Child emotions 3 4 years old. Early emotional development

Children from 3 to 4 years

In 3 years or a little earlier, the child's favorite expression becomes "I myself". The child wants to become "as an adult", but it can not be happening to be. Department of themselves from an adult - a characteristic feature crisis 3 years.

The emotional development of the child of this age is characterized by manifestations of such feelings and emotions as love for loved ones, attachment to the educator, friendly attitude towards others, peers. The child is capable of emotional responsiveness - he can empathize, comfort the peer, help him, to be ashamed of his bad deeds, though, it should be noted, these feelings are unstable. Relationships that the Children of the Fourth Year of Life establishes with adults and other children, differ in instability and depend on the situation.

Since in the younger preschool age, the behavior of a child involuntarily, actions and actions are situational, the consequences of their child does not represent a normally developing child feeling sensation security, Calcularly active attitude towards the surrounding. The desire of a child to be independent of adult and act as an adult can provoke unsafe methods of behavior.

Children 3-4 years old leaving some norms and rules of behaviorassociated with certain permits and prohibitions ("can", "need", "not"), can see the inconsistency of the behavior of another child standards and rules of conduct. However, at the same time, children allocate non-violation of the norm itself, but violation of adult requirements ("You said that it is impossible to fight, and he sticks"). It is characteristic that the children of this age are not trying to point out the child himself that he does not act according to the rules, but are complaining with an adult. The child's violated rule, if he specifically not specifies it to it, does not have any embarrassment. As a rule, children are experiencing only the consequences of their careless actions (broke the dishes, broke clothes), and these experiences are connected in more than With the expectation of adult sanctions following this violation.

In 3 years, the child begins to master gender and gender repertoire: a woman girl, a man boy. He adequately identifies himself with representatives of his sex, has initial ideas about their own gender Accessories, arguments it for a number of signs (clothing, preferences in games, toys, hairstyle, etc.). At this age, children differentiate other people on the floor, age; Recognize children, adults, the elderly, both in real life and illustrations. Begin to show interest, attention, care in relation to children of another sex.

The normally developing three-year-old person has all the possibilities of mastering skills self-service- On your own, dress, undress, washed, use the nose handkerchief, ottomanic, towel, send your natural needs. By the end of the fourth year of life, the junior preschooler sends the elementary culture of behavior during the meal at the table and washing in the toilet room. Such skills are based at a certain level of the development of the motor sphere of the child, one of the main components of which is the level of development motor coordination.

During this period, the need of a child in motion is high (its motor activity is at least half of the time of wakefulness). The child begins to master the main movements, discovering when performing exercise, the desire for goal (quickly run, continue to jump, accurately reproduce the movement, etc.). Age 3-4 years is also a favorable age to begin targeted work on the formation of physical qualities (high-speed, power, coordination, flexibility, endurance).

A certain supply of ideas about the diverse properties of objects, the phenomena of the surrounding reality and about themselves is accumulated. At this age, the child at properly organized development should already be formed the main touch standards. He is familiar with the main colors (red, yellow, blue, green). If you lay out the cards of different colors in front of the child, at the request of an adult, it will choose three or four colors by name and two or three of them will affect themselves. The baby is able to correctly choose the shapes of the objects (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle) according to the sample, but can still be confused by oval and a circle, square and a rectangle. He knows the words more less, and from two items (sticks, cubes, balls, etc.) He successfully chooses a greater or smaller. It is harder to choose the largest or smaller of three-five items (more than five items for the children of three-year-olds should not be offered).

In 3 years, children are almost mastered the space of their room (apartment), group room in children's garden, courtyard, where walk, etc. On the basis of experience they have some spatial views. They know that nearby chair stands chair on the The sofa is a toy bear, before the house grows wood, per house there is a garage, underthe tree rolled the ball. The development of space occurs simultaneously with the development of speech: the child learns to use the words denoting spatial relations (prepositions and adverbs).

At this age, the child is still poorly oriented in time. Time cannot be seen, touch, play with him, but the children feel it, or rather, the child reacts in a certain way (at one time I want to sleep, to another - breakfast, walk). Children notice the correspondence of certain types of people, natural changes in the parts of the day, the time of the year ("Christmas tree is when winter").

Representations of the child of the fourth year of life about phenomena of surrounding validity Defended, on the one hand, the psychological characteristics of the age, on the other - his immediate experience. The baby is familiar with the subjects of the nearest environment, their appointment (they are sitting on the chair, they drink from the cup, etc.), with the appointment of some publicly household buildings (in the store, the supermarket buy toys, bread, milk, clothing, shoes); It has ideas about familiar means of movement (light machine, cargo machine, trolleybus, aircraft, bike, etc.), about some professions (doctor, driver, janitor), holidays (new year, day of birth), water properties, snow , sand (white, cold, warm and cold water and cold water, slippery, solid; from wet sand can be sculpted, making calch, and dry sand is crumbling); It distinguishes and calls the state of the weather (cold, warm, the wind blows, it rains). On the fourth year of life, the kid distinguishes in shape, painting, taste some fruits and vegetables, knows two or three types of birds, some pets, most common insects.

Attention Children of the fourth year of life involuntarily. However, its stability is manifested in different ways. Typically, the baby can do within 10-15 minutes, but the attractive lesson lasts long enough, and the child does not switch to something else and is not distracted.

Memory Children of 3 years are immediately, involuntary and has a bright emotional color. Children retain and reproduce only the information that remains in their memory without any internal efforts (easily undergoing the poems like and songs, a child out of five - seven specially proposed individual words, usually remembers no more than two-three). Positive and negatively painted signals and phenomena are remembered firmly and for a long time.

Thinking A three-year-old child is clearly effective: the baby solves the problem by direct action with the objects (folding the matryoshki, pyramid, bowls, design by sample, etc.). In clear-effective tasks, the child learns correlate the conditions with the goal of what is necessary for any mental activity.

In 3 years imagination Just begins to develop, and above all it happens in the game. The baby acts with one thing and at the same time it imagines on its place else: a wand instead of spoonful, pebbles instead of soap, chair - a car for travel, etc.

In the younger preschool age, the desire for activity is pronounced. An adult for a child is a carrier of a certain social function. The child's desire to perform the same function leads to development games. Children seize in game activities - game actions with toys and substituent objects, acquire the primary skills of role-playing behavior. The child 3-4 years old is able to imitate and willingly imitates playing actions showed to him. The game of the child of the first half of the fourth year of life is rather a game nearby, than together. In games arising from the initiative of children, reflects the skills acquired in collaborative adult games. Plots of games are simple, inevitable, containing one or two roles. Invulsion to explain their actions to a partner in the game, agree with him, leads to conflicts that children cannot solve themselves. Conflicts most often arise about toys. Gradually (by 4 years) the child begins to coordinate its actions, negotiate in the process of joint games, use speech forms of polite communication. Boys in the game are more sociable, prefer large companies, girls prefer quiet, quiet games in which two or three girlfriends take part.

In 3-4 years, the child begins more often and willingly join communicationwith peers for participation in a common game or productive activity. For a three-year child, the position of superiority over comrades is characteristic. He may in communicate with the partner openly express a negative assessment ("You can't play"). However, he still needs support and adult attention. Optimal in relations with adults is individual communication.

The main means of communication with adults and peers is speech. The dictionary of the junior preschooler consists mainly of words denoting items, toys close to him. The child seizes the grammatical system of speech: coordinates the use of grammatical forms by number, time, actively experiments with words, creating funny neologisms; knows how to answer simple questions using the form of a simple sentence; expressed in two-three sentences about emotionally significant events; Begins to use in speech complex sentences. At this age, sound-proof defects are possible. Girls in many indicators of development (articulation, vocabulary, speech fluency, understanding read, memorizing seen and heard) surpass boys.

In 3-4 years, an interest in the book and literary characters continues to be formed in the situation of interaction with adults. A circle reading The child is replenished with new works, but already famous texts still cause interest. With the help of adult children calls heroes, compets good, rejoices a good ending. He gladly consider illustrations together with adults, with the help of leading issues it is expressed about the characters and situations, that is, correlates the picture and read the text. The child begins to "read" himself, repeating the adult or contracting individual words, phrases; Already remembers simple reest lines in small poems.

Development labor activity More related to the development of the procedural side of labor (an increase in the amount of workflow of labor processes, improving the quality of their execution, the development of the correct sequence of actions in each labor process). Little children mostly master self-service as a type of labor, but are able to with the help and control of an adult to carry out separate processes in household labor, labor in nature.

Interest in productive activity unstable. The idea is controlled by the image and changes in the course of the work, there is mastery of the form of objects. Work is sketchy, there are no details - it's hard to guess that I portrayed a child. In the modeling, children can create an image by pressing, pulling off lumps, rolling them between the palms and on the plane and flattening, in the application - to have and stick ready-made images of familiar items, changing the plots, draw up patterns from plant and geometric shapes, alternating them in color and magnitude . Constructing is procedural. The child can design only the elementary object designs of two-three parts.

Musical and artistic activity Children are directly and syncretic. The perception of musical images occurs in the synthesis of arts when organizing practical activities (play the plot, consider the illustration and others). Sound recognition is improved, rumor: the child differentiates the sound properties of objects, mastering sound prettons (loud - quiet, highly low, etc.). It can carry out elementary musical analysis (notes changes in the sound of sounds in height, volume, difference in the rhythm). Began to show interest and selectivity towards various types of musical and artistic activities (singing, hearing, musical and rhythmic movements).

Without emotions, it is impossible to imagine our lives. They accompany us in all areas of activity and sensual experiences, often dictating behavior and cause acts. But if an adult is able to properly not only express, but also control emotions, then the kids just learn, gradually increasing the volume of various feelings. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how the child's emotional development occurs in preschool age.

Since birth

The development of the emotional sphere begins in the very early age With the expression of the simplest feelings. What is emotion? This state of the psyche of a person who expresses his attitude towards himself and the world around him, its processes. It follows that emotional development is a process in which a person is gradually learning to respond to various phenomena of surrounding reality, as well as be the master of their emotions, manage them.

Already from birth, the baby is endowed with the simplest emotions. This is crying, but a little later - a smile and laughter. Crying is a way to signal parents about their needs, ailments, discomfort, lack of attention. Smile - the first expression of joy and well-being. Gradually, surprise is added to them, interest is the natural satellites of the cognitive development of the baby of early age.

From 1 to 3 years old, a child learns to use crying for a request for help and for psychological protection. He appears the first tantrums (as a rule, spied from other children) as a way to achieve the desired or protest against undesirable.

Sources of emotions on early stage They are, firstly, communication with the surrounding (primarily parents). In addition, various feelings in a child causes everything surrounding: toys, melodies, cartoons, books, animals, etc.

Starting from 3 years old, the baby is actively developing in a speech, intellectual and emotional plan. It can be said that during this period the foundation of its future character and abilities to understand the emotions, desires and motives of other people are laid.

What should I need to develop the child's emotions?

As you know, kids need to learn: walk, talk, serve yourself, think. Express, recognize and control emotions - including. Why?

If not paying enough attention to the emotional education of the preschooler, he will not learn to correctly express joy or offense, share his feelings with others. And this is a serious communicative barrier. Accordingly, the baby will grow insecure in itself, not so happy as other kids.

Emotions are reflected on the nature of the child, his behavior. They help (or interfere) to him to correctly perceive what is happening around, react to the events of reality.

In early childhood, emotions are rather impulsive. They need to "grow" to stable sympathies or antipathies, which will eventually develop in such feelings as friendship, mutual understanding, love, hatred. Nowadays, when the violence and cruelty, the correct emotional development of the child becomes paramount, from the screens of television, newsstands and book pages. The ability to express and control emotions helps him adapt to different situations, form social interaction, develop socially and morally.

In addition, it is impossible to discard the fact that children learn from the example (often on the example of the dysfunctional behavior of other children). Therefore, if adults do not control the process of becoming the emotions of their child, most often he develops the emotions of negative - as a way of self-defense and ensure its own well-being in a children's understanding (so as not to be deprived, they did not prohibit, bought the desired, etc.). In the arsenal of such a child will prevail the resentment, fear, shy, boredom, fatigue, anger, despair.

Features of children's emotions

Emotions are developing progressively, due to the general development of the child, the emergence of new skills, needs, motives, social experience.

In general, the following features of emotional development are distinguished in preschool age.

  • The child learns to social ways to express their feelings, which contributes to the expansion of its communications (parents - relatives - neighboring children - a kindergarten team).
  • Emotional anticipation appears: the child learns to understand what feelings will cause his actions from others to which result will lead.
  • Feelings are developing: gradually they are becoming increasingly conscious, arbitrary, reasonable, incoming.
  • Intellectual, moral, aesthetic feelings begin to form.

If we speak in more detail, then the conditionally emotional development of the baby can be divided into 2 stages.

  1. Up to 3 years Most emotions are due to the needs of the child, the ways of expressing them are quite primitive (mainly the expression of the face, laughter or tears). Such emotions are aimed at satisfying the main instincts (nutrition, self-preservation). During this period, the first unstable ideas about the surrounding reality appear, a relation to loved ones is formed. The first social form of anger - jealousy (or envy) of the child, manifested in relation to other children, if his mother pays attention to them. Including - the youngest children in the family. If a child at this stage is deprived of the possibility of a full expression of his emotions, its emotional sphere is not developing.
  2. From 4 to 6 years Biological needs are preserved, but the child is gradually learning to control its emotional state (for example, to suffer a little, if hungry). Under direct influence ambient The highest moral emotions begin to form. The child learns to evaluate the actions of others (good or bad). Emotions are becoming less impulsive. The child appears sustainable feelings for native and surrounding (love, affection, friendship).

Do not scold your child for the fact that he is cannube, asking for him to feed him or quench her thirst, when you, for example, are still going in public transport. Children can hardly control their biological processes. Even at the age of 4 - 5, the baby will not be able to restrain himself for a long time. It is better to distract it with something interesting, say that it remains very little to the house, "show understanding.

What affects the development of children's emotions?

Emotional development preschooler depends on his personal Development, in particular, from the emergence of new motives, needs, interests, development of cognitive activity.

Among the motifs can be allocated, for example, such:

  • interest in the world around;
  • interest in the game;
  • preservation of good relationships with relatives, other significant adults, as well as peers;
  • self-affirmation, pride, etc.

That is why social emotions are primarily formed in preschool age.

IN cognitive development The change in emotions is influenced, first of all, the inclusion in the emotional processes of the preschooler his speech, which makes it feelings more generalized and conscious.

Child's emotions are developing in society - a small (family) or wider (courtyard, kindergarten). The baby learns emotions that will allow him to manage parents, at the same time they teach his emotions that are considered correct. Communicating with others, the child gradually assimilates the norms of behavior and manifestations of emotions adopted in a particular society. The preschooler studies friendship, thanks, patriotism, love.

Boys master their role (men, defender, future father), girls - the role of women, hostess, mother.

What helps to develop an emotional sphere?

Humane feelings of the preschooler greatly helps to develop gaming activities, in particular scene-role games. Playing with other children, the baby learns to understand others, sympathize with them, understand their desires, condition, mood. The child to the older preschool age is gradually moving from simple reconstruction, playing situations or feelings for the transfer of those emotions that the game contains. The child learns to empathize to others, share their feelings.

Promotion of preschooler K. labor activity, which is aimed at achieving useful for the surrounding results, gives the baby new emotions: sympathy for the efforts of other children, the joy of achieving a common goal, satisfaction from their work or discontent, if it made it bad.

Sport classes also bear a child with many emotional discoveries. He learns to be weathered, strive for the goal, experience the first failures and rejoice at the achievements. In group sports, children learn cohesion, responsibility for their actions before others, learn to work for sports result.

Any cognitive activity It will certainly enrich the emotional baggage of the preschooler. This is the joy of a new discovery (albeit not so global), doubt, surprise, the desire to make another opening for yourself.

Aesthetic feelings develop in children preschool age In the process of own creative activity and communication with art. Beautiful sculptures, paintings, literary works Help the child learn how the concepts as "beautiful", "harmony", "taste", "terrible", "true", "false", "True", "Good", "Evil". The preschooler learns not only to express his emotions with artistic means, but also to protect the truth, protest against lies and evil, appreciate good and beautiful in people.

Useful games

So, one of the main types of educational activities of the preschooler is a game. Here are some examples of games that contribute to the emotional development of children.

  • Artist.

You can play a group, you can - together. Participants of the game offer several cards with images of children expressing various emotions. You need to choose a card, and then come up with and draw a story in which this emotional state will be the basis of the plot. In a group version at the end of the game, an exhibition is organized on which you can guess the hero and the author of the painting, and the author can tell the drawn story.

  • Who is where?

Similarly, the baby (or kids) offers several images of children with different emotions. The task of the child is to choose from all pictures of the images of children, whom, for example, can be invited to the festive table, take to the doctor, calm down, those who are offended by adults, does not want to obey, etc. It is necessary to explain how signs was made It is such a choice.

  • Little Raccoon.

Game group. One kid depicts a raccoon crumb from the famous cartoon. The rest become a "river" in which he will see its reflection. Raccoon becomes in front of the river and depicts various emotions (joy, anger, fright, interest), and children must repeat his facial expressions, gestures. In turn of raccats can be all.

So, the program for the development of the child's emotions should include in addition to active socialization gaming activities, the introduction of the preschooler to sports, work, art, reading books, own creativity. And one is important moments Here is an example of parents.

Baldina Olga

Games for emotional and volitional development of children 2-3 years.

Goal: Acquaintance of children with major emotions.


To acquaint children with basic emotions.

Teach children recognition and arbitrary manifestation of feelings.

Teach children ability to own their feelings.

Teach children the ability to take into account the feelings of another person.

Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests of the educator, parents and children.

In the emotional life, two-year-old children begins to be actively used. Although due to the insufficiency of its development, they often use only individual phrases, and sometimes just sounds. In case of targeted pedagogical effects, the formation of a dictionary of emotional vocabulary occurs. The child can adequately perceive the words of evil wolf, frightened hare, cheerful bear, etc.

Games are the main means of developing the emotional-volitional sector of children of preschool age.

Didactic game "Emotional beasts"

Purpose: Mastering the management skills of its emotional sphere: the development of children's ability to understand, realize their own and other people's emotions, to express them correctly, to fully worry; Removing psycho-emotional tension.

Game description:

Image of a joyful bunny (bear, frog, etc.);

Image angry (sad, merry, etc.) Bear (bunny, etc.);

We will turn into forest animals and depicting different moods.

The game "Mood Theater"

Objective: contributes to the development of understanding itself, introduces children with the alphabet of expressing emotions.

"Emotions in verse"

Objective: to stimulate the development of imagination by reading children's specially selected literature, pick up a picture with emotion to the appropriate text.

"Cutting pictures"

Purpose: Expanding ideas about emotions and their manifestations, teach children from parts to make a whole image.

"Find the same emotion"

Objective: Learning to find two identical emotions, develop in children speech, attention, logical thinking.

"Our Emotions"

Purpose: Teach children to recognize feelings and emotions for facial.


Purpose: Understand and distinguish between the emotional states of people (joy, anger, tears, surprise)

Card games for the development of the emotional sphere of children.

Publications on the topic:

Finger games as a means of developing emotional and cognitive activities of children 2-3 years old (first younger group) 1. Features of the development of the cognitive and emotional sphere of children 2-3 years old Early childhood is a period of child development of 1 year to 3 years.

Didactic games for sensory development of children 3-4 years "Decorate the butterfly" goals: teach children to group objects in color. Consignment of knowledge about the geometric shape Circle, a lot of concept - one,.

Frolova Elena Aleksandrovna Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten №100 of Tyumen "The child's mind is located.

Games for the development of the cognitive sphere for children 4-6 years The proposed tasks can be adapted by adults, taking into account what a child loves. Recommended games, tasks are effective in work.

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In this article:

At an early age, children are already able to demonstrate a large range of emotions: joy, fear, grief, interest, delight, anger, etc. The task of parents is to show them how to properly manage their emotions and understand their condition. The emotional development of young children depends on what environment the kid lives.

It is important to remember that relations between parents are a kind of template for it. The baby adapts them, uses to communicate with others. At the age of 1-3, the kids are capable of very deep emotions that are difficult to suppress. This feature of them mental Development. Emotions are very important for the normal functioning of the psyche. Every day in the life of a child there must be something new, able to give unique impressions.

The importance of emotional development

Emotions are one of the components of a person. They can be restrained or demonstrated too bright. Anyway, emotions paint our lives. They are necessary for the proper development of a person's psyche. And speech
it is not only about young children. We all need emotions, emotional experiences. Where to take them? All that we see, we try to try, with whom we communicate, brings us impressions, causes feelings. So functions a normal psyche.

If the adult or the baby does not please anything, it does not surprise, does not upset, it is not normal. This state leads to mental stagnation. The world is painted only in gray, it disappears to strive for something, seek. After all, there is no joy from victory, there is no pride for their achievements, do not write losses. This situation is unusual for humans and is very dangerous for the psyche.

In childhood, kids are very inquisitive. Any trifle can impress them. The psyche learns, begins to actively function. For young children, very bright emotions are characteristic.

If at this moment (1-3 years) suppress emotional experiences, deprive the baby impressions from life, then this will lead to sad consequences.
One of them is a serious backlog in mental development.

Features of children 1-3 years

The mental development of the child is in full swing. During this period, mental activity is characterized by some features:

In the life of the kid, there is a huge range of emotions - from happiness and joy to resentment and anger. Emotions are even more than an adult. The only problem is the baby still can't hold back.

For a child
Any experience has the same emotional force. The fact is that his brain perceives any condition as permanent. An adult is hard to understand. For example, you want to eat. You understand what you just need to get to the house, and there you are waiting for dinner. Your hunger is a temporary state.

In a similar case, the baby can fall into strong alarm, hysterical, crying. Its brain perceives the momentary discomfort as permanent. Simply put, it seems to him that he will always feel. The fact is that the kids of early age still not enough experience to solve such situational problems. Therefore, children's tears are always so sincere, and experiences deep. The same thing happens in moments of joy.

Emotional climate at home

On the emotional development of crumbs affects the homely atmosphere. He still does not always understand what is happening, but it feels well a change in the mood of the parents. Children capture facial expressions, gestures, turning tone conversation.

Of course,
It is desirable that the houses were smooth loving relations between parents and family members. Then the development of emotions and psyche will follow the correct pattern. Then, hitting the society of other children and adults, the baby will behave as used to, as learned from his parents and the nearest environment.

By 2-3 years, affective reactions may occur. The control of anger is not yet sufficiently developed. Here you need to understand that if at home parents also do not know how to control their negative feelings, then the child will be very hard to learn this. He sees an example: aggression, malice, manifestations of rough strength. For him, it becomes a standard for solving many household problems. It is very important that parents can show on their example how to react to a difficult situation.


Emotion development is important in order for the baby to live in society, according to his laws. Without emotional communication, there can be no friendship, love, it will not be possible to build even the most simple relationships. Of course, the crumbs ahead many years to learn everything.

In 1-3 years, parents need to be given
special attention to emotional development. Due to the fact that the kid is experiencing positive emotions, memory stimulation, speech, occurs. Even before 1 year, moms and dads must provide the baby to peace and comfort, an emotional equilibrium. It is easy, because parents are suitable for the baby's bed with a smile, affectionate words. When they appear, he very soon begins to experience the first nice impressions.

Perfect normally if small child curious, cheerful. At this age, most emotions are positive - it should be. In 1-3, the year should not be some particular fears, anxiety - this suggests that unwanted changes occur with the psyche.


Now we are just learning children empathy. They are still incomprehensible how it is to worry about another person. The qualitative development of empathy has already begun, but only by 4-5 years they can use it. The kindergarten is given a lot of attention to this topic. Children communicate with each other, friends, quarrel. They begin to understand another person better only after long-term communication. Games of children have great importance here.

Perception of the world

Starting from the age of 2, the kids try to receive satisfaction from their activities. New emotions appear, such as pride for achievements, the desire to be first. Only by 3-4 years, this desire will become meaningful, but so far the child just likes to be better in something. Playing with parents in catch-up, he seeks to be faster, coming first. When it turns out, the kid is joy.

Games between children, too, are an easy configuration. At the same time, the will is developing. Of course, while still strong development begins. Kids do not know how to control themselves. Persisity manifests itself only if it comes to performing any desire.

Already by 2 years, adult approval is important for the kid. It usually shouts and gestures draws attention to what he did. There is nothing wrong to praise the crumb. It stimulates it to repeat the correct action. "Success" brings him joy - the kid is ready to show every new person how he eats a spoon, tie a bow or puts the shoes himself.

The main thing is not to overstate the face. Praise constantly only for 1-2 actions incorrectly. He makes an action - gets stormy praise. The child then do not want to learn a new one. Better praise it several times, giving the result, and then stop. Then he will have a stimulus to earn praise - to enjoy, satisfaction. Positive emotions stimulate development.

Development of the emotional sphere

The normal emotional development of young children has a beneficial effect on the formation of a person. With the help of your emotions, the baby creates his "I". For this you need:


Parents need to provide positive changes for the child. For example, take a walk in the city on the day off, go to the park, play together. Many parents get tired strongly - they include children of cartoons and are engaged in their affairs. Such experience is not the most positive. Now the bulk of emotions goes from live communication with:

  • parents, relatives;
  • educators, teachers;
  • children of different ages.

But baby
You need to learn to communicate. Buying him too many toys, giving the opportunity to unlimited watching TV, play on the phone, you limit its emotional development. Now toys no longer causes so much joy in children, as before. They say they sing, dancing - disappears the need to use imagination.

Children enjoy only the moment of the gift, but soon there is an emotional suggestion. Toys are good, but nothing will replace games with other children, from which every time the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions is from the most positive to negative (quarrels, resentment). Now all emotional experiences are important.

Communicating, we get an emotional response. Even an adult, devoid of normal communication with others, gradually loses the ability to empathy. He is beginning to take care of only their problems, and on the experience of others he looks indifferent. Very bad if the kid at an early age is limited in communication. He simply can not learn how emotional communications with people.

psyche emotion preschool children

And in the life of an adult, and in the life of a child, emotions play a huge role. For the baby, emotions are a kind of standard of quality of items and phenomena of the surrounding world, the determinant of their value. It is through the prism of emotions that the baby perceives is still a small world, it is with their help who gives to understand others that he now feels.

In domestic psychology, starting with works by L.S. Vygotsky, the opinion was established about the multi-levelness of emotions, as the main of the fundamental patterns of their manifestation and development. This idea is most pronounced when considering the age stages of the development of emotions, in particular at the stages of infant, early and preschool childhood.

The main changes in the emotional sphere in children at the pre-school childhood stage are due to the establishment of the hierarchy of the motives, the emergence of new interests and needs.

The feelings of the child preschooler gradually lose impulsiveness, become deeper on the semantic content. Nevertheless, they remain well-controlled emotions associated with organic needs, such as hunger, thirst, etc., the role of emotions in the activities of the preschooler changes. If at the previous stages of ontogenesis, the main landmark for him was an assessment of an adult, now he can experience joy, anticipating positive result Your activities and good mood of others.

Gradually, the child-preschooler is mastered by expressive forms of emotion expression - intonation, facial expression, pantomime. Mastering these expressive means, in addition, helps him aware of the experiences of the other.

The development of the cognitive sector of the individual, in particular, the inclusion of speech into emotional processes has its impact on emotional development, which leads to their intellectualization.

During preschool childhood, the features of emotions are manifested due to changes general character The activities of the child and the complication of his relationship with the outside world. Physical I. speech Development The child is accompanied by changes in the emotional sphere. Change his views on peace and relationship with others. The ability of a child to conscious and control their emotions increases, as an understanding of behavior, for example, in those areas where the opinion of adults is important about what is "bad" and "good" behavior. Adults need to be well to imagine what should be expected from children, otherwise there will be incorrect estimates that do not take into account the age of the child. The ideal attitude of an adult to the kid is a gradual adjustment under the emotional development and the formation of a child's personality. By three years, the emotional development of the child reaches such a level that he can behave exemplary. The fact that children are capable of so-called "good" behavior does not mean that it will constantly be such. The kids are often not founded by displeasure in the form of tears, hysterics and scream. Although for older hysterics are not as characteristic as for the younger, they have strong self-sustaining and the desire of independence. If a four-year-old child in dispute argues with speech, he has no reason to make a hysterical. But if an adult does not answer the baby on his question: "Why should I?" - It may happen to happen. If a four-year-old child is very tired or suffered a full voltage day, his behavior will rather remind the child's behavior, more younger. This is an adult signal that at the moment the child fell too much so that he could suffer. He needs caressing, consolation and the opportunity to behave some time as if he were younger. Feelings of the preschooler involuntas. They quickly flash, pronounced and quickly go out. Stormy fun is often replaced by tears. The whole life of a child early and preschool age is subordinate to his feelings. He can not manage their experiences. Therefore, children are much more susceptible to mood changes than adults. They are easy to cheer, but it is even easier to upset or offend, since they almost do not know themselves at all and do not know how to own themselves. That is why they are able to survive a whole range of feelings and excitement for an unusually short period of time. A child who rides on the floor from laughter may suddenly praise or come to despair, and a minute later, with not yet dried eyes, again laugh again. This behavior of children is completely normal. In addition, they have good and bad days. A child can be calm and thoughtful or capricious and whimpering, and the next day - alive and cheerful. Sometimes we can explain his bad mood of fatigue, grieving in kindergarten, malaise, jealousy to younger brother, etc. In other words, its long-term poor mood is caused by anxious state due to some specific circumstances, and, although we try to get rid of the child with all their mights, it often happens that the feelings of the baby cause full bewilderment. If a bad mood is not delayed for a long time - for example, for several days - and some borders do not go, there is no need to worry. But if a child is very long in the depressed mood or there are sharp and unexpected changes with him, a psychologist is needed. But in most cases it is better not to give too much the change in the change of the child's mood, which will allow him to independently gain emotional stability. The child's mood largely depends on relationships with adults and peers. If adults are attentive to the child, respect him as a person, he is experiencing emotional well-being. Positive qualities of a child, a friendly attitude towards other people appear and consolidated. If adults bring a child of grief, he is sharply experiencing a sense of dissatisfaction, carrying, in turn, on the people around him, their toys have a negative attitude. With the development of the emotional sphere of the preschooler, the separation of a subjective relationship from the object of experiences is gradually occurring. The development of emotions, the senses of the child is associated with certain social situations. Violation of the usual situation (change in the regime, lifestyle of the child) can lead to the appearance affective reactionsas well as fear. Disadvantaged (suppression) of the child's new needs in a crisis period can cause the state of frustration. Frustration manifests itself as aggression (anger, rage, the desire to attack the enemy) or depression (passive condition). About 4-5 years in a child begins to form a sense of duty. Moral consciousness, being the basis of this feeling, contributes to an understanding of the child who imposed on him that he relates to his actions and actions of the surrounding peers and adults. The most bright sense of debt is demonstrated by children 6-7 years.

Intensive development of curiosity contributes to the development of surprise, the joy of discoveries. Aesthetic feelings also receive their further development due to their own artistic and creative activities of the child. The key moments of the emotional development of the child of preschool age are:

  • - the development of social forms of expression of emotions; - a sense of debt is formed, the aesthetic, intellectual and moral feelings are obtained;
  • - thanks to the speech development of emotions become informed;
  • - Emotions are an indicator of the overall condition of the child, his mental and physical well-being.

For a clear understanding of differences in emotional development on different stages Ontogenesis can be considered their comparative characteristic.

Communication as a factor in the development of the child's emotional sphere.

Communication is one of the most important factors of the general mental development of the child.

Communication, like any activity, items. The subject, as well as the object, the activities of communication is another person, a partner of joint activities.

The child of preschool age is an emotional creature: feelings dominate all his parties of life, giving them a special color. He is full of expression - his feelings quickly and brightly flas out. The six-seven child, of course, is already able to be restrained and can hide fear, aggression and tears. But this happens in the case when it is very and very necessary. The strongest and important source of child experiences is its relationship with other people - adults and children. The need for positive emotions from other people determines the behavior of the child. This need gives rise to complex multidimensional feelings: love, jealousy, sympathy, envy, etc. When close adults love a child, they treat him well, recognize his rights, constantly attentive to him, it is experiencing emotional well-being - a sense of confidence, security. Under these conditions, the cheerful, active physically and mentally child is developing. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of the identity of the child, the development of positive qualities, a benevolent attitude towards other people. It is in the conditions of mutual love in the family of a family begins to learn love himself. The feeling of love, tenderness to loved people, primarily to parents, brothers, sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers, forms a child as a psychologically healthy personality. If we evaluate the features of the senses of a six-year-old child, then it must be said that at this age it is not protected from the whole variety of experiences, which he has directly arise in everyday communication with adults and peers. His day is saturated with emotions. In one day, the experiencing of the sublime scenes, the shameful envy, fear, despair, a subtle understanding of the other and complete alienation. Six-year-old child - Captive emotion. For each occasion that throws up life - experiences. Emotions form the identity of the child. Emotions tire him until complete exhaustion. Charter, he ceases to understand, ceases to fulfill the rules, ceases to be the good boy (or a girl), the good baby who can be. He needs to rest from his own feelings. With all the mobility of the emotions and feelings of a six-year-old child characterizes an increase in "rationality". This is due to the mental development of the child. He can already regulate his behavior. At the same time, the ability to reflection can not lead to the development of mental qualities, but to demonstrate them to obtain peculiar dividends - admiration and praise of others.

Six years is the age when the child begins to realize itself among other people when he selects the position from which it will come when choosing behavior. This position can build good feelings, understanding the need to behave like this, and not otherwise associated with this conscience and a sense of duty. But the position can build egoism, careplace, calculation. A six-year-old child is not so naive, inexperienced, immediately, as it seems. Yes, he has little experience, his feelings are ahead of the mind. But at the same time, he has already taken a certain position towards adults, to understanding how to live and what to follow. The inner attitude of the child to people, for life is, first of all, the result of the influence of adults, his raising.