What kind of saint praying to prison. Prison

Not always the Femid punishes only guilty people who committed a crime of various severity. Sometimes she brings his merciless sword over the victims of circumstances and insidious intrigues. The plot from prison will help save themselves and close to the undeserved punishment and imprisonment. To maximize your own reputation, it is enough to seek help to powerful prayers. They only act with properly pronouncement on existing instructions.

To protect itself and close to prison will help plots

The judge thinks over its decision or will not make a sentence, if with knowledge of the case to hold a rite. The accused or his relatives can do the ritual. Ideally, it is better to unite the efforts of the whole family in a critical situation.

To obtain a result from the rite you need to perform some conditions:

  1. Believe in help.The ritual from prison will only affect the case of a clear belief that we are all the slaves of God, who may ask for intercession and justice from the highest strength.
  2. Proper prayer words correctly. It is not formed to refer to the saints with the help of improvisation, and yet against imprisonment in prison walls, the text has learned more effectively.
  3. Observe some restrictions.The rite will not help if money was made on the eve of or selling things that were sold. It is impossible to carry from home even a hunch of bread, if a family member appeared with the law.
  4. Hide all mirrors. When a prison is conspired, it is also forbidden to observe its reflection on the subjects with a polished surface.
  5. Drinking spring water. It is possible to replace it with the holy and add sugar or honey to liquid. Seven sips at dawn enough for the plot in the future affect.
  6. Temporarily refuse food. After the ritual, it is advisable to refrain from the meal throughout the day. Under the complete prohibition there are flour products.
  7. Pretty clothes. It is suitable things from natural material of light tones. The conspiracy is useless when the sacrament in black clothes is used.
  8. Attend the process. If the ritual is not planted by a relative, they spent close people, then their visit to the court session must.

Higher forces will help protect themselves and their loved ones.

Save a relative or to protect yourself with the help of higher strength. There are rites from prison quickly, if you turn to a strong celestial patron.

Jesus Christ

"Lord Jesus Christ, our God. The holy apostle of your Peter from Uz and Dwarns freed you. We molim about the grace - the longness of sins of the slave of God (name). Fences and shields to protect him, and withdraw the freedom to be preserved and in full health. Issimy to your desponder from any evil and oppressing to save. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you should visit three churches and stop the tricks of false witnesses to the litigation of the candles for the health of enemies. It will help the appeal to the Son of God also to people whose relatives are really sinful, but repented in a committed crime. The punishment of offenders will still suffer, but the term of conclusion will significantly decrease.

Appeal to the Holy Virgin

Defender of all those who suffer will help save the Son or daughter if they were stated. Mothers of slander children should be wrapped in the morning and pronounce:

"Mother Trinity, Holy Virgin, a candle of Jaiete lit up, for the servant of God (the name of the judge) suffered, two angels put it to her, so as not to let her nor a leader nor the master-sorcerer, nor heretic, nor a cower, no bribe, nor offender . Neither who scares, no one who begs, nor who forces or a knife, nor the bone or fire. The sun seems clearly, the month-father is flasher, and Jesus Christ retains. My word is strong, lumpy business. Amen".

Morning appeal is repeated every day while there is a trial.

If a person put a preliminary conclusion into a chamber, then the prayer will help Nicholas the Wonderworker

With a strong plot from prison, they treat help to the Saint Mirliki. If a person is released under a subscription of a non-weezer or he was already planted into a preliminary conclusion chamber, then it is necessary to pronounce the appeal to the Wonderworker:

"Oh, the great miraculous and waters of Christ, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You, the fast assistant, and a blessing assistant to all calling the things, the same in mortal troubles. Such miracles of mercy You were Esi in the days of your life. Even, by your death, I appeared to the throne of God, in the seven nickname can calculate the mercies of yours, it would have had many languages \u200b\u200bin many languages. You keep waters floating; You are many drowning savings.

You are kept in the way, the winds are kept by the winds, the Great Snow, Lyut Mraz, Multiple Rain. You are followed by houses and estates from mentaling malicious people and magnificent burning. You defend the rustling from the attack of villains.

You are permitted by the beggar and poor, save them from Christhrich's despondency and sin, poverty. You are preparing innocent from slandering and unjust condemnation. You saved ESI from the moster of Triach of the husbands, in the dungeon of the grayers, guessfully defined the launch of the sword.

Taco, you are given from God the great grace pray for people and rescue sushchya in trouble! Also, you became famous for your help with people between the incorrect Agaryans. Does me a tokmo, the ill-faithful and distinguished, not to be owned by, and the Az himself of the Az do you prepare yourself?

Get out the care and mee from despair and despair, evil treating me. Oh, the great waters of Nicolae! You yourself have undergone a conclusion in the dungeon for the holy faith and, Jaco, a zealous shepherd of Christ, he himself learned the ESI, how hard to deprive freedom and in the bonds stay.

Since many who praying for you in the UzAh, you helped ESI! Allegorye and me sitting in the dungeon, this misvolution. Darui mi soon, the end of my stay and getting freedom - not for the sake of the continuation of my sins, but for the sake of fixing the firm of life!

Praying diligently and about this, hedgehog to get rid of the eternal dungeon, and you will help you save God, I glorify God, Divnago in his saints, Amen. "

Against unfair accusations with a powerful weapon will be the appeal to his Heavenly Patron. The words of prayer, which 12 days read, are simple:

"The servant of God (name) the guardian angel will save all the locks in front of him unpiring. Khrand, Lord, the servant of God (name) from human lie, from a criminal slander. Give him freedom, Aki he is invinen, slander is improved. Help him, God, and protect. Fences from human court. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Appeal from Matrona Moscow

If the son or husband was planted, then a woman's close to them can take advantage of the famous blind. When plotting from prison and against all sorts of misfortunes, you should visit the church, pray, buy candles and bring them home. With the announcement of the name of the native person, the candles are lit and pronounce the words of prayer from Matrona Moscow:

"God's dear Lord, I come to you in the name of your son Jesus Christ, and I ask you for my son (her husband) (his name). Healing of his wounds, loving with their precious barely, and give my son (her husband) ) Your divine world and your love so that his heart does not harm him, keep him in his hand and lead around life roads, learning and instructing how to behave in difficult situations, give your divine wisdom and fill the heart with love for the dying world, keep the heart All the destructive ulcers, the alarm of him with his precious blood. I believe with all my heart that you are always there and help to overcome difficulties. Thank you, for your love and mercy. Amen. "

Molba to Anastasia Sprinkler need to be memorial

The Holy Martyr Pressed from her husband-tyrant, who tried to deprive her freedom, so always helped prisoners. Conspiracy from prison with the appeal to the scenario, you need to memorize:

"On the long-suffering and led the Great Martyr Christ Anastasiya! You are the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord of the prestigation, on the land, this is the grateful of you, various committees of healing: the proud of a worm is mercifully for the upcoming people and praying before my reaches, asking for your help: send to the Lord Holie Your Prayer Your About Us, and Satisfy us The sins of our, unsushenicate healing, mournful and looking ambulance: the mind of the Lord, and I will give us a Christian death and a good answer to the terrible court of our judgment, let us advise and we buy with you the Slav's Slav and Saltaro spirit. Amen".

As Anastasia, I forgive your husband, and the prisoners must forget the controversial presets. Otherwise, prayer will not work.

Conspiracy on court protection

The accused may take care of its safety by creating a kind of shield, which implies the following actions during the ritual:

  1. Collect time. For the exercise of the ritual, only the full moon is suitable.
  2. Search for space.Conspiracy to save your honor or reputation of loved ones, produced under the bridge or in the cemetery.
  3. Purchase attributes. For prayer you need to buy a chicken egg and a handkerchief.
  4. Fabric saturation. A scarf who did not hold the defendant in the hands is not suitable for a strong ritual.

The shield will work, if at midnight it goes into the selected place and an egg welded by screwing, wrapped into the cloth. With a ritual, the handkerchief with its contents are buried, and the ground from the place of action is dispelled at the crossroads with the words:

"While the bridge (grave hill) stand, I will not be in prison. Holy thresholds, holy martyrs. Amen".

Conspiracies for softening sentence

If the judge is inexorable, and the prosecutor is merciless, then it is not necessary to fully rely on the professional skill of the lawyer. You can additionally protect yourself with certain actions:

  • Printing prayer to relatives to the trial.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Martha Mother Maria prayed, the day, night prayed, was tired, traveled.

In a dream, the spirit of her son Jesus Christ came, began to read her prayer from the Golden Sheet.

The sheet that pure gold burned, shine, and the son of Mary had a bed of her mother standing.

He said such words: "Mother, mother Mary, you gave birth to me, you gave me for the sins of people to the cross. I came to say goodbye to you, I promise everyone who lives on Earth, stand up. Who keeps this leaf in his hands, reads and every word of this sheet knows, that person will be saved in all the troubles, at any court will not be convicted strictly. " My word is firmly, peply and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

  • Conspiracy at the entrance to the meeting room. Before him, the defendant should pronounce magic words to himself:

"I will stand on the seventh steps, I will ask my mother - the Virgin is dear. You, the mother - the Virgin, the intercession and the owner, the instructions and stand up the guardian angel, from the troubles of all the ridder, God's slave (name), so that the judge did not come for him, he did not mock him over grief. I thought B judge about him, as he thinks about his native, and not as a stranger. I would forgive him, regretted, strictly b did not punish him. Guardian angel, be God's slave (name) Relief. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  • The correct behavior of the enclosed in custody at the meeting. Before the appearance of the judge and the prosecutor, he needs to wipe his face with a handkerchief, which was involved in the words:

"Fish river is silent, a fish marine is silent. Silence and you, God's slaves (names). Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  • Conspiracy with the country of testimony. In order to be unclean in thoughts, people could not harm the potential victim slander, you need to say:

"The laughter was a lamb, the tears of King David. Rather and I have all my meekness. Go, meekness, and enter the witness, the slave of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer for release from custody

If the person was planted behind the bars on a misunderstanding or perjury, close relatives can save him. Read prayer should be in a strict scheme:

  • monday is a visit to the church, prayer in front of the icon of the Lord of the Almighty or the Virgin Mary and the burning of one candle;
  • tuesday - in front of the icon "On the dumping of evil hearts" the litigation of nine candles;
  • wednesday - distribution of alms twelve suffering;
  • thursday - 40 times reading prayer:

"The robbers condemned, knubled on the crosses. With them on the Cross, the Lord was near, the robbers forgave. Len the judges, Lord God, forgive me too. The throne of God at the height, the words of mine in a strong. Fasten them with words, affairs, God's keys. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Conspiracy in prison

The verdict is made, and the appeal is meaningless. In this difficult situation, it is not necessary to despair, because any place you can adapt, patiently waiting for early liberation. In order to be in prison, they were offended and quickly released to the will, you need:

  1. Strengthen your moral spirit.A plot from prison to give faith in justice from the prisoner is better to read the Virgin and the Guardian angel. Arbitrary text when appealing is allowed.
  2. Forgive the slanders and persecutors. With evil in the heart, it is better not to seek help and protecting towards the highest forces.
  3. Connect to the moles of loved ones. Saints will hear the appeal if it is pronounced by a large number of people.

The offenders will doubt their heat after said words:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Under the Christ Holiday asked the Saint Pavel St. Peter: where did you hear the voice of the sturgeon? He is responsible to Holy Peter: no fish says, does not bite, not shouting, it does not scratch, it would not be mocking, so would not be enemies on (such something), did not shout on him, did not torment him, did not bother. Blinding does not see and moaning will not be offended, hungry himself does not eat, does not chew, so let any enemy kill any enemy. The saint, the meek king David, kiie all villains, Lyarkheev and Sugostites, put them with salt pillars, make them dry bushes. The bushes break out, over (so) are not buried, the pillars are broken into the salt, who will stretch the hand to (such), that King David will throw in his kingdom. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

If the actions of the models carry a threat to the life of the prisoner, then you should protect yourself to the maximum. We need to mentally lifting the knife in the ground and pronounce:

"In the name of the creator of God's Father, in the name of the Vyshny and the Great Creator. How this steel entered the land easily, so let my words imbued in my enemy, God's slave (name). In his evil heart, in the brain, in the liver Tezia. Ozlekhni, blind and do not see me. Done and confessed and forever. Amen".

When committing a conspiracy in the form of a shield from prison, it should be sincerely believing in the miraculous force of the ritual. Saints will not leave without support if they see sincere repentance of the criminal or the persecution of an innocent person. The diligent prayers will save in need of protection from the court sentence, and the help of relatives will speed up the process of solving the crisis situation. Rituals on escape from locations also exist, but to resort to them means finally put the cross on the fate of a loved one.

There are different situations in life. Some of them make us stronger, and some bring to despair.

Life situations

How often we use in the life of the saying "from prison and from Sumy not regaining."

But it is possible to go to jail not only in its fault. Help in such a situation can consultation from prison.

Prison, like evil rock

Counteract evil rock

As practice shows, innocent people are often falling behind the bars, who simply turned out to be at the fatal accident at that time and not in that place. And so what, and our law enforcement agencies can "achieve" the information they need.

And there is such a category of people who simply cannot cope with the temptation of light profit, and constantly committing unlawful actions. Bringing thus a lot of grief and suffering to your relatives. It seems that they are doomed to constantly fall into unpleasant situations.

How to avoid prison

We use a plot from prison

To protect yourself and your loved ones from such a misfortune, change the circumstances for the better and take away from the native prison at all, it is not necessary to refer to psychics or leaders. You can try to lean a person from such an institution and independently. To do this, you need to read a plot from prison. He will help her avoid, make the hearts of the judge and jury softer.

There are several options for such a conspiracy. However, despite the different text, they have a single goal - to prevent people to put into prison. And, in addition, the time when it is necessary to read it - on a decreasing moon.

While the bridge stand,
I will not be in prison.
Holy thresholds, holy martyrs. Amen.

It should be remembered that the plot is not one hundred percent panacea from prison. Therefore, we must try not to make fierce actions.

There is a lot of different situations in life. Sometimes you have to violate the law to get certain benefits from life. Sometimes it happens so that there is no guilty person in the lattice. The law of severe, and staying in places of deprivation of will take the best years of life. In such cases, help and support of higher forces is required, help solve the problem can conspire prison.

When a person really violated the law, and avoid punishment is unlikely to succeed, even with the support of a good lawyer, then the conspiracy from the court is inffective. The only help can only be softened the sentence, for this you need to use a conspiracy for good luck in court.

It can be held to close people of whom they accuse. The man should not report about the ritual. It is necessary to retire, shut down the windows and light the church candle. Before the photo of the object to read a plot:

"Birds are freely soaring in the sky, they are free as no one. Fish float the ocean and no one forces to ban. So let you (name) are free from the walls yes from the lattices, from the riga and from the treated house. Let not know the borders of your way, and let you wave yourself you choose where you go. Let only God be to you a judge, and not a person whose thoughts are not clean. Amen".

This conspiracy read many times. Every day 9 times, as long as the desired result is reached.

So that not deprived of freedom

Gorky to be convicted and deprived of worldly joys. It is doubly difficult to relatives of such a person. Special pain feel the mother for their children who are in the heyday are in places of detention. You can save the Son from prison with the help of a special ritual. Make it on the eve of the court when the case will be considered. It is also suitable for wives and sisters of suspects.

The execution of the ritual requires preliminary preparation. In the market or in the store you need to buy beef languages \u200b\u200bin the amount of how much judges and witnesses will take part in the consideration of the case. To take 6 carnations to each language and one wooden plank. The hammer and black candle will necessarily need.

It should be retired so that no one can disturb and light the candle. Clothes to disguise on themselves. Put a tongue on the plank, and feeding every nail to the woods through the language, say such words:

First nail

Second nail

"Your tongue will not turn, will not move, do not wove the words about the slave (name). To be in my opinion! "

Third nail

"As a language, this is no longer alleged and your language (the name of the judge or a witness), the sentence of a thin slave (the name of the defendant) will not lead. To be in my opinion! "

The next three nails to score into the table through the tongue with the same words and proceed to the following. When the languages \u200b\u200bare already nailed, put out the candle. Clothes to remove, turn on the front side and put on yourself, as it was. Take the languages \u200b\u200band throw away on the intersection with coins for sputtering. It is required to take coins in the amount of thirteen pieces and throw through the left shoulder. Go home without looking around.

This ritual will allow you to shoot the mouths to key person in the process and win the case. You can do one or more people. The ritual is quite effective and used by many professionals in the field of magic.

How to influence the early release of prison

When a person is already in places of restriction of freedom, he needs to be freed before the term. In such cases, in addition to conspiracies and rites, there will be effective prayers read by close condemned people or themselves:

  1. Matron's prayer can create a miracle, even when the situation seems completely hopeless. After all, she was firmly sure that with the help of faith you can save everyone, even the biggest sinners. To help a person get out of prison, in front of the icon, Matrona read such a prayer: "I pray a blessed Matronushka about help, about the release of the suffering slave of God (his name). His world is unbearable, save him from the capture. Forgive him all the sakes, we all deserve forgiveness. Amen".
  2. It helps to strengthen the spirit of a convicted person and his early way out of the freedom of prayer Anastasiya stemman: "I ask you to help you, the long-suffering and led by Christia Christ! Your power and the soul is great, help me (or name) leave the sinuski. Heal sorrow and disaster, give the hand of help! Amen".
  3. For unfairly condemned praying in front of the Pochaev icon.
  4. For myself pray angel to the guardian, the Virgin and the Lord in an arbitrary form, from the pure heart.

The condemned prayers should be read only when they already consider their guilt by redeemed or after the sincere heart of repentance. It is not necessary to learn prayer by heart, it is better to utter it sincerely. When the words are independently picking up difficult, you can pray, reading the words of prayers from the sheet.

Rites for the speedy liberation unfairly convicted

Staying in places of imprisonment is negatively reflected in the life of the convict. Sometimes for many years of life is carried out in the conclusion, not even guilty people. Unfortunately, life is far from all valid. A special plot will help to get out of prison in such a situation. It will work only if the person fell for the grille by mistake.

"Range to the West, and finger to Earth. The Most Holy Mother of God, Merciful, forbid to judge the slave of God (the name of the convict). Help justice to find, and gain happiness. Judges of the world, judges of the city, the bitter was allowed by a mistake, unfairly freedom was taken away.

I ask the grace of yours, help the truth to find, to gain justice. Forgive all the sins of the slave of God (name) and give him freedom. Amen".

There is another conspiracy, which is spent on the water on the last day of the Great Post, before Easter. Water after reading to pour on the crossroads. Conspire text:

"Your strength is yours, Lord! You helped the slaves to protect yourself from injustice. Save away from the brutal fate of his slave (name). Help him gain freedom from imprisonment. Give him my mercy and let me find my true path. Amen".

Rite conspiracy shield from prison

When the court sentence, the defendant can allegedly be deprived of freedom, will help a conspiracy, which is called "prison shield." It is performed by a stakeholder when it is necessary to protect against the conclusion of a loved one.

Conduct a ritual on the full moon. For him, it is necessary to cook an egg that must be welded. Wrap a new nasal handkerchief, which is allowed to hold an object of influence in the hands.

At midnight, so that no one sees to go to the river on which the bridge is. The egg in the handkerchief is burned as close as possible to the water under this bridge. Earth, diverting eggs, take with me. Pour it in place where the object of impact lives.

"As long as the bridge is worth it, the person's name) does not sit in prison. Sacred bridges yes thresholds. God to help. Amen".

Earth gather and throw away at midnight at the crossroads, reading the conspiracy:

"People in the intersection go, my troubles do with them and carry them all over the world. The trouble leaves my house, but it will not go to others. The earth will dry out and the wind will hang out with my trouble. From now on forever. Amen".

Thanks to this rite, the result of the court must be in favor of the defendant.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Nikolai The Wonderworker always helps those who require support from him. In the most difficult life situations, it is necessary to contact this saint. Especially the prayers for it are strong when people ask him to support and protect their loved ones.

Nikolai Wonderworker will help and unfair punishment. Need to looking at the icon read a special conspiracy:

"Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, you are generous and merciful, always help those who require your help and protection. Mercy Your infinity! You save those who have lost last hope. Save people from faithful death. At your mercy, all my benefits in life. You taught me to believe in miracles and good. The intercessor of all who suffers from slander or unfair condemnation, I ask you to protect you (person's name). Who, how are you not, knows what to live without freedom? I know that you help everyone who is helping your help. I pray you, help to avoid suffering to slave God (human name). Not in order to sin continue, this person, but can rightly correct. Amen".

During this prayer you need to have good goals and sincere thoughts, so that the Holy Help. The one who draws with evil intent will suffer punishment.

Ritual who can only conduct relatives

When there is an assumption that the court can take place, by the sentence of which the native person will be subsequently convicted, it is necessary to read a conspiracy so that it does not come to court. Make it can mother or sister suspect. It is necessary to light the church candle and confidently utter these words:

"The evidence will be erased, and the prosecutors will bend. The judge will close consciousness, will not be able to show a sentence. The court will not be, witnesses not to find. As I say, it will be! Three times performed! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Candle's grinding attributed to crossroads and go away from human eye.

The second conspiracy for relatives requires 7 church candles whose spars are also attributed to crossroads.

"As soon as the foot (name) comes to court, everyone will avoid evidence. The case will be necessary not the judge, but my great will. These words will be an arrow, reliable protection before an evil prison. The sentence will go to the scold. The case of the slave of God (name) will unsubscribe to the archive. Be my will. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Complete Assembly and Description: Strong prayer from prison helps for the spiritual life of a believer man.

You never know what the life is preparing for you. Today you are a rich and successful person, and tomorrow you are trying to free yourself or your beloved husband from prison ok. If you or your loved ones have suffered a fate to be in captivity of the prison warder, either such a problem is only nearing, then it has come to decisive and unconventional methods. Prison conspiracy refers to one of them and enjoys strong popularity. Those who once helped the magic forever change their idea of \u200b\u200bthe life and capabilities of a person, begin to believe in prayers and the power of God.

Conspiracy from prison

Conspiracies from prison are able to help a loving mother to prevent the deprivation of freedom of his beloved son, save from making a mistake of life. Agree, because the legislation is not always objectively. There are cases when a person is sentenced to serving the deadline for other people's sins or for the actions committed to protect themselves. Get into the shackles of prison, as life proves, can every person. This can lead to such a judicial mistake, and someone's malicious influence. Avoid irreparable is called by a conspiracy from the "prison".

How to behave before meeting in court and during it?

There are a number of tips for holding a rite that help a somewhat soften the sentence of the judge either to avoid conclusion at all.

  1. In no case, do not take valuable things out of your native walls, do not in debt, do not give someone else's bread.
  2. In order to avoid a serious time, try not to look at yourself in the mirror and other surfaces of the mirror type.
  3. A man heading for the court, upon receipt of any things from the hands of other people, should be baptized on the threshold.
  4. When the day is the day, stand up at dawn and drink key water by adding honey there or sugar. Sprops should be exactly 7.
  5. After the rite is fulfilled, and the conspiracy is read, do not eat any food until the evening, especially for flour products.
  6. It is necessary to follow the well-being of the defendant. In the event that he sharply became ill, a close man should throw clean water on it and say: "The power of water, give the fate of a flat one." If this is not done, that is, a great opportunity to get a hard sentence.
  7. The presence of the executor of the spell is necessarily during the trial.
  8. You need to give preference to light clothes with one white element of clothing.

Conduct the rite can not widow and the widow, as this will bring harm to man exclusively.

How to protect yourself with a "shield"?

There is a conspiracy referred to as a shield that is able to protect a friend or a close relative from the possibility of getting behind the prison bars. To make such a "shield", you need to wait for the full moon and boil the egg by screwing. After that, follow these steps:

  • an egg should be wrapped in only a purchased handkerchief, which previously held in the hands of a person whose fate you decide - so, the thing is able to impregnate energy;
  • after you need to go at night under any bridge, where it is important to hide from all passersby;
  • hide the egg in the scarf in such a place where water will not be able to get, and take the removal land to the house of the defendant;
  • there you should scatter Earth near the threshold with the words: "The bridge will stand, you will not be in prison. Cleaners, bridges, martyrs saints. Amen";
  • with the onset of the morning, it is necessary to collect the Earth and attribute it to any intersection of 4 roads;
  • pulling it out, start reading: "People are spread all troubles in light. They do not return here. You will not get. "

If the possibility of concluding concerns you, then you need to pronounce in a secluded location the following spell (do not forget to light the candle and wait for darkness): "Like a bird is free, not knowing the boundaries, so I will always be free from the lattices and other people's walls. My way I choose myself where I want to, go there and path. Amen". Read the plot you need 15 or more times. Such a shield helped not one person. It is important to adhere to all the steps described and believing in the result.

Conspiracy Nikolai Wonderworthy

Nikolai The Wonderworker helped not one person. Prayers to it are pronounced in difficult times, when searching for answers to questions, to fulfill desires. In order to save the unfairly convicted person from prison, it is enough to stand in front of the icon of the saint and utter:

"Oh, the Great Wonderworker Nikolai. You are able to interfere and help everyone in need. Your mercy does not know borders. Your mercy is incommens. You are able to save all the drowned in the life ocean. You save your life on the way, you hide from the winds, snow, frost and rain. Thanks to you, it is my home. Thanks to you, I am a happy man. You will stand up for those who are slandering, for those who are unjust condemned. So I ask you to get up for the slave of God (name). Who, how not to know you, how hard to live without freedom? I know you helped everyone praying and applying. Please ease the suffering of the slave of God (name). Not for the sins to continue, and for the sake of true correction. Amen".

You must preserve the openness of the soul, the purity of the heart and the sincerity of the request. The person who appeals to the saint with evil intent will be punished.

Other anti-prison conspiracy

Interesting and unusual is considered a conspiracy against prison, for which white skin is needed from birch. She needs to speak and give a person to a court. You should read for 15 times:

"The crossing is shaking, while the Supostata language is trembling. Amen".

The next strong and uncomplicated conspiracy is able to protect a person who planted unfairly. Its peculiarity is that the conspiracy can exceptionally, who wants to free her husband, or a mother, thirsting justice to the Son:

"To the west ridge, to the ground finger. The Mother of God is holy, dear, golden, put a ban on the court of the slave of God (name). Help the family save, nice happiness to find. Judges of world, judges urban, a gross mistake in the case allowed. Freedom of nice want to take away from the native land to pick up. Be pretty to the slave of God (name), like a maleness to every person on earth. Amen".

If the court really made a mistake, the release will occur anyway.

To read the Crank Region, there is only one possibility a year: the last day of the post. It is necessary to become over any water and start reading the following words:

"The Lord is strong, the Lord is gracious, today, you are with me. Lord, I know that you are great. As you saved from the injustice of our slaves, so save from her one-sole servant of God (name). Your word does not win anyone, no one can harm him. So direct him for the benefit of the son (husband) of the slave of God (name). Amen".

How to influence the speedy release from prison?

In addition to conspiracies, you can resort to the help of celestial strength in another way. So, quite effective prayer of a certain type, read in a certain place. Consider on the example of those that may take here below.

  1. Request to the Lord, the Virgin, or angel to the keeper against the conclusion.
  2. The request, pronounced near the Pochaev Icon, for the liberation of the close, whose not for his merits were planted.
  3. The strong method in order to be released from prison is reading the prayer of Anastasiya sortier. This prayer strengthens the spirit of the prisoner, is able to give hope for the nearest liberation. Her text is: "I appeal to the long-suffering and wisdom of Christ Anastasia! Your role for the Lord is great, so let them ask all of us to leave the sewing. Help to heal the sorrowful and distinguct, give an ambulance. "
  4. Reading the prayer Matrona Miracleuvera also contributes to the creation of a miracle, because the saint was confident that faith was able to save any person, despite his sins. In order for you or your loved ones to be released from prison, you must read the following words before the face of Saint Matrona: "I pray the blissful Matronoshka about help, about the release of the suffering slave of God (his name). His world is unbearable, save him from the capture. Forgive him all the relegations, we all deserve forgiveness. Amen".

In order for reading the prayer to be effective, and the plot helped, it is necessary to respect them. In case you are not sure that you can learn all the necessary words in one breath, give preference to another option.

http://4istit.ru/9pomogi/glavn/33otzon.htm charm and conspiracy

Prayer from trouble, from Sumy, from prison. This prayer will Uber�.

Two prisoners, using work in the kitchen, break

Conspiracy so as not to be imprisoned

Life in the CIS countries is rather sore, change, sometimes dangerous, especially for unprepared. Surely you heard the expression popular in our country - "do not regain", because in reality, anything, especially negative, is possible. It concerns this and prisons.

There are often absolutely innocent people behind the bars who tritely had unique, different from the opinion of the majority of beliefs, became political prisoners. There are often cases referred to as registered substairs when exclusively law-abiding citizens fall into prison.

Cases of completely unfair judicial errors over the years are only rapid.

Therefore, even if everything is fine in your life, you do not feel the slightest threat - use the prayers to heavenly forces: Lord God, Virgin, the Guardian angel. Confident in their one hundred percent innocence, people say a conspiracy from prison. There are also a variety of rituals, charms that allow you to make innocent to be planted, or released, justified. Of course, there are cases when the guilty person is trying to avoid prison.

In this case, you first need to reassure in the previously grave sins, only after asking the heavenly forces to protect from prison. Practice shows that with the right approach, you can get an acquittal verdict or a suspended period. Prospects for a prison should be adhering to the rules described in the ritual if there is no certain component necessary for conducting - choose an alternative option.

How conspiracies affect human fate

Conspiracy, prayers and all sorts of rituals to be released, only work if you enter into close relationships with celestial forces. You can recognize the existence of otherworldly forces, contact them for help from time to time. Most likely, if you do not receive answers to your appeal, you will need to learn more information.

Perhaps you violated the ritual by ignorance, lowered some kind of philistine look, an unnecessary trifle. And in the end, the ritual either will not work at all, or will work not as much as you would like.

Heavenly forces are always ready to help a person, but this help is carried out only to those who are with them in proximity.

If you have never believed in God, and when you have a certain need, they appealed to him for help, and your prayers were not heard - there is nothing surprising. In addition to the past, heavenly forces need to be a righteous life, not sin, helping other people, contact God with the words of gratitude.

And if the judicial system has already made a conviction, the cardinal methods of solution remain. As it is easy to guess, a strong conspiracy to escape from prison is used just to decide to end the problem of imprisonment. True, the question is how to continue to live down, remains open.

The most effective conspiracies

For relatively simple cases, for example, if you have litigation with a closure neighbor, you can use the following conspiracy to avoid prison. It is very well suited for those who want to save their time, nerves and money. It is necessary to title the reverse - thin white birch skin.

The second effective conspiracy avoids problems in any court, this concerns criminal cases or ordinary litigation. The most important thing in it is that he is able to protect you from an unfair court. It must be able to read the wife or any close woman about a man who will have to be wishing to be loyal.

When accused of a crime whom a person did not commit, you can use the Coaled Conspiracy. It is recommended to read it only at a certain time - the last day of the post. It is necessary to pronounce the words with water, which then it is necessary to wash the day before the court.

To achieve effect - follow the rules

In order for a strong conspiracy to provide real help, you need to accurately follow the instructions. If you think that you can correct the words of the conspiracy, or replace one thing to others, then you are mistaken, you need to choose another conspiracy.

Useful conspiracies:

Prison conspiracy: comments

Comments - 2,

I always skeptical about these conspiracies and mysticism. When the trouble happened in the family decided to try a conspiracy. Nowhere could not find words that I have to say for my husband, but thanks to this site, found.

If you are not confident in the innocence of your husband, do not speak. You must completely believe in your rightness, and only then read a plot. I got only from the second time. After reading immediately becomes somehow calmer.

I hope that all readers will be difficult. Thanks to the site!

And what if the husband is guilty, but when he did it not in himself, Ie drunk anyway chtoli can not read

Orthodox prayers, so as not to be imprisoned and about the soon release

At all times, the Holy Church prayed and continues to pray for prisoners. Regardless of the type and severity of sin, it is impossible to leave a prisoner without spiritual support, and the Most High will determine when a person can give freedom.

But people should help the arrestant postpone the difficulties of his position: to transfer to allowed help, attend to communicate and consolation. After all, even being far from each other, the prisoner feels moral and prayer support for their relatives and people.

Prayer for liberation from prison strengthens the Spirit and gives hope.

Who to pray for a rapid release from prison

Prayer request will not be immediately.

Perhaps the week will be held, month, year. The circumstances necessary for the fulfillment of desire should settle harmoniously, and it takes a lot of time.

In a long waiting for a cherished request, it is important not to lose faith and not blame your soul.

Prisoners dreaming of emergency liberation can pray as follows:

Lord Jesus Christ is my God, the Holy Apostle of your Peter from the Uz and from the Dungeon without any harm freed by, with my humble prayer. Be mercifully in leaving sins to slave your (servant of your) unworthy (name), in the dungeon concluded. Lord Auditable! All-in-eyed your desk from all evil fence me and bring to freedom. Lord is all-air! As the once Joseph, concluded in the Egyptian dungeon, freed enough, so now I pray you to save me from the bonds and bitter trouble. Mercy The source and goodness of the scaughter, do not despose the unworthy slave of your (name), hear me and soon. Yes, it will go to you the rehabilitation of the hinge. Little God! As Manason, the eldest son of Joseph, from the bitter imprisonment of prayers for the sake of pardoned, now praying for a moon. You fame to you, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, the Most Holy Devo, Mati Lord and My Savior! VSI people run to you and no one who takes away from you Vure, it seems about good about good. Pray to the bishops and priests, Yako Mother Esi, Giabago's bishop, past heaven. Inki and Inokini are praying, Yako, the ESI itself is a predierable virgin. The fathers and mother are praying, others are somewhat condoles about their children, in the prosperity of lying or the distant living, Yako, you sacrificed my son's son ,, Ever he, two-year-old tags, remain in Jerusalem. Pray to the Ugudimii, IKO has undergone the persecution from Herod to the Divine Infant. Ascend to you the last prayer dying, Yako you had to have an echo from the cross of your son. It is praying for the righteousness and VSI to the thoughts of piously zhosti: and the nickname from them is achieving righteousness, do not have a prayer to you. Tako WSI imave the ability to diligently and give all the help of help.

Is there a az, sinner, in the dungeon Sedyai, will you feed from you? Do I don't hear a prayer? Do I have to do it, do not attach yours? Oh, I'll think of anyone in any way. Following the mother of the Savior's dying sinners. In addition, I can also carry a different god of Jesus Christ, your son, with the Father and the Holy Spirit in a single deity of Pokhlagagago. Taco to bear Inago in the throne of God nearby, is you, Mother of God! Materier prayer can a lot to the blessing of the Lord. Before him you all is possible. This is for the sake of all the hope of my hope on the Bose. For the sake of Stranchi Az, the prechistimate image of your ultrasound, murmur with your closeness to all the sorrowful and prisoners.

Obache you, Mother of God, and was a lot of mercy for me for my misfortune for you! CHIMZHE AZ IVAGE TO TURKE? Alas, I'm grieving! Az same unpaid by your blessings. But, about the mercy of the Queen of the Virgin, I forgive my betrayals and nerazumiy, do not reject me, Paki returning to you, Javi to me ancient your mercy and enjoyed on my powerful hands, Aki sorry, Aki barely alive from the sinful ulcers. Bring my soul sinful to repentance. Breathony bo is my forehead. Quickly accounted for the proges of the Az God of my lyua, the embezzlement, pyang, kramoli, cruel, notice. Silver sin and in this dungeon, dreams, deceptions, disorder, the departure of cousins, and corruption of them, Tatbami and Rapting on my fate. There is no tears, or a dignity of me, or a nz Tokmo Claims from Yayy's annoyance.

Priqi Mene, gracious, with God, your son. It is possible to get permission in all Gresheh my mystery of repentance, and Abiye communion of the saint body and the blood of your son. Pomping from now on, having funny, my passion and firmly militantly against sin; In the case of chek and shook, at a small hour, a thayazhde is doing, and Sita false before God is found. Sprinky, Vladychitsa, the Mother of God, grace the other time of my belly in solid repentance. Merry sinners, do not despose Pervago from them. See my trouble, seeing my bitter life in this dungeon. Pumping up to the end of my shame, tightness and other dweller deprivation, and not fall into despair, but do not bother you to crawl into the fishery of God, but Tokmo mourn and crying about Gresheh my, Tokmo from the sorrow, from fucking about my and sprinkles Locked Esm, addressed in prayer. I have patience and Kiyzho's day Many, Ino it is not the end of my patience. Oh, the sealing abnormal consolation! The console of my father and mother from the affinations, ie, they grieve about me, for Nhee, Az Wait Yako is dead. Napass, about Cancer Mother! I do not lose your patronage to my wife and Chad, I leave Az, Yako, a criminal father, they are not unaware of the essence of Gresh my. Bring them out and save your prayer health and gog fellow. Darui Mi, finally, video of the freedom and with tears of the joy of rigging my home. From the depths of the soul, I have a crying for you, the queen of heaven, from one image of yours with an eating baby on your hand. Feel your own in my heart. I repel: Do not remove me, Budi by the patroner in every kind of my needs, in every fear and despondency, day and new fear , in health and illness. Allegation of my spiritual and bodily sorrow, I can also eat all the mournful joy. Milostiv Budi Mi is not Tokmo, but also Tamo, in the country of eternal. Do not leave me without your intercession on the day of Strachnago the coming of my Lord. To her, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not forget then, the Muya faith, Like you, and unworthy of my prayers before you. Yes, Tao, for the everlasting times, it is pardoned to you, in the endless eyelids I will thank you and the SlavOdoviti of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

The Baptist of Christ, the preaching of repentance, Kayuchagosya do not disappear, but copulating with the heavenly, pray to Leldice for me, unfortunately, Ullago, Unreleased and sadnago, in many ways of Wpadsago, in Urezhennagnago the thoughts of the mind of my mind: Az Bo Ember Evil Affairs having the end of the sinful custom; Be boy is my terrestrial mind. What is waving, do not look, and to whom it is resserved, and my soul will be saved? Tokmo to you, Saint John, grace Teso-Genenite, I can be the Lord, on the Virgin, we have a big big born of all, for you have made it possible to touched the tips of the king of Christ, the sins of the world, the Libra of God: the enemy of the sin of my soul, yes ineter In the coming hour, it suffered a good and intimidated MZD with the latest.

To her, the Baptist of Christ, honest to the forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first in grace of martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friends of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not remove me from your intercession, but I will stand me, Padshagosya with many sins; Update my soul with repentance, Yako by the second baptism, in progress of both the head of the ESI: the baptism of cleaning sin, repentance preaching in the cleansing of the focus of the fastest Clean the sins of Dexcorennago and Ponudnoy, the scale of any bad, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Angela of God, the oppression of the Baptism of the Baptism! Coliko Az, overgrown to you by evil thoughts, bad words and shameful acts in life! The same, do not remember, Yako Imam Teanago Mi from the Keeper's God. Ever the dice of the Az dusty, or the devotionless dances, or in the blud, the embarrassment and the worshipings of the dependents of my life: And in this days you did not leave me from me, but Tokmo, Ichko clean spirit, the sadness was about me, a disadvantage. Kohl Multie Az by a smallest death, creating criminal cases and do not think to see the offpretation of God-proud! The death does not comprehend me then: and weird, Yako, you dismissed the ESI from me. Taco will be defended by me, and not one Az Yesh, the seven residents are fraud, but with you, my keeper. It is no more bodily bodily visible to you, you are disappearing backing my soul and body. Sun, the sun, having passed the scene, is not defiled, Sita and you, the light-sound angel of God, do not rush to the sorability, but take away from me and in this dungeon. Save me for a hell of a newest and impregnable in a dream of a diabolian temptation. Annion from Mene Slessless. Concomipate, in days, at Kiyzho an hour, in all the internal and source of my. Give me the fortress of bodily forces, Items to incur Gorky's work, to the punishment to me impatiently, Gorky is more than their fault. Starting me from the malice of demons, the Lutheh strikers on my soul: for Besie's T-shirts are fought from the one. Skipping the same discharge from me the confusion of spiritual and the ropota is harmful: My Boy is embarrassed by a heart, not a worst for anyone and does not have a favorable grant and disintegrate. Darue the eyes of my tears about Gresheh, the quiet verb is tired. Not a stew from me, the holy angel, and my soul will begin separating from the body, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mortal person of my Odra and Radoshen; For imam then video is near you. I will not leave the post-my soul afterward, it's impossible to be immaculate from God, but by the death of Moyya, it is impossible to suffer, IKo-desecrated by many sins. Oh, my keeper! A prizes then pray for me and your satisfying strength, and I will be pardoned by your intercession, a sinful slave (name), forever and ever, Amen!

Oh, the great miracle and pleased Christ, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You, the fast assistant, and a blessing assistant to all calling the things, the same in mortal troubles.

Such miracles of mercy You were Esi in the days of your life. Even, by your death, I appeared to the throne of God, in the seven nickname can calculate the mercies of yours, it would have had many languages \u200b\u200bin many languages. You keep waters floating; You are many drowning savings.

You are kept in the way, the winds are kept by the winds, the Great Snow, Lyut Mraz, Multiple Rain. You are followed by houses and estates from mentaling malicious people and magnificent burning. You defend the rustling from the attack of villains.

You are permitted by the beggar and poor, save them from Christhrich's despondency and sin, poverty. You are preparing innocent from slandering and unjust condemnation. You saved ESI from the moster of Triach of the husbands, in the dungeon of the grayers, guessfully defined the launch of the sword.

Taco, you are given from God the great grace pray for people and rescue sushchya in trouble! Also, you became famous for your help with people between the incorrect Agaryans. Does me a tokmo, the ill-faithful and distinguished, not to be owned by, and the Az himself of the Az do you prepare yourself?

Get out the care and mee from despair and despair, evil treating me. Oh, the great waters of Nicolae! You yourself have undergone a conclusion in the dungeon for the holy faith and, Jaco, a zealous shepherd of Christ, he himself learned the ESI, how hard to deprive freedom and in the bonds stay.

Since many who praying for you in the UzAh, you helped ESI! Allegorye and me sitting in the dungeon, this misvolution. Darui mi soon, the end of my stay and getting freedom - not for the sake of the continuation of my sins, but for the sake of fixing the firm of life!

Praying diligently and about this, hedgehog to get rid of the eternal dungeon, but you will help you save God, I glorify God, Divnago in his saints, Amen.

On the long-suffering and leading the Great Martyr Christ Anastasiya! You are the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord of the prestigation, on the land, this is the grateful of you, various committees of healing: the proud of a worm is mercifully for the upcoming people and praying before my reaches, asking for your help: send to the Lord Holie Your Prayer Your About Us, and Satisfy us The sins of our, unsushenicate healing, mournful and looking ambulance: the mind of the Lord, and I will give us a Christian death and a good answer to the terrible court of our judgment, let us advise and we buy with you the Slav's Slav and Saltaro spirit. Amen.

Militation rule for icons

Prayer is a conversation with the Almighty. It is through this dialogue a person feels the participation of God in his life. In the process of the conversation, it is important to say how to speak and sell yourself, and hear the answer of the heaven's father on his prayer rehabilitation.

But it often happens that many do not understand the importance of communicating with the Almighty and do not even have the concepts how to turn to God.

  1. Each prayer room receives an answer to its prayer petition. And absolutely no matter where it prays: in the temple, at work or at home. You need to start reading the plea, fully focus on it and correctly complete your petition.
  2. It is important to adjust yourself to the fact that the saint to which the plea is addressed, hears the prayer room. It is worth remembering that we pray not to the icon, but the Holy Fork shown on it.
  3. If you do not know the prayer text, it is not forbidden to contact God's waters in your own words. But in critical situations requiring a speedy help, words need to be learned by heart. Sincere sincere request does not make long waiting for the result of prayer petition.
  4. Before starting prayer labor, it is worth confessing and coming up, forgive your offenders and to ask for forgiveness from people - a prayer petition must begin with a pure soul and open heart.
  5. Approaching the icon, it is necessary to set yourself to the procession, then bow.
  6. Say the words "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," then start reading the perpetration of the Holy, before whose face is standing. At its end, it is necessary to say "Glory to Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and confessed, and forever. Amen". Then it's three times with a cross and read the "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of Mother Mother, Rev. and God's father and all saints, have mercy. Amen".
  7. Do not forget to make lips and forehead to the icon of the Saint, who just prayed. Kiss symbolizes the fiery faith to help this saint. If the wretched is depicted in full growth, then you need to apply to hand or leg. If the icon shows the face that you need to kiss your hair.

As you know, the human soul suffers most of all, and during the commission of sinful misconduct it becomes its main victim. It will settle angrily, thirst for revenge.

But sometimes you need to go down to the "bottom" to push off from it and emerge.

If trouble happened to a close person, it is in a chamber or under the investigation, you can protect it from an arrest or court with a rite. Conspiracy from prison It has been known for a very long time, many confidently with a protective guard, shield. In fact, this is a protective conspiracy, but not a charm. After all, Obereg involves the creation of some thing endowed with magical power. And the plot is the magical power of the word, which is the protection.

Examples of conspiracies

  1. If a person faces the prison. At midnight, cook the egg, attribute it to the bridge and bury in the place where dry. Take from above a small handful of earth, attributed to the house of a person and pour out his threshold. Say: "The bridge is strong on the legs, does not fall. To me (Slave) in prison, you can't put your feet into the forged chains, do not leave the hands into solid walls. "
  2. On the day of the court. Find a young birch, rip off with her back (a piece of white soft cortex, similar to paper). To come to court, keeping the back in the left hand and say in a whisper: "As on the Molodice-birch, the rear from the wind shakes and bow and the judges of my, the sacuostats trembled, words did not know."
  3. Flush on the threshold of the house empty bucket, before the threshold of the bucket and the threshold of the pelvis. To say 3 times: "Motherland did not reach, the other in the post, the third bee. As the third in the will behind the threshold, and I (slave) from the court to the will, on the air, water. The first end of the eye will close, the second language takes away. Silent, they do not threaten. They will say - let go, with peace and bread. " Inverted containers put for the threshold until the end of the court.

Rules for conducting conspiracies from the court and prison

  • On the day of the rite, the performer and relayed can not be treated with bread.
  • In the mirror you can only look until noon.
  • If a person brings anything to the house on this day (purchases, gifts, letters, and the like), you first need to cross, and then only transfer through the threshold.
  • A person who has to go, since the morning it is advisable to make 7 sips of water with honey, or sugar.
  • After the rite, the performer before the evening should not have anything, especially flour (bread, bread, cookies).
  • If during the trial it becomes bad, then you need to immediately splash in the face of pure water and say: "From the water of the power on the fate of the smooth." Otherwise, the sentence will be very tough.
  • In the courtroom, the executor of the conspiracy must have something white on clothes (shawl, belt) or be dressed in white.
Conspiracy from prisonit is impossible to perform widows and widows. It is believed that they have a seal of death, so the holding of this rite can aggravate the position of the defendant, contributes to the tightening of the sentence. If the performer himself is convicted, then before ritual, he must remove shoes from himself.