How to secure the room from bad people. How to protect your house from witchcraft

Every year, the question of protecting their housing becomes more and more popular. The growth of interest in Magic gives a reason to think about its safety and take measures to protect the house from the evil eye and damage.

The hospitality of Russian people is famous for the whole world. We show your goodbye and accommodation, we show our good intentions and let in the house even unfamiliar people in the house. However, not every crushing threshold does it with a pure heart. Envious and ill-wishers are in every environment, and sometimes to recognize them is not so simple. Fortunately, there are many effective techniques for protection against negative influence and evil eye.

Negative energy penetrating the house along with the next guest may be unintentional, but the strength of thought has a great influence on energy flows and easily changes them in a negative side. The directional impact in the form of a declamation and damage can be caused by a man's embittered and offended. It is not only possible to protect your home from such an influence. With an increase in interest in the supernatural in the modern world, people increasingly began to contact the covenants of the ancestors and their ways to combat evil.

Get rid of linings

The first thing to do is. The negative is able to move with a person on his home, so it is important to take care of the restoration of vital energy and secure each family member with the help of faiths and amulets. Protecting personal protection, take care of the house.

The most common method of negative impact is the so-called lining. A person who wants to harm himself brings with him a conspiracy thing and puts it in a secluded, not visible to the eye place. It can be pins and needles, cemetery land and rusty nails, animal wool and any object that will not attract special attention. Carefully check all the corners and door shoals. Take a look at the threshold, and if you live in a private house, carefully inspect the fence, the gate and the adjacent territory. Finding a thing that should not be there, get rid of it. Take a thick glove, take the lining away from home and burn, saying:

"How did it come from, there and go, with me evil carried, to the owner fell. Both to us and we are to him "

Each angle requires special attention. If you have not found strange things, but feel unfortunate fear and anxiety, sprinkle the house with holy water, and pour a little salt in the corners. It serves as excellent protection against negativity and unclean.

Protection against unborn guests

It happens so that after the next guest's guest, the atmosphere of the house changes. Quarrels and conflicts are rapidly, dishes are fighting, the households are more often sick, and the favorite flowers are withering and dropped leaves. If you encountered something like this, perhaps your home is damaged. People with severe character also leave traces at the energy level that need to be removed. Get rid of the negative will help a proven method that our ancestors used. Take a large salt and pour into a smooth layer on the threshold, from the wall to the wall. It is important that the line does not swallow. Say:

"Sold down the threshold, I do not let the negative in my house. Not a single click leave. As a person came with miseles of unkind, it will go, they will be brought upon themselves "

Before the entrance door, stick the needle or pin so that it is not visible. Each room will go with a candle in your hand, reading the prayer "Our Father". After all manipulations, the house is perfect.

Assistance Oberegov

Homemade talismans also play their role in preventing negative impact. For example, an iron or silver bell hung over the entrance door will drive the negative and attract good luck. The broom, delivered up to the rod, will not give an ill-wisher to create his black business, and the rowan branch or wormwood under the threshold will save from the patientlessness and evil eyes.

Things bringing to the house happiness are a mandatory attribute of each good mistress. The custodian of the hearth and home comfort will never disrupt homemade idyll and will protect its territory and family with all their might. Actively protects the house of the Winth Bottle Winner, which can be easily made with your own hands. This talisman, like a sponge, absorbs the negative and cleanse energy flows at all levels.

You can learn about the presence of damage and apples. These fruits are an excellent indicator of home energy. Buy a beautiful apple without wormworch and dents, thoroughly wash it under the jet of water, sprink off holy water and take into the center of the room. Put the fruit on the saucer, burn the candle and say:

"Apple bulk solar energy has absorbed, washed rains, it was flooded by autumn. I brought an apple to the house and called for the aid. If there is evil in my house, show. I'm imparting it, you will not leave a drop "

Leave the apple overnight, and look carefully in the morning. If it is started to appear spots rot, dents, or fruit will begin to dry, this is an indicator of negative activity.

If you notice the signs of damage or the evil eye, immediately proceed to cleans the house so that life remains prosperous, and every day brought only joy and positive every day. Pay attention to domestic animals. They have the ability to literally see a negative impact and all forces warn the owners about the presence of evil in the house. We wish you prosperity and happiness, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

House and plot is a fairly large territory that needs to be protected. Protection measures that make owners will depend on a variety of factors. For example, it is difficult to influence the ungrateful neighbors, a criminal situation in the area, the moral principles of the population of your city or even change the landscape of the site where the house is located. But to protect your home focus should every owner.

The first thing to do is examine its territory. The attackers can hide in an old drainage well, in a ravine and so on. Therefore, it is better to immediately get rid of old unused buildings and recesses. Well, when the site will be as smooth and well clarified.

Before you finally approve the project, you must once again thoroughly consider the planning of the house. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the form of the building. The safest is rectangular or square. In this case, a person who is trying to penetrate the house will notice neighbors or random passersby. If there are recesses, shortcups, protrusions, the likelihood to detect an attacker comes down to zero. In a large house, where many rooms are both residential and utility, it is also difficult to detect an attacker. But a small house with a small area to secure much easier. In any case, it is worth using - install infrared sensors.

To enhance the safety of the house, you need to properly plan and place the windows relative. With them there should be an overview of not only the input zone (entrance and entry into the site), but also the terraces and the rear yard. It is best if a free review will be performed from the room where someone else is located from the owners (for example, a living room). You should not neglect the location plan. If at least one of the facades will not be monitored, you will have to spend on, and they are not suiced.

The entrance establishes an intercom and alarm system, which is directly related to the security organization.

An additional danger is high and branchy trees, which can climb an attacker. It is necessary to check that access to the roof and balconies from the outside was limited as possible. Long branches of trees from the side of the house will have to trim.

Also in the project it is necessary to specify the placement of caches and safes. They need to be installed in hidden, unpredictable places, and the installation must be executed before finishing. Otherwise, in the interior of the room there may be certain inconsistencies, which will be given a cache. The installation makes the firm-producer of safes, which guarantees the full preservation of the data, so that you can not worry about publicity.

Project Provide a small room in the house with a disguised entrance where you can hide and relieve a danger, waiting for the arrival of the police.

In the thieves the first obstacle to your home is. It should be installed around the perimeter of the entire site. To scare the uninvited guests, you can stretch over the top of the fence to stretch the barbed wire or scatter gently sharpening glass. There are owners who are solved to be used to protect the electrical stress, but, first of all, they can suffer from this may themselves, their small children and pets, and secondly, this method may be regarded as an excess of self-defense measures, if it is have a tragic finale.

When building fences, a brick, wood, professional flooring, concrete is used, and. Capable to protect the house from the views of curious passersby. These fences are not too reliable, but it is relatively inexpensive. They are easy to cut, burn, break. More reliable fences include - forged metal fences. They look respectfully, very beautiful and difficult to break them, the territory protects such a fence perfectly visible and securely protected. They have a single drawback: forged parts are exposed to rust. It remains the easiest option - to build on which the galvanic zinc coating will be, but its criminals can easily cut with scissors.

Serious attempt is able to withstand, because the masonry in one brick is opposed to a blow on a tangent passenger car. The fence of two or more bricks will be even more reliable. Beautiful and strong fences are made of decorative concrete tiles. There are vibropressed wall blocks from Portland cement, as well as stone crumbs and coarse sand. Such a block is equal to seven bricks. Often build, because it costs the owner much cheaper than forged, and the installation does not take up long time. The only long-term procedure is the column device, this is due to the fact that a certain period is needed to set the mixture. In general, on the construction of fences from this material is usually about three days.

So that the thief could not get to the site, it is necessary to cut all the trees around the perimeter of the fence, and the remaining stumps to recover, so that the criminal could not climb on the fence, getting on them. Located on the inside, hanging branches from trees should also be cut off. It is advisable to take a thick foliage in the trees, so that no one can hide in it.

It is important to understand that there is no such system that could not be hacked. Whatever security systems are mechanical or electronic - you can crack everything. Another question, how much wage will need time to neutralize the security system, when trying to penetrate the guarded premises.

Planning constructive safety measures, it is necessary, first of all, to identify ways through which the thief can penetrate the guarded premises. As a rule, there are few of them - these are windows and doors. In the case of protection of the land plot, fences are necessary. The fence should be not purely formal, but a real obstacle to the thief on the way to your territory. For this purpose, the fence is supplied with traumatic structures, such as barbed wire or metal bars, which can not only prevent penetration, but also harm the imperfected guest.

Door protection

If the thief was still able to penetrate the guarded territory, he should not just be in the house. This uses complex design measures. Must be made of high quality steel and equipped with anticipable pins and gaskets. It will be better if the doors are double, with different designs of locks, in order for the hacking method is much more complicated. At least one lock should have a high degree of protection, with the presence of an armor plate, excluding drilling, hacking or copying a key. Often and appropriate for this use code locks, with this method of protection, the main thing is to be able to restore the code during the loss. Remember that even the most durable door without reliable locks with two types of secrecy will not perform their protective function. It will be nice if the door is already mounted in the door with a large viewing angle (190-210 °). This will allow you to see a person who came to you, even if he sat down or moved to the side. Outside the door eye should not be discouraged, and from the inside it is necessary to close it with a curtain.

Basic entrance doors

The door must necessarily be armored and possess the following characteristics:

- Made with high-quality materials and have a solid and reliable design;
- The door can not have outer welds;
- protected from unauthorized penetration;
- be sustainable to hacking;
- to be fireproof;
- Equipped with various levels of protection. For example, locks with different secrecy and durability, special control devices, anti-blank pins and antisillars, durable armored pags, etc.;
- Have sound and thermal insulation properties and be hermetic.

Wind protection

Windows must be durable, made of high-quality structures. The most reliable window design is metal-plastic windows with double glazing. To split such a window is very laborious, and even if it is broken, the Wargo will have to squeeze through a narrow hole with the presence of a plurality of sticking glass fragments, into several rows, it can be very extensive for thief.

Sometimes to strengthen the glass of metal-plastic windows use special films that are applied from the inside of the glass package. These films hold the glass fragments when trying to break it. Thanks to such a film - glass is almost impossible to break. Often use anti-burglar, which will additionally protect the window. At the same time, accessories should provide a dense fitting of window flaps to protect the window without using a special tool. Window handles should be on the key. This will prevent its turn by manually when breaking the glass or when drilling a frame.

For extra. Usually they are installed only on the first floor with such a condition so that the lattice is easily removable on one any window. Such a requirement is necessary for the evacuation of people in cases of fire. Lattices are two types: forged and welded. In fact, the method of manufacturing the lattice does not affect their strength. The thickness of the rods of the grid must be at least 12 mm.

Another way to protect the window from hackers and thieves is rollers or rolling shutters. Modern rollers, in contrast to the wooden, have increased strength and burglary. The design of protective rolls consists of a flexible canvase, which is wound on the shaft hidden over the window opening in the protective box. The canvas consists of metal profiles, and the entire design is made in such a way that in the closed form and the outside is very difficult to dismantle. In addition, this process is noisy, which means that the potential thieves will scare away.

Potentially dangerous windows themselves, from the point of view of penetration, you can consider those to which you can get without the use of aids, such as a staircase, an extension to the house, etc. At the same risk group, mansard and attic windows fall.

By purchasing four friends, you simultaneously acquire a reliable defender of the house and the local area. The dog will perfectly cope with protection at night, as it has an excellent hearing and excellent scent. At the invasion of extraneous owners they will hear loud barking, and this will become a significant obstacle to hackers.

To protect the house should not be purchased bull terriers and pit bullies. Such dogs, according to the advice of kinologists, are not suitable for the protection of the house and can pounce as on the owners themselves and on their guests.

Wake-up dogs by and large does not matter, the main thing is that it loudly bias. Remember that the main function of your four-legged friend to warn you about the coming misfortune, and not neutralize the villain. The dog will give a signal, warn the owners and move the thief. To make the dog on time to the thief, it must be in the most weakly procurement site of the site. This is usually a place that is not viewed from the windows.

For those who do not want to make a dog can be made in a cunning. At the fence to attach a sign with the inscription: "Caution! Angry dog". And this will psychologically will repel the villains.

From unauthorized invasion, quite a lot has been developed. Among them there is quite expensive and quite "democratic", they can protect both a small office or an apartment and huge areas of private mansions with the territories adjacent to them.

The simplest systems are system of security alarms, including, heat reacting to the sound of broken glass. Also fairly common are video surveillance cameras. Sensors and cameras, as a rule, are connected to the receiving and control unit, which sends alarms to the remote control of the security company or directly on the home telephone. It may also include alarm sirens, block locks on the entrance doors.

Options for more expensive security systems can protect the room not only from robbers, but also from, gas leakage or water pipes. To do this, sensors of smoke, gas analyzers, etc. are also connected to the system loops in addition to the protected sensors. Cameras in such systems are also quite expensive, equipped with infrared illumination, video recorder, a wide angle view. There are also cameras with photodones that fix what is happening in the zone of their control, responding to sound or movement. They are installed near the entrance doors. In this case, the information obtained is stored on the drive during a certain time. True, such a drive is triggered with any noise or movement, so neighbors, animals, just passing by people, will probably be among the photos.

Installation requires considerable costs, for example, the cost of one chamber can reach $ 400. In addition, for their power supply, a backup line is needed, which is not related to the main power supply of the house.

Special attention deserves the program "Vacation". Designed to protect the house with a long lack of its owners, it simulates a rapid activity in an empty room: periodically includes light or music in the rooms, reproduces voice recordings. It is worth such a system that is not suiced, but the result is worth it.

And yet you should not hope only for the technique. If an alarm system is installed, it is necessary to connect it to the security firm console. Security services will have to pay additionally. It is worth remembering that the response to the alarm must be operational: the protection should come to the object within 5 minutes after the signal is received.

Passive protection of residential premises is the creation of visibility that this house or apartment is not needed to rob and rob. To do this, there are two approaches: either externally issue housing "more compromising", they say, here and there is nothing to take, either, on the contrary, scare away unwanted guests about video surveillance and presence of an evil dog.

Do not forget that we are hacking, as a rule, empty houses when the hosts are in departure or on the robot. Therefore, when leaving for a while, it is better to leave the light included in some room, or radio. If you need to leave the dwelling for a while, you should ask friends or neighbors to look and look after it or rent it. The last option will also make a profit, only to donate accommodation needs reliable and familiar people. Not the most reliable, but still an effective way of protection is a dog, and the sign on the gate about its presence on the territory will make "guests" once again think before rushing into the house.

Video surveillance also scares robbers, so the sign with the inscription "Video surveillance" can become an obstacle on their way. At the same time, it is not necessary to install it in fact, in the extreme case, you can put the camera to the camera.

But even subject to all precautionary measures and should not be tested. Large amounts of money, jewels and securities are better to store in bank storage chambers, still there is more reliable there. If the houses are stored expensive things or money, they should be reliably hidden in a safe, which cannot be reached or opened.

Security home

Most hackers work during the day, as well as we with you. And they decide whether to rob your home, based on its assessment of the complexity of the task: whether you can easily ride or better go to your neighbors. And the most effective measures of protection are those who will kill the criminal to go robbery somewhere else.

10 methods that can be used

Be friends with your neighbors. Do not compare from them with a high fence, but use a wire mesh or low stake to distinguish the wire mesh. Communicate with them personally, find common interests or problems. Just do not talk about "Krymnash" and similar topics, otherwise you risks instead of getting an enemy. The general concern for its safety will not only allow you to be aware of everything that happens in the district, but also will allow you to include neighbors in the list of those technologies that are watching your home. A neighbor retirement that is constantly visiting you due to the curtain of its window will turn out of corporate trouble in the video surveillance system. Especially if he has your phone number and you are pretty. Neighbors even better dog. By the way, about dogs ...

Get the dog. Not a room dog, but a real watchtown animal, which does not happen to live on the street in Konure and adores you and your family, and not the whole world around (except for cats, of course). Even Lai Serious Dog, who will hear a potential hacker because of your fence, will make him reconsider his plans and go somewhere else.

The dog will be the best assistant in the protection of your property.

Close windows and doors. Even if you consider your area safe, make a habit of closing all locks and valves. The criminals often check at home, just knocking on the door and, if no one answers, trying to open it. Close the doors and windows, even the door from the house in the garage adjacent to it (or the barn, hotstock, a winter garden or what else can you have).

Cheer criminals. If you, for example, cannot for some reason, make a dog, pretend that you have it. Hang a sign (or two) "Caution, evil dog" to the inlet gate and rear gate. And when someone tries to enter your door when you are at home, depict a scene with a dog locking in the room before opening the door. Or buy a device that makes a dog Lai by your signal. Such already available.

Install fake camcorders. Mostly it is not very cheap and their price depends on the quality of manufacture, i.e. Quality imitation of operation. But you can buy it for 5-6 US dollars (for example, in Amazon). The only problem here is that delivery will be more expensive than the chambers themselves, but if you search for the Chinese, it is possible to solve this reference problem.

Fake video surveillance camera

Slip the local security organization to the wicket or window. For example, FSUE "Protection". And even better, when such a sticker will accompany the box with a flashing LED, as the one that is usually established by the security organization to control the arming. Just make sure that the attacker could not get it and make sure that you deceive him.

Sticker FSUE Guard

At the time of departure, take care so that the house seemed to be residential. Put the timers (or specialized devices, they are not so expensive) that will include light in the house in the evening according to certain rules. Ask friends to go to your house, pull out mail from the mailbox, water the flowers or feed your cat, and at the same time look, did not change what. You can also, for example, leave the TV turned on - its chatter will be a good reinforcement by your camouflage procedures.

Move the bushes around your home. It is not only beautiful, but also will not allow criminals to use them as a shelter.

Haircut bushes pursues two goals

Close the curtains in the house in the evening. You do not want to at night when you sleep, anyone acquainted with the contents of your rooms through the window with a flashlight.

Use your head more often. Stay at home when someone works in your home or near him. Do not leave keys under a rug or such a "secret" place, like a pot with flowers or a beautiful stone at the door. Teach children not to share with friendly family secret information about where you store keys, what is the code from the protective system, or which window frame is fixed on two carnations.

4 things that do not need to do

Do not leave Boxes from under purchased expensive equipment near their garbage tanks. If you can not shove them into the tank, it is better to remove them much away in order not to attract potential offenders.

Do not write About your vacation plans in the Internet. And ask not to do this your children. You do not know who reads your Facebook or Twitter.

Stop opening Door when hear the call without looking into the eyes. Find out at first who stands on the side of the door. You do not need to open the door to a person whom you do not know. And do not answer until you make sure that it is a trustworthy person. Even if later it turns out that this is your neighbor came to meet you. Nothing, the opportunity for this will still be. And do not forget to instruct your children.

Someone calls the door

Do not leave valuable things in sight. They should not be seen through the window passing by your homes.

3 inexpensive improvements

  1. Light night. Set several bright lamps around the house connected to motion sensors. The cost of such lamps begins with 10 dollars (on batteries). Accordingly, wired lamps are more expensive - already about 50 dollars.
  2. Take care of the door. The best doors are steel (the cost of them in different regions is different), but not Chinese beautiful pacifiers "of foil", but the normal of the steel is at least 3 mm thick. Either from the wood massif, which is also reliable and more beautiful. Use non-removable loops and special pairs of "spike-groove" to protect against pressed. At the same time, pay attention to how the door frame is done - its reliability and quality plays even a big role than the door itself. The lock must be equipped with a special steel plate protecting it from breaking through a sledge hammer.
  3. Install the high-quality transition lock (or two). Never especially count on a simple door lock, whether it is English or a similar built into the handle. Set above the handle a good rigle lock. And additional tips:
  • Use the lock with the rigle to 4 turn the key
  • Fix the lock long fastener so that it is tightly sitting in the door
  • Install the door eye with a review of 160%.

Spend a little more

There are many home security systems that you can install yourself. These systems, despite their cheapness, will perfectly perform their function - the protection of your property and your loved ones. Most of these systems use wireless technology. All of them are easily installed and contain several devices in a single set providing basic protection. Many of them are cheaper than 100 dollars.

When purchasing them, it is necessary to carefully treat the choice, as some of them use professional monitoring service, which will cost you in certain money monthly. Therefore, you should decide in advance how much you need this service, and only then go to the store or contact the online store. In principle, you can monitor and yourself, using your own smartphone or tablet.

Snapshot Surveillance Chamber in the Dark

Many systems include video surveillance cameras, this is a very convenient feature of monitoring. However, the cameras can be bought separately. The main thing is that it is necessary to consider here, in addition to the optical properties of the camera, this is the place where it will store information. You must decide in advance whether this disk drive will be at home or, say, the external cloudy storage - in this case, you will probably have to pay for these services.

Here are just a few such sets that we wrote about not so long ago. Some of them are true, while still in development and did not go on sale.

  • ismartalarm. The kit that provides basic security functions, which will cost only $ 200, and even the amateur can configure it. The key component of the system is Cubeone - a hub that collects all devices together and provides Internet access. In addition, the system includes a video surveillance camera with an angle of view of 350 degrees and the possibility of shooting in the dark, two models of sensors: one monitors the movement, the other is for the opening of the door or window, as well as a special key chain that can be used to control the system. The number of sensors can be increased by purchasing them separately.

9 ways to protect the house from evil people The house should be the safest place for family members. But often there are unkind people at him, trying to harm. The house can smooth the envious, on the family can stick the unfortunate of the grumpy neighbor. Therefore, each hostess should be able to defend his dwelling from evil, to know a conspiracy to protect the house from danger. Protection of the house from evil people. Magical protection of the dwelling - starting from the windows and doors the door has long been attracted by the imagination of poets, mystics and magicians. It is symbolic, - often appears in dreams and nightmares. What is behind the door? What are strange creatures, magic countries, secret dangers? More prosaic windows also have their magical properties and features. If they are the eyes of the house, then the door is his mouth. And the doors and windows have special power and enjoy universal reverence, because they are called upon to prevent the "unclean" to the house. The door is no more than an ordinary piece of wood, two handles, three door hinges, several locks. However, the doors are the entrance to other dimensions. In shape, they repeat the dolmen * Stonehengeja and other European megalithic * structures: two stones set up vertically, and the third rests on top, creating a magic threshold. There is an idea that the door and its components (jumper, box, door salary, threshold, keys) have magical, almost ritual properties. Many rites associated with the doors are in their nature protective. Pumpkins hung on both sides of the door from the street will protect from unwanted "evil" forces, as well as a piece of bamboo or a wreath of leaves and spikes. The circle drawn in chalk, scales the ghost, garlic or dill, suspended to the front door, will not allow those who sick or hid evil, entered into your home, and a bag with salt or bell hanging from the door handle will distil the demons. There are other techniques to protect the house from the "bad" strength to it: put two needles crosswise under the rug at the door; paint the door to blue, which is considered sacred; scatter mustard seeds or bury the resin dragon tree under the threshold outside; Drive outside the door three nails in the form of a triangle facing the top up. The porch grows special grass to protect the house even more. Fern, lilies, marks and juniper are grown in pots. Old sock, filled with salt, sage, cowboy, pyzhma and any other protective herbs, can be buried under the threshold from the street to scare ghosts. A box with "chicken gods" - stones with holes, or a knife under the threshold also possess the magic properties to protect the house. The door is the best place in the house among capable of attracting certain types of energy. For example, five shiny penny *, laid under the threshold, will bring home money and love, and a piece of edible, buried there, "take care" so that you never know what hunger is. Do you want to see ghost? If you believe old legends, the door is the perfect place for this. At sunset or at midnight, stand in the dark from any door facing another room. Semi-dust door, squeeze her cheek. If you show patience, you can see the spirits, some strange figures. Why? Because the door is the entrance to other worlds. If you want to get rid of ghosts, it is only worth clapping the door several times in a row. Ghosts will be trapped between the door and the jamb, they will warm and will soon leave. But if you like ghosts, do not slap the door! If you feel about such a type of people who forget to close the door, you may want to start doing it. The legend says that the one who never closes the doors behind him will never have his own home. It is likely that it is related to believe that if the doors of the house always remain open, through them all the power will leave. Protection of the house from evil people. The keys possess their own magical properties and for ancient religious representations were extremely important. Hekata kept the keys to the universe; Janus also often depicted holding keys; And the ancient priestesses and the priests kept the keys that symbolized their strong magic connection with their deities. The keys are a phallic symbol representing the male principle, but also wisdom, the achievement of the highest level of consciousness and magical protection. There are many keys spells, where you can choose everything you like. There are such simple rites as wearing a small key on their own body (as well as, and not wearable) to gain wisdom; As storing the old iron key under the mattress to cure from impotence. There are more complex rituals ... Lay so many old keys, how many doors you have in the house. Slowly moving around the house, repeat when each key concerns your door:, Save thieves in the night! Save thieves in the night! Save thieves in the night! "After that, tie all the keys together with a red ribbon and hang on the front door as a decoration with magical power. Remember: Visualize! As already mentioned, the keys can be worn or used for different purposes. Golden key protects against a bad eye; Three keys on the chain will bring health, wealth and love; It is believed that the key on the back eliminates the headaches or stops bleeding from the nose; Any key that you carry with you brings good luck until it approaches one of your locks. The key put in the cradle, the "ban" of the baby at home, so that it will not be able to steal fairies (although today it is not such an urgent problem). The key placed in an inverted form next to the bed, drives nightmares and will provide peaceful sleep. In order to guard the house of your favorite pets, put a small key next to him. If we have a key on the body, it will strengthen the ability to childbear and fertilization. And if you want to open some secret, carry a key with you. Protection of the house from evil people. Windows is just no keys doors. In ancient times, the windows served slides in the walls intended for admission of fresh air and ventilating from smoke. A wind whistled through them, and the light was visible from the burning center. It is not surprising that the windows were called the "wind eye". Like on the door, they look at the windows with a hidden fear, believing that they have magical properties. They are protected in every way. Until now, the windows are cut out or painted with chalk pentagram. White curtains hanging on the windows close from the Sun and from all negative effects. Small white marine pebbles, pieces of glass, sea shells are put on the windowsill, you can and a big red tomato. The ball from the green glass is suspended in front of the window to drive evil forces. When you wash your windows with ammonia alcohol or with vinegar, you not only make them cleaner, but also invite the wind to bless your home. Window windows have a magical power that distinguishes evil spirits, as an intricate stained glass window | And the glass of different colors cause cleansing vibrations. Patterns on these windows must be chosen with great care, so that they match the overall style. When the sun shines through color stained glass windows, casting painted rays of light into the room and forming glowing colored puddles on the floor, magic is really at work! A similar effect produces a refined crystal, facing the edges to the window so that the sunlight crouples on hundreds of small rainbows. Round windows, such favorite architects in Hawaii and the Far East, are considered to protect the house. They are known as "lunar windows". If you move to a new home, try to execute such a rite (which is also effective when you sleep in the room for the first time): before you go to bed, count the pieces of glass in the room windows. Then make a desire and fall asleep. And finally, if good luck turned away from you, sprout salt on the window sill, and then take other steps to return good luck. Protection of the house from evil people. Whether the entrance door. It is necessary to put protection at the entrance door. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, therefore the protection of the entrance door is the most important housing over the housing and any evil. It will help us with nails, as protective conspiracy on iron have a big coastal force from evil intents. On the growing moon you need to buy three nails without surrender. If exactly three nails do not work, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take delivery. Wheel one nail at the top of the door, and the other two are below. Nails must form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and tell the conspiracy and protection of the house from the evil people: "Three nails in my door. The first all enemies clutch, the second of all unhondudues exists, the third will remove everything. All words in the case turn, all nails in favor of turnover. " While the nails will be in the door, the protection conspiracy will be reliably guarded housing from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts. Protection of the house from evil people. Whether the gypsy needles. On the growing moon, buy two gypsy needles without passing. Fold them with the edge of the tip down, tanging with a white thread, and say the conspiracy to the house and preservation of the property from evil people and witchcraft: "As a spear of a cross, so the enemies are all a prick. Who is with good - he will pass. Who with evil hooked the cross ... "Hang the needles over the door indoors or hide them under the upholstery of the door outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with flowing water or roll over the candle flame, and read the plot to protect your room. Thread burn. Clean threshold at home how to protect the threshold of the house. The entrance door and threshold should be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, the unkind person will already lose a part of the evil strength from which came. Going for the threshold, his remaining black force will lose its power, reflected in the conspiracy mirror. Therefore, the mirror is desirable to hang opposite the front door.

And what to do with the threshold of the house, what is the conspiracy to read on protection? First of all, the threshold needs to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt: fitting and wash. Take the rule to keep the threshold, knobs of the entrance door and the door itself. Then you are not afraid of no evil, and luck will often look into such a house. Winched the threshold of the house by a broom, read the conspiracy: "I slow down the hands, diseases, damage and corti, the smlorass are corrosive and apparent. My threshold is done, God blessed. Amen." Protection of the house from evil people. The next method of cleaning the threshold needs to be made of salted water. To do this, throw in a bucket with water three slices of salt and wash the threshold three times, saying the conspiracy: "Salta gone to the salt, soaked the water. As salt does not rot, it does not stick to the threshold. Skalce, turn back, turn back! Won went! I did not call you! " Then the dirty water should be pulled out on the clutch. Do not take care of what people will think about you! Poured and went home without turning around. And now, when the threshold is cleared, you need to protect against unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take a threshold salt and sprinkle the threshold. At the same time you need to read a plot: "Salt from the Great Thursday! I expel from the home of the birth and pain! Hold on the threshold all evil, all misfortune and lich! Excellence This house will cost. As I said, this will happen! " Also under the threshold you can hide a new blade. It will cut off evil. Protection of the house from evil people. Protection of the house for three nails. Crighted three times and read "Our Father". To score three nails into the threshold of the house (two along the edges and one in the middle), while pronounceing a conspiracy 3 times. "I score lips, teeth, eyes. Bey the enemies who do what makes me, let him take himself. From your mouth to your sinus" Note: You can not do on holiday, Friday and Sunday. Protection of the house from evil people. We will deflate nails. Leave the door from the street three small nails, so that they form their caps with their caps (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After that, go to the house, close the door and say:, three nails in this door. The first nail - all enemies to stack, the second nail - all the unlike lime, the third nail - everything is unkind. To all of my words - the turn, with all three nails - in favor of turnover. "It will protect your home from the invasion of unclean strength and reduce the effectiveness of the black witchcraft aimed at your home. Protection of the house from evil people. Holy Water for Protection. Holy Water has a huge Strength, especially Epiphany. Pour some water in a bowl and add a pinch of the threatening salt, and also put any silver object. Then the prayer, Father our "and the conspiracy of protection from unkind people, witchcraft, to preserve the property are read on the water. Take a church candle, burn it and opposite the door on both sides, in the air, draw it the cross. Then holy water sprink the door and threshold, Separating a conspiracy: "I ask for help: come back to me the servant of God (your name), Cherubim and Seraphim from the sky to the ground. Wash the holy water, clean, from all evil, do not go to the Light lessons, in the house to the slave of God ( Your name) Do not enter, from now on and before the century. Amen. " Further, this water you need to sprink down the entire room, the entrance door and threshold. All conspiracy are read on the growing moon, but you can read on any day if there is a need for this. Protection of the house from evil people. Wheel on pins. * Portnovsky pins; * Church candle; * icon. In this case, we will need tailor pins to protect the room from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Buy pins on the growing moon. Pins should be enough to have enough for all windows and the front door (four Studs on the object of protection). Now pins need to be sanctified. To do this, we put the icon on the table and light the church candle. We look at the candle, pins and the icon and read prayer, our "7 times in a row. Now you need to stick pins on four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two below). If you fail, you can join with plasticine or tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Protective conspiracies can not read. Three months later, the pin to remove and bury into the ground, and newly attach to the defense of the room from the witchcraft of ill-wishers. Protection of the house from evil people. Protect the house or apartment from the action of the Dark Forces (sorcerers, spoken by damage, energyports, other unclean), you can, sticking in all openings of premises - doors, windows - needles. It is better to do this in the upper part of the frames and jambs, and the needles should be stuck, and not the edge. At the same time you need to read a conspiracy from unclean strength. Conspiracy. "From the Spirit of the Holy, Party of Christ, Savorova Hand, Virgin Marka Castle, My Angel, my saver! Save my soul, scrape my heart. The enemy of Satan, look away from me! I have three sheets, it is written all Mark yes Nikita-Velikomyk: For sins soul to torment, for me to pray for me. Amen. " Having finished this ritual, it is necessary to bypass the house (apartment) counterclockwise with a church candle. It is necessary to start from the threshold and in no case do not let any wall, not a single angle. Where the flame will crack or smoke, there should be to hold the flame of the candle longer. Thistle coast grass. From the depths of the centuries, knowledge of the mighty strength of the coated herbs reached us. On the herbs you can read a plot, and you can ask for your words about protection. Put the wormwood under the rug at the entrance. With another harvest, throw it away from housing and put a new one. A beam of a hunter or mint should be hung in the hallway near the mirror or at the hanger. In the summer, stocking thistle and keep it all year in the house. St. John's wort will miss a person with malicious intent. If you hang the branches of the windows on the windows and the entrance door, it will destroy evil spells. Protection of the house from evil people. Protect yourself and your home with plants. Brew a steep infusion of dill or thistle. Spray the entrance door, windows and window sills with a broom made from multi-colored chicken feathers. Connect five parts of a large salt with three parts of the dry grass of the Hypericum and one part of the dried and scattered flowers of garlic flowers on the full moon. Will the old sock with this mixture. By doing this, say the cherished words: where you are put, there is no strength of black, nor the intent of evil, nor the word is bad. Salt black will take, the grass will unfold, the color of thin words will open, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wish, no one will die. Three times three turns, three times three times, three times from the gate. "Sorry this protective amulet under the threshold of the entrance door of your home, repeating another 3 times conspiracy. Protection of the house from evil people. In order to protect against negative energy, assemble and dried protective herbs and plants : St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, pizhma, thistle and sage. Mix them all together, pronouncing: "The grass with grass is connected, against the power of black is combined, the light is clear, for (names) is determined." Sustrate from red cloth a small bag And pour your herbal mixture into it. Sew the bag so that the herbs do not get enough sleep. Wear it on a red cord, putting on the neck. Protection of the house from evil people. Take a red candle in my left hand, and in the right-fir branch. Stand up To the east and back to the West, burn the wick in the candle and say the plot: "I will become a tyr of iron, the bouquet fence from the East and to the West, from the north to the sea, Otola and the sky, and will protect me from the sorcerer and the sorcerer, from B. Food and from the lead, from black and white, from the turn and from Trozub, from one-eyed and red-eyed, from oblique and from the blind, from any of my springs and from any friend-comrade. Be the words of mine, modeling and strong, stronger than a strong stone, solid hard iron, and forever in centuries. " After that, tear up three needles from the fir branch and wear them in your pocket. Protection of the house from evil people. In order for evil to not settled in your home, put the custodian seeds in front of the entrance door in your home and say: "Who sowed, he will collect, none evil to this house will be included in the breath, it will go to the threshold." Protection of the house from evil people. Plant next to her house. Herbs and plants that bargain the path of negative energy into your home. It can be lily flowers, marigolds, violets and cyclamen, juniper bushes, thistle and ferns. Watering them for the first time, say: "Green cover, cover people and houses from any uncleanness, from any evil." In addition, hang opposite the front door of the mirror: it will reflect the evil, seeking to penetrate your home. Protection of the house from evil people. Mix in equal parts of dry herbs: rosemary, lavender, basil, clover, mint and laurel. Add to them as many fennel seeds, garlic flowers and marigolds, seeds of the plantain and the root of violet and say the conspiracy: "From the strength of black, from the word thin, the thinners of these herbs gathered together. Where to be, all the black and thin way to overlapping both on the ground, and by sea, and in the wind and fire. Everything that has been said to turn, never forget. " If you are not able to find all the listed herbs, then use only those that will be available to you. Fill the green glass bottle or a jar for two thirds conspired herbal mixture and block the vessel with a plug or lid. Put a bottle on the kitchen window. Protection of the house from evil people. Collect and dry herbs and plants to protect the house from the malice and envy of your ill-wishers: St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, pyrhem, marigold, thistle, sage, verbena, fern, juniper, Issop, Omelo, Lily, Palki root, garlic flowers, dill seeds , bay leaf, carnation, mayoran, rosemary, basil and lavender, as well as sandalwood leaves and sawders, eucalyptus, patchouli and cypress. Mix them all together and pour the resulting herbal mixture into a small cold sac. Doing it, pronounce a conspiracy: "Each grass is strong, every grass wise, and together they are stronger, and together they are wiser. Together they collect them, together, they spend them, strength to stand against Lich, the wisdom is evil expelled. " Tie this bag with a red thread and hang it in the northern corner of your house. Protection of the house from evil people. Charm home on a round mirror. You can protect housing from negative energy using a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or twist the old one. Operate mirror with flowing water, dry and burn the church candle in front of it. This will be enough to cleanse from unnecessary information. Then put the mirror on the table, and put eight church candles on the sides. Light one of them and tell me: "I define you to reflect evil." Next, all the rest are burning from this candle, repeating the same words. Then look at the reflection of candles in the mirror and speak the plot of protection: "Inside and around from evil protection. The world is coordinated from one to eight, from eight embodiment. " Clean the candles with your fingers and hide in a secluded place. Mirror hang on the wall. From now on, all the unkind views, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home, will not harm any or your loved ones. After a year, the conspiracy against unkind people is repeated again after cleansing the mirror with water. Protection of the house from evil people. How to protect the house from damage. On the growing moon until noon, buy a coil of white threads and new needles. Remember that items for witchcraft cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, the remaining threads and needles put in a separate box and store for other rites. To ingue the thread in the needle (take off the coil on the elbow length) and tie three nodes. Switch the needle along the door jacket and stick it at the top, saying a conspiracy on protection: "You can stand guard. All our enemies beat! " Three months later, I will remove the needle and go to the ground away from my housing. Take another needle and repeat the conspiracy of your premises to protect against witchcraft of unkind people. Protection of the house from evil people. Help the house. If you have a house in your house, then it can be asked to protect the house and property. Before going to bed, do the following. Put a piece of bread and bracelet on a plate and tell me the following: "Master-home, in the house, come in, my seven of my defense. Our richness is Odari, peace and paws in the store. Soft bread I give you, in return I will ask you. " Go to bed. In the morning, the bread dries, and the bracelet is put on your hand.

Protection at home, or rather a separate room. Being in the room, just attention, i.e. Mentally, but in the outside of the line (they themselves will begin to appear there, you do not need to puff and strain them to create them) as follows: (To detect the center of the room) - on each wall, as well as on the floor and ceiling to draw two lines connecting Control angles, i.e. Draw a cross in these rectangles, and also hold lines along the contour of these rectangles, i.e. In places docking walls. - Now the same thing is to be done inside, every lower angle is to connect with the opposite top, so the line will pass through the center of the room and the same center will be the intersection point. Through the same center, send lines formed from crosses on the walls and ceiling, i.e. To connect the intersection points of two diagonals between the floor and the ceiling, as well as two pairs of the walls in this way you get inside the room an edible star, place the Energy grain of the choir you need (determine in advance what you need to learn as a result and find this little lump in your Vip - grain of future charms). It is better to be outside the room, because when the deployment should not interfere. At this point, you can also watch exactly how the lines are scanning, these spells will thus unfold within the room. When all active processes are completed - you can go. When you cross the threshold, track your feeling of entry into the Char zone. Notes: 1) The lines will be bluish color, it is not NP in its pure form, but rather, the mind line generated by your mind and carrying the power of the mind, due to which the spells will be completely autonomous and will not need to feed from the outside - the spells will have some kind of mind and maintain your existence independently, drawing strength from the world source, so there will be no problems with nutrition 2) the spells should work out about the way as sparkling water, will slightly spoke to the skin, approximately from the softer, just softer, it is me what is not necessary to make them murderous, etc., because you still live there))) they have to create comfort in the room, being generated by a reasonable start, they will (initially, ie by themselves) to destroy everything As if not clean, fake (as in music fake sounds) energy structures, leaving only clean. Thus, any negatives will collapse amazingly easily and simply, although it will seem that the protection is very light and "gentle" and will cope with so easily well, it simply should not by definition, but in these things it often turns out to be stronger and more efficient 3) Try to compare your Feeling having moved in this room and somewhere else, I think you will find a few differences of protecting the house from evil people. With a conversation or meeting with a detriment: if you feel the evil power coming from someone, mentally cross this person. Do it three times and, without opening your mouth, say to myself: "This cross, this post you cover you so that there is no black thought, no bad business, no worst look." Communicating with such a person, keep your right hand in your pocket, folding out the fig. If you threaten the phone on the phone, or curse, then not putting the phone phone and especially without listening to what they say there to cross and tell me: "Everything came out, you passed on you. Snin, Propations, Izydi.Amin." And it doesn't matter even if you do not hear, the negative program will not be delayed on you, and on the subscriber will reflect seriously. If you have come somewhere going to go and want to protect yourself from enemies that can harm you Word read this plot standing in front of the threshold. Total 3 times. , Through the threshold, I pull, I crash, I close all enemies, I don't go, but I'm going to a black ox that all my enemies have become a tongue, Amen, Amen. Amen. "Slove through the left shoulder 3 times. To get rid of negative energy after a quarrel. Turn off the black threads of centimeters 30 from the black threads of 30, litter a wax candle (other light sources should not be), and, winding the thread to the index finger of the right hand, at the same time read Conspiracy 7 times: you go, the pain is soulful from me to Peter, and from Peter on Nikitka, and from Nikitka on this thread. There you have to live, and I (name) live quietly. Word. Key. Language. Language. " Then the twisted thread burned in the flame of the candle, and the ashes to take out and throw in the trash. Candle give to burn.

It would seem that in the modern world of innovative technologies there is no place for magic. But many people remain faithful to the old traditions and believe that envy and anger, negative emotions not even conscious can greatly harm well-being at home and familyTherefore, you need to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil and damage.

In ancient times, people could easily determine the presence of a evil eye on their own, not referring to those skilled in the art. The current people are not so sensitive. In order to know whether the house needs to protect against the evil eye and damage, you need to listen to your feelings and emotions.

How to determine whether the house suffers from negative energy?

The feeling of envy of someone's happiness of some people does not leave alone, so they resort to damage or suggest evil eye. A sign that the house is damaged by damage, may be:

  • frequent quarrels and scandals;
  • suddenly emerged health problems with all family members;
  • the desire to escape from the house;
  • strange animal behavior, cats can look at one point and hiss;
  • availability of unknown items.

Check whether someone has a slogony or damage can be done with a candle or consecrated salt. If you pour salt into the pan and heat, it will darken, and soot the candles will definitely indicate that in the house is not all safe.

Ways to protect against the evil eye

The evil eye differs from damage. In contrast, he is casual. For this, it is enough for a person with negative energy just envied. You can prevent the bad influence of such people by saying a plot or spending a ritual, there are several ways.

Rite with a candle

All the corners of the house after the guest's care need to be cut off with a burning church candle or spray in the rooms holy water, accompanying their actions with prayer.

You can stick the needle into a jamb of the door or sprinkle a salt threshold. But it is important to remember that salt, not only protected, but also cause damage. Therefore, if the salt was found near the door, then someone tried to harm with damage. To get rid of harm, you need to pronounce a plot:

"I am not an enemy, I'm not an enemy, the enemy is a friend - friend,"

throwing a pinch of salt with his right hand through the left shoulder.

Protect the house from damage by conspiracy

To protect the house from the evil eye and damage make a plot. To do this, the salt must be bought on Thursday and pronounce these words over it:

"All the urgents and porens of salt in the eyes, the burning fire, the sand of burning. All the urchings and porers of God's creatures never know, do not open the clouds, do not climb the stars, do not cross the morning zrahushki, do not lock the young month. "

After the plot was pronounced, salt put into the bag and carry or stored in the house.

To protect the house from the evil eye and the damage can not be greeting with a person through the threshold. This place is attributed to special strength.

Protect the house can icons. The saints depicted on icons are removed from the evil eye and damage, and if you light the candle near the images, it will burn the entire negative.

Unborn guests

Evil people can harm, imperceptibly leaving some thing in the house that a conspiracy was imposed. So that this happened above the front door can be stuck pin. Such charging is also used for non-critical guests. Still pins hang opposite the entrance to the house, then each guest negative leaves behind the threshold.

Non-crushed guests can be expelled using broom. It is drunk by a pen in the floor, and up plug up a plug, over which conspiracy read:

"Take them out of the door of the house, because they are tired of worse radish."

If after leaving the guests there was a sense of fatigue without visible for the reasons, then you need to sprinkle a salt threshold and pronounce a plot:

"As I am a lot of salt, so as not to let the evil in the house, so let any danger penetrate into any kind of gap, now I appeal to the law of three elements, so my will. So be! ".

Well, the easiest way is simply not to drive into the house of unverified people.

How to protect yourself by oversets?

To save a family focus safe, you can use special charms, which will guard warm and happiness in the house and save from the evil eye.

To do this, use a bouquet of dry wormwood, an aspen branch, horseshoe, inverted horns down. These items hang on the entrance door or near her.

As a chap, you can pour peas under the windies or hang the mirror opposite the entrance. The best charms are the Beregini dolls that are created by their own hands. They need to be put on the most prominent place.

Eliminate the house from the evil eye and damage will help the vase, put in the corner opposite the entrance. There are several cloves of garlic, rowabine branch, thistle branch and ears of wheat. As a bouquet, you can use the ohaper of dry colors tied with a red ribbon. This amulet will always stand on guard and order in the house.

Creating charms with your own hands, or buying in the store you need to fill yourself with bright thoughts. Reliable protection will be only talismans charged with positive energy.

How does plants protect?

So that the negative energy does not penetrate the house can use plants. Instead of a high fence, you can grow a living fence, and the raspberry bushes are planted on the territory of the site. These plants are able to bring a way and calm in the family.

Putting near the house of Ryabin, you can protect the house from envy and disease. Ryabina fruits are used as charms.

How to get rid of damage yourself?

The easiest and effective way will protect against the evil eye and damage is to make a cat at home. This world and otherworldly are available to these animals, so they feel well the negative energy. The cat infallion will inform the owners with their behavior.

If the cat is well treated, then it will protect the house from evil forces. This animal is able to accept witchcraft. Protecting people from envy and malice, the cat may get sick or perish.

The most common detergent for cleansing from damage is salt. The ritual uses a glass of salt and several needles or pins. Needles will need as many people live in the house.

Salt and pins need to warm up in a frying pan, stirring clockwise and thinking about all their troubles. The process should last until the salt darkens.

After that, the fire is turned off and turn away from the frying pan. Next, I should not utter a word, carrying the mixture, bypass the whole apartment clockwise. A little to stay in the rooms where family members are most often.

After climbing the room, the mixture must be heated again, stirring will be stirred and pronounced conspiracy:

"Where did it come from and left. All that we wished badly, everyone was taken back. "

Salt and needles need to wash off with water so that all adversity gone. You can pour into the toilet, and the pan is well laundering.

Salt - the most common means

You can remove damage from the house with an apple and candles. To do this, in the apple cut the core so that it is not in the bottom of the apple. After that, they light a candle and bypass the house with it. Each angle is needed three times with a candle clockwise.

The cores of the apple are poured with wax from the candles, and the apple itself fastens with the help of five needles. It needs to hold it a bit in his hands, thinking about all the adversities, and then throw away. No conspiracy for the ritual is needed.

It is possible to protect housing from the envy and anger of other people using the simplest things. The most important thing is to use them correctly. After reading the right plot even over the onions you can destroy negative energy.