . These indicators also depend on the type. The smallest toy poodle reaches 24-28 cm at the withers. A large dog is characterized by growth at the withers - 45-60 cm.
  • Color. The breed is rich in a variety of colors. Only six colors are accepted by the FCI standard.
  • Lifespan. The poodle lives about 14-18 years.
  • Character . Sociable, friendly pet. He will gladly play all day with children, and in the evening he will prefer to rest at the feet of his master.
  • Intelligence. A smart dog, like a sponge, absorbs information coming from outside. Easily trainable. That is why there are so many “circus performers” among poodles.
  • Security and guard potential. The pet combines attentiveness with a sharp mind. Thanks to these qualities, the poodle unmistakably senses the slightest danger. In case of suspicion, he will definitely announce this with a loud bark.

Variety of colors

Poodles amaze with a variety of colors. Sometimes when crossing pets of different colors, puppies with very unpredictable colors are born. But the FCI standard only recognizes the following six colors.

  1. White . Common color. Puppies may have slight apricot or cream patches on their paws, chest, and ears. These areas become whiter with age. The pet's skin is pink or spotty (truffle). The tip of the nose, claws and eye rims are always black. Eyes are brown.
  2. The black . This is a classic poodle. The coat of the pet is a rich black color, without any gray, brown, silver marks. Nose, claws, paw pads are always only black. Gray or blue skin is visible through the wool.
  3. Chocolate. The pet has a uniform rich brown color. The hair on the ears is a tone lighter. The nose is brown, liver color. The eyes may be brown or amber.
  4. Silver . It has a uniform light gray "fur coat". Gray is a complex color that is formed in a puppy for two to three years. These babies are born black. You can guess about its silveriness no earlier than at six weeks. The nose, lips, and liner are always black, while the eyes are always dark brown.
  5. Red . For such a poodle, a shade of mahogany is characteristic. The nose and stroke can be either black or brown.
  6. Apricot. The dog can have any shades of apricot color. As they grow older, the shade of the coat brightens significantly. Often, adult pets lose their apricot hue and become creamy. The skin of a pet can be both pink and blue. Nose, eye rims brown or black.

In 2007, two more colors were recognized. One of them was the harlequin, combining white and black colors. The second was recognized - black and tan. This is a dark pet with small "marks" of any shade.

Advantages and disadvantages

A good-natured, affectionate dog will be a real source of joy for families with children. The pet is able to play outdoor games for hours. The poodle will be a faithful companion for athletic, mobile people who love long walks. But before making a final choice, carefully study the presented table in order to understand what awaits you in the future.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of poodles


All poodles, regardless of size and color, correspond to the same exterior. Therefore, when deciding to get a companion dog, first familiarize yourself with what a poodle looks like. This will allow you to make the right choice and not make a mistake, especially if you meet an unscrupulous seller.

Table - Poodle breed standard

Head- Straight, elongated;
- pronounced occipital protuberance;
- smooth transition between forehead and muzzle;
- long muzzle, narrowed towards the nose;
- dry, tightly closed lips;
- almond-shaped small eyes on the bridge of the nose;
- developed nose;
- large open nostrils
Ears- Long, hanging;
- adjacent to the cheeks;
- rounded and slightly widened at the bottom
Neck- Slightly curved;
- medium size;
- graceful
Body- elongated;
- strictly proportional;
- not straight and not arched back;
- small chest;
- strong lower back;
- tightened belly
limbs- Strong, muscular;
- parallel;
- strong hips;
- oval paws;
- tightly closed fingers
Wool (2 types)- Curly: thin, curly, thick;
- corded: hard, thick, straight, in the form of long cords

History of origin and interesting facts

For a long time, France was considered the birthplace of decorative dogs. But modern scientists are inclined to believe that the history of the poodle breed originates in Germany. The word "poodle" comes from the German "floating in the water." But pets received recognition precisely in France. Here they became the most sought-after dogs in hunting waterfowl.

It is believed that it was at this time that a characteristic haircut appeared. The pet's fur often clung to algae while swimming. This gave the dog a lot of trouble. To protect the pet from algae, the hair was cut off, leaving a “fur coat” on the paws and neck to maintain natural body heat.

  • ancient breed. On Roman and Egyptian artifacts that date back to the 1st century BC, images of pets resembling poodles were found. This gave every reason to assert that this breed is one of the most ancient in the world.
  • "Witness" of the robbery. The famous jeweler Benvenuto Cellini was the proud owner of a Barucco poodle. The dog guarded the jeweler's workshop, and once witnessed a robbery. The caught thief unlocked, and it is not known how the investigation would have ended if the "witness" Barukko had not intervened. He recognized the robber and attacked him. Such attacks continued until the thief confessed to the robbery and returned the stolen goods.
  • true musician. Richard Wagner, the world's greatest composer, loved to take his pet poodle to orchestra rehearsals. The four-legged music lover listened to music with pleasure. But if disharmony arose or someone was out of tune, the poodle immediately announced what he had done with a loud bark.
  • Brave hero. This story is officially recorded by the police. A few years ago in Chelyabinsk, a certain Lyudmila Chernyshova was walking with her poodle. Right in front of the entrance she was attacked by a Staffordshire terrier. The woman was threatened with disability if the owner had not been protected by a poodle. He pounced on a dog much larger than him in size, aggressiveness, and strength. The poodle, who turned his attention to himself, saved Lyudmila at the cost of his life.


The breed is divided into four types depending on the height at the withers. Although experienced dog handlers claim that dimensions are not their only difference. Dogs differ in habits and character. So, four varieties of poodles.

  1. Standard . It is called royal (large). Such a pet reaches a height of 45-60 cm. A large dog needs an appropriate size of dwelling and territory for walking. The standard poodle, easily trainable, can become a service or hunting dog. This is a restrained, proud pet that will never stoop to sabotage.
  2. Small . These dogs reach a height of 35-45 cm. They resemble royal ones in character. Small pets are hardy, balanced, obedient. They are endowed with self-esteem from birth. They easily adapt to life in an apartment, but need long walks with exercise.
  3. Dwarf. The size of the toy poodle at the withers is 28-35 cm. Pets look cute, gentle, but at the same time they have a very hardy character. They demand a lot of attention and can get jealous if they don't get enough love. These are energetic poodles who play with children with pleasure, misbehave in every possible way. But at the same time, they are infinitely devoted to the owner.
  4. Toy poodle. This dog looks like a toy. His height is only 24-28 cm. However, you should not take the baby as a toy, because the poodle is very proud. It is from its miniature size that the minuses of the toy poodle breed follow. The kid can bite if they do not want to consider him a full-fledged dog. The toy poodle is characterized by constant barking.

The toy poodle needs a lot of love from the owner, and his favorite place is in the hands of the owner. But at the same time, it is a playful, agile, agile pet that will remain a puppy all its life, at least in terms of size and behavior.

Maintenance and nutrition requirements

The enchanting handsome man is not at all easy to care for. Wool requires special attention. If the dog is not given proper care, then the thick strands become tangled, bunched up and form tangles. In this case, you just have to cut out areas of wool. Therefore, it is better to avoid such problems. Grooming includes the following procedures.

  • A haircut . The poodle's coat needs to be trimmed periodically. This procedure is carried out every six to eight weeks. Before cutting a poodle, you need to bathe it with shampoo, dry it well with a hair dryer and comb it out. The first time it is better to entrust the procedure to an experienced hairdresser. In the future, you can maintain the beauty of the pet yourself.
  • Hair care. The poodle does not shed at all, so you will never find pet hair on a carpet or sofa. Fallen hairs remain near the skin. They later serve as the basis for the appearance of tangles. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your pet once a week. For the procedure, use a special slicker. And finish combing with a comb.
  • Bathing. Despite the complete absence of a dog smell, the poodle needs water treatments. Bathe the dog every three weeks. To wash your pet's hair from dust and dirt, special shampoos and conditioners are recommended. You can use a hairdryer to dry.
  • Ear and eye care. Once a week, it is necessary to clean the ears from accumulations of sulfur and dust with gauze swabs. Carefully monitor the condition of the eyes, if necessary, wipe them.
  • Teeth cleaning . Train your dog to brush his teeth once a week. This will protect against the appearance of many diseases of the oral cavity.

Daily walks with your pet should last about 30-40 minutes. It is not necessary to dress a poodle, because he has his own fur coat, which perfectly retains heat. But if the dog has undergone an extravagant haircut, as a result of which he turned out to be bald in places, then it is better to take care of him and put on warm overalls.

Features of feeding

You can feed a poodle with special feeds or natural products. Give preference to high-quality, rich in vitamins and minerals nutrition. If the choice is on ready-made feeds, then these should be premium products. When feeding with natural products, the following rules must be observed.

  • Meat . Makes up two-thirds of the poodle's total diet. Useful beef, lamb. Offal can be an alternative to meat. They are given to the dog only in boiled form.
  • A fish . Twice a week, the diet is replenished with sea fish.
  • Dairy products. The poodle definitely needs kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, which replenish calcium in the body.
  • Vegetables, cereals. Every day, the dog should consume semi-liquid cereals from buckwheat, millet, rice. To replenish vitamins, the dog is given tomatoes, spinach, carrots, celery, beets, cabbage.

It is difficult for a pet that is on natural feeding to properly balance the diet. Therefore, veterinarians advise supplementing it with special vitamin and mineral complexes.


This breed has many varieties. Therefore, deciding to mate your pet, be sure to consult with experienced breeders. To get decent offspring, you need to have a good understanding of the genetics of poodles.

In order for the bitch to be able to endure pregnancy and give birth to healthy puppies, veterinarians recommend knitting her only at the age of two. Despite the fact that puberty in poodles occurs very early (the first estrus at about eight to ten months), the dog's body is not ready for motherhood.

Pregnancy lasts an average of two months. Childbirth most often goes well. But it is better to play it safe and invite a veterinarian who will help your pet to give birth and, if necessary, will help her in a timely manner.

Questions of training

Training a poodle is an easy and even enjoyable experience. A smart, quick-witted puppy is happy to learn new commands and is able to tirelessly please the owner for one or two hours with unquestioning execution of commands.

But sometimes the "wise guy" is able to direct all his ingenuity not to the strict fulfillment of the requirements, but to the search for ways to avoid them. Here you have to outwit the "strategist". Use rewards to get your dog to listen to you. Sincerely praise your pet for obedience, feed him "goodies", stroke and caress the puppy.

The poodle is quite friendly even to strangers. Therefore, the owner must definitely teach the pet never to take anything from the wrong hands.

Diseases and treatment

Funny mischievous poodles can suffer from various canine pathologies. Like many pets, they can be attacked by fleas and ticks. At the same time, there are a number of diseases that poodles are susceptible to.

  • Fusion of the nasal passages. This is a congenital anomaly. It is manifested by snoring, excessive sniffing and difficulty breathing. The pathology is eliminated by surgery.
  • Cardiovascular ailments. Poodles are predisposed to these disorders. It is recommended to protect your pet from stress and not to overload with excessive exercise.
  • Ophthalmic diseases. Retinal atrophy, conjunctivitis, inversion of the eyelid, microophthalmia, visual impairment, cataracts - all these pathologies are characteristic of a poodle. They are laid down genetically, therefore, they are not amenable to either treatment or prevention.
  • Epilepsy. Nervous pathology is manifested by a shaky gait, convulsions. The disease is difficult to treat.
  • Pathologies of the oral cavity. Prone to the development of ulcerative stomatitis, gingivitis. Such diseases are the result of improper feeding and inadequate care. As owner reviews show, you can protect your dog by regularly brushing your teeth or feeding special treats-cleaners.
  • Diabetes . Sometimes the pet suffers from the pancreas. This leads to diabetes. The pathology is characterized by strong thirst, a shaky gait, excessive weakness. In advanced cases, temporary fainting is possible. Treatment consists in taking special drugs, following a diet.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Violation of metabolic processes can lead to the development of pathologies of the urinary system. You can suspect KSD by the following symptoms: urine becomes dark, with a pungent odor. Sometimes it contains streaks of blood.
  • Otitis. Long ears are conducive to the appearance of otitis media. Therefore, after bathing, be sure to remove water from the auricles. And do not forget to regularly monitor their condition.

With urolithiasis, the pet often runs "to the toilet" and a little each time. The process of urination causes pain to the poodle, so he may moan. Treatment includes dietary adjustments, complete rejection of salts in the menu, regular support and control of metabolic processes.

Be sure to get vaccinated. Discuss this issue with the breeder when purchasing a puppy. A poodle should have three vaccinations in its first year of life. Then the vaccination is repeated once a year.

TOP nickname

An elegant pet that has just left the salon and sparkling with a trendy haircut deserves a special name. In this case, the nickname should be simple. And do not forget that the name you choose must be approved by your "intellectual".

A "boy" poodle can be called:

  • Adrian;
  • Em (love);
  • Antoine;
  • Arno;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bruno;
  • Charlie;
  • Daniel;
  • Dominic;
  • Etienne;
  • Franc;
  • Gaston;
  • Gustave;
  • Julienne;
  • Leon;
  • Marseilles;
  • Rene;
  • Theodore;
  • Javier.

If you have become the proud owner of a “girl” poodle, you can name your favorite:

  • Adele;
  • Agatha;
  • Alice;
  • Amelie;
  • Bridget;
  • Catherine;
  • Selina;
  • Deniz;
  • Françoise;
  • Frederick;
  • Helen;
  • Henrietta;
  • Emmy;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Josephine;
  • Julie;
  • Juliette;
  • Margo
  • Matilda;
  • Nicole;
  • Valerie.

Photo review

Consider which photos of poodle puppies and dogs are presented below. Playful, cheerful pets will not let you get bored and fill your life with positive.

Cost and where to buy

It is better to buy a poodle in specialized nurseries in which they breed this breed. In this case, the risk of stumbling upon genetic pathologies is significantly reduced. A poodle puppy, depending on the availability of documents, pedigree, can cost from 5 to 50 thousand rubles (data as of February 2018).

You can buy a poodle pet in the following nurseries:

  • Atami in Moscow– http://www.atami.ru/;
  • "Goodwin" in St. Petersburg– http://gudvin-poodles.com;
  • Alma Unica in Kharkiv– http://alma-unica.jimdo.com/;
  • Answell in Nizhny Novgorod– http://www.ansvel.jimdo.com/.

Be sure to keep an eye on the condition of the claws. Regardless of whether a royal poodle or a dwarf lives in your house, take him for long walks on asphalt, gravel. This promotes stitching. If the pet is deprived of such runs, then cut the regrown claws every five to eight weeks.

Reviews: "It's a little sun"

We had a small poodle, he lived to be almost 15 years old, he was such a friend, such a smart girl, gold, not a dog. Dwarfs are more fragile, more prone to disease. They can break a paw, even jumping up the stairs. In general, poodles are a miracle, BUT! It is necessary to take care of the coat, comb it constantly, cut it regularly, trim the muzzle. Wool does not climb, but tends to fall into tangles, so you need to comb it often, ideally every day. And follow the ears - clean, pluck the fur from the inside. Their ears often hurt.

Letka-Enka, http://www.woman.ru/home/medley9/thread/4310438/

My long-term practice shows that the home name arises by itself. I have a dog with a beautiful name Astoria and I called her Astra for a while. And now she is Mommy / Musya. So I call. I have a dog with a beautiful name Jurmala, and at home she is a Rat. I call her Akhtykrysa. I have a favorite male Arbat, but sometimes I call him Arbuz. So do not rack your brains, the nickname itself will come unexpectedly during communication.

Dora Asilier, https://www.mybirds.ru/forums/topic/84032-moya-sobaka-toy-pudel/

Poodles are cheerful, funny, smart, wonderful dogs. They are the best cure for bad mood, apathy and sadness. Poodles are a little sun, a joyful ray of light! Poodles are very sensitive and receptive. When I, for example, think about how to wash Toshka, he gets under the table and growls. Toshka is very smart: he knows a lot of different commands, brings slippers, knows when I come home from school and impatiently waves his tail. He treats children and old people kindly. She loves to play and run with other dogs. Based on this, I can tell you with full confidence that poodles are very sociable guys. I don't know about other poodles, but Tosha is picky about food. He doesn't like it, it doesn't fit, and the third doesn't look like food at all. Here is such a gourmet this Toshka.

JankaShanina, http://irecommend.ru/content/stal-mne-luchshim-drugom

According to cynologists, the smartest dog breed is dwarf poodles. And the smartest poodles are black. Rather, I agree with this statement. The dwarf poodle is a very beautiful dog, pleasant to keep and communicate, smart and playful, with proper care it looks like a toy until old age. Of the obvious advantages - the absence of the smell of a dog in the apartment, the structure of the wool is similar to human hair, therefore it is considered hypoallergenic. The dog learns many tricks himself and trains his master with pleasure. He learns the standard command in 3-4 times, which is much faster than in other dogs. Of the shortcomings - dogs are easily emotionally excitable and vindictive, in everything they strive to be leaders in the family and dictate their will. They often bite, spoil things in the apartment (shoes, wallpaper, doors are torn into small patches). Quite troublesome to care for - hanging ears require frequent and careful care, hair after washing needs to be dried with a hairdryer and combed (shampoo should not cause allergies). But to this it is worth adding grooming services at least 2 times a year, and preferably 4. And it's not cheap to cut such beauty.

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  • Height at the withers: Large poodle: 45-60 cm Medium poodle: 35-45 cm Miniature poodle: 28-35 cm Miniature poodle: less than 28 cm, preferably 25 cm
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years, toy poodles can live for more than 15-17 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • high intelligence, good ability to learn and train
  • good-natured calm disposition
  • great for apartment maintenance, do not show aggression
  • spectacular appearance
  • extremely energetic
  • require constant attention
  • sophisticated hair care

Description of the breed

Poodles are representatives of decorative dog breeds with a long, amazing history, which successfully combine an attractive appearance and a sharp mind. A variety of colors, sizes, innate charisma, unmistakable, attractive appearance of dogs, high intelligence and intelligence, vitality have provided the poodle with the status of one of the most popular and sought-after breeds in the world.

Representatives of this breed are very quick-witted, intelligent, inquisitive, have high intelligence, lend themselves well to training, training, and performing various tricks. Quite often, poodles can be found at agility and obedience competitions, as well as in circus performances. Successfully work on the appropriation of objects, suitable for hunting waterfowl. Dogs of this breed attract attention with extravagant, aristocratic appearance, cheerful disposition, insatiable energy.

The poodle is a very proud dog, with refined demeanor. It was this breed that was chosen as pets by kings, writers, cultural figures, aristocratic nobility. Until now, there are disputes about the country of origin of this breed. Many believe that the poodle is a purely French breed, where it was actively used for hunting, others argue that the roots of the breed go back to Europe, namely to Germany. In the literal translation, "poodle" means "to splash in the ode", which, in principle, fully justifies the name of the breed. Dogs really just love water and can splash around in water for hours.

poodle breed standard

The Poodle is the only dog ​​breed that has many varieties. Dogs of this breed have different colors, height at the withers. The sexual type is well expressed. Depending on the growth, there are:

    royal (large) poodle - height at the withers 40-60 cm;

    medium - 35-45;

    small - 25-35 cm;

    toy poodle (dwarf) - 24-28.5 cm.

Dogs of this breed have a rich color palette, which is represented by black, apricot (peach), silver, white, red, brown. There are also dogs with non-standard colors "harlequin", black with light tan, sable. Coat color should be uniform. The coat is thick, wavy, thin, long, very soft, of the same length on all parts of the body (curly or corded). Corded wool is rougher to the touch than curly.

The breed standard is the same for all varieties, regardless of color and size. Dogs have a dry constitution, proportional, strong physique with well-developed muscles. The skin is dense, pigmented. In dogs with a dark coat color, the pigmentation of the skin should correspond to the main coat color. In white or light poodles, the skin may be patchy. The gender is well expressed.

The head is in proportion to the size of the dog, dry, wedge-shaped. Cheekbones and cheeks are flat. The bend of the forehead should be slightly pronounced. The ears are set low, hanging, long, wide at the base, with rounded ends, close to the head, covered with thick wavy hair. The tips of the ears are directed towards the eyes, reaching the corners of the lips.

The eyes are expressive, lively, regular almond-shaped, set obliquely, dark brown, black or dark amber, depending on the main color. The expression of the eyes is cheerful, intelligent. The eyes reflect the dog's high intelligence. Eyelids have pigmented corners.

The neck is of medium length, well developed, muscular, dry type. A beautiful nape line is well defined. The withers are weakly expressed. The shoulder blades are set obliquely, close to the back. The back is short, strong, slightly inclined to the croup. The loin is strong, slightly convex. The croup is muscular, rounded. The abdomen is moderately tucked up, with a graceful curve from the sternum to the groin. The tail is set high and straight. They dock up to 2/3 of its size or half of the total length.

The forelimbs are obliquely set, strong, muscular. The hind limbs are well developed and strong. Legs are long. The pads are dense, elastic, pigmented, the nails are black.

The nature and characteristics of the poodle

Dogs of this breed have a good-natured, affectionate disposition, balanced temperament, very attached and infinitely loyal to all members of their family. They love children and can take part in outdoor, active games for hours. Dogs are proud, require increased attention to their person, do not like to be alone for a long time. Absolutely non-aggressive, get along well with other dogs and pets. Very playful, require long walks, love to fool around, adore company, always want to be in the spotlight. By nature, they have a well-developed hunting instinct. Poodles are thinker dogs, they feel the mood of their owners very subtly, they are well trained. Given the nature of the pet, we can conclude that dogs of this breed have a sense of humor, well-developed intuition. They will become an ideal companion for people with an active lifestyle or a true friend to lonely people. Pets try to deliver as few problems as possible to their owners, give unforgettable moments and only positive emotions.

Poodles are very sociable dogs, they do not tolerate prolonged loneliness, so you should not leave dogs of this breed alone for a long time. A bored poodle, from a funny, energetic pet, can easily turn into a little avenger, trying in every possible way to attract the attention of the owners. A long separation from your beloved owners can cause psychological trauma. They are wary of strangers, but without showing even the slightest signs of aggression.

Caring for a poodle consists in carrying out the necessary preventive and hygienic procedures, drawing up the right diet, education and training. Special care requires wool, which must be systematically combed out. It is very important to comb your pet daily, using a slicker brush, during the period when the “baby” wool is replaced with an adult one. To care for the poodle's coat, you need to purchase a massage brush, a wide-toothed comb, a slicker brush, sprays, special shampoos, balms, and conditioners for caring for your pet's coat. To make the dog look attractive and well-groomed, you need to comb your pet three to four times a week. During the period of change of coat - daily. Dogs need to be taught to this hygienic procedure with early age. For combing the coat, it is recommended to use a special conditioner.

Poodles simply love water, so they are happy to take water procedures. But you need to remember that you can bathe your dog with shampoos no more than three or four times a year. Just under the shower, you can bathe the poodle once every two to three weeks. After bathing, be sure to dry the dog well, dry the coat with a hairdryer, using a moderate supply of warm air. During drying, gently comb the coat in different directions. Note that the poodle belongs to the breeds that need to be systematically cut and trimmed. The coat of poodles does not have a specific smell, and with proper and systematic care, it will always look great.

Be sure to purchase the necessary ammunition for the dog, bowls for water and food, as many different toys as possible so that the dog does not get bored while staying at home alone, arrange the dog’s place in comfort.

Representatives of this breed are prone to diseases of the auricles and teeth, so regularly inspect the teeth and ears of your pet. Once every two weeks, be sure to clean the auricles from the sulfur accumulated in them, secretions and dirt. It is best to use a special powder for cleaning, which will alleviate the unpleasant effect. It is advisable to teach your dog to brush his teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Remember to keep your eyes and nose clean. After carrying out the necessary hygiene procedures, always encourage and praise your pet.

Poodle feeding

The poodle is a rather unpretentious dog breed, but every owner must remember that the dog's diet must be nutritious, high-calorie, and completely balanced. You can keep dogs of this breed on a natural diet or ready-made industrial feed "premium" or "elite class". The basis of natural nutrition should be lean meats, offal. Be sure to include fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, kefir, reverse), vegetable fats, herbs, boiled, stewed, raw vegetables and herbs in the diet. Food can be given to the dog warmed up to room temperature. Do not overfeed your dog, give treats between main meals. Under the ban are sweets, smoked meats, raw fish, salted food, tubular bones, fatty meat, low-quality, non-cooked offal, fresh bread, pastries. You can treat your pet with rye bread, fruits, a few pieces of fatty cheese, fruits. In one feeding of a poodle, you should not combine dairy and meat products at the same time. Vitamin and mineral supplements must be present in the diet without fail. The pet bowl should be filled with clean water.

poodle training

Given the active life position of dogs of this breed, poodles can deliver both a lot of pleasant moments and troubles, so it is very important to properly educate and train the dog in the right manners. You need to start educating immediately after the baby gets used to and gets used to the new environment. By nature, poodles are very smart, quick-witted, have high intelligence, so they lend themselves well to training, quickly learn various commands and tricks. Always use treats and rewards during training. For correctly executed commands and good behavior, do not forget to praise your pet and treat it to your favorite treat. You also need to remember that the poodle is a decorative breed of dog, so you should not force the dog to perform tasks beyond its strength. Be tactful and patient during the learning process. The dog must clearly understand what the owner requires of it. In no case do not beat your pet for disobedience. It is enough to show your dissatisfaction with a strict tone and intonation. You can teach how to perform elementary commands on your own by properly organizing the training process at home. In education, you need to be consistent so that the animal understands what is required of it.

History of the breed

The poodle is one of the oldest dog breeds, the origin of which has not yet been established. The first pictures of dogs appearance reminiscent of modern representatives of this breed are dated 30 BC. era, are found on bas-reliefs, in Roman tombs, ancient coins. In the 12th century AD, poodles began to be depicted on the walls of monasteries, castles, and cathedrals in France. By the 16th century, the breed was widespread throughout continental Europe and England, after which it gained popularity in other countries of the world.