What can dogs eat. Can a puppy be given chicken meat? What kind of chicken (raw, boiled or fried) can be given to a small puppy

Can dogs eat fruit? Of course you can, but in small quantities and only those that are safe for the animal.

The dog receives the necessary vitamins and minerals from food, in particular from vegetables and fruits. You can pamper your pet with fruits regardless of the type of feeding, but not in large quantities.

Fruits are a source of fiber, glucose and vitamins, so they should be included in the diet, especially with natural feeding. Of course, they should make up a small portion of the diet and do not have to be given every day. Another thing is that the owners give fruits and berries, because their pets eat them, and if they do, then why not give them? There will definitely be no harm, but this issue should also be approached wisely, because some fruits lead to health problems.

Many dogs eat fruits and berries with pleasure, some owners are even touched by the pleasure with which their pets pick berries from a bush in the country, beg for an apple or watermelon. But it is important to remember that not all of them are good for the pet. Some of the fruits and berries cause allergic reactions, digestive problems, severe poisoning.

Fruits that can be given to dogs

The safest and most affordable fruit is the unpeeled green apple, which improves digestion, is a source of vitamin C. A large dog can be given half a medium apple, and a small one a couple of slices.

Papaya is safe and healthy for dogs as long as it is peeled and pitted. Papaya is not recommended for animals with diabetes. The fruit helps to improve digestion, treat indigestion. Some pet stores even have papaya enzyme tablets that are given as vitamin supplement. Overfeeding papaya leads to constipation.

Kiwi can be given in very small quantities, it is permissible to include non-sweet pears in the diet.

Bananas- the subject of controversy among dog breeders, some are in favor, while others are against. In terms of benefits, unripe bananas in principle will not cause harm in small quantities. But they should often not be given, especially overripe ones. Large dogs can be given half a banana 1-2 times a week, small dogs - a few small pieces.

melons safe for dogs, but do not bring tangible benefits, but they allow you to quench your thirst. Overfeeding melons has a laxative effect.

Persimmon- a favorite delicacy of many animals, but it is better to avoid this fruit, because. persimmon causes indigestion. It is permissible to give persimmons in small quantities, but only without seeds.

Among the berries there are no special restrictions, depending on the taste preferences of a particular dog, you can give currants, raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, watermelon. It is not recommended to give blackberries, because the benefits of it are doubtful.

If we talk about berries, then a few things are enough, again, the amount depends on the size of the fetus and the animal itself. For example, if currants, then 5-6 berries are enough, and if strawberries are 5 cm in size, then one berry is enough.

From dried fruits, you can give dried apricots. But raisins and prunes are not recommended.

What fruits and berries should not be given to dogs

It is not recommended to give citrus, but some owners feed their pets with oranges, tangerines without any consequences. Therefore, here you need to look at the reaction of the body, some dogs may experience individual intolerance to citrus fruits. In large quantities, citrus fruits give a laxative effect, cause vomiting. It is permissible to give citrus fruits occasionally.

Regular feeding of dogs grapes in large quantities leads to renal failure. Just 5 grapes or raisins can be toxic to a 9kg dog, causing vomiting, weakness, and diarrhea. Although some dog breeders may argue.

Pomegranate contraindicated in dogs. Despite the fact that pomegranate is very useful for humans, it causes digestive problems in dogs, because. their stomach is sensitive to acids, and bones are also dangerous. The fruit may cause vomiting. However, the body of some animals reacts normally to pomegranate in very small quantities.

Avocado contains a special substance that is harmful to the dog's body and can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, heart problems, pancreatitis.

Peaches lead to diarrhea, and eaten bones can lead to intestinal obstruction or poisoning, because. the bones contain cyanide, which accumulates in the body.

Quince causes vomiting, but it should be borne in mind that this fruit is sour and not every dog ​​will eat it.

No need to give to your pet cherry or cherries, since these fruits do not bring any benefit. Cherries in large quantities can lead to indigestion.

Fruits are not natural food for dogs, so they should not be given often, justifying that the animal loves and begs for them. Of course, a dog can eat with appetite many foods that the owner will give, but she, like a person without control and restrictions, can eat with appetite harmful, but tasty food.

When giving a new fruit or berry, it is important to monitor the reaction of the pet's body; if allergic reactions or digestive problems occur, the product should be excluded from the diet.

Before feeding fruits or berries to a dog (especially those bought in a store or on the market), you should wash them and remove the bones, if any, remove the inedible skin.

Fruits are given in small quantities cut into pieces convenient for the animal, separately from the main food, without mixing with other products, especially with fermented milk. It is recommended to give fruits to dogs half an hour before the main feeding or two hours after feeding.

Remember that fruits and berries can be given to dogs as a treat, the main thing is not to overfeed. As a result of overfeeding, the animal may begin diarrhea, vomiting.

If a dog is not accustomed to eat fruits and berries from puppyhood, then as an adult, it may refuse them altogether. In this case, you should not insist, it is better to give vegetables instead of fruits.

Some owners of their pets who scored excess weight, planted on fruit diet which in itself is absurd. In order to help a pet lose weight, she needs physical exercise and balanced proper nutrition in strictly defined proportions based on the weight of the dog. A veterinarian can help with this.

1. The most optimal products for the proper nutrition of your little pet will be:

1. Meat products: lean beef - raw; poultry - only boiled, without bones.

2. Fish: sea, low-fat (boiled).

3. Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, low-fat sour cream, milk. You can give cheese or cheese.

4. Cereals: Soaked oatmeal tops this list. It is also good to give buckwheat, but you should not get carried away with other cereals.

5. Vegetables: grated carrots with sunflower oil or sour cream. You can give boiled vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin). In raw form, you can give tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.

6. Greens: parsley, celery, dill (if the puppy agrees to eat them), lettuce, young nettles, which must be scalded with boiling water and finely chopped. IN winter time germinated cereal seeds are suitable, for example, oat seeds - five sprouts per day.

7. Fruits: any raw, except very sweet and sour. Citrus fruits and grapes are undesirable for puppies, since they, like children, may develop diathesis.

8. Calcined cottage cheese - its presence in the puppy's diet is a must. Such cottage cheese can be prepared independently as follows: two tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride are added to 0.5 liters of boiling milk and the dishes are immediately removed from the heat. The milk will curdle, you will get cottage cheese (whey drain through cheesecloth). Cottage cheese should be given while it is still warm, you can add a small amount of whey. When the puppy grows up, the cottage cheese should be prepared according to the following recipe: for 1 liter of milk, 2-6 tablespoons of calcium chloride.

2. Here is a list of what should never be given to puppies or adult dogs:

1. Bird bones and rib bones of cattle, as they can cause perforation of the intestines. An adult dog can occasionally (no more than once a week) be given a sugar bone, always raw, with the remains of meat.

2. Pork in any form.

3. Any fatty foods. A puppy and an adult dog should not be given any fats, except for a small amount of sunflower oil.

4. Raw river fish.

5. Sugar, cookies, cakes, any confectionery.

6. Fresh white bread, buns, pancakes, pies, pasta.

7. Herring, pickled and canned foods.

8. Fried meat, fried fish.

9. Boiled and fried potatoes, peas, beans.

10. Sausage, ham, sausages, smoked meats.

11. Remains of human food, stale food.

12. Very liquid food in large quantities.

No matter how great the temptation to pamper your pet, try not to overfeed him. In the future, this can lead to obesity, loss of mobility, metabolic disorders and early death of the animal. Mineral bait is very important for a growing puppy. He grows teeth, bones, wool. Therefore, in addition to food, he needs minerals. As a mineral supplement, calcium gluconate, glycerophosphate and phytin can be used. In order to prepare mineral supplements on your own, you should grind in a coffee grinder or grind together in equal proportions calcium gluconate, glycerophosphate, phytin, eggshells (you can also add a little ordinary school chalk).

We can treat pets like humans, but that doesn't mean they have to eat "human food."

A recent study found that xylitol, a chemical found in sugar-free gum and peanut butter, can harm dogs more than chocolate.

This makes us wonder: what other common foods are dangerous for our pets? Read on to see a list of these products and side effects.

Seeds and core of apples

Such foods cause dilated pupils, redness of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing, shock and even death of your pet. The seeds and cores of apples contain cyanide and are the main causes of fruit wilting or rotting.

Coconut and oil

Coconut products are associated in our view with proper nutrition but they cause stomach upset and diarrhea if you give them to your dog in large quantities.


Avocados contain persen, a toxin that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

Grapes and raisins

Many people, especially young children, give grapes to dogs all the time, as they see nothing wrong with this product. But it can lead to kidney failure. While no one knows the exact mechanism, there is a direct link that also extends to raisins, which are even worse than grapes.

Apricot stems, leaves and pits

They can cause dilated pupils, redness of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing, shock, and death. They also contain cyanide, just like apples, so the results are the same.


Dogs often eat a lot of onions in their meals, but for them, especially smaller breeds, this can be very dangerous because it leads to anemia. Dogs may also experience indigestion.


Like onions, garlic can cause stomach problems and even anemia. Sometimes owners use baby food to feed their dogs, but some baby foods have garlic powder. In this case, the animal may also develop anemia. This is also true for cats who are very sensitive to garlic.

Raw bones or meat

Be very careful with the meat or bones you give your dog, as raw or undercooked foods can contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. Bones also pose a risk of obstruction or even puncture of the gastrointestinal tract.

Yes, the dogs wild nature eat raw meat and bones all the time! But their life expectancy is much shorter. In addition, they have to deal with many types hazardous products What can not be said about your pets. Raw bones probably won't hurt your dog, but why take the risk?


This human medicinal plant can cause contact dermatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia in your dog. Prolonged use may lead to bleeding.

Salt and salty snacks

You should not feed salty foods to your four-legged friend because they can cause increased urination and thirst. In the case of sodium toxicity, side effects may include vomiting, diarrhea, pyrexia, depression or stupor, tremors, convulsions, and death.

Stems, leaves and pits of cherries

These parts of the cherry also contain cyanide and can therefore cause dilated pupils, redness of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing, shock and death.

macadamia nuts

They cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia.

Other nuts, including almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pecans

These nuts can cause vomiting, diarrhea and pancreatitis due to their high fat content.

mustard seeds

These small seeds can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your pet.


Rhubarb causes salivation, tremors, and kidney failure in dogs.


Tomatoes can lead to such side effects like hypersalivation, anorexia, severe gastrointestinal disturbances, diarrhea, lethargy, depression of the central nervous system, confusion, behavioral changes, weakness, dilated pupils and slow heart rate.


Even small doses of citrus fruits, such as oranges, can cause stomach upset in dogs. Large doses may exacerbate stomach pain and possibly lead to central nervous system depression.


Many people know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but in addition to the vomiting and diarrhea it causes, the methylxanthines in it can lead to severe shortness of breath, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures, and death. Dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk and white chocolate because it contains more methylxanthines.

Coffee and caffeine

Just like chocolate, coffee and caffeine contain methylxanthines, which can cause the same symptoms as chocolate. While your dog probably won't drink coffee with you, be careful where you store his coffee beans.

raw eggs

Raw eggs can cause skin irritation and coat problems for your pet. In addition, it is obvious that salmonella and E. coli can lurk in them.

Milk and dairy products

Humans and cats are really the only mammals that can tolerate milk as adults. Dogs cannot digest lactose efficiently, which can cause indigestion and diarrhea.

Potato leaves, stems, skins, or any green parts

Potato leaves and stems can cause vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, confusion, lethargy, and central nervous system depression. The peel can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors, convulsions, and cardiac arrhythmia.

Peach stems, leaves and pits

They can cause the same symptoms in your dog as other cyanide-containing plants.


A diluted nutraceutical extract may have an anti-inflammatory effect, but large amounts of licorice can cause muscle and adrenal damage in a dog.


If your dog ingests alcohol, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, coma, and death.

Yeast dough

Doughs made with yeast can lead to life-threatening stomach bloating due to increased gas production.


If your dog has ingested hops in any way, it can cause heavy breathing, pyrexia, convulsions, and death, although the mechanisms of these reactions are unknown.


Xylitol is a sweetener that is added to chewing gum and sugar-free products, including peanut butter. Xylitol can cause vomiting, lethargy, stupor, convulsions, and coma. It can also lead to liver failure, causing excessive release of insulin, and hypoglycemia.

Of course, not all dogs will react the same way to all foods. When in doubt, you can always ask your veterinarian.

Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's diet and be honest about what you give your dog as treats. There are some foods that are good for them, such as rice cakes and beans, but in most cases, dogs should eat special food.

Remember: if you are not sure about the safety of a product, do not give it to your dog. If your dog has eaten something that you are not sure about, do not be too lazy to consult a veterinarian.

Below is a list of foods that can and should not be consumed by dogs. It is not exhaustive and some points are controversial. If you know something that is not mentioned in the article, let me know in the comments.

We will tell you in detail about each product below, and now - infographics.

Can a dog eat bananas? Yes

Bananas are perfectly safe for dogs as long as the animals don't eat them in bunches. Banana contains substances that are difficult for dogs to obtain from other foods: vitamins B, C and potassium.

Bananas are rich in fiber, which is necessary for dogs no less than humans. Animals that have digestive problems especially need fiber.

Worth knowing: Feeding too many bananas to your dog can cause constipation. But in moderation, bananas are a great addition to your diet.

Can a dog eat apples? In moderation

An apple contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also a fairly hard and fibrous food that is good for dogs' teeth.

Why in moderation? The seeds, core and stem of an apple contain cyanide. It is a poison for both humans and dogs. If a person can separate the harmful parts, then the dog eats the whole apple. This is the problem.

You can give your dog apples, removing all the harmful parts, but you do not need to feed them. The basis of the diet of any dog ​​should always be meat.

Can you give your dog an avocado? Not

Avocados contain the toxic substance persin. Horses, birds, rabbits do not tolerate it very well.

Dogs don't even have serious problems with persin tolerance, but they can still get indigestion if they eat enough avocados. In some countries, this fruit is listed as harmful for dogs.

If your dog accidentally eats one avocado, then there is no serious reason to panic. Everything can be limited to diarrhea and vomiting. If we are talking about a large number, contact your veterinarian to be safe.

A handful of popcorn won't hurt a dog. And yet, feeding an animal popcorn is not the most best idea. Unopened nucleoli can easily enter the dog's mouth. They can provoke an upset stomach, less often - lead to problems with the teeth.

There is nothing good about popcorn for dogs. Why risk it then?

Can you feed your dog carrots? Yes

Carrots are a healthy snack for your pet. It is included in many dog ​​foods, because carrots contain beta-carotene, which affects the vision of the animal.

This vegetable is also essential for the skin and coat of a dog, so it should be included in the diet of animals with long hair.

In addition, dogs like the shape of a carrot - a stick that you can not only chew on, but also eat. Dogs eat it both raw and boiled.

Do not give a lot of carrots to your pet if he has diabetes, because they contain sugar.

Can you feed your dog grapes? Not

Eating grapes can lead to kidney failure in dogs. To date, no one can explain what this is connected with, but the fact takes place.

But do some owners use grapes to encourage their pets during training? If you have been doing this for a long time, then there is no reason to worry.

Some dogs can eat grapes without harm to health, while in others it provokes serious complications. No one can explain the reason for this phenomenon.

Can dogs eat mushrooms? In moderation

The only mushrooms that are safe for your pet are the ones you get from the supermarket. Never give a dog raw mushrooms or mushrooms you picked in the forest. In the absence of experience, you can easily confuse edible mushroom with poisonous.

The best advice is to completely remove mushrooms from the dog's diet so as not to risk it again.

Can you give your dog almonds? Not

Dogs should not be given nuts in any form. And almonds are the most dangerous nut for a dog. Although one or two things will not cause serious problems, it is still better to exclude them from the pet's diet. The digestive system of dogs is not designed to digest nuts.

Can dogs eat peanut butter? Certainly!

Dogs shouldn't eat nuts, but peanut butter can. Why? Peanuts are not a nut, but a plant of the legume family. Dogs love peanut butter.

Peanuts contain many nutrients that are beneficial for dogs: vitamin B, vitamin E, and niacin. It also contains fats which are essential digestive system animal.

Can dogs eat blueberries? Certainly!

Blueberries contain a ton of health benefits, including vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. They're loaded with fiber and a whole host of antioxidants. This berry is often included in the best dog food. But do not overfeed your pet with blueberries, a handful is enough in the morning and evening.

Celery is a food rich in nutrients, but it is also very hard and stringy.

If the dog chewed food thoroughly, then there would be no problems. But most pets swallow food in large chunks. And it is difficult for unchewed celery to pass through the digestive tract of an animal.

Can dogs eat onions or garlic? Not

Too much garlic and onions can poison your pet. The hotter the garlic, the more poisonous it is to dogs.

If your dog grabbed a piece of garlic or onion that fell off while you were making the soup, then there is nothing to worry about. You need to eat enough onions for this to lead to a problem.

Can dogs eat rice? Certainly

Cooked rice is an excellent food for dogs and can be found in many dog ​​foods. If you're making your own dog food, add rice as it's your pet's source of carbohydrates.

Rice must be well cooked! And be careful if your dog has diabetes: rice has a high glycemic index.

Can dogs eat fish? Certainly

Boiled fish is one of the best foods for dogs because it is lean meat. Fish is rich in fatty acids that are difficult for a dog to obtain from other foods.

Bread is not the healthiest and most nutritious food for a dog. In some cases, it can even be harmful.

And never give the dogs dough. It expands in a warm environment, which is the stomach of the animal. Take into account the fact that the dough can literally double in size, and this can cause problems such as distension of the stomach, loss of coordination, and even coma.

Can dogs drink beer? Not

Ethanol (the alcohol found in beer) and hops are toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat strawberries? In moderation

Strawberries fall into the same category as blueberries: they are completely safe for dogs in moderation.

This berry contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. All this is good for a dog as long as its diet is based on meat and not fruits and vegetables. In addition, you must be completely sure that you have removed all the stems and leaves, because they can harm your pet.

And, of course, you should not give dogs everything that a person usually eats strawberries with: sugar, chocolate, whipped cream.

Can dogs eat pumpkin? Certainly

In the dog world, pumpkin is a superfood. Pumpkin is used to treat stomach ailments, including constipation and diarrhea. It is rich in beta-carotene, which is essential for vision.

However, don't feed pumpkin to your dog. Vitamin A, which is contained in it, in large quantities can only harm. It is also undesirable to give dogs raw pumpkin.

Can dogs eat cheese? In moderation

Most dogs love cheese just as much as humans do. It is harmless to your pets. Some cheeses are especially rich in protein.

Some dogs are said to be lactose intolerant. And almost all the cheese you can buy in the supermarket is processed and contains chemicals that are not recommended for dogs.

If you're going to give your dog cheese, it's best to opt for a low-fat (or low-fat) variety.

Can dogs eat lettuce? Certainly

Most greenery is just as suitable for dogs as it is for humans. Greens are often added to dog food because they are high in vitamins A, K and C.

Spinach contains oxalate, which is harmful to dogs. However, for it to have a negative effect, the dog must eat a large portion of spinach.

Some types of pepper will not cause harm. For example, green peppers are mild and contain many vitamins and minerals. And here spicy pepper can cause indigestion. You just need to understand that the dog's body is not adapted to cope with spicy food.

Can dogs eat pears? Certainly

We treat pears the same way we treat apples. Pears are a great source of nutrients, but portions should be small and the seeds, cuttings, and core should be removed.

Can dogs eat chocolate? Not

You should always remember that dogs should not eat chocolate. It contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which are poisonous to your pets.

The darker the chocolate, the more harmful it is to dogs. All of its species should be excluded from the dog's diet. Keep your dog away from all this.

Corn is one of those foods that are not capable of causing harm in small quantities. However, it should not be a significant part of a dog's diet.

Corn causes a sharp jump in blood sugar. In some cases, it causes allergic reactions and is difficult to digest. Moreover, this product has low nutritional value and is not good source energy. Therefore, corn is not the best food for a dog.

Can dogs eat hot dogs? In moderation

Meat is the most important ingredient in a dog's diet. The hot dog includes meat and is suitable for dogs. But do not forget that processed and low-quality meat is added to hot dogs. In other words, a few bites of a hot dog won't hurt your dog, but don't overdo it or make a habit out of it.

Can dogs eat pomegranate? Not

Pomegranate is very useful for humans, but not for dogs. In fact, most dogs get sick immediately if they eat it. The reason is that the pomegranate contains a lot of seeds that are difficult to digest. Dogs that eat it experience abdominal pain and this is accompanied by vomiting.

And the last thought...

Never feed your dog food that you are not sure is safe. And contact your veterinarian immediately if something goes wrong.

Having a pet means taking care of his health completely on your shoulders. It is not always possible to understand all the intricacies of choosing a diet for a four-legged friend. Let's find out how to feed a dog in order to influence it as productively as possible. appearance and health indicators.

How to properly feed a dog?

The principle of good nutrition is sometimes confused with excess food in the diet. Many dogs, by their nature, are insatiable, they have no sense of proportion, and the hospitable owner rejoices as his dog absorbs more and more, and gets fat before his eyes. But it is known that a fat dog, suffering from obesity to one degree or another, has a high chance of developing diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and joints. Therefore, each owner needs to know how to properly feed the dog, so as not to feed it, but also not to keep it hungry.

Important! In no case, the food from our table should not become the diet of a dog, no matter what breed it is. After all, spices, foods that are difficult to digest, and a large amount of sugar and salt, sooner or later will negatively affect the health of a pet.

A caring owner should know how many times a day to feed the dog in order to satisfy his hunger and satisfy the body's need for nutrients. You can find out about this and more by reading the article to the end.

How to properly feed a dog with natural food?

If you have already decided what to feed your dog and prefer natural food, then congratulations - this is a great choice! It remains only to find out what is useful to feed a pet, and which products are strictly prohibited. So, an adult dog of any breed (watchdog, hound, decorative) at home can be fed:

  • raw meat and offal (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, young lamb, kidneys, lungs, liver, trachea, udder, stomach);
  • sea ​​and ocean fish (hake, halibut, mackerel, chum salmon);
  • dairy products (kefir, whey, calcined cottage cheese);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • fruits and berries.

  • pork;
  • potatoes;
  • barley;
  • milk;
  • semolina;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • legumes;
  • grapes;
  • raisins.

Important! An adult dog can replace one meat meal per week with fish, as fish in large quantities interferes with the absorption of B vitamins.

It also follows the fate that an incorrectly compiled menu for a dog can cause a chronic lack of essential substances. Therefore, the dog should be regularly given vitamins in courses 3-4 times a year, as well as flavoring food with minerals, such as bone meal.

How to feed your dog dry food?

More and more owners prefer to feed their pet dog with dry food. But it is not always clear what is better to feed - with budget category or Premium class feeds. After all, there are reviews that saving a little, you can perfectly keep the animal without overpaying. But veterinarians have a different opinion - cheap food, consisting of low-quality, and sometimes harmful components, often causes problems for dogs. It can be allergies, indigestion, hair loss, dandruff and other troubles.

Important! In terms of volume, a serving of dry pet food is significantly different from a serving of natural food. You need to carefully read the data on the packaging, as well as buy food that matches the specific breed.

Pay attention to what you can feed the dog so as not to harm her health, but to increase it. Premium, Superpremium class feeds, as well as holistics will do just fine with this:

  1. Nutra Gold.

When the owner has decided what kind of food to feed his friend, you should familiarize yourself with his correct use, since the feeding process has its own nuances. Did you know that a dry food dog should get twice as much water as a natural dog? After all, it takes a lot of liquid to swell dry pieces. And further useful information- the saturation of the dog with dry food comes a little later than with natural food, therefore it is very easy to overfeed it due to inexperience.

Attention! When transferring a dog from natural to dry food, the latter can be soaked in water to swell. So the dog will quickly get used to the change in diet.

How many times a day should you feed your dog?

While the puppy was still small, it was necessary to feed him literally by the hour. But already a year, the diet is distributed over one or two feedings. Some owners prefer to feed in the morning and evening, while others only feed at bedtime. Veterinarians consider both options acceptable, although the first is still better.

Important! A sick or old dog should be fed a light, low-fat diet, breaking up the usual diet into 3-4 meals for better digestion.

If a different regimen is not prescribed for the animal, then the question “feed the dog before or after the walk” should not be relevant at all. And this is not a matter of habit of the dog or the owner - doctors are unanimous on this score - you can give your pet food only after a walk, and not vice versa. The fact is that the gastrointestinal tract of a dog is designed in such a way that it can twist overflowing with food during active movement, forming a torsion of the stomach and part of the intestine. Therefore, first an active walk, and then food.

If there is a need to feed the animal before walking (it cannot recover normally without replenishing the stomach with food), then the walk in this case should take place in an inactive form, only to cope with natural needs. Only after an hour, the dog can be allowed to frolic ad libitum.

Important! In winter, in frost, the amount and caloric content of food for the dog, which is kept in an aviary, should be increased.

What to feed a dog to gain weight?

Feeding a skinny dog ​​is no easy task. First, you should find out what caused the weight loss of the dog. Perhaps this is underfeeding from the very early age when the puppy was still being formed. In this case, fixing something may be simply unrealistic. But if the dog was sick, then it is often quite possible to cure it and start a competent weight gain.

Please note what should be done with a dog that is underweight:

Now let's discuss what to feed a pregnant, lactating or postpartum dog. Indeed, during all these periods, the bitch requires increased attention to herself, as well as to her diet:

  1. In the first month of pregnancy, the dog should be given a little more food than usual or add one more feeding. Approximately 2 weeks before childbirth, you should cut down on the diet, removing the maximum of carbohydrates and fats. Instead, the bitch should receive protein, a multivitamin complex, and fish oil.
  2. After giving birth and during lactation, the bitch is fed intensively, with a high content of calories, until the puppies suckle their mother. A beef tripe is very useful at this time for a dog - a stomach that contains the enzymes necessary for a nursing mother for quick recovery.

What should not be fed to a dog?

Knowing how to feed a dog, you can give her a few years of life. But improper and irregular nutrition, on the contrary, can undermine the health of a four-legged friend and shorten his already short age. The dog is not fed "human" food. That is, such products harm her:

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • flour products;
  • citrus;
  • sweets;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats and pickles.

Important! Feeding a large or small dog natural does not mean feeding her bones! Whole, uncut, raw sugar pits are given to a puppy during the eruption of permanent teeth, and also as a reward to an adult dog. But they are not a substitute for meat, because they often lead to clogging of the intestines and even to its rupture.

Some owners manage to feed their dogs cat food. This is absolutely impossible to do, because dogs and cats have completely different needs, and such food, of course, will saturate, but will not bring benefits.

What else do you need to know about dog food?

Every adult dog should come to the doctor for a preventive vaccination every year. As a rule, the animal tolerates vaccination without consequences, since the body has already developed strong immunity.

But even here there is a nuance - if you decide to transfer the dog from one type of feeding to another (from dry to natural or vice versa), then in no case should this be done before vaccination. You should think about this a couple of weeks before going to the vet or wait the same amount after the injection.

All cases of feeding a dog with natural or dry food are suitable for a healthy animal. But what if the pet suddenly fell ill or his illness turned out to be incurable? Let's find out how to be.

What to feed a dog after poisoning?

Does your dog pick up everything on a walk? Then she has every chance of poisoning herself with spoiled food. When poisoned, the dog loses a lot of fluid, and toxins attack the body from the inside. Immediately after poisoning, it is advisable for the animal to wash and put on a starvation diet for a couple of days. After, in order to alleviate the condition of the pet, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • transfer the dog to fractional meals (4-5 times a day);
  • give food a little warm;
  • exclude fatty foods;
  • give light broths;
  • porridge - only rice and buckwheat;
  • meat - chicken or horse meat.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea?

Indigestion is not only unpleasant, but sometimes dangerous problem. Eating should be suspended for at least a day. Instead of food, the bowl should always have clean water in unlimited quantities. When upset, the dog is not given fatty and raw. As soon as things go smoothly, light foods should be included in the diet, exclusively in boiled form.

Important! Dog food, in case of poisoning, with diarrhea or vomiting, must be salted in order to restore the metabolism of minerals.

What to feed a dog with diabetes?

Like humans, dogs with diabetes develop eating problems (lack of appetite) and the dog loses weight very quickly. To minimize losses, you should walk your pet more often, working up an appetite, and try to give him more high-calorie food. If the dog was on dry food, then the veterinarian will advise a special medical diet. Natural products should include:

  • hard cheese;
  • cereal soups in meat broth;
  • meat different types, as well as fish, but in boiled form.

Be careful! Vegetables, fruits and refined rice are not allowed for diabetic dogs.

What to feed a dog with allergies?

Just like people, animals also suffer from allergies. It may appear as:

  • skin rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • itching;
  • bad breath;
  • diarrhea
  • lacrimation and swelling of mucous membranes.

Most often, food is the culprit. Identifying an allergen is quite difficult. So you have to work by elimination method.

Basically, with an allergy, the reaction occurs to:

  • poultry meat;
  • eggs or egg white;
  • nuts;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • "treats" for dogs;
  • milk;
  • soy products;
  • semolina, wheat, oatmeal;
  • vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements;
  • cheap dry or wet food;

As you can see, part of the list is made up of foods that are prohibited for dogs. But, nevertheless, some owners, ignoring the recommendations on the nutrition of animals, give them, thereby provoking health problems in the pet. Knowing how to feed a dog, a responsible owner will never harm it intentionally.