Interesting facts about vitamin C. Interesting facts about vitamin C

Factrum Intends to your attention a selection of short interesting facts about vitamins and minerals.

  1. During recent studies, it turned out that although calcium and useful for bones, but Vitamin K is even more useful. Farewell, milk, hello, bananas!
  2. In 1912, the Polish biochemist Casimir Foless first introduced the concept of vitamins. He called them "Vital Amines" that is, "amines of life".
  3. Some studies have shown that the Cream "Medherma" (containing vitamin E and onion extract) is actually useless when healing scars.
  4. Vitamin E skin hit causes dermatitis about 30% of people.
  5. The disadvantage of iodine may cause a disease of the thyroid gland at which the neck swells. It can also cause a slowdown in a child's growth.
  6. To replenish the lack of iodine, an iodized salt was introduced, and since then the average IQ on the planet has grown.
  7. In the men's organism, Vitamin D is interconnected with testosterone. The more sunlight the man gets, the higher its level of testosterone.
  8. If you hold the bananas in the sun, the amount of vitamin D. will increase in them.
  9. NASA forced her astronauts to eat clay to strengthen the bones in a state of weightlessness. Due to the combination of minerals in clay contained in it, calcium is absorbed better than pure calcium.
  10. In extreme conditions, tea from pine needles may be a source of vitamin C, which was demonstrated by residents of Leningrad during the siege. It is also believed that pine needles prevent zing.
  11. In scenes with the use of cocaine, the actors usually use lactose powder. In the case of lactose intolerance, Powder Vitamin V.
  12. Eating liver polar bear might kill you due to incredibly high content in it Vitamin A. Eskimos usually bury the liver after cutting the carcass so that it does not eat dogs.
  13. To get the overdose of potassium, it is necessary to eat 400 bananas in 30 seconds.
  14. Strontsia, as an element related calcium, is sometimes prescribed in the treatment of fractures and to strengthen bones. In some cases, it acts more efficiently than calcium!
  15. The portion of Chile's pepper contains 400 times more vitamin C than portion of oranges.
  16. With the name of the vitamins, the letters are missing from E to K, because vitamins under missed letters were either subtypes of vitamin B or erroneous discoveries.
  17. Melasse, or black tatok, is unusually useful, although it is a by-product in the production of sugar. It contains a significant amount of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.
  18. In nine baked potatoes, it contains more than enough calories and major amino acids per day for a person weighing about 65 kg.
  19. Numerous studies show that vitamin C and other nutritional supplements do not reduce the risk of cold or influenza.
  20. In the 1990s, Golden Rice was created, enriched with Vitamin A. He could help prevent children's blindness in many countries, but was banned due to prejudice against GMO products.
  21. Potatoes are very useful. If you eat only potatoes, you will miss Calcium and Omega 3, but you will get much more nutrients than might think.
  22. Four tablespoons of maple syrup contain more calcium than the same amount of milk, and more potassium than a whole banana.

Vitamins and nutrients play an important role in maintaining health. Many of the diseases and problems of our time could be eliminated if people were properly and balanced and obtained the necessary set of nutrients. Instead of absorbing hundred empty calories and harmful food, you can ride yourself to those food habits that will extend your life. You want to see grandchildren? In fact, you could add 10 years to your life!

1. 4 tablespoons of maple syrup contain more calcium than the same amount of milk and more potassium than a whole banana.

2. Melasse - Sugar Product Sugar Product - very good for health. It contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.

3. Chile pepper contains 4 times more vitamin C than orange. It used to be considered that vitamin C is the best tool to prevent influenza and colds. Recent studies put these properties in doubt

4. Although calcium is useful for your bones, studies have shown that potassium is more useful. Down milk, let live bananas

5. In 1912, the Polish biochemist Casimir Foless first introduced the concept of "Vitamin"

6. Vitamin E in the form of intravenous injections in the 1980s was sold without approval of the FDA (managing the quality of food quality and medicines). After the death of more than 40 children Dr. Carl Bodenstein managed to convince the Congress that this vitamin could be dangerous to health

7. iodine deficiency may cause the appearance of goiter, which is expressed in the swelling of the neck. Also he can cause a slowdown in growth

8. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the level of the teststerone. The more sunlight a person gets, the higher the level of the teststerone in his blood

9. The enrichment of salt by iodine was originally considered as a means to combat iodine deficit. Since the iodized salt has been introduced into broad use, the average IQ level in the world has increased

10. Black boat, or "chocolate persimmon" contains 4 times more vitamin C than ordinary orange

11. When a scene with cocaine is present in the film, the actors use lactose powder. If they have lactose intolerance, they replace it with vitamin in powder

12. Strontium - an analogue of calcium, which is sometimes used in medicine in the treatment of fractures and to increase bone density. In some cases, it is useful than calcium

13. The use of 9 baked potatoes provides an adult by the necessary amount of calories and amino acids for the whole day.

14. Pine needles brewed in the form of tea are a good source of vitamin C. This method was used in a blockade Leningrad. Also, the method is effective to prevent Qingi

15. If you keep bananas in the sun, the content of vitamin D increases in them

We all know that vitamins are vital to every person. No wonder even their name happened from the Latin word "Vita" - life.
The lack of vitamins is able to cause hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency). And their complete absence can lead to avitaminosis - a serious disease.

The most famous vitamin that performs a lot of very important functions in our body is, of course, vitamin C. It participates in the synthesis of amino acids and blood formation, in the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates, contributes to the regeneration of tissues and the absorption of iron.

Many interesting facts are connected with him, which many do not know about. Here is some of them.

Cing is one of the deadly diseases caused by the lack of vitamin C. In the Middle Ages, it mowed in Europe's residents in no worse than the plague. Especially suffered by navigators, forced to sit on a scarce and monotonous soldering by long months. Historians calculated that from 1600 to 1800 from Qingi died about a million sailors - it is more than losses in all marine battles of that time. And it is the sailors, not yet knowing anything about vitamin C, the first noticed that the qing is much less common where citrus is used in food. Therefore, lemons and oranges were introduced into the diet of the navigaters. And in some countries - sauerkraut and cranberries.

  1. Opening of vitamin C.

The Hungarian Biochemist Albert Saint-Dierdo is considered to be the Vitamin C and Vitamin C primer, which in 1928 first allocated a certain substance from cabbage, red pepper and oranges. American Charles Glen King went further: he managed to prove that the substance selected from the cabbage is vitamin C, and later installed its structure.

  1. BUTground acid- Synthetic B.jatven C.

In 1933, Swiss scientists received an analogue of natural vitamin C synthetic. He was called ascorbic acid for the ability to fight with a queing, which in the old days called "grief". That is, ascorbic acid is antiscorbal (anticycotous) vitamin. The scientific name of vitamin C - L-ascorbic acid.

  1. Sources of vitamin C.

The organism of most animals is able to produce their own L-ascorbic acid from glucose, which protects them from many diseases. However, the person in the process of evolution lost the gene, which was responsible for the synthesis of ascorbic acid. Therefore, we need to receive vitamin C from food or vitamin complexes.

Ascorbic acid is contained in many vegetables, fruits, berries, greenery and non-tech plants. Most natural vitamin C in richness, pepper, sea buckthorn, currant, cabbage, dill, parsley, kiwi, citrus, strawberry and spinach.

  1. Mastering Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is easily absorbed in the body. Immediately after reception, it enters the blood and quickly penetrates the cells, optimizing all the processes of the body and arming it against many diseases. It refers to water-soluble vitamins. This means that if you do not use it in unlimited quantities, it does not accumulate in the body, leaning through the urinary system.

  1. Storage of products S.vitaminoh. C.

Ascorbic acid is an extremely unstable substance. It is easily destroyed under the influence of water, light, temperature, oxygen, as well as during grinding and long-term storage of products. When soaking vegetables and fruits, vitamin C is moving into water. The air is oxidized, and they can highlight harmful substances.

When drying, frost, salting, break, marination and long-term storage of vegetables and fruits, they lose part of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid in fresh and sauerkraut has become the greatest stability. Similarly, most of the vitamin C is lost with thermal culinary processing of products. With cooking, frying and hot method of marination - up to 90%.

  1. How to save vitamin C?

Vegetables and fruits can be used fresh and entirely as possible, and not in the form of salads. If it is necessary to subjected to their culinary processing, then the minimum, prepare in a closed dish or in a slow cooker with a minimal addition of water. Immerse vegetables in boiling water. From berries and fruits it is better to prepare fruit than compotes and jams.

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A number of vitamins information that are known to everyone and to which people are accustomed to everyday life, in the course of research conducted by scientists, turned out to be incorrect. Therefore, before building a diet or acquire a new product in a pharmacy to maintain health and immunity, it is important to pre-check the accuracy of your information.

At the same time, there are interesting facts about vitamins that everyone should know. In this article we will consider such examples.

Interesting facts about vitamins in a person's life

Many beliefs about vitamins - myths, or correspond to reality only indirectly. What is important to know first?

The more vitamins, the better - the myth

Opided the opinion, according to which the more vitamins you use, the better. In fact, it is not true, as it is important to comply with certain dosages. The overabundance of substances often turns out to be more dangerous.

Even if the body suffers from avitaminosis, this does not mean that it is necessary to start receiving an increased amount of drugs. For example, vitamin C, at first glance, which is safe, can when an increase in the temperature increases, the pressure disorder and negatively affect the operation of the kidneys.

If you eat correctly, artificial vitamins do not need - partially myth

When the diet includes a large number of vegetables, fruits and cereals - it's good. But the fact is that the soil on modern agricultural landings are exhausted.

Decades and a century ago, a full-fledged nutrition could be filled with the necessary stock of vitamins, but today doctors recommend adults and children to take vitamin complexes, competently chosen by the doctor.

In the summer, vitamins in the body should be accumulated - myth

Scientists have repeatedly confirmed that it is impossible to stock vitamins for a long time - they are quickly derived from the body. Exception - fat-soluble A, E, D and K. Vitamins of the RR group, in and with practically do not accumulate. Therefore, it is better to resort to artificial additives in the winter period.

Synthetic vitamins are worse than the natural - myth

In fact, in biodevices, synthetic vitamins are in the form of the most digestible organism, and are more efficient. Their structure is no different from the natural.

Unlike the latter, they come in that dosage, which is indicated, while when cooking or stored products, a large number of useful substances are lost in them with time. Therefore, the "utility" of food depends on a number of factors.

Vitamins cause allergies - myth

Vitamins themselves are not able to cause an allergic reaction. The presence is more often due to taste additives or dyes contained in the bio additive. In this case, it is necessary to go to the products of another manufacturer.

For hair useful nitamined shampoos - myth

The person's hair consists of non-living cells that are not able to absorb vitamins with ordinary wash, so vitaminized shampoos - marketing stroke.

The benefits bring only gels and masks that rubbing into the skin of the head and contributing to the growth of hair and improving their quality.

When storing products in the refrigerator, vitamins are lost - reality

A few days later, from the beginning of storage in vegetables and fruits, up to a third of vitamins is lost. Even more - during cooking by cooking or frying.

Smokers need more vitamins - partially reality

Smokers really need elevated use of vitamin C, otherwise the need for useful substances as non-smoking.

There are interesting facts about vitamins of different types that everyone should know.

Vitamin D

An important vitamins of this group for the human body are D2 and D3 contained in the animal food. An interesting fact about vitamin D - it comes not only with products, but also during sunbathing. Do not confuse the effect of the Sun and Solarium - in the latter case the nutrient component is not absorbed.

Vitamin D normalizes the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, affects the absorption of vitamin A, improves the heart of the heart, participates in the growth of bones.

Vitamin E.

An interesting fact about Vitamin E is considered to be "elixir" of youth and beauty. He also has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of people of both sexes, improves the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine system.

Useful to use this component in increased quantities in diabetes and asthma. Vitamin E helps to purify blood vessels, reducing the risk of thrombus. Prevents premature aging, improves appearance, elasticity and skin elasticity.

Vitamin B12.

Takes part in the exchange of substances, fighting aging, improves immunity. An interesting fact about vitamin B12 - the learning process begins in the oral cavity during meals and ends in a small intestine.

Most of all in Vitamin B12, people of old age are needed - according to statistics from its shortage suffers about 30% of the population over 70 years old. In the risk group of deficiency there are vegetarians that completely refused to eat animal food.

Vitamin B1.

Vitamin B1, called thiamine, is responsible for the normal operation of the heart muscle, digestive and nervous system. Required in a certain dosage of adults and children. An interesting fact about vitamin B1 - it almost immediately disintegrates during heat treatment, so it is recommended to use raw food-containing products if possible.

Many thiamine is contained in pork insides (heart, liver), oatmeal, cooked for a couple of potatoes, legumes. The use of an increased amount of this substance is recommended to people whose diet contains a small amount of fat.

Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6, called Peroxoxic, is important in the process of metabolism, supports the work of cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems. An interesting fact about Vitamin B6 - it has a rejuvenating effect, as it is involved in the synthesis of succinic acid and norepinephrine.

The latter take part in cell renewal. Vitamin is present in plant and animal products, basic sources - legumes, walnuts, cereals, corn, hazelnut.

Vitamin K.

Vitamin K plays an important role in coagulation of blood and elasticity of vessels. He is also prevention of tuberculosis and cancer.

Along with vitamins A and C, it helps to increase immunity and reduces the risk of colds. This substance is synthesized by bacteria living in the intestine of a person.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is one of the most important vitamins. Cinging is developing from the lack - a deadly disease, from which many people died in the Middle Ages. Most of all suffered from sailors, and when it was noted that the disease is less likely to meet there, where many citrus fruits are used, oranges and lemons have been introduced into the mandatory diet. It has been established that even greater content of this substance in sweet red pepper.

Vitamin C decomposes during heat treatment, during cooking from products is lost up to 60%, with frying and baking - 90%, so vegetables and fruits in which it is contained, it is recommended to eat in the food in the cheese. An interesting fact about Vitamin C - the organism of many animals is able to synthesize it independently, a person in the process of evolution this ability has lost. This substance takes an active part in the redox processes in the body, the breathing of the tissues and the protein synthesis. It is especially useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

Vitamin B8.

Vitamin B8, referred to as inositol, increases the activity of amino acids, enzymes and trace elements. It helps to restore brain's nerve tissues, improves sleep, acts as an antidepressant. We are necessary for regeneration of skin cells.

An interesting fact about vitamin B8 is a substance for 75% of the norm produced by the body independently, but the probability of lack still exists. B8 is contained in products of plant origin - milk, egg yolk, beef, tuna, oysters. Water soluble and destroyed during thermal processing.

There are other interesting facts about vitamins and stories related to them who will be interested in learn.

Vitamins are open at the end of the 19th century, previously did not suspect their existence. It was believed that for the normal functioning of the body, sufficient carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral salts, and numerous scientific authorities supported this theory. In the Middle Ages, classic avitaminos (ration, rickets, chicken blindness) suffered a lot of people. Only from Qingi in the entire history of the navigation, about 1 million sailors died. Diseases were written off on education in food toxins and infections.

The first existence of vitamins has established a biochemist scientist N. Lunin, conducting experiments on mice. It was bored with milk protein, fat and dairy sugar, other - natural milk. When representatives of the first group were killed, he concluded that the widespread belief that only fats, carbohydrates and proteins were required for full nutrition, is erroneous. Then he reported on the results of research and stated that it was necessary to identify additional substances and study them.

Polish biochemist Casimir Funk

The first highlighted vitamin - B1 was found by the biochemist K. Funkom in 1911. Thiamine was obtained from rice bran, and later - from yeast. This fact was essential. Since B1 prevents the occurrence of the disease Beri-take. The same person later introduced the name "Vitamin", the terms "Avitaminosis" and "hypovitaminosis". For his opening, the scientist received the Nobel Prize. Currently, scientists are known 13 vitamins.

Interestingly, people who lived in ancient times, although they did not know about the existence of vitamins, but they knew how to fight vitaminosis. For example, the ancient Greeks knew that a raw liver helps from chicken blindness (there is vitamin A).

For the treatment of eyes, this product appointed. The French landlocker J. Cartier, who has more than a hundred members of the team suffered from Qinggi, the Indians offered a tincture of pine needles as a healing property. At first, people did not believe that he would help, but as a result they recovered.

Vitamins are good for health, but before starting the reception, it is necessary to consider that each organism is individual, and the need for all the useful components is different. Therefore, if you have signs of avitaminosis, it is recommended to pre-consult a doctor who will appoint a suitable additive.

Many people know something about vitamin C - for example, that it can be found in orange juice or that its shortage can lead to a queing (as in well-known stories about sailors). However, myths regarding this indispensable nutrient today are still widespread, although more and more people gradually recognize the truth. What are the most common myths about vitamin C? And are they true or inventions?

Punch vitamin C by cold will cure you - myth

When a period of disease occurs, many people begin to absorb vitamin C in large quantities to prevent the disease. Unfortunately, it does not bring such great benefits as many would like. Of course, studies show that those people who take vitamin C are most often have a slightly less long change in colds, as well as less pronounced symptoms, you are unlikely to reduce the risk of colds if you lean on vitamin C. In most cases, this is a reference A study that has shown that half of the male athletes reduced the risk of receiving a cold, taking vitamin C, but it did not make any impact on female athletes. It is true that vitamin C is a key component for the functioning of the immune system, as well as it plays an important role in the healing process of wounds. However, the best way to maintain the immune system in working condition is to eat correctly, and not absorb huge doses of vitamin C at certain periods of time. Unfortunately, recent studies show that 87 percent of people do not eat the desired amount of fruit and do not get the right amount of vitamin C per day. If you get the right amount of it, you can easily maintain your immune system in excellent condition, which will help you prevent the occurrence of a cold.

Vitamin C Nitaminated - Fact

The human body cannot produce vitamin C - it makes this nutrient indispensable, that is, his person can only get from food. But today, vitamin C deficiency capable of causeing serious symptoms, such as nose and gum bleeding, pain in the joints, rudeness and dry skin, bruises, is quite a rare case. The recommended intake of vitamin C per day is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men, although many experts believe that this indicator needs to be lifted up to 200 mg. In one medium orange, there are about 70 mg of vitamin C, and cyground manifestations can be avoided even if you will use at least 10 mg vitamin C per day. In other words, you are unlikely to be in the risk zone of vitamin C shorter, which, of course, does not mean that you do not need to strive to get it in the norm every day.

Citrus are the best source of vitamin C - myth

Citrus, undoubtedly, are an excellent source of vitamin C, but the best source is a vegetable, namely pepper. One mug of sliced \u200b\u200bfresh vegetable pepper (approximately the size of the tennis ball) contains in itself 200-300 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 100 mg more than in the glass of orange juice. Other excellent sources are Broccoli, Brussels, Kiwi, Strawberry, Papaya, Pineapple and Melon. Naturally, citrus fruits also deserve attention - oranges, tangerines and grapefruits will supply you an impressive dose of vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps with weight loss - fact

The low level of vitamin C in the blood has already been tied up with high BMI index (body mass index), a large fat percentage of body and waist girth compared to people who have a normal level of vitamin C. Also studies have shown that the level of this vitamin may affect your ability to The body use fat as a source of energy - both in the process of physical exertion and at rest. To take advantage of these wonderful vitamin C abilities, you need to maintain high activity, and add products to your food that are rich in them.

Vitamin C is not much can - myth

Your body cannot store vitamin C, so if you consume too much, surplus are destroyed by your kidneys and are outlined with urine. In addition, large doses of this vitamin can also cause unpleasant side effects. Vitamin C is one of the nutrients that have a clearly established upper permissible consumption level, that is, the maximum that you can safely use food, both from food and from food additives. This level is for vitamin C - 2000 mg per day, and if someone can take so much without any problems, for others it can turn into a number of side effects, such as gases and disorders of digestion, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, headaches, insomnia And even kidney stones. What does it mean? This means that in this case more - it is not necessary. It will be best here if you use this substance just right.