Is it possible to put the mowed grass under the strawberries. Is it possible to mulch a beveled cabbage grass

(Last Updated on: 02.12.2017)

After mowing herbs on country plot Almost always the question arises: "And where is now going to the mowing grass?" And the question is very urgent and at the same time difficult - after all, such a number of grass is made from extensive lawns into a particularly gracious year, which is just like that, and it will not be possible to throw it out - too much time it takes. However, it is not necessary to think that the beveled grass is just an organic garbage, it will be very useful for its organic origin that cottage plotFor example, you can perform mulching soil bevelled grass. After all, the grass is a rich source of useful substances, and, chopped with a lawn mile or trimmer, it will significantly quickly give all its soil juices. However, you need to know how to act and how to use beveled grass so that such mulching brought a maximum benefit.

Mulching is what?

Under mulching, the closure of the soil is understood by this or that material in order to protect it from excessive losses of moisture and drying, not allowing weeds to develop and create an excellent microclimate in the soil, which will attract rainworms - natural rippers and soil enrises. That is, the mulching of the soil allows the site to the host practically not to think about their landings - only occasionally watered, pulling highly arrogant and large weeds and perform some other current tasks.

The only lack of mulching is not the most presentable appearance of the beds, but they are not divided into beauty, so the aesthetic component can be slightly and neglected. In addition, the advantages of mulching is definitely much more. And for aesthetic pleasure, it is better to break the flower beds and cut the lawn.

So, the main advantages of mulching:

  • preservation of soil moisture;
  • slowing down the growth of weeds;
  • leveling of temperature drops during the day;
  • an obstacle to the formation of a dry crust on the surface of the earth, which reduces the possibility of root breathing of plants;
  • creating a suitable microclimate for rainwoods and useful microorganisms;
  • protection against the development of fungal colonies.

Mulching materials

As already mentioned above, a freshly adhesive grass is suitable for mulching - decomposed on the ground, it will be for a long time to prevent the evaporation of moisture, while giving the soil its own moisture. And if the grass is bevelled at the peak itself, when the seeds do not yet ripen, then you can not be afraid that the wall of weeds will grow soon at the grass.

It can also be used for mulching and last year's grass, but it has one big minus - the dry grass does not give the soil moisture, but, on the contrary, pulls it out, besides, the old grass begins to heat up faster. Therefore, freshly acted grass is much more convenient and more efficient when mulching. However, such a material may be too overwhelmed, which will attract the beds of slugs and snails - pests of many gardening crops. Therefore, before laying on the bed, it is recommended to slightly grasp fresh grass in the sun.

In addition to the grass for the soil mulch can be used peat, pine needles, humid, wood bark, sawdust and other natural materials. However, they need to be additionally prepared - gain, disappear, etc., while the grass bevelled on the lawn is ready for use.

It is also allowed to use synthetic films and rigid cardboard, but such options have a huge number of flaws. Therefore, it is better not fresh grass for mulching, probably nothing.

Mulching soil bevelled grass requires compliance with certain recommendations, only in this case you can expect a tangible result:

  • the mowed grass before shelter her land must be slightly laid in the sun, this will reduce its humidity, which in turn does not allow to develop colonies of mold fungi;
  • you should not lay the mulch from the grass with a dense layer - it will prevent oxygen penetration;
  • before mulching, it is necessary to thoroughly rush the beds and shed them with a sufficient amount of water;
  • mulch should not close the roasting portion of the soil and stems of curly plants, otherwise they simply get off;
  • mulch the best in spring and early summerAt that moment, the seeds were not yet ripe in the grass, and cultural plants are a high need for nitrogen, which is just contained in the grass;
  • the soil on which the mulch is stacked must be a good warm sun, so it should not be mulched to establish a stable warm weather;
  • mulching time strongly depends on the climate features in the region - in the southern regions you can mulch the soil before planting plants, and in the northern areas of the soil is covered with mulch only after the plants are fixed;
  • the mulch layer should have a thickness of 5-7 cm, a layer of a lesser thickness will be weakly to hold moisture, in a thicker layer will not be carried out and prohibited;
  • the number of mulch on the beds will decrease in time, so you need to periodically update it;
  • mulching of garden strawberries is performed by a layer of 5 cm in the aisles between landings during the tying of the first fruits;
  • tomatoes are murdered after planning to the ground, while you need to not forget that the zone near the stem and the roots should be free;
  • under long-term landings, mulch can not be removed for the winter, and the mulch with one-year crops is drunk together with the ground;
  • mulching is a long-term procedure, therefore a tangible harvest will be noticeable after 2-3 years. In the first year, the main advantage of mulching is that it takes less time and strength to watering, loosening and preparing the beds.

As can be seen, in the process of mulching there is nothing complicated, so you just need to be patient and understand all the simple principles of this work.

There is no emptiness in nature, there is no surface of the soil without fallen leaf, petal, branches, pieces of bark and without a growing plant. Earth without a coating becomes vulnerable and defenseless, in the summer it overheats, and in the fall and winter freezes and destroys. A layer of bevelled grass, straw, sawdust, compost, needles, stones or specially created films called mulch. And the process of covering the Earth by these materials, which is a very efficient agrotechnical intake, is called "soil mulch". In our article, let's talk about the mulching of the soil beveled grass.

What is mulching

Under mulching, the closure of the soil is understood by this or that material in order to protect it from excessive losses of moisture and drying, not allowing weeds to develop and create an excellent microclimate in the soil, which will attract rainworms - natural rippers and soil enrises. That is, the mulching of the soil allows the site to the host practically not to think about their landings - only occasionally watered, pulling highly arrogant and large weeds and perform some other current tasks.

The only lack of mulching is not the most presentable appearance of the beds, but they are not divided into beauty, so the aesthetic component can be slightly and neglected. In addition, the advantages of mulching is definitely much more. And for aesthetic pleasure, it is better to break the flower beds and cut the lawn.

Benefits of mulching soil on the plot

Consider the advantages of mulch when used on the site:

  • Enrichment of poor and exhausted soils by Gumus. The enrichment of the soil occurs when decomposing the lower part of the mulch in the soil, producing the formation of the humus layer. The top layer of mulching under the influence of useful microorganisms is mostly mineralized, so the Earth is enriched with minerals.
  • Prevents the growth and development of weed vegetation. For example, an inorganic mulch (agrofiber, agricultural, film) shades the plots, which prevents the development of weeds. Therefore, mulch the soil inorganic material follows after the appearance of germs on the garden.
  • Mulch warns excessive evaporation of moisture from soil cover. In the soil under mulch moisture, it is always saved much longer, so plants require watering much less frequently.
  • Mulch protects the soil layer from overheating and supercooling. Mulching layer to serve as a reliable shelter for the soil. During the day and night, the temperature in the soil is aligned, which improves the conditions for the development of plants and contributes to the formation of condensate, which feeds plants in moisture.
  • Mulch protects the ground from low temperatures. In winter, the soil is not freezing under the mulch. In the spring quickly pulls out, which contributes to the active and intensive development of plants. Intensive growth of plants allows gardeners and gardens to get an early and rich harvest.
  • Mulch protects the soil from leaching well, the surface flow of water decreases more than twice, as water thanks to the mulch becomes intravenous.
  • The mulch prevents the formation of soil crust, the soil always remains loose even after rain and watering.
  • Mulching provides nutritional microorganisms that, in the course of life, produce carbon dioxide, are necessary for carbon nutrition of any plants.

What crops can mulch grass

Freshly acted grass is conveniently mulched by the priests of trees and berry shrubs. It is only necessary to remember that in the late autumn the remains of this mulch must be removed, as insect pests can be arranged in it. Ideally, the grass lying under the bushes in the summer is burned or laid into the compost, and a new one is laid in her place.

Autumn grass mulching well protects the roots of perennial plants from early frosts, when the snow has not yet fell and the soil can freeze on a large depth. In contrast to polyethylene films, rubberoid and other similar materials, often used by gardeners for these purposes, the grass does not create a too dense and airtight layer, which can cause hearing during the winter thaws.

The grass will suit and for beds with carrots, especially when the roots are already starting to form. Here the rule is simple: the younger seedlings, the smallest it is necessary to cut the mulching material. The herbal layer can lie on carrot beds to the first frosts, especially if late cleaning of rooted roots is planned.

The beveled grass is not worth mulching cucumbers, bulk cultures, as well as tomatoes, peppers and cabbage - they are too easy to become infected with various rotches.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

What tools are needed for grass mulching

You will need:

  • Lawn mower, rake;
  • Material for compost;
  • Limestone, bone flour.

Mulching soil grass

When mulching the soil, the grass must be followed by the following rules:

  1. Freshly copied grass before using it for mulching, you need to add a bit slowly. Fresh grass for mulch is not suitable, because it lies with a very dense layer, poorly transmitting air, and easily boosts.
  2. Mulch must be laid on pre-gothic and polished beds, leaving the free roasting zone and plants stems to protect them from replete.
  3. The best time for mulching grass is spring, because it is during this period that the plants need nitrogen, in large quantities contained in the grass. You need to lay a mulch only on a well-swollen soil, otherwise it can slow down the growth of plants. Summer cultures can also be mulched in grass and in June. The deadlines for mulching the soil of bevelled grass depend on the region: it is carried out in the northern regions after the plants rose and rocked, and in the southern - to landing.
  4. The mulch from the grass should be stacked with a layer of 5-7 cm. With a smaller thickness of the grass and soil layer under it, it is quickly dried, and the main task of the grass mulching is that the land remains constantly wet.
  5. Over time, under the influence of microorganisms and rainworms, the layer of mulching the grass will become less. Therefore, it must be periodically reproduced by overlapping fresh grass on top of the old.
  6. Mulching of tomatoes grass should be carried out immediately after disembarking seedlings into open ground, leaving the stems open and reproducing the mulch layer as needed.

Wood crust soil mulch

Fuling from the bark - the perfect option for the garden. It will not only have a favorable effect on the soil and plants, but also give any part of originality and greater decorativeness. You should be aware of what benefits the mulch from the cortex can bring plants (and not only):

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

  1. Changes the level of soil acidity. If you are growing on the berry plot, such as cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, or heather, coniferous or rhododendron plants, it is the bark that will help achieve the desired level Acidity: Make the soil of weakness.
  2. Prevents the hardening of the soil, respectively, the site will not need frequent weeding. This is very important for plants with a surface root system.
  3. The bark includes various phytoncides, which prevent the development of fungal diseases and rotting the root system of plants.
  4. It will help protect the soil from pest insects.
  5. This is an excellent natural filter, which, when inserted into the soil moisture, cleans it from harmful components.

Applying various methods of agricultural equipment, you can achieve better results when cultivating your household plot, applying less effort. For example, once applied to the reception of mulching for the surface of the soil, you can forget for a long time about watering, loosening and weeping. Plants will feel comfortable without additional care. And the decorative mulch, which is produced in a huge assortment, will allow you to decorate the garden, place accents and fill out the empty spaces of the beds.

Mulching - Important Agrotechnical Reception, which allows not only to improve soil fertility and reduce the frequency of irrigation, but also significantly reduce labor costs. This procedure can be performed different ways - from the use of special synthetic materials and to mulch the lawn molding with simultaneous execution of several functions.

For what you need to mulch the lawn

Mulching (reuse of grass) - This is the cleaning of the lawn from dried plants and their parts, which is aimed at ensuring that the bevelled grass and plant waste recycled and returned to the surface of the soil in the form of useful substances. This makes it possible to delay in the soil and regulates the soil temperature.

In addition, the beveled grass itself performs in the form of a protective element, stopping the growth of weeds. The lawns treated in this way are less prone to drying, the formation of soil erosions and have a healthier look.

Important! It is not necessary to carry out mulching too often - unnecessary organic fertilizer may not be better reflected in the state of herbal cover.

When mulching herbs, the lawn mile at the same time can be crushed with a fallen foliage, which remaining in an unlocked state, can literally "strangle" the lawn, damping the roots of plants of oxygen and light. Mulching is not only good practice, but also Extremely necessary for plants action. Cut grass - the best coating of vegetable beds, lawns and flower beds.

Did you know? Any material can act as a mulch. For example, in arid weather, an important advantage has mulching with stones - in the morning on a cold stone, the heated air leaves the dew, providing a "dry watering".

Lawn Mulching - New Function of Modern Lawn Mowers

The fallen foliage can be mulched with modern lawn mowers. The advantage of mulching the lawn melon is that it not only provides the soil with nutritional elements and protects it, but also allows you to cleanse from leaves and suspended grass, eliminating the lack of oxygen in the soil.

All lawn mowers differ from the configuration:they can both have a mulch function and not be equipped with appropriate elements. If the lawn mower is purchased in order to further use it for mulching, the composition should include special cutting elements that will grind herbal.

Important! The lawn mower should have sufficient power, otherwise the operation of the machine will constantly slow down, and the quality of grinding is to fall.

Mulching lawn mower grassball closures closed by a plug, thanks to which green leaves and stems after cutting are returned to the cutting elements and are crushed. The crushed grass evenly falls on the lawn and fertilizes the soil.

The mulch function should be accurately accurately not to clog the lawn.

Did you know? Despite the common myth, after mulching the lawn does not look dirty, and the cut grass does not stick to shoes, because it cuts finely and immediately sends to the ground.

Instructions for mulching lawn lawn mile

Any lawn mower can maintain an exemplary order on the plot. But only if you know, what is mulching in the lawn mower and how to competently use this function.

When to mulch the lawn mower

Mulching with a lawn mower must be performed on dry grass. If there is a need to carry out this procedure on a wet lawn, the speed of movement needs to be reduced and cut down the grass to eliminate the formation of lumps.

Important! It is not necessary to allow too high grass growth - the higher it will, the harder it will be to use a lawn mower.

Moreover, It is not desirable to mulch into hot or too dry weather. With a lack of moisture, microorganisms will not be able to quickly recycle grass - the hay is formed from it, the lawn clogs and can overcome moss.

How to mulch the lawn mile

In order to mulch grass from the lawn mower brought the expected result, It is necessary to follow some rules:

  1. The grass during processing should be trimmed by 1/3, and in the arid period, it is necessary to cut down less.
  2. Mulching needs to be carried out on not very high grass.
  3. The lawn mower should work at full capacity, with the maximum speed of rotation and well-sharpened knives.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the state of the mulch lawn mower - in the instructions with a description of the process it is said that the casing of the mower deck should be regularly monitored and cleaned it from cutting herb residues.
  5. Gasons with high grass should be cut on a stepped principle.
  6. It is advisable to periodically change the direction during the haircut. Thus, the grass is better captured, and the cut layer is distributed evenly, providing a homogeneous mulch picture.
  7. It is necessary to use exclusively specialized techniques. Modern gardeners prefer electrical lawn mower with mulching function.
  8. Mulching lawn should be slightly more often.

Did you know? Mulching was widespread after the ban on the use of hoses was introduced in England. And gardeners began to make mulching in order to limit the effect of drought on lawn vegetation.

Advantages and disadvantages of mulching lawn mowing

For some gardeners, the lawn mower is perceived exclusively as a lawn care machine, and many are interested in the question, whether the mulching function is needed in this unit. You can answer this question, bringing a number of advantages of the presence of this feature:

  • The possibility without free labor and is completely free to get high-quality material for mulching.
  • Significantly saves time when working - there is no need to spend precious minutes on the unloading of the container.
  • The lawn is supplied with high-quality natural fertilizer and gets protection against drying.
  • Slow down the growth of weeds.
However, it is worth remembering that the mulching function in the lawn mower can not always be used and that this action cannot be performed on raw grass. In addition, when mulching the lawn mower must be kept at the top level of grass.

At the same time, the lack of mulching the lawn mile should include alternateness and regularity of the procedure. This is due to regular mesh guarantees more gentling, Which allows you to contain a lawn in perfect condition.

One of the significant goals of the agricultural enterprise of natural agriculture is to reduce the complexity of work on the site. In the article, we will tell about mulching beveled grass, straw, hay and weeds, compare the advantages and disadvantages of methods.

With a timely and correct use of mulch, such agricultural operations as weeds can, watering and loosening the soil in quantitative ratio decreases significantly. Moreover, the soil mulch with organic materials provides transmission biological substances In the soil, which allows you to restore soil fertility in the shortest possible time and turn the poor soil in a flowering garden.

Benefits of mulching soil on the plot

Consider the advantages of mulch when used on the site:

  • Enrichment of poor and exhausted soils by Gumus. The enrichment of the soil occurs when decomposing the lower part of the mulch in the soil, producing the formation of the humus layer. The top layer of mulching under the influence of useful microorganisms is mostly mineralized, so the Earth is enriched with minerals.
  • Prevents the growth and development of weed vegetation. For example, an inorganic mulch (agrofiber, agricultural, film) shades the plots, which prevents the development of weeds. Therefore, mulch the soil inorganic material follows after the appearance of germs on the garden.
  • Mulch warns excessive evaporation of moisture from soil cover. In the soil under mulch moisture, it is always saved much longer, so plants require watering much less frequently.
  • Mulch protects the soil layer from overheating and supercooling. Mulching layer to serve as a reliable shelter for the soil. During the day and night, the temperature in the soil is aligned, which improves the conditions for the development of plants and contributes to the formation of condensate, which feeds plants in moisture.
  • Mulch protects the soil from low temperatures. In winter, the soil is not freezing under the mulch. In the spring quickly pulls out, which contributes to the active and intensive development of plants. Intensive growth of plants allows gardeners and gardens to get an early and rich harvest.
  • Mulch protects the soil from leaching well, the surface flow of water decreases more than twice, as water thanks to the mulch becomes intravenous.
  • The mulch prevents the formation of soil crust, the soil always remains loose even after rain and watering.
  • Mulching provides nutrition of useful microorganisms, which in the process of vital activity produce carbon dioxide, necessary for carbon nutrition of any plants

Tip # 1. You can prevent the development of erosion processes in the soil using any organic mulch if you use a mulch at the rate of 250-300 g perM. 2 . Organic slows down erosion processes in the soil by 70%. It is important to know that the peopling of the mulched soil layer reduces the effectiveness of protection against erosion processes by 40%.

Sand soils especially need a mulch. Such soils are placed mulch thick up to 10-12 cm.

Types of organic and inorganic mulch

The main advantage of organic mulch is an increase in mineral compounds and the formation of humus in the soil. The advantage of inorganic mulch is the ability to maintain and maintain the optimal level of moisture in the soil, as well as prevent the growth of weed vegetation. In the table, consider the types of organic and inorganic mulch:

Types of organic mulch Types of inorganic mulch
Bevelled lawn or meadow grass Polyethylene film
Weeds, nettle, lops Spanbond
Siderats and remnants of cultivated plants Spanbell
Straw, hay Loutrasil
Compost, humus Agrofolokno, Agrotan
Sawdust, Wood Cora
Sheet and coniferous opead

Non-woven materials due to polypropylene fibers are well passed moisture, light and air. No removal of film with watering plants is not required.
  • In the spring, the soil mulching with organic and inorganic materials is carried out mainly to prevent the development of weeds. As well as evaporation of moisture, reducing the frequency of irrigation, as well as to accumulate heat in the soil.
  • IN summer period Mulching is carried out in order to protect the plant from the death and overheating of the upper layer of the soil. Mulching in the summer allows you to maintain the optimal temperature for the growth and development of crops.
  • In the autumn period, the soil mulch is carried out in order to protect against weathering, washing and frozen soil. Autumn mulching contributes to the proper development of plants for the next year.

In the table, consider plant crops that need mulching in the period of fruiting:

During the period of fruiting, the sections of the above crops are mulched and the microbiological origin of "radiance" is watered. The effect of such a biological product contributes to the launch of the processes of organic mulch rotting, so the plants receive all the necessary nutritional elements.

The biological preparation contains useful microorganisms that contribute to the decomposition of organic materials and the formation of humus.

Types of organic and mineral mulch: Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

As an organic mulch, a reworked material is used as mineral mulch - fresh. Consider the features of organic mulchine species:

Beveled grass- The most affordable material for mulching. Skilled lawn or meadow grass uses for mulch only in a faded state. The use of faded grass reduces the migration of snails. The top cover of mulch dries and prevents the formation of slugs for which a wet and crude surface is necessary. In this regard, the plants on the vesticated beds bevelled grass less in rare cases are amazed by slugs.

Sawdust.Mulch the soil predominantly sawdust, which were obtained after processing deciduous trees. Before making sawdust must be dried, weathered. The best sawdust is to bring with beveled grass.

Straw and haythe best species Mulch for vegetable crops. Both materials retain the optimal amount of moisture and heat in the soil. In decomposition, the culture of the necessary substances.

- Improves the structure of the soil. Mulch soil predominantly leaf power. Holds moisture and helps plants to survive a summer drought. Increases soil fertility, as it is a favorable environment for habitat rainworms.

Odad sheet is used together with peat and compost.

Coniferous opd - Improves the structure of the soil, is used as a loose material. Warns the formation of a dense cortical layer. Used with overworked manure or compost.

Sawdust and coniferous residues improve breathability on heavy clay soils

The table presents the advantages and disadvantages of mulch types:

Mulch types Dignity disadvantages
Beveled grass Plant vegetable, fruit and berry plants. Quickly decompose in the soil, turning into an organic fertilizer. Required regular addition and update due to the rapid decomposition of the bottom layer of mulch.
Sawdust Reliable shelter for soil under the winter. Mitigates the effect of temperature difference. Upon jeeping, a large amount of nitrogen consumes.

When making B. fresh form Materials are glued and compacted the soil layer.

Wech the soil.

Wood bark
Coniferous opd

Board # 2. Freshly acted grass Mulch the soil on which cultures are growing, which is required for the growth and development of a large amount of nutrients. Such cultures include tomatoes.

Fresh grass can be used for mulch in crushed and close-up.

Types of mulch, which should be made only in the autumn period

Some soil mulch materials are distinguished by a large carbon content. Such material when laying the soil is decomposed and connected with nitrogen in the soil. Microorganisms under the action of carbon and nitrogen intensively multiply and begin to use nitrogen for nutrition in large quantities.

The loss of nitrogen leads to the weakening of the growth and development of plants. It is known that the microflora dies in the autumn period, as well as during this period there are accumulation of nitrogen substances, so the use of materials with a high carbon content should be made only in autumn.

Organic materials suitable for the autumn mulching procedure:

  • sawdust;
  • wooden bark;
  • coniferous opead;
  • straw;
  • peat.

In the table, consider the organic materials and their carbon and nitrogen content:

Organic material The amount of carbon and nitrogen content
Freckled grass 19:1
Sawdust 450:1
Coniferous opd 80:1
Wood bark 700:1
Dry foliage 50:1
Weed vegetation 30:1
Hay 15:1
Straw 80:1
Peat 90:1

Mulching in late autumn is recommended to increase to reduce the risk of extincting and winking plant culture. An early spring thickness of the mulch is reduced as soon as it is installed even and warm weather. If necessary, the early spring mulch is updated or added on top of last year's mulch, if the previous layer is less than 3-5 cm. Slip the mulch in the spring, summer and autumn.

Before booking, mulch make a weeding and make only mineral fertilizers. For mulch, it is advisable to make such fertilizers, which include phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

Frequent gardener errors when mulching the soil

  1. Making sawdust, wood bark without adding or mixing beveled grass, which leads to a decrease in nitrogen compounds in the soil, due to intensive reproduction of microorganisms that begin to use nitrogen for their power.
  2. Making fresh grass.
  3. Mulching soil with high carbon content materials.

Frequently Asked Questions: How to Mulch Soil

Question number 1. What make of the mulch is considered the best for vegetable crops?

The best mulch consists of materials with a high content of nitrogen and materials with a content of carbon compounds. These include Sideral cultures, beveled lawn and meadow grass; To carbon mulch - straw, fled or overwhelming sheet, wood bark and sawdust. Mulch with nitrogen and carbon content can be mixed before use.

Question number 2. Is it possible to use the bark of old and destroyed trees as a wood mulch?

The tree bark for mulch is not suitable from old and destroyed trees, as such a mulch is not a nutritional value for plants, as well as such a cortex may contain fungal disputes, which will lead to the infection of plant culture. The bark is suitable, which easily departs from the barrel and does not scatter into small pieces. Folded trees are suitable for harvesting bark not more than 5-6 months ago.

Question number 3. What is the thickness of the organic mulching layer is optimal for vegetable and berry crops?

The mulching layer thickness should not exceed 7 cm. Mulch thickness Over 7-8 cm leads to a sealing of the soil layer and rotting processes.

Question number 4. What mulch is best used when planting potatoes?

Since the development of potato tubers depends on the soil air permeability, then dry and loose needles will create the right air drainage of the root potato root system.

Unprotected soil in summer heat warms up to 55-75 degrees. It is especially dangerous to overheating soil for cabbage, because its large sheets highlight a lot of moisture, which negatively affects yields. Save the soil from overheating can be a mulching procedure.

Mulching of the soil, next to the lined cabbage, largely determines the result of the yield, as well as the damage to its pests and grazing with weeds. It also helps to keep the soil in loose form.

The mulch enriches the nutrients soil, which favorably affects the nutrition of soil microorganisms and rainworms. These organisms in the process of their livelihood improve the structure of the soil, processing the mulch and spreading it both along the surface and in depth.

Remember! Specialized stores sell biohumus (substances recycled with rainworms) for use when growing plants.

Reducing the number of polishes

Located on the slopes areas, with vegetable crops planted on them, during the melting of snow or summer abundant guards they suffer from leaching the top layer of the soil. To reduce the negative consequence of such impacts, the soil is mulched.

Weeds are pre-removed from the site, then the soil is thoroughly watered with water and explode. After the upper layer snacks lightly, mulching is carried out.

Note! Mulch is contraindicated on the cold soil. This causes the appearance of fungal infection and rot.

For free access to the plant, there should be space between it and the laid mulch. The stacked mulching layer must be approximately 2-8 cm, depending on the properties of the material used.

Used materials for mulching

Mulching of cabbage beds and other vegetable plants is carried out using two varieties of materials: inorganic and organic material. Each of them can be noted both pluses and negative characteristics.

Organic mulch stays in bed for winter. By the spring of the microflora, which is in the soil processes it in humus. Mulch of inorganic materials is retracted at the autumn time.

Remains of plants

The cheapest and simple mulching is to use the remaining plants as a mulch. It's not just saving moneyBut also excellent protection for soil. As a result of this procedure, an increased yield can be expected, as well as a decrease in the number of possible diseases.

Beveled grass or seedrates are used to protect cabbage in open soil In the spring time, after the soil thaws. Soil sowed with rye, and after warming up to the required temperature, seeds are sowing cabbage. Mixed on top of beds Rye protects young plants from the cold, and can also create a shadow.

Can cabbage mulch bevelled grass

After the growing cabbage, rye must be mounted with a chopper and leave to dry on the beds. As the decomposition of rye straw decomposes, the soil will be drinking nitrogen connections, and serve protection. If there is no possibility to use sitarats, then on the abandoned areas they screw the nettle, or they collect the grass after mowing the lawns or collected after the vegetable gardening. As one of the options will suit the remaining straw or hay since last year.


Pretty comfortable plants, if we carry out the mulching of the soil sawdust. This is a natural product. It negatively affects the pathogenic flora - snails, on some types of insects, slugs. Especially they dislike colors of the trees coated cheese. Also, sawdust absorb a large amount of moisture, not giving it to evaporate, but at the same time, water inside contributes to their rapid decomposition.

If buying woodworking industry, then such a mulch will cost inexpensively. It can also be stockfall, if nearby has forest arrays with numerous suits.

Instead, sawdust can be inspired by cones, cheese, chip or leaves from the nearest forest. Lined cabbage can also be protected by the bark of trees. Crichers, closed by the crust, have an interesting decorative look. But the most importantly, its dignity is that it does not deteriorate for a long time from weather conditions, and protects the soil from ill-quality microflora.

Peat and compost

Purchase of soil is considered peat mulch and compost. A positive moment is that if you mulch the soil with these means, they can be left on the beds after harvesting. It is also an inexpensive type of treatment and is suitable for any gardens or gardens.

Feature of inorganic mulch

Polyethylene film is used to protect the soil. You can cover the soil or transparent or black film. The dark film is placed on the bed to planting the cabbage in spring time. It is covered with a soil for 2-4 weeks. In addition to warming up soil, the film does not give to grow weeds. Before planing seedlings, the cabbage film is removed.

The transparent film option is used in summer. The beds are predetermined thoroughly, and then it is laid out into the aisle and secure. During the location of the film on the beds, weeds will not appear. The disadvantage is in its briefness. A few weeks later it begins to deteriorate.

When using inorganic passing materials use plastic bottlesTo ensure irrigation mode. To this end, the bottle is stopped with a plug down, next to the plant, and the liquid is poured into the cut bottom.

Nonwoven soil hiding materials

In addition to film coated materials, other types are also used:

  1. More durable than ordinary polyethylene - Loutrasil.
  2. Materials made from propylene yarns by gluing heat treatment (agrosite, spanbell, spunbond). The service of such materials can last about 2-4 years.
  3. In some cases, use clay, stone or crushed stone. Their disadvantage is that they interfere with processing soil near plants.
  4. Good helps in the defense of the soil ordinary cardboard. It is easy to lay it, but if the rainy summer, he quickly risks. It is possible to stress them all the beds, and then do it holes in it to plant cabbage.
  5. Reliably protects the soil of ordinary burlap. It does not allow to wash the soil during irrigation, and also protects it from the seal. The disadvantage is that it quickly dries and requires additional irrigation.

Soil mulch with film materials requires irrigation organization. To do this, the perforated pipes with holes made in them are knocked into the ground.

Fighting pests and weeds

Some types of weed grass can grow through film shelters, such as, for example, a field of field. Therefore, the ground in the beds is treated with herbicides, or burst the plants with a manual way.

Depending on the selected type of mulch, insect pests can appear on the beds. This is especially happening when shelting Cabbage Cabbage sawders, straw, hay or just beveled grass. Depending on the variety of pests, suitable chemicals are applied.