Divna Luboyevich: Biography. Divna Luboyevich and Serbian Orthodox chants Divna Luboyevich Family

Slavovoy - Divna Luboyevich

Divna Luboyevich

Slavovoy - Divna Luboyevich

Divna Luboyevich (Serb. Divna љUbojević; Divna Ljubojević; Born on April 7, 1970, Belgrade), Serbian performer of Orthodox spiritual music of Serbia, Byzantium, Bulgaria and Russia. Founder, regent, soloist and head of the choir "Melodies". Divna Luboyevich was born in Belgrade on April 7, 1970, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Grew up in a religious orthodox family. She began to study a church singing to a child in the monastery of introduction, the nuns that carefully preserved their unique traditions of church singing.

Then he graduated from Mokranjac Music, Belgrade and Music Academy in the city of Novi-Garden. Almost two decades are engaged in the art of conducting a division of Divna, first in the singing society "Mokraj", and then in the first Belgrade singing society as "the youngest conductor in the history of the oldest Serbian choir". In 1997, on the blessing of the bishop, Luke Divna founded the choir at the Church of St. Sava in Paris, with which an active concert activity was conducted in the divine services. In July 1998, at ACADEMIE Musikale D ETE in Amyau (France) gave the lessons on choral singing.

Divna Luboyevich was born in Belgrade on April 7, 1970, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
From 10 years old, Divna studied church singing in the Belgrade Monastery "Wovenњe, the Mother of God" (introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God). Then he graduated from Mokranjac Music, Belgrade and Music Academy in the city of Novi-Garden.
In 1991, Divna Lyuboyevich under the monastery of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Belgrade creates the church choir "Melody", named so at the suggestion of the famous singer and philologist, not enough ristovich in honor of the Holy Roman Swekopevts (Roman Melod). The repertoire of the choir "Melodi" is Orthodox chants: from the early samples of the Byzantine, Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian binding to the works of modern authors. In addition to participating in divine services in 17 years of its existence, the choir gave more than 400 concerts, participated in many international festivals. The vocals of the singer and the choir, which she controls - shocks to the depths of the soul.

Also, Divna Luboyevich is engaged in the art of conducting and is the youngest conductor in the history of the oldest Serbian choir.


Aksion Estin, 1996
There are worthy, 1999
Livestone source, 2000
Melody, 2001
Slavora, 2002
Liturgija U Manastiru Vavedenje, 2004
Conception, 2006
Christ Risen, 2007
Christ Cee, 2007
Divna En Concert.
Mysteres byzantins.
Lumieres du chant byzantin
La Divine Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrisostome
La Gloire de Batzance

Divna Luboyevich (Serb. Divna љUbojević) - Serbian performer of Orthodox spiritual music of Serbia, Byzantium, Bulgaria and Russia. Founder, regent, soloist and head of the choir "Melody". Divna Luboyevich was born in Belgrade on April 7, 1970, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Grew up in a religious orthodox family. From 10 years old, Divna studied church singing in the Belgrade Monastery "Wovenњe, the Mother of God" (introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God). Then he graduated from Mokranjac Music, Belgrade and Music Academy in the city of Novi-Garden.

In 1991, Divna Lyuboyevich under the monastery of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Belgrade creates the church choir "Melody", named so at the suggestion of the famous singer and philologist, not enough ristovich in honor of the Holy Roman Swekopevts (Roman Melod).

The repertoire of the choir "Melodi" is Orthodox chants: from the early samples of the Byzantine, Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian binding to the works of modern authors. In addition to participating in divine services in 17 years of its existence, the choir gave more than 400 concerts, participated in many international festivals.

Also, Divna Luboyevich is engaged in the art of conducting and is the youngest conductor in the history of the oldest Serbian choir.

Orthodox liturgical chants are one of the revealed wonders. They are love and hope, energy and humility.

The Orthodox Church is the sky on Earth for a person who, staying in it, immersed in a special world and spiritually reborn. "In prayers and chants of church, throughout their space, the Holy Spirit of Truth is moving," said Sv.Ioann Kronstaddi Wonderworker. All that surrounds a person in the temple is filled with a mystical spirit and assumes the human spirit to inaccessible heights. The same purpose also serves a liturgical musical and singing art. The voice of man becomes a guide of God's grace and happily glorifies the creator, which is a wonderful symphony of heaven and earthly.

Church chants performed by Divna Luboyevich are perceived by a clear sign of prayer. Prayers to which all the nature of a believer person rushes, which acts as an honed sword in a daily battle with himself, which fills in special light and warms the heart.

The liturgical singing is called a sounding icon, it, like icon, reveals the essence of Orthodoxy. Orthodox chants performed by Divna Luboyevich and the Khora "Melody" create an image of Orthodoxy.

The ancient Byzantine and Serbian chants in the design of the divine and its team, recorded on CDs "Christ," "the best Easter songs of the Orthodox East", "Melodi", differ in particular iconicity. These melodies, spoke of the Sacred Name of Veniamin, Bishop Romanovsky, give "... Such a distant time, such a power of feeling, for which you will not change the other most fashionable tune melody of our time ...".

These ancient melodies will be a religious feeling at the listener, who recognizes in these heft of the Greek, Church-Slavic modern and church-Slavic pre-reform languages, what is in the soul of originally, from birth, which indicates a long time ago and "Well-fastened paths leading soul To the sky, to God. "

The singing of the divine is skillful, it hears and reproduces overtones that fill the earth's atmosphere with the musical sound. In the Orthodox tradition, such a phenomenon is called "Angelic singing". More common wicontal sound of men's voices. The wicontal sound of a female voice is rare and perceived as a purely elevated. Such singing gives the thrill and the joy of the soul.

The sound of liturgical chants performed by Divna Lyuboyevich and her choir testifies to the teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Church, who said that in singing a person can pour out the delight and flight of the soul, will deny passion and everyday feelings. Melodies "Cratim" ("Terrera"). "Agni Parfena", "Aksa Estin", "Christ's Christ", "Anastseos Huhru" ask the bristle delight of godfest, which does not fit at the border of words, the feeling that directs the achievement of the Higher Christian ideal - Eternal Bliss.

Divna Luboyevich (Serb. Divna љUbojevi, divna ljubojevi; r. April 7, 1970, Belgrade) - Serbian performer of Orthodox spiritual music of Serbia, Byzantium, Bulgaria and Russia. Founder, regent, soloist and head of the choir "Melody".


Divna Luboyevich was born in Belgrade on April 7, 1970, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Grew up in a religious orthodox family. From 10 years old, Divna studied church singing in the Belgrade Monastery "Wovenњe, the Mother of God" (introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God). Then he graduated from Mokranjac Music, Belgrade and Music Academy in the city of Novi-Garden.

In 1991, Divna Lyuboyevich under the monastery of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Belgrade creates the church choir "Melody", named so at the suggestion of the famous singer and philologist, not enough ristovich in honor of the Holy Roman Swekopevts (Roman Melod). The repertoire of the choir "Melodi" is Orthodox chants: from the early samples of the Byzantine, Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian binding to the works of modern authors. In addition to participating in divine services in 17 years of its existence, the choir gave more than 400 concerts, participated in many international festivals.

Also, Divna Luboyevich is engaged in the art of conducting and is the youngest conductor in the history of the oldest Serbian choir.


  • Aksion Estin, 1996
  • There are worthy, 1999
  • Livestone source, 2000
  • Melody, 2001
  • Slavora, 2002
  • Liturgija U Manastiru Vavedenje, 2004
  • Conception, 2006
  • Christ Risen, 2007
  • Christ Cee, 2007
  • Divna En Concert.
  • Mysteres byzantins.
  • Lumieres du chant byzantin
  • La Divine Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrisostome
  • La Gloire de Batzance

I did not believe that I would be here. I thought about Valaam, as something completely unattainable for me. But when I turned to me with a proposal to become a member of the festival "Academy of Orthodox Music" and told the opportunity to visit Valaam, then in the soul, you know, the thrill was passed. Everything that I see here is amazing here, the nature is amazing, the concert is amazing.

20.07.2012 Labor brethren of the monastery 14 321

- Divna, today you first visited Valaam and gave another delightful concert, please, please, your feelings about what is happening ...

I did not believe that I would be here. I thought about Valaam, as something completely unattainable for me. But when I turned to me with a proposal to become a member of the festival "Academy of Orthodox Music" and told the opportunity to visit Valaam, then in the soul, you know, the thrill was passed. Everything that I see here is amazing here, the nature is amazing, the concert is amazing. For me it was special and the fact that at the concert, I did not see almost a single monk, because each of them was engaged in his obedience at this time. It was also for me, in good sense, amazing. My feelings are now indescribable. It may be because for the first time, but the first time is, probably the most important.

- Have you first became a member of the "Academy of Orthodox Music"?

- How many concerts did you give within the framework of this festival?

Just two. The first concert was with St. Petersburian Chapel. And the second today, here on Valaam.

- Divna, could not tell me that he sent you to music in such an early age. Was this the desire of parents or something else played a role in your early musical formation?

First of all, it is not parents, because They were not professional musicians, although they sing. I think this is a gift. When I was small, I sang a lot, for me it was very natural. When I was 9 years old, we were with my parents in the women's monastery (I grew up in a religious family), where I heard the nun choir, and was amazed by their singing. This was the beginning of my singing in the church.

- You are going to travel a lot and speak around the world, could the concert, which made the most deep impression?

Yes of course. First of all, this is the Italian city of Bari. It was difficult to stop tears from sensations that visited the soul then. Unforgettable concerts were in France, and more recently, on May 24, in the concert hall of the Kremlin Palace. The noise of applause was so grandee, which is confessed, I even became scary at the time. It was a second concert. And the first one was a year ago, which was attended by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, and today's president of Russia (then the Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin, which was for me, of course, is very important. We got a lot of flattering estimates for us, but, of course, the public reaction remains unforgettable. With the Russian audience, another Ukrainian may be compared. The way we took in Kiev is also impossible to forget: people sang right together with us, as it were, even for us, in response to us. - In Italy and France, did you advocate mostly before the Catholic spectators? In these countries, yes. But they, not even understanding words, feel and perceive us very well.

- I guess you love classical music?


- Are your favorite composers?

From instrumental music, among the most beloved, this is definitely - Bach and Rachmaninov.

- What kind of tool do you own, besides voice?

Piano. And, unfortunately, only the piano. As a child, I really wanted to play a violin, but I had only the piano and therefore, it happened that so far I have not learned to play the violin.

- Divna, could you give advice to people novice vocalists in the classical direction?

It is very difficult. Maybe I even have no specific advice. Because if a person has a gift, talent, he will understand his way and will pass it. Each person makes himself with the help of God: the first one should want to make himself, and the second Lord will definitely help him if a person decided.

Vladimir Zolotukhin talked.