Abnormal zone on the kova river. Mystical places and anomalous zones of Russia

The Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is one of the most mysterious anomalous zones in Russia, about which there are many rumors. This ruinous place is located on the border of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, in the remote Angara taiga, where the Kova River flows into the Angara. Not far from this place is the village of Ust-Kova. It was from the inhabitants of this village that the first information about the Devil's Cemetery was received.

Presumably, this anomalous zone arose in 1908 shortly after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The meteorite itself fell 400 km north of this place. More than a century has passed since then, but the history of the occurrence of the anomaly is firmly entrenched in the memory of eyewitnesses and passed down from generation to generation, until it was recorded by journalists in all details.

In the year the meteorite fell, the inhabitants of the village of Ust-Kova discovered in the taiga forest a strange and ominous hole in the ground, similar to a crater from a giant shell. Black smoke poured from the pit, and around it there was such a strong heat that it was impossible to get close. It was from the moment of the formation of the pit that the terrain acquired anomalous properties. After some time, the entire clearing around the hole burned out, and a large black rounded bald patch formed. The trees around her were charred. All living creatures caught in this perilous circle immediately died, and soon the clearing was covered with the corpses of animals and birds. Because of this, the meadow was nicknamed the Devil's Cemetery.

Since then, no vegetation has grown in the clearing, the ground has remained black, loose, covered with ash. Snow did not fall on it, so it was easy to find it even in winter. The anomalous zone was originally a burnt-out area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15–20 m and an area of ​​200–250 m 2. At first it was round, then, over time, according to eyewitnesses, its shape changed, the anomalous zone stretched out, became oval.

Locals avoided this place for a long time. And the next mentions of the Devil's Cemetery appeared only 12 years later, in 1920. During such a long period of time, the terrible impressions were gradually erased from memory. People began to decide again to approach the lost place. There was no smoke, no intolerable heat around the clearing. But on the black ground, the bones of dead animals, bleached by time, were clearly visible. Of course, no one dared to enter the clearing itself. Yes, she herself seemed to keep away from her. As soon as we approached the Devil's Cemetery by a dozen meters, people began to feel pain all over their bodies - their teeth ached, joints ached, and their head began to ache. As they approached the clearing, the pain grew, and along with it, people developed an irrational feeling of fear, panic, and causeless horror.

But life in the surrounding villages went on as usual. There was a convenient path for pasture near the dead clearing. And once it happened that, through an oversight of the shepherd, several shelters wandered into the Devil's cemetery. He rushed after him, but froze with horror - the poor animals died a few moments after they got to the dead meadow. No, they did not burn out or charred, as it was in the first years after the formation of the anomaly. But when several fellow villagers, overcoming body aches and terrible fear, still managed to pull the corpses of cows to a safe place, they saw a strange phenomenon. The meat of the dead animals acquired an unnatural bright red color. Subsequently, similar observations were recorded more than once. All animals that died in the anomalous zone had the same meat color.

After this incident, it was decided to move the cattle pasture road 3 km away from the old one, passing near the Chertova Polyana. And next to her, a pointer was carved on a tree - an image of a devil and an arrow showing the direction in the direction of the lost place.

The years passed. After the Great Patriotic War, the inhabitants of the Angara villages were relocated to more settled and developed areas on the banks of the Amur. The anomalous zone was forgotten for several decades. But in the 80s. of the last century, against the background of a general enthusiasm for all the unknown and supernatural, someone remembered the old story of the Devil's Cemetery, and researchers of anomalous zones woke up a burning interest in him.

Numerous expeditions of enthusiastic enthusiasts began to equip, who for a long time tried to find the Devil's cemetery in the deep taiga. It was difficult to do this, there were almost no landmarks left. The villages located near the ominous place had already disappeared by that time. And no written documents about the location of the anomalous zone have survived. I had to search almost blindly, relying on the stories of former residents of those places, which had been retold and distorted dozens of times.

It was only possible to find the Devil's Glade in the 1990s. Only one of the many expeditions was able to do this - a group from Vladivostok led by Alexander Rempel. The glade has changed, became smaller in size, and slowly began to overgrow with grass. But its anomalous properties are still preserved. People, approaching her, still experienced unreasonable fear and pain throughout their bodies. The dogs, who ran into the clearing for a few minutes, returned from there listless, exhausted, and refused food for a long time.

The negative impact on the well-being of people was so great that no one dared to enter the clearing itself. People who wandered through the taiga for several weeks in search of an anomalous zone, who spent a lot of money on equipment for the expedition, gave up at the very last moment. They decided to postpone the survey of the clearing for the next day, thinking that they would rest and gain strength. However, the next morning it turned out that all members of the expedition began to have health problems. Someone had swollen knee joints, others began to numb the muscles, and still others developed sharp pains in the spine. To all this was added moral depression, a depressed state of the psyche, a sudden flare-up of irritability and anxiety. This alone speaks of the power of the destructive effect of the anomaly on the human body and psyche. All that the members of the expedition could do was to photograph the Devil's Cemetery from afar and take some measurements in its vicinity. The leader of the expedition said that when approaching the anomalous zone, the compass was out of order, and the device that registers electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value. This prompted researchers to believe that all the mysterious phenomena occurring in the area of ​​the Devil's Cemetery are caused by a colossal magnetic field anomaly in this place.

The anomalous zone called the Devil's Cemetery is lost in the Angara taiga wilds and has been haunted by people who like to solve riddles and tickle their nerves for 100 years. Nikita Tomin, the head of the Irkutsk-Kosmopoisk public organization, calls the Devil's Cemetery the Bermuda Triangle of Eastern Siberia. Together with like-minded people, the researcher of anomalous phenomena more than once tried to find a clearing where animals died, and people experienced attacks of horror.

The first mention of the ominous place dates back to the beginning of 1920. The peasant Semyon Polyakov from the village of Karamyshevo told how his grandfather was driving a moose man through the taiga and suddenly came across a strange clearing. Before the eyes of the man, the elk began to sink into the ground, from which there was a strong heat, and burned out.

Another resident of Karamyshevo, by the name of Ermakov, recalled how he went to a terrible glade with his father. The father did not allow his son to get too close, but he managed to make out the charred trees that surrounded the Devil's Cemetery, as well as the bones and skulls that covered his ground. “My father said that something fell here from the sky. It is underground, and there used to be a hole here, which eventually became overgrown with grass. He said that before, cattle and animals fell into the ground, and then began to die, remaining on the surface, "- said Ermakov.

There were other testimonies of the lost place as well. In the dry summer of the early 30s, the Angara became very shallow. Boats and "Ilimki" (narrow long barges) were at rest, but the meat and bread had to be handed over to the state somehow. The peasants were forced to drive the herd for regional supplies through the taiga to Bratsk. The animals were driven along the Kova River. After one of the stops, the drivers missed two cows. It happened just near Karamyshevo. Having loaded their guns, the collective farmers set off in search. Suddenly, in the distance, their dogs barked in alarm. The drivers hurried to the barking and found themselves in front of a round meadow, on which there was not a single blade of grass. The dogs, having jumped out on the black ground in a swirl, with their tails between their legs, rushed back with a squeal. The amazed men saw the lost cows. They lay in the middle of the clearing and was dead, next to them were the corpses and skeletons of taiga animals and birds. One of the drivers, who had heard the legends about the land that kills, hastened to take his comrade away from the terrible place. During the further transition, the dogs became lethargic, stopped eating and soon died.

In 1940, the first article about the Devil's Cemetery was published in the Soviet press, which confirms the stories of the peasants. To write the article, the story of a resident of the village of Kezhma, agronomist Valentin Salyagin was used.

In the spring thaw, the regional agronomist Salyagin was on a business trip to the Angarstroy collective farm in the village of Pashino. He had a need to proceed to another remote village, located on the banks of the Kova River. There was no other way, except for a narrow taiga path. An experienced hunter volunteered to accompany the important person.

The travelers set out on the road. During a leisurely conversation at the halt, the elderly guide said that they were not far from the Devil's Cemetery.

The agronomist became very interested in this object, and the old man told him a story very similar to the chilling adventure of the ferrymen from Bratsk, which we told about above.

Many years ago, my grandfather had a chance to somehow drive cattle to the village of Banchikovo, Nizhneilimsky region. And then they drove along with a friend. Before reaching Karamyshevo, we were late and spent the night. After supper the cows were counted. All the rank and file. They lie right there, chewing gum. The drivers of the ridges piled on the fire, made a bed of pine branches, and on the side themselves. The night passed calmly. In the morning we got up a little light, began to collect the cows. There are no two. Tudy-syudy, and they, hearty, lie not far in the clearing. Immovable. They are numb, then. Why's that? They cannot understand. We examined the groove, and the ground on it was black and soft, as if someone had deliberately plowed it and hardened it. Neither a blade of grass nor a bush grows on it. We went up to the cows and examined them. Whole carcasses. And right away they sensed some pain in their body ... They went to the grass, caught their breath. Understood, this place is unkind, unclean. How, then, will you stay on it - and you can freeze. Somehow they dragged the cows onto the grass, ripped them open and saw that their insides were scorched with something, and turned red. Well, then the old people were completely frightened. They say that it was only the unclean force that burned the cows with fire.

Excited by the story, Valentin Salyagin asked the old man to take him to a mysterious place, and he agreed. On the way to the meadow, Salyagin put forward hypotheses explaining the phenomenon. And he stopped at the fact that the animals were killed by the poisonous gases that are released from the soil. The hunting guide managed to shoot two hazel grouses, which Salyagin decided to use for the experiment.

Approaching the desired place, the satellites saw a dark "bald patch" near a small mountain, devoid of all vegetation. The agronomist put hazel grouse and green pine branches on the black ground, and when he took them back out, he found that the needles faded, as if scorched by something, and easily crumbled. The hazel grouses did not change outwardly, but upon opening it turned out that their insides had a red tint, as if they had been burned. The guide and agronomist themselves, after a short stay in the clearing, felt a strange pain inside.

Returning home, Salyagin corresponded for a long time with various departments of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and talked about the phenomenon. Subsequently, he visited the Devil's Cemetery more than once - he set up experiments. I noticed that next to the clearing the compass was “going crazy”. In the middle of the mysterious place, he found a hole, periodically smoked with smoke. Without risking entering the clearing itself, the researcher threw a sinker on a string into the hole. But the string was not long enough to measure the depth of this bottomless pit. To protect the taiga travelers, Salyagin asked the hunters to burn a warning sign on a tree near the clearing - an image of a devil with a pointer.

Arkady Kulikov, a teacher of geography at the Kezhemsky school, became interested in Salyagin's research. He was the first to put forward a version that the appearance of the black place may be associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The teacher, together with his students, planned an expedition for the summer of 1941. But the plans were not destined to come true - on June 22, the Great Patriotic War broke out. Kulikov volunteered for the front and died soon after.

In the difficult war and post-war years, interest in the meadow has noticeably weakened. People had enough other problems - the villages that stood on the Kova River were deemed unpromising, people began to settle. By the beginning of the first wave of searches for the Devil's Cemetery, dating back to the mid-80s, of all the numerous Kovinian villages, life was glimmering in only one. According to the stories of local residents, the deadly power of the clearing began to weaken. Taiga tried to absorb it, the taiga vegetation conquered more and more space on the once dangerous land. The ferrymen stopped driving livestock through the local forest, hidden paths were overgrown.

It became impossible to find a guide who would know the exact location of the Devil's Cemetery.

In 1983, the journal "Technology of Youth" published an article "The Bad Place". It was based on the story of Mikhail Panov, who once lived on the settlement of Karamyshevo. Mikhail tells stories about missing and found dead cows that he heard as a teenager from collective farm workers. The article presents the hypothesis of Viktor Zhuravlev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, who explains the Kovinian phenomenon: the burnt glade was created by burning underground coal seams. And the crimson color of the meat of dead animals occurs when carbon monoxide poisoning occurs, when carbon monoxide easily combines with muscle protein - myoglobin, as a result of which the tissues become bright red.

Mikhail Panov's story had the effect of a bomb exploding. A "devil's fever" swept across the country - tourists, scientists, journalists and just people with an adventurous disposition went to look for a clearing. In 1984, the first all-Union search expedition took place, the base camp was organized in the abandoned village of Karamyshevo. Researchers - students from Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Kiev, Tashkent - combed the taiga wilds meter by meter, but despite a thorough approach (maps with the exact location of the Devil's Cemetery, a survey of local residents), they did not find anything.

The next expedition was organized by the Komsomol leader Pavel Smirnov, who came from Ust-Ilimsk to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The researchers went skiing in the spring, the hike took place in the most difficult conditions - the searchers fell into the snow, wade through the jungle and came out to the medicinal Deshembinsky lake, which was legendary: they say, the old people who went to the lake for the summer returned from there much younger in the fall. The Smirnovites had no strength left to search for the Devil's cemetery.

Komsomolets Pavel Smirnov still does not give up and organizes an expedition again in the summer, but before that he travels to the villages, collects testimony and carefully plans the route. And in August 1986, the newspaper "Sovetskoe Priangarye" published an article "The Way to Mystery." The researchers set off by boat to Karamyshev. During search activities, a strange thing happens to one of Smirnov's groups: for all people who have examined the swamp, the clock begins to lag by 20 minutes.

Searches for the glade did not bring any results.

Pavel Smirnov made repeated attempts to find the Devil's Cemetery and in the summer in the taiga he even met with another search group - scientists from Tashkent, headed by physicist Alexander Simonov. This group was looking for confirmation of the version that the Tunguska meteorite fell into the Kovin taiga.

The next year, Smirnov and Simonov organize the largest expedition in the entire history of searches on the Cove - 60 people combed the area, a helicopter circled in the sky, scientists took 100 kilograms of equipment with them! .. But, unfortunately, again nothing. Researchers conclude that the cemetery "fell asleep" and the equipment does not hear it.

The baton was taken over by Vladivostok ufologists under the leadership of Alexander Rempel. Their expedition became the most sensational, but researchers of the Kovinian phenomenon are skeptical about its results. Rempel and his associates allegedly found a tree with a pointer to a clearing and a picture of a devil. Only the leader of the expedition went in the direction. After walking a few meters, he saw a clearing surrounded by black tree trunks, as well as white and yellow bones in the grass. Alexander felt a slight tingling sensation and increasing excitement. Deciding that it was enough for the first time, he retreated. An hour later, Rempel felt the destructive effect of the meadow on himself: the entire right side of his body was numb, his knee joints were swollen and painful, and the roots of his teeth ached. In two days everything was gone.

The researchers decided not to risk their health and left the taiga.

A few months after Rempel's expedition, tourists from Kodinsk floated down the Kove River. In the winter huts, they find notes from ufologists, in which they indicate where to find a tree with a devil and a pointer, and do not recommend looking into a pit, from which dangerous radiation is emitted. Tourists find a tree and see that the devil and the sign were recently carved and numb with fresh resin. The hole was also dug out by the hands of a man. Near him, neither people nor dogs experienced fear or pain.

Many researchers have found distortion of facts, dubious arguments and hoaxes in Rempel's reports. Why did he need it? After his return, Alexander Rempel organized tours to the Devil's Cemetery, which were popular with foreigners. In the spring of 2014, the cost of a two-day tour per person was 300 thousand rubles. For this money, the helicopter delivered tourists to the taiga and back. The tourist was allowed to spend 3-5 hours near the hole in the ground - the very hole that, as the travelers from Kodinsk found out, Rempel and his team, most likely, dug out with their own hands.

More than 10 years have passed, and Nikita Tomin, at that time the head of the fraternal research group "Phenomenon", is nominated in search of the Devil's cemetery, together with like-minded people.

We reached the shore of Lake Deshembinsky, - Nikita recalls. - Jaeger Boris lived near him. He gave us a detailed map of the area. After a 25-kilometer hike in a 40-degree heat through the taiga, we barely moved, the next morning the whole body ached. We decided to try the power of the lake, which, according to the legends, is capable of healing. The water was a rusty color, but warm like fresh milk; although closer to the bottom it is icy. After bathing, the effect was amazing - the aching pain passed, the body became light.

We moved to the Kove river, - Nikita continues. “There were magnetic anomalies on the map. While in these places, we noticed how the compass was lying; almost all the expedition members had their watches out of order. We did not have a large margin of time, and after conducting reconnaissance of the area and some measurements, we finished our research.

In the fall, the "Phenomenon" group receives the coordinates of the Devil's Cemetery from the hunter. He claims that, while fishing in the area of ​​the Kovin taiga, he came across a legendary place. Nikita Tomin undertakes another expedition. The guys manage to get to the settlement of Karamyshevo, then by all-terrain vehicles to the Michkan stream. According to eyewitnesses, this was the last geographical landmark on the outskirts of Chertova Polyana.

Proceeding further, we came across a strange, dilapidated structure, standing on a stream, - says Nikita. - Having examined it, we understood: it is an old water mill with a characteristic wooden gutter to which water was supplied.

We talked for a long time about why it was necessary to build a mill in an impassable wilderness, 6 km from the nearest village, especially since there were no roads or entrances to this structure. But they never came up with anything. More on that expedition, we did not find anything interesting, the instruments showed background values.

Having studied the materials collected by other search engines, and relying on the experience of his own expeditions, Nikita Tomin came to the conclusion: from the point of view of nature, the place is really anomalous.

Much has to do with geology. There are paleovolcanoes, ore deposits, in some places there are outlets of various gases, including ozone. All this, plus the powerful force of human stories and retellings, could well have created a damn clearing.

Subsequently, studying the issue and conducting expeditions to mysterious forests, the Ust-Ilimsk prospectors discovered the secret of the mill: gold-bearing ores were found in that area, and the “mill” was a secret mine of gold miners.

In 2014, the Krasnoyarsk esotericist Sergei Rostovtsev, who had already visited these places, came forward in search of the Devil's Cemetery. Modern searches have facilitated satellite imagery along with coordinates obtained using the Internet and a GPS navigator. In addition, to this day, the once difficult-to-pass taiga has been pierced by a network of logging roads. Sergei Rostovtsev checked several versions and coordinates that were surfing the Internet, but alas, he could not find a place that even remotely resembles the Devil's Cemetery.

During numerous expeditions, the researchers had to experience the horror of encountering events for which they could not find a natural explanation. Moreover, in different years, different search engines had to face the same thing.

The first case occurred in an old winter hut near Lake Deshembinsky in 1987. At that time, woodcutters had not yet flooded the Kovin taiga, and scientists from Tashkent, led by a dream to unravel the mystery of the Devil's Cemetery, were alone in the many kilometers of wild, untouched terrain. One of the expedition members, Sergei Simonov, was injured and could not take part in the search work. For several days he had to live in the winter quarters in complete solitude. In the taiga, all human feelings are sharpened. And then one evening, when it began to get dark, Simonov felt someone's heavy gaze on him. He felt that someone was watching him from the side of the Vodyanoy stream. Hastily completing his business in the street, he took refuge in the winter quarters.

In the middle of the night there was a strong and demanding knock on the door. An unknown visitor pounded at her so violently that the heck almost fell off its hinges. Sergei repeatedly asked "Who is there?", But the answer was silence.

Frightened to death, the scientist inserted an ax between the wooden door handle and the door frame, curtained the windows. The night visitor knocked for an hour. And what is characteristic - neither the sound of his voice, nor the noise of his breathing, Sergei did not hear. The scientist was a man of an awkward ten, but at that moment he felt black waves of fear covering him from inside and outside. He had no weapons - two guns were carried away by Simonov's comrades, who had been split into two groups.

After a sleepless night, Sergei cautiously left the hut and looked around. The walkie-talkie he had forgotten on the street was untouched. The only version that came to Sergei's mind was that a bear was trying to break into the hut. But there were no claw marks on the door. It was obvious that the handle was being tugged at the door.

A similar case in the Kovin taiga occurred in 2003 with fraternal search engines. This is what Andrei Vlasov, a member of that expedition, says.

We had a long, exhausting journey that day. In the evening we went to the winter quarters and, tired, fell asleep. Deep in the night I was awakened by a knock on the door. I have probably never experienced such horror in my life. Someone was clearly large and strong outside the door. The door was shaking. It seemed that she was about to fall off its hinges. The flimsy heck could barely hold on. I started running around the winter quarters, waking up my comrades. But he could not get anyone - Lesha seemed to be in a stupor, and Vanya sat down on the bed and began to sway from side to side, like a dummy. Then I thought that my heart would break. All this lasted about 20 minutes. All night long I lay with my eyes open. Until now, we cannot understand what it was.

After analyzing these cases, other researchers of the Devil's Cemetery came to the conclusion that in this case it does not smell like a bear - it could not break into the hut without making sounds and leaving no traces; man does not have such a powerful force.

So who could be on the other side of the massive door of the taiga hut? Krasnoyarsk old-timers suggest that it was a highway - a forest man. As the researchers understood from the explanations of the old-timers, the highway is a relative of Bigfoot, which means that it has tremendous physical strength and is able to generate low-frequency energies, the so-called frequencies of fear.

Near the village of Kova in the same Krasnoyarsk Territory, according to eyewitnesses, there is supposedly an oval piece of scorched earth up to 200 m in diameter. It is called "Devil's Glade" or "Devil's Cemeteries". The vegetation here is very sparse, the branches of the surrounding trees are for some reason charred, there are almost no animals, and people who are in this zone have headaches and an inexplicable feeling of fear. In the clearing lie the remains of animals and birds, even cows, and for some reason they do not lend themselves to decomposition.

For one decade - from 1980 to 1990 - about 75 people died in the taiga, who went in search of a mysterious glade. Three organized groups disappeared without a trace. So, in 1992, a tourist group from Naberezhnye Chelny left for the taiga and did not return.

Not a single expedition was able to reach the clearing itself. Several times, the researchers lost maps, where they marked the search areas.

In 1991, an expedition of Vladivostok ufologists set out in search of "Chertova Polyana". One of its participants, Alexander Rempel, describes the events as follows: “The compass needle froze and seemed to be glued to the letter“ N ”. By the evening, people began to feel tingling sensations in their bodies, and some had toothache. Everyone also noted the growing excitement. At ten o'clock in the evening we came to a clearing. Communication has stopped, the transistor is "numb". After that, the ufologists turned back.

Members of the Phenomenon fraternal research group also made two expeditions to the area of ​​"Chertova Polyana". But on the approach to the anomalous zone, the equipment failed, and the researchers did not dare to move further.

Here is the story of the group leader Nikita Tomina:

“So, on the afternoon of October 25, 2002, our search and research group drove out on two GAZ-66s from the village of Energetik (Bratsk District) towards the mysterious Kova River. After 3 hours we met the farmer Vasily, who had lived for about ten years in a village on the banks of the Kova. Naturally, all sorts of inquiries about the "Devil's Cemetery" began from our side, but we learned little, and even disappointing news. It turns out that our unpredictable Siberian climate has presented us with a surprise, namely: even our all-terrain vehicles will not be able to drive along the new Kovin road, bogged down in unfrozen swamps.

Despite the hopelessness of the situation, we did not want to retreat, moreover, we had interesting information. Even before the trip, Yuri, a member of our expedition, managed to talk to a hunter who hunted just in those. places and somehow stumbled upon the legendary lost place. This point of the terrain just coincided with our previous calculations and corresponded to one of the designated squares.

Therefore, with an excessive amount of stubbornness, the expedition moved on towards the Cove. However, late in the evening we received disappointing news: the locals confirmed what Vasily had said earlier about the impossibility of getting to the place. But it is good that we had the so-called "B" plan, which consisted of checking A. Bryukhanov's version. The fact is that in 1952 Bryukhanov, together with his hunter-grandfather, discovered in these parts some kind of dead meadow, which he called "Devil's Glade". In addition, there is a hypothesis, “in fact, there are several“ damn fields ”, at least two. In this regard, promptly and, perhaps even spontaneously, we decided to move on. But this section of the road was the most terrible of our journey, an eerie buttanka (one of the expedition members even managed to break a rib). But still, thank God, in the first hour of the night we got to a small village, where we spent the night.

Morning greeted us with a frosty Siberian sun, so a good mood was just in the air. We decided to conduct an immediate survey of the village. Of course, the village is too loud. Three houses and a couple of barns are the only "urban" element of this primitive place, although, apparently, it is of a certain archaeological value. Everything was filmed on video and film. They turned on the devices, but they were silent like fish, no magnetic disturbances or terrible radiation for you. But it's worth noting that my X-ray meter showed much lower background radiation values ​​here than anywhere else. Having finished our research activities, we equipped ourselves with all-terrain vehicles and moved on.

By hook or by crook, after 4 hours we still reached the stream, which was the last geographical landmark in the description of Bryukhanov, and, apparently, this place was supposed to become our camp. After a little snack, we “loaded” our magic devices called JPS, “staked out” the parking lot, and split into two groups. One group remained in the makeshift camp, and the second moved into the forest along the stream, and although we had radios, we decided not to maintain communication between the groups.

After passing 2 km in this direction, the second group came across a strange, dilapidated structure located right on the stream.

A detailed examination of the latter showed that it was an old water mill. It resembled a neglected, skewed winter hut in a miniature version. Nearby, in the snow, we found several forged nails (these were still made at the beginning of the 20th century). We also found a couple of modern nails, but in principle they are also quite old. Apparently, someone tried to repair it 30-50 years ago.

After inspecting the mill, a discussion broke out in the group about the origin of this structure. It was rather strange, because the nearest settlement is 5-6 km away, and the mill was erected exactly here, in the wilderness. Perhaps the old-timers of these places at one time saw the construction of a mill in this place as expedient and nowhere else, which we, the offspring of the modern city, could not notice. Leaving our find alone, the group moved further along the stream. We walked, gazing intently into the snow-covered forest in search of a strange, abnormal piece of terrain, trying to solve an almost century-old riddle ... But only the dull silence of the Siberian taiga was our involuntary companion. The instruments showed only standard, background values.

We didn’t notice how it was beginning to get dark, but our JPS spoke with an accuracy of a minute about the setting of the sun. Reluctantly, it was decided to return to the camp. Why reluctantly? Because everyone understood that tomorrow morning (Sunday) it was necessary to get under way, since most of the members of our expedition had to show up at work on Monday, and the road back would be difficult and long. We took with us several elements of the structure of the mill in order to transfer them to the Bratsk Museum of Local Lore.

We returned home and summed up the results. On the one hand, our survey of the area indicated in the description of Bryukhanov did not reveal the presence of any anomalous zone, on the other hand, this territory was not examined by us thoroughly enough, therefore, we cannot speak 100% of the absence of a dead meadow in these places. ... Also during this expedition we managed to find out that our summer calculations about the presence of the "Devil's Glade" in two squares coincided with the story of a local hunter who hunted in those places. "

According to N.Tomin, the anomalies of the "Devil's Glade" are associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. According to the stories of local residents, passed down from generation to generation, then, in 1908, “a star fell from the sky” and the shepherds went to look for it. On the way, they came across a burned-out area of ​​taiga with a hole in the middle near the road along which the cattle were grazing. Because of this, the road was later moved three kilometers to the side - it was feared that the cattle would wander into the "Devil's Cemetery" and die, falling into the hole. But despite this, the cows continued to graze without permission in their usual places and, of course, did not pass the "devil's" meadow. The mass death of livestock forced the residents of the nearby villages of Kostino, Chemba and Karamyshevo to move to another place.

At the end of the 20s of the last century, the zootechnician N. Semenchenko became interested in rumors about the meadow. He threw a rope with a weighted end into a hole in the center of the clearing. She sank into a hole for several tens of meters, but did not reach the bottom. Semenchenko drew attention to the fact that the bodies of birds in the clearing lay only near the hole, and their meat was of a strange crimson color.

In addition to the "meteorite", there is another version of the explanation of the phenomenon. In the 80s of the last century, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, member of the commission on meteorites of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences Viktor Zhuravlev put forward a hypothesis that an underground fire is slowly flaring up under the "Chertova Polyana". This area is the border of the Tunguska coal basin. With a lack of oxygen, burning coal is accompanied by the release of carbon monoxide, which is colorless and odorless, but has a toxic effect on living organisms. True, carbon monoxide poisoning, alas, cannot be explained by either the missing research maps or the failing devices.

And geologists of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources, having studied ancient geological structures, suggested that strange phenomena in the atmosphere after the Tunguska explosion are associated not with any celestial body, but with a powerful release of energy from the earth's interior.

Wicked lakes

There are countless legends about dead lakes and ponds. They say that people there are constantly drowning under mysterious circumstances, and all kinds of evil spirits are found. Perhaps there is some kind of special energy in stagnant bodies of water - a closed environment! Judge for yourself...

Do lakes zombify people?

On the shores of Lough Ney in Ireland (not to be confused with the Scottish Loch Ness!) You can see the ruins of pagan temples - once it was a cult place where bloody sacrifices were arranged. Nevertheless, in the Middle Ages, the reservoir was considered healing - its waters allegedly cured leprosy and other diseases.

Now the lake is extremely ill-famed. People drown here under mysterious circumstances. One day a fishing boat had a motor failure. Although the vessel was made of lightweight plastic, it quickly sank. All but one of the fishermen jumped out of the boat. Their hesitant comrade instantly disappeared into the water funnel.

One day a certain Jack Callogen arrived here. Leaving his car on the street of the nearby town of Antrim, he walked to the lake and, without undressing, entered the water. Ignoring the screams of people nearby, Jack, as if under hypnosis, went deeper and deeper, until his head disappeared under the water ...

According to the Irish researcher O "Haggan, closed bodies of water have the ability to accumulate psychic energy. But on the shores of Lake Lough Nei, pagans once prayed, sorcerers did their black deeds ... Not to mention human sacrifices! Hence the" disastrous " ...

About "Huggan took a water sample in the very place where Callogen died and handed it over for analysis to one of the research centers. It turned out that the composition of the liquid is normal, but incredibly powerful magnetic radiation emanates from it. A small stroke - one of the researchers, conducted the examination, soon committed suicide for no apparent reason. Perhaps we are talking about the mental effects of a magnetic field?

Lough Nei is not the only body of water with such gloomy properties. In October 1994, the Americans, and indeed the entire civilized world, were shocked by the news of a terrible crime. Susan Smith, a young mother from Union, North Carolina, deliberately allowed her car to roll off a boat dock into John D. Long Lake. Belted in the back seat, Susan's sons drowned. Their mother received a life sentence for premeditated murder, but as it turned out, this was not the end of the story at all. Almost two years later, another car crashed from the same pier into the same lake, in which three adults and four children were sitting. At the same time, the car spontaneously rolled between the monuments to Michael and Alex Smith, Susan's young sons. This sight resembled an episode from a horror movie. All seven passengers of the jeep drowned, one of the eyewitnesses tried to save them, but drowned and also died. The investigation found that the car was on the hand brake.

According to local residents, the misfortune happened for one single reason: Lake John D. Long is bewitched. Of course, the judicial authorities do not take such explanations seriously and do not intend to re-examine Susan Smith's case. But lakes, in which people die under mysterious circumstances, do exist, and a very lengthy section of "magical" folklore and literature about the supernatural is devoted to them.

One of the most notorious killer lakes is called Whitney. It is located north of the town of Waco in the US state of Texas and seems to outperform Lake John D. Long. For many years in a row in Whitney every now and then a variety of cars roll down from the dock walkways, and the number of drowned people here is steadily growing. Police divers found several dozen (!) Cars on the muddy bottom of the lake, but never found human remains. Many of the cars lying in the lake simply should not have rolled there: their parking brakes were on, as was the case with Susan Smith's car in North Carolina. Also worthy of mention is the fact that during the "alien parade" in Calvert (Texas) in 1974-1975. two UFOs landed on the shores of Lake Whitney, leaving scorched bald spots on the ground.

The second largest country in the world, Canada, is rich in lakes that are very infamous. In June 1966, the elderly couple and their teenage son went fishing in Lake Anion, located in an abandoned quarry thirty-three kilometers north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Arriving at the place and not finding a single living soul there, the fishermen were delighted at first, but soon they became creepy. Suddenly, pitch darkness fell. The frightening silence was only occasionally broken by a strange grinding sound, which, according to one of the few witnesses, was accompanied by a sharp, suffocating smell of steel, processed with an emery wheel. And then, to the horror of the parents, their fifteen-year-old son suddenly disappeared, either by going under water, or by sinking into the ground or disappearing into thin air. Father and mother called the boy for a long time, but they did not receive an answer. When the mysterious haze that enveloped the lake in broad daylight dissipated, the parents saw their son, who appeared from nowhere and, terribly worried, said that he had seen "some kind of round plane." The boy ran to him, but did not remember what happened next. Soon, the amnesia turned into a mental disorder, and the boy was admitted to an asylum for the mentally ill, but he could not be cured.

Sleeping Dragons

African lakes Nios and Monoun (Cameroon) are surrounded by picturesque fields and hills. Nothing seems to portend the tragedy caused by the unbridled forces of nature. Meanwhile, these such innocent-looking reservoirs constantly threaten the death of hundreds of people!

Lake Nyos is the crater of a volcano that erupted five centuries ago. At the bottom of it, magma remained, cooled and compressed under the pressure of water. The second lake - Monoun - is located 95 km southeast of Nyos. Due to deep volcanic activity, carbon dioxide escapes through the pores, mixes with groundwater and enters the lake. Gradually, this mixture accumulates in the bottom layers. If something is disturbed (for example, a strong wind, a landslide or an earthquake), carbon dioxide begins to emit from the solution. He literally shoots up. The gas cloud kills all life for many kilometers around ... So, in August 1984, 37 people died during the "explosion" of Lake Monoun. And on August 21, 1986, in a village on the shores of Lake Nios, all residents (about 1800 people) were killed, as well as pets, livestock and poultry. The streets were literally littered with corpses ...

Meanwhile, carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in the lakes ...

In 1999, scientists from different countries arrived in Cameroon to investigate the deadly phenomenon and try to ward off the threat from the population. However, funds have not yet been allocated for the project to clean up water bodies from toxic substances.

Cameroonian lakes have a "relative" in the territory of Central Asia. The alpine lake Sarez, located in the Tajik Gorno Badakhshan, is called the "sleeping dragon". The lake was formed in 1913 when, as a result of an earthquake in the Pamirs, flooding flooded several mountain villages. One of them was called Sarez, this name was given to the reservoir.

Sarez lies at an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level, and the volume of water in it is 17 million cubic meters. The water in the lake is so clean and transparent that from a great height you can see the color of the stones at the bottom. The lake itself often changes color: on fine days the water here is bright blue, on cloudy days it is black.

Anomalous phenomena are also observed here: at night some sounds are heard from the side of the reservoir, and if silence reigns here, people experience an incomprehensible state of anxiety.

In addition, scientists talk about the danger of a landslide - in this case, part of the territory of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan will be flooded with water and a huge part of the population - at least 5 million people - will suffer.

Similar information.

Krasnoyarsk. ... The Devil's Cemetery is an anomalous zone known in search engine circles, lost in the Angara taiga of the Kezhemsky District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Location - river basin. Kova (tributary of the Angara). Other names: Devil's Glade, Bad place, Death Glade. At the time of the formation of the anomaly, witnesses observed a hole in the ground, from which black smoke was coming, an intolerable heat was felt. According to local residents, the cause of the Glade of Death is the fall of an object from the sky.

Subsequently, the space around the hole burned out, creating a round black bald spot. Having received an unknown energy force, the earth began to kill! The trees surrounding the anomalous place were burnt and bent their branches towards the center. The black glade was slowly covered with the corpses of animals that accidentally fell on it. Birds also perished as they flew low over the lost place. There is also another effect on living things, only those already oriented, apparently, towards intelligent beings, i.e. on people. It is psychotropic in nature, since it is noted that people, when approaching a black place, are seized by an irrational, causeless feeling of fear and horror. Many researchers and old-timers noticed either smoke or fog, ghostly creeping across the clearing, very strange, unlike something natural.

Over time, the anomaly created a scorched area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15-20 meters, the ominous decoration of which was loose earth burnt into ash and bones bleached from time to time. In winter, snow never fell on the black place. According to the configuration, the meadow (at the time of its appearance) was round. In subsequent years, eyewitnesses noted its L-shaped and oval shape. The formation of the phenomenon dates back to approximately 1916, but there is an assumption about the connection of the Kovinian phenomenon with the June 1908 event on Podkamennaya Tunguska.

The area of ​​action of the "Devil's Glade" is strictly localized within the borders of the black earth. When approaching the edge, there is an increasing pain in the body. In later times, the Devil's Cemetery was partially overgrown with grass. Witnesses note small orange moss covering the abnormal area in large quantities.

For more than one year, dozens of researchers have been trying to unravel the mystery of this place. The anomaly was seen by hunters from nearby villages in the 1920s. Later - collective farmers from Angara, who drove cattle to Bratsk. Only by 1939 did the first studies of the phenomenon begin. Kezhemsk agronomist Valentin Salyagin, walked through the taiga for more than a dozen kilometers to confirm the special properties of a piece of scorched earth. In the center of a small black circle, he saw a hole, and not daring to step on the scorched earth, he threw a sinker with a string there to measure its depth.

But he could not "reach" the bottom. But it was not this that particularly struck the inquisitive agronomist, but the fact that any meat that lay in the meadow acquired a crimson scarlet color. When one was at the border of the clearing, a strange pain and aches in the joints arose in the body. Several pre-war solo expeditions and correspondence with the authorities did not lead to the desired result.
Only Kezhemsky geography teacher Arkady Kulikov became interested in the phenomenon and even planned to take school graduates there to look for a meteorite !!! But the war disrupted plans. After the war, a “clean-up” of territories began to take place throughout the Cove. Unpromising villages began to be destroyed in the 70s, there were no people left within a radius of 100 km from the black place.

The real research breakthrough happened after the publication of the article “The Blackstead” in the journal “Technology of Youth”, where a map with the designation of the anomalous place was printed. And since 1984, literally Devil's Fever has swept across the entire Union space. Large groups of amateur tourists drove into the deep taiga to try to find the devil's meadow and connect it with the events of 1908. So there was, or rather, was raised after the expeditions of Kulik, an alternative direction of the southern trail of the Tunguska meteorite.

The scientific basis of this direction was formed by a group of Tashkent scientists led by Alexander Simonov, who, with the help of calculations, was able to put forward several consecutive hypotheses of the fall in the Kova region of a part of the Tunguska meteorite. He also organized several massive and well-equipped scientific expeditions. But even with these efforts, the clearing was not found in the new historical (temporal) conditions. With Simonov and several other groups of search engines in 1989, the first wave of search activity on Kov slept.

The second wave was started by Vladivostok ufologists in 1991. After the expedition, their leader Alexander Rempel announced that he had found the Devil's Cemetery. He circulated in the press idle fictions about the death of a large number of people in the taiga in the 1980s. The map he published with the designation of the lost place again raised interest in the topic among younger researchers. The regional offices of "Cosmopoisk" joined in the search for the glade. Thus, the research initiatives of the search engines were diverted in a different direction.

Unraveling these puzzles of Kezhemsky geocaching, we had to actually combine old and new developments on the topic, thereby starting the third wave in the search for the Devil's cemetery. In the near future on the site you will learn the most complete and true history of search activity on the Cove. And also a report on the last expedition in 2014 to the banks of this legendary river.

The Devil's Cemetery (Devil's Polyana) is an anomalous zone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This name is often confused with "Devil's Glade" or even share these concepts, although they are talking about the same thing.

It is located about 400 km south of the explosion site of the Tunguska body and is probably associated with this phenomenon. The incomprehensible nature of radiation in the meadow is oppressed by the trees growing around, causing headaches, a feeling of fear in people and scaring away animals.

Eyewitnesses noted that only rotting corpses of inadvertently entered cows lie in the clearing itself of a T-shaped or round shape. Here are their stories.

"On the bare ground were the bones and carcasses of taiga animals and even birds. And the branches of trees hanging over the meadow were charred, as if from a nearby fire ... The dogs, who had been to the" Devil's Cemetery "for just a minute, stopped eating, became lethargic and soon died ".

“In that year (probably the end of the twenties - the beginning of the thirties) when the described events took place, there was little water in the Angara, and it became necessary to drive the collective farm herd into Bratsk by taiga. Usually, the delivery of meat to the state was carried out by water, in that year it was impossible In order to reduce the haul, a path was chosen from the village of Kovy along the river of the same name through the villages of Uyar and Karamyshevo - so to Bratsk it is twice as close as along the banks of the Angara. The main task of the guides was to protect the herd from the most dangerous creature of the taiga - from midges. , then midges in the pre-war period could only be driven away with tar, which, if consumed often, eats away the skin of animals in the blood. Therefore, there were long camps, always near the water. the midge did not wake up, scattered in search of food.

Once, when the drivers were about to turn east, to the Angara, two cows were missing when checking the herd. The assumption that they were lifted up by a bear fell away - the dogs behaved calmly. And there were no wolves in those parts. Two of the team of drovers, including the narrator, went in search. After a while, they heard the alarming barking of dogs running ahead, and, loading their guns on the way, hurried in the same direction. Imagine their surprise when a clear, round meadow, completely devoid of any vegetation, opened up in front of them. The dogs, which had already run out onto the black ground with a frightened squeal, tucked their tails between their legs, turned back. And at a distance of 15-20 meters from the last trees, on the bare, as if scorched earth, the bodies of the missing animals lay.

The incident stunned the drivers. And the senior, experienced hunter, who knew the local taiga perfectly, had already heard about this place. "Probably, this is the" Devil's cemetery "- he said -" You cannot approach the bare ground - there is death. "

Indeed, the round, about 200 ... 250 meters in diameter, glade inspired horror: on the bare ground here and there were visible bones and carcasses of taiga animals and even birds. And the branches of trees hanging over the meadow were charred, as if from a nearby fire. The elder was in a hurry to leave the lost place. So they left, not figuring out why all life on this strange land perishes. The gas emission typical in marshy areas was not felt here. The dogs, who had been at the Devil's Cemetery for only one minute, stopped eating, became lethargic and soon died. "

There is also another message about the existence of a "black place" in the valley of the Kova River.

Upstream of the Kova there is a "bad place": animals die there, for example, cattle that accidentally got there. And even birds. The dead cows are dragged from the clearing - and the grass does not grow on it - with hooks on ropes: everyone is afraid, you will step on the place where they died. Dead cows have unusually red meat - the hunter claimed he had never seen such a thing. He was ready to take the doctors to the disastrous meadow - it was only 7-8 kilometers from the village. However, the military situation did not allow doctors to visit there, they were overloaded with work.

In 1984, those places were visited by an expedition with the goal of finding and exploring the "Devil's Cemetery". “We crossed a dry stream, then a stream on which the mill stands. The ascent to the ridge begins immediately behind it. Having crossed it, we went downhill (we walked about a kilometer), the road was blocked by a blockage. Before the blockage there is a detour path. A well-packed trail leaves the bypass path to the left. Having passed along it for about a kilometer, from the right country we saw a gap similar to the gap from a felling. This is the "Devil's Cemetery". Around the clearing - thickets of cuckoo ... The clearing itself is about 100 meters, not round, but rather L-shaped. A rare multi-colored moss, very rare and small, grows on the golden color of the earth's surface. Immediately behind the clearing, you can guess some kind of stream - obviously, a tributary of the Kamkambora River ... The place itself is located on a small hill. From "Devil's Cemetery to Karamyshev, no more than an hour and a half."

Unfortunately, the 1984 expedition failed to reach the target. Whether the expedition took place the next year, what it brought, materials about this have not yet appeared in print. At least, all the participants of the first expedition became firmly convinced that the "Devil's Cemetery" existed at least in 1952. Is it there now - judging by the above story, its activity is fading away - grass is already growing on the previously empty land, and its size has become half as much as in the twenties ...

Vitaly Petrovich Chekha, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, suggested that in the event of an underground fire in the taiga, a "hot" meadow could form, something like a large frying pan. An underground fire in the taiga is quite possible. Only coal was burning here, most likely. The geological map of the area shows its outcrops to the surface. And in general, the Tunguska plateau has found innumerable fuel riches that have not yet been developed. After all, when the heat subsided and the rains began, the fire died out by itself, and in the spring the meadow was overgrown with grass. And now this glade, no matter how you look, cannot be found. It is not excluded, of course, a new warming of coal seams, and where this process takes place, new burnt spots may form, but not "damn cemeteries." However, this requires a combination of, so to speak, many circumstances, which does not happen often.

But why strange things happened to people in the "cemetery" area: headaches begin, a feeling of fear gradually overcomes ... it is easy to "get burned", and those who are in the zone of a large underground fire will probably feel unimportant, and of course there will be fear ...

A. and S. Simonov explained the peculiarities of the "clearing of death" in this way. Any animal is exposed to an alternating magnetic field on it. It is known from biology that there is a limit for the values ​​of the electric current passing through the blood, when exceeding which it coagulates - "electrocoagulation" occurs. The insides of the animals that died in the "meadow" were red, which indicates an increase in capillary blood circulation before death. And death occurred as a result of massive thrombus formation. The concept of an alternating magnetic field in a "clearing" explains a lot: the instantaneous impact, the effect even on wounded birds, etc.

So, the mysterious clearing has not yet been found. Researchers carefully process the data obtained and dream of new expeditions.

edited news Mrs. Pan - 28-11-2010, 18:55