Where in life there is a figure 8. The symbol of infinity is the number "8" and its meaning in numerology

The eight represents two closed circles, symbolizing the infinity of being. The number 8 is inherent in extroverts, denoting prudence.

Born in the 8th day of the month or in the amount of numbers of the date of the birth of the number 8 have a volitional and rigid character. They are purposeful and decisive, powerful and energetic. But eights are characteristic of vanity and thrust for easy money, which can disrupt perfection. In addition, these people are prone to hypocrisy, often hide real feelings for others.

8 as a symbol of prudence and hardness

To the positive qualities of people of this figure, it is possible to rank categoricality of judgment, energy, will and ability to think. Such people can attract attention to themselves and lead. With their authority, they are able to force lazy people - to work, inventors - generate ideas, dreamers - think realistic. This number calls for order, provides stability and awakens in people the desire to improve, develop, multiply the fruits of their work.

In the octal colors, tones are predomined from light yellow to dark, opal color.

The eights in the controlling bodies are good: the prosecutor's office, police, governing authorities. They have a well-developed ability to structure, establish causal relationships and motivate subordinates to achieve the result. Success to people will come to people 8 and in the hotel business, politics, real estate.

8 as a domineering and overwhelming character

In some interpretations, 8 denotes duality. Therefore, along with positive directed to the development of character properties, the eight has both self-destructive qualities, such as vanity, cynicism, composure and thirst for profit. If these qualities begin to prevail in the life of the eight, then such people become dangerous for the environment, they suppress and destroy the ability to understand and compassion.

The eights are capable of sharply and unflatter to speak other people. Although then they knead themselves for such incontinence. Friendship and love for representatives of this symbol is not an empty sound. Just they need to learn to be tolerant and patient with respect to other people.

Definition of fate in number 8

The number 8 in numerology is considered one of the most fateful for humanity. It determines the stability of a person's psychomatrix, responsible for the most important family values. Figure 8 means the attitude of a person to his native, beloved, close: a sense of duty, responsibility for weak, tolerance, respect and kindness.

Consider what the number of eights in the psychomatrice means.

The lack of figure 8 indicates both the lack of patience and respect in relation to the elders. In this case, the cultivation of these qualities is completely dependent on the personal example of older generations. If in childhood such a child is watching the care of his father and mother about his parents, then these qualities it will acquire even with the absence of the eight. But if there is no worship and respect in the family, then you will not complain about anyone.

Also approximately with one 8 in a psychomatrice. This means that the debt and responsibility are weakly developed, and efforts are needed for the formation of these properties.

The two eights may already testify to the presence of a sense of debt from birth. About such people they say: "Kindness itself". They are very tolerant, read loved ones, torn old people. Often they find their calling in the profession of doctors, social workers, rescuers.

The value of the number 8 in the triple variant is tripled and represents the world of the belt. Such a person can cross through family values \u200b\u200bif it is confident that the truth that he possesses is more expensive and more important. To become in life happy, eights need to first achieve inner harmonization, realize their inner power and become softer, sensual.

Number 8 in history

Traveling through historical epochs, we can see the significance of the number of octaves for humanity.
In Antique Greece 8 - the number of Dionysus (Hermes). Pythagoreans have a symbol of three-dimensionality, love, prudence - Great Tetractis. Suchmers have a magic number of heaven. In China, the basis of the world order, the lucky number "va". In Hinduism on the basis of mandalas (Square eight) temples are built. In Taoism, Tao opens 8 roads to a person - all the ways of fate.

In Japanese mythology: The first pair on Earth produced offspring in the hall of eight sizes; eight clouds, a sacred mirror with eight colors; Snake, which swallowed 8 terrestrial daughters of the goddess Kami and turned into 8 rings.

In Christianity, the eight is perceived as a resurrection sign. The octagonal shape has the fonts, the windows of the cathedrals, crosses, akin and the Bethlehem Star.

Having studied the presence of a figure in cultures of perfectly incompatible and different in philosophical saturation, it can be assumed that the value of figures 8 in history comes down to the concept of reliability, integrity and perfection of being.

Video: Number 8

Number 8 in numerology

In numerology, the number 8 is considered as the connection of two closed circles, which indicate infinity. In addition, two circles are a symbol of duality and continuity.

Positive aspects 8: People who have such a patron possess the volitional character, strong, energetic and purposeful. The eights are highlighted by a huge authority among others, thanks to which are the excellent leaders of any enterprise.

Negative sides 8: vanity and desire to always be at an altitude eight among others. In addition, the thirst for power and money often interferes calmly live. Frequently, the eight is not inherent in many human feelings.

What denotes the number 8 in the spiritual sphere?

The main task of this number is to prevent the termination and collapse of the 7th day creations of God. In the eight there is stability, order, knowledge and ability to achieve higher purposes.

The magic of the number 8 lies in the fact that it is united and female, and the male start. At the same time, a woman is playing a passive role, and the man on the contrary symbolizes strength and demands, but still, they are combined together.

The meaning and possibility of the number 8 in numerology

To get the power and realize your potential, it is very important to achieve equilibrium and moral well-being.

On the way to its goal, the eight is waiting for tests, disappointment and other problems. In general, to achieve the desired, it will be necessary to make a lot of effort and completely surrender.

A happy number 8 will help to fulfill all the dreams, the main thing before this is pre-prepared in advance and make a detailed plan. For example, to achieve financial well-being, you need to have sound thoughts and intelligence. The key to the success of the eight is to unite innate abilities. and talents, with acquired knowledge and experience.

Eight in relations with people

In numerology, the number of fate 8 occupies strong positions, but it is easy to converge with other numbers and can become an excellent and faithful companion for them. This number is different from other sincerity and sharpness in any matter.

In the love relationship, the eight is very dedicated to her partner, but she rarely manifests her feelings. To achieve the location of this number, you need to assure it in your love and admiration.

To achieve happiness number 8, you need to realize and take your inner strength, as well as learn how to be more patient to others. Only confidence will give them power to get well-deserved remuneration for their works and efforts.

What does figure 5 in numerology mean?

We all heard of numerology as esoteric science. It is engaged in the study of the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. Numerology was engaged in ancient times. It is understandable, because figures surround us and the numbers are surrounded, and the scientists have always tried to determine, for example, how a person's life depends on the date of birth. I wonder what is 5 in numerology?

Place numbers 5 in numerology

Figure 5 in numerology is of particular importance. It characterizes the achievement of five major goals in the life of any individual, namely:

  • good health;
  • long life;
  • the embodiment of spiritual and material wealth;
  • virtue;
  • natural end of life path.

The patron saint of the five is the planet Jupiter, which has another name - "Planet of Big Happiness." Figure 5 symbolizes the compound of the five main elements:

  • water;
  • fire;
  • land;
  • metal;
  • tree.

The figure 5 in numerology means that all these elements complement and fill each other in the subjects around us and phenomena. In magic, the five is considered the solar figure that ideally means improvement. In the color palette, all the colors of red tones are characteristic of this number.

Psychology of Numbers 5.

The figure 5 in numerology is considered contradictory and mysterious. It includes two opposites:

  • figure 3 - the symbol of the trinity;
  • figure 2 - symbol of doubles, separation.

The top five is at the same time a symbol of eternal life and universal love, as well as the life and love of earthly. One of the secrets of the number 5 is associated with magic. Scenarm 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 correspond to two pentagram:

  • Straight - the top of a five-pointed star is drawn up and is a symbol of the spirit that ruins four elements. Such a pentagram denotes the "perfect person." Inside the straight pentagram is a pentagon with a downward vertex direction. This means that even the perfect person may have shortcomings.
  • Reverse - the top of the five-pointed star is drawn down and is a symbol of evil. But in the center of the reverse pentagram, the pentagon is directed upward. This is a sign that the most soulless person contains a piece of good.

Figure 5 in numerology by date of birth

In numerology, everything comes down to simple numbers, each of which they correspond to certain characteristics reflecting the life of each individual person. Such a fateful number can be calculated by the date of his birth. Knowing it, it can be understood which directions of your character are strong, and which are weak, to what purposes need to strive to not waste time on solving tasks, you are not possible. How to determine your lucky number will help the teachings of Pythagora. A simple definite number can be obtained by adding all the digits of your birth date. For example, your date of birth 15.04.1984. To find your number of birth, you need to get the amount of all these numbers. We fold 1 + 5 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 \u003d 32. We give a digit 32 to unambiguous, also by addition 3 + 2 \u003d 5. So we got the number of your birth equal to five. Now we'll figure it out what the figure 5 in numerology, and how the number of birth affects a person.

Five digit and its effect on the character of a person

Figure 5 in numerology is considered one of the most powerful simple numbers. Therefore, it can affect the nature of people. In turn, a person who patronizes the figure of five is able to have a strong influence on the surrounding. In their lives, such people are trying to achieve independently, gaining tremendous experience in their activities. They are very inquisitive, the life tests are not afraid and they love earthly joy. At the same time, they always seek to help other people who appeal to them, knowingly knowing that they will receive a useful and wise council. As a rule, such people in society enjoy authority and respect. The top five in human life contributes to stability, professional growth, reliability.

Qualities inherent in people with a number of birth 5

People with a birthday five are usually favorable, and witty. They have abilities to study foreign languages. Such personalities are very charismatic, which makes them a soul of the company. A man with a number of birth five hates gray monotony and any restrictions. They are very interesting interlocutors. Considering the diverseness of such people, it is important for them to determine which of their abilities will be dominant for them in achieving a sustainable position in life. After all, the temptation is great to try themselves in different areas of activity. But this may prevent them from choosing their own way. Such people are impulsive, and if they are unwise to waste their abilities, then it will not allow themselves to implement themselves, as determined by the initial command. After analyzing a person with a birthday 5, it is possible to determine its main positive and negative qualities, namely:

  • positive - resourcefulness, energy, speed of thinking, tendency to research and others;
  • negative - impulsiveness, anxiety, nonsense.

For loved ones, such people are ready to sacrifice themselves. They appreciate the faithful strong friendship. "Five" make noble deeds without requiring anything in return. Such people respectfully relate to the laws and fulfill them.

Meaning in relationships for people with birth 5

The value of figures 5 in numerology is also associated with the relationship between a man and a woman. People who are under the influence of this number are also called pyterochers, do not seek to marry. This is due not only to the fact that they really appreciate their freedom. Such people are afraid that family relationships can be an obstacle to the realization of their abilities in their chosen professional activities. For five, there is a particular importance with a satellite of the life of common goals and interests. The marriage union for such people is possible only if partners have absolute coincidences in their views.

Characteristics of people born fifth numbers

Above, we considered the qualities inherent in people who live under the auspices of the figures five, calculated by the date of birth. But in numerology, the meaning of the figure 5 by date of birth is determined not only at the estimated value, but in the number of months. For people who born on the 5th, characteristic of such qualities:

  • Mercantihood - the main goal in their life is the acquisition of money and possession of them.
  • Business qualities - usually in financial affairs accompanies luck.
  • Such people are not always law-abiding - in their desire to get money faster, they often violate the law.
  • Ingenuity - they very correctly direct their energy to find the shortest way to enrichment.

At the same time, they have good qualities:

  • The ability to make solutions quickly.
  • Restraint in relations with other people.
  • Persistence. It is easy to get along with them, but only the same mercantile people as they.
  • Such people have high intelligence.


Numerology is a very informative and interesting science, with the manifestations of which we are confronted daily. The figure 5 in numerology also means five fingers on the hands and legs of a person, five senses. Previously, the highest assessment of the knowledge of the student was considered exactly the top five. There are five names of animal classes, as well as many other concepts in our lives that are characterized by a number five. If you have chosen the five date of an important event, you are waiting for success. True, maybe not immediately, but this is the essence of the figures five - to lead to the victory of the thorny way.

What does the figure 8 in numerology mean?

Mikhailo Bid.

The figure 8 is one of the most important numbers that defines the entire psychomatrice of a person, since it is its stability or appearance in a psychomatrice causes many qualities necessary for a person. This figure is responsible for a sense of debt to loved ones (parents, family), a sense of tolerance and kindness - the qualities that we must show relationships to parents and loved ones.
Why exactly 8 is responsible for this quality? Explanation is very simple. We write a list of the closest relatives of a person: Father, mother, brother (or sister), wife, son, daughter, wife wife, mother wife. In the list of eight people, and in relation to them you have a special debt. The main place is given to parents, as we do not choose them, but they gave us life and it is for that we must be grateful to them.
Tolerance ... How often we are talking about this quality. Many take her over humility, silence, consent, but do not replace one word to others. Tolerance is the ability to endure a man next to him, his habits, glances, desires. The girl goes on a date and puts on his best shoes with a heel-pin. Her legs hurt, she is not-comfortable, but she wills and does not shoot her shoes, moreover, she smiles at her beloved young man next to her in a chic trowel suit, with a tie, and on the street thirty in the shade, but he is joking, smiles And tolerates its inconvenience. Well, in this case, in this case, we are all tolerant, but in a relationship with your loved ones we cannot become such? When we talked about young people, we diligently hid one most important word, more precisely, a combination of words - they need it (necessary, they need themselves).
Now try to understand that tolerance (patience) in relation to their parents is also necessary to everyone. Suppose that a young girl who is very beautiful, and smart, and slight, can not find a common language with his father, they have a terrible conflict, going to hatred, she goes to bed, and she dreams dream that angel comes to her (or God) and offers the following contract. She is shown in the dream of various fathers, and she can choose any of them at their request, after which the contract is concluded and is fixed by her signature. Among the candidates for his father's place is one rich, another mil and kind, the third is all taking it together, and the list is large enough to have the opportunity to choose. Finally, the candidate is selected, signatures are set. The long-awaited morning comes. The girl opens his eyes and sees a new apartment, and her new father is going to her, and she wants to get up, but he takes her hands and puts in a wheelchair. Horror? ! No, the norm. This father could have a daughter with disabilities, and she became her. No wonders, everything is completely fair. Think about it.
"8" -net. Characteristics
In psychomatrice there are completely absent eight. Is it bad or good? Not surprised if many of you say that such a person is deprived of a sense of debt from birth, and therefore it is bad, since at the same time he has no tolerance and kindness. To some extent you are right, but only in the overall description of this case. Yes, a person is not given a sense of debt from birth, as well as tolerance and kindness.
We will conduct some psychological analysis of this situation. First, you can say for sure that a person has its own character in its pure form, that is, the power of its nature determine only its units. For example, if a person in a psychomatrice has one or two units and no eight, then we can say that these characters are in many ways similar. These people are hazardous, selfish, who wishes to defend their point of view by all means, who do not know how and not want to take responsibility. The difference between them consists only that at two twins, a person begins to demand praise and attention that it often defines his future profession among people, where he is given the opportunity to show himself and wait for it to praise him. If we are talking about the tolerance of these people, it comes down only to the fact that they cannot press or inhibit the weakness of their nature, but from their own interests

The number 8 is the value of this figure for a long time associated with a miracle, magic, the search for harmony and infinity. Such a digit is very often considered an impersonation of both male and female beginnings, stability and order in the world.

In the article:

Number 8 - value

Many people are interested in what denotes the figure 8 in numerology. Such a number is unique, has a special sacred meaning. For example, people believe that after a seven-day post and repentance comes the renewal of the soul.

Pythagoreans believe that this number means reliability. It is also a sacred number that can be identified with Divine justice. Some people spend a very busy parallel, pointing to the fact that the octagon is the beginning of the transformation of the circle into the square and vice versa.

In the Sumero-Semitic tradition, the statement is found that this is the magic digit of the sky. The Buddhists of the Eight symbolizes all the possibilities of a person, is a sign that something good will happen in the near future. The Chinese believe that the eight personifies integrity, good luck.

In Christianity there are 8 blessing commandments, and this number is often associated with revival and recovery. For example, do you know that the baptism is often octagonal? This suggests that this place symbolizes the revival.

For the Egyptians, this number was associated with God's God. Jews believed that the temple was even so much consecrated and this is the number of Lord. In Islamic religion, people believe that the throne, which manages the whole world, support exactly 8 angels.

Probably everyone knows that this symmetric figure is an inverted sign of infinity, can be identified with two worlds: material and spiritual. If we talk about the spiritual plan, the figure 8 in numerology indicates that it can symbolize the enlightened person.

The value of the figures 8 in numerology - born under this number

If you believe numerology ,. The one who was born at the number of 8, very volitional, does not regret the forces and does not save resources if they need to achieve some kind of cherished goal. For such a person, not only spiritual wealth is very important, but also material well-being.

Positive traits

The main advantage of people born under the number 8 is an energy, infinite energy that they can be directed into any direction. Amazing is that individuals are at first glance, words can conquer authority among other people.

These personalities are very strong and self-sufficient. They know how to find an approach to others are excellent leaders and are very demanding both towards themselves and to subordinate. Such people are intelligent, able to correctly plan and organize their own day, their lives.

According to Numerology, people born at number 8 are very quickly coping with the tasks that set themselves, think is logical, capable of solving the most difficult issues as soon as possible, ready to take responsibility and make decisions. Best of all, such an individual implements itself in trade, banking, business, politics.

Negative features

Unfortunately, such people have very many flaws. For example, they so much cramming that they are ready to cross them through close and relatives. Cynicism is their main negative quality. Such people often justify their cynicism by the fact that "better so than to told in the clouds and believe in illusions."

People born at number 8 are very like money, strive by all truths and inconsistencies to increase their condition. In the event that a person is engaged in routine work, does not splash all his energy, it can adversely affect its condition. It will become tense, evil, and the surrounding will suffer from this stress.

Figure 8 in human relationships

According to numerology, a person who is born at number 8, all the time is busy and concerned. Such an individual moves a big power that pushes it to feats.

Such people often try to please everyone. Such activity can also be harmful, since in rare cases it negates the very goal itself to which a person moves.

Eights are often in suspense, in a state of stress. Therefore, they need a person who would help get rid of the negative, return the balance and harmony. It is very important that the life satellite understand the passion for the "eight" work.

In addition, often similar individuals are prone to self-confidence and a remorse of conscience, which can also adversely affect relations with other people. But, despite all this, be near a man born under the number 8, in fact wondering. Such an individual can tell a lot, to teach a lot.

Therefore, you often have a lot of friends from the "eights". Such people can communicate with representatives of any layers of society, but often prefer the influential and self-confident personalities. Such a person may naugh their enemies because of its honesty, straightness and sincerity.

The main thing that often annoys these people is the inability of others to learn from their mistakes. However, this anger is very violent, since the "eights" are still not inclined to blame others.

In marriage these people are very devoted. However, the partner is often annoying the fact that realizing his plans, the G8 may forget to demonstrate its tenderness and affection. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the partner's choice, you can in advance.

Happy C may be a man born under the number 8, if you learn to control the power that is in it and it will be able to be tolerable to disadvantages of others.

The value of the number 8 in numerology is very multifaceted. This is an infinity symbol, a magic figure. People born under this number are unique, have an infinite reserve of energy, and if you can easily use your potential, they will definitely achieve the desired.

In this article:

In numerology, each number is of particular importance. This is the science of numbers and their influence on our fate. Figure 8 in numerology is very often present. What is it? Inverted sign infinity, good luck or vice versa, loss symbol? If it became interesting to you, then plunge into the world of simple computing. They give you a complete picture of the character and characteristics of a person. With the help of numerology, you can determine the compatibility of the pair and find vulnerable points of this connection.

For fate, there are no bad and good numbers, each of them is given to a person at the moment of birth. It will be with you all my life, forms the nature and features of the psyche.

Your number will definitely help in life, so I define it right.

Numerology and fate

We are born open to the world. It seems that a small child is still absolutely "clean." Its character, opinions, attachments and talents are also destined to appear, develop. This is not quite so. It is influenced by the position of the stars at the moment of birth, so that all, even the smallest nuances of his character already exist, his fate is already recorded. This means that our life is predetermined.

At the time of birth, the stars are built by a certain order. It matters everything that happens in space.

The child receives a certain number that affects his fate, the fate of other people who will only have to meet him in many years. In one of his books, H.L. Borges wrote:

"I keep in my secreter on Mexico City Street, which someday, in thousands of years, will be written with paints, today still extended throughout the planet."

This phrase is well characterized by the effect of numerology on human life. All qualities, traits of character, disadvantages and dignity of a person still dorms, but they are already precisely predetermined. Once, they will gather in it together, and his personality will be formed. From his fate not to leave, but you can follow it.

Not only date of birth, but the name affects fate. Numerology of the name helps us to calculate the character in the amount of the letters of the name. For this there are separate tables. Each letter is assigned a numeric value. This is surprising, but the numerology of misses does not give.

Find out the character by date of birth

Now, the amount looks like this: 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 \u003d 37. The number 37 is double-digit. For classic numerology there is no answer to such a question. It simplifies it again 3 + 7 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1. Now we got the answer - its number is a unit.

Such an approach has developed Pythagores. He drew attention to some records of the priests of ancient Egypt. They learn to give birth to define past, present and future. They even knew how to calculate the date of the last birth of a person. Past lives can also be considered if you know how to manage with numbers. The fate has its own language, this is the language of numbers.

Now, having received the number of births, you can operate it for any further computing or conclusions. This means that you can learn its compatibility with a partner for marriage, friendship, business.

You can choose a name for a child so that it increases positive quality and leveled negative. Such a method is complicated, but many parents are happy to practice him. This gift for the fate of the child will be invaluable.

Number 8: personality characteristics

For those who calculated their birth number and it is 8, fate prepares an amazing future. All the facets of the personality for those who have the number 8 in numerology prevails in life.

Feature of the psyche: Extravert.

This is an open, friendly person who cannot imagine life out of society. Eight - absolutely extracert.

Advantages and disadvantages

Public advantages: very strong, purposeful personality. Usually, these are judicial people who know how to predict the enemy's move. They know how hard it is to achieve influence, power, but strive for this. A very successful number in terms of achievements, because a person can fully concentrate on the process. Fate does not have the choice - the eight should be successful. This means that fate does favor you.

Disadvantages of a person: all these advantages predetermine the shortcomings. Ploud-loving and successful person often means vanity, dependence on public opinion, thirst for money. It is very easy to get away from my noble way, if there is a huge lubricant in front. Few people can resist, because for the eights, the love of money is peculiar. It happens, they fall into the paws of gambling fate, begin to play, lose. They are easily given money, even easier they can spend. It is very important that such a person praised. His love for himself is great, you need to constantly hear about your uniqueness, incredibility.

Relations and family

People "G8" often go to the left. They simply cannot pass by the most enviable, status partner. I want to try everything and everyone, and their personal life can seriously suffer.

If a person found his soul mate - 3.2, 9, the relationship is in a different way. This means that in this pair it was possible to get welcome numerological compatibility.

"Eights" - people open to the surrounding world


If this person finds the right job, it will very soon begin his rapid rise to the top of Glory. It should not be noticed, because he issues unique ideas, can implement the most complex projects. And everything in order for the laurels at the end of the sophisticated way. Let all company workers lure into the ranks, applaud, open champagne and allow balloons into the sky. And all this - in order to emphasize the significance of the "eight". It is this result that they are waiting for their work. Universal education.

In defense of the "eight" we can say that these people can seek the desired result. They know that the path is very difficult, but it is necessary to go through it. All about what they dream is achievable. Career in finance, investment, banking activities is very well. They attract money. Money can destroy them. This is the balance of the fate of such a person.


Not always these people want to go through creativity. It would seem where you can still succeed, be all on the lips, as not in creativity? Amazing paintings. Exciting novels can bring mad popularity to any person who has talents. The "eights" are very rare among the creative elite. This path is very complicated for an extrovert. He needs to be in humans, enjoy modern technology, amazing all non-standard solutions. Work is true creativity for the "eight." And the paintings and novels can only be a hobby, passion, which falls in the table for months and even years.

This does not mean that such a person is deprived of a creative start. He will be happy to make music, dancing, painting. But never put the priority here. It will not become a matter of life. Work will be in the first place. If it turns out to play the piano once a year for a holiday, then excellent. He receives his portion of ovations, and then - until next year closes the lid.

A good numerological combination is the compatibility of "eight" and creative "fives". They will be able to find their own world in which to live comfortably, and everyone gets Lavra for their merits. Such combinations are very frequent.


Friendly relationships are built easily. For this, no particular compatibility is needed between people. "Eights" are most often surrounded by comrades, buddies and acquaintances who want to share his success. He is very open with friends. Why not, because you can get even more praise and applause.

For friends, such a person is always ready for broad gestures, gifts. Money come and go, so it is better to always distribute them correctly. You can arrange a party, order a pizza at all or treat the entire bar cocktails. And you can buy a sudden bunch of gifts. All this will be perceived with a bang, with smiles, laughter and will still remember such moments for a long time.

The eight is a symbol of harmony, infinity and divine power. This number in many religions and esoteric exercises personifies the unity of material and spiritual life. The number 8 is connected with the sign and is under the auspices of Saturn, a complex and controversial planet.

The eight in numerology has positive and negative aspects. It can bring good luck and money, but also to prevent the achievement of well-being. What mystery is enclosed in this figure?

8 in man's life

With the eight, a lot of interesting historical facts are connected. Especially this number was worshiped in ancient China. There it was considered the foundation of the world and personified eight supports on which the planet holds, and eight sides of the world. To this day, the Chinese consider this number happy. The Olympiad, held in China in 2008, began at 8 o'clock 8 minutes 8th 8 months.

Egyptians worshiped eight as a cosmic numberWith which you can communicate with the highest forces of the Universe. In Greece, the number 8 was a symbol of god fun and wines of Dionysus. And in Japan meant multiplicity.

No less interesting interpretation of this number and in world religions. In Judaism, the eight is considered to be a divine number, the beginning of all began. Hindus consider this figure with a symbol of the world order. In the Christian religion, the eight means the strength of revival. In Buddhism, the number 8 is the unity of all opportunities.

Interesting facts associated with this number, they say that the eight is found literally in everything, with which the person comes into contact:

  • Atomic oxygen number equals eight.
  • solar system consists of eight planets.
  • Spiders Have eight legs.
  • Oktawa interval leaves eight steps.
  • International Organization of Leaders World countries are called "G8".
  • Cubic It has eight vertices.
  • After the Flood, Described in the Bible, only eight people were saved.
  • In Islam eight Gate of Paradise.
  • Babylonian tower consisted of eight terraces.
  • The number 8 is similar to the symbol of infinityIf it is horizontal.
  • In the Taiwanese city of Taibe, the main attraction is skyscraper consisting of 8 floors. In Taiwan, the number 8 symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

What does the number in numerology mean?

In numerology, the number 8 personifies the balance between spiritual and material energy. For interpretation, this is quite complex number. It consists of two identical parts - rings - and is a compound of beginning and end, the boundary between life and death.

Number of date of birth \u003d 8
Character character traits
In the European tradition, the symbol of impartial justice is the balance of scales. In the ancient Greeks, the same function performed the number 8; Obeling it into two equal parts, we obtain 4 plus 4, and four to 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2. Modern numerology focuses on the dual and dual nature of this number reflected in the fact that one wheel rises over another. Thus, if the "seven", obeying the rhythm of time, emphasizes perfection, and "nine", as we will see later, is a rebirth, then the "eight" -practs symbolizes the flow and cyclic change of human states from a decline until a full update. The wheels of the G8 are spinning, - and paintings of life, full passions and struggle flashed before their eyes, decline and death come to shift, and then looming life after death with a weak hope for atonement from sins and salvation. But the most important thing is the number 8 establishes the balance between earthly successes and earthly failures that all men and women deal with.

People with 8 as a date of birth is usually self-confident, arrogant; In an effort to achieve the goals, they only count on their own strength. While others break in front of someone's cap, keep the nose in the wind or grain in front of the difficulties, "Octalists" are steadily going their own way without fear and without regardless, confident that their path is the most correct. They are not afraid to tell the truth in the eyes, though thereby hurt many.

Asensitive and non-pecked, "october" are solid, serious, reliable people. It is very important for them to see everything - they are engaged in a responsible business. In his actions, the number 8 is guided by a sense of debt before the employer, family, friends and especially before themselves. In no case will not agree to the position, the replacement of which would lead to a betrayal of people or ideas.

"Octalists", mainly practical, business people. They do not build air locks and do not twist in the clouds. In all its plans and actions come from possible. It is noteworthy that their practicality is supported by versatile labor skills. They, most often, beautiful craftsmen, although many of them are able to solve purely intellectual problems.

Moreover, "Octalists" never recognize their mistakes, they possess an energetic, living mind. They are attracted by new ideas, especially those that can be used for their own purposes. Philosophical constructions, like fantasy, is not for the carriers of the number 8, as evidenced by their practical inclinations. If "eights" and go to church, this does not mean that they unconditionally perceive religious dogmas, they always require evidence of their truth. This contains a big problem for representatives of the number 8, because faith, by definition, excludes evidence and arguments. Even serving the priests, "Octalists" rarely turn out to be fanatics: they squeeze the religious faith with a significant dose of realism, believing that the church should not be isolated from the outside world. "Eight", as a rule, are not the best candidates for the saints. Whatever bona fide and impartial they are, holiness and patronage are rarely manifested in people of this vibration, except that in those who have a sense of debt and the desire for justice take the form of active care about the fate of other people. Most of the Eights are too practical to deal with this kind of charity.

At the same time, these people have one feature - the past plays a big role in their life. This implies not only the strong interest of the "eight hundred people" to the history, from which they draw the necessary truths for themselves, but, and nostalgia on the most important phenomena and events of the Jew of Life. Here, too, the number 8 speakers are looking for key events and turning points to extract lessons for the future. Remembering the happy times of childhood and life in the hometown, which they left, "Octalists" ensure the continuity between the past, present and future. This nostalgia, of course, contrasts with pronounced pragmatism and the "eight of the eight way", but it allows them to spread the joyful moments of the past to the future and thereby enrich their lives with pleasant experience.

Communicating with other people, the "october" immaculately determine their character, morals, needs, although not always attentive to them in their actions. So these deep, strong personalities are quite often cold, indifferent, indifferent. If they are joking, then humor wears in vasitive character. Often makes itself felt and their pessimism. In addition, the "Octalists" tend to solve their questions at the expense of others. Because of this, not everyone experiences respect for such self-confident, dry people. For the sake of fairness, it should be said that partially problems with the "eight hundreds" arise from the fact that the latter is often incorrectly understood. Many of them are not aware of themselves, they just hide their feelings and create the impression that they are indifferent to the opinion of others. As a result, the feeling of loneliness and alienation, the already present in the subconscious, is exacerbated if they are deprived of spiritual heat from the outside. To break out of this enchanted circle, the media of the number 8 should be less critical, to trust people more and share their feelings with them. Otherwise, they face spiritual emptiness. If they do not be able to free themselves from the restraining of their emotional shackles, they will become evil and intolerable and thus will conquer their reputation for arrogant, ulcer, coarse people.

"Eight" ambitious in the full sense of the word. They crave money, high position in society and power. Numbers 8 are the first to come to work and the latter leave it. They do not stop before the sake of success.
For this, life provides them with a lot of opportunities. In addition to the fact that they are hardships and withstand heavy loads, the "eight hundred people" have a living mind .. and the journal of innovation. They are good performers and organizers at any level, perfectly manage people and events, if you are endowed with the necessary status. Having been hardly working, representatives of the number 8 are successfully coping with painstaking everyday work; However, they achieve the highest results, studying long-term planning. They are not frightened by major projects with risk elements, because in case of good luck, the status of "eights" will become incommensurable above. And they are almost always lucky in such things.
Having embarked in the bosses, the number 8 carriers acquire some tomativity, which sometimes annoys others; At the same time, they are not afraid to make difficult solutions and, when necessary, act quickly and efficiently. One of the positive qualities is the fact that the "eight hundreds" understand the sense in teamwork and are able to competently distribute duties among subordinates, and this indicates their high level of training as leaders.

Having an excellent commercial south, many "octorates" fall into the world of a financial oligarchy or big business. They can occupy a prominent position in large corporations. Endowed with depth energy, the carriers of this vibration often successfully lead a small business. Bearing in mind that they are, besides, masters for all hands, they are working on work at any level in the field of engineering and heavy industry.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that women of this number often work in areas that are traditionally considered men. Many of them have enough sober mind and energy to succeed in this "male world."
People with artistic data, rather an exception than the rule among those born with the eighth vibration. But if they are really endowed with creative talent, then they usually show it on a highly professional level in their form of art. Amateurs, most likely, the "eights" will not.

There is another side of the success in the career achieved by the representatives of both sexes of the number 8. Being from nature hardworking and disciplined, they require the same from other people, not always showing similar qualities. And here you need to approach the problem from promising positions. People respect and even adore those on whose side strength and success; They are not clouded to serve as a cruel tyrant that establishes unbearable orders for subordinates. Many of the Eights, who have achieved success, appreciate their position too high and, even if they are not regenened, become intolerable to ordinary human weaknesses up to the abuse of the authority obtained.
Even achieving certain success, the number of 8 carriers feel uncertain. Some of them would be their position, they are incredibly experiencing anxiety for him, which is incomprehensible to people of another, less thin vibration. By no means soaring on the laurels, "Octalists" are in the power of psychosis. As a result, instead of the feeling of happiness, success brings doubts and fear. "Workaholic", occupied by the endless struggle for the preservation of the conquests achieved, never knows a rest, no rest. He all suspects all in dishonest plans and turns into an evil, intolerable person.
Not every born under the number of Number 8 automatically becomes the winner in all areas, from the maternal point of the debate. The weak "eight", although it is thirsty and success, prefers not to risk - he is afraid to hire senior posts; Lacks to him and confidence in herself to join the most valuable things in life. Such people feel deprived of and unhappy when they have little to show as a nizhnyh. As a result, they believe that they do not understand them, they do not appreciate and that they are deceived by fate. Displeased and envy darken all their judgments, exacerbating the already difficult position from which it is not easy to find a way out.

Even those who have enough strength to withstand tough competition can, in the end, fail. All "Octalists" are usually rushing to overtake others. To them, as it is impossible, the proverb is suitable: "Hurry up - mockery people." Smooth the corners - not always the right way to success. Especially when you have a business with people. "Eight" should learn to patiently go to the goal. They will be happier if they achieved the desired adjudication and intense labor, and not some kind of oily or dishonest way.

As for love, then the number 8 carriers often "float against the current". During the period of courtship, many of them demand from a potential partner of loyalty even before they decided and admitted in their feelings. As a result, they pound themselves in a dead end, from which it is difficult to get out, and for a long time they cannot find a partner for life. Some women "eight-rodens" underestimate their femininity and need significant encouragement during communication with men.
If, nevertheless, representatives of the number of 8 of any sex come in early marriage, their partners will need a huge excerpt, for it was during this period typical "eight hundred people" are completely captured by work and are harder to achieve their goals as soon as possible. Under such circumstances, they can destroy love relationships in their early stage. Both men and male women have the most suitable marriages. By the time they will already have time to achieve success at work, decide on their own character, and they will become more stable.

The woman "Octalizer" is striving for a union with a man who has the same powerful mocked, like her. If there is no purposefulness, assessment and even aggressiveness in his behavior, which it is highly appreciated, then the gap is inevitable, whatever disappointment and bitterness the partners are neither tested.
Male-"G-8", on the contrary, must control his feelings in every way. Otherwise, if the case goes too far, a nervous breakdown can occur. It is almost impossible to achieve complete domination over a woman, and that man who is trying to achieve this at least partially, is doomed to failure. As a result, his love will suffer, and the relationship with the partner will become tense.
In general, if the choice of partners is done correctly, the number 8 carriers are faithful, loving spouses, although they bring some features into marriage. "Octalists", for example, love to work, have fun and even make love in compact, carefully placed rooms, and each of them must be isolated, have its clear boundaries. Such a look at things can cause scandals and emotional injuries from a partner for which romantic relationships do not know borders, cover everything and all and act as a whole. It should be noted that many "eight eight ways" are ready to sacrifice for a brother for the sake of career, and not only at an early stage of their lives, but also in adulthood.

Not being completely chaste, many "octorals", however, not particularly to sex; In some, it generally causes an unpleasant feeling. However, those who love physical love, as such, with a good partner become beautiful lovers. For some media, there are 8 sex - something like awards for achieved successes. This can move them to the sake of satisfying their own vanity to seek sexual connections outside of marriage.

Women "Eights" who donated her career for the sake of marriage, usually respectable wives, putting the interests of her husband to the fore, and their own on the second. They are beautiful mothers to their children creating in the house of the comfort and peace. At the same time, they themselves need material well-being and comfort; And if they are not, it can serve as a source of irritation: the wife is not able to forgive her husband that he did not meet her expectations. Many women of the eighth vibration that had misfortune to marry without love, ready to accept this circumstance, if the horizon is shining by financial well-being and high social status.

Money for men and women of the number 8 -Wead in their lives. Career will not be considered successful if it does not bring appropriate income. The lack of finance, for sure, will cause disappointment from the "Octalists" and overshadow their family life in a much greater extent than among representatives of other numbers. But what would have been common financial circumstances, the "Octalists" usually know how to competently use their resources, their investments are intelligent and effective.

The best advice that can be given to any "october" is - try more pleasure to take from life. Almost all of them have a mind, adjacent and health sufficient to achieve their goals; But if they do not stop overly hard to demand from other execution of debt, complete self-dedication and labor, not to twist the hands - they never see genuine happiness.
It may seek the impression that we painted too gloomy portrait of typical representatives of the number 8. Are they so serious that there is no place in their life or joy or fun? There are, of course, although they are not immediately striking. "Octalists" enjoy well-performed work, from earned money, from promotion on service and social stairs. But this is not the pleasure that the Scrooge receives, bathing in wealth and enjoying power over the unfortunate. "Eight" are not any monsters, but honest, ordinary people, with calm satisfaction with the fruits of their difficult labor. Money brings them comfort, freedom, influence in society and social status. Numbers 8 like all good, and they have it. Therefore, alone with me, they probably could, figuratively speaking, pat on the back or beyond the pleasure, congratulating themselves with the successes achieved. The one who is less successful in the material sphere may try to happiness in other areas.

The older they become "eight hundreds", the more souls with their soul: the past years have somewhat stuck ambitiousness, more time began to go to rest and favorite entertainment. Much joy - both men, and women - have already greeted children.
In general, the "Octalists" - those they are. If the carriers of the number 8 know where they go, then who dares to declare that they are not going there? They have their own fate - like other people, - with the only difference that the "eight hundreds" is more likely to protort it into life, whatever joy or sorry it will sull them. Representatives of the number 8, as perhaps no one else, clearly know what they want from life. And it is unlikely that anyone can make them collapse from the Favorite path. Whatever they expect - a victory or defeat, they are ready to take responsibility, including responsibility for their own actions. This is the main quality that, ultimately, determines their fate.

Famous people with 8 as a date of birth

Japanese emperor Hirokhito, English Queen Maria I

Members of the modern English royal family
Princess Monk Grace

Political figures
Paddy Eshdown, Jacques Delor, Michael Foot, Gerald Ford, John Kennedy, Francois Mitteraran, Abdel Nasser, Inok Puell, Boris Yeltsin

Karl Denitz

Religious figure
Pope John Paul II

Bernard Lovell

Orvill Wright

David Livingston, Captain Robert Scott

Lu grad

Jeffrey Archer, Anid Blyton, Rupert Brooke, John Golsuorussi, Graham Green, Reddard Kipling, George Oro-Ell, Anna Sewell, Tom Sharpe, George Bernard Show, Oscar Wilde, William Wordsworth

Michelangelo, Yang Van Eyk

Johann Sebastian Bach, Hector Berlioz, George Harrison, George Solty, J.P.Susa, William Walton, Bill Wyman

Bob Dylan.

Actors and actresses
Anthony Andrews, Warren Beatti, Joan Collins, Joan Crawford, Larry Hagman, Rex Harrison, Derek John Kobe, Jean Kelly, Joanna Lamley, Liza Minhelli, Paul Newman, Lawrence Olivier, Gregory Pek, Elizabeth Tay-ENT

Representatives of the media
Michael Barrymore, David Bellamy, Ann Robinson