Wooden house repair inside. Strengthening the foundation of a wooden house with their own hands and its repair

No one can reproach our ancestors in the fact that they were unfairly related to construction. Built by them wooden houses stand for many decades, and other and crossed the century-old frontier.

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However, alas, nothing ever happens, and with the signs of aging of the building sooner or later, any owner faces. The deviations from vertical lines are visually visually noticeable, sending, turn over and stop the windows and doors normally. All this eloquently suggests that the repair and replacement of the foundation of the old wooden house.

Consider several typical situations and methods for solving issues with the dilapidated foundation.

How to strengthen the foundation of a wooden house

The reasons why the foundation ceases to perform the functions assigned to it The basics of the whole building, quite a few.

  • Time factor and impact ambient - Foundation's design materials lost their physical properties.
  • Errors made on the design of the structure.
  • A sharp weighting of the design of the entire building, for example, the construction of an attic or an additional floor.
  • Non-compliance construction technologies When applying an old foundation, the use of low-quality building materials.
  • Ignoring work on drainage around the structure.
  • Problems associated with displacement or sorting of soils.

In this way, the first thing you need to do is to carry out the most thorough audit of the foundation, try to objectively assess the cause of its destruction or seractions. Only then it will be possible to decide on the possibility of its repair or the need full replacement.

Repair of a ribbon foundation of a wooden house

How to repair the foundation of a wooden house? To see a real picture and damage damage, have to old Fundam denude. If we are talking about a ribbon, folded once from a boob-cement mixture, then around the perimeter of the entire structure rushes a trench to a width to half a meter and depth to the base of the foundation.

  • In the case when the settlement of the house happened evenlywithout causing distortions, it is quite possible that it will be enough to restrict ourselves to the repair.
  • For this, dying fragments of buoy or brick masonry Remove. The holes are placed in it, into which the segments of the reinforcement or anchors are carefully embarrassed, then they are connected by welding with reinforcement. The trench begins to fill with liquid concrete, gradually - it is better to do it with sections of 1 -1.5 meter, overlooking the trench by jumpers. The main thing in this action is to give concrete to pretty soak soil and fill all possible cavities in old laying, so the hurry will be inappropriate.

    Flipped alternately plots are necessarily associated with the reinforcement. Thus, after filling the trench and reliable grasp of concrete, the house receives an additional support for the soil, and its settlement should stop.

  • It happens that the general state of the old belt Fundament It does not cause confidence, although the service of the house took place evenly. In this case it is possible to strengthen it with a solid new belt 20-30 centimeters thick.
  • To do this, at the bottom of the trench, a sandy-gravel pillow is arranged, and the formwork is installed on the outer wall at the height of the base. The general reinforcement of old masonry is produced, in addition, the welded solid metal grid is stacked after filling the first layer of concrete.

  • After final fill and complete concrete grasp the foundation becomes massive and widerHis erosion stops. On the thickened base, it will be necessary to install the settings.
  • The situation is more difficult if the shrinkage of the house happened uneven, and there is a clear overcast of the old tape. It is not necessary to do without lifting the entire structure of the building to align the foundation.
  • How to raise a logboard over the foundation? For this, hydraulic jacks are used, allowing to raise a log house on the desired height by posting it on temporary supports from powerful bars or metal profiles (channels or foreign beams).

  • Before lifting construction, the house facilitate the most easier, I submit objects of furniture and homemade utensils from it, sometimes resort to the enee of windows and doors, dismantle the floor covering.
  • To avoid skewing or destruction of the walls, ceiling overlaps, roof designs, etc., the rise is carried out very slowly, if possible, simultaneously with four points, literally 5 centimeters, constantly installing safety wooden lining. After a complete lift to the required height, the design is installed on temporary supports that will serve its base until the completion of all repair work.

  • Installing formwork It is made according to the hydrorer, taking into account the planned height of the base. It is necessarily a cross-cutting reinforcement of the old foundation masonry and its connection with the reinforcement of the newly flooded layer.
  • After the ribbon foundation is renovated, you can lay out several rows of bricksAlthough many do without it without it, laying the log house right on the reinforced concrete base. Often, it is necessary to replace the logs or bars of the lower crown of a church, most susceptible to disaggement. At the same time, a layer of waterproofing (several layers of rubberoid placed on the receptic mastic) is mandatory between the basement and the renewed crown.

In this video you will see how the foundation of the wooden house is repaired.

Repair of the pile foundation of an old wooden house

  • If the log house is resting on the brick pillars, which were cracking from time to time and turn erosion, but still retain their functionality, you can put them in a concrete reinforcing beltSimilarly, as described in the previous section.
  • If the repair of some of them is recognized by little self-shaped, without lifting the structure will not cost. In this case, the collapsing pillars are laid out again, the preserved - are repaired.

  • You can try to straighten the battered pilesTo give them the necessary vertical position. For this, from the side opposite to the direction of the skew, the subpople is made, piles are straightened and the space around them is poured by a cement-gravel mixture.
  • If the pile body is deformed or collapsed, it will have to replace it completely. For this, asbesto-cement pipes with a diameter of 200 mm can be used. To make the pile at the place under the house, in addition to the hole for it, the inclined chute is digging. After installing the pipe and give it a vertical position, it is gradually poured from the inside liquid cement mortarSo that it necessarily impregnated under the pile of a sandy-gravel pillow.
  • In addition, it is enhanced by cement-gravel mortar and outside. The well at the bottom is desirable to expand, giving it the shape of the "Mushroom Hap" - the stability of the pile after the full filling of this cavity and the grinding of the cement will increase several times.

In this video, you can see how the foundation is replaced under wooden house.

Replacing the foundation of a wooden house

It happens that the foundation, regardless of his type, is in such a state that his it is easier to completely dismantleTo install a new one. We can do anything, the house will have to raise and start working.

  • Of course, even before the reconstruction of the foundation of a wooden house, you need to carefully consider the drainage question around the base, so as not to repeat the old errors and do not provoke further settlement of the structure.
  • The most popular way - The device of a new ribbon foundation with the base of the desired height. The necessary depth is rotated, taking into account the freezing of the soil, the trench, the sand-gravel pillow is stacked in it.
  • A solid reinforcing belt is manufactured. The formwork is constructed, on which the height of the poured base is clearly indicated. After the fill and the full pouring of the cement, waterproofing works with the foundation are carried out, if necessary, its insulation and cladding, after which the entire design of the house is lowered to the new base.

  • Often the home owners prefer and another way to replace the foundation, applying modern screw piles.
  • This method, often less cost and does not require a large amount of time, and, at the same time, quite comparable to the strength characteristics with the concrete basis. Piles are screwed up using special levers in the ground to a depth, exceeding the level of soil freezing, align in height and are binding to the top belt from the sewlner beam of the desired section. This type of foundation is especially good on weak and seeding soils - it perfectly withstands the load of the wooden structure.

Wooden House Foundation

A good owner will not calm down if after the construction of a concrete foundation will not work on his waterproofing and insulation. These events will greatly extend the life of this carrier design, and in general - and the whole structure. Penetration into pores and microcracks moisture and its further freezing in winter time leads to erosion processes that destroys the monolithium of the foundation and its gradual destruction.

The waterproofing is performed more often by the cooler in the foundation at all its height, outside and inside, special bitumen or cement-polymer mastic. The use of pure bitumen is unacceptable, as it has a property in time to crack, and will lose its waterproofing qualities.

Modern mixtures for penetrating waterproofing are used, based on cement with active additives and incorporation of fine quartz sand. Such solutions penetrate well into the thickness of the base, fill the pores and cracks, create a reliable barrier of the soil moisture and atmospheric precipitation.

After applying waterproofing, it is necessary to immediately conduct the insulation of the foundation of the wooden house outside. It is performed by gluing throughout the perimeter and throughout the height of insulating plates - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. Their thickness is calculated in accordance with the norms of thermal protection depending on local climatic conditions.

Be sure to enhance (cacked) joints between adjacent plates and corner connections, in order to avoid creating "cold bridges". Insulating panels are glued on bituminous mastics or special adhesive compositions that do not contain organic solvents.

Facing the foundation of a wooden house

At the request of the owner of the house works under the cladding of the base. The modern building materials market offers homeowners a lot of different options. Someone prefers to lay out the base "under the extection" with silicate, ceramic or hyperpressed brick. Others are limited to the tile "under the brick".

Owners wooden houses Special base siding, plastic or metal, imitating a rounded timber (block house) or a board (lining or a Christmas tree) or a board (lining or "Christmas tree") are used to fit the foundation. This method is quite simple and inexpensive, the cladding is easily installed on all types of stone, concrete or pile foundations.

Very good solution - The use of modern finishing materialscombining and insulating, and decorative properties. We are talking about thermopanels with a layer of polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam isolation with applied to them decorative finish In the form of clinker or hypersed tiles under stone or brick. Of course, the cost of such materials is considerable, but their quality is justified.

Any soil, even the most perfect, for a certain time gives a natural shrinkage. And the good reason can be slightly deformed, its integrity and the level of thermal insulation of the building is disturbed. The owner in this case wonders: how to insulate the foundation of a wooden house, which for this will require the skills and materials.

The destruction of the old foundation takes place not only due to the mobility of the soil, but also during the retreat from the construction technology, as well as from frequent vibrations (a plot near the railway canvase, intensive construction in adjacent areas with drilling wells, etc.). The soil sediment always becomes a reason to strengthen the base of the house.

To clarify the speed and intensity of the sorting of soil under the house, on the resulting cracks need to stick ribbons from paper (lighthouses). Each such lighthouse is affixed by the date of its stickers. The faster paper tapes are torn, the more important is the issue of urgent repairs.

The following manipulations are performed to correct the situation:

  1. next to the seeding section of the foundation, the ground is removed with an angle of inclination from 35 to 40 ° to the very nose structure;
  2. in the dumping kitty places metal pipe cross section of 12.7 mm;
  3. the pipe is poured with liquid concrete;
  4. the duration of the saturation of the soil under the foundation is approximately 1.5-2 hours.

IMPORTANT: Pour the concrete into the pipe is necessary until the moment of termination of its decrease


The process of strengthening the old and partially destroyed foundation is performed in 2 stages with a break by 48 hours. Further, lighthouses are placed on the cracks and are observed for the development of the situation.

If the foundation made of the foundation of the wooden house did not bring positive result, implement another technology:

  • around the perimeter of the building rushes a trench 30-cm depth;
  • inside the trench there is a boarding formwork;
  • the walls of the old base are drilled by a perforator drill to install metal pins;
  • inserted pins are connected by reinforcement with welding;
  • a concrete is poured into the manufactured reinforced belt.

Important: In the manufacture of a concrete solution, it is necessary to use a gravel or crushed stone filler with a small fraction.

The reinforced concrete ring allows you to strengthen the discharged base and make part of the load of the house. The device of such a design throughout the perimeter allows you to distribute such a load more evenly.

In most cases, the operation on the restoration of the old foundation ends and further destruction is terminated.

Key point: the foundation of the base with a reinforced concrete ring is justified with uniform dialing at home. In the event that only a separate wall is destroyed, restoration procedures for concreting reinforced design are carried out locally, only in a problem zone.

If the destruction of the old foundationIt can be strengthened in the same way: jumpers from reinforced concrete will significantly increase the strength of the entire basis. In this case, you can connect all the supports or execute these operations only on the places of a strong shrinkage.

Step by the Repair of the Foundation of Brick

If the foundation is not subject to restoration

Often the foundation of the old house collapses completely or sends into the soil so deeply that it is easier and cheaper to build a new base, rather than strengthen the existing one. The house built of wood allows for dismantling the entire design entirely to transfer to a new foundation.

To replace the old base, you need to make the load as much as possible, on it aimed. For this, the following steps are performed:

  1. furnished from the house, remove window and door blocks;
  2. on the lower crowns, openings are made in 2 m;
  3. 2-taving beams made of steel or channels around the perimeter of the construction are installed in the obtained recesses;
  4. next is attracted by a hydraulic jack for lifting beams for temporary supports.

IMPORTANT: Chocks can be used as temporary supports or special metal constructionsWarved from durable material.

Work on the rise of the house must be performed smoothly, not allowing distortion. The crowns should be lifted evenly throughout the perimeter.

When a new foundation is built on the place of the old, the house can be installed back. At this stage you can change lower crowns To increase the strength of the whole design. In mandatory when transferring a house to a new foundation, it is necessary for its waterproofing with a rubberoid or other waterproof material.

Screw piles when repairing the foundation

If it is impossible to strengthen the foundation of the wooden house, due to strong destruction, instead of the old columnar or tape basement from concrete, you can build a pile support. Last years This type of foundation is becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • a huge life of the base (up to 100 years);
  • availability of purchase (mass of proposals in the market);
  • lack of labor-intensive primer work.

If there is a pair of assistants pile Fundam You can arrange in a few days. Products are able to withstand a large load, which expands the area of \u200b\u200breconstruction of the house itself (the possibility of the construction of the second floor, attic, complex roof, etc.).

You can raise the wooden house by technology described above. Installation of pile products occurs as follows:

1) the form and amount of piles is determined on the basis of the mass of the house, the features of the soil and depth, on which it is freezing in the winter;

2) lifting the design on the beams;

3) dismantling the base destroyed or heavily found in the soil;

Important: When analyzing the old base, notes are made on the places of crossing the bearing walls.

4) Piles are screwed into soil at the corners of the house and in the marked places of the highest load. For work, a special lever rotated by two men is used, the third at this time must control the vertical position of the water level immersed in the soil;

5) the depth of immersion of pile products - below the soil freezing point;

6) The screw piles of the same height are connected to each other with a metal chaserler.

The sewer's section should take into account the total load on the base;

7) When the design is ready, the house is transferred to a new base.

It is advisable to arrange a pile base under a wooden house on mobile, unstable soils, as well as in areas of frequent flooding groundwater.

A little about waterproofing

In order to maximize the base of the wooden house, it must be isolated from moisture. The waterproofing of the foundation is an important procedure that strengthens and extend its service life. To perform it, you need to perform the following operations:

  • around the perimeter of the foundation design rushes trench;
  • the foundation walls of the house are thoroughly cleaned from the soil;
  • the surface of the foundation is processed by bitumen, which is preheated;
  • a sheet polystyrene foam is glued on the bitumen.

In this case, the bitumen will reliably protect the support of the building from water, and the polystyrene foam will save heat and reduce heat loss.

When the houses of symptoms of damp (fungus, mold, condensate) appear in the basement or sublection of the houses in the basement (fungus, mold, condensate). To implement this idea, the soil under the building is deeply deepened, after which it feels 3 layers of the rubberoid. Laying of sheets is carried out by penetration, each layer is connected to the previously preheated bitumen. Ruberoid must go to 30 cm wall. 50-cm made on the waterproofing layer cement strainerThe sand is added to the solution.

Already on top of the laid layers of hydraulic and thermal insulation, you can perform an finishing coating, most often represented by linoleum or ceramic tiles. The basement not used as a utility room, can not be poured with a solution of sand and cement.

Realizing in practice the above tips, the owner of a private house from a tree can restore the destroyed foundation or completely replace it with a new, durable and durable basis.

Repair of the old foundation of a wooden house Updated: October 2, 2017 by the author: zoomfund

Read on the topic

If you have become the owner of an old wooden house, built several decades ago, then you will probably have to repair it. In many cases, the repair will have to start with the very foundation of the house - with its foundation.

Checking the status of a wooden house

Very often, from all the crowns of a wooden log house, his lower tier suffers. As a rule, in construction as it foundation Support Brick columns were used. Over time, they can collapse, settle in the ground, in addition, the lower tier logs of a wooden house often begins to rot from the high humidity of the Earth. Also, over the years, the waterproofing layer is destroyed between the logs and the foundation, which used to be made from the roof of the old and ineffective rolled material.

In order for your log house to serve you by faith and the truth is not yet one decade - you will have to re-construct its tape base base, change the waterproofing and the lower log turon.

Working on the repair of the foundation of a wooden house

Preparatory stage

The most optimal option for replacing the old foundation base will be the creation of a ribbon concrete foundation with a side in a section of at least 20 centimeters. Inside the concrete casting, a metallic reinforcing design should be found. In the event that the site under the house is located on the area - it is advisable to build a foundation on screw piles.

Installation of supporting jacks

To access the old Bath foundation, you must raise the house. This process is advisable to conduct evenly, with the simultaneous lift of all bearing walls.

To evenly distribute the effort to the entire perimeter, it is necessary to fix the lower crowns with a design from the board. The jacks must be installed in places where the log wood is the most durable.

Between the jacks and places of their installation it is necessary to install gaskets. They are steel plates with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Under the lower part of the jacks, it is also necessary to install the support plates, they can be made of thick boards with a length of at least half a meter.

In addition to the complete replacement of the foundation of the wooden house, it is possible to carry out its repair.

Repair of single cracks in a belt foundation

Most likely, a single crash can form at the site of engineering communications: cable or sewage. The presence of crack provokes further destruction of the foundation due to the destructive effect of freezing and thawing water. Therefore, immediately after discovering a single crack on the foundation of a wooden house you need to smell concrete solution.

Multiple cracks in the foundation

To the emergence of multiple cracks in concrete foundation A wooden house can lead several reasons. But in any case, to control the behavior of these cracks, the beacons must be glued. In case such cracks are static - they can simply be selected by concrete solution. If the cracks are expanding - it is necessary to carry out either the replacement of the site of this foundation, or its full replacement.

Violation of the position of foundation

In the case of soil movements, some parts of the foundation of a wooden house can change their position. So, to lower the part of the foundation, you can cut the edges of the piles to which it rests.

Also, part of the foundation can be omitted by the ridge of the trench or to carry out a partial replacement of the foundation support.

Repair of a column foundation of a wooden house

Prevent the settlement of the foundation columns.

If some of the columns of your foundation began to settle, it can be fixed as follows:

Drop the pit to the base of the pile at an angle of about 40 degrees. Under the raised angle or section of the house, you need to put a pipe from asbestos cement into which we pour a concrete solution.

Fix the tilt of the foundation of the wooden house

In raw soils, the foundation support pillars can benged. Such a pillar must be replaced. The replacement procedure is similar to the replacement of the requested pillar and depicted in the figure.

Please note that at the bottom of the new support has an area greater than the main diameter of the support. It is intended to more effectively distribute the weight of this section of the structure.

In any case, timely and thorough audit of the foundation of the foundation of a wooden house and its timely repairs will allow you to enjoy life for a long time in this environmentally friendly dwelling.