Evolution of the image of the homeland in the work of the block. Evolution of the topic of the Motherland in the work of Alexander Blok

The topic of the Motherland acquires a special sound in the work of A. Block. After all, he worked in that epoch when the fates of Russia (Russian-Japanese war, the revolution of 1905, the First World War, the February and October Revolution, civil war) were solved. Being a big patriot, the poet could not not think about his country, could not not capture her changing appearance and his meditation about her.

In early poetry, Russia's theme does not yet become a penish and large-scale, although the author has repeatedly applied to Russian landscapes, folklore images and creations of native culture:

All trees are standing in Siagni.

At night, cold blows from the ground;

In the morning the White Church away

And close, and clear outlines.

Starting from 1905, the patriotic sense of the poet in a special way. The topic of the Motherland becomes an independent motive.

In 1906, the block writes a poem, which is called its ancient name - "RUS '" . The poet depicts here a fabulous, reserved country with her sorcerers, demons. The block introduces folk creativity and peasant beliefs in his poem - the heritage of the Motherland. The depreciation appears in these poems "Dormic", "Witchcraft", "Wearing in Mystery". This state seems to be a beautiful poet:

You are in a dream extraordial.

Your clothes will not touch.

I'll sleep - and for the dormary mystery,

And in secret - you wish, Rus.

Rus, Oboyesana Rivers

And the wilds are surrounded,

With swamps and cranes

And with a muddy eyes of a sorcerer ...

But behind this fabulous beauty, the block is twisted by the sad paintings: the peasant "duck housing", "whirlwind in naked rods", poverty of folk life. While these social motifs sound timidly. But soon, in 1908, they are developing and finding an embodiment in the poem "Russia" :

Russia, the poor Russia,

I am in gray your

Your songs are windows, -

How the tears are the first love!

The block returns to the Lermontov tradition. It is easy to catch in the initial lines of the work of rolls with Lermontov "Motherland". Both poet draw pictures that opened during the movement along the Russian seeking road. Here it begins to revive the Gogol-shaped world; Associations with a moving triple and a sorcerer-chapel who destroyed the beauty in the "terrible revenge" are arising (the block of magazine is also ready to lure and deceive). Nekrasovsky motives are resurrected: the block connects the image of Russia with a beauty-peasant ("when it shines in the gifted road / instantaneous gaze from under the handkerchief"), and in the final rows, the "deaf song of the yammer" is heard, ringing "long-ridden". The poet is convinced of the best future of the Motherland and Her People who preserved her live soul and able to endure everything, to resist, not to kill. This assimilation of the classic topics and images and their transformation within one poem makes it a real masterpiece of block lyrics.

The characterized poem entered the block cycle "Motherland" (1907-1916), one of the most important in the third book of his lyrics. Patriotic topic sounded here wide and rarely. The cycle has begun by the evangelical motive: the poet falls off the name of Christ. Poem "In the thick grass, you will disappear with your head ..." Developing folklore images of previous works and adjusts the reader to the perception of "songs of distant villages" and the sounds of the Yamchchsky bell. The image of the beloved becomes fascinated with the appearance of the homeland, and the hero himself is filled with thirst for the feat.

Love for the homeland at the block - the experience of deep intimate. Therefore, referring to your country, the poet speaks of heart soulful pain at the sight of "low beggars of villages" and, in violation of the adopted custom, to associate the image of his native land with his mother, - merges him with the appearance of his wife:

Oh, my country,

What do you mean for heart?

Oh, poor my wife,

What are you crying crying about?

The topic of the struggle for future Russia was sharply sounded in verses "On the field of Kulikov" (1908). Turning to the history of the Russian people, the block inserted a modern meaning in the events of the past. Kulikovsky battle presented to him a symbolic event of Russian history, which "destined to return":

Can not live peace

No wonder clouds gathered.

Armor is heavy, as before the fight.

Now your hour has come. - Pray!

The lyrical hero of this cycle is the Unnamed Old Russian Warrior Dmitry Donskoy. He is a patriot of his native country, a fighter for her freedom, ready to fold the head "for the holy case."

The block boldly compares the past, present and future of native land. The basis of the power of Russia, on the conviction of the poet, is the movement, dissipation, impulse ("And the eternal fight! We only dream of peace ...").

Let night. We value. Ozarim fires steppe

And eternal fight! Rest only in our dreams. Through blood and dust ...

But I find out you, the beginning of high and rebellious days!

For some reason, in verses there is a bright, dynamic image of the "steppe mare", again reminding the Gogol poem, the completed picture of the flying bird - Troika.

The poems of the "Motherland" cycle, reflecting the events of the World War started, are also fulfilled by a high meaning. They are heard by the fores of the coming tragic fate of Russia ( "Petrograd sky suffered rain ..." ). The poet calls himself and their contemporaries to "children of strange years of Russia", who will bring their nightmares of "sewing" years to the descendants. The poet clearly sees poverty and poverty villages covered by the fire of rebellions and wars, complex, sometimes a paradoxic combination of the European start and Asian, the "glued" to the beauty of the native land.

Yes, Scythians - We! Yes, Asians - we!

This Asian start in a collision with the European culture was to generate a revolution that the poet predicated. And everything is clearly heard by his tender recognition of the motherland:

Yes, and so, my Russia,

You all the edges are more expensive to me.

Russia for the block has always remained multifaceted, mysterious. "Russia - Sphinx".

When at one of the poetic evenings, the listener asked the block ending the speech, read the poems about Russia, said: "This is all about Russia."

Working on the work on the topic: Theme of the Motherland in Lyrics A. Blok

In a collection of poems about Russia, along with the new, first appeared verses, verses printed several years ago were placed. And each poem carries a certain ideological burden, it is a kind of link in the chain. The book opens the poech cycle about the culish field. This cycle sets the tone to the whole collection - enlightened sadness and wise love of the poet to Russia, even such:

And under the lamp for the icon

Drink tea, declining the bill,

Then rebuild coupons,

Puzzled calling the chest of drawers,

And on the feather paun

In serious falling a dream ...

How many soulful forces and true love must have to say after that:

Yes, and so, my Russia,

You all the edges are more expensive to me.

In the book more than twenty poems, and almost everyone is a new stage of the lyrical knowledge of Russia. From the first bitter revelations to the final lines:

And again we to you, Russia,

Despal from someone else's land.

The cycle "On the field of Kulikov" opens with the poem "River spread". Here, the homeland for the block is a riveted, chaotic, crumpled; Her way "in longing is boundless." In the poem "On the field of Kulikov", the skiing beloved guarded sleeping warriors:

And when the outflow, puffy black

Moved the horde

Was in your shield of your face

Light forever. In lines:

Go, go frightened clouds,

Sunset in the blood! -

not only the human riot, but also the natural element - the riot of the sky. The poet wanted to wake his native Russia, but instead blood flowed everywhere.

But the block has a different, absolutely opposite Russia -

With swamps and cranes

And the muddy eyes of the sorcerer.

This is old rus. Its interpretation is similar to Pushkin; "There are miracles, there she is wandering, the mermaid on the branches is sitting ..."

And I myself did not understand, I did not measure

To whom I dedicated songs,

In which God believed passionately,

What girl loved, -

spoke poet.

But the block does not regret Russia:

I do not know how to regret

And the cross is careful ...

He firmly believes in her future:

Will you disappear, you will not curve

And only concern boils

Your wonderful features ...

Favorite images arise in the "last statement":

Still forests, glads,

And capping, and highway,

Our Russian road,

Our Russian fogs

Our rustles are at all.

The poet worries not the political fate of the native country, but the salvation of her living soul. For the fate of Russia, he is not suitable as a thinker with an abstract idea, but as a poet - with intimate love. Russia for him is a lover, and how her features change - from the beautiful lady to the muses of the last poems, and the feeling of the Motherland is expressed in changing symbols of romantic love. First, as a bride, a wife or mother, she reminds his bright features a beloved:

Here it is - with a crystal ringing

Overwhelmed hope

Light circle lies ... ...

This is a light image of Paradise,

This is a cute ...

Only a block, with his personal sensual sensual, intimate perception, can love such Russia and admit to her:

Again, as in the years golden,

Three erased whiskers fluffluts,

And the spokes of painted

In the ragged ruts ...

Russia, the poor Russia,

I am in gray your

Your songs are windows, -

How tears are the first love!

But the poet is inseparable from the universal: the image of the bride, the wife is connected with the eternal beauty of the beautiful lady, the world soul ...

In later creativity, the topic of the Motherland, and later the revolution, the block began to communicate not only with the ideal of eternal femininity, but also with the spiritual and moral motive and the image of Christ. Often these two images merge:

About what was without regret

Your I understood the height:

Yes. You are native Galilee

I am an unlocked Christ.

And let the other caress you,

Let him multiply the wilderness:

Son of man does not know

Where to bow the chapter.

The image of Christ in the work of the block, on the one hand, is lyrical, and on the other - the epic, folk. About such Christ the block speaks in the poem "Motherland":

Once there, at the height,

Cut the grandfather logged hot

And sang about your Christ.

In the image of Christ, the news of which comes from the dark Russia, there is no humility, he carries retribution:

And drops rusty, forestry,

Talking in the wilderness and darkness,

Carry frightened Russia

Mend about burning Christ.

The epic and lyrical images of Christ from the poems about Russia, having connected, will become in the poem "twelve" tragic symbol of the Russian building of the soul.

So, we traced the evolution of the topic of the Motherland in the work of the block from the ideal of eternal femininity - Russia - a beloved, wife, mother, to the complex, ambiguous image of Christ, carrying ideological spiritual and moral search of the poet, as well as the merger of two of these images.

    In general, the poetry of Alexander Blok is perceived as an extremely frank and sincere lyrical confession, revealing the spiritual world of a person, shocked extremely exacerbated in his ^ ^ ^ Social and historical contradictions. / Binding ...

    Oh, my Russia! My wife! .. A. A. Blok The main part of the work of Alexander Blok refers to the pre-revolutionary period, the time of complete discredit of human feelings. In this world, everything is false and sell: both friendship, and love, and compassion ... the only thing ...

    Alexander Block entered the history of literature as an outstanding poet - Lirik. Starting his poetic path of the book of mystical poems about the beautiful lady, the block completed his twenty-year-old creativity in Russian literature with a curse to the old world in the poem "Twelve" ....

    The lyrical hero of the block is a constantly changing person, who was driven by the thirst for the knowledge of the truth, which is completely a sense of love and beautiful. In the poetry of Alexander Bloka - alive, the vivid character of the poet itself. The lyrical hero of the block passes through everything that ...

    I think it takes the time when, defining the peculiarity of poetics of block creativity, it was possible to restrict ourselves to putting forward as the main and decisive sign of this uniqueness canonization of romance forms (Yu. N. Tyanyanov), or name the block ...

    A. Blok - the poet is very subtle, complex and controversial. His early poems are associated with a romantic worldview. Romantic hero - the personality creative, living in his personal world, which has nothing to do with the one in which ordinary ...

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Objectives lesson.

  • Educational goal: Find the traditional motifs of the topic of the Motherland and see the originality of the presentation of this topic A.A. Block.
  • Developing goal: Development of the skill of the analysis of poems A. Block.
  • Educational goal: Educating the feelings of love for their country through poetics A. Blok.

Equipment for lesson:texts, presentation with reproductions of paintings M. Vrubel. "Tsarevna - Swan", "Pan", "Lilac", "Swan", "By night".

Teacher's introductory word.

In 1911-1912, the block reworked his five collections into a tripomous "Collected Works". Since then, the poetry of the block in the consciousness of readers exists like a single lyrical trilogy, and according to the poet, the "entering trilogies". Collectively all books are homeland. On one of the literary evenings, the block read poems from different cycles. He was asked if Russia was impossible from the topic. The block reservedly replied: "This is all about Russia." Indeed, whatever poem he wrote is joy, pain, anxiety, admiration is everything about Russia. Who may argue that "beautiful lady", "Snow Mask", "Faina", "Terrible World", "Scythians", "Retribution", "Twelve" not about Russia. But it is impossible to argue the immense in one lesson. There is a block of poems "homeland" at the block. In the lesson, let's read several poems from this cycle.

Even in 1006, the block wrote: "I am deliberately and irrevocably dedicated to this topic. All the brighter I realize that this is the first question, the most relevant, most realistic. I have come to him for a long time, from the beginning of my conscious life, and I know that my path is mostly in my own aspiration - like an arrow, direct ... ". (Slide №1, №2, №3).

Conversation about the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Question to class: The topic of the birthplace is new in the literature?

Answer: No.

Teacher: Consequently, what tasks of the lesson we set themselves.

The answer of students: find traditional motives and see the peculiarity of the presentation of this topic A.A. Block.

Teacher: At the end of the lesson you will need to pick up the epigraph. This will be your understanding of the lesson. (Slide №4)

First task.

Teacher: I suggest you listen to the poem "Rus". (Slide number 5)

What intonation did I read?

Student responses: intonation of prayer.

Teacher: This is not Russia - this is Russia.

What is she? Pick epithets. Find favorite bloc motifs.

Student responses: ancient, wild, witchcraft. Rus, Oboyação Rivers / and Debries are surrounded, / with swamps and cranes, / and the vague sorcerer of the sorcerer here and the night dances, and the values \u200b\u200band witches. Rus fabulous and unpredictable. The famous motive blizzard accompanies the witch image of the girl, gives special poetry of the ancient world.

Teacher: What is the condition of the lyrical hero?

Student responses: sincere throwing, delusions and deep love for homeland. It is Russia that saves a person from the loss of spiritual purity.

Live soul scolded
Rus on your expanses you
And so - she did not stain
Initial purity.

Teacher: In the composition of the poem, what feature can you see?

Reply of students: ring composition. With which light prayer feeling begins the poem, it ends.

Teacher: What was found on the way, the poet often found out in Vrubel's picture. - A day after the funeral of Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel Blok.A.a will write: "With Vrub, I am connected vitally and looks like a face." Let us turn to the reproductions of Vrubel's paintings, we will find symbolic images, associative rows. (Slide No. 6).

The teacher pays attention to the pictures of "Tsarevna Swan". 1990, "Pan", 1899g, "Sitting Demon", 1890g, "Lilac", "Swan" and others.

Poem from the cycle of the homeland. "Russia"

(Slide number 7 Listening to the poem "Russia")

Second task. (Slide number 8).

Teacher: Find common features of Russia with brothers according to the Golden Century Peru.

  • 1 row compares the poem of Lermontov "Russia and poem of the block" Russia ".
  • 2 row-poem of Pushkin "Winter Road" and poem of the block "Russia".
  • 3 row - an excerpt from the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls" and a poem. Block "Russia".

What traditions of Russian classical literature are clearly traced in the poem "Russia" .1908

Student responses: The image of the road with all its signs passes through all the work. It occurs in the first stanza:

Again, as in the years golden,
Three erased whiskers fluffluts,
And the spokes of painted
In the ragged ruts.

These codes are artistic details: "Three erased ... Sweets", "Spokespit", "Runs" - a support for the reader's imagination that gives the overall picture.

The image of the rushing triple arises before a mental eye.

And it is piercing on the power of a sense of recognition in love for Russia:

Russia, the poor Russia,
I am in gray your
Your songs of winds
Like tears first love.
The image of a person is a patriot.

The cross of love, faith, loyalty and self-sacrifice of the artist in the name of the salvation of the Motherland, to be loyal.

The image of women-workers, "with long-standing".

But there are no longer a sorcerer and goddes, but a Russian woman is a peasant.

Analysis of some poems from the cycle "on the field of Kulikov". 1908 (Slide number 9, №10)

Teacher: Undoubtedly, the best thing that wrote a block about his homeland, about her history and modernity, about the feud of serving his country is a cycle "on the field of Kulikov." The cycle "On the field of Kulikov" includes 5 poems related to its content with a well-known historical event - the Kulikovsky battle of 1380, when Russian warriors under the leadership of the Great Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy defeated the hordes of the Golden Ordinsky Khan Mamaya. "On the field of Kulikov" - the cycle is not only and not so much the work on the historical topic, how much is a work about modernity, or rather, about the inseparable link of the past, present and the future. "..

It is in this poem "Oh, Russia! My wife!". It does not sound like a new one. Never in the literature so personally, the most frankly was not loved by the Motherland. It seems that the poet is a symbolist image of the Motherland sees as a beloved wife, mother, God's mother-all the bright, not stained with nothing. Symbolic image allows various interpretations. But one thing is unquestioned: this is the embodiment of a bright ideal that helps the hero to stand in the most severe time tests:

The final poem of the cycle finally clarifies its overall intent. Turning to the past, the block did not put the goals of the education of contemporaries in the spirit of military valve and patriotism. In the past, he was looking for compliance with this, and in the present - the past. "Kulikovskaya battle," he wrote in a note to the cycle, "belongs to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events destined to return, the at all ahead of them. " And, according to his conviction, the time "return" comes. The decisive changes are coming, in their severity, sweeping and value not only not only inferior battle on the field of a coil, but maybe superior to it. Rebuilding too mobile, "chastial" four-star chorea (first draft sketch), the block appeals to a more "strict" classic four-resistant Yamba:

But I find out you, the beginning
High and rebellious days!
Can not live peace
No wonder clouds gathered.
Armor is heavy, as before the fight.
Now your hour has come.

These courageous poems, as directed to the future, the poet completes his wonderful cycle.

Task third.

Teacher: write down the images of the Motherland symbols.

Student responses: scarce clay. Oh, my Russia! My wife, melancholy, and eternal fight, a steppe mare, a sunset in the blood, there is no rest. You went into clothes the light flowing. White horse. The face of the wrong, swans, always symbolizing loyalty, cleanliness, dedication, in the poems of the block they are anxiety, in confusion, the image of the sky, go, go frightened clouds, red, bloody color, Kulikovo field and so on.

From the heart, blood flows - only a poet who realized his life, his share, blood-connected with the tragic destiny of the Motherland could say. The field Kulikovo is the symbol of the Motherland, as in those distant times, again before the battle.

Task fourth. (Slide number 12).

Teacher: Read another poem block. "On the rail" 1910. This poem is also their "Motherland" cycle. What do you think A.A. Block turned on this poem into the "Motherland" cycle? Russia is primarily people. What are they?

Student responses: the universal indifference of people breed the emptiness of the soul, it sees life. This is "longing, road, iron." In such a deadly atmosphere, a person can only be a victim. If happiness is impossible, is it worth living? The price loses and life itself. Do not come to her with questions. The author refuses to explain the causes of the death of a young woman. We do not know, "love, mud, Ile wheels it is crushed." If there were indifferent during life, why now exercise insincere, short-term and tactless participation. All tragedy is transmitted by a ring composition. (Slide 13).

Another poem "sin shamelessly, incombusation" 1914. (Slide 14).

Teacher: What class appears in the poem?

Student responses: priests - nothingness. But the poet will not refuse such Russia, although it is ashamed, it hurts that there are such people.

The results of the lesson. (Slide 15).

We listened to the poems of the block about the Motherland, celebrated the classic motives in his verses, found distinctive features. What epigraph would you pick up to the lesson? Student responses can be diverse, but students pay attention to the poet to the fate of Russia approaches intimate love. Motherland for him wife. Hope and consolation. With her and impossible, it is possible, it leads to the eternal battle, we only dream of peace, makes a person self-improvement .. She's so loved like tears of the first love.

Homework. (Slide 16).

  • Read the "Scythian" poem 1918
  • Explain the meaning of the name.
  • Relying on the text of the poem and the knowledge gained in the lesson, to answer in writing to the question: what does the poet see the highest destination of Russia?


  1. Agenosov V.V. Textbook for general education institutions. Drop Moscow 2006.

Each poet in his own way I was depicted my homeland. Someone in the making mother, someone argued that the native land is a mother or a beloved. Other personified her, tried to show as a separate person who also worried, suffering, loves and tolerates.

Alexander Alexandrovich managed to combine several variants of images. At the same time, a new image of the homeland in the bloc lyrics opens with each new poem. But this does not mean that the perception of his native land is scattered, the attitude towards it changes. The poet understands and takes his homeland in its entirety, greatness and poverty, grace and suffering.

The concept of homeland for block

The topic of the Motherland was not present initially. She became the summary stage of his life. But it was he who became one of the most important in the fate of the poet.

The block did not come to such the topic. She appeared after a long wandering of the poet and many experienced suffering. This contributed to the full immersion of A. Blok in the subject. And that is why he did not limit himself to the template image of the Motherland, as a certain abstract value. Or, on the contrary, as a certain territory, the existence of which is limited in the space-temporal continuum.

That is, Russia does not exist for him only now, and only from one border post to another on the surface. It penetrates things and fate, dissipates in the air, absorbed into the ground.

It is natural that with such an understanding and experience of the topic, the image of the Motherland in the work of the block cannot have one person and the same mapping in the mirror of poetic skill.

Image options by the block

In order to maximize accurately as possible its experiences about the native edge, the block used its poetic image in several options. Literary criticians allocate such options in which the homeland is displayed in the bloc lyrics:

  • fability is not a personalized image of the magic edge, with fabulous creatures, mysteries, mysterious forests;
  • romanticism - Motherland is depicted as a beloved young young man, tender, trepidative, unique;
  • historism - the region, who has a past, his own story, and you can not be considered with them;
  • poverty and suffering are not so much the image of the birthplace, how much the generalization of its inhabitants who are undergoing not the best times. But at the same time do not betray their land, but they take what is, but with hope for positive changes;
  • the generalized image of a living being - their homeland is a living being similar to a person, but the characteristic is given only by abstract concepts, and not specifying certain features of appearance;
  • optimistic - In such a way, the block expresses its hopes for the bright future of the country, believes in the coming favorable changes.

Fabulous motifs in the image

The image of Russia as the lands of fabulous, the mythical we find in the poem "Rus". Not only the described landscape resembles the folklore characteristics of the invented terrain, but also mention of unrealing creatures, such as witches, lead, flock, features and others. Elements of the surrounding - debris, swamps are also often used in mythological stories.

The colors that are populated in the imagination with the description, mainly black, gray, dirty green, brown.

But a sharp transition to a calm, peaceful contemplation of nature not only makes it clear that the first impression was erroneous. Such a sharp contrast emphasizes the mysteriousness of Russia - then darkness and fears, then silence and tacity (the sea is lazily washes the shore, yellow cliff, fields).

Romanticization of the image of the Motherland

But the mythologization of the founding of the Motherland is not an innovation of the block. Many of his predecessors appealed to this reception. Another thing is that he served a fairy tale and reality in a sharp contrast.

As you know, mythical images are inherent in the era of romanticism. But the block was not a romantic, because the sublime images in its poetry acquire a different character than the predecessors. So, the poet came to fate not from the philosophical, distracted. He loved Russia, as a woman loved - selflessly, hot.

But, as Alexander Alexandrovich himself said, this is because in the world of poetry, in which he seeks to stay everywhere, there is no division into its own and general. All in common, as for the heart of the poet, becomes automatically personal. Intimate in poetry is submitted for everyone to see, in order to be heard and understood.

Motherland is a woman. Beloved, young beauty, wife, but not a mother, as her predecessors of the block were represented in their work. This is an unbridled, strong, mounted diva, but at the same time tender, Smirny, beautiful. The poet refers to an image of intamization, making it the features that are also inherent in the same lady.

As a decadent, he claims to love only beautiful. Suffering is also the sublime feelings that everyone should accept and miss through themselves, but at the same time not to lose themselves. Therefore, in order to love Russia, you first need to feel compassion, comprehend the depth of its sorrows.

Russia in a diachronic cut

The topic of the Motherland in the work of the block is not limited to the author's modernity. In order to better comprehend the nature of such a phenomenon, he resorted to historical excursions.

The concepts of Russia, the Motherland block identifies, and therefore the history of the country is inseparable with the life of every person inhabiting it. This is if we consider the concepts in the romantic context too. So, we are interested in the past beloved, her fate, as a patriot - manitis.

The cycle of poems "on the field Kulikov" is devoted to the history of Russia. It serves a panoramic image of the life of the country from the Mongol-Tatar yoke and to modern times. In addition, the poet expresses the hopes for the bright future of Russia, because she strives forward, a lot has overcome, has reinforced, and after such a consistent occurrence.

Russia - poor and long-suffering

As in the contrast of landscapes, Russia acts as an inhomogeneous country and in general well-being. We are talking about the poverty of individual citizens, which is adjacent to the incredible wealth of others, and the fate of the country as a whole. Heavily experiencing over the share of his native land in difficult political and economic conditions, the poet still expresses deep confidence that everything will change.

Even in the "Golden Years" in Russia, "three erased slices" were cracking, and painted spokes are involved in ragged ruts. That is, everyone tries to acquire personal material well-being, forgetting about public. This consists of one of the key, according to the author, the problems of Russian society.

At the same time, all external phences, the block focuses on the fertile soil, the wealth of the Earth. The feeling of love for his homeland poet describes clean, naive, virgin. It is the topic of the Motherland in the poetry of the block echoes the motives of the experiences about the first love and her tears. The same sufferings, crystal, unreputed, he tolerates when he thinks about the destiny of the country.

Personalized image without binding to specific

A new vision of the image of the native land gives us an analysis of the poem "Motherland". The block in its cycle gives us an understanding of the image of Russia as well as a being personified. But there is no binding to a specific person or a collective image.

Motherland acts as something or rather, somehow generalized. Alive, but with the ephemeral. She stands behind the author's soul as his main wealth and the biggest suffering.

The country breaks off from the earth, material and appears as the highest matter. Rather, it is not the way the birthplace itself, namely love for it. This suggests a partial departure of the block from decadency. He lives in the world not material, but in an elevated, unreleased from earthly worries. But immediately admits in attachment to a real being - homeland.

Optimism in the image of Russia

With all the pessimistic, at first glance, the image of Russia, the topic of the Motherland in the poetry of the block is still eviluted in an optimistic key. The author hopes to speed the situation. He explains this by a simple law of justice, which will definitely raise. Russia, which has undergone many revolutions, wars, destroy, poverty, simply can not not be a super-fast rich power.

He compares it with the top three, which is harnessed by dashing hits that do not know. Such is not terrible, nor a blizzard.

So the cycle of poems was born, which could write at the time only the block - "Motherland". Analysis of poems from the cycle gives confidence in the bright future and hope in the best times.

Means for creating the image of the Motherland

One of the most common funds that the poet uses is personification. The topic of the Motherland in the work of the block acquires a close sound, Russia itself turns into a young girl, then into a wild and unbridled woman, then becomes a fabulous place.

The topic of the Motherland in the poetry of the block is also revealed by the development of the image. On this basis, almost all variants of the image of the image are constructed, more or less, a confirmation is the analysis of the poem. "Motherland", the block is not in vain chose such a simple name for the cycle. This is the result of the creativity of the poet, the expression on the paper of all his thoughts and anxiety, which accumulated throughout life.

Block innovation in the image of the Motherland

The predecessors of the poet in the image of the Motherland also used such a means as personification. And many of them revived the image, instilling it into the female appearance. But the topic of the Motherland in the work of the block acquired a new sound - this is not a mother, as others described, and a girlfriend, bride, wife. That is, she is in the mountain, and joy goes shoulder to shoulder with a lyrical hero. And it does not patronize, and herself needs to be protected.

Also unaccustomed and submitting an image in the form of something living, but at the same time abstract. Russia is not a picture, the image, and the object associated with each thing with its own things.