Why large Belarusians use Rusky than Belarusian. Why did the Belarusians not want independence from the USSR? "Who to be Lithuania is the eternal dispute of Slavs"

26 years ago, July 27, 1990, the Supreme Council of the BSSR adopted the Declaration "On the State Sovereignty of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic".

This short document (only 12 articles) has a huge historical meaning: Belarusians, like many other peoples of the USSR, for the first time gained statehood.

As historical experience shows, such an event usually turns into a universal holiday and a national victory, but Belarus is an exception.

There is no holiday in the minds of our people. With the degree inherent in us and caution we rejected everything related to this date.

C condemn itselves: in 1994, Belarusians chose, perhaps the most prosecient presidential candidate, "award-winning" of self-lifters and Russophobes with just a few percent.

A year later, during the late referendum of 1995, got rid of dubious state symbols used by the Nazi servants and post-Soviet nationalists, in favor of actually Soviet (the coat of arms and the flag of today's Belarus differ from the symbols of the BSSR only the absence of sickle and hammer).

In addition, the status of state and supported the Russian language for integration with Russia, gave the Russian language to the Russian language, having endowed the state of the State to the state to the authority to end the activities of the Supreme Council, who adopted this degree in independence.

During the next referendum, which took place in 1996, the people threw out the dump of history and the very date of declaration: From now on, independence day began to celebrate not on the day of her adoption, and on July 3, on the day of the liberation of Minsk from Nazi occupiers. In the same year, the death penalty was returned as a measure of punishment.

Let's figure it out why Belarusians perceived their own independence from Moscow as a tragedy and are still the closest allies of Russia in the post-Soviet space.

Belarusians did not want independence

La began to say that the Belarusian people tritely did not want to exit their republic from the USSR.

During the All-Union referendum about his preservation, which occurred, by the way, after the adoption of the sovereignty declaration, 82.7% of the population gave votes for the preservation of a united country.

It is difficult to talk about the reasons for such a solution, however, it can be said with confidence that Belarusians did not feel individual from Russian and Ukrainians.

After finding independence, domestic self-likeliures in the Union with Western strategists and sponsors were trying to rinse our people to brain, as they managed to in the Baltic States and Ukraine, but even their coordinated propaganda car broke down and gave reverse.

Now this is evidenced by the results of sociological surveys: according to the Independent Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies, today 66.6% of Belarusians agree that Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians are three branches of one people. An alternative point of view (various nations) supported only 27.1%.

Why did not anyone be able to settle in the Belarusians hatred of Russia?

Our people feel language, mental and cultural identity with Russians.

Belorus, coming to Russia, does not feel like a percentage of himself a foreigner, a stranger, visit.

Belarusian and Russian communicate in the same language, on the same topics, worry about similar problems, sing the same packaging songs, believe in some signs, are raised on the same literary works, Soviet films, with Mother's milk absorbed the wisdom of Russian folk fairy tales.

In the end, so much time live in one state, more than once each other was saved and protected from external threats.

And suddenly they are offered to split into different states with different symbols, to build borders among themselves, almost to introduce a visa, and the most frostbitten nationalists, which rushed to power, even declare each other enemies.

It is quite natural that the vast majority of Belarusians sharply rejected any ideas of separation with Russians.

Belarusians felt deceived
Shushkevich and the Supreme Council

The lavnoy return to the Soviet period in history and rejection of July 27 was also dictated by the full ignoring of a nationwide opinion expressed in the referendum.

82.7% of the Belarusians for the preservation of the USSR, in all the USSR, this figure reached 89%, and the newly new "Democrats" still signed Belovezhsky agreements.

In this regard, the people were considered to believe that they were deceived. They spoiled on their opinion, twisting him in the dirt.

Already after December 1991, it was clear that Shushkevich signed himself a sentence of the loser, and the presidential election will win a candidate with a more providest or pro-Russian position.

The Supreme Council. Photo: 90s.by.

As for the declaration of sovereignty, then interesting will be the fact that it secured the following position:

"The right to speak on behalf of the entire people of the republic belongs to the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus."

Yes, this is the Supreme Council, which decided to leave the USSR. Although the people expressed their opinion in six months, but this did not affect the decision of the authorities about the exit. Gentlemen, but what about the Holy Saints - democracy? People power?

Today, Article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus provides that the only source of state and carrier of sovereignty in the Republic of Belarus is the people. The referendum ensures the practical implementation of this provision. The importance of this institution says that it stands out in an independent article of the Constitution.

In the democratic society, the referendum has a higher legal force than laws. It turns out that the new "Democrats" came to power by no means democratically, which further undermined the confidence of Belarusians.

Belarusians understood that the collapse of the USSR
Do not solve their problems, and aggravate

D A, in the late 1980s, the Soviet country was sick. Empty shelves, ineffective management methods, poverty. However, in this case, a clear and consistent plan for reforming the economy without too sharp and radical steps was needed.

At first, No separatism, all republics at the negotiating table, the opinion of each take into account;

Secondly, If we decided to turn military plans, demand the same from the states - to dissolve NATO. Do not want? No concessions, restore control over Eastern Europe and defend;

Thirdly,take into account the results of the referendum;

Fourthlygradually (gradually!) Enter the elements of a market economy. Perhaps for a while. Perhaps for a long time. But the planned model of the late USSR really gave failures.

But everything happened so that the country was cut on the internal borders (not always fair, remember Crimea), and the newly-made and never previously existed republics who do not understand how to live without the Kremlin, they were empty with their economic, military and territorial problems, IMIG becoming hot Points.

When the body is sick - it is treated, not killed. It is a pity that then the people understood this much better than politicians.

Including in Belarus.


Dr. The adoption of the Declaration on the sovereignty of the BSSR did not fit. Today, few people remember about him. And there are many objective reasons for it. I suggest once again briefly remember them, in order to secure:

The declaration was adopted against the will of the people, who in the absolute majority made preserving the USSR;

Belarusians did not understand the meaning of the collapse of a single state of mentally identical Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians;

Belarusians realized that sovereignty would not save them from social, economic and political problems, but only aggravate them.

On July 27, 1990, the Belarusian people threw out the history of history, but we sometimes remember about it. To not repeat errors.

Soviet propaganda invariably spoke about the eternal fraternity of three East Slavic peoples arising from the site of Kievan Rus - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. At the same time, since the 1930s of the Polish-Lithuanian Interventory, the usual formula "Polish-Lithuanian interventions" was established, which is denoted by the invaders who fought with Russia in the troubled time, mastered during Moscow and from which then the militia of mining and Pozharsky dismissed the Russian capital. It seems to be Ukraine and Belarus here. However, let's deal with what was in beginning of XVII century Poland and Lithuania.

From the beginning of the XIV century, the Grand District Lithuanian (incl) began to expand sharply to the south and east, absorbing the Western principalities of the broken Kiev Rus. Russian population Often, the primacy of the Lithuanian princes itself itself, to gain protection against Violence Mongol-Tatars. So the current Belarusian, most of Ukraine, part of the regions gradually entered the composition of of Russia (Smolenskaya, Bryanskaya, partially Tverskaya, Kaluga, Tula and Orlovskaya). The troops of inclination at the end of the XIV century were often set up with the troops of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. In the annals, all these clashes appear as wars with Lithuania. However, it is necessary to take into account that about 90% of the population at that time was direct ancestors of the Belarusians and Ukrainians, and the language of state documents until the end of the XVII century remained a dialect of ancient Russian.

In 1385, inclised Dynastic Ulya with the kingdom of Poland. From this point on, the Catholic religion began to use the privileged position in incl, but its Orthodox population struggled for equality and repeatedly sought the abolition of restrictions for Orthodox subjects. Many Belarusian and Ukrainian magnates and the gentry still confessed Orthodoxy. In 1569, inclusions and Poland agreed on the conjunction of "for eternal times" into a compolatory relationship (the Republic, because the king in it was elected to be known), and the border between them has changed. Only Lithuania and Belarus were left in operation, while all Ukraine became the earth of the Polish crown.

In Russia, Lithuania was called mainly Belarus until the end of the XVIII century, when, attaching this country to Russia, Empress Catherine II officially renamed it. When, from the end of the 15th century, the Moscow State has led frequent wars with Lithuania for the "return of the inheritance of Rurikova at home," they fought in these wars among themselves, mainly Russians and Belarusians. The ethnic Lithuanians in the troops were much smaller than the Tatars - in Moscow troops.

At the same time, the names of "Belarusians" and "Ukrainians" at that time were not completely common. The dominant self-esposting of Ukrainians was "Rusins" (in Moscow, they, however, were called "Cherkasami"), and Belarusians were called in their state - "Litvini". Even in the middle of the XVII century, during the wars for independence with Poland and Russia, the Ukrainian Cossacks officially called their state "Hetmanism by Russian Ukrainian." So it is referred to in the Treaty of ENIA with Poland 1658.

Of course, Ukrainians and Belarusians, that is, "Cherkasy" and "Litvini", as good subjects of their kings, were obliged to fight upon their call against the enemies of the Commonwealth. And they fought well - bravely, with knowledge of the case, with no smaller fervor and excitement than their Slavs brothers from the Moscow state. And the main enemy of the speech by compulcient over the course of several centuries was Moscow.

We often encounter words in the literature that Polish-Lithuanian people were deposited by Trinity-Sergiev Lavra and Smolensk, smashed the Russian army under the club, took Moscow, hunted at the young Mikhail Romanov, that Ivan Susanin Heroyaka got them in a swamp and destroyed, and t .. When we read it, it is not superfluous to remember that the overwhelming majority of these Polish-Lithuanian people, in the ethnic sense, were Ukrainians and Belarusians, because most of the commodities of the compulculation belonged to these two peoples.

According to Lithuanian hetman Stanislav Zholkevsky, during the siege of the Polish-Lithuanian Army of Smolensk in 1609-1611. One of the Ukrainian Cossacks in it was 30 thousand. The total number of the Zaporozhtsev who entered the Moscow state, according to contemporaries, exceeded 40 thousand.

Ukrainians and Belarusians were not only an ordinary mass of troops, which, as some, it may seem, the Polish and Lithuanian magnates led against their Veligus Russian fellow. Among them were major military leaders who fought the Moscow land firmly in troubled times. Ukrainian Cossack Hetman Peter Sagaidachnaya in 1618 led 20 thousand of its Cossacks on Russia. While the Polish army of King Vladislav (the applicant for the royal throne) approaches Moscow, the Ukrainian army of Sagaidakaya took dozens of major cities to the south of Moscow, among them - Kursk, Elets, Ryazhsk, after which it came to Moscow for help to the king. Sagaidakaya raid prevented Moscow to reveal the Sigismund and forced to agree on a truce, giving Smolensk Commonwealth. In Ukraine, at the same time, Sagaidal became famous as a patron of Orthodox fractors and schools, a fighter for the rights of Orthodox.

Belarusians by origin, though, who have long accepted Catholicism, were, for example, Sapps and Lisovsky. Yang Peter Sapega, Brother of the Great Chancellor of Lithuania, was one of the warlords of Falsitriiii, he prevailed by the Siege of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra in 1608-1610, participated in the defense of the Polish-Lithuanian garrison of Moscow from the first militia in 1611. Alexander Lisovsky, announced in Lithuania, also served as the second impostor, successfully fought with the troops of the Moscow king Vasily Shuisky, after which, having deserved forgiveness from King Sigismund III, fought in his army near Smolensky. His most famous act refers to 1615, when the Lisovsky at the head of the "flying" of the cavalry detachment of 600 people made a thousandrupt raid around the whole Moscow on the route Bryansk - Kaluga - Rzhev - Torzok - Shuya - Murom - Aleksin and safely, with rich prey, returned in incl. Moscow governors were powerless against his speed and elusiveness.

In the light of frequent statements that the Russian and Belarusians are one people, I have an overwhelming need to destroy this myth and prove the opposite, for the simple reason that this myth is destroyed.

And the truth is among us and shines alive paints.

Immediately I note that as arguments I will not give dubious texts from thick books about the history of the emergence of two peoples, and share only subjective observations: common features of characters, model of behavior of Belarusians and Russians in natural labor and living conditions.

The main difference between the Russian person from Belarus is powerful emotionality, and how additions are the maximalism and extreme of judgment. Perhaps these properties occupy a major role in comparative analysis and are key. Belarusian in this sense - Russian antipode: he is pragmatic, calm, does not like extremes, not subject to sharp change of mood, like his oriental neighbor.

Blood followed by ideas, slogans, "First doing, then thinking", carelessness is very often torn in the behavior of Russian, leading to negative, destructive, irrational results. The manner of the Russian "to bargain for a long time, but it's time to go quickly," in my opinion, less truthful than the everyday "spontaneously jump and rush into the unknown." The busty of Russian and the thought of Belarus - these signs are also very noticeable in the public space.

The following, already positive quality, testifying to dissolve Russian on Belarus, is immense Russian openness to unfamiliar man (xenophilia), immediacy in communicating with him, the talent of universal perception and adoption different people. Still, it is worth a recognition that Belarus has absorbed Western templates of social communication and is inclined more to personalism and isolationism than to collectivism and synergistic return.

At the same time, Russian and Belarusian has a common "birthmark" - cuminia. Belarusian love - to exalt leaders - is expressed brighter, and has its own specific features, in mind political systemwho secured authoritarian consciousness.


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BelTA 08/26/2016 Russian is an anarchist, unstable cumirofil. He actively strives for a disorder of the external, with all his monarchic-religious understanding of the world, in the center of which even a stool can be. By the way, the monarchical aspect in no way conflict with anarchic, because the Russian aspirations are sent to heaven (freedom and god), and not in the object (monarch, owner). This explains, I suppose, why the Russian monarchists of the eyelids became anarchists, and vice versa.

Belarusian conservatism, love for inanimate attributes, monuments, symbolizing the "host", "guide", "Gaspadar", expose a unique phenomenon, less insensitive Russian, - fanatical fetishism.

Showing a trembling attraction to the built libraries, houses, lawns, sculptures, grill, Belarus hides the spiritual emptiness here and now, creates a comfortable background that masked the truth about itself today. Belarusians are a poses who consider it important to inspire the illusion of welfare and impress the surrounding. Belorus will ride on an expensive foreign car for 10 thousand dollars, walk in new shoes, cap, but in the apartment it will be scarce, without repair and special conditions in the style of "back to the USSR".

Often plunging in longing from hopelessness, the lack of perspectives, Belarusian, in its most powerful, likes to cling to the spectacular speech of banal populists, folk lets, who say that the suffering wants to hear at the moment. By and large, the Russians also love to engage in self-deception, put lgunov and clowns in the center of attention.

Showing a huge credit of confidence in managers, constantly repeating their mistakes, without finishing the started to the end, and switching to new undertakings, the Russian man strengthens the nationwide dryness, whose hostage, by the way, is voluntarily, although it can change it, if he wants to change it. But the patient Belarusian, in contrast to Russian, slowly, but the scrupulously knows how to bring the work started to a logical completion, even if this process does not make any sense.

The Russians love to destroy all the old and build on the wreckage new, prone to adventurism and the revolutionary method of solving problems. The Belarusian ability to remember and store its story and the Russian skill instantly forget the past, erasing painful pages from the head, - radically other ideas about state construction.

It is mistaken to say that laziness and slavery came to Belarus and Russia from Moskale. For example, Belarusian crimsibility, suspicion and Baltic phlegmism, as regressive and purely local qualities, are generally not peculiar to Muscovites, Asians and Eastern peoples, and even more so - ethnic Russian. Sleeping in Russia - the product of the church. And the lack of culture, tactlessness, spiritual darkness is a consequence of the inappreciation of the peasant environment.

Submissions, fear of truth and latent xenophobia is the foundation on which the autocratic power is being built in Belarus. Infantilism dominates the personality of Belarus and is immanent, and often his potential he does not want to disclose due to the timidity and the same xenophobia.

Fools, the ability to publicly repent, rebellion - these Russian features of Belarus are absolutely alien, are incomprehensible and perceived with rejection. In this regard, what can we talk about the United People? Never Russians and Belarusians were not so, but simply lived under one big occupation roof. The myth of the unity of the International invented the invaders-Bolsheviks, which in details and particular ethnic groups did not have eased, having available 1/7 of the sushi.

The liberation of Russian and the pelling of Belarus is another proof that these two representatives of Eastern European peoples differ from each other. Endurance, the power of the Will Russian is characteristic of more than Belarusian. Affectionate, Blizzard's Affested, Aerial Language and Rupor, windy Russian speech affect the perception and assessment of the interlocutor.

Mental simplicity and hospitality is an organic, an integral part of Russian, which is expressed stronger than the Belarusian. Belarusians made a vaccination in the form of Polish gibbons and Catholicism, which in Russian territory did not take root and suddenly resolved.

Without a doubt, Belarusians and Russians are two different people, so the nationalists from Belarus are absolutely right when they talk about the cultural and social identity of their country, recalling the history of their ancestors with the Grand Duch of Lithuanian. Despite the substantial differences, two geographically close neighbor, as opposed to, are attracted, which is observed in jump-shaking, but stable Belarusian-Russian relations. Belarusians learn from the Russians good and bad experience, as in any society, study new words, dialects ... Unfortunately, they copy the negative trends of show business, the Khamsky chairs of secular sharks. Much of the fact that Russia imposes through TV, demonstrating the unacceptable form of imperial conversation with other states, nevertheless is not accepted by the Western neighbor, although to see this protest and rejection fully difficult in Belarus.

Ultimately, Belarusians remain Belarusians, and the Russians continue to be Russian. And this circumstance only strengthens the fact that these nations have ever ever and will not be.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

According to UNESCO, Belarusian language in a catastrophic state. "It is under the potential threat of disappearance," it was this diagnosis that received the language of the country's indigenous population, which was even marked on a symbolic map called "world languages \u200b\u200bin danger". Why does he disappear? The answer is simple: they almost do not use in domestic communication. The small share of the intelligentsia, part of conscious youth and old people - these are the main speakers of the language, which millions used another 50 years ago.

"Our Niva" counted five dozen reasons why in Belarusian does not want to speak the current youth. To do this, we interviewed about 300 students of the country's main universities ( someone talked personally, someone answered on Twitter and other social networks).

We have chosen 50 of the most interesting answers: some of them are quite substantiated, other primitive, but sincere, there are small and even offensive. But it is these answers that the best reflects the "achievements" of the authorities in the development of language culture and national consciousness.

In this material you will not find explanations - only 50 answers to the question "Why are you not talking in Belarusian?" Make conclusions yourself.

one). I do not know completely Belarusian.

2). Since childhood did not teach.

3). Nobody talks to me in Belarusian, so I'm the same.

four). I do not know so much so that I could easily understand it.

five). Lack of time to study.

6). I am a lot of time outside Belarus. Belorussian is simply not needed.

7). If I start talking, I will not understand me.

8). School, university, family - everything in Russian.

nine). Despite the fact that the language is beautiful, there is an opinion that only collective farmers speak on it. It is unclear to seem as the same in the eyes of society.

ten). I do not fully feel myself Belarus as a representative of the nation.

eleven). Parents never insisted that I seriously belonged to the Belarusian language.

12). Do not know much. I am a perfectionist. Or do it perfectly or not doing at all.

thirteen). I have basic knowledge, I can even support the conversation. But I somehow in English easier to communicate.

14). There is no need and meaning.

15). This language is more suitable for grandparents, but not for young people.

16). No patriotism.

17). Have long been adjusted communication system in Russian or englishNo matter what it is a store or office.

18). I like the Belarusian language, but it is not the lead (existing or alive) for me.

19). I like Russian more.

twenty). At school, he was allowed to walk.

21). I'm afraid we will put.

22). Do not like the sounds "g" and "h".

23). Received in honey and stopped.

24). Waiting for Apple to release IOS in Belarusian.

25). Shy.

26). Talked about 2 months. Tired. Heavy.

27). Parents will not understand me if I suddenly begin to speak Belarusian. They bring me up all his life in Russian, and I'm here "on Mov Penisoў."

28). As soon as you join the EU - so immediately.

29). Today is the language of the opposition. If you say in Belarusian, then you go against the system.

thirty). I grabs him and in the subway.

31). Little literature is modern, it's nowhere to draw knowledge.

32). I do not know! I envy the Ukrainians a bit. They helped Austro-Hungary, so they still say in the West. And from us for a long time weathered.

33). Politically unsafe language.

34). And what will change if I start talking?

35). It is a little funny.

36). He became artificial today.

37). The language did not fit in modern society, I personally speak in the language of the majority.

38). Tsyanka does not recognize for the tongue, but I do not know how much.

39). Belorussian language is the Polish Anti-Russian project. To the Belarusian people, he relates to a little more than no.

40). It is difficult to speak Belarusian when everything around in Russian.

41). Because no one is simple.

42). I often use obscene vocabulary, but it does not have it in Belarusian. If seriously, I just don't know.

43). Speaking in their native language, as its use is minimal, and some look at you as an aliens.

44). To his shame, I do not know how to normally. I think in Russian.

45). I know badly, but it's not entirely decent to talk on the semi-Russian-half-selling.

46). I do not want to stand out, and there are few practices.

47). Understand right, but I somehow feel more Russian from birth, although the Belarusian himself is with the Polish surname. Somehow I'm closer to the right direction.

48). We have been actually 300 years as part Russian Empire. How can you speak Belarusian in this situation?

49). It's more comfortable for me.

fifty). Does anyone need it?

Leave your comment. Let's formulate 50 methods of how you can return the life of the Belarusian language!

Employment, wage growth, pricing - Alexander Lukashenko recalled about this triade on May 2 at a meeting with the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus (FPB) by Mikhail Horde. "Do not think that this is a particular populism or has nothing to do with the economy", The president emphasized.
Meanwhile, in March, it was not possible to enter the cherished thousand rubles of average salary - it was 926.8 rubles. Is it really seductive to push a little more?
But! Economists celebrate: salary and so grow inadequately, ahead of labor productivity growth, which contradicts economic law.https: //naviny.by/

Salary pumps artificially
Inflating earnings contrary to the laws of the economy is like an increase in cancerium tumor. Such a curve of care for the wallets of Belarusians invariably crashes them sideways. Fresh-perted rubles are liquefied by inflation. And even in general, the salary in the dollar equivalent, as a sickle, is cut off with another devaluation.
At the end of last year, the vertical, commeamenting the presidential installation of the president to give everyone a thousand, in general, mad, with the help of all deaths, caught up earnings (because they felt in January-February). The vertical is afraid of the presidential whip more than the warnings of economists and financiers. As a result, the vicious circle is not broken.
Today, the president repeated his thesis that there are no grounds for rising prices in the country. And if someone unreasonably raises them, then this is, they say, for the sake of their own profit.
Is it true?
This is what is not any malicious oppositionist, and the head of the Main Department of Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis of the National Bank Dmitry Murin: "The growth of real wages and real disposable incomes of the population by pace, leading the dynamics of labor productivity, forms prerequisites for strengthening inflationary pressure both at present and in the near future."
We translate into a simple language: just a surgery of salaries without taking into account the real state of the economy provokes a rise in prices.
At the same time, which is indicative, it is "Adjustable prices and tariffs are often increasing the state by the amount exceeding the established target parameter for inflation,"notes Murin . If you say easier, then the officials through the cheating price tag are more active in a folk pocket.
TOTAL: In the first quarter, consumer prices have already increased by 2.5% with no more than 6% per year. That is, with a raid wage is the time to slow down.

Again about bad private owners
Meanwhile, the country's leadership relies on the fact that loyal FPB will take care of the welfare of labor litter. In particular, through control over prices. Although their growth, as we see, is only a consequence of more depth processes that the FPB is not able to influence.
At today's meeting, Lukashenko with the Horde, as official sources reported, the modernization of the structure of trade unions, including the creation of new primary organizations and the reform of the system as a whole.
But how do this reform see?
"You know that we have there are also dependent, independent, and state, and proliable, and Proluschenkovsky - all kinds of trade unions, as soon as they are not called. But in fact, if this is a branch - it is desirable that it was one union, without some dubbing, "this was the main focus of Lukashenko (with the reservation as in "The so-called independent trade union" Walking not reckled).
He sounded from the mouth of the president and such a remark: "Especially in this transitional period, confusion is enough: where state ownership, where private. You understand the politics of our newly private owners. ".
Judging by the context (and the former statements of the Belarusian leadership), private traders are perceived negatively. What transition period is in mind, not quite clear. Do we go to universal private property? Or, on the contrary, the total nationalization and private traders are fluttered, as the NEPMAN bolsheviks once?
Of great desire to deploy privatization for the Belarusian leadership has never been observed. However, it is somehow not Committee, especially if you consider the wishes of Lukashenko to come to a private trader, especially if you consider Lukashenko's wishes to make capital from all over the world.
It remains to be assumed that private traders hope to re-educate, so that they were obedient, managed, carried out directives, as leaders of state enterprises.
But then the productivity of labor in private firms will not fall to the level of state-owned enterprises (while Belarusian private owners, according to the World Bank, is 40% higher)?

Finally will come inside independent trade unions?
At the same time, put the hand on the heart, a privately owned in Belarus and so under the cap, is connected by hand and legs. Where too?
Many JSC are actually state-owned enterprises, and the purely private sector is hardly controlled by a vertical, noted in the comments for Naviny.BY.chairman of the Belarusian Congress Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP) Alexander Yaroshuk.
According to him, 96% of workers today consist of 96% of the working people, while trade unions included in the BCDP, only about ten thousand people are united - these are the interests of the percentage of employed in the economy.
Statement about " one trade union, without some dubbing, "he sounded at the meeting of the president with the head of the FPB, "Very strained", Says Yaroshuk. For this, according to him, it is possible to see the desire to bring to the end the process of reforming trade unions in the key, as it seems to be the large Belarusian authorities, that is, in fact completely to populate them.
Today Yaroshuk posted In Facebook: "Included in BKDP independent trade unions and their members should be prepared for a new attack by the state. There should be no illusions that at least some trade union pluralism are possible in the country in the country..
The fact that employees in Belarus are subject to discrimination on the basis of belonging to independent trade unions, said yesterday at a rally organized by BKDP in the capital. The resolution of the rally also noted that "The authorities strongly stop attempts to create new trade union organizations, unlawful interference is allowed to the authorized activities of trade unions, attracting their members to administrative and criminal liability.".
Specific example - "Care of trade unions", hanging in a Damoclay sword over the leaders of the Rap Trade Union Gennady Fedyuchemand Igor Comlik. The latter even managed to be deduged as a political prisoner when he got in the death insulator last year.
Then a comlica was released, but it's not closed. Officially, we are talking about tax evasion, but independent commentators associate pressure on the Rap Union with its active participation in last year's "Darmamed" protests. That's how you conquer for the rights of disadvantaged.

In the tail of Europe. Forever?
Meanwhile, the head of state seems to be kept in the head of the caution of economists. So today stressed that it does not require "vulture", but insists in order to "Production functioned as it should".
But it is with the last and quenching. As noted earlier in the comments for Naviny.BY.director of the IPM Research Center Alexander Chubrik, We have inflation provoking, in particular, the presence of an ineffective public sector associated with the restriction of competition in the domestic market.
The IMF and other international organizations have long been recommended to reduce the share of the public sector, restructure it.
However, here the Belarusian leadership is a wall. Even negotiations with the IMF about the loan turned out to not make reforms. And now they take off more expensive money.
And wild payments on external debt, too, as you understand, do not contribute to the growth of the welfare of Belarusians. Not only separate layers of the population, but also the country as a whole, everything is more hopeless in a poverty trap.
GDP growth rates this year are already slow. The government recognizes that the growth itself is mainly conjunctural. Russia began to give more oilAnd oil itself has risen in price. This is an ephemeral ascent, tomorrow he can melting like a dream, like morning fog.
Meanwhile, reforms capable of ensuring a steady dynamic growth of the economy, as it was not and not. And until it will be. Lukashenko did not even mention them in the April Message.
Without reforms, economists predict, the lag of Belarus will increase even from the neighboring, not the richest countries of the European Union. There at least some progress. Belarusians are stuck without options among the poorest nations of Europe, and no FPB will save here at least crash.