Delicious soup without cabbage. Vegetable Soup - Best Recipes

Such a dish will be an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight, is restored after a surgical surgery or hesitating than to quench the hunger in the summer heat when meat food becomes hard for assimilation. Plus, all vegetable soup contains vitamins, and due to the significant content of plant fiber contributes to the removal of toxins and purify the body.

Low-calorie vegetable first dish

Among the diverse recipes of vegetable soups without meat, modern cooking highlights several basic species of such dishes. Recipe for a simple vegetable soup with seasonal vegetables:

  • eggplants - 3 pcs.;
  • zucchini zucchini - 0.5 kg;
  • small tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • long yellow carrot - 1 pc.;
  • greens spicy herbal And onion feathers - several twigs of each type;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt, peas of fragrant pepper, other seasonings - according to individual choice.

Zucchini cut into small cubes. Tomatoes finely crumble, does not remove the skin. Tomatoes are best suited, for example, a beam, marit, NASO-2000 and them like. They have a dense consistency, the pulp does not lose shapes during thermal processing. The misappropriation will give the dish slightly sour taste. Vegetables pour two liters of cold water, fire turn on medium. After boiling, add spices on the list.

Now there comes a queue of eggplant. They need to cut into thin rings, which then cut in half. Fry for three minutes by adding vegetable oil. Next, cut carrots with rings and fry on the oil left after cooking eggplants. Carrot and eggplants add to boiling water to the rest of vegetables.

The total cooking time is 20 minutes. After readiness to give soup it is lasts a few minutes. In the dish spilled on the plates to cover the naked fresh greens, it will be tasty and light. No less tasty dinner can be prepared from canned vegetables.

Dinner from canned

Such dinner can be done very quickly, as canned foods are actually ready. . Requires a minimum of time for cooking such vegetable soup. Recipe simple:

Of all canned foods to drain the liquid. Cover of garlic and celery stalks finely cut. Pour the contents of cans and spices in boiling water, after five minutes the lunch is ready. It is recommended to serve as white bread crackers. You can still try to prepare no less tasty soup, in which, along with canned vegetables, are used fresh.

Recipe combined soup

Such a soup is preparing a little longer than the option from only canned food. The dish is obtained not only delicious, but also satisfying, suitable for thickening hunger in the cold season.

Thus prepares: the potatoes are cut by pieces, pepper strips, 2.5 liters of water are poured and put on the middle fire. After the water boils, the millet, salt, dry spices and a bay leaf are added to the pan in the saucepan.

Carrots cut into ringlets, choking onions. All together fry in a frying pan and add to boiling water. After 20 minutes, send finely chopped tomatoes and green peas in the pan. From the canter can be pre-merged with liquid. The dietary option is prepared similarly, only vegetables are not roasted and the oil in the recipe is not used.

For those people who for some reason do not eat meat, you can use its soy imitation. Soybean meat is practically no different from the present, does not contain animal components, easily absorbed by the body, quickly quenches the feeling of hunger. But the most satisfied from the vegetarian first dishes are soups puree.

Pumpkin puree soup

The vegetarian menu can be diversified with satisfying and delicious vegetable soups. The recipes for their preparation are simple. It is advisable to have a blender at hand, but you can do the usual brush.

Pumpkin to cut into portions, peel cut, seeds and filamentine pulp remove. Required pumpkin mass, potatoes and carrots cut into small pieces. Place them in a saucepan, pour water. When vegetable broth boiling, cook for 15 minutes by adding salt, a mixture of peppers and turmeric. Then the liquid is drained into a separate container, it will still need.

Meanwhile, onions, sweet pepper and garlic finely crumble, fry in oil in a frying pan and add to the rest of vegetables. With the help of a blender, the contents of the pan turn into a puree. In the process of pühzing, it is gradually a gradentified liquid. It is necessary to pour until the puree finds a very liquid consistency. After that, I will give dinner in five minutes and pour over the plates, crouching the chopped greens from above.

Similarly, the liquid puree is prepared, in which various combinations of beets, cheese, beans and peas are prepared. Good also spicy sharp dishes.

Sharp soup

It is recommended to cook in winter. The nutritionists of the edible fruit included in the burning of edible fruits are induced and the feeling of heat. To cook such a soup is very simple, the main thing to add its composition as many sharp and burning components as possible.

One of the options, for example, such. Potato cubes and rice pour cold water and put on fire. When water boils, add mustard seeds, chile flakes, salt and dry standard kitchen spices, such as parsley, cilantro and dill, as well as ground black pepper. Pickpit chili omit to boiling water for three minutes, no longer needed, then throw it out. The fruit should be whole, it is impossible to cut it, otherwise the bitterness will be unbearable.

Carrots and garlic rubbing on a grater and fry together with onions. Celery stalk cut into rings. All components add to potatoes and rice. Total cooking time is 25 minutes.

In addition to lunch and dinners, it is possible on a vegetarian basis to make blanks about the supply for the preparation of other dishes.

Vegetable broth

The principle of preparation of such broths is largely similar to soups, only vegetables after cooking are thrown out, and the concentration of utility substances and vitamins are higher in comparison with simple first dishes.

So how to prepare vegetable broth for soup. All components for such a specific dish are cut by large pieces. After that they need to be pouring cold water, add spices and salt. Cook 25 minutes, then cool. Broth strain, everything else is thrown. It is recommended to use cabbage due to its phenomenal vitamin qualities as the main ingredient.

After the fluid cools down to room temperature, pour it into various molds and put it in the freezer. In the future, you can add a frozen broth into soups or other dishes, where it will be appropriate. However, it must be borne in mind that the shelf life of such an ingredient in the freezer is 14 days, and in the refrigerator - 12-18 hours. Especially fast product is spoiled in summer.

But for a sultry period of the year, in a very strong heat, instead of boules are ideal for cold soups.

Vegetarian Okroshka and Cold Beet

These original culinary works are not only quenching hunger, but also thirst. They are noteworthy in that their preparation is carried out without any thermal processing. Make the okroshka:

Radish and cucumbers cut on rings, and radish with small pieces of any form. After opening the cans, it is necessary to drain the liquid. All components are mixed, placed in a beautiful big pile and in this form are served on the table, where there is already a jug with a kvass and a cup with a chopped greens, as well as the average size of a deep plate. Everyone present at the table in his plate poured 2-3 tablespoons of a vegetable mixture, poured it by kvass and sprinkled on top of a chopped greens.

For a variety, you can slightly retreat from the vegetarian direction and add a spoon of sour cream to the finished okroshka. By the way, the okroshka and the cold beetter are not solid. For the preparation of beetroot, the juicer will be needed:

  • fresh beets - 2.5 kg;
  • cold water - 1.5 liters;
  • red Salad bow - 1 bulbs;
  • canned green polka dot - 1 bank;
  • fresh celery - 1 stem;
  • canned red beans - 1 bank 350 g.

Onions and celery finely choke, merged with canned liquid. Mix everything in one container and serve on the table. It is not necessary to solit the mixture. Then, with the help of the juicer, get juice from raw beets and diluted with cold water. It is served a dish like a window: in the plates, households are laying several spoons of the mixture and poured with cold water with beet juice. Such food helps without consequences to survive extremely high summer temperatures, quenching thirst and saturates the body with vitamins.

Vegetable soup options are a lot of things that can be prepared for several years every day different. The main thing is to select such a combination of components so that they do not interrupt, and supplemented the taste of each other as, for example, radishes and green onions.

ATTENTION, only today!

Vegetable soups - the area of \u200b\u200bcooking, where the capabilities of the owners are endless. Soup can be "fit" for every taste: make it thick or liquid, sharp or dietary, transparent or puree, meat or lean.

Vegetable lean soups in last years Generally acquired extraordinary popularity. That's today, during the Great Post, they are in the very center of attention. We decided to present several original versions of this dish. They are very different, we hope that everyone will find a recipe for the soul.

Carrot soup with ginger

Despite the fact that carrots are one of the most affordable and cheap products, delicious and useful puree soups from it are not so often appearing on our tables. And completely in vain. They differ in tender consistency, pleasant sweetish taste and peculiar vegetable aroma. In addition, a surprisingly plastic basis: in carrot soup you can add rice, cheese or bread, potatoes or cream; Fewing the taste and smell of nutmeg, garlic or ginger. And so that carrots useful substances are better absorbed, it is good to fill with such an oil soup.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • The cream is low-fat - 1 cup.
  • Creamy butter - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Ginger ground - 1 h. Spoon.
  • Vegetable broth (or water) - 2 glasses.
  • Salt - to taste (0.5 h. Spoons).
  • Ground pepper - to taste.
  • Greens - to taste.


  1. Carrots clean and cut into small pieces, onions finely crumble.
  2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the oil (creamy and vegetable), put out the cut onion until it becomes transparent and gentle - about 4-5 minutes.
  3. Add carrots and ginger, mix and warm up; Pour water (or broth) and cook on medium heat 25-30 minutes (check with a fork, whether carrots are soft; if not enough - to hold on the fire more).
  4. Beat the carrot in a blender to a puree state, pour into a pan, add cream, salt and pepper. When applying on the table, you can decorate greens.
Council: If there is no cream, they can be replaced with milk, and the creamy oil add a little more.

In the next video - preparation carrot soup puree with rice by classic recipe From a book about tasty and healthy food

Soup gets unusually gentle and tasty! Try cooking - you will not regret!

If you still have a couple of orange fragrant (somewhere on the balcony, in the garage or under the bed), then right today you can please the home original and very beautiful sunny dish! From pumpkin it turns out an amazingly delicious and satisfying soup. And the set of products for it is so simple and accessible that even from the kitchen does not have to go out)

Depending on whether you are going to make this dish lean or not, you can choose one of 2 options: with the addition of cream or just on a vegetable broth. And a small, but very essential nuance: The next day, this soup becomes even tastier!

For cooking you will need:

  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1-2 teeth.
  • Cream - 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Sugar - 0.3 h. Spoons.
  • Water - 1.2 liters.
  • For feed - greens, red peppers, crackers, pumpkin seeds, pieces of roasted bacon (to taste and desire).


  1. Pumpkin cleanse from the peel and seeds, cut into small pieces.
  2. Onions clean and cut, garlic finely chop or skip through garlic catcake.
  3. Onions fry in a glass on a small fire before transparency (lovers can add 1-2 sprigs of seasoning at this point, it will give the soup a special taste). Add garlic and some more (for a minute) fry.
  4. Stay out a choppy pumpkin, mix with onions and garlic, add a pinch of sugar and fry 5-7 minutes, stirring as needed.
  5. Then pour water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  6. A submersible blender to grind the softened pumpkin to the state of the puree (you can use the potato). Pour cream, season to taste salt, pepper. To stir thoroughly.
  7. When applying for a table, decorate at will: greens, pumpkin seeds, bright pieces of bitter pepper, add pieces of fried bacon or just crackers.

In a notebook:

  • It is noteworthy that pumpkin soups are popular all over the world. True, prepare it everywhere in its own way. We can also diversify this wonderful useful dish using "slipny" tips. So, british Add to pumpkin soup and leek, uzbeks make soup on milk, australians squeeze it with a large number of spices, and italians Prepare soup with cheese, with rice and even ... with wine! So, with the help of several pumpkins from your garden, you can significantly diversify our winter-autumn table)
  • Another wonderful puree recipe:
  • And so that you certainly wanted to make a pumpkin a permanent guest in the kitchen, be sure to read the article.

Lentils - a surprisingly supportive and very multifaceted product. It is an extraordinary attraction that it is simultaneously satisfying, and low-calorie: with a high content of protein and complex carbohydrates, there are practically no fats in it. Therefore, a huge number of dishes are prepared from lentils: soups, salads and sideboards, cutlets, meters and curbs, bread and sweetness. The first dishes from lentils are prepared easily and simply, and they turn out to be welded, tasty and satisfying. For soups are most profitable to use red Chechief: She boots very quickly. And if you suddenly "cheered" and digest her - not scary: you can, mix well, boldly serve a dish as soup, it will be no less tasty and useful!

For cooking you will need:

  • Lentils Red - 250 gr.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 150 gr.
  • Leek - 100 gr.
  • Celery (stems) - 150 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Vegetable oil (or olive) for roasting.
  • Spices - to taste (you can fresh, you can dry).
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Checkling was rinsed, pour water and put on fire. As soon as the broth boils, fire and cook on slow heat for about 10 minutes.
  2. Crumble onion, and celery stalks; Carrots and Bulgarian pepper cut into straws or conceived figures, and garlic to grind in the garlic cattle.
  3. Vegetables allowed a little on vegetable oil, add to broth with lentils and cook until ready 10-12 minutes.
  4. At the very end to salute, add spices. Turn off the fire and give the soup broken 10-15 minutes.
  5. Pour into plates, decorate greens. Serve red lentil soup with fresh bread. You can add a spoon of sour cream.

For cooking you will need:

  • Broccoli - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 300 gr.
  • Carrots - 100 gr.
  • Green peas (frozen or canned) - 100 gr.
  • Leek - 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 gr.
  • Black pepper is ground - optional.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Spices - to taste.

  1. Clean and cut into cubes or brooms. Cabbage to disassemble the inflorescences. Carrot clean and cut into cubes or circles. Leek cut into circles.
  2. Carrots and leek put in a preheated oil and pass on slow heat.
  3. In boiling salted water, put potatoes and cook until readiness (15-20 minutes).
  4. If the green polka dot canned, you can add it immediately as soon as the water after laying the potato will boil again. If frozen purchased, then it is put in 5 minutes before potato readiness, if yours, then a little earlier - minutes for 7-8 minutes.
  5. As soon as the potatoes are welded, put and roasting vegetables in the pan, bring to a boil, add spices.
  6. Close the lid, remove from the fire and give a "walk" 10-15 minutes.
  7. Original taste will give soup rastered walnuts . If the state of health is not recommended to add fried ingredients, carrots and onions can be booze with potatoes without passion.
Council: It is very important to make vegetable broth for vegetarian soup correctly. It is boiled from potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, root, and other vegetables. The vegetables are chopped with large slices poured with well-heated water and dried under the lid on a small heat about half an hour. After turning off the fire, it is possible to strengthen for 15-20 minutes, then vegetables and greens will maximize the broth their taste and flavor.

Cold cream soup with rice and dried

This is one of those soups that can become a weekend favorite dish. Preparing easy, tasty and looks beautiful)

For cooking you will need:

  • Kuraga - 150 gr.
  • Rice - 45 gr.
  • Sugar - 30 grams.
  • Cream - 50 ml.


  1. Rinse the Kuraga, pour water, add sugar and put on fire. When the kuraga is ready, some will need to wipe through the sieve, and the part is left as a whole.
  2. Rice rinse first in the cold, then in warm and hot water.
  3. Boil to readiness (not to digest so that it remains crumbly).
  4. Before serving on the table, mix the rice gently with the rubbish drill, add chilled broth of the Kuragi and fill with cream.
Council: The sweetness of the soup can be different - depending on personal preferences. Sweet tooths The amount of sugar can be increased, preferring food without sugar - just exclude it from the recipe, the soup will not lose from this charm. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey (added immediately before serving on the table).

Great lean recipe. This soup will have to taste not only to vegetarians and stand up. Rich and piquant, it will definitely be assessed by a male half family.

For cooking you will need:

  • Beans - 1 cup.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 150 grams (can be replaced by the pulp of the tomato).
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - for frying (3-4 tbsp. Spoons).
  • Spices (garlic, chili pepper, thyme, parsley) - to taste.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Wash beans, pour cold water and leave for a day.
  2. Then rinse again, put in a saucepan, add 2 l of water and cook until readiness. Throw off the beans on the colander. Broth in which it was cooked, bring to water to the original volume in 2 liters and put on a small fire.
  3. Finely chopped carrots and onions fry on olive oil and add to broth.
  4. When boiling will resume, add tomato paste And ¾ parts of boiled beans. It is a small fire to cook for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Broth to drain, beans and vegetables to take a blender in a homogeneous mass and pour broth again.
  6. Stay in the soup the remaining part of the beans, bring to a boil, add salt and spices to taste.
  7. You can serve with crackers, pouring them right into the soup.
Council: If you decide to use canned ready-made beans, cooking time is much reduced. Literally up to 20, maximum - 25 minutes. This soup must necessarily be thick, otherwise he will have a "poor" taste.

Soup from chickpea is unusually tasty and nutritious. Its oily structure and a light walnut taste give a pleasant tenderness and aroma. In addition, Nut is very useful product; It is recommended to diabetics and those who suffer from skin diseases, and the frequent use of chickpea will even help get rid of depression.

Soup from chickpeas is tasty both on meat broth, and without adding meat. We recommend not to eat all right away-and the second day the dish will be even tastier!

For cooking you will need:

  • Beef on the bone - 500 gr.
  • Nut (dry) - 1 cup.
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1-2 pcs.
  • Onion onion - 1-2 pieces.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Greens, spices - to taste.


  1. In the pan lay the washed meat and chick, pour water, bring to a boil, remove the foam.
  2. Remove fire, cover with a lid and leave with weak boiling (in the "quenching" mode) by 2.5-3 hours.
  3. Then add salt, potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, roasted onions and carrots and cook until readiness.
  4. 2-3 minutes before the end of the cooking, add spices.
  5. Scratch soup is delicious with garlic, coriander, red pepper. When feeding to pour in the soup handful of peanuts, crown into the plate of greens.
Council: Dry nuts can be soaked in the evening in big The number of salted water. Waters need a lot, because the nuts when turning is greatly increasing in the amount. Pre-closed, it is brewed three times faster - as a rule, per hour achieves readiness. Soups from canned chickpeas are also very tasty. In addition, cooking time decreases to 20-25 minutes.

This original Soup Must like many - he smells like the sun, south and rustic summer. In the season you can leash directly from the custom, and now either canned or frozen. The soup is preparing quite easily, and cooking time will take only one hour.

For cooking you will need:

  • Pumpkin (already purified) - 200-250 gr.
  • Tomato ripe - 1 large.
  • Pepper Sweet Bulgarian - 2 pcs.
  • Milk corn - 4 medium pillars (fastened or canned - 1 jar).
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Leek - 1 medium stem.
  • Pepper red sharp chili - 1 small pod.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Creamy butter - for roasting (1-1.5 tbsp. Spoons).
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Broth chicken (or water) - 1 l.


  1. Pepper bake in the oven (or grilled) to the subpalin, remove the skin and clean from the core with seeds. Cut into strips. Pumpkin cut into cubes. Tomato clean and also cut into small cubes. Leek and and finely crumble. Corn grains cut off Catherine (canned - open). Chile pepper cut into rings.
  2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom to fry on the creamy oil chopped onions, add cubes of tomatoes and garlic and fry minutes 3-4.
  3. Add to the mixture chopped pumpkin, pour 0.5 l of broth (or water), mix, add a bay leaf and salt. On a small fire to cook for 20-25 minutes.
  4. In the remaining 0.5 liters of broth boil 5 minutes by corn.
  5. Get it and fry on creamy oil along with chillees 2-3 minutes (broth add to saucepan with vegetables).
  6. Fry corn and Bulgarian pepper add to a pan with pumpkin and vegetables, hold 3 minutes on fire. The soup is ready.
  7. When applying for a table, it can be decorate with greens.
Council: If you want to make puree soup before adding corn, put the Bulgarian pepper and take the vegetables with a blender. Then add roasted corn from Chile and 2-3 minutes hold on fire.

Vegetable soup with salted cucumbers

Salted cucumbers are not only a traditional snack "with a crunch", and also an excellent ingredient for the first dish. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a brideller; They will give the original taste of a beet chill, acute fishing or mushroom cala. Today we will introduce you to one of these original recipes.

For cooking you will need:
At the rate of 1 liter of water

  • Poultry meat (and crumbs) - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 180 gr.
  • Salted cucumber - 1 pc (can be replaced with pickled).
  • Creamy butter - 20 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Leek - 10 gr.
  • Parsley root - 20 gr.
  • Celery root - 10 gr.
  • Garlic - 5 gr.
  • Spinach - 40 gr.
  • Sorrel - 30 grams.
  • Salad green - 30 grams.
  • Petrushka Greens - 20 gr.
  • Bay leaf, pepper - to taste.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Sour cream - 20 gr.


  1. Packing and bird cooking on a weak heat until the meat starts separated from the bones.
  2. Broth strain, meat cut into small pieces.
  3. Potatoes cut into cubes (or strokes), put in broth and cook until half-ready.
  4. Onions, leeks, parsley and celery cut into straw and fry in oil.
  5. , and rinse salad and grind. Garlic to rub with salt. Salted (or marinated) Cucumber Clear from the skins and cut into cubes.
  6. All cooked foods add to a saucepan to semi-prepared potatoes and cook soup for another 15-20 minutes.
  7. Salt, add seasonings. Hold on fire 1-2 minutes. In case of need, you can add a cucumber brine.
  8. When submitting to the table in the soup, put sour cream, pieces of meat and greens.
Council: Tasty it turns out if you beat the cream with egg yolk, pour them with a boiling soup and sprinkled with chopped greens.

Summary from the turnip with pieve and garlic

Summer is a light soup, the basis of which is water and vegetables. It is always a lean dish, because the chowder is not prepared on meat broths, does not provide for the roasting components on oil and fat. Eating it immediately after cooking - hot. Leave the next day not recommended.

For cooking you will need:

  • Turnip - 600 gr.
  • Leek - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Pepper peas - 5 pcs.
  • Petrushka, dill - to taste.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. In the salted boiling water, put the sliced \u200b\u200bcubes and rings-curled onion at the bottom. Add pepper peas. Cook until the turnip is ready.
  2. 3 minutes before removal from the fire add chopped garlic, 1-2 minutes - greens.
  3. Pulling should remain transparent: if you digest it, the broth is likeing, and the fragrance will disappear. Cooking time is not more than 25-30 minutes.
  4. - To merry, just soup - to the world and peace. And if the unmarried girl dreamed that she was preparing soup, then get her marriage for a wealthy person.

    Oh, how do you want a tasty dinner, peace and peace) and let them all dream soup!

Vegetable soups occupy the most important place on the dining table of each.

After all, this dish has a very good taste, aroma and nutrition.

In addition, vegetable-based soups contribute to the normalization of digestion, improve the appetite and lead the metabolism.

These dishes can be used during dietary food, and also this treat will become an excellent lunch option for vegetarian food adherents.

In order to diversify its menu, we suggest to consider several recipes (with visual photos) of soup based on various vegetables.

Vegetable soup: Simple recipes for tasty lunch

With zucchi and cabbage

How to cook:

  1. In the pan pour water or broth and put on fire. Heating;
  2. Clean the potato tubers from the peel, cut into a piece of medium sized;
  3. We fall asleep potatoes into the liquid and leave cooking;
  4. Cooking clean from skins, cut and remove all seeds with flesh. Purified zucchini cut into cubes;
  5. I fall asleep zucchini to potatoes;
  6. Cabbage is rinse and shredded in the form of straws or squares. I fall asleep cabbage to the rest of the components in the saucepan;
  7. Carrots need to rinse, consider the skirt and grate a large grater. I fall asleep carrots in the soup;
  8. Tomato rinse, ruby \u200b\u200bin the form of squares. Put a tomato into a container with vegetables, mix all;
  9. We rinse sweet peppers, cuts into two parts and cleaner seeds. Cut straw or squares;
  10. I fall asleep pepper into our vegetable soup, all stir. We leave to cook until readiness, about 15-20 minutes;
  11. Rinse the greens. Cut with small pieces;
  12. 5 minutes before readiness we simulate everything, add spices. Mix. Top sprinkled with greens and close the lid;
  13. Turn off the fire and let the time to stand 10 minutes.

With lentil and sweet pepper

Components components:

  • 400 grams of red lentils;
  • 6 potato tubers;
  • 1 Carrot root;
  • Bulb - 1 piece;
  • 1 sweet pepper pod;
  • One tomato;
  • 2000 ml of water;
  • Some vegetable oil;
  • Bunch of greenery;
  • Salt - to his taste;
  • At the request of the spice;
  • Lemon at its discretion.

Cooking period - 1 hour.

Caloric level - 79.

Procedure for cooking this vegetable soup:

  1. To begin with, lentils pour cold water and rinse well;
  2. We lend a lentil to the sieve to glass all the water;
  3. We rinse tomato and sweet pepper pod. Tomato cut into cubes;
  4. Pepper cut in half and pull out all seeds, remove the fruit. Shining pepper straw or squares;
  5. We wash the carrot, consider the skin and larch on a large grater;
  6. Throw the husks from the bulb, we rinse in cool water and chop small pieces;
  7. Potatoes clean from the peel, mine and cut small slices;
  8. In a pan, we pour some vegetable oil and put on gas;
  9. In hot oil raude pieces of carrots, onions, all stir and fry a couple of minutes;
  10. Next, lay pepper there, all mix;
  11. We put the kettle with water on the stove and heating;
  12. Add potato pieces, lentil, all mix and fill hot water from the kettle almost to the edge of the pan;
  13. After that, add tomato cutting. All we are improving, season with spices, we reduce the fire and leave to cook vegetable soup for about 10-15 minutes before readiness;
  14. In the meantime, we are rinse with greens and shining on small pieces;
  15. At the end, we all sprinkle with greens, turn off the plate, cover with the lid and leave it to be 5-15 minutes.

Vegetable soups puree

"Renoir" with eggplants

Components for cooking:

  • Eggplants - 3-4 pieces;
  • Tomato fresh - 1 piece;
  • Onions - 1 head;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Soft cream cheese - 70 grams;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vegetable broth - 400 ml;
  • 180 ml of cream or sour cream;
  • Some black and burning red peppers;
  • A little mixture of olive herbs;
  • Salt to your taste.

Cooking period - 1 hour.

Calorie - 70.

How to prepare vegetable puree "Renoir":

  1. With eggplant you need to carefully remove the entire skirt;
  2. Cut eggplants with small cubes, laying out pieces of eggplant in salty water and leave there for 30 minutes;
  3. Tomato must be placed for a while in hot water. Due to this, it will be easy to remove the skirt;
  4. We take out the tomato from the water, carefully remove the skin and cut into the middle pieces;
  5. With garlic teeth need to remove the skin;
  6. Further on the foil you need to put pieces of tomato and cloves of garlic;
  7. He warming up the oven to 200 degrees and put a foil with tomatoes and garlic there. We leave to be baked for 20 minutes;
  8. In the meantime, clean the onions from the skins, cut into small pieces;
  9. We put on the stove frying pan, pour vegetable oil and warming up. I fall asleep there onions and fry from all sides to a golden color;
  10. Then drain the whole liquid with eggplant, squeezed pieces of eggplant from extra liquid;
  11. Pressed pieces of eggplant put into a frying pan with a bow, fry from all sides of 1-2 minutes;
  12. Then pour water, about 1.5 glasses;
  13. All sprinkled with olive herbs, spices, we are satisfying;
  14. As soon as everything starts to boil, we reduce the fire and cook for about 10 minutes;
  15. Next, remove the whole mixture from the plate, leave to stand until a complete cooling;
  16. After that, we transfix everything into the container of the blender and grind;
  17. We take out of the oven tomatoes with garlic, put it into the container of the blender with mashed potatoes, sprinkled with black and red pepper and mix everything again to uniformity;
  18. Then add fused cheese, cream and mix again;
  19. We break the vegetable soup to the plates and serve on the table.

Preparing the first dish of broccoli and zucchini

What will be needed for this soup-puree:

  • Medium-sized zucchini - 1 piece;
  • Broccoli cabbage - 1 inflorescence;
  • One leek head;
  • 3-4 large spoons of cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices - at its discretion;
  • Greens in dried form - pinch;
  • Some salt.

How much is preparing - 40-60 minutes.

Calorie - 85.

How to cook such a soup:

  1. To begin with, we consider the skin, rinse and bubbly in small squares;
  2. Put a frying pan on fire, pour oil and warm up;
  3. On the heated oil we fall asleep sliced \u200b\u200bonions, fry. In the process of frying, the onions must be intermitted to periodically so that it is not burnt. Fry until soft;
  4. From the zucchini, you should consider the skin, cut into several parts and remove all seeds and flesh;
  5. Cut out medium pieces, spread it in the container, fill with water, we sat down and put it to be boiled up to readiness;
  6. Broccoli we divide on inflorescences, put it in a container, fill with water, we succeed and drunk until readiness;
  7. After the zucchini is ready, add half of the roasted bow and half of the cream (2 large spoons);
  8. With the help of a submersible blender, everyone whipped to the state of the puree;
  9. Then, the remaining part of the roasted onion lay in a pan from broccoli, we also lay out 2 large spoons of cream;
  10. Broccoli whipped by a submersible blender to a puree state;
  11. Pour to the plate first zucchinny puree, then puree from broccoli;
  12. All sprinkle with spices, dried greens and apply on the table.

Dietary recipes first dishes

From Celery

What will take:

  • Fresh celery - 300 grams;
  • 1 carrot root;
  • Onions - 1 head;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 medium tubes;
  • Three tomatoes;
  • Bunch of parsley;
  • Drinking water - 1 liter;
  • Some salt and spices.

Cooking duration - 1 hour.

Calorie - 45.

We proceed to the cooking of diet vegetable soup:

  1. In the container, pour water, we succeed and put on the stove;
  2. From Luca, we remove the skin and shining with small pieces;
  3. Carrots are rinsed, we consider the skin and dirt from the root, rinse. Cut the root of fine straw or larger on a large grater;
  4. Celery allocate and cut in the form of rings;
  5. I fall asleep into boiling water pieces of onions, mix and welcome 5 minutes;
  6. Further into the liquid, snipping celery and carrots. We leave to boil 5-10 minutes;
  7. In the meantime, we clean potatoes from the skins, rinse and cut into cubes;
  8. We fall asleep potatoes to the rest of the components, mix, leave to boil for 15 minutes;
  9. We rinse tomatoes, cutting cubes. I fall asleep tomatoes in the soup, all mix;
  10. We welcome 15 minutes soup, add spices;
  11. Green rinse, shake and cut with small pieces;
  12. At the end of the soup we sprinkle with greens, close the lid and let the time to stand for 20-30 minutes.
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pieces (at its discretion, you can not add);
  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece;
  • Bunch of parsley;
  • Onion green - 4-5 feathers;
  • Some salt.
  • How much is preparing - 1 hour.

    Calorie - 75.

    How to prepare dietary vegetable soup with mushrooms:

    1. On the slab we put a saucepan with water and heating;
    2. In the meantime, we rinse mushrooms, clean and cut with plates or straw;
    3. Fall asleep mushrooms in hot water and leave cooking;
    4. Carrot purify, rinse and larger a large grater;
    5. I fall asleep carrots into the container to the mushrooms, we leave cooking;
    6. From Luca, we remove the skin, throw in the container right in the same form;
    7. Put celery root in the container and leave to boil up to 30 minutes;
    8. Then we clean the sweet pepper from seeds and fruits, cut with straw and put in a container with the rest of vegetables;
    9. Potatoes purify, rinse and ruby \u200b\u200bcubes. Drunk until readiness in a separate container;
    10. At the end, rinse parsley and green onions. Cut with small pieces;
    11. Turn off vegetable soup, add potatoes, we put up, sprinkle with greens;
    12. Cover the lid and leave to stand 30 minutes.

    Culinary prompts

    • For diversity and making fragrance in vegetable soup, you can add spices, black pepper;
    • After cooking in the soup, you can put sour cream or cream. This will give him nutrition;
    • Vegetable soups can be prepared on a vegetable brave, meat broth or water.

    The preparation of vegetable soup is a simple task with which every hostess will cope. This dish will help diversify your daily menus and saturate the body with useful vitamins and substances.

    Therefore, do not postpone its preparation for later, and make it as quickly as possible.

    According to scientists, the first dish eaten for lunch helps not to overeat in dinner.

    Vegetable delicious soup, it is impossible to cope with this task. All love vegetable soup. The recipe for vegetable soup can be selected based on its own culinary preferences, or even the presence of at least some vegetables in the refrigerator. However, questions in the comments and on the forum a la How to make vegetable soup, how to cook vegetable soup or how to cook vegetable soup, tell us that there are still not all cooks have been comprehended by this simple science. Any of the hundreds of our recipes will tell how to cook delicious vegetable soup, a recipe with a photo will even show.

    Vegetable soup - a recipe that is rooted into the depths of human history. A person has long understood that the boiled vegetables are more convenient, they are easier to digest and absorbed by the body. And the main thing - a decoction or soup of vegetables creates a special composition, a combination of flavors. The preparation of vegetable soup is very diverse, vegetables can be cooked in water, broth or even separately. They can be passed. Perhaps the main rule of how vegetable soups are preparing - they contain vegetables. And everything else is a tradition or fantasy of the chef. Recipes of vegetable soups are like lean and meat. The most popular meat includes vegetable soup with chicken or vegetable soup on chicken broth, vegetable soup with meatballs, vegetable soup with meat - pork or beef. Vegetable soup on the broth can be made transparent or frantic, this is who like loves. However, you can cook and delicious soup on vegetable broth.

    Because of boiled vegetables, you can easily make mashed potatoes, of which vegetable cream soup or puree soup are often prepared. The recipes of these soups in principle do not differ much. The recipe for vegetable soup puree can be dietary or refers to meat soups. Light vegetable soup is ideal for those who are sitting on a diet. Nutritionists often recommend drinking vegetable soup for weight loss, because even more energy is spent for digestion than it is carrying. The recipe for the vegetable soup for weight loss, as a rule, does not contain high-calorie vegetables. Vegetable soup for weight loss - recipe very popular. In addition, vegetable diet soup is well suited for unloading days. Therefore, the recipe for a diet vegetable soup should be in the arsenal of any mistress.

    In addition to the traditional set of vegetables, vegetable soups can be diversified, for example, having prepared vegetable soup with zucchini, or vegetable soup with sweet pepper. Often the recipe for vegetable soup contains some seasonal vegetables. This, for example, soup with vegetables and green peas, or vegetable soup with the podtoko beans. The most useful, of course, fresh vegetable soup. But you can make vegetable soup prepared in various ways.

    Soups without meat - a great output in case you do not eat meat products, as well as if suddenly in the house there was not a single piece of meat. The lean soup is not worse than the hunger quenching than the welded meat.

    The easiest and fastest recipe

    We prepare products. Potatoes, onions and carrots mine, clean and cut. Water in the saucepan put on fire and wait for boiling. On the hot frying pan, a little roasting onions and carrots. As soon as the vegetables become soft, turn off the stove.

    Boiling water Solim and put potatoes. As soon as he is ready, put in the soup our vegetable roaster. We throw a handful of vermicevels and immediately turn off the stove. Finished soup is preferable to serve with greens.

    Soup without meat with rice

    Time - 30 minutes. Calorie - 46 kcal per 100 grams.

    Rice are thoroughly rinsed and soaked for half an hour. Water for soups put on fire and bring before boiling. My potatoes, clean and cut into cubes. We add it to the water and cook until half-ready. In this embodiment, we will not make a roaster. Therefore, then put in the water carrots and onions. You can cut them as it is convenient for you.

    Figure can be put on the Potato Bookmark Stage. Be sure to pick up soup after it is added! Rice cereals absorbs part of the salt, so that the usual amount may not be enough. I bring the rice until readiness and turn off the plate. We feed soup with greens.

    Pea lean soup

    Pea soup is very tasty even without meat. Of course, a dish with a piece of meat and smoked meat will be piquant, but even without them the taste does not suffer. Great option in the post. We take the following products:

    • 2 liters of water;
    • peas bright - 1 cup;
    • carrot - 1 piece;
    • bulb - 1 piece;
    • potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
    • creamy oil - 30 grams;
    • salt to taste.

    First of all, we put a saucepan with water on fire. All vegetables are mine and clean. In a preheated frying pan, fry onions until soft. We add waste carrot and carcass under the closed lid until readiness.

    In boiling water put potatoes cut into cubes and peas closed per hour. You need to add salt at this stage. As soon as the peas are ready, add a grip. We close the lid and give the soup. You can put a bay leaf in the pan and a couple of black pepper pea. We feed soup with crackers or with greens.

    Recipe of potato soup

    Potato soup - in general, the variation of the simplest soup without meat itself. The only difference is - we will take more potatoes, we will not add vermicells, and we will also put some tomato paste into it. For such a soup we will need to take:

    • 2 liters of water;
    • potatoes - 4 small tubers;
    • onions - 2 small heads;
    • carrot - 1 piece;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
    • salt, spices and greens to taste.

    We put a saucepan with water to the burner and wait for boiling. All the vegetables are mine, clean and cut. Potatoes cut a cube and send to cook. Onions and carrots cut thin straw and fry on medium heat until golden color.

    We put tomato paste and add some water. Leave the vegetables to steal on slow fire until readiness. As soon as potatoes are welded, add a roaster into the soup and turn off the fire.

    We feed soup with greenery or crackers.

    Vegetable Vegetable Soup

    Vegetable soup - a real find, especially for the summer. The dishes are dominated by vegetables, so it is delicious, useful and satisfying. Excellent option for post, diet or children.

    Time - half an hour, caloric content - 30 kcal per 100 grams.

    Water put on fire. Potatoes cut into cubes, cauliflower divide into small inflorescences. We put them in boiling water.

    At this time, in a frying pan roastions and carrots. We cut them with a thin straw or a cube, to someone as convenient. As soon as the bow became soft, add Bulgarian pepper, sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw. Masters 10 minutes under a closed lid.

    As soon as the potatoes were welded, add chopped celery and zucchini into the pan. Cook 10 minutes until all vegetables are ready. Add vegetable roaster. Turn off the fire and give soup it is broken.

    Borsch without meat

    Borsch without meat is no less tasty than with him. It is also an excellent and satisfying dietary option.

    • water - 2 liters;
    • cabbage - 300 grams;
    • beets - 1 piece;
    • onions - 1 piece;
    • carrot - 1 piece;
    • potato - 2 tuber;
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 1 h. spoon;
    • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

    Time - 45 minutes. Calorie - 45 kcal per 100 grams

    Water boil. At this time on the hot oil, the onion and carrots are passer. As soon as vegetables are twisted, add waste beet. Sprinkle with sugar and cover with a lid. Mashed all vegetables until soft. As soon as the plate is turned off, we water the roaster lemon juiceSo that the beets do not lose color in the soup. Another option is to add a little apple vinegar.

    To boiling broth put a chopped cabbage. Solim and cook until half-welded. Next, put the potatoes cut into a cube. Once all the vegetables are welded, put a tomato paste and stew vegetables into the borscht. Turn off the burner, add pepper and bay leaf to soup. Serve with sour cream.

    Read how to bake in our article.

    How to prepare delicious meatballs with creamy sauce in the oven. We offer you the most interesting selection of this.

    Cook delicious darose patties with potatoes - such a dish is well suitable for the post or as an addition to the boors. .


    Buckwheat soup is an indispensable dish for the children's and diet menu. We offer a recipe for such a soup with mushrooms. It turns out the perfect dish for vegetarians, fasting, follow the figure and kids.

    • 2, 5 liters of water;
    • buckwheat - half of the glass;
    • potato- 2 pieces;
    • bulb - 1 piece;
    • carrot - 1 piece;
    • champignons - several large mushrooms;
    • salt and spices at will.

    Time - 40 minutes. Calorie - 60 kcal per 100 grams.

    We put a saucepan with water to the burner and bring to boiling. Potatoes cut a cube along with carrots. We put vegetables into the water and we reduce the fire. Solim to taste. Buckle is thoroughly rinsed and put in the soup. Cook until readiness.

    Cut onion by half rings. Shampignons cut into small cubes. Fry the bulb and mushrooms on a hot frying pan. As soon as mushrooms are ready, turn off the burner. We add a grip to the soup, try to salt. You can serve with greens or sour cream.

    Cream cream soup without meat

    This restaurant dish can be obtained from the most simple products. Try this cream soup, and you will not stay indifferent!

    Time - 40 minutes. Calorie - 80 kcal per 100 grams.

    We put water on fire. Zucchini my and cut by arbitrary pieces. Add a zucchini, potatoes with cubes and drunk to complete readiness.

    Onions cut in any convenient way and fry in cream oil until softening. Optionally, you can grasp a little carrot. Put onion roaster in a saucepan with soup. We give me a dish about half an hour. Now you can give it the necessary consistency.

    Now our dish is whipped with a blender. It is best to take submersible not to overflow soup into another dishes. Grinding the mass and pour cream into it. Solim, Perchym and, optionally add garlic and greens. You can add grated cheese to the dish. In the dietary version there are no cream and cheese. You can add garlic, spices and greens to the dish.

    Luck soup without meat with mushrooms and beans

    The soup is characterized by a high protein content due to mushrooms and beans. The perfect option for vegetarians and fasting.

    • 2 liters of water;
    • champignons - 3 large mushrooms;
    • bulb - 1 piece;
    • carrot - 1 piece;
    • canned beans - 1 bank;
    • potato - 2 pieces;
    • pepper and salt to taste.

    Time - 45 minutes. Calorie - 70 kcal per 100 grams.

    Potatoes and carrots cut into boiling water into boiling water. Onions and mushrooms are finely cut and fry in a frying pan. You can take both creamy and vegetable oil. Vegetable broth Solim and Pepper. Add a can of beans into it. As soon as potatoes are ready, put mushrooms and onions into the soup. We give a dish and serve with greens or crackers.

    Diet puree soup from pumpkin without meat

    The real storehouse of vitamins in cold autumn is pumpkin cream soup. A spicy taste will not leave anyone indifferent. We will make a dietary dish, and therefore, neither cream nor flour in it will. In addition, such soup every time there will be a different shade of orange - depending on the color of pumpkin pulp.

    • pumpkin - 500 grams;
    • bow -1 thing;
    • sweet red pepper - 1 piece;
    • carrot - 1 pass;
    • garlic - 1 teeth;
    • seasoning curry - half of the teaspoon.

    Time - 30 minutes. Calorie - 45 kcal per 100 grams.

    We start cooking soup. In a saucepan with a thick bottom pour vegetable oil. There onions, in it until the golden shade fry onions. We rub the carrots on a large grater and add to the bow. Cover the lid and shops until soft. If the mixture is burning, we pour a couple of tablespoons of water.

    Pumpkin clean and cut by arbitrary pieces. Bulgarian pepper is mine, clean from seeds and cut the same way. We put vegetables into a saucepan, pour a tablespoon of water. Masculated until the pumpkin is ready.

    Ready vegetables need to grind. To do this, we use the blender. Thoroughly whip the mixture until a complete disappearance of lumps. Add garlic and curry, mix again with a blender. Solim to taste. Apply cream soup with croutons or greens.

    Another option of cooking soup is to bake a pumpkin in the oven along with the rest of the vegetables, and then beat the blender. To do this, we add all the products to the desired dishes and cover the lid. Tomm on medium heat for about an hour. Of course, the preparation of such a soup will require more time, but it is worth it! You can add juicy tomatoes, some celery or potatoes.

    Secrets of cooking vegetable soups

    1. When cooking soup, it is necessary to follow the bookmark sequence. For example, potatoes are brewing the same time with cauliflower. But the white-born brought to readiness much longer. Therefore, it must be put before all other products;
    2. Slit all products for soup equally. For example, if potatoes are cut with straw, onions and carrots should also be cut;
    3. For fragrance, you can put the root of parsley;
    4. The perfect refilling for vegetable soup without meat is sour cream;
    5. Onions and carrots are passable on a chipped frying pan. To give them a beautiful golden shade, you can pour a little sugar sand;
    6. If the soup is added beets, it is necessary to pre-put it with a small amount of sugar and fat. So it will save its color;
    7. Vegetables should be put only in boiling water. So they retain more vitamins.

    Now you know several recipes for cooking soups without meat. They diverse your diet.