How Soviet citizens lived in the occupied territories (7 photos). Life in the payback

By preparing the war against the USSR, ideologists and stories of fascism tried to determine in advance those social and spiritual forces that could be their support in the upcoming battle. In such potential allies, they seemed to them the Russian Orthodox Church and the traditional religiosity of the Russian people. At first glance, the rate on these factors was quite acquitted: Bolshevism has been pursued by the clergy for many years, closed the temples, infringement in the rights of believers.

The System of Main Department of Imperial Security (SD) had a special church department, whose tasks included control and monitoring the activities of religious organizations of all denominations, the study of the mood of the clergy and the laity, the creation of a agent network in organizational and management church structures. Such practice took place in German itself, and in the occupied European countries. (Hitler banned the secret order to carry out any measures against religious organizations in his country without special sanctions over only in July 1941).

At the temporary occupied territories of the USSR, Nazi church policy was determined largely by the general attitude to the Slavs.

According to the historian D.V.Posrimovsky, there was no single approach in the German leadership in this matter: Hitler considered Slavs as a low race; The Imperial Commissioner of Eastern Territories A. Tyunberg, appointed this post in July 1941, expecting to attract national minorities to the side of Germany, identifying the Russian people with the Bolshevik ideology and terror; And the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht stood for the creation of the "Union" Russian military units and was against the plans for the dismemberment of Russia.

The first occupied areas of A. Rowenberg received at the end of August, and on September 1, 1941, ReikhskySariats "Ukraine" and "Ostlata" were created. In the same afternoon, the Circular of the Main Department of Imperial Security on Religious Policy in the East "on the understanding of church issues in the occupied regions of the Soviet Union", which determined the main directions of work:

Support religious movements as hostile Bolshevism;

Crushing them into small trends to avoid consolidation to fight Germany;

Prevent contacts of the leaders of different confessions;

Use religious organizations to help the German administration.

Factors of crushing and split should have become a core of a religious policy, which was finally developed by the spring of 1942. The testimony of A. Trevenberg himself was preserved about his negotiations with A. Hitler and M. Borenom on May 8, 1942, at which it was noted that in the busy territories "themselves" by themselves "great religious associations that should be used and controlled. A separate law on religious freedom in the eastern regions was decided not to publish, but to carry out all measures to establish a guidance on behalf of the Rekhomissariats "Ukraine" and "Island".

The first orders were published in July 1942, which proclaimed the right of believers to organize religious associations, while their autonomy was emphasized, which, in turn, limited the power of the bishop. So, at the disposal of the Rekhomissary "Island" from July 19, he emphasized: "1. Religious organizations of employed land should submit to the General (district) commissioner as follows: a) name of religious society, b) leadership leadership, c) list of members of the Presidium of the Company, d) a list of property of local religious societies ... 2. a) only Reichsky District can approve a new society on the application of believers. 3. a) recognition of the Presidium of the district commissioner, confirming the statement that society is not political, b) general The Commissioner may make a doubt about the nature of society. 4. a) Only religious organizations can perform only religious tasks. 5.Wh), in violation of the order, a monetary penalty is superimposed, b) Reichskisar may dissolve society as not fulfilling its task. "

In parallel with the registration of societies (until 1943 inclusive), the discovery of temples in temporarily occupied territories was going on.

According to the historian historian M.V. Shkharovsky, 2150 temples opened on the captured territories of the RSFSR: about 470 in the North-West, 332 - in the Kursk region, 243 - in Rostov, 229 - in the Krasnodar Territory, 127 - in Stavropol, 108 - in Oryolovskaya Areas, 116 - in Voronezh, 70 - in Crimean, 60 - in Smolenskaya, 8 - in Tula and about 500 in the Ordzhenikidze region, Moscow, Kaluga, Stalingrad, Bryansk and Belgorod regions (in the last two not less than 300).

According to the report of the Council on the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church as of January 1, 1948, the number of churches open by Germans at the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR was 7547, of which no more than 1,300 remained by the end of 1947 (due to the lack of priests and due to removal from religious Communities employed by the temples who have fulfilled the role of public buildings before the war).

Until today, church life on the territory occupied by the enemy remains poorly studied. One of the undeclined pages in the history of the past war is the activities of members of the Church Organization "Orthodox Mission in the liberated regions of Russia", also known as the "Pskov Orthodox Mission". It was created under the auspices of the occupying authorities in the territory of the Pskov, Novgorod, Leningrad and Kalinin regions and proclaimed its official goal the restoration of church life, "destroyed by the Soviet power".

The prehistory of this organization is as follows. In February 1941, as part of the Latvian and Estonian diocese, the Moscow Patriarchate Baltic Exarchate was established as a special Metropolitan region. He headed his Metropolitan Lithuanian and Vilensky Sergius (Voskresensky), who was one of the nearest staff of the Patriarchal Beat Metropolitan of Metropolitan (Stragor), who was sent to the Baltic at the end of 1940 - to familiarize themselves in place with the position of affairs.

In 1936, the Latvian Orthodox Church soldered from the Moscow Patriarchate and moved to the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Metropolitan Augustine (Peterson) became the leader of the nationalist wing of the Latvian Church, but there was a strong opposition to him, especially among semi-legal student movements. And in 1940, after Latvia entered the USSR, the opposition forced the Metropolitan of Augustine to ask the Moscow Patriarchate about reunification.

In Moscow, with the answer was not in a hurry. The Russian Orthodox Church was then in a difficult position. There were not enough accent bishops. Finally, after repeated requests to Riga, the Sorogadvulennarian Archbishop Sergius (Voskresensky) arrived.

As a result, the reunification of churches took place. Moreover, a special Metropolitan region was established, the head of which was the Moscow Messenger, and the former ruling bishops - his vicarius. None of the recent splitters were deprived of Sana. And even Metropolitan Augustine (Peterson) after repentance, which brought in the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church - Elohovsky - was forbidden.

All this happened in February-March 1941, and after a month after the start of the war, Metropolitan Augustine appealed to the German occupying authorities with a request to give his enrollment to the restoration of the Latvian Church in the jurisdiction of the Konstantinople Patriarchate and on Exile from Latvia Exarch Sergius (Voskresensky).

But the Germans were not supported by Augustine, but Metropolitan Sergius, whom the splitters were openly called the Bolshevik Standard and Agent of the CC. Perhaps Augustine simply did not seem to be a prestigious figure - after all his failures and repentance. But, most likely, the idea was more difficult. And this is what is characteristic, the fascist authorities offered Metropolitan Sergia (Voskresensky) effective support against Raskolnikov - in the struggle for the preservation of the canonical belonging of the Exarchate to the Moscow Patriarchate. In response, they wanted the Exarch to create church management - "Orthodox mission in the liberated regions of Russia." The activities of such an organization should have become an experiment on the implementation of plans to reorganize the religious life of the USSR.

Exarch Sergius agreed. And he, and in the occupation authorities existed their own goals .. There were also Soviet intelligence ...

So, one of her leaders P.A. Sudoplats in his memoirs, published in 1995, recalled: "It is appropriate to note the role of the NKVD intelligence in counteracting the cooperation of the German authorities with part of the leaders of the Orthodox Church in Pskovschina and Ukraine. With the assistance of one of the leaders In the 30s of the "renewed" church of the Zhytomyr Bishop Ratmirov and the Patriarchy Metropolitan of Metropolitan Sergius, we managed to introduce our operational workers V.M.Ivanov and I.I. Mikheev in the circles of clerks who collaborated with the Germans in the occupied territory. At the same time, Mikheev successfully Related in the profession of the "clergyman". From him came information about the "patriotic set of church circles".

Probably, in the Baltic States, Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) remained with the consent of the patriarchal location, remaining the conductor of the Moscow Patriarchate line and during the occupation, revived the religious life in the territories-busy territories.

In the Pskov region, only five temples remained in the beginning of the war, and the Pskov Diocesan Department itself was abolished in 1940. By the beginning of 1942, 221 temple with the number of priests were already 221 in the occupied lands of Pskovshchina - 84. The clerics lacked, so one priest loomed two or three arrival.

Encrypts were constantly encrypted into the political administration of the North-Western Front, in which the revival of religious life was paid to the temporary occupied territories. Here's as in one of them (1942), a German religious policy was assessed: "The German command is widely used by the Church for its own purposes. A number of churches, especially in the Denna district, are restored, and they are worship. About the services are given ads in newspapers. Especially The big service was in the city of the bottom in July with a cross move - on the occasion of the anniversary of the occupation of the city of the bottom. At this gathering, representatives of the German command were attended. At the divine service, the head of the city was said, at the end of which called the population to thank the German command for the liberation of the city from the Red " .

It would seem that this and similar facts indicate the current alliance between the occupying authorities and the church, which the official Soviet propaganda was talking about that for so long.

However, the previously closed and unknown directive of the Main Department of Imperial Security reveals the essence of the religious policy of the German authorities in the occupied territories. (The transfer of the document was made in the political administration of the North-Western Front and is fully given. Soviet intelligence assumed that the authorship belongs to A. Tanenberg).


Resolution of the Church in the occupied Eastern regions

Among the population of the former Soviet Union, freed from the Bolshevik IGA, it is noted a strong desire to return to the power of the Church or churches, which is especially true for the older generation, while the younger generation looks at this indifferent (also the result of communist-atheistic school education) .

The question arises, whether it is necessary to talk about the return of the Popov of all the religions (which has already happened in certain places), or should be resolved in a different way, or to send permission from the issue of undoubtedly observed among the population of the eastern regions of the desire to return to any religious activities.

Christian-church world viewing of all the religions, which, in the near future, will fight for the conquest of a new land in the East, reaches its highest degree in the definition of the Jewish people as the "people chosen by God", who also put forward the god-like preachers of such a look at religion.

German-German rulers and ruling circles designed to carry out the management of the occupied Eastern regions would be confusing in contradictions (especially in matters relating to the younger generation of Eastern regions) if they were, on the one hand, they tried to completely eradicate Bolshevism as the purest embodiment of Jewry in his spiritual The basis and, on the other hand, it was silent and patiently transferred how the most Jewish people who held the great people under the terrifying Bolshevik terror for 25 years, now suddenly would immediately be put up of all the religions as "the people elected by God."

Given the sensitivity of the Russian people to religion issues, we must protect yourself from such contradictions. Otherwise, spiritual confusion occurred in the masses of this people, which, if only it appeared, is not so easy to eliminate.

Therefore, I see a big political danger, as well as the danger in the field of the worldview in the fact that currently in the eastern areas it is immended by the priests of all religions. Undoubtedly, the masses of the occupied former Soviet regions seek the masses of the occupied former Soviet regions to give some form of religion. The question arises: what?

It would be necessary to establish that under no circumstances should this teaching about God, which deeply launched their roots in Jewry, and the spiritual basis of which is borrowed from such an understanding of religion, as its Jews understand. Thus, it is necessary to preach in all respects free from Jewish influence the doctrine of God, for which it would be necessary to find preachers and before producing them into the masses of the Russian people, to give them the appropriate direction and education. The fact that now in many places of the church with Popami related religions, do not open again and that the German authorities even contribute to this, will only cause a religious reaction that sometime (since apolitical churches does not exist) may be as politically and Will be withstanding the necessary liberation of the eastern regions.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary to pay all Popam to the preaching of the religion and at the same time take care that it is possible to create a new class of preachers to create a new class, which will be able to interpret the people free from the Jewish influence of religion after the relevant.

It is clear that the conclusion of the "elected god of the people" in the ghetto and the eradication of this people, the main culprit of the political crime of Europe, are compulsory events, especially in the areas infected with Jews, in no case should not be blown off by the clergy, which, based on the installation of the Orthodox Church, preach It seems to the healing of the world leads to the beginning of Jewry.

The foregoing is that permission from the church issue in the occupied eastern regions is extremely important in the interests of the liberation of these areas of the task, which, with some ability, can be perfectly permitted in favor of religion free from Jewish influence, this task has, however, its prerequisite for the closure of those in Eastern regions of churches infected with Jewish dogmas ". (Translation of the document is not very professional, the atheistic education of the author is manifested in the terminology, and in ignorance of the characteristics of the concept of" Church "- O.V.).

This document is hard to read. His total racism leaves no doubt about the fate of Orthodoxy in the event of the Victory Reich. It would cease to exist. The priesthood would be eradicated, and the "new religion" would carry new preachers free from any religion.

This instruction is confirmed by documents from the Central State Special Archive, established on the basis of the Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in March 1946 for the storage and use of documents of institutions, organizations and individuals of foreign countries. (Currently, it is called the Storage Center of Historical Documentary Collections.)

Based on the reports of "Operational Teams", operating in the occupied territory of the USSR, the Office published its security police and SD newsletters to cover issues related to the actions of "operational teams" against partisans, underground workers.

There is a directive of the Main Department of Imperial Security on February 5, 1943, which determines the order of worship for the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the conquered peoples. They closely intertwined with the instructions above and prescribe:

"The religious activities of the civilian population are not promoted and not to impede. The servicemen must certainly hold onto the outside of such events of the population ...

Military service in the occupied oriental regions is allowed to conduct only as field worship, in no case in the former Russian churches. The participation of the civilian population (also Folksdoch) in the field wir-service of the Wehrmacht is prohibited. Churches destroyed under the Soviet regime or during hostilities should not be reconstructed or referred to their appointment by the German armed forces. It should be provided with the Russian Civil Administration. "

Exarch Metropolitan Sergius, giving consent to the management of church affairs in the North-Western regions, was counted, first of all, on the revival of traditional religious life here.

So an Orthodox mission appeared with the center in Pskov ("Pskov Orthodox Mission": under the same name, it was mentioned extremely rare in Soviet history - as a profascular organization).

On August 18, 1941, the first 14 missionaries-priests arrived at this city, among which were both graduates of the Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris and the figures of the Russian Christian Union.

The territory included in the mission includes the southwestern part of the Leningrad region (with the exception of the Yamburg and Volosovsky districts), part of the Kalinin region (including the Great Luki), the Novgorod and Pskov region, with a population of about 2 million people.

The head of the Office of the Orthodox Mission in the liberated regions of Russia became Kirill Zaitz, the former rector of the Riga Cathedral, whose activity satisfied and the exam, and the German authorities.

In a material relation, the mission was self-sustained, causing its resources from the profits received from the economic department (which included a candlery, church accessory store, icon-painted workshop) and from 10% of deductions from parishes. Its monthly income of 3-5 thousand brands covered management costs, and the free monetary amounts of the mission went to the content of theological courses in Vilnius. (For the restoration of church life, clergy was required.)

Finding on the first missionaries, among which were, in particular, the pupils of theological institute in Paris, priests Kirill Zaitz, Vladimir Tolstukhov, Alexey Iona, Nikolai Kolibivsky, John Easy, Yakov Nalis, Fedor Yagodkin, Exarch Sergius recommended "Do not forget that you arrived in The country, where for more than twenty years, religion was poisoned in the most ruthlessly and was pursued, where the people were intimidated, gently, impersonated. It will be necessary not only to establish church life, but also to awaken the people to a new life from a long hibernation, explaining and pointing to him the advantages and advantages. A new, which opens for him life. "

Indeed, church life in Pskov, as well as in other regions of Russia, fought over the years of "militant worrying." By order about. Kirill Zaita All information about the persecution of the church was collected by priests and are presented in the management of the mission. There, the missionaries passed the lists eliminated by the Soviet government of clergy.

For the rebirth of religious life in the region - for the first time in Russia - the word of the shepherd rang in the radio: weekly transmissions went from Pskov. In September 1942, the priest Georgy Benigsen read the first report on the topic "Religion and Science". The second report is "Igumen All Russia" - about. Benigsen dedicated the 550th anniversary of the memory of St. Sergius Radonezh. (Weekly broadcasts from Pskov covered a significant territory, including areas of the island, Porchov, bottom station).

Speaking about parish life, it is impossible not to notice one important detail: it passed under double control. On the one hand, the acts of missionaries-priests oversaw the occupation authorities, and on the other - the Soviet partisans. These constant contacts could not disregard the German leadership, which was obliged through. Cyril Hare each priest give written reports about all meetings with partisans. Report on. Cyril Zaita noted the inconsistency of the necessary information: "According to some, the partisans consider priests with enemies of the people with whom they seek to deal with. According to others, the partisans are trying to emphasize the tolerant, and even benevolent, attitude to the church and, in particular, to priests."

The German administration was particularly interested, "whether the people believe in agitational reports of changing church policies and how he reacts to these messages."

Written messages began to enroll the mission regularly. Their content was varied. Here, for example, a document sent by. Vladimir Tolstukhov: "The partisan detachment temporarily captured the village near my arrival, while their chief prompted the peasants to the harder visit to the Church, saying that in Soviet Russia, the Church was now complete freedom and that the power of the Communists is coming to the end."

Judging by other reports, the partisans strictly ensured that there were no performances against Soviet power in the servers of clergy. And in one of the parishes, as reported, the representative of the partisan movement was simply said as a representative of the Soviet power on his land: "A wish was made about collecting funds in the church to the Red Army and a hint of illegality in servicing two arrivals by one priest located at the same time back in different areas. " This abbot, oh. Joasafa, the partisans were also offered to write a letter to Moscow, the Patriarchy Location of Metropolitan Sergia (Stragor): the last, they say, the answer will come, that is, it will approve or will not approve this priest in the occupied coming ...

A complete surprise for the occupation authorities was the protest of believers in the territory of the mission against the change of church orders - the introduction of a new style (Grigorian calendar). This phenomenon was encouraged everywhere in temporary occupied territories. The reaction of believers is characteristic - protection, upholding their rights to the religious national tradition, and their reference to the authorities established under the Soviet authorities in the case of canonical.

All this complicated the activities of the Gestapian theorists, forcing them to look for all new ways in working with the church in the occupied territory.

The problem of the church calendar

In mid-December 1941, some local commandants (in red and in the island), referring to the order of the higher instance, demanded that the Orthodox perform all church holidays, also Christmas, in the Gregorian calendar. This unexpected demand aroused among believers a storm of indignation. Particularly tense was the situation in the stages of the Red, where the commandant ordered to tell the priest's mission, that he will be brought to justice, if he dares to make the celebration of Christmas in the Church in the Julian calendar, and that in this case the solemn worship will prevent police-in-law measures. In the stops and the island, believers spoke extremely excitedly and loudly in the following sense: "The Bolsheviks pursued the church, and we had to go to work and in church holidays - but the Bolsheviks never prescribed churches, what kind of days to spend it. Such violence Even the Bolsheviks did not accomplish over the church. We went to work with encouraging consciousness that worship in the church will be held in accordance with the unshakable provisions. The Germans want to take away from us and this consolation. But we will not conquer ... "

The local commandant of the island at first took into account this mood of the people - he allowed to celebrate Christmas and other church holidays on the Julian calendar, but categorically stated that this condescensity is only for the current year and that in the next year the Gregorian calendar will be introduced in the church, if necessary, even Forcibly. And the commandant in the stages did not give himself to persuade, so the priest, not wanting to violate the church order, to enter the conflict with the German authorities, should have left the stops. After that, the local commandant ordered to bring the local priest from the neighboring village (the mission of this intimidated person was not familiar) and forced him to hold a Christmas service in the Gregorian calendar, that is, on the day, which, according to the Julian calendar, falls on the post. On this day, there was almost no parishioners, but those few who were attended by the fear of fear before the commandant in worship, were very upset and confused ...

In religious affairs, you need to reckon with the psyche of the people. Orthodox Russian is much less suffering if he goes to work with the consciousness that in his absence solemn worship in the church is held in accordance with the sacred custom adopted than if he knows that it is not followed by his free days from work. ..

The politically unwanted results of such a mood are understandable.

In conclusion, it is necessary, apparently, to say that the Orthodox Church should perpetrate as an allied in the fight against Bolshevism. Therefore, it seems inappropriate that her power that the Bolsheviks with many years of persecution disorganized and loosened, even more weakened the reform that is impossible for the church. "

Now it is difficult to say whether fees were held in the temples of the mission to the defense fund and the needs of the Red Army. But it is known for certain: the mission shepherds took care of mercy and, above all, to facilitate the fate of Soviet prisoners of war.

At the parishes were collected not only clothes, but also medicines, products. The fascinating themselves, the parishioners helped their suffering brothers:

From the appeal of the Orthodox Mission to the population of donations for prisoners of war:

"Trained with love for our, in captivity of the brothers, we wish to help them and satisfy their needs. With the permission of the German Military Department, the Orthodox Mission suggests the collection of voluntary donation of clothing.

We know that the Russian man will not stand aside when it is necessary to help his neighbor.

We are confident that the population willingly respond to our proposal to provide the clothes of those prisoners of war soldiers who were captured in the summer and therefore do not have winter clothes. Give what can: Clothes, shoes, Linen, Blankets, etc. Everything will be made with gratitude and will be distributed to the prisoner of war.

"The hand of the giving Yes does not look at." Transfer donations to priests, and where there are no such - village foreman for the transfer of the Orthodox mission in Pskov. "

From the first days of its existence, the mission took care of the orphans. The efforts of the parishioners were created by the children's shelter at the church of the Holy Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky in Pskov. 137 boys and girls aged 6 and 15 have found warm and peace in it.

At the head of the shelter stood the priest Georgy Benigsen, he also headed and school at the temple. The Father Konstantin Shakhovskaya was organized at school for 80 seats at the Pskov Varlaamovsky Church. Father Vladimir Tolstuhov opened 17 elementary schools in Pushkinogorsk district, 15 schools created the priests of the Mission in the Krasnogorsk district.

Years later, in the Soviet Union, this activity will be called "a religious plant of youth", and the Orthodox Shepherd about. George Benigsen will blame for example, that he "disappeared from the homeland of 13 pupils of the shelter" (they left Russia with him). Pskov, Porkhovsky, Dzhavsky Batyushki accuses to betrayal, and they will receive a long camp time ...

From the first day of the mission of the mission, her leaders closely followed the events occurring in Moscow, estimating each of the messages of the Patriarch site of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragor). For all comments, there was a detailed interpretation of the position of the Moscow First Hierarch. The Declaration of 1927 was especially carefully understood, in which the principles of the louoyalth of the church in relation to the state were proclaimed.

Here is one of the convements of the mission who interrupting this document: "Every thoughtful person will understand that the joy and failures of the Soviet Union as a whole are not the same that the joy and failures of the Soviet government. Every government, including Soviet, can make decisions erroneous Unjust, too, perhaps, harsh, which the church will have to obey, but which she cannot rejoice.

To attribute to Metropolitan Sergia intention to recognize the success of Soviet power in antireligious propaganda success of the church at least inconspicuously and dishonest. We advise everyone who confuses the message of Metropolitan Sergius, first of all, carefully read this message. We are confident that all those for whom the Church of Christ are "peace and quiet pier", and not an instrument of political and class struggle, who realizes the seriousness of the in our country who believes in the Design of God, steadily leading every people to the goal intended for him, Sign under the main thoughts of Metropolitan Sergius. For, is it not time to fulfill the covenant of the His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon - put our church in the right attitude towards the Soviet government and those give the church the possibility of legitimate and peaceful existence. Wouldn't we, staying Orthodox, remember their duty to be citizens of the Union "not for fear, but for conscience," how the Apostle Paul taught us and what did an ancient Christians come?

Isn't it true that there are still church figures that it seems that it is impossible to break with the previous regime, without giving up with Orthodoxy, who, along with faith, bring politics to church and bring the suspicion of power on all church leaders in general? "

These facts do not give a complete picture of the life of the mission. After all, it was created under the auspices of the occupation authorities, so the priesthood was obliged to somehow respond to the orders of the German command. Here is one of them:

"On the day of St. Trinity, the German command announced the triumph of the transfer of land in the full property of the peasantry, and therefore it is proposed to manage the mission:

1) to give a circular order to the entire subordinate clergy (especially. Pskov, Islands, Luga) specifically in sermons to note the importance of this event.

2) In perfume, the day in the cathedral, after the liturgy, to make a solemn prayer with the participation of the entire clergy of Pskov, making the sibrament of the same priority.

Large complications with the occupation authorities began at Exarch in the fall of 1943: the Germans insisted on the non-recognition of the canoncy of the election of the Bishop Cathedral in Moscow in September 1943, Sergius (Stragor) Patriarch. Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) believed that the elections were held on all canons, and in every way tightened their public speaking on this issue, causing dissatisfaction of the Germans. But the occupying authorities wanted to hold a conference on this issue in Riga, which representatives of the Orthodox clergy of the occupied regions of the USSR were to be present. And Sergius should have been chairing.

The Riga Gestapo focuses on Metropolitan sentiment. And they found this: In one of his statements addressed to Reichskisar "Ostlata" Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) carelessly wrote that "Orthodox bishop and now wishes the fall of the councils, but maybe even definitely does not associate his hopes with the victory of the Germans." Could the Germans forgive these words? Followed by a new pressure on the exarch. The occupation authorities insisted on the conference with the obligatory resolution against the patriarch. But the exam in the draft resolution did not even give the name of the First Protection, not to mention the celebration from the Moscow Patriarchate.

Spring in 1944. On the fronts - the offensive of the Soviet troops. Soon the territory bold with the Exarm Sergius will be released.

And on April 29, 1944, the Metropolitan Motorcyclists were shot at the Vilnius Highway - Kaunas in German form, killing Exarch.

It should be noted that until today, in the death and acts of Metropolitan Sergius (Resurrection), much shut-by-vesty mystery and speculation. Not all archival materials, relating to it, are available to this day. Today it is still impossible to give an accurate answer and a number of other issues: who were the priests of the mission? Who walked? What made these "strangers" leave Western Europe and come to a long-suffering Russian land, a laid war?

The war, as an extreme situation, not only stole church life in the country, but also showed that the Russian Orthodox Church remained faithful to its historical traditions. Missionaries, fulfilling the disposal of the occupying authorities and remaining Orthodox priests, did not know about the program developed in Berlin "On the permission of the issue of the Church in the Eastern Occupation regions", where neither Orthodoxy nor them had a place.

They successfully completed his task on the revival of religious life, so to the end and not becoming "their" in Russia.

The revival of the Russian Church occurred in the occupied lands of Belarus. Here, like on the mission, since the fall of 1941, the restoration of temples began with the active participation of the clergy, which turned out to Soviet territory only after the joining of Western Belarus to the USSR in 1939.

In August 1941, the Patriarchal Location Metropolitan Sergius appointed the Exarm of Belarus of the Archbishop Pantelyamon (Rozhnovsky). Temporary Exams of Western regions of Belarus and Ukraine Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) remained on the other side of the front and could not fulfill his duties.

But, despite the fact that both Belarusians and the Baltic States were part of the Ostlata Reichsky examination, the German authorities strongly obstructed the unification of church life, offering Archbishop Panteleononu (Rozhnovsky) to organize the Orthodox Church independently, without any interchange with Moscow: "The church must be called "Belarusian autocephalous Orthodox National Church". Among other conditions were: the appointment of bishops should be carried out with the knowledge of the German government; the German authorities of the Belarusian Orthodox Autocephalous National Church should be presented; worships must be made in the Church Slavonic language. "

Archbishop Panteleimon received German proposals with the reservation: the department can take place after the Belarusian Church is organized for autocephaly and issue this department canonically, having coordinated him with the Moscow Patriarchate (this is essentially contrary to the German plans).

In March 1942, the Cathedral of Belarusian Bishops was held, who elected Pantheliaman Metropolitan, but did not proclaim the independence of the Belarusian Church. In worship services, the priesthood continued to take the name of the patriarchal location. And Metropolitan Pantelemon himself refused to preach in Belarusian, saying that the language of the urban population is Russian.

The Germans were sent to the Zhirovitsky monastery, and the cathedral organized by the German occupying guidelines, whose work was held from August 30 to September 2, 1942, took the right decision with the condition. That "the canonical announcement of the Avochefalia will come after the recognition of it by all autocephalous churches" (including the Moscow Patriarchate). Messages of the heads of local churches about the solutions of the cathedral were drawn up, but during the year they were never shipped. And in the Belarusian church documents on autocephaly not mentioned.

In May 1944, the bishop conference led by the Metropolitan Pantelyammon (Rozhnovsky) returned to the management of the Church of 1942 (Rozhnovsky) was invalid due to the lack of two senior bishops that were not allowed by the occupying authorities. All the emigrated Belarusian hierarchs at the end of 1944 joined the overseas church, which emphasizes their community, and not a national church mood.

The crushing of the church did not take place. In fact, a religious life was restored at all temporarily occupied by the German territories. Separatist national churches declared themselves only in Ukraine, where the autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox Church was acted at the same time, which recognizes the Supreme authority of the Patriarchy Location of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragor) and the Autochetical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by Archbishop Lutsk Polycarp (Sikorsky). The creation of two parallel hierarchies The Germans allowed due to the desire to weaken the Russian influence on Eastern Ukraine, on the one hand, and for additional control over increasing Ukrainian nationalism, on the other.

And, if the activities of the autocephalous church was appreciated by the Moscow Patriarchate in March 1943 as non-canonical and changed, then the autonomous church was considered by it as the only legal organization around which most of the Orthodox at the occupied Ukrainian lands were ralling.

(It is also interesting to note that all the "autochefal" bishops, besides theophilus (BUDOVSKOM), left the Germans to the West. And six of the 14 "autonomous" bishops remained six).

With the liberation of the occupied territories of the Soviet Army, the main part of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Baltic parishes was relatively painlessly included in the Moscow Patriarchate. As for the monasteries discovered during the occupation (there were 29), they all considered themselves in canonical attitude to the Moscow Patriarchate.

The consequences of the restoration of religious life at the temporary occupied territories were great. Thus, the historians of Russian emigration V.I. Alexseev and F. Star, clearly exaggerating, believe that "in spisup and intensity, this religious revival may be called the second baptism of Russia."

This assessment is far from objectivity. Another important thing is: the revival of religious life in the occupied territories of the USSR as well as the patriotic church activity in the early years of the war was noticed by the Soviet leadership and had a certain impact on the change in the state's religious policy in the military period.

After the capture of Hitler's Germany, Baltic, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and a number of Western regions of the RSFSR, tens of millions of Soviet citizens were in the occupation zone. From that moment on, they had to live in fact in the new state.

In the occupation zone

On July 17, 1941, on the basis of the order of Hitler "On Civil Office in the Occupied Eastern Outlook", under the leadership of Alfred Rosenberg, the "Imperial Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories" is being created, which subordinates two administrative units: Reichskisariat Ostulata with a center in Riga and ReikhskyistSariate Ukraine with a center In exactly. Later it was assumed to create a ReikhskySariat of Muscovy, who had to include the entire European part of Russia. Not all residents of the USSR occupied by Germany were able to move to the rear. For various reasons, about 70 million Soviet citizens remained behind the front line, which fell out heavy tests. The occupied territories of the USSR first should have been served by the raw material and food base of Germany, and the population was cheap labor. Therefore, Hitler, if possible, demanded to preserve agriculture and industry here, which were of great interest to the German military economy.

"Dragon measures"

One of the priorities of the German authorities in the occupied territories of the USSR was the provision of order. In the order of Wilhelm Kaitel, it was reported that in view of the vastness of the regions controlled by Germany, it is necessary to suppress the resistance of civilians by intimidation. "To maintain the procedure, the commanders should not require reinforcements, and apply the most dragon measures." The occupation authorities conducted strict control of the local population: all residents were subject to registration in the police, moreover, they were prohibited without permission to leave the place of permanent residence. Violation of any ruling, for example, the use of a well from whom the Germans took water, could entail a strict punishment right up to the death penalty. The German command, fearing the protest and disobedience of the civilian population, gave more and more frightening orders. So on July 10, 1941, the commander of the 6th Army Walter von Rikenau demanded "to shoot soldiers in the staff, which it is easy to learn on a short haircut", and on December 2, 1941 a directive is published in which "shoot without warning in any civilian person of any age and The floor that approaches the advanced ", as well as" to immediately shoot any suspected of espionage. " The German authorities expressed all the interest in reducing the local population. Martin Borman sent to Alfred Rosenberg Directive, in which he recommended to welcome in the occupied Eastern territories, holding abortions of girls and women of the "nonsense population", as well as to support intensive contraceptive trade.

The most popular method for reducing civilians used by the Nazis remained executions. The liquidation was carried out everywhere. People destroyed whole villages, often based solely on suspicion of an illegal act. So in the Latvian village of Borki from 809 residents were shot by 705, of which 130 children were released as "politically well-known". Regular destruction was subject to disabled and sick citizens. So, during the retreat in the Belarusian village, the Germans were poisoned with soup two echelon with local residents, inspiring in Germany, and in Minsk only in two days - on November 18 and 19, 1944, 1500 disabled old people, women and children were poisoned. Mass executions occupation authorities responded to the killings of the German military. For example, after the murder in the Taganrog of the German officer and five soldiers in the yard of the plant №31, 300 were shot by no other civilian citizens. And for damage to the telegraph station in the same Taganrog shot 153 people. Russian historian Alexander Dyukov, describing the cruelty of the occupying regime, noted that, "according to the most modest calculations, each fifth of the Soviet citizens who found themselves under the occupation did not live to victory." Speaking at the Nuremberg process, the representative of the American side noticed that "the atrocities committed by the armed forces and other organizations of the Third Reich in the East were such amazingly monstrous that the human mind can hardly comprehend them." According to the American Prosecutor, these atrocities were not spontaneous, but were a consistent logical system.

"Plan of hunger"

Another terrible tool, which led to a massive reduction in the civilian population was the "hunger" plan developed by Herbert Bakka. "Plan of hunger" was part of the economic strategy of the Third Reich, according to which no more than 30 million people should remain from the former number of residents of the USSR. The food reserves released in such a way were to ensure the needs of the German army. In one of the notes of a high-ranking German official, the following was reported: "The war will continue if the Wehrmacht on the third year of war will be fully provided with food from Russia." As an inevitable fact was noted that "dozens of millions of people will die from hunger if we take everything we need from the country." "Plan of hunger" first of all affected Soviet prisoners of war, which practically did not receive food. For the entire period of the war among the Soviet prisoners of war, according to historians estimates, almost 2 million people died from hunger. No less painful hunger hit the one whom the Germans expect to destroy first and foremost - Jews and Gypsies. For example, the Jews were forbidden to acquire milk, butter, eggs, meat and vegetables. Product "Portion" for Minsk Jews, who were under the jurisdiction of the Center "Center" army did not exceed 420 kilocalories per day - it led tens of thousands of people in the winter period of 1941-1942. The most stringent conditions were in the "evacuated zone" depth of 30-50 km., Which directly adjacent to the front line. All civilian population of this line was forcibly sent to the rear: immigrants were placed in the homes of local residents or in camps, but in the absence of places they could accommodate both in non-residential premises - sheds, pigsties. Living in camps migrants mostly did not receive any nutrition - at best times a day "Liquid Balant". The top of the cynicism is the so-called "12 commandments" Bakka, in one of which it says that "Russian people got used to the hundreds of years to poverty, hunger and unassumability. His stomach stretch, so [not allow] no fake pity. "

The academic year of 1941-1942 for many schoolchildren in the occupied territories never began. Germany hoped a lightning victory, and therefore did not plan long-term programs. However, the following school year was made public the decision of the German authorities, which announced that all children aged 8 to 12 years old (1930-1934 of birth) are obliged to regularly visit 4-class school since the beginning of the school year, scheduled for October 1, 1942 of the year. If for any reason, children could not attend school, parents or their persons replace them for 3 days should have been provided by the head of the school statement. For each violation of the attendance of the school, the administration charged a fine of 100 rubles. The main task of "German schools" was not in training, but in the upbringing of obedience and discipline. Much attention was paid to hygiene and health issues. According to Hitler, the Soviet man was to be able to write and read, and he was not more needed. Now the walls of the school classes instead of Stalin's portraits decorated images of the Fuhrera, and the children standing in front of German generals were forced to decleand: "Glory to you, Eagles Germanic, glory wisdom leader! My head peasant low-low I'm clone. " It is curious that the law of God appeared among school subjects, but the story in its traditional understanding disappeared. Students of grades 6-7 were to learn the books of promoting anti-Semitism - "At the origins of the Great Hate" or "Jewish domain in the modern world." Only German remained from foreign languages. The first time of classes were conducted on Soviet textbooks, but from there were removed any mention of the party and works of Jewish authors. It was forced to do the schoolchildren themselves who, in the teams on the team, the paper stuck "unnecessary places".

Everyday life

Social and medical assistance to the population in the occupied territories was minimal. True, everything depended on the local administration. For example, the Smolensk Health Department in order to assist the "Russian population" in the fall of 1941 opened the pharmacy and the hospital, and later the surgical care was operated. With the German side, a garrison physician was controlled by the hospital. Also, some German doctors helped hospitals with medicines. Only administration officers or citizens working for German administrations could be calculated for medical insurance. The amount of medical insurance was approximately 75% of the regular salary. Returning to the work of the Smolensk administration it should be noted that her staff in the measure of opportunities took care of refugees: they were given bread, free coupons for food, sent to social hostels. In December 1942, 17 thousand 307 rubles were spent on disabled people. Here for example, the menu of Smolensk social canteens. Lunches consisted of two dishes. The first served batch or potato soups, borsch and fresh cabbage; On the second there was a bunch porridge, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, potato cutlets and rye pies with porridge and carrots, and sometimes served meat cutlets and goulash. The civilian population of the Germans mainly used on heavy work - the construction of bridges, clearing roads, peatpooling or logging. Worked from 6 am to late evening. Those who worked slowly could shoot at the edification of others. In some cities, for example, Bryansk, Orel and Smolensk Soviet workers assigned identification numbers. The German authorities motivated this by the reluctance "wrong to pronounce Russian names and surnames." It is curious that at first the occupation authorities announced that taxes would be lower than under Soviet regime, but in fact, tax fees were added to the doors, windows, dogs, extra furniture and even on the beard. According to one of those who experienced the occupation of women, many then existed on the principle of "one day lived - and thank God.

N. e bowed on the street by the German soldier? In the commandation, you are waiting for a breakdown by rods. Did not pay taxes on the windows, doors and beard? Penalty or arrest. Lailed to work? Shot.

As survived during the Great Patriotic War, simple Soviet people in the territory engaged in the enemy, MK in St. Petersburg, told Dr. Historical Sciences, author of the book "The daily life of the population of Russia during the Nazi occupation" Boris Kovalev.

Instead of Russia - Moskovop

- What were the plans of the Nazis about the territory of the Soviet Union?
- Hitler did not experience great respect for the USSR, he called him a colossusion on clay legs. In many ways, such a dismissive position was associated with the events of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, when a small Finland for several months has been very successfully resisted to the Soviet Union. And Hitler wanted to disappear the very concept of "Russia". He repeatedly stated that the words "Russia" and "Russian" must be destroyed forever, replacing the terms "Muscovy" and "Moscow".

Case concerned and smallest things. For example, there is a song "Volga-Volga, mother who is native, Volga - Russian River." In it, in the songwriter published for the population of the occupied regions, the word "Russian" was replaced by "powerful". Muscovy, according to Nazis, should have occupied a relatively small territory and consist of only the seven General Commissariators: in Moscow, Tula, Gorky, Kazan, Ufa, Sverdlovsk and Kirov. A number of regions of the Nazis were going to join the Baltic States (Novgorod and Smolensk), to Ukraine (Bryansk, Kursk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Astrakhan). There were a lot of applicants and our northwest. For example, the Finnish rulers argued about the Great Finland to the Urals. By the way, they negatively considered Hitler's plans to destroy Leningrad. Why not turn it into a small Finnish town? The plans of the Latvian nationalists were the creation of the Great Latvia, which would include the territory of the Leningrad region, Novgorod, Pskov region.

- How did the Germans relate to local residents in the occupied territory?
- Jews were killed from the first days of occupation. Remembering the words of Hitler that "Jews are flocks of hungry rats," they were destroyed in some places under the guise of "disinfection." So, in September 1941, in the ghetto of the bridge (Pskov region. - Ed.) German doctors set the outbreak of scabies. To avoid further infection, the Nazis shot 640 Jews, and their houses burned. Ruthlessly destroyed children who have only one of the parents was a Jew. The local population was explained that the mixture of Slavic and Jewish blood gives "the most poisonous and dangerous shoots." The gypsies were also subject to the same mass extermination. Sonderkomands were recommended to destroy them immediately, "not littering a prison." But to the Estonians, Finns and Latvians, the Germans treated as the union population.

At the entrance to their villages, there were even inscriptions: "All props are prohibited." And the partisans called the Estonian and Finnish villages with fraternal guerrilla graves. Why? I will give an example. Alexander Dobrov, one of the participants in the battle in the North-West of Russia, recalls that when the Germans approached Volkhov, the headquarters of the Red Army regiment was located in one of the Finnish villages. And suddenly all the local population started the wash, milked white sheets everywhere. After that, all the Finns quietly left the village. Our understood: something is wrong. And ten minutes after the headquarters left the village, german bombardment began. As for the Russians, the Nazis considered them standing at the lowest level of human civilization and suitable only to meet the needs of the winners.

Sick children at the "service" from the Nazis

- School worked in the occupied territory? Or did the Nazis believed that he had a Russian education?
- Schools were. But the Germans believed that the main task of the Russian school should not be in teaching schoolchildren, but exclusively in the education of obedience and discipline. In all schools, the portraits of Adolf Hitler were installed, and the classes began with the "thankful word Führer of Greadermannia." Books were translated into Russian about what kind and good Hitler, how much he does for children. If during the years of Soviet government, the girl of five climbed on a stool and read heartfelt: "I am a little girl, play and sing. I didn't see Stalin, but I love him, "in 1942, the children recited in front of German generals:" Glory to you, the eagles of Germanic, glory to the wisdom of the leader! My head peasant low-low I'm clone. " Having read the biography of Hitler, students of grades 6-7 studied books like "At the origins of the Great Hate (Essays on the Jewish Question)" Melsky, and then they had to prepare a report, for example, on the topic "Jewish-domain in the modern world."

- Germans introduced new items in schools?
- Naturally. Obligible classes on the law of God. But the story in high schools was canceled. Only German taught from foreign languages. What surprised me, in the early years of war, schoolchildren studied for Soviet textbooks. True, any mention of the party and the work of Jewish authors "died" from there. Schoolchildren themselves in the team lesson stuck with the paper of all party leaders.

How simple Soviet people survived in the occupied territories

- Body punishment in educational institutions practiced?
- In some schools, this question was discussed at the collections of teachers. But further discussions, as a rule, did not go. But bodily punishment for adults practiced. For example, in Smolensk in April 1942, there are five workers on the brewing plant of the population for the fact that they drank a mug of beer. And in Pavlovsk sequel rods for a disrespectful attitude towards the Germans, for non-fulfillment of orders. Lydia Osipova in his book "Collector Diary" describes such a case: the girl was carved for the fact that she did not bow to the German soldier. After punishment, she ran to complain to his boyfriends - Spanish soldiers. By the way, they were those who are still denunays: never raped, but persuaded. Without the caustav, the girl shouted the dress and showed the Spaniards their assumed buttocks. After that, furious Spanish soldiers ran through the streets of Pavlovsk and began to beat the muzzles to all the oncoming Germans for the fact that they were doing with the girls.

- Nazi special services used our children in intelligence or as saboteurs?
- Certainly, yes. The recruitment scheme was very simple. A suitable child - unhappy and hungry - picked up the "good" German uncle. He could say a teenager two or three warm words, feed or give something. For example, boots. After that, the child was offered to throw a piece of tool disguised somewhere on the railway station. Some children were used against their will. For example, in 1941, Nazis under Pskov seized an orphanage for children with slow motion mental development.

Together with the German agents they were sent to Leningrad and there they managed to inspire that moms will soon arrive on the plane. But for this, they need to receive a signal: to shoot from a beautiful rocket. Sick children were placed near particularly important objects, in particular Badaev warehouses. During the German aviation, they began to let the rockets up and wait for the moms ... Of course, special intelligence schools for children and adolescents were created in the occupied territory. As a rule, the guys from orphanages aged 13 to 17 years have been gaining there. Then they were thrown into the rear of the Red Army under the guise of beggars. The guys were to find out the location and number of our troops. It is clear that our special services arrested the child sooner or later. But the Nazis did not scare. What can the baby tell? And most importantly - it is not a pity.

Prayer Hitler

- It is no secret that the Bolsheviks closed the church. And how to religious life on the occupied territory treated the Nazis?
- Indeed, by 1941 we have almost no churches left. In Smolensk, for example, one part of the temple gave the believer, and in the other - they arranged an anti-Religious museum. Imagine the service begins, and at the same time, the Komsomol members put on some masks and begin to send something. Such an anti-religious shabby was arranged in the walls of the temple. And this is despite the fact that by 1941 the Russian population, especially living in rural areas, remained most of its religious. Nazis decided to use this situation in their own interests. In the early years of war, they opened temples. The church Ambon was an ideal place to hold propaganda. For example, priests persistently recommended in sermons to express loyal feelings for Hitler and the Third Reich.

The Nazis even distributed such prayer leaflets: "Adolf Hitler, you are our leader, your name gave trepid on the enemies, and your third empire will come. And the will of your will come on Earth ... "The true attitude of the leaders of the Third Reich to the Christian religion was dual. On the one hand, on the buckets of German soldiers, God was knocked out: "God with us", but on the other - Hitler in the drinking conversations repeatedly said that Islam, he likes much more than Christianity with his softness, love to his neighbor and suspicious Excuse me, the national origin of Jesus Christ. And Hitler, by the way, objected to the Unified Orthodox Church in Russia. Once he stated: "If they have there (in Russian villages. - Ed.) All sorts of witchcraft and satanic cults will begin to occur, like blacks or in Indians, it will deserve all sorts of support. The more moments that tear off the USSR, the better. "

- The Germans considered the church and clergy as their potential allies?
- Yes. For example, the priests of the occupied districts of the North-West received a secret circular in August 1942, according to which they had to identify partisans and those parishioners who are configured against the Germans. But most priests did not fulfill these instructions. So, George Sviridov - the priest village of Christmas Pushkinsky district of the Leningrad region - actively helped the Soviet prisoners of war: he organized the collection of things and products for prisoners of the concentration camp in the village of Christmas. For me, the real heroes of that time are simple village bass, glamorous, offended, maybe even leaning in camps.

At the request of the fellow villagers, they, not remembering the offense, returned to the church in 1941 and prayed for people in the Red Army, helped partisans. The Nazis killed such faids. For example, on the Pskov region, the Nazis locked in the temple of the priest and burned it alive. And in the Leningrad region, Father Fedor Puzanov was not only a clergyman, but also a partisan intelligence officer. Already in the 60s, a woman was confessed to him, who during the war cohadled with the Germans. And Father Fedor was so nervous that he had a heart attack. On his grave put the cross. At night, his friends came partisans, the cross was replaced by a bedside table with a red five-pointed star and wrote: "Hero-partisan, our brother Fyodor. In the morning, believers again put the cross. And at night, the partisans were twisted again. That's the fate of Fedor's father was.

- And how did the locals treated the priests that were instructed by the Nazis?
- For example, one pop from the Pskov region in sermons praised German invaders. And most of the population relate to him with contempt. This church was visited by units. There were falsemen. So, the renunal Gatchina district Ivan Amozov, a former Chekist and a communist, was able to issue himself for the father affected by the Bolsheviks. He presented a certificate of liberation from Kolyma. However, there he was for doubles, debauchery and drunkenness. Amozov very mercileously behaved in relation to ordinary bass, which served in the village churches. War, unfortunately, reveals in people not only the best, but also the most vigilant.

Taxes on beard, windows and doors

- How did ordinary people live in the occupation, not traitors, not collaborators?
"As one woman told me, in the occupation existed according to the principle of" one day they lived - and thank God. " Russians used on the most severe physical work: the construction of bridges, clearing roads. For example, residents of the Oredige and Tosnensky districts of the Leningrad Region worked on the repair of roads, on peat-workers and logging from six o'clock in the morning to the onset of darkness and received only 200 grams of bread per day for it. Those who worked slowly, sometimes shot. In the edification of others - publicly. In some enterprises, for example, in Bryansk, Orel or Smolensk, each worker assigned the number. About the surname and speech name did not even go. The occupiers explained this to the population by the reluctance "incorrectly pronounce Russian names and surnames."

- And the inhabitants paid taxes?
- In 1941, it was announced that taxes would be no less than Soviet. Then they were added to them and new fees, often offensive for the population: for example, for the beard, for dogs. In some areas, even special taxes behind the windows, doors and "excessive" furniture charged. For the best taxpayers existed forms of encouragement: "Leaders" received a bottle of vodka and five packs of Machorka. The older of the exemplary area after the end of the tax collection campaign was given a bike or a grade. And the head of the district in which there is no partisans and everyone work, could present a cow or send to a tourist trip to Germany. By the way, also encouraged the most active teachers.

In the central state archive of historical and political documents of St. Petersburg is stored a photo album. On his first page, neat letters in Russian and German are derived: "Russian teachers in memory of a trip to Germany from the propaganda department of Pskov." And below the inscription, which someone later made a pencil: "Photo of the Russian bastards, which the guerrian hand is still waiting ».

Dmitry Karkov arrived at the Soviet occupied territory in August 1941. On it, he found the people embittered in Stalin and the NKVD, most of them agree to work on Germany. Also actively former Soviet people began to build popular capitalism under the Germans. All this reminds Yeltsyn Russia early 1990s.

Karov (Kandaurov) Dmitry Petrovich (1902-1961) - Officer of Abver (1941-1944) and Sun Conron (1945). Left Russia in 1919. Since 1920 - in Paris. He graduated from Russian Gymnasium, University. In the summer of 1940, he left for employment to Germany, worked as a translator at an aircraft factory in Hannover. At the end of 1940, he agreed to work in German pollishalgans until the creation of an independent Russian state. With the beginning of the war from the USSR, seconded to the detachment of marine intelligence. From December 1941 - in the service in the department of IC headquarters of the 18th Army (Army Group North). In the 1950s, an employee of the Institute for the Study of the History and Culture of the USSR (Munich).

In 1950, the MEMUARES "Russians in the service in German intelligence and counterintelligence", a typewritten option. For the first time, part of the memoirs is published in the book "Under the Germans" (Encyclopedic Department of the Ifi Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg State University). Blog of the interpreter leads part of this diary.


The detachment was driving to Russia, closer to the front. I was excited, thinking that now I am going to true Russia, abandoned by me in 1919. We saw member, and Captain Babel, stopping the car, said: "Here is the border, here is your homeland" - and looked at me awrying. Later he told how Russian Wehrmacht officers reacted. One, coming out of the car, began to kiss the land, standing on his knees. The other announced that he would sleep in the forest to listen to Russian Solovyov. The third showed patriotism in that he began to put Russian land into the bags to send it to Paris. I did not have a character capable of such scenes, and Captain Babel was disappointed with me.

We arrived in the village of Glinka. On the way, we met a squad of Soviet cavalry. He was accompanied by several German artilleryrs. They explained to me that they lead prisoners to the camp. On my question, they are not afraid that the cavalry officers run away, the artilleryman answered me that the whole detachment surrendered to voluntarily, having interrupted his superiors.

The village of Glinka was Sheet. I soon met all the burgomistraces of the area. All of them were the elderly, believers in God. With the Soviet power, they were all persecuted and sat in prisons. The whole population was afraid that the Germans would go and come advice again.

The first my agent was the elderly peasant Semyon. He said that he would work, as he believes that the Communists need to be destroyed by all possible ways, but it does not want to receive money because it is a sin.

A familiar to me in Riga, the translator created a detachment from Soviet prisoners of war. He said that the soldiers for Stalin do not want to fight, but they are afraid of German captivity. The common dream was, to carry Germans from Russia, to kill Stalin and Communists, establish freedom, and most importantly - destroy the collective farms.

The agents, without exception, were volunteers, and could at any time refuse to work, and in this case they provided good places in the rear. The exception was only the agents who received the task and not fulfilled it. These were sent to special camps near Koenigsberg, which were called "camps for those who know secret things" and in which with prisoners treated very well: they received a military lady, a lot of cigarette, there was a library in the camp; We lived for 3-4 people in the room and had the opportunity to walk in the garden.

Crossing the front three times, it was possible to leave on peace into the deep rear. For the most purpose, people have agreed to this from 30 to 40 years old, bold, but not loved to risk life. But all the scouts hated the Soviet regime.

Characteristic example Woman nicknamed Zhenka. She commanded a detachment in Krasnogvardeysk (Gatchina). She was 26 years old, he lived before the war in Leningrad, worked as a sexwork in the NKVD and was engaged a little prostitution. Through the front, she was seen in early September 1941, she now appeared in the sectors of Seversk, offered to work by the agent in the Germans. She explained that life in the USSR is terribly tired of her gray and boredom, and she is sure that it will be worthwhile to earn their confidence in his good work, and after the end of the war - a secured life abroad. In 1943, Zhenka asked to let her go from service, motivating the request of great fatigue, and send to live to Germany. She was fulfilled, and besides, she received a major money award of Zhenka and now (1950) lives in Germany, has a well-established and bringing the income of the laundry laundry.


In early April 1942, I arrived in a miracle. 10 thousand civilians lived in it. He managed the selected Russian Burgomaster. A big rogue and a speculator, but a smart and energetic person, he performed his duties well, which he helped 6 selected burgomistra sitting at the head of the districts. There were Russian police and fire team in the miracle.

The worst of all the intellectuals of the miracle previously served in Soviet institutions. The population considered them with Darmonds, and no one wanted to help them. For the most part, the intelligentsia was nasty and self-confident, but configured anti-Soviet. They did not want monarchies, Stalin - too. Lenin and NEP - that's what was their ideal.

Very workers and artisans lived very well. We had to be surprised inventiveness that they showed. I saw the workshop of the ladies. Others opened restaurants and tea houses. There were fur gunners, gold and silver masts of the master. All merchants hated Soviet power and wanted only freedom of trade. The Soviet ranks of the NKVD, with whom I talked to interrogations, said that after the peasantry of Stalin, the workers hated most and that NKVD sexwork was often killed in factories. Craftsmen in the miracle lived perfectly. Watchmakers, shoemakers, tailors were littered with work.

The clergy, who lived in the city, was Orthodox and the expert. Putters of the Old Believers used generally respect and were well-read and fair people. The Orthodox priests did not exceed the population in particular respect. They didn't have impressions on me too. The Pop and Diakon recruited by my agents worked badly, learned reluctantly, but the remuneration required constantly.


I was transferred here in 1943. The head of Vitebsk stood Russian Burgomaster, a man of 30 years. He betrayed himself for the Belorussian Patriot and therefore, in the presence of Germans, he spoke only in the Belarusian language, and the remaining time was expressing in Russian. He had more than 100 officials, he was also subject to the outer and criminal police. The Germans did not intervene the police and urban self-government, but did not help with anything, providing residents to take care of food, firewood themselves, etc.

Trade flourished surprisingly: shops and shops were everywhere. Entrepreneurial merchants "in black" drove from Vitebsk to Germany, Poland, Austria, and others have traveled and west, buying goods that looked in themselves. In the turn were German stamps (real and occupying), Russian rubles (paper and gold - the latter, to my surprise, there was a lot).

There were 2 or 3 hospitals in the city due to lack of funds, but with very good doctors whom the Germans were constantly invited to consults and several private hospitals were very good and expensive, which served mainly speculators.

At the main train station always - the day and night - the mass of the people was crowded, and he was a bazaar. All bought and sold. German soldiers who have built home purchased food here. And the circle was drunk Cossacks from anti-Partisan detachments that came to rest in the city. Before the station stood porters and cabins, as well as foolish young people who were offering transportation on German cars who belonged to cassenny institutions and standing with their German chasters on the neighboring streets in anticipation of customers (as the police did not fight with this phenomenon, could not do anything: it hurts They loved German chasters vodka). Overlooking a little further from the station, I was amazed by the abundance of tea and small basement restaurants. Prices were big, but all these institutions were full of people and there were vodka (Polish), Moonshine, German beer and Baltic wine from fruit everywhere. Food in these restaurants was also abundant.

In Vitebsk there were public houses, and separately for the Germans and Russians. There often happened terrible fights: the Russians stormed public houses for the Germans. The cinemas were, only films in them went German, but, though, with Russian signatures. There were also two Russian theaters who used great success. In many cafes and restaurants in the evenings, dancing were organized.

In addition to the many German soldiers, there was a lot in the city and Russian military. The most accuracy of the Cossacks, who wearing dads, checkers and Nagayki were drawn; In addition, these were the biggest scandalists. Then, in the city there were people from special squads of SD - Russians, Latvians, Estonians and Caucasians who were very dressed in a variety of costumes, and on the sleeve there were fatal letters in a triangle - SD. The people of these, famous for their cruelty and robbery, no one in the city loved, and other military, both Russians and the Germans, avoided to communicate with them. There were Natives detachments, consisting of Kazakhs and especially Tatars. They didn't fight a lot, and more carried the service for the protection of warehouses.

Russians, nominated at different headquarters, orthcommmps, etc., differed by the pomp of their outfit and especially the signs of differences. The shoulders of them and collars were filled with silver, especially brightly glistered on sunny days, and the chest was carried by the orders, which they wore in kind, not limited to ribbons on the pads. The heads of them were decorated or colored caps, or dads with a bright riding. I have no doubt that they would gladly wear checkers, but this was allowed only to the Cossacks.

In Vitebsk, then were quartered: 622-625 Cossack battalions, 638 Cossacks Rota, 3-6 / 508th Turkestan supply companies, 4/18 Volga-Tatarskaya construction company, Oriental companies - 59th, 639th, 644th , 645th Security, 703th Educational, 3/608 supplies.

There were several newspapers in the city, of which one Belorusskaya. Journalists were intelligent people, convinced opponents of communism and Stalin; The Soviet agent sometimes killed the most robes of them.

PS: The living life described in the occupied territories is very similar to the device of life in the Eletsnskaya Russia of the early 1990s freedom of trade, fragile anti-communism, collaborationism, freedom of speech and how the payment of journalists, the opening of churches, economic migration to the west and the conclusion of capital there. For final similarities, there is not enough occupying troops of some Western Power.

Warning: This news is taken from here .. When used, specify this link as a source.

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Boris Kovalev

The daily life of the population of Russia during the Nazi occupation

To its teachers: N. D. Kozlov, G. L. Sobolev, T. E. Novitskaya, A. Ya. Leukin, - Decates the author of this book


Man in occupation. Who is he? A man or woman, an old man or a child - what do they have in common? Without leaving the native home, they were all in someone else's world. In this world, another language and laws. It does not live in it, but survive. This book is about it.

Of course, the feat highlights a person from everyday life. People who committed him, stand above others. Talk and write about them, in general, easy. Over the past decades, a huge number of books are written about the heroes of anti-Hitler resistance and partisans. They have the truth and myths. And already need to make a lot of effort to separate one of the other.

You can also write about betrayal, about cooperation with the enemy, about collaborationism. The reasons for this cooperation can find a lot. Someone Lyuto hated Soviet power and dreamed of "repaying the Bolsheviks."

There were people who dreamed always to be "upstairs." And it is not necessary, what kind of regime in the country: red or brown, communist or democratic. "Power for power" - this is what they sought and therefore were ready to serve any regime.

Many aspects of the participation of the USSR citizens in the war on the side of Nazi Germany with the Soviet side were silent. For the initial period of war, it was quite explained: it was impossible to undermine the morale of Soviet people. Thus, the newspaper "Proletarskaya Pravda" on July 19, 1941, wrote: "With the help of threats, blackmail and" fifth columns ", with the help of sales kestings, ready for thirty-steries to betray their nation, Hitler was able to carry out his vile intentions in Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia ... Even in Poland, in Yugoslavia and Greece ... Internal contradictions between nations and classes and numerous treason, both at the front, and in the rear weakened the effect of resistance to invaders. But Hitler's robberies will inevitably be broken into the dust now when he treacherously attacked the USSR, a mighty country, armed ... an uncomplicable friendship of peoples, unshakable moral and political unity of the people ... ". She erected a well-known writer and publicist Ilya Erenburg: "This war is not a civil war. This is the Patriotic War. This is a war for Russia. There is not a single Russian against us. There is not a single Russian who would stand behind the Germans. "

In the foreign word dictionary, the concept of "collaborationist" is explained as follows: "(From French - Collaboration - cooperation) - a traitor, a traitor to the Motherland, a person who collaborated with the German invaders in the countries occupied by them during the Second World War (1939-1945)."

But during the First World War, this term began to acquire a similar interpretation and was used separately from the word "cooperation", denoting only betrayal and treason. No army acting as the occupiers of any country cannot do without cooperation with the authorities and the population of this country. Without such cooperation, the occupation system cannot be capable. It needs translators, in administrators specialists, business students, connoisseurs of political system, local customs, etc. The complex of relations between them is the essence of collaborationism.

In our country, the term "collaborationism" for the designation of people who collaborated in various forms with the Nazi occupation regime began to be used only recently. In Soviet historical science, the words "traitor" were usually used, "Motherland", "Posternaya".

The degree of responsibility of people who collaborated in one form or another with the invaders was certainly different. This recognized the leadership of the Soviet resistance in the initial period of war. Among the elder and other representatives of the "New Russian Administration" there were people who took these posts on coercion, at the request of their fellow villagers and on the task of Soviet special services.

However, it is unlikely that one can call the accommodation at the post of a soldier of the enemy, providing any small services for them (ducts of linen, washing, etc.). It is difficult to blame for any people who, under the dawn of enemy machines, were clearing, repairing and guarding iron and highways.

In the talented film of Leonid Bykov "Ati Bati, a soldier walked ..." One of the heroes, ordinary Glebov, says Lieutenant that he smelled during the occupation. The following dialog happens between them:

- On the Germans, then worked?

- Yes, the Germans received soldering.

- Strange, strange. And there were many pahahares there?

- Yes, it was ...

For yesterday's Soviet schoolboy, Lieutenant Suslin is almost a crime. But Glebov, telling about it, is not afraid: "You were not under the Germans. And I was. And not just was. I smelled under them. I am angry and nothing is scary to me. "

Having survived the occupation, they joined the Red Army, helped their work to finish Nazism. Then these people were forced to write in the questionnaires: "Yes, I was in the occupied territory."

The Second World War was a tragic test for many millions of people. Death and destruction, hunger and need became elements of everyday life. Especially seriously experienced all this on the territories captured by the enemy.

Anyone wants to live. Anyone wants to live his relatives and relatives. But you can exist in different ways. There is a certain freedom of choice: you can become a member of the resistance movement, and someone will offer their services to foreign invader.

In the context of the occupation of the Western regions of our country, the activities of people who took their own arms or offered their intellectual potential to be occupied, should be characterized as a treason of homeland, both in criminal law and in the moral sense of this concept.

However, condemning those persons who actually collaborated with the enemy, we must with all aware of the complexity of the provision of millions of our fellow citizens who have found themselves at the captured territory. After all, everything was here: and shock from the lightning offensive of the Hitler's troops, the sophistication and quality of Nazi propaganda, the memory of the Soviet repressions of the pre-war decade. In addition, the Occupational policy of Germany in relation to the population of Russia was, first of all, the "Knuta" policy, and the territory itself was considered as an agrarian-raw material base for the needs of Reich.

In this book, the author tried to show the parties to the daily life of people in the conditions of Nazi occupation. Someone could survive her, and someone is not. Someone went to the forest with a weapon in his hands or helped the partisans, helped not for fear, but for conscience, and someone collaborated with the Nazis. But, no matter what, in this war we won.

Chapter first. From Rhine to Yenisei ...

Play of the leadership of the Third Reich regarding the future of Russia. "Union population." New Russian administration. Burgomistra and older

In the thousand-year history of our Fatherland, the events of the Great Patriotic War have become one of the most severe tests. In front of the people inhabiting the country, the threat of not only the deprivation of statehood, but also full physical destruction.

The victory, for which I had to pay millions of human lives, managed to conquer only thanks to the unrealistic union of all nations and the nationalities of the USSR. During the hostilities, not only the military equipment and the talent of the commander, but also patriotism, internationalism, the honor and dignity of each person played a major role.

In the fight against Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union opposed one of the most militarized states, whose leaders were striving for world domination. The fate of many nations and countries depended on the outcome of this fight. The question was resolved: to go to them on the path of social progress or be for a long time enslaved, swept back to the gloomy times of obscurantism and tyranny.

The Nazi leadership expected that they would be able to easily make a split into Soviet Society due to the events of the pre-war years: violent collectivization, unreasonable mass repression, a conflict of the state with the church. Their plans were not destined to come true.

In the victory overlooked by the Soviet Union over the Hitler's invaders in the Great Patriotic War, the true unity of the entire people at the front, in the rear and on the territory temporarily engaged in the invaders, played an important role.

Aggression and terror always go there. They are inevitable satellites. The army of the Nazi Third Reich, winning for the German population "living space" in the East, was carried away by death and destruction. In World War II, cruel and bloody, the Soviet Union suffered the hardest losses. In the fire of war, 27 million Soviet people died, the Nazis turned into ruins about 1,700 Soviet cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and villages, were deprived of about 25 million Soviet citizens.