Church terms and concepts. Orthodox Church Dictionary

Dictionary of church terms.

Lamb (glory. Lamb) - liturgical bread used in Orthodox

church to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist. According to the teachings of the Church,

liturgical bread and wine are presented in the body and blood of Christ.

The clergy and believers are conjugated by pretty bread and wine. Lamb

prepared by a priest (or bishop) during anointing. FROM

printing a special prayer Priest cuts off a copy of the form of form

cuba. The remaining parts of the prosphora are called antidors. Such a way

the preparation of liturgical bread appeared, apparently, in the iX - x century: with

this time he begins to be mentioned in the liturgical literature. Lamb

symbolically called Jesus Christ: Like the Old Testament Lamb,

sacrificed for the sake of deliverance to the Jewish people from the Egyptian captivity,

He sacrificed himself sacrificing to the sake of delivering the human race from the power of sin.

Akathist (Greek. Local [singing]) - the form of church poetry close to

ancient Kondakov. Akathist is dedicated to the glorification of the Virgin, Jesus Christ,

a holiday or saint. Consists of twenty-five stanza, every

two of which, besides the last, form a semantic link. First stanfa

the link called the Kondakom and more brief, serves as an entry (except

the initial boom of Akathist's remaining ended with the exclamation of "Alliluya").

The second structure of the link, called Ikos and the most extensive, contains

twelve greetings starting with the words "rejoice." Last, twenty

the fifth system of akafist is a prayer appeal to the glorified.

The first Akathist called the Grand Akathist. Dedicated to the Virgin

("Waving ...") was drawn up in the beginning. VII century In memory of the deliverance

Constantinople from the invasion of Persians. In the VII - IX centuries. Akathist as a genre

obtained canon. Many acafers were drawn up in the XVIII - XIX century. in

Russia, however, for the most part, they are a weak imitation of the Great

akathist. According to the charter, only the Great Akathist is included in the divine service, which

reads on the morning on Saturday the fifth week of the Great Post. Akathists can

Axios (Greek decent) - an exclamation, pronounced by the bishop committing

the ordination of a new-resistant deacon, a priest or a bishop.

Pronounced when the goods supplied to each new liturgical clothing

and then three times repeated by the choir. In antiquity singing "Axios" people

he agreed with the advantage of ordained.

Alliluia (Greek - from Heb. "Praise God") - phrase, often

designed in Jewish liturgical texts (eg, in psalms). Entered B.

christian worship without translation.

Alliluoria - a brief changeable prayer with three verses. First verse

Triple "alleluia"; The second and third - poems of Psalms. Allilorary

pronounced after reading the apostle and precedes the reading of the Gospel. Poems

they are headed by the reader, after each verse choir sings a triple "Alliluya".

Archimandrite - Monastic Chin. Currently given as the highest award

monastic clergy; corresponds to the protoiree and protopressive in

white clergy. Chin Archimandrite appeared in the Eastern Church in V c. - So

named chosen by the bishop from the head of the face for supervision over monasteries

dioceses. Subsequently, the name "Archimandrite" passed to the superiors

most important monasteries and then to monastic persons

church-administrative posts.

Biblical songs - nine biblical texts that serve themes for

songs canon. Initially, biblical songs were read during worship,

in the VI - VII centuries. They began to make chants dedicated to church

memories of this day (holiday or holy). These chants were formed

canon, and the biblical songs themselves began to go out of the liturgical

use. Currently, biblical songs are read only on

worship wars during the Great Post. First biblical song

is the song of the Prophet Moses after the transition of the Jews of Red (Smem)

sea (OX, 15; 1-19). Second - Moses Song (before dying): instruction

jews and a reminder of the punishment to which they expose themselves, retreating from

God (De. 32; 1-43). Third - Anna's Song about the birth of Samuel's son

(the last Israeli judge) (1 Tsar. 2; 1-11). Fourth - Prophet Song

Avvakum's glorification of the Lord (AV. 3; 1-19). Fifth - Song of the Prophet Isaiah

"From Noshi morning spirit" (Is. 26; 9-19). Six - Song of the Prophet Ions from

whale whale (ion. 2; 3-10). Seventh and eighth - songs of three Jewish details,

who for confessing faith in God and the refusal to bow down the pagan gods were

thrown into the oven by the command of the Babylonian king and are incredibly preserved (seventh

Dan. 3; 26-56, Eighth - Dan. 3; 67-88). These songs are preserved only in

greek translations and absent in the canonical text of the book of the Prophet

Daniel. The ninth - the song of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Majses the soul of my Lord"

(Lux. 1; 46-55) and the song of Zechariah about the birth of the Son - John the Baptist (Lux. 1;

68-79). Due to the complexity and severity of the second biblical song, in

most canons (except the great canon of St. Andrei Cretsky) she


Blessed - king or prince, a lot of contributing to strengthening

orthodoxy and the Church ranked for the saints; eg - Blessed prince

Alexander Nevskiy.

Blagovest - bell ringing, which believers are noticed about the beginning

worship - dimensional blows in one big bell.

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos - the feast of the Orthodox Church,

art.). This day I remember the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary Archangel Gabriel,

the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior: "Rejoice,

Fakeful! Lord with you; blessed you between wives ... you have gained

grace from God; And so we will warm in the womb, and give birth to a son, and you will give him a name

Jesus. The Holy Spirit will find on you, and the power of the Most High will squeeze you; Therefore I.

the born holy is admired by the Son of God "(Luke. 1; 28, 30-31, 35).

Thanksgiving prayers are five prayers read by believers after

communion. Contained in prayer and followed Psaltiri.

Blessing - 1. Holy priest or bishop, which begins

worship. Exclamations differ: Liturgy ("blessed kingdom ...";

they also begin with the Baptism and Chin of Wedding), Vigil Vigil ("Glory

Holy ... ") and the usual (" God blessed is our ... "; before the rest

worship). 2. The autumn of the congestion of believers committed

priest or bishine. Blessing takes place at certain points

worship with the exclamation of "World All".

Blessed - the Troparies dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ come around

main on Sunday of the whole year, except for Easter holidays, five decans,

The entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem and the Second Resurrection after Easter. Called before

the first word of the chorus to the trails - "blessed Esi Lord, teach me

with your justification. "

Blessed - a prayer, consisting of evangelical poems (MF. 5; 312;

"Blessed with spirit ..."). Soon the third antifone of liturgies (or

fine) on Sunday and some of the holidays.

Blessed - 1. epithet associated in the Orthodox Church with the names of two

the outstanding theologians of the Western Church - St. Augustine, Bishop Ipponian

(Sev. Africa, 354 - 430) and St. Jerome Stridonsky (Italy, 347 - 420

gG.). 2. See Yreeny.

Renunal - priest designated by a diocesan bishop for

observation of the church-acting life of the temples of one of the parts of the Diocese -


The Mother of God is a trophard, facing the Most Holy Mother of God.

Loading books - see the books of liturgical.

God-in-law circles - a certain repeating sequence

services or the components of their prayers. 1. Daily liturgical

circle - the sequence of worships of one day. Full daily

the liturgical circle consists of a ninth hour, evening, violet,

semi-minute, uterine, first, third and sixth clocks, visual or

liturgy. This order changes in the days when a vigil vigil is performed

(Love the Village and Country), some days of the Great Post, as well as

on the eve of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Baptism. Currently order

the daily liturgical circle in parish practice is usually not respected -

given the ninth hour, the Village and the midnight. Divine service day

the liturgical circle is contained in the chain. On ancient tradition

the liturgical day begin in the evening. 2. The saddemic liturgical circle -

thematic sequence of worships within one week.

Monday's worship is dedicated to the affordable forces - the Angels of the Lord;

tuesday - prophets and John the Baptist; Thursday - apostles, saint and,

especially, Nikolai Wonderworker, Archbishop of the Lycian city of the world (Small

Asia, IV century); Wednesday and Friday - the memory of the godfather of Jesus Christ;

saturday - the commemoration of the dead Christians; Worship Sunday Day

dedicated to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Services - Association

the variable components of the worship of the semistric circle -

one of the eight glasses and so on. Emnified glory cycles are formed,

repeating within a year several times. Part account begins from the day

Easter from the first eye. The first day of the saddemic liturgical circle is considered

resurrection. 3. Annual liturgical circle - thematic sequence

services throughout the year. Valid and fixed annual

liturgical circles. A fixed annual liturgical circle - associated with

sun calendar - includes the service stationary of the two-month and

other holidays and everyday celebration of the saints. Movable annual

the liturgical circle - connected with the lunar calendar (see Easter) - includes

services of the Great Post (and the Three Previous Weeks) and Pentecost.

The service of the still annual liturgical circle is contained in mines,

movable - in triodes of lean (great post) and trio colored

(Pentecost). The combination of mobile and stationary annual liturgical

circles are carried out with the help of brand chapters

(named after their compiler Monk Mark). Worship of every day

is a compound of almost unnecessary bases from prayers

a daily liturgical circle with variable prayers associated with

the liturgical theme of this day from Mini and Okyth or Triodi (lean

or color), and during the Great Post and Pentecost Prayer

from octyha almost not used.

For the Epiphany, see the Baptism of the Lord.

Wija week is the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The name comes from

custom coming on this day in the temple with the branches of Palma (Vaia - from Greek.

branch), just as residents of Jerusalem met Jesus with palm

branches (see in.12, 13). In Russia, instead of palm branches bring branches

verba, from where the Russian name of the holiday is going on - Palm Resurrection.

Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Virgin - the feast of the Orthodox Church,

new. Art.). Installed on the basis of church legend. On this day

i remember how the pious parents of the Virgin Mary Joakim and Anna led her

at a three-year age in the Jerusalem Temple to fulfill its vow -

defend her to God. According to legend, Maria has lived since that time

brought up at the temple before his engagement righteous Iosifa.

Great Saturday - Saturday passionate saddemitsa. This day I remember

the burial of the body of Jesus Christ. On the morning there are impossible with praise (poems

psalm sick choir, praise - short prayers - read by reader after

poems Psalm). After the Great Slavs, the procession is performed with

correspondence and then read Parium, Apostle and Gospel (MF. 27; 6266).

After the uterine, hours are read and pictorial (visual consist of

blessed, Symbol of Faith, Prayer "Our Father" and others). Liturgy Vasily

The Great begins with the evening. During the evening, fifteen batims are read,

soon the Old Testament Song of the Three Jewish departments in the "Babylonian Pigs" (Dan.

3; 5788). Before reading the apostle, instead of the triswatter, the baptismal song

"The Elitsa in Christ is baptized ...". Instead of the Kheruvim song, the prayer will be prayer

everyone's flesh is silent ... ". The wanders -" do not stupid, me, mother ... ".

The Gospel is read about the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28; 120).

Great holidays are the most important holidays of the Orthodox Church. In a day

great Holiday Makes Vigil Vigil "and the entire holiday service

committed by the statute "(typicon). To the great holidays belong (in

brackets indicate a new style): Easter, two-month holidays, circumcision

The great post is the most important from multi-day posts, it begins for seven

weeks before the Easter holiday and ends with Saturday passionate saddemitsa. Great

the post is preceded by three preparatory weeks. Worship reminding about

the approximation of the Great Post, begins on Sunday - in "Week about Mytar and

pharisee "(Luke 18; 10-14. is called the gospel liturgical reading in

this day). Then the continuous saddemic, ending resurrection,

dedicated to the parable of the prodigal son - "Week about the Prodigal Son" (Lux. 15; 11-32.

Called the liturgical reading of this day). Next Resurrection -

"meat-seeming week" is devoted to the terrible court (see MK. 16; 9-20), with

monday starts Maslenitsa, ending resurrection -

"Syropuscent Week", on this day, the expulsion of Adam from Paradise is meant. FROM

monday begins great post. Prayers of the Great Post

different moods are distinguished, in all worships it is read

prayer St. Efrema Sirina (IV century) "Lord and the lord of my belly ...". In

time of the Great Post in Wednesday and Friday, as well as on Monday and Tuesday

Passionate saddemitsa and on Thursday the fifth week is made by liturgy

Worthy gifts (except the day of the Great Friday); on Saturdays and in the sixth

the resurrection is committed by Liturgy, John of Zlatoust; In the rest of the Resurrection,

and on Thursday and Saturday the passionate week - the Liturgy of Vasily the Great; in

monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Liturgy is not performed. In the first four days

Great Post on the Village is read by the Great Canon St. Andrei Critsky

(VIII century). Each resurrection of the Great Post has a special memory. IN

the first resurrection after the liturgy is committed by the rank of Orthodoxy celebrations,

established in memory of the recovery of reverence Icons in 842 in Byzantium.

The second resurrection is dedicated to St. Gregory Palama, Archbishop of the city of Solun

(Sovar. Thessaloniki, Greece), Byzantine Theologian Isihast (XIV century). Third

resurrection, called a cross-plane week dedicated to the worship of the cross

(worship comes from resurrection to Friday). Fourth Sunday

dedicated to St. John the Districter, the igumen of the Monastery of the Sinai Mountain, the author

"Distribution" (VI - VII centuries). On Thursday, the fifth week for the uterine is read again

canon St. Andrey Cretsky, and canon is also read in memory of St. Mary

Egyptian and her life (why all the worship, which is lasting for several hours,

the name "Standing Mary Egypt"). Saturday fifth week

devoted to the memory of the deliverance of Constantinople in 626 from Persian and

avarian invasion, in memory of what the Grand Akathist CV is read.

Virgin (this day is also called "praise the Most Holy Virgin" or

"Saturday Akathista"). The fifth resurrection is devoted to St. Maria Egypt

washed in Palestine in the VI century. Saturday of the sixth week - "Lazareva Saturday"

Deals with the memory of the resurrection of Lazarus (see in. II; 146). In the sixth

resurrection marks the holiday of the Lord in Jerusalem. Next

the last week is called a passionate saddemic. About worship these days, see

Passionate saddemic, great quartework, great heels, Great Saturday. Texts

the worship services of the Great Post are contained in Triodes.

Great heels (Great Friday) - Friday of the passionate saddemic. On this day

the reconciliation and burial memories of Jesus Christ takes place. Liturgy B.

this day is not performed (if the Great Heels coincides with the holiday

Annunciation, Liturgy John Zlatoust is performed). During the morning

twelve Gospels Twelve Evangelical Texts dedicated to

the sufferings of Jesus Christ: the 1st Gospel - Ying. 13; 31-18; one; 2e in. eighteen; 128;

3E - MF. 26; 57-75; 4E - in. eighteen; 28-19; sixteen; 5E - MF. 27; 337; 6E - MK. fifteen;

1632; 7E - MF. 27; 3354; 8E - LC. 23; 32-49; 9E - in. nineteen; 2537; 10E - MK.

fifteen; 4347; 11e - in. nineteen; 3842; 12E - MF. 27; 6266. Because liturgical day

it starts in the evening, then the morning is usually served in the evening on Thursday.

Made in the morning of the great heel of the royal clock (composed of Cyril

Alexandrian (IV century. Egypt)) consist of other psalms than ordinary

clock: 1 hour - 5, 2, 21 ps; 3Y - 34, 108, 50; 6Y - 53, 139, 90; 9th - 68, 69,

85; After Psalms, parium, apostle, gospel are read (1 hour - MF. 27; 156;

3th - MK. fifteen; 1641; 6th - LC. 23; 32-49; 9th - in. eighteen; 2819; 37).

Fine, following the royal clock, consist of blessed, symbol

faith, Prayers "Our Father" and some others, 33 Psalms. In the evening of the Great

the heel serve the evening and the Village.

At the evening, the apostle and the gospel are read (Gospel Composite - i.e.

consisting of various Gospels: MF. 27; 138; LK. 23; 3943; MF. 27; 3954;

In. nineteen; 3137; MF. 27; 5561), removal of the shroud.

The Great Quarter (the Grand Thursday) is Thursday of the passionate saddemic. In that

the day is remembered by the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with students, Ghefseiman

prayer, taking into custody of Jesus Christ and the Court of Priests and

the procurator of Jews Pontius Pilate. In the morning you read the gospel about the secret

Suppers (Lux 22; 139). After the utensils are made hours - the first (with reading

parisia), the third, sixth and ninth. After the ninch read

fine, consisting of blessed, the symbol of faith, the prayer "Father our" and

some others. Liturgy Vasily Great begins with the evening. In the evening

parisians are read, after which the liturgight apostle and the gospel follow

(Composite Gospel - consisting of texts of various Gospels: Matt. 26;

120; In. 13; 317; MF. 26; 2139; LK. 22; 4345; MF. 26; 4027; 2). Instead

the Kheruvim song Songs three times the prayer "Supper Tweese of the Secrets ...".

In the evening, a small vortex takes place in the great quartwrior. In cafesters

cathedrals in bishop worship after liturgy bishop committed


The masterroom is a short chant that glorifys Jesus Christ, the Virgin

or k.l. saint. It begins with the word "magnitude" (or "please"). Bathing B.

festive days on the morning after Pins and Liturgy after the release.

The crowns are the crowns, placed on the bride and groom during the wedding.

Wedding - worship, during which the sacrament of marriage is committed

blessed and consecrated Christian marriage. Wedding is performed

a priest (very rarely a bishop), and it is customary that the priest be from

white (non-rotating) clergy. In the practice of the Orthodox Church

wedding is taken after engagement. Wedding occurs like this: by

engagers of the bride and groom, holding burning candles, come from the gunner in the temple

(or from the western wall of the temple fit closer to the altar) and become on

white boards lying in front of analog with a cross and a gospel. Priest, asked

on the hardness of their intention, he heads the blessing and great object, reads

irasei prayers and then with a blessing lay the crowns on the head of the groom

and the bride and led three times a seasile prayer "Lord, God

our, Glovy and Celebration of them. "Procyman is headed and the apostle is read

(Eph. 5; 2033) and the gospel (in. 2; 111), pronounced objects and

prayer "Our Father". Wearing drink from a bowl with wine and then a priest

three times drives them around the aalo, at this time the choir sings the Troparies "Isaye

likui ... "," Self Martyr ... "," Thank you Christ God ", after which

the priest removes the crowns, reads the final Irasei prayers and pronounces

fond. In the Orthodox Church, wedding is allowed to perform

anchieving in the second or third marriage, however, the Chin of the Deverabud Wedding

less solemn, with reading repentance prayers. In Russian Orthodoxy

the church wedding is not performed in all posts, at the Easter week, on

holie, on the days on the eve of the two-month holidays and resurrection (i.e. in

saturday), as well as on the eve of the medium and Friday (i.e. on Tuesday and Thursday).

Evening - public worship officer. Vespers

daily, small and great. Daily evening takes place in

weekdays, a small evening in front of the whirlpool, a great evening - under

holidays and resurrection. In Chin, the Great Evening includes: blessing; singing

dEVICE PSALM (during which the priest reads the luminaire

prayers and thrust the temple); Great objects; singing poems 1, 2 and 3 psalms,

the stimichr on the "Lord is called", Dogmatic; cadyl entrance; Singing "Light Quiet"

The anthem of the first centuries of Christianity; Prokimen (some days read

parimia); shaved eagles; Singing of the evening prayer "SPO, Lord, in the evening

this without sin will be preserved to us ... "(lithium is performed on holidays), sang

stimilena Prayers of the righteous Simeon "Now let go" (LC 2;

29-30); Trisivilized: prayer of St. Trinity; "Our Father"; "The Mother of God Devo,

rejoice "; Troparies; let go on the daily evening presenter Psalm

read, but not comes, does not take place and not read by parium, instead

the first three psalms read the ordinary café. Small evening is

reducing daily. Connection of the Great Evening, Morning and the first hour

calling a whirlpin. Chin evening is also included in liturgy

Icedden gifts and liturgies of Vasily Vasily in the Great Quarter and

Great Saturday.

Vicaria (lat. Governor) bishop who has no diocese and helping

in managing another bishine.

Water binding is the consecration of the water committed by the priest (or bishop.)

troekly immersion of the cross and blessing. Consecrated water

used to consecrate the house, various items, they drink it to

spiritual fortification. Water binding is great and small. Great

performed on the day before and on the day of the feast of the Epiphany (baptism), small ones

temples and some other holidays (Pentecost bacters,

Origin of honest trees, etc.), as well as at the request of believers on any day.

In the Chin of the Great Consecration of Water includes a blessing, paths, parimies (IP.

35; 110; 55; 113; 12; 36), reading the apostle (1 Cor. 10; 14) and the Gospel (MK.

one; 912), Great Sectivations, Irasey Prayers, Water Blessing and Immersion

cross with the singing of the Epiphany Tropar, let go. In chin of small consecration

troparies, 142 Ps., 50 Ps., Reading the Apostle and Gospel, Secttion,

the blessing of the water and the immersion of the cross, go. Chin Small and Great

consecration of water is contained in the demandsman (chin of great sanctification also in

monthly more in January).

The exclamation is a brief prayer, proclaimed by the priest or

bishop. Some devices are the completion of the quiet readable prayer.

The elimination of the Cross of the Lord - the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to

Installed in the memory of acquiring the Cross of the Lord, which happened, according to

church legend, in 326. Near Jerusalem on the site of the crucifixion of Jesus

Christ is Calvary. The cross was found in Palestine Tsaritsa Elena

(Mother Emperor Constantine Great) and Jerusalem Patriarch

Makariya and erected at the site of the acquisition, so that he could wander

comedy people. In memory of the crusst suffering Jesus Christ on the day of the holiday

installed strict post.

Air - large quadrangular covered covered covered

pokrovtsy Diskos and Patir. The air symbolically depicts a loaf, which

the body of Jesus Christ was accurate (see Lux. 23; 53).

Ascension of the Lord - the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to

twoled. Celebrated on the fortieth after Easter - on Thursday the sixth

weeks. This day I remember the adoption of Jesus Christ on the sky and

the promise of his second coming. Waving to his disciples after

Sunday, on the fortieth day, Jesus brought them out of Jerusalem "and raising his hands

His own, blessed them. And when blessed them, began to separate them from them and

crane on the sky. "(Lux, 24; 51)." And the cloud took it from the type of them. And when

they looked at the sky, during his climb, suddenly they appeared two husbands

in white clothes and said: Galilean's men! What are you standing and look at

sky? This Jesus, ascended from you on the sky, will be in the same way as

you have seen it ascending on the sky "(Acts. 1; 9ii).

Gates of the Tsarist - the main gates of the iconostasis - two-sided doors opposite

throne. Designed exclusively for the entry of priests during

worship. Usually, the Icons of Annunciation are placed on the royal gates and

four evangelists. - Public

All-night Vigil Worse, held in the evening under

holidays and resurrection. Consists of a combination of a great evening, festive

mattles and first hours. All-night vigil will serve with special solemnity -

on the great evening the entrance is made, poems 1, 2 and 3 psalms are read, read

parisia, in some days lithium is committed, the morning begins with

shestopsalmia, squeeze rates, Ipaos and antifons, 50 ps stimilers "

katavasi to the canon, read the gospel.

Login - Action: Solemn input of clergy in the altar through

the gates of the royal. In the evening, "entrance with cadyl" is performed before each

Dictionary of church terms for journalists

Clergy, church hierarchy

Altarnik- cm. sexton.

Apartol (Greek. "Messenger") - A student of Jesus Christ, elected and sent to the sermon. In a narrow sense, the term apostlerefers to the twelve direct disciples of Christ; In wider - also to 70 closest associates of his church, called the apostles from seventy.

Archbone - Senior Deacon in the monastic clergy, that is, the senior hieraodic. The title of archidacon is given as awarding. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Archdiacon, who serves in Patriarch, is referred to as the Patriarch Archdiacon, he only belongs to the white clergy. In major monasteries, senior deacon also has a san archivon.

Archbishop. (Greek. "Senior Among Bishops") - Original bishops, head of a large church region, combining several dioceses. The bishops, managing the dioceses, were subordinate to the archbishop. Subsequently, the Archbishops began to be called bishops, manageing large dioceses. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Archbishop" is honorary, precedes the title "Metropolitan".

Arch Republic (Greek. Senior Priest, Head of Priests) - The priest belonging to the third, highest degree of priesthood. He has grace to commit all the sacraments and lead church life. Each bishop (except vicariev) Manages the diocese. According to the teachings of the Church, the apostolic grace, adopted from Jesus Christ, is transmitted through ordination to the bikes from the most apostolic times, therefore, in the church there are fertile continuity. According to 12 Rules of the VI of the Ecumenical Cathedral (680-681), the bishop must be celianized; In this church practice, it is customary to be delivered to the bishops from the monastic clergy.

Archimetrus - Monastic Chin. Currently, it is given as the highest award to the monastic clergy, corresponds to an archer and a protopressive in the white clergy.

Fullish - Part of the diocese that unites the group of parishes and churches located in the immediate territorial proximity to each other. Headed fullies - a priest appointed by the diocesan bishop to observe the church-acting life of the temples of the rallying.

Vikarium (Lat. "Deputy", "Poster") - a bishop who does not have a diocese and helps in managing another bishine.

Defendant - priests. White (non-rotating) and black (monastic) clergy varies.

Dicacious (Greek. "Minister") - The priest belonging to the first, lower degree of clergy. Deacon has grace to directly participate in the priest or the sacrament bishops, but cannot do them independently (except for baptism, which may be performed by the laity if necessary). During worship, Deacon prepares the sacred vessels, he heads the object, etc. The delivery in deacon is made by the bishop through ordination.

Epúskop. (Greek. "Superior", "Writing") - The clergyman of the third, higher degree of priesthood, otherwise - the bishop. Initially, the word "bishop" marked the bishop as such, regardless of the church-administrative situation (in this sense, it is used in the messages of St. Axt. Paul). Subsequently, when the bishops began to differ in the bishops, archbishops, Metropolitans and Patriarchs, the word "bishop" began to mean the first category from the above and in the original sense was replaced by the word "bishop".

Gate - A monk that committing the feats of salvation in complete privacy - in the gate.

Igumen. (Greek. "Presenter") - Initially, the head of the monastery. In ancient times, the Igumen was not necessarily a priest, later the practice was established to elect igumenes from among the Hieromonakhs. Currently, Igumenism is given to the award of a monastic priesthood (corresponds to an archer in the white clergy) and is usually not associated with the participation in the management of the monastery. Hegumen, who is the head of the monastery, has the right to wearing the staff.

Jeréy (Greek "Priest") - A priest, a spiritual person dedicated to the second degree of priesthood, the junior title of the White Priest. May make all the sacraments, in addition to the sacrament of ordination in the rhey.

Ierodiikon - Monk in Sana Diacon.

Jeromonáh - Monk in Sana Ierhea.

Enoch (Slav. "Other" - Lonely, Other) - Russian name of the monk, literal translation from Greek. Inokine- Nun.

Ipodiikon - Church servant serving a bire during worship: Prepares for the vestment dietary and trikiriya, opens the royal gates, etc. Verification of Ipodiakon - surplice And crossed dressed orar..

Canonarch (Greek. "Legging singing") - Churchman who led the voice and lines from prayers to singing, who, after the launch, sings the choir.

Clergy (Greek "Lot") - clergymen and churchmen. Each temple has its own clearing - a set of people committing worship in it. Canonically, the Church of the Temple is subordinate to the diocesan bike.

Location, Patriarchy Location(also Location of the patriarchal throne) - Bishop, temporarily acting by the Patriarch as the Primate of the Local Church.

Metropolitan (Greek. "Metropolitan") - Original bishops, the head of the Metropolis - a large church region, uniting several dioceses. The bishops controlling the dioceses were subordinate to the Metropolitan. Subsequently, the Metropolitans began to be called bishops controlling large dioceses. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Metropolitan" is the honorary title, next after the title "Archbishop". A distinctive part of the velides of the Metropolitan is a white hood.

Governormonastery -the spiritual person, Igumen (or archimandrite), supplied by the archite for managing the subordinate to the monastery.

Primer - Senior administrative power in the monastery or temple. The abbot of the male monastery is the bishop, in whose diocese there is a monastery, or Patriarch, besides the diocesan bishop. Prior to the women's monastery is needy.

Patriarch (Greek. "Investigator") - In some Orthodox churches - the title of the head of the local church. Patriarch is elected by the Local Cathedral. The title is established by the fourth Ecumenical Cathedral of 451 g. (Halcidon, Malaya Asia). In Russia, Patriarchate was established in 1589, in 1721 it was abolished and replaced by the collegial body - the Synod, in 1917 it was restored.

Sexton (Dismist. Greek. "Precision") - Churchman mentioned in the Charter. Otherwise - paraeclisiah or altarnik. Responsibilities of it is responsible for serving during worship in the altar. The term emerged in the middle of the 20th century; For those who were serviced in the altar called the meal.

Presbyter (Greek. "Elder, Head of Community") - the oldest canonical name of the second degree of priesthood. In Russia, in most church documents, the words "priest" or "Jeri" are used in the general consideration.

Ryasoform (Rasoforous monk) (Greek. "Wearing Rock") - The monk of the lowest degree of tonsure, preparing to the adoption of small schima. Rasoforous monk is allowed to wear a robe and fire salve.

a priest - The priest belonging to the second, moderate degree of priesthood. He has grace to commit all the sacraments, in addition to the sacrament of ordination. Otherwise, the priest is called a jewel or presbyter. Testing to priests is made by the bishop through ordination.

Priests - Persons who have grace to commit sacraments (bishops and priests) or directly participate in their commitment (deacone). Divided into three consistent degrees: deacons, priests and bishops; Delivered through ordination.

Schimonakh - A monk who took Great Schima, otherwise - the Great Angelic Image. When you add to the Great Schima, the monk gives a vow of renunciation from the world and all worldly. Schimonocacy originated in the Middle East in the V c., When in order to streamline fluttering, the imperial power was ordered to settle in the monasteries. Deserters who took the shutter in replacing hermitage, became referred to as the monks of the Great Shima. Subsequently, the shutter ceased to be mandatory for Schimonach.

Churchmen - Auxiliary persons participating in public utilities - altarics, readers, singers, canonarchs, etc. Comes through dedication.

Exarch (Greek. "Ruler") - The bishop, managing a large church region - exarchatAs a rule, lying outside the country in which Patriarchate is located. There may be several dioceses, bishops and the archbishops of which are subordinated to Exarch. Exams subordinate to the central church power - Patriarch or Synod, but uses a certain independence. The Russian Orthodox Church has exarchants in Belarus, in Western and Central Europe, Central and South America.

Temple device

Altár (Lat. Altaria, from Altus - "high") - The eastern part of the temple located on the elevation, the sacred space, the entrance to which is prohibited for the uninitiated. Separated from the rest of the temple iconostasis.

AMVN (Greek "Elevation") - Part soleú, outstanding in the center of the temple, opposite the royal gates. It serves to pronounce sermons, objects, reading the gospel.

Antimunx (Greek. Antimension - "VMESTOPRESTOLY" from Greek. Anti - "Before, instead" and Lat. Mensa - "Table")- The main sacred subject of the temple. Quantity linen or silk boards, diverting on the throne. Liturgy can only be performed on antimine, which is pre-consecrated by the bishop and is transmitted to the temple as a sign of consecration. This custom dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, when, due to persecutions, believers could not build temples and erect permanent thrones. On antimensions, according to tradition, embroidery or appliqué, "position in the coffin" of the body of Christ is depicted.

Apse - protrusion of the temple building from the side of the altar, semicircular, faceted or rectangular in the plan, overlapped with a semi-buoy or closed tinsel (horse). The most important feature of the apse in the temple is the completion of the altar space in which the area is located.

Gόarly Place (Slav. "High") - place in the altar between the throne and the eastern wall. A chair (throne) for the bishop, and on the sides, but below it - a seating for priests (in the parish temples, the chair for the bishop is not placed in the parish temples). Almost the same place is the designation of the mysterious presence of God and serve him. Therefore, such an honor always gives this place.

Diakone doors (North and South) - two single doors located in the iconostasis on the sides of the royal gates. Unlike the royal gates, the Diaconian doors serve to enter the altar of chickens and clergy into the liturgical and in a restructuring time. The name comes from the tradition to portray on the Diaconian doors of the first shooter of Diakon Stephen (I century) and the Roman archidacon of Lawrence (III century). Sometimes the images of the archangels are placed on the Diaconian doors.

Déisis (Greek. "Paving, prayer", the most common incorrect Russian form"Déisus.") - Composition of three icons: In the center of the icon of Jesus Christ, on the left - the icon of the Virgin facing him, right - John the Forerunner. Déisseni (Déissny) Chin - Multicone composition, in the center of which are three icons of Deisis, and then the icons of the archangels, apostles, the saints, the prophets are symmetrically located on both sides.

Jenvnik - A small table near the northern wall in the altar, to the left of the mountain. At the altar is accompanied by anointing - from the brought bread and wine prepared a substance for the Eucharist, and the mummation of all members of the church, both alive and deceased, is performed.

Zlavy (or Catapétasma - Greek. "Curtain") - It is directly behind the royal gates and closes them from the side of the altar. During worship services, it opens, it closes, sometimes half open. Depending on the day of the year and the holiday, there may be different colors, as well as the versions of the priests.

Iconstussian - Broken separating the altar and the middle part of the temple. It consists of an icons located by tiers, the number of which can be from three to five.

Kiόt (Greek. "Box", "Ark") - A small glazed box or a special glazed closet, in which icons are set.

Claus - place in the temple intended for the choir. Poluros are located at both ends of the saline before the iconostasis.

Picketor the external airproof - uncovered roofing platform in front of the temple's inner entry, on which crying and quarry in the first centuries were stood.

Prieste - an extension from the southern or northern facade or a specially dedicated part of the main temple building to accommodate an additional altar with a throne. The chassions are arranged in order for one day (for example, on holidays or on Sunday) in one temple, several liturgies could be performed in the number of features (in the Orthodox Church it is customary to perform no more than one liturgy in one day on one throne; the priest cannot Make more than one liturgium per day).

Focus - An extension in front of the entrance to the temple. It can be arranged from the Western, South and North Parties of the Temple. Usually separated from the temple with a wall with a doorway.

Rudnitsa - a separate room in the temple or place in the altar (usually to the right of the mining), where the versions and sacred vessels are stored.

Salus (Lat. Solum - level place, base; gender) - The elevation of the floor in front of the altar obstacle or iconostasis. Since the altar itself is on the elevation, the saline is a continuation of the altar outside. From the middle part of the saline temple, it is usually fenced with a low lattice. In the center of the saline in front of the royal gates, she is given a semicircle forward (amvon), pollistas are located on the sides of the saline.

Tsarist Gate - double doors opposite the throne (in the altar), the main gates of the iconostasis. Tsarist gates lead to the altar part of the temple and symbolize the gates of Paradise. Unlike the northern and southern (deacon) gates of the iconostasis, the royal gates are open only for solemn exits or others described by the charter, moments of worship. Only clergymen can enter the royal gates and only during worship. Outside worship and without visoring to enter the altar and go out of the altar through the royal gates is entitled only to the bishop.

God-owned items, church utensils

Air- Large quadrangular cover, which covered with coupling paten and potir. The air symbolically depicts a relief that the body of Jesus Christ was accusing.

Daronόsitsa - Portable Daerachnant, used by a priest for gender gear (for example, in a hospital, etc.).

Tabernacle - the sacred vessel in which is stored paid dars. Daehranteer is usually installed on the throne.

Dikúry (Greek. "Double-day") - Candlestick for two candles - belonging to bishops' worship service. According to liturgical interpretations, two candles correspond to the two nations of Jesus Christ. During worship service, the blessings are blessings and triciaries of the bonus.

DúSKOS. (Greek. "Sacred Vessel") - Dish at the foot with the image of the baby Jesus. During proscride On disk are relying lamb and particles from prosphorated. During the Eucharistic canon on the disk, the consecration and presence of the Lamb. According to liturgical interpretations, the discos symbolically depicts the Bethlehem nursery, as well as the coffin in which the body of Jesus Christ was buried.

EDA - consecrated oil used for petrochese, amazing and lithium. The image of oil as a symbol of God's mercy is often found in the Holy Scripture.

Starstel- Two metal crucible connected arcs. At the end of the Ancestradia, the star is placed on paten For protection from mixing particles when covering the covers. Symbolically depicts the Bethlehem star.

Kadúlu - Metal vessel in which in the burning coals is incense. Everything is performed by clergy in the most solemn places of worship.

Eve(Dismist. Greek. "Mounted")- Candlestick in the form of a table with a multitude of candletes for candles and a small crucifix. Installed in the temple at the place of the package.

Lzhats. - Special spoon with a long handle, which is made by the communion of the laity.

Múroom- Vessel for the storage of the Holy World.

Múored - fragrant oil containing a large amount of aromatic substances consecrated by special rank to the great Thursday on liturgy. Consecration of the world makes the bishop.

Orléc- Round carpet with an image of an eagle, soaring over the city. Fixed under the feet of the bishine at worship. Symbolically depicts a bishop that oversees the diocese.

Panikadúlu(Greek. "Multisable") - Central chandelier in the Orthodox church, a lamp with a multitude of candles or a lampad. It is lit in the most solemn moments of worship.

Pottle - The sacred vessel in the form of a bowl, in which during the Eucharistic canon is consecrated and is presented with wine with water into the blood of Christ. Patir depicts a bowl of a secret evening. The communion of priests and laity is made from the pace.

Ripúd(Greek. "Troops") - Fed with the image of Seraphim, belonging to the bishop worship. Ripids arose in the Middle East, where they were distilled off during the liturgy of flying insects. Symbolically depict Angelic forces.

Semidette- Candlestick from seven lamps or candles, standing in the altar behind the throne.

Trikúry (Greek. "Three-day") - Candlestick for three candles - belonging to the bishop worship. According to liturgical interpretations, three candles correspond to three people of the Holy Trinity. During worship service, the blessings are blessings and triciaries of the bonus.

Khorugwe - Fortified on the long grazing pin with the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin or Saints. During the procession of Horugwi, the procession is carried in front. In the temple of Horugwi is usually strengthened near the closies.


Lamb (Slav. "Lamb") - liturgical bread used in the Orthodox Church to commit the sacrament Eucharist. According to the teachings of the church, liturgical bread and wine are presented in the body and blood of Christ. The clergy and believers are conjugated by pretty bread and wine. The lamb is prepared by the priest (or bishop) during proscride. With the utterance of a special prayer, the priest cuts a copy of the Cuba form. The remaining prosphoras are called antidore. The Lamb is symbolically called Jesus Christ: Like the Old Testament Lamb, brought sacrificing to the sake of delivering the Jewish people from the Egyptian captivity, he sacrificed himself sacrificing for the sake of the sin to deliver the human race.

Akathist (Greek. "Non-post singing") - The form of church poetry, Christian chanting, executed in the temple by all present standing. Akathist is dedicated to the glorification of the Virgin, Jesus Christ, any saint. Consists of 25 stanza, every two of which, besides the latter, form a semantic link. The first stanza link called condom And more brief, serves as an entry (except for the initial Kondaka Akathist, the rest are completed by the exclamation of "Alliluya"). The second structure of the link called ikosom And more extensive, contains 12 greetings beginning with the words "rejoice." The last one, the twenty-fifth stanza of akafista is a prayer appeal to the glorified.

Axios (Greek. "Decent") - The exclamation, pronounced by the bishop, committing the ordination of new-resistant diacon, priest or bishop. In ancient times, the singing "Axios" the people agreed with the dignity of ordained.

Hallelujah (greek. - From Heb. "Praise God") - Held in church chants, since ancient times was used in Christian worship as the entry or conclusion of prayer with the contribution of words: "Glory to you, God."

Amen (Greek. From Heb. Truth) - Word, in Jewish language meaning confirmation and consent. He entered Christian worship without translation. Typically, the final formula in prayers and psalms, designed to confirm the truth of said words.

Antidore (Greek. "Instead of Dara") - Parts reformersremaining after cutting lamb. After the liturgy, invalid missions, not to leave them without Eucharistic participation in worship.

ATOS.(Greek "Bread") - Kvass (yeast) bread, consecrated on Easter day. Arthos is distributed to the laity on Saturday of the Easter week. Symbolically depicts a lamb, which was molded by Jews in Easter night.

Thank you prayer - Five prayers read by believers after communion.

Vespers - the worship of the daily cycle, made in the evening, one of the two "great" (along with maine) Watches, ascending to the biblical rite of evening messenger of the lamp. Evening is distinguished by daily, small and great. Small evening served on the eve of Sunday days and great holidays, precedes vigil vigil. The Great Evening serves either separately on the eve of holidays, either in conjunction with the morning as part of a vigil vigil on the eve of Sunday and Great Holidays. The casual evening will serve on weekdays.

Water binding - Consecration of water committed by a priest (or bishop) a three-time immersion of the cross and blessing. Consecrated water is used to consecrate the house, various items, it is drunk to spiritual fortification. Water binding is great and small. The Great is made on the eve and on the day of the feast of the Epiphany (baptism), small ones on the days of temple and some other holidays (Pentecost babes, origin of honest trees, etc.), as well as at the request of believers on any day.

Vigil vigil - Worship, which is made in the evening on the eve of highly distinguished holidays. It consists of compound evening from maine And first hour, both both the evening and the morning are committed more solemnly and with greater lighting of the temple than on other days.

Voice - In the Byzantine church singing, one of the eight diatonic wards having his dominant and finite tones. Eight readings make up the so-called. The system "Osmagraism" (ie, the octalia), which covers almost the entire main fund of church music.

Saint gifts - Bread (framed particles) and wine in the sacrament of the Eucharist, after recruiting them into the body and blood of Christ. Taking or accepting sv. Gifts is the sacrament of communion.

Eucharist canon - The main part of the liturgy, during which the presence of holy gifts is committed. The Eucharist Canon begins with an exclusion "grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, and any of God and Father, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit, Budi with all of you" (2 Cor. 13; 1). Currently, the Orthodox Church is used by Eucharistic canons of the Liturgy of John Zlatoust and Vasily the Great, which differ in the words of prayers (Canon Liturgy Vasily the Great is longer).

Eucharist (Greek. "Thanksgiving") - The sacrament of the Orthodox Church, otherwise called the sacrament of communion. The sacrament of the Eucharist was established by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church when making the sacrament of the Eucharist, bread and wine are presented in the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ, which communion is committed. Eucharist is held on the liturgy during the Eucharistic Canon.

Sectius (Greek "pull") - Prayer, starting with a call for prayer and consisting of a number of statures and the final exclamation that glorify God. Stellies are pronounced by deacon or priest, after each donkey choir sings "Lord, Pommühi" or "Serve, Lord." The objects differ in the content and number of stages: the great or peaceful object is the most complete (about ten lasts), small - from one petition, pupil (i.e. reinforced), leaking, etc.

Elementation - Anointing with a bare, symbolically depicting the outpouring of God's mercy on the fool. Elementation is performed: a) on uterine with a rainfall after reading the gospel, b) over the baptized baptism.

Surgery (cobbing) - The sacrament of the Orthodox Church, accomplished on the sick. Impression is performed by priests or bishops. Committing a omission is preferably a few priests (from here Dr. called. - Cutting), but allowed by one.

Cameravonny prayer - read by a priest or a bishop at the end of the liturgy, standing face to the altar, in front of the Embon. Currently, there are calamon prayers: the prayer of the Liturgy of John of Zlatoust (and Vasily the Great) ("Bless the Blessing Tu ..."), containing the petitions about the church, priests, laity, etc.; And the prayer of the liturgy of the paid gifts ("Vladyko Almighty, and the whole creature ...").

Ploy - The liturgical division of the text of four Genules, Acts and the Messages of the Holy Apostles was taken in the Orthodox Church. The size conceived - from 10 to 50 poems.

Introny - Solemn worship, during which the construction of a newly elected patriarch on the Patriarchant Department is committed. Intronymization is performed during a liturgy with the use of a newly elected patriarch in the patriarchals and the presentation of the Patriarchal Society.

IRMOS (Greek. "Communication") - The first stanza in each of the nine canon songs, in which sacred events or faces are glorified.

Canon(Greek "Rule") - Genre of church hymnography: a complex multi-row work dedicated to the glorification of any holiday or saint. It is part of worship services. Canon is divided into songs, each song consists of irmodos. and 4-6 tropars (in the songs of some canons of the trails more, for example, in the great canon St. Andrei Cretsky - up to 30). Canon melody obeys one of eight glazers.

Kafizma (Greek. "Sitting") - The litter division of Psaltiri. The psalm is divided into 20 talis. While reading a caffeness in worship is allowed to sit, from where it is called. The order of reading the taste is determined by the charter, according to which the psalm in worship services is read entirely, and during the Great Post - twice a week.

Confusion (Greek. "Alignment") - a chant, which goes on the morning on holidays and Sundays in the conclusion of canon; After each canon song follows the corresponding catavation. The name comes from the Byzantine practice to converge in both choir in the center of the temple for the joint singing of this chant.

Liturgy (Greek. "General case")- The main thing from worship, during which the sacrament is committed Eucharist. Currently, in the Orthodox Church, the Liturgy of Three Chinosurias is performed: the Liturgy of John Zlatoust, the Liturgy of Vasily, the Great and Liturgy of the Iced Gifts. The liturgy of Vasily of the Great and John of Zlatoust is based on ancient liturgy, compiled by legend, the Apostle Jacob, which was recycled in the IV century, respectively. Vasily Great and St. John Zlatoust. Therefore, the general construction of the liturgy is equally, the differences relate mainly to the prayers of the Eucharistic canon - the Liturgy of Vasily of the Great is more prolonged. Outside the great post, Liturgy John of Zlatoust is committed in all days of the year, except for those days when the Liturgy of Vasily Great is performed; The great post Liturgy John of Zlatoust is held on Saturday, on holidays Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem and the Annunciation (if there are no days for the Annunciation, when the Liturgy of Vasily's Great) is performed. Liturgy Vasily the Great is made on the eve of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, on the day of memory of St. Vasily Great - January 1, Art. Art. (January 14, New. Art.), In the first five Sundays of the Great Post, to the Great Quarter and the Great Saturday.

Liturgy forced darov- Liturgy, during which believers are offered for communion of holy gifts, consecrated before (perpended). Performed during the Great Post on weekdays.

Prayer of the Lord - The main Christian prayer "Father Our, izh, in heaven," which Jesus Christ taught the Apostles in response to their request to teach them to pray.

Prayer Ephraim Sirin - the repentant prayer "Lord and Vladyko's belly of my", read at the divine services of the daily circle during the Great Post to the Great Environment of the passionate week. Compiled in the IV century by Rev. Efrem Sirin.

Prayer Jesus - Brief prayer "Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God is a lot of me."

Prayer Rule - Morning and evening prayers read by believers every day. Contained in prayer and character.

Myatseed - The time period between posts when meat food is used.

Meat table week - The penister more Sunday before the great post, which by the charter ends the use of meat.

A week - Old Russian title of Sunday. Comes from custom does not work (not to do) on this day.

Diner - Promotional name of the liturgy.

Essay of the holiday - the last day is usually multi-day poppools Great holiday.

Funerary - Worship committed by a priest or a bishop at the funeral of the believer. There are the following funeral ranks: Mijan, monks, priests and bishops, babies.

Empty- Brief prayer, pronounced by a priest or a bishop, which ends the service. Release contains a brief petition about the grace of God.

Panichida (Greek. "Veligid") - Worship, which is committed to the death of the dead. Panhides are committed at the request of believers and on the allied days the whole church - to Radonitsa and Parental Saturdays. When committing memorial eve It is colivished.

Parimia (Greek. "Parable") - Reading in the divine services of texts from the Old or New Testament (mainly from the Old). The number of parimies differs in different worships from 1 to 8. 15 Parmeni is read on the utilization of the Great Saturday. Parisia contain prophecies about the celebrated event.

Village - Worship, made in the evening. The name comes from the monastic practice to perform the vortex after evening food - the evening. There is a great one (takes place in the days of the Great Post, the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany) and small (on other days).

Polyeleray (Greek. "Multi-facing")- Solemn chant, consisting of poems of Psalms 134 and 135; Part of festive mattles From the beginning of the singing of the named psalms before the canon reading, the most solemn part of the vigil vigil.

Semidot- Public service performed at midnight. The semicline is devoted to the coming coming of the Lord and the terrible court. Daily, Saturday and Sunday. In this parish practice, the semicline is almost not performed.

Popment - Days after the holiday, which in worship is used by prayers and chants dedicated to this holiday. Parceliness have Easter, the two-month (except for the Entrance Holiday of the Lord in Jerusalem) and some other holidays. Passover's incentiveness lasts 38 days (before ascending): the cost of other holidays is from one to eight days. The last day of the cost is called profile of holiday.

Radonitsa - In the Russian Orthodox Church, the day of a special all-sector commemoration of the dead, which is committed on Tuesday of the second week after Easter.

Permissive prayer - 1. A trial prayer confession, which the priest says in the end of the sacrament of confession, putting on the head of the elegant Epitrohil. 2. Prayer read by a priest or bishop at the end of the funeral. In her, he asks God to resolve the deceased from the sins-free.

Ordination - Worship, during which the sacrament of the priesthood is committed - supplying clergy. Otherwise - Charotonia (Greek. "ordination"). The ordination is performed in the deacon (from the henodics), in the priests (from deaconov) and in the bishops (from the priests). Accordingly, there are three orders. In Deacon and priests, ordination can make one bishop; In the bishop, the ordination is performed by the cathedral of the bishops (at least two bikes).

Sky - Days from the Nativity of Christ on December 25, Art. (January 7, new. Art.) Before the day preceding the Epiphany Christmas Eve 4 Article. Art. (17 new. Art.) January. There are no lean days in the holiness and wedding is not performed.

Sadmitsa- Old Russian title of the week (sadm - seven).

Symbol of faith - Brief dogmatic presentation of the foundation of Christian creed. Compiled by the First Ecumenical Cathedral (Nicea, Malaya Asia) in 325; In 381, it was expanded and supplemented by the Second Ecumenical Cathedral (Constantinople). According to the names of the places where the cathedrals were held, the name of Nikeo-Constantinople or Nikeo-Tsargrad symbol was called. It is read (or walked) on each liturgical service.

Cobbing - cm. Surgery.

Christmas Eve - The day on the eve of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas Christmas Eve) or Epiphany (Epiphany Christmas Eve) on the Christmas Eve installed a strict post. In the monastery charter, this day relies on the meal only sochily - boiled wheat (or rice) with honey, from where it is called.

Styhyra - Brief chant, comes on the verse of Psalm. The first half of the verse is headed by canonarch, the second one sicks the chorus, after which the poem is sick. Melody is subject to the poem glands.

Requirements - Worships made not daily (i.e. not included in the daily liturgical circle), but on their need (at the request of believers). Reques are divided into complaints of the sacraments - baptism, world-formation, wedding, confession, amazing; and not containing - funeral, dihid, tonsure, various prayers, sanctification of the house, etc. Certains are the priest or bishop (with the exception of baptism, which in extreme cases can be performed by layman). Chinostrees Request are contained in the demandman.

Trisomments - Prayer "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us." Frames to all three people of the Holy Trinity.

Tropear - A brief prayer chant, which reveals the essence of the holiday or glorified by the Holy. Melody of the trails obeys glands.

Charter of liturgical - The amount of instructions that defines the structure of worship services for all the days of the year.

Morning - Public service, one of the divisions of the daily circle committed, according to the Charter, in the morning. In the modern practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the morning is committed immediately by committing evening, that is, in the evening; On the eve of holidays is part of vigil vigil.

Kheruvim Song - unchangeable chant, he comes in during the great entrance to the liturgy of John of Zlatoust and Vasily of the Great (except for the days of the Great Quarter and the Great Saturday). The Kheruvim Song is preparing to a worthy presence and participation in the Eucharist. Compiled and introduced in the VI century in Byzantium. It is called the initial words "ie the cherub".

Clock - Public services committed four times a day: the first hour - in the evening, the third and sixth clock - in the morning, the ninth hour. First and the third The clock is devoted to the memoil of the trial of Jesus Christ from Kaiaf and Pilate, sixth an hour - the memoil of the godway and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, ninth An hour is the memory of the criste suffering and the death of Jesus Christ. Watches are daily, great, royal and Easter.

Shestopsalmia- Six psalms, which are read at the beginning of the morning: PS. 3, PS. 37, PS. 62, PS. 87, PS. 102, PS. 142.

Agap (w.) - Holy water, consecrated in the church in the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Agiasma (g.) - Holy water, consecrated in the church in the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Akathist (m.) - a chant, glorifying Jesus Christ, the Virgin or Saints, fulfilled with praying standing; Consists of alternating 13 Kondakov and 12 Icosov.

Akafisnik (m.) Collection of akathists.

Axios (NK) - an exclamation, pronounced by the bishop at the ordination of the Dyakon, a priest or a bishop and a repeatedly repeated man (means agreement with the dignity of ordained).

Allilia, (Hallelujah) (NOT.) - Chorus church chants, belonging to the Holy Trinity, repeated three times.

Altar (m.) - The eastern part of the Orthodox church, in which the throne and the altar, separated from the main space of the temple of the iconostasis.

Ambon (m.) - The central part of the salt, located opposite the royal gates and serve as a place for reading the gospel, pronunciation of sermons, objects, etc.

Amen (NK) - an exclamation ending every prayer.

Anal (m.) - A high table with a high-end board, for which church books, icons put in worship.

Antidore (m.) - Part of the prosphora, which remained after cutting the Lamb, Drazed by Praying after Liturgy.

Antiminis (m.) - (from the Greek - "Wamstoprestol"), quadrangular boards (handkerchief) depicting the burial of Jesus Christ and with particles of saints, located on the throne and necessary for the commitment of liturgy.

Antipasha (w.) - The first Sunday after Easter (another name Fomina Week).

An antifone (m.) - The liturgical chant, performed by two choirs alternately: at the beginning right, right-handed-wing, then left.

Apocrypha (m.) - a Christian book that is not recognized by the Church of the Sacred (due to the unknownness of the author, due to late origin or other reasons); Antip. Canon (2 meanings).

Apostolic decisions - Assembly of church rules and establishments in the form of apostolic regulations. Fanovements concern: - relationships between different titles; - the rights and obligations of people of spiritual, their elections and initiations; - church holidays and posts; prayers and order and content of worship; - Rules and rites of baptism and the Eucharist; Katehumenata, widows, orphans and martyrs, about the domestic life of men, women and virgins. Famous under the name "Constitutiones Apostolicae", the collection is attributed to the Roman Customer and consists of eight books combined into three separate compilations. The first compilation includes the first six books. The second is the seventh. The third one is the eighth book that has come down to us in a faulty text.

Areopagitis (MN.) - [LAT. Corpus Areopagiticum - Areopagitsky Corps], Meeting of theological Texts on Greek. Language attributed to St. Dioniria Areopagitis.

Artos (m.) - (Greek Bread) - used in the Orthodox Church. Sanctified by the Kvass (yegering, unlike freshly vectors) bread, common to all members of the Church, otherwise - the prosfora of everything (that is, the prosfora without particles seized from it). At Arthos, a cross is depicted, on which only the crown is visible, but there is no Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the victory of Christ over death, His Resurrection. In Russian practice, Artos is a high bread, and in the Afonov monasteries - a small loaf, similar to what is blessed with the whipping. Consecrated for Easter and is distributed to parishioners on Saturday a bright week.

Archidiacon (archigoundacon)(m.) - Honorary title of the older, first diacon in the laurel, a major monastery; Deacon, serving in patriarch.

Archbishop (m.) - The clergyman of the highest (third) degree of the Christian church hierarchy.

The bishop (m.) - the general name of the clergy of the highest (third) degree of the Christian church hierarchy (Bishop, Archbishop, Metropolitan, Exarch, Patriarch); hierarch; Archpastry.

Archimandrite (m.) - Higher title of priest-monk, honorary title of rebels of men's monasteries, rectors of spiritual educational institutions.

Archpastry (m.) - Name of the bishop.

Assist (m.) (Lat. assist. - present) - in the icon painting of strokes of gravity gold or silver on the folds of clothes, feathers, wings of angels, on benches, tables, thrones, domes, symbolizing the presence of Divine light, replacing a space. Traditionally, the assist is opposed primarily by Christ's clothing when he is depicted in glory: for example, on the icons of the resurrection, ascension, transformation, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sometimes in a deesus rank (like King Glory). From the second half of the XVI century in Russian icon painting, any saints' clothing could sign.

Secular clergy (MN.) - The clergymen who are married (in contrast to the black clergy - the clergymen who took monasticism).

Blagovest (m.) - a bell ringing into one bell (unlike the sober and chime) before the start of the church service.

Annunciation (Wed) is one of the Orthodox two-month holidays, celebrated on April 7 (on March 25, on the old style) in honor of the Archangel Gavriel "Good Burning" about the early birth of the Virgin Mary of the Divine Baby - Jesus Christ.

Thanks (cf.) - see the Eucharist.

Thank you prayer - Prayers read by the priest at the end of the liturgy and believers after communion.

Blessing (cf.) 1) the autumn of smb. Cross sign, Icon, Gospel or Cross (usually with the words of prayer) as a sign of transferring to him the Divine Grace, approval of his actions or intentions. 2) the words of prayer transmitting grace. 3) This spiritual face is approved for, encouraging some Activities (usually accompanied by a procession).

Bless, (bless) 1) stand up Cross sign, Icon, Gospel or Cross (usually with the words of prayer) as a sign of transferring to him the Divine Grace, approval of his actions or intentions. 2) to cut the congestion table, food, etc. 3) give a blessing (2 meanings) in the approval sign, encouraging some Activities. (See Hospite, blessing! - the appeal of believers to God before the start of the case).

Bless (bless) - Get a blessing.

Blessed (mn.) - Prayers consisting of evangelical poems containing " Commandments of bliss"And read during the liturgy on Sundays and some holidays.

Bliss (MN) Bliss (units) (cf.) - the highest joys promised in the commandments of bliss in the commandments, promised by Jesus Christ in Nagorni sermon as a reward for compliance with moral regulations.

Virgin (many) - church chants in honor of the Virgin, which are part of all services.

Liturgical books - Church literature containing the rules and order of worship and the corresponding texts.

Liturgical circle - Repeating sequence of worships.

Worship service (cf.) - a set of cult rites, perceived as direct communication with God; church service.

Epiphany (Wed) is another name for the festival of the Baptism of the Lord.

Epiphany water - See Agiasma

Brachia (g.) - Monks of one monastery.

The Great Evening - the evening committed in the composition of the Vigil Vigil on Sundays and Festive Days.

Great objects - the most complete, containing a lot of stages.

Great Panagia - the icon of the Mother of God: her image in growth with abreast hands and the Boggladesman in the center on the chest (as on the icon of the sign).

Great Slavora - The litrogenous prayer, glorifying the Holy Trinity and the ending trisky.

The masterroom is a brief solemn church chant, the scholars in the center of the temple in front of the festive icon during the most solemn part of the vigil vigil on the eve of the holiday day. Singing magnificent picks up the chorus, and then all those gathered in the temple, and sing it until the priest makes each temple.

The crowns (MN) crown (units) (m.) - the crowns that hold over the heads of the bride and groom during wedding. After the third prayer of the priest comes a central place in marriage - wedding. The priest takes the crowns and blesses the bride and groom.

Wedding (cf.) - worship, during which the sacrament of marriage is committed; Church wedding ceremony. Wear - make the rite of wedding.

Marry - join church marriage; Pass the rite of wedding.

Avenue (m.) - Paper (raw satin) tape with the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin and John the Theologian, worn on the forehead during the burial.

Palm Sunday - See Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Verigi (Article-Slav. Veriga - "Chain") - various types of iron chains, strips, rings worn by Christian ascetics on a naked body for humble flesh; Iron hat, iron soles, copper icon on the chest, with chains from her, sometimes carried through the body or skin and so on. Verig weight can reach tens of kilograms.

Purpose (MN) is the name of the Mijan participating in the worship and hosting sacraments (in contrast to the announced).

The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible, recognized as the Holy Scripture by Judaism and Christianity.

Water bubble prayer

Ascension of the Lord

Sunday School

Evening (g.) - The first in order for the worship of the daily circle, made in the evening.

Vladyka (m.) Is one of the names of Metropolitan.

Water binding (cf.) - the church rite of consecration of water; Water system.

Water system (cf.) - see water binding.

Water bubble prayer - Prayer, including Water Engine Convolution.

Held (m.) - Pronounced out loud final words "secret" prayer priest or bishop.

Exaltation (progress) Exaltation (cf.) - see the exaltation (honest) of the Cross of the Lord.

Exaltation (higgy) Cross of the Lord - One of the Orthodox two-month holidays, celebrated on September 27 (September 14, in the old style) in the memory of the founding of the Cross of the Lord.

Air (m.) - The subject of worship: quadrangular boards, which during the liturgy covers the sacred vessels - disk and pace.

Ascension (collapse) Ascension (Wed) - see the Ascension of the Lord.

Ascension of the Lord - One of the Orthodox two-month holidays, celebrated on the 40th day after Easter in memory of the wonderful ascension of Jesus Christ on the sky.

Sunday School - Educational institution in the church to teach children the law of God and the basics of Christianity (usually on Sundays).

Features (mn.) (Units) perception (m.) Perception (g.) - Two people (usually a man and a woman) present in the sacrament of baptism as guarantors for the faith of a bachechenized baby and subsequently called his godfather and the godfather.

Ecumenical parent Saturdays - Saturdays before the meat suite week (see meat-bearing week) and before the Trinity - the days of special universal commemoration of the deceased.

Universal Church - Defining the Christian Church as universal, ubiquitous, not limited in time and space.

Universal Cathedral - The collection of the highest clergy, where the system of creed is being developed and approved, canonical norms and liturgical rules are formed, etc.

Veligid (w.) - See Vigil Vigil.

Vigil vigil - Evening worship on the eve of the church holiday.

The entrance (m.) Is the passage of clergy during worship around the throne with open tsarist gates. (see Small Login) (see Great Login)

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - One of the Orthodox two-month holidays, noted on the last Sunday before Easter in memory of the evangelical event - the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem shortly before the martyrdom and resurrection.

Eminence - Title Archbishop and Metropolitan.

Eminence (Wed) - formal appeal form to archbishop and metropolitan.

Gymnography (g.) - Texts of prayers, church poetry.

Glues (mn.) (Un.) Glas (m.) - a system of eight church melodies, changing in worships every week, as well as depending on the type of chanting: Irmos, Pathpar, etc.

Sing (cf.) - preparations for the sacrament of communion, including: post, visiting temple worship, reading special prayers and confession.

Calvary (g.) 1) The hill near Jerusalem is the place of executions where Jesus Christ was crucified. 2) The symbol of the suffering and execution of Jesus Christ. 3) In Iconography: Mountain at the foot of the Cross or its symbolic image in the form of several steps, divergers on both sides of its tip.

Homilia (g.) - The oldest (time apostolic) form of a Christian sermon, containing the interpretation of read-seekers of the Holy Scriptures. Homilia was introduced by Origen. The oldest preserved homia belongs to the Clitiment, Bishop Roman. Homilies are found in the heritage of the majority of the fathers of the church.

Almost the place is the place for the throne in the altar, where the bishop armor is located.

Daronica (g.) - the subject of worship relating to the sacred vessels: a small metal cozer (drawer), usually in the form of a chapel, in which there are holy gifts, intended for the communion of patients and dying houses, in the hospital, etc.; Portable darahedler.

Tabernacle (Well.) - The service of worship relating to the sacred vessels, which is usually on the throne, intended for storing the perfected holy gifts.

Gifts - see the holy gifts.

Twenty (g.) (R.) - Parish council.

Twoled holidays - 12 of the most significant holidays of Russian Orthodoxy: Christmas, the Presentation, Baptism of the Lord, the Transfiguration, the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, the Ascension of the Lord, Trinity, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the Nativity of the Virgin, the Annunciation, the Assumption of the Virgin.

Ninetles (MN.) (R.) - Mom to the mercy on a special church rite in the ninth day after the death. (Wed) Socialists.

The ninth hour is one of the daily church services committed before the beginning of the evening (symbolizes the ninth hour of the crucifixion, when the crucified Christ betrayed God's soul).

Deisis - see Deesus.

Deisis - see Deesus.

Deesus (m.) (From Greek - petition, prayer; Deisis) - Icons composition: In the center, the image of Jesus Christ, to the right and left - the Mother of John the Forerunners addressed him, then the icons of Archangels Mikhail and Gabriel, Apostles can also be placed Peter and Paul and Saints.

Deesus Chin is a composition of a variety of icons, the center of which are three icons: the image of the Savior, the image of the Mother of God and the image of John the Forerunner. On both sides of Deesus there are images of the apostles, archangels and holy martyrs. Deesus Chin is an integral part of the iconostasis.

Decalog (m.) - Ten commandments of God, data through the Prophet Moses and inhabited on two srices.

Angel's Day - the celebration of the Christian memory of the saint whose name is he wears; Name day.

Ten Commandments - See Decalogne.

Acts of Apostles (Apostolic) - The Sacred Book of the New Testament, telling about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the preaching and distribution of Christianity.

Deacon (collapse) Deacon (m.) - the clergy of the lower (first) degree of the church hierarchy, the assistant of the priest in the worship and the commitment of the sacraments.

Dietary (m.) - Candlestick for two candles - belonging to bishops' service.

Dimitriev Parent Saturday - One of the parent Saturdays (before November 8), the day of the special church commemoration of the departed.

Dogmatic (m.) - Church chanting of dogmatic content in honor of the Virgin.

Dogmatic (g.) - See dogmatic theology.

Dogmatic lawlogue - The section of theology engaged in systematic presentation and study of Christian dogmas.

Dogmata (MN), Dogmat (units) - the main provisions of the creed, the truth of which in this creed is considered an undeniable, not subject to revision and change.

The house church is a church equipped in a private house or institution.

Home Temple - see the house church.

Perfumes Day - Christian Holiday Holy Spirit, celebrated the next day after the Trinity.

Clergy (cf.) - see the priests. See the white clergy. see black clergy

Spiritual Academy - Higher church educational institution, preparing clergy, theologians, teachers of theology.

Theological Seminary - The average church educational institution preparing predominantly parish priests.

The confessor (m.) - a priest, guiding the spiritual life of the believer and constantly confessing him; spiritual father.

Deacon - see Deacon.

Eucharist canon - The main part of the liturgy, during which the liberation of holy gifts is performed.

Eucharist (g.) - One of the most important sacraments of the Orthodox Church: Accommodation on the Liturgy of the Body and Blood of Christ, is presented in bread and wine; Commission.

Sectivia (collapse) of the object (g.) - a prayer, pronounced by a deacon or a priest in worship, starting with the call to prayer (" The world will pray to the Lord") And containing a number of statures, after each of which the choir sings" Lord have mercy"Or" Feed, Lord ". See Great Sectius. See small ebjections. See the pussy ekthenium.

Firrels (m.) - Consecrated vegetable oil used in church rituals.

Elastation (cf.) - anointing with a bare, symbolizing the outpouring of God's mercy.

Solving (cf.) is one of the seven Christian sacraments committed by priests over sick and consisting of reading a prayer, the apostle, the Gospel and the observation of the patient.

Diocesan Council - Executive body of the Diocesan Assembly, providing its decisions.

Diocese (g.) - Church-administrative territorial unit of the Orthodox Church, managed by the bishop.

Bishop (m.) - the clergyman of the highest (third) degree in the church hierarchy.

Bishopat (m.) 1) in Orthodoxy: Higher clergy. 2) in the Catholic Church: a system of church management through bishops.

Epitimia (g.) - Spiritual-correctional measure, imposed by the confessor to the professionative.

Epitrohil (g.) - belonging the versions of the priest: a wide ribbon, put on the front over the prison or a ride.

Miron's wife (mn.) - Three pious women: Maria Magdalina, Maria Jacobleva and Salomia (according to the Gospel of Mark), brought to the coffin of Jesus Christ on the third day after the crucifixion of incense (Miro) to anoin his body, and not finding His in the coffin, the first to those who heard the news of the Sunday of Christ from the angel.

The victim (g.) - Give God as a manifestation of devotion and cleansing from sins.

Victim Bescarova - See Eucharist.

The altar (m.) - the sanctified table on which the ambassading (i.e., a bloodless victim of the Eucharist is being prepared).

Sacrifice (cf.) - the sacredness associated with the cause of the victim.

Liordy icon - icon, framed by stimples with the image of the scene of the saint.

Cameravonny prayer (m.) - Prayer, which the priest reads at the end of the liturgy, standing face to the altar in front of the ammon.

The curtain (g.) - Curtain, closing the royal gates from the altar and opening in certain places of worship.

Testament (m.) - Agreement, agreement (in biblical language - an agreement between God and humanity). See the Old Testament. See the New Testament.

Walking (cf.) - the last day before the post when you can eat soon.

The wanders (m.) Is one of the types of liturgical chants in the Eucharistic Canon of the Orthodox Liturgy. Various chants can serve as a wadder, for example, IRMOS or Tropar. In the Russian liturgical tradition, is it usually Iros 9? Th song of a festive canon. In the Greek tradition, there are deviations from this rule. His name, the wanders received due to the location in the canon. According to Typikon, he will be in place of a Virginornaya song; Since the first words of this song sounds like "there is a worthy ...", the corresponding name was gradually the corresponding name - for (that is, "instead of") + a dignity (that is, "there is a worthy"). It is used instead of "worthy there" on the exclamation of anphors on the liturgy, in the following cases: a) on the liturgy of John of Zlatoust (Easter and all the two-month holidays, including days of expenses and giving); b) on the liturgy of Vasily the Great (in the great Thursday and the Great Saturday, the IR isvos 9th songs of the canon of morning, on the rest of the days - the trophari "is rejoiced about you"); c) in Lazarev Saturday; d) in the babes of Pentecost. On the day of returning the bastards, his walker comes around, and not Easter.

The law (m.) Is a set of religious and moral regulations, these people by God through Moses included in the Old Testament and formulated in the first five books of the Bible (Pentateuch).

Law of God 1) The book that sets the foundations of Christian creed.

Washing (g.) (R.) - See Heat (2 meanings)

Note (g.) (R.) - Listka with a list of names submitted by praying.

The covenant is part of the Nagorno sermons containing the foundations of the Christian teaching and pointing the path to bliss through humility, meekness, the search for truth, mercy, peacemaking, the purity of the heart, the willingness to suffer for the truth.

Commandments of bliss, bliss - Ten prescriptions that make up the first part of the Nagorno sermons containing the foundations of the Christian teaching and pointing the way to bliss through humility, meekness, the search for truth, mercy, peacemaking, the purity of the heart, the willingness to suffer for the truth.

The commandment (g.) Is a religious prescription, which is one of the moral and ethical norms of Christianity.

PRACTICAL Icon 1) - and 1) icon "Resurrection of Christ", located behind the throne, on the eastern wall of the altar (in modern temples, usually in the form of stained glass). 2) The icon of the Virgin, fortified on the ancient and standing in the eastern wall of the altar; During the congestion, it is carried in front of the procession.

Sauna\u003e (Well.) - See Morning.

Star (g.) - The subject of worship belonging to the sacred vessels, in the form of two crucifically connected metal arcs; At the end of the proscride is placed on the discos and covers the bedspread.

Ringing (m.) - Sounds published by church bells before worship, during the procession and the like.

The rhodes (m.) Is a church believers or a laity that calls in the bell before starting and during worship.

The bells (g.) - the playground on the bell tower, where the bells are located.

The earthly bow is the crankshaft in certain moments of worship (during the Eucharistic canon, while reading the Great Removal Canon, etc.) or home prayer.

Sign (cf.) (cf.) 1) Wonderful phenomenon, omensing. See the gloor sign. 2) The iconographic type of the Virgin is her belt image with abreast hands and the Godsladen Jesus in the center on the chest.

Igumen (m.) - Abbot of the male monastery.

Hierarch (m.) - the general name for the clergy of the highest (third) stage of the Christian church hierarchy: bishops, archbishopov, Exarch, Patriarchs; bishop; Archpastry.

Hierarchy of heaven - See heavenly hierarchy.

Church hierarchy - See church hierarchy.

Ieria (m.) - the clergyman of the Central (second) degree of the Christian church hierarchy; a priest; presbyter.

Ierodicacon (talk) Irodyakon (m.) - Deacon who took monasticism.

Ieromona (m.) - Ieria, who accepted monasticism; Monk, ordained in the san priest.

Icon (g.) - Picturesque image (usually on the board) Jesus Christ, St. Trinity, Our Lady or saints, as well as events related to their lives and acts as the subject of religious cult; Board with this image; form.

Iconography (g.) (G.) 1) Cans of images on the icons of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, a saint, as well as the plots of sacred history. 2) Description and systematization of types of icons.

Icon painter (m.) - Wizard iconography.

Icon painting (g.) - A special genre of church painting: images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, Saints, Evangelical plots.

Iconlement (Wed) - West icons as a religious shrine is one of the dogmas of the Universal Church.

Iconostasis (m.) - Wall, barrier consisting of icons (usually in several tiers) separating the altar from the middle part of the temple.

IKOS (m.) - Church chant, containing the glorification of the saint or celebrated event; Stanza canon or akathist.

Name Day (MN.) (Once upon a time) - the day of memory of his saint - the Heavenly Patron; TezoMenitism.

In -... - Prefix, meaning other (other). For example, the In-Tropear means that in honor of a certain holiday, the icons of the Mother of God or any hidden is written not one tropar, but two.

Ink (m.) - see a monk.

Ipakoi (with Greek - "obedience, attention, obedience") is a storage of a tropary nature, which is performed in the place where the saddalen is usually laid, but because of the high content, this chant is put on to listen to standing and with special attention. Ipacoi is a special group of liturgical songs in the Orthodox Church, telling about how angels were announced by the Mironosians, the Mironosians - Apostles, and those and others - the world about the resurrection of Christ. The name of Ipaos indicates special attention to which Christians should listen to the memory of the Resurrection of Christ. Ipaos are included in Morning and Vigil Services.

IPODIACK (acceleration) of the IPodyakon (m.) - the church servant, between the Reader and the Diacon, performing some auxiliary actions during worship; Usually serving the bike.

IRSMOS (m.) - the first canon structure that serves a melodic pattern for the subsequent trails.

Confession (cf.) 1) Open recognition and proclamation of the fundamentals of the creed and willingness to protect them. 2) Adoption of confession in

Confessor (m.) 1) The person undergoing persecution for the confession of the Christian faith and the sainted saints ranked. 2) priest who takes confession. 3) the one who is confessing.

Confess 1) openly recognize and proclaim the religious principles, the basis of the creed and be ready to protect them. 2) Take confession in the fighting.

Confession (confessing, confessing) - repent of sins for confession.

Confession (g.) - See-seeing (1 and 2 meanings).

Lavra (g.) - A large and especially significant Orthodox male monastery.

Ladan (m.) - Aromatic resin used for every service during worship.

Ladanka (g.) - a small bag with a incense, wearable on the chest together with a quantification.

Lazareva Saturday - Saturday on the eve of the Palm Resurrection, celebrated in the memory of the Lazarus resurrection miracle.

Lampada (g.) - Oil lamp lighting on the throne, altar, as well as before icons in the church and at home.

Lamps (g.) (R.) - Lampada.

Lyzitsa (g.) - The subject of worship belonging to the sacred vessels: a special spoon with a long handle, which is trapped by churchmen and laity.

Lithium (g.) 1) - part of the all-sleeping vigil committed in the center of the temple and containing the blessing of five breads, wheat, wines, and eating 2) - a brief prayer for the dead committed by the priest before the eve; Part of the Panhid.

Liturgica (g.) - Theological discipline containing the doctrine of worships, mainly about the liturgy.

Liturgist (m.) - Specialist in liturgical.

Liturgy (g.) - The main Christian worship service at which the sacrament of communion is committed.

Liturgy forced darov - liturgy, on which there is no ambassoy and sanctifying gifts; The holy gifts are already consecrated before (on the liturgy of St. Vasily of the Great and St. John of Zlatoust).

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A small evening - a shringed casual evening committed in front of the whirlpool.

Small schima - the second stage of monasticism, in which the vows of chastity, nonstusting and obedience are taken.

Maloshimnik (m.) - see mons of small schima.

Small entrance is the passage of the clergy during the service around the throne with the cenuary or the gospel at the open tsarist gates (see Login; Great Login).

Mantle (g.) - Part of the versions of the bishop and archimandrite (purple) or a monk with a small and great schima (black) - a long sleeveless cloak, fastening at the gate and at the hem, put on over the adjustment or a ride.

Mafory (m.) - 1. Outerwear; Long female bedspread, descending from head to toe. 2. The ancient clothing of Syrian women. Big covers on the head, enveloping almost the entire figure. On the edges, decorated with a border and fringe. Mafory is put on his head when the hair is taken to the cape. 3. Maphorius of Our Lady - one of the most important relics related to its memory; From 474, he was in the Varhranian Temple of Our Lady in Constantinople. Maphorius of Our Lady is pictured on icons of predominantly crimped tone, more often purple (Purpur - a sign of Patricanism) with three eight-pointed stars - one on the chel, two on the shoulders, as a sign of her eternal Nity - before, during and after the Nativity of Christ.

The booler (m.) - the belonging of the liturgical vestment of the priest - a plated rectangle, worn on a long ribbon on the thigh.

Forever (cf.) - Christmas Eve; Christmas Eve.

Handicient Gospel - Book of large format is usually in an expensive salary containing the text of the Gospel (2 meanings); Located on the throne on antimine and read during worship.

Handicolous cross - The cross, located on the throne and the priestly endowed by the priest at the Ambon during the sermon, as well as to the procession.

Socketton (m.) - a monk or a novice, who is constantly living in the monastery and subordinate to its statute.

NARTEX (m.) - (Lategrich. Narthex), Narfik, Pretch, entrance premises usually to the western side of Christian churches. Nartex was intended for persons who did not have the right to enter the main premises for praying.

Abbot (m.) - the head of the temple or the male monastery appointed by the archite.

The native cross is a small cross from metal, wood or other materials that a Christian gets with baptism and wears a whole life on the chest (on a braid or chain) under clothes.

Heavenly hierarchy - nine angelic ranks that form three triads according to the degree of approach to God: Serafima, Cherubims, thrones (characterized by the greatest closeness to God); domination, power, authorities (reflect the principle of divine world history); Beginning, Archangels, Angels (communicate people with God).

Heavenly patron (smb.) - About the holy whose name is one or another Christian.

Week (w.) - In the church language: Sunday, Sunday Day. See MajasPortic Week.

Week about the terrible court - Preliminary Sunday before the great post, when the gospel parable about the terrible court is read on the liturgy (another name of the meat suggestion).

Non-commissioning holidays - See the snow-making holidays.

Immaculate - 17th Catizm Psaltiri or, in other words, the 118th Psalm, which is entirely the component of this cafe. The 118th Psalm begins in words "Blessed Immaculate in the way, in the Law of the Lord ..." On this Word and the entire 118th Psalm and, respectively, the 17th caffery, called "immaculate".

Fixed holidays - Christian significant days, the dates of which remain every year unchanged; non-omnant holidays.

Nerukoless savage - Icon, depicting the face of Christ, wonderfully imprinted on the board ("Ubreusa"), which he is his face.

Nimb (m.) - shine-depicted on icons around the head (less often - the whole figure) of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, Saints.

Spirit - by the Gospel: People are humble, feeling their unnecessary to God, aware of their sinfulness and deserving the mercy of God.

Novolety (cf.) - the church name of the New Year.

The New Testament 1) is the contract of God with people, concluded through Jesus Christ, as opposed to the ancient, Old Testament given through Moses. 2) - the Christian part of the Bible, containing the 4 Gospels, the Affairs of the Apostles, the Messages of the Apostles and the Revelation of John the Bogoslah - Apocalypse.

Listening (g.) (Once) - Liturgy.

Vale (m.) 1) - Monastic renunciation from his will (promises obedience), the material world (disadvantage) and life in marriage (vow of celibacy) as a form of religious mobility. 2) - a promise to make some Agricultural business (sacrifice money, visit holy places, etc.) after a leaking prayer, usually about recovery, success in important business, etc.

Provision (Wed) - in the church language: promise.

Resident (g.) - see a monastic. Vedas (cf.) 1) - Clothes and accessories of Clear (extra-service and service and liturgical) and monastics. The priesthood is related to the priesthood: Analyv, Epitrohil, Camilage, Kobloch, Kudku, Mantle, Mithra, Board, Merry Cross, Omophore, Oram, Pangia, Panagia, Paramanm, Rejection, Urentiznik, Pravia, Belt, Row, Sakkos, Skofia, Box, Felon, Chiton. 2) - bedspread (upper and lower) per throne.

Image (m.) - see icon.

Circumcision of the Lord - One of the great Orthodox holidays, celebrated 1 (14) in memory of the abroad of the ancient clarity rite over the infant Jesus on the eighth day after his birth.

The engagement (Wed) is the walled worship, which is committed in the focus and consisting of blessing, the Great Sectation, the Irasei prayers, actually engaged (triple exchanging rings of the bride and groom) and release.

Rites (mn.) - Symbolic actions that make up the outer side of the cult, symbolizing the conversation of believers with God (bows, the abnormal of candles, each, a certain sequence of prayers, etc.); Form of the implementation of the sacraments.

Community (g.) - A combination of believers belonging to one confession. (see delivery.).

Aclared (mn.) Announced (units) (m.) Job (g.) - People who have not yet adopted the sacraments of baptism, but preparing for him.

Odihythriya (w.) - The iconographic type of the Virgin: her image is the belt, in growth or sitting on the throne holding the Bogglades of Jesus on his left hand.

Ombolism (cf.) - spiritual care.

Spree, sprinkle
- spray (holy water) in consecration, on a water brunt, and the like.

Okechih (m.) - a book containing weekly services in the order of eight glasses.

Omophore (m.) - Part of the bishops - a wide ribbon with images of crosses, enveling neck and descending one end on the chest, and the other on the back (great omophore) or both ends on the chest (small omophore).

Oranta (g.) - The iconographic type of the Virgin: its image in full growth with his hands raised to the level and turned his palms from themselves and with the infant Jesus on Lona.

Orari (m.) - Part of the liturgical vestments of the deacon and Ipodiakon - a long strip of fabric, carrying on the shoulders. "Oraar - a long wide ribbon from the same matter as the stir. It is worn on the left shoulder, on top of the scene. Orar marks the grace of God, which Diakon received in the sacrament of the priesthood." (Bulgakov S. "Orthodoxy"). Deacon wears an orap on the left shoulder (one end descends on the chest, the other on the back). Archdiacon and Protodonacon have a double oraar. Ipodiakon is oraar crucifably on the chest.

Orlets (m.) - Round rug with an image of an eagle, soaring over the city, candidated under the feet of a bishop at worship. Orlets symbolizes the bishop supervising the diocese.

Osaneda (g.) - Prayer exclamation, in Jewish and Christian worship meant greeting, glorification.

Consecrate, sanctify
- Make a church rite of consecration.

Consecration (cf.) - 1) - cleansing from sinfulness, receipt, giving holiness. 2) - the church rite of sprinkling with holy water with the corresponding prayers for purification, giving holiness.

Capper (cross, with a cross banner, etc.) - cross-stop; Make a crisp on someone

Osmiglavnik (m.) - see the windows.

Detaching (cf.) - the last day of the projection; End of the holiday.

Relief (cf.) is the elimination of a believer of the members of the Church for crimes against faith.

Reference (Wed) - Chin prayer over the dead.

Let go (m.) - the blessing of the priest at the end of the service. Release is a brief prayer that contains the glorification and memories of a celebrated sacred event or a person, with the teaching of blessings praying. The custom of completing the worship service of the prayer of the Primate and the teaching of the world and blessings praying to the apostolic time.

Father 1) - form of appeal to God-Father. 2) - the form of appeal to the saint (usually to the saint). 3) - form of appeal to the priest. It is the form of an archaic charting case of the word Father. "Our Father" - Prayer, Starting with the words " Our father, izh, in heaven ...", Which Jesus Christ gave his disciples in response to a request to teach them to pray (LC. 11, 1-4); in the future he entered into widespread utilities.

Palcese (g.) - The belonging of the liturgical vestments of the bishop, Archimandrite and the priest - a cloth rhombus, brought by a sharp corner at the right thigh.

Panagia (g.) - 1) A small icon of the Virgin, is bishop on his chest as a sign of bishop dignity. (see Velikaya Panagia). 2) - a prosfora, from which a particle in the memory of the Virgin is seized on the liturgy.

Panadilo (cf.) - chandelier, candlestick with a lot of candle nests.

Panhid (g.) - Worship committed to commemorate the dead; Surface service.

Popper (g.) - porch and a small area (usually indoor) before entering the Orthodox Church.

Paremia, Parimia (Well.) - Excerpts from the Old Testament (less often from the new), readable on the Great Evening, Understanding Watch and Tsarist Watch and containing prophecies about the celebrated event.

Passasy (g.) - Evening service of the Great Post, performed on Sundays and dedicated to the memories of the passions of Christ.

The flock (g.) - believers in relation to the confessor, the priest (a shepherd).

Shepherd (m.) - Priest, confessor in relation to the believers of the laity.

Easter (g.) 1) - the main holiday of the Orthodox Church in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; Light Resurrection Christ. 2) - Sweet cottage cheese food, usually in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid, prepared for the Easter holiday.

Peller (g.) - Table for the annual determination of Easter celebration time.

Catema (m.) - a collection of lives of monks (fathers), their feats and perfect miracles, compiled in order to glorify one or another monastery.

Patriarch (m.) - the highest title of Head of Independent (Avtochefal) Orthodox Christian Church.

Patriarchate (m.) - The church management system led by Patriarch.

Patriarchate (g.) - Church area subordinate to Patriarch.

Patriote (w.) - ( lat. Pater - Father), theological discipline, the subject of which is the study of theological views of the fathers of the Church.

Patroller (m.) - Specialist in the field of patrology.

Patrology (g.) - Theological discipline, which studies the life and teachings of the fathers of the Church.

Pevichy (m.) - Chorisist of church choir.

Pellena (w.) - The bedspread, which is covered with all the sacred items on the throne in the intervals between worship services.

Overgoing holidays - See mobile holidays.

Chanting (cf.) - prayers, hymns, trails, etc., executed by church choir.

Petrov post - the post before the feast of the memory of the first apostles Peter and Paul (begins a week after the Pentecost and continues until July 12 / June 29 in the old style).

Shroud (g.) - Silk Plotches (boards) with the image of the body of Jesus Christ (after removing from the cross), endowed for the middle of the temple for general worship during the worship of the Great Friday and the Great Saturday.

Village (Wed) - the worship of the daily circle, committed after the evening.

Moving holidays - Christian holidays whose dates are determined by Easter Day for this year; Overgoing holidays.

Pitch (m.) - see FIR.

The contrast (m.) - Emptoused leading of the clergy - long clothes before the fifth, seated "in the waist", with long narrow sleeves. Candlestick (m.) - High stand with multiple cells for the candle, installed usually before the icon.

Repentance (cf.) is one of the seven Christian sacraments, which consists in the transfer of his sins to confession with sincere repentance and his abuse of their priest on behalf of Jesus Christ.

Reculting canon - cm.Veliki (repent) canon.

Pokrov (m.) - 1) - Materocked boards, covering discos or Potiped during liturgy. 2) - see the Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin.

Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Orthodox holiday related to the number of the Great, celebrated on October 14 (October 1, in the old style) in memory of the event X .: Saving Byzantium from the invasion of Saracinov with the help of the wonderful phenomenon of the Mother of God, praying for the world and spread his cover (Omophosp ).

Pokrovka (m.) Is a smaller in size.

Polyels (m.) - a solemn chant, glorifying God, fulfilled on Sundays and holidays on a vigil, consisting of poems of Psaltiri and accompanied by the consecration of the temple with a multitude of lamps.

Castle, midnight(Well.) - Public service, which is preparing the morning and watches made at midnight and dedicated to the coming coming of Jesus Christ and the terrible court.

Anointing (cf.) - a rite consisting in the cruciform of the application of the world, giving a human body to give him God's grace.

Local church(Well.) - In Orthodox Ecclesiology, the concept of "local church" is used in relation to a private (particular) church on the territory of a separate province or state, as opposed to the Universal Church (Cafe). In Orthodoxy, usually implies an autochefal or autonomous church within an independent state. In modern Orthodox usage, the concept of "local church" is enshrined for larger than the diocese of church formations - groups of the Dioceses, united in Patriarchates, Metropolis or Archbishopia

Pomifications (cf.) - prayers about living and deceased, read by a priest on a special book or memorizing parishioners with a list of the names of those who pray.

Member, Porry (m.) - a small notebook with the names of the names of the living and the dead, about whom the believer prays.

Ponolone (m.) - Church service serving in the altar.

Poppools (cf.) - days after the holiday. Poppools have Easter, the two-month (except the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem) and some other holidays. The duration of the projectedity is different - usually from 1 to 8 days. Poppools Easter continues 38 days (before ascending).

Invitation (MN.) - The belonging of the litrogenous vestments of the clergy - wide ribbons with cords, tightening the sleeves of the contractor or the URISP.

Dedicated (m.) - the one who dedicates to the ministry to God (usually about who is prosecuted).

Messages (MN.), Message (units) (cf.) - see APOSTOL Epistle.

Submission (cf.) is a number of prayers or church services located in a certain order.

Staff (m.) - a sign of the church of the bishop and the control of the monastery of Archimandrite or Hegumen.

Post (m.) - reinforced prayer appeal to God and repentance in combination with abstinence from animal food, as well as from entertainment and entertainment; The time of such an abstinence. (For example, see the post, see, see the post, see the post) in Orthodoxy Posts take about 200 days a year, among them one-day: Wednesday and Friday every week, with the exception of solid weeks and the shin; Epiphany Christmas tree; Condition of Head of John the Forerunner; Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, as well as four multi-day: a great post; Petrov post, Assumption post and christmas post.

Fast - observe the post; Do not drink soon.

Lenten triododi - a liturgical book containing the services of the Great Post.

Having stopped (m.) - the Christian rite of adoption of monasticism, accompanied by cruciform eating hair on the head of the dedication.

Pathridge (m.) - The subject of worship belonging to the sacred vessels: the bowl for the holy gifts from which it is involved.

Belt (m.) - part of the liturgical vestments of the priest and a bishop - a wide ribbon, serving for tightening the epitrachi and a ride or regizer.

Rule (cf.) is a sequence of prayers read at a certain time and with a certain goal.

Holiday (m.) - see Cherkaya holiday; See Pressole Holiday; See chrome holiday.

Festive icon - Icon depicting a celebrated event and lying on an analogue in the middle of the temple.

Dessential Psalm - 103 Psalm, which comes in or read at the beginning of the evening, dedicated to the glorification of the beauty of the creator of the creator and the greatness of the Creator.

Prepared (Wed) - Days before the holiday, when prayers are beginning to be used in worship, dedicated to this holiday. The pretabilities have two-month holidays (except for ascension, Pentecost and the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem) and some others; The duration of the residence from one to five days.

The Primate (m.) Is one of the names of the head of the Orthodox Church.

The parosis (s.) Is the concept of which in the Orthodox Church is indicated in the sacrament of the Eucharist when bread and wine become a body and blood of Christ, without ceasing to be bread and wine.

Transfiguration (Wed) - one of the two Orthodox holidays, celebrated on August 19 (6 by old style) in memory of the transformation of the face of Jesus Christ during his prayer on Mount Favor.

Eminence (cf.) (usually with the pronoun "Your" in circulation) - in Orthodoxy: the form of appeal to the bishop, the title of bishop.

Pentecost bastard - Wednesday fourth week after Easter - half of the period from Easter to Pentecost.

Presbyter (m.) - see Iierray; a priest.

The throne (m.) - in the Orthodox church standing in the midst of the altar covered with a bedspread, a particularly consecrated quadrangular table, decorated with two clothes: the bottom - white, of the canvas, and the ultrasound - from more expensive matter, mostly from the brocade. On the throne mysteriously, invisible, the Lord himself is present as the king and the lord of the Church. To touch the throne and only clergymen can kiss it. No throne is placed antimine, cross, gospel, daraheduator, daronta and sanctifying holy gifts for communion.

Throne prepared (m.) - (Etimiasia or Hetimiasi; from Greek. - Readiness) - theological concept of the throne, prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ, the coming to judge live and dead.

Throne holiday - A holiday dedicated to the event of the Holy History, the Virgin Or Holy, in honor of which this temple was built, and especially those who are celebrated by this temple and his parishioners.

Medication of saints gifts - Transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, which is happening by the power of the Holy Spirit on the liturgy.

Prices (m.) - Part of the Orthodox Church (initially an extension) with an additional altar for the commission of worship.

The acquisition of saints secrets - See Solution.

The imposition (m.) Is the western part of the Orthodox churches at the entrance, where some parts of the worship and demand (engagement, lithium, etc.) are committed according to the charter.

Parish (m.) 1) - the lowest church-administrative unit of the Orthodox Church; Church community consisting of clearing and laity. 2) - believers attending a certain temple.

Parish council - The elected parish body, consisting usually from 20 members, subordinate to the abbot and exercising educational, financial, administrative, etc. The activities of the Church.

Parishioners (mn.), Parishioner (units) (m.), Parishioner (g.) - members of the arrival (2 meanings).

It is involved - the liturgical chanting chant mainly in the form of a Psalm, ran into the liturgy during the admission of clergy in the altar, before the communion of the Mijan.

Communion (Wed) 1) - cm. Solution (1 meaning) 2) - see the base gifts.

Proliferate - make the sacrament of communion over

Communion, gentle - Take the Communion.

Participants (MN.), Participant (units) (m.), Party (g.)
- People who took the communion.

Communion (cf.) - one of the seven Christian sacraments - adoption under the guise of bread and wine of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ; Eucharist.

TRANSFERS (MN.), TRANSKER (units) (m.) - The general name of the chickens.

Character (m.) - the state of priests (priests, deacons) and chickens (Pnomari, Psalners, Dyucci, etc.) of the Orthodox Church, approved by the archbishop.

Prokimen (m.) - A brief verse from the Psalm, pronounced before reading the apostle or the Gospel.

Prologue (synaksar or synaksari)(m.) - Russian-Slavic church-teacher collection of abbreviated lives of holy, instructive words of Vasily Great, John of Zlatoust, etc., located by day of year. The oldest Slavic-Russian list goes back to the XII century. The first printed edition - in 1641.

Preach, preach 1) - Read the sermon. 2) - to express Christian creed.

Sermon (w.) (Only units) 1) - distribution, plantation (some kind of creed). 2) (units. And MN.) - Speech of the clergy, facing parishioners, usually uttered in the temple and containing instructions and recommendations believers.

Prophet (m.) - Chosen of God, who disrupts people His will and meaning of all events, present, past and future.

Prophecy (m.) - Opening people through the prophets of the Whaw of God and the meaning of events; What is said (or written) the Prophet.

Ancecry (g.) - The first part of the liturgy, during which in the altar on the altar, the bread and wine are being prepared for the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Prosfora (w.) - The liturgical liturgical bread in the form of small buns used in the sacrament of the Eucharist and to commemorate the living and those who died during anointing.

Protodian, Protodian(m.) - Chief deacon in the diocese, serving in the ruling bishop or patriarch.

Archpriests (m.) - The clergyman of the average (second) degree of the Christian church hierarchy, who fulfills the duties of the senior priest (rector) of the temple.

Forgiveness resurrection"Last Sunday, before the great post, when all believers (clergymen and laity) ask for a sorry for each other.

Psalms (MN.), Psalm (units) (m.) - 150 Old Testament hymns facing the GOD constituting the Psalm and widely used in modern worship services.

Psalmist (m.) - Church reader.

Psalm (g.) - Book of Psalms.

Pentecost (g.) - One of the Orthodox two-month holidays, celebrated on the 50th day of Easter dedicated to the Fathest of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.

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Slave of God - any believer towards God.

Equivalent - Like the apostles, the exhaustion and asserting Christian faith (as naming some of the saints).

Radonitsa (talk.), Radunitsa (g.) - The day of the special church commemoration of the dead (takes place on Tuesday of the second week after Easter, a fomine of the week).

Take a deal, talk - There are soon food after the post (usually multi-day).

Permissive prayer - Prayer read by the priest for confession. 2) - A special prayer printed on a sheet of paper, read by the priest on the funeral over each other (according to reading the sheet consists and laughs into the right hand of the deceased).

Cancer (g.) - The tomb in the form of a large (in size of the coffin) Larz, where the power of the saint is stored (is usually in the church).

Early liturgy - Liturgy made early in the morning.

Crucifixion (cf.) 1) - execution and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. 2) - An image of a crucified Jesus Christ as a Christian symbol and a worship object.

Regent (m.) - Head and conductor of the church choir.

Riza (g.) 1) - see Phelon. 2) - metal coating icon, leaving only the face and hands of a pictorial image visible.

Ripida (g.) - Round brilliant laid with the image of six-square seraphim - belonging to the bishop worship.

Parent Saturday - Saturday, when a special church remembrance of the dead is performed. The Orthodox Church established the following days of special commemoration: Saturday meat suite and Troitskaya (called universal), as well as Saturdays of the second, third and fourth week of the Great Post. These Sabbaths are called parents, because each Christian is intended to remember primarily their parents.

Christmas post - A forty-day post before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The Christmas post is different called Philipp, as he begins after the day of memory AP. Philip on November 27 (14 by old style); or a four-year-old - by the number of days.

Christmas Christmas Eve. - Day on the eve of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas of the Virgin (Mother of God) - One of the two Orthodox holidays, celebrated on September 21 (September 8, in the old style) in memory of the birth of the Virgin.

Nativity - Great Christian holiday, in Orthodoxy related to the Bethylene, celebrated on December 25 Catholics (for the Julian calendar) and January 7, Orthodox (in the Gregorian calendar) in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.

ROC (NK) (Sokr.) - Russian Orthodox Church.

Ordination (cf.) - the construction of a clergyman (Dyakon, priest, bishop); The divine service on which the sacrament of priesthood is committed.

A row (g.) - Ease-service clergy clothing and monks - long to fifth spacious clothes with wide sleeves, mainly black (less often dark blue, gray, brown for white clergy, for monastic - only black).

Lamb (glory lamb) - liturgical bread used in the Orthodox Church to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist. According to the teachings of the church, liturgical bread and wine are presented in the body and blood of Christ. The clergy and believers are conjugated by pretty bread and wine. The lamb is prepared by a priest (or bishop) during anointing. With the utterance of a special prayer, the priest cuts a copy of the Cuba form. The remaining parts of the prosphora are called antidors. This method of preparation of liturgical bread appeared, apparently, in the IX - X centuries: From this time, he begins to be mentioned in the liturgical literature. The Lamb is symbolically called Jesus Christ: Like the Old Testament Lamb, brought sacrificing to the sake of delivering the Jewish people from the Egyptian captivity, he sacrificed himself sacrificing for the sake of the sin to deliver the human race.

Akathist (Greek. Invalid [singing]) - the form of church poetry, close to the ancient Kondakov. Akathist is dedicated to the glorification of the Virgin, Jesus Christ, any holiday or saint. It consists of twenty-five stanza, every two of which, besides the last, form a semantic link. The first stanza of the link, called the Kondaki and more brief, serves as an entry (except for the initial Condak of Akathist, the others are completed by the exclamation of "Alliluya"). The second structure of the link, called the Ikos and more extensive, contains twelve greetings beginning with the words "rejoice." The last one, the twenty-fifth stanza of akafista is a prayer appeal to the glorified. The first Akathist called the Grand Akathist. Dedicated to the Mother of God ("Voor ..."), was drawn up in the beginning. VII century In memory of the deliverance of Constantinople from the invasion of Persians. In the VII - IX centuries. Akathist as a genre is displaced by canon. Many acafers were drawn up in the XVIII - XIX century. In Russia, however, for the most part, they are a weak imitation of the Great Akathist. According to the charter, only a great Akathist is included in the worship service, which is read in the morning on Saturday the fifth week of the Great Post. Akathists can also be read as part of a prayer and some other worship services.

Axios (Greek decent) - an exclamation, pronounced by the bishop, committing the ordination of a new-resistant deacon, a priest or a bishop. Pronounced when the goods supplied to each new liturgical clothing and then he is repeatedly repeated by the choir. In ancient times, the singing "Axios" the people agreed with the dignity of ordained.

Alliluya (Greek - from Heb. "Praise God") - the phrase, often found in Jewish civilian texts (for example, in Psalms). He entered Christian worship without translation.

Alliluoria - a brief changeable prayer with three verses. First verse

Triple "alleluia"; The second and third - poems of Psalms. Allorooria is pronounced after reading the apostle and precedes the reading of the Gospel. Poems are headed by the reader, after each verse, the choir sings a triple "Alliluya". Allilorary was introduced into the Easter service of the Roman Church in the IV century. Paru Damas; Subsequently, it was spread to the service of other days and entered the liturgical practice of the East.

Altar (Lat. High altar) - the eastern, main part of the temple, in which the throne is located. Initially, the altar was called the throne itself, afterwards. When the eastern part of the temple began to be isolated and separated by the iconostasis, the name of the altar spread to the entire part of the temple separated by iconostasis. The altar is the throne, altar, bishop or priestly department. The space behind the throne is called the Morning Places. In the altar, it is usually a barn. According to the ancient tradition in the altar, "only men are allowed to attend.

Ambon (Greek. Rest of) is a part of the saline, outstanding in the center of the temple in front of the royal gates. It serves to utter sermons, objects, reading of the gospel, etc. The bishops of the Embon is called a quadrangular elevation in the center of the temple, at which the bishop department is put during the service.

Amen (Greek. From Heb. Truth) Word, in Jewish language meaning confirmation and consent. He entered Christian worship without translation.

Analyan. (Greek - perceive) - belonging to the versions of the monk of the Great Shima (see Schimons) - the same as Paramann of the monk with small schima.

Anal is a high stand with a lower riding, which is located liturgical books or icons.

Antidore (Greek instead of gift) - part of the prosphora left after cutting the lamb. They are heard after the liturgy inappropriate to the laity, so as not to leave them without Eucharistic participation in the liturgy.

Antiminis (Greek - instead of lat. The throne) - boards with sewn particles of the relics on which liturgy is performed. Antimin is consecrated by a special rank bishine. Usually antimine quadrangular, silk or linen matter. On modern antimensions, the situation is depicted in the coffin of Jesus Christ after removing from the Cross and four evangelists. Antiminis is on the throne: when the liturgy is not performed, wrapped in or orton. Antiminis originates from the custom that has arisen in the early Christian times to make a liturgy on the tombs of martyrs. Subsequently, with an increase in the number of temples, only particles of power began to invest in the thrones. At the turn of the VIII - IX centuries. Particles of relics began to sew in the matter and believed on top of the throne.

Antipasha (Greek opposite Easter) - the first resurrection after Easter. Otherwise, called "Fomina Week", because On this day, the phenomenon of the resurrected Jesus Christ of Christ the Apostles and the confidence of Thomas are remembered (see. In. 20; 2429).

Antifone (Greek sounding in response) - a chant, which alternately compresses two choirs. Anti-sound singing, apparently, began to be used in the church with II century. Antifons currently come across the festive evening, festive or Sunday morning, on the liturgy of John Zlatoust and Vasily of the Great (as well as pictorial). In the evening, the antiphon serve poems from 1, 2 and 3 psalms. On the morning there are so-called power antifons, the theme of which served as powerful psalms 119 - 133. The power antifons were written in the IX century. In the Studiosky Monastery in Constantinople. On the liturgy, antifones are: on weekdays - poems 9, 92, 94 psalms, on Sunday and holidays so-called fine antifones 102, 145 psalms and blessed, and on holidays dedicated to Jesus Christ - special, festive antifons. Currently, antipheral singing is usually not respected.

Apostle (Greek. Messenger) - 1. The student of Jesus Christ, elected and sent to the sermon. Jesus Christ voted the Apostles twice. The first time twelve: Simon Peter, Andrei, John and James of Zevenedheyev, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Foma, Jacob Alfeyev, Simon Kananita-Zilot, Juda Jacoblava (or Faddey) and Juda Iskariota (see MK. 3; 1319; LC. 6; 1216). After the betrayal and the death of Judah, Iskariota, on the ascension of Jesus Christ the Apostles elected Matthew to fill their number to twelve (see Dean 2; 1526). The second time Jesus Christ chose seventy apostles, in the New Testament by name not mentioned (see Lux. 10; 116). The list of seventy apostles, cited in the Orthodox Month, was drawn up in the V - VI centuries. And minor. To the seventy apostles, the tradition relates to the Evangelists of Mark and Luka. The apostle is also called Paul, who in the days of Earth's life of Jesus Christ did not belong to the number of his students. So the Church recognizes the exceptional merits of the Apostle Paul in the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire. The name of the apostle is sometimes applied towards other saints that distributed Christianity among the pagans, for example: Sv. Gregory Enlightener, Apostle Armenia, St. Stefan, Apostle Perm and others. In the liturgical literature, such saints are called equivalent. 2. The liturgical book. containing part of the new Testament of Acts and Messages of St. apostles. The book also provides an annual liturgical schedule of New Testament readings, indicating the proliments and allyluoriyev. The text of the Acts and Messages of St. The apostles are divided on won.

Artos (Greek, Bread) - Kvass (yeast) Bread, consecrated on Easter day. Arthos is distributed to the laity on Saturday of the Easter week. Symbolically depicts a lamb, which was molded by Jews in Easter night.

The archchyacon is a senior deacon in a monastic clergy. The title of archician is given as award.

Archbishop (Greek. Senior among bishops) - originally bishops, head of a large church region, uniting several dioceses. The bishops, managing the dioceses, were subordinate to the archbishop. Subsequently, the Archbishops began to be called bishops, manageing large dioceses. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Archbishop" is honorary, precedes the title "Metropolitan".

The bishop (Greek. Senior priest, head of priests) - a priest belonging to the third, highest degree of priesthood. It has grace to make all the sacraments (including ordination) and lead church life. Each bishop (except for vicaris) manages the diocese. In ancient times, the bishops were divided into the volume of administrative power on the bishops, archbishops and metropolitans, currently these titles are preserved as honored titles. From among the bishops, the local cathedral elects the Patriarch (life), which leads the leadership of the local church's church life (some local churches are headed by Metropolitans or Archbishops). According to the teachings of the Church, the apostolic grace, adopted from Jesus Christ, is transmitted through ordination to the bishops from the most apostolic times and so on. In the church, fertile continuity is carried out. The ordination in the bishop is performed by the Cathedral of the Bishops (there must be at least two applying bishops - the 1st Rule of the Apostles; according to the rules of the Carthaginsky Local Cathedral of 318 - at least three). According to 12 Rules of the Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral (680-681 Constantinople) of the bishop must be celianized, in this church practice it is customary to deliver to the bishops from the monastic clergy. It is customary to contact the bishop: to the bishop "Your Eminence", to the Archbishop or Metropolitan - "Your Eminence"; To the Patriarch "Your Holiness" (to some Eastern Patriarch - "Your Bliss"). Unofficial appeal to the bishine - "Vladyko".

Archimandrite - Monastic Chin. Currently, it is given as the highest award to the monastic clergy; Corresponds to the protoerele and the protopressive in the white clergy. Chin Archimandrite appeared in the Eastern Church in V c. - Thus named by the elected bishop from the head of the face for supervision of the diocese monasteries. Subsequently, the name "Archimandrite" passed to the superiors of the most important monasteries and then to monastic persons engaged in church-administrative posts.

Bessrebrenik - Holy, who heard his property and lived, without accepting money. Eg - St. Beat debris and Damian.

Biblical songs - nine biblical texts that serve themes for canon songs. Initially, biblical songs were read during worship, in the VI - VII centuries. They began to make chants dedicated to the church memory of this day (holiday or holy). These chants were formed canon, and the biblical songs themselves began to go out of liturgical use. Currently, biblical songs are read only at the worship services during the Great Post. The first biblical song is the song of the Prophet Moses after the transition of the Jews of the Red (Smem) Sea (ISX, 15; 1-19). The second is the song of Moses (before death): instruction of the Jews and a reminder of the punishment, to whom they subjected themselves, retreating from God (Dev. 32; 1-43). The third is the song Anna on the birth of Samuel's son (the last Israeli judge) (1 Tsar. 2; 1-11). Fourth - the song of the Prophet Avwakum's glorification of the Lord (AV. 3; 1-19). The fifth - the song of the Prophet Isaiah "from Noshi morning spirit" (Is. 26; 9-19). Sixth - the song of the prophet ions from whale whale (ion. 2; 3-10). The seventh and eighth - songs of the three Jewish departments, who for confessing faith in God and the refusal to bow down the pagan gods were thrown into the oven by the command of the Babylonian king and are increasingly preserved (seventh dan. 3; 26-56, eighth - Dan. 3; 67-88) . These songs are preserved only in Greek translations and are absent in the canonical text of the Book of the Prophet Daniel. The ninth - the song of the Blessed Virgin "Majses My Lord" (Lux. 1; 46-55) and the Song of Zechariah about the birth of the Son - John the Baptist (Luke. 1; 68-79). Due to the complexity and severity of the second biblical song, in most canons (except for the Great Canon of St. Andrei Cretsky) it is missing.

Blessed - king or prince, a lot of contributing to the strengthening of Orthodoxy and a counted church to face saints; eg - Blessed prince Alexander Nevsky.

Blagovest is a bell ringing, which believers are noticed about the start of worship - dimensional strikes in one big bell.

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos - the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to the number of the two-month. Celebrated on March 25, Art. (April 7th. Art.). This day I remember the phenomenon of the Virgin Maria Archangel Gabriel, who gave her about the future birth of Jesus Christ - the Savior: "Rejoice, the gracious! Lord with you, you are blessed between your wives ... You have gained grace from God; and you will warm in the womb, and give birth Son, and give him the name Jesus. Holy Spirit will find on you, and the power of the Most High will fall as out of you; therefore and the born holy is adhere to the Son of God "(Luke. 1; 28, 30-31, 35).

Thanksgiving prayers are five prayers read by believers after communion. Contained in prayer and followed Psaltiri.

Blessing - 1. The priest or bishop, which the worship begins. Exclamations are distinguished: Liturgy ("blessed kingdom ..."; they are also beginning to rank the baptism and chin wedding), all-bedic vigil ("Slava of the Holy ...") and ordinary ("God's blessed ..."; before the rest of the worship) . 2. The autumn of the procession of believers committed by the priest or bishop. The blessing is performed at certain moments of worship with the "World All".

Blessed - the Troparies dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, come on in the morning on the Surrendons of the whole year, except for Easter holidays, five decans, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem and the Second Resurrection after Easter. They are called the first word of the chorus to the trails - "blessed by the Lord, teach your justification of yours."

Blessed - a prayer, consisting of evangelical poems (Matt. 5; 312; "Blessed with the Spirit ..."). Soon the third antifone of liturgies (or fine) on the resurrection and some of the holidays.

Blessed - 1. The epithet associated in the Orthodox Church with the names of the two outstanding theologians of the Western Church - St. Augustine, Bishop of the Ipponian (North. Africa, 354 - 430) and St. Jerome Stridonsky (Italy, 347 - 420). 2. See Yreeny.

The renunal is a priest appointed by the diocesan bire for observing the church-acting life of the temples of one of the parts of the diocese - degree.

The Mother of God is a trophard, facing the Most Holy Mother of God.

Loading books - see the books of liturgical.

The liturgical circles are a certain repeating sequence of worship or their prayers. 1. Daily liturgical circle - the sequence of worships of one day. A complete daily littering circle consists of a ninth hour, evening, the vorter, the midnings, the uterine, the first, third and sixth clocks, visual or liturgies. This order changes in the days when a vigil vigil is performed (the Village and County are descended), some days of the Great Post, as well as on the eve of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Baptism. Currently, the order of the daily liturgical circle in parish practice is usually not observed - the ninth hour, the vortex and the seal are lowered. The divine service of the daily liturgical circle is contained in the chain. On an ancient tradition, the litrogenous days begin in the evening. 2. The saddemic liturgical circle is the thematic sequence of worships within one week. Monday's worship is dedicated to the affordable forces - the Angels of the Lord; Tuesday - prophets and John the Baptist; Thursday - apostles, saint and, especially, Nikolai Miracle, Archbishop of the Lycian city of the world (Small Asia, IV century); Wednesday and Friday - the memory of the godfather of Jesus Christ; Saturday - the commemoration of the dead Christians; The worst of Sunday is dedicated to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Services - a set of variable components of the worship service of the Sedmichy Circle - are contained in Okeykh. The worship service of the Sedmichy Circle is subordinate to one of the eight glasses and so Eminded glory cycles are formed, repeating over a year several times. Part account begins from the day of Easter from the first eye. The first day of the saddemic liturgical circle is the resurrection. 3. Annual liturgical circle - the thematic sequence of worships throughout the year. Movable and fixed annual liturgical circles differ. A fixed annual liturgical circle - associated with a sun calendar - includes the service of stationary two-month and other holidays and everyday celebration of the saints. Movable annual liturgical circle - connected with the lunar calendar (see Easter) - includes the services of the Great Post (and the three preceding weeks) and Pentecost. The services of the still annual liturgical circle are contained in mines, mobile - in trio of a lean (Great Post) and Triodya Colored (Pentecost). The combination of mobile and stationary annual liturgical circles is carried out with the help of the brand-named monk leading in the charter (named after their compiler of the monk). The worship service of each day is the compound of a nearly unnecessary basis from the prayers of the daily liturgical circle with the variable prayers associated with the liturgical theme of this day from Mini and Okechiha or Triodi (lean or color), and during the Great Post and Pentecost and Pentecost of Prayers from Okeyach are almost not used.

For the Epiphany, see the Baptism of the Lord.

Wija week is the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The name comes from the custom of coming on this day into the temple with the branches of Palma (Vaia - from Greek. The branch), just as the inhabitants of Jerusalem met Jesus with palm branches (see in.12, 13). In rui, instead of palm branches, Verba branches bring from where the Russian name of the holiday is going on - Palm Resurrection.

Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos - the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to the number of the two-month. Celebrated on November 21 Art. Art. (December 4th. Art.). Installed on the basis of church legend. On this day I remember how the pious parents of the Virgin Mary Joachim and Anna led her at a three-year-old age in the Jerusalem Temple to fulfill their vows - to devote her to God. According to legend, Maria lived and brought up with the temple before his engagement to the righteous Joseph.

Great Saturday - Saturday passionate saddemitsa. This day remembers the burial of the body of Jesus Christ. On the morning there are impossible with praises (Psalm poems are sickling, praise - brief prayers - read by the reader after Psalm poems). After the great Slavora, a procession is made with a glory and then the parimies, the apostle and the gospel (MF. 27; 6266) are read. After the utensils, the clocks are read and pictorial (visual consist of blessed, the faith symbol, the prayer of our "Father" and others). Liturgy Vasily Great begins with the evening. During the evening, fifteen bets containing the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus Christ are read, then the Old Testament Song of the three Jewish departments in the "Babylonian Pigchi" (DAN. 3; 5788) is read. Before reading the apostle, the baptismal song "Elitsa in Christ is baptized ...". Instead of the Kheruvim song, a prayer is "yes, everyone's flesh is silent ...". Walker - "Do not sob, me, mother ...". The Gospel is read about the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28; 120).

Great holidays are the most important holidays of the Orthodox Church. On the day of the great holiday, a vigil vigility "and the entire holiday service is committed according to the Charter" (typicon). To the great holidays belong (new style is indicated in brackets): Easter, the two-month holidays, circumcision of the Lord 1 (14) of January; Christmas of John the Forerunner June 24 (July 7), the day of memory of St. Petra and Paul's first apostles on June 29 (July 12), the convention of the head of John the Forerunner on August 29 (II September), the cover of the Blessed Virgin 1 (14) of October.

The great post is the most important from multi-day posts, it begins for seven weeks before the Easter holiday and ends with the Saturday of the passionate week. The great post is preceded by three preparatory weeks. Worship, reminiscent of the approach of the Great Post, begins on Sunday - in "Week about Mytar and Pharisees" (LC. 18; 10-14. Call on the Gospel Liturgy reading on this day). Then the continuous week, ending the resurrection, devoted to the parable of the prodigal son - "Week about the Prodigal Son" (Luke 15; 11-32. Call on the liturgical reading of this day). The following resurrection is the "meat suggestion" - is devoted to the terrible court (see MK. 16; 9-20), from Monday, the Maslenitsa ended with the Resurrection - the "Syrophopic Week", on that day, the expulsion of Adam from Paradise. From Monday, the great post begins. The prayers of the Great Post are distinguished by the repentant mood, the repentant prayer is read at all worship services. Efrema Sirina (IV century) "Lord and the lord of my belly ...". During the Great Post in Wednesday and Friday, as well as on Monday and Tuesday, the passionate week and on Thursday the fifth week is made by liturgy of the honored gifts (except for the day of the Great Friday); On Saturdays and the sixth resurrection, Liturgy John Zlatoust is committed; In the remaining resurrection, as well as on Thursday and Saturday, the passionate week - Liturgy Vasily the Great; On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Liturgy is not performed. In the first four days of the Great Post on the Village, the Great Canon St. Andrei Kritsky (VIII century). Each resurrection of the Great Post has a special memory. In the first resurrection after the liturgy, the rank of Orthodoxy celebrations, established in the memory of restoring the restoration of Icons in 842 in Byzantium. The second resurrection is dedicated to St. Gregory Palama, Archbishop of the city of Solun (Sovr. Thessaloniki, Greece), Byzantine Theologian Isihast (XIV century). The third Resurrection, called the Cross Weekly, is devoted to the worship of the cross (worship comes from Sunday to Friday). The fourth resurrection is devoted to St. John the Districant, the igumen of the Monastery of the Sinai Mountain, the author of the "rods" (VI - VII centuries). On Thursday of the fifth week, the canon St. Andrey Cretsky, and canon is also read in memory of St. Maria Egyptian and her life (which is why all worship, the last few hours, got the name "standing Mary Egypt"). Saturday of the fifth of the week is devoted to the memory of the deliverance of Constantinople in 626 From the Persian and Avarian invasion, in memory of what the Grand Akathist SVA is read. The Mother of God (this day is also called the "praise of the Blessed Virgin" or "Saturday Akathist"). The fifth resurrection is devoted to St. Maria Egyptian, who hung in Palestine in the VI century. Saturday of the sixth week - "Lazareva Saturday"

Deals with the memory of the resurrection of Lazarus (see in. II; 146). In the sixth resurrection, the holiday of the Lord in Jerusalem is celebrated. Next, the last week is called a passionate saddemic. For worship these days, see passionate sadmits, the great quartework, the Great Heels, the Great Saturday. The texts of the worship services of the Great Post are contained in triodes.

Great heels (Great Friday) - Friday of the passionate saddemic. On this day, the reconciliation of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ is performed. Liturgy is not accomplished on this day (if the great heels coincides with the celebration of the Annunciation, the Liturgy of John Zlatoust is performed). During the utensils, twelve gospels of twelve gospel texts dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ are read: the 1st Gospel is in. 13; 31-18; one; 2e in. eighteen; 128; 3E - MF. 26; 57-75; 4E - in. eighteen; 28-19; sixteen; 5E - MF. 27; 337; 6E - MK. fifteen; 1632; 7E - MF. 27; 3354; 8E - LC. 23; 32-49; 9E - in. nineteen; 2537; 10E - MK. fifteen; 4347; 11e - in. nineteen; 3842; 12E - MF. 27; 6266. Because The worship day begins in the evening, then the morning is usually served in the evening on Thursday. The royal watches made in the morning of the Great Heel (composed of Cyril Alexandria (IV century. Egypt)) consist of other psalms than ordinary hours: 1 hour - 5, 2, 21 ps; 3Y - 34, 108, 50; 6Y - 53, 139, 90; 9th - 68, 69, 85; After Psalms, Parimians, Apostle, Gospel (1 hour - MF. 27; 156; 3th - MK. 15; 1641; 6th - Lux. 23; 32-49; 9th - in. 18; 2819; 37). Fine, the following after the royal clock, consist of blessed, the symbol of faith, the prayer "Our Father" and some others, 33 psalms. In the evening, the Great Heel serve the evening and Village.

The apostle and the gospel are read at the evening (composite gospel - i.e. consisting of various Gospels: MF. 27; 138; LC. 23; 3943; MF. 27; 3954; IN. 19; 3137; MF. 27; 5561), The removal of the shroud is taken.

The Great Quarter (the Grand Thursday) is Thursday of the passionate saddemic. On this day, the Layry Supper of Jesus Christ is remembered with students, Gheafsiman Darage, the capture of Jesus Christ and the court at the High Priests and the procurator of the Jews Pontius Pilate. In the morning the Gospel is read about the secret evening (Lux 22; 139). After the uterus, the clock is made - the first (with reading of the parium), the third, sixth and ninth. After the ninth hour, it is pictorial, consisting of blessed, the faith symbol, the prayer of our "Father" and some others. Liturgy Vasily Great begins with the evening. In the evening, pariaries are read, after which the liturgight apostle and the gospel follow (composite gospel - consisting of texts of various Gospels: MF. 26; 120; in. 13; 317; MF. 26; 2139; LC. 22; 4345; MF. 26; 4027; 2). Instead of the Kheruvim song, three times the prayer "Tweese Tweeing Time ...". In the evening, a small vortex takes place in the great quartwrior. In the cathedrals in the bishop worship after Liturgy, the bishop is accomplished by the sorry of the legs to the priests with him.

The masterroom is a brief chant, glorifying Jesus Christ, the Virgin or K.L. saint. It begins with the word "magnitude" (or "please"). Used on holidays on the morning after Pins and on the liturgy after the release.

The crowns are the crowns, placed on the bride and groom during the wedding. Wedding - worship, in time

blessed and consecrated Christian marriage. The wedding is committed by the priest (very rarely a bishop), and it is decided that the priest be from the white (non-rotating) clergy. In the practice of the Orthodox Church, the wedding is customary after engagement. Wedding occurs like this: on the engagement of the bride and groom, holding lit candles, come from the gunner to the temple (or from the western temple wall fit closer to the altar) and are on white boards lying in front of analog with a cross and a gospel. The priest, asking about the hardness of their intention, he heads the blessing and great object, reads the origin of the prayers and then with the blessing the crowns on the head of the bride and groom and led three times a seasile prayer "Lord, our God, Gov and the Celebration of them." Procimen was headed and the apostle is read (Eph. 5; 2033) and the gospel (in. 2; 111), it is used to pronounce the Secttion and the prayer "Father Our". Wearing drinking from the bowl with wine and then the priest turns three times around the aalo, at this time the choir sings the Troparies "Isaiah Likui ...", "the martyr's martyr ...", "Glory you Christ God", after which the priest takes off the crowns, Reads the final Irasei prayers and says fond. In the Orthodox Church, wedding is allowed to perform over the second or third or third marriage, however, the Chin of a second-day wedding is less solemn, with reading repeated prayers. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the wedding is not performed in all posts, at the Easter week, on the saggers, on the days before the two-month holidays and the resurrection (i.e. on Saturday), as well as the eve of the medium and Friday (i.e. on Tuesday and Thursday) .

Evening - public worship officer. Evening is distinguished by daily, small and great. The daily evening is accomplished on weekdays, a small evening in front of the all-night luck, a great evening - for holidays and resurrection. In Chin, the Great Evening includes: blessing; The singing of the prebabing Psalm (during which the priest reads the luminaire prayers and the temple); Great objects; The singing of poems 1, 2 and 3 psalms, the stimihr on the "Lord of the Appears", Dogmatic; cadyl entrance; Singing "Light Quiet"

The anthem of the first centuries of Christianity; Prokimen (some days are read by pariasis); shaved eagles; The singing of the evening prayer "SPO, Lord, in the evening without sin will be preserved to us ..." (lithium is committed on the holidays), sang the poheryman's poems; Prayers of righteous Simeon "Now let go" (Luke. 2; 29-30); Trisivilized: prayer of St. Trinity; "Our Father"; "Virgin Delo, Rejoice"; Troparies; Emit. In the daily evening, the presenter Psalm is read, and it does not come in, it does not take place and not read by pariary, instead of the first three psalms read the ordinary café. Small evening is a reduction in daily. The combination of the Great Evening, morning and first hour is called a whirlpool. The rank of evening is also included in the liturgy of the honored gifts and liturgy of Vasily the Great to the Great Quarter and the Great Saturday.

Vicaria (lat. Vicar) a bishop, who has no diocese and helps in managing another bishine.

Water binding is the consecration of the water committed by the priest (or the bishop.) The troped immersion of the cross and blessing. Consecrated water is used to consecrate the house, various items, it is drunk to spiritual fortification. Water binding is great and small. The Great is made on the eve and on the day of the feast of the Epiphany (baptism), small on the days of the temples and some other holidays (Pentecost babies, origin of honest trees, etc.), as well as at the request of believers on any day. In the Chin of the Great Consecration of Water, the blessing, the paths, parimies (Is. 35; 110; 55; 113; 12; 36), reading the apostle (1 Cor. 10; 14) and the Gospel (MK. 1; 912), great objects, Irasey prayers, blessing of the water and the immersion of the cross when singing the baptized path, let go. The chin of small sanctification includes the trails, 142 ps., 50 ps., Reading the apostle and the gospel, the objects, the blessing of the water and the immersion of the cross, go. The chin of small and great sanctification of water is contained in the demandsman (chin of great sanctification also in a monthly more than January).

The exclamation is a brief prayer, proclaimed by a priest or bishop. Some devices are the completion of the quiet readable prayer.

The elimination of the Cross of the Lord is the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to the number of the two-month. Celebrated on September 14, Art. (September 27, new. Art.). Installed in the memory of acquiring the Cross of the Lord, which happened, according to the church legend, in 326, near Jerusalem at the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Calvary. The cross was found to be found in Palestine Tsaritsa Elena (Mother of the emperor Konstantin Great) and the Jerusalem Patriarch Makariy and erected at the site of the acquisition, so that the opposed people could worship. In memory of the crusst suffering of Jesus Christ on the day of the holiday, a strict post is installed.

Air is a large quadrilateral cover, which covered with coupling discos and Potir. The air symbolically depicts a relief that the body of Jesus Christ was accused (see Lux. 23; 53).

The Ascension of the Lord - the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to the number of the two-month. Celebrated on a fortieth after Easter - on Thursday the sixth week. This day I remember the modernity of Jesus Christ on the sky and the promise of his second coming. After having arrived at his disciples after the resurrection, on the fortieth day, Jesus brought them out of Jerusalem "and, raising his hands, blessed them. And when they blessed them, began to separate them from them and crawl into the sky." (LC, 24; 51). "And the cloud took it out of the type of them. And when they looked at the sky, during his climb, suddenly they brought them two husbands in white clothes and said: Galilee's men! What are you standing and look at the sky? This Jesus, ascended from you The sky will take the same way as you have seen it ascending on the sky "(Acts 1; 9ii).

Gate of the Tsarist - the main gates of the iconostasis - two-sided doors opposite the throne. Designed exclusively for the entry of clergy during worship. Usually, the Icons of Annunciation and Four Evangelists are placed on the royal gates.

All-night vigil - public service, held in the evening for holidays and resurrection. It consists of a combination of a great evening, festive wretten and first hour. Veligid vigil will serve with a special solemnity - the entrance is made on the Great Evening, poems 1, 2 and 3 psalms are taken, Parimians are read, in some days there are lithium, the morning begins with Shestopsalmia, sneaks, Ipaos and Antifons, the stimples on 50 PSE catatasia to the canon , read by the gospel.

Entrance - Action: The solemn entrance of the clergy in the altar through the gates of the royal. In the evening, "Entrance with Cadyl" is performed in front of the altar and singing "light quiet". Liturgy is performed "Small Login", or "Entrance with the Gospel" (after the singing of antifones), and the "Great Login", or "Login" (offered for the Eucharist or Iced). During the great entrance, the gifts are transferred from the altar to the throne. On the Liturgy of John Zlatoust and Vasily, the Great Log in is made during the singing of the Kheruvim song, except for the days of the Great Thursday and the Great Saturday. These two days, as well as in the days, when the liturgy of the paid gifts is performed, special chants are singing during the great entrance. The origin of the entrance is such: in antiquity, the gospel and gifts were kept in the temple in individual premises - the sacristic and the altar and the introduction of them in the altar was made with special solemnity; Subsequently, the sacristy and the altar were transferred to the altar, but the entrance was preserved as an integral part of the service. According to some liturgical interpretations, a small entrance symbolizes the exit of Jesus Christ for the sermon, and the Great - the procession of Jesus Christ on suffering and death.

The Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is the feast of the Orthodox Church, belongs to the number of the two-month. Celebrated in the sixth resurrection of the Great Post (a week before Easter). This day I remember the meeting of the Jerusalem people of Jesus Christ as the king and the Messiah, who went to the city "to dance" accompanied by the Apostles. "Many people who came to the holiday, having heard that Jesus goes to Jerusalem, took palm branches, came out towards him and exclaimed:" Osaned! The most blessed in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel "(in. 12; 12-13)." Osaned the son of Davidov! Blessed coming in the name of the Lord! Osnna in the highest! "(Matt. 21; 9). In the East, there is a tradition on the day of the holiday to come to the temple with palm branches, the Willow branches bring in Russia. From here there were other names of the holiday Wij Week and Palm Sunday.

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Dictionary of church words and expressions

Angel (Greek - Bulletin) - Good Spirit, Bulletin and the performer of the Will of God. Angels are endowed with large than a person, mind, will and forces.

Agiasma - Holy water, consecrated by the church on the eve or on the day of the feast of the Epiphany (the Baptism of the Lord).

Lamb - 1) lamb; 2) Old Testament Victim, which has been converting Christ; 3) Part of the prosphora, with the seal of IC XC, Ni Ka, taken out in the ambassia and intended for mysterious liberation into the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hell - The place of torment of unrepresented sinners, geenna fire.

Akathist - (Greek) - a church service consisting of one Kondak, which comes in, and 6 Kondakov and 6 Ikos (equally), which are read. The total number corresponds to the number of letters of the Greek alphabet, from which each song began in the first Greek Akathist of the Mother of God, compiled by Sergius - Patriarch Konstantinople.

Alliluia (Heb. - Praise the Lord) - Song in honor of the Triune God. Soon or read during worship three times, along with the gloriousness "Glory to you, God!".

Altar (from Lat. "The sublime altar") is the eastern sublime part of the temple, in which the Holy See is located. The altar is separated by a special partition, in which places for icons are arranged, - iconostasis. Three doors lead to the altar: medium, opposite the throne, are called royal gates, and the side - southern, or deacon, and the northern, or Ponomarian. In the altar, except for the throne standing in the middle, on the north side is the altar. The altar means heaven, the place of the special presence of God. This place is sacred, affordable only for persons consecrated to the ministry of the Church.

Amen - Switched to Greek and Latin languages \u200b\u200bfrom Hebrew and means "genuinely, truly." In church texts is used for greater statement.

Antidore (Greek - "Instead of Dara") - the prosfora, from which the Holy Lamb will be taken out in the ambassia and the part of which at the end of the liturgy are heard the faithful, not the communion of the Holy Taine of the body and the blood of Christ.

Apostle (Greek - Messenger) - the apostles are called the Holy Pupils of the Lord of our Jesus Christ chosen by him to bear the world of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. They are divided into 12 and 70 apostles.

ATOS. (Greek. - Bread) - bread that is consecrated with a special prayer on the day of Holy Easter. All the bright week is stored in the temple on an analog, and in the Easter Saturday, it grimles and hesitated as a shrine. Arthos reminds believers about the resurrection of the resurrection of the Savior.

Archbishop. (Greek) - chief bishop. Now this title is honorable title.

Bishop (Greek) - Head of priests, bishop. The highest chin hierarchy of the Christ Church.

Archimandrite - Head of the monastery. Archimandrite has the right to wear some parts of the bishops - Mitra, Palitsa, Staff, Archimdritsky in the middle of the cross.

Delicious - A priest supplied by the diocesan bire for observing church improvement among the arrivals of his degree. Fenmost in the diocese is somewhat. The adolescents are in monasteries.

Old Testament - Books of the Bible, which contains the covenant of God outlined by Moses and the Prophets, the law of life of the people of God and the prophecy of his fate and the coming of the Savior.

Vespers - One of the daily worship services permanently. Evening is small, great and daily.

Vicar - Bishop, helping Metropolitan or Archbishop in the Diocese Management Affairs.

Water binding - Consecration of water. There are two ranks of water binding. 1. Great consecration of water. Such a consecration of water is performed twice a year - on the eve and at the most feast of the baptism of the Lord. 2. Small sanctification of water. Such a water binding is made by the Jewel at any time in the temple, in the houses, in the squares and in the fields.

Deputy - the end of the words of the secret priestly prayer, which he says so that they are heard by praying, for example: Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory ...

Air - Pokrov, which, after the arrival of the proseciation, to singing the Faith symbol on the liturgy covers the holy gifts prepared for consecration on the displate and in the path. Path and discos are covered with small intercourse first separately, then both sacred vessels are covered with "air" together.

Vigil vigil - Church service before the holidays. Started after sunset and lasted all night, so I got my name. Currently, in parish temples lasts less than three hours.

Crown, or Nimb - The circle, usually golden colors at the chapter of the saint on icons, meaning the grace of God's grace.

Monstrance - A small silver or gold box, in which the holy secrets of the body and the blood of Christ, intended for the communion of patients. In Daroni, there is a small pace, a lzhizka, a vessel for wine and a sponge for wiping the paw. The Daronian is stored in sewn from the brocade or other valuable matter with a bag with shoelaces. In the necessary cases, the priest puts it on his chest. Daronic is stored in the altar on the throne.

Tabernacle - Drawers in which the holy gifts are stored for the liturgy of the paid gifts. Daerachranicator is located on the Holy Throne.

Saint gifts - Body and blood of Christ. Bread and wine after consecrated on the Divine Liturgy, which mysteriously become bodies and blood of Christ.

Deesus. (Greek. - Prayer) - a number of images in the iconostasis: In the center of the space, on the parties - the Virgin and John the Forerunner, sometimes - another saint.

Dietary - Portable Two bishops who blesses people during worship.

Paten (Greek - dish, plate) - a small sacred dish on a wide leg. On the disk during the liturgy there is a holy lamb and particles from prosphorated.

Diacon (Greek. - Minister) - the clergyman of the first three degrees of the priesthood.

Dogma - Rule of faith, based on the Holy Scriptures.

Sectius (Greek - length) - long, extended prayer containing different petitions. Each passage ends with singing "Lord, humbucky!" Or "Feed, Lord!".

EDA - fragrant substance consisting of olive oil with additives of four substances: 1) Smirns - scented resin of a mirror tree; 2) fragrant cinnamon; 3) fragrant cane; 4) Cassia - the grave bark of the laurel tree. This mixture was heated on fire and was used to induce and sanctifying the tabernacle, high priest and priests. Weell is called vegetable, usually olive, oil. In the Orthodox Church, ELIs are used to induce patients in the sacrament of the sacredness, as well as in lamps and with blessings of breads, when firings together with five breads, wine and wheat grains are blessed as a nutrient and healing substance.

Elementation - Chin, who is committed in the church on the morning: the priest is acknowledged by the people with a bare, depicting a cross on his forehead.

Surgery - Church sacrament, which is committed over a sick person. Otherwise, called the cob.

Diocese - The area, in church terms subordinate to the bishop.

Bishop (Greek. - Superior) - the main shepherd of his diocese.

Stole - One of the parts of the priesthoods. Dresses on the neck, it is like a double tape - wide on the chest and narrow on the neck. She is bonded on the chest buttons and comes to almost the earth. Epitrohil means coming over the grace of the Holy Spirit. Without epitrachi, it is impossible to make a single service.

Curtain - Curtain hanging inside the altar under the royal gates. The curtain closes the inner place of the altar, which can be seen from the temple through the lattice tsarist gates.

Spare dars - Holy Secrets of the Body and Blood Blood of Christ, consecrated on the liturgies, which are stored in the Church for the urgent communion of seriously ill and dying.

Singe - Brief verse, which comes in front of the poem.

Gate - secluded cell. Sometimes the so-called cave, where some saints spent their lives in prayer and post.

Ploy - Excerpt from the New Testament. The Gospel and Apostolic Messages for the convenience of reading in the church are divided into the overalls for the whole year.

Star - One of the sacred objects of church utensils. It is two cruciform connected arcs bonded on top. After graduating from anointing, the star is placed on the disk over the Holy Laman. The star means a wonderful star, behind which the Magi was walking in Bethlehem to worship a born to the Savior.

Igumen. (Greek - the leader, mentor) - in the Orthodox Church - the abbot of the male monastery, a monk in the sacred San, the title below Archimandrite, but above Ieromona.

Icon (Greek) - adopted by the Church and the consecrated image of Christ, the Mother of God, the saints and various events from the sacred and church history. Icons are written in strictly defined rules. Icons are written with paints (tempera or oil) on the board covered with the Pavochau (tissue) and levkas (soil). The board icons have, as a rule, the ark is a rectangular recess of about 5 mm from the surface of the icon. On the edges of the icons remain fields - frame. Often the figures are written on the fields.

Iconostasis - Partition with icons separating the altar from the rest of the temple. Icons in the iconostasis are usually located in several rows.

IKOS. (Greek. - House) - Church chant, glorifying the saint or celebrated event. They are called so because he sang in the houses, where he spent the nights in the prayer Rev. Roman Sladkopevts, the first compiler of the Ikos. They are printed in the liturgical books after the 6th Canon Mattures. Ikos and Kondak are similar in content and the same on the presentation, comes on one voice and ends mostly (with the exception of those that are in the akathists) alone and the same words. Kondak is usually shorter than Ikos: Kondak is the topic, and IKOS is its development.

Orton (Greek - a handkerchief, an overturn) - so called boards, which is placed on the throne for antimine. This boards wrap the antimin after the end of the liturgy.

Enoch - Monk. It is called so because there should be a life other than worldly people.

Ipodiakon (Literal: Subadiakon) - Minister of the Church, under the Regulation below the diacon. In the bishop's bishop's bishop bishop's bishop, put on the feet of the Orlets, for which he should become, and so on.

Confession - The visible, ritual part of the sacrament of repentance, consisting in the fact that a Christian is before his confessor as a sealing power of the Son of God, who one can forgive sins, with a hearty crushing and determination to correctly correct his sins.

Hierarchy (Greek. - Priestly) - in the Christ Church, connecting the bombings and subordinates, shepherds and a flock into one Holy Union.

Hierarch - The bishop (that is, the bishop, Metropolitan or Patriarch), the highest sacred rank of Christ Church.

Ieria - The priest, the minister of the Church of Christ, who makes all the sacraments, besides the ordination of other priests, and all church services.

Ierodiakone - Monk in Sana Diacon.

Hieromonah - Monk in San of the priest.

Censer - Metal vessel on chains, into which incense, incense, giving an incense smoke to the hot corners.

Camilax - Cap made from camel wool. In the Orthodox Church, the so-called high solid headdress of monks and a white priesthood. The latter is given as a reward and a sign of distinction.

Catechism - a brief and clear statement of the foundations of the Christian teaching.

Department (Greek - a sublime place) - a place in the altar, on which, in the tired time, a bishop sits at the tired at worship.

Kyot. - Decorated frames for one or more holy icons or places for icons in the iconostasis.

Kondak - The sacred song containing the praise of the holy or expressing the essence of the holiday. Kondak - brief song; And Ikos is a lengthy song of the same content. Therefore, IKOS is always read after Kondaka and is never read alone, and Kondak is as it were to prepare for Ikos.

Copy - A short knife of a triangular shape with two sharpened sides, with the help of which all the actions of the ambassia are taken over the prosfors. The copy is depicting a spear that one of the warriors struck the breast of the Savior who deceased on the cross.

Baptine, or font - The sacred vessel in which the sacrament of baptism is performed.

Cross sign - The cruciform is the right hand, the three fingers are folded together in the sign of the Holy Trinity, while the other two, naked to the palm, are two nature of Jesus Christ: Divine and Human.

Procession "This is the name of a solemn procession from the temple of clergy in the vestments and accompanying their people, while the crosses, icons and the gospel are carried in front of the priests, singers and people. This procession is made around the temple, and sometimes from the temple to the river, the lake or the source for the drainage.

Epiphany "The sacrament in which the believer during a tripled dive into the water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit dies to the life of sinful and is born in life holy.

Incense - The fragant resinous composition, which places in the cencing on the burning coarse for a dishonled every day.

Mantle - The upper robe of the monk without sleeves, leaving uncovered only head.

Miter - A richly decorated headdress with icons, which during worship puts on a bishop or awarded a priest. Mitra means the humility of the Gospel of Christ.

Metropolitan - the bishops of the main city of the Great Church Oblast, which other bishops of the same area are subordinated. In Russia, the title of Metropolitan is the honorary difference between personal merit of the bitchhea or the diocese, in which he is supplied.

Miro - The composition of the fragrant substances used in the church from ancient times. The composition of the incense substances nor in Greek, nor in the Russian church was never definitely defined. In the 18th century, 53-55 different incense substances were used in Russia in Russia, and now about 30. Miro is consecrated by the Patriarch every few years as necessary according to the special rank of Miroration and is sent on the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, and from there to arrive. Miro is used in the sacrament of world-formation.

Miropomanazing - Church sacrament, in which, when anointing the consecrated world, the believes serve the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening in spiritual life.

Wardrifier - part of the vestments of the priest. It is rectangular boards from dense matter on a ribbon, which through the left shoulder is brought to the right hip of the priest. The elevator means a sword spiritual, that is, the weapons of the Word of God, which the shepherd must be armed against heresy and delusions.

Primer - Senior Priest of the Monastery, Cathedral or Parish Church.

Nomocanon - Collection of church laws and rules.

Okey (Greek - literally "eight votes", or "eight glasses") - a book of chants for eight votes, in Slavyanski, it is also called "Osmagism". Eight main entrances are used in Orthodox worship, which are called vocabulary, for each voice - a complete weekly service. All these services and are printed in Okyth.

Omophore - One of the parts of the bishops, in the form is a wide strip of matter lying on the shoulders. Omoform depicts a lost sheep, that is, humanity, finding which, good shepherd - the Lord took on the shoulders and led to his sheep, that is, angels.

Orar. (Lat. - I pray, pray) - belonging to the Diaconian vestments. It has a view of a wide and long ribbon, which deiquities during the service bearing on the left shoulder. Deacon, right hand raising Orari, gives people a sign to prayer.

Orlec - Round rug with an image of an eagle on which it is a bishop during clergy.

Palice - one of the accessories of the bishops. These are quadrangular boards in the form of a rhombus on a ribbon, in one angle, brought over his shoulder to the right thigh. The cloth depicts a spiritual sword. She can be an award protoier.

Panagia - Bishops' breastplate of the Savior or the Mother of God. This image of the bishop wears on the chest to the reminder of his duty - to wear the Lord Jesus in his heart and hope for the intercession of his Mother Mother.

Panadil - Lamp with many candles, usually more than twelve. Rising over our heads, he reminds of heaven with the stars.

Panichida - Prayer singing about the departed. The Holy Church serves memoirs on the depletion of both his burial and after - in 3, 9, 40th days. But besides the commemoration of each deceased individually, the Holy Church established certain days when all the deceased fathers and brothers are coming. Such memories are called parent and universal.

Porch - Pretaker in front of the church, prejury, closed or open part of the temple in which the beggars stood.

Parastas - The service of God about the departed, including the evening and morning.

Paremia (Greek. - Proverb, Parable) - Our Laughty readings from the Holy Scriptures of the Old (Sometimes a new) covenant, which contain prophecies about the events that is remembered on this day.

Flock - Christians who are under the spiritual leadership of the Shepherd of the Church.

Patriarch - Currently, the so-called the highest priest (bishop), which is subordinated not only by church believers, deacons and priests, but bishops and metropolitans of the country or district.

Pelona - Covered from a fabric with a nasty cross for the throne and the altar.

Douching - quadrangular boards made of plain, silk or velvety matter with images on him the deceased Christ of the Savior, the guns of his suffering.

Village - Evening worship, which was called the name from what was accomplished after the evening, that is, after dinner. Village is great and small.

Cover - Boards that are covered by discos or pace during liturgy.

Instructions - One of the details of the vestments of the priests. Put on hand. Symbolize the strength of which Christ defeated his enemies, and at the same time his bonds.

Obedience - Preparations for monastic feats, test condition, "art in obedience", which a man who has decided to become a monk under the ancient church rules. He is tested by the church in the hardness and sincerity of his desire, and is also preparing for the monastic feat.

Tension - Composite part of the submission of the sacrament of baptism: the priest will compact with scissors part of the hair on the head of a new-fashioned baby or an adult. In addition, this is the name of the rite, which is performed on the journeying of the monastic feat. Taking the hair in antiquity served as a sign of subordination, humility. Therefore, in the sacrament of baptism, the disgraced hair will take a hair as a sign that he promises to be obedient to God. Upon joining the monk, the tonsure is committed as a sign that the joining promises to take a cross and follow Christ.

Fast - Time when the church rules of Christians should not have not only meat, oil, milk, cheese, eggs, sometimes fish, but also to use other foods. In the Orthodox Church, posts in their duration are multi-day and one-day, one of them are constant duration, while others in different years have a different number of days.

Potir - A bowl, a liturgical vessel, in which the holy gifts are raised during the Divine Liturgy and from which believers are involved.

Presbyter (Greek. - Senior) - In the New Testament, the priests are so called.

Throne - Installed and fixed in the altar opposite the royal gates, a square table on which the Great Victim of the Body and Blood of Christ is brought.

Prieste - so called altars separated from the main one.

Coming - Church community belonging to one temple.

Communion "The sacrament, in which the believer under the guise of bread comes with the true body of Christ, and under the guise of wine - the true blood of Christ and thus combines Christ.

Prophet - Predictor, Wolly of the Will of God. The prophets were sainted people enlightened by God's Spirit. They predicted the future, they prepared people to the kingdom of Christ, brought up the people of faith and piety, led the civil rulers, made miracles, wrote sacred books.

Ancecry (Greek - bringing) - the so called the part of the Divine Liturgy, on which the priest prepares bread and wine for the sacrament of the Eucharist. During the liturgy, the Lord mysteriously coordinate them with his body and blood.

Prosfora (Greek - offer) - Bread, which is used to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist. It should consist of two parts depicting two Natures of Jesus Christ: Divine and Human. Proglia bake from better wheat flour with yeast use is prepared carefully and reverent. On the top of the prosphirt of special printing make the image of the cross, the Mother or Saints.

Prododoacon - Senior Deacon.

Archpriest - Senior priest.

Protopressive - Senior priest in the Cathedral.

Psalm - Song, chanting; In the Church, Psalms are only those sacred songs that are collected in Psaltiri, and others are just sacred songs or chants.

Paradise - The place where the Lord settled the first people - Adam and Eve. Under the word heaven, we understand the place where the righteous will be forever bliss with Christ.

Regent (Lat. - Manager) - Head, Conductor of Choir.

Sacristy - The place where the church utensils and the rhyme of the clergy are stored.

Ripidi - Metal circles reinforced on long handles with the image of six-square seraphim. Ripids remind us that during the liturgy in the temple, the holy angels are invisible, which are depicted on ripides. Ripids are used in the bishops, with the service of Ieria, they replaced the Pokrovka.

Row - Upper robes of people of spiritual title and monks with very wide sleeves.

Sakkos - the bishop vestment that dresses over the underrefficer; It looks like a Diaconian stir, only shorter and wider. Before Sakkos was the robe of the pious Byzantine emperors, who from the respect to the Holy Church presented it to the Konstantinople Patriarch for clergy. Then this vestment has passed and other bikes.

Saint - bishop.

Saints - List of the names of the saints and holidays by alphabetically and by numbers when their memory is performed.

Saint - the same as the elected, correctly believes; So called Jews, in contrast to the pagans, so called and Christians, unlike the Jews and Gentiles. Now we call the soothers of God, glorified by the Church, whose life and feats, she considered the sample to imitate believers.

a priest - Member of the Church, who received a special grace of the Holy Spirit through the Episcopal ordination, giving him the right to learn the flock, make sacraments and church services. The priest is also called the Jeellow, the presbyter.

Holy Bible - Books written by suggestion of the Holy Spirit saints, prophets and apostles. By the time of writing and in content, these books are divided into the Old and New Testament.

Synod - The Cathedral of the Shepherds of the Church, governing her affairs.

Skit - Lone abode, monastery.

Skucian (Grech. - Head covered) - the headdress of clergy and churliners. It is a pointed hat, from the clerics - from velvet.

Serviceman - The church book, in which the followers of the evening, the uterils, the liturgia of John Zlatoust, the liturgy of Vasily the Great and Liturgy of the paid gifts are printed. The official is necessary for each priest, so when the bishop is ordained, he gives him this book.

Salus - The sublime place before the iconostasis. Salus is needed so that the actions of the priests are visible to believers. In addition, it prevents the people to approach close to the iconostaste, gives clergy to the place required for the free execution of priesthoods.

Sorokoust - Mom to the deceased for forty days since his death. These days are made by liturgia and memorial service serve in memory of the dead.

Christmas Eve - The day on the eve of the holiday of Christ or Baptism, when they do not eat all day, and in the evening - only sochily, that is, boiled wheat grains with honey.

Verse - A short passage from the Holy Scriptures. All Books Bible for convenience are divided into chapters, and chapters on poems. As a rule, the verse is equal to the proposal.

Schima - 1) the highest monastic degree; 2) Schemonda: clothing (clothing).

Sacrament - The sacred effect, through which is invisible, the grace of God acts secretly on man. Total church sacraments Seven: baptism, minor formation, Eucharist, repentance, amazing, marriage, priesthood.

Heat - so called hot water, which during the liturgy before communion is poured into the holy bowl and connects mysteriously with the blood of Christ so that it is warm.

Tipicon (Greek - Charter) - the so-called church book, in which the order and rank of church worships for every day of the year is scheduled, the holidays, posts and some rules for monastishes are indicated.

Celebration - The book on which church requirements serve, that is, irregular services performed by the need.

Sober - The ringing to all the bells, it happens at the beginning of the service after the Blagovest.

Trikiriya - Portable candlestick with three candles, is used during the bishop service.

Tropear - Brief song, glorifying the Lord, Virgin or Saints.

Church utensils - All sacred things used during worship.

Morning - Church worship, who received its name because, was accomplished in the morning. Now morning serve on the eve of the day she is dedicated.

Felon. - So in ancient times, the upper long clothes without sleeves, fitting the body from all sides. In the Church, Felon since ancient times is among the sacred closures of the bishops and priests.

Cheruvima - Some of the most close to God (second after Serafimov) of the Heavenly Forces.

Charotonia (Greek) - ordination, dedication to the sacred san.

Khorugwe - The banner of Christ, the banner of the church. Horugwi was introduced by the Holy Equal-Apostles Konstantin Great, which replaced in the military banners of the eagle the cross, and the image of the emperor of the monogram of Christ.

Tsaric Gate - Called so because on liturgy through them in the form of holy gifts passes the king of glory Jesus Christ.

Exarch - The spiritual person who is clothed with the special authority for the management of extensive church districts.

Yreeny Christ Raby - Saint, who has chosen a special path of salvation. Yreek behaved like insane, although many of them were wise and inspired.