About titles of English nobles. Titles of higher nobility in the Russian Empire How to Be Prince Nowadays

Many people dream of a noble title. Persons who possess this privilege can sit in the presence of the British Queen, demand that "your fortification" and other pleasant things appeal to them. How can I get the desired noble title? There are 7 popular ways.

1. by inheritance. If you have suspicions that your ancestors were real aristocrats, start searching for their roots. In Russia, this issue is engaged in the Russian genealogical federation, in Italy - the International Commission for the Study of the Knight's Order, in France - International Genealogical Academy. To begin with, find the old photos of your grandfathers and great-grandfather. Maybe some of them will be on a photograph in Mundir General-Annef? Or maybe your Prelbabka ended the Smolny Institute? Who knows, what if your ancestors were the princes of yusupov or the Duke of Malboro?

2. According to merit. In the vintage times, the monarchs pledged the noble title for military merit. Nowadays to get an order British Empire In 1965, participants of the BITLS group were obtained for a valuable contribution to the culture. This fact was very indignant by the British aristocrats who did not want to put up with the SIM circumstance and returned their orders to the crown. However, soon the scandal did not go to no scandal, and the noble title was also awarded Elton John, Andrew Lloyd Webburra and Elizabeth Taylor. British aristocrats accepted this news without complaints.

3. Buy. For several hundred dollars, you will be able to purchase a parchment on which your surname will be withdrawn, eating almost to Rurikovich. If you want a more powerful diploma, for 5-10 thousand dollars you can buy a document, almost identical to documents 19 Art. Of course, he will not be a script, but you can hang it in the living room and to show naive guests. In Scotland, the estate of Glencarne is sold, which is divided into small sections of 30 pounds. Everyone can buy not only this plot, but also in the form of a bonus to get a noble title. Many aristocrats say that such sale titles has no legal force, but the estate is sold very vividly.

4. Thanks to good connections. For example, in Ukraine Orest Fedorovich Karelin-Romanishin-Rusin, he is the king of Orest 1, Metropolitan Carpathian Roman, Master of Knight's orders. He was crowned independently, but despite this, they were raised by Titulas Leonid Kuchma and Alexander Kuzmuk (Prince and Count, respectively). It is unlikely that you will get a noble title from the hands of Juan Carlos Spanish, but having friends in Slavic land, you have a chance to join the aristocrats.

5. By the lucky irony of fate. If you get at the right time in the right place, you also have a chance to get the cherished title. For example, the doctor who provided the proctological assistance to the Emperor of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs in the 18th Art., He received a noble title from the hands of a grateful lord. Nowadays, you can try to happiness in Africa, somewhere in Lesotho, rumors have been rumored that the Tsarbai Tsarki is very responsive and differ in particular thanks.

6. Living it. For example, one Moscow prominency became Nikole 3rd Romanov. Just changed the name and proclaimed itself a nobleman. And Charles Stopford, who is a US citizen, lived in Europe under the name of Lord Christopher Bakingham, more than 20 years, using false documents. In short, if you are in the soul of an aristocrat, a lot from you will not go anywhere!

7. Marry the nobleman. If, finite, the jouris is to taste)))

At this time, oddly enough, you can often meet people who dream of getting a noble title. What for? And everything is in order to have a number of privilege (for example, sit at one table with kings), or just grow in the eyes of others (when they will contact them through "Your Lightness").

So how to get a title, and is it possible in the 21st century? Of course available. We bring to your attention several ways to get a title.

First method

The most natural way is to get a title inheritance. To begin with, we recommend carefully examine your pedigree tree, because your ancestors can really be aristocrats. IN Russian Federation Similar issues are engaged in the genealogical federation, in France, for example, the International Genealogical Academy, and in Italy, such issues permanently resolve the International Commission that studies the knightly orders.

Second way

Get a title for certain merits. In the ancient times, the kings loved to reward nobility titles for different military merit. Now it is also possible. For example, in 1965 all famous group Beatles received the Order of the British Empire for an invaluable contribution to the culture. It must be said that this assignment did not go smoothly, the local aristocrats, the owners of blue blood, were extremely indignant to such award. But soon everyone got used to, and similar awards were assigned to Elton John, Elizabeth Taylor and Andrew Lloyd Webburru.

Third way

Trivial - buy title for money. It all already depends on your opportunities, if only a couple of hundred bucks were pumped in his pocket, then you can purchase parchment with your last name and any title, but everything will be clear that such a title of linden. If you wish a stronger diploma, then you will have to wrap up a couple of thousand dollars, and then your document will also be felt, but it will be the appearance of the XIX century.

Fourth way

Get a noble title thanks to connections. For example, in Ukraine, Orest Fedorovich Karelin Romanishin-Rusin crown himself (King Orest I) and, despite this, he also distributed titles himself: L. Kuchme - Title Prince, and A. Kuzmuku - Count. So we have a connection in the Slavic Earth, and you will always have a chance to join the noblemen.

Fifth way

Get title thanks to incredible success and fortune. You just need to get into the right place and at a certain time. For example, one doctor somehow helped the Emperor of the Great Dynasty of the Habsburgs in the 18th century and received a noble title for it. Now, such luck can be attended by African lands, they say that very responsive kings live in Lesotho.

Sixth way

Marriage with nobleman. Now in monarchical Europe is quite often local nobles, graphs and even the princes are married in commoners. So dare, try.

What method fits you, and is it all necessary? To solve only you.

It turns out that according to the assurances of Internet sites, almost every Russian can become a nobleman in our time. And for this, it is not at all necessary to recreate your family tree, looking for a noble descendant in it, or flip old albums with images of the Lords, drinking angular fireplaces in spacious halls to find at least some portrait similarity. Everything is much simpler: you only need to pay a monetary fee into one of the noble societies or a person authorized to distribute titles.

And those surprisingly, there are quite a few in Russia. At one time, thanks to them, our Fatherland was replenished with huge rows of nobles. Among them are the most famous: Alexander Malinin - Singer of the Russian pop, Bari Alibasov - Producer, Ayatskov - Governor, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger! There are also the person "simpler", for example, received the title of nobleman and a conventional Saratov's title, now any facing of fireplaces has its own notable printing.

How much will it cost such a honorable title? In different organizations, rates differ. So, for the graph will have to lay out from 18 thousand rubles, for the prince more - from 12 thousand euros. And whoever you did not work, a doctor, realtor, an accountant, or the main occupation, for example, the installation of chimneys, if you have an enon number of drugs - Welcome to the nobility.

However, in most cases, such proposals are only the way to "entangle the brains". Whatever beautiful and loud are the names of the organizations: "New Elite of Russia" - Russian Noble Society, " New Elita The world "- international order of the capital, to give, sell, offering the noble title they are not eligible. That's just the laws of the Russian Federation for this do not punish ...

In fact, in Russia there are only two legitimate noble organizations: the St. Petersburg Noble Assembly and the Russian Noble Assembly. The first unites real hereditary nobles on the basis of the relevant testimony, the second is a corporate public organization, whose members are also valid (in direct paternal) and associated noblemen (descendants on the maternal line). There is another union of Russian nobles, but it acts and is in Europe.
But none of the named assembly noble titles falsify! No reference to the assignment of title does not give out! Just pity the title is right only the head of the Imperial House. At the moment, the chapter is the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. True, it is possible to become a nobleman (not offacarious) if the princess will reward you with the Order of St. Anne, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker for special merits in front of the birthplace and its citizens.

Therefore, you should not believe fraudsters, especially now, when the majority of the "nobles" so dream of a beautiful summer holiday!

December 13, 2017, 00:16

A little boring for a start.

True, it will be a little boring, I will tell about the history of the emergence of Paria, the type of titles, their receipt, features and privileges. Well, at the end a little humor, in my opinion.

Parity is the system of noble ranks in England. Piers call all the British who have a title. All other people who do not have any ranks are considered commoner. The main difference of peers from the rest of people is that the noble title in England gives certain privileges, and these privileges differ from the peers of different ranks.

There are also differences in the privileges between different parts of the Parity system:
- Parity of England is all the titled English, the title of which was created by the Queen and the kings of England until 1707 (the signing of an association act).
- Parhood of Scotland -Dvoryan titles created by the monarchs of Scotland until 1707.
- Parity Ireland - the title of the Kingdom of Ireland, created until 1800 (the signing of an act of association) and some of them created later.
- Parity of Great Britain - all titles created in the Kingdom of the United Kingdom from 1707 to 1800.
- Parity of the United Kingdom - almost all the titles created after 1800.
Higher in the hierarchy are older titles. In addition, the title belonging to the hierarchy is:
- English,
- Scottish,
- Irish.

For example, an Irish graph with the title created until 1707 on the hierarchy than the English graph with the same rank. But the same Irish graph will be higher in the hierarchy than the Graph of Great Britain with the title assigned after 1707.

The emergence of Parity - plunge into a boring story.
The history of the transient system of the British began with the conquest of England the illegitimate son of the ruler of Normandy Wilhelm the conqueror. He created a single English kingdom and shared the whole territory on manor. The British, who owned Manorars, was called baron; Depending on the number of land, the "large barons" and "smaller barons" distinguished.
The king collected for the royal tips of large barons, and smaller collected sheriffs. Then the smaller barons stopped stopped. It was the assembly of large barons that were then transformed into the ward of the Lords, which exists now. Most nobility titles are inherited.
The times changed and among the nobles began to form various ranks, whose privileges were significantly different.

Hierarchy titles
At the top of the hierarchy is, naturally, the royal family in which there is a private hierarchy. The British Royal Family includes a monarch directly and a group of close relatives. Members of the Royal Family are: Monarch, Spouse of the monarch or a widden spouse of the monarch, children of the monarch, his grandchildren on the men's line, spouse or widowed spouses of the monarch's heirs on the men's line.

The following among the British are:
- Duke and Duchess (began to assign this title in 1337). The duke is the noble English title of the highest rank after the king and the queen. Usually the dukes are controlled by duke. Dukes make up the second category of princes after the royal family princes.
- Marquis and Marquis (first were assigned in 1385). Marquis - the nobility title of the British, which is between the duke and the graph. It comes from the designation of the boundaries of certain territories. In addition to directly marquizes, this title is assigned to the eldest son of the duke and daughter of the Duke.
- Graph (Earl) and Countess (used from 800-1000 years). Counts - members of the English nobility, which previously owned and managed their own land - county, disassembled court cases in the provincial courts on behalf of the king, were collected fines and taxes from the local population. Also, the counties were honored: the eldest son of Marquis, the daughter of Marquis and the younger son of the Duke.
- Viscount and Vikontesse (the first such title was assigned in 1440). During the lifetime of the Father, the eldest son of the graph or the younger sons of Marquis became viscons as a title of courtesy.
- Baron and Baroness (first appeared in 1066). Baron is the lowest noble title in England. If the title is historically relevant to feudal barns, the baron keeps it a baron. In addition to the barons themselves, the following persons were endowed with this title: the eldest son of the Viscount, the younger son of the count, the eldest son of Baron, then the hierarchy was followed by the younger sons of Viscounts and the younger son of the barons.
- Another title, although inherited, but not belonging to English titled aristocratic practices, is a baronet (there is no female equivalent). Barons are not sitting in the House of Lords and do not use the privileges of the nobility. Baronets became the older children of the younger sons of peers of various ranks, senior and younger sons of Baronetov.
All other British belong to untotulated individuals.

Appeal to titled Persons
The appeal to the titled British - the question is quite complicated. Everyone knows that the appeal to the king and the queen involves the combination of "Your Majesty".

For the dukes, the appeal is "your grace", as well as for the Duchess, or the appeal of the Duke-Duchess with the use of title. The surnames from the dukes are rarely used in the appeal, duchanic - never used.
To the marquises, viscons, graphs, baronams and their wives are addressed as Milord (my Lord) or Milady (my lady), or just Lord and Lady. You can also use the appeal directly in the form of rank and title.
For the former Wives of the peers of any ranks appeal as follows: the name of the woman, then rank and title.

To the baronets and nonetitular features are treated with the help of the words "sir" and "Lady".

Getting title
The real title of Lord in England can be assigned to the queen for special merits in front of the country. But you can get it and bypass, for example, to acquire a medieval estate for the huge price along with the title, for example, Baron. At the same time, a certificate of belonging to a certain noble rank is obtained.
Most often owner of any title - a man. Sometimes the title could belong to the woman if his transfer is expected to be inherited. In the remaining cases, the woman was awarded the title of courtesy as his husband's wife. At the same time, the privileges who were in her husband, there was no woman.

The title of women was inherited in two cases:
- If the woman was only the Guardian of the title, in order to give him to the heir to a male in the future;
- When a woman rightly received the title, but could not sit in the ward of the Lords and take certain positions.
At the same time, if the titled woman got married, her husband did not receive her title.
If a woman who received the title, thanks to her husband, turned out to be a widow, she kept him, while before handling it could add the word "widowing". If the woman re-married, then gained a new title corresponding to the title of her new husband, or at all turned out to be neotistated special, if the new husband did not apply to the nobility of England.

Another feature is that illegitimate sons did not receive titles under no circumstances.

Therefore, often titled Officers sought to marry pregnant women to ensure their son the right to inherit their title. Otherwise, the noble affiliation had the right to receive only the youngest son, if he was already born in marriage, and in the absence of other sons - a distant relative.

Titled Privileges
Previously, the privileges of the peers were very wide, but now there are quite a few right in titled Englishmen:
- the right to sit in parliament,
- access to the queen and king, at least this right has not been used for a long time,
- the right is not subject to civil arrest (It was used only twice since 1945). (I was looking for, I was looking for someone who was and what the cases, but did not find, if you know, poke, I wonder. We have it, in my opinion, a personal acquaintance with someone or relatives in good positions, although you can sit in the State Der :))))

In addition, all peers have special crowns used in coronation, and distinctive robes for the meeting in the House of Lords (if they are its members) and coronation.

There are a couple of reliable and proven ways to get a title.

1. by inheritance. If you have suspicions that your ancestors were real aristocrats, start searching for their roots. In Russia, this issue is engaged in the Russian genealogical federation, in Italy - the International Commission for the Study of the Knight's Order, in France - International Genealogical Academy. To begin with, find the old photos of your grandfathers and great-grandfather. Maybe some of them will be on a photograph in Mundir General-Annef? Or maybe your Prelbabka ended the Smolny Institute? Who knows, what if your ancestors were the princes of yusupov or the Duke of Malboro? Or W is your grandmother seamstress Nicholas himself?

2. According to merit. In the vintage times, the monarchs pledged the noble title for military merit. In our time, the British Empire was received in 1965 by the participants of the BITLS group, for a valuable contribution to the culture.

This fact was very indignant by the British aristocrats who did not want to put up with the SIM circumstance and returned their orders to the crown. However, soon the scandal did not go to no scandal, and the noble title was also awarded Elton John, Andrew Lloyd Webburra and Elizabeth Taylor.

British aristocrats accepted this news without complaints.

In March 1997, Queen assigned McCartney Title "Knight". After she touched on a sparkling sword of the musician, who kept his knee, a vocalist and bass guitarist on nicknamed McKee turned into Sir Paul. From now on, they are treated for it. The new Sir then admitted that he was constantly thinking about the first ceremony in the Buckingham Palace and about his friends-Beatlah:
- It seemed to me that they were standing behind my back. And rejoice. After all, the queen honored me primarily for participating in our group.
This His title of Sir dedicated "Beatles".

Now this Order is distributed to almost right and left, but there are also worthy pies in my opinion:

By the way, in 2003 David Bowie refusedbecome a knight.

3. Buy. For several hundred dollars, you will be able to purchase a parchment on which your surname will be withdrawn, eating almost to Rurikovich. If you want a more powerful diploma, for 5-10 thousand dollars you can buy a document, almost identical to documents 19 Art. Of course, he will not be a script, but you can hang it in the living room and to show naive guests. In Scotland, the estate of Glencarne is sold, which is divided into small sections of 30 pounds. Everyone can buy not only this plot, but also in the form of a bonus to get a noble title. Many aristocrats say that such sale titles has no legal force, but the estate is sold very vividly.

In my opinion it is a chance for relatives Megan Plant to clean my reputation.

The most reliable way!