Prepare a beef cutting steak. How to cook a beef cutting steak? Beef steak in a frying pan minute

The fragrant, juicy, tasty, with a delicately roasted crust of the beef steak conquered millions of people all over the world. Veal - the most suitable meat for such a dish, because it is not so fat like pork, and not so "rubber" like lamb.

Ideally roasted meat is not so easy to cook. First you need to understand what the degree of cooking you need, then decide on the marinade, sauce and garnish.

What are the degrees of roasted steaks from beef?

Each determines for itself to their own taste of the root of the steak.

There are several of them:

  1. Raw. Weak degree of roasted. Such meat on the sides have a weak crust, but inside it is almost raw. To achieve such a degree, the steak is enough for two minutes of thawing in a frying pan.
  2. Medium Rare. Meat is slightly rooted, with pinkish juice, released when punctured. Pieces are pretty and full of juice.
  3. Medium. Golden mean. There is no blood in beef, it is evenly gently cooked inside and with a golden crust outside.
  4. Medium Well. In such a steak, the juice is no longer pink, but transparent, meat is slightly dry.
  5. Well Done. Fully roasted from the inside and outside the meat has a brown color, there is almost no juice in it.

Ideal sauces for meat

Without sauce, meat is boring, so we offer wine sauce for the perfect steak.

You will need:

  • vinegar - 4 ml;
  • beef broth - 250 ml;
  • brown sugar - 16 g;
  • red wine - 120 ml;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Preparing refueling for the existence:

  1. Pour meat broth in the bowl and cook until it decreases in the amount of twice.
  2. We smell sugar, add vinegar and wine and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  3. It remains to be salted, across the sauce and can be served it to a delicate steak.

In addition to this option, you can put a pile with tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, soy-honey or even plum. Some prefer the taste of pure meat and use only two or three types of herbs and salt in its preparation.

Garnish to beef steak

In addition to the sauce, you can serve green lettuce and boiled potatoes to veal. Very well combined with fried meat grilled vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers and onions. Well complements the taste of steak of baked beans, corn, cooked rice and asparagus in sauce.

Marinade for steak: recipes

The unique spicy taste and the aroma of the beef beefstess gives marinade. It provides meat with the necessary juiciness and softness inside and gives an amazing golden-brown color to a crust outside.

Required products:

  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • salt and mustard - 5 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • some black pepper;
  • one bow head;
  • two garlic slices.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Connect lemon juice in a cup, pepper, oil and salt.
  2. With the help of a grater, turn the bow into the casseau, put it in a common bowl.
  3. Send garlic cloves and send them after onions.
  4. All mix and fill with this marinade beef.

Recipe on a frying pan

To implement the conceived, it will be necessary:

  • two chopping of black pepper;
  • olive oil - pair of spoons;
  • one portion of the meat steak;
  • two pinching salts.

How the beef steak is prepared in a pan, consider below:

  1. We took a piece of meat with a fine fat layer, without bones. Its thickness should not exceed 3 cm, since in the frying pan is too thick, the shmat is not fully affected.
  2. Give the veal from the refrigerator in advance and warm up to room temperature.
  3. We are taking a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil.
  4. At this time, thoroughly process the meat harvest with a mixture of salt with pepper.
  5. We begin to fry it for 2 minutes in the most preheated oil.
  6. A further way of cooking depends on the preferred degree of roasted. On average, the beef is fried in a pair of minutes in boiling oil from both sides and the sides are frying after a decrease in fire.
  7. When the sovereign prepared, let him stand somewhere a quarter of an hour.
  8. After this time, juicy, fragrant pieces of meat is time to serve with fresh greens or vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Cooking marble beef

List of products for kilo meat:

  • salt and Basil - to taste the hostess;
  • a pair of oil spoons olives;
  • mix of peppers.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We rinse meat a disposable towel and leave to warm up to the kitchen temperature.
  2. We process pieces with seals with salt and wipe.
  3. Strongly weak on the plate the frying pan and load beef into it, slightly reducing the shovel.
  4. Cooking a couple of minutes of meat on the one hand, and then carefully turn it onto another. We repeat the manipulation of another 4 - 5 times.
  5. It remains to shift the gentle steak of marble beef with a rosy crust on a plate and give it a rest for 5 minutes. After that, you can proceed to the meal.

We cook in the oven

The composition of the ingredients:

  • any dry spices for your taste;
  • veal - 300 g;
  • lean oil - 40 ml;
  • salt to taste.

How to prepare beef steak in the oven:

  1. The dishonest meat piece is slightly chopped by a wooden hammer, we rub salt and spices into it.
  2. We leave the product to pickle for 60 minutes.
  3. At the end of the process, turn on the oven and warm it up to 220 degrees.
  4. In parallel, split the frying pan, add oil into it and for 2 minutes on each side, fry the workpiece.
  5. Remains of vegetable oil are treated with a dressing form, put an appetizing meat with a "stuck" crust.
  6. We bash steak from beef in the oven for 10 minutes. Decorate his greens and give up to the table.

How to make grilled with tomato salsa?

Required ingredients:

  • tomato Cherry - 100 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cumin and sugar - 15 g;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • beef - 0.7 kg;
  • owka head;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • kilo potatoes;
  • ground sharp pepper - 1 tsp;
  • one lime;
  • three garlic slices.

Preparing grilled steak:

  1. Two garlic teeth should be cleaned and sell. We connect them in a bowl with salt and larch.
  2. Sweep the sharp ground pepper, cumin, another 15 grams of salt and sugar. We rub a raw veal from all sides with this fragrant mixture.
  3. We remove meat pieces in the fridge for 5 hours.
  4. The bulb, tomatoes and the Bulgarian pepper purify and cut into cubes.
  5. We connect vegetables in another dish, add 20 grams of salts to them, sucking garlic and black ground pepper. Pour oil and 50 ml of water. All mix and close in the refrigerator.
  6. When meat and salsa are fully prepared, heating the grill. We lay on the grille veal and expose it to heat processing on each side of 4 minutes.
  7. Then we close the lid and prepare for another 6 minutes.
  8. We give fireproof the appetitive meat to stand a little, we separate on the portion pieces and pour a spicy salsa. Bon Appetit!

Cooking a steak from beef "Miratg"

You will need:

  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • steak "Miratg" - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 slices;
  • sea salt to taste;
  • olive oil - 70 ml;
  • black pepper ground to taste;
  • thunderstorms of dry red wine.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Squeeze garlic in garlic.
  2. Raw pieces of steaks rub the sea salt, a half of the total of garlic and black pepper. We close the product for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  3. In the frying pan heating olive oil, rasmal garlic and inscribe it until goldenness.
  4. We refer to the cut pieces of mushrooms, pour wine, add salt and prepare the ingredients for 10 minutes.
  5. Warming up the grill, put our missing steaks there and prepare from two sides to 6 minutes.
  6. It remains only to give juicy meat to breed 10 minutes, then decompose it on plates and add mushrooms in wine. Taste awesome!

Quickly and tasty on electricrile

What you need to take:

  • mustard - 2 g;
  • beef fillet - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • red wine - 0.1 l;
  • bacon - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • cream - 50 g;
  • ground pepper - 5 g

Cooking steak from beef on electricrile:

  1. Mushrooms shining medium pieces.
  2. Veal fillet wrap in bacon and fasten the thread.
  3. We process the resulting steaks with olive oil, salt, mustard and pepper.
  4. Turn on the electric array, heating it and fry the meat threads for 7 minutes on each side.
  5. Hot steaks turn the foil and leave them in this form for 10 minutes.
  6. During this time, we prepare pieces of mushrooms in a frying pan until the whole mushroom liquid is evaporated.
  7. We pour wine and carcasses in the pan's products 3 minutes.
  8. Pour cream and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. It remains to lay out ready-made steaks on the dish and add mushroom sauce to them. Bon Appetit!

New York at home

Recipe components:

  • vegetable oil - 55 ml;
  • veal marble - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic slices - 3 pcs.;
  • one chili pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • stem fresh rosemary;
  • a piece of butter - 30 g.

How to cook steak:

  1. Warm up to room temperature two fresh steaks, process them from all sides by vegetable oil.
  2. Heat dry frying pan, lay out our steaks to the bottom and prepare a minute with one and on the other hand.
  3. Fry in the next four minutes, from time to time turning the squasting pieces.
  4. We crush the garlic in Cashitz, add it to meat together with butter. Success black pepper and salt. Last minute, turn off the fire.
  5. Laying juicy, fragrant steaks, decorated with rosemary and chili. Bon Appetit!

List of ingredients

  • lemon;
  • steak Tibon - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • a piece of oil - 120 g;
  • thyme - 2 twigs;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 5 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. During the day before the start of cooking, we just purchased the steaks of the film and send to the refrigerator.
  2. We remove the film and process juicy meat pieces of salt. Let them relax 10 minutes.
  3. We start making the sauce for the steak. To do this, clean garlic heads and every teeth cut large pieces.
  4. My lemon and rub it into cubes, without cleaning the peel.
  5. We shift 80 grams of oil in the pan and wait until it messes.
  6. Then we start to fry for 3 minutes garlic, then add lemon and thyme.
  7. After 5 minutes I remove the branches of grass, and everything else is shredding blender.
  8. We had another 40 grams of butter. We lubricate beef.
  9. We lay out pieces on the surface of the frying pan and fry for 3 minutes.
  10. Pour steaks with a ruddy crust with sauce, shift the blanks into the baking shape and we prepare in the oven for 10 minutes.
  11. We close the finished steaks of foil and wait for 15 minutes. After that, you can put on the table.

Ribay from marble meat

Required recipe components:

  • a piece of oil - 25 g;
  • garlic slicare;
  • Riby Steak - 1 pc.;
  • sea salt to taste;
  • thyme - 1 twig;
  • black pepper to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Heat the frying pan, pouring into it some refined oil.
  2. Room temperature steak cut into a mixture of salt and pepper.
  3. Place the veal on the surface of the frying pan and fry one and a half minutes on each side - the meat should be evenly twisted.
  4. Main products for steak:

  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil - 55 ml;
  • cognac - 100 g;
  • pepper black to taste;
  • praimbif meat;

For sauce:

  • crushed garlic - 15 g;
  • flour - 65 g;
  • owka head;
  • wine "Marsala" - 0.1 l;
  • salt to taste;
  • broth - 300 ml;
  • pepper black to taste;
  • mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. For sauce, heal olive oil in a pan, throwing a crushed bulb, slices of mushrooms and garlic. Fry to goldenness of vegetables.
  2. I fill the sifted flour and cook for another minute.
  3. We pour wine and mix products, add meat broth and cook until the sauce becomes thick.
  4. Standardly prepare steaks to the desired degree of roasted.
  5. Sweep the salt and pepper. We pour cognac and with the help of a long match we set it right in the pan.
  6. Gasim the fire, closing the lid, and give the table to the table.

Juicy and gentle - on creamy oil

What you need to take:

  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • veal - 0.8 kg;
  • a piece of creamy oil - 50 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From beef tenderloin make several steaks. Their thickness should be no more than 3 cm.
  2. I melt a piece of oil on a strong fire in a frying pan.
  3. From all sides, we process bifhtex salt with pepper and fry in butter for 4 - 5 minutes with each side.
  4. Serve steaks with lettuce or vegetables.

Steak - dish for all times. It can be quickly frying for tired of her husband or suck with a sophisticated sauce on a festive table. Choose the recipe, train and very soon the popularity of your steaks eclipses all other culinary research of your girlfriends.

Many hostesses believe that beef is more convenient to stew or bake, since the fibers of this meat are hard enough. This is partly true, however, if you buy a beef clipping, you can cook a completely awesome dish - a steak of beef cutting into a medium degree of roasted, also called Fillet Mignon.

The main thing is that in your house there is a suitable dishes - after all, the fillet-minion steak should fry in a grill in a pan.


Recipe steak from beef tenderloin in a frying pan

Dish: Main dish

Time for preparing: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 1 PC. Meat beef cutting

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to prepare a steak fillet-minion from beef tenderloin in a frying pan

Click cutting in front of the roasting from the refrigerator and let it lie down at room temperature for about 40 minutes. Then wash the meat, wrap the tissue napkin, absorbing the excess moisture, and cut the steaks with a thickness of about 4 cm.

Grill frying pan on the maximum fire. The preparation of this dish is inherent in one feature: in the process of frying the oil is not poured into the pan, as usual, and instead, each steak is slightly lubricated to them, and then lay on the hot surface.

To prepare a juicy and gentle beef to the average degree of roasted, the steaks hold on fire a total of 20-25 minutes, while the meat on each side is fried twice. The algorithm looks like this: the steaks of 5-6 minutes are roasted on the one hand, then turn over the other side and soles. After 5-6 minutes, they return to the first side again, while turning each piece by 90 degrees (it is necessary that the stack remains on the steak from the ribs in the form of a lattice) and salty. After 5-6 minutes, the meat turn over the last time, again, with a turn of 90 degrees, waiting for another 5 minutes and removed from the fire.

Fillet-minion never serve immediately to the table. After frying them, they are cleaned into a saucepan with thick walls, laid out inside the foil, sprinkled with ground peppers on top, closed with a lid and give to stand for 15 minutes. Only after that you can put the steak from beef clipping on plates.

As a side dish, fillet minion can be served any fresh or salted vegetables, as well as fried potatoes. Bon Appetit!

Now many mistakenly call the steak a solid roasted piece of meat. In fact, a real steak, this is a whole algorithm of actions, allowing you to truly enjoy the original meat dish. It is a piece of meat that is cut across the fibers and fries on the grill or pan. Meat for steaks is suitable for those parts of the carcass, where the muscles were not actively involved for the movement of the animal. From the whole animal carcass for the preparation of steaks, no more than 10% is suitable, and this is the main reason for the high cost of the dish.

In today's time, in the culinary world, steaks of fish, veal, pork and other meat varieties are prepared, but the classic is still considered a beef dish. The flawlessly cooked steak may be difficult to task even for a cook with experience, since sometimes meat leaves dry and hard, burns outside, without having time to spike inside. So that this does not happen, and the dish turned out to be correct and truly delicious, some subtleties should be known.

  • For a steak, you should choose a beef clipping of a mature animal, but not old and not young. The meat should be red or dark red color, but not pink or burgundy. It is advisable to choose parts of the carcass having less tendons and powerful muscles, with evenly distributed all over a piece of fat.
  • It is possible to determine the softness of the steak with your finger, pressing on raw meat - the finger is easily immersed, leaving a deep hole, which is returned after pressure to its original position. If this happens - then the meat is good. If the fossa does not frame - the meat is not fresh enough, and if it is difficult to pressed - the steak will be hard.
  • For a tasty steak, the meat should be properly prepared - remove the film and the upper tendon. A piece of cut is not too thin, and a length of at least 7 cm. Otherwise, the meat will lose moisture, and it will become dry. Then in the center of the piece of the side where the fibers are located along, an incision is made to the middle of the thickness, and the meat is revealed by the "Butterfly".
  • The steak is marked from 12 to 48 hours, and before being sent to the fire, it is well sued with a paper towel. Traditional marinade mixture is: vegetable oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar, salt and seasonings.
  • The frozen stack is deflated in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. After, dryly wipes and leaves 20 minutes before the start of pickling so that it is heated to room temperature. It is not recommended to defrost steak in the microwave. Since the upper layers of meat in defrost mode are already beginning to prepare, while the middle remains cold. Subsequently, it will be difficult to get a uniform inherent. Also, it is not advocated to defrost meat at room temperature and in warm water.
  • Meat is roasting exclusively on a well-hot heavy pan or grill pan. At the same time, the frying pan should not smoke, otherwise the steak is fed outside, and inside it will not have time to prepare, from which it turns out to be tough. The protein during the frying on the surface of the piece is quickly folded and prevents the release of the fluid, so the steak is frustrated at the big heat for 1 minute on each side. It "seals" fibers and meat will save juice, and hence the steak will be juicy and soft. Further, the dish is brought to the desired degree of roasted at a lower temperature.
  • Ready meat should leave a little lie. During this time, the juice will be distributed inside the piece, the temperature inside and outside, and the steak will be warm everywhere, gentle and juicy.
  • A steak is served on warm plates, then it will not cool so quickly. For use you will need sharp knives without jar, so that you can smoothly cut meat.

How to fry beef steak?

Make the perfect steak is not difficult, unless of course, you know some rules and keep certain subtleties.

  • Buying meat in the supermarket, pay attention besides the date of packaging, also at the bottom date, it should always be indicated. Squeeze it from it 20-25 days, which will be the date from which you can start frying the steak.
  • The steaks are preferably not soaked, but wipe the paper towel to complete dryness.
  • Do not put more than 2 pieces for one pan, otherwise the frying pan falls sharply. Meat will begin to highlight the juice in which it will be stealing, and then the ruddy grilled crust will not work.
  • Turn the steaks with culinary forceps for meat, not fork, otherwise, leaving the juice.
  • If the meat cannot be turned over, and it does not lag behind the frying pan - it means that the crust is not formed. Then steak need to make a little more time.
  • Another important advice: meat for the steak, do not disable, otherwise it will lose all juices and structure.

How much to fry steak from beef?

The degree of roasted steaks can be varied to its taste, increasing either reducing their cooking time. According to the American classification system, 5 degrees of the roasters are distinguished. We give examples of the approximate time of the coales of the steak of 2.5 cm thick. For pieces of greater thickness, cooking time must be increased, and vice versa.

  • Very Rare (Raw) - a piece can only be allowed from each side of 10-15 seconds.
  • Rare (with blood) - prepared on each side for 1-2 minutes, then it is given 6-8 minutes to relax.
  • Medium Rare (weak root) - prepared on each side of 2-2.5 minutes, resting 5 minutes.
  • Medium (Medium Frozen) - prepares on each side for 3 minutes, resting 4 minutes.
  • Well Done (roasted) - prepared on each side of 4.5-5 minutes, resting 1 minute.

It will still be useful to please the edge of the steak, long holding them on the sides during the first turning. It is convenient to do it with special tongs intended for meat. Also for different degrees of the roasters need certain types of meat. For the firewood from Medium Rare to Medium Well, the fat steaks are needed, from Rare to Medium - with a small content of fat (for example, fillet Mignon). It should be noted that the most accurate to determine the degree of roasted meat can be using a thermometer that will allow to achieve an ideal consistency and taste of the steak. The electronic thermometer slides a slightly surface and indicates the meat availability temperature.

  • RARE (with blood) \u003d 120 ° F (48.8 ° C)
  • MEDIUM RARE (weak roasted) \u003d 130 ° F (54.4 ° C)
  • Medium (medium roasted) \u003d 140 ° F (60 ° C)
  • Medium Well (almost roasted) \u003d 150 ° F (65.5 ° C)
  • WELL DONE (roasted) \u003d 160 ° F (71.1 ° C)

4 recipes cooking steak from beef

And now, when you get acquainted with all the preparation rules, let's make a delicious steak at home.

1. Recipe for beef steak in a frying pan

  • Calorie per 100 g - 190 kcal.
  • Number of portions - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Steak selected beef - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Spices "French herbs" - 1 tsp. And at will


  1. The meat around the perimeter is to do the middle grinding pepper and salt moderately.
  2. Generously dear steaks with spices with hands, and slapped them in meat.
  3. Prepared steak on both sides lubricate vegetable oil.
  4. In the cast-iron frying pan pour oil and warm well.
  5. Put the steak on the pan and write 1 minute, and after, quickly turn over and roast another 1 minute.
  6. Then, turn over the piece on the opposite direction and root to the desired readiness.

2. Recipe for cooking steak on a ribbed grill frying pan

Well, now, let's cook at home steak with a beautiful "grid" on a ribbed grill frying pan.


  • Beef Steak (Cutting Slices without Bone, 3-5 cm thick) - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Slices of steak from two sides, wash the salt and pepper with a mixture.
  2. The cast-iron ribbed grill frying pan is well heated without adding oil to the formation of a light smoke.
  3. Put the steaks on the pan and fry 1.5 minutes. After, turn over 90 degrees clockwise and fry for another 30 seconds.
  4. Then turn it over the other side and do the same procedure.
  5. Roasted steaks Put in the coating container, wrap them with foil and send to the oven preheated to 190 ° C for 10-12 minutes. If you want a stronger root, then hold them for 15 minutes.
  6. After this time, the steaks get out of the oven and, without removing the foil, leave them on. Minutes.

3. How to cook beef steak?

Contrary to loud ridicule from the mouth of "professional" chefs: they say, to prepare a tasty and gentle beef steak at home in a frying pan - we will prove the opposite.


  • 2,5 cm steak - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Kitchen Fat - for frying
  • Creamy oil - 2 tbsp.


  1. Space steaks and leave for 40 minutes so they come to room temperature. Salt will pull out the moisture to the surface where it will give rise to the puddles. During this time, salt will soften meat, breaks the protein and an elongated salt, starts to absorb back to the steak. This reception will make meat gentle and juicy.
  2. Put the kitchen fat on a well-heated frying pan and let him smack a little.
  3. Lay out the steak, fire it from two sides to 1 minute and stick.
  4. After, bring it to the extent you want to get.
  5. 1 minute before the end of cooking, put 2 tbsp in the pan. Creamy oil, it will fill the steak with a rich smell.
  6. Without reaching 2 ° C to the desired temperature, remove the pan from the fire and leave the steak to relax. During this time, it comes to the desired temperature, because It will continue to prepare on a covered hot frying pan.

4. How to make a juicy beef steak

Despite the widespread opinion that to fry the steak is a very difficult case, which requires a certain skill, everything is not so scary. It is in power to prepare quite tasty, only a good recipe is needed.


  • Beef pulp - 500 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of a juicy steak:

  1. Prepare beef - clean it from the film, wash and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Cut meat on the steaks across the fibers with a thickness of 2-3 cm.
  3. Slit pepper pieces, dear vegetable oil and leave for an hour.
  4. On a strong fire, heals the pan and lay out the meat.
  5. Fry steaks 30 seconds on one side, after another. Next, turn the meat again, make the average temperature and roast another 4 minutes. Then turn over and roast the same amount of time.
  6. Put the pan from the stove, cover with the lid and leave for 10 minutes.

Juicy beef steak in a frying pan - the recipe is quite simple. Meat with an appetizing crust and a gentle flesh - what can be welcome? Many dreams to get meat steaks as a result of their works in the best traditions of the genre. But to achieve the desired degree of roasted and not spoil expectations - it may not be bred by this not every mistress. Especially love the steaks of a man, they cannot just live without meat. The savory piece will be able to quench the hunger of any man, so the steaks will be by the way at lunch, and to dinner. Try cooking beef steak, as in our recipes.

There are many types of steaks. For example, a thick piece of beef without bone, with a fat layer, cut from the rib, is Ribe, and a thin layer of meat without dice from the back - Starplohn, having an almost triangular shape. Steak "New York" looks like Striploine, but there is no fat stupor. "Porthuhaus" is the largest stake from the lumbar part, and Fille-Mignon is the most expensive, juicy, gentle, delicious steak from the only bull of a round muscle. The "Ti-Bon" steak is meat on the bone of the T-shaped shape, combines two types of meat - fillet and a thin edge. "Angletter" is preparing from meat from the inside of the blade, and the steak "Cafe de Paris" is made from the sideline of the most soft from the blade. The quasimodo steak is cut out of the lumbar region of the back, and "Montevideo" is a steak from Kostnitsa. The "Randpamb" steak is prepared from the top of the hip area, the club steak is from a part of the back of the thick edge, Sironin - from the femoral part of the carcass, and Rum-steak is a very thin and well-fledged clipping. As they say, choose a steak for every taste!

Which of the steaks is best suited for frying in a frying pan?

The main thing that depends on the good taste of the steak is, of course, high-quality meat (the steak is made only from beef). But, because in the form of choosing a suitable piece can not all be able to use the prompts. The best parts for steaks - cutting, thick edge and thin edge. The perfect meat for steaks should have a high degree of marble.

For cooking in a pan, the Riba steak is best suited. He is universal. The name comes from the two English words RIB-EYE, that is, "Edge" and "Eye". The edge is a place where the cut is taken from, and the eye is the shape of its cross-cut, which the steaks "Riba" inherit. The abundance of fatty interlayers (the very marble of meat) with frying quickly, making Ribe, the most juicy, most unpretentious in preparation from all steaks.

How to prepare beef steak in a frying pan

New York Steak


  • 300 g of the "New York" steak (Stripple)
  • 3-4 Twigs of Fresh Thyme
  • 2-3 cherry tomatoes
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • large sea salt, a mixture of peppers (black, red, white) - to taste
  • olive oil for frying

Cooking method:

Wash the beef, dry with a paper towel, make transverse cuts to the entire depth of the fatty layer. Make cuts every 3-4 cm along the whole piece of meat. So the steak is better abstensted, not deformed, does not twist in the process of frying. Salt, peak steak. Fry on a hot olive oil for 1 min on each side, adding garlic, chuckled thyme. Before readiness in the oven for 6 minutes at 180 ° C. To apply entirely, with garlic and cherry tomatoes, decorated with a twig of thyme, or cut into several slots. On the cut, the degree of roasted medium is visible - with a pink middle.

Grilled steak in a pan with an Irish whiskey

This is a favorite Sunday dish when you watch the Gaelian football match on TV.


  • 1 steak of the fillet part (230-330 grams), room temperature
  • Black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of cream oil or fat for frying
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • ¼ cup of irish whiskey
  • 1 Glass of Fat Cream

Cooking method:

Patch steak. Put the oil into a frying pan. When the oil boils, put on a frying pan. When fat starts, reduce the fire, prepare for your taste (3-4 minutes - meat with blood; 4-5 minutes - the average root; 5-6 minutes is a good root steak), turning the meat only once. Place the steak on the warm plate. Get rid of fat in a frying pan, drained it. Pour into the pan whiskey, cream, mix until the mass becomes dense. Swelling, pepper in taste and pour the sauce.

Steak with Chile and Tmin


  • 5 beef steaks
  • 1 chili pepper,
  • ground cumin
  • dried soul
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • parsley greens,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

In the bowl, mix finely chopped chili pepper, cumin, soul, pepper and salt. Obtain the mixture obtained, slightly sprinkle with oil, let it brew for 1 hour. Share on the pan, fry on the oil under the lid. Sprinkle parsley crushed greenery and immediately serve on the table.

Steak weak cheasts

Young beef cutting a strictly across the fibers into pieces, each steak with a thickness of 2.5-4 centimeters and lay them on a dry hot frying pan. Frying steaks without a cover on a strong heat for about 2 minutes or bring to a temperature of 37-40 degrees.

For convenience and accuracy, it is advisable to use the thermospectorate.

At meat temperatures about 38 degrees, the upper part of the beef steak is covered with light sprous. At this moment, we turn it onto the second side and fry about 2 minutes (to a temperature of about 57 degrees).

A weak root of the beef steak (Medium Rare) is achieved at a meat temperature of 56-60 degrees. As soon as light pink juice appears on the surface of the fillet, the steak is ready. Quickly remove it from the frying pan, otherwise the meat will continue to prepare and the steak becomes more hard and dry.

Solim and pepper to taste on both sides. MEDIUM RARE fire steak is ready for feed.

The photo is clearly represented by a weak degree of roasted (Medium Rare), at which no raw, but still gentle meat highlights pink juice. Steak can be cooked on the grill, the method is good for a picnic and barbecue.

Creamy oil steak

If you choose the meat correctly, partition and fry well, you will get the most delightful stack in the world.


  • Cream oil - bunch.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Beef - 0.8 kg.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Beef tenderloin needed, then dry towels, and cut three centimeters thick into pieces. Next we need a frying pan for steaks. We put it on fire and calm the oil.

We will only become one side of meat and put a piece on the pan. Next, the other side and turn the steak. Preparation time is determined, first of all, your preferences, which degree of meat roasted, you like.

If you want the steak to just roasted a little, it is quite enough to fry it for three minutes on each side. If you wish, get a good crust outside and pink pulp inside time will have to increase to four minutes each side.

Well, if you want to eat well rooted meat, you need to cook it for five minutes on each side. And do not forget to saline before serving.

How to cook beef steak - a variety of ways

Acute pended beef steak under sauce with horseradish

The peculiarity of this dish is the sauce. Due to the cream, Brandy and Khrena, it turns out to be a gentle-sweet with a tart flavor. Fresh vegetables will fit the side dish. Serve steak is better under sauce with horseradish, adding strong drinks.

Cooking time: 20 min. Number of portions: 4


  • 1 kg beef tenderloin
  • 200 g Khrena
  • 50 ml brandy
  • 200 ml of cream 22-33% fat
  • 1-2 h. L. Ground pepper Chile
  • ½ h. L. Sahara
  • salt to taste

In no case do not chop meat with a hammer, as the muscle fibers break and steak with frying becomes dry. If a piece is thick, it is better to stretch it with hand or the back of the knife. The dwelling part can be cut. So that the meat is tender, salt during cooking already on the root side.

Cooking method:

Remove excess fat and veins with meat. Cut the meat on the steaks with a thickness of 2-3 cm. Slide slightly with a heavy item or fist. Salt the steaks, rubbing the salt into meat. Slip steaks on both sides by ground chili pepper. Mix in the brandy frying pan and some water. Add to brandy sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce fire. Pour fat cream. Add grated horseradish, mix thoroughly, warm to mix flavors and flavors. Drop to the desired consistency. To fry on a very hot coal: for rooting with blood - for 1-2 minutes on each side, the medium - for 2-3 minutes on each side, for a good root, from 3-4 minutes on each side. Serve hot sauce.

Beef steak with cheese and potatoes


  • 500 g beef steak
  • 700 g of cheese with mold,
  • 450 g of red potatoes,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • olive oil,
  • dill greens
  • pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Stir the crushed garlic, salt, pepper and oil. Cut steak, lay out in a bowl and pour the cooked marinade for 15 minutes. Then fry grill steak for 3-4 minutes on each side. Clear potatoes, cut in half, salt, boil, season with oil, fry on the grill, immediately sprinkle with cheese. Serve potatoes with steak, decoring the greenery of dill.

Steak from beef tenderloin with cauliflower and broccoli in the oven

A good beef steak is a great main dish that will not only saturate guests, but also like the most demanding gourmet. A light ranger of stewed or fresh vegetables will create a unique flavoring contrast with a dish. Please make your loved ones satisfying sleepless meal over a glass of red wine and fragrant delicious steak prepared according to our recipe.

Cooking time: 30 min. Number of portions: 1


  • 200 beef tenderloin
  • 100 g of cauliflower
  • 100 g of cabbage broccoli
  • 100 ml cream 22-35% fat
  • 30 g of tomatoes
  • 20 g of a bunk
  • 20 g of sweet red pepper
  • 20 g Tsukini
  • 40 ml of olive oil
  • salt,
  • freshly ground black pepper-in taste

Cooking method:

Wash, dry and clean meat from lived and films. Cut the beef across the fibers of portion slices thick 3-5 cm. Salt and pepper meat. Fry meat from two sides in a frying pan with olive oil (15 ml) before the formation of a crust. To shift the meat into the heat-resistant shape and bring until readiness in the heated oven 6-10 min at 190 ° C. Disassemble two types of cabbage on inflorescences. Salt and cross cabbage. Fry cabbage on a preheated pan with olive oil (15 ml) until goldenness 2-3 minutes. Pour cream and warm up to the cabbage until they thicken. Cut into small cubes tomato, removing the place of fastening the frozen, pepper, clearing it from seeds and fruits, zucchini and onions. Mix in the containers of vegetables, salt, pepper and refuel the remaining olive oil. Serve with a steak.

The degree of root steak

There are several degrees of steak roasters:

  • Extra-rair. The steak quickly fresher on the grill, warming up to 49 °. It turns out practically raw.
  • With blood. The steak is prepared for 2-3 minutes at 200 °. He has a roasted crust, red, not roasted inside meat, red juice.
  • Weak roasted. It is prepared for 5 minutes at 190-200 °. He has not roasted meat and juice pink.
  • Medium rare. Prepare 7 minutes at 180 °. It turns out a mid-terrible, with light pink juice.
  • Almost root. Prepare for 9 minutes at 180 °. He has a soft meat with transparent juice.
  • Rooted. Prepared for 8-9 minutes at 180 °. Conduct until readiness in the oven. He has almost no juice.
  • Highly roasted. Prepare more than 9 minutes. He is with a rosy crust and completely without juice.

  • The steak is prepared only from fresh chilled meat.
  • Before hot, it should be brought to room temperature.
  • The steak can only be beef.
  • A piece of meat for the steak should be thick - at least 2.5 cm, but not more than 4 cm.
  • Serve steaks on hot plates so that they cooled not so quickly.

Now you know how to just cook beef steak. Bon Appetit!

Taste, texture and fragrance directly depends on the location of the pulp in the carcass. Do not forget that each cut has its own culinary value, the method of cooking, the optimal root.

Cutting, thin and thick edge, bladder part, Pashin is distinguished by the structure, thickness of the fibers, the amount of bodybasses. Experienced cooks pay attention to the degree of marble, the presence of bones and other unmarried nuances. To choose the right meat, it is advisable to figure it out in his kinds, to learn from which part of the beef they make steak. So, look into the kitchen steak houses ...

Variety of steaks, their culinary features and names

For the preparation of delicious steaks fit the usual calf clipping, but experts buy meat specially removed breeds. There are only a few of them: Scottish Angus (Angdine-Angus), Japanese Wawy, English Herreford, their hybrids.

Angus and Herreford inheritance transmit the best qualities: a high degree of marble, a large mass of muscles, a small percentage of waste.

The usual beef bertok (annecot, thick edge) is not entirely suitable for frying, because its structure is quite dense, and the fat layers are completely absent. Steak will be too dry, tough, not appetizing in appearance. Such a product is better to pickle, and cook another dish: calf chops, fried, medallions in the sauce.


The formation and tenderness of fried meat depends on the type of cut, its fragrance, flavor gamut, even the choice of pignigration and sauce.

So, consider the optimal parts of the carcass and types of beef steaks.

Cutting or Tenderloin - Lean and gentle meat

Meat is under the spine, does not participate in the animal loads, therefore it is considered the most soft part of the carcass. In the clipping, a sufficient amount of valuable protein, which is necessary for children and pregnant women. One piece is able to restore the forces after physical or mental labor. Suitable for dietary food, because it has practically no fat impractions.

In the market it is easy to confuse clippings with a cheaper and hard entrecote. Clear sellers skill him skillfully, giving out for a gentle and dear cut. Often cut the flesh from the blade or hips, giving a piece of oblong shape.

How to distinguish pelleloin from the thick edge and other meat?

  • there are no veins;
  • on the one hand, there is a thin and long film;
  • loose texture;
  • fibers are large and long;
  • cutting is much already than an entrecote;
  • the pulp is evenly painted;
  • the color is darker than the thick edge;
  • on a piece, sections can be considered, the surface is not smooth;
  • slot length no more than 45 cm;
  • Tenderloin narrows evenly.

Cooks recommend buying unleassed clipping, After all, she has a peculiar structure of muscles, not like the rest of the cut. It consists of head, central part, tail and cuff. Between themselves, pieces differ in thickness and density, so not all segments are used for steaks.

Culinary features of cutting

Head Located in the widest part of the tenneloin, reminds a weighty process. It has more fatty suites than in the other segments. A piece is good for cooking Bethstroogan, Bifhtex, Goulash (for these dishes can use tail and cuffs). Often, carpaccio is made of it. However, in low-cost restaurants often used for steaks, although they are harvested.

Cuff - The thinnest strip of meat, which passes along the entire length of the tail, and with the "torso" is connected by the film. The meat is tender and very quickly prepared. Mainly used for piercers, meat dishes with sauce.

Tail - Single part of the tenneloin, which quickly dries in a pan. In budget restaurants, culinary chitryat: a piece is cut, turned and fixed with foil, after frying, served as a favorite dish!

The central part of the cooks by the weight of gold, because of it is preparing the most tender beef steaks (minion and shitubin).

For the minion fillet, they take an exceptionally middle part, so only two thick pieces are obtained from one clipping. In cheap restaurants can use the whole pulp, along with your head. Mignon is considered to be a female steak, since he is the most softer and lean. Meat fascinates a bright taste, juitness and tenderness.

Shatubreb makes out of the thick part of the tenderloin, which is located near the head. Cooks fry entirely, with the calculation for two people, or divided into 2 pieces. Steak comes out somewhat wider and thicker than minion. He came up with a personal cook Visconta Shatubrant. Served together with amazing sauce prepared on the basis of white wine with wormwood, a bowl of chalot and lemon frets.

Ribe or Thick Edge - Popular Restaurant Dish

Thick edge is distinguished by a special structure, it is valued for a high degree of marble and the original taste. The name of the cut is translated as "eye on the bone."

Closer to the neck, it consists of three muscles that smoothly go into one. Steak comes out fat, gentle and juicy, because it is often ordered by men.

"Eye" is a professional term, which means the size of the muscular section, although the muscle contours of the muscles resemble the body of the vision.

Riba is in the upper back of the back, between 5 and 13, the ribs are connected to the thin edge (strippeting). Practically does not participate in the life of the animal, so the meat is quite soft. Fat layers accumulate more active than in other muscles. The most valuable part is the first third of the cut, which is located near the neck. It is in the thick edge that there are conclusions about the marmory of the rest of meat!

The steaks from the thick edge can be two types:

  1. Rib (Cowboy Steak or Prime Rib) is cut along with the rib bone. During the frying it gives an incredible aroma, a slightly nut taste.
  2. Ribe - gentle meat without bone. Rear remove immediately when cutting the carcass.

Striploin (Slim edge) - Elegant meat for frying

Striploin is translated as a flat cut, as the cut in shape is slightly wider and lower than Ribe. Meat is cut out of the lumbar carcass, after the 13th edge.

Fibers are large, but sufficiently gentle and soft. From the edge there is a dense vein, which is cut only in the kitchen of expensive restaurants. Over the entire length (side) there is a small vertebral muscle. During cooking, it can fall off, so you need to turn the piece extremely neatly. Cut is framed by a thick layer of fat, but only on the one hand.

The steaks fascinate with concentrated meat taste, so they are rightfully considered a male dish. Two types of steaks are prepared from the thin edge: Striploine and New York.

Ovalovok or Sironin - moderately tough and lean meat

Sironin - the flesh of the lumbar part, which is located near the clipping head. Meat is a bit harsh, lean and with large fibers.

Fat layers are concentrated on the one hand, giving the dish the original aftertaste.


Due to the low degree of marble, the steak is easy to dry, so it is undesirable to overeat on fire.

A piece of row is frying on an open fire, mainly on coals. He is not so juicy and gentle as Riby, but loves precisely for a stunning meat taste, which is quite bright and rich.

Cuts are divided into several types:

  1. Sironin FLP is characterized by a rough texture. To soften the fibers slightly, the piece is pre-marinate. Cooks advise a firehead medium, otherwise the meat will turn into a tear.
  2. Top Syroyne is taken from the central lumbar part, fried at high temperature, like other steaks. Recommended cheasting medium re.

Large steaks with a bone - food for real men!

Some types of steaks have giant sizes, mainly fed without pinched. A piece is cut out of the carcass along with the rib bones and the vertebra. Both sides are different cuts.: Cutting and Striploine (or Riba). They differ in the structure of the fibers, the number of body pods, density and rigidity.

For each part, different cooking time is needed, so such a dish is trusted exclusively to experienced cooks.

Due to the large size, the meat is fried long. There is a risk of overpowering the lean part, and the thick or thin edge can not bring to the desired degree of roasted.

Giant steaks are valued for stunning fragrance. The bone enriches the kushanye: the flesh fascinates the stunning taste, and new notes appear with each piece. The dish is rightfully considered men's, After all, the girls practically do not order him because of an impressive weight and a saturated aftertaste.

Meat on the bone is two types:

  1. Ti-Bowen is a delicacy of real gourmets. Distinctive feature - T-shaped bone. On the one hand, there is a small piece of cutting (mostly narrow part), and on the other - Striploine with a thick fat layer. Raw steak weighs more than 450 grams, can reach a kilogram.
  2. Porterhaus - King of steaks. The most weighty, rich piece of meat, which is cut out of the lumbar part. It looks like a Ti-Bown, however, cutting into a cut is an order of magnitude more, and the bone itself is several times less. One portion can weigh near a kilogram. In the 18th century, London taverns were called Porterhas, where the workers came to drink beer or porter. Over time, the institution turned into restaurants who impressed the variety of delightful steaks.

Budget steaks - Stunning Kushan for low cost

Who said that cheap meat is not suitable for making a chic dish? From the pulp of the blades, hips and passengers you can create a stunning dish!

Flank - Raisin Steikhaus

Flank - a small cut, which supports the stomach and intestines of the animal, does not participate in its movement. The piece is unusual flat and wide, resembles a rectangle. Fat streaks are located on top, but in small quantities. Muscle fibers are quite large and loose, which must be taken into account during cooking. They are directed differently than other cuts: under the tilt, almost parallel to the plane of the grill.

Flank consider a lean and hard steak, so it is undesirable to overeat on fire. The degree of marbling is much lower than that of ribay, so the cut is easy to overcover. Despite the low quality, he has a stunning meat taste: Exquisite and bright. Usually a piece weighs more kilograms.

When filing is necessarily cuts, since the degree of softness of the dish depends on the slope. The meat is considered to be a budget option, originally asked in the kitchen of the poor.

From channel flack, you can cook a few steaks:

  1. Steak flank is cut out of lords. It has excellent juit, aroma and chic taste gamut.
  2. Steak Machete. - Long and narrow piece of inner diaphragm with relatively good marbling. He was loved for an intense and brightly pronounced taste. A piece visually resembles a Latin American knife, which is obliged to its name.
  3. The meat steak is cut out of the diaphragm. Butchers and merchants initially did not put it on the counter, but left themselves. It is valued for a bright taste, original and gentle texture. As all the steaks from the flack cut, when applying it is mounted, either divided into two parts.

Chuck - rich variety of steaks

Cut chuck cut out from the cervical and shower part of the bulls. It has few fat impractions, but the dish is quite juicy and moderately tough. During cooking, cooks take into account all the nuances, so you can make several steaks from one cut, completely different taste and texture.

Denver Steak. The pulp is under the blade of the animal. The marble is high enough, so the dish is delicious, juicy, not too tough. Middle Weight is about 700 grams.

Top Blade. The meat is distinguished by a dense structure. Through the entire length of the slicer passes a dense vein. In the cooking process, it practically does not soften, so the product is used in budget institutions. If the custody is cut, you will get a wonderful dish Flet Iron. Weight of a piece of about 600 grams. The marbling is quite good, fatty bodies are scattered over the entire surface. Steak comes out quite juicy, so before cooking it is not marked. Cooks recommend buying a wet excerpt product so that the meat taste turns out more harmonious.

Flat Iron. (Kansas or Top Blade) is distinguished by an incredible aroma and taste. The pulp is cut out of the shoulder part, which adjies to the blade. A piece resembles the outline of the sole of the iron, for which he got its name. It has a good degree of marbling, so the kushan come out quite juicy and gentle. Before cooking, the meat is open, carefully remove the veil, leaving all the fat strata. The weight of one steak can be about 200 grams, so there are a dozen serving from one cut. Gourmets identified Fleta Iron second place after the peredloin.

Chuck Ai Roll Cut from the neck cut. The steak is obtained harsh, but quite juicy. Gourmets are confident that in taste he resembles Riba, but it is preparing a little longer because of the dense texture. A piece of dwelling, narrows on the one hand, there are connective tissues. Fat threads are not scattered over the surface of meat, and focus closer to the center and edge.

Vegas Strip According to taste, it resembles New York, but it comes a little tougher. Attracts amazing aftertaste. The marbornity is good: the fried piece is sufficiently juicy.

Specific Round steaks

Round - cut from the hip part of the carcass. It is characterized by a low degree of marbory, so the dish will not be so juicy as the tennerloin or Starluin. Depending on the cutting in the pulp can be a femur bone.

A piece framed a dense film with a small amount of fat. Before cooking, meat must marinate to soften the rigid fibers. It is often chosen and fried on the grill, extinguished in spicy sauces, they make roast beef, pinch, bake at low temperatures (in foil or vacuum packages).

Several types of steak can be prepared from the cut:

  • Ramp (Romhtex);
  • Top Side;
  • Ahi k round;
  • Bottom Round.

Each of the species has excellent taste and aroma. After pickling enough 10 minutes to prepare an excellent dish!

Choosing meat for future steaks, it is advisable to take into account the personal preference of guests, a specific taste of gamut, saturation and fatness of cut. From a properly selected piece of meakty, it is easy to cook a gorgeous dish!

Useful video

Meat specialist tells in detail how to choose a steak correctly and what is the difference between meat from the other.