"Theme:" Drawing up a descriptive story about the objects of dishes. Porcelain and plastic crowns she can be deep shallow porcelain plastic plastic

Porcelain and plastic crowns are used to restore the color and anatomical shape of the front teeth and premolars. The natural color of the tooth has become possible as a result of the development of artificial porcelain crown technology.

Fragility and others physical properties Porcelain and plastics are adjusted by the need for a substantial layer of solid tooth tissues. For this reason, these crowns can be applied to restoring teeth with the surviving pulp only in patients who have arrived at 35 years of age. Young people have a wide cavity of the tooth and thin walls do not allow these crowns to prosthet. Sharply scent

The testimony to porcelain and plastic crowns with deep overlap and deep bite, the sheer position of the front teeth.

The preparation of teeth for porcelain crowns is carried out after anesthesia using turbine bornarins. There are two ways to prepare teeth - with a ledge and without a ledge. The choice of method depends on the specific clinical picture, the degree of destruction of the tooth and the localization of the defect, the height of the crown and its shape.

The preparation starts with separation of contact surfaces with a disk or thin needle diamond head. After the operation in the brisk area of \u200b\u200bcontact surfaces, a ledge should be formed.

After that, cutting edge or chewing surface by 1.5 - 2.0 mm are composed. Then remove the enamel and dentin layer with the pebble or paternal side of 0.5 - 1.0 mm so that at the level of the gum edge the ledge is formed. It is connected with a ledge on the contact surfaces. Thus, a reference platform is created in the circumference of the neck of the tooth.

For better orientation on the thickness of the tissue being removed, it is useful first to apply a separation disk with a grooves limiter, the depth of which is equal to the thickness of the tissues taken. The preparation is carried out while maintaining the total tooth. The location of the ledge depends on the structure and state of the regional periodontal, which are caused by the patient's age. Young patients have a fine gantry groove. In adult patients often detected a gum pocket.

From the vestibular side, for aesthetics purposes, it is advisable to be a ledge under the gum. In the sky and pagan surfaces, the ledge can be considered at the level of the gum. The width of the ledge should provide strength porcelain crown and varies from 0.6 to 1.5 mm. The form of the ledge may be different (Fig.49).

a B C D E F

Fig. 49. Methods for the preparation of the guide part of the tooth under the porcelain crown: A - with a direct ledge; b - without a ledge; B - the ledge with the recess; r - direct ledge with a bevelled edge; d - a leap of the top; E - the ledge.

First, the ledge is created using cylindrical or cone-visible diamond heads at the gum level. With the help of a carbide end boron using low-speed Bormarins, the ledge is immersed below the free edge of the gums, eliminating the damage to the gums and the seminal compound.

As a result, the preparation of the tooth is a cone-shaped form (Fig. 50). The preparation of the plastic crown is carried out according to the described method.

Fig. 50. Central upper cutter prepared under the porcelain crown.

For the manufacture of porcelain or plastic crowns, a double working outturope and auxiliary with the opposite jaw are removed. Porcelain crown technology as follows:

2) production of a platinum cap;

3) application on the cap of the main layer of porcelain mass;

4) applying dentine and enamel mass and firing;

5) Cutting crowns on the model after firing and check them in the clinic;

6) Removing platinum foil from crowns. Drawing dyes, glazing;

7) Checking the crown in the clinic and its fixation cement. Plastic Crown Technology Next:

1) obtaining the model;

2) modeling from the wax crown;

3) plastering in a cuvette of a model that includes an outflowed tooth together with neighboring;

4) Replacing wax on plastics;

5) finish, polishing crown;

6) fixing the crown cement on the cult.

Prosthetics with metal-ceramic and metal-plastic crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns are a prosthesis consisting of a cast metal frame and a ceramic facing layer. IN lately For the facing layer, specially developed

oral plastics (Sinima-M, Izozit). Therefore, artificial crowns received the name of metal plastic. New plastic poultry materials on their aesthetic qualities are approaching a porcelain. Unlike porcelain, they have greater viscosity and smaller fragility.

Metal-ceramic and metal-plastic crowns are used in the same testimony as porcelain. In addition, they are used as a support of bridge prostheses and with deep incisor of the reproduction.

Positive remote prosthetics results by these coins depend on properties and technical characteristics Two main materials: metal alloy and porcelain mass. The requirements for the alloy are as follows: general student - not toxic, do not cause allergic reactions, not to provide irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, not subject to corrosion in the oral cavity; Special requirements - possess high physico-mechanical properties, the thermal expansion coefficient of the alloy should not differ from such a porcelain mass, well connect with the porcelain mass.

Porcelain mass, responding to general media requirements, should be well connected with the metal, have good aesthetic qualities, to be durable.

In Russia, the porcelain mass of the MK is used in combination with the KHS alloy, Raduga-Russia. Imported alloys are also used (Ultratec, Viron, DEGUDENT) and porcelain masses (Vita, Vivodent).

The connection of metal and porcelain is carried out due to the strength of Van der Waals (the interaction force of molecular electric dipoles), mechanical adhesion, due to the surface geometry, compression forces, occurring in sintering of porcelain with metal, chemical bond Ceramics and metal oxides.

The preparation of the front teeth for metal-ceramic crowns does not differ from the preparation method for porcelain crowns described earlier. With prosthetics of premolars and molars, metal-ceral crowns are prepared by the paternal and sky surfaces only for placing a metal cap.

The technology of metal-ceramic crowns consists of the following steps:

1) making a collapsible model;

3) After checking the frame in the clinic and its processing, there are obges of various layers (main or ground, dentin and transparent) ceramic mass.

Metal-plastic crown technology as follows:

1) making a collapsible model;

2) modeling and casting of a metal frame;

3) After checking the frame, layer-by-layer polymerization of plastics in a special apparatus.

Prosthetics with full metal crowns

Full stamped metal crowns are used to restore the anatomical shape of the side teeth. This type of crowns due to its technology (stamping) has a number of inconsisters in comparison with cast crowns. The most significant inconsistency is the inaccurate fit of the crowns to the neck of the tooth. In addition, they increase the diameter of the neck of the tooth, disrupting the ratio of elements of the regional periodontal. Metal stamped crowns have thin walls and cannot be used with a significant destruction of the tooth crown. Knowing the shortcomings of stamped crowns, preference should be reflected with complete metal cast crowns.

The preparation of a complete metal stamped crown can be started with separation of contact surfaces of the crown with a metallic disk. In this case, the parallelity of the contact surfaces of the tooth is achieved. A layer of tissue is removed from the chewing surface equal to the crown of the crown (0.25 - 0.3 mm). A stinting chewing surface, one should preserve the anatomical shape of the tooth. The degree of separation of the pre-parried tooth with antagonists is checked by copying paper or strips of preheated wax. The preparation is completed by the equator of the equator of the cheek and the paternal) surface of the zois. The sharp corners between the cheek and contact surfaces are smoothed. Special attention is paid to the compounds of the guide roller, which may make it difficult to impose crowns.

As a result of the preparation, the tooth takes such a form, in which the diameter of the crown becomes equal to the diameter of the neck of the tooth under surface parallence. This ensures the imposition of an artificial coach and a dense adjacent to her tooth neck.

After the preparation, it is removed from both dental rows. To increase the accuracy of the artificial crown, the working outfit can be obtained by the method of double printing. The technology of the total metal crown is described in the manuals on the dental technique.

After the manufacturer of the crown is checked in the oral cavity. If it complies with the requirements for artificial crowns, it is grinding and polished, and then fixed cement.

Hydrontes (three-solid crowns)

For fixing the bridges of bridges, half-sics can be used, which are a non-removable prosthesis, covering the contact and palast (pagan) surface of the tooth. Application For fixing bridges of bridges, half-opera pursues aesthetic purpose. They leave the free cheek and lip surface tooth.

Crowns of such a design used on premoirs are called three-fourth. They cover contact, chewing and sky (pagan) tooth surface. Combined half-openers are applied as a covered prosthesis in generalized periodontitis. For the use of half-skewers, certain conditions are needed, and the name: 1) high clinical crowns with a well-pronounced dental tubercock;

Sufficient area of \u200b\u200bcontact surfaces of supporting teeth; 3) sustainability of teeth to caries.

Fig. 51. Preparation of a tooth under the half-skewer: A, B, B - preparation of grooves and the finished semi-crown; D, D, E - the preparation of the tooth under the floor crown with the pin and the finished crown on the tooth.

The preparation of teeth under the half-skewer starts with separation of control surfaces that must be parallel. The sky or pagan surface from the dental tubercle to the gum edge should be sheer. Therefore, the cylindrical head is removed in this zone of the equator of the tooth. The occlusal surface is stitched on the thickness of the metalla (0.2-0.4 mm). Dental tubercles must keep their shape. The cutting edge is condicted bevelled in an oral side. On the contact surfaces, parallel grooves are created by a fissure boron. On the fangs, these grooves are connected on the paternal surface with a paternal groove. If the dental tubercle is well expressed on it, it is possible to control the channel with a depth of 0.3 mm to improve the filtering fixation (Fig. 51).

After the preparation of the tooth, double prints are removed, and the semi-sided casting is carried out on a refractory model with a carcass of a bridge-like prosthesis.

Telescopic and equator crowns

For fixing removable prostheses of various designs, telescopic crowns are used, which are a system of double crowns - outer and internal (Fig. 52). The inner crown has a cylindrical shape and fixed on the tooth. The outer crown covering it is connected to the removable prosthesis and has an anatomical shape. Telescopic crowns can be litas and stamped. A feature of the preparation is the stratum of the layer of solid tooth tissues, taking into account the thickness of the two crowns.

Fig. 52. Telescopic crowns: A - Tooth is prepared under the crown; b - the inner crown; G is an external crown.

Equator crowns are used to fix bridges and tinting teeth with generalized periodontitis. They cover the teeth to the equator. The preparation is carried out from all the surfaces of the tooth on the thickness of the crown to the equator.

Prosthetics with the complete absence of a tooth crown

Different pathology (caries, increased erasability of teeth tissues, injury) often lead to the complete destruction of the coronal part of the tooth while maintaining its root. Orthopedic treatment of teeth with destroyed crowns makes it possible to restore the continuity of dental rows, to increase them with the lost unity and at the same time to use the survived periodontacles. The root can be used and as a support of a bridge prosthesis and for fixing removable prostheses.

Restoration of the crown of the tooth in its absence is carried out with the help of a pistifed tooth. A large number of structures of these prostheses are proposed, but they are mandatory parts of them, which is included in the root rope and artificial crown (Fig. 53). The testing to prosthetics with pin teeth is the absence of a tooth crown, if a reference service, which serves as a support, meets the following requirements:


Fig.53. Pottal teeth: A - Richmond panty tooth diagram; b - fromtab; in -

from plastics.

1) The root canal must be well passable for an equal length of the pin;

2) The saueristic part of the root canal should be well polled and the top-end periodonts are deprived of signs of chronic inflammation (granuloma, cystransman, cyst).

In the presence of out-of-seamless changes, if they do not work, the absence of fistulas and good filling of the root of the root is permissible to the prosthetics with pin tooth. With a significant damage to the periodontal of the root of the root, the prosthetics of the pin tooth can be carried out after resection of the root top, if a sufficient length of the root remains;

3) the root must have a length greater than the height of the future coach;

4) the root walls must have sufficient thickness to confine the chewing pressure transmitted through the pin, and the sign of a solid, not affected by caries;

5) The root cult must be open. If it is covered with gums,

then produce gingivectomy;

6) The root must be stable. Considering the anatomy of the roots, it should be said that fangs, upper central and lateral cutters are the most suitable for prosthetics of pinsing structures. However, in practice, the sky root of the upper premolars and the distal root of the lower molars are used. Before prosthetics, X-ray examination is carried out.

Currently, two structures of the pin teeth are used: "") pin tooth with an outer ring and 2) Cult crowns.

Pin tooth with outer ring (Richmond tooth)

The silent tooth with an outer ring was proposed by Richmond, so wears its name (Fig.53a). This design is most appropriate with thin root walls. The feature of it is the outer cap covering the root stuffed with a pin located 6 channels. In the initial design of this tooth, the cap was made by the soldered of gold. Currently cap strains. The edges should be as follows as much as possible in the gum pocket, and in the front department, especially to hide the strip of metal. So that the ring occupied as little space as possible and did not irritate the edge periodont, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the enamels under the gum edge. In the cap cap make a hole for the pin, which carries out the mounting of the pins tooth.

The pin should be durable to bend to withstand the beacon pressure. The material for it can serve as gold alloys of the 750 sample, stainless steel, KHS. The fastening of the pin in the root channel depends on many factors: the area of \u200b\u200bits surface, forms, angle of convergence (convergence), the size of the gap between the pin and the walls of the channel, as well as the nature of the surface as the pin itself and the channel walls. The sizes of the pin are selected not arbitrarily, and in accordance with the diameter of the root canal.

After sucking the cap and the pin in the tooth canal, the doctor removes the impression that the model is cast. On the model, the pin is soldered with a cap. After that, the pin is checked in the oral cavity, clarify the density of the adjustment of the caps of the cap to the surface of the root and the ratio of the caps of the cap to the gantry pocket. Again, remove the impression of the tooth row and print from the opposite jaw. Mold models where the pin is moving with a cap. The crown of the stuffed tooth described is made: from the lip side there is a cladding of porcelain or plastics, with a sky - metal mount. Depending on which material is selected for cladding, will change andtechnical techniques for the manufacture of this tooth, but in that and in other cases the bed is modified for the facet, which is cast from metal and solder with a collapse. After that, in the bed strengthens the cladding from the porcelain or plast masses.

Ready pin tooth check in oral cavity. At the same time, they again pay attention to the position of the edges of the cap relative to the desnemy pocket, the anatomical shape of the tooth, the color of the cladding, the attitude of the tooth to the neighboring teeth and antagonists. For the last circumstance, "special attention should be paid, since even a slight increase in the intelvelaolar height will shake the pin tooth, especially when the jaw movements.

The final stage of prosthetics is to strengthen the tooth. For this purpose, the root canal, a cult of it, a pin with a cap and fasten it with cement. A slight cement is introduced into the root channel, and it is used to coat the pins. The pin is introduced into the caution.

The advantage of the richmond tooth is the presence of a cap, enhanced by its fixation and strengthening the root of the tooth. It also protects cement in the root channel from the action of saliva. The penetration of saliva into the root canal leads to the resorption of cement, weakened the fixation of the pin and the destruction of the root. However, the presence of a ring is accompanied by a number of negative phenomena. So that the ring is not visible, it has to be deeply promoted in the gum pocket, which leads to damage to the edge periodontal.

Prosthetics by culture crowns

With significant destruction or complete absence of the crown, the analized shape of the tooth can be restored by artificial cultures with a pin, and then coat it with a crown (Fig. 54).

Crowns on an artificial cult have an advantage over other structures of pins teeth. They are as follows: 1) an artificial coach that covers the cult, if necessary (color change, degenerates of crowns), it is easy to remove and replace: 2) It is possible to use roots, the surface of which is often closed with a gum without preliminary ginselotomy; 3) when a nearby tooth is removed, an outdoor crown can be removed, and the cult is used to use again, but already for the support of the bridge

Fig.54. Various methods Preparation of root under the cult crown.

prosthesis; 4) facilitated by the prosthetics with bridges with a support for the roots of the teeth, as the crusts are compensated for the non-parallence of root canals.

The preparation of the root depends on the degree of destruction of the tooth crown. When maintaining a part of the natural tooth crown, two options are possible.

preparation of the root. The first - provides for the complete stalking of the destroyed crown; The second is more sparing, it is designed to preserve the solid walls of the destroyed crown. At the same time, fragile, thinned and softened walls of the tooth crown are compiled to a solid structure. The preparation of the channel for the pin is much facilitated, if only the topful third of the root root is polled. When the root canal is seal all over, it is carefully opened with fermented boras of small diameter. Bor diameter is selected with such a calculation to remove only sealing material, trying not to change the diameter of the root canal. Then the walls of the root canal are expanded by cylindrical fissure and diamond boras or brows to the desired diameter.

The extension of the channel is carried out taking into account the anatomical structure of the core and thickness of its walls. To exclude the rotation of the pin, the mouth of the channel should form an oval form. The front teeth need to avoid thinning walls in the guide third of the root, and at the lower - uncontrolled the paternal under significant pressure during the closure of the teeth.

The thicker and longer pin, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bits surface, and therefore, and more adhesion between the pin and the root, is accustomed to the cement. The dimensions of the pin are not selected, but in accordance with the diameter of the root canal. The latter could be expanded, but here there is an obstacle in the form of a danger to thinning the root wall. Its thickness in 1.5 mm is the limit for which it should not be observed, as the risk of splitting the root. The exception is permissible for the lower cutters and the second premolars, in which the chewing pressure by virtue of their position almost coincides with the longitudinal axis of the tooth.

To increase the thickness of the pin and to prevent its rotation, the mouth of the channel is expanded taking into account both the shape of the channel itself and the viewing of the forces that act on the tooth during the central and other occlusion. For the flat roots, mouth can be expanded in the vestibule direction to form an additional cavity in the mouth of the channel, but no more than 2 mm depth.

The angle of convergence (convergence) is also important for staging of the pin. The best properties in this regard are cylinder pins, but for this channel should be calibrated by a special tool and, accordingly, apply standard pins, despite the convenience of the form that has just described, the conical pins continue to be widely used because they correspond to the shape of root channels and easily Enter. The quality of cement is of great importance for fixing pins. To resist the side

pressure, the thickness of the pin should not be less than 1.0 - 1.2 mm, and at the entrance to the channel - 2 mm. It will be sustainable enough if its length is equal to the length of the crown or somewhat more of it. To prevent the rotation of the tooth, the pin is better to make an oval or triangular shape, gradually narrowing towards the apical opening. The pin is better fixed if there are notches on it. The end of the pin should be drawn over a cap of 5 - 6 mm.

After the preparation of the root proceeds to the manufacture of artistic cult with the pin. In the manufacture of cast metal stuff with a pin, a direct way received the most distribution. He is in the following: prepared for a cult root is insulated with a cotton swab from saliva. The cavity for the pin is freed from the air jet opaire, then the walls are moistened with a pressed tone tour. The model of modeling wax, heated to the plastic state, give the cone-shaped shape and pressed to the surface of the root with such a calculation so that the wax filled the prepared root channel and gave a good imprint of its surface. Through the wax covering the rotor of the root, the channel is introduced a pre-seized metal pin with a diameter of 1.0 - 1.5 mm from the elastic steel wire heated over the flame of the alcohol to the melting point of the wax.

Then simulate an artificial cult, the form of which depends on the future crown. For the free end of the pin, the wax reproduction of the cult is removed and they are cast from metal (chromiumkel steel, chromocal alloy, gold alloys, silver-palladium alloys).

The resulting crust with the pin is suitable and fixed in the root canal cement. Subsequently, the prints are removed and the artificial crown is made.

Another method of making cast artificial culture with a pin provides for the production of impression from the surface of the root and root canal. For this receive double prints. A preliminary impression is removed, the silicone insteid of a low viscosity is injected into the root of the root from the syringe and the plastic pin is introduced into it. The final impression is then removed, according to which a refractory mel is cast. On models from wax are prepared by an artificial cult, and then it is cast from metal.

Prosthetics with pin tooth from plastic with a subshive protective plate and without it

Such structures of the pin teeth were distributed than the simplicity of the manufacture of the crown part of it from plastic. The one is prepared as usual. Expand the channel and slipper

pin. Then the wax is simulated from the wax. The latter not only makes a stronger design of the prosthesis, but C reduces the pressure on the pin, thereby unloading the root canal. The pin is installed so that the outdoor end of it performed above the protective plate. This part of the pin in the future serves as an attachment for a plastic tooth. After casting, the accuracy of the fitting of the protective plate to the root of the tooth is checked. Then remove the prints of the upper and lower jaws, cast models and are modeled from the wax to the tooth, replacing the plastic wax. In order for the plastic tooth is better to hold, there are notches on the pins. This method does not provide good fastening of plastics, so you can do somewhat differently.

After casting the pin and the dummy protective plate, the pin is slipped to the root. Remove prints and cast models. Select the desired plastic tooth, sucks it to the cult of the tooth and model the bed with the wax for fastening the plastic cladding. In the word model make a metal casting and already create a wax model of future plastic cladding. This design of the coronal part of the pin tooth provides a reliable fastening and a good aesthetic result.

With a big cult of the root of the tooth, it can be condensed so that it has a similarity of the roof with two slopes - vestibular and oral. With powerful roots, it is possible to create a cone-shaped groover, which is in the metering area. Such a form of cult allows to distribute the pressure of the pin tooth so that the force falling on the tooth has reduced due to the transmission of voltage on the walls. This method is less complete, since the wedge-shaped tab can split the root if it is not supplemented with a ring.

The simplified design of the pin plastic tooth consists of a standard pin without a superan protective. Prosthetics in this case are carried out as follows. Pick the appropriate pin and administered to the channel so that the end of it comes from the canal. This part of the pin is fastening for a plastic tooth. Remove prints, cast models and on the protruding part of the pin is simulated tooth from wax. Then the wax replaces the plastic and the pin tooth is separated. Despite the bribery ease of manufacture, this design of the pin tooth is not entirely convenient, since the plastic mount is unreliable, and the lack of insulation of the root canal from saliva leads to the fallout of the pin tooth and the further destruction of the root. therefore this design Used as temporary. Such a prosthesis can be made directly in the oral cavity, pose a suitable factory plastic tooth from a headset for removable structures.

Clinical picture

Purpose: learn to make a short descriptive story about the objects of the dishes using the algorithm (model)
- clarify, expand, systematize and intensify the dictionary on the topic "Tableware".
- Fasten knowledge about the appointment of dishes.
- Learn to classify dishes by way of use in everyday life.
- develop monologue, memory, attention.
- to educate interest in the lesson.
Material: plates (deep and small, fork, spoons (tea and dining, wooden, metal, plastic, glasses, two plastic toys, ball; pictures with images of objects of dishes.
The course of educational activities:
The educator reads an excerpt from the poem of S. Kaputichy "Masha lunch":
No one can not
Served every dinner.
Dog - in a bowl,
In a saucer - pussy,
Jacket - Nonushki-
Millet in the crypt
And Masha - in a plate.
In the deep, not in small.
Educator: Guys, what is said in this poem? (children's responses)
What is the dog dinner? (in the bowl) and pussy? (in a saucer) and church? (in the crypton). And from what Masha lunch? (from a plate). How can you call in one word bowl, saucer, plate? What is it? (dishes).
(The educator exposes all objects to the table, except for plastic toys and plastic spoons.)
- Guard, look and name what you see on the table. (Children call) How can these items be called in one word?
Children: dishes.
Educator: And now compare these two plates (deep and small). What are they like?
Children: They eat from them, both plates are white with an ornament.
Educator: What do they differ from each other? (invites children to the table, proposes to take objects in hand).
Children: One plate is deep, and the other small one.
Educator: For what a deep plate need (children respond) and a small plate for what is needed (children's answers). What is small and deep?
As you understand the expressions: a deep river (has a greater depth), a deep feeling (strong), a small river (has a small depth), small rain (messenger), small sand (small).
Educator: Now, let's give you a little rest and remember Fizkultminuttka, which is called "Dishes":
Here is a big glass kettle
("Inflate" belly, one hand on the belt, the other is curved as a nose)
Very important as the boss,
Here are porcelain cups
Very fragile poor things
(Lack, one hand on the belt)
Here is a porcelain saucer,
Only knocks are broken
(spin, drawing a circle)
Here are silver spoons,
(stretch, hands to silently over your head)
Here is a plastic tray
He brought dishes to us.
(make a big circle)
Educator: And when you sit down, what kind of dishes do you need?
Children: Plates - deep and small, fork, spoon.
Educator: Now let's compare the fork and a spoon. What are they made from?
Children: Metal.
Educator: So, how in a word to say what they are?
Children: metal.
Educator: (takes into the hands of metal tea and tablespoons). What are these two subjects like? Children answer.
Educator: That's right, they are made of one material, made of metal, they are metallic. Now think and tell me what they differ?
Children: One - big, the other is small. One - dining room, and the other is tea.
Educator: What other glass items do you see on the table?
Children: Glasses.
Educator: What are these glasses like? What is the difference? For what they need (children respond).
Educator: Now I will show you dishes and say what she, and you have to choose the opposite word: this plate is deep, and this (small). This spoon is a dining room, and this (tea). One glass is high, and the other (low).
Educator: Now we will play the shop of the dishes (put pictures with the image of the dishes on the board). Guys, see what beautiful utensils are in our store. You can buy it, but you must correctly tell you what kind of cookware, what is she, what is needed for? You Tip - Model Description Descriptions

Listen to my story (sample descriptive story): This is a saucepan. It is stored in the kitchen. Pan of green, cylindrical shape, large size, metal. The pan has a bottom, walls, edges; Her handles are black plastic; Metal cover. In a saucepan can be cooked tasty soup, porridge, cook pasta, cook compote.

The teacher invites the child to the chalkboard so that he examines the pictures. In case of difficulty, the teacher suggests the beginning of the phrase. Other children, the educator proposes to guess what the narrator meant, and find the subject described on the board. The description of the next subject gives one who correctly guess the previous one.
Educator: And now, guys, we will play the game, which is called "Answer Fast". You all get up in a circle, and I will be in the center of the circle and throw the ball. For example, I will throw the ball to Ule and I will say the word glass, and she should throw me the ball back and say at the same time that it can be glass, which is made of glass (in this game the teacher reveals the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the following types of items: glass, metal, plastic , wooden, etc.).

Subject: Repetition on the topic "Lexicology".

Class: 5.

Teacher of Russian language and literature: Giradkova Elena Gennadievna

Objectives lesson :

General education:

Repeat and summarize the material in such sections of the Russian language as vocabulary, phraseology; Work on the consolidation of concepts: the lexical meaning of the word, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms, phraseological turns, winged words;

Spelling Oh, E after hissing, alternation of vowels in the root of the word, consoles ending on Z-,


Develop the creative abilities of students, communicative competence, the ability to work in the group.


Educating independence, the ability to empathize for the comrade, to form the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained, bring up love and respect for the Russian language.

Type of lesson: Repetition and generalization of the material passed.

Type of lesson: Lesson-game.

Technology: Game

Forms of work of students : individual, group

Used textbooks and textbooks: Tutorial "Russian. Grade 5 "Edited by L. M. Rybchenkova. Even1.-M.:" Enlightenment ", 2011.Ost book in Russian. Grade 5 edited by L. M. Rybchenkova, T.N.Rogovik.Shest 1..-M.: "Enlightenment", 2016 (Tutorial for general education organizations.); Russian language. Multi-level tasks. 5 Class / Sost.L.Fedoseeva. - 3rd ed.-Vako, 2016.-80c .- (Didactic materials).

. Equipment: epigraph; Handout; computer with projector; cards with phraseological circulation; Drawings of children with images of phraseological revolutions.

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

Words are different, Words are all sorts, Words are clear Solid and soft Words are brave, Stubborn, harsh, But certainly the case It is standing for every word. S. Bharudin

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear guys! Our lesson today will be unusual. What does it mean unusual? What do you think guys? (Student responses).

I would like to start the lesson, I would like the poem Vadima she. free "Oral speech":

Goes out oral literature
Conversational beauty
Receive in the unknown
Speech Russian miracles.
Hundreds of words of relatives and labels,
Sick, voice lost,
Locked like birds in cages,
Dimmed in thick dictionaries.
You will release them from there,
In life ordinary trick,
To speech - human miracle -
Not whitewashed today.

Today we will spend an unusual lesson, and the lesson-game competition

3 teams play (the class is pre-divided);

Choose yourself the name of the "Interpreters" commands, "phraseologists", "lexicologists" pull the signs (the names correspond to the topic of the lesson).

Elected Captain, which at the end of the lesson should evaluate the work of each.

The teacher asks questions to teams: the one who knows the right answer raises his hand.

For the correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

At the end, all points are calculated.

All students receive marks (whose team scored more points, gets "5", who has less - "4")

II. Goaling and motivation. Setting the tasks of the lesson.

And the first thing we will do with you, replacing the figures with letters, name the topic of our lesson

a - 1, b - 2, in - 3, g - 4, d - 5, e - 6, ё - 7, z - 8, z - 9, and - 10, y - 11, k - 12, l - 13, M - 14, N - 15, O - 16, P - 17, P - 18, C - 19, T - 20, U - 21, F - 22, X - 23, C - 24, H - 25, W - 26, sh - 27, b - 28, s - 29, b - 30, e - 31, y - 32, I am 33.

Make up words from numbers: 17,16,3,20,16,18,6,15,10,6 / 20,6,14,29 / 13, 6, 12, 19, 10, 12, 16, 13,16 , 4, 10, 33.

(Slide 1) Theme of the lesson "Repetition of the topic" Lexicology "

And now put the goals for yourself that you will need to implement during the lesson.

III. Repetition of the material studied. "Do you know?" (Slide 2)

Task 1. Brainstorm.

What is the name of the science studying the vocabulary of the language? (lexicology).

What are the words come to Russian from other languages? (borrowed or foreign language).

The words are opposite by value (antonyms).

The words are similar in sound and writing, but having their lexical meanings (homonyms)

Dictionary vocabulary (vocabulary).

6. What group of words include Water and Water Words (Paronima)

Task 2. Think and tell me how you can guess what words were designed. Come up with suggestions with these words and write them down.

1) It can be deep, shallow, porcelain, plastic.

2) They can go, stand, hurry, fall behind, beat.

3) There may be cucumbers, mushrooms, herring, sea.

Task 3. Fill in the table with the words(Slide 3):

Calc .. as a roof .. hand, uh..gol, sh..Kolad, sh..Mamp, zh..stay, uh..l., w..l, sh .. Besh .. novka, etc., a hood ..

Task 3. Translate these words to a literary language (orally), (slide 4):
Koreh, bro - friend, buddy.
Cool - good.

Home service - homework.

Put - talk

Digging - escape.

Triple talk.

Kemarius dorm (sleep, relax).

Task 4. By lexical value, determine the word:

Lemon color. (Citric. )

Puzzle, which is a weave of the series of cells, which are filled with words on specified values. (Crossword.)

Mentally imagine anything. (Imagine .)

The collision of opinions, positions, during which each part is argued defended its understanding of the problems discussed. (Dispute)

Task 5.

Working with a textbook p.35, page 122 Terms that need to be remembered. Give the definitions of these concepts.

Unambiguous and multivalued words thematic group, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms, phraseologism, winged words.

Task 6. Replace the original Russian borrowing words (orally), (Slide 5):

Monster (monster)

Ornament (pattern)

presentation (representation)

space (Universe)

dialogue (conversation)

spelling (spelling)


On one leg waiting,

As if you are a strong soldier,

Left left - to the chest,

Yes, look - do not fall.

Now, wait on the left,

As if you are a soldier bold. -

Two cotton over her head,

Two cotton in front of them,

Two hands behind the back of the hrying

And on two feet ridge.

Task 7. Competition of captains. "Guess the riddle of the riddle."

1. It is possible how to brew. So for a long time to delete (porridge)

2. It is hanging, under it something is also limited for it. (Nose .)

3. It walks in the head, it happens in his pocket, he is advised to search in the field (Wind .)

4. It can bring to Kiev, you can bite it, something is spinning on it, it can be suspended. (Language .)

5. According to her forks they write, it is dry from it, it looks in it (water)

6. And you can rinse, and also put on the shelf (teeth)

Task 8. Name the phraseological units depicted in the drawings, explain their value.

Pour crocodile tears (false, tight)

White crow (not like everyone else)

Tablecloth track (send to the long journey)

Ears spend (let him fool himself)

Not in its plate (feel embarrassed)

Like a cat with a dog (in a permanent quarrel)

Sleeves (casually, something)

Like a chicken paw (negligent handwriting)

Sea by knee (nothing scary)

Like with goose water (everything is not difficult)

Nose to the nose (to face close)

Put the teeth on the shelf (starve)

Damn the hell (say something not)

Do not break water (friendly)

Task 9.

Working with a textbook. Clause 35, page 122.Location1. Write a couple of words by groups:

1) synonyms; 2) antonyms; 3) the words included in one thematic group.

Small-deep, wood-aluminum, eat-squeeze, chair chair, beginning-end, teacher teacher, Mama-grandmother, here, here, there.

Make a phrase with these words to "clarify" their meaning.

Task 2.

Answer the textbook's questions.

Task 10. . Competition "Acting Mastery".

2 participants from commands in turn using gestures depict what is written on the card. Tasks on cards:

Led. Hang noodles on your ears to bite

Cut the neck around the finger. Cat has been glad.

Task 11. Fixing material (slides from 13 P15)

1. What row are not all words are antonyms?

A) highly low, far or close, good-bad.

B) go-stand, silence-shout, cry sadness.

C) thin-fat, patient-healthy, smart-stupid.

D) day-night, first-last, lazy to work.

2. Find an offer with phraseological turnover.

A) Ivan worked badly at the lesson.

B) In the lesson, Ivan worked after the sleeve.

C) Ivan did not fulfill the tasks.

D) Ivan the whole lesson idleled.

3. In which sentence you can use the phraseology "from crust to crust"?

A) Olya feels good on the rink.

B) the student read the book to the end.

C) The death of the blasphemy of the immortal was at the end of the needle.

D) Ira blushed greatly.

4. In some row in all the words in the place of the pass, the letter is written?

A) Sob..r. Berry - Sob .. Hold the body.

B) punished kids zap .. not and no doors

C) a man conclusted .. there, and God is rapping.

D) deputy..r from fright, mind .. from delight.

5. Specify the section Linguistic learning.

A) lexicology

B) syntax

C) phonetics

D) phraseology

Mortgage. (Slide 21)

Vi. Summarizing.

What sections of the Russian language were we talking about?About vocabulary and phraseology.

What concepts from lexicology were we talking to you today?

Guys, after our lesson, how do you think - for what we need to learn the vocabulary of the Russian language?In order to enrich vocabulary Language, improve the grammatical system of speech, in order to be beautiful and correctly talking.

And our lesson will complete the poem of the wonderful poet Nicholas Rylee. nKova:

Burn like heat, words

Ile is shy, like stones, -

Depends on

What you got them,

What to their hour

True hands.

And how much I gave them

Peace warmth.

Vi. Estimation.

D. / s clause 35.Termines that need to be remembered; pp.123, Task2 (test), Task 3 make up phraseologism by selecting the required word.

Marina Shurhowetskaya
Abstract Node "Acquaintance with Dining Room"

Abstract Node

« Acquaintance with dining room»

for kids preschool age with limited physical and intellectual possibilities.

Software content:

purpose: expand the knowledge of children about dishes.


- Introduce a dining room; correctly called dishes; know her content, destination, from what is done dishes(Porcelain, Glass, Tree); who is doing dishes(potter); Who makes out dishes(artist).

Correctional educational tasks:

Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about dishes, its types and appointment.

Learn to answer the question of a complete proposal, building it in accordance with the word order in the question.

Correctional-developing tasks:

Develop phondary perception humor memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop self-control over the realization of pronunciation skills.

Educate careful attitude to dishes, respect for the works of people manufacturing it.

Children, remember which dishes you acquainted?

With tea.

Why dishes are called tea?

Because they drink tea out of it.

What tea room dishes you know?

Mug, saucer, sugarcarte, etc.

Today we get acquainted with disheswhich is served for lunch and dinner. Look what beautiful cookware stands on the table.

I give the opportunity to children to consider it.

Children, the dishes are different, the plate can be deep, shallow, dessert, salad bowl, bread box, etc. It can be made of different material: Fayans, porcelain, glass, plastic, tree.

Showing a deep plate:

What is it? - Plate. - Is it a deep plate or small?

What are eating from a deep plate? (soup, borsch).

What is a plate made? (porcelain).

I give the opportunity to touch the plate.

Who makes the plates? (potter).

See how it is beautifully decorated.

Who makes patterns on dishes? (artist).

What decorated this plate? (border).

What color is Kima? (Golden).

Showing another plate, which is framed by flowers.

Artists lay them in different ways.

Showing a small plate, dessert. I explain that the second dish is served in a small plate, and in dessert fruit and berries. I also draw the attention of children to the design of these plates.

Showing a salad bowl glasses:

What is it? (Salad).

What are served in a salad bowl? (salad).

What is this salad bowl made of? (from glass).

And how did you find out that of the glass? (Glass transparent).

Showing wooden boxy:

Children, who knows what it is? (bread bed).

It stores bread.

What material is it made of? (wood).

Draw the attention of children to the design of the bread bed, it applies patterns fashion: The artist painted it with a brush.

We consider with the children of the spoons and forks that are made of metal, find out what they need.

I draw the attention of children on a variety dishes, on materials from which they are made.

Didactic game: "Find a couple".

View cartoon: "Fedorino Mount"

Children we are with you today got acquainted with different dishes, I learned what she needed, who worked over her. These masters with love did their job. So let's respect their work. We will take care of dishesmade by man's hands.