Mandatory visit to the cemetery. Rules for visiting cemeteries

Dead should respect

Recently, it became fashionable to arrange photo sessions in cemeteries, drink alcohol, idle to walk among the graves and just do what would come to mind. Such frivolous actions are harmful, first of all themselves. It should be respect for the dead and if you just decided to wander aimlessly, then try not to make noise and do not run. The dead do not like the rapid manifestations of emotions, and you can hurt the feelings of other people at this moment on the graves of their deceased relatives.

It is also impossible to suffer overly. It often happens so that unfulfilled relatives start almost daily to ride the grave and literally bury themselves next to a newly close person. This categorically impossible to do. It turns out that crying, sobbing and due to prevent your youthful loved one. His soul does not find peace. Strong suffering can even lead to the fact that a dead relative can even pick up someone from family members with them and such cases occur quite often. So try when you visit the cemetery to behave restrained and let go of the deceased, how hard you would not have done it.

Prepare for a trip to the cemetery

First, pay attention to shoes. It should not be open, even when on the street is very hot. Probably you have heard more than once about what terrible rites are performed on earth taken from the grave. In the open shoes, you yourself cling to yourself dust and grave land, and then bring it home, so you should always visit the cemeteries only in the closed shoes, which, on returning home, be carefully washed.

The clothes in which you are going to go to the cemetery should not be bright and causing. Stop your choice on calm shades. It is advisable to wear something black or monophonic.

Now about hairstyle. Previously, women almost always walked in a headdress, regardless of the time of year. Now this tradition went into the past. However, the cemeteries are best walking with a covered head or collecting the hair in a tight beam. The fact is that a huge number of carriage rituals is carried out with the help of nails and hair.

Hair has a strong energy connection with the man to which they belong. Having fallen accidentally on the cemetery, it can launch a certain mechanism that massively use all sorts of sorcerers and psychics to guide damage.

The hairs, fallen on the grave, has a connection with the thoughts of man, so the nightmares can start and come to mind just wild thoughts.

Do not go by graves

While visiting the cemetery, try to walk only on special paths and tracks, do not step on the graves and wreaths.

Never take old rags and brooms to clean the graves from the house. Things that visited the house are charged with the energy of the people who used them. It is impossible to wipe the monuments of the old clothing of living relatives. Do not suck, and specifically buy inventory for cleaning.

Nothing can be taken home. All used napkins, garbage, glasses throw into a special container located on the territory of the cemetery.

Often there is a water crane in the cemetery designed to clean the graves. Never wash and do not wash your hands with water from this crane. Bring water from the house for these purposes.

Do not leave any biological waste on the graves. If you "fit", then no way to cope with the need for abandoned graves. First, it's just an elementary disrespect for the memory of the late, and secondly - you can pick up any ailment of a person buried here. Believe it or not.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Of course, you need to visit the cemetery. After all, our relatives who want to visit them are buried there. In some cases, a visit to the cemetery helps us cope with the loss of a native person and. Nevertheless, it is not worth abuse of visits on the cemetery. Attending the departed needed on certain days, which determined religion for this.

In the Bible, specified certain days when you need to visit the cemetery. It is believed that it is these days that the living and the dead is coming.

When can you ride a cemetery? What holidays ride, and what are there not?

The Orthodox Church obliges us to visit the departed on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death. Also the graves of relatives and loved ones need to visit for each anniversary and parental (commemable) weekwhich follows Easter.
In addition, the Orthodox Church of the Cemetery was dedicated to the so-called Radonitsa. On this day, there is a lot of died, made on Monday (on Tuesday) of the week following the Easter week. The basis of the commemoration of the dead is the memory of the descent of Christ to hell and his victory over death. It was on Radonitz that all believers gather on the graves of relatives and loved ones and congratulate them on the resurrection of Christ.
In addition to the days stipulated by the Church for a visit to the cemetery, historically developed in such a way that many people come to the graveyard. Tradition originated in Soviet times. Temples on Easter Day were closed, and people experienced the need to divide the joy of the holiday with each other. Therefore, they walked on the cemetery, which replaced the temple. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, it is incorrect. Easter is the greatest holiday of joy and smoothness of all believers. Misching the deceased on this day is inappropriate. therefore ride the cemetery on Easter day and do not make a paneir . Even if on this day someone dies, the funeral is carried out on Easter rank.
Now the temples are open, the tradition of Soviet times should not be justified. On Easter Day, you need to be in the church and meet a joyful holiday. And on Radonitz you need to visit the cemetery.
As for other holidays ( Christmas, Trinity, Annunciation etc.), then these days the church does not advise you to attend the graves of the deceased . It is better to go to church.

Does winter go to the cemetery?

Church does not prohibit in winter to visit the graves of relatives . Moreover, on the anniversary, we are simply obliged to come to the cemetery and pray on the grave of the deceased. In the cemetery in the winter period, many do not drive not because it prohibits faith, but because the graves are noticeable with snow, and the weather is completely unfavorable for such trips. If there is a need to visit the dead, then you can safely go on the road.

Can I travel to a cemetery?

The servants of the Orthodox Church adhere to the opinions that the commemoration of the departed and visiting the cemetery is the duty of each living on Earth. And all the duty should be done without exception, and pregnant women too.
The church claims that the Lord God gives a blessing only to those who do not forget the deceased relatives and distant ancestors. It is necessary to know that it is necessary to remember the deceased from a pure heart, and not forced. If pregnant feels bad, then you should not attend the cemetery . It is necessary to postpone the trip.

How often do you need to visit the cemetery?

In addition to the obligatory days to visit the cemetery there are those that we define ourselves. In some people who have recently lost a loved one, the need arises in regular visits to the grave . So it becomes easier for them, they seem to feel the presence of the deceased, talk to him and with time soothe and return to normal life.

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with experience in practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and lifestyle. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all spheres of our life.

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How to visit the cemetery? The question that worries many relatives of the dead people.

It turns out that there were beliefs that our great-grandmothers held in the old days.

Traditionally, many superstitions are connected with cemeteries, which, by the way, are not groundless. Signals on the graveyard can prevent the impending danger, so the burial needs to be attended with maximum caution. Yes, and to the signs seen on the places of rest, it is necessary to treat carefully.
First of all, you need to remember - an alarming of the dead in no case cannot, it will entail trouble. You should not come with empty hands either, bring sweets that leave on the grave.

In order not to "pick up" from the cemetery into the house of misfortune and troubles, psychics advise adhere to simple rules of behavior.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: "The very first thing - in the cemetery it is necessary to come correctly, in order not to leave his luck there, happiness, and most importantly on the" ignorance "of various diseases.
In the cemetery, you must come with open handsIf you carry a bag - you can not clamp it in the palm of your hand. It is necessary to translate through the hand to all your fingers and brushes are open.
This is done in order to make nothing with them, it is good that today is in your life. "

At the same time, do not forget about what it is possible, and what can not speak on the places of rest. With dead relatives, you can share your experiences, but not complain, namely, to share. but words should not cause envy or excessive pity: and in one, and in another case the dead can "pick up" you to yourself.
Remember to afford can be open only with that relative you trusted during life And with which they were close.

There is such a sign: what good on the grave will say, then it will remain on it. Phrase like: "I feel so bad, I want to die ..." - can become fatal. The cemetery perfumes may regard it as a call to action.

In addition, you should not forget that to talk with the dead, as well as come to the cemetery, you can not everyone.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: "I will immediately say - pregnant in the cemetery can not! Neither on the funeral, nor for the parent day. It is impossible at all. According to the signs, the following events may occur:

The souls of the dead will take the soul of an unborn baby with them;
. In an unbounded child can settle someone else's soul.

This sign has been preserved for a long time and has been associated with high child mortality and the danger of severe childbirth in pregnant women. Now this sign is not so relevant, so you feel reasonable.
If a pregnant woman needs to say goodbye to the late, or at the call of the heart, visit the graves of relatives, then she should dress something red, tie his hand with a red thread, or hold a red cloth flap in his pocket.

And in no case cannot be brought to the cemetery of children under 12. It is very dangerous to the health of the child and his future. You can completely change the fate of the child "! From a mystical point of view, the Aura of children is very weak, and it is difficult to protect children to protect the children to the penetration of negative energy.

It is impossible coming to the funeral to say goodbye to one person at the same time at the same time, the graves of other people resting nearby.

The violation of at least one of the rules may entail the attraction of a large number of negative information, which, as if a weight, will pull you to the ground.

Visit the cemetery for remembrance

Undoubtedly, give the last debt to the late and honor his memory by the presence of the burial, this is an indicator of moral and ethical norms registered by the society.

The cemetery is a special place. It "connects" the world of living and the world of the dead. Therefore, it is necessary to treat him respect to him and comply with certain signs and the rules of behavior are necessary not to angry the dead and not pay for their disrespect.

❧ To visit the cemetery, you need to carefully prepare, paying particular attention to your clothes. Traditional colors - white and black. Most of all for the cemetery fits blackSo exactly is considered mourning, color, symbolizing sorrow. If there are no things in the wardrobe with suitable colors, you should choose the clothes of muted tones.

❧ Feet must be closed. It is unacceptable to walk around the cemetery in open sandals or high-heeled shoes. The graveyard is the place of cluster "dead" energy, especially strongly impregnated with her Earth. There is such a saying: the dead is alive. It can be regarded as a warning - the cemetery land, falling on a naked skin, negatively affects a person. First of all, the negative impact affects its health.

❧ in the cemetery until noon, afternoon in the church. It is better to visit the deceased relatives to lunch, and then after noon, the spirits can make fun of those who came.

❧ You can not swear on the cemetery - all the swearing on you and will remain. It really is true. Everything is not good, which is said on the cemetery, falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke. There can not even be other options. The cemetery needs to be especially careful both in statements and in affairs. In general, staying in the cemetery, it is necessary to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are the qualities that are very accurate. This is the very case when the idea that after death the life does not end, is of particular importance. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect for those who have already gone, otherwise they can punish.

❧ If you bring a beautiful bouquet - it's wonderful, just do not neglect the recommendation to bring thorough number of colors.
Throwing faded flowers, you should replace them with new and explain the deceased, why is it done.

❧ If when landing colors, dust on the grave showed some incomprehensible things, foreign objects, I must endure them from the cemetery and throw it away. Ideally - burn, trying not to get under the smoke.
Things on the graves could be left by sorcerers, damping damage. Taking a similar subject, a person takes part of damage to himself.

❧ A week after Easter, it is customary to come to the cemetery to remember relatives and loved ones. To eat in the cemetery, or, which is very common with the Slavs, drinking hot (alcoholic) drinks is also prohibited.
Negative energy accumulates in the cemetery, the place does not have to merge, people come here with grief. Food absorbs all this, and after eating you can feel unhealthy.
The Christian Church is not satisfied with the comment on the cemetery. The triction came from pagan times, when after burial in the mounds, buried rites were conducted. Christianity traditions of paganism does not support. Although disputes about this custom are being carried out so far theoretics of the church.
It is better to distribute the lawsage to the beggar and visit the temple, order for the departed package - such a way to reveal the dead more acceptable and spiritually useful.

❧ If you still stick to the tradition of remembering the deceased glass of vodka at the grave, then remember them only good and drink, not choking, in order not to transfer trouble from one house to another.

Signals in the cemetery

There are many will take about the cemetery. Even deeply indifferent to superstitions, people try to adhere to them. This is this place. No one knows that he can bring the world of the dead, so it is better to take the signs carefully.

❧ Determines of graves, Cemetery thieves, is waiting for a sad fate, for they are haunted by evil rock.

❧ Stumble on the cemetery - Not good. Even worse - fall. Signs are advised to immediately leave the cemetery, wash the holy water, to cross and read the prayer "Father our" three times.
Believe me, it does not matter where you will remember it - in a cemetery or in the temple, or in a conversation with relatives. The main thing is that you be sincere and the memories of these wore a bright, good shade.

❧ As already mentioned, there is a superstition that in the cemetery it is impossible to tell about the successes and achievements of your life.and so that everyone does not leave here.

❧ Also It is not allowed to consider money in the cemeteryOtherwise you can not see them anymore. If the bill got out of the wallet, or she, in general, fell to the ground, it must be left on the grave of a relative or the squeeze to pay off possible poverty and premature death.

❧ in principle any thing that fell on the cemetery land no longer belongs to his living host.Do not lift it. If the thing is really necessary, you need to leave the deck late and the master of the cemetery is a bottle of vodka and sweets.

❧ from the cemetery in no case it is impossible to bring home any things. (This does not concern sweets that children collect, as they commemorate all the dead). This will harm someone who took things, and people who used them.
Do not take anything from the cemetery and do not bring to the house, whatever this valuable thing is. By signs, you will take it away from the dead, and they will punish you by troubles and diseases.
This thing may harm not only to someone who brought this thing from the cemetery home, but also to any other person who will take her in hand.

Important! The handkerchiefs with tears during the funeral are thrown too, instilcing the grave, they do not endure them from the cemeteries!

❧ Do not take pictures of the cemetery; Surrounding the negative energy in the picture, and who knows how it will affect your destiny.
Taking pictures on the background of many graves, you capture the invisible world of spirits of the departed and other entities, which will later easily find the road to your dwelling.

Sign about broken tombstone

❧ No reason fell a monument or crossSo the soul of the deceased did not complete important things important for her, something worried about her.

There are also forgotten, outdated signs that believe except in the outback, in the villages, where modern morals have not yet reached. So, awards about the broken tombstone of a priori cannot promise anything pleasant and kind. If the monument spoiled without human intervention, and did not suffer from the hands of Vandals and Marauders, it will be in the near future in the family of the deceased another dead man.

It doesn't matter what damage was the burial place: they simply broke the cross, cracked the grave plate or a fellow himself, or she ascended the earth and a deep pit was formed - each change threatens his next death with his own man here. You can understand who the old woman will look at the next time, determining the land from which side:

  • from the south side - the man will die;
  • the north side "fell" - a woman will die;
  • the eastern edge asked - the elderly member of the family dies;
  • from Western-Forone The Earth left - a small child will take death.

❧ suicides can only be remembered when the bird bears scattered on their grain grains. At the grave of the suicide, there are several wheat grains and look from afar: if the bird won't peck those grains, then it is not necessary to remember the dead man, excluding Sabbath Dmitriev and all saints.

❧ If you know that you will visit the Cemetery, take water with you, and at the exit, it is necessary to operate hands and face, To remove negative energy.

❧ Do not drink water, which flows in a plumbing system located on the territory of the cemetery. It is used only for harvesting graves and monuments. Water for drinking to drink at home, before visiting the cemetery.

❧ Follow, leaving so that you do not forget anything in the cemetery, there are damage to forgotten things.

❧ Leave the cemetery always that expensive.But, visiting the departed, it is better to choose different roads, at least bypass our own street and go to the house on the other side.

❧ leaving the cemetery, You can not turn back, even if you were called or called.It is believed that the skied souls roam among the graves and do not realize that they are no longer there is no place in the world of living. When a person turns around, the deceased soul can perceive it as an invitation to go after a living person. As a result, the visitor will lead to his deceased house, which can deliver many hassle in the inhabitants of the house.

❧ Also commenders say that after visiting the cemetery it is important to wipe the leg carefully, In order not to put home the cemetery land. This land can deliver a lot of health problems, it bears poor energy.

❧ Leaving the cemetery and coming home, it is important to warm hands (even if not frozen) - Hold in hot water, over fire.
It is best to scroll by matchmakers (only by them) a church candle and warm her hands over it. Apply the hands of the hands as closely over the fire candles as far as you can suffer. Take and "disappear" in this way the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe palm and fingers.
After that, the candle can not be blew, carefully put it with your fingers. This is done in order to make death to the house, do not drag, do not get sick.

❧ With a funeral you can not travel - bring death to the house to the man who drove. But it is desirable to wrap somewhere in a public place before you come back home. It is believed that the tradition of commemoration in the dining room or cafe the consequences of this sign.

Cat on the cemetery

It has long been known that the dead can transmit information through various animals: birds, cats, dogs. No wonder the feathers in the old days considered the embodiment of the souls lost human bodies. But the birds flying over the graveyard or the house where the dead man lies, are not as dangerous as a cat, who, remember, was considered the mythical, sacred animals from the ancient Egyptians.

In the dwelling, where the death was happened, pets were immediately cleaned, isolated - so that the spirit of the deceased was not hosted to her favorite.

The appearance on the cat's cemetery. Signs are interpreted as follows:

  • if the cat lies on the grave or walks nearby, try to leave this place - most likely, there is a strong abnormal zone that destroys the aura of man;
  • if the cat is black, then perhaps the witch came out to walk, or it is a sinister soul;
  • the white cat is the soul of the righteous, who has not completed his way on Earth, warns of impending danger or illness;
  • if the cat just stumbled past you in the cemetery - be calm - it's just someone's spirit came to look at the new buddy, that is, on whom they bury.

In any case, we take off to the cat with respect - do not beat and do not drive it, it is better to distract from yourself (if she got rid of you) by some hotel.

❧ A good sign for the person who went to the world and his relatives is finding in the preparing grave of old, earlier burial with integer bones. An old believed says that the deceased in the afterlife will find a consolation, and will not bother his family, being in dreams and hallucinations.

Numerous signs and superstitions present in the cemetery people are full of secrets that the souls of the Dead want to convey to them. Perhaps you saw, being at the burial ceremony of someone close, as the astral body leaves an unnecessary bodily shell. It happens at the moment when the first handy of the earth concerns the coffin cover. According to accept, the soul takes off either laughing or crying, mournful.
based on the materials of,, CHARYBARY.RU


The cemeteries are put on south of the church; From the north side, only suicides and stillborn babies are buried.

The graves roasted in the direction from the east to the west, and the coffin with the body is placed on the east - by legend in order to be easier to rise on the day.

Not even believing in the signs, it is not worth violating the ethics of visiting the scene of the sorrow ... All rites associated with the deceased appeared not just so and no in vain people make their traditions.