What dreams to remove from the table. Table: What dreams sleep

The table itself is the basis of family life. A treat, festive cakes and everyday dinners are put on the table, writing letters at the table and conversations are underway. The kitchen is not in vain in which the most important table is, rightly is considered the heart of the house. Psychoanalysts compare the table with a home altar, a mystical center of the family.

What is located on the table shows the level of well-being, the attitude towards the present and prospects of the closest future. In a dream, the table shows your attitude to the family, wealth, food. For example, flowers mean hope for the best. Beautiful and tasty food - cheerfulness and pleasure. Forgotten solonka, dirt, unobedy crumbs, dirty dishes are the saddest and bad prospects for the future. Consider what a dream table is dreaming.

Main values

  • Dreamed Sit at the table with friends - to the world and restoration of friendship.
  • Many diverse festive meals - will be a reason to celebrate a pleasant, significant event.
  • The most favorable table in dreams is a massive, strong, wooden, absolutely reliable and stable. Such a dream means you have someone to count on and in good days, and in difficult times. Tablecloth, vase with flowers give melancholy at home comfort. Arranged cutlery - to the news, not always pleasant. But if on the table roasted meat, a fruit vase - expect good news. Salads in bowls and in vases on the table - the invasion of relatives is coming.
  • Try to remember if there are any signs of holidays - Christmas and pine branches, floral wreaths, painted eggs. If there is - it means you remember the holiday and a significant event. The cake usually means a birthday, a bustle, turmoil, the crowd of restless children. It is possible, you miss boring family celebrations in the home circle. To dispel the longing, it is enough to visit some kind of family holiday and pursue a good table at a common table.
  • If there is no tablecloth, the table is simple, cheap, with a plastic coating - possibly to the boring poverty and the desire to change the situation.
  • Scuntful food means a prolonged poverty period from which you do not see the exit.
  • Garden table, stolen seedlings - you love gardening and reflect on plans for the next season. Perhaps you plan a new technique or want to try new varieties of plants.
  • The table for the smallest things in the hallway - you have forgotten something.
  • The coffee table is boredom, pending affairs, perhaps a small intrigue.
  • Bedside table - you care about your appearance.
  • An empty table, sprinkling, broken - Nalada in the family, problems with friends.
  • If you sit at the honorable place - position yourself as the owner, chapter. Superfers for spins sitting - you like to think that everything depends on you. Did not find your place, observe from the side - feel like a stranger.
  • The shape of the table in a dream matters. Round form - you dream about friendship and peace in the house. A rectangular form speaks of practicality. The presence of devices for devices or for other purposes talks about the possible availability of secrets. Additional shelves issue impracticality. It is assumed that the opposite, but usually an unnecessary trash accumulates on additional shelves, as in the storage room. Folding planes that unfold extremely rarely give out optimism of the owners and the overall ill-impact of the house. Glass surfaces of the countertop give out the overall coolness of the home atmosphere.
  • In itself, the condition of the table shows how carefully people living in the house belong to their family. Chips and dirt give carelessness and licentiousness. Military purity - secrecy and greed.
  • If you come to the open table, and it runs away, moves away from you - it means the greed of the home owners, which will be punished by poverty.

Interpretation of authorities

  • English Dream Interpretation assures that the disked writing desk with drawers means curiosity and desire to learn other secrets. Maybe you are worried about the safety of your own secrets. In this case, keep documents in places or in places where anyone can get free access - not too reasonable.
  • Women's dream book says that the table is especially well removed, dream of an important event. White tablecloths - to the wedding. Flowers embroidered on the tablecloth - to the birth of a child, christening. Maybe in the color of the decorations will be able to guess the floor of the child. Roses or peonies - girl. Vasilka, irises - boy.
  • Dream Dream Hasse is promulit a long and not too pleasant way if in a dream you saw a blank table with a plastic coating.
  • Welles's dream book claims that the table dreams of joy. If the legs of the table are thick and strong - you are satisfied with life, everything is well. Thin and unreliable legs - to troubles and problems.
  • Freud's dream book says that the table shows your attitude to family life in general. If you dream of a covering beautiful table with flowers - you hope for the best and dream of a good family, cozy housein which you will be fine and comfortable. A naked table shows a disgust for family life or willingness to get away from the family. To fix the situation, try starting to take care of the table in your home. Learn to cook beautifully and delicious, take care of the colors. First of all, this applies to men, because it is married men who extends life for a couple of dozen years.


To see the table in a dream - means worrying about family life, his status in the house. You may not think about how much depends on you, your efforts and efforts. Of course, if you are not allowed to the sacrament of cooking, filling the refrigerator, work on the house - for this there is your own priestess of a homemade hearth, there may be a sense of launch, even in the full table. Think that you can change and whether it is your effort.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

IN everyday life We are surrounded by many items that we perceive both due and do not even think about the meaning that our ancestors gave them.

Here, for example, the table - today a great many varieties of tables, but a long time ago in the house there could be a single table, followed by people to eat, and therefore this piece of furniture was even called the "palm of God." For example, as the French dream book says, the table in a dream, which was magnificently covered - this is a symbol of wealth and well-being.

Interpretations of what the table is dreaming, there is a lot - mainly because in a dream you can see a variety of tables, and because you can have a variety of items on their countertops. But there are general interpretations that do not depend on what material and how firmly the piece of furniture is made, as well as from what was on the table.

For example, if the table in a dream was broken, then such a dream is a warning for sleeping. In the near future, events of a negative nature are possible, but you still have time to prevent them. Which case, it is worth reflecting the attack of trouble, tells the "character" of the table: dining - in the family, written - at work, in affairs, coffee table or a table for a picnic - in a friendly circle.

If the table is dreaming, let and the whole, but empty, is a dream warns about the possibility of conflicts. See an empty dining table - a dream talks about the possibility of conflict with the "second half" due to the state family budget" To "neutralize" the consequences of such a dream, it is worth discussing all the difficult moments with a spouse or spouse or take measures to create a financial "airbag".

The desktop in a dream turned out to be empty - such dreams urge to show caution and strengthen their position in the workplace. It will not be completely superfluous, as the vision can warn that different conflicts can only give a negative effect - until dismissal. An empty writing desk or bureau calls the dream to bring order in cases or papers relating to personal property.

What other furniture objects can be seen in our Gresses during a night rest? So anything! Let's consider the most common options:

  • Strong and solid table.
  • Crashing and squirt.
  • Round.
  • Writing.
  • Working.
  • Festive.

Quality, Materials, Appointment

What is the dream well done, strong, high-quality? Esoteric dream book says that this is a sign of reliability and well-being. If it was a dining table, - then the vision promises that your home will be like a "full bowl", working to career promotion, written - to luck and stability in personal matters.

Chlipsky, staggering, perturbing furniture in a dream means approaching problems and serves as a warning of a dream. A similar meaning is also a dream where the plastic table was the central part - the product itself is very fragile.

If the table in a dream was wooden, it positively characterizes the dream: you value the material benefits, but no more than they deserve it, feel the feature between the accumulation of funds and their spending on life pleasure, and you know how to go through it, without losing equilibrium. That is, a wooden piece of furniture in your dream symbolizes that you will be able to provide your own prosperous future and material well-being of your family.

To see in gold marble furniture - Warning: There is an extremely unfair person in your environment, try to guess who he is, and neutralize his actions towards himself. Metal furniture in a dream speaks of sleeping as an energetic man who can achieve many life vertices.

To see a round table in a dream - means a quick reconciliation with a person with whom you are in a quarrel. Also a round piece of furniture can mean ambient business negotiations that will be successful for you (such a interpretation will depend on the other situation in your dream).

To see a writing desk with an empty countertop in Night Greeks - also a warning sign: Obstacles may be discovered in your business. It is important not to perceive temporary difficulties as a catastrophe. And if you saw on the countertop bills or - it means that these obstacles will be easily solvable, and the case will be profitable.

If your desktop in a dream is a sample of a "working mess", then you need to work on your own ability to organize a workflow: otherwise favorable offers or projects can float from under the nose. If there is nothing on the tabletop in the workplace, it is worth finding a hobby in the soul to enjoy life.

The holiday comes to us

What is the dream of a table, covered for receiving guests or some celebration? By dreams of Vangi, a covering table with a lot of food foreshadows the material well-being, which may appear as much as the patronage of an influential person. According to the female dream book, covered for dinner, the object of furniture in a dream means interesting acquaintances in the near future and well-being in the family.

To put down on the table, "says Family dream book," the guests should be waiting soon. In this regard, the food is the food and its number - than it is more, the more guests you should expect. In some cases, food on the table top cooked to the meal may mean rapid addition in the family - especially if a similar dream was seen on the night.

But the esoteric dream book believes that to see in Night Gresses a covering table with ease of food - this is not a favorable sleep, but a warning: a dream need to avoid bodily frills, in particular, the gluttony. Otherwise, this can lead to health problems.

Sonniest Slimon Kananita suggests that to cover the table in a dream for the arrival of guests, generously forcing it with food, "it means that in the near future you can reveal quite advantageous to acquire some kind of valuable property. If there are vases with food on the table top with meals and devices - this means that your marriage will be happy, and family life is prosperous. In the Jewish dream book, a tabletop, abundant by food, is considered to be a harbinger of invitations to a big celebration with abundant treat.

If a festive table has dreamed, full of food - in a short time, fate will give you a chance to meet and chat with the expensive hearts with whom you have not seen you for a long time. A served festive table, which is not yet served food, in a dream means that it is better to refrain from large financial spending - you may need money a little later.

Interesting plot is a dream central Image which is not just a festive, but wedding table"Brokes" from food. Young girls, this image in Gresses promises a quick marriage, and the exquisite food and richer decoration - the more wealthy will be the future spouse. But for the rest, such a plot promises things that are not related to personal life: successful completion of the cases started, as well as respect from others.

After the holiday

In life after any holiday in the house, the order should be shifted, and the similar plots can be seen in a dream. What dreams of the table that you had to be removed after the guests of guests? Almost in all dreams, a similar image in Gres is treated as a warning.

For example, Dream Head Adskina says that if you had to clean the remnants of food and dirty dishes in night gold, "this means that fate prepared you some tests. If you with your "second half" you can rally and go through them, allow all the problems together, then your union will not be able to destroy anything.

Also, dreamers pay a lot of attention to such a plot when there are cutlery and food on the table, but for some reason there is no tablecloth. Such a dream can warn that for some reason you may be due to your material situation - you are the subject of envy even for friends. It is worth looking more closely to your neighbor and deny the house to people who exude, albeit hidden, negative in your direction.

Ripped or dirty tablecloth on a served countertop in your Gresses foreshadows possible intra-day conflicts. It would be worth it to reveal the points of disagreement in advance and repay them, without waiting for a fire of negative passions.

But to sit at the table - such a vision has the opposite value. To sit behind him with his relatives - such a vision of promises that in your family there will be a world, way and wealth. There are friends with whom you sit around one tabletop - know that no failures in life are not afraid, because your friends are ready to come to the rescue. And the more friends it was with you together, the more powerful friendly support you are provided in life.

However, if you had a chance at the table alone, the vision warns that in the near future you will have to do an independent one, and very difficult, life choice. If you dreamed of sitting at one table with your own, you should not worry. Such dreams suggest that you have chosen the right life path, and on this path awaits you success.

However, it may be in view that you are sitting, for example, behind the school desk. Such a vision warns you that you may not have enough knowledge for you thinking, so it would be nice to engage in self-education.

At the table, close people are often going to the table, the feast is often a reason for communication. The table in night goldes also symbolizes interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings. But there are other interpretations of plots. It is necessary to pay attention to the smallest details of the dream, to understand what to dream to sit at the table and cover it.

In a dream, a wide variety of tables can be seized. It is this that is a significant factor from which it is necessary to repel when interpreting dreams.


    Most often in the dream appears dinner table. This is a sign dream that warns that the dream should limit himself in food. The modern dream book contains recommendations - after such a dream, eat often, but in small portions. This will eliminate the problems associated with overeating and will allow you to quickly restore the state of health. Kitchen table In the dream indicates that it will soon have to prepare for the festive event. DeskAppeared in a dream warns that in real life there should be prudency. In addition, such a symbol indicates that excessive powerfulness towards people in reality may threaten serious problems. Desktop In the dream indicates that the dream lacks self-organization. You need to learn how to plan your time and remember the intended important meetings. Operating table - This is a sign that you will have to make a responsible decision in real life. Remembling table In a dream symbolizes mental longing along the close deceased relative or friend. After such sleep, it is recommended to visit the grave if possible. close man Or put a candle for rest in the church. He emphasizes the successful state of the dream of a real life. In the coming period, one should not worry about your material position, as it will be easy to make money. Buffet In a dream, focuses on the fact that in real life it is hardly possible to plan everything, so all solutions will have to take on the run. Wedding table Explain the beginning of a successful life period, which will even take part in risky events.

Table shape

Also, with interpretation of dreams, be sure to pay attention to the shape of the table:

    Round table In Night Gresses is the harbinger of the arrival of guests. Perhaps it will be connected with a festive event in your life. In addition, such a dream indicates that you currently can negotiate with any person. But the main thing about to hear the opinion of another person to find a compromise. Square or rectangular table Indicates that in the current life situation, all the nuances should be taken into account, otherwise the issue will not be able to resolve in their favor. Long table Indicates that controversial situations arising in real life will not be able to quickly resolve.

For proper interpretation Dreaming is also the size of the table, its color and condition:

    Big table It foreshadows that the appearance will have to discuss very important things for you or important events. Small table It suggests that the upcoming meetings in real life are not primary for you, therefore it is not necessary to give them values. New table Finds revealing new proposals and familiarity with new partners. Old table Indicates that you do not decide to leave a long-standing plan that has already been outlived. Also, such a dream can be a reminder of old friends with whom you have not met for a long time. Wooden table Finds good income from the conceived case, but it indicates that for this you will need to make a lot of strength. White table It emphasizes that in real life you took up a good deal, but most importantly do not stop halfway. Black table It is a warning that you will have to encounter an innocent partner. Dirty table It suggests that it is necessary to leave the thought not too late. Profit will not be able to get, but trouble can be a lot.

Buy a table

In the night sins to buy a table of any kind - this is a good omen. After such a dream, you should wait for pleasant life changes. But if I had to purchase a broken table, it foreshadows obstacles to the goal. As a rule, the table and chairs are foreshadowed in the near future.

Rich table

A rich table with food in a dream is promoting in real life a dream well-being and success. The dream indicates that the coming period is very successful in order to achieve fame.

Tablecloth on table or vase with flowers

To understand what is the dream of a covering table, you must consider many nuances.

So, the tablecloth on the table is a sign element:

    If it is clean, then in real life there are advantageous offers and contracts; if it is dirty or molded, then there will be many obstacles and misunderstandings; a torn tablecloth foreshadows in real life a large quarrels and family scandals.

If the table is covered without a tablecloth, then this indicates that in a short time, your well-being is significantly improved. And wealth that will fill your home will exceed all your expectations. Very good if there is a vase with flowers among a variety of meals on the table. This predicts prosperity family life and harmonious relationships with households.

Empty table or with dishes - Dream

When in a dream, it is necessary to see an empty table, then this is a signal that I don't have enough finance for your ideas. Also such night dreams can foreshadow losses in real life. If a table with dishes drew in a dream, it means that in real life you will have to participate in conflicts and quarrels. When dreamed of dirty dishes on the table, it indicates that the dream will appear in life serious problemswith whom he will be able to quickly cope.

Lay the table

When you have to serve the table in the dream, it indicates that you dream of real life about uncomfortable. If you see in the dream that someone from unfamiliar people serves the table, it means that you will have an invitation to visit. When, during the serving, the focus is on the knives on the table, then this indicates that experiences that stretch the loop from past life prevent you from gaining new acquaintances, due to the fact that you do not trust people.

Very often there is a question that dreams of a table with food. Despite the fact that most dreams are interpreted by such a dream as a favorable sign that foreshadows a prosperous life, much depends on the nuances of the plot. When the table is a coated meal implies lunch in a family circle, then this is a sign that useful dating will occur in real life. Also, after such a dream, you can expect pleasant surprises. If a lot of food on the table dreamed, then for the correct understanding of sleep, you need to remember that it was for the food:
    Meat dishes point out that the dream will be able to cope with the problems with problems and troubles. In the table, a multi-valued symbol. Smoked fish foreshadows news, fried fish predicts interesting tripAnd salted fish is a harbinger of love adventures. And if there is a whole fish on the table in the dream, it foreshadows a prosperous life. The woman on the table is a warning that the dream will have to come to survive serious tests. Salid fish dishes foreshadow success, but for this you need to learn how to store secrets. Sweet products predict a cheerful pastime. Alcoholic beverages predict unjustified risk and life disappointments. The towers are foreshadowed by tears and resentment. The deblies on the table are foreshadowed receiving income. Withled white bread on the table, there is a harbinger of beneficial transactions. High bread on the table warns about gossip and statement. On the table symbolize happy life events, although insignificant on your scale. Butchka vodka on the table foreshadows anxiety and disappointment in life.

What dreams mouse on the table

Sometimes the most unexpected items appear on the table next to the products in the dream. In dreams there is an interpretation, what dreams mouse on the table. If the rodent eats, this suggests that the dream will be invited to dinner, but during this event it will be very boring.

A lot of food on the tables in the dining room

If the dream has to see a lot of food in the dining room on the tables, then you need to pay attention to its attractiveness. There were ate in a dream a lot of delicious parallelues of not peculiar to public nutrition, it means that someone from your friends will pleasantly surprise you.

A festive table with food, striking his sophistication, foreshadows that soon on the dream "falls" a huge state. It is noteworthy that for this you do not have to apply no effort. In dreams there are interpretations and other variations of dreams:
    If a table with a large number of food is on a memorial event, it symbolizes the dream desire to change your own life. In this case, it is necessary to stop clinging for the past. Full food table at the wedding foreshadows significant changes in life. Still, covered with food for a banquet, indicates that everything in the dream of a dream will be obtained. The crafting tables with food in the cafe predict amazing discoveries and news. The likelihood is that in the near future, destiny will give a dream something extraordinary.

Many tables - sleep rays

When there are many tables, it foreshadows an unexpected acquaintance in reality. And it will happen in a public place. Sometimes a large number of tables are interpreted as the fact that optimal conditions will be created in real life to succeed a dream.

Guests at the table

The process of covering the table is always good sign. But even more importantly, remember who in a dream was sitting behind a served table. Guests at the table in the dream always foreshadow active communication in reality. If relatives gathered in the night of gold in the night of gold, then this is a good sign. Soon, long-awaited joyful changes will begin to occur in the dream of the dream. Relatives at the table foreshadow many pleasant dating. After such a dream, the likelihood that lonely people will meet their fate. If a family is gathered at the table, this foreshadows full well-being in real life, good health and material wealth.

See a man at the table

If you have to see that a man sitting at the table, it foreshadows a successful life period. If, in the plot, the dream you have to sit at one table with an unknown man, then for the correct interpretation it is necessary to pay attention to the furniture itself. Interpretation may be like this:
    A table in a cafe or in a restaurant foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance in the yard; a rough-cholent table, standing in the courtyard, foreshadows poor mood, indifference and Handra; The office table warns that the dream is very much frightened; a home table covered with a tablecloth will focus Attention that, as a result of love hobbies, there will be serious consequences; the table of the bedside table predicts the hardening of friendly connections; a table on the train speaks of fleeting joys, which will divert life in reality.

When there are many people at the table, it indicates that the dreams in real life will lose independence or will be unable to cope with the problems that have arisen. A large number of people at the table symbolizes the cardinal life changes. Their nature depends on the mood of people sitting at the table, as well as the total atmosphere of the feast:
    Fun and joy foreshadows favorable events in reality;. Making feast warns of possible blows of fate.

Dead relatives at the table

When the feast is dreaming, during which the deceased relatives are located at the table, then this suggests that they need to remember. The overall interpretation of a dream, in which the dead man at the table, is associated with the coming changes in real life. But if you have to feed the deceased person in the scene of the dream, it foreshadows health problems. After such a dream, a survey should be examined in a medical institution, since the likelihood is the likely that a hidden serious pathology is developing, which can be cured only at the initial stage.

When the late grandmother is dreaming at the table, then for the correct interpretation of a dream, you need to remember in which mood it was. Most often, the deceased relative is dreaming, before the onset of changes in life. To interpret such a dream as follows:
    If the grandmother dreams in a good arms of the Spirit, the coming events will be joyful; if the grandmother is angry and expresses discontent, then there will be unpleasant events that can occur, which can significantly worsen the quality of the dream of a dream.

Very often the deceased grandmother appears in a dream into difficult life periods. Such a dream may be relative, so if a relative spoke something in night gold, you need to try to remember it. Very bad if the late grandmother cried in a dream. This foreshadows serious quarrels with the nearest relatives.

The deceased father at the table

If the late father is dreaming at the table, then it should be waiting for news from distant relatives, with whom communication has long been lost. When the deceased father participates in a feast with other people, it foreshadows fruitful cooperation with business partners in real life. When you have to communicate with your father in a dream, telling him about your life, then that means that you will have to take for a responsible thing. And when the late father tells you about his life, then in the near future it will be possible to quickly solve all the accumulated problems. In addition, if in night golden you are sitting with the dead dad at one table, then in real life there should be a surprise from relatives.

Cover the table

When the dream has to cover the table for guests, then it should be prepared for meetings and negotiations. As a rule, those who are at the table will have a relationship to the deeds of the dream real world. If there are no tablecloth table in the night gold white colorthen it talks about cleanliness family relationships. Also, the white tablecloth on the table personifies the purity of the intentions and thoughts of the dream. The table, covered with a white tablecloth, foreshadows the offensive of a happy life period. If in a dream, you have to cover the table with the loaf, then it speaks of a negligence of a dream to his own life. The oilcloth on the table emphasizes the insincerity of the dream intention. If you dreamed that the table in the dream began to move in a strange way, then the dreams will experience the strong dissatisfaction with the events occurring in his own life. Other actions that are connected with the table can be interpreted in a dream as follows:
    To eat at the table in the company with a specific person, it means to establish relationships with him, and if you were in a quarrel before, the dream foreshadows reconciliation. Damage at the table alone - to wait for the deterioration of health or the material situation. If you have to sit at the festive table, then You can expect in real life an offensive of a prosperous life period. It is possible to sit behind the nesting table - you can expect success in all endeavors. When it turned out to lie on the table, it means that I would like to get out of a difficult life situation. If I had to stand on the table, It focuses on the fact that you feel that I will feel your impunity and permissiveness. In addition, such a dream may emphasize that the dream in the real world will be able to take a difficult situation under the control. It would walk on the table, it means that in real life the order of all things in your life will be disturbed. I have been hidden in a dream in the table, I'll see soon New opportunities for embodying their ideas into life. When you have to drink tea at the empty table, you should prepare for the fact that I will have to survive strong disappointments. At the same time, sleep advises to forget about failures in the past and confidently move forward.

Very often there is a question, what will dream to be removed from the table. In most dreams, such a dream is associated with financial difficulties, losses, discord and disadvantages. When you have to remove dishes from the table, it can warn about future mistakes and losses. But in certain plots such a sign foreshadows the resolution of the conflict. When the dream had to remove crumbs from the table, it warns that you are very wasteful, and in the real life period is inappropriate. Other actions during cleaning from the table in a dream may indicate the following:
    Wipe the table, then fail to fail on a business field. If you have to wipe the table with a cloth, then this indicates that in life the material problems will occur unexpectedly. The crumbs from the table is a very bad demonstration for the dream, as it indicates that his family will have to experience a very greater material need. When a dream It is necessary to wipe the table after lunch, it means that in life in a short time there will be sad events that will cause apathy and indifference. If you had to remove the plates from the table, then it foreshadows a breakdown of a very profitable deal.
To interpret the dreams in which the table was seen is very difficult. That is why specialists in the field of esoteric are recommended after the plot of the night dreams will be analyzed, listen to its own intuition. Only with this approach can be understood that it will be necessary to fear in revealing and how to change your behavior to minimize negative manifestations.

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What dream of a covering table with food? Seeing it in a dream is not the most positive sign. It reflects the abundance of unsatisfied desires and son-winning ambitions. Dream interpretation will help figure out the interpretation of the image.

Interpretation Miller

To see a notable pirush in a dream means you carelessly treat important documents, which seriously harms in business affairs.

Benefit or loss?

What does the luxurious feast mean in a dream and are you the only meal for him? This is a symbol of upcoming, albeit minor losses.

If I was able to smear in the company, the dream book guarantees success in affairs and substantial benefits.

Show determination!

Did you dream that you sat at the table with an abundance of delicious dishes and absorbed food without a measure?

Interpretation of sleep twofold: guests are guided to you either you get sick. This is also a sign of responsibility for organizing a certain event.

If the bottom-up table with food in a dream does not cause any emotions and you are trying to eat through strength, I will have to make a solution to a volitional effort.

Dream Interpretation also suspects that you will fall into a situation that will contradict the mood.

Chat more!

What dreams, what had to eat, sitting at a luxurious table? This means that you need spiritual food exclusively for reflection.

There is alone - to the need to join the knowledge and getting life experience. To eat with someone - to the desire to communicate and share the information received.

In a dream, there is exclusively vegetarian food - to need to include more vegetables and other vegetable products in the menu.

What did you eat?

Did you hate the unloved dish with difficulty? Dream Interpretation is confident that in reality you are not able to accept something or someone.

To accurately install, what dreams of a covering table with food, it is necessary to establish the quality of the stuffed eats.

  • Delicious products symbolize the absence of flaws.
  • Tandy - displeasure, disease.
  • Various - bad lead.
  • Salted - a difficult situation.
  • Gorough, cross - hopelessness.
  • Sweet - pleasure, joy.

Catch good luck!

To see those who eat near people - to an invitation to a noble event.

Did you have been invited to a feast? Dream Interpretation promises great luck.

If the luxury table is under the open sky, the vision reflects the instability and the low stability of the position.

Do not wait…

What else is still a table full of food? If the spectacle does not cause a strong feeling of hunger or in general, any bright emotions, then the reality will go the more successful.

Did you swallow that you swallow saliva, looking at the full table? Dream Interpretation advises to leave hope for a quick execution of the scheduled.

A rich dream of a full meal table promises the loss of wealth or property, the poor opposite promises moral compensation for real suffering.

Delay your needs!

What dreams of a covering table with food, followed by the company? Dream interpretation suspects that you often condemn the desire and ambitions around others, forgetting about our own "sins."

Sometimes the root of other characters in a dream reflects its own irrepressible aspirations with a completely secure life.

Dreamed that people, joining the dishes, as if performing some ritual? This is the sign of spiritual enlightenment, which humiliates the importance of material goods.

The most frequent explanation that dream of dreams, intense, what dreams the table is profit and prosperity. However, if you happened in a dream, sit at the table is not with food, but with papers, for example, in your workplace, then this vision will have a completely different meaning. Remember how much everything you have had, and you will be able to understand the prophetic meaning of this story.

Prophecies Miller

Sit at the table, covered with dinner, according to Dreamnik Miller - a symbol of well-being and acquiring connections. If in a dream you see that sit behind the empty table, it means unpleasant incidents without reason.

Did you have a tablecloth and set up a blank table top? This is a good sign, which means a quick appointment to a high position.

Who was near

With the interpretation of sleep in which you see, sitting at the table, not only the items lying in front of you should be taken into account, and the one who was your companion. So, here, what is the dreams of some "visa":

  • a young man - the relationship will be rapidly developed;
  • former lover - you wish to see him;
  • the enemy - to reconciliation with him;
  • friend - you are united by some kind of overall idea or idea;
  • odnoklassniki - to the resumption of old connections;
  • unfamiliar guy - to new interesting acquaintances;
  • the President - you set too much global tasks.

Family dinner as a symbol of wealth

Eastern Dreamnoy will proper joy and good relations with households to the one who in a dream was sitting at the table in a family circle during lunch.

What dreams is that you have a large solo-solid and a lot of chairs designed for large company? You will not know the problems with communication, broadcasts the interpreter.

To eat fruits in a dream, standing on a round table - a sign of happiness. And if in a dream you drose chocolate with friends, then it symbolizes a common success.

Workplace - a sign of vanity

The office table-stand, which you are located, personifies the desire to hold a leading position, suggest the dreams.

So, for example, the Gypsy Dream Interpretation, explaining what dreams of gold, in which you sit at the table, dated documents, recommends "to reduce the rev.". You are so passionate about the career that you forget about loved ones.

And if you dreamed that the drawings, patterns, projects were rapidly unfolded at the workplace, then this is a symbol that your kipache creative nature requires rest. You are too passionate about the career and forget about the holiday, he enlightens the dream book Longo.

Retronowledge: From Romance to Melancholy

Sit at the table alone with a beloved man - a sign of a romantic mood and desire to legitimize the relationship, explains the Dream of Tsvetkov. If a loved one makes you a sentence of marriage, it means that there will be progress in your relationship soon. A man see in a dream a romantic dinner with his beloved girl - a signal that he ripe for marriage.

Did you celebrate some celebration with the guests, sitting at the festive table? You are waiting for a celebration and in reality. As an option, it is possible to arrive at guests to you, interprets Wang's dream book.

And if you dreamed that you remember someone with unfamiliar people - wait for a sad mood and melancholy. Especially if you have not too friendly relations with these people in a dream.

A feast with a dead person, or secrets can be dangerous

Special interpretation requires a dream, in which you sat behind a seating tea table along with the dead. According to various interpretations explaining what such plots are being shot, it will prophes out the disclosure of some secrets.