Cleansing the body of the software. Cleansing the body by seed

For most people to healers and their methods of healing, the attitude of the attitude is purely skeptical and often dual: on the one hand, people recognize the strength and in demand of those who have the gift, and on the other look at the principles of alternative medicine wary.

For several years, the shelves of book supermarkets and the Internet expanses die with informative sources about the system of cleansing and improving the body with various all sorts of paths. Among such a variety of data, the name of many well-known practitioners and a biologist-Chemist with experience is Hope Alexeevna Semenova.

As stages to carry out the purification of the body at the hope of seed

The cleansing of the body in Semenova was trying more than a thousand people in our country. And most enthusiastic reviews.

What is the method of cleansing the body of the seed

The personality of Semenova as a progress of his ideas meets the most multifaceted and not always flattering, but meanwhile, its technique has the popularity and efficiency among the large circle of supporters and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Information that N.A. Semenova passed its own long path, collecting the necessary information and improving the ways of recovery on himself personally only adds to her ranks of those who wanted to try out the principle of recovery patented by it personally.

Make sure the security of experimental phenomena the healer came to the conclusion: her knowledge allow it to judge that the cleansing of the body is a harmony, effective and natural way to harmonize it in general.

  • diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system;
  • genitourinary;
  • metabolism;
  • musculoskeletal system and other diseases.

Phased cleansing of the organism on the seed

Features of the recovery and purification of the body:

  • pharmacy of purification;
  • minimum side effects;
  • absence of contraindications;
  • simplicity and accessibility in the development of the method;
  • dischargement method of improvement;
  • efficiency.

Main steps

What functional systems and organs enter the list of measures to clean the entire body in the N.A. system Seed?

First of all, it is:

  • purification of the thick intestine
  • liver
  • kidney
  • blood lymphs
  • vessels
  • joints.

1. Preliminary stage It is extremely mandatory and especially important, including two directions at once: the transition to a vegetarian diet and the use of cleansing enema. The Nadezhda Semenov is based on the body cleansing the principles of the American spectacher of Solton's nutrition.

The purification of the organism according to the method of the seed should be carried out by ephrics, compiled on water with the addition of apple vinegar or citric acid. This achieves the mood of the body to the new necessary functioning. Preparing for cleansing at this stage may take from 2 to 4 weeks. Emmers as a cleansing procedure is used daily.

2 . After the course, the subject will be the following item fighting dysbacteriosis. The accuracy of the intestine microflora into the optimal balance is achieved by balancing useful and "uncommon" bacteria, in other words, normalization of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. If the body is scored slags, then the gasts pursue the fermentation and rotting processes. To destroy the pathogenic microflora, Semenova advises to eat before dinner and dinner on one clove of garlic.

3. Improvement and cleansing the body is unacceptable without cleaning the liver, Therefore, people practicing the cleansing of the body in the seed hope of Alekseevna must go to an even tougher and strict diet. Over a day you need to eat apples only, and the next day only apple juice. The enema is obligatory on this day.

In the evening, half a glass of vegetable oil should be taken before bedtime, alternating it with the same lemon juice. Drinking small sips. On the region of the liver, lay the heating with warm water, while laying on the right side. The morning of the new day is important to start with the intestinal cleaning procedure. The author advises once a year to put the liver.

4. Kidneys - Another filter organ in the human body whose work is always reflected on well-being and appearance. The ideal time for cleaning the kidneys will be the end of summer - the beginning of autumn: the ripening period of watermelons and melons. If it is not trite, but it is watermelons that are suitable for clearing and filtering the kidneys. Seven days to use are allowed from food products only watermelons and black bread.

5. The human health depends on the state of blood indicators. According to Semenova method clean blood and lymph It is possible for a 3-day interval. In essence, this principle is simplified, as it involves the use of natural juices (orange, grapefruit and lemon) with melt water, which can be prepared in advance.

7. Reload the body from excess mucous formations It is necessary to use such products as horseradish and lemon.

8. Sustaines It is possible to know about yourself when a person feels pain in the knee and elbow bends, as well as in the unknown origin of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, the lower back. All this serves as an alarming signal to pay attention to the operation of the musculoskeletal system as soon as possible. To lead their vessels Semenov advises the method of removing salts from the articular tissues. This can help the infusion of an ordinary laurel sheet, which must be taken according to a specific scheme. In plus it is necessary to comply with the diet with the predominance of plant food.

9. GOOD SYSTEM In the human body - the health indicator in general. To clean the bladder and stabilize the function of the genital organs, the healer resorts to such a product as Fig.

Result of the methodology

Semenova methods restore the body without medical intervention. Seed seed system has passed practical tests and check with many people. As a result of health events using a system of purification according to the methods, seed like-minded people may recognize that its systematicness is effective:

  • man is rejuvenated;
  • heals;
  • get rid of soased ailments, by selling all organs.

Past full cleaning the test may notice the clarity of thinking, ease of body, weight loss, improved blood indicators, pressure, pulse. Adapting the method of seed supporters feel the strengthening of physical and emotional activity.

Cleansing the body of the organism as well as the purification of the organism in Semenova has an integrated approach, which involves actually changing its life completely and forever.

Someone is suitable and a person achieves wonderful well-being, the return of health and rejuvenation.

However, it is not all suitable for its methods. In particular, the squeamy people will not be able to overcome themselves and start harding.

The conditions in which modern people live, the Technogenic Environment and the bad ecology make us very vulnerable. There are many diseases, which some hundred years ago did not know at all.

Nevertheless, this is an existing reality, and it has to learn to survive and remain healthy.

Read also

Doctors in traditional medicine are increasingly recommended by the method of alternative medicine, such as phytotherapy and others. The medicinal drugs sold in pharmacies and worthy of big money, as practice shows, providing a proper influence on the required body, others can damage.

Cleansing the body returns health and youth

Healthy nutrition promotes the purification of the body

Recently, many healers have knowledge, how to improve their body without the use of medicines. Among them, everyone knows such names as the city of Malakhov, N. Semenov and others.

Cleansing the body of the organism as well as the purification of the organism in Semenova has an integrated approach, which involves actually changing its life completely and forever. There are other approaches to help in the shortest possible time to achieve the desired result.

After the appearance on the television screen, Gennady Malakhova learned a lot of people. Writer and presenter, he developed techniques about human recovery methods.

It popularizes a healthy lifestyle, which includes, exercise and much more. The purification of the Malakhov organism has become a real discovery for many and expensive to a new life.

But there are those who critically refer to his recommendations. Basically, it is a doctor of traditional medicine who are trying to refute his advice from a scientific point of view.

It is unacceptable for any experiments on yourself without regardless. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the body, there are diseases, age and so on. Nevertheless, if we carefully approach improvement and carefully follow your condition, you can achieve the desired results and even more.

Cleansing individual organs

Gennady Malakhov offers a system of internal organs separately. First cleans the intestines, then the liver, kidneys, connecting tissue and everything else.

Cleaning does not occur instantly. It is necessary to configure to change your lifestyle. Someone is suitable and a person achieves wonderful well-being, the return of health and rejuvenation.

However, not everyone can apply its methods. In particular, the squeamy people will not be able to overcome themselves and start harding. We are talking about urinotherapy

Medical urinotherapy

This is a method based on use in the treatment of own urin. There are enema with her, they drink it and rub it. Not everyone will decide on it even despite the amazing results, which are told by those who use this method.

Therefore, more "gentle" can be used by the method of N. Semenova.

Cleansing the body by the method of seed

Its system is also based on the purification of internal organs. But instead of urin, it offers the use of many other products. For example, the belizes for cleansing the intestines are made with lemon juice, and apple juice with olive oil is drinking with olive oil to clean the liver.

However, this method, like a lot of what Nadezhda Semenova offers, can be found in the works of Malakhov.

Effective body cleansing techniques

Cleansing the body according to the method of Gengizhan

Cleansing the body according to the method of Valentina Kondakova

About 10 years ago I was lucky to get acquainted with a wonderful person, a doctor, candidate of medical sciences Kondakova Valentina Maksimovna. She fully happened to experience the effects of pollution with heavy metals, after which there were many diseases. Headaches, lethargy, irritability, continuous colds, cough, swelling.
Fortunately, it helped her good knowledge of the basics of chemistry, and she found the right medicine, simple and cheap. They were sodium thiosulfate ( Sodium hyposulphite, sodium sodium, sodium thiosulfate, Na2S203, sodium salt of thiezer acid), white crystalline powder. It is perfectly known to photographers (used to fix photos).

In medicine, a 30% sodium solution of thiosulfate is used to treat sharp poisoning, give it and home cattle as an antidote. It binds heavy metals well, toxins and derives them from the body, restores the disturbed functions of the organs.

Having tried the beneficial effects of sodium thiosulfate on themselves and their children, Dr. Kondakov carefully began to check the effect of the drug on his patients. And Trechil Valentina Maksimovna at the time of alcoholics in the narcological hospital number 17 of Moscow.

Sodium thiosulfate quickly removed the hardening state, sharply improved the mental state, breaking the thrust to the alcohol.

Wrought by success, Valentine Maximovna began to treat sodium thiosulfate and other diseases of more than a thousand patients with hypertension, allergies, asthma, osteochondrosis, liver diseases, pancreas were desired healing.

In our penview, Valentina Maksimovna reported good results and in the treatment of mastopathy and fibromy.

Apparently, sodium thiosulfate conducts such a powerful "dry cleaning" of internal organs and systems that the body exempt from "dirt" is gratefully coped with many ailments.

There is information that with the help of sodium thiosulfate, tuberculosis is successfully treated (studies of the Tuberculosis of Moscow), purulent wounds, atherosclerosis and even acute schizophrenia.

On the advice of Valentina Maximovna, I myself am 2-3 times a year for cleaning the body, I spend a 10-day "dry cleaning": i take 1 t. l. (1 ampoule 10ml) sodium thiosulfate once a day overnight, dissolving it in half a cup of boiled water. Of course, the bitter taste of drinking is not very pleasant, but the result is felt quite soon. In the morning we get up easily, the head clarifies, the tide of strength is felt.

(Usually, the course of purification is designed for 10-12 days, take 10-20 ml of a 30% sodium solution of thiosulfate (depending on body weight and tolerability) for the night divorced in a half package of water. The taste of drinking is so-so - bitter-brain, but you can Ensure the potion slicer of lemon. Normally, in the morning it should be easy to send.)

Women primarily note that they stop getting lazy and break nails. Hair acquire a healthy look, the skin looks younger.Sodium thiosulfate can be taken and prophylactically, especially in the environmental disaster zones, in large megalopolis, in harmful production.

Naturally, the "dry-cleaner" method on Kondakova is not a panacea, but it is effective, reliable, cheap and accessible to everyone.

Andrei Ivanovich Zolanlenkov, Plotzor, Phytologist, Buguruslan

P.S. Act sodium thiosulfate on internal organs and systems can be compared with the most real dry cleaning.

In the first week it is possible (maybe not to be) allergic rash on the skin. This is due to the strengthened output of slags and toxins, especially if the intestine is not purified, as follows. However, as the body is cleansing, it goes soon. It is advisable to limit yourself in the nutrition of meat-dairy products and increase the consumption of fluid, especially drinks from a mixture of citrus juices (grapefruit + orange + lemon), half-diluted with water. Citrus juices are rich in antioxidant vitamins and are the most beautiful vessel cleaners.

If, in the days of tiosulfate for sodium thiosulfate, you will additionally carry out the intestine to the intestine by the fluctuations, then significantly speed up the removal of toxic substances. Sodium thiosulfate solution in the intestines will attract a lot of nasty. It acts on waste, toxic lymph, blood, intercellular and interstitial liquids in the same way as a magnet attracting metallic sawdust. It becomes quite understandable in a very unpleasant smell after defecation. The stench comes from the enlightened poisonous, constantly poisoning the organism of substances, from which it is necessary, as quickly as possible, get rid of. After the course of sodium thiosulfate, the condition of the skin, hair, nails is improved. Feels the tide of energy. It is possible that some protracted diseases will be left alone.

All that people call miracles, one or another degree of knowledge ...
The drug thiosulfate sodium (its name - sodium hyposulfit)30% sodium solution of thiosulfate. It is sold in pharmacies, in packing 10 ampoules of 10 ml. Packaging cost in St. Petersburg 65-85 rubles. Cleaning course - 10 ampoules of 10ml. The contents of the ampoule are divorced by the same amount of boiled water of room temperature and drinks in two receptions - in the morning half an hour before meals and in the evening before bedtime.Such breeding 1: 1 I did not like it and it tastes very unpleasant.

Note: I gave all the options for tiosulfate sodium, which found, choose what you will come more than you. I personally like 1 ampoule 10ml. Dissolve in 1/2 glasses of water and drink before bedtime. Option: 1 ampoule to dissolve in 100 ml of water and divide into two receptions, in the morning and in the evening, is also good. We still need to take into account the weight of a person, I think that people whose weight is more than 70 kg, you can take 2 ampoules at once - 20 ml, as sodium thiosulfate is very effective for combating fatty sediments.

Sodium thiosulfate flips from the liver to the years copied salts of heavy metals, the remnants of drugs (including antibiotics), all poisons and harmful chemical components, from which the liver has cleared our blood, but which are stuck in its cells and in the intercellular space. After such a ten-day cleaning, the liver works fine, the overall condition of the body is dramatically improved, the feeling of lightness, the tide of strength appears. Very good sign of effective cleaning - Clear eye proteins that have a bluish tint, which was in distant childhood. The course can be repeated. After it is stronger and begin to glisten the hair, the nails younge.

To clean the liver, it is very good to use herbs having yellow colors. The best of these is the immortelle, the cumin sandy. He is in pharmacies. The best is tea from the immortals of sandy. He perfectly clears the liver, eliminates it from all savings.

Detoxicant for removing drug addiction and intoxication by chemicals and endogenous genesis

Patent of the Russian Federation

The essence of the invention: Detoxicant is designed to neutralize the poisoning of people and animals with gravity metals, salts of syntic acid and arsenic, removal of intoxication in alcohol poisoning and chemicals, for the treatment of endotoxicosis. Detoxicant contains, wt.%: Sodium thiosulfate 62.5 - 70, magnesium sulfate 7 - 21.2, sodium bicarbonate 11.5 - 16, ascorbic acid 4.8 - 7. Detoxicant is characterized by high efficiency and ease of use.

Patent Number: 2108101
Class (s) Patent: A61K33 / 06, A61K33 / 06, A61K33: 04, A61K33: 00, A61K31: 375
Application number: 96103095/14
Application date: 02/16/1996
Publication Date: 04/10/1998
Applicant (s): Kondakova VM; Korosan VA; Leontyev A.F.; Drozdov ES; Mokhov OA; Dashunina E.V.
Author (s): Kondakova V.M.; Korosan VA; Leontyev A.F.; Drozdov ES; Mokhov OA; Dashunina E.V.
Patent holder (s): Kondakova Valentina Maksimovna

Description of the invention: the invention relates to medicinal medicine and can be used to neutralize the poisoning of people and animals with heavy metals - mercury, lead, copper, etc., salts of syntic acid and arsenic, aluminum, removal of intoxication during narcotic, including alcoholic, poisoning and to remove chemical dependence during drug addiction and alcoholism, as well as for the treatment of the effects of radiation irradiation and the action of poisoning substances of synology and skin-disruptive action, organic compounds (acids, nitro-producing hydrocarbons, etc.), barbiturates, endotoxicosis.

There are substances for the removal of intoxication with strong poisoning - unitiol, magnesia, sodium thiosulfate, etc. As a rule, these pedoxicants of the narrow spectrum of action are usually applied and used intravenously and non-cultivico, which strongly reduces the possibilities of their use in cases of mass lesion (poisoning) and finding patients in cases Fields remote from the hospital conditions.

The use of ascorbic acid is also known in the prevention of toxicosis in animals. The mechanism of action of ascorbic acid prevents the formation of nitrosamines and the transition to milk. (Avt.Sv. USSR N 1641349 A1, CL. A 61 K 31/375).

It also knows the use of salt of ascorbic acid for the treatment of acute chromium poisoning. (Avt. St. N 12584112 A1. CL. A 61 K 31/00.

However, the spectrum of the action of the two recent substances - ascorbic acid and its salt is very narrow.

The aim of the invention is to expand the range of existing detoxicants with high efficiency and availability of reception.

The essence of the invention is that in the detoxicant for removing the narcotic dependence and intoxication of chemicals and endogenous genes on the basis of sodium thiosulfate, magnesium sulfate, ascorbic acid and sodium bicarbonate in the following ratio,% were introduced,%:

Sodium thiosulfate - 62.5-70
Ascorbic acid - 4.8-7
Magnesium sulfate - 21.2-7
Sodium Bicarbonate - 1.5-16

The proposed substance of the specified composition was not previously used for similar purposes and in itself in this composition is not described in scientific and technical literature, patent literature, as well as in medical records.


Borbat Peter Titovich: "To the fat intestine completely freed from the stones accumulated in it, cleansing should go a natural downward way. For this purpose, I usually give my patients a borcal drug, which is based on the development of Kondakaya Valentine's doctor Maximovna with comrades. I only slightly changed , I checked and implemented this tool into practice. Unfortunately, it is still not launched into mass production. This is an absolutely harmless drug, which includes the Glauberov salt, food soda, ascorbic acid and other harmless components. Acting borcal is simply great. After how the large intestine cleared, with other problems, for example, with fatty deposits, it is much easier to cope. "

"Borkal has an effective cleansing effect on the entire digestive system: cleanses the liver, pancreas and their ducts, stomach, intestines, kidneys, urinary system at the cellular level. Effectively purifies the thick integer from the cartoons systematically accumulating in it. Improves the metabolism in the body and Promotes weight loss. Borcal displays decay products from the body, toxic substances (heavy metals, cyanides, arsenic compounds, radionuclides). Borcal improves the function of the brain, the concentration of attention, memory, sleep. increases mental and physical performance, returns interest in life, warns The processes of aging. Borcal improves the state of the nervous system, balastives mental processes, effectively removes the phenomena of alcohol dependence. "

Ecology of life. Health: How often do people think of cleanliness and order in their inner world? I'm talking about our body, about our inner universe. BUT

Want to be a healthy person? Become them!

Methods of cleansing the whole organism

Slap in the intestine

The constant flow of slags with food leads to the accumulation of them in the intestine, especially this concerns the porcecore of the small intestine. The slags are constantly covered by the square of the small intestine and do not allow to perform the suction function of the VILLINS. Moreover, the accumulated slag is constantly absorbed, which leads to autoimmune reactions by the authorities and leads to allergic diseases, rashes on the skin.

Liver and kidney linency

With constant accumulation, the exchange products are settled in the body in the form of slags in the liver and kidney, which leads to a violation of the filtering function: bile ducts are clogged, the bile is poorly distinguished; The disinfectivation function of the liver is broken. The filtering function of the kidneys is worsening, the ducts are clogged with slag. There are states of sand and stones.

Shinying vessels

With a large arrival of slags in the body, they settled in the vessels, narrowing their lumen. Thus, there is a violation of the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, especially through the smallest vessels. Also slags accumulate in the body at the level of tissues, in the intercellular space (MCP), which significantly limits cells in nutrients. In this state, the cells are choking in their own "waste", the vessels are squeezed, fat cells are overflowing, lympho outflow is broken, cellulite occurs and all subsequent stages of external manifestations on the skin: "Orange peel", hill, pain, etc.

Intercellular space, lymphatic ducts are clogged due to disorders of the intestine microflora to this, the ochony of the intestines, meteorism, dyspepsia is added. The general condition is violated: headaches, malaise, worsening sleep, irritability, etc.

It's never too late to clean and improve yourself at the cellular level. Only a desire and patience is needed.

There are many techniques for cleansing the body, I share one of them.

1 step - intestinal cleaning

To purify the large intestine, you can use the following method: Mix 2 l warm boiled water 1 tbsp. Lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced with cutlery vinegar or juice of any acidic fruit. The addition of acid into water contributes to the preservation of acid-alkaline balance in the intestine. So, the resulting solution should be used for cleansing enema. How to do the enema, I think it makes no sense to say. Best cleaning belly to make a couple of hours before sleep. Make them are necessary daily during the first week. You need to do the second week of the belly every other day. Third week - two days later, fourth - every three days, on the fifth week, the enema should be done once. The course of cleansing enema is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a year, it all depends on the level of the degree of gluing the body.

Soda ebysma

Medical therapy

Albendazole is sufficiently absorbed (9.4 hours). Holding the drug in the body - 17.3 hours. In the experiment, the effectiveness of albendazole was established against most of the intestinal and tissue nematodes and fabric cestodes. Therapeutic doses of the drug were much lower toxic doses. This made it possible to recommend it for practical application. Numerous clinical trials confirmed high efficiency and good tolerability of albendazole.

It should be remembered that before the appointment of albendazole, like any other anthelmintic drug, should carefully remove the room, wash the children's toys, before bedtime and after sleep, take a shower and change underwear. Bed linen is expedient in the days of treatment and a few days after taking the drug to stroken the hot iron.

Ascaridosis. - Efficiency is 95-100%.

Trichocephalosis (Vlasman). Efficiency reaches 90%. In rare cases, a repeated course of treatment is required.

Enterobiosis (sharpness). - Efficiency is 100%.

Strongiloidosis (intestinal controversy).Strongilidosis treatment is a difficult task. With the advent of Albendazole, the situation has changed. The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of strondhyloidosis. Efficiency is 91-100%

Preparation and diet when appointing albendazole is not required. The drug is prescribed at a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight once within 3 days. A week later, it is recommended to re-cycle treatment in the same doses.

Ankleomidosa (curve). With one-day treatment, the effectiveness is 85%, and when lengthening the course, it increases to 2-3 days.

It is necessary after treatment with drugs, it is rapidly removed by the side effects of these drugs, and helminths, die, decompose and poison to the body to toxins. The easiest and most effective way is the reception of sorbents, for example - polysorba.

MP polysorb is taken inside only in the form of a water suspension! To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly stirred in 1/2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each drug intake and drink it for 1 hour before eating or receiving other medicines. One teaspoon polysorba MP "with top" contains 1 g of drug, 1 dining room "with top" 2.5 - 3g. Polysorb is used for 1st tablespoon, carefully stirred in 1/2 cup, three times a day 1 hour before meals.

Take within 3 - 5 days. After that, it is necessary to clean the intestine and the liver, this is achieved by the admission of castor oil. The use of such a drug, like castor oil - has long been a well-known means as good laxative. This method of purification of the intestines and the liver does not lead to unpleasant sensations during the intestinal emptying, which distinguishes it from other laxatives, but does not allow to plan his working day, since during the day at any time there may be a rejuvenation. Dose of oil 1 gram per 1 kg of weight.published

According to this technique, the phased purification of the body is carried out in the following order:

  • Intestines.
  • Microflora restoration.
  • Liver.
  • Joints.
  • Kidney.
  • Lymph.
  • Vessels.

To clean the intestine, water room temperature (1.5-2 liters) is used, acidified with apple vinegar or lemon juice. The procedure is performed in the mornings in the "lying on the side" position with knitted legs pressed. After the procedure, you can make a rack on the blades so that the solution is deeper into the intestine.

The frequency of procedures is as follows:

  • The first week is daily enemas.
  • Second - every other day.
  • Third - every 3 days.
  • Fourth - every 4 days.
  • From the fifth week constantly - once a week.

The first stage is carried out within three days.

It is used by the infusion of bitter wormwood per 100 ml twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) before meals. For infusion take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of wormwood and poured 200 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour and deploy. Walking infusion affects round, ribbon worms and simplest ( lamblia , trichomonads , amebe , toxoplasma ).

All these days additionally make microclides with garlic infusion to get rid of the sliced. For this, 2 cloves of garlic are crushed and poured 200 ml of boiling water overnight. They insist, and in the morning they focus through the gauze and with the help of a small scrubbing are introduced into the rectum before the cleansing enema.

For this prepare the infusion of herbs: 1 tbsp. l. Pijmas and 1 tsp. Chamomile colors, crust crust and oak bark. The ingredients are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist overnight in the thermos. Separately, another plant anthelminty is prepared - 300 g of purified pumpkin seeds.

In the morning, the empty stomach eat seeds, slowly and well chewing. Put 100 ml of infusion. After 2 hours, the saline laxative (magnesium sulfate is 1 tbsp. L. On a glass of water). An hour later, they make the enema and repeat it 3 times during the day.

Cleansing 1-2 weeks after the second stage is performed. Such a gap is needed to restore and update the intestinal mucosa. Such fresh juices will help: carrot, combination of it with beet, cucumber and other vegetables. It is also possible to use grasses champs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, nettle.

Before the procedure itself, preparation is carried out - vegetarian food is used during the week. Classic liver cleaning lies in the reception within three days of one fresh apple juice to five glasses per day. On the third day of the use of juices at seven o'clock in the evening, it should be put on the region of the liver a warm height and lie on the right side within an hour. From 20:00 to 21:00, drink a glass of olive oil (sunflower) and as many lemon juice. Every fifteen minutes you have to drink 1-2 of the oil throat, drinking the juice sip. Having finished the procedure, you can go to bed. In the morning of the next day, you need to make a cleansing enema and repeat it 2-3-3 times during the day. All subsequent week you need to stick to a vegetarian diet.

In the abbreviated version, it is proposed to reduce the days of apple juice. In the morning to make an enema, drink juice only one day, and in the evening, go to the cleaning of oil and lemon juice with cleansing emes in the morning of the next day (as described above).

  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • The infusion of oak bark (2 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, in the thermos to insist at least 5-6 hours).
  • The infusion from the crust and chamomile bark (2 tbsp. Spoons of each herb on 200 ml of boiling water), this infusion is recommended for propensions.
  • The use of several leaves of green rush on an empty stomach in the spring season.
  • Receiving baths with anise infusion.

It is possible to restore the intestines to the microflora with the help of garlic, eating it in 1 tooth in the morning before meals and in the evening 2 hours after dinner. The course must be held 2 weeks. In addition, it is possible to take water with apple vinegar (1 tsp for 200 ml of water). Drink her empty stomach twice a day. To restore microflora, you can also take oat smelting.

Observe separate food on the seed will help the simplest product compatibility scheme, in which all products are divided into 3 groups.

The products of the first group (proteins) are not compatible with the third group (carbohydrates). The second group (living products) are compatible with proteins and carbohydrates. There is also a more detailed table that displays compatibility among individual, the most common products. Horizontally and verticals are painted frequently used foods products. At the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines there are numbers on a five-point system (from 1 to 5), indicating, respectively, the combination of very poor to excellent.

In addition to this you need to know what is impossible:

  • combine several protein products in one meal;
  • use fats with proteins - this reduces the release of gastric juice;
  • sour fruits and berries with protein;
  • two concentrated carbohydrates in one reception (porridge + bread, potatoes + bread, sugar + porridge);
  • melon and milk with any products.

Remember that products causing the acidification of the body have an animal origin (eggs, cheese, meat, bird, milk), as well as coffee, sweet carbonated water, alcohol, products containing sugar. Increase the alkalinity of the organism medium. Fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, dried fruits.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the cleansing according to the method of Semenova has both supporters and opponents. The latter - among the representatives of official medicine. First of all, they critically refer to the use of enema in such quantities. And in this, undoubtedly, it makes sense.

  • broken intestinal microflora;
  • in the thick intestine, synthesis deteriorates;
  • injured mucous;
  • absorption in the intestines and the digestive process is disturbed, as a result of which the shortage of nutrients arises;
  • there are problems with a chair.

Permitted products

The list of products when cleansing is limited:

In everyday life it is worth less often to use meat, animal fats and milk. Weakened and patients should not use these products at all so as not to overload the digestive system.

Sugar and all products with its content does not contain useful substances and carries empty calories, it causes a sharp increase in blood, the level of "bad" cholesterol , causing risk, and.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.Calories, Kcal


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
candy4,3 19,8 67,5 453
confectionarian cream0,2 26,0 16,5 300
cookies7,5 11,8 74,9 417

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627

Milk products

milk 3.6%2,8 3,6 4,7 62
milk 4.5%3,1 4,5 4,7 72
cream2,8 20,0 3,7 205
sour cream 25% (classical)2,6 25,0 2,5 248

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese 11%16,0 11,0 1,0 170
cottage cheese 18% (fat)14,0 18,0 2,8 232

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
pork liver18,8 3,6 0,0 108
pork kidney13,0 3,1 0,0 80
pork Spike1,4 92,8 0,0 841
fat2,4 89,0 0,0 797
beef liver17,4 3,1 0,0 98
beef kidneys12,5 1,8 0,0 66
beef brains9,5 9,5 0,0 124


sausage n / smoked16,2 44,6 0,0 466
sausage with / smoked9,9 63,2 0,3 608
saradelki.10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277


smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
duck smoked19,0 28,4 0,0 337
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

fish smoked26,8 9,9 0,0 196
salted fish19,2 2,0 0,0 190
red caviar32,0 15,0 0,0 263
chang Black28,0 9,7 0,0 203
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88
crack (liver in oil)4,2 65,7 1,2 613

Oils and fats

fat animal0,0 99,7 0,0 897
fat culinary0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Non-alcoholic beverages

coffee soluble dry15,0 3,5 0,0 94
* Data indicated on 100 g of product

Menu (power mode)

A three-time meal is organized, in the interruptions between meals you can drink juices, water and there are a variety of fruits.

Pros and cons

pros Minuses
  • Includes a variety of products.
  • A clearly prescribed menu, a lot of time is not spent on cooking.
  • Helps reduce weight.
  • Improves the intestine function and displays toxic exchange products.
  • Eliminates swelling.
  • Low animal protein content, so the duration of such food is limited by time.
  • It is difficult to carry the method of cleansing by enema.
  • Cleansing with enema for the intestinal diseases (, anal crack, bleeding, loss of the rectum) and the exacerbation of the diseases of the stomach.
  • The appearance of pain in the intestine after numerous enema and development is possible.
  • Contraindicated herbs (Pijma, wormwood) pregnant and nursing women in mind alcolaoids .
  • Contraindicated to apply such a way to cleanse children.