Features of divination on the Star Oracle: how to ask a question and get a prediction. Fortune telling online Oracle will answer the question for the future

To start free online divination, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about the future. Eliminate all extraneous thoughts, do not get distracted and do not lose concentration. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Oracle. This is perhaps one of the most detailed oracles to date, the range of his answers is simply enormous. Its origins lie in ancient times and are present in almost all cultures, only the instruments of conducting differ. But here, too, everything is subject to the same logic. What is the use of bones by nomads, coins by priests or cards by fortune-tellers. You need to choose four characters, each of which can have four possible answers. The use of such a system will make it possible to obtain a very, very large number of answers and, accordingly, cover and illuminate a very large area of ​​the querent's life. There is a division into 16 main oracles, each of which is responsible for its own sphere. Oracle of Autumn, Oracle of the Seas, Oracle of the Sun, Oracle of Flowing Stones, Dragon Oracle, Summer Oracle, Amazons Oracle, Flying Arrow Oracle, Winter Oracle, Four Winds Oracle, Love Oracle, Competition Oracle, Spring Oracle, Moon Oracle, Oracle treasures, the oracle of the fertile land. Each of them, in turn, is divided into 16 small oracles: Fire, Volcano, Serpent, Day, Elf, Heart, Harvest, Source, Comet, Night, Storm, Knight, Flower, Dream, Mountain, Kingdom. You will be given an interpretation of the oracle that has fallen to you, as well as the main oracle so that you understand the general direction of the events awaiting you, or to explain the advice given to you by the prediction. On our resource, we will guess using a card deck, there is also an option using three coins. Do not guess too many times, do not tire the oracle, for one person one fortune-telling is needed, at a time, after a certain time you can repeat it, but observe moderation.

Divination technique online for free

To get the oracle's answer, we need a deck of cards, 36 or 52 pieces. The main thing is that the number of cards of each of the suits be equal, since we will only need suits without reference to the face value of the card. Tune in carefully, concentrate and ask the oracle to reveal the whole truth to you. Shuffle the deck and slide some of the cards towards you with your left hand, then you need to take out, alternately four pieces, laying them out in the order they were received from left to right. To determine the main oracle, we need to analyze the first and fourth cards, namely their suits. And to get the final answer, the second and third. To explain the whole theory, it may take quite a long time, whoever wants to study this oracle on his own, he must study the specialized literature. If there will be a large number of requests, I will post a detailed description on a separate page, write, if necessary, mail is on the contact page. For those who want to receive an oracle's answer using our website, we provide this opportunity, completely free of charge, for this you need to tune in and click on the deck of cards just below on the page.

First consultation free of charge

60 rub. /min 0 rub. /min

I am Psychic (EMPAT), TAROLOGIST. Individual production of CHARMS, AMULETS, ARTIFACTS, PROTECTION. Destroying corruption, the evil eye, the curse, thanks to time-tested schemes and techniques embedded in powerful artifacts, is not an unsolvable task for me. I HELP to understand difficult life situations, save love, family ties, return a loved one (if he was taken away with the help of magical influence or witchcraft). You can check the honesty of the intentions of a business partner, find out the reason for failures in a career, job search, building a business, and much more you can find out by contacting me. In addition to information, you have the opportunity to receive professional help in resolving already existing negative circumstances, as well as to acquire assistants in the form of amulets and amulets that give you protection from evil influences and the evil eye, which also attract luck and support from the Higher forces into your life. The abilities in the family go down the female line from the great-grandmother, who was engaged in classical healer techniques, was a recognized witch and passed her gift to me, and I have already strengthened it. She was able to cut and bring her abilities to a new level thanks to the "Dark Guild", where she received the level of Artifact Master. I use the Oracle systems, three types of TARO cards, the runic system of RUN of the Elder Futhark. As part of the "Dark Guild" she developed methods to counteract negative impacts on a person's life and destiny. I pay special attention to the analysis of relationships between people in various areas of life: LOVE, FAMILY, FRIENDSHIP, WORK, BUSINESS.


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Olga, 45 years old

“Thank you very much, Zoriana, for the consultation! I hope everything works out for me!”

First consultation free of charge

50 rub. /min 0 rub. /min

In my arsenal there are exclusively old rare Romanian, Gypsy, Hungarian and many other cards handed down by my grandmother, who had Romanian gypsy roots. I'll tell you what to do now, how to act so that the future is the way you want! I work with any spheres of life and I will be glad to help you find answers! For over 12 years, various card decks have been my life and passion. I consider myself a cartomancer, this is what I have devoted my life to. Cartomancy is the art of divination on various maps. I have 6 main decks in my arsenal that never fail. - Gypsy divination for 26 and 35 cards. A unique method of predicting the Romanian gypsies. - Egorov's Tarot deck. Fabulously beautiful deck. Predictions, therapy with images, fairy tales, hidden clues. - Mary Lenormand deck. Universal cards that give clear and accurate answers, predict events and break the psychological aspect. - Small Ettail deck. A very rare and complex deck that gives predictions until the end of life. Foreshadows the exact time in years, months, weeks, days, hours. I am a person who works with your request, situation and your personality. I tune in, make a layout of the cards, and in their bizarre patterns and combinations I try to capture the sacred meaning. Decipher it and convey to my Questioner (that is, you) the meaning of the message. What questions can there be? By and large, any! Everything is limited by ethics (rules) and our imagination. I try to work with the existing situation in order to suggest to you how things can be changed for the better in order to obtain the desired results. Talk to me directly and frankly, ask and tell. And I will try to give you an equally clear and direct answer. In any case, I think every seeker will find something interesting for himself in our personal and public consultation. Do not forget to add your personal, single photo, waist-length or full-length, preferably against a neutral background, no more than 3 years old. This makes my job much easier.


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Vadim, 32 years old

“If not for you, Artem, my life would have turned out differently. Thanks!"

First consultation free of charge

50 rub. /min 0 rub. /min

Greetings to the website Genesis-Stars☯☯☯ We recommend you to register on the site before setting a question so that our correspondence remains in your personal account. I am hereditary ★★★ Clairvoyant ★★★, fortune teller on Tarot Maps, Oracle Madame Lenormand and various oracles of ancient and modern masters. Certified psychologist and parapsychologist. I have been successfully advising people for over 16 years. In my family, a unique gift is passed down through the female line. My mother, grandmother and great-grandmother very accurately guessed on the cards and predicted the future. In me, as in the successor of the family, all abilities have increased. In addition, I was able to improve my knowledge and skills, as well as discover new ones with the help of experienced magicians around the world, from whom I studied. I specialize in relationships, career, spirituality. Let me answer questions about your past, explain your present, and reveal the secrets of your future. My gift of clairvoyance gives me the ability to predict the difficulties that you will face, as well as the amazing events that await you ahead. I guide you on the path of life that will be best for you.

The only star oracle in the world is a universal way to get an answer to a question. Simple actions help to get a forecast in the form of a prediction in a short time from anywhere on the planet.

  • money, career;
  • Love, relationships;
  • health.

The principle of operation is primitive. You need to concentrate, ask a star oracle a question, press a button, read the result. Particular attention is paid to interpretation.

The prediction has an allegorical form. Not everything can be understood immediately, it takes time. The peculiarity of fortune-telling, its task is to make one think. Do not rush to conclusions, you need to think about the situation, consult with your relatives. The interpretation may require the intervention of an astrologer.

How to tune in and ask a question

The result of communication with the only stellar Oracle in the world is associated with the right attitude, the execution of instructions. For a specific answer, you must follow the rules of preparation:

  1. You can't guess too often. Do not rush when you accidentally find a way. A new way of divination must be studied, questions prepared. It is possible to carry out the ritual only with full readiness for the procedure, the consequences. Don't ask two in one day. Receiving an unsatisfactory response is a reason to postpone the appeal. Frequent repetitions of the operation tire the predictor - useless advice falls out.
  2. It requires a high degree of concentration on the problem during divination, a serious attitude. Otherwise, the result of the Oracle can lead to confusion, misperception of information, lost time. A long reflection on the problem alone, communication with the participants in the events will help. Each detail must have a clear shape, weight.
  3. It is necessary to clearly articulate, recreate the image in the subconscious. The problem should manifest itself through specific symbols. They must be scrolled through in the head before starting work with the stellar Oracle.

If fortune-telling requires asking a question, you need to consider the form of submission. There should be a short, informative, meaningful sentence, showing a clear desire to know, to correct fate.

The search for a variant of the only correct text is made on paper. Enter into the line of the program, repeat aloud, achieving conciseness while maintaining the meaning.

If you need additional actions according to the instructions, do not neglect them. Affects the reliability of the prophecy of the stellar Oracle.

What can affect the reliability of the results

The Star Oracle is tuned not only to the future. Clarifies the past, ongoing situations. The veracity of the only predictor in the world is beyond doubt. You can check only in the course of life events.

If the answer looks erroneous, you should wait: the fortuneteller loses sight of something important. If time has passed, and no new thoughts have appeared, you need to take the process more seriously. The reliability of the prediction of the star oracle is affected by:

  • Vera. Action without faith does not bring results. It also concerns divination. One can believe through the study of the principle of action;
  • desire, power. The stronger the desire to get an answer, the more certain the outcome will be. Wishes at all stages should be strong and open. The energy message from a person must be strong - a signal of the seriousness of the object's intentions. Gypsy Tarot cards, coins, higher powers will help;
  • mood, good intentions. Do not guess with a bad mood, without a sincere desire to change your life. Otherwise, the result will be confusing, the description text will seem false. If there is a problem at home, you should ask how to resolve it quickly. You should not turn to him when hidden evil remains inside the soul. A guide to action can only be received with kindness;
  • special preparation. Spontaneous appeal to the world's only stellar Oracle gives a chaotic answer. It requires a serious attitude to the process, a special place, time. A secluded space is good. It is necessary to clear the mind, soul, ask a question.

A step-by-step approach will help to strengthen the reliability, simplicity of the prediction:

  1. Training. Left alone, you should remember the problem. Imagine the details associated with it visually, tactilely. You can ask after. At the peak of concentration, it is worth moving on to the next stage.
  2. Divination. It is necessary to perform the actions necessary to start: enter a question for the star Oracle, a number, select a card. Click on the button for getting the result, wait for the description.
  3. Analysis. The text of the prediction is read carefully, without haste. Suggestions are worth thinking about. Don't be in a hurry. It is important to understand that not all events have already happened, some were left without attention.

The rules will be adjusted in the right way, they will help to understand the interpretation.

Failure to follow the principles of divination is not the reason for obtaining an erroneous result. The only stellar Oracle will submit the correct answer in closed form. The text cannot be understood without help, it will take additional time to decipher it.

Is it possible to change fate

Receiving the results of the divination of the stellar Oracle is associated with the desire to change life.

The fate of man is predetermined. The direction, the key turns of life are in her hands. The Star Oracle helps to see clearly, to determine the future path. It's not enough to just guess. It is required to perceive the prediction as the only tool. It will help to make decisions, start changes. The future in the world is being built through every moment in the present.

Sometimes you need to change not life or believe the Oracle, but the perception of situations. There are situations when people do not notice their own happiness. This is typical when:

  • betrayal of the native brings apprehension in feelings;
  • carried away by a fictitious love, he refuses to notice that a friend next to him is faithful to him;
  • the fortuneteller harbors false hopes, not realizing that his beloved is not needed.

People of such a warehouse should change their own attitude to life - they will redraw their fate.

How to read the star oracle on the cards

Maps help to contact the world's only stellar Oracle. Because of the need to purchase props, gain knowledge, it is worth seeking the help of a specialist. Choosing fortune telling online will help save time and money.

To get a reliable result will help simple steps. Necessary:

  1. Open a fortune-telling page in your free time (in a secluded place, with a positive mood).
  2. Read, follow preparation instructions (if available).
  3. Click on the deck, choose cards from the deck, reaching concentration on the question.
  4. The result will be received after a second.

The dropped card describes the current alignment. In the electronic version of the divination of the stellar Oracle, a description in the form of text falls out. It should be read, analyzed without haste. The text often describes events hidden from the eyes. It is worth discussing with relatives and friends to exclude surprises and reveal other people's secrets.

A professional will help you avoid mistakes. He will study the situation comprehensively, correctly interpret the message of the supreme forces.

The Star Oracle is the only one in the world that broadcasts the wisdom of centuries, offers unexpected solutions. The method of applying the results is in the hands of the people themselves, which should be remembered when pressing the button to start fortune telling.

The Star or Astrological Oracle is a very special Tarot deck. It perfectly combines two predictive systems: divination by Tarot cards and astrology. The principle of working with the Astrological oracle is the same as with the horoscope. Sometimes this system is called the "Oracle Horoscope". This principle is based on the "three whales", three fundamental concepts that astrologers operate on: the signs of the Zodiac, the planets that rule these signs, and the houses of the horoscope.

provides chat

Chat cost 2.39 €/min; - minimum duration - 10 min.

I am a psychic, runologist, tarot reader and clairvoyant. My purpose is to help you find the answer to the question and thereby lead you to the desired goal. I will assist in the selection of the right solution for any life situation, taking into account your interests. Accurate prediction of the future with the help of Tarot runes and arcana. Professional help. Experience - more than 7 years.

“Alexandra, a great expert! The situation is described and sorted out on the shelves, everything is accurate and correct. I really liked the consultation. I will definitely contact again. Thank you very much!!!”* - Evgenia, 41 years old

provides chat

You can order a chat with an expert when he is online.

Chat cost 1.29 €/min; - minimum duration - 10 min.

I am a psychic and bioenergetic, I have the gift to see the future and change it for the better. I have been practicing for 16 years. I am ready to help everyone who turns to me, because I know that every person deserves happiness. I will show you the shortest path to happiness and teach you how to be the "architect" of your destiny. *Bioenergetics is not a medical discipline.

“I consulted with Elvira for the first time. The expert helps to see the essence of the situation, discarding many doubts and questions. It clarifies the situation and directs you to the essence of the problem, so that you yourself can see it from the outside and make a decision. We talked briefly, but productively! Low bow. Thank you. I will listen to the voice of intuition. Good luck!”* - Maria, 38

I am a tarot reader, parapsychologist, clairvoyant and psychic. With the help of Tarot cards, Oracles, runes and clairvoyance, I will answer your questions, review relationships, help you find a way out of a difficult life situation, and harmonize your energy field. I provide parapsychological and psychological assistance. Call and you will receive an answer and recommendations from the Higher Forces. Experience - more than 30 years.

“I have not met such strong specialists for a long time. Everything is true. ”* - Tatyana, 25 years old

Using my knowledge and practical skills, I will provide you with a consultation that will fully reveal your life goals, desires, aspirations, inclinations, abilities, and so on. The star oracle will allow you to better understand yourself, realize your true purpose and find your place in the world.

“A clear vision of the current situation, tact and goodwill. Thank you, Nonna, for your moral support and your advice. Well, as for the future, time will tell ... "* - Lyudmila, 51 years old

I am a clairvoyant, tarot reader, parapsychologist, astropsychologist and psychic. Thanks to my gift of clairvoyance, I receive information about your question from higher powers. I will make author's layouts on Tarot cards to see in more detail your life and your environment, to see how things really are. Through parapsychology and extrasensory perception, I will remove negative influences from you. Astropsychology helps restore your inner "microcosm". Call and you will receive answers and recommendations, and most importantly - a positive result and assistance.

I am a hereditary clairvoyant. I will look at your future on any type of cards (more than 120 decks). I guess on beans, coffee grounds, runes and hands (not to be confused with palmistry). I will help you solve problems related to family, loved one, work, business, study. With my help you can change your life for the better! Work experience - more than 23 years.

“Irina’s predictions tend to come true! Thank you for your advice!”* - Elena, 49 years old

I have been doing tarot reading for many years. Almost at the same time that I discovered my gift for divination, I began to study astrology in depth. These two methods of predictions are harmoniously combined by the Star Oracle. With it, I can help you with answers to many exciting questions.

Maria, thank you very much for your advice! A very clear vision of the situation, the possible development of events. And also thanks for the good advice :) "* - Ekaterina, 33 years old

Star Oracle: reviews

  • 4.8 out of 5 , based on 2709 reviews

“Alexandra is just amazing!!! Very strong expert, sees everything as it is!!! I'm just blown away by this gift!! Thank you very much! I will contact you with any questions! I recommend such an expert!!!"*

An astrological oracle has the same structure as a horoscope, but is more flexible. Unlike other Tarot decks and oracles, it can give predictions about the timing of the implementation of an event.

To work with the Star Oracle, a specialist must have both knowledge of the Tarot and understand astrology. It is these professionals who work in the esoteric expert service of Astro7. Call anytime and see for yourself. Ask any question and get an answer online. For registered clients, the first consultation is free.

Today, guessing is allowed not only in a specially designated place with the obligatory use of magical attributes and knowledge in the field of magic. An accurate prediction can also be given by the Oracle digital fortune-telling.

Popularity of Digital Oracles

The question of the veracity of new unusual Oracles is gradually disappearing, because. people are starting to trust internet sources. Digital divination is as true as the one used by people in the past. Now everyone is able to know the future with just a few mouse clicks. Everyone will be able to tell fortunes, a man and a woman of any age.

Many modern digital sources are based on the works of famous healers, magicians and sorcerers of the past and present.

A lot of information on this topic is contained in the book by N. Stepanova called "The New Modern Oracle". The experience accumulated over the centuries is stored in the PC. All new amazing discoveries in the world over the past decades are associated with digital technologies.

Do not underestimate the magic that has passed into the Internet. It has all the same power, mystical and even healing effect. The main thing is to follow the instructions attached to such fortune-telling, to believe in their help.

Oracle healing

This online Oracle is unique. It contains several magical decks of cards: D. Verce, Tarot, gypsy cards, etc. The Healing Digital Oracle answers any questions a person needs to think mentally. The system itself will give a detailed answer. A person will only have to read and analyze it.

oracle mystical

The mystical predictor is easy to use. It is based on the famous Mahjong cards, gypsy cards, Scandinavian and Slavic runes. This digital Oracle contains a large amount of information accumulated by different peoples of the world. The fortuneteller needs to make one click on the window that pops up on the monitor screen. The system issues an answer with all the explanations and nuances automatically.

Oracle of the Stars

This Oracle is the only one in the World. The star digital interpreter is able to answer questions from a PC user. They should be short and clearly articulated. Questions may be about love, work, health, etc. Everyone is able to use the star interpreter. He needs to ask a question by writing it in a special field. After 1-2 seconds, information will appear on the screen. The oracle will respond with one or more sentences. They will not be veiled. Information is formulated clearly and competently.

Divination for 3 cards

In such digital fortune-telling, letitia cards are used. This magical tool for getting predictions has its own characteristics. Both the main and additional cards participate in the layouts. Secondary ones always explain the meaning of the main ones.

Guessing on the cards of Letizia is easy. You need to go to the divination page, and then perform the following actions:

  1. From the proposed positions, 3 main and 3 additional cards are selected.
  2. Waiting for the values ​​of the selected cards to appear.
  3. Carefully study the received interpretations, link them together.

The information that such fortune-telling gives is striking in its detail. It indicates not only certain turning points in life, but also causal relationships.

Unicorns are mystical creatures that fulfill bright human desires. Divination is based on mysticism. To get an answer to the question, go to the Oracle page, read the instructions for use and follow it. Closed cards of the magic deck appear in front of the fortuneteller on the monitor screen. The task of a person is to mentally ask a question to the Higher Forces and choose 3 cards from those offered. Each of them will have a specific meaning:

  • the first position displays what is worth a closer look;
  • the second card shows important future events;
  • the third position gives the person advice.

The interpretation is given in expanded form. Everything is written clearly and without omissions. It remains only to study the received prediction and use it as a tool to create your own future.

Online divination:ON THE KNIFE.ON THE FUTURE.Oracle + Tarot



There are a large number of online fortune-telling that help solve any problems. With just a few mouse clicks, a person will know his future or receive secret knowledge about the future. Guessing is allowed on any topic: love, work, financial well-being, relationships in society, etc. You should not often turn to the Higher Forces for help, it is important to maintain faith in the mystical powers of divination.