Energy and their work done. Energy flows: their connection with man, the power of creation, the power of destruction and the ability to control the energy of the forces

2 Energy Work Techniques

Many who are fond of self-development believes that they have not developed their energy. However, I would like to remind you that there are no people with a weak or strong energy. Just alone can use it and others are not. Knowledge, how to quickly concentrate the energy of the Earth and space, are not easy to obtain and mastering. To achieve the first significant results you need to make a lot of work and spend time. And only then efforts will bring results.

The first thing to do to work with energy is to feel your own body's own energy. For this serves the first practice:

1. Practice.

Sit comfortably for energy concentration, so that you do not bother you. After that, imagine that the energy that starts warming your arms is going to warm your hands in your palms. This, at first glance, a simple exercise, allows you to quickly and well learn to concentrate the energy of the body. And although to achieve the feeling of heat in the palms, it may be necessary to take quite a lot of time, it will achieve it every time it will be easier and easier, your body will learn to quickly collect it at one point. Such skill is subsequently useful.

After confident mastering the first practice, you can go to the second.

2. Practice.

Before starting work, specify the task over which you start. It should be clear and unequivocally determined that the body understands which organ or the system will be directed. Best of all, if after formulating the task you will talk about it several times.

After that, you must say to yourself that you will be removed, treated. You give direction, and the body will tell you. Such an approach will provide a qualitative solution to the problem. Then concentrate energy until you feel warm in the palms. Then give yourself a team: "I send all the energy into my right hand, clean ...." And pronounce what is going to remove. After that, put one or both palms to the place of the authority. This ensures more complete power transmission, there will be less losses.

However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to put palms on the heart and kidney, it can fail in their work. If you need to solve the problem associated with them, put the palm for solar plexus and transmit energy through it. It is safe to work safely in any way otherwise. At the same time, you must very accurately formulate the problem, since any inaccuracy can lead to an irregular effect of energy.

These practices are designed to work with their own organism, but not to help others. Only confident mastery of these two practitioners will allow you to go further. Develop yourself and learn others to help yourself.

It is worth noting, even knowing how to apply these two techniques in practice, it is impossible to work with the energy of other people. The point here is what. You can feel your body and if you begin to experience discomfort, make your practices. Other people may not understand their condition or not exactly say. Instead of help, it is easy to bring harm. Help yourself and teach others to help yourself.

After all, any disease is a reason to think about that we do wrong in your life!

In each people, there are practices for the development of their power; Slavs - Slavs, in Voodoo - Eye of Light, Inics - Well of Light, Shamans - River Light, Druids - Bush Light, etc. And although modern "clever", trying to impose that the Slavs did not have spiritual knowledge, do not forget the fact that all Indians recognize - culture and spiritual knowledge came to them from the north, and this means from modern Russia. And we should not forget that the Slavic warriors were the best - this is one of the few warriors who fought, completely plunging into a trance state. Although the entry into trance and arriving in the trance to conduct various actions, I will tell in another material.

And now, let's go back to the essence of this material.

Since we are looking at the history of Chakras, it is worth noting that in ancient Tibet tantric tradition, only five chakras were considered - there were no: Sakhasrara, Svadchistan and Manipura - they were combined into one center; These five chakras are actively used in meditation practice, and to this day. Interesting - the path of development of culture of spiritual imitation?

Also, you should not forget about another five so-called "non-leaving" chakras that have no location in the physical body of man and animals, and they are "above" shasrara in terms of their spiritual development. They are centers that combine the consciousness of the Earth and all its inhabitants, the consciousness of all the planets of the solar system (including the consciousness of the Sun), etc.

So, if you want to practice spiritual vision, do not forget those chakras that either do not have their own manifestation in the physical body, or they are removed from many teachings by the "development" of spiritual knowledge.

And in continuation of the topic about chakra - the most effective work with chakras and perception of chakras, on personal experience judging - this perception of chakras is not just like an energy bundle located somewhere inside our body, but as an energy bundle with two funnels, front of the body and rear Body, image of this type of chaklis system, you can see at the very bottom of this Matkril.

But, as always, I again left the main theme of this material, although not quite. Knowing what is written above - you can take a fresh look at the energyochannels and the energy development of your spiritual forces - although there will be a question for energy recovery, more than once a question will be raised and a curtain that is hidden from you, and that they are trying to cut from all kinds of exercises. And this is not enough ...

And so, proceed to the main thing. In this material, we will consider the following practices: manipulate energies within itself and output the energy.

These are quite important techniques for working with their inner energy. To be able to drive the energy impulses along the two main power companies - will allow not only to better clean their bodies from energy-stopping and energy grossov, but also contributes to the development of power and increase the accumulated energy - which in turn will increase your witchcraft abilities. And the ability to correctly remove the energy from your body, will give you the opportunity to preserve the maximum energy-cleaner of your bodies, quickly and timely direct the vehicles for execution of a certain goal and travelers to the maximum effective healing effects in the field of bioenergy, the formation of energy protection and impacts. Yes, and a lot more you will contribute to self-development, practicing the described techniques below.

But perhaps already enough words - it's time to practice:

1. Split chakras to such a state when they start rapidly the light.

2. Concentrate your attention on each of the chakras separately - alternately and if you instantly see the color of each chakra at the time of the concentration on them, you can continue the exercise, if you do not see - continue to perform the first item.

3. Mentally, direct the energy from each chakra (at the same time) to the navel area. Let the energy of all colors be connected in the navel area. Do it until you feel the heat in the navel - no, neither heat, namely the heat.

4. When you feel the heat, the most concentrate on the energy collected in the navel area. Concentrate as long as your brain does not feel this heat.

5. Slowly, move this bundle of fried energy along with the maximum concentration on it on your body. Start with the right leg. Lower this bundle of heat and concentration into the right buttock, then lower and lower in the knee, then in the caviar, in the heel, in each finger of the right leg and after, return the bundle of the fried energy back into the navel. When omitting energy, do it very slowly, so that the heat of this energy felt in the place where this fever passes. Do the same exercise and left foot.

6. Then lift this frying energy bundle up to it, but just below the chakras. Lower this fried energy into the right hand and return to the neck, and then in the left hand, and also come back in the neck.

7. Raise this energy up, in the head and hold it there. Feel like your head heats up, the brain begins to heat up.

8. Direct this energy into the upper chakra. Hold this fries in chakra until you feel the chakra itself - until this energy bundle and beam of nervous plexuses in the chakra area.

9. Display the fried energy bundle from the chakra up. Let him hang there until the heat in the chakra does not fall.

10. When the heat in Chakra slept, return the bundle in the chakra. Keep it there until the chakra becomes fry again.

11. After that, slowly lower this bundle of fried energy into the frontal chakra. Wait until the chakra begins to "burn", you must feel the heat in the chakra area.

12. Display the shrinking energy from the chakra forward, in front of the body and wait. While the chakra will cool.

13. Return the shrinking energy in the chakra and wait for the maximum heating of the chakra.

14. When the chakra is warm again, output the fanning energy from the chakra back, out of the back.

(where and from which side to output - you can look at the drawing below this material)

15. Do these exercises with all chakras alternately. You must feel the heat inside the chakras, you must carry out the roasting beam of energy as much as possible throughout the body and by chakram in particular. You do not have to lose the concentration from this bundle of energy.

16. When you get to the bottom chakra, lower the frying energy bundle in the chakra and wait until the chakra starts to burn.

17. When the chakra began to burn, output the energy bundle from the chakra down - between the legs (the output from the bottom chakra is drawn in the figure below this material).

18. When the chakra cools, return the roasting beam of energy into the chakra, wait until the heat of the heat in the chakra and then send this bundle into the right hand, into the rainbow chakra. When the roasted beam reaches the rainbow chakra, wait for the chakra to be as racing as much as possible. After heating, output the beam from the rainbow chakra - beyond the palm of the palm \\ of the body. Wait for the chakra cool and return the beam back, wait for the rainbow chakra to be heated and return the bundle back to the bottom chakra.

19. Paragraph 18, and with your left hand.
20. When you return the roaring beam to the bottom chakra and when the lower chakra starts to "burn", slowly move the roaring beam in Svadhistan and do item 18.

21. Do paragraph 18 with each chakra.
22. When you raise the bundle in the upper chakra and finishing item 18, output the roasting bundle and chakras, slightly above the head and when the chakra cools, return the beam back. Wait for chakra again heated.

23. Now, lower the roaring beam of energy into the right leg, in the rainbow chakra of the right leg. After waiting for heating the rainbow chakra of the right leg, output the bunch outside the body and wait for the rainbow chakra cooled.

24. When the rainbow chakra cools, return the bustling energy back, wait for the rainbow chakra repeatedly and return the bundle to the top chakra.

25. Do this exercise and left foot.
26. Exactly the same actions that were in paragraph 18, you need to do from each chakra into each leg.

27. When you complete item 26, lift the roaring energy up and place it in the eighth chakra (it is ten centimeters, above the head.) And wait until you all completely cover the heat. You will start emitting the heat.

28. When this happens, print the fanning energy from the eighth chakra, let the chakra cool down. After that, return to it a beam of fried energy and make it paragraphs 18 and 26 with it.

29. Returning an energy bundle in the eighth chakra and waiting for the heating of the chakra, lower the bunch of the right leg and, without waiting for heating, output the bunch of the leg and direct it into the rideward chakra right hand.

30. Moving the roasting beam of energy into the rainbow chakra of the right hand, without waiting for the heating of the chakra, slowly lower it into the rainbow chakra of the left leg.

31. When the bundle enters the rainbow chakra, slowly print it out of the chakra and slowly direct it into the rainbow chakra of the left hand.

32. Repeat item 31 three - four times.
33. Having finished paragraph 32, move the power bundle to the upper chakra - to Sakhasrara. Do not wait for the heating of the chakra, lower the bundle of energy into the brain and expand the beam so that it covers the whole brain. Wait for the brain to start warming up. You must feel it, and not think that the brain heats up.

34. When the brain is warming up, return the beam to the original state and move it back to the chakra. After that, without waiting for the heating of the chakras, lower the bundle in the right eye. Let the bundle envelop all the eyes and when the eye heats up - return the beam to the original size and direct it back to the chakra. So, you need to do with each body of your body and with each chakra, that is, having passed the path from Sakhasrara to each organ, the beam is descended into the frontal chakra and again passes each organ and returns to Ajna. The same with other chakras.

35. When you finish passing a bunch of energy from each chakra into each body of your body, raise the bunch in the eighth chakra and without waiting for the heating of the chakra, lower the bundle in the dark chakra, then return the bunch into the eighth chakra, without waiting for the heating of the chakra, lower the bundle in the frontal Chakra and return it to the eighth and do it with each chakra.

36. When you finish the exercise, output the roaring beam of energy beyond your body and direct it right in the sun. Just wish this and it will fly there.

37. After that, re-prompt the chakras just as you did at the very beginning.

38. When the chakras start glowing again, concentrate their attention on the rainbow chakra right or left hand.

Lay, it cost you to concentrate on the palm of your hand, as it instantly began to heat up. Such an effect, many psychics are achieved within one month, it was possible to you for several hours.

Actually an exercise is completed. Repeat it, I recommend, a couple of times a month - this will be enough to support everything in perfect order and form, and it will be enough to train. But if you want to do this to pre-burn as often as possible, then do it every other day. Although now, you no longer need to rub your palms so that they began to allocate the maximum amount of energy. Now you will not be difficult to effectively influence your hands on a person with healing promises. Now you have cleaned your bodies as much as possible. Now, your chakras are cleared a lot more and stronger than a couple of hours ago and the energy secreted, now much more. Now and accumulate energy you will be much more.

Well, I now have only one thing - to wish you Wadachi.

Thoughts and feelings refuse a huge impact on your energy body. If you are happy, your energy body expands and becomes stronger. When you are sad, the energy body is reduced by depriving you forces and interest in life. Working with energy, you improve your energy balance, become healthier and energetic. In addition, increasing the sensitivity of the body and strengthening the energy flow contributes to the awakening of your higher spiritual forces, which is very positively affected by the quality of your life. There are many ways to make a similar effect with which you can achieve this effect.
Traditional approaches involve a variety of combinations of visualization techniques, physical movements and stretch marks, poses and breathing exercises, often accompanied by the singing of mantras or the pronouncement of certain sounds. And all these techniques are aimed at strengthening the energy flux and the energy distribution by body. A typical approach of the practice of New Age is aimed at the exercises on visualization and relaxation.
However, for many people, visualization is not such a simple matter, because it is often misunderstood. Effective visualization secrets I will reveal to you in the next chapter. With proper explanation to master it will be able to anyone. The system of working with the energy described in this book is based on tactile imagination, and visualization is not required for this.
Tactile imagination (creating a tactile image) involves focusing the awareness (sensation) of its physical body (your bodily awareness) on a certain part of the body, followed by the movement of this focal point. This method is excellent stimulates the energy body. To learn him is very simple, and it is forces to everyone you. In addition, this method of working with energy is not only easier than any of the traditional approaches, but also much more efficiently. The principles underlying the displacement of energy through bodily awareness and tactile imagination can be found in any of the eastern systems of working with energy.
Perhaps at first glance, this is not so obvious, but this is due to the impossibility of an adequate translation of Eastern esoteric concepts.

Why do you need to work with energy?

In fact, many structures of our energy body simply dorm. They function at a level sufficient to maintain the normal life of the body, but, from the point of view of spiritual development, this level is insufficient. Sometimes mentioned structures and energy centers may awaken, causing spontaneous spiritual experiences of the highest order. Also, they can be developed with the help of spiritual practice and working with energy.

The benefits of working with energy felt at all levels. Thanks to her, the physical body feels better, its ability to self-healing and rehabilitation improves, and the overall resistance of the organism of disease is enhanced. The ability to purposefully work with its energy body allows us to stimulate the healing mechanisms of our body and affect the affected parts of the body or sick bodies.

Vital energy circulates throughout our body. It is also important for our life like blood. Our physical body negatively or positively responds to lifestyle, power method and various exercises. The same can be said about our energy body, which also responds to any impact. Working with energy, you encourage your energy body switch to a higher level of activity. This is something akin to regular classes in the gym, which make a strong and hardy physical body. Only in this case the power is gaining your power body. Our mental and spiritual development also depends on the activity of the energy body.

In the potential, each of us has extrasensory abilities and spiritual potential, but only very few were able to realize and, most importantly, develop these deposits in themselves. Energy work based on bodily awareness allows you to directly affect the main energy channels and primary energy centers. They can awaken, activate and develop their highest potential with the help of special techniques and exercises. Such work can not be accompanied by the development of consciousness and is necessarily accompanied by spiritual evolution.

Our energy body consists of seven primary energy centers (also called chakras or spiritual centers), hundreds of secondary energy centers, three energy warehouses (also known as dintyan) and thousands of third-party energy centers (energy pores). All of these energy centers are interconnected by the myriads of energy channels. The main one is a central channel resembling a pipe. The human energy body is not inferior to the inner structure of the physical body and the nervous system, with which, by the way, it is associated with the most closely.

Vital energy is produced by a physical body in the process of digesting food and liquid. Thin energies penetrate into the body through hands and legs, through breathing, as well as when interacting with other people and the environment. Finding into the body, thin energies are circulated over the network of thin energy channels and in energy center, the function of which is to change the subtle energy passing through them. Energy centers can be associated with energy conversion systems, with which the quality and frequency of thin energies varies as to correspond to the entire spectrum of our energy needs at all levels of existence.

Primary energy centers
The activity of primary energy centers is primarily associated with our emotions. For example, listening to vigorous, cheerful music, we feel like an electrified energy wave rises on the back. From sadness - severity in the whole body. From a sudden fright, we instantly dries in the mouth. From fear and excitement, we are covered with goose skin, we have our hair end. If the fear is strong, we have chopped in, legs become as if cotton. Mental tension can lead to strong headaches. When our heart is broken, we fall into depression and can physically feel heart pain. Feeling in love, we often feel like we tickle under the spoon. In other words, the sensations relating to the activity of the main energy centers are as diverse as our emotions or emotional situations in which we come. We list the seven primary energy centers: the root center (at the base of the spine), the navel center, the center of the solar plexus, heart, throat, interbural and painted centers. These are the main organs of our energy body. They are associated with any, even the most insignificant aspects of our existence. To some extent they are always active. Primary energy centers are responsible for all emotional, mental and spiritual senses. We will talk about them in more detail in one of the following chapters.

Secondary energy centers
Secondary energy centers are similar to the main, but only much less and perform simpler functions. Secondary centers have different size and dispersed through all joints, bones and soft tissues of the physical body. These energy centers and interconnected meridians are described in detail in Chinese treatises for acupuncture. Secondary energy centers are present in each of the joints of the human body. All such centers consist of four poles and central channels. Each of the poles resembles a tiny vortex energy structure, which is revealed on the surface of the skin like a flower, right on top of the joint. These poles are associated with larger internal energy channels passing through the bone marrow and bone tissues. When a powerful stream of energy passes through such a channel, it can carry out an excessive effect on the nerve endings, which causes the feeling of soft tingling and ripple inside the bone. Especially bright such sensations are in their hands and legs. Many important secondary energy centers are dispersed throughout the body - in soft tissues, organs and nerve nodes - and interconnected by subtly energy channels. A good example is the energy structure located around the cardiac center. The upper channels combine the heart center with their hands, and the bottom - with the lungs. And those and other channels are paired, that is, they pass both in the chest and on the back. People with developed sensitivity to bodily awareness will be able to feel these energy structures at the time of their increased activity. As the heart center, the energy channels connecting it are binding to it, in addition to the lungs, with other organs and parts of the body. (for example, with throat).

Energy pores
Tiny energy pores, energy exchange centers, perform the same functions as millions of pores covering the skin surface. The main function of energy pores is to ensure the permanent energy exchange of a person with other people and the environment. They cover the entire surface of our body, but there are places of their largest cluster: soles, palms, nose and nasal sinuses, eyes and ears, lungs, mouth, lips, tongue and region Genital. Energy pores are very sensitive to energy fluctuations and easily capture the frequency of thin energy fields. Thanks to the abundance of energy pores in his arms, we can feel the energy fields.

Robert Bruce "Working with an energy body"

Finding into a circle of communication of a person with a strong positive energy, or being such, we can consider yourself a lucky one. This is how to have a "in the shaft" good wizard. On the contrary, people who have strong negative energy should be watched. After all, negative human energy May be dangerous to the health and success of other people. Especially if people with bad energy Something wants to achieve or they are offended or feel a threat of danger. The splash of negative energy can bring to the illness or accident. Therefore, you need to be able to feel energetics And be able to determine its type of sake of their own health.

And if the owner of a strong energy you, what's next?

Analyze yourself and determine the type of energy, come to the conclusion, like it or not. Negative energy can be turned into a positive, there would be a desire. A positive, positive human energy requires care, development and cleaning.

How to determine human energy?

There are people who like everyone, they are nice to communicate with them, they enjoy authority, after communicating with them there is a positive impression of lightness, the desire to turn the mountains, to create something or just a good mood. And there are such that they do not like, to put it mildly, try to avoid communicating with them, and if it is impossible, the sensations after the presence of such a person in the personal space are not the most pleasant. Most often, it is nausea, dissatisfaction, the desire to break something or knock someone, the complete absence of positive. The presence of certain feelings after communicating with people speaks of their power.

The development of human energy

Speaking of development, it is worth considering that development is subject to what it brings good, positive, health, joy. Therefore, it is possible to develop positive energy. To do this, use meditation, especially good morning meditation, giving a mood to the coming day, creating confidence in their forces and the desire to overcome all obstacles.

Mandalas can be used to develop positive energy. You can do yoga, use Tsigong techniques. But embroidery or beadwork will bring no less positive emotion and energy.

Cleaning power man

Wanting to change its polarity, that is, becoming the owner of positive energy, it is necessary to produce its cleaning. Working with energy should be permanent, even if its owner is the most miley soul man.

How to clean the power of man?

The best way to clean the energy is a visit to the Church. Cleansing can manifest itself in unexpectedly flowing tears, the feeling of weightlessness or desire to become knees. If there is no possibility to go to church, and cleaning is required immediately - reading the prayer "Our Father" is not less than three times to be cleaned and recover.

If the church is not authority, then work with the subconscious will help clean their energy. Having settled more, close your eyes and ask her subconsciousness to imagine how the garbage looks in the energy space. Seeing the answer, find a way to deal with him. For example, an image of a large spider may occur, which does not crush the slipper. How to destroy it? Spray from insects. Seeing the spider disappear, the feeling of ease and updates will come.

Also as cleaning options are cool, but not a cold shower, forgiveness (forgive everyone or to ask for forgiveness).
It all depends on what a person wants, who wants to be for others, and, in general, he understands his role.

Biological clock is not a joke. Their flow can be consciously slowed down, and at the same time - unconsciously speed up ...

The entire existing world exoteric school, unfortunately, has a colossal flaw, which caused the premature death of many people, fanatically concerned about the evolution of consciousness, the development of energy, by connecting to the streams of "cosmos energies" and immersion into special states of consciousness. This negative and leading result was due to the loss of knowledge about the genetic features of the human body. Briefly consider the essence of the problem.

From widespread treatises on Eastern medicine, it is known that any violation in the body begins with an imbalance of energy flows "Yin-Yang". In general, this is so, but the main thing is missed - which determines the choice and efficiency of the methods for the correction of this violation. The main thing is that "Yin" and "Yang" are two (oncoming) components of the time stream!

When an ancient source talks about the need to harmonize "Yin-Yang" or "Ka-Ba" (in the Egyptian tradition), we are talking about the harmonization of these components affecting the flow rate of the internal biological time of a person. Any violation in the body is the result of a violation of the harmonious flow of time in a cell, an organ or system in relation to each other, a certain general biological time of the body and the environment. A deep understanding of this primarily determines the correctness of the choice of means and methods for the harmonization of this kind of violation. The generally accepted and universally used methods of correction are not effective, and in some cases lead to a negative result, because they do not take into account physical factors of time.

Entering the interaction with higher-order energies, a person involved in meditations, healing, the development of clairvoyance and other parapsychological abilities becomes the carrier of these energies. These energies are gradually rebuilding its power system. As a result, in a person, mutational processes accompanying the transition of the power system to the next evolutionary stage are genetically launched. The trouble is that the beginning of the mutational processes associated with the restructuring and the formation of the new power system passes through the phase of the beginning of the spontaneous division of the cell cells. In medicine, this process is known as cancer.

It is only a person, by meditation or visiting the "Power Place", enter the energy stream, it immediately leads to a slowdown in the internal (biological) time. The effect will be accompanied by a general improvement in the state, an increase in energy, exacerbation of extrasensory abilities, sometimes manifestation of clairvoyance and other unusual properties. If a person had been in the stream constantly, then his longevity and ability would struck all surrounding. But the problem is that as soon as a person comes out of meditation or leaves the place of force (leaving the stream), after a while the immune system makes a "rollback", accompanied by a sharp acceleration of the flow of biological time, which many people have the reason for the appearance of atypical cells and The beginning of the oncological process.

The statistical analysis of the effects of the effects on the body of the energies, with which psychics and healers interact in the process of their practice are interacting. The result of the analysis conducted by specialists of the National Security Academy (in which the current employees of the Laboratory of Astrosystems also worked), turned out to be stunning. 7-10 years after the end of healers' schools, about 70% of certified specialists, actively and conscientiously engaged in healing practice, died of oncological diseases. Only in the fall of 2005 the number of patients with cancer in the system V.M. Bronnikova, developing clairvoyance and actively promoted not only in Russia, but also abroad, amounted to 11 people among specialists, whose experience amounted to about 10 years!

This applies not only to healers and psychics, but also practicing ideologues of spiritual and exoteric schools. The shocking appeared the fact that such well-known and recognized by the world authorities as: Jedda Krishnamurti, Roman Maharishi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, Mother (Mirra Alfa Wea), E. Blavatskaya, E. Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Wang, Osho, Castaneda and Many others also went to the world of different cancer. Ignorance of the law obviously does not relieve a person from responsibility for his non-compliance.

The appearance of oncology is the reaction of the immune system on the internal restructuring arising when interacting with high-order energies. In this case, the immune system begins to manifest itself from an unexpected side: responding to changes in human energy, it launches the program to self-destruct the body, if the knowledge of the genetic features of man and land in the practices of the abilities are not taken into account.

The energy obtained during the practice or visits to the power of force, causing deep changes in the human energy industry, must be stabilized and transformed into the energy perceived by the human body. The transformation of the energy obtained is carried out in the process of synchronization of the power system and the stream of time inside the person with the power system and the flow of the Earth's time. As a result, there is a conservation of the flow of internal biological time, which is expressed, for example, in the slowdown in the processes of aging, the flow of degenerative and autoimmune processes in the body. In this case, the oncological process can be avoided.

To solve this, an extremely important task, the neophes suggested to the ancient priests the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction and use of smooth-suited pyramids and "Mountain's wands", because the possibility of awareness of the earthlings of these mechanisms was unlikely (read in detail in the book V. Uvarova "Wands Mountain", 2004.)

This largely explains why the contacts of earthlings with nebellands were limited. The life support systems of neophers could cause an epidemic from the population around the population. It could provoke a wave of a negative attitude towards the "gods", so the neophes created their databases in remote, sometimes hard-to-reach places, which were known to a very narrow circle of people ... But this is a separate topic. And about her - another time.