Message to the development of Siberia. The development of Siberia and the Far East

Siberian development

In the development of Siberia, the Russians closely intertwined the union-national spontaneous settlement and the relocation "Sovereigns". The local population or directly conquered, or voluntarily was part of the Russian state hoping to find protection against militant neighbors.

With the Sarala, Russian people met at the turn of the XI-XII centuries. However, the mass settlement from European Russia to the East began from the end of the XVI century, after a hike in the Siberian Khan Kuchuma Cossack squad at the head of Ataman Yermak Timofeevich. In October 1582, the detachment took the capital of Khanate to Siberia (Kashlyuk, Iskober). Yermak's campaign (he himself died in one of the skimps) defeated Kuchumov's "kingdom" deadly blow: it could no longer be successfully confronted by the royal troops, which, including Ermak's surviving associates, moved along the laid path. In 1586, Tyumen was founded by sovereign people, in 1587, Tobolsk appeared not far from the former Kuchumovaya capital, and soon became the main city of Siberia. More northern regions - in the upper reaches of Tavda and in the lower reaches of Obi - were consolidated for the Russian state in 1593-1594, after the construction of Pelima, Berezov and Surgut, more southern - on the middle Irtysh - covered in 1594 a new city of Tara. Leaning on these and other, less significant, fortresses, serunens (Cossacks, Sagittarius) and industrial people (fur beast hunters) began to quickly promote the limits of Russia "meeting the Sun", building as new support points move, many of them turned soon From military administrative centers to trade centers and crafts.

  • The weak settlement of most of the districts of Siberia and the Far East was the main reason for the rapid advancement of small detachments of serving and industrial people into the depths of Northern Asia and its comparative bloodlessness. The fact that the development of these lands was carried out is usually hardened and experienced people. In the XVII century The main migrating flow for the Urals was from Severquish (Pomeranian) cities and counties, the inhabitants of which had the necessary fishing skills and experience of movement both in the Arctic Ocean and in Taiga Rivers, were familiar to the right frost and Gnusus (Moshcar) - the genuine Beach Siberia in summer time.

    With the base in 1604 Tomsk and in 1618, Kuznetsk mainly completed the promotion of Russia to the south of Western Siberia in the XVII century. In the north, the reference point in the further colonization of the region became Mangazea - \u200b\u200ba city founded by servilators at the polar circle in 1601 at the place of one of the winter industrialists. From here, the few Russian vatagi began to move into the depths of the Eastern Easturbian Taiga in search of "unnewned" and the rich Sobato "Earth". Widespread use with the same purpose of southern ways began after construction in 1619. The Yenisei Ostrog, which became another important basis for the development of Siberian and Far Eastern land. Later, the Yenisei seruners spoke out of Yakutsk founded in 1632 after the campaign of the Tomsk Cossack of Ivan Moskvin in 1639 by p. The ulle to the Pacific Ocean found out that in the east the Russians approached the natural limits of North Asia, but the land to the north and south of the Okhotsk coast were "pronounced" only after a number of military and commercial expeditions sent from Yakutsk. In 1643-1646 A campaign of Yakut seruners led by Vasily Zoyarkov, surveyed by the river took place. Amur. More successful trips made there in 1649-1653. Erofey Khabarov, actually attached the Amur region to Russia. In 1648, the Yakut Cossack Semyon Dejnev and the "shopping person" of Fedot Alekseev Popov went around the Chukotka Peninsula from the mouth of Kolyma. About 100 people went with them on seven courts, to the goal of the campaign - the mouth of the river. Anadyr - only the crew of the Dezhnevsk vessel - 24 people. In 1697-1699, Siberian Cossack Vladimir Atlasov passed almost all Kamchatka and actually completed the exit of Russia to its natural borders in the East.

    By the beginning of the XVIII century. The number of immigrants on the entire area from the Urals to the Pacific was about 200 thousand people, i.e. it was equal to the number of indigenous people. At the same time, the density of the Russian population was the highest in Western Siberia and significantly decreased as the East move. Along with the construction of cities, gasket, the establishment of trade, a reliable system of communication and management, the most important achievement of Russian immigrants at the end of the XVII century. The dissemination of the burial is almost all of the Siberia and the Far East suitable for him and the self-sufficiency of the once "wild edge" by bread. The first stage of agricultural development of North Asian lands was held with the strongest countering of nomadic feudal southern Siberia, Mongolia and the Manchurian Dynasty of China, who were striving to prevent the strengthening of Russian positions on the territories most suitable for the territories most suitable. In 1689, Russia and China signed a nonsense peace treaty, according to which the Russians were forced to leave Cupid. The fight against other opponents was more successful. Based on the rare circuit of the Ostrog in Tarskaya, Kuznetsky and the Krasnoyarsk counties, the Russians managed not only to reflect the raids of nomads, but also to move further to the south. At the beginning of the XVIII century. There were biysk cities, Barnaul, Abakan, Omsk. As a result, Russia acquired land, which later became one of its main residents, and gained access to the richest bowels of Altai. From the XVIII century. There began to pay copper, extract silver, so necessary Russia (her own deposits had not previously). Another center of silver mining was the Nerchinsky County.

    The XIX century was marked by the beginning of the development of gold-bearing deposits in Siberia. The first of their firsts were opened in Altai, as well as in the Tomsk and Yenisei provinces; from the 40s XIX century Gold mining turned on r. Lena. Siberian trade. Back in the XVII century. All-Russian fame received a fair in Irbit, located in Western Siberia, on the border with the European part of the country; Bank of Kyakhta, founded in 1727 and became the center of Russian-Chinese trade. After the expeditions of G. I. Nevelsky, who has proved in 1848-1855. The island position of Sakhalin and the lack of Chinese population in the lower reaches of Amur, Russia received a convenient access to the Pacific Ocean. In 1860, the Agreement was concluded with China, according to which land in the Amur region and Primorye were fixed. At the same time, the city of Vladivostok, which turned into the main Pacific Port of Russia later; Earlier, such ports were Okhotsk (founded in 1647), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (1740) and Nikolaevsk (1850). By the end of the XIX century. There were qualitative changes in the transport system of the entire North Asia. In the XVII century The main thing here was a river message, from the XVIII century. With him, the land roads laid down along the spreading southern borders of Siberia were increasingly successfully competed. In the first half of the XIX century. They have developed in the grandiose Moscow-Siberian tract, connecting the largest South Iibirsk cities (Tyumen, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Nerchinsk) and had branching both to the south and north - right up to Yakutsk and Okhotsk. Since 1891, individual sections of the Great Siberian Railway Railway began to enter into the Urals. It was built in parallel to the Moscow-Siberian tract and was completed at the beginning of the 20th century, when the new industrial stage was occurring in the development of Northern Asia. Industrialization lasted until recently, confirming the prophetic words M. V. Lomonosov that "Russian power will grow by Siberia and the Northern Ocean." Visual confirmation is Tyumen oil, Yakut diamonds and gold, Kuzbass coal and Norilsk Nickel, turning the cities of Siberia and the Far East to industrial and scientific centers of world importance.

  • In the history of the development of Siberia and the Far East there are gloomy pages: not all of the past century has occurred on this territory and has a positive value. Recently, the territory behind the Urals cause great anxiety due to the accumulated environmental problems. Another freshly memory of Siberia as a place of cortics and links, the main base of the Gulag. The development of northern Asia, especially at the initial stage of Russian colonization of the region, brought a lot of trouble. Once from the Russian state, the peoples of Siberia and the Far East were to pay natural to submit - Yasak, the size of which, although he was inferior to the taxes imposed on Russian immigrants, but was severe due to administration abuse. Full consequences for some clans and tribes had previously unknown drunkenness and infectious diseases listed by immigrants, as well as the cloak of commercial land, inevitable during their agricultural and industrial development. But for most peoples of Northern Asia, the positive consequences of Russian colonization are obvious. The bloody gravestites stopped, the aborigines were adopted in Russians more perfect tools of labor and effective ways of economic management. Overall, and another 300 years ago, their intelligentsia, including scientists and writers who lived in the Stone Age of Peoples appeared. The total number of indigenous regions of the region grew steadily: in the middle of the XIX century. It has already reached 600 thousand people, in the 20-30s. XX century - 800 thousand, and currently more than a million. The Russian population of Northern Asia increased over these years even faster in the middle of the XIX century. There have been 2.7 million people. Now it exceeds 27 million, but this result is not so much natural increasing as intensive resettlement for the Urals of the natives of European Russia. It took a particular large size in the XX century, the reasons for this somewhat. This is a Stolypin Agricultural Reform, decking at the end of 1920-1930; Wide recruitment of labor for construction in the east of the country of factories, mines, roads, power plants during the first five years; The development of virgin lands in the 1950s., Development of oil and gas fields, giant new buildings of Siberia and the Far East in 1960-1970. And nowadays, despite all the difficulties, the development of harsh, but fabulously rich and far from exhausted their potential opportunities of the region, which took 300 years ago by Russian land.

    On the beginning of the conquest and development of Siberia Russians - see the article "Ermak"

    Completion of the fight against Tatars for Western Siberia

    Founded in 1587 Voevoda Danila Khulkov Tobolsk began at the first time the main reference point of Russians in Siberia. It was located near the former Tatar capital, the city of Siberia. The Tatar Prince Sideyk sitting in it began to Tobolsk. But the Russians reflected the tatars with shots from the hearth and cannons, and then they made a babble and finally broke them; Seydeyak was captured. In this battle Pal Matvey Mescheryak, the last of the four Atamanov-comrades Ermak. Other Izvestia, with the sejoutyak committed in a different way. It would be as if with one Kyrgyz Kaiisatsky Tsarevich and the former chief adviser (Karach), Khan Kuchuma conceived to capture Tobolsk with cunning: came from 500 people and was located on the meadow at the city, under the pretext of hunting. Guessing his idea, the stockings pretended to be his friend and invited for negotiations about the world. Sejident with Tsarevich, Karachoy and a hundred Tatars. During the Pir, the Russian governor announced that the Tatar princes on the mind had an unkind plan, and told them to grab and send them to Moscow (1588). After the city of Siberia was left by Tatars and launched.

    Having finished with the sejdyak, the royal governors began for the former Siberian Khan Kuchum, who, who was defeated by Ermak, went to the Barabinsk steppe and continued to be attacked by Russians. He received help from neighboring Nogaev, marrying some of his sons and daughters on the children of Nogai princes. She joined him now and part of the Murz of the Osreen Taibina Ulus. In the summer of 1591, the Governor Masalsky went to the Ishim steppe, near Lake Chile-Kula broke the Kuchumovaya Tatars and captured his son Abdul-Khary. But Kuchma himself saved and continued his raids. In 1594, Prince Andrei Yeletsky, with a strong squad, moved up Irtysh and near the imposition of the river Tara laid the same town. He found himself almost in the center of the fertile steppe, according to which Kuchum, gathering Yasak from Tatar volosts on Irtysh, who had already sworn Russian. The city of Tara had great benefit in combating Kuchma. From here, the Russians have repeatedly undertake a search for him in the steppe; They ruined his uluses, intercourse with his Murza, who were lured in our citizenship. Governors have repeatedly sent him to him with admirations so that he will be submitted by the Russian sovereign. From the very king Fyodor Ivanovich was sent to him a promiscuous diploma. She pointed to his hopeless position, that Siberia is conquered that the Kuchma himself became a homeless Cossack, but if he appears in Moscow with a guilty, then the award will be given cities and parish, even his former city of Siberia. The plated Abdul-Khair also wrote his father and inclined him to conquer Russian, leading to the example of himself and the brother of Magmetkula, which the sovereign complained the parish parlor. Nothing, however, could not lean the stubborn old man to humility. In his answers, he hits the man of the Russian king to give him back Irtysh. He is ready to grow up, but only "true." He also adds a naive threat to: "I am with the legs in the Union, and if you become a lot from both sides, it will be bad to Moscow hold."

    We decided by anything to end with Kuchum. In August 1598, the Russian Voivode Warkers made a Tara to the Barabinsk steppe with 400 Cossacks and servilative Tatars. They found out that Kuchum from the 500 Horde went to the upper eb, where his bread was sown. Waries walked day and night and on August 20 at the dawn suddenly attacked Kuchumovo. Tatars after brutal contamination gave way to the superiority of the "fiery fight" and suffered a complete defeat; The everful Russians killed almost all the prisoners: only some Murza and the Kuchum family were spoken; Eight of his wives, five sons, a few daughters and sleeps with children were captured. Kuchum himself and this time saved: with several loyal people, he sailed down the boat down on Ob. Wayers sent one Tatar Seit to him with new admits to submit. Seit found him somewhere in the Siberian forest on the bank of Ob; With it there were three sons and a man of thirty Tatars. "If I did not go to the Russian sovereign to the best time," Kuchum answered, "will I go to the blind and deaf, and beggar." There is something inspiring respect in the behavior of this former Khan Siberia. The end of him was pitiful. Walking in the steppes of Upper Irtysh, the descendant of Genghis Khan hijacked cattle in neighboring Kalmyks; Saving from their revenge, he fled to his former allies to the legs and was killed there. The family was sent to Moscow, where he arrived in the reign of Boris Godunov; It had a solemn entrance to the Russian capital, praying to the people, was a new sovereign and sent to different cities. In the capital, the victory of Warikova was celebrated with sampling and bell ringing.

    The development of Western Siberian Russians

    The Russians continued to secure the area of \u200b\u200bObi by building new towns. With Fedor and Boris Godunov, there were still the following fortified settlements: Peloy, Berezov, in the lowest Obi-Obdorsk, on average its course - Surgut, Narym, Ketsky Ostrog and Tomsk; Verkhoturier was built on the upper round, the main point on the road from European Russia to Siberia, and on the average course of the same river - Turinsk; On the Taza River, which flows into the eastern branch of the Obba, - Mangazeysky Ostrog. All these towns have been equipped with wooden and earthy fortifications, guns and peaks. Garrisons were ordered from several dozen servil people. Following the root, people, the Russian government translated into Siberia Posad people, and pastry peasants. Land faults were also distributed to serve people in which they arranged in some farming. In each Siberian town, they necessarily have erected, albeit small, wooden temples.

    Western Siberia in the XVII century

    Next to the conquest of Moscow cleverly and the case of the development of Siberia, Russian colonization. By sending immigrants, the Russian government ordered to provide regional authorities to supply them a known amount of livestock, livestock and bread, so the settlers had everything necessary to immediately make the economy. Craftsmen, especially carpenters, are expected and necessary for the development of Siberia; Yamchiki was expelled, etc. Due to different benefits and incentives, as well as molts about the wealth of Siberia there, many horses are reached there, especially planting industrialists. Next to the development began the case of the appeal of the natives to Christianity and their gradual division. Without the opportunity to separate great strength to Siberia, the Russian government has been involved in the attraction of the natives themselves; Many Tatars and Vogulu were facing in the estate of the Cossacks, secured by land, complaining and weapons. With any right case, foreigners were obliged to put the auxiliary detachments of equestrian and hiking, which were put under the superiors of Russian children. The Moscow government ordered to caress and attract the previous owner of Siberia to our service; Local Prince and Murz, it sometimes translated into Russia, where they took baptism and entered into the number of nobles or children of Boyar. And those prince and Murz who did not want to conquer, the government ordered to catch and caraa, the towns will also burn them out. When collecting in Siberia Yasaka, the Russian government ordered to make relief to the poor and old natives, and in some places, instead of the fur Yasaka, enjoyed them a known amount of bread to teach them to agriculture, since his, Siberian, bread was performed too insufficient.

    Of course, not all the good orders of the central government were conscientiously performed by local Siberian authorities, and the natives suffered many insults and oppression. Nevertheless, the case of the Russian development of Siberia was delivered cleverly and successfully, and the greatest merit in this matter belongs to Boris Godunov. Messages in Siberia went in summer by rivers, for which a lot of government stings was built. And the long-distance messages in winter were maintained or pedestrians on skis, or a ride on narts. To link Siberia with European russia by land, was laid by the road from Solikamsk through the ridge to Verkhoturia.

    Siberia began to reward the Russians who mastered her natural wealth, especially a huge number of fur. Already in the first years of the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich, it was imposed on a busy edge of Yasak in 5,000 fortifications of Sobility, 10,000 black foxes and half a million protein.

    Colonization of Siberia to the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova

    Russian colonization of Siberia continued and made significant successes in the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, especially after the end of the troubled time. At the same time, Siberian's development expressed not so much the construction of new cities (as under Fyodor John and Godunov), how many Russian villages and villages in the regions between the stone belt and the river Operation, what are the treasures of Verkinsky, Turinsky, Tyumen, Pelimsky, Berezovsky, Tobolsky, Tarsky and Tomsk. Stripping the newly advantaged edge with serunel people, the Russian government took care now about the population of the farmers to enjoy this edge and supply it with its own bread. In 1632, from the nearest to European Russia, the Verkhotursky county was ordered to send to Tomsk cell or fifty peasants with wives, children and with all the "pastry plant" (agricultural instruments). In order for their former Verkhoturian Parshi to be invented, ordered in Perm, Cherdyni and Salt Kama to call hunters from free people who would agree to go to Verkhturyye and sit there on already plowed lands; Moreover, they were issued loans and a scene. Such rejected peasants of the governor were supposed to send themselves with families and driven property on the ledge in Verkhoturia. If there were few hunters for resettlement to Siberia, the government sent immigrants "by decree" from his own palace villages, giving them a stragging cattle, poultry, dear, cart.

    Siberia at this time gets another increase in the Russian population from exiles: it is under Mikhail Fedorovich that it is done in the advantage of the place of refinery of criminals. The government tried to save indigenous areas from restless people and take advantage of them for the settlement of Siberia. Remaining peasants and landing it saved in Siberia on arable land, and serviced people made up the service.

    Russian colonization in Siberia took advantage of government events. Free Russian settlers came there very little; As naturally, at the low-speed the near regions of the Shiming and Volga region, who themselves still needed colonization from the central Russian regions. The living conditions in Siberia were so heavy that immigrants tried to move back to their native edges with every reasonable case.

    Especially reluctantly went to Siberia the clergy. Russian settlers and exiles among the semi-divine inners, indulged in all kinds of vices and careless about the rules of the Christian faith. For the sake of church landscaping, Patriarch Philaret Nikitich established a special archbishopian department in Tobolsk, and the first Archbishop of Siberian was set (1621) Cyprian, Archimandrite of the Novgorod Khutyn Monastery. Cyprian brought with him to Siberia priests, and began to arrange his diocese. He found there several already founded monasteries, but without complying with the rules of monastic life. For example, in Turinsk there was a Pokrovsky monastery, in which the monks and nuns lived together. Cyprian founded a few more Russian monasons, who were supplied by the lands to his petition. Archbishop found the morals of his flock extremely leaving, and for the waters, here Christian morality met a great opposition from the governor and servicing people. He sent the king and Patriarch a detailed report on the riots found them. Philaret sent to Siberia a disorderly letter with a description of this unrest and pointed out to read it nationwide in churches.

    Here is depraved by the corruption of Siberian morals. Many Russian people there are no crosses on themselves, they do not observe lean days. Especially grarity attacks family debauchery: Orthodox people marry Tatars and pagans or marry close relatives, even at sisters and daughters; Servivat people, going to distant places, lay wives to comrades with the right of use, and, if the husband does not buy his wife at the appointed period, then the lender sells it to other people. Some Siberian seruners, coming to Moscow, make off their wives and girls, and in Siberia sell their Lithuanians, Germans and Tatars. Russian governors not only do not learn people from lawlessness, but also give an example of theft; For the sake of a korear, the violence of commercial people and natives.

    In the same 1622, the king sent the Siberian Governor with a ban with the ban to enter into spiritual affairs and the order to observe the servants in these affairs to submit to the Archbishop court. He also punishes them to serve the seruners sent to the foreigners to collect Yasaka, did not make violence to them, so that both the warlords of violence and not revealed. But such punisles were little restrained by arbitrariness, and the morals improved in Siberia very slowly. And the most spiritual authorities did not always correspond to high appointment. Cyprian remained in Siberia only until 1624, when Metropolitan Sarah or Kratitsky was translated into Moscow to a place remote on the peace, with whom Patriarch Filaret is dissatisfied with his objections to the crossing of Latinians on the spiritual cathedral 1620. Cyprian successors in the Siberian Department are more famous for concerns about the compassion rather than care of the flock.

    In Moscow, Siberia is mastered by Russians in the Kazan and Meshchersky Palace; But in the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, an independent "Siberian order" (1637) appears. In Siberia, the Higher Regional Office focused first in the hands of Tobolsk governors; Since 1629, Tomsk governors became independent of them. The dependence of the governor of small cities from these two main was mostly military.

    The beginning of Russian penetration into Eastern Siberia

    Yasak from Soboley and other valuable fur was the main motivation for the spread of Russian dominion on Eastern Siberia for Yeniseem. Consorbly of the Russian city comes from the Cossacks of the Cossacks in several dozen people, and on the "Kochs" duckly floats in the Siberian rivers in the middle of wild deserts. When the waterway is interrupted, it leaves the boats under the cover of several people and walking continues the path for the barely passing wildlings or the mountains. Rare, small tribes of Siberian foreigners are urged to enter into citizenship of the Russian king and pay him Yasak; They or execute this requirement, or denied Dani and are collected in the crowd, armed with bows and arrows. But the fire from the heartband and self-adhesives, the friendly work of swords and sabers forcing them to pay Yasaka. Sometimes, depressed by the number, the handful of Russians builds her cover and is sitting in it until the reinforcement arrival. Often, the military parties were preparing ways to Siberia Industrialists who were looking for sables and other valuable fur, which natives would be eagerly exchanged for copper or iron boilers, knives, beads. It happened that the two batch of Cossacks met among foreigners and climbed the resurrection to the fight because to take Yasak in this place.

    In Western Siberia, Russian conquest met stubborn resistance from Kuchumov Khanate, and then it should have been fighting Hordes of Kalmykov, Kyrgyz and Nogaev. During the troubled, the conquered foreigners sometimes did attempts to the uprising against Russian dominion, but they were pressed. The number of natives has greatly decreased, which contributed to the newly brought diseases, especially inpass.

    Yenisei region, Baikalia and Transbaikalia in the XVII century

    The conquest and development of Eastern Siberia, the perfect part in the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, occurred with much smaller obstacles; There, the Russians did not meet the organized enemy and the mains of the state life, but only the semi-tribal tribes of the tuncuses, Buryat, Yakuts with small princes or elders headed. The conquest of these tribes was fixed by the basis of the basis of all new cities and stors, located most often on rivers on the water posts node. The most important of them: Yeniseisk (1619) in the land of Tungusov and Krasnoyarsk (1622) in the field of Tatar; In the ground, Buryat, which had comparatively strong resistance, was supplied (1631) the fraternal prince when p. Oka in the hangar. On Ilim, the right influx of hangars, or Mimsk (1630) arose; In 1638, the Yakutsk Ostrog was built on the middle of Lena. In 1636-38, the Yenisei Cossacks, who were led by the Debennel Elisha Buzoy, went down to the Arctic Sea, and reached them the mouth of the Yana River; For her, they found the Yukagir tribe and laid them on Yasak. Almost at the same time, the party of Tomsk Cossacks, who was led by Dmitry Kopylov, from Lena entered Aldan, then in the influx of Aldan Maya, from where she reached the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, putting on Yasak Tungus and Lamuts.

    In 1642, the Russian city of Mangazeus has undergone a strong fire. After the inhabitants of him, his little, moved to Turukhanskoye winterier in Lower Yenisei, distinguished by a more convenient position. Old Mangazea launched; Instead, there was a new mangazea or Turukhansk.

    Russian mastering of Siberia with Alexei Mikhailovic

    Russian conquest Eastern Siberia already under Mikhail Fedorovich was brought to the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. With Alexei Mikhailovich, it was finally approved and distributed to the Pacific Ocean.

    In 1646, the Yakutsk governor Vasily Pushkin sent a servile of the foreman Seeds of a mulberry with a detachment of 40 people on the Okhta River, to the Okhotsk Sea for "Peace of New Earth". Solknik set (1649?) Okhotsk in this river by the sea and began to collect tribute to furs from neighboring natives; And he took hostage (amanates) of their elderine sons or "princes". But, despite the royal decree, to bring the Siberian natives to the citizenship "LASCOE AND GREAT", serve people often annoyed by their violence. The natives reluctantly obeyed the Russian IGU. Princes sometimes raised the riot, broke the small parties of Russian people and approached Russian ingots. In 1650, the Yakutsk Voivod Dmitry Franzbekov, having received the news about the siege of the Okhotsk Okhota, the seeds of Yenishev sent to the revenue of the Solubnik with 30 people. He hardly got to the Okhotsk and here there were several fights with tungs, armed arrows and spears, dressed in iron and bones. The firearms helped the Russian to overcome much more numerous enemies (according to the reports of Yenishev, there were up to 1000 or more). Ostrogo was released from siege. Sulkin Yenishev did not find alive; Only 20 people remained his comrades. After receiving the new reinforcements, he went to the surrounding lands, enjoyed the tribe and took the Amanat from them.

    The chiefs of Russian parties in Siberia simultaneously were to pacify the frequent disobediences of their own seruners who were distinguished on the distant east. Yenishev Slal the governor complaints about the disobedience of his subordinates. Four later, we find it already in another pool, on the river Ulay, where he left with the rest of the people after the Okhotsk Ostrog was burned with the natives. From Yakutsk Voevod Logyjansky sent to the side Andrei Bulygin with a significant detachment. Bulygin took from the hives of Pentecost Onochovsky with three dozen servants, on the site of the old, built a new Okhotsk Ostrog (1665), defeated the rebuilding triggers and again led them to the citizenship of the Russian sovereign.

    Mikhail Stadchin

    Moscow possessions further applied to the north. The Cossack Decisant Mikhail Stadukhin laid the Ostrog in the Siberian River Kolyma, laid out Oll Tuncuses and Yukagirov, and the first to bring the news about the Chukotka land and Chukchi, which in winter on deer moved to the northern islands, they beat the walrus and bring their heads with their teeth. Voivode Vasily Pushkin in 1647 gave the Stadukhin a detachment of serving people to go beyond the Kolyma River. Stadukhin for nine or ten years made a number of campaigns on narts and on rivers on Kochi (round ships); He entered the tribute to Tungus, Chukchi and Koryakov. He went to Anadrem to the Pacific Ocean. All these Russians made insignificant forces of several dozen people, in the grave struggle against the harsh nature of Siberia and with constant battles with wild natives.

    Eastern Siberia in the XVII century

    At the same time, other Russian serve and industrial entrepreneurs were launched in the same northeast corner of Siberia in the same northeast corner of Siberia. Sometimes the batch of serving people went to prey without permission of the authorities. So in 1648 or 1649, dozen two servil people left the Yakutskogo source from the oppression of the governor of Golovin and his successor Pushkin, who, according to them, did not give out a sorrepanian sovereign, and dissatisfied with the whip, prison, tortow and baotogs. These 20 people went on the Yana River, Indigir and Kolyma and gathered there Yasak, fought the natives and took the attack of their fortified wintering. Sometimes different parts come across and started strain and fights. Some squadrons of the Stadkhin's last namers tried to recruit into his squad, and even revenge the resentment and violence; But they preferred to act at their own fear.

    Semen Dezhnev

    Among those who did not obey the stadding of people were also Semyne \u200b\u200bDezhnev with comrades. In 1648, he from the mouth of Kolyma, floating up Anyju, spoke to the upper reaches of the Anadyr River, where Anadyr Ostrog was laid (1649). Next year, he from the mouth of Kolyma went on several kochas by the sea; Only one koche remained from them, on which he hesitated the Chukchi nose. Burea and this noma threw ashore; After that, the party was walking to the mouth of Anadyr and went up the river. Of the 25 comrades, Dezhnev turned 12. Dejnev for 80 years warned Bering in the opening of a strait separating Asia from America. Often, the Siberian natives refused to pay Russian Yasak and beat collectors. Then I had to re-send military detachments on them. So gr. Pushkin, sent by the Yakut Voivod Borytinsky, in 1671 doubted the outbred yukagirov and Lamuts on the river. Indigir.

    Russian Promotion in Dauria

    Along with the yasar fee, the Russian industrialists were so diligently at the hunt at Sobly and Lisits, that in 1649 some Tungusian elders beat them in the Moscow government to the rapid extermination of the fur beast. Not satisfied with the hunt, the industrialists were caught all winter Sobly and Lisiza Cappans; Why these animals in Siberia began to be very excluded.

    It was especially strongly the uprising of Buryat, who lived along the hangar and the upper Lena, near Baikal. It happened at the beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Buryats and neighboring tungs paid Yasak to Yakutsk citizens; But Ataman Vasily Kolesnikov, sent by the Yenisei governor, began to bring tribute to them again. Then the connected crowds of Buryat and Tungusov, armed with onions, spears and sabers, in twilight and shisheki, the horse began to attack the Russians and come under the Village Ostrog. The uprising this was grain not without difficulty. Messenger to help to help the Ostroga from Yakutsk Alexei Bedaguev and Vasily Budgorm with a detachment of 130 people ended three "intake" (attacks) 500 Buryat. The servant of Afanasyev grabbed with the Buryat rider-Bogatira, the brother of Princial Mogunchaka, and killed him. Having received a reinforcement in Ostrog, the Russians again went to the Buryat, the races of their uluses were plotted and rebelliously withstood the battle, which graduated from a complete victory.

    Of the Russian fortifications constructed in that part of Siberia, the Irkutsk Ostrog (1661) on the hangar was especially admitted. And in Transbaikalia, Nerchinsk (1653-1654) and Selenginsk (1666) were taken by our main support points. Selenga.

    Saving to East Siberia, the Russians entered the Dauria. Here, instead of the northeastern tundra and mountains, they found more proper land with a less harsh climate, instead of rare stray shamanists - more frequent nomads of nomadic or semi-seated "Mugal" tribes semi-dependent from China who has influenced by his culture and religion rich in cattle And bread, acquaintances with ores. Daurgian and Manchurian Princes met silver gold-plated idols (Burkhana), fortified towns. Their Princes and Khans submitted to the Manchurian God and had fortresses surrounded by an earthen shaft and sometimes equipped with cannons. Russians in this part of Siberia could no longer be acting parties in a dozen-other; We needed hundredths and even thousands of detachments armed with peaks and guns.

    Vasily Poyarkov

    The first Russian hike in Dauria was undertaken at the end of Mikhail's reign.

    Yakutskaya Governor Golovin, having a news of the folts sitting on the Esil and Zeil and Zee and Establishing Bread and every year in the summer of 1643, sent a batch of 130 people, under the authorities of Vasily Poyarkova, on the Zeyu River. The polarks swam along Lena, then upwards of her influx of Aldan, then the Student River Blowing into it. Swimming was very difficult because of frequent thresholds, large and small (the latter were called "Shirls"). When it reached the wolf, frosts come; I had to arrange a wintering. In the spring of the pounds descended in Zeyu and soon joined the uluses of pasty daura. Princes of them lived in the towns. Poyarkov began to grab the Amanates from them. From them he learned the names of the princes who lived in Shir and Amuru, and the number of their people. The strongest princer on the chiske was a bench. Dauri Princes paid Yasak to some Khan, who lived far to the south, in the earth of Bogdoyskaya (apparently, in Southern Manchuria), had a log city with an earthen shaft; And his battle was not only a routine, but also a rifle and cannon. Dauri Princes bought from Khan at Solver, Copper, Tin, Kami and Kumachi, which he received from China. The whiskers went down to the average course of the Amur and swam down the land of Dukes, which many people beat him; Then the bottom stream he reached the sea in the land of Gilyakov, who did not pay Dani to anyone. The Russians first reached the mouth of the Amur, where they were wintering. From here, the whirlwind swung the Sea to the mouth of the river of the hives, where he looked again; And the spring wipes reached Aldan and Lena groved to Yakutsk in 1646, after a three-year lack of. It was an exploration campaign, introduction of Russians with Amur and Dauria (Lego Ordo). It can not be called successful: most people died in the fights with natives and from deprivation. Strong hunger tolerated during wintering near Zea: there some were forced to eat dead bodies of the natives. Upon returning to Yakutsk, they filed a governor to the cruelty and korestolubia Poyarkov: blamed him that he beat them, did not give them bread reserves and expelled them out of the pool in the field. Poyarkov was summoned to the court to Moscow, together with the pushing the former governor who pushed him.

    Rumors about the wealth of Dauria opened a desire to bring this part of Siberia to the citizenship of the Russian king and collect there a rich tribute not only "soft rhylard", but also silver, gold, self-auctor stones. According to some news, there are already pounds to his urge to Moscow, he was sent to a new trip to the other side, and after him sent by the Enalya Bakhtearov. I look for a closer path, they went from Lena vitima, whose vertices are brought together with the left difts of the sewer. But they did not find the roads and wore without success.

    Erofey Khabarov

    In 1649, the Yarobee "Old Primer" Yerofee Khabarov, the origin of the shopping man from Ustyug, was given to the Yakutsk governor of Franzbekov. He was called on his own means to "take" to one and a half hundred or more hoeing people to bring Dauria under the royal hand and take Yasak from them. This experienced person announced that the "straight" road to the shale and Amur goes on the influx of Lena Olekma and the tougie flowing into it, from which the wolves leads to the shack. Having obtained the resolution and alex with a weapon, while building the hell, habarov with a detachment of 70 people in the summer of the same 1649 overwhelmed from Lena in Olekma and Togiir. Winter has come. Khabarov moved further on narts; The valley of Shilka and Amur they came to hold the princial bench. But the city and the surrounding uluses were empty. Russians mowed to this Siberian city, fortified by five tower and deep Ravami; The city found stone sheds, which could fit a person to sixty. If the residents did not attack the fortress, they would be impossible to take them with such a small detachment. Khabarov went down the Amur and found some more similar fortified cities, which were also abandoned by residents. It turned out that Tungusov had a lavaway to visit the Russian man Ivashka Kvashin with comrades; He said that the Russians are among the number of 500 people, and behind them there are still greater strengths that they want to beat all the daurov, the property of them to bodies, and wives and children take in full. Frightened tungs gave Ivashka with sables. Hearing about the threatened invasion, bench and other Daurgy elders disassemble their towns; With all the people and herds, they fled to the neighboring steppes under the patronage of the Manchurian rulersula Shamchakana. From their abandoned Zimnikovniki Khabarov with a strong position, on the middle of the campaign, especially liked the town of Prinazer Albaza. He took Albazin. Leaving 50 people with a garrison, Khabarov went back, built Ostrog in Togirskaya wolf, and in the summer, 1650 has grown up to Yakutsk. To secure the Dauria for the Great State Supervision, Franzbekov in the following 1651 sent the same Khabarov with a detachment much more and with several guns.

    Yakutia and Amur in the XVII century

    Dauras have already proceeded to Albazin, but he lasted before the arrival of Khabarov. This time, the Daurgy princes had a rather strong resistance; A number of fights ended with damage to Daur followed; Guns especially hung fear on them. The natives again left their towns and fled down the Amur. Local princes submitted and pledged to pay Yasak. Khabarov even more strengthened Albazin, which became the reference point of the Russians on Amur. He founded a few more sews around the chiller and Amur. The Voivode Franzbekov sent him a few more human parties. Many Cossacks and industrialists attracted about the wealth of Daursk land. Having collected a significant strength, in the summer of 1652, moved from Albazin down the Amur, and melted coastal uluses. He wrapped up to Schingal (Sungari) in Cupid, in the land dunes. Here he looked in the same city.

    Local Siberian Princes, Danika Bogdyman, sent requests for help against Russians to China. For that time, in China, the native ming dynasty was overtaken by rebellious warlords, with whom Hordes of Manchurians were connected. In Beijing, the Manchurian Qing Dynasty (1644) in the face of Bogdyman Juan-di, but not all Chinese regions recognized his state truck; He had to conquer them and gradually strengthen his dynasty. In this era, hiking hiking and the invasion of Russians in Dauria took place; Their success contributed to the then vague state of the empire and the distraction of its military forces from Siberia to the southern and seaside provinces. Izvestia from Cupid forced the Goggy governor in Manchuria (study) to cast a significant argument, horse and walking, with firearms, in the amount of thirty squeezed, six guns and twelve clay pinard, which had gunpowers inside and poured under the walls for the explosion. Firearms appeared in China, thanks to European merchants and missionaries; Jesuits for the sake of missionary goals tried to be useful to the Chinese government and lily a cannon for him.

    March 24, 1653 Russian Cossacks in the Acan city, at the dawn were awakened by the palm of the guns, was the Bogdoya army, which with the crowds dunes went to the attack. "Yaz Yarofiko ...," says Khabarov, "and the Cossacks, prying the Supse and the Mother of God, and they said goodbye and said: I will die, brothers, for faith I baptized and please the sovereign to the King Alexey Mikhailovich, and I will not give you to the hands of God by God . Fur from dawn to sunshine. Manchuro-Chinese cut down three levels from the city wall, but the Cossacks rolled the copper gun here and began to beat them on the attackers, they sent the fire of other guns and squeezing on her and put a lot of people. Enemies in disarray fled. These were used by the Russians: 50 people stayed in the city, and 156, in iron twists, with the sabers made a babble and entered into hand-to-hand. Russian defeated, Bogdoya army ran from the city. The trophies were 830 horses with bread reserves, 17 rapid sampling, which had three and four barrels, two guns. The enemies fell about 700 people; While Russian Cossacks lost only ten killed and about 80 wounded, but the latter then recovered. This traveling reminded the former warrior feats in Siberia Ermak and his comrades.

    But the circumstances here were others.

    The conquest of Dauria involved us in a collision with a powerful Menchurian Empire then. Incurred defeat aroused thirst for retaliatory; There were rumors about new copies that were going to hit Siberia again to Cossacks and suppress them. Princely refused to pay Russian Yasak. Khabarov did not go further down the Amuru in the land of Gilakov, and at the end of April sat on the hell and floated up. Expensive he met reinforcement from Yakutsk; He now had about 350 people. In addition to the danger, China's dealerships had to fight still with the disobedience of their own triggers scored from walking people. 136 people perturbed by the Polyakov and Bone Ivanov, separated from Khabarova floated down the Amur for Zipunov, i.e. The natives began to rob the natives than even more repaid them from the Russians. On behalf of Yakutsk, Khabarov was supposed to send several people with the Messengers with the royal diploma to God. But the Siberian natives refused to conduct them to China, referring to the treachery of the Russians who promised them the world, and now rob and kill. Khabarov asked for the sending of large troops, for with such small forces of the Amur not to hold. He pointed to the crowded Chinese land and that she had a fiery fight.

    Russians on Amur

    In the next, 1654, the ambulance of Zinoviev with reinforcement, tsarist complain and award-winning gold arrived at the Amur. Having touched Yasak, he returned to Moscow, taking with him and Khabarova. He received from the king's title of the son of Boyarsky and was appointed Clapper of Ust-Kutsky Ostrog on Lena. On Amur after him, he was superior to Stepanov. In Moscow, they intended to send 3000rd army to this part of Siberia. But the war began with the Poles for Narorossee, and the shipment did not take place. With a small Russian forces of Stepanov, campaigns were made to Amuru, gathered Dani from Daurov and Dukes and courageously disappeared from the coming Manchurian troops. Especially strong battles had to withstand him in March 1655 in the new Komarno Ostrog (lowering Albazin). The Goddoga army stacked with guns and peaks. His number together with the hordes of the rebel natives stretched to 10,000; Preciply by the princial Togudai. Not limited to a palp from guns, the enemies were thrown into the progress of the arrow with the "fiery charges" and brought to the Ostroga Arba, loaded by a resin and straw, so that the frequency is soaked. The siege of the priest continued for three weeks, accompanied by frequent attacks. Russians courageously defended and made successful bars. Ostrog was well strengthened with a high shaft, wooden walls and a wide moat, around which there was still frequency with secret iron rods. The enemies during the attack stumbled on the rods and could not come close to the walls to light them; And at that time they beat on them with guns. Having lost many people, the Bogdoya army retreated. Many of his fiery charges, gunpowder and nuclei remained in the prey of the Russians. Stepanov asked the Yakutskaya Voivod Logyensene about sending gunpowder, lead, reinforcements and bread. But his requests were completely performed; And the war with Manchuram continued; Daura, Duckers and Gilyaki, denied Yasaka, restrained, beat small parties of Russians. Stepanov docked them. Russians usually tried to capture any of any noble or initial Siberian people in the Amanates.

    In the summer of 1658 Stepanov, speaking from Albazin for 12 doresses with a detachment of about 500 people, plague Cupid and collected Yasak. Below the mouth of Schingal (Sungari), he unexpectedly met the strong Bogdoya army - flotilla in almost 50 ships, with many guns and peaks. This artillery gave the enemy's advantage and made a large devastation among the Russians. Stepanov fell from 270 comrades; The remaining 227 people were escaping on ships or in the mountains. Part of the Goddoga troops moved up the Amur for Russian settlements. Our dominion on average and Nizhny Amur almost wondered; Albazin was abandoned. But on the upper Amur and Shil, it resulted, due to strong rudders. At this time, the Yenisei Voivode of Athanasius Pashkov acted there, which is the foundation of Nerchinsk (1654). In 1662, Pashkov changed in Nerchinsk Hilarion Tolbuisin.

    Soon the Russians reaffirmed on average Amur.

    Ilimian voivod Obukhov was distinguished by korestoye and violence against women of his county. He discounted the sister of the servant of the human Nikifora Chernigov, originally from Western Russia. I dilute with a vital, Nikifor rebelled several dozen people; They attacked Obukhov under the Kirensky Ostrog to p. Lena and killed him (1665). After avoiding the death penalty, Chernigov and his partners went to Cupid, took an empty albazine, resumed his strengthening and began to once again collect Yasak from neighboring Siberian tuncuses, which were found between two lights: they demanded Yasak and Russians, and the Chinese. Due to the constant danger from the Chinese, Chernigov recognized the subordination to the Nerchinsky Voivod and asked for pardons in Moscow. Thanks to his merit, he received it and was approved by the Albazine boss. Together with the new occupation of Russian middle Amur, a feud with the Chinese resumed. She complicated that the Tungusian Prince Gankimur-Ulan, as a result of Chinese injustices left the Bagda Land in Siberia, to Nerchinsk, with Tolbuisk and gave himself with all his ulus under the royal hand. There were other cases where the native childbirth, not squeezing the oppression of the Chinese, asked to Russian citizenship. The Chinese government was preparing for war. Meanwhile, Russian seruners in this part of Siberia were very few. It was usually sent to Sagittarius and Cossacks from Tobolsk and Yeniseisk, and they served from 3 to 4 years (with passage). Which of them would have wished to serve in Dauria for more than 4 years, the salary added. The successor of Tolbuisina, Arshinsky, born to the Tobolsky governor Godunov, that in 1669 it came to the Horde of Mungals on Yasakaya Buryat and led them into their uluses; Looking at that, and the closest tungs refuse to pay Yasak; A "search to teach some": in three nonsense sturdes (actually Nerchinsky, Irgent and Tentbinsky) serve people of only 124 people.

    Russian Embassies in China: Fedor Baikov, Ivan Perfilv, Milovanov

    The Russian government was therefore tried to settle the distribution of Siberia with the Chinese with the help of negotiations and embassies. To enter direct relationships with China, already in 1654 was sent to Cambalyc (Beijing) Tobolsky Son Boyarsky Fedor Baikov. At first he sailed up Irtasha, and then he traveled along the lands of Kalmykov, in the Mongolian steppes finally reached Beijing. But after unsuccessful negotiations with Chinese officials, he, he did not achieve anything, then he returned to travel back, while driving for more than three years. But at least he delivered important information about China and the caravan path to him. In 1659 the same way went to China with the royal diploma Ivan Pontifers. He awarded the Boggy reception, received gifts and brought to Moscow the first batch of tea. When a feud with the Chinese arose about the Tungus Princess of Gantimura and the Albazin actions of Nikifora Chernigov, in Beijing, on orders from Moscow, he was sent from Nerchinsk (1670) the son of Boyarsky Milovanov. He swam up Arguni; Manchurian steppes reached the Chinese wall, arrived in Beijing, was with honor accepted by Boggyan and gifted by kumaches and silk belts. Milovanov was released not only with response to the king, but also accompanied by a Chinese official (MUGOTE) with a significantly retilt. According to the latter, the last nonsense of the Voivode sent Nikifor to Chernigov order without the decree of the great sovereign not to fight Daur and Dycher. Such a soft attitude of the Chinese government to the Russians in Siberia, apparently, was explained, still those who were sown in China. The second Boggyman of the Manchurian dynasty, the famous Kan-Si (1662-1723) was still young, and he had to fight a lot with rebellion before the consolidation of his dynasty and the integrity of the Chinese Empire.

    In the 1670s, a famous journey to China's Russian ambassador Nikolai Spaffaria took place.

    When writing the article, the book Dmitry I. I. I. Ilovaiski "History of Russia. In 5 volumes "

    Curious following details. In 1647, the Solknik from the Okhotsk Ostrot sent to the Yakutsk of the industrial man Fedulka Abakumova with a request to send reinforcements. When Abakumov was standing with his comrades on top of the Ma River, they approached them tungs with the princess picking, the two sons of which were atamans in Russian sturdes. Not understanding their language, Abakumov thought that Kickorka wants to kill him; He fired from meed and put a princess on the spot. The annoyed themes and relatives of the latter were indignant, attacked the Russians, who were consecrated for the college on the river. May, and killed eleven people. And the son of Kovyri Turchey, who was sitting by Ataman in the Yakutsky Ostrog, demanded from the Russian governor to issue their relatives for execution from Russians. Voivod Pushkin with comrades subjected to his torture and, putting in prison, reports about Tom King and asked how he did. From the king, a certificate was obtained, in which it was confirmed that the Siberian natives led to the royal high hand teacher and greetings. Fedulke was ordered, punishing mercilessly in the presence of Turkey, to put into prison, and in the extradition of him to refuse, referring to the fact that he killed a carpet by mistake and that Tungus was already revenged, killing 11 Russian industrialists.

    About the campaigns of M. Stadukhina and other shelves in the north-east of Siberia - see in addition. as. East. III. Nos. 4, 24, 56 and 57. IV. №№ 2, 4-7, 47. In No. 7 of the release of Dezhneva, the Yakutsk governor about the campaign on the river. Anadyr. Slavsyev "Historical Review of Siberia." 1838. I. 103. He objects to Dezhnev sail in the Bering Strait. But Krizanich in his Historia de Siberia positively says that Alexei Mikhailovic was convinced of the combination of the Icetic Sea with the East Ocean. About the campaign on Yukagirov and Lamuths actor actor. IV. № 219. You. Kolesnikova - on the hangar and Baikal. Additional. as. East. III. No. 15. On the hikes of Poyarkov and others in Transbaikalia and Amur IBID. №№ 12, 26, 37, 93, 112, and from. In No. 97 (p.349), seruners who walked with the Studyer for Kolyma River, say: "And lies here on the shore of the overseas bone a lot, the murmur de the bone to immerse many courts." Hiking Khabarova and Stepanova: acts of Easter. IV. No. 31. Additional as. East. III. №№ 72, 99, 100 - 103, 122. IV. №№ 8, 12, 31, 53, 64 and 66 (about the death of Stepanov, about Pashkovka), (about Tolbuisine). V. No. 5 (Against the Yenisei Governor of the Golokhvostov of the Nerchinsky Voivod Tolbuisin about sending him 60 Sagittarov and Cossacks in 1665. Sports in Dauria are mentioned here: Nerchinsky, Irgent and Tentbinsky), 8 and 38 (on the construction of the Selengine Ostrog in 1665 - 6. and inspection in 1667). Regarding Siberian events or their sequences in acts, some circulation occurs. So, one after the news of Yerofee Khabarov had a fight with Daurars and then he took Albazin (1650), where he left 50 people who "everyone lived before his health", i.e. before his return. (AK. IST. IV. No. 31). And on another act (addition. III. № 72) He found all the desert ools at this campaign; About the lesson of Albazin nothing says. In No. 22 (VI), Albazine is called "Pozavoy Ostrod". In the trip, Spafaria Albazinsky Ostrog is called the Pozava town. In an extensive unit of 1651 from the Siberian order sent at the Russian Governor of the Daurce Earth, Athanasia Pashkov Albazin is mentioned among the Pozavki uluses. Pashkov, by the way, prescribed to send people to p. Singal to the kings of Bogdoyky Andrikanu and Nikonsky (Japanese?) Attach them to "search for his great sovereign mercy and a salaries." (Rus. East. Bible. T. XV). About the journey of Baikov to China Acts of East. IV. № 75. Sakharov "Tale of Rus. People." P. and Spassky "Siberian Bulletin" 1820. On the dishonor of the Sister of Chernihiv and His Menshet mentions Krizanich in his "History of Siberia" (a marked collection of A. A. Titova. 213). In general, about korestolubia, raping in Siberia women and the killing for the Obukhov Chernigov with comrades in addition. VIII. №.73.

    The same example of a bribery and a rapid-rapist represents the Nerchinsky Claudist Pavel Shulgin at the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. Russian seruners of nonsense spodders filed a complaint with the king in the next acts. First, the property of serve people, which remained after the dead or killed on a yasachny collection, he assigns himself. Secondly, with some Buryat princes they took a bribe and let them go to Amanat, after which they went to Mongolia, to beat the stateless and Cossack herds; And to other Buryat childbirth, it was Abachi Shulengi and Turaki, suited Tungusov to drive her herds. "Yes, he has Abachi Shulengi in the Nerchinsky Son in the Amanats and with his wife Gulankah, and he Paul was the Amanat wife, and his abaciyev sneak his violence to his bed to his bed strongly, in a lot of time, and in a bath with her, and so That Amanat wife Your Sovereign Messenger Nikolai Spafaria in Tomogen Pavlov was notified by the prodigamental violence and all of the world was everybody by People. For this reason, Abahai, with all his origin, drove away from Ostroga and drove the sovereign and Cossack herds. Further Pavel Shulgin was accused of smoking wine from state bread reserves and brewed a beer for sale, why the bread was very unworn in Nerchinsk and serve people suffer hunger. People Schulgin "Grains held", i.e. Forbidden gaming game. Not satisfied with the Amanat wife, he was still "Imaal Three Cossack Yassey (prisoners)" in the gap of the hut, and he took them to himself on the night, "and after those Yassey gave people to their ruling." He "hits the serunel people, and disinlessly battles; taking in her hand five or six baotodov, orders to beat the naked on his back, on the belly, on the sides and in Staren, etc. This terrible man Russian seruners of the Siberian Nerchinsk themselves retributed From the bosses, and the decree of the son of Boyarsky Lonschakov and the Cossack Decree of the Astrakhantsev and the Cossack Decree of the Son of the Boyarsky Lonshakov and the Cossack of their choice were chosen; on confirming their choice, they are hit by a person sovereign. (Additional to AK. East. VII. No. 75). For the report of this Schulgin, shortly before His shifts in 1675. Part of the yasacha tuncuses led by Mongols from Siberia, then turned into a Dauria to Russian citizenship (Easter acts. IV. No. 25). In the same period of 1675, we see examples that the Daures themselves, as a result of Chinese oppression, They asked for Russian citizenship. To defend them from the Chinese, Albazin Clarifier Mikhail Chernigovsky (successor and relative of Nikifora?) With 300 servants, selflessly made a campaign or "Chinyl Search" over Chinese people on Gan River (addition. Vi. P. 133).

    I went a very fast pace. The promotion of Russians to Siberia went to the eastern direction, in the weakly populated and the most rich in the fur beaker taiga and, as the Fauren remained one of the main incentives for the development of Siberia at an early stage. Cossacks, Pomra and Moscow seruners in 15-20 years have advanced from before, founding Tyumen and Tobolsk first, and then birch, Tar, Narym, Surgut, Tomsk. In the first half of the XVII century. It was also quickly passed - mainly by rivers -, after which Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, Ilmsky, Bratsk, Yakutsky, Irkutsk, and the New Mangazee - Turukhansk appeared on the map. In the 30-40 years of the XVII century, Russian landlords led by Ivan Moskvitin reached the shores. Semen Dejnev and Fedot Popov opened the shed between and. During the Russians, a connection was established with the peoples inhabited land for and. The peoples of Siberia got acquainted with Russian culture. In southern areas, more favorable for farming, Russian settlers laid the start of agricultural development of the territory. By the middle of the XVII century, the Russian state turns into Russian, as it includes in its composition the territory populated with different peoples. Russia's area at the end of the XVII amounted to more than 14 million square meters. km.

    D. Penda

    The natural folk colonization of Siberia was ahead of government. The "free industrialists" went ahead, and only the detachments of seruners, leading to the "high sovereign hand", the local population and those who have a lubricant, were sent to the "high sovereign hand". In 1620, the "Walking Man" of Penda, headed by 40 of the same free industrialists, departed from Turukhansk in search of Great. This legendary journey lasted for several years. Its participants overcame about 10 thousand km. The detachment of the penda rose along the Lower Tunguska, overcoming the rocks and the rapids reached her top and, dragging the Court's wolves, went to Lena, descending to the place where Yakutsk was later founded. From here people penda reached the origins of Lena and through the steppes came to. The first of the Russians overcoming her terrible thresholds, penda with comrades already familiar returned to Turukhansk.

    Vasily Khgor.

    At the end of the 20s, the way from the hangary was opened on her influx of it, and with Ilima Lena's wolf on the influx of Lena - Kut. This expensive, soon became the main one, in 1628 the Cossack Vasily Borgor passed.

    Ivan Resbov

    Especially significant events were marked by campaigns in the northeast direction. In 1633, the detachments of the landlords headed by Ivan Rebir and Ilya Pontilofov went through Lena to and reached the mouth of the Indigir. So it was the beginning of Russian polar shipping.

    Ivan Moskvitin

    In 1639, the detachment of Tomsk Cossacks, led by Ivan Moskvitin, was rivers from the Basin Lena to and swam to the mouth of Amur. Moskvitin detachment people were examined by the coast from the mouth of the UDA in the south to the modern in the north, the mouths of many rivers are open, including hunting.

    Mikhail Stadchin

    Mikhail Stadukhina and Dmitry Zyryan, and Dmitry Zyryan, descended to the Northern Ice Ocean, passed to the mouth of Kolyma, where three wintering were delivered. And through the jerking of Anadyr proceeded south to the Okhotsk Sea. In the 40s of the XVII century. The first cards of Siberia appeared.

    Vasily Poyarkov

    At the same time, movement to the "Daurry Earth" - the Amur region was also moving to the north. The participants of the military expedition of Vasily Poyarkov came out on, investigated the lower Amur region, collected valuable information about the nature of this region. In honor of Vasily Poyarkov on Amur named the settlement - Poyarkovo.

    Semyon Dezhnev and Fedot Popov

    The expedition and Fedot Popova made swimming on the nomads from the mouth of Kolyma to the mouth of Anadyr, opening the strait, separating Asia and the North. Fedot Popov, who was the organizer of this campaign, soon died. To report on the great opening of world importance Semen Dejnev went alone. The land journey from Yakutsk to Moscow held more than two years. Semen Dezhnev went from Yakutsk to the capital at the end of July 1662, and arrived in Moscow only in September 1664.

    Erofey Khabarov

    In 1649, the rich entrepreneur Yerofee Khabarov, Countryman Seeds Dezhnev (both of the great Ustyug), on their own funds, equipped a large squad "Hoochy people" and, heading him, moved to Amur. The detachment passed on Olekma and through Togira wolves on the china, putting the beginning of a wide development. After a few years, the first groups of immigrants appeared here, and during the sleeve of healing in the china, the Nerchinsky Ostrog was founded - another base for further development of the Amur region.

    Vladimir Atlasov

    Atlas's campaign on completed the century of Russian great geographical discoveries. "Kamchatsky Ermak", as he was called, Vladimir Atlasov reached the "edge and end of the Siberian land" and marked the beginning of a new stage of geographical discoveries related to study and Alaska.

    1. To master Siberia, Russian people began in the XVI century, when, on the initiative of the merchants of Stroganov, a trip to Siberia was organized by Ermak. In the huge territory - from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean to the beginning of the XVII century. Different peoples lived, but their number was small - 200 thousand people. Nenets tribes lived in Tundra. Evenks lived east of Yenisei. In the lower reaches of the Amur and Sakhalin, Nivhi lived, on Kurilah - Aina, on the River Lena - Yakuta, in Baikalia - Buryats and Mongols. Many nations were still at the stage of primitive-free system. And Yukagirov, Koryakov, Chukchi, Kamchadalov, who inhabited Northeast Siberia, public relations were at the level of the Stone Age. The Siberian Tatars and Buryats have already walked the feudalization process. Sigor climatic conditions restrained the development of this edge.

    2. Siberia has long attracted Russia. The government sought to seize huge territories, introduce the royal board there and collect taxes. The merchants wanted to extract the fur, the industrialists were looking for ores of noble metals, the peasants were interested in free land.

    3. In promotion to the East, the Cossacks played a huge role, from the environment of the landlords. In 1598, the Cossacks, equipped with merchants Stroganov, joined Russia Western Siberia. In the first half of the XVII century. There is an active promotion to Siberia Russian people - Cossacks, military, hunters, servicors. They were built wintering, the ostroot - fraternal, Yakutsk, Tomsk, Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuznetsk, Nerchinsk, and others. Siberian cities-ostery become Russian administrative units. In Siberia, the flow of peasants-immigrants and runaway people hurried. To initiate the farm, the state provided material assistance to migrants. All lands were owned by the state, for the use of them, the peasants carried certain duties (burdens). Private property to the ground did not receive the distribution here. By the end of the XVII century. Half of the population of Siberia was engaged in agriculture.

    The local population was taxed by the tax called "Yasak". He surrendered to the fur. In addition, it was assigned Yam utensils. The arbitrariness and violence that the royal governors created were the cause of frequent uprisings of local peoples.

    In 1640, the expedition of the Cossacks led by Ivan Moskitin from Tyumen went to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

    4. In 1643, the expedition of the person's servant Vasily Poyarkov, coming out of Yakutsk, made a difficult path on Lena, Aldan, moved to the river system of the Zea River and on Amuru entered the Sakhalin Bay.

    5. The expedition led to the Cossack Semen Dejnev reached the Anada and Kolyma rivers to the Northern Ocean, turned to the east and reinforced the Chukota peninsula on an unknown one then the strait. Dejnev never learned that he opened the shed between Asia and North America. Later, the strait was called Bering, and the northeastern tip of the mainland of Asia - the name of Dezhnev.

    6. In 1649-1653. An expedition to study the Amur is organized, which was headed by the Ustyug Peasant Yerofez Khabarov. He made hiking for the Daurce lands of Amur, led to the oath, local tribes put them in tax, but faced the resistance of local peoples (Manzhur) and was forced to leave Amur. For further promotion in the Amur region in 1658, the Nerchinsky Ostrog was built. Compiled by Khabarov "Drawing of the Amur River" became the basis for creating Eastern Siberia. The memory of this landline is immortalized in the title of Khabarovsk and the station Erofee Pavlovich. At the end of the XVII century. A squad of Siberian Cossack V. V. Atlasov made campaigns in Kamchatka, visited the Kuril Islands, received information about Sakhalin.

    7. As a result of campaigns, the Amur region was joined in Russia, the local population is taxed by tax, Russian fortified towns were built. But China demanded from Russia to abandon these lands, there were collisions with Manchules, the attacks on Russian fortresses began. To keep this edge to the Russian government was difficult, it began negotiations with China. In 1689, a nonsense agreement was concluded, which determined trade and diplomatic relations and delimited possession of the parties. The terms of the contract were revised only in the XIX century.

    8. Siberian's management was conducted by the Embassy Order, and then special - Siberian. The entry of Siberia to Russia was positive for local tribes - under the influence of the Russian population they began to develop agriculture, labor tools were improved. The development of Siberian ores, gold, salt mining began. The income from the fur was made in the XVII century. 1/4 of all state revenues of Russia. Russian landlockers and sevotes have made a great contribution to geographical discoveries in the East.