How to change knives on an Interskol electric plane. How to set knives on an electric plane

Installing a knife in a planer

Adjustment or adjustment consists in setting the value of the point going beyond the plane of the sole. Determine the degree of release with a glance along the sole of the planer from its front part towards the "back of the head". If the blade of the knife is too far out of the block, then it will pick up too thick shavings and tear the wood. This can be done with a rough, rough planer, and the plane should remove fine, even shavings. A knife set too little will slide over the material being cut and remove too thin chips, which greatly increases the time required for processing. With a skewed knife, it is impossible to cut a flat surface.

Now there are many varieties of planers, we will analyze all suitable planers.

1.Installation of the knife in a wooden plane with a single knife.

We put the knife on the notch of the planer with the chamfer down (fig. 20)

(fig. 20)

Holding the planer knife, fix it with a wedge (fig. 21)

(fig. 21)

We lightly knock the wedge with a hammer, then turn the plane over and, holding it by the front handle, look along the sole of the plane (Fig. 22),

(fig. 22)

then we begin to knock down the plane's knife until the blade comes out above the surface of the plane (fig. 23)

(fig. 23)

the blade should protrude 0.2-0.3 mm above the sole. evenly over the entire width of the sole, if the blade comes out unevenly, then it is leveled with light blows of a hammer on the side edges of the knife (Fig. 24),

(Fig. 24) after leveling the planer knife, tap the wedge for the final fixing of the knife in the plane.

2. Installing the knife in a wooden double-knife planer.

Putting together a double knife with a chipbreaker (fig. 25)

(fig. 25)

Then we repeat all the steps when installing a single knife (Fig. 20 to 24).

3.Installation of the knife in a metal plane with a single knife.

We put the knife on the notch of the plane with the chamfer down (fig. 26)

(fig. 26)

Holding the planer knife, fix it with a wedge (fig. 27)

(fig. 27)

We press the knife with a screw, but not too hard, then we begin to knock down the plane of the plane until the blade comes out above the surface of the plane by 0.2-0.3 mm (Fig. 28)

(fig. 28)

after leveling the blade, fix it with a screw completely.

4.Installation of the knife in a metal plane with a single knife with adjusting screws.

We put the knife on the notch of the plane with the chamfer down. Holding the planer knife, fix it with a wedge (fig. 29)

(fig. 29)

Then we press the knife with a screw, but not too hard, then tightening the adjusting screws move the blade 0.2-0.3 mm from the base of the planer (Fig. 30),

(fig. 30)

after leveling the blade, we finally fix the knife in the plane.

5.Installation of the knife in a metal planer with a double knife.

Putting the double knife with the chipbreaker together (fig. 25) Place the knife on the notch of the planer with the bevel down

Holding the planer knife, fix it with a wedge (fig. 31)

(fig. 31)

then we extend the knife using the adjusting screw (fig. 32),

(fig. 32)

using the adjusting rail, align the parallelism of the knife to the sole of the planer (fig. 33),

(fig. 33)

then we finally fix the knife with a wedge.

The plane is one of the basic tools of the joiner and its good performance depends on the correct sharpening of the knife and the correct setting of the plane. Depending on what material you have to deal with, the planer setting depends. The correct sharpening and setting of the planer is half the success of the planing process.

Electric planers are an indispensable tool for modern carpenters, joiners and all lumber professionals. Their prevalence is due to the practical efficiency and the presence of this equipment significant advantages over manual counterparts. To fully exploit the potential of the device, the blades for the electric planer must be pre-adjusted before processing the wood. Also, the blades must be sharp. This will allow, together with the correct setting of their position, to process significant volumes of boards or beams without any problems and efforts on the part of the user.

Electric planer knives are consumable items. With their help, the processing of wooden surfaces is provided.

Often knives come with a power tool in the amount of 2 pieces.

Electric planer knives are classified according to the following criteria:

  • the possibility of repeated practical use;
  • the shape of the blades;
  • the size of the knife blades;
  • cost.

When buying an electric plane, in addition to checking its performance and equipment, attention should be paid to the quality of the knives installed on the drum, their sharpening. The blades must be sharp, with an even edge that does not contain bends or dents. You should check and spare knives... The final quality of sawn timber processing depends on the correct selection of cutting attachments.

Disposable knives are made from hard alloys based on steel in the form of plates sharp on both sides. Such cutting parts cannot be sharpened. After the used edge is completely worn out, the knife blade is turned over and placed on the drum with the other side. At the same time, the tool continues to work. If the second cutting edge becomes dull, then the blade is simply thrown away.

Disposable knives are intended only for work that does not require high precision and quality of workpieces processing. But they are convenient in practical use: they do not need to be fine-tuned and balanced during installation.

In terms of shape, disposable products are:

  • straight;
  • wavy;
  • straight, but rounded at the ends.

The first type of products has a straight cutting part. Such consumables are conveniently used to process parts that have a smaller width than the length of the installed blade, select quarters. Wavy knives are used when necessary rough processing of lumber... With their help, you can give a wooden surface a different texture, for example, to simulate "aging". Straight cutting edges, rounded at the edges, are good because they do not leave traces (grooves, steps) on the surface of the treated wood. This is the right option when you need to work with wide pieces of wood.

Disposable blades have a longer lifespan, but can break quite easily if accidentally hitting metal (eg, nail, bolt). They are the best option for attachments when it is necessary to work with hardwood workpieces.

Reusable Cutting Bits

Products that are intended for reusable use differ in both their shape and size from disposable cutting attachments. They are made using high quality steel, which ensures the ease and quality of processing wooden surfaces.

With reusable knives, the surface of the workpiece is so smooth that no sanding is required. They have HSS marking(completely High-Speed ​​Steel, which translates as high-speed steel). These blades are considered professional. Their installation is accompanied by high-precision balancing and adjustment. The sharpening must also be of excellent quality. In this case, the tool HSS can be sharpened so that it is very sharp.

It is more profitable to buy reusable cutting attachments, because there is the possibility of their repeated sharpening. But products made of high-speed steel do not allow processing hardwood (for example, larch or oak).

The drums of most electric planers can be fitted with both disposable and reusable cutting attachments. But there are also devices that can only be equipped with blades that are not intended for sharpening. For this reason, when buying an electric planer, it is recommended to give preference to universal power tools.

Size classification

Electric planer knives can be standard or custom size... Products of the first type, called "plates", have a length of 82 mm, a width of 5.5 mm, and a thickness of 1.2 mm. These cutting attachments are suitable for most models of electric planers from foreign firms Makita, Skil, Bosch, Black & Dekker.

Straight blades for electric planers Bosch, SKIL

Non-standard cutting attachments with wider and thicker blades are typical for electric planers from Baikal and Interskol. Due to their parameters, they are stronger and better quality than standard plates. When hitting metal, these knives do not break. They can be sharpened with emery. The width of the nozzles is about 1 cm. The length can be 82 mm, 102 mm, and for Rebir products it reaches 110 mm.

Straight knives for Rebir IE-5709 electric planer

Cutting head price depends on the manufacturer. Also, this factor often determines the quality of the product. If you buy knives from well-known companies (for example, Bosch), then you can count on a long service life.

Some models of electric planers are equipped with cutting attachments of an unusual shape and design. In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions, it is recommended to take the old blade with you for comparison before buying.

When you need to adjust or replace the electric planer knives

Electric planer knives wear out over time. They need to be removed and sharpened or replaced altogether, and then put back on the drum. Newly supplied cutting attachments need to be adjusted to cut the lumber to the best possible quality. New power tool blades also need presetting before using.

The appearance of the following signs indicates that adjustment is necessary:

  • sound change when processing workpieces;
  • vibration of the tool during operation;
  • deterioration in the quality of planing sawn timber (the formation of waves, chips, grooves, protruding fibers and other defects);
  • an increase in the effort spent on work.

Sound changes are not common for all models. This symptom may also indicate a number of other problems.

If, after adjusting the blade blades, the considered signs do not disappear, then more serious repairs to the power tool will need to be performed.

Adjustment of the correct position of the cutting attachments is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • the height of the part of the blade that protrudes above the sole of the power tool;
  • the size of the side protrusion of the knife intended for cutting out the quarters.

By correctly adjusting the position of the blades on the drum, a high final quality of sawn timber processing is achieved.

How to adjust the knives correctly

Adjusting the knives on the drum yourself is not a problem. To set the position of the tool blades before work, you will need:

  • the hex wrench included with the planer;
  • a metal ruler or a piece of glass of a suitable size.

The adjustment is performed by performing all operations in this sequence.

In the considered sequence, the working position of the cutting edges is adjusted for models of electric planers with one, two or three knives.

It should be borne in mind that the working parts of straight knives should protrude by about 0.5 mm, and rounded ones - by 1 mm or more.

If the adjustment is correct, the cutting edges on the drum should be straight and parallel to the sole of the power tool. A number of new models contain adjusting screws which just need to be twisted to set the knife plates in the desired position. To set up the instrument, be sure to disconnect it from the mains, and in wireless models, remove the battery. This will ensure that the power tool does not start up by itself.

Algorithm for replacing knives on an electric plane

To remove the knives from the electric planer and replace them with new ones (or properly sharpened ones), you will need a set of wrenches and, in some cases, a screwdriver. It is not required to assemble and disassemble the electric planer completely in order to change the working attachments. The replacement is performed in the following sequence:

  • turn the drum, exposing it to such a position to gain access to the knife mounting bolts;
  • loosen, but not completely, these bolt fasteners;

  • remove the working attachment manually or using a flat screwdriver;
  • the rest of the blades are treated in a similar way;
  • put new knives in the nests, fixing them with bolts;
  • put them in the correct position.

The main point is the need to place the blades exactly in their slots and secure them securely so that they do not fall out during tool operation. Due to the fact that the attachments of the working attachments may differ for different models of electric planers, it is recommended to first read the operating instructions for the equipment used.

On sale you can find knives, the blades of which rotate. This is very convenient, because it is enough to simply flip the blunt edge, replacing it with a sharp one.

When the drum of the electric planer is equipped with two cutting attachments, you need to change both at once. This will prevent an imbalance from occurring, resulting in a decrease in the quality of lumber processing and the failure of the electric plane.

Sharpening electric planer knives at home

With regular use of an electric planer for processing wooden surfaces (planing, sampling a quarter, chamfering), its cutting edges become dull. If the knives are reusable, you can sharpen them yourself. Sharpening is carried out according to the same principle as for hand planers. The only difference is in the number of cutting edges that need to be sharpened.

Use blunt power tool it is impossible for the following reasons:

  • the load on the electric motor increases, as a result of which its wear is accelerated;
  • the quality of the surface treatment of sawn timber is significantly reduced.

Specialists of service centers or special workshops will help you to sharpen the cutting edges of the working nozzles correctly. If it is not possible to turn to professionals, then you can do all the work at home. To sharpen the blades yourself, you can use the following tools:

  • machine for sharpening knives;
  • ordinary whetstone (abrasive stone, whetstone);

  • emery;
  • file for metal;
  • grinding wheel.

You will also need special clamp to hold the part to be sharpened.

Sharpening the blade with an abrasive stone is performed as follows.

  1. Remove the working attachments that need to be sharpened from the drum of the electric planer.
  2. The knives are fixed with special screws in the clamp so that their cutting edges lie in the same plane.
  3. The fixed blades with light pressure, smoothly guide the surface of the abrasive, making sure they sharpen at the same time.
  4. Examine the sharpened parts for deviations, repeating the whole process when they are found.
  5. Test the sharpness on any piece of the board.
  6. Install the knife plates on the drum, adjusting their position.

It is recommended to moisten the abrasive stone with water before carrying out work. It should be borne in mind that a coarse-grained abrasive is intended for primary processing, and a fine-grained abrasive is intended for finishing. It is recommended to keep the original angle of the blade (approximately 30 degrees).

The considered manual method works well for dressing sharpening. If the edges are very blunt or have jagged edges, then sharpen them on the machine. In this case, you should be careful not to remove excess metal from the blades.

If a grinding wheel is used, the part removed from the drum is driven along its surface with translational movements.

With your own hands, all actions should be carried out carefully, carefully handling the blades to avoid injury. High quality sharpening performance will come with experience and skill.

The condition of the electric planer blades - their adjustment and sharpness - should be checked before starting sawn timber. Not only the quality of planing depends on this, but also personal safety. All operations for replacing, sharpening, adjusting the working attachments must be performed only with disconnected from the mains power tool... To give the initial sharpness to the cutting edges, it is enough to use a regular whetstone.

A good intermediate branch between professional hand planers is the electric planer. Some models have just several functions, from an ordinary plane to a mini-machine. In addition, such a tool can have an attachment, due to which the unit can be turned upside down and permanently fixed on the workbench.

But with frequent use, the cutting elements lose their former sharpness, as indicated by poor chip removal. Replacing the knives of the Interskol electric planer, like any other models, is carried out according to a similar principle. The only difference is that the tools can have different mountings.

Often knives for an electric planer are double-sided, 2 pcs. in each set. Not all parts should be changed right away, some brands of blades lend themselves to sharpening.

The main types of knives

The cutting elements are attached to the rotating drum of the tool. Their main task is to remove the upper layers of the working material during planing. The knife can have one or two cutting edges. The latter products are called rotary ones, since it is possible to change their position from a blunt blade to a sharp one. There are knives that are made of tool steel and they can be sharpened, and there are those that are made of tungsten carbide, and then a new installation of the knives is required.

The blades are subdivided according to the shape:

  1. Straight. They are used for work with narrow parts, if necessary, and for sampling of quarters.
  2. Rounded. They are used in the processing of wide parts.
  3. Wave-like. They are used when the surface needs to be "aged". Such knives are also called curly knives.

Before turning on the electric planer, you should carefully check the correct installation of the cutting elements. With the correct attachment, the blade should protrude outward quite a bit (by 0.5 mm), and the position itself should be parallel to the sole. Such a moment can also be determined visually by turning the instrument upside down.

To adjust the position of the knife, turn the small and large adjusting screws first one way and then the other. They are located behind the platform under the knife.

Then the element is installed in the electric plane and fixed with a centering lever and a screw located on the top plate. If you have to work with a new tool, then, most likely, all the adjustment was carried out in advance, but it does not interfere with hedging. In addition, during the constant use of technology, the setting tends to get lost. In order to make sure that the adjustment is correct, it is best to try the electric planer on some unnecessary planks.

A knife for a tool has not only a certain shape, but also a size. Depending on the manufacturer, whether imported or domestic, the size of the knives may vary. For example, for foreign counterparts, 8.2 cm is considered to be the standard length, they have the name "plate". Depending on the manufacturer, the price of such components will also differ. The Zubr firm produces knives that are suitable not only for domestic units, but also for foreign equipment. But here it is immediately worth mentioning that the cheaper the manufacturing company, the lower the quality and strength of this element.

Some models of power tools may have a set of specific knives. This applies to planers Interskol and Baikal, they require knives with a wider and thicker blade. Their strength is somewhat higher, so they are not afraid of "rough" work. The standard width is 1 cm, the length can vary between 82 and 102 cm, they are quite easy to sharpen on emery, however, this still requires some experience.

Wide and thick knives with special holes for fasteners are considered more rare in demand. Most often they are installed on powerful units (2000 W). The width of such blades can be 11 cm.

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How to change a knife on an electric plane?

To do a good job, the sharpness of the knife must be at a good level.

If you look at a chamfer and rotate it around the cutting edge, a shiny strip appears in the shape of a thread, which means that the knife is dull and requires sharpening or replacement. Electric planer knives are sharpened at an angle of 30 °.

As noted above, today it is possible to choose a tool that fits double blades. In this case, when one side becomes unusable, the knife is turned on the other and work continues. But after the second blade has become dull, the electric plane is equipped with a new knife.

There are three nuts in the body transverse groove, which are designed to fix the cutting parts. The knife is installed in them, after which the height is adjusted using two screws that are located at the edges. In order to remove the old blade, it is necessary to loosen the nuts, while screwing in the screws to the very end. This will slide the knife holder out of the slot.

A drift is selected for the thickness of the knife. With its help, the cutting element is knocked out of the retainer. Then the new knife is driven into place of the old one. At this stage, special attention is paid to the parallel finding of the blade relative to the knife holder.

Again, remember that the new cutting tool must be adjusted in height with screws and then secured with nuts. To avoid imbalance in the shaft, the knives have the same clearance.

The entire procedure for replacing knives should only be carried out with the electric plane turned off.

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Electric planer knives are attached to the top of the rotating drum of the tool.

The quality of planing directly depends on the sharpness of the knife used. But this does not mean that if the blade is slightly dull, it should be replaced immediately. After all, such parts are not so cheap, so that after each work you can buy new ones. The way out of this position is to edit the edge. A grinding wheel is used for this purpose.

Grinding is a fairly simple process. To do this, the knife is placed on the flat surface of the grinding wheel, and during the grinding process you need to move it from one side to the other. During this action, the parts will heat up, so you should not use excessive force. Otherwise it can lead to loss of hardness of the edge or to the fact that it turns blue.

After the blade is sanded, it needs to be trimmed. Whetstones are usually used for the manual process. They are artificial or natural bars. If you use the machine method, then in this case a finishing disc is used.

When dressing with Belgian whetstones, use water, and for Arkansas, a mixture of oil and kerosene. In turn, beams made of artificial materials can differ in grain size: coarse and fine. The first side makes a coarser edit, while the second requires a more “jewelry” approach. If you use the whetstones without lubrication, it will ruin the knife, as it will lose hardening. In addition, the bar should be washed well after each procedure, otherwise it will become greasy.

The edge of the blade must be resting against the block and driving it in a cruciform motion until its surface acquires a shine similar to the mirror one. In addition, no burrs should remain on the knife of the electric plane. The front side is ruled up and down.

A machine lapping disc is made from plastics, which makes its surface abrasive. Mechanical straightening takes much less time than manual straightening, but purchasing the appropriate equipment will be somewhat more expensive.

INTERSKOL R-110-01 is a popular model of an electric plane due to a number of design features: cast milled sole, increased planing width, high structural strength, ergonomic body and handle, powerful engine.

However, in order to work efficiently and achieve the highest possible results, it is necessary to periodically change the tooling. Replacement of knives on the INTERSKOL electric planer is performed as their cutting properties decrease. This article will tell you about how to independently replace the knives and adjust them on the INTERSKOL R-110-01 electric plane.

Planer knives INTERSKOL

Knives installed on INTERSKOL planers have a number of differences from analogues produced by other manufacturers:

  • Higher density plates.
  • Due to the increased density, the INTERSKOL knife plate for planer allows sharpening on emery.
  • The dimensions of the knife depend on the specific model, and the numerical index in the model name indicates the length of the knives. So, the electric planer R-110-01 has a knife length of 110 mm. At the same time, the width of the knives is the same for all models and amounts to 10 mm.
  • Thanks to high-quality metal (high-speed steel), INTERSKOL planer knives will not break even if they come into contact with a nail driven into the tree. The resulting notches on the cutting edge can be removed with emery.

Replacement of knives on the INTERSKOL electric planer should be carried out only with analogues having strictly the same dimensions in length and width.

How to replace the knives on the INTERSKOL R-110-01 plane?

Replacing the knives on the INTERSKOL electric planer does not require any special tools. To do this, you only need two keys, which are included with the planer. It is necessary to replace and adjust the knives on the INTERSKOL R-110-01 electric planer in accordance with a clear procedure. If you have any difficulties, you can use the instructions for the tool.

  • First, you need to set the zero position on the planing depth regulator.
  • Use the special wrench included in the delivery kit to loosen the screws securing the blade.
  • Using the second wrench from the kit, loosen the impulse screws. Now you can gently take out the old blade.
  • The new blade is put into the holder, then the knives are adjusted on the INTERSKOL R-110-01 electric plane by tightening the impulse screws.
  • Now it remains to tighten the fastening screws.

Ready! The new blade is installed and the tool is ready for use. It remains to carefully examine the removed blade and make a decision: is it possible to sharpen it or the knife has finally become unusable and must be disposed of.

How to adjust the knives?

Adjusting the knife position is the most important part of the knife installation process. It is performed by tightening the impulse screws. To check if the knife is in the correct position, you need to place a metal ruler on the back of the tool. The knife should touch the ruler with the blade evenly along its entire length. If the blade touches the ruler more strongly on one side, the corresponding impulse screw must be tightened.

It is worth tightening the screws gently, little by little. The adjustment procedure may not be as fast as we would like, but here it is better not to rush. An improperly installed knife will significantly reduce the quality of the surfaces processed with this planer, so it is better to spend a little more time on the adjustment right away than later on correcting the mistakes made.

Many beginners are interested in the question of how to work with an electric plane. At first glance, there is nothing difficult: plug it in, press a button, drive back and forth over the surface, removing shavings. However, on the first attempts, the result is not always impressive.

When buying a tool, you need to check its performance, completeness and appearance. It is worth paying attention to the quality of sharpening of the installed knives. If there are spare knives in the kit, check them too. The cutting edge must be straight, sharp, and free from dents and bends. All other settings must be checked at home in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Checking and adjusting the position of the front plate

All tool adjustments must be made in the disconnected state. The plug must be unplugged from the socket, otherwise you can not only damage the electric plane, but also get serious injuries.

Table of the main parameters of electric planers.

When checking the position of the knives, the front plate must be set to the position of the minimum planing depth with the standard adjustment knob. Place the electric planer on a flat hard surface with the drum facing up.

To check, you can use a metal ruler or a piece of window glass of suitable sizes. The drum with knives should be turned until one of the knives is in the upper position, above the axis of the drum. A ruler or glass should be laid on the slabs along the planer. The surfaces must be in the same plane.

If the control device is tilted on any of the plates, the position of the front plate must be checked and adjusted. This defect occurs during long-term use of the tool without maintenance. Internal cavities can become clogged with wood dust and small chips. Excessive force on the depth adjustment handle moves it away from its original position.

To eliminate the defect, you need to remove the handle, the front plate, clean the cavities from dust and shavings, and lubricate. Install the plate in place, check the installation along the ruler, fix the handle, making sure that the dial coincides with the index mark.

Adjusting the position of the cutting edge

The adjustment of the position of the knives is carried out according to two parameters:

  • height of the cutting edge relative to the back plate;
  • the size of the protruding part of the planing knife.

Layout of the drum with blades.

Having installed a ruler or glass, you need to turn the drum, controlling the gap between the knife and the device along the edges of the plates. The edge of the knife should lightly touch the attachment without lifting it. If the knife clings to the attachment or does not reach it, the position must be corrected.

Usually the knives are fastened with a special wedge with expanding bolts. With an 8 or 10 wrench, you need to wrap the bolts in the wedge until the bolt free play. Then, with the installed eccentrics, align the height of the cutting edge with the device. Tighten (unscrew) the fixing bolts, check the position again. The desired result can be achieved after several repetitions of this operation.

Along with adjusting the height of the cutting edge, it is necessary to control the protruding part of the quarter cutter. The optimum size should be indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. On most models, it is 1 mm. The size is set by moving the knife to the left or right along the axis of the drum. It is important to set the size correctly. It should be the same on all knives. This can be achieved by using a feeler gauge or by measuring the distance from the edge of the knife to the drum with a vernier caliper (with a protruding back end). After adjusting the first knife, you need to move on to the next. The operation for all knives is the same. If a knife cannot be set in the required position, you need to remove the wedge, check the eccentrics for integrity and free rotation.

It is necessary to finish the adjustment by checking the free rotation of the drum and the attachment of all knives.

Preparation for work

You can work with the tool in two positions:

Planer sharpening angle diagram.

  • stationary position: the electric plane is attached to a rigid, stable surface;
  • portable: the tool is moved manually along the workpiece.

Many models come with special clamps and a bracket for the start button. In a stationary position, it is more convenient to handle small lengths of lumber, which can be moved around the tool alone. It is advisable to process long workpieces with an electric plane in a portable version.

The wood must be dried, raw sawn timber is poorly processed. The board must be well secured to a hard surface. The part should not bend under the weight of the planer and should not move in any direction when working. When processing side surfaces on a workbench, it is advisable to install them on special fasteners that protect them from bending and movement. In the area of ​​rotation of the drum with knives, there should be no metal elements (brackets, nails, screws) on the work surface and fasteners. A blow to the metal will leave a pothole on the knives and a protrusion will form on the work surface. The knives will have to be sharpened, removing a thick layer of metal, or changed.

Surface treatment

The electric plane can perform three operations:

Diagram of planer knife sharpening options.

  • chamfering at different angles;
  • choose quarters on blanks;
  • planing surfaces.

The main purpose of the tool is to round surfaces of various lengths and widths.

When working, the plane must be positioned on the surface of the workpiece with the front plate so that the knives do not touch the surface. Press the start button, after a set of revolutions (the sound will stop changing the tonality), start moving the plane over the surface. The tool must be held strictly parallel to the work surface, the movement must be uniform, without jerks and stops. When starting the movement, you need to increase the pressure on the front, when leaving the surface on the back. The planer must run smoothly, without vibration. If there is a strong vibration, the sound changes during operation, you need to turn off the tool, determine and eliminate the cause of the abnormal operation.

The depth of the passage must be set depending on the processing purpose. If you need to resize the stock, you can use the maximum size. When leveling the surface, it is advisable to work with a shallow working depth, achieving the required quality in several passes.

Also, the processing depth depends on the material. Hard rock should be drilled several times at shallow depths to avoid overloading the tool.

Installing knives on an electric plane

The electric planer is a convenient and efficient tool for woodworking. Its use will significantly speed up the work progress compared to hand tools. Naturally, the efficiency of the electric planer depends on the quality of the installed blades and their condition.

Electric planer knives are replaced due to wear or change in the type of work.

Types of knives

Before figuring out how to install the knives on the electric plane, you should choose the right one.

Knives with specific characteristics can be used for various tasks:

  • Straight lines are used for shaving and cutting wood;
  • Wavy - used for artistic processing, in particular to give the surface an aging effect;
  • Rounded - allow you to make even transitions between planing lines, and are used when working on a wide surface.

In addition, the knives can be of different sizes. Installing knives on an electric planer assumes that you have figured out which knives are used in your tool. Some manufacturers design tools to fit only certain knife sizes (usually different from the most common options).

Replacing the knives

Let's consider how to install the knives on an electric plane:

  1. Turn off the power to the instrument.
  2. Use a cotton swab soaked in solvent to remove any gum that has accumulated on the work surface of the planer.
  3. The set with the tool must contain a key, with which it is necessary to loosen the bar that presses the knives in the drum. You can also use a regular wrench if that works, or pliers if you don't have the right wrench.
  4. After that, remove the knife bar from the drum.
  5. The knife on the bar, as a rule, is fastened with a conventional bolt connection, and can be easily removed.
  6. After removing the old knife, a new one is attached to the bar.
  7. The bar is inserted into the drum and is slightly fixed.
  8. After adjusting the position of the knife, we finally fix the bar. Adjusting the planer blades is the most difficult (and most important) part of the procedure.


Now let's take a closer look at how to adjust the knives on the electric plane:

  • After fixing the knife to the bar and installing the bar in the drum, make sure that the knife does not touch the planer parts.
  • The position of the knives is adjusted using special eccentrics that can be turned with a flat screwdriver.
  • Place a metal ruler (edge) on the back of the planer. The knife should be positioned so that the blade touches the ruler.
  • Apply a ruler alternately on the left and right sides. The contact with the blade should be even. If there is a misalignment, then the eccentric should be adjusted from the desired side.
  • After completing the work, fix the knife plate by tightening the appropriate nut.

Having figured out how to set the knives on the electric plane, keep in mind that this procedure is quite lengthy and requires accuracy. There is no need to rush here, since the efficiency of your work will depend on the quality of the installation of the knife.

Timely and correct adjustment of the electric planer knives allows you to fully exploit the full potential of this magnificent tool.

With the correct adjustment of the planer blades, large volumes of material can be dealt with effortlessly.

New models of electric planers allow you to effortlessly cope with large volumes of material. The electric plane can do both rough and finishing, wood processing. Some models of electric planers allow you to get such a good result that there is no need for surface grinding.

The cleanliness of the treated surface directly depends on the depth at which the planing is carried out. The planing depth for some models is set in increments of 0.1 mm. When purchasing a tool, you need to pay special attention to this particular parameter. In general, setting the knives for work should always be done very carefully.

Features of knives for power tools

The electric planer allows you to process the surface with high quality, while maintaining certain dimensions. But the outcome of the work directly depends on the selection of knives. Often during use, an unpleasant defect occurs - the surface looks wavy. The reason is the slight difference in height. The problem is solved by correct adjustment and replacement of the electric planer knives with spiral ones.

Power tools usually come with two blades. They are most often made from high strength hardened steel. Tungsten blades are less common. They are sharpened using a special mechanism, in which the knife is fixed and the sharpening angle is set.

When buying knives, you need to consider their safety. Most often, power tools are equipped with two types of protection:

  • protection of the surface undergoing treatment;
  • finger protection.

Many electric planers have a protective plate, which, when working, closing the drum, allows you to work the surface at different depths and at any distance.

The control mechanism is located on the handle of the electric planer. The actuation of the mechanism leads to the extension of the knives. Adjustment depth 2 mm.

Electric planer knives are sharpened according to the same principle as for hand tools. The only difference is in the number of blades. The electric planer has two of them and they are changed only in pairs. Using blades from one set avoids imbalance. Violation of this rule will lead to a very low quality of processing and accelerated tool breakage.

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Classification of knives for power tools

Planer sharpening angle.

The cutting elements of the planer are mounted on a rotating drum. It is located in a special groove and secured with nuts. After loosening the nuts, the slot can be extended and the blades changed. The blades are swivel, which means that when one side is dull, the blade can be quickly and easily changed.

Currently, various shapes of electric planer blades are produced:

  1. Straight lines - for planing small parts, sampling of quarters.
  2. Wave-like - allow you to imitate "aged" wood.
  3. Rounded - neatly make transitions between planing lines, therefore they are used for working with a wide surface.

Knives can be classified into 3 groups depending on their size.

Traditional 82 mm, also called "plates". Exact dimensions: length 82 mm, width - 5.5 mm, thickness - 1.2 mm. Fits most imported planer models, including Skil, Black & Deccer. Manufactured from carbon steel. The price and quality of these knives depends on the manufacturer.

Special knives designed for some tool models. From "plates", these knives are thicker and wider, stronger. The length of these knives is 82 or 102 mm. Thanks to their thickness, they are easy to sharpen.

Knives manufactured for a specific model, for example, Rebir. Most often they are thick and wide (up to 110 mm). There is a hole for fastening.

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Rules for replacing and adjusting knives

Correct installation of the electric planer knives is the key to a professionally clean cut. Before starting work, it is better to make a few trial "runs" using the workpiece. Then the result should be checked well. If the surface after processing is even, you can proceed to the main work. But often there are various defects. When planing, sometimes there is a defect called a "ladder" - a cut and a beveled surface. The occurrence of such a problem indicates that the knives are not installed correctly.

For the first time, faced with this problem, for the correct installation of the knives, it is better to contact a person with the appropriate experience. If for some reason this is not possible, you can try to adjust the blades yourself.

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The sequence of technological steps when replacing and adjusting the knives

The power tool must be de-energized first. Failure to observe this precaution could result in serious injury. If the plane has already been used for a long time, it is necessary to remove the accumulated resin using a cotton wool soaked in white alcohol.

Planer knife sharpening options.

Then you need to put a ruler on the edge of the sole to see if the ends of the knives touch it. If there is no touch, then adjustment of the position of the knives is required.

In the next step, you will need the wrench that comes with the power tool. With its help, you need to slightly loosen the blades installed in the holder. The cutting edge of the blades should protrude slightly and be parallel to the sole. Usually, the exit of the cutting part of a flat knife does not exceed 0.5 mm. In this case, the shrekhbel (or scherhebel) is a rounded knife used for rough planing, can be set by 1 mm or more.

When working, it is important to constantly turn the adjusting screw until the blade locks into place. The screws with which the turning is carried out are located at the back of the platform for the planer knife.

Then the knives are fixed with special fasteners on the top plate.

The knives are shifted so that they are set in line with the ruler, avoiding gaps. As a last resort, you need to leave a small "spade". These measures will help prevent unbalanced elements.

After finishing the adjustment, the bolts should be tightened. At the same time, you need to check that they are tightened well. Then you need to check that the knives do not touch the body of the electric plane. To do this, you need to easily turn the drum.

New electric planers, as a rule, have the fasteners adjusted, but during operation the blades often go astray. If the tool has not been used for a long time, check the condition of the knives before starting work.

Immediately after setting up, you should not start working on parts that are supposed to be used in the future. It is better to check the operation of the electric planer on an unnecessary workpiece and, if necessary, re-adjust.

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Safety when adjusting the knives

The power planer, like any other tool, can cause serious injury if misused. Before inspecting and adjusting the knives, the tool must be disconnected from the power supply. Otherwise, accidental pressing can leave you without fingers.

  1. Before starting work, the workpiece is carefully fixed so that it does not fall off after turning on the device and does not harm either the employee or others.
  2. Surface treatment can only be started after the cutter has reached maximum speed.
  3. If you need to check the quality of the surface, the plane can be set aside, but always so that it lies on its side.
  4. During operation and testing of the device, the cord must be straight, without kinks, tangles and knots. It is necessary to monitor the integrity of the electrical insulation.

Using these simple rules, you can independently adjust the position of the knives for the electric planer without resorting to the help of specialists.

The above operations will allow you to deal with defects and correctly adjust the knives, and the processed surface will become perfectly smooth and even. As you can see, it is enough to do everything yourself once, so that replacing the electric planer knives is no longer a mystery.

Self-adjustment of the electric planer knives

  • Planing process: nuances
  • How to set up the knives correctly?
  • Necessary safety precautions

To plan boards with an ordinary plane is a very laborious task. When it is required to process a large number of bars, long boards, then doing the work with a hand tool gives a very low effect. To speed up this technological operation, it is much more profitable and more expedient to use a power tool.

The newest electric planers have been specially designed to work with large volumes and low labor intensity.

The electric planer is designed to perform various technological operations. They can be used for roughing and finishing of wood products. The quality of the resulting surface is so high that sometimes it is not even necessary to carry out grinding work. In order for the tool to always perfectly work on a wooden surface, it is necessary to correctly adjust the blades of the electric planer. The surface cleanliness depends on the planing depth.

The depth of planing on such a power tool is set with a special handle. The adjustment step sometimes reaches 0.1 mm. When buying an electric planer, you must definitely pay attention to this indicator, it can be considered the most important. The selection of the tool depends on the future work, therefore it must be selected so that the adjustment of the knives is carried out easily and does not cause any particular problems.

Characteristics of electric planer knives

In order to get the desired result without unnecessary problems when working with a plane, it is necessary to sharpen it correctly.

The use of an electric planer allows you to process a wooden surface with the highest frequency and preservation of certain dimensions. When choosing this tool, it is very important to choose the right knives so that the work does not cause complications.

It is known from practice that if an electric planer has straight knives, the surface treatment is not of high quality. The surface looks wavy after planing. This is due to the slight difference in height when making successive passes. In this case, there is an incorrect adjustment of the knives in height. This problem disappears by using a spiral knife tool.

The electric planer has two knives. They have two cutting surfaces and are easy to remove. They are made from tungsten, but knives made of steel with high strength and hardening are more often used. Sharpening of knives is carried out in a special holder, where the required sharpening angle is set. This tool allows for high quality planing in a limited period.

When buying, you need to pay special attention to the protection of the knives. Typically, each tool is supplied with two types of protection:

  • finger protection;
  • protection of the treated surface.

The electric planer device includes two knives, which have two cutting surfaces and can be easily removed.

Most of these devices have a special protective plate. With the help of a spring, it closes the end of the drum and makes it possible to process a wooden surface to the desired depth and distance.

The adjustment of the electric planer knives must be carried out using a special adjustment mechanism. It is located on the front handle of the tool. Turning the handle, the knives are set to the required value, the release is regulated within 2 mm.

The blades of an electric plane are sharpened in the same way as a mechanical plane. The only difference is the number of knives. The electric plane is equipped with two blades.

Changing knives must take place in pairs. You only need to use one kit. This will eliminate the imbalance that occurs. This phenomenon can lead to tool breakage and very poor surface quality after planing.