What fish it is better to cook on the grill. How to pickle fish for grill

Gathering the company in nature or in the country, people are mostly frying a kebab. He undoubtedly delicious and satisfying, but sometimes even this dish comes and I want to try something new. In such cases, it is worth trying to prepare steaks from fish meat. Marinade for fish on the Mangale will allow her a unique taste, and the aroma of such a dish will force the stomach of all friends.

What fish will suit

Cheap marine and freshwater fish on the grill are preparing the best. They have no bright pronounced taste, so they absorb the taste and smell of the ingredients during marination. They are also suitable for cooking both in the oven and on the mangale.

For pickled fish, cooked on an open fire, cooks recommend choosing large and medium-sized carcasses. For this, carps, pikes and small mackerel are perfectly suitable.

For dishes, where fillet or portion slices are used, it is best to take salmon or tuna. Their meat due to their fatness is not falling apart and does not lose the form if they cook them on the grill.

Fish steak with classic marinade.

How to prepare fish

It is best to use chilled carcasses, but if there is no such possibility, then you can take and frozen. They must be correctly defined so that they do not fall apart in the cooking process. To do this, they should be shifted by about 12 - 15 hours from the freezer in the refrigerator (away from the freezer).

With this method of preparing the fish carcass, all flavoring qualities will continue.

After extracting from the refrigerator, it should be rinsed well. Then you need to remove your head, tail, fins and gently trim the edges of the peritoneum. After that, the carcass is cut into pieces of about 2 to 4 cm.

Such pieces are suitable for cooking kebabs on the grille. If you plan to use swipes, then the pieces need to be done under their size and add more 1 - 2 cm. Only you should not do more than 5 - 6 cm.

Recipes Marinadov

Currently, there are a large number of marinades for kebabs from fish. They can be prepared with different varieties of wines, lemon juice, Bulgarian pepper and fresh greens.

Marinada from white and red wine

For the preparation of such a dish, certain ingredients are needed:

  • 1.5 - 2 kg of fillet;
  • 300 ml of white wine (dry);
  • 20 ml of soybean sauce;
  • 90 g of ginger root;
  • 100 ml of oil (olive);
  • 70 - 80 g of sugar.

Also, the recipe requires the use of spices (salt, pepper black or white ground) to taste.

Fish fillet kebabs with lemon and white wine.

For cooking you need to follow step by step instructions.

  1. Separate the prepared carcass on the fillet and remove all the bones.
  2. Dry all the pieces and sprinkle them with pepper.
  3. Ginger root cleaned and finely cut.
  4. Soy sauce, oil and white wine Connect in a deep plate, and then add sugar and ginger. After all ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed.
  5. Fillet Cut into pieces of size you need and place them in the marinade.
  6. All mix well.

Everything can be left in the room at a temperature of 20-5 degrees for 25 - 35 minutes or 90 - 120 minutes in the refrigerator.

Such marinade for kebabs from fish will fill the dish spicy, spicy taste. You can still add a bit of a fried nutmeg. This will make food an unusual fragrance.

To make marinade for fish kebabs with the addition of red wine, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 kg of chilled fish;
  • 200 ml of red (dry) wine;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • spices (salt, pepper ground black) to taste.

Separate carcass prepared carcasses, remove all the bones and cut down on the steaks. Then delete them with spices and pour wine and oil into a plate with them. Mix all well. Cover the lid and give it raised at room temperature about 30 to 40 minutes.

The dish made with such a recipe marinade can be prepared in foil. To do this, the pieces should be put on it and carefully wrap so that there are no open seams. Then the fish in the foil must be put on the grille and tomorrow over smoldering coals.

Red fish kebab with bell pepper.

Classic marinade

For the preparation of such a recipe, the following components will be required:

  • 1 kg of fish fillet;
  • 2 medium-sized lemon;
  • 70 ml of oil (vegetable);
  • 2 garlic teeth (medium size);
  • spice.

Typically, dried mayoran, black or red pepper, as well as salt. However, the list can be expanded by other seasonings to taste.

Marinade is prepared by this recipe in the following way.

  1. Fillet rinse with running water and remove all the bones. After that, blot them with paper napkins or towels and cut into pieces.
  2. All spices are well mixed and dear pieces.
  3. Then clean the garlic and cut it as much as possible, and then add to the fish.
  4. Both lemon are rocked and dry. Squeeze the juice and connect it with oil.
  5. With the help of a grater, soda lemon zest and pour it into oil with lemon juice.
  6. This mixture fill the pieces of fillet and mix thoroughly.

It is possible to pick up the fish dish for such a recipe in 45 - 60 minutes. After that, the pieces should be riveted on the skewers and lay out on a grill with smoldering coals.

The taste and flavor of fish prepared by such a recipe is considered classic.

Marinade with Bulgarian Pepper

Ingredients needed in the preparation of marinade for fish.

These include:

  • 1.5 kg assorted fish with red meat;
  • 0.5 kg of Bulgarian pepper (sweet);
  • 1 lemon (medium size);
  • 130 ml of oil (olive or sesame);
  • 110 g of fresh parsley;
  • spices to taste.

To prepare such a marinade for red fish, you will need to perform a few simple steps.

  1. Fillet, peeled from bones, cut the large-size cubes.
  2. Parsley Till, add to the fish together with spices. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Slit lemon juice, add it to the oil and mix.
  4. Wash, clean the pepper, dry, and then cut into large pieces (the best square). After put them to the fish.
  5. All pour the cooked mixture, mix well.

The dish is maridious about 50 to 60 minutes. Then the pieces can be rolled into skewers. It is best to alternate pieces of fish with slices of pepper from marinade. The dish with such marinade will conquer everyone and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Steaks with grilled vegetables.

If you plan to prepare a kebab from fish, then any marinade is suitable. They are all pretty simple and easy to prepare. However, the fish turns out a delightful taste with an unforgettable aroma.

On the one hand, the grill is a culinary device, a grill for cooking over an open heat. On the other hand, this is a way to prepare products. His distinctive feature is that there are no fats when burning on the grill. When we prepare some product in this way, we add the word "grill" to it. It becomes clear what, for example, a grill fish.

Grilled products are very useful because they are processed only by spices and temperatures, with a minimum amount of oil. A large number of meat and fish dishes are being prepared on the grill, vegetables are fried, fruits are baked. Fish grilled dishes - it is always tasty, original and festive. Fish and grilled meat - the most useful forms of their cooking and eating.

There are several ways to cook such fish dishes: Fish in a grill frying pan, grilled fish on a grill, a fish grilled in the oven, grilled fish in a foil. These methods can be cooked with grilled fish with vegetables, a fish baked on the grill.

Before the hostess will necessarily arise the question - what fish on the grill is better to cook? The best fish for the grill should not be too dry (heck, pike perch, pike), as well as an overlooking (oil, halibut). You need to choose something mean. It is excellent any red fish on the grill, mackerel, herring, sea bass, etc. If you have not very suitable fish for this, pick it up. Marinated grill fish - this method of product preparation improves its taste and textural quality during grilling. Marinade for grilled fish can take both a ready-made from the store, and prepare independently for recipes from our site. You can also show a fantasy and come up with my way of marinization, it will not be worse. How to pick up fish for the grill is the question of your taste. Use for marinade salt, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, garlic and any fragrant herbs: thyme, rosemary, cings. They greatly enhance the taste of fish, with such marinade you will have a delicious fish on the grill.

Such a wonderful dish "Grilled Fish", a recipe must enrich your culinary knowledge luggage. And how beautiful looks on the table on the grill! Photo it is so appetizing that it is not possible to abandon such a treat. If you want to cook the fish on the grill, choose recipes with the first one. Prepare this dish to your guests, please be loved by a festive treat. By the way, not everyone tried homemade fish on the grill, you will still ask you a recipe for cooking. In addition, the preparation of fish on the grill will deliver pleasure.

Perhaps you will be curious several of our tips, how to cook fish on the grill:

If the fish lubricate the grill with vegetable oil before stacking pieces of fish, then they will stick to the metal less;

Experienced cooks recommend cooking on the grill in the so-called envelope. Fish removes basic bones, the skin remains. A carcass is cut so that you can fold the pieces in half: the pulp with spices and any stuffing is inside, and the skin is outside. The envelopes are stacked on the grille. Fish is fine, juicy, does not burn to the grille;

Grill can be prepared any sea and river fish. But in each case there are their own nuances who find out with experience. It all depends on the size of the fish, its fatness, saturation of taste;

Thymean, Rosemary, Kinza can be tried to replace with more common parsley and dill. It is not better to use greens, but their stems, they are more juicy. You can marry fish and without greens: just paint the flesh with lemon juice, and add a little crushed garlic to it;

For high-quality marinion, 20 minutes is enough;

Do not overdo it with spices, you can spoil the dish. The taste of the spices is able to kill the taste of the fish and significantly change it.

Fish should not be prepared for a long time on fire, cook or fry, so if you are going to cook delicious it is best to do with Roster, grill or on a grid. Thus, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is preserved, excess fat (if it is fatty fish varieties), and no vegetable oil is needed for cooking. Dishes come out gentle and simultaneously crispy.

Of course, not every fish is suitable for the grill: if you are dealing with tender, loose fish or at your disposal fillet, then they are prepared on the grid, pre-bounced in Foil. For itself, the grill is perfect for fish with bold and dense meat - salmon, ket, sturgeon, salmon, mahu-mahu, tuna. Especially small, prepare on the lattice entirely.

The grill fish holds on fire very little time, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to mess with it. On the contrary, if you want to get a delicious dish at the exit, you need to pre-attach some efforts. Namely, to part and pick up fish. It is necessary to clean it from scales so as not to damage the skin - so it is not overwhelmed from processing on fire and will remain juicy. Before planting fishery on the skewer, wash it with a paper towel. During cooking, turning the skewers should be carefully and as much as possible.

The grill fish has its own secrets on cooking time. It depends on the force of heat, and from the thickness of pieces, and from the duration of stay in the marinade. Approximately we can say that every centimeter thickness of pieces requires about three minutes of thermal processing. But for this time should be reduced. How do you know that the grill is ready? On the surface of pieces should be a whiteish juice, and in case the fish is riveted onto a spit, the pulp around its ridge should become a bit pink. Ready if the knife tip easily separates the ridge bone from the pulp. If you roasted a flat fish on the grid (type of cambaly), lay it first with a light side down.

But, of course, the main secret you need to know that the grill fish turns out to be a tender, juicy, crispy and fragrant, lies in her marinade. Here, for example, one of the Korean fish. For this dish, a tuna (chopped on the pieces) is perfect, but another dense fish can also be. First, 4 large steaks are rubbed with sugar and placed half an hour in the refrigerator. During this time, seafding seeds in the pan (approximately a handful), until they get a golden flower. Then mix in a bowl of 5 tablespoons of sugar, seeding seeds, finely chopped green bow bunch, crushed clove of garlic and a teaspoon of ginger in powder, pour all half a glass of soy sauce with 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, add salt and pepper. Steaks put in this marinade and leave in the refrigerator for another 2 hours. The field of what Marinade is to merge, and the fish is painted on the heat of the fire on the lattice or on a disgusting in a well-warmed oven.

The grill fish will be very tasty if you use marinade from fresh cilantro, garlic, honey and lemon. For its cooking you need to mix in a saucepan 2 cup of honey, chopped 1 kinse bunch and 2 cloves of garlic. Heat on fire until honey becomes liquid, then pour 1 lemon juice. Give a cool mixture. Salted fish slightly and pepper, pour marinade and put for 1 hour in a cold place, then fry on the grill for five or seven minutes on each side.

Also interesting is such Georgian from sturgeon. The bulbs are cut by straw, the lemons are clutch on the grater, the cineage is chicken. This mixture adds more than half a cup of white dry wine, salted and pepper. The fish must marinate at least an hour, after which it is roasted 2-3 minutes from different sides. For fish, frying the whole (for example, trout), it is possible to put inwards in the sprigs of rosemary and slices of lemon instead of the marinade.

What kind of fish
It is especially easy to prepare small or medium-sized fish: they are simply cleaned from scales, let's burst and put on the grille.
From large fish it is better to take fillet or cut the steaks.
Small pieces of fish or shells are very well combined with vegetables or fruits, making small kebabs.
There is no such type of fish that would not come up for the grill. In general, it can be said that the fat and meaty fish, the better it turns out on the grill. Fish meat and darities are very gentle. Therefore, with long frying at high temperatures, they can dry and fall apart.
Camely marine
It often happens that the grill fish falls apart. 50% of the fish that collapsed was incorrectly pickled.
Acid particles of lemon juice or white wine during frying destroy fish protein cells. Therefore, it becomes softer and can fall apart. We recommend using, instead of familiar marinades of white wine or lemon, marinade from juniper and herbs.
In order for the fragrance well in the flesh of the fish, you need to make 3-4 small outbreaks on each side. At the same time, it is necessary to be very careful, so as not to cut the fillet or a carcass, because in this case the possibility that the fish will still fall apart.
Before grillling, the grass should be slightly cut from moisture so that the water does not drip on the coal. Then the fish must be salted.
Who has no time to marinen, can mean fish - for example herbs or garlic. Or fry fish, wrapped in slices of sludge, spinach or grape leaves. They help the fish hold the form and do not fall apart.
Marinade with Juniper Oil
Perfect marinade for fish:
Juniper berries need to be crushed under the press and warm up with olive oil, to add a cold olive oil to the finished mixture. Marine can be delivered at the request of dill, parsley, sage and laurel sheet. As well as a small amount of onions. Lemon mint will add fruit freshness. Marinade must have a minimum of two days. It can be prepared about the reserve. It can be tightly closed in a refrigerator to three months.
Important temperature in frying
The correct temperature for frying the fish is achieved when white bloom is formed on coals. A simple rule reads: if you hold the palm right above the grill grill for 3 seconds and then wait for it, because it is impossible for hot, then it comes exactly when you need to put fish on this grille.
The lattice should be at a fairly large distance from the coal, such as, for example, fried sausages or steaks. So that the fish skin does not stick to the lattice better to lubricate it with vegetable oil. Practical in this case is a special lattice for fish, where a carcass or fillet is simply clamped. Such a grid is very easy to turn over. Gentle fish fillet, lubricated herbal oil or fish carcass, wrapped in bacon, best fry in foil on coals. Foil necessarily lubricate the oil.
Follow the frying time
Fish can not just put on the grill and leave. Behind the grilled fish you need an eye yes, you need to catch the moment when it is completely ready. In general, the time of frying seafood and fish is much shorter than meat. To understand whether the fish is ready, you need to pierce the flesh and look at it. If it is already completely white and not transparent, you can shoot fish with a lattice.
Approximate time of frying:
Fish fillet or steaks, 2 cm thick - 5 - 10 min
Fish kebabs chopped by cubes "for one bite" - 8 - 10 min
Flat fish weighing less than 450 g - 15 - 20 min
Large fish whole, 900 g - 1.75 kg - 30 - 45 min
Shrimps in the shelter, on skewers - 4 - 6 min
Scallops, without shells, on skewers - 4 - 6 min
A small advice: the remnants of the marinade for fish mix with white dry wine and right before serving sprinkle fish. Pleasure is guaranteed!

A special place is occupied by a fish on the mangale. What can be more beautiful on a picnic than her tender flesh and crisp! Cooking baked fish over hot coal - the process is not easy. But the result is worth it! And among many recipes, everyone can choose the one that will have to do.

General principles of preparation

Fish on the grill, the recipes of which provide for preliminary marinization, it turns out more juicy. In addition, marinates make a taste much more rich, soaking the pulp contained in them with seasonings and spices.

Fish kebab is preparing over coals. For localization of pieces or whole carcasses, skewers or grilles are used. Foil fish on the brazier is also a fairly common method of baking, allowing to keep all juices and flavors in the pulp. With any chosen method of baking open fire should be avoided. The process should occur only with the use of heat outgoing from coal.

How to choose fish?

Almost all varieties are great for baking over coals. What fish on the grill is the most delicious? The question is controversial, but it is obvious that the smaller the bone in the fish, the better. However, quite bony species are quite suitable for baking, and in this we will now make sure.

In order for the Fish on the Mangale, the main rule here is not only a recipe, but also the choice of the most important ingredient. Carcasses must be fresh, clean, without strangers.

Skewers made of large fish steaks with a small amount of bones

Skewers from fish in the mangale, perhaps, can be called a classic genre. Excellent when a large carcass can be chopped into pieces and ride them on the skewer or skewers. For such a way, pelegeas, catfish, tuna, pangasius, pike perch and many other breeds containing a small amount of bones are suitable.

A distinctive feature of this semi-finished product - steaks are cut in such a way that they do not have a spine and ribs. You can prepare such a fish on the grid and on the skewers. Pre-marinization in a mixture of lemon and pomegranate juices will give steaks a unique taste.

We bake the whole

Delicious fish on the grill baked with a whole adhesive. So you can cook a scumbers, herring, salak, red-eyed, cambal.

An excellent version of the marinade for such a fish is an ordinary mayonnaise, mixed with seasonings. In order for the meat to have spice flavors, is enough 2-3 hours.

River Fish on the Mangale

Who said you can prepare only purchased overseas fish? But what about the mandatory attribute of any decent fishing - cooked on the fire, the personally caught prey?

River fish on the grid (on the grill) is a wonderful picnic dish. We are talking about bream, crucian, carpe, perch, hero. Usually these types are quite bony. But the experienced fishermen know a wonderful secret: it is enough to make fishing bowls on the sides, and the bones do up - they will disappear so that they will not be noticeable at all!

Before baking, river fish is enough just to rub the salt and seasonings thoroughly.

Small fish on skewers

Fish is very tasty and fine fish on the grill. Recipes for making baked washing, salads, tulleys and bores are known not only to tourists - such dishes can be found in the menu of many restaurants.

And indeed, the slender rows of small fish, stretched on the skewers - a pretty antineus dish. It is served with baked potatoes in rustic, vegetable pickles, mushrooms.

Prepare such kebabs yourself easier than simple. The only difficulty lies in the fact that such a fish will have to be cleaned for quite a long time. But if you manage to cope with this, further actions will not cause any difficulties: the fish you need to simply drive on the paired shockings, fold on the grille and fry until readiness. Neither marinations, nor even abundance of seasoning this recipe requires. It is enough to spill enough.

Baked red fish

Of course, noble salmon, trout, salmon, pink salmon are varieties worthy of special attention. Red fish on the grill is a real delicacy. And you can not invent anything at all, but simply lay the steaks sprinkled with lemon juice on the grille and watch them, so that they are not burned.

And you can cook even more delicious fish kebabs on the grill. To do this, grind red fish in white wine for 5-6 hours. Then we prepare a thick syrup of brown sugar and honey. With this syrup, licker pieces of fish from all sides and will be sent to be baked. This impregnation allows you to get a wonderful crispy crust.

In foil

A wonderful way to obtain a truly dietary product - baking in foil. Do not think that with the help of such recipes, only high-kitchen dishes are prepared. The foil fish on the brazier is delicious and tender, and even the most budget varieties of fish can be used for this method. For example, an excellent result can be obtained, if you prepare Putassu, Argentine, Ice Fish, Standard, Mintai.

Perfect for baking trout and pike perch. And mackerel is generally a separate story. This fish contains a considerable amount of fat, and baking in foil allows you to keep it in the flesh. Often, such a dish is complemented by vegetables laid inside. They are good in it and pieces of lemons that give meat a unique fragrance.

You can prepare in foil and fish, pre-pickled with onions. The excellent version of the marinade is based on homemade yogurt, yogurt or kefir. It is enough to add a salt, spices, a little chopped green - and the marinade!

Rare and delicate fish varieties

For baking over coals, such varieties like sea bass, dorado, shark, acne and other gourmet fish are used.

In such cases, most chefs recommend catering to choose the selection of spices. It is better to restrict ourselves to the sea salt and pepper, so as not to score the taste of the main ingredian, but only slightly emphasize it. It is better to make a sauce that will be served to fish.

Feeding and serving

While the fish is baked on the grille (on the grill), it is worth taking care of the bar. Perfectly suitable, for example, the usual boiled rice. Good combined with fish dishes with potatoes: mashed potatoes, deununs, potatoes in rustic. You can give a garnish from a grill with a grill to fish - for this they need to just bake on the same grill.

White wine is traditionally served from alcohol to fish. Permissible and stronger drinks, for example, vodka or brandy.

Fish baked on the grill, like many other grilled dishes, is perfectly combined with many sauces: soy, adzhika, tchemali, tartar and many others.