Game "Znainka" in kindergarten. Preparatory group

1. To form a positive attitude towards people working in the "Salvation Service".

2. Develop dialogical speech By deploying role-playing dialogs.

3. Develop the ability to independently create a game environment for the conceived plot, use toys - deputy sediments.

4. To acquaint with professional actions of rescuers. Learning to find a way out of problem situations.

5. Reliable respect for any work.

6. Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of people serving the special equipment. To introduce children with a fleet "Salvation Service": Snowmobiles, cars, sanitary cars, fire trucks.

The role of the caregiver: the educator as an equal partner or performs a secondary role, affects the change in the course of the game.

Creating emotional comfort in the game. Clarify and expand the motivation of children's activities. Encourage the duties of each child's gaming role. Use the minimum number of toys, encourage the use of substituent items. I am able to change roles for children to develop role-playing.

1 week "MES"

Methodical techniques:

1. Development of the plot:

There was a similarity of a avalanche.

Space rescuers.

An accident occurred on the road.

As a result of the explosion, the house collapsed.

2. Acquaintance with the phone numbers, which can be called "MES" in Noril-Ske.

3. Cognitive conversation on the topic: "Where are the professions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations"

4. Reading a fairy tale from the series of Obzh "How friends almost drowned"

5. Productive activity: Manual labor "scene of the incident";

Production of substituent items. ; Designing "Frame". Manufacturing Symo-Laci for the crews of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Commander of the crew





Gaming environment:

Firefighter form

doctors, police officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Fire extinguishers tools,

Integration with other games:


"Fire Department",


"Car park"



2 week "Fire Piece"

Methodical techniques:

1. Development of the plot:

Challenge fire by phone.

Receiving a fire message.

Departure fire truck.

2. Didactic games: "burning - not burning", "What is necessary for fire-mu", "fire-hazardous items"; Moving games: "Who is faster", "fast and fishing", "help the victim".

3. Cognitive conversations "Caution! Fire! "," If there is a fire ", the game-occupation" If a fire in the house, Call 01 ", the compilation of creative stories" Little Match - Big Bed ".

4. Artistic: Reading S. Ya. Marshak "Fire, L. Tolstoy" Fire ", V. Galchen-Ko" Adventures of the Fireman ", T. A. Shoryin" Paper Airplane "; Evening Zaga-dock (electrical appliances).

5. Consider illustrations and reading notes from newspapers about the work of Norilsk firefighters.

6. Productive activity: Drawing "When the fire is friend, and when the enemy", "I want to be firefighters." Construction "Fire Machine".


Commander of the crew




Gaming environment:

Protective helmets, gloves;


Fire extinguisher

Form Firefighter

Integration with other games:



"Car park"


3 week "Ambulance"

Methodical techniques:

1. Development of the plot:

Case at a pedestrian crossing.

Calling ambulance.


Departure crew, help.

2. Reading Hood. Literature: "Aibolit" K. I. Chukovsky, reading from the series of the Obzh "How friends went the road", D. Tkach "Doctor"

3. Make a story "When I was sick."

4. Gaying out the riddle about the doctor.

5. Didactic games: "To whom you need to work," "will help the victim-mu".

6. The story is a conversation about ambulance.

7. Gaming exercise: overlay bandage for injury.

6. Productive activity: Production of substituent items; Drawing: Motion of symbols for calling by "ambulance".



Inspector GAI


Gaming environment:

Ambulance Attributes

Integration with other games:



"Inspector GAI"

"Car park"


4 weeks "Salvation Service Help for Help"

Methodical techniques:

1. Development of the plot:

Slammed the door.

Fire in kindergarten.

Calling the rescue service.

2. Familiarization with phone numbers for which you can call the "Salvation Service"

3. Consider illustration and photos about rescuers.

4. The conversation "What to do if the child was lost"

5. Productive activity: Drawing: Production of emblems for self-rescuers. Design "Compass", "Camera"

6. Reading "Story about an unknown hero"

Guessing riddles of rescuers

7. Didactic game "Wonderful bag", "Who, what is needed for work", "Do you know?"







Gaming environment:

Form of rescuers, firefighters,

doctors, police officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Fire extinguishers tools,


Scheme of the city


Integration with other games:


"Car park"



"Fire Department"

Task: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bdangerous life situations and ways of behavior in them.
1. Secure the ability to take various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes construction material, cards, schemes.
2. Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bprofessors of rescuers, medical workers, fund employees mass media (correspondent, operator)
3. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with an educator and peers.
4. Continue the work on the enrichment of the dictionary: equipment, evacuation, technique).
5. Deskthek the knowledge that if necessary, call on the phone: "01", "02", "03".
6. Continue to educate friendly relationships, habit to play together.
7. Rise such qualities as sympathy, the responsiveness of kindness.
Preliminary work:
Classes, conversations, didactic games, familiarization with technique that helps in emergency situations. Consider illustrations on the topics of extreme situations.
Showing a medical sister to the right provision of first aid.
Creating and solving with children of problem situations: "How would you do?", "What if ...".
Acquaintance of children with rules of behavior and evacuation in the fire, about fire warning measures (do not play with matches, gas and electrical appliances).

Headquarters "Salvation Services" (Table Telephone, War, Log for Records, Safety Posters. Software, Belts, Shovels, Veser, Stretcher, Rescue Belt, First Aid Kit, Map Scheme Group, Inflatable Pool.
The course of the game.
Educator: "Guys, have you happened to fall into a dangerous situation?"
- How did you behave at the same time?
-How would you do if your friend or neighbor became bad? (caused ambulance by phone "03").
- And who did you have to see a real fire? People of what professions are in a hurry for help during a fire? (firefighters).
Continue my thought: I saw smoke, do not yaw and firefighters .... (Call)
- Which phone should be called to the fire unit? ("01").
- Which of you guys have to see real firefighters? What do you think, what qualities have fire rescuers? (clever, bold, hardy, fearless, etc.)
2. Educator:
- Guys, when emergency situations happen to helping? (rescuers)
- About any emergency situations Have you ever heard or see?
- Name the phone number of the rescue service of the city of Balakovo. (112)
- Who are such rescuers? Let's collect many words in my palms denoting the qualities of the personality of rescuers.
Children: courage, power, masculinity, discipline, stamina, professionalism.
- Can women be rescuers? (maybe as a doctor or medical sest).
- What qualities do the doctor possesses? (Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Lask).
3. Educator:
- Do you want to be real rescuers today? By how much, the rescuers and doctors lasting the whole day lasts, we will split into two shifts. One shift on duty _ another rests. How do adults relax? (alleged answers of children). We need to choose to the role of rescuers brigade from 4 people, two dispatchers, two doctors and ambulance, builders and victims. I will be a correspondent today, I will try to remember everything and write about your work a report, I need to help the operator, which will lead to the shooting.
- Let us first choose builders. Who wants to be a builder? You have to build a house according to the drawing. Select Proraba, Mason and Carpenter and proceed to construction.
- Who wants to be rescuers? (4 people) . By how many we noted that rescuers people are disciplined, you need to choose a commander or a brigadier to which everyone will be obeyed. Solve yourself who will be, put on overalls and chase headquarters.
- Who chose the role of a doctor, nurses, ambulance driver? What does the doctor do the ambulance? (Provides first assistance to the victims and discourage them to the hospital for further examination). Take all the necessary attributes and occupy your places.
4. Correspondent:
Attention! Attention! I am conducting a report from the dispatching headquarters "Salvation Service". I ask the first question to the dispatcher: "Tell me, how often do you receive calls with a request for help? Who more often addressed to you adults or children?
- And here is the first call.
- Hello! Salvation service listens! What happened? Name the address. Don't worry, we will help you.
Dispatcher 2:
Attention! Brigade on the challenge is ready?
Rescuers: "Ready. Who needs help?
Dispatcher2: "On the banks of the Volga got into a worm of a child."
Brigadier: "To fulfill the task to start. Take the necessary structure: rope, rescue belt. We are going on the all-terrain vehicle" Buran. "
Why are we going not on the car, but on the all-terrain?
Because we will have to get to the victim thin iceAnd on the car it is dangerous.
We arrived at the scene. Rescuers have begun to rescue operation. Here is one of the rescuers gently curses on thin ice, the other insures it. It can be seen that the victim holds from the last strength.
Hold on, we will help you now. Do not be afraid, everything will be fine.
But already hurry to help doctors. What are your actions?
Doctor: He has a strong supercooling, it must be warm and inspecting. You will now be better. Calm down, all the worst behind.
Correspondent: Operation on the salvation of a man who has fallen in a wormwood has been successful. The victim was sent to the hospital, and we return to the headquarters of the rescue service.
2. Dispatcher: Hello! Salvation service listens. What happened to you? Name the address. I send you a brigade to help.
Dispatcher 2: ATTENTION! Attention! Brigade for departure ready?
Rescuers: ready. Where do you need our help?
Dispatcher: The collapse of the house took place on Lenin Street.
Brigadier: Take everything you need. Go.
Correspondent: I conduct a report at the scene. The first question is the commander of the brigade of rescuers: "Tell me what happened?"
Brigadier: We arrived at the place of the collapse of the house, there are victims.
Correspondent: What are your actions?
Brigadier: First you need to clear the ruins.
Correspondent: Rescuers begin to work carefully, clearing the dawns. It seems that the victim was found. He will immediately assist the ambulance doctors. I see that the doctors put the bus on foot and fix the bandage. The affected person will be dispersed to the hospital, and we return to the headquarters with the brigade.
Oh! See what I see - on the street just ran the real tiger. He probably escaped from the zoo. It is dangerous for passersby. What do you do?
Brigadier: urgently stop and preparing for the operation. We must call the zoo and find out: did the predator run from them?
Correspondent: Rescuers talk about something, get some kind of device and map, try to determine in where the beast is.
What are your actions?
Brigadier: First of all, it is necessary to declare urban alarm.
Dispatcher: ATTENTION! Attention! We ask all the inhabitants of the city to be careful. Dangerous predator walks around the city. Do not leave the house without need.

Rescuers: We can not be afraid. Only bold people go to rescuers. The beast we catch the grid, we will make him a sleeping pills and send again to the zoo.
Correspondent: How do you learn where he is?
Rescuers: It will help us the device that catches the signal on the satellite. An animal has a chip on the neck, which will tell where it is located.
Correspondent: I watch how deftly they push the network on the beast. He does not even try to escape from rescuers. He probably himself is very scared. It makes the injection, put carefully onto stretcher and dismiss the zoo.
And we return to the headquarters with the brigade of rescuers
It was one of the working days of rescuers. I thank you for your work and wish calm duty. Reportage Vela Lepilina L.V., Operator Petrov Alexander. To new meetings.

Military sports games in kindergarten are quite universal. They can be included in the scenarios of patriotic holidays, such as February 23 in kindergarten and. Such games in kindergarten imply the division of the group on the team and have a pronounced relaxed nature.

Military sports games in kindergarten on May 9 and February 23

Review game

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives an important package that must be delivered to the headquarters. If there is a veteran of the Second World War, then the package can be delivered to him.

Testing for speed, dexterity and skill begins on the lead signal. Children need to overcome obstacles on the road to the headquarters: run on the bridge, bring the wire under the wire, jump over the moat, go through the swamp. The last participant gives the package veteran.

Another version of this game in kindergarten: a detachment of four fighters is moving towards the headquarters, moving the plank.

Wounded game game

Girls, dressed in costumes of nurses take part in the game. For this you can use children's suits by profession. Play two. Opposite the girls are sitting boys - "wounded fighters."

At the signal, the girl should squatting to the boys, cutting their hand and leg and deliver the wounded fighter in the Sunchast. The boy goes leaning on the girl.

Deliver shells game

Children are divided into two teams. Each participant takes from the basket of one printed bag.

Children get a task - deliver bags in the baskets located at the other end of the room. For this, the "fighters" will have to run the kegli, jump over the circles, crawl under the arcs.

Purpose game

This is the continuation of the game to deliver the shells. Children take turns at the same way to the basket, take out one shell from there and try to get into the hoop. Run back and transmit the relay.

The game is crossing

Children are divided into two teams. The first participant becomes legs into one hoop, the second holds in front of him. At the signal, he throws the second hoop in front of him, jumps into it, repeats the same with the liberated hoop.

You need to get to the rack thus to get it and return to the team.

Designer game

Each team is handed a leaf size A2 with a drawn of a military equipment, consisting of geometric shapes (the contours of each figure are designated), and an envelope with color parts for the scheme.

The number of parts in all schemes is equally.

For the competition, the following models of military equipment are chosen: tank, battleship, aircraft.

The commands must be put on the scheme color image.

Game Nazis Proverbs

Children become a circle. Transferring to each other flag, they remember proverbs about soldiers and their homeland.


  • Hero for homeland mountain.
  • Brave fighter in battle well done.
  • The bold bullet is afraid, the bold bayonet does not take.
  • Motherland. Claim for her stand up!
  • Boldly go to battle, Motherland for you.
  • His land and in his cam.

Game guess and name

This task will require preparatory work In kindergarten. The educator should find photos of cities who participated in the Secondary Gossi: Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Smolensk. A selection of photos is made up of modern species and types of cities during the war.

For example, Stalingrad:

The educator sets questions to children:

  • Which of the cities do you know?
  • What are you seeing differences between photos?

Game so that there is no war

The presenter asks each team to answer the question: "What you need to do so that there is no more war." On this peaceful note, a holiday in kindergarten can be completed.

Ekaterina Saigushev
Thematic event on the patriotic education "Victory Day in kindergarten"

purpose: 1) Education of civilian feelings, feelings of love for homeland, native edge;

2) an increase in interest in the history of his family, the history of their country;

3) education Feelings of pride and relationships to the heritage of their ancestors.

Tasks: 1) give knowledge to children about the meaning victory our homeland in the Great Patriotic War;

2) bring up love for homeland;

3) to form historical culture in children and their parents, the desire to take part in conducting events To preserve the memory of the ancestors.

"On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, the German fascists attacked our homeland. They dropped bombs for sleeping cities. Shelled from the guns of a quiet village. Set fire to fields. They did not disassemble where adults, where children were killed everyone on their way. And trampled, trampled our native land. " (Yu. Yakovlev) For a long four years, this bloody war lasted. All our people rose to the fight against the fascists, everyone defended her fatherland. And they called this war with the Great Patriotic War.

The music made by the Soviet speaker in 1941 sounds. Yu. B. Levitan, with the announcement of the beginning of the war. The record that you have now heard is made 69 years ago on June 22, 1941 by the well-known Soviet speaker Yuri Borisovich Levitan. It was from this message that everyone learned about the beginning of the war.

The war is long, the war is terrible, the war is hungry, the Cold War, which brought a lot of grief and suffering to our people. The soldiers went to death fight, fought without sorry forces. The soldiers tried to delay enemies, they stood to death, selflessly fought for every piece of native land. Many heroes have fun on the battlefields. But instead of the dead, new fighters got up. The wounded soldiers heal their wounds and returned to the front again. Boys raised. They also wanted to fight for their homeland.

Children read poems:

1. In the colors all the streets are dressed,

And songs are audible.

It is a holiday today - Victory Day,

Happy, light spring day!

2. We meet Victory Day.

It goes in colors, banners.

All the heroes we are today

We call the name.

3. We know not at all just

He came to us - Victory Day.

This the day was conquered

Our great-grandfather and grandfathers.

4. Victory Day! May the sun!

Everywhere the music is heard.

Veterans wear

Martial order.

5. Victory Day! Holiday long-awaited!

Peaceful skies of blueness.

Remember the nations, countries,

In that the day ended the war!

6. In the ninth day of the University of May.,

When silence lay on Earth,

Rushed news from the edge and to the edges:

Peace won! Found war!

During the war, the soldiers and minutes of the clutch were with the soldiers, sitting by the fire, cleaned their clothes, cleaned the guns and recalled peaceful days.

But when the rest ended, they went again to fight their homeland. In a difficult and dangerous case in the war was intelligence. Caution and imperceptibly scout was to get through the forest, swamp and minefield ... He would have to have to get a package with important information and urgently deliver to the headquarters.

So that the enemy should be surprised,

Apply a smell.

And it will not be superfluous here

Sports hardening!

The game "Scout" (Carefully jump over the swamp, bypass the kegli, jump over the rope and go through a goose step and run to the package and bring the lead)

Ved.: What is interesting in the package?

Yes, it is riddles!

Guessing mysteries.

Considerable courage and courage in the war were published nurses. They had to endure the wounded from the battlefield when the explosions and bullets whistled above their heads.

The game "Help the wounded"(the same attributes only on a chair sits the wounded fighter, the girl is pierced through the obstacles, pulls the bandage from his pocket and gives the fighter hand)

Relay "All the opposite" With flags

rules: By teammate, the first participant starts running back to the specified line there and back, in the hands of the checkbox. Defending the team, transfers the checkbox to another ... continues until all team members go through.

Relay race "Inseparable friends"

rules: The first two participants run to the specified place and back - they have legs (Left - one participant and the right one) skipping. A task: Do not fall during running.

Relay race "Talking arrows"

Who will get into the goal.

Veda: Well done! So our contests approached. I think that friendship won.

The soldiers were fearlessly fought, tolerated the exhausting summer heat, winter blizzards and frosts. Forward, only forward! After all, the soldiers defended their home, their mothers, sisters, children who believed in them.

Many soldiers did not return home from that war. We will never forget our heroes, no matter how much years have passed.

Announced a minute of silence.

All the depreciation of the defendants

Gains our people!

About heroes, in the battles of the fallen,

Eternal memory lives!

Marsh sounds Victory.

Children go to the music in sailors costumes, perform simple dance movements, depart to the background; Children go in costumes of paratroopers, perform movements, depart into the background; Children include soldier shirts and caps, perform movements, remain in place. Thus, children are built into three ranks.

V-IY 1:Hello, holiday!
Hello, holiday,
Holiday boys and dads!
All military congratulates
Our cheerful kindergarten!

1st Reb.: Glory to the Army's favorite!
The glory of the army of the native
Our soldier, brave, strong,
Guards our peace.

2nd Reb.: Date is special
Sons of brave birthday.
All Russian people in this date
SHOUT Hi Sailor and Soldier.

3rd Reb.: Let the Sun shines brightly,
And let the guns do not thunder,
Peace, people, native country
Protects always soldiers.

V-X 2: Get boys on agenda
And the boys go to serve.
There is a duty of such
From the enemy to defend.
And not yet grown
And early to go to the army
There will be our boys play
And the military to represent themselves.
Four children come out.

1st Reb.: We play, we play,
We are infantry, sailors.
We launch rockets.
Love calling blades.

2nd Reb.: We dream, we dream,
What when we grow up
By infantry we will become
And in the fleet to serve.

3rd Reb.: And I will take a pencil in the hands,
Drawing crew ...
Snowy edge, white snow,
Tank gun that looks at the enemy.

4th Reb.: We want to grow doctors,
Builders, violinists,
Teachers and artists,
And brave tankers.

Three children come out in sailors costumes.
1st Reb.: Over the ships, our banner is rewing
And for the feed - azure wave.
We will grow up and become sailors,
We will be protected by you, the country!

2nd Reb.: In the seas and oceans,
From the shore in Dali,
In the dosor tirelessly
Native ships.

3rd Reb.: Country Proud of them:
Smella they are strong!
We will grow so
How are our sailors!
"Dance of sailors"

V-IY 1: Russian warrior protects
Native country peace and glory
He is in the post and our people
Proud of the army rightly.
Two children come out.

1st Reb.: I will be a soldier bold
Or by the pilot of the military.
Proud will be mom by me
Because I am a hero!

2nd Reb.: We will serve in the army,
We will keep homeland,
So that we always
Good to live in the world!

V-X 2: From you, today's preschoolers, the future of our Motherland depends.
It depends on you what our army will be. Guys, what do you think, what
quality must educate the future soldier? (children's responses)
And now we will check your strength, endurance and courage.

Here is the envelope, he was sent veterans.
Want veterans find out
Are the boys ready to defend their homeland?
And here is the first test.
Listen to the task:
Our army is big
And on land, and in the water she guards borders,
Do you know the troops all? (child response)

Attraction game "Be attentive"
Rules of the game:
Yellow checkbox - infantry, children marching in place.
Blue checkbox - pilots, children depict a flying plane.
Blue checkbox - sailors, children depict sailors looking into binoculars.

Red checkbox - shout "Hurray!".

In X1: In the second task, military riddles.
Now check if you know the deposits:
Crawling turtle, steel shirt,
Does not know either grief or fear.
What is this turtle? (Tank)

Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,
Umbrellas from heavenly heights flew. (Parachutes)

Iron fish floats under water,
The enemy threatens with fire and misfortune.
Iron fish dives up to the bottom,
Native sea guard she. (Submarine)

V-X 2: A skilled fighter is always well done.
Now we will find out
What are our boys fighters.

Game "Get a report"

V-IY 1:
In the army, not only men serve - a lot today in our army and women. There are among them doctors and nurses, telephones and telephonists, tabletists and telegraphists. And now our girls will show that they also do not mind to serve in the army.
Children are published, insulating the poem of S. Mikhalkov "We are also warriors."