What contribution to geography was introduced by Humboldt. Contribution of A.


Friedrich-Henrich-Alexander Humboldt was born on September 14, 1769 in Berlin. Childhood, together with the older brother Wilhelm, he spent in Tega. The conditions under which they grew and brought up, were more favorable for development. Both boys got home education.

Alexander Science was tight. He had a good memory, but the speed of consideration he did not differ and far behind this respect from Wilhelm, who was easily and quickly grabbed every item.

In 1783, the brothers together with their educator moved to Berlin. It was required to expand their education, for which various scientists were invited. Private lectures and life in Berlin continued until 1787, when both brothers went to Frankfurt-on-Oder for entering the University. Wilhelm entered the Faculty of Law, and Alexander - to the cameral.

Alexander Humboldt remained in the University of Frankfurt only year. Then she spent about a year in Berlin, studying technology, Greek and botanic. Alexander classes had encyclopedic character. Classical literature, history, natural science, mathematics interested him in the same extent. In Gettingen University, Humboldt remained until 1790. Then his independent classes began.

In March 1790, Alexander launched a journey with Forster from Mainz on Rhine to Holland, from there to England and France. The desire to get acquainted with the geology and the glory of the Freiberg Academy fascinated him to Freiberg, where he went in 1791. Here I read the geology of the famous Werner, the head of the Neptune school.

After he left Freiberg, Humboldt's academic years ended, since since 1792 his work activity began. At that time he was 23 years old. Alexander's abilities now showed up in full brilliance. He possessed extensive and versatile knowledge, owned several languages, printed a number of independent research on geology, botanic and physiology and pondered future travel plans.

In the spring of 1792, Alexander Humboldt received a place of assessor of the Mountain Deeds Department in Berlin, and in August, Ober-Bergmeister was appointed (Head of Mining) in Ansbach and Bayreit, with a salary of 400 thalers. Classes related to this post quite coincide with the desires of Humboldt, deeply interested in mineralogy and geology. The constant connectors that the position required his position was of meaning as preparation for future journey.

Winter 1797-1798 Alexander Humboldt held in Salzburg, engaged in geological and meteorological studies.

In 1799, Humboldt goes on a long journey in South America and Mexico. Only on August 3, 1804, after almost a five-year stay in America, Humboldt landed in Bordeaux.

A.Gamboldt decided to stay in Paris to study and publicize the materials collected them. In 1805, Alexander Humboldt went to Italy, to his brother. In 1806-1807, he lived in Berlin, and then asked the Prussian king to allow him to live in Paris and received permission. After that, he lived in France for almost twenty years (1809-1827), leaving it only occasionally and briefly.

Staying in the "capital of the world" was devoted to almost exceptionally work. Humboldt got up at about 7 o'clock in the morning, at 8 went to his friend F. Arago or to the institute, where he worked until 11-12 hours, then had breakfast at the ambulance hand and was happy again. About seven pm, a scholar had dined, after lunch attended friends and salons. Only around midnight returned home and worked up to two again, or even before half time, it remained 4-5 hours a day. "Periodic sleep is considered an obsolete prejudice in the Humboldt family," he said, joking. Such an active lifestyle he led until death and, which is only amazing, remained always healthy and strong physically and mentally.

This period of its activities can be called a period of discoveries, the subsequent years of life have been devoted to the mainly continuing and developing previous studies.

Numerous and diverse scientific works did not interfere with Humboldt to be interested in politics, court news, and even simply putting, gossip and trifles, known as the "news of the day". In the salons he shone not only by the scholarship, eloquence and wit, but also by the knowledge of anyonecides and the little things that occupied society.

The Prussian King of Friedrich-Wilhelm III was personally located to Humboldt, loved his conversation and treated him by society. In 1826, he invited his scientist to move to Berlin.

In the first year of his life in Berlin, he read a number of public lectures "On Physical World Warming." Lectures attracted many listeners. Not only the Berlin residents flocked them by crowds, but also from other cities in Europe came curious to listen to Humboldt. The king and his family, the most important dignitaries, court ladies, professors and writers were present here together with an innumerable public from the most diverse layers of society.

Reading began on November 3, 1827 and ended on April 26, 1828. At the end of the lectures, a particularly appointed committee brought Humboldt Medal with the image of the Sun and the inscription "Illuminating the whole world with bright rays"

Russian Emperor Nicholas I suggested a journey to the East "in the interest of science and country." Such a proposal is not more consistent with the desires of Humboldt, and he, of course, accepted him, asking only a deferment for the year to bring some of the work and prepared for the trip by the end of some of the work and prepared for the journey.

On April 12, 1829, Alexander Humboldt left Berlin and arrived on May 1 to St. Petersburg. From here, travelers went through Moscow and Vladimir to Nizhny Novgorod. From the Nizhny, the scientist floated along the Volga in Kazan, from there - to Perm and Ekaterinburg. Here, in fact, the real journey began. For several weeks, travelers moved along the Lower and Middle Urals, investigated its geology. Then Humboldt went to Siberia.

The last point of travel was Astrakhan. Humboldt "did not want to die without seeing the Caspian Sea."

From Astrakhan travelers made a small trip along the Caspian Sea, then they went back to St. Petersburg, where profits were arrived on November 13, 1829.

Due to the comforts that travelers and their scientific zeal enjoyed, this expedition gave rich results. For two years, the scientist handled the results of the expedition in Paris.

Since 1832, Alexander Humboldt lived mainly in Berlin, visiting, however, at the time of the capital of the world and other cities of Europe.

In 1842, he was appointed Chancellor of the Order of the Pour Ie Merite established by Friedrich II for award for military merit. Friedrich Wilhelm IV gave him a civil class. The Order was supposed to be issued to the greatest representatives of science, art and literature in Germany and Europe.

Alexander Humboldt received countless awards and differences that looked at him from governments and scientists. Its name is immortalized in geographical maps, in the textbooks of zoology and botany, etc. Many rivers, mountains wear his name.

It is unlikely that you can call another scientist who has been so popular. He was as if the sun of the scientist of the world, to which all the large and small figures of science stretched. We went to a bow, like pious Catholics to dad. Dimarily visited Berlin to see Alexander Humboldt - "Kiss Papade Shoes".

Among the public, His Glory was supported by publicly available essays. This side of his activities was crowned, finally, long-conceived "Space". "Cosmos" represents a set of knowledge of the first half of the 19th century and, that all is more precious, a set, compiled by a specialist, because Humboldt was a specialist in all areas, except for the highest mathematics. It is almost incredible, but it is.

Unusual activity and mental tension seemed to have to loosen his physical and spiritual forces. But nature made an exception for him. In recent years of life, approaching the ninety-age age, he led the same active lifestyle as once in Paris.

Major achievements

The largest work was extensive studies with electricity over animals taken by Humboldt after familiarizing it with the discovery of electroplating. The result of these studies was a two-volume essay "Experiments on irritable muscular and nerve fibers", printed only in 1797-1799. Some of these experiments were made to them on their own body with the assistance of Dr. Shacherlin: the spin of Humboldt served as the object of the study, wounds were specially made on it and then they were galvanized in various ways. Shallern watched the results, as Humboldt, it can understand, could only feel them.

Travel results in South America and Mexico were impressive. To Humboldt, only one item inside South America - Quito - was accurately defined astronomically, the geological structure was at all unknown. Alexander Humboldt identified the breadth and longitude of many items, produced about 700 plaster meters (measuring heights), that is, he created the geography and the orography of the terrain, investigated her geology, gathered data on the climate of the country and realized his distinctive features. He managed to collect and huge botanical, zoological collections - some plants about four thousand species, including a thousand eight hundred new for science.

The connection of the Amazon and Orinoco systems was proved, corrected and replenished cards of the flow of both rivers, the direction of some mountain ranges was determined and new, dotole unknowns were opened, the distribution of mountains and lowlands was defined, the seaside flow along the western shores of America, named Humboldt. They are not disregarded and ethnography, archeology, history, languages, political condition of countries: for all these subjects the richest material developed by subsequently part of Humboldt himself, part of its employees.

The publication of "American Travel" demanded many years and cooperation of many scientists. Humboldt himself took mainly general conclusions, employees treated the actual material. The first volume was released in 1807, the last - in 1833. All publication consists of 30 volumes, contains 1425 tables.

The work of Alexander Humboldt represents such an extensive encyclopedia of natural science, all of them are associated with one whole idea of \u200b\u200bphysical world view.

During the service, Ober-Bergmeister Humboldt began studying the chemical composition of the air. Later, they were continued along with Gay Louce and led to the following results: the atmosphere remains permanent composition, the amount of oxygen in the air is equal to twenty one percentage, the air does not contain a noticeable hydrogen impurity. It was the first accurate study of the atmosphere, and later his work confirmed these data in essential features.

A number of studies Alexander Humboldt dedicated air temperature. In order to open the reasons for the difference in temperature, it was necessary to have a picture of heat distribution on the globe and the method for the further development of this picture. This dual task was performed by Humboldt, setting the so-called isotherms - lines connecting places with the same average temperature over a certain period of time. Work on isotherms served as the basis of comparative climatology, and Humboldt can be considered the Creator of this complex and most difficult industries.

He committed several important discoveries by conducting research of earthly magnetism. Alexander Humboldt first actually proved that the tensions of earthly magnetism changed in various latitudes, decreasing from the poles to the equator. He also owns the opening of a sudden perturbation of the magnetic arrow ("Magnetic storms"), which showed later studies, simultaneously at different points of the globe under the influence of unsolonged other reasons. Further, they opened the secondary deviation of the magnetic arrow during the day. The arrow remains still, and moves first in one direction, then in the opposite. Humboldt showed that this phenomenon is repeated twice within 24 hours. He also showed that the magnetic equator (the line connecting the items where the magnetic arrow stands horizontally) does not coincide with astronomical.

In the work undertaken together with Bio, Alexander Humboldt tried to identify a magnetic equator, but the lack of data made the authors suggest much more correctness here than the existing in reality.

At the beginning of the 19th century, geology was just beginning its formation. Waving at the beginning of its activities a supporter of Werner, Humboldt later became one of the main engines of plutonic theory. Humboldt assisted its celebration, mainly by its research on volcanoes.


§ Mineralische Beobachtungen Über Einige Basalte Am Rhein, Braunschweig, 1790 (it.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. Voyage AUX REGIONS ÉQUINOXIALES DU NOUVEAU Continent, Fait EN 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 ET 1804 PAR Alexander Humboldt et Aimé Bonpland / Red. A. DE HUMBOLDT. - Grand Edition. - Paris: F. Schoell, 1805 (Fr.) (Reise in Die Aequinoctial-GEGENDEN des Neuen Continents. (Übers. Hermann Hauff). Die Einzige Von Humboldt Autorisierte Übersetzung; Bei J.g. Cotta, Stuttgart 1859 (Him.))

§ Humboldt A. Von.. IDEEN ZU EINER PHYSIOGNOMIK DER GEWÄCHSE. - Tübingen: J.g. Cotta, 1806 (it.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. Ideen zu einer Geographie der Pflanzen nebst einem Naturgemälde der der Tropenlländer, auf Beobachtungen und Messungen gegründet welche nom 10 ten Grade nördlicher bis zum 10 ten Grade südlicher Breite, in den Jahren 1799, 1800-1803 angestellt worden sind, von Al. VON HUMBOLDT UND A. BONPLAND. - Tübingen: F.G. Cotta; Paris: F. Schoell, 1807 (it.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. ANSICHTEN DER NATUR MIT WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN ERLÄUTERUNGEN. BD 1. Über Die Steppen und Wüsten. IDEEN ZU EINER PHYSIOGNOMIK DER GEWÄCHSE. Über Wasserfälle des Orinoco, Bei Atures und Maypures. - Tübingen: J.g. Cotta, 1808 (it.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. De Distributione Geographica Plantarum: Secundum Cœli Temperiem et altudinem Montium, ProlegMena. - Lutetiæ Parisiorum: Libraria GRæCO-Latino-Germanica, 1817 (Lat.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. Die LIGNES ISOTHERMES ET De La Distribution De La Chaleur Sur Le Globe // Mém. Physique et de chimie de la soc. d'Arcueil. 1817. T. 3. P. 462-602 (FR.)

§ Humboldt A. De.. Sur Les Lois Que L'OBServe Dans La Distribution Des Formes Végétales // Dictionnaire Des Whitetes Naturelles. Strasbourg; Paris: F.G. Levrault, Imprimeur du Roi, 1820. T. 18. P. 359-436 (FR.)

§ Humboldt A. Background. On the physiognomy of plants / trans. with it. A. F. Sevastyanova. - SPb.: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1823

§ Deutsche ÜBersetzung: Kritische Untersuchungen Über Die Historischene Entwickelung Der Geographischen Kenntnisse Von Der Neuen Welt Und Die Fortschritte Der Nautischen Astronomie in Dem 15ten Und 16ten Jahrhundert. Aus Dem Franz. Übers. von jul. Ludw. Ideler. Berlin, Nicolai, 1836 U. 1852. (it.)

§ Zentralasien (ZUSAMMEN MIT WILHELM MAHLMANN) 2 BDE. Berlin, Klemann, 1844 (it.)

§ Humboldt A. Von.. Kosmos - Entwurf Einer Physischen Welbeschreibung. - Stuttgart; Tübingen: G. Gottaschen. - BD 1. - 1845; BD 2. - 1847; BD 3. - 1850; BD 3 (abt. 2). - 1851; BD 4. - 1858; BD 5. - 1862 (it.)

§ Ludmilla Assing. (HRSG.): Briefe von Alexander Von Humboldt An Varnhagen von ENSE AUS DEN JAHREN 1827 BIS 1858. Leipzig 1860 (Him.)

§ Humboldt A. Background. Space: Experience of Physical World Warming / Per. with it. N. Frolova. - ed. 2nd. - M.: Type. A. Semen, 1862-1963. - Ch. 1. - 1862; h. 2. - 1862; h. 3. - 1863

§ ERNST WERNER MARIA VON OLFERS (Hrsg.): Briefe alexander v. Humboldt's An ignaz v. Olfers, GeneralDirektor der Kgl. Museen in Berlin. Nürnberg und Leipzig (it.)

§ Humboldt A.. Geography of plants / ed., With input. Art. Bioogr. Essay E. V. Wulf, under total. ed. N. I. Vavilova. - M.; L.: Agriculture, 1936. - 228 p.

§ Humboldt A.. Pictures of nature / lane. with it. T. I. Konshina Ed. S. V. Obruchev. - - M.: Geographiciz, 1959

§ Humboldt A.. Journey to the equinogenic areas of the new light in 1799-1804. - M.: Geographiciz. - T. 1: Tenerife Island and Eastern Venezuela. - 1963; T. 2: Swimming on the Orinoco. - 1964; T. 3: Countries of Central and South America. Cuba island. - 1969.

§ Ilse Jahn, Fritz G. Lange (HRSG.): Die JugendBriefe Alexander Von Humboldts. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1973 (it.)

§ Kurt-R. Biermann. (Hrsg.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander Von Humboldt und Carl Friedrich Gauß. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1977 (it.)

§ Kurt-R. Biermann. (HRSG.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander Von Humboldt und Heinrich Christian Schumacher. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1979 (it.)

§ Kurt-R. Biermann. (HRSG.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander Von Humboldt und Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1982 (it.)

§ Kurt-R. Biermann. (HRSG.): Alexander Von Humboldt. Vier Jahrzehnte Wissenschaftsförderung. Briefe An Das Preußisische Kultusministerium. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1985 (it.)

§ Herbert Pieper. (HRSG.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander Von Humboldt Und C. G. Jacob Jacobi. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1987 (it.)

§ Hanno Beck. (HRSG.): StudienausGabe. 7 Bände (Erschienen in 10 Bänden). Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1987-1997, ISBN 3-534-03100-8 (it.)

BD. 1: Schriften Zur Geographie Der Pflanzen. 1989, ISBN 3-534-03101-6

BD. 2: Die Forschungsreise in Die Tropen Amerikas. 3 Bände, ISBN 3-534-03102-4

BD. 3: Cuba-Werk. 1992, ISBN 3-534-03103-2

BD. 4: Mexico-Werk. 1991, ISBN 3-534-03104-0

BD. 5: ANSICHTEN DER NATUR. 1987, ISBN 3-534-03105-9

BD. 6: Schriften Zur Physischen Geographie. 1989, ISBN 3-534-03106-7

BD. 7: Kosmos. 2 Bände, 1993, ISBN 3-534-03107-5

§ Ulrike Moheit. (HRSG.): Alexander Von Humboldt. Briefe A Amerika. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1993 (it.)

§ Hans-Joachim Felber (HRSG.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander Von Humboldt Und Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 1994 (it.)

§ Ingo Schwarz, Klaus Wenig (HRSG.): Briefwechsel Zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Emil du Bois-Reymond. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). BERLIN 1997 (it.)

§ Ulrike Moheit. (HRSG.): Das Gute Und Große Wollen. Alexander v. Humboldts Amerikanische Briefe. Berlin 1999 (it.)


§ Margot Faak (HRSG.): Alexander Von Humboldt. Reise Auf Dem Río Magdalena, Durch Die Anden Und Mexico. AUS SEINEN REISETAGEBÜCHERN. 2 teile. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). 2. AUFLAGE. Berlin 2003 (it.)

§ Ingo Schwarz. (HRSG.): Alexander Von Humboldt und Die Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika. Briefwechsel. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 2004 (it.)

§ Ulrike Leitner. (HRSG.): Alexander Von Humboldt. VON MEXIKO-STADT NACH VERACRUZ. TageBuch. BEITRÄGE ZUR ALEXANDER-VON-HUMBOLDT-FORSCHUNG). Berlin 2005 (it.)

§ Ingo Schwarz. (HRSG.): Briefe von Alexander Von Humboldt An Christian Carl Josias Bunsen Neue Edition. Berlin 2006 (it.)

§ Alejandro de Humboldt.. Cartas Americanas. ISBN 980-276-118-4, ISBN 980-276-119-2 (AP.)

§ Alexander Von Humboldt.. Sitios de la cordilleras. - Sevilla, 2008, ISBN 978-84-9862-068-9 (AP.)

Contribution to the development of ecology

The Botanical Geography of Humboldt laid a climatic principle. He pointed out an analogy between the gradual change in vegetation from the equator to the pole and from the sole of the mountains to the top to the top, the scientist described the vegetation belts alternating as the mountains lifted to the top of the mountain or during the transition from the equator to the northern latitudes, made the first attempt to divide the globe on the botanical areas. Humboldt opened relative changes in the composition of the flora, the predominance of those or other plants in parallel with climatic conditions.

The principle established by Humboldt remains the guideline of this science, and, although his writings are outdated, the fame of the founder of Botanical geography will remain for it forever.

This great traveler contributed to outecology, developing the ideas of the theofext of life forms and climatic zonality. Following the Lamarcom, although, apparently, and without the influence of his ideas, Humboldt came to the concept of the biosphere. He wrote about the need to build a holistic picture of the world. The process of knowledge of nature, in his opinion, can be achieved only by combining knowledge of all phenomena and beings that offer the surface of the Earth, since "in this grandiose sequence of reasons and effects nothing can be considered in isolation."


Alexander Humboldt lived a long and bright life, entirely and completely giving himself to science. Was a versatile developed person oriented in many areas of science, in such as geology, mineralogy, zoology, botany, physics, anatomy, etc.

The merits of this great figure can be transferred infinitely, it was not in vain called "Aristotle of the nineteenth century."

Made a colossal contribution to the development of such sciences as mineralogy, botany, geology.

It was Humboldt that gave rise to botanical geography, contributed to the development of climatology, introduced the concept of vertical and latitudinal explanation and much more.


1. Basics of general ecology. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G., 2003

2. Electronic travel journey and adventures "Travel Space". Alexander Humboldt: http://ppjournal.ru

3. Great people: lives and biographies. Humboldt Alexander Four: http://www.biografguru.ru

4. Scientists, researchers, travelers, teachers. Biography of Humboldt Alexander: http://www.biogr.ru

  1. Engelgardt M. A.. Alexander Humboldt, his life, travel and scientific activity. BioGr. feature article. - SPb.: Typography of the Comrade "Public Use", 1891

Humboldt. (Humboldt) Alexander (14.09.1769, Berlin 05.05.1859, ibid), German naturalist, geographer and traveler. Member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences (1800), Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1818). Born in the family of the court Saxon Kurfürst. In 1787 92 studied natural science, economic sciences, law and mining at universities in Frankfurt-on-Oder and Gottingen, in the Hamburg Trade and Freiberg Mining Academy. In 1790, together with the city of Forster, who had a deep influence, traveled to France, the Netherlands and England. The first scientific work, written by Humboldt, from the standpoint of Neptune-dominant then, was devoted to Basaltam (1790). In 1792 95 Humboldt served in the Prussian Mountain Office. In 1793, his botanico-physiological study was published underground Flora Freiberga, in which Humboldt summarized his observations about the creeping plants. His experiments over irritably nervous and muscular fibers are described in the monograph 1797.

In 1799 1804, Humboldt, together with the French nerd, E. Bonplen traveled through Central and South America. Returning to Europe with rich collections, he processed them in Paris for more than 20 years along with other prominent scientists. In 1807 34, a 30-year-old trip to the equinogenic areas of the new light in 1799 1804 was published. , most of which are the descriptions of plants (16 volumes), astronomer-geodesic and cartographic materials, other part zoology and comparative anatomy, description of travel, etc. According to the materials of the Humboldt expedition published a number of other works, including nature paintings (1808).

In 1827 he moved from Paris to Berlin, where he performed the responsibilities of the Chamber and Advisor of the Prussian King. In 1829, he traveled through Russia to the Urals, Altai and to the Caspian Sea. The nature of Asia was covered by him in the works of fragments on geology and climatology of Asia (1831) and Central Asia (1843). Later, Humboldt tried to summarize all scientific knowledge about the nature of the Earth and the Universe in monumental work space (1845 62, the 5th volume remained unfinished). This work of Humboldt is an outstanding work of advanced materialistic natural philosophy of the first half of the XIX century. The works of Humboldt had a great influence on the development of natural science (Ch. Darwin, Ch. Lyle, N. A. Severstech, K. F. Rule, V. V. Dokuchaev, V. I. Vernadsky, etc.).

Based on the general principles and applying a comparative method, Humboldt created a physical geography, designed to find out the patterns on the earth's surface, in its solid, liquid and air sheaths. The views of Humboldt served as the basis for general landmarks (general physical geography) and landscape studies, as well as geography of plants and climatology. Humboldt substantiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural zonal spread of vegetation on the surface of the Earth (latitudinal and vertical zonality), developed the ecological direction in the geography of plants. In connection with the latter, a large attention paid to the study of the climate and first widely applied the average indicators for its characteristics, developed the isotherm method and compiled a schematic map of their distribution for the northern hemisphere. Humboldt gave a detailed description of the continental and seaside climates, indicated the reasons for their differences and formation processes.

The circle of scientific interests of Humboldt was so wide that contemporaries called him Aristotle XIX century. He was connected by friendship and scientific interests with I. V. Gote, F. Schiller, P. Dallas, D. F. Arago, K. Gauss, L. Buch, in Russia with A. Ya. Kupev, F. P. Ditke , N. I. Lobachevsky, D. M. Pereshobakov, I. M. Simonov, V. Ya. Struve.

Humboldt was a champion of humanism and reason, opposed the inequality of races and peoples, against the celestial wars. The name of Humboldt named a number of geographical objects, including ridges in Central Asia (Range Ulan-Daban) and North America, mountain on about. New Caledonia, a glacier in the north-west of Greenland, a river and several settlements in the United States, a number of plants, mineral, as well as crater on the moon. The name of the Alexander's brothers and Wilhelm Humboldt is wearing a university in Berlin (GDR).

Humboldt, Alexander (1769-1859), German naturalist, geographer and traveler.

Born on September 14, 1769 in Berlin. In 1787 he entered the university in Frankfurt-on-Oder, intending to become a government official, but soon became interested in natural sciences.

In 1789, he took a journey through the Rhine Valley, and the next year accompanied his teacher and friend of the city of Trust in France, the Netherlands and England. In the same year, they were written by the first scientific work dedicated to basalts.

In 1790-1791, Humboldt studied at the Hamburg Trade Academy, then in the Freiburg Mountain Academy, where in 1792 he received a mining engineer diploma. In 1792-1795 he served in the mountainous office, while doing at the same time at the Botanic, mineralogy, chemistry.

In 1799-1804, together with the French nerd, E. Bonplan traveled through Central and South America. Returning to Europe, he, together with other scientists, processed the rich collections collected during travel.

In 1807-1834, a 30-Tomny essay of Humboldt journey to the equino regions of the new light in 1799-1804 (Voyage Aux Rgions Quinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent). The first 16 volumes were descriptions of plants, 5 volumes - geodesic and cartographic materials, the rest contained data on zoology, comparative anatomy, etc.

In 1808, another book of Humboldt was published on the results of the American expedition - paintings of nature, equipped with scientific comments (Ansichten der Natur, Mit Wissenschaftlichen Erluterungen; Translation 1959), where the ideas about the close connection between the climate and the character of vegetation were first formulated.

In 1827, Humboldt moved from Paris to Berlin, where he performed the duties of the Chamber and Advisor of the Prussian King, lectured in the University of Berlin. In 1829, he traveled through Russia - Urals, Altai, Caspian Territories and the Caspian Sea. The result of this expedition was the three-volume work Central Asie (Asie Centrale, 1843; Rus. Translation 1915).

Later, Humboldt tried to summarize all the knowledge about the Universe and Earth in monumental work at the time of the Universe: the Physical Peace Description Plan (Kosmos: Entwurf Einer Physischen Weltbeschreibung, 1845-1862; RUS. Translation 1848-1863). The first four volumes of this grand work were written by Humboldt himself, the fifth remained unfinished, was edited by his assistant and published only in 1862. Five volumes of geography history remained unfinished. Humboldt died in Berlin on May 6, 1859.

The scientific interests of Humboldt were extremely diverse. He considered his main task "the comprehension of nature as a whole and the collection of evidence of the interaction of natural forces." Based on the general principles and applying a comparative method, it created such scientific disciplines as physical geography, landscape studies, plants geography. Having paid great attention to the study of the climate, developed the method of Isotherm, made a map of their distribution and actually gave the rationale for climatology as science. In detail described the continental and seaside climate, established the nature of their differences. His joint work on gases has made a noticeable contribution to the development of ideas about atoms and molecules. Humboldt first drew attention to the danger of a large-scale cutting of forests. Thanks to his research, scientific foundations of geomagnetism were laid. He owns a lot of private but important discoveries. For example, he was the first one who told in the scientific literature on Kurar, a potent poison, which South American Indians greased the tips of arrows and which later found an application in medicine.

The name of Humboldt is called a number of geographic objects: the lake and the river in the United States, the mountain ranges in Central Asia and North America, the Glacier in Greenland, the flow of near the coast of Peru; His name is assigned to one of the craters on the moon and two minerals. The university in Berlin is the name of the Humboldt brothers - Alexander and Wilhelm.


Esakov V.A. A.Gamboldt in Russia. M., 1960.

Humboldt A.F. Journey to the equinogenic areas of the new light, TT. 1-3. M., 1963-1969

Alexander von Humboldt
(Alexander Von Humboldt, 1769-1859) - Famous
German scientist encyclopedist, geographer and
naturalist. In honor of Alexander named
Lake and River
in state
Nevada (USA), Crater on the Moon, Mountains in Australia,
New Zealand,
Central Asia, Greenland, Peruvian
current -
Cold flow of southern shore
America, he opened
This is within 1802, the city and the bay in California.

Alexander Humboldt refers to the number of the largest
He was rare in the XIX century scientists
Contemporaries called him "king of science and
friend of kings ",
"Aristotle XiX century."

Baron Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm
Background Gumboldt
September 14, 1769 in Berlin. He is second
Son is not too
Notable and poor nobleman from Pomerania.
Humboldt lived 90 years. Almost every
one he was busy
fruitful and intense labor.

Father of the future traveler served in
The rank of major
Adjutant at the Duke Ferdinand
Later became the court chamber of Saxon
The rest of his life spent in Berlin at the court
Friedrich II,
King Prussia. Mother Humboldt, in Maiden
He possessed a considerable state. She had
House in Berlin,
Castle Tegel and other property.

Humboldta gave children brilliant to
Education time.
At first they trained at home. Their Gutener
There was a big fan
Rousseau Christian Kunt. He instilled it
love for history
philosophy and literature.

Botany with children was engaged in the
Famous doctor Dr. Ludwig Game.
He introduced them
with the latest discoveries in the field
Natural sciences.
As teachers in Berlin children
famous scientists, mostly taught
Ancient languages, legal sciences,

At the insistence of the mother brothers Humboldt in
1787 went
To continue education in
Frankfurt University.
But already a year later, Alexander returned
in Berlin and took up
Botanic and Greek language, then entered
In 1789, with Brother Karl in Ghettingen
University and began to study all sciences at once.

In 1790, Alexander, together with Georg Forster -
one of the founders of scientific
Geographic travels,
satellite j. Cook, made a trip
in Europe.
Forster trained a young friend during
Travel techniques for nature observations,
and the student learned well
Lessons and developed them, with time reaching
Significant results.

Returning from Travel, Humboldt
continues to education
in Hamburg in the Trading Academy, then
In Freiburg B.
Mountain Academy, where his teacher became
Another outstanding
Scientist-geologist A. Verner.

Science passionately attracted Humboldt,
Moreover, its different areas.
But from 1792 to 1797, i.e., for fun,
he had to
Work in Franconia by a mining official.
Young official
Engaged during the deserts of mineralogy
and even printed in different scientific journals
A number of articles.

After the death of Mother Humboldt received
85 thousand talers inheritance and could
devote yourself entirely to his beloved business
Travel and science. On own
organized an expedition and invited to participate
In it, E. Bonplan, Talented Botany,
not disposed of money, but also frightened
Travel. June 5, 1799 they went
In America on Corway "Pisarro".

The scientist wrote: "My main goal is to physics in the world,
The globe, air analysis, physiology
plants and animals finally - common relationships
organic beings B.
inanimate nature ... "Humboldt performed
this grand task, he became the founder
A new integrated method of knowledge and study of the world.
Only to achieve this goal it took not one
Travel, and a whole life.

In the first expedition, which became for Humboldt
"Star hour", young scientist visited
Venezuela, open until that time only
For Spaniards, spent four months on the river
Orinoco, proving her connection with Amazon.
He collected a huge material in Venezuela,
Then she went to Cuba, after which he returned
on the mainland. Here he climbed the Magdalene River and,
overcoming mountain pass, reached the capital
Ecuador Cito City, located on the slope
Pichinc volcano at an altitude of 2818 m above sea level.

Then he visited Andes and explored the upper
Amazon. Much attention was humboldt
It is paid to the study of volcanoes. He rose to the height of 5881 m
on Chimborace and, although not reached the vertex
(volcanic height of 6272 m), but still installed
record. Before such a high mark
Not a single researcher took.

In March 1803, travelers arrived
In Mexico, here for the year they went around all the provinces.
Humboldt continued to study volcanoes,
Including the most famous popochetle.

From Veracruus travelers went again
in Havana, and from it - in the city of North America
Washington and Philadelphia. Before traveling B.
US German scientist has written off before
with president jefferson, who too
He was a major scientist. In Washington Humboldt
Meet him and other state
husbands. He received an invitation to stay in the USA,
but refused and together with Bonplen in August
1804 returned to Europe.

Although Humboldt's expedition did not commit any
territorial discoveries, historians consider it
One of the greatest scientific results.
Scientists have collected huge collections: in one
Only Herbarium had 6 thousand copies of plants,
Of which almost half were not known to science.

Upon returning from America to Europe Humboldt
For more than twenty years, processed together with
Other prominent scientists their big collections
in Paris. In 1807 - 1834, "Travel
In the equinogenic areas of the new light in 1799-1804. "
In 30 volumes, its most (16 volumes) was
Plant descriptions, 5 volumes - cartographic and
Astronomic geodesic materials, the rest
- Travel description, zoology and comparative
Anatomy and more. Humboldt published by
Expedition materials and a number of other works,
For example, "paintings of nature".

1827 - Humboldt moves from Paris to Berlin,
Here he performs the responsibilities of advisor and
Chamber of the Prussian King.

1829 - Great Traveler, Naturalist and
Geographer makes a trip to Russia -
To the Caspian Sea, Altai and Urals.
In the nature of Asia, he described in the works "Fragments on
Geology and climatology of Asia "(1831) and
Central Asia (1915).

In the monumental work "Cosmos" Humboldt
I tried to later make a generalization of all
Scientific knowledge of the land and the universe.
This work of Humboldt is an outstanding
Production of advanced materialistic
Naturophilosophy of the XIX century. Proceedings of Humboldt
made a great contribution to the development of natural science.

Alexander Humboldt created physical geography
which was designed to find out the patterns
earth surface applying comparative
Method and based on general principles. Views
Humboldta became the basis of landscape studies
and general physical geography, as well as climatology
and geography of plants. Humboldt were
The patterns of zonali are justified
distribution of vegetation on the surface of the Earth,
In the geography of plants developed environmental
direction. He made a great contribution to the study
climate and the first wide applied to
Eminence climate characteristics
Indicators, they developed a method isotherm
and compiled a schematic map of their distribution
on the northern hemisphere. Humboldt given detailed
Characteristics of seaside and continental climates,
It is indicated on the processes of their formation and the cause of differences.

Scientist-naturalist was absolutely uncanyten,
If the case concerned science. For his famous
Humboldt expeditions spent 52 thousand talers,
Processing costs and publishing results
amounted to 180 thousand, i.e., all his personal state
Humboldt spent for scientific purposes.

Humboldt had no family and was not married.
His only love was science. Science were
Life and condition are given. In old age material
The position of the scientist was very unenviable.
As he should be banker Mendelson
a significant amount, I didn't even know
Do it belong to the things in the house to him.

In April 1859, Humboldt was very cold
And a few days died. He did not live to
ninety-year anniversary of only four months and
was buried with big honors at the expense of the state.

Contribution of Alexander Humboldt in the study of the Heritage of the Orenburg Territory


O.A. Ground

O.A. Grosheva.

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science
Institute of Steppes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Steppe Of The Ural Branch Of The Russian Academy of Sciences
460000, Orenburg, ul. Pionerskaya, 11/11, Pionerskaya ST, 460000 Orenburg
e-mail: This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

The article discusses the studies of the Natural Heritage of the Orenburg Territory by the famous German scientist of the XIX century, a traveler and geographer, the author of more than 600 scientific papers on geography, geology, meteorology, botany, ethnography and other Sciences A. Humboldt.

In article researches of natural heritage of the Orenburg edge of the XIX century known the German scientist, the traveler and the geographer, the author more than 600 scientific works on geography, geology, meteorology, botanists, to ethnography and other sciences A.Humboldt are Considered.

The name "Orenburg region" was officially adopted in Russia in 1796-1881, when the edges were called the outskirts of the Empire, consisting of several provinces or areas under general control. The term "edge" was a synonymal of a large administrative and territorial unit - Governor-General. Naturally, the Orenburg region included the Northern Caspian, the Volga region, the Southern Urals, Turgay, the Riaral, Ustyurt and Mangyshlak. The Orenburg province, established on March 15, 1744, entered the lands of modern Northern and Western Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk region, part of Tatarstan, Kurgan, Samara, Perm, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions. In 1758, after the defeat of China, the Giung State in Central Asia joined Russia, the Kazakh Middle Juse and the Orenburg province area increased from 1.5 to 2 million km 2. In the subsequent border of the province constantly changed. In 1808, the Orenburg Governor-General entered the inner (Bukeevskaya) Orda, located on the territory between Volga and the Urals, and 1822, the land of Middle Zhus and North-Western Kazakhstan were separated from the region.

An important milestone in the study of the Orenburg Territory at the beginning of the XIX century. The study of the German scientist Alexander Humboldt, carried out in 1829 during the journey in Russia, undertaken at the invitation of Nicholas I "in the interests of science and country". In the expedition, Humboldt was accompanied by a biologist Gottfried Erenberg and Mineralog Gustav Rose, the last of which was instructed to compile a report and the description of the expedition.

Leaving March 31 (April 12) travelers, passing through the Baltic States, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, 3 (15) of June arrived in Yekaterinburg. In the North and Middle Urals, Humboldt studied the geological structure of a mountainous country, patterns in the spread of minerals, the placement of the mining and metallurgical industries, as well as the geomorphological features of the Urals. Plants, gold and platinum supports, copper mines, quarries were inspected. Humboldt visited Shabrov Salt Rossel, Berezovsky, Upper-Isetsky, Theologian, Upper-Nevyansky, Kuvshinsky Plants, Mining Marble Plant, Nikolaev and Zhelovinsky Zolotonovaya Rosyovy, Gumshchevsky mine. Scientists and engineers of the Russian mining department provided the traveler the most favorable conditions for research, providing the opportunity to collect minerals and rocks from various developments and placers, converted to St. Petersburg and Berlin.

Studies in the Southern Urals were interrupted 6 (18) of July in connection with the altai trip, during which barometric observations were conducted, rare, unknown species were found in the vegetable and animal world, the species were found, rich zoological and botanical collections were found. Upon arrival on August 22 (September 3) in Miass travelers continued to study the Urals: gold-bearing sands were examined in Miass, industrial plants in Zlatoust and others. Humboldt met with E.K. Gofman and G.P. Gelmersen, conducted by the Geological Study of the Urals by Areas. At the request of the German scientist, they accompanied him on trips to the southern Urals.

From Miass Humboldt went to Orsk, and from there 8 (20) September travelers arrived in Orenburg, who was one of the most important caravan trade centers. Humboldt became interested in goods coming here from different countries of Asia, and their directions. Travelers traveled to Iletsky defense, in the vicinity of which salt was carried out.

In Orenburg, Humboldt meets the chairman of the Border Commission, General G.F. Genz traveled through the Kyrgyz steppes. Materials collected by Gennet about the terrain and hydrography of the region between the Urals and the Altai were provided by Humboldt, who used them in their scientific research of Central Asia. The German naturalist is found with Gregory Karelin, who traveled in 1827-1829. According to the western part of modern Kazakhstan and with geographical, ethnographic, botanical materials, with which Humboldt carefully familiarized himself. In the future, Karelin will be the first and direct successor of Gumboldt's geographical designs in Central and Central Asia.

14 (26) September, the expedition went to Uralsk. The further route of travelers walked to Buzuluk, Samara, Syzran, Volsk, Saratov and September 30 (October 12) arrived in Astrakhan. Humboldt wrote the Prussian Ambassador in St. Petersburg: "Almost never during my restless life, I was not able to collect in a short time (6 months), however, in a huge space, such a lot of observations and ideas ... like pleasant memories, I must still Call horse racing and musical Kyrgyz holiday in the steppe under Orenburg. " From Astrakhan travelers made a trip to the Caspian Sea and on November 13, 1829 returned to St. Petersburg.

The scientific results of the journey were widely set out by Humboldt, Rose and Erenberg in reports, articles and monographs. The most significant three-volume essay by A. Humboldt "Central Asia" (1843), the first two volumes of which are devoted to the issues of general geography and special orography of Asia, the third volume of climatology. A significant scientific interest was also also a collection of several thousand plants and a large mineralogical material collected by travelers in the Urals, in Western Siberia and Altai.

The most important outcome of Humboldt's research, which was noting that "Ural-Real Eldorado", is the prediction of diamond development scientists. With the help of the most accurate tools for the time specifically made to this trip, A. Humboldt measured magnetic fields and air composition in various districts, including mountain mines and vertices. The scientist drew attention to the geological sediments of the Perm province, but he did not have time to study them. Subsequently, in a letter to R. Murchison, he advises to pay attention to these sediments.

Humboldt's journey in Russia, and in particular his research of the Orenburg Territory, played an important role for the scientific and social development of our country. Thanks to Humboldt, attention was drawn to the solution of new issues - for example, the environmental, which society of that time was little thought, in particular, a broad discussion began to the problem of extermination of forests in the Mining and Farms of the Urals. Thus, the social weight of the problems of physical geography increased.

A scientist, noting that "the extensive spaces of the Russian Empire, superior to the visible part of the moon, require joint work of a large number of observers ...", first drew attention to the need to integrate Russian and foreign science.


1. Gomazkov O.A., OEM P. Great Fidget // Chemistry and Life - XXI century. 2002. №7. P. 44-48.

2. Esakov V.A. Alexander Humboldt in Russia. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960. 110 p.

3. Zabelin I.M. Return to descendants: Roman-study of the life and creativity of Alexander Humboldt. M.: Thought, 1988. 331 p.

4. Correspondence by Alexander Humboldt with scientists and government officials of Russia. Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1962. 223 p.

5. Tsybulsky V.V. Scientific expeditions in Kazakhstan (A. Gumboldt, P. Chikhachev, Shchurovsky). Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1988. 184 p.