Children's rest in the ellincamp skourase camp without accompaniment. Open Letter to St. Spearidon Trimifuntsky Name of the Orthodox Camp in Greek

Dear saint Spiridon! Today, December 25, 2017, on the day of your memory, I want to congratulate all Orthodox Christians and tell that if you give you homes and apartments to many, I presented a whole country - Greece. Last night and this morning, thousands of people came to the temples to ask you about help, and I have no doubt that you will help many. Doesn't I believe in it? Yesterday, I was called the editor of the magazine "Slavika", mother of three boys, and once again thanked for the fact that a year ago, on December 25, 2016, I prayed at her request in the Moscow Temple of the Surrender of the word with the icon with a particle of your relics. With her husband, they could not sell their two-bedroom apartment for a long time, in which they were cramped as notice. She called me and shared joy - it was 25 December that was miraculously found a buyer on their apartment. It was quickly sold and bought a more spacious accommodation. This miracle, of course, strengthened me in faith - just once prayed for a girlfriend, and you immediately helped ...

Do you remember our unusual acquaintance?

It began with misunderstanding. Until March 21, 2010, I did not know anything about you while the magazine "Slavyanka" did not read the article "Meeting with the Great Wonderworkers". The article was about you and St. Nicholas of Nikolae the Wonderworker.
In those days, my faith collapsed 8 years ago at the bed of his brother in resuscitation. Brother then survived, and I came to the temple. 5 years ago, January 28, 2013, another grief happened to me - my house burned down. Until now, we have our own corner with your daughter, and this is another test.
From the moment I believed in God, many miracles on prayers for different saints happened to me. I visited so much shrines that the other and for all my life will not see. But today, often during confession, I repent of Malimia and Ugly. Thousands of times I prayed God: "Help, Father!" Thousands of times I read in the Gospel: "Your faith saved you"! But in those black days I was sure that the faith did not save me, but destroy me that God could not hear me that he left me, punished, did not help. I do not remember what the words I complained about the night to St. Nicholas (and in fact), not yet knowing that in the same year I was waiting for a meeting with both great wonderworkers. . Today I want to remind you about your wonders.

Greece - as a gift

2010 began for me Lita Study, who reigned in the house without heating. Cold thugretfully strengthened the feeling of spiritual metaphysical hell. "Lord, why did you leave me? Take me to myself, since I don't need here, on earth, "I prayed the invisible God. And he has already prepared a gift to me, an inadvertent joy - soon I have suddenly releasing the feeling of complete emptiness suddenly with happiness to be in the earthly paradise - in the Greek Earth! God, having experienced the strength of my faith, ready to collapse under the burden of intolerable, seemed to be sorrows, diseases and cold, Six months later answered all my questions to him. Doubtedly in the grace of God, I moved to Greece in Greece chriving from Smog to Greece, where the heat was degrees 40. Here God fell and my bones, and my frozen soul. When I suddenly turned out to be on Kerkira Island, it came to me that it came to me that In Greece, I did not give me anyone, namely you. It was you who gave me a meeting with new friends, among which the main place took, of course, the father of Netary (Antonopulos), now Metropolitan Argolidsky. His mercy and love for people do not know borders. Its probably cannot be called holy (too much responsibility, although many of him are called it), but it can be compared with you, and with St. Nicholas, the world of the Lycian Wonderworker. You both have become famous for both infinitely good and merciful people. But after death, you have assistance to everyone in need. In August 2010, more than a hundred children from Moscow rested in the Greek camp, the village of Alyabyevsky Tyumen region, from the cities of Yugansk, Nyagan, Soviet, from Perm Krai, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Alushta, Evpatoria, village Chernopol. After 10 days of pilgrimage in the holy places of Greece and the week of life in a camp, located on the picturesque slope of the Parnass Mountain, the children went home to the houses, passing the sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions. The destinies of many of them were so harder and hopeless that I was ashamed to cry! I note that I was planning a trip not to Greece, but in Switzerland, which in 2010 did not take place.

Instead of the Swiss "Blagovets" - the Greek "Bridge of Love"

March 23, 2010, that is, two days after my night talk with the saints, I called me Olga Alexander, Director of the Russian Children's Center "Matryoshka" and the International Children's Orthodox Camp "Blagovetnik." I covered the work of her children's camp in 2009, and, remembering the successful experience of working together, she once again invited me to Switzerland as a journalist and a teacher. I was bought by a ticket, which was impossible to pass. But got sick and ... did not fly to Switzerland, losing the cost of the ticket.
A little later, I realized that it was the fishery of God. I found incomparably more - a meeting with the Greek Monk - Archimandrite Nectarius, dedicated to the life of disadvantaged children and God. God is love. Therefore, a monk's charity program called the "Bridge of Love".
And so I found myself instead of the children's Orthodox camp, located in the Swiss Alps, in the camp on Mount Parnaas ... Thank you for a presented pilgrimage in the holy places of Greece. Truly failed paths of the Lord!

Litania on the island of Kerkira

08/11/2010 Under the scorching sun, I stand with a camcorder and a camera in front of the old palace on the main square of Kerkira, sprinkling with a thousandth crowd. Among the believers, pilgrims from different countries of the world, including from Russia and Ukraine, together with which I flew to Greece at the invitation archimandrite Netchariya (Antonopoulos), now Metropolitan Argolid, then - iguman of the Male Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Sagmat, Head of the Department for Work with the Youth of the FIV and Levady Metropolis of the Eldelle Orthodox Church.
On August 11, in one of the days of your memory, you gave us an unforgettable trip to the ferry on Kerkira Island, where amazingly beautiful Litania is accomplished - one of the largest and most solemn gods with your relics.
This day I remember the wonderful getting rid of the inhabitants of the island from the Turkish invasion in 1716. From June 24, 46 days the siege of the island of Kerkira lasted the 50,000th Turkish army. Standing on his knees, the inhabitants prayed in the Church of St. Spiridon, and suddenly a terrible thunderstorm broke out on the night of August 10. Some Turkish warriors drowned in water streams, and those that were captured, told that they saw in the thunderstorm sky a soldier figure with a lit candle, a sword and a cross in her hands. Together with the Sonm of Angels, he began to drive the Turks. It was you - the defender and the patron of Kerkira - the only island in the Ionian Sea, which was never under the rule of the Turks than the locals are very proud of.
Since then, your relics are exhibited annually for three-day worship (before sunset on August 13), and more priests and many brave orchestras performing solemn hymns participate in the festive lithuania. Musicians are dressed in the parade form of white, blue, red and black flowers. And the drums, the procession with icons and horagoes - is unlikely somewhere else there is a colorful procession! Behind the orchestras, the priests in white vessels are marking. Deacons hold Cadyl, four parishioners - lights. Four priests surrounded by military sailors and the gabs vertically in the ark, having three sides of the windows, carry your power under the canopy.
You seem to go around our lands, blessing people. The lower part of the ark is open so that you can make to your velvet shoes. Once a year, when you overlook you, the shoes are extruded, and their particles distribute believing as the great shrine, because in them you walk on the ground, feeding the help to everyone who needs it.
We participated in the Litania, which was headed by the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Greece archbishop Athens and All Eldlands Ieronim II (in the world of John Liapis). And although we did not manage to attach to the shrine, we all felt the grace emanating from the relics. The congestion went, I cried, remembering my night talk with you.
I kept the journal vertically - right in front of myself, and my tears could not fall on the page. Therefore, I experienced a real shock, seeing how the tears was frozen in the log shown in the magazine, which was not rolling down. You heard me, sympathized with me and helped to overcome the abyss of despair, despondency and ropot. I will always thank God and you for the fairy tale presented to me.
Having learned that the native of Greece, the father of Nectarius was lucky to participate in Litanan Just the second time in his life, I clearly realized that a miracle was made - we were all at the festival at your personal invitation! It was you who introduced me to Archimandrite Nectarius, whose love is enough for everyone. We bathed in it, as in a soft fluffy cloud - students, seminarians who accompanied children adults, orphans, pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, children of large parents, children from very poor and disadvantaged families ... We all had some miracle suddenly One of the most beautiful Greek islands! Father nectarians can really compare with a huge cloud of love that transfers you from the harsh everyday life in the magical world of Eldla ... Father Netary visited all places of Links of St. Saint and the Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean in Russia. From these places, he brought to rest in Greece children from disadvantaged families or from orphanages and boarding schools.

The relics of St. Spiridon in Moscow

On the island of Kerkira, I was worried that I could not make me to your relics. In other years, the father nectaries brought children to the temple to cancer with your relics and gave everyone a piece from your shoes. But you comforted me again - the father nectaries flew to Moscow on September 15, 2010, on the day, when your dance arrived in the Cathedral Church of the Savior.10. August 2007, the governor of Danilova Monastery Archimandrite Alexy (polycarpov) was carried out with your desk. By his blessing in 2007, when the shrine arrived in Danilov Monastery, I was attached to her, but I did not feel anything. Having bought your lives, to his shame, never bothered to read it. I did not even remember what your icon looks like. Therefore, I did not recognize you, reading an article in the "Slavyanka". Therefore, thank you for a trip to Greece, I came only on September 28. At 10.30 stood in the queue, and at 10.45 already applied to relics. The second time stood in line and again in 15 minutes was at the burdard with a shrine. Although they were not allowed to stay in the temple, I did not care among people who read the Akathist. And here are the clergymen sang: "Majess the Major, the Major, the Holy Father of Spiridon, and honor your holy memory, you boils for us of our god of our!" That day I wondered why there were few people who came to the shrine that was all Some times brought to Russia? (They say that in 2007, people stood at 7 or more hours to touch your desk.) But after the TV show Andrei Malakhov, "let them talk" on the topic "Holy Power", many occupied the turn at 5 am and during the day They stood far from the entrance to the monastery - the turn stretched a few kilometers.
December 25, on your memory day, I congratulate everyone with the holiday of Spiridon Trimifuntsky! And you, dear Spiridonushka, I really ask me to help me and my native to become a little better. Now I have a very difficult time - I have nowhere to live. I ask you to lay down the word in front of the Lord so that he helps me solve my housing problem and helped find comrades and benefactors for the revival of a helping community in the name of St. Rev. Eldisabeth Feodorovna! Holy Father Spiridone, the moths of God about us! Thank God for everything - for grief and joy!

Based on:

In summer, Greece is beautiful, warm and somehow especially cozy. The tiny blue lagoons with a good warm sea water are surrounded by picturesque, bizarrely rugged banks, completely covered with bright greens. A unique ecology makes any health camp in Greece an ideal place where you can stock up with energy and positive for a whole year. Warm water, healing pine air, golden sand on the coast - the best comrades for the defensive, tired of the city noise. Sports camps in Greece will provide a lot of opportunities to practice in well-known games or master something new: water polo, parkour, horse riding.

By purchasing vouchers to such a camp, parents give their children a chance to increase self-esteem, become more relaxed and targeted, strengthen the immune system and how to relax in front of the next school year. Interests are another important advantage that local camps for children and adolescents boast . Classes of acting, dance and vocals, participation in intellectual and humorous shows will teach the guys to behave naturally, be natural, will give them the skill of communication with peers. Teenage camps in Greece - a place where you can spend perfectly vacation, fun and with benefit!

Archimandrite Netary: I want to show children from Russia and Ukraine all the best that is in Greece.

September 15, 2010, when the relics of Spiridon Trimifuntsky arrived from Greece to Moscow, Archimandrite Netchyari (Antonopolus) arrived in Russia, which for many years he has been heading the department for working with the youth of St. Metropolis of FIV and Livadia. He is waiting in Perm and Kazan Trifon Women's Desert, and then in Verkhoturia, Yugorsk and the village of the Alyabyevsky Tyumen region, where children resting in the Orthodox summer camp of the Fiiv and Levady Diocese of the Elaladic Orthodox Church on August 25.

More than one hundred children from Russia and Ukraine went home, leaving a sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions after 10 days of pilgrimage on the holy places of Greece and a week of life in a camp located on the slope of Parnas Mountain. All these days here sounded Russian speech, Russian songs and prayers in the Church Slavonic language. But more often than other words could hear the Greek "Euhariristo", which in the translation into Russian means "Thank you." So the guys thanked them for the Games of the Transfiguration of the Lord of the Lord of the Sagmaty Archimandrite Netaria, who pregnantly agreed to talk with us.

- Your high-strength, for the Greeks your name is inextricably linked with the name of St. Luke (Warneletsky), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean, about which you tell in your book, documentary film, in conversations with pilgrims and camp participants.

"God gave me the honor to open St. Luka for Greece, where it was very loved by this holy, where there are already more than thirty churches dedicated to him. Many miracles are performed on the land of Greece on his prayers, everywhere there is his icons. The hospitality that the Greeks provide Russian and Ukrainian children with a challenging destiny is a gift to them from St. Luke. It was in Simferopol, where the relics of the saint are located, I met with children from Siberia (from the village of Alyabyevsky Tyumen region), and with the Crimean children from different orphanages and shelters, which I immediately invited to our camp. This year, some guys from Siberia arrived in Greece for the 6th or 7th time. And each time, young pilgrims are definitely visited by our Sagmatian Monastery, the founder of which is considered the Rev. Clement, as well as a small chapel in the name of St. Luke and the museum located in it. Children participate in Divine Liturgy, and then applied to our main shrines - a cross with a particle of the honest tree of the life-giving the Cross of the Lord, a particle of the heart of St. Luke, another particle of his saints, as well as to his bishop Mitre and Icon.

Numerous gifts brought by people who were healing or helped by the Holy Archbishop surgeon were located near Icons in a separate Kyote. Both Luke's saint, and Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, who are very honored in Greece, help bonding the bonds of our peoples.

- With your participation about St. Luke, a wonderful documentary filmed (unfortunately, not translated while in Russian), books were published. Do you prepare a new edition about the Holy Archbishop, who was a professor of surgery and the laureate of the State Prize?

- Two or three years ago I drove almost all the places related to his name (where Archbishop Luke served, served his three references, etc.), - visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tashkent, where he was The monk, in Pendzhikent, where the bishop chaironia was committed on him, in Samarkand, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Veliky Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod, Vyritsk, Yekaterinburg, Kotlas, Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Petrozavodsk, Tambov, Tikhvin, Tobolsk, Tyumen, Torukhansk, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yugorsk, in Diveevo, at Solovki, Valaam, traveled the Golden Ring of Russia and all of Ukraine. Very good relationships with us with Metropolitan Simferopol and Crimean Lazar. As a result of the trips, I assembled a huge material for the new book about St. Luke. We translate his books on surgery, various texts about him. A lot of work.

- In addition to St. Luka, whom, thanks to you so deeply honor the Greeks, what other holy guys can learn during the camp shift?

- Every year we visit the island of Kerkira (Corfu), which is located in the Ionian Sea. Usually we worship here to the relics of St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky and the Holy Queen Feodora. In August of this year, in the Cathedral of the island of Kerkira, we attached to the relics of St. Theodora, the wife of the Byzantine Emperor of Ferofila. She, as she could, kept her husband-iconobor from persecution of iconment, secretly worshiped icons in their rest, and after the death of her husband, becoming a full-fledged government of the empire, put the final point in the fight against the iconoborets. She installed in the 9th century Iconication in the Orthodox Church on the seventh universal cathedral, on which all the iconoclasts were betrayed by Anathema. In memory of this event, the church established the celebration of Orthodoxy celebration. On the icons of St. Theodora is always depicted holding holy icons in hand.

- In 2007, in the Danil Men's Monastery I had the happiness to make a trimifuntsky spiriton desk. On September 15, 2010, after meeting this shrine, Patriarch Moskvsky and All Russia, Kirill served a solemn prayer in honor of St. Spiridon in the Church of Christ the Savior, where it will be until September 17. From September 17 to September 19, she will be walked in the temple of the Ascension of the Lord ("Great Ascension"), from September 19 to October 6 - in the Danilov Monastery. From October 6 to 15, the shrine will be located in the Resurrection Novodevichy Monastery in St. Petersburg. You do not know who is accompanied by her?

- Delegation of the Eldelle Orthodox Church, led by Metropolitan Kerkirsky Nectarium. We studied with him, and later served on the island of Kerkira, where I accepted the monastic stop. Therefore, I feed to this place especially warm feelings. When on August 11, 2010, on the day of the memory of St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky, the Lord of Netary saw me with the children, he expressed regret that I did not warn it about our arrival. I lived all my life in Greece, but only the second time I was present at a stunningly beautiful Litanan - a solemn procession with the relics of Spiridon trimifuntsky.

I am sure that the children will never forget, as they blessed the holy, whom they read in Russia along with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

St. Spiridon's memory is celebrated on Corfu Island five times a year. We were fortunate enough to participate in one of the glory moves with the relics of the saint, who in life became famous as an infinitely kind and merciful man. Our children standing on the square in front of the old palace merged with pilgrims, which were more than a thousand. The battle of the drums, the procession of the orchestras in the festive costumes of different flower, icons and Horugwi - is unlikely anyone else there is a colorful procession. It was unforgettable. When, surrounded by a surrender of the priests past us, vertical cancer with the relics of Spiridon trimifuntsky, it seemed that the saint would bypassed his lands, blessing people. He headed the Primary of the Orthodox Church of Greece Archbishop Athens and All Eldlands Ieronim II (in the world of John Liapis). And although during the camp shift, unlike others, we did not manage to attach to the shrine, we all felt the grace emanating from the relics. At the end of the procession, wishes were able to carry a laurel leaves on which the power of the Great Wonderworker stood.

- Your camp is located on the territory of the Male Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord Sagmata?

- No, our monastery is located at an altitude of 747 meters above sea level on the top of the Sagmation Mountain, half an hour from the city of Fiva, and the camp is located on the mountainside of Parnaas, at an altitude of 950 meters above sea level, not far from the Women's Monastery in the name of St. Jerusalem ( There was such a holy martyr in Greece). In both monasteries, children are always communioned (photo 1101, 3218, 3219), and in the monastery of St. Jerusalem in the middle of the sea flowers in the font several times over the summer passes the solemn rite of baptism. Sometimes the baptism of more than thirty children per shift. In August, 10-year-old Nadia Timonkina and the head of the group of children from Siberia Elena Dmitrievna Cherpalyuk were baptized. Their godfalls were two Grechany - Spiridul Dali and Katerina Kalambak, who, during parting, could not hold back their tears.

- Father nectarians, children from which countries come to your camp?

- Initially, the camp was designed for children of only Greek origin, but with the years they began to visit children from Serbia, Poland, Romania, Jordan. And since 2002, we accept children from the countries of the former Soviet Union - from Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Russia. Children from Kerch, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Tambov, Krasnoyarsk, Yighorsk, Nyagan, Soviet, other cities of Siberia come arrived. Not only Orthodox, but also Muslims come. Especially warm, friendly relations have developed at the FIV and Levady Diocese of the Eldelle Orthodox Church with the Simferopol and the Crimean Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 2004, six children from Crimea came to us for the first time, and a large group of orphans from orphanages and shelters of the Republic of Crimea rested in the camp. For six years, at the request of the Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimean Lazar, we are accepted by the young residents of the Crimea in June of each year. And we must pay thanks to the Lord for this mutual help and support, for the fact that the fruits of cooperation are very abundant: our camp was able to visit more than 3,000 children from Russia and Ukraine. Perhaps our experience can come in handy to someone, because the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill constantly says that the church should pay more attention to children and adolescents.

- What is the purpose of your children's Orthodox camp?

- The goal of the camp - to teach children to live on church canons together, together that the children know about religion not only by teaching, but also lived a religious life, feeling the living presence of God. I try to show my guests the best thing that is in Greece is the warm Azure Sea, and the majestic mountains, and the historical relics of the ancient Eldla, and, of course, the shrines of Orthodoxy. From 8 to 18 August, more than a hundred children from Siberia, Moscow and Crimea, we traveled on two comfortable buses all Greece. One day came so many events and impressions that would have enough for several years. The last week (from 18 to 24 August), the guys lived in the camp of measured life, remembering their early raises (sometimes at 6, and sometimes at 4 am), long-moving buses, sea walks on the ferries, visiting the Acropolis, the most beautiful in Europe gorge, the picturesque caves with stalactites and stalagmites, in which after the 40-degree heat it was especially pleasant to be. In two of the four such caves we rode boats.

- The last camp shift this year began in Istanbul. Why?

- I really wanted the children to see not only Greece, but also Constantinople, Saint Sophia Cathedral, because I understand what value this church has for a Russian person. I think that if you saw the Holy Sophia, you can no longer watch anything else in the world. Istanbul becomes a shock for everyone. The Majestic Sophia Cathedral, the sea walk along the Bosphorus, lunch in the restaurant left the children of the indelible impressions. An unforgettable event was also visiting the heart of Orthodoxy - the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George Victorious in the Patriarchal Residence. Previously, she was in the Church of St. Sophia. After the fall of Constantinople, the patriarchal residence changed the place several times and, in the end, settled in the fan (district of Istanbul). I told the children that at the entrance to the cathedral, there are the relics of three saints, on the body of one of which are visible traces of torture. Also here are the relics of St. Gregory and St. John of Zlatoust, who were brought from Rome about two years ago. The niche right is a big relic for Christians - the remainder of the pillar on which Jesus Christ was tied before crucifying.

- Communication with the Universal Patriarch Varfolomeum, the Universal Patriarch Konstantinople (Archondonis), 232nd Patriarch Konstantinople, who met in Moscow in May 2010 with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill and Russian President D.Medvedev, - Event for any person . Is it easy to organize his meeting with children?

- Patriarch Bartholomew is happy with children from Russia and Ukraine. So this time after the evening service, he arranged a treat for children, gave them bright backpacks, thanked them for gifts, and then photographed with them for memory (photo). I remember that the Patriarch Bartholomew said: "Under the cover of this beautiful temple, Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians gathered here, to pray to everyone together to the Lord to our Jesus Christ. And every time, coming from one bowl, we feel this unity. And when I served with Patriarch Alexy, and during worships with Patriarch Kirill in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra, I always had a feeling that I am at home. " When children from the Ukrainian village of Chernolov presented the Patriarch icon of St. Luke and Rushnik, he said in Russian "Thank you very much!". It was clear that he was overwhelmed with a special joy, because he very much honors this saint.

- Who was present at a meeting with the Patriarch Bartholome?

- Consul Greece, Metropolitan Germanos, Metropolitan Austrian Mikhail, Archimandrite, priests, parishioners.

- The love of Afanasyev from Yugorsk thanked the Patriarch Bartholomew for his prayers, asked his holy blessing and presented the drawings and other small gifts on behalf of children, as well as the book of children from Russia and Ukraine written by you.

"When Jana's Peacter, the photo of which decorates the cover of this book, went to the Patriarch Bartholomew, he said:" In the photo you are beautiful, but in life more beautiful. We all thank God and how a gift perceive such meetings with each other. We meet in the name of it. I am sure that you will spend time in Greece - both adults and children. And the next year come again. " After a common photo, all the children were singing the Patriarch "Much Summer".

- More recently, you spent children from Yugorsk and the village of Alyabyevsky and will soon see them again.

- Yes, I want to visit these and other children who came to us earlier, I want to meet with Elena Dmitrievna Cherpalyuk and Oksana Anatolyevnya Rasposova, heads of a group of children from Siberia, as well as with Valentina Adamovna Grevaya, head of the theater studio "Hot hearts" . It is from meeting with her and her wards in 2003 my acquaintance with the guys from Siberia began. This year she could not come due to illness. In addition, I will take to study in Greece that the very beginning, photo of which decorates my book. She and another 6 people were invited to study in Athens. First they will teach the Greek language, and then they will be able to get a higher education according to one of the specialties, which will be represented in their statement. At present, other young men and girls from Russia and Ukraine are studying at the expense of the Sagmatian monastery in Greece. Housing in Athens takes for them a monastery, where they come for the weekend.

- It is said that during the camp shift you usually take the boys to the holy Mountain of Athos, where in the Russian monastery of the Holy Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon are his holy power.

- Unfortunately, this time we could not go to Mount Athos. But on August 9, when the Orthodox Church recalls the Holy Great Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon, the children not only learned about his life, but also received as a gift to his icons with prayer and small books from the Russian World Foundation. The guys also heard the wonderful story of Natalia Sukhinina, about how Panteleimon healed it during the trip to Greece - in close proximity to Afona. Some children received from the Russian World Foundation and books about Holy-Surgeon, Worn-Yasenetsky, who, when he knead the bishop, Andrei Ufimsky (in the world, Alexander Ukhtomsky) wanted to give the name of the healer of Panteleimon, but hearing his sermon, hesitated by the name of the apostle - Sangelist, doctor and icon painter Luke.

The Russian World took care and that children also learn about other saints, one way or another connected with Greece. We were able to worship the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrew of the First-Called - His Honest Chapter, which is in the cathedral of Andrei First-Called in the city of Patras, and an expensive foot, in which a hole from the nail and which Jesus Christ was washed. Children with trepidation approached this shrine stored in the monastery of St. Andrew the First-Called on the O-ve Kefalonia. And how wonderful sang the grade of this and the other Saint Girls from the Siberian city of Nyagan! All of them sing in the team of "primroses", led by Svetlana Alekseevna Eremenko. During the move on the bus, the guys heard the guys and Andrei of the First-Called, and the Saint Recovers of Elizabeth Fedorovna Romanova, who founded 100 years ago in Moscow, Marfo Mariinsky Resident Mercy, and outside of its walls "Children's Lepta" circle, in which children of wealthy parents worked together with mothers On Sundays for the benefit of poor children.

- And how is this holy related to Greece? It is known that her relics are located in Jerusalem in the temple of St. Mary Magdalene.

- It turns out that in the Greek Island Corfu Princess Alice von Battenberg - the daughter of the princess of Hessian Victoria Battenberg, the eldest sister Elizabeth Fedorovna, created the abode of mercy in the example of his aunt, also called her Marto-Mariinsky. Princess Alisa dedicated her life to charitable activities in the example of his aunt, which she was immensely loved, and won many awards and honor to be buried on the Holy Land near Elizabeth Feodorovna. At the end of the camp change, participants of the Mercy Doors drawings received from the Russian World Foundation, sets of cards with species of Marto Mariinsky Residents of Mercy, photos, books and films telling about Elizabeth Fedorovna, Saint Recovers Icons, as well as the lives of other saints and magnets -Labs with prayers or quotes from the Holy Scriptures.

- Father Nectarius, I know that personally from you every child received on a pack of photos about life in the camp and will soon receive a video shooting you.

- Yes, it has already become a tradition. In addition, the participants of the last camp shift will receive a 45-minute film, filmed by Muscovites with the support of the Russian World Foundation.

- How did you meet this foundation?

- on the fishery of God called me from Livadia (this place under Yalta) the abbot of the temple in honor of the Exaltation of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord Archpriest Dimitri Gotskaluk, Vice-Rector of the Tavricheskoy Seminary, and said that the Russian World Foundation supported the project dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge about Russian Orthodoxy and Russian culture in Greece. I invited the participants of this project to come to the camp. So, thanks to the father of Dimitri and his assistant Tatiana Romanova, Muscovites came to us, who held the evening dedicated to the Holy Presznica Martyr Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna. Obviously, she invisiblely connected in this project Crimea, Greece and Russia. Dimitri's father is one of the organizers of the revived annual festival of charity and mercy "White Flower" - said that in 2008 a photo exhibition "from mercy to holiness" was held, dedicated to Elizabeth Fedorovna. By the way, the student of the Tauric Spiritual Seminary Alexander Glushkov came to the camp for the third time, who celebrated his 18th anniversary in the camp and received a book about Alexander Nevsky's life and a delicious cake as a gift. And on the same day, the cake and a book about Elizabeth Fedorovna received the birthday of 12-year-old Lisa Kunitsyn from Evpatoria.

- Tell me a little about yourself and your parents.

- I was born in Athens in 1952. Father - disabled World War II, Mom worked in a dry cleaning. Four sons were born in the family. From the ornament, I decided to devote myself to God. He graduated from the seminary, theological school in Athens and the theological Faculty of Athenian University. I always liked to communicate with the children, and I devoted all my life to work with young people.

- In the camp you spent twice a day with the guys conversations. What were they devoted to?

- The first conversation was devoted to the birth of the Church, the persecution of Christian firstarticles. For example, I told that the head of St. Helena is kept in thessaloniki - a young girl who suffered for Christ in the Turkish city, "she broke through three nails. With the interest of the guys listened to my memories of meetings with elders by Painish and Afanasiya, with the Father Nikolai, other saints. I was lucky to know about twenty holy people and devotees of our time. Therefore, these were stories not from the book, but from my own experience. But such topics such as "adolescence - critical age" were particularly rapidly discussed. Speaking about the crisis of transitional age (from 12 to 20 years), I emphasize that youth is a movement in the fog, when girls and boys themselves often do not know what they want, who will help them. After hearing my monologue, the guys begin to ask questions about the attitude towards themselves, to parents who, in my opinion, are unable to win in this revolution, shaking the whole being of a child, about their relations with peers, about complex sex relationships, love and love , about the concept of sin, about the dangers of abortion and holiness of motherhood, about responsibility for each other and for future children. These conversations did not leave anyone indifferent.

- How do you talk to the guys about such sin as an abortion?

- These days in Greece take up to 300 thousand abortions per year. Many do it without any feelings or remorse, believing that the embryo is not a living organism. So they say many scientists. But for the church is already a live soul. I tell children that, making an abortion, a woman committing murder and at the same time exposes the danger of herself - it is infected, cannot later give birth. But doctors do not warn about it. On the contrary, the abortions themselves are encouraged for money. A few years ago, in the philas, the husband of one woman demanded that she makes an abortion, beat her belly. I advised her to keep the child. The girl was born - the most beautiful in the philas and very smart. I learned to the doctor, became the pride of the Father, it is preparing to marry. Somehow she asked me why abortion could not be done. I told her her story about which I only know and her parents. If I were not insisted on her birth, it would not be. When I meet with another married couple, we always smile. Doctors did not advise them to give birth to a fifth child, and I persuaded to leave him. The child turned out wonderful, became the pride of the family.

- Russia recently held the first international festival of social technologies in defense of family values \u200b\u200b"For Life - 2010", directed against abortion (see ). The All-Russian Program "Holiness Maternity" is gaining momentum. This topic will be devoted to one of the sections of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", which will soon be held again in Greece on the island of Rhodes. What is done in this direction in your country?

- A non-profit organization is operating in Greece - the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child "Hugging" (Phone - 0030-210-88-28-788, fax - 0030-210-82-35-121). I think this problem is relevant for other countries. It is necessary to combine their efforts and develop cooperation. In the camp, we read out loud "the history of a unborn child." He describes a week for a week what happens to him in the mother's womb, how his bodies are formed, what he feels. For example, on the 12th week, he says that it becomes more and more like her parents, feels the experience of mother - her sorrow and joy. It is during this period a woman and takes an abortion. The last phrase of the child: "Mom, why do you kill me?". I am sure that children, having heard this story, will no longer forget her, she can teach them a lot and save them from the fateful step.

- Charity - is it a feature of your camp?

- Yes, unlike ordinary health summer camps, where children of wealthy parents or children from full families come, we invite the guys with a challenging destiny, sometimes nothing know about God, about the temple. Our goal is to provide socially unprotected children from orphanages, shelters, incomplete families the opportunity to live in the context of the Orthodox Christian community, feel God and know their neighbor, in other words - to penetrate the example of the first Christians the sacrament of Christ's church.

- But since such an extensive program requires large material costs. Who finances your camp?

- The material question is our most pressing problem. Funds are missing. This year we had to take a bank loan to pay for the admission of children expenses (annually they account for about 350-400 thousand euros), which are required to purchase charter flights, to the accommodation and nutrition of children, to the organization of pilgrim trips. Our charitable program is funded by the Diocesan Office of the FIVSKAYA and the Levady Diocese, the monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Sagmatia, as well as many private individuals who have imbued with the feeling of Christian mercy and compassion for disadvantaged, abandoned children who endure violence in a modern indifferent and fierce society. Unfortunately, many people with prosperity have the opportunity to help, but do not make it. I am afraid that next year we will not be able to continue the traditional charitable program "Bridge of Love" on the reception of children from the Crimea and the cities of Russia. We hope only to help God. I love children very much, I have extensive experience with young people. Several times a year I am in the Crimea and, visiting such children's institutions as shelters and children's homes, I see in the eyes of unfortunate children impatience and thrill. When I hear the most frequently asked for me: "And when will we go to Greece?" - I can not answer "no".

- Now you are going to Perm, then in the Kazan Trifonov women's desert, located 60 km from Perm. On the blessing of the Metropolitan of Perm Solikamsky Methodius, the inexpension of the monastery of the monastery of Inokine Afus first visited your wonderful camp with three children - living in the monastery Anechka and Ilya and his brother bones.

- During my conversations with these and other children, I learned that they liked the rich program of the trip, the unique beauty of Eldla, monuments of ancient Greece, and, of course, the sea. According to 10-year-old Ane Avdeenko, most of all she liked the conversation about Elizabeth Fedorovna, an exhibition and a film about her. By participating in the Mercy Door Competition, she painted the portrait of Elizabeth Fedorovna and her husband of the Grand Prince Sergei Alexandrovich, who knew, unlike most other children. (photo drawing Ani 5706)

For participation in the competition she was presented by the portrait of the mother of Elizabeth and the children's book about Anna Kashinsky. Heavenly patroness Ani is the Holy Righteous Anna - the mother of the Blessed Virgin. In the monastery there is a particle of its relics, which was brought from the Holy Mount Athos. The miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God is also located here, and the place of the feat of the St. Trifon Vyatsky.

- June 11, 2011 will be 50 years since the death of St. Luke. Do you have a desire to spend in the camp the first international children's and youth readings "Archbishop-Luke Surgeon (Warno-Yasenetsky)" or Holy Elizabetan readings "White Angel of Moscow", dedicated to Elizabeth Fedorovna, who have been held in Smolensk for 4 years?

- If there are sponsors for holding a camp, which next year will be 10 years old, then it will be possible to think about these offers.

- Thank you, father nectaries. Let us hope that the Lord will not leave the program "Bridge of Love" without its patronage. We will pray that this bridge will connect not only by our countries, but also rich people with poor children, devoid of parental love and care, so that this bridge has repeatedly brought these children to Greece, to the camp, where it is easy to come to God, Which spoke to the disciples: "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, because there are the kingdom of God. True I tell you: who will not accept the kingdom of God, like a child, he will not go into it. "

Interviewed Irina Akhundova.

Camp chips: Daily music program, sports games, competitions, creative studios, master classes, language lessons in fun game form, own radio Ellinsamp-FM, adventure and quests, chess studio and much more

Want to feel yourself a character of the poems of Homer or the ancient Greek myths? We invite children to mysterious Greece, here they are waiting for a sea of \u200b\u200badventure and discoveries. Especially bright will be the impressions of sporting events in the homeland of the Olympiad, from creativity and intellectual classes. You will travel like Odyssey and make your first exploits like Hercules. The concept of the camp is that everything happens in an English-speaking medium with a full immersion. Even a newcomer in English in our atmosphere will feel free and comfortable and starts talking in English!

Effective and useful vacation of your children is:

Fascinating active games in the fresh air of the Zone of the Halkidiki P-Ova;
- Interesting events: own radio Ellinsamp-FM, photographs, adventures and quests, creative workshops, master classes, quests
- Useful swims in crystal clear Aegean Sea, rest on sandy beaches of camps;
- developing creative classes,
- a variety of sports tournaments and active games;
- appetizing, tasty and diverse nutrition;
- Comfortable accommodation;
- A friendly team of counselors from Russia and not only: Creative and responsible professionals;
- Full security: 24-hour guarded territory, rescuers on the beaches and in pools;
- qualified round-the-clock medical care;
- entertaining leisure: interesting, diverse and differentiated entertainment program for children and adolescents from 6 to 16 years;
- English lessons;
- children are waiting for exciting adventures and unforgettable entertainment in the fresh air of the reserved zones of the Halkidiki peninsula (Cassandra), as well as the magical Aegean Sea! Daily music program for the guys of all ages.

Additionally charged:

  • excursions (paid in the camp)

Summer entertainment kaleidoscope, bright emotion fireworks and wonderful memories - Ellincamp will give you and your children the best summer holidays in the country legends and the best beaches in the world!

In Greece, for children, the antique city and monuments will be aware of the pages of textbooks. On excursions, they will silence themselves with Odyssey - Eldlas hold researchers! Devora expects a healthy and fascinating holiday in summer camps - modern, comfortable, safe.
Ellincamp is a bright project of a large Greek holding, which united the best in the sphere of useful and high-quality children's rest.

For the first year of work, Ellincamp broke all records in popularity: the tickets for young caps until the end of the summer of 2014 were sold out at the beginning of the season! And it is not surprising, because in the camps located in sunny and hospitable Greece - the best place for useful and comfortable children's holidays, all the conditions for interesting and exciting summer holidays have been created!

In the summer season of 2019, the Ellincamp project will continue its work on the basis of the popular SkouraS Sports Camp camp (Khalkidiki - Cassandra).

The accompanying groups of children are forbidden to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages in the camp. Children are forbidden to go beyond the territory of the camp without escort.
Children from the camp are allowed when providing parents' passports or special certificates from parents certified by a notary.

There are options for races on any dates from June 08 to August 14, 2019 from 7 nights to 28 nights. Specify the cost from managers.


Ellincamp. Children's camp 75 km from the city of Thessaloniki on the Cassandra Peninsula (Chalkidiki), Atitos. The camp is located 300 meters from the sea, in the middle of pine trees.
The location of the camp - Cassandra. Halkidiki (Cassandra) - Paradise for children on the land of ancient myths and legends

Children's camp ellincamp. It is located on the Kassandra peninsula - the first "trident" of Chalkidikov. This region is famous for its magnificent warm sea, the purest sandy beaches with a comfortable and safe entrance to the sea and a mild climate without exhausting heat and cool evenings. It is not surprising that this place was chosen by the ELLINCAMP organizers to create their camp, which has become a real center of summer children's rest and creativity.

The house for Ellincamp is the picturesque place of Atitos in the north-east of Cassandra in the Bay of Toroneos, surrounded by shady greenery of lush vegetation and olive groves. This peninsula, like Halkidiki themselves, has an ancient rich history full of mysterious secrets and legends. One of them is related to its occurrence. According to the ancient Greek myths, once it was the land of giants, alkione was born here - the first titan, the son of the sky and the earth. Everything here is permeated with an ancient history and ancient spirit, and how it is impossible to feel the spirit of antiquity and feel like a hero of incredible myths.
Cassandra - picturesque bays admire with their charm and beautiful views of the azure marine smooth. Children will have to do golden beaches with soft sand and gentle sea. Calm and shallow sea are beautiful for young children and guys, here you can not worry about security - the absence of submarine currents and the sandy bottom creates ideal conditions for swimming.

Wonderful weather All summer months and lack of rains - what could be better for fun vacation! The Mediterranean Cassandra climate creates a soft temperature regime without sharp drops and a 40-degree heat to which the children's body quickly and easily gets used to. Therefore, you can not be afraid of a long adaptation and from the first day to enjoy the rest.
This piece of Greek paradise has long chosen travel lovers. Developed infrastructure and a wide selection of hotels are ideal for a comfortable stay and provide the ability to choose between economical apartments and luxury hotels. Parents of young guests Ellincamp, who also want to enjoy the Greek hospitality, the magnificent sea and get acquainted with the attractions of the region, can easily stay nearby in one of the wonderful hotels in Cassandra.
The warm Greek sea, gentle sun, saturated with aromas of trees air and a favorable climate not only create excellent conditions for a full-fledged rest, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire children's body and help to gain strength for the entire next year.

In our project of summer holidays, we united the best in the field of useful and high-quality children's holidays: boys and girls go to Greece to enjoy in summer and communication, and parents can be calm for their full security.

The Ellin Camp project gives children a funny and unforgettable holidays, and parents guarantees peace of mind and maximum benefit to the health of their children.


For our little guests, we have prepared accommodation in cozy bright houses in rooms calculated for 8 people and their own terrace.

Houses with tiled roofs and wooden windows. Each room has 3-4 bunk beds and a wardrobe. All houses have a shower, WC, washbasin. Restroom is cleaned with cleaners. The houses themselves are cleaned by children on their own. Placing children in a house of 8 people + 1 countertime, which is located with children in the house. The houses have access to the terrace (table with chairs). At the end of each wing (4 - 6 numbers) there are also separate toilets (total - 180pcs) and closed showers (70st), where children go only accompanied by counselors. There is also a cold shower in the open air (120pcs).

In each room you will find everything you need:

  • comfortable bunk beds;
  • cabinet (shelf) where you can put clothes, toilet and beach facilities;
  • restroom;
  • washbasin;
  • table with chairs (on the terrace).

All rooms without air conditioners.

8 children in the room + 1 the counselor, which is located with the children in the house.


Excellent rest can not do without delicious healthy food, the abundance of fruits and appetizing sweet desserts.4-time ELLINCAMP menu, inspired by the best traditions of Mediterranean cuisine and developed by experts in the field of healthy baby food and nutrition, and ingredients for dishes are delightful Greek vegetables and local products. For the quality of dishes and the cooking process, a whole team of professionals, which carefully takes care of the distribution of ingredients and provides high quality dishes every day.
Self-service acts in the dining room: the counselors of the trays itself will distribute to children on trays. Each table is assigned to a specific room number. Salads, bread, plates and appliances on the table. The counselor brings children the main dish with a garnish. You can always ask for an additive. On the table a large vase with fruit and a decanter with water. After eating, the counselly collects dishes from the tables.

Throughout the camp there are cranes with drinking (clean, filtered) water, which are available for each child and adult.

Spacious halls and open table terraces will be a great place not only for tasty reinforcement, but also for new acquaintances and communication. Each table is enshrined at a certain room number and does not change during the entire period of stay in the camp. Service is carried out by counselors.


3 outdoor pools (25m x 12,50m x 3.10m, 25m x 10m x 3.10, 25m x 12,50m x 3.10m)
- 1 Children's pool / Jacuzzi
- 1 Football field 11x11 with natural coating
- 2 football fields 8x8 with natural coating
- 2 football fields 5x5 with artificial coating
- 3 fields for Beach Soccer
- 7 basketball courts
- 1 platform for mini basketball
- 4 Volleyball Platters
- 2 platforms for MINI volleyball
- 2 beach volleyball courts
- 4 tennis courts
- 2bility for badminton
- 2 closed rooms (8x10, 10x12)
- Playground for Zumba / Aerobics
- Playground for TAE KWON DO 250M
- Athletics (obstacles, sandbox, dart, shot, 150 meters)
- 10 table tennis tables (Ping Pong)
- Mini golf
- Batuta
- Horseback riding
- Bicycles
- Frame for roller skating
- Art workshop
- Chess center


Through a bridge specifically built for children, 300 m. The beach is rescuers.


Medpunkt (one doctor and two nurses) works around the clock. If necessary, children will be taken to the hospital. If the child has health problems about this should be informed by the agency, which in turn should notify the administration of the camp in writing.


Attention 24 hours - children of all age groups are constantly under the supervision of counselors and animators;
- the doctor works around the clock around the clock;
- professional rescuers on the beach and by pools;
- round-the-clock guarded territory camp.

Additional information for organized groups ::

System 15 + 1. On 15 children are provided with one free placement and transfer for the accompanying.
Accommodation accompanying separately from children with other accompanying.
Bed linen is issued.
Towels Children bring themselves, including beach.
Please, not give children to the camp of valuable things, expensive phones, tablets, etc. If you still give a child with you valuable things, then the child must donate them for storing the camp administration, they are talking about this and children when settling. At any time, the child can come and take their things. Valuable things (money, telephone, tablets, etc.) that disappear from the child's house, nor the camp nor the company is responsible !!


For sunny holidays - in Greece!
What is the ideal vacation? It is always fun, new acquaintances, amazing discoveries and, of course, a warm blue sea. Greece is one of the European leaders of the children's camp rest.

Saturated program of events:
In the ellincamp camp, which is located on the territory of the Sports Children's camp Skouras Camp, always reigns a lively atmosphere, it is interesting here and fun. Responsive staff surrounds care and attention, and commands of professional teachers and animators from Russia will take care that every minute is filled with a variety of events and bright events. The Ellincamp project provides a fascinating rich holiday program.

Children's camp ellincamp.- This is a real fireworks of various events, sports and educational games that will allow not only to show all the verge of talent, but also to find their own business and get acquainted with like-minded people from all over Europe.

For example, our little guests will be able to:

Reveal their talents, participating in entertaining creative contests;
- to take part in fun sports competitions and even unique photo pallets;
- become a participant in exciting educational games;
- to get acquainted with other European cultures at international cultural events;
- submit Russian culture and traditions to its European friends;
- learn English with native speakers;
- And even go to search for treasures!

Language school.
Recreation with benefit in the summer season 2019 with the Ellincamp project on the basis of the Skouras Camp International Camp with English Language.
Rest with Ellincamp - Skouras is not only a variety of sporting events, incendiary creative evenings and a sea of \u200b\u200bentertainment, but also an excellent opportunity to improve your own own foreign languages, because the camp has a unique language school. English Summer School is:

Teachers - English speakers
- Mini Groups (12-15 people)
- the multinational composition of the group
- All Language Levels from A1 (Beginners) to C2 (PROFICIENCY)
- Classes are held every day.
- Duration of the lesson - 2 academic hours (1 academ hour \u003d 45 min)
- Purpose - Development of oral speech

Everyone can take part in the fascinating classes of English Summer School, conducted by experienced English-speaking teachers. In international mini-groups, children will be able to develop communication skills in entertaining gaming form, improve their oral speech, to replenish the knowledge of interesting facts from the history of English-speaking countries and make new friends from around the world.

Among our events:

  1. Daily theatrical performances and discos.
    Bright theatrical performances, musical evenings and dance productions turn every evening of all guests camp in real actors, musicians and directors, allow you to try yourself as stars of the scene and perform in the present ancient Greek amphitheater! And after a successful performance, the time you should have to have fun. You are waiting for cheerful discos by the pool or on the beach with fires, dancing and games.
  2. Exit walks.
    Each week of our little guests is a trip to the neighboring villages where they can stroll, meet the traditions of these places and their inhabitants, as well as see local attractions and have fun in the company of friends.
  3. Creative studios.
    Dance studio For all dance lovers, we have prepared a real gift - a dance school-studio, here everyone can learn how to learn a modern fashionable dance direction and even try himself in Greek folk dances and learn the famous Syrtaki.
  4. Theatre studio.
    Young actors and fans of scenic skills will be able to develop their talent in the theater studio, to enter the scene of the ancient Greek theater and demonstrate all their theatrical skills.
  5. Art studio.
    Creative personalities will also not be left without classes - at your disposal art workshop, where you can draw, make a modeling of clay, make crafts from a wide variety of materials and create funny masterpieces.
  6. Photo studio.
    Those who love the pictures will be able to try themselves as professional photographers, learn the Azam photo art and capture the picturesque corners of nature and gorgeous landscapes of Greece.
  7. Chess studio.
    Fans of mysteries, puzzles and difficult tasks will be able to show their analytical and strategic abilities, as well as develop intellectual potential in the chess studio of the camp.
  8. Fascinating excursions
    During his stay in the Ellincamp camp, the camp guests will be able to make a real adventure and go to entertaining excursions, where they are waiting for the mythical shrouded ones Olympus - House 12 legendary gods led by Mighty Zeus, Treasures of the Macedonian kings in the ancient capital - Vigin, achievements and 3D Planetarium in the Museum of Technology G. Thessaloniki, the largest amusement park in northern Greece and sea travel on the Halkidiki

Group sports programs:
For those who like dancing and play sports, the following group classes are held:

  • incendiary Zumba
  • dance programs
  • aerobics

At the disposal of young guests camp 2 outdoor pools, where you can simply swim or take part in water polo competitions.
Swimming pools: 25m x 12,50m, 25m x 10m, depth - 3,10m

Horseback riding
The camp has a riding center, where everyone, accompanied by the Center employees, will be able to try themselves as a real rider.

The huge territory of the camp is ideal for exciting bicycle walks. Taking a bike, the guests of the camp will be able to explore all its paths and unknown corners.
Roller skating
Beginners Rolers and professionals will be able to appreciate the wonderful paths of the camp, and the protective equipment provided will take care of the safety of riding.

As in any Greek Police in the Ellincamp camp there is your amphitheater. Here, young talents will be able to reveal their artistic abilities and try themselves in theatrical productions.
Bullet archery and archery
We offer lovers to shoot on the field for pool shooting (for 4 people), where you can try yourself in the accuracy. And those who dream to be in the past epochs and feel like a real warrior will be able to compete in archery.
Lot of extreme: Parkur, climbing and riding on the clip Flying Fox
For the most active guys, we prepared a parking for Parkour, Alpine walls (14 and 8 meters), a hanging cable and 4 cable Tibetan bridge.
Creative workshop
Try yourself as artists, make incredible crafts with their own hands and reveal their creative talents. Children can in a special workshop, where there is everything necessary for an unlimited flight of fantasy.

Chess center
Here, future geniuses will be able to learn the basics of a chess game and compete in this intellectual sport.
Also on the territory of Ellincamp - Skouras are located:

Mini market (buffet);
- Safe.


- Olympus - Vorgin. On the visit to Zeus and the treasures of Philipp ιι
Who does not dream to conquer the mythical abode of the legendary gods or see the ancient treasures of the Macedonian kings? Vergin-Olymp tour will allow you to climb the famous Olympus, admire the exciting views of the extended expanses and see the world of such as the ancient Greek gods led by the Terrible thunder Zeus. Then, on the slopes of Olympas, 12 of the highest beings - the gods endowed with an unearthly force and magic. The entrance to their mysterious kingdom defended the goddess of Orya, and the forests of Olimp were full of beautiful nymph and divine creatures. Rising today on this mountain, you will hear an interesting story about the life of all the inhabitants of this fantastic kingdom, get acquainted with the unique nature of this untouched corner of our planet and, of course, you can plunge into the world of ancient myths and legends.
Next, we will go to Vergina, or the ancient city of Egi, once the capital of the powerful Macedonian kingdom led by the wise ruler Philipp ιι - the father of Alexander Macedonsky. Philipp ιι was an insightful strategist and a warlord who lived about 2500 thousand years ago. He managed to strengthen his territory and allowed to become a state one of the most influential in his region. It was thanks to Philippe ιι - his son Alexander, who entered the story as the Great, was able to create that grand empire, which written so many books and removed numerous films. Vergina is waiting for you to visit an unusual archaeological museum, because it is underground, and treasure stored here - unique finds with a thousand UNESCO World Heritage List.

* Cost of excursion 50 euros

- Magic Park + Noesis. Wonders of science and amusement park
You are waiting for a day saturated with events and bright unforgettable impressions. Just imagine, you will go to the NOESIS Superior Science Center, which presents a digital planetarium with a 25-meter dome screen, where you can watch the celestial bodies of our solar system. Immediately there is an exhibition of old cars and a technopark, in which you will get acquainted with scientific achievements in the field of electricity, optics and mechanics, as well as with appliances ancient eldla, where you will see shipbuilding, measuring and other mechanisms in the history of mankind. In addition, the Museum is waiting for a virtual reality simulator and a giant 3D cinema, where you will show fascinating movies telling about the wonders of science and technology.
Now we go to the magic Magic Park! This is the largest and modern amusement park in Northern Greece, the real city of pleasures and fun. You will be able to ride all kinds of carousels, American hills, climb the height of a bird's flight on the ferris wheel, win a toy in the hall of gaming machines, visit the room of fear and the train of ghosts, driving on racing cars and try many other attractions that will give a lot of new sensations!

Excursion to take place with mines 40 people
* Cost of excursion 50 euros

- Cruise "Poseidon Trident". Trident Poseidona
Today we will go to an unusual adventure in the kingdom of God the Seas of Poseidon, and we will not travel on a simple bus, but on the real ship. As if the hero of the ancient Greek myths of Odyssey, we will make a maritime journey full of secrets and amazing discoveries. We have to conquer the magic trident of Poseidon, three "fingers" of the picturesque Peninsula Chalkidiki - Cassandra, Sitonia and Athos. Let's start our journey from the town of Khuso, located at the most extreme point of the Kassandra Peninsula. Rising on board the ship, it is easy to feel it with its captain - a soft sea breeze, magnificent views, transparent endless blue water of the sea and the spirit of adventure.
Our path will lie through the place of Toroni Sithonia Peninsula to the island of the Turtle, where not a single person lives. We swim by charming places filled with ancient myths, legends of the bays and green capes. Tasty lunch on board and stop in one of the uninhabited bays of the peninsula, where you will have time to buy in the pure crystal sea and sunbathe.

* Cost of excursion 50 euros

- Petralon Cave + G. Salkoniki
Thessaloniki is the second largest city of Greece, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities of the country. It is often called the "Bride of the North", as thessaloniki is the capital of Northern Greece or Macedonia.
During the excursion you can visit:

  • the Acropolis of the city and the fortress walls, from where you can admire the beautiful view of the city of Thessaloniki.
  • White Tower, built in the XV century, and is a symbol of the city.
    Before the excursion either after it, you will have free time, which will give you the opportunity to visit shopping centers and shops of the city, as well as stroll through the famous embankment, and find out what you feel when your feet are splashing the thermal bay.

Petralon Cave - a unique corner of the Halkidika Peninsula, which is worth visiting all those who are interested in history and paleontology, and most importantly - all unusual.
The cave is striking the beauty of the underworld: a real forest of stalactites and stalagmites, creating an indescribable atmosphere of a fairy tale. But Petralon is not only a miracle of nature. The largest paleontological discoveries of the 20th century were made here, associated with the study of an ancient persistent person Petralon, who dwell on these territories about 700 thousand years ago. You will probably be interested in a small museum where you can see the ancient tools of labor and petrified remains of prehistoric animals.
After the excursion you will have the opportunity to visit the new Shopping Center "Enigma Shopping Center", located in one of the coastal cities on the Halkidiki Peninsula - Nea Mudania. There you are given a few hours of free time.

* Cost of excursion 40 euros. Lunch is not included in the price.

- Waterland (Waterland)
Modern water park, 150 thousand square meters of pleasure and fun, is 8 km from Thessalonikov.
"Water town" is full of pleasant surprises and entertainment. Rivers, lakes, pools with hydromassage and artificial waves, water slides, other breathtaking water rides - joy for adults and children. On the territory of the "Water Town" you can find tennis courts, a basketball court, restaurants, cafes. Your stay diversified by a group of animators, which suits all sorts of show programs, dances and games.

  • 10:00 Check out
  • 11:00 Arrival in Water Park
  • 17:00 Departure from the water park
  • 18:00 arrival at the hotel

* The cost of 40 euros, lunch at your own expense in the water park

Team counseling - Not just students who love to work with children, but above all the cohesive team that takes place professional training for working in a children's camp. The international team increases the motivation of children to learn foreign languages, creates all the conditions for self-realization

Approximate routine of the day (the program may vary depending on the need for each group, after agreeing with the camp administration):

  • 8.00 - Lifting
  • 8.15 - Charging
  • 9.30 - breakfast
  • 10.00-12.00 - Sea / Sport
  • 12.00-12.30 - Shower, Rest
  • 12.30-13.15 - Creative Master Classes
  • 13.15-14.45 - Lunch
  • 14.00-16.00 - Silent hour / English by groups
  • July 23 - August 06, 2019,
  • more than 30 sports: the possibilities that do not have children in ordinary schools
  • gorgeous infrastructure
  • food for the "Full Board" system FB
  • own sandy beach
  • protected area
  • maintenance of the Russian-speaking representative in the camp

Paid additionally

  • visa: 5 355 rub.
  • Visa for children up to 11.99 years: 1,913 rubles.
  • Additional Late Departure Camp: 3,825 rub.

Greetings! Each parent, on the eve of the school holidays, worries an important question: where to send your child. The international, sports, children's camp with learning English and Greek invites children and their parents to a health recreation on a summer sports and educational program, which takes place under the auspices of the International, Cultural and Educational Association "Modern Argonauts", with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sport Greece.

I bring to your attention a full review of the program. All photos are made by the director, counselors and children.

Family vacation is wonderful, but for children at any age it is necessary to communicate with peers that parents cannot replace. Greece is famous for its picturesque beaches, the purest sea, ecologically useful products and is one of the most favorable countries for children and family holidays. During his stay in another country, it is important that the children are adopted to receive new knowledge, impressions and bright emotions. All this is possible!

The purpose of the program is to create the necessary conditions not only for a full-fledged recreation of children and young people in the summer time, but also to promote harmonious and comprehensive development.

Using a rich historical material, known in the global scale, ancient Greek literature and poetry, as well as relying on examples from the field of great discoveries of ancient mathematicians, philosophers and ancient Greek doctors, the organizers of the Program seek to replenish and enrich those necessary in the context of modern requirements for the formation of knowledge of its participants.

International, Public - Cultural Organization "Modern Argonauts" (οι νεοι αργοναυτες) By organizing a series of rolling games, quests, a quizzine aimed at the formation of a healthy psychological microclimate, also pays great attention to the acquisition by the guys with the skills of communicative communication, the ability to live in the team and easily establish contact.


For the summer program, the richest in terms of historical monuments is chosen
Greece - Peloponnes (southern part of the Balkan Peninsula) of the Corinth region. The new comfortable track connecting the airport - Athens and the resting place, ensures all the conditions for bright indelible impressions that the program participants receive from the first minutes of travel.

The international, sports - educational center is located on the shores of the Sardonic Gulf, the Aegean Sea, which is today one of the unique in its purity and composition of trace elements.

The beach camp is located in a picturesque bay.

For recreation, it was not by chance that this one was chosen, on the one hand, the seemingly secluded, picturesque corner. Here, surrounded by wild landscape, as it is impossible to use all the natural conditions for the improvement, physical and spiritual development of young children, students and adults.

Separately, I would like to note another advantage of this edge: the eucalyptus and the pine forest park in the greenery of which is a sports and educational center. The centuries-old giants form a healing microclimate highlighting phytoncides killing pathogenic microbes and favorably affecting the human body as a whole.

Since the oldest times, Peloponnese won popularity due to its legendary history and archaeological monuments known worldwide. This is Sparta - the birthplace of Spartans, and Olympia with its unique museum, and the Corinthian Canal, and Kalamata - the center of the liberation movement of the Greeks from Turkish conquest, and, of course, the epidavr is the most ancient theater of the world.

The sports and educational center "Modern Argonauts" is located on the tourist base. Later I will add a photo of the rooms, now there are cooking on the opening. Each room has all the necessary conditions: shower, toilet, air conditioning, TV. The camp has a swimming pool.

Director of the Camp - Love Danilovna Svathelo

Love Danilovna Svatilo - General Director of International Sports and Educational Programs, Lecturer at the University of Athens and Yalta schools, a professor, famous for the Crimea and in Greece, a public figure, the head of the local public organization - the National Cultural Autonomy of the Greeks of the city district Yalta "Revival".

Yalta TV - an interview with the director of youth programs with UNESCO with the love of Danilovna Svataylo.

Employees of the camp

Professional counselors, psychologists, teachers, health workers who find an individual approach to each child are working in the recreation camp.

International sports and educational program for many years has success, first of all,
Thanks to the counselor. These are young professionals, each in their business, which unites huge love for children.

Reliable and proven years, real family.

"In our understanding, the counselor is one who is always and everywhere next to the child and will take care of it on time. We carry full responsibility for children because some of them are still very small! "

During excursion trips, the counseling special attention is paid to the safety of children. Pedestrian walks, movement in historical places, visiting various cities with a huge number of tourists require big attention and caution to children.

The international youth program should be carried out with young people! Youth and burdens, professionalism and kindness, feeling of new and responsibility are the qualities that have allowed the leader for many years to become winners of international competitions. The best lentil seasons - 2017!

Here is the record that Danilovna love made on his page in August 2017.

Leisure and training


 8.00 - lifting
 8.15 - Morning Charging
 8.30 - 9.00 - Breakfast
 9.15 - 12.00
 10.30 - Volleyball
 11.00 - 12.00 Greek classes
 13.00 - 14.00 lunch
 14.00 - 16.00 Rest
 16.30 - 17.30 Pool
 17.30 -18.30 Sports games
 19.00 - 20.00 dinner
 20.15 - English
 21.30 - Dance classes
 22.30 - Organizational meeting, summing up, discussion of the next day program.

That's how it starts in the camp. A clear daily program provides morning exercises. Tim-minute warm-up before breakfast and the sea contributes to good
Mood, organization and, of course, improving the physical state of each.

The center is equipped with a good sports base with an opportunity not only to maintain sports and health to everyone, but also conduct special fees and gymnastics, basketball and swimming, volleyball and tennis.

Experienced counselors vaccinate the participants of the program and desire to strive for sports,
harmonious development. In the conditions of therapeutic climate, a favorable natural atmosphere, physical development gives special results.

And here are the lessons. New knowledge does not necessarily receive in closed classes. A special place in the international program belongs to English language classes, oratory art, the basics of Greek and history.

Foreign language classes are held in a trust. Modern, non-traditional teaching forms and the language environment make it possible to improve the level and is very quickly affected by the results. Speaking lessons in combination with excursions - conversations are an important preparatory point for school. Be able to talk
Audience is one of the composite programs.

And here the Love Danilovna itself holds a lesson.

Summer, international sports - educational program provides:

  • daily English lessons (taking into account the level of preparation and individual characteristics of the participant) and in the introductory form, with the basics of the Greek language;
  • daily Sports Classes: Morning Gymnastics, Swimming, Football, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball;
  • classes aesthetic development: choreography lessons, dances (European and ballroom), contests;
  • trainings whose goal is to form a psychologically sustainable personality that promote the acquisition of communicative communication skills in the team round tables, disputes;
  • thematic excursions contributing not only to the enrichment of the intellectual level of youth as a whole but also their worldviews aimed at raising a respectful attitude towards the history and culture of other peoples.

September is the best rest time for parents with preschool children. For them, programs also provide for them in the youth center.

For students

The program for students provides: active participation in the development of topics for discussions, conducting excursions to practice speaking, disputes in English.

Students of the Financial University in Athens

and on the Lake Vouliagmena.

Reviews of the student camp of the Financial University (Moscow). The trip took place in August 2017.

But still an indelible impression left the excursions that were organized by UNESCO. The director of Youth Programs at UNESCO - Love Danilovna Svatileo - Master of his case, she not only handed the array of knowledge about Greece, but also settled the desire to learn even more about her and her story. We visited the capital - Athens and visited there an ancient monument of architectural art - Acropolis and the new Museum of Acropolis, in which there are about 4 thousand exhibits, such as bark, sculptures from the decoration of Parfenon, Caryatids, etc. were amazed and the saturation of the city, and Greek culture, and traditions, and even looked at the shift of the guard from the Greek Parliament - an unforgettable spectacle! Also, in one day, we had the opportunity to swim in the Radon Lake of Woligmen with beneficial properties and amazing fish; Meet the incredible beauty sunset at Cape Sunion near the temple of Poseidon, feeling all the historical strength of this place: because it was from here that the sea became known as Aegean. During your trip, we also managed to visit the man-made miracle - Corinthian canal, a small Greek water park, Evie Island with his museums and beauties, to enjoy Greek dishes and enjoy communication with sunny people.

All feedback from children and parents can be read on the Facebook page, in the records for 2017. Link at the end of the article.

Excursions in Greece

The participants of the summer program have the opportunity to get acquainted with the richest history of Greece, visiting the best museums and archaeological complexes of the country. The entire excursion program is built taking into account the school themes and age characteristics of a group.

kramatorsk group in Porto -Hel

group from Kaliningrad in Athens

"They come to us 5 - 6-year-old babies in our eyes grow and tearing ... Dream, build plans ... They move from the city to the city ..., from the country to the country .. but be sure to come back here where they are waiting for the radiant sea, the most Blue in the world of the sky and of course their counselors! "

Excursion to Evie Island.

Excursion trips are organized as one-day and for a few days (O.Sandorini - 3 days, oh. Crete -4 days, Porto Heli 2 days, Thessaloniki - 3 days, about. Speset), depending on the route, they can be both bus and sea. The story during the excursion, for the purpose of language practice, can be carried out in several languages.

Clearly planned routes, with a competent dosage when submitting material make excursion trips not only useful and educational, but also interesting and memorable both for small and adult participants.

Many years of experience showed that the main success of the program was love for a child in combination with rigor. The guys very quickly understand the difference between indifference and demanding, hypocrisy and true concern. And it can, that is why for the project participants, the days fly very quickly and they do not want to leave.

The motto camps: We are always obliged to remember - there are no difficult children! Every child is amazing! Our task: to find "key" to His heart. The trust of the baby is easy to conquer .... But you can even lose it faster forever!

Control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the part of the organization responsible for the organization of youth recreation Svatila L. D.

Price - 35 euros with people / day. The price may change, so check at the director of the camp. All contacts at the end of the article.

Included in cost:

  • Accommodation in 3-bed rooms. All rooms have balconies overlooking the sea and the forest park area.
  • 3 meals
  • Two excursions for the whole day.
  • Transfer.