Kuban Sea history. Krasnodar reservoir - description, history and interesting facts

The reservoir is quite large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir created by the hands of a person. This article lists all the edges - names, their size, resting opportunities. How many artificial reservoirs were created within this region? And how are they suitable for fishing and recreation?

The reservoir is ... The largest reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory

The photo presented below gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is an artificial (man-made) hydrological object created with the aim of accumulating fresh water. They are river or lake.

Water accumulated in such water bodies goes to a variety of needs: utilities, industrial, agricultural. Some reservoirs are created exclusively with a recreational purpose.

It is known that the first artificial reservoir in the world was made by the hands of the ancient Egyptians (in the 3th millennium to our era). The purpose of its creation was the economic development of land in the Nile Valley. The first reservoir in Russia was constructed in the Urals in 1704. To date, hundreds of different man-made lakes have been created within the country. And among them, the edges occupy an important place. The names of the largest of them are: Krasnodar, Chapsuga, Kryukovskoye and Varnavinskoye.

It is worth noting that the creation of such objects is fundamentally changing the local landscape, strongly affects the microclimate, flora and fauna of the territory. If the reservoir is constructed on a large river, then changes in its hydrological mode are noticeable throughout hundreds of kilometers to the bed. The temperature of the water, ice regime, the flow rate changes, increases the height of wind waves.

All reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory: names and their size

Within the Krasnodar Territory, you can count nine reservoirs. Their water is used to generate electricity, irrigation of agricultural fields, water supply of cities and towns. The coastline of these reservoirs is a great place for short-term recreation of residents of the region.

Listed below are all edges. The list also contains information about the total area of \u200b\u200bwater mirrors:

  • Krasnodar reservoir (area - 420 square kilometers).
  • Shapsug (46 square kilometers).
  • Varnavinskoye (45 square kilometers).
  • Kryukovskoye (28 square kilometers).
  • Takhtamukay (9.5 square kilometers).
  • October (9 square kilometers).
  • Shenjian (7.8 square kilometers).
  • Unbeldzhaev (0.76 square kilometers).
  • Maykopskoe (0.5 square kilometers).

Krasnodar reservoir - the largest in the region

The so-called Kuban Sea is the largest reservoir in all of the North Caucasus. Its total area is 420 square kilometers. The length of the reservoir is 45 kilometers, and the maximum width is 15. The depths here reach 15-20 meters.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a huge man-made lake at this place has arisen from Soviet engineers in 1967. Eight years later, she was embodied. During the filling of the reservoir under the water, about two dozen villages took place. Most of the locals moved to the new city of Adygeysk.

Today, among the Krasnodars and the inhabitants of the region, the version is common that the reservoir is located on one of the tectonic faults. And this, in turn, threatens the flooding of huge territories. In fact, it is just a myth that does not have any scientific foundations.

On the shores of the reservoir, many databases have been created for fishermen, hunters and simple holidaymakers.

Varnavinskoye reservoir

Varnavinskoye reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory is the third in the area in this region. It is located ten kilometers to the northeast of the city of Krymsk. The reservoir was built and launched in 1971. The reservoir stretched almost eleven kilometers in length.

On his shores, several villages with poetic names are cozy: South, Black Sea, Garden, Mova ... Local residents love and protect their artificial "sea".

The Varnavinskoye reservoir is considered to be Mecca among the fishermen of the region. It is here that the B. Popova Cup is held annually on fishing on a float fishing rod.

Kryukovskoye reservoir

The Krasunodar Territory, the Krasnodar Territory, perhaps, can be called one of the most picturesque in the region. It is located to the west of Krasnodar, at the village of Lviv.

The reservoir was commissioned in 1972. It was created in order to be able to regulate floods on local rivers, as well as with the purpose of irrigating local arable land. In the near future, the reconstruction of the reservoir is planned, providing for the strengthening of its shores, an increase in the dam.

Features of fishing on the reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory

On the edges of the edges, it is possible not only to fully relax after heavy labor everyday life, but also to go fishing well. Fishing, as you know, this is a great way to relax and gain new vitality. And numerous fresh reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory are an excellent place for this purpose.

Here are karais, carp, sazan, taran, lin, pike, catfish and other species of fish. Fishing in the Krasnodar Territory can round year, With the exception of the period from March 1 to May 31.

Before you go fishing on one of the water bodies of the edge, you should maximize the information about it. This will help choose appropriate place, and choose the necessary gear.


Excellent conditions for recreation are distinguished by the reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory. The names of the largest of them: Kryukovskoye, Varnavinskoye, Krasnodar, Shapsug and Oktyabrskoe. On the shores of all these reservoirs you can relax well, and it is also great to go fishing. Their waters are found carp and crucian, taran and pike, catfish and perch.

In the Skubansky district of Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Caucasian village). The filling reservoir is located in the natural basin of a large salty lake, near the left-bank board of the Grand Stavropol Canal (BSK) between 32-47 km.

Normal subference level (NPU) 629 m. The total volume of the reservoir at NPU 587 million m 3, useful - 500 million m 3, the area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror 50 km 2, the maximum depth of the reservoir is 30 m. The length of the coastline is 31.4 km. Kubanskoye - the largest reservoir of Karachay-Cherkessia in full and useful volume.

The shores of the reservoir are predominantly low, with the exception of the eastern. Small bays are available only in the eastern part of the reservoir.

The reservoir is operated since 1967. Used for seasonal regulation of the drain: filled from the Gravropol Canal in the summer flood period, it is triggered in a low-water winter period, ensuring the work of the Cascade of the Kuban HPP and the operation of water supply systems, fed from the channel. Filling and workout reservoirs are carried out through the structures of the Kuban hydroaccumulating power plant (GESP).

The maximum water level is observed in August-September, minimal - in April-May. Delta levels in seven years reaches 10-15 m. Level reduction occurs in the autumn-winter period; As a result, large areas of the bottom are exposed in the southwestern, most shallow part of the reservoir.

The water is filled with cold cabbage water, as a result of which the water temperature is rather low; The average annual does not exceed 8 ° C. The reservoir is covered with ice at the end of December, and is exempt from him at the end of March - early April. But in warm winters, as, for example, in 2003/2004, it does not completely freeze. Non-freezing wormwings remained in the winter of 2004/2005.

The reservoir is located in the forest-steppe zone of the northern slope of the Big Caucasus. Previously, the vegetation of the vicinity of the reservoirs was represented by forests from oak, ash, Elm, and in the steppe areas - associations from fires, raying, bearded, oatmeal, pitch with an admixture of dispersion. Currently, steppe vegetation has been preserved only on steep slopes of the owl mountains. Dubravy are completely destroyed. Split slopes, fields alternate with forest belts consisting of oak, ash, maple, elm, poplar, acacia, apricot.

Large seasonal water level fluctuations, high turbidity and relatively low temperatures Waters in the summer flood period create unfavorable conditions for growing immersed and surface vegetation; The shores are almost open open, with grassy low-spirited coastal vegetation.

The mineralization of water is low, no more than 200 mg / dm 3. Monitoring the quality of water reservoirs is carried out by the Kuban Center for Monitoring Water Objects in five stems: pos. Caucasian; Support channel for GESS; the dam of the western part of the reservoir; Eastern part (pos. Michurinsky); from. Happy. The main pollutants are nitrite nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, copper. In quality, water is characterized as "moderately contaminated."

Ichthyofauna is represented by the following types: trout, roach, Caucasian Cholavl, Krasnoproka, Caucasian Dipstick, White Amur, North Caucasian Long Secking, Azov-Black Sea Shelter, Perebaucasian Waying, Silver Carace, Guster, Fisher, Sasan (Carp), Pierce Tolstone, Sudak, Okrug , needle fish.

Near the reservoir are the villages of Caucasian, Michurinsky, waterproof.

Kuban VDHR. It was created in 1968 on the site of the Bolshoi Batalpashinsky lake, which was an old man left from the ancient river river. Kuban, sometime current in the northeast direction. Next to the reservoir from the west side is located oz. Small. From the reservoir, it is separated by the dam and non-erase (about 300 m) section of the sushi.

The reservoir and the lake are located in the sub-loss of the development of Paleogenic and non -ogenic sediments. Paleogen is represented by the Upper Department - Oligocene, Neogen - the Lower Department - Miocene. In lithologically, this thickness is represented by the dark gray and brown clays of the Maykop series (Potapenko, 2004).

The soil in the vicinity of the reservoirs under consideration belongs to the micellar-carbonate predkiscosky chernozem.

With full filling, the maximum depth of the reservoir is 30 m, at the lowest level - 20 m. The total volume of the reservoir is equal to 620 million m3, useful volume - 487 million m3. The maximum level is observed in August-September, minimal - in April-May. At the same time, the level of levels reaches in some years 10 m. Reduced level occurs in the autumn-winter period. As a result, large areas of the bottom are exposed in the south-western, most shallow, part of the reservoir. Water in the reservoir comes across the Big Stavropol Channel, taking its beginning with the Ust-Dzheguctinian VD.

Thus, the reservoir is 96-98% filled with Kuban water. In the summer in the flood period, a muddy water comes into it, carrying a large number of solid suspensions. The value of the catchment from the territory surrounding the reservoir, is small (ground and snowy water, fresh rugs - 2-4%). Sea temperature in Kuban VDPH. Pretty low, average annual - does not exceed 8 ° C. This is due to the fact that the water reservoir is filled with cold Kuban water. The mineralization of water is very low and does not exceed 0.20 g / l. High quality water and almost does not contain pollutants.

The shores of the reservoir are predominantly low, with the exception of the eastern. Small bays are available only in the eastern part of the reservoir. Large seasonal fluctuations in water level, high turbidity and relatively low water temperatures in the summer flood period create unfavorable conditions for growing immersed and surface vegetation. Therefore, almost all over the shores open with grassy lowest coastal vegetation.

In the western part of the reservoir, there is a large narrow island stretching in a latitudinal direction by almost 800 meters with a maximum width of about 100 m. At high level, the island is gradually blurred. With a low level, it is connected to the dummy of the reservoir, and foxes and other terrestrial predators penetrate it, which prevents the nesting of many aquatic and chain birds.

Oz. Small round-egg-shaped round, its area is about 220 hectares. The shores are smooth, there is only a small bay in the western part of the lake. Lake shallow water, the maximum depth is about 5 m. The shores are low. Level fluctuations are insignificant (0.5 m) and do not wear a seasonal character. In the last year, he, for example, rose as a result of the increased flow of drainage water with the surrounding fields and the discharge of municipal domestic drain from claimed facilities pos. Caucasian. Water in a salty lake (10-15 g / l). The lake falls in the lake containing organic substances and many salts (chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, nitrites and nitrates).

West of Oz. A small river lamb, which in some places is overclosed by dams, where carp fish (carps and tolstolobics) are bred in the 6 ponds.

Climate. District of Kuban VDHR. It is characterized by a temperate climate. In the absence of high ridges here, air masses forming the climate of the flat part are freely penetrated. North Caucasus. The average monthly temperatures of winter months are negative: December -1.8 °, January -3.9 °, February -3.3 ° C. The most warm months are July and August (average monthly temperatures, respectively, 21.0 and 20.6 ° C).

The reservoir is covered with ice at the end of December, and it is released only at the end of March - early April. But in warm winters, such as, for example, in 2003/04, it did not completely frozen. There were non-freezing wormwings in the winter of 2004/05 according to climatologist forecasts (Budyko, 1980; Lurie P.M. et al., 2000) compared with the 80s of the last century, the air temperature should increase by 2020 by about 2 ° FROM. And winter temperature will grow faster. This will contribute to an increase in the number of water-marsh birds on the southern countries of Russia, including on the reservoirs of the North Caucasus.

The area under consideration is characterized by frequent strong winds of the Eastern Direction. As a result, trees in forest belts have a slope in the west side.

At least twice a year: on the eve of the flood season, and then the clouds of the Krasnodar reservoir are condensed with the clouds of all kinds of information about the fact that this object is far from safe, threatening at any time bring the city a lot of troubles at any time. Once a variety of information does not become much more, representing a traditional set of horror stories.

To whom and why it is necessary - the conversation is separate, with predictable conclusions. Today, with the help of specialists, we will try to disperse these clouds, having drawn the line between the speculation and the true position of things.

Myth number 1.

The construction of the Krasnodar reservoir in itself was originally the idea of \u200b\u200bstupid and even malicious.


The Kuban Sea, as a comprehensive reservoir, was built for the cutting of flood peaks in order to eliminate threats of flooding on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 600 thousand hectares, including in the regional center. The reasons for its construction were abound. For example, in 1956, 156 settlements were flooded. In 1966, the damage from flooding was 60 million rubles. Old-timers remember times when whole areas of Krasnodar were smeared every two or three years, and even the military were attracted to the rescue of the population. For thirty years of operation (starting from 1973)

The Krasnodar reservoir thirteen times prevented large floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban River. Specialists of the Kuban basin water management remind that the regional commission that was investigating the main causes of the devastating for the middle cuban of 2002, was replied to the Krasnodar reservoir exceptional role in protecting the population from the catastrophe.

Member of the Commission of the Federation Council to eliminate the Flood in the south of Russia Nikolay Kondratenko In his report, he said: ".. the designers and creators need to once again put a monument. The reservoir has a lot of bully, almost torture appeal, so it saved us. Otherwise, all the prosia, Adygea, a huge part of the edge would be in water. And these are the warehouses of the eradicates, and animal farms, and the petroleum. It is difficult to submit a tragedy that would play here. "

Myth number 2.

The Krasnodar reservoir is unsuccessful in the seismological plan. Its zone divides the deep spill, the load in the form of a shock wave according to which can become a trigger mechanism for an earthquake.


All the conversations that the reservoir is in a bad place and can provoke an earthquake - do not have scientific justification- says the director of the research and development center for forecasting and preventing geoecological and man-made catastrophe at Kuban state University Academician Ran. Vladimir Babesha. - We know all faults in the territory of Krasnodar, and they pass in other places, we are ready to show their card at any time. I declare categorically: no seismological threat reservoir is not.

Myth number 3.

The holding of the Krasnodar reservoir goes with a tremendous pace, as well as the bonding of the reservoir. Not far from the hollow hour when it turns into a swamp and will no longer correspond to its own purpose and perform its functions.


The fact that the channel reservoirs have a property that has been known for a long time ago and, in fact, is not a special problem, since the rules of operation of the reservoir provide for the planned deepening of the mouths of the rivers flowing into the reservoir, and other works that exclude the processing of the process in a catastrophe.

Krasnodar reservoir (Kuban Sea) - artificial reservoir on the Kuban River, the largest reservoir in the North Caucasus. It was filled in 1973-1975, the eastern part of the new reservoir included the previously existing TCHIK reservoir. The last, separated from the western part of a semi-fold dam, which local residents continue to call the old name, is a favorite place of fishermen.

All regulatory actions for clearing the reservoir are regular and regularly performed for about six years, - says the director of the federal state institution "Krasnodar reservoir" Gennady Nikiforov. - On the one hand, this is an invisible job, as it is under water. On the other hand, the reservoir can be observed during the jurisdresses. For clearing, we attract contractual organizations, as well as our own, albeit small, forces.

Myth number 4.

On the reservoir, only planned repairs are carried out by the Latanium of holes.


After at the regional and federal levels The activity of the reservoir in the conditions of the catastrophic flood of 2002 was positively assessed, that in 1999 the EMERCOM of Russia considered this object with dangerous, it was decided to forget, recognizing the arguments incorrect. Increased financing from the federal budget for repair and restoration work. A shipping gateway was completely repaired, work on the anti-corrosion protection of the metal structures of the main hydraulic structures was regularly performed, the pumps are changed, the pressure slings are strengthened.

The purpose of the creation of the Krasnodar Sea was the organization of check rice rice and the struggle against seasonal floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban. Organized the initial shipping shipping is currently discontinued, due to the annulment caused by river nanos. Left tributaries of Kuban directly fall into the reservoir (from west to east) White, Prische, Martha, Apraq, Shunduk, Psekups. When creating a reservoir, the fertile lands of Adygea with twenty aules and farms were flooded, the population of which was resettled in the newly built city Teuzheff (now Adygeisk) and the village of Tlyustenhabl. In the 90s of the 20th century, plans were offered plans for the reservoir descent, or a decrease in its level, which remained not implemented.

Now on the agenda of the replacement of the latter, the fifth shutter on the main hydraulic structures, - says Gennady Nikiforov. - It is supplied by the Volgograd plant, and in September we completed these works. Previously, four shutters have already changed. We continue to search for filtering wells on the right bank and on the main dam. On autumn, the reconstruction of the pumping station in Belorechensky district is scheduled. All this is the security deposit of the reservoir.

Myth number 5.

Water in the reservoir is dirty, so it poorly affects the environment.


The hydrophimic laboratory of FSO "Kubanmonitoring" is engaged in the quality of water quality, and rather, the state monitoring of the quality of surface water bodies in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Kuban Basin Water Management. Under the study, of course, the Krasnodar reservoir falls.

In early 2008, it was reported on the construction project of the Adygei HPP, which will use the existing reservoir for production electrical Energy. In relation to Yuri Jaated, the general director of the Adygei HPP company, which is building a criminal case in the Republic of HPP? 65 million, a criminal case is investigated. He is suspected of falsifying documents that allowed the company to register ownership of construction sites and redeem outside the competition of 8.8 hectares of municipal lands. This means that the timing is delayed due to the crisis and violation of financing. The construction of the station to this practically does not lead.

Conclusion from the latest data obtained: "When selecting the water samples of the studied reservoirs of visual pollution caused by anthropogenic exposure, not observed. The nature of the distribution of pollutants on the waters of reservoirs is uniform. High content of pollutants is not detected; The hydrochemical situation is stable, the quality of water is at the level of mid-year observations. "

Myth number 6.

Something there is still impossible ...


According to the latest post of Kuban basin water management, the flooding situation in the Kuban River River Pool. The volume of water in the Krasnodar reservoir is 1580 million m3, which is lower than the normally retaining level. Anti-water container completely free. The reduction of the volume of the reservoir in connection with the fill of rice checks is continuing: with the plan of sowing 128,600 hectares Rice is sown on an area of \u200b\u200b98,900 hectares, including 84,500 hectares.

The Square of the Krasnodar reservoir is 420 km², the volume is from 2.0 km³ to 3.1 km³ (regulated, the water level varies to 8 m). Length - 40 km, width - up to 15 km

Krasnodar reservoir (Kuban Sea) - artificial reservoir on the Kuban River. The largest reservoir in the North Caucasus. Area - 420 km?, Volume - from 2.0 km? up to 3.1 km? (Adjustable, water level fluctuates 8 m). Length - 40 km, width - up to 15 km.

It was filled in 1973-1975, the eastern part of the new reservoir included the previously existing TCHIK reservoir. The last, separated from the western part of a semi-fold dam, which local residents continue to call the old name, is a favorite place of fishermen.

The purpose of the creation of the Krasnodar Sea was the organization of check rice rice and the struggle against seasonal floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban.

Organized initial shipping shipping is currently discontinued, due to the annulment caused by river nanos. Left tributaries of the Kuban (from East to West) Belaya, Prische, Martha, Apraq, Shunduk, Psekups, directly in the reservoir.

When creating a reservoir, fertile lands of Adygea with twenty aules and farms were flooded, the population of which was resettled into the newly built Teuzch city (now Adygeisk) and the village of Tlyustenhabl.

In the 90s of the 20th century, plans were offered plans for the reservoir descent, or a decrease in its level, which remained not implemented.

Committee of the Council of Representatives of the State Council - Hases of the Republic of Adygea on humanitarian issues held on December 13 parliamentary hearings on the topic "The state of environmental safety in the Republic of Adygea. Problems and solutions". About this correspondent IA REGNUM said Shareet Daurova

The meeting of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee Aslan Thakushinov. He did not go around the report of the two main environmental problems of Adygea - the negative impact of the Krasnodar reservoir and emissions of the Belorechensky Chemical Combine (OJSC "EuroChem Belorechensky Mounds". This issue was included in a sociological survey on the state of environmental safety in the republic carried out by the department of socio-economic analysis of the apparatus State Council - Hase in October of this year, the data of which is given by Thakushinov.

"A total questionnation," said the speaker, "488 people were covered, who presented various layers of society. In general, more than 40% of respondents consider the state of environmental safety unsatisfactory. At the same time, in the Koshablsky district and the city of Maikop, this level was 67.5 and 57.8%. More than 60% noted that the main reason for the deterioration of the health of the population was the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the republic. And in the Krasnogvardeysky and Sovghnovsky districts, this figure amounted to more than 80%.

From among those surveyed, the largest number of the unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the area and streets of their settlements were 57.1% in Takhtamukay district - 57.1%, Giaghinsky - 48,8 and Maykop regions - 48.2%. They gave a good assessment of the sanitary condition of their territories - in the city of Maykop - 34.5% of the respondents and the Koshkhabl district - 32.5%. More than 50% believe that only domestic production products comply with environmental safety requirements. At the same time, about 30% of respondents were difficult to answer this question.

In the city of Maykop, the Giaghin and Cathablian districts, more than 70% gave a satisfactory assessment of the state of atmospheric air, dissatisfied with the state of atmospheric air - in Teuzhensky district - 51.2%, the Schogenovsky district - 32.5%. The absolute majority of all respondents in all territories are 80.1%, and in Schogenovsky and Teuzhensky districts - more than 90% of respondents, noted the negative impact on the state of environmental safety in Adygea of \u200b\u200bthe production activities of EuroChem-BMO.

More than 50% of respondents consider the quality of the water used satisfactory. At the same time 71.4% of total Adygek's surveyed cities are dissatisfied with the quality of used drinking water. 78% of respondents identified the role of forests as an ecological component and only 12%, as a source of wood. To the question "What makes the greatest damage to forests in Adygea?" More than 80% indicated violation of forest legislation - illegal rods, poaching and others.

The negative impact of the Krasnodar reservoir for environmental safety in the Republic of Adygea indicated in general 66.5% of respondents, in the city of Adygei - 83.7%, Teuzhensky and Sovgenevsky districts, respectively, 91.5 and 85% of respondents.

In general, in the most informed about the state of environmental safety, residents of Teuzhuksky district consider themselves to be 42.5% of respondents, they absolutely do not own information - 62.5% of respondents in Maykop district. 56.9% of all interviewed something know about the state of environmental safety, 17.8% of respondents know absolutely nothing. "

"Large Massives," noted the head of the Committee, adjacent to the Krasnodar reservoir - these are the lands of Teuchhevsky, Krasnogvardeysky and Takhtamukaysky districts, were converted from a significant lifting of groundwater. This leads to the oppression and wrinkle of crops, has a devastating effect on the foundations of residential buildings and hozpostroops. . Come to the emergency condition of the road, dying gardens. "

All this, ultimately, affects the health status of people: "The level of incidence of malignant neoplasms," the speaker emphasized, - for last years In 2004, 361.2 cases increased in 2004, with a Russian indicator in 2003 - 319.6 ills in 100 thousand population. In the structure of total mortality, the leading positions occupy diseases of blood circulation bodies, but the second place is neoplasms and in third place - accidents, injuries and poisoning. "

Parliamentary hearings were attended by representatives of the Belorechensky Chemical Combine, in particular - the first deputy head of the municipality "City Belorechensk" Vadim debts, Deputy Technical Director of EuroChem-BMO OJSC for Ecology Love Pineginna, who assured that there are no problems on their part, everything under control . The defenders of the Krasnodar reservoir were weakly presented.

On the parliamentary hearings also spoke about 122 law, which made many changes in the list of powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of protection ambientThe Federal Law on Environmental Protection, which has not yet been signed, about the Forest Code, which has deprived the staff of the status of officials and many other things. Participants of the hearings adopted recommendations - parliament, government and press.

Krasnodar reservoir - the main pain of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The situation that has developed on the reservoir in recent years, Sergey Shaigu, without thinking, called very alarming. 25 years old does not know what major repairs are! And in the event of a breakthrough, the dam - for 1, 5 hours will die about 47 thousand people, after 36 hours under water there will be more than 500 thousand people of the Cuban. Works on the reservoir are carried out only to the repair nature, they are most likely a purely emergency in nature, where flowed, there and pledged. Currently, the reservoir, more precisely, its shores are in critical condition. Especially the segment is one and a half kilometer, where the gaps in the concrete body of the reserve reaches from 20 cm. Up to 50 cm. Overhaul is required. For major repairs, at least 15 million rubles is required. In order to carry out urgent work, it is necessary at least 7 million rubles. In addition to the problems of beguard, it worries and hydrodezel, where metal structures are also in critical condition. The breakthrough of the dam will threaten tens of thousands of people living in three districts that are adjacent to the reservoir.

more \u003e\u003e

According to DRD "Rus": in the summer of 1973, with the launch of the 1st turn of the reservoir, thousands of hectares of chernozem lands with empty auls left under the water. Now the Krasnodar reservoir, length of almost 40 kilometers and a width of more than 15, with an area of \u200b\u200b420 square kilometers, with a margin of water of more than two cubic kilometers, - threatens the residents of the desecole region of Russia, repeating the tragedy of New Orleans ...

The goals of creating a reservoir on the Kuban River did not differ much from similar projects in other parts of the USSR, with the exception of one: the Krasnodar Territory was going to turn into rice paradise ..., and turned into a "sustained-action bomb", which threatens a man-made disaster. In fact, every minute every second, from flooding falling into the zone, threatens the deadly danger from the Krasnodarskago reservoir ...

The threat of an earthquake in Kuban is connected with the deitory of the foci of the Crimean - Caucasian seismic zone, stretching at the bottom of the Black Sea parallel to the southern coast of the Crimea to the mouth of the Kuban River, through the Taman Peninsula and then through the Flambed Zone of the North Caucasus deflection to the Big Caucasus. In this zone, rare severe earthquakes in the intensity of up to 8 points occur. In 1926, the earthquake of 6 points was recorded in Krasnodar, a synchronous famous Crimean earthquake. From world experience, it is known that the "trigger" earthquakes often perform an anthropogenic factor, for example, an additional load on rocks after the construction of the reservoir. In this regard, accommodation was very unsuccessful at the city of Krasnodar reservoir. The fact is that its zone almost in half divides the deep-fledged break, the load in the form of a shock wave can serve as a "trigger", powdering the mechanism of earthquake. This rift divides the territory of the city into two tectonic blocks, while the Western unit is facilitated by a water intake for 200 thousand tons per day, and the east is overloaded with the waters of the reservoir. A voltage zone is formed along the fault. The relief is closely related to the climate and, especially with a microclimate that plays an important role in the ecology of the landscape.

For several years already in the southern part of the dam has a crack, which arose as a result of reservoir overflowing above the project to 5.2 billion cubic meters. Two more cracks were formed in the central part of the dam opposite the aul of Tugurgi and in the northern part above Aul Tlyustenhabl. The twist of the splitting is almost two parts ... According to our countryman of the hero of Russia, the cosmonaut Gennady Padalka: "Kuban is poured into the reservoir, and all the big rivers entering it. There is a casing and annoyance. All this can lead to a catastrophe." A 4th crack may also form during the flood of April - June 2006, which will destroy the dam in 2-3 minutes ... It is at that time an unprecedented flood is expected. And no one can eliminate the likelihood of terrorist, especially considering that we all live in the North Caucasus ...

At the collapse of the dam, the strength of the shock wave of flux in 12 or more height is height, 1 million cubic meters per minute and to 1 billion in a matter of minutes melt the ales and villages: Tugurga, Tlyustenhabl, Shengyj, Takhtamukai, Prikubansky, Enem, Goat, Novo-Adygeisk , Staughgokay, Afipsky with a gas belt, new, Afipsis, New Adygea, etc. ... From the central and northern part of the dam, the water will fall into the city of Krasnodar ... which will destroy squares on the map: 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, where 5/7 people live ...

Washed hydrolyzed plant, oil welding, oil refinery, Krasnodar-1 Railway Station, Nefteubase, Oil and Himproducts, Hundreds of gas stations, Thousands of cars, with short circuits collapsed high-voltage supports and urban power grids, electricity and flames of oil products, gas, poisonous substances, The death and torment, the inhabitants of Kuban will increase, and the fire-poisonous wave is increasing, S. Lvovskoe, P. Foktyabrsky, St.Ivanovskaya, Novomyshanskaya, Sverdlovsk, Fedorovskaya, Varnavinskoye, Merchantskoye, Olginsky, Northern part of P. Akhtyrsky, Abinsk, Krymsk, and from him a wide clinch, right from P.Aadagum Before G. Primoro-Akhtarsk, will deal with all the villages, farms, villages, cities of Slavyansk in Kuban, Temryuk, washing down, burning and infecting people, land, its water with the Taman Peninsula . Stuning with a powerful blow to the eastern part of the Crimea, a retractable wave from it, blocks the flow of water from the sea azovskago through the strait of 8-10 billion cubic meters of water. With a quick stream of water in the Kuban River, the debit of walking water below its bottom, and it is equal to the living cross section of the flow of the bed is suused from the soil and the volume of water is increasing and can be more than 10-15 billion cubic meters of water ... Finding one on other streams and a rollback wave, They will raise the water level, flooding the entire Azov-Black Sea lowland, infecting it with chimenefps products by destroying all living things - people, fish wealth, vegetation for dozens, hundred years ... And this can not be allowed to allow us!

For many years, having drained 100,000 hectares under rice checks, (destroyed the limans) 2.5 million hectares, the best black mills of the Azov-Black Sea lowland turning them into the smooth and semi-wave, eliminating them from the actual agricultural production. Fruit gardens dying barely reaching fertility. Their life has become 5-7 years instead of 30-40 years or more. In the mochars (constant flooding), their roots and trees are rotting without access to air ... Along the banks of the Kuban River, there were natural limans with a water mirror surface of 30 and more than thousands of square meters, - about 5,000 left, and there were spawns ... Dams blocked the path to spawning Belugam, sturgeon, fish, spacial, muste, tarani, kefali ..., the most valuable rocks of fish. The fishing plants barely reimburse 0.6% against the Tago natural reproduction of only valuable fish breeds, therefore 90% of them destroyed the dam. The unique feed base of the Sea AOscago with a set of all fodder trace elements is used by 1-15%. Air humidity from 65% rose to 86-93% and became the norm. Fogs, slush, humidity negatively affect the lungs ... Easy to the enders of tuberculosis, cancer, and from herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, pesticides in the air, water, fruits, fish, meat. Birth rate decreased 5 times against 65-70 years. Already in the summer of 1993, 11660 newborn children in Kuban, nor a healthy. Mortality exceeds the birth rate among the indigenous Cossacks, and the number is growing at the expense of the arrival of Armenians who came to Kuban, Meshitinians and others ... Death in 25-36-42-46 years old is a common phenomenon and without learning happiness and joy in life. Required 300-450000 tons of rice in the summer for 7 years, instead of the promised 1 million 500,000 in the summer, even with exports abroad for the currency for centuries ...

It should be borne in mind that the life of any reservoir is strictly limited and does not exceed 50-60 years. The Krasnodar Sea remains, therefore, not more than 40 years, after which it will turn into a swamp or disappear. The planting process is in full swing, the volume of nanos in the bowl is about 120 million cubic meters. Along with the encouragement, the reservoir caused by a violation of ecological equilibrium due to the enrichment of biogenic components. The influence of the reservoir on the microclimate occurs in the zone, distinguished from water at a distance of 4-8 km. In the summer it has a cooling effect. In winter, insulating, but this effect is at least. In total, 576,000 hectares are flooded in the Krasnodar Territory. Large environmental consequences entails and reducing the level of groundwater located close to the surface of the Earth. It is caused, along with the formation of a total depression funnel with a radius of 25-4 km, such actions such as the sealing of the surface and coating with asphalt, disturbance of the conditions of constant flow in the streams and small rivers.

Based on the foregoing and given that the elimination of the threat of a technogenic catastrophe is a matter of life or death for millions of Kubans - the question of the beginning of the immediate drain of water to the level of safe, in the context of the threat of man-made catastrophes ... for this it is necessary:

1. Create a commission from representatives of state and public structures for a survey of the Krasnodarskago Reservoir complex: a) dam, gateway; b) dams; c) the design number of waterborne wells in the lower befef and how many of them are in working condition; (e) Upper the upper base in meters in comparison with natural processes.

2. Commissions Start a survey of the Krasnodarskago Reservoir complex from obtaining and examining design and estimate documentation of construction, maintenance and maintenance of the Krasnodarskago Reservoir complex, as well as the immediate inspection of the dams, dam, the gateway, wells, on a separate plan ... Inspection to start with the survey of the catchment wells of Nizhny Biofs on the territory of the ditch ... When prohibiting the Commission, examine the waterboards, or refusal to provide information on the reservoir ..., the participants of the commission without having resistance, to compile acts on the fact of obstacles ..., to direct them to the central authorities in the Russian Federation to take measures. "