Listen to Buddhist mantras - it means to achieve the goodness of life. What is the mantra different from prayer? Are you useful to mantra

Mantras are the sacred hymns of Buddhism and Hinduism and some other Eastern religions, like the Christian church psalms, with the difference that they are drawn up on Sanskrit, and the composite syllables must be pronounced as accurately as possible, with each syllable and the sound of the mantra has a deep meaning and special sacred strength. The word "mantra" was formed by two Sanskrit words: "Mana", which means consciousness, mind, and "tra", which means tool, management, liberation. That is, Mantra is control of the mind in order to achieve liberation. The mantras are capable of influence the mind, feelings and even the physical world, since the movement, as the ancient religions believed, is accompanied by sound, expressed in special words and phrases, understandable only to the chosen. Those who are able to hear these sounds, these mystical words, master the universal language of the Universe. At the same time, mantras - and internal sounds, internal vibrations, expressed outside. Their coarse read is a means of experiencing a thin, sounding inside the sensation; This is like drawn image of the Buddha, visible from the inside.

Mantrayan, or Mantra Chariot, the path of the mantra - term, subsequently replaced by the term Vajrayana - a diamond chariot, as the third chariot of Buddhism is called - this is the essence of tantric Buddhism, progress on the way to liberation in which is considered to be achieved as quickly as possible.

Why do we listen to Buddhist mantras?

Buddhist mantras are a number of syllables, and even not necessarily words, rather the main thing here is the modulation of sounds, and not the logical meaning of the mantra, which simply may not be, as well as constant repetition. Mantras personify the form of the Buddha or Bodhisattva to which they are addressed, representing something like his name. The tantric spelling of the mantra in the full sense of the word is only available dedicated - to those who received a mantra from the guru, although as a good practice, the Mantra is accessible to everyone.
The Mantra's hearing also benefits the mantra is concentrated energy, structuring space through its vibration, so the harmonious sounds of the mantra are well degraded at home. If the mantra is learned and start reading in a difficult situation, it will help reassure the mind, relieve stress and tune in to higher understanding, and will also protect against negative energy. And what we listen to the mantra more, the easier for them to remember them, so buddhist mantras listen Useful to everyone.
Together with the starting of the mantra, they advise in a certain way to visualize the image of a deity to which it is asked, or a number of characters of this mantra. In order to simplify this task, in our time it became popular to view the video, in which, together with listening to the mantra, you can see the desired image, or sometimes just peaceful landscapes. On our site you are available at work, video, listen online and watch which you can simplify your meditation until you have learned how to create the necessary images in the imagination yourself.

Mantra of universal calm

One of the useful modern mantrants - Mantra of universal calm. She sounds like this:

Om Sri Schache Mach Prabhu Ki Jay Paramatma Ki Jes Shanti Shanti Shanti

This mantra draws to the highest soul, which is a man teacher, and asks her to give peace of mind. Mantra reassures the mind and helps to remain calm in stressful situations.

Listen to the mantra more often, read them and appeal to your enlightened nature! It does not matter what confession you belong to: After all, they were all created with one goal - to help a person to achieve knowledge, get rid of ailments, help comprehend love and eventually become pure and freed.

One of the mantras:

Tuesday, Jan 27 2015.

Prayer requires qualifications, mantra gives qualification, cleans the heart. Then prayer automatically arises itself.

  • Continuing the topic:4 sound levels [video]

MANTRA Mantra (SanskR. mantra - "Weapon of thought", "means of transmitting thought"), sacral word, part of the ritual in the Vedic religion, as well as in Hinduism and Buddhism. Root man"In the Sanskrit word" Mantra "comes from the word" mana "-" think ", mind, and" tra"Means" Cleaning or Release ". These are holy words filled with positive energy, word or proposal with severe spiritual vibration.

And prayers and mantras are appeals to God, but there is a difference between them. As a rule, mantra does not contain a request to perform materiala wish.

Mantra is not quite a prayer. Prayer requiresqualifications, and mantra is what givesqualification, what clears mind and heart. Then the prayer spontaneously arises itself.

Prayer is already communication with God face to face. And Mantra is cleansing the mind.

therefore without mantra, we cannot work prayer, strictly speaking.

What is Mantra? Mantra is the name of God, nothing more.

"OM" ("A-U-M") - This transcendent syllable represents God. And in all traditions there are many other names of God. Muslims have 99 names Allah. In the Christian tradition - names Jehovah, Christ. In Vedic literature - Krishna, Rama, Naran ... There are personal and impersonal characteristics, there are different transdense sounds. And when you repeat these sounds, the mind is cleared.

Energy potential Sanskrit.

Recall that in the universe, there are three varieties of languages \u200b\u200band writing, which is called devina Gary.What is the alphabet of demigods or writing.

The first language is called sanskrit. . This is the language of the Vedic Concept, those who are familiar with the Vedic ideas (Aria). Sanskrit.translated as cultural, purified or perfect. There are eighty-four Sanskrit dialects. They are divided into three groups - epic, Vedic and conversational. All living creatures on higher planets speak one of these dialects.. This language comes to our planet from other planetary systems.

Second language - pracrita . Prakrite is very similar to Sanskrit, but Prakrite does not have the power that Sanskrita possesses. Word pracritameans not clean, not cultural or the language on which non-civilized people (tramps and chernocument) were talked. In past epochs pracritait was distributed, but among commoners. Undoubtedly, this language is lower than Sanskrit, but in its content, semantic value, in energy, etc. this language is now superior to all our modern languages \u200b\u200bmany times.

Bhavishia Purana describes that at the beginning of the century Cali (about five thousand years ago) from pracrita(not from Sanskrit), in the process of degradation of people, i.e. When you appear, pride, lust, anger, greed, intolerance, lack of mercy, etc., a language consisting of two Sanskrit symbols is separated. Laand Tyne. Thus, Bhavishya Purana claims that only in the age of potted in the process of degradation, appears latin. And then it is said that all Indo-European languages \u200b\u200boccurred from Latin. And just right from Prakrit, Miln Latin, there was a Finugor's group of languages \u200b\u200band Turkic languages. These languages \u200b\u200bthat Latin have passed and not transformed, they exceed all modern languages. For example, Turkic languages \u200b\u200bexceed English, French and German in their mystical scalility.

And now we see as various mystical rituals, rites, worship is carried out absolutely without the use of modern languages.

Mantras, prayers all do not have the foundations of modern languages. Any sound is a certain type of energy. AND the language closer to Sanskrit, the more he carries this energy potential.

The third universal language is paiasha. Paiasha is a language on which the lower entities are spoken. Lower entities These are the essences of the person who are born not from the Sun (perfume, bringing, etc.).

Russian decoder

The initial language of the spiritual world is sanskrit. Russian language Saved about 30-40% of Sanskrituala.

Most words in different other languages \u200b\u200bare not real, but conditional, contractual symbols. These words, have microbial-viral origin, and in them missing figurative conceptual meaning. True speech (image) in them - percent and interest percent.

A few years ago, the international group of specialists conducted an experiment, the results of which the academic academic world prefers not to advertise.

For experience, words of different languages \u200b\u200bwere used. Slavikin and an English-speaking person were informed in the encoded form in different languages \u200b\u200bof the word one value, for example: Dog, Hund, Ganis etc.

The event of the experiment was the testimony of sensors installed above the speech zone of the brain. They fixed the appropriate resonance only when playing a word Dog in all (!) Experiment participants.

The conclusion was obvious: the whole complex symbol transformation system in the chemical element of the body It has a Russian decoder.

  • Details: Three languages \u200b\u200bin the universe. The origin of modern languages \u200b\u200b[video]

Sound - the basis of the universe

Modern scientists gradually approached the adoption of this truth, which for many millennia has already been known to the scientist of Vedic tradition. New discoveries of quantum physics indicate that reality is a vibration, or as the ancient wise men would say: The whole world is a sound.

Modern researchers come to the conclusion not just that the sound has a certain form and structure, but rather that the universe with all its coarseteric (visible) and subtle-meal (invisible) objects, in fact, is a pulsating fractal, that is, sound.

These findings are consistent with the astic paradigm of the Sacred Vedas, according to which the Universe - there is nothing but emanation of the original sound vibration "Ohm" ("A-U-M"), who ran from God, which for the first time, he sounded on the air and gave rise to the whole of this world. She gave rise to everything we see, and the whole world - contained in one audio.

For example, "Rig Veda" says that Brahma has created a man, meditating on the word aschrigram(SanskR. - "Blood"). This sound arose in the mind of Brahma, and a man appeared. Thus, all rough forms occurred from thin vibrations that arose in Brahma consciousness. Similarly, the description of the process of creation we find both in the "Bible": at first God said: "Let there be light." And the light became. The Lord says and everything arises.

The structure of our galaxy

Using the method of the photo of acoustic spectroscopy, you can fix the sound of various material objects, such as a wheat stem or water drop.

For example, it turned out that the blooming rose makes a sound like a muted buzz of the organ. Resonating vibrations emanating from each atom or molecules together form a harmonious melody. Each atom of the universe is barely catchy musical note of the "crystallized" symphony of God. All creation exists in a certain huge oscillatory range of sounds, and even a stone carries frozen music. Each object of the world is a harmonic combination of vibrations, and each such a chord is a geometric cluster of the space space structure.

Geometric structure of the space-sound of various objects

David Wilcock in the Book "Divine Cosmos" writes the following: "We do not say that there are geometric crystalline objects inside the planets or in the quantum sphere. Rather, geometry is the simplest form by which vibration is observed in any natural medium, such as a liquid ... in the case of the Universe, "Liquid" is an non-physical energy environment that we call "ether". For several decades, scientists, such as Wilcoma, offer various evidence of the existence of ether and its liquid-shaped properties. The same ideas of the close interconnection of space or air with sound are contained in many places in Vedic literature.

Wilcomk claims that the cosmic energy of the universe has a spherical form, and all its clusters are in the "flat", as if damn, areas in the middle of this sphere, and the Matrix of the Universe, considered from above, should look like a circle with a symmetrical set of inside it Geometric "diamonds" (octahedra), reminded by the lotus flower. Interestingly, five thousand years before modern scientists, Vedic Scriptures used the same comparison of the structure of the universe with the lotus.

This is how it tells one of the ancient Vedic Puran - Bhagavata-Puran (3.8.14-15):

"Coming out of the Hirment of the Lord, the cumulative form of karmic activity of living beings took the outline of the lotus bud, generated by the Vishnu person.

Obeying his supreme will, this lotus, like the Sun, lit up everything around the bright light ...

Lord Vishnu in the image of the supernost himself entered the universal lotus and invested all the qualities of material nature. "

Graphic image of the matrix of the universe, similar to the lotus flower

(Matrix on D. Shield).

Vedas, revealing the process of creating material cosmos, indicate that its gross primary elements occurred from the air, by "thickening" of his vibration.

The structure of the Universe is referred to in Bhagavad-gita (7.4-6) the following:

"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, mind and false ego - these eight elements make up my separated material energy.

In addition to this, lower, energy, there is another, my highest energy consisting of living beings that are used by the fact that created material, lowest energy. In these two, all created creatures originate.

Know that I am the beginning and the end of everything in this world, which is the essence of the mix of matter and spirit. "

In another place of Bhagavad-gita (3.42) argues:

"The organs of the senses are higher than inanimate matter, mind above the feelings, the mind is above the mind, and she stands over the mind (soul)."

Soul ( jivatma) By definition of the Vedas, there is an individual consciousness, the continuous "I" is a subject that observing all changes in the surrounding world. It is an infinitely small spark of superconscious and belongs to its highest spiritual energy.

As we see Neither feeling nor mind, nor mind nor a false ego belong to the most consciousnessBut belong to the category "fine" matter and make up the sheath of the subtle body of living beings.

The thin body binds consciousness with a rough body consisting of the five above coarse material primary elements, and thus the consciousness of the soul, covered with fine and coarse shells, "As if it is in the car created by material energy" (Bhagavad-gita 18.61).

And it is worth noting that the gross primary elements "Earth, water, fire, air, ether do not have anything to do with the periodic system of Mendeleev elements - this various levels of pulsation of material energy.

They are nothing more than the transfer of types of aggregate states of coarse matter: solid, liquid, plasma, gaseous and space in which they are located.

In these first elements of the Universe concluded five objects of sensual perception: material sound, tactile feeling, shape, taste and smell.

Image of various levels of material energy pulsation

So, the ether spreads the sound, the air allows you to feel the touch and contains also the sound; The fire shows a form, but it also totals in touch and sound; Water carries taste, it is also manifested in shape, that is, it is visible, it can be felt by touch and sound; The earth is tangible by smell, it possesses and taste, and the form, touch and sound in it are also shown. Thus, the accumulation of properties is accumulated from more subtle to smaller first elements. At the same time, potentially in sound, that is, the ether, contains all other properties, since all other elements with all their properties arise from it.

Dr. Gans Jenny in work

The fact that sound forms and structures material items has been proven in the 60s of the 20th century by Swedish scientist Gans Jenny. He showed that the matter is based on sound waves. He called the new branch of science as Kimatics. With the help of a sound oscillation and high-precision photo equipment, Jennni removed the instantaneous response to sounds and music placed on a metal plate of various physical substances (sand, metal sawdust, hypheodium powder, mercury).

Reaction to the sounds placed on a metal plate of various physical substances

In some cases, a totoscope was used that records circuits in electronic format. Jenny conducted experiments with a drop of water containing slightly painted particles of the "colloid suspension". When almost a spherical drop of suspension vibrated on different "diatonic" musical frequencies, geometric structures appeared inside it, surrounded by elliptic curve lines connecting nodes. In the figure below, two tetrahedra are clearly visible in the central region. If the drop was perfect, and not flattened sphere, the formation would be visible even more clear.

The formation of geometric structures in spherical vibrating fluid

Jenny described in detail these geometrically correct symmetric structures and sophisticated sound mandalas obtained as a result of exposure to the metal plate of hundreds of frequency and rhythmic combinations, ranging from single sounds and ending with whole musical compositions. Moreover, the higher the frequency of sounds, the more complex figures were obtained on the plate.

Images that Jenny gained in his experiments were incredibly similar to the ancient Vedic yantra- Geometric symbols used for meditation, and depicted in diagrams next to chakras. Some of them had similarities with the outlines of the mainland and with the intricate structure of the liver cell. Such a symmetrical form of a substance on a metal plate was exactly as much as the corresponding sound lasted. According to Jenny, this indicates a deep connection that exists between the organic structures of nature, including organs, tissues and human cells, and the frequency of sound waves.

Vedic culture says those who are on a high intellectual level, never resort to medicines, surgery. He can understand the power of the word (sound vibration). We say the word treats and knee. The word can be treated much more efficient than any medicines, tablets (mantra yoga).

Jenny showed that kimatik opens the way to cure diseases with sound (you can read more about kymics ).

In the 70s of the XX century, Jenny's ideas picked up English Osteopath Dr. Peter Guy Manner. He created his unique kimatic device, which allows the doctor to send inside the body of a patient a sound signal with the frequency of sixty to thirty thousand hertz. According to Manners, the diseases arise due to the violation of the harmonic balance in the overall vibration of the body, which is composed of individual vibrations of all interdependent organs, tissues and molecules.

Consequently, the human body is a large multi-level resonator consisting of numerous octave of biological systems in which the possibility of harmonious musical interaction is initially laid. It is also a health indicator that is supported by the regulation of harmonic consonance.

Jenny's experience is very indicative when working with Mantra "Ohm", the conversion of which to the graphic drawing showed Sri Yantra.

Transformation of vibration Mantra "Ohm" in the geometric structure of Sri Yantra

(On the left - the image obtained in the experiment, on the right - the simplest image of Sri Yantra).

All the aforementioned means that the ancient ancients over 5,000 years ago possessed extensive knowledge Theories of a single field of quantum physics. They knew about the similarity of the microcosm of the vibrating clouds of the human body energy with the Macrocosm of the body of the Universe, and, accordingly, that the secret of health and happiness is to maintain the harmony of setting these energy levels.

Vedas indicate that a living being has three types of shells: rude, thinboth mind(causal body). These types of shells of the soul correspond to the three sounds mantra "OM": "A", "U" and "M".

Each of these shells shows a certain energy of the universe. Rudethe body carries creative energy creation, thin- Energy Thinking, body mind- Energy desire.

Based on this, there are three states of the living creature (or three states of consciousness): Wake up (corresponds to a rough body) sleeping with dreams (corresponds to a thin body) and deep dream (There is a mind here).

The prayers of the mantra and the buzz of Tibetan monks forced the stone block in 5 tons of jumping from the ground to the high wall of the temple under construction, and falls there, in exactly the appointed place (observation of experts).

Wordso sound soundcreates vibration, and vibration- this is the power that can all overcome and create movement and energy. Energy means a lifeAnd where there is life, there is creativity.

It is interesting to note that there are mantras that purify consciousness and burn negative human karma. Fortunately, we can all take advantage of these mantras, as they do not act on the fine material level, but spiritual.

Soul do not pollutewhen polluting the thin body of the mind, however, starts look at the world through The prism of a polluted mind.

There are sounds capable of achieving, regardless of the subtle body of the mind, directly from our spiritual nature. They are described in detail in the Vedas. This is the repetition of the names of God.

For example: from 20,000 mantras there is the most powerful mantra " Hare Krishna", With which, millions of people cleared their consciousness: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

As a result of its unique healing effect, this mantra received the name " mahamantra "That translated from Sanskrit means" Great Song of Liberation of the Soul. " This mantra can be compared with the universal spiritual antivirus system.

In modern psychology there is a section called neurolinguistic programming (NLP) - demonic brainwashing technology, as using words to manipulate people and Programthey are on the fulfillment of tasks beneficial to you.

The repetition of the names of God can be called in the opposite the process of spiritual neurolinguistic deproogrammingconsciousness.

The repetitive names of the Lord, possessing the pure divine energy, like fire burn not only all the manifested karma, but even the seeds of unmanifested karma, as well as the tendency to make detrimental activities.

This mantra is favorable in all respects for all people: And for those who repeats it and for those who listen to it, but most importantly, she awakens the ability to disinterested love, dormant in the heart of every person.

Scripture "Srimad-Bhagavatam" (2.1.11) on this subject argues:

"The constant repetition of the Holy Names of the Lord, following the example of great prestiges, eliminates fear and doubts and leads to the success of anyone - and who has no material desires, and one who craves material pleasures, and even one who possessing transcendental knowledge draws Satisfaction in itself. "

Opened sainted visionary in ancient times and reached us, mantras are words or syllables on Sanskrit, which, when repeating in meditative condition, help achieve higher states of consciousness.

Mantra contains certain sequences of letters that produce special vibrations or sounds. These combinations were open, studied and used holy during meditation.

If we repeat the mantra mentally or aloud, it fills us with positive vibrations and so cleans our creature. For external purification, we use water and soap. To purify the mind and mind (elimination 5 reasons for suffering) Serves Mantra.

Mantra protects us. Therefore, the mantra must always mentally repeat until it go into consciousness and subconscious.

There are three types of mantra: prayer, guru-mantra and bidja mantra.

  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Guru-Mantra - This is Mantra, which every student receives from the teacher.
  • 3. Bija Mantra - This is the essence of the mantra. As in the grain (bitch), all the properties of the mantra, which are revealed in the consciousness of who practicing it are laid.

There are certain rules for the practice of mantra. At first they write it, then sing, then they say and only then repeat mentally. Thus, in each exercise, communication with the spiritual level is established. Even without the movement of lips, Mantra always vibrates in the shower. In reality or in a dream, during work, entertainment and recreation, Mantra accompanies our spiritual growth.

You decided to engage in practitioners of meditation and mantras, and therefore, it is necessary to do it correctly. Not everyone who practices mantras do it as prescribed traditions. Because of this, the most necessary effect you disappears. Before proceeding with the practice, disperse in the theory how to read the mantras correctly. There are three simple rules that apply to any mantras. If you decide to combine singing and meditation, then our rules exist here. Otherwise, sing or pronounce mantras - a very useful business. They normalize the work of the whole organism, help you to establish life, get the work of your dreams. The main thing - mantra carries harmony of existence.

The universe understands the language of the mantra

What is mantra? This is a religious song that glorifies the gods, asks them to support, help for a person and everything alive. Mantra is not aimed at you. It affects the world around man. Mantra harmonizes it.

We were and remain closely related to nature. Over the years, this connection becomes thinner, weaker. A person no longer depends on nature as thousands of years ago. Even from the most ordinary should be hidden under the umbrella. Our dwellings are warm, bright and cozy, we do not threaten predators. Communications are lost, harmony is lost. From this:

  • diseases;
  • depression, experiences;
  • bad luck;
  • a lack of money;
  • the inability to build a family.

If you feel these symptoms, it's time to start changing life. She will restore the usual relationship with space, will lay life. It does not happen instantly. Such energy works from carefully and carefully. Work on your life day. Soon you will feel how the changes come. Some very slowly, and others quickly.

People who practicing reading mantras noted that they themselves did not notice how they were completely satisfied with life, happy. All this happened naturally. The universe hears you, because you speak her tongue.

Why is it important to pronounce mantra right

Texts are long and short. Sometimes, mantra consists of only 3-4 words. All of them are words composed of the names of the gods. In any case, they work equally. Words and syllables of mantra vibrate in space, setting up your connections with space as required. If such a vibration is constantly surrounding you, harmony comes. Everything comes to the pristine plan of the creator. This does not mean that you need to constantly pronounce mantras. Enough and once a day.

Some combine singing with meditation or yoga classes. You decide how and when practicing. But it will not make sense if you do it very rarely, only when remember. Practices need to be carried out regularly.

Three rules

Total three. Pay attention to the same way people learn to pronounce words in any language in the phonetic laboratory. Mantras are written in Sanskrit - ancient language, which is not used for thousands of years. It is very difficult, so they own only monks, researchers, lingowns, historians own. In those days, the language was not just a set of words, each of them was energy importance. Mantra is the key to understanding the harmony of life. Balance awareness comes gradually with practitioners.

If you say words thoughtlessly, incorrectly, then do not wait for the effect. It's like trying to speak in a foreign language without rules, pronunciation, porching words. You will not be understood correctly if you understand at all. Such a situation can be dangerous if they say mantras for health, the normalization of the nervous system. Cosmos will hear you, but do not understand what you want.

The first rule: understanding of the meaning

You have before the eyes of Mantra. For example, one of the most revered on Tibet

Mantra Buddha Medicine

"Tadyathha ghuma ghumimi mihi mother mother saphat tathagata herself dhuya dhish thatete ate meat pane dad sho dhani sarvapapam our mother Buddha Buddudova's mind Kuma Buddha Pari Lamb Shadhani Dhamy Dhame Measure Merra Meru Schikhare Sarva Akala Mili Nava Reni Buddha Su Buddha Buddha Dcrisy Thate Asama Samaveva Harantumeum Sarva Buddha Bodhisattva Shame Shame Prasramantum Sarva ITYUPA Drava Bhiadchyapurani Puranuyum Sarva Astiva Pratya Prati Bhas Sarva Papamem Kari Soka.

It has a healing effect on a person. If you feel physical pain, you have a chronic disease, then this revered sacred mantra will help you. She is long, but it will be necessary to learn it.

At first glance, it is very complicated. But the first thing you need to do is understand its meaning. This is not an anesthetic, which will immediately remove all the manifestations of pain. It will start to adjust you from the inside and outside. Life around:

  • your nutrition, forming new, correct habits;
  • interests, fencing you from dangerous, harmful classes;
  • communication, proper communication with pleasant people harmonizes our mind and body;
  • your home, making it most suitable for you.

Life is settled, and together in it - the disease is derived.

Appeal to the Great God Yam

"I and Ma SDE SDE Hung".

Very short, but no less strong. It helps in human development. All that he does not have enough, will be obtained by different paths:

  • you will meet in your path of a person who opens the truth for you;
  • find a book that will teach;
  • see a movie with an important value;
  • read only one line that will change your world.

Cognition comes to us not just like that. If you feel craving for knowledge, the development of spiritual, then such a mantra for you. She is unlikely to help pass the exam or just become smarter. Use it when they are ready to reach a new level of knowledge of life.

Second Rule: Listen

When the meaning already understood, go to the second stage. You need to listen to it. On the Internet, on the disks you can find a lot of traditional chants. They are performed by professionals who know all the subtleties of reading mantras. Some records were made during the prayer of the monks, she very accurately utter words.

You can simply include their homes. Best then when relaxing. You can lie down, sit down and listen to singing, noticing some moments, separate words. Well, if you have text before your eyes. Start with simple mantras, for example, one of the most famous Gayatri Mantra. It is the most sacred hymn, even small children know her in India.

Sacred Gayatri Mantra

"Om Bhur Bhuwah Swaha
Tat Savirts Jam
Bargo Dchiimakhi's breath
Dhyo yo nah prachodayat "

It carries the light to everything alive. Words are simple, they can be learned quickly, because during singing it repeats many times on the record.

Short mantras that are easy to remember

One of the most sacred prayers. Light, happiness and well-being:

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

Prayer for women, giving peace in the shower, beauty, health

"Om Tare Tor Tara Tour Soka"

Mantra Cleansing space gives an incredible effect. Picks all the bad energy, leads the world around you in order. If you are hard in some place, you feel pressure, fear, then you need to pronounce it:

"Ohm ah Hum with ha"

Third Rule: Pronounce with Records

When you already remembered the text a little, focus on working with pronunciation. Listen and repeat. While reading, relax, let the words go from your heart. At this stage, you can already conduct meditation. Peep the text if you want.

It is important to start pronounced the words you understand. Knowing the meaning, just imagine a mantra in my head. It is so much easier to go to the independent repetition.

When learn, you will feel the indescribable harmony from what pronounce loud. Many mantras can be pronounced in order to calm down. They fell into the stressful situation, nervous: 7 times say your favorite mantra. Very soon it will be better, consciousness will become clearer. They help to someone who really dedicated themselves to practitioners.

Singing and meditation

Meditation on the mantra also has its own rules. You need to begin to meditate when you can repeat the words correctly. First time you can include entry yourself to help, but it is better to avoid reading on a piece of paper with text.

Many mantras serve to tune in for a new day. They are most logical to read early in the morning, with sunrise. Other mantras are read in the evening. There is no rigid rule that regulates it. Proceed from your sensations and logic. If one mantra, which monks read before meals. She settled the body to get the most useful of food. They were famous for excellent health, did not hurt and lived over 100 years. You can teach your body to do the same with any product.

"Patisanka Yoniso Pinda Patam Patisevami
Na Mandanaya Na Vibusanaya
Yava Deva Imassa Kayassa Thithiya Yapanaya Vihimsuparatiya
ITI Prananca Vedanam Patihankhami
Navanca Vedanam Na Uppadessami
Yatra Ca Me Bhavissati Anavajjata CA Phasuviharo Cati »

She read before meals, in the morning or in the evening - it does not matter.

How to conduct meditation to mantra

You need to stay in the room alone. An exception if someone from family members also want to meditate with you, I agree to follow all the rules.

  • Sit comfortably in the lotus position, or just with crossed legs.
  • Under yourself lay the rug for yoga. Sitting should be pleasant and warm. If you are cold, rigid, uncomfortable, then it is better to find another posture or place.
  • Deep sigh 3-4 times. You need to let all negative, bad thoughts, experiences. Leave them outside the door of the room where you meditate.
  • Your body belongs only to you, not diseases, problems. Feel your hands, legs, head. Each body.
  • Start reading the mantra.

When reading the number of repetitions, multiple 7. At the initial stage, it is best to read it 7 times. After - a comfortable number of times, multiple 7. The maximum number is 108 times. More in one day do not pronounce. You can buy Tibetan rosary for counting the number of times.

How to read the mantra

The rules are not so much, but still, pay attention.

  • It is necessary to say measuringly by observing the stress.
  • Do not rush to finish soon, this practice will not help you. This practice will not be benefit.
  • Do not just pronounce, but feel every syllable, word.
  • This is a chant, so read the charts, slowly.
  • Make pauses between repetitions. They are needed in order to reverse their eyes. Are you comfortable with this mantra? Do you feel changes in yourself?
  • Decide yourself how many repetitions will be in your day cycle. Some enough only 10-15 minutes for everything, while others stretch meditation to 40 minutes, an hour.
  • When you finish, you do not need to jump and run in cases right away. Sit in the same posture for another 5. Relax, smile yourself, feel the condition of your body after the mantra.
  • When you are ready, slowly stand up and your day will be definitely successful.

The most common issues of beginners

This is not taught in schools, do not tell on TV. How to correctly read mantras, you need to know, otherwise you just spend time and strength. Newbies are asked about the same questions, and they are very simple to responds.

How often do you need to read mantras?

There is no concept "necessary." If you feel the desire for harmony in life, then your desire will be permanent. It is best to pronounce every day. To do this, choose 20-30 minutes, which can be spent in silence. You need to sing a mantra where no one will hurt, it will not be interrupted.

What will happen if you skip one day?

Nothing terrible will not happen. But it is better to take the rule to pursue regularly.

Mantras are read in the morning or evening?

Some in the morning, some in the evening. With the meaning of the mantra it happens. If you have absolutely no time in the morning, it is better to choose the evening. The main thing is that during practice you can relax, and not think constantly that your bus will leave, be late for work.

Is it possible to pronounce the mastres?

Now I will not remember when I heard the mantra. Most likely, Krishnayites appeared on the streets of Moscow in orange robes. And it was a long time ago. I will say honestly, in that time I did not perceive them seriously - and the desire to talk about the incomprehensible faith to me.

Listen to the mantra, I became many years later. No one agitated me. It happened very naturally. I liked the peaceful and harmonious state that arose after that. And soon I began to sing the mantra and herself.

And immediately noticed the difference in the state before and after!

After singing mantras, even the strongest fatigue was held. The head became very clear. Sometimes interesting ideas or answer to the question. Emotional state has improved! And I fell asleep instantly (while I am more often a mantra at night).

By that time I already knew a lot about the healing power of sounds. Read research of Russian, Japanese and other scientists about The impact of vibration of different words into water. So the nature of the action of mantras was clear to me.

And anyway, every time it surprised! 15 - 20 minutes - and you are another person!

Mantras are written in Sanskrit - one of the most ancient languages \u200b\u200b(which has common roots with many well-known languages!).

At the heart of the mantras, strong vibration codes are laid similar to those as when pronouncing prayers.

The names of God may be different! For me, God is one! And I respectfully treat any religion and the form of communication with him!

It became interesting to me: how to read mantras correctly?

I began to look for materials on this topic. And at the same time significantly replenished his knowledge of mantras and their benefits. And was surprised by the information that opened me.

Translated from Sanskrit the word "Mantra" means "dismiss ". Another translation:" saving life " or " keyword".

Look a small video of Alexander Khakimov! It's worth it! Alexander tells about the amazing power of the impact of mantras (as well as prayers). And explains how to read the mantra.

I listened to other speeches by Alexander Khakimov. And personally, I am very impressed by this man and his views on the world.

I also liked the wonderful book of Inna Longen "Mantra. Sounds, giving power."

Pronouncement or listening to mantras at any time has a beneficial effect on man.

The best time to read mantras: at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

You can read mantras in different ways.

There are different options for utterance of mantras: loud, loud; Whispering and in the mind. You can touch the mantra.

And also ... to prescribe a mantra on paper. After all, when you write words, you also speak them. And it has a good impact.

Each mantra should read at least 108 times

Special rosary helps in this (more - in the video of Alexander Khakimova or in the article ")

Rosary should be customized! Do not give them to the hands of other people!

For each mantra should be your rosary! Since the energy and vibration of one mantra can neutralize the action of the other.

The more time you read the mantra with these rosary, the stronger the energy becomes. Such rosages can be given a very close person or your child (for use for the purpose).

Proper pronunciation of sounds is key when reading mantras.

After all, each sound carries a certain vibration. And if you pronounce it incorrectly, do not get the expected effect.

It is best to listen to famous mantras performers.

Virgo Premal is one of the most famous. She travels a lot around the world, not so long ago performed in Moscow.

Mantra performers are a lot! I listened to Mantras even performed by George Harrison (soloist of the legendary group "Beatles").

Choose someone who singing will find you have the highest response: different performance of the same mantra can be quite different: rhythm, tonality and even melody.

Mantra reading art needs to learn right right.

The sound of the mantra should be continuous. Pause can be done, but at the same time not to break the words of the mantra.

Mantra is pronounced in exhale. It is important to learn to slow the breath.

Inna offers such a way: say on the breath "times", in exhalation - "two" and so on, up to ten. And then again.

In the middle rhythm per minute, 14-15 exhale. Now try slowing the breath to 5-6 exhaling a minute!

The diaphragm should participate in this type of breathing!

IN the time of step by mantra is used by the abdominal cavity, chest and head. In addition to voice ligaments, other organs play a huge role in the formation of sound vibrations. Burnt in the stomach, the sound passes through the respiratory tract and, finally, rises to the head. At the same time, the oscillations are transmitted to the entire body.

I like more frightening mantra than to read them. It is easier to keep rhythm. But again - it all depends on personal preferences.

The higher the pace of pronouncing, the greater the speed of the work of consciousness, and therefore the speed of heartbeat and respiration. And vice versa. Therefore, when reading Mantra, you can choose an individual and comfortable pace. If you read them too slowly, you can feel the effect of the trance (most likely, in this state are activated

The benefits of mantra

With proper pronunciation of mantras, blood circulation is improved, and the blood is saturated with oxygen. The nasopharynk and lungs begin to work in a certain healthy mode.

The energy code activates and harmonizes the work of the chakras.

Mantras are an important component of meditative practices and help fine-tuning a person to spiritual perception.

Giving powerful sound codes, we are able to create real wonders: to remove the tension, get rid of negative emotions, stress, harmonize the work of the internal organs and increase their energy!

With regular and correct repetition of mantra, as it is embedded in our body. Mantras work like this: we pronounce sounds, they "program" our energy, and already energy processes correct "errors" in the work of the physical body, harmonize it.

Gradually, this sound code is written in our physical and thin body and starts working independently. This happens at that stage when a person is able to pronounce a mantra in the mind, not distracted by an outsider (Inna Longen "Mantra. Sounds, giving power")

There is a very large variety of mantras

With the help of some you can get healing. Others clarify consciousness and open truth. There is a mantra that improve the well-being that increase the emotional state, cleaning fears. In this they are similar to prayers.

When reading the mantra, you need to keep your goal in my head and direct energy there.

The benefits of mantras can be written for a very long time. At least, the material that I have already studied, caused my great interest.

Each person himself chooses for himself: what is closer to him: prayer, meditation, mantra (and maybe affirmations or their own prayer). I do not assume that one is better than the other. The main thing is that it helped you!

The wonderful "Gayatri Mantra" contains the spirit and energy of all mantras, which are contained in the Vedas.

(Executes Virgo Premal)

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi.
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayaat.

Words "Gayatri Mantra"

Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha

Tat Savirts Jam

Bhargo Dawasya Dchimakhi

Dhyo yo na prachodaty



Which of us did not dream in childhood to gain magical power, executing wishes? No wonder in the world of literature so popular plots about how a person appeals to secret forces to influence the events. Magic can be determined as "traditional science about the forces of nature." After all, the majority of us are the principle of operation of electricity, but it does not prevent him from using it in their own interests and facilitate life.
One of the powerful tools to achieve the desired since the ancients is mantras - a combination of certain syllables and sounds on Sanskrit. Mantras are an analogue of a small prayer, a sacred hymn, used as a actual spell. The simplest of them are quite well known all over the world, for example: "Om Mani Padme Hum".
Impact of mantras on the human body
Sound vibration, which is created during the pronunciation of the mantra, acts as a kind of energy education consisting of vibratory frequencies. The repetition of the mantra creates the similarity of the energy field acting at the cellular level to our body. In combination with the power of intention, mighty energy arises, changing both the state of human consciousness, and materially affecting the world.
Impact on the material world by applying to the highest forces
According to Vedic texts, the mantra were transferred to people with ancient Risha (wise men) as a divine revelation from the highest levels of being. Therefore, their pronunciation opens a connection with the abiding at these levels, causing a person's image of a deity in human consciousness. Ideally, the mantra is transferred from the guru to the student. The prerequisite is the right phonetics. Sanskrit is a dead language, but quite simple, and there are enough sound entries from the speakers of the language.
How to apply mantras
Mantras begin an action at first pronouncement. But the results are lost on the background of a constant thread of thoughts, stress, concentration inability. However, after a while, the mantra will begin to awaken and work, overlapping other vibrations. Multiple repetition of the mantra (japa) enhances its action. Particularly often found recommendation for pronunciation 108 times.
At first, it will help to discipline the process to help the thread of 108 beads rented. In the place of their compounds, a large bead "mode" is usually located. Start correcting the mantra from it, promoting the large and middle fingers on one bead towards "measure". Having reached the end of the thread, turn it over and move back to the opposite direction.
In the future, you will not need a rosary, but at first it is useful for creating the right mood. The very purpose is the preparation of the meditative atmosphere: aromatic candles, music for meditation.
Check out the general meaning of the mantra, not focusing on the literal translation. And remember that mantra yoga is a complex teaching, requiring awareness, a serious relationship and regular training.

When a person is constantly focused on the repetition of divine vibrations, he himself is filled with divine qualities, so if the mantra repeats repeated and is applied in the right way, it is capable of intensifying the health, wealth, success, love and happiness in man. It will help to overcome the person difficulty, return the favor of fate and protect it from the troubles.

Each mantra has a deity patronizing her. The word and the concept indicated by them are the same (the word as it would contain the very essence of the phenomenon being denoted by him), therefore the mantra and the patronage of Devat (God or Goddess) are one. Mantra itself is this dewat.

The mantras differ from prayers in that, pronouncing them, a person tries to identify themselves with the God, with that hypostasia, which is in it. And after identification, a person gets the necessary qualities or changes in the life he wanted to get through their reading. Mantras set up a person for a certain state, and as a result of his life begins to change.

Mantras are divided into three categories:
1. Men's or sunny.
2. Women's or lunar.
3. Neutral or sometimes called medium mantras.

What category does the mantra relate to easily recognize on the end. Male ends on the "mind", "Phat". Women's - on "Tham", "Swaha". Neutral have the end of the "Machnam", "Pakh" and help very well with a lack of vitality in humans.

In the material plan, mantra leads to strengthening concentration, relieves stress and tension, improves performance and memory, increases vitality and fills the heart with joy. Vibrations emanating from her affect all organism systems, making a person more attractive, charming, smooth its imperfections. And on the spiritual level, the mantra leads to enlightenment and unity with cosmic consciousness. Temples, in which for many centuries they have repeated, become places of strength and enlightenment.

Since the beginning of the practice of singing mantras in the human body, special vibrations begin to operate. At first they are invisible, but in continuation of the practice of vibration enhanced and capable of bringing a person in such a state when the body vibrates completely in unison with the energy of the universe. It is believed that if you repeat the mantra daily 108 times within 21 days, you will automatically be connected to the universal abundance channels.

The mantras fall in a special way to cause an oscillatory effect throughout the human body, in the nervous system, the glands of the internal secretion, in the brain. This singing is made easily and calmly, however, with the total energy of deep breathing. Sounds have an impact on various organs:
And-and-and - causes oscillations in the head.
Oh-oh - in the middle of the chest.
3-3-3 - in the glands, the brain.
Su-Su-Su-Su is at the bottom of the lungs.
Oh-oh - in the aperture.
A-A-A - in the head.
U-U-y - in the throat, larynx.
Mmm - in the lungs.

The frequency of oscillations of various sounds resonates with those or other human bodies, having a healing effect on them. Laboratory studies have shown:
Sounds "in", "N", "E" improve the work of the brain.
Sounds "Ai", "Pa" remove heart pain.
The sound "and" helps from a cold.
The sound "U-y-y" removes the headache and normalizes the blood circulation of the head.
The sound "Om-M normalizes blood pressure.

You can repeat mandrels any number of times, the main thing is that the number of their repetitions is multiple. You can repeat them 3.6,915 times, but the biggest effect is achieved with a daily repetition of 108 times. The number of one hundred eight is considered sacred. 1 - symbolizes the highest energy, deity; 0 - the perfection of divine creation; 8 - Eternity.

The mantra can be repeated out loud, pronounce with a whisper or to ourselves, while the condition should be joyful, pleasant, sublime. But it is best to highlight 10-15 minutes a day to sing them in full voice, calmly and focus. However, one should not be limited to some particular ritual or time. You can repeat the mantra everywhere and always! In buses, by time of traveling to work, while you wash the dishes or walk with the dog. When you begin to practice, you will realize how when and where you can do it more comfortable, you will come to this.

It is not worth practicing a lot of mantras at the same time, it is better to choose one or two that will help solve your problem at the moment. When you decide your question, you can start solving another and choose other mantras.


1. Om - Bhajkandze - Bhajkandze - Mach - Bhajkandze - Ratna - Samu - Gate - Swaha
Medical mantra. Mobilizes the body's protective forces, increases immunity and contributes to rapid recovery.
2. Om Tyzyambakov Yaajamaha Sugandhyim Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukiva Bandhanan Mritior Mukshia Mamritat.
Very strong mantra to improve health. One of the main mantras of the highest happiness. It gives up health, protects against diseases and accidents. Brings joyful mood, happiness, love, improves relationships. Helps to find a satellite of life. It is also useful to repeat it for healing and on a birthday. If you need to get rid of the disease, it is better to start a mantra on a decreasing moon. And if you simply improve the state of health, then on the increasing.
3. Chuna-to Alma Rung Not
Tibetan health mantra.
4. Brahms Brim Brum Sah Budhaye
Gives excellent health.
5. AUM Sri Gaia Adi Shiva Gaia Adi Kali Guy Adi Cala Bhairava Napa Foram
It helps to get rid of any form of dependence - alcoholic, narcotic, tobacco, etc. Read better on a decreasing moon.
6. Ohm Bhaskaraya Vimmaha, Divakaray Dhymyah Tanno Suryach Prachodayati
Suryya Gaitatri - for the treatment of diseases, exemption from the ailments.
7. Om Krishna - Ptraje Vimmaha, Amritatwaia Dhymyah Tanno Chandndra Prachodayati
Cantra Gaitatri - for healing fears, anxiety, pessimism, psychosis and neurosis.
8. Ohm Giridaya Vimmach, Shivapriyayi Dhymyah Tanno Durga Prachodayati
Durga Gayatri - for victory over circumstances, pain and suffering.
9. Ohm Sri Sarai Machnam
Mantra of health, energy, strength. Helps remove negative from the body.
10. AUM Jaya Jaya Sri Shiyia Swaha
Helps to find tenderness, love, communication with guardian angels. Meditating and reading it, think about your most cherished desire and imagine that the Golden Thread connects you to heaven. In return, get joy, good luck, divine intuition and the fulfillment of desire. You can prone it to a pleasant, melodious music.
11-a. Jaya jaya Sri Nrisimha
11-b. Nirbhao Nirveyer Akol Mort
Mantras helping to get rid of fear, acquire forces to fight fear. Start working with them better on a decreasing moon. Read 108 times. It is possible to start both both - one in the morning, and in the evening, and you can first first, in a month another. How best for you, besides you, no one will say.
12. Mangalam Dishta Me Maheshvari
Mantra for gaining the blessing of heaven in all endeavors, happiness, love and prosperity.
Mantra is devoted to the goddess of Tare. Her reading cleans a man's aura from malicious influences, improves health, helps to get rid of fears and doubts. Helps to fulfill cherished desires.
Mantra of God Ganesh. Gives cleanliness of intentions, good luck in business and all kinds of prosperity.
15. Om Sri Mahalakshmiyia
Gives all types of success: spiritual and material. Brings harmonization to the family, gives wealth, health, good luck, wisdom, humanity, compassion, humility, virtue and self-knowledge.
16. Om Mahadevaya Makha
Magic mantra of unity with Divine. Removes all negative energy from the way. Calls by guardian angels, protects against enemies. It can be alone, or repeated 9 times before reading any other mantra, it enhances the intention.
17. Om Lakshmi Vigan Sri Kamala Dharigan Swaha
Mantra for wealth, pacification and fulfillment of desires, it is recommended to pronounce daily, three times, at sunrise, for one month (30 days). The maximum result can be obtained by reading it from April 13 to May 14.
18. Om Hrrim Sri Sri Lakshmi Nrisinhaye Makha
Mantra of success and well-being.
19. Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama
Giving joy, cleansing sadness, eliminating all obstacles to help return all debts.
20. Om Gama Ganapatatai Sarve Vighna Paradie Sarwe Sarve Warray Lamb Daraya Hrimhe
This is Mantra of the Great Wealth. Gives material well-being, as well as joy, happiness and love.
21. Om Mani Padme Hum
It is Mantra Goddess Guan-Yin, Goddess Mercy and compassion. Mantra universal. This is a very strong cleansing mantra. Plus, its practice gives success in all areas. It reassuringly acts on the nervous system and helps to eliminate nervous diseases.
22. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
In the mantra repeats 3 names - Hare, Krishna and Rama (where Hare is to appeal to the energy of God, and Krishna and Rama are the names of God himself). This is one of the strongest mantras. The effect of her pronunciation is huge and has a fluid influence on the mind, mind, soul, body. This great mantra is repeated by Buddhists, Hindus, Krishnaitis, Yoga, etc.
To calm the heart and to protect against any evil.
24. Ohm ah Hum with ha
It is a powerful mantra cleansing instantly, and you can visualize how all items in your room are cleaned when you fuse them incense. Just repeat it 108 times in breathing tact. All Buddhists sing this mantra when they make Buddha offerings on the home altar or in the sanctuary, as well as before taking food.
25. Sokham
When pronounced inside its body. "SO" - on the breath, "Ham" - in exhalation. The duration of the exercise is 1-3 minutes (you can change SO-HAM, HAM-CO, SO-HAM).
26. Quach Kokhin then - to attract money
27. GA
For the development of the progressive gift.
28. Ha ro ha ra
Soothes mind, gives intuition.
29. Om Sri della Ohm
For the development of clairvoyance.
Opens the chakra "Third Eye", develops clairvoyance and magical vision.
31. Oh.
Ohm is the name, the symbol of God, Ishvara, Brahman. The word om supports all the worlds. The universe perceived by feelings is manifested from the syllable. The world exists in the syllable OM and disappears in this sound. Reading the Mantra "Ohm", you fully enter the consciousness of God. If you, after long-term reading the mantra, send it a ray to any disease, it will disappear. Om is energy, prana, it is the original pure consciousness.
Relax, stop the mental dialogue, close your eyes. At the exhalation, say the Narasphev "A-O-U-MMM". All sounds come on with one note, without intervals, equally loud. The sound "M" on the duration should be equal to the duration of all vowels. Take a breath and on the next exhale again repeat the mantra. The number of "OM" pheniya in accordance with the Indian tradition should be multiple of three. For example: 6, 9, 12, 15, ... 108. When pronunciation, imagine that all the best, crystal, clean you choose with air. Feel like your internal vibrations merge with space vibrations.
Breathing should be measured, smooth and deep. After performing 6-12 cycles (inhale-exhale is one cycle), take a break 2-3 minutes, then open your eyes. The singing of the mantra contributes to the increase in intellectual abilities. While reading the mantra, the person connects to the egregor of the highly developed in the spiritual and intellectual sense of people.

32.iks Tonga Feen.Mantra Mo Boat: 4 Exhalation pronunciation for 15 minutes.