How to call the Guardian Angel at home. Prayer To call your Guardian Angel

Angels are considered the highest beings, the messengers of God. It is said that each person has its own guardian angel. Probably, everyone who believes in them would be interesting to meet her good defender. Many are addressed only in difficult moments of their lives asking for help. But do not forget it and then when you feel good. The stronger the connection between you is, the easier it will be to defend you.

Some people wonder how to call an angel. This is possible, but do not be discouraged if you have anything from the first time. After an unsuccessful attempt for a few days, talk to him mentally, after which you can take a new attempt.

There are various rituals on the call of the guardian angel. In principle, they differ little. The main condition - you must sincerely believe in his invisible presence nearby.

How to call the guardian angel

To begin with completely relax, it is necessary to tune in to a positive wave. It is advisable to spend the ritual in full solitude at home or in nature, choosing a secluded clearing where no one will disturb you. This option will also come up with those whom the sounds of nature are soothing: the singing of birds, the rustle of the wind.

Next, try to let go of your thoughts. Just watch them, like clouds, do not cling for each. At first it will be difficult, you will also catch yourself on what they think about something outsiders. But when it succeeds, the mind will be cleared and you can begin reading the prayer to your holy.

Eyes can be closed, but if you are able to see a thin energy with open eyes, it is only for the better. After some time, the ball of energy of golden color will begin to form in front of your face.

When you feel that the angel appeared, consult him. You can sincerely, with words that come from the heart, ask for its protection, help in a difficult life situation. You can set a few questions about you personally. The more sincerely you will ask, the greater the likelihood that the angel will help you. At the end of the conversation, be sure to thank it for the attention of the attention to your person.

How to call an angel of desires

Separately, it is worth talking about the angel of desires. This is a slightly different entity, but it can also be confronted with it. The ritual is not very different from the previous one. Only need additionally white paper or canvas, a small bell and three church candles.

Choosing a quiet place, you need to spread your white coating, put the triangle of the candle, to light them and ask him to appear three times. Soon you will feel or see a clot of energy, perhaps it will emit heat. Contact it with your desire. Carefully follow the flame of candles. If it did not flourish, most likely an angel will not satisfy your request, if he was adjusted, in a short time it will be.

Similarly, you can call for angel of love. True, the candles are better to take pink or red to this, and use the material of the same color as a stand. You can only ask for yourself, in no case can you try to love you some other person.

The most insidious and, therefore, a rarely urgent essence is an angel of death. In addition to the fulfillment of desires, he can influence the will of other people. It sounds tempting, but what price will it take for his services? After all, it is not for nothing for help for help.

Do not joke and simply play with the highest forces. Trying to get in touch with the angel, you will use two worlds: this and invisible. Do not count that you will read the spell, the omnipotent spirit will appear, will help you, and then there will also disappear without a trace. Think carefully before spending a ritual, because the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

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Guardian angels exist:

The most detailed description: Prayer for calling his angel - for our readers and subscribers.

If you are hard to cope with difficulties yourself, contact your guardian angel. He will surely hear you if you do it right.

At birth, each person is under the protection of the highest strength. Guardian angel, which is given to everyone with baptism, constantly protects and tries to protect, help. If a person commits good and righteous actions during his life, he may not have one, but several guardian angels.

Very often we have to fight problems that are difficult to solve themselves. If life has laid a lot of difficulties on you and it seems to you that the troubles attacked you, try to contact your Heavenly patron. The team collected for you advice on how to correctly ask for help from the guardian angel so that your requests were heard, and the answer was fast.

How to call the guardian angel and ask him for help

It is believed that in life a person can be protected by several celestial mentors at once, and each of them plays a certain role. Therefore, you can encourage your defender and ask him for help, but you need to know how to do it.

To begin with, take a sheet of paper and write on it that you need. During the disease you can ask for health. If failures are pursued in your life, ask for happiness and deliverance from troubles. If you are tormented by personal experiences, you can also describe your problem yourself, in your own words. You should not write a lot of text, describe only what is really bothering you. After you wrote in writing about your request, close your eyes and say a short prayer:

"Because of the sorrow and failure in life, I appeal to you, my keeper is an angel. I ask you, hear about the request of mine and help me. From birth, you were given me as a defender my. Do not turn away from me in a hard time for me, come to me. Amen!".

After that, hide the paper sheet so that no one saw it. You should not wait for an angel to be a wonderful way to you: his help will be invisible, of course, if your words were sincere.

Talk to your guardian angel, and he will help you

Your defender sent from heaven always hears your inner voice, knows your thoughts and everything you feel. Probably, each person in life happened the situation when some souls to pour out the soul and tell about his alarms. Your guardian angel may not just help you, but also listen to you in a difficult moment.

In the evening, before going to bed, sit down, close your eyes and mentally imagine that you are your angel. After this, say prayer:

"My keeper, from birth to me this, hear all the requests and experiences mine. Become my interlocutor, help me get rid of all troubles and misfortunes. The Lord God himself sent you to me as an assistant and defender of my, without breaking his will, come to me in a difficult moment. Amen".

After these words, start talking about everything that bothers you, or ask the Heavenly Messenger about help. Do not plan your speech in advance, it must be sincere.

Contact the keeper angel with miraculous prayer

Each believer is known about what an incredible force may have the usual prayer appeal to the saints. So that your heavenly defender heard about requests, try to contact him with a strong prayer.

Take a white tablecloth and make it a place where you are going to sit during prayer. Next set the table and put a picture on it with an angel. Before pronouncing prayers, try to relax, make several breaths and exhalations. At this point, you must represent that you are in the place where you always dreamed of being, and the angel is approaching you towards you. Once with him next, tell me:

"The messenger of God and my defender. Help me, a slave (e) of God (her) (her name), hear the requests of my da fence me from life difficulties. I, the slave (a) of God (Iya), all his life worshiped the Lord, prayed to him and the Mother of God's Mother of God. Now I appeal to them and to you sent to me in defense. Be always next to me and help me in a difficult moment. Amen".

Try a prayer from a clean heart: you must feel that your keeper is near and listens to you. After that, mentally start listed everything, what you want to ask, try to do it, not in a hurry. Do not forget that only sincere appeals to the saints can be heard.

Since small years, people have a close relationship with their guardian angel. He protects us, helps us in a difficult moment, and sometimes even tells what happens to us in the future. If many unusual things happened in your life, you should not be afraid: perhaps this is your protector gives you signs. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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Prayer angel keeper

or how to call on your angels

What do you need for calling angels?

To refer to the angels, you do not need anything external. Some people love to light a candle that symbolizes the arrival of angels. But even this is not required, though, if you like it, then you can.

The most powerful tool for calling angels is your intention. Angels are disembodied, spiritual creatures. Their presence may differ from what you expected to see. But if you connect the presence and awareness, you can feel their incredible light.

The more practice, the stronger becomes your connection with them.

Modest expectations

One of the mistakes that people allow are too expectations. Do not expect anything. Be prepared for the fact that your angels will show themselves on a thinner level than you think.

Sometimes angels appear in front of people in quite visible form. But most often about their presence can be guessing to improve mood, feeling of peace and love, raising your vibrations to a higher light level.

Be open, calling the angels. With practice, you will be easier to notice their presence.

Call Angels

There is no certain definite phrase or formula that angels can be called. The most important thing is your intention. If in the heart you sincerely want their arrival, they will come.

The best way is to breathe deeply, relax, focus on your inner state, find your center. Consciously ride all expectations and thoughts.

Slip out loud or about yourself: "I ask me to surround me by the divine light of one hundred thousand angels of Divine love, wisdom and protection, let them come and establish a connection with me."

Meditation for Divine Energy

Now feel or imagine how your energy grounds you in the center of the Earth. While it happens, feel what incredible light comes from the planet. And you at the same time with him. You are part of this source that proceeds through the Earth and everything is all.

Make one more breath and imagine how this light rises up through your legs and heads to the source of the creation energy. Feel your presence in him and unity with him.

Pay in the light of Divine Love, which surrounds you. The connection to connection with this energy will cleanse you and will help you to reach the level of many blessings of spiritual reality.

Call the best angels

Now think or tell me: "Now I invite my most loving, higher and best angels who are willing to serve now. Please come and help me. " Now just relax, breathe deeply.

You are the divine creation. Angels are near you to help you create a paradise on Earth. You deserve it because you yourself - the earthly angel. Just ask them about it, and they will come and raise you on their wings.

How to call an angel of desires and ask him to fulfill the dream?

How to call an angel? This question worries many people, as we know a lot about these strange entities, about their magic abilities and opportunities to help people. In fact, an angel is human protector And if you really need help, immediately and consult them.

How to call an angel of desires?

In order to call an angel, you need a very strong desire. These entities are not very fond of communicating with people, and therefore they sometimes cause them quite difficult. In order to correctly call this entity, you need to prepare.

Features of the rite

First of all, remember that at least we present an angel as a good human assistant, it is not always possible to be true.

Angels - the Messengers of God. They are sufficiently powerful, so if you raise an angel, he will be able to apply a strong damage. This is especially true of the Angel of Death or Dark Angels.

Everything will depend on what kind of magical creature you appeal. Remember that the angel's disturbance is simply so asking to fulfill a simple desire that you are able to implement yourself, not worth it. If you need to make a simple request, better contact the mermaid, home, magic gnome or a fairy of desires for help.

Before you ask for help to an angel, be sure to prepare your desires. Write them better on the leaflet, and you need to follow to be written everything was simple suggestions. Otherwise, an angel may incorrectly interpret your desires, and everything will be wrong.

You must be absolutely ready for everything. Perhaps you will have an attack of fear, but do not despair. You need to collect all your strength and do not show that you are afraid of the other entity. There are several types of angels. You can contact all of them in a standard way or select to each special rite.

Conducting ritual

There is one universal method that will allow you to contact any angel and ask him to fulfill your most cherished desire.

To carry out the root, you need to arm yourself:

  • white web;
  • three candles;
  • bell.

The rite is both at home and on the street. If you decide to spend this ritual at home, you need to maintain all windows and close the doors. Before holding a ritual, you can read prayer to your guardian angel.

So you protect yourself from the probability of appearance before you is not an angel of desires, but any other unclean power from the other world. It often happens that instead of calling the desired entity, a person opens a portal in another world and demons and spirits are made through it.

If you read the prayer to my guardian angel before holding a ritual, then it will protect you and will not allow you to penetrate your home to someone else, except the angel you were going to call.

In order to hold a rite on the street, you need to choose a place wherever other people were. There must be quietly and calmly. For this, the river or forest bowl is ideal for this.

Initially, you need to accommodate the selected area, decompose the white canvas in front of you - it will be the place where an angel comes. Around the white canvas, put three candles in the circle and in turn litter with their right hand.

Candles are lit alone clockwise, you can use only church candles. After that, consult a prayer to my guardian angel, ask him to protect him from the eye and evil forces. Also, for help to fulfill desire, you can contact the very angel keeper. When the first prayer will be read, you need to say:

Angela! I urge you! Milk Molubam, hear the slave of God (name). For I hope for you. And I have no other defenders and helpers besides you.

If the angel decided to come to your aid, then you will feel his presence in the room. At the site of the rite immediately will appear a bunch of golden energy. If you are an experienced magician, then you will immediately see this energy ball. If you have little experience in the call of different entities, you will simply feel warm, which comes from a certain point in front of you.

Next, you need to contact the angel in your own words and ask him to fulfill your most cherished desire. But remember that it is impossible to request the impossible. If you want imperceptible wealth or endless power, you need to seek this help to the devil, only he can fulfill such a desire.

How to call on the angel of love at home?

In order to encourage an Angel of Love, which will help solve any problems in personal life, you need to spend a rather simple ritual that can change your life. This rite is held only on Fridays for 15-16 lunar days.

You need to purchase 7 pink candles in advance that may have a conical form. It is desirable that they be consecrated in the church. In addition, you will need your personal image that has been done no more than 7 days ago and a large red heart that needs to be cut out of simple paper or cardboard.

Take a heart into your hands and on the reverse side, write your desire associated with a specific person. You can not write the name of your favorite man or woman on the back of the heart.

Put your image in the center of the room and cover it with a heart. Around this design you need to arrange prepared 7 candles. They are set on fire clockwise one after another. The first must be a lit candle that is directed to the East.

After that, say:

Angel of Love, I urge you!

Attend love of my life!

Bring love and happiness!

Give me a happy family!

Help me find what I wish!

Help the servant of God (name) to escape from loneliness!

After that you need a little time to wait. If Angel agrees to come to your aid and bring love to your life, then it will come very soon, and you will feel it. The figure of the golden color will appear in the center of your magic circle, which will easily feel at the energy level.

If you do not see this energy ball, then do not worry. The main thing is that he came, you feel it. If you want to ask for the love of a certain person, then for this you need to directly contact your own words.

When you ask all you wanted, you will need to say goodbye to the angel. To do this, it will bow low, thank you for coming and tell me that you will be happy if he fulfits your request.

There is such a rite for the whole week every day. You need to call an angel evening and ask him to attract love to your life. On the 7th day, the angel must file you a sign. It can be anything.

You will meet a new person, come across the old friend, meet your school love. It will be a sign that your fate with this person can twist, and you can be really happy with him.

When you find a person who love, then be sure to thank the angel once again for bringing love your life. To do this, hold the rite of the call not necessarily, it is easy to get up at the window early in the morning and thank it for the service provided.

Uncomplicated rite of conscription at home

In order to hold a pretty simple ritual of an angel of desires at home, you will need to take one church large candle and a white sheet of paper. On a sheet of paper, we simply write your desire with a broken handwriting, it is desirable to describe everything in the trifles so that the angel understand what exactly you get from him.

After that, wait until midnight, burn a large candle on the table and bring the paper sheet candles to the flame. You need to spend exactly three times a sheet with a desire written on it above the candle, repeating each time:

Angelic Hospitality, please hear my call. Luminous blessing I extend over everyone. East and South, West and North, I turn around around and call you. An invisible friend, the messenger of heaven, came to my help. Amen.

After the words are told, you can postpone a sheet with a desire as far as possible so that no one has ever found. Candle Leave to trample completely, and when only a little disharder remains from it, scorch as far as possible from your home.

In this case, it is not necessary to hope that the angel will seem to you personally, you will not even feel his presence. Most likely, you do not feel his power flow, but if it comes, it will surely help you. Usually after this rite, the desire of a person comes true in a week.

If there is already more time, and there is still no result, it means that you wished something incorrectly, or an angel just decided not to be distracted by your request.

Do not be sad if this entity is not ready to fulfill your request and respond to your prayers. You can seek help to the ghost or to a vampire, or call a demon in order for it to help you make a conceived.

How to call for angel of death?

Angel of Death - This is a very strong magical essence, and it can apply you a significant damage. Therefore, before calling this essence, you need to understand whether you really need his help. Call the angel of death for various purposes:

  • if you want to call him as a witness of your dedication to the sorcerers;
  • if you want him to execute a desire;
  • if you want it to harm another person;
  • if you want to ask him the question you are interested in.

Contrary to popular belief, the angels of death do not resurrect people at the request of sorcerers. They are the guards who look at the shower to go to the world of others.

If you call for angel of death, then be sure to remember the rules of precaution. You can not be angry with your speeches, demand to return people who have left the life of people, ask for universal domination, demand to do something that can cause severe damage to one, but many people.

In order to hold the rite, you need to arma 5 black candles. It is desirable that they were church. You also need a mirror, black dense tissue and a bit of incense.

Put the mirror in front of it and arrange all the candles around it so that they stood in a circle at an equal distance from each other. After that, fever incense and can start the rite. You need to close your eyes and tune in to the desired energy. When will be ready, you can say:

Angel of death, come to me!

Medium of light and darkness will soon show.

I spell you, the angel of death, come to me!

Hear my prayer, hear my call.

Reach on the call of the slaves of God (name). Amen.

Now you need to thank the Angel of Death for what he came, responded to your call. Then you can voice your desire. You need to bring it once, quickly, not stuffing.

Therefore, before you begin to carry out a ritual, be sure to write down your desire for a piece of paper. If the angel of death refuses to fulfill your request, it will disappear without warning.

If he is ready to give you help, then you will feel the flow of cold air, which envelops you. Follow the flames of candles. If it remains calm, it means an angel or did not come, or left abandoning to fulfill the request.

If they begin to sneak from side to side, then this means that angel is here and agree to help you. Be sure to thank the angel of death for responding to your call and spend it into the world of others.

After that, with a black cloth, cover the mirrors and be sure to hide the candles. Only now you can remove all attributes used in the ritual. After your desire is fulfilled, be sure to consult my death angel once again and thank it for being able to make your request.

If you decide to call an angel, then predefinitely practice on simpler entities. To learn the text, pronounced during the call, is very important. The rite must be carried out in one breath, not stuffing and stopping. If you are not ready to spend such a ritual, then just do not care for him and do not worry angels.

    • Fortune telling
    • Consistencies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Sloalth and damage
    • Obragi.
    • Privors
    • Outlines
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantra
    • Creatures I.

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the crust is full. Not for nothing they said: "nicked!". On the winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracy against alcoholism. You can order a prayer for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers about their health.

  • Sometimes we get into such situations when you cannot consult with anyone, no help to ask for anyone. Forget that it is invisible next to us, but constantly, there is a messenger of the Higher Forces, the Angel is the Guardian. Despite the fact that almost no one sees him and does not hear, you can communicate with this entity and you need. So he will never refuse any help or the Council. Yes, and will calm down his upset ward.

    Just learn the secretaries of communication with the guardian angel is not so simple. The point is to catch his response. You see, this essence from the subtle world. Consequently, she does not speak in words. Angel will mentally communicate with you. And we are accustomed to words. Need a skill to understand it.

    Preparing for a conversation with angel

    It is best to call the guardian angel into your own. It is believed that during this period the face between the worlds for each person is sophisticated. So, the easiest way to take the signs of higher forces are easier to perceive. Although no one prohibits contact them when the need arises.

    It should be done in complete loneliness so as not to be distracted. Naturally, any gadgets or TVs also need to turn off with the same purpose. Candles will be very helpful to focus, especially in the evenings. Sit down a little in the silence, watch the flickering light, think about what angel from his deeds decided to distract.

    The question should be in your head has already been formulated. Otherwise, the whole of your thoughts collapsed on the guardian angel. What to answer orders? You understand that this entity is not the word of yours perceives, but every thought and feeling. They need to streamline, too much throw out that the angel heard the main thing: the question, request, task, and so on.

    Home ritual challenge

    When calmly swing in my head, make a deep entrance, thinking about the air passing along the trachea and easy. You can even present his way. After the third breath, ask your question or tell me what you want from the angel. Words should be clear, understandable, simple.

    For example, so:

    "My angel! Tell me who of the applicants are worthy of my attention. I'm confused!".

    After told the names of the Hyports. Do it slowly, with breaks, watching your feelings. Angel will show himself at the moment when you say the name of your destiny. The feeling will be as if the sun suddenly came out due to terrible clouds. You can not confuse this with anything. It is clear that physically light in the room will not add. It will appear inside in the form of lightness, joy, sometimes delight. Watch out for sensations.

    How to set a difficult question to the guardian angel?

    If you need a board, the ritual described above will not suit. After all, in order to understand the answer, it is necessary to make a right assumption. In difficult cases, it is better not to rely on their imagination. The answer may be completely in a different plane, where you are not waiting. Then spend another ritual.

    Before bedtime, while preparing, sit in silence. Word a question, describe several phrases of circumstances that you are worried. All write on paper. Try to make it extremely simple and understandable. It is not for an angel, but for you. It is clear that the highest entity and so everything understands, besides, as you feel about the problem. This is necessary to formulate unequivocally.

    Planted and place the icon of your angel. Then say the spell and go to bed. Do not talk to anyone on this day and do not distract. The words of the conspiracy are:

    "My Angel, I need your advice. Autumn me with your wings! Tell me the right direction of actions that will lead me to success, increase the total number of happiness and love on the planet! My keeper! I need your help right now! "

    The answer may come in any form. Some can call an angel in a dream. To another, the real side face comes in real life. Nearby people appear, about which a person did not remember, did not think, did not wait. They solve problems, throw up the necessary information, just give advice. It is important not to miss the moment when an angel responds to your request.

    It is also desirable to know that the guardian angel is all the time nearby. You want this or not, he protects you as a mother caring and loving. He constantly gives you signs, just not everyone hears them. It is necessary to more thoughtfully track what is happening around. Then the conversation with your keeper will become permanent. No need to specifically call it.

    When a person is born with a loud cry on the mouth, comes to this world with a small and defenseless Lord gives him a defender. With baptism, every Christian receives from the god of the guardian angel, who goes with him the side of the skoughs all his life. He instructs him and directs the true path, and the person sometimes does not even know why it is so lucky on this day! Guardian angel is constantly with us. Remember! Each of us had such a case when you walked down the street, and then suddenly something forced you to go to the other side, it seems that there was no reason for this, and yet you switched. And it was on this side that the street you met a long-time friend who later helped you in matters. How many cases were in your life when someone or something did not let you go to meet someone, like and you can go, but the soul hurts, as if it does not allow, and you stayed at home, and then learned that This meeting would not have brought you anything good. Guardian angels constantly warn us about the dangers of any available ways and try to protect them from the troubles of climbing us. Guardian angels are with us all our lives and know us like no other. Guardian Angels How to see all our good and negative features. They know about all our good and bad thoughts, but whatever we nor - they are always with us! They always protect us and help find the true way of life. These holy essences, like no other help us in this often with a cruel and unfair world, but only some of us thank them for it and talk to them. But it is not difficult to call the guardian angel, even on the contrary. Your guardian angel is the only interlocutor who will respond to any of your question sincerely, and not Lukow. It will give a real sincere council, how to enter a situation in a particular situation, and how to avoid danger. Many of us in childhood saw and spoke with their guardian angel, because the children are innocent and see what adults do not see. They see how the leaves bloom in the spring and fall in the fall, while adults do not notice this, but see already blossomed trees and fallen leaves on Earth. But the children grow up, they also have their affairs and problems, and they also cease to notice the faithful friend and the assistant that they have earlier, they cease to hear his voice and see his appearance, they lose touch with their guardian angel! Meanwhile, connection with it is very useful and could help solve a lot of problems and, by doing the right thing.

    So, how to call the guardian angel? It is very simple.

    Stay alone, sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Make some deep breaths and exhale, try to continue to breathe the entire session in the same rhythm. Try to dive into another dimension, forget about what you are at home, imagine yourself with a small and carefree child. Imagine yourself going through the park, watch the leaves on the trees bloom and blooms blooms right on your eyes. Fully immerse yourself in this magic world, where there is no anxiety and problems, and there are only you ... Your guardian angel. Perhaps you will not immediately get to achieve the state of full rest, but attempt and you can.

    Now mentally ask for your guardian angel. Ask and wait. Listen to your surrounding and to your feelings, for you will not see, but you feel his appearance with all the soul and heart. It may be a slight change in space or something unpacked will change around you, do not be scared and not open your eyes. Be sure to thank your guardian angel for the fact that he came to your call and ask him or her name. Each Guardian Angel has its name, and it can be very unusual, but try to remember it! If some particular problem is worried about or tormented by some kind of question, ask your guardian angel how to resolve this situation or ask you a question that cares you. He will surely answer and find the best way out of the current situation. You can get the answer immediately, or later, in a dream or in the form of an article in the journal. The guardian angel can send you the right person who will help solve the problem. As soon as you asked a question, wait, the answer can come immediately. It may be barely audible, as if from far. At the end of the communication session, thank your guardian angel and quietly return to reality.
    Know the guardian angel will never leave you and you, please do not lose more connection with it.

    It happens that prayer does not ease the soul, and the campaign in the temple does not contribute to the restoration of equilibrium. Then the defender of everyone is in a hurry - guardian angel. So that he heard the call and came, spend a simple rite.

    In the article:

    How to call the guardian angel

    People turn to heavenly patrons in difficult periods of life. But it is better not to forget to communicate and joyful, thank you for all the happiness that you have in life. The stronger the connection with the keeper, the sooner he will come to the profound in a difficult moment.

    When you want to call for a defender, it is important to configure initially correctly. Stay at the time of the ritual in the house alone, remember. Concentrate and clear from extraneous thoughts, it is impossible to be embittered, offended or depressed. Remember when you were offended, an angel does not twist, it will help to implement a karmic problem.

    When focusing, read the prayer to the holy unlimited number of times, it may appear golden of energy bunch. Imagine it with closed eyes before learn to see the person.

    But from the first time, people manage to see the caustiar angel image rarely. At first, limit the feeling of presence. Feel the defender near.

    When you realize that he came, contact the soul. Or in your own words, ask to protect and save from any adversity. The sincere request, the greater the chances that the divine defender will help.

    Ask Angel about everything that is missing. But remember: wishing money, power, the excessive attention of the opposite sex is impossible, these are sinful thoughts. It will not fulfill these requests, they are caused by human greed, pride and greed.


    Spend a ritual in nature: in the forest, in the shore of the reservoir, in the park, on a picturesque meadow.

    Relax, take a deep breath. Delay air. After slowly exhale. Within two seconds, do not gain air into the lungs, repeat the exercise. Remember sensations and focus on them.

    The body will enricts oxygen, they will become calmer, more confident. Refer to the defender and ask to appear. Use prayer.

    After, as in the previous rite, you will feel the presence of the assistant or try to see the golden clot of energy. Ask a question to the Heavenly Patron.

    Clearly formulate in order to limit into one sporing even in a difficult situation.

    Write everything in advance that you are going to talk to the defender. So do not let and ask what you need. After stand up, you will bow low and thank you for helping.

    Three days after the rite will be able to see signs that will help you find an answer to the exciting question. Carefully rectify to them.

    Simple and effective ritual

    It is carried out not only to call the keeper. The rite uses for simply specify to whom they appeal.

    Take a piece of paper. Write on it that you want to contact your holy and get: protection, knowledge, answers. After installing a small candle and stand up at the window at dawn.

    Close your eyes, concentrate on desire. Tell the words:

    Angelic Hospitality, please hear my call. Luminous blessing I extend over everyone. East and South, West and North, I turn around around and call you. Invisible friend, Messenger of love, came to my help.

    Leave the candle on the window, it will serve as a beacon, an angel will come to the world. List with a desire to fold and hide. For three days, suddenly aware of how to solve the problem, get an answer to your question or find yourself under Divine Protection.

    How to call the guardian angel in a dream

    Take a defender and night. Light in the room three candles. Decide what you want. During the rite, do not ask questions.

    Ask to show what is waiting if a certain decision is taken. If you want to chat with holy at night, you will need skill.

    Stand over grilled candles and tell me:

    Angel my keeper, I feel at you, I pray for you, I appeal to you. Come to the rescue to the slave of God (name), you always remember you to contact you.

    After own words, set out the essence of the problem.

    When you light, the defender will come. He will penetrate sleep and talk to you. But this option will require the reserve of strength and energy. Can penetrate the room. Through sleep you feel touch. When asked the question:

    Is it good ...

    Will it happen ...

    In the case of a positive response, Angel kisses you. Feel touch to the eyes, the rapid of the nose, cheek or lips. When the answer is negative, you will not feel anything.

    But do not be discouraged, perhaps the rite was carried out incorrectly. To get an accurate answer, use other call rituals.

    Call your guardian angel simply, the divine patron will be sure to come, she will cover the protective cover, it will save from evil eyes, evil spirits, offenders and envious. Contact it with an open soul. Saints do not like when a person tells a lie or disturbing in trifles. But trying to help the wards and in every way they are thickening before God.