Salad Dame Caprice will quickly conquer the love of all your loved ones! Salad "Lady Caprice" - the best recipes step-by-step recipe for a female caprication salad.

Salad Ladies Caprice with chicken and prunes created specifically for representatives of the beautiful floor. There are many ingredients that girls often add to their daily diet. Chicken, nuts, prunes, different greens and fresh vegetables - aren't you loved by female products?

Mayonnaise is the fastest refueling today, and it is it that housewives are used most often. This recipe will not be an exception.

The Laman Caprice Salad will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken breast;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of prunes;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 ml of mayonnaise.

Salad Lady Caprice with prune recipe:

  1. Boil the meat of chicken. You can add spices to taste or bay sheet with black pepper.
  2. If desired, fillet can be fasten. But it is worth considering that when cooking meat remains more gentle.
  3. Eggs to boil to complete readiness, that is, to a solid yolk.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, merge boiling water from eggs and pour cold water.
  5. Cutting eggs to clean from the shell and grate or finely chop.
  6. The cooled meat to break on the fibers.
  7. Pries clean from the bones and cut.
  8. Cucumbers wash and cut into straws, and nuts are finely chopped.
  9. Next, the assembly of the sala of layers: cucumbers; hen; Half prunes; eggs; The second part of dried fruits.
  10. Do not forget to precipitate each layer of spices and lubricate mayonnaise.

Tip: So that the salad is not too fat, you can lubricate the layers of mayonnaise through one.

Salad with pineapple and chicken Ladies Caprice

In every salad, we believe should be some kind of highlight. Or, so to speak, a spicy note. Pineapple is present in this dish. Canned food or fresh product - to choose you. But in the company of juicy chicken and prunes, Pineapple gives all the most delicious notes.

Salad components:

  • 200 grams of chicken breast;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • 200 grams of pineapple;
  • 1/2 cucumber;
  • 2 slices of garlic;
  • 30 ml. olive oil.

Salad Lady Caprice with Chicken and Pineapple:

  1. Rinse and boil the chicken breast in the salted water with spices.
  2. After draining the water and wait until the meat cools for further processing.
  3. Prunes rinse, dry.
  4. Pour dried fruits with steep boiling water for 5 minutes.
  5. Drain the water and clean the prunes from the bones. Slice.
  6. If the pineapple is fresh, then you need to know how to clean it. So it is better to take canned. Then the process of cooking will be simple.
  7. Open a jar with pineapples and drain the liquid into a separate bowl or a glass. Juice can be removed in the refrigerator. A refreshing drink will reinforce you a little later.
  8. Pineapples cut into small pieces.
  9. The cooled meat is crushed into small cubes.
  10. The cucumber is washed and cut into the halves of circles.
  11. In the overall dishes to collect chicken meat, pineapples, prunes and put through the press of garlic slices. All ingredients mix.
  12. Fill oil salad and season with favorite spices. Stir, decorate with pieces of cucumber on the sides and serve to the table!

Important: If you still have decided to buy fresh pineapple, then here are some tips, how to clean and cut the fruit:

  • The very first thing you need to cut the "bottom" and "cap" of pineapple.
  • Next put the fruit standing, that is, one of the cropped parts (vertically).
  • A sharp knife carefully consider the peel.
  • "Eye", which will remain, you need to neatly pull out the knife.
  • It is also necessary to extract the core of the fetus. That is his Kochan, like the cabbage. He is rough and not so juicy as the rest of the pineapple.

Salad ladies Caprice recipe with chicken

The Dame Caprice with Chicken and Mushrooms is perfect for a snack for a festive table. But if you decide to prepare a salad for dinner, then it may well become a basic dish.

What to buy:

  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • 1 average bulb;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 grams of canned champignons;
  • 1 Packaging mayonnaise.

Laman Caprice Salad Recipe With Chicken:

  1. First you need to boil chicken fillet. To do this, rinse meat, omit into the water and put on fire. Sell \u200b\u200bto taste or standard - bay leaf and black peas pepper.
  2. Prunes brew boiling water for a few minutes.
  3. Clear bulb, rinse from the seeded juice and cut into a small cube.
  4. Eggs also need to boil. To do this, lower them in cold water. Send to the slab before boiling water. From now on, no more than fifteen minutes. After a quarter of an hour, eggs will be ready.
  5. It is necessary to merge boiling water from eggs and pour with ice water. For faster cooling, you can add pieces of ice.
  6. Cooled eggs clean from the shell and grate.
  7. After half an hour after cooking meat, it should already be prepared. Dry water and leave fillets before cooling.
  8. The cooled meat cut into cubes or break on the fibers of approximately the same size.
  9. Open a jar with mushrooms, merge marinade and crush champignons.
  10. Water from prunes to drain, dry dried fruits and cut into small pieces.
  11. Combine all components, fix with mayonnaise and mix.

Important: When fillet is boiled, it highlights the foam that needs to be removed with a spoon or noise. The surface of "broth" should be clean. So the meat will only be tastier!

Lady Caprice Salad with prunes

In winter, it is quite difficult to prepare some kind of light and fresh salad. Only cabbage comes to the rescue, but do not eat it all nine months of "not summer" period, right? Alternatively, we offer a salad with a freshly accessible time with a cucumber.

It is necessary in salad:

  • 300 grams of chicken breast;
  • 2 cucumber;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • 150 grams of fresh fungi;
  • 200 ml sour cream.

Salad Lady Caprice with prunes:

  1. Chicken meat cleaned from films, rinse, chop and fry with spices.
  2. Print pour boiling water for five minutes.
  3. Merge water and save dried fruits from stones. Cut pieces.
  4. Mushrooms cut into slices. Fry them on the oil on which fillets fry, for seven minutes.
  5. Cucumbers wash, cut the skin (if slanting), cut into cubes.
  6. In deep dishes, connect meat, prunes, mushrooms, cucumbers.
  7. Slow salad sour cream and season favorite spices.
  8. Cool for 2-3 hours and serve!

Dame Caprice Salad Recipe

Who else did not hear the benefits of pomegranate grains? It seems there are no such. Due to the addition of a fruit to the salad of the Laman Caprice with prunes, a dish is filled with additional vitamins and microelements.


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 50 grams of prunes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 grenade;
  • 150 ml of mayonnaise.

Recipe Ladies Caprice Salad:

  1. Chicken boil to full readiness, cool and cut into small cubes.
  2. Prunes must be cleaned of bones. Cut the dried fruit finely, after breaking in boiling water.
  3. Boil eggs, cool in cold water, remove the shell and grind. You can use a grater or knife.
  4. Pomegranate clean from the peel and carefully remove the grain.
  5. Carrot wash, boil and cut the peel. Grate.
  6. Now you need to collect salad layers, missing each product mayonnaise.
  7. The order of the layers is as follows: fillet, prunes, eggs, carrots, cheese.
  8. Optionally, you can season each layer of favorite spices.
  9. It remains only to decorate the dish with pomegranate grains and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes for impregnation of the layers.

Salad Dame Caprice with chicken no one will leave you indifferent. This is a tasty and simple dish that even newcomers can cook. The main function is cutting / grinding. Is there something complicated here? You can add any other refueling, instead of mayonnaise, for example, sour cream, natural yogurt or olive oil!

You may be interested in other salads:, and.

Minimum ingredients, simplicity of preparation and exquisite taste make the Laman Capric Salad one of the most popular dishes. You just need to prepare the ingredients, add your highlight and enjoy!

Salad appeared on our tables relatively recently and immediately won well-deserved love. It consists of a dish of simple ingredients that can be easily bought in any nearest store. Having attached a little effort, after a short time you will get a gentle, delicious salad.

Classic recipe with chicken and pineapple

Ingredients number
canned or fresh pineapple - 400 grams
chicken flesh - 300 grams
solid cheese (Dutch or Russian) - 150 grams
chicken eggs - 4 things.
roasted walnuts - 100 grams
garlic - 2 teeth
mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons
Time for preparing: 30 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 151 kcal

For the preparation of lettuce "Dame Caprice" will need such simple products as: pineapple, cheese, chicken fillet and eggs. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions so that the ingredients supplemented each other by creating the harmony of taste.

The basis of the Laman Caprice salad is chicken fillet. This product must be used in smoked or boiled form. Cooks recommend yet to boil the chicken before adding to salad, as smoked and excess fat do not make a dietary dish. It all depends on your taste - in cooking you can and need to experiment, but in the classic recipe there is still a boiled chicken.

  1. So, we take chicken fillet, rinse. Lower a piece of chicken into a boiling, slightly salted water and drunk for 20 minutes. Please note: you can not cook gentle meat longer, as it can become rigid and tasteless;
  2. Boiled chicken cool and cut a thin straw;
  3. The next ingredient can be prepared in parallel with chicken. Eggs also need to boil. Cooling eggs are cooling, we clean from the shell and finely rubies;
  4. Pineapples remove from the bank if they are in a canned form, or purify from the peel fresh pineapple. Cut the fruit with small cubes;
  5. Solid variety cheese (Russian or Dutch) rub on a grater with medium holes. It is very important to grind all the ingredients about the same pieces - the taste of dishes depends on it;
  6. Garlic is very finely rubbing with a sharp knife or skip through a special press. In the bowl we connect mayonnaise and garlic - mix. It is necessary so that the sauce is evenly spicy and the pieces of garlic did not come across the finished dish;
  7. In the larger container, we put the chopped ingredients: pineapple, chicken, eggs. Add grated cheese and mix;
  8. It remains to fill the salad garlic sauce. Mix everything and let it stand a little (about 5-7 minutes) so that all the ingredients connect to each other.

Cold is approaching - it's time to take care of immunity. Cook delicious is just a vitamin bomb for your body.

Recipe for a delicious and useful cloth from sea buckthorn for the winter. Read.

Salad "Lady Caprice" with language and ham

For the preparation of this type of Laman Caprice salad, it is recommended to use the language and ham. To get an exquisite taste of the dish, it is worth using a beef language, as it is beneficial from the pork language in its taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of language (beef);
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of boiled ham;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 150 grams of champignons;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Salt, favorite spices and bay leaf.

Cooking time: 40 minutes (this does not include time to boo in language).

Calorie: 252 kcal / 100 grams.

The basis of this salad is a beef language. Not all hostesses can choose this sub-product. When buying should be paid to the color (it should be pink, not a dark red or purple), natural meat fragrance and texture of the language.

A good, high-quality language of the elastic to the touch, if you press on the base with your finger, then the dent is quickly aligned. Otherwise, it is better not to buy a language.

  1. Beef language thoroughly clean, rinse and soaked half an hour in cold water. It is necessary in order to improve the taste quality of the language. We put it in a saucepan with hot water and cook for 2 hours until readiness. The finished tongue is cooling, lowering the stream of very cold water under the stream, remove the film and cut the thin straw;
  2. Champignons cut thin slides. Fry on a small amount of oil for 5-7 minutes until readiness. Champignons do not need to be washed, as they absorb a large amount of water and become tasteless and watery;
  3. Ham cut with straw;
  4. Bulgarian pepper purify from seeds and grind the same as ham;
  5. Marinated cucumbers dry from marinade and cut a thin straw;
  6. In high tanks we connect all the ingredients and refuel mayonnaise. We give Salat a little cool and serve on the table.

Recipe with prunes

Another kind of famous dish "Lady Caprice". It is great for those who love prunes, since this ingredient gives a special, nothing inclusive aroma of Salat.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 1 middle cucumber;
  • 150 grams of prunes;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie: 276 kcal / 100 grams.

Council hostess. Buying prunes, pay attention to its color - it should be black. The surface of a high-quality dried fruit is always matte (if it glitters, it means that the prunes were treated with glycerin).

It is worth trying a berry: good prunes has light sourness, without bitterness. Choosing between prunes without bone and with it, prefer the last option.

    1. Chicken meat drunk in a slightly salted water for 20 minutes.

    1. Cool and cut a thin straw or swear on the fibers;

    1. I boil eggs in salted water for 10 minutes. We cool, we clean from the shell and grind;

    1. Cleans from bones prunes and ruby \u200b\u200bstraw;

    1. Fresh cucumbers cleanse from the peel and seeds, and cut the flesh with thin slides;

    1. Walnuts are finely rubbed with a knife or grinding with a rolling pin;

    1. We lay out all the ingredients of lettuce with layers: first the cucumbers, then the layer of chicken. Solim, season with spices, lubricate mayonnaise;

  1. The following layers will be prunes and eggs. Impregnate mayonnaise again;
  2. The last layer will be walnuts - cover the Laman Caprice salad and lubricate mayonnaise once again.

Salat must necessarily draw a time for a few hours so that he gains the necessary taste.


Salad "Lady Caprice" enjoys well-deserved and can become an excellent decoration of both a festive and casual table. In order for the result to be excellent, you only need to take into account some of the preparation rules:

  • Choose the right and prepare the main components;
  • Grind all the ingredients with approximately the same pieces;
  • Fill a salad and give it time for impregnation;
  • Serve the finished dish to the table, decorated in its composition ingredients or greens.


Such an unusual name of the dish is probably an interesting story of his appearance, but it is unlikely who now will remember her. Yes, and a genuine salad recipe "Dame Caprice", most likely, went out in the summer. So, now every woman may have their own "Lady Caprice"! The main thing is that it is delicious, elegant, beautiful and slightly fused (i.e., unusual, like all real women's whims).
Modern traditional Salad "Damsky Caprice" is a simple and tasty dish of four basic ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, canned pineapple, solid cheese and a small amount of mayonnaise. Nevertheless, it can be diversified by replacing and adding multiple components. Thus, there will be several different recipes for this wonderful salad. Variants of this dish are the inexhaustible set, like the ladies themselves. This dish can be prepared both on a regular day and for any holiday. Even a man can prepare his lady such a salad, having delivered her true pleasure.
We bring to your attention the several most popular options for this salad. Well, and you are free to choose - you will "capricious" as we, or somehow differently, in your own way ...
To calculate the weight of a product, a comparative table of measures and scales will help you.

Recipe 1. Traditional Salad "Lady Caprice" ( with chicken, pineapple and cheese)

Appetizing taste, easy to prepare the Laman Caprice salad, is an excellent option of delicious snacks from the minimum number of components. Cooked according to the traditional recipe from four basic components dish is obtained satisfying, juicy and very gentle in taste. Having tweaking the chicken fillet in advance, such a salad can be prepared and served on the table literally in a few minutes, which sometimes hesitates in the festive turmoil. An important role is combined by the way to boiling the way of chicken fillet.


✵ Chicken fillet (breast) - 400-500 g;
✵ Pineapple (canned) - 250 g;
✵ Cheese solid - 200 g;
✵ mayonnaise - to taste;
✵ Salt - 2 chips;
✵ Pepper black (ground) - at will.
To booze chicken fillet:
✵ water - 1 liter;
✵ Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
✵ Parsley Fresh (stems) - cracker;
✵ Pepper fragrant (peas) - 5-6 pcs.


1. In a small saucepan, put laurel leaves, peas of fragrant pepper and parsley stems (lower part), pour cold water and bring to a boil. Water in a saucepan should not be too much, it should only cover chicken breast for several centimeters.

2. When water with spices boils, send chicken fillet into a pan and on a small fire to bring to active boiling. As soon as the broth is drurlit, close the saucepan with the lid, turn off the fire and leave for 20-25 minutes. Fillet, boiled in this way, is completely prepared, but will not be absolutely white, how it usually becomes with a long cooking, but will save the lightweight, barely intimate pinkish shade. This method is best suited for pieces of chicken fillet of a small or medium size (up to 300 grams). Larger chicken pieces should peck after boiling 2-3 minutes. This method is not suitable for cooking chicken breast on dice or poultry fillet.
3. Ready chicken fillet extract from broth to a plate, cool and cut into small cubes.

4. Solid cheese rub on medium grade.
5. Canned pineapple cut into small pieces.
6. In a salad bowl or a portion of salad feed layer, lay a layer of squeezed cheese and cover it with a small amount of mayonnaise.

7. Add a layer of chicken fillet, salt, pepper and apply a mayonnaise mesh. Only layers of chicken fillet should be used, since it was cooked in unsolonged water.
8. Layout a layer of pineapples and repeat the layers in the same sequence, covering each layer by the mayonnaise meshe.
9. The last layer of salad is sprayed with a squeezed cheese and you can submit a "ladies' whim" to the table.

In a simplified feed version, you can simply mix all components, add some mayonnaise and season salad to your liking. Optionally, you can also add chopped 1 clove of garlic.

Enjoy your appetite and delicious sensations!

Recipe 2. Salad "Lady Caprice" ( with chicken, pineapple and two types of cheese)

The taste and tenderness of this salad quite justify its name. It is surprising that with such a minimal set of products, it turns out simply charming dishes, and without a bow and garlic. Two types of cheese are used in the recipe: the usual hard and good sausage - it is they who make a dish fragrant and more appetizing. Undoubtedly, this chicken salad can be attributed to festive dishes, and his beautiful half of humanity will appreciate it.


✵ Chicken fillet (boiled) - 300 g;
✵ Pineapple (canned) - 150 g (3-4 mug);
✵ Cheese solid (outstanding) - 100 g;
✵ Sausage cheese (squeezed) - 100 g;
✵ Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
✵ Pepper black (ground) - to taste;
✵ Salt - to taste;
✵ Dill (fresh greens) - for decoration.


1. Boiled chicken fillet cut into small pieces.
2. Circles of canned pineapple, slightly dry with a paper towel and cut into small cubes.
3. Both types of cheese rub on a major grater.
4. Mix all the ingredients, add salt, pepper and fix with mayonnaise.
5. Mix everything again and served to feed on the table, decorating green dill branches. Salad absolutely does not need additional time to insist and impregnation.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3. Salad "Lady Caprice" ( with chicken, pineapple, cheese and garlic)

This is a gentle salad with chicken and pineapples that women love very much! The recipe for dishes is a non-permanent, like all women. Chicken fillet is simply perfectly combined with a sweet juicy pineapple. The refueling from the mayonnaise with garlic perfectly emphasizes all the flavors of the dish. The simplest salad from quite affordable products is prepared very quickly, but everyone is impressive with its taste. As an experiment, you can try to add a green leaf salad or grapes.


✵ Chicken fillet (breast) - 400 g;
✵ Pineapple (canned) - 0.5 liter jar;
✵ Cheese solid - 200 g;
✵ garlic - 1-2 teeth;
✵ mayonnaise - 200-250 g;
✵ Salt - to taste;
✵ Pepper black (ground) - to taste.


1. Chicken fillet (breast) to boil until readiness by adding spices to taste. Cool meat in broth so that it is more juicy. Cut into small cubes.
2. Sliding cheese cut into small cubes.
3. Pineapple cut into small cubes.

In this article you will find many different recipes for the Laman Caprice salad.

If we talk about dish, relying on his name, then we can say with confidence that the Laman Caprice Salad is elegant and unusual taste, and this is true.

  • Despite the fact that in this salad the most ordinary ingredients, it can be diversified by adding or replacing some components of the dishes.
  • As a result, there will be many different, delicious and original salads "Lady Caprice".
  • There are many variants of this salad, like the Ladies' Hams themselves. Therefore, such a dish can be prepared at least every day.
  • Choose the most interesting recipes from the proposed material and prepare them on big holidays or daily.

Dame Caprice Salad: Ingredients and Step-by-Step Classic Recipe Layers in order

Dame Caprice Salad: Ingredients and Step-by-Step Classic Recipe Layers in order

If you need, coming home after work, cook a delicious dish for dinner, then make a classic Laman Caprice Salad. It makes a minimum of ingredients that are in every home, and what is lacking, you can buy in any store on the way home. Here are the ingredients and step-by-step classic recipe layers in order of the Lady Caprice salad.

For you need to have such products:

Dame Caprice Salad: Ingredients
  1. Filey chicken part drop with spices: salt, pepper, bay leaf, no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the meat will be tough. Before cooling, leave in the broth. Thanks to this, the meat will be gentle and juicy. You can cook it in advance and leave in broth, and then do when it is necessary.
  2. Cut fillets on medium-sized cubes.
  3. Cheese soda on a coarse grater.
  4. Pineapples cut, if you bought canned rings.
  5. Now put a cut intoxid on the plate, lubricate mayonnaise.
  6. Then put pineapples.
  7. The last layer is grated cheese. You can first lay most of the cheese and lubricate it with mayonnaise, and then nimble the remaining cheese.
  8. Decorate the salad with greens and serve on the table.

If the breast is cooked in advance, then such a salad you will do in 15 minutes - quickly, tasty and original.

How to cook the Laman Caprice Salad with chicken and pineapple: recipe layers

Now let's add some new ingredients into a classic recipe, and a salad with a unique taste. Here is a recipe layer, which will help deliciously prepare the Laman Caprice Salad with Chicken and Pineapple:

Such products should be available:

How to cook the Laman Caprice Salad with Chicken and Pineapple: Ingredients

Preparation consists of such steps:

  1. Many cooks are used for this salad smoked breast, but it will be more gentle and more useful, it will still be with a boiled chicken fillet. Therefore, boil in salted water with the addition of pepper and laurel sheets for 20 minutes. Leave in broth until full cooling.
  2. Then cut the fillet into small cubes.
  3. Eggs weld for 4 minutes, cool, clean and cut into small cubes.
  4. Pineapples cut into medium-sized cubes.
  5. Cheese can be grate on a large grater.
  6. Garlic squeeze through the press and mix with half mayonnaise.
  7. To lay out the chicken fillet first on the plate, lubricate this layer mayonnaise with garlic.
  8. Then the pineapple queue - distribute them evenly in the meat.
  9. Now eggs and mayonnaise, but already without garlic.
  10. From above, a raw chop and lubricate mayonnaise with garlic.
  11. Put fried walnuts on cheese. They need to cut on halves or quarters, as you like.

Decorate the salad with green branches and serve on the table. Such a dish will be eaten instantly, since he has a piquant and unique taste.

How to cook the Laman Caprice salad with chicken and prunes: recipe layers

This recipe is suitable for those who love dishes with prunes. It gives a touch of sourness and is well combined with chicken and nuts, and the salty cucumber will give an incomparable to the taste. Well humilize each layer mayonnaise so that the ingredients are not dry and seemed hard. So how do you cook the Laman Caprice Salad with chicken and prunes? Here is the recipe layers:

It is necessary to prepare such products:

How to cook the Laman Caprice Salad with chicken and prunes: ingredients

Now start cooking:

  • The fillet is welded in water with spices for 20 minutes. Then cool in the broth.
  • Cut the meat straw.
  • Boil egg, cool, clean and soda on a coarse grater.
  • Prunes Clean the bones and cut the shallow straw.
  • Find the skin with the cucumber and remove the seeds. Shake cut into cubes.
  • Nuts Clean, fridge and grind with the help of a blender, but not in powder.
  • At the bottom of the plates, lay out the cucumbers, save.
  • Then chicken, scoop and smear by mayonnaise.
  • The next layer is prunes and eggs. Good to impregnate the upper ingredient mayonnaise.
  • The last layer is nuts.

Decorate the dish green twigs of dill or parsley and thin straw prunes. Appetizing appearance, unique taste and aroma - all this you will receive if you feed the dish in the cold for 2 hours.

Tip: Crane choose with bones, all nutrients will be saved in it. Do not buy too beautiful and brilliant berries, as they can be processed by glycerin.

How to make a tasty salad "Dame Caprice" with language and ham: recipe layers

For this salad, choose a beef language, as its taste and nutritional properties are much better than that of a pork product. The ham will give the Salad to the unique taste, which will be different with its originality and tenderness. Recipe layers to prepare a delicious Laman Capric Salad with Language and Ham:

Purchase and lay out such products on the table:

How to cook the Laman Caprice Salad tasty with language and ham: ingredients

Prepare like this:

  1. First, clean the beef tongue. Boil it within 2.5 hours. Remove and put it in another container with cold water. You can add more ice so that the water is ice. Now remove the top film. It should easily move away.
  2. Cut a thin straw language.
  3. Champignons wash, clean. A pair of mushrooms cut along the form to be visible. The rest grind into small pieces and all fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.
  4. Cut the ham cubes.
  5. Sweet peppers wash, clean the sprigs with seeds inside and cut into small cubes.
  6. Also grind and pickled cucumbers.
  7. Now put the beef tongue on a big dish.
  8. Lubricate mayonnaise.
  9. Top to distribute pickled cucumbers.
  10. Then the ham and again mayonnaise.
  11. The next layer will go pepper and that part of the champignons that were crushed. Cover them with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  12. Decorate the salad by the remaining mushrooms and greens.

This salad attracts an unusual taste that shaves pepper and pickled cucumbers. Mushrooms are well combined in one composition with tongue and ham and together make up a satisfying and spicy composition.

How deliciously prepare the Laman Caprice salad with crab chopsticks: recipe layers

A snack with crab chopsticks has long won the love of children and adults. The "Dame Caprice" with this ingredient will be a corona dish on your feast. If you have a festive event or you just want to diversify the daily menu, prepare it, and this dish will be eaten to the last spoon. Preparing a delicious Laman Caprice Salad with crab chopsticks. Here is the recipe layers:


  • Crab sticks - 200 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Apple vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Chicken Egg - 4 pieces
  • Polka dot (canned food) - Half banks
  • Onion Ripk (Sweet, Salad) - 1 piece
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Apple - a couple of pieces

Preparing a dish at home in this way:

  1. Leek cut into small pieces. Fold in a bowl and pour the vinegar. Add a little water, pepper and salt. Leave for 30 minutes.
  2. At this time, cut the crab sticks.
  3. Eggs boil in water for 4-5 minutes, cool and separate the proteins from yolks. Protein Suitoriate on a large grater section.
  4. Drive apples, clean and soda on a large grater section.
  5. Also in a fine chips chop solid cheese.
  6. Place crab sticks on the bottom of the form. Put the protein from above.
  7. Lubricate mayonnaise.
  8. Now the turn of the bow. Press it from the marinade and distribute it on the beams with mayonnaise.
  9. Then lay out the apple and cheese chips. Lubricate mayonnaise.
  10. There was a turn of green peas.
  11. Sprinkle with a grated yolk.

This salad is good because there is no need for him a lot of mayonnaise, as it is so succeeded as juicy and gentle.

How to cook the Laman Caprice Salad with Kiwi and grenade: recipe layers

This is truly a New Year's salad - bright, juicy and tasty. It will stand at the most honorable table of the table, as it looks very beautiful and appetizing. Preparing a delicious Salad "Dame Caprice" with Kiwi and a grenade:

Prepare such a set of products:

  • Filey part of chicken - 2 halves
  • Creamy cream in solid bars - 100 grams
  • Bone prunes - handful
  • Eggs - 3-4 pieces
  • Carrot - a couple of middle pieces
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces
  • Pomegranate - 1 piece
  • Classic Mayonnaise Sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt for cooking

When cooking salad, hold these steps:

  1. Smoke meat boiled for 20 minutes. Cool in broth. Then put finely cut.
  2. Put the glass on the plate and lay out the first layer around it - chicken meat.
  3. Lubricate the fillet mayonnaise sauce.
  4. Prunes separated from the bones and cut into thin stripes. Also distribute around the glass.
  5. Swamp eggs, cool in cold water, clean and finely lie or soda on a large grater. Lubricate mayonnaise.
  6. Layer of carrots. Sweet and lubricate mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Cheese and mesh made of mayonnaise sauce. It is difficult to distribute the mayonnaise mass on cheese, so it is better to apply it with a grid of a culinary bag or packs with a sliced \u200b\u200bcorner.
  8. Kiwi cut into thin mugs and put on cheese with mayonnaise around a glass in one row.
  9. Further from the glass dispense pomegranate grains.
  10. Remove the glass - the salad is ready!

Put the dish to the cold and after a couple of hours it can be served on the table.

How tasty prepare a salad "Dame Caprice" with chicken and fried mushrooms: recipe layers

Above the text was published a recipe for the Laman Caprice Salad with mushrooms. There is another recipe with corn and carrots. The taste will be excellent and unusual. This is a real female whim - bright as the character of the lady. So we prepare a delicious Salad "Lady Caprice" with chicken and fried mushrooms:

Such products will be needed:

  • Shampignon mushrooms - 200 grams
  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece (average)
  • Chicken Eggs - 3-4 pieces
  • Riow-repka Sweet Salad varieties - Half head
  • Corn (canned food) - 1 bank
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - a little

The cooking process consists of such steps:

  1. Cook in water with salt and spices fillets. Cool in broth. Cut on medium pieces.
  2. Champignons wash, clean. Cut and along with a bow fry on a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  3. Swamp eggs, cool and clean. Cut into small cubes.
  4. Welcome carrots, cool and clean. Also shredding it in the form of cubes.

Begin to lay out the salad on the dish:

  1. Fillet, mayonnaise.
  2. Mushrooms with onions.
  3. Carrots, mayonnaise.
  4. Eggs, mayonnaise.
  5. Corn.

Salad ready. It is worth noting that you can simply mix the ingredients if you do not want to lay out layers. If you mix all products together, then less mayonnaise is less than on a layered salad.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for the holiday, New Year, Birthday, March 8, 14, February 23, Wedding, Anniversary: \u200b\u200bIdeas, photos

For any holiday, I want to make the table especially beautiful and original. It helps to help salads that can be unusually decorated, making dishes with appetizing and sophisticated. And in order to do this, it is not necessary for the special skill of the professional chef, but only a fantasy and a little bit of different products. How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a holiday, New Year, Birthday, March 8, 14, February 23, Wedding, Anniversary? Here are ideas and photos:

On any holiday. If you need to decorate a salad on a festive table, then impose it in a portion plate, and place a dish by an ordinary flower - simple and stylish.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a holiday: ideas, photos

The flower can be postponed from pineapple pieces. In the middle of the Olive, and on top of the portion sprinkled finely chopped greenery, you can even presidate with dried dill.

How to decorate a festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for any holiday: ideas, photos

New Year. On the New Year's table, this salad can be decorated as a head of Santa Claus. Cheese, egg whites with mayonnaise and finely chopped carrots or sweet pepper - Decoration is ready. The mitten of cheese and egg whites with mayonnaise looks beautifully.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the holiday New Year: ideas, photos

Here it is - the main character of the holiday, on your desk.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the New Year holiday: Ideas

If there is free time, then you can tinker with decoration and make real Christmas toys and garlands.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the holiday New Year: photo

Birthday. If you are waiting for guests on your birthday, and there is no time to fantasize and make sophisticated decorations, then just put the corn salad on the edge, and insert the parsley twig above. Saturated and bright colors of products will make dish appetizing and beautiful.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a birthday: ideas, photos

Simple decoration, but the contrasting colors of products in this version of the decorations are delighted and attract attention.

How to decorate a festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a birthday: ideas

March 8 - a special holiday. Men on this day are preparing surprises to their women. But they may surprise if they make a salad and decorate it in this way. Ordinary tomatoes and green onions pods, and inside buds favorite salad - original and unusual.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the holiday of March 8: ideas, photos

Laidated salad with glasses, and from above decorated with ordinary corn from the can, and how beautiful it looks.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the holiday of March 8: Ideas

The 14th of February. The day of all lovers, every couple plans to spend in a romantic setting, and the supplement to this will be a salad in transparent glasses - just, but interesting. Such a feed in the form of a cocktail salad perfectly complements the festive table. How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" on February 14: ideas

Roses in the decoration of this salad look like real, but they are made from ordinary tomatoes.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Damsky Caprice" for the holiday February 14: Photo

February 23. So I want to surprise your beloved man on this day. Such "ladies" from chicken wings will enjoy every young man. Great gift and surprise from the beloved woman.

How to decorate a festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for the February 23: ideas, photos

Such a tank is easy to do, but he, as nothing else talks about the holiday of courage and strength.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" for the holiday February 23: Ideas

At the wedding There must be a special table - thematically decorated, beautiful and original. Put the salad in the form of a rings - very stylish and interesting.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a wedding: ideas, photos

Elegant decoration is not every person under the power. But such flowers made of ham, tomato Cherry and Zucchini, make guests to admire these dish.

How to decorate a festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" for a wedding: ideas

On the anniversaryIf a lot of guests are invited, you need to think over all the details for the table. Use a round shape with latches to display lettuce. The dish formed on the plate thus already looks appetizing. Put the top of several leaflets of greenery and the decoration is ready.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Lady Caprice" on the anniversary: \u200b\u200bideas, photos

From thinly sliced \u200b\u200bslices of cucumbers, you can lay out such a flower on the ready salad. This vegetable not only perfectly decorated the dish, but also supplemented it with his taste.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Dame Caprice" on the anniversary: \u200b\u200bideas

Salad "Lady Caprice" enjoys great popularity from the owners. It's easy to do and easily decorate. That the result always pleased, it is necessary to properly prepare all the products, crush the same pieces, give time for impregnation and serve on the table, decides any suitable products or ingredients that make up the composition of the salad. Bon Appetit!

Video: Salad Lady Caprice. Mamulina recipes.

Not only unpleasant impressions are connected with Damsky whims, but also delicious dishes. Recipes of famous lettuce simple, probably that every man can cook it for his beloved woman. In one plate can be combined with different products, ranging from meat and vegetables and ending with fruits with nuts. Consider several available and simple recipes.

Women's Caprice Salad Recipe With Print

Simple in the preparation of a dish, which is laid out by layers. It should be borne in mind that it will take time for impregnation. Food-chosen foods make it very nutritious and tasty.

For this recipe with prunes should be prepared: 0.5 kg breast, 4 eggs, a pair of cucumbers, 175 g of prunes, 110 g of walnuts, greens, 125 g mayonnaise and spices.

  • To begin with, prepare fillets from which remove the films and wash. Put it in a saucepan, pour with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour salt, remove the resulting foam and boil on the minimum heat for half an hour before soft;
  • Cut eggs, clean and grind on a coarse grater. Finished meat cut into a small cube;
  • Prunes wash and remove the bones, and then cut it with small pieces. Clean cucumbers grind straws. Nuts in a blender;
  • Lay out salad layers. To do this, you can take a deep or flat dish. First lay out the cucumbers, after the chicken, salt and stick to the taste, and then, put the layer of mayonnaise. The next layer is half the prepared prunes, eggs and top of the sauce. It remains to lay out prunes and nuts. Decorate all chopped greens. Leave a couple of hours in the refrigerator and serve.

Recipe for the preparation of salad "Women's Caprice" with chicken

Consider a restaurant dish that even demanding gourmets will surprise with its taste. Simple at first glance, the ingredients give an unusual result.

: half agraduate, celery, breasts, a couple of salads of the Corn, 2.5 tbsp. Spoons of cedar nuts, 4 tbsp. Spoons of yogurt without filler, half lemon and 1 h. A spoon of cerebral mustard.

Phased cooking process:

  • Chicken breast should be purified and washed. It is welded, cool and cut into small cubes. Clean the citrus and make fillets out of it, that is, cut the pulp with slices without partitions;
  • Celery cut into pieces. Nuts dry on a dry pan, which will allow you to better reveal their fragrance. Lettuce leaves wash and dry. Connect all products in a deep bowl;
  • To make refueling, mix lemon juice, yogurt and mustard. Mix well and put the sauce in the salad. It is recommended to serve in the chilled form.

Recipe for the preparation of salad "Women's Caprice" with tongue and ham

Considering the presence of a delicacious sub-products, the dish goes tasty, and it literally melts in the mouth. Different tastes are connected in one plate, which allows you to get an unusual result.

This dish should prepare such a set of products.: 325 g beef language, 9 pcs. champignons, sweet pepper, 2 pickled cucumbers, 125 g of ham, mayonnaise and spices

Phased cooking process:

  • At the first stage, wash and squint the subprodukt. Send it to the saucepan, pour with water, put on the stove and weld. If you wish, you can add vegetables to a pan, which will improve the taste. From the finished language, remove the skin and cut it with small pieces;
  • Mock mushrooms cut down slices, and then, fry on the oil until ready. Pepper Clean the seed and grind straws. In the same way, cut the cucumbers and ham;
  • Mix all the components, sprinkle, pepper and fill the sauce. All mix and can be served.

Recipe Salad "Women's Caprice" with Pineapple

Despite a small list of ingredients, the dish is delicious and satisfying. Pineapples make a chicken more tender and sweetish. If you wish, you can add potatoes or other vegetables.

For this dish, you should take such a set of ingredients.: on 225 g fillets and canned pineapple, 115 g of solid layers cheese, 2 slices of garlic, mayonnaise and spices.

Phased cooking process:

  • Purified and washed fillet Put in a saucepan, pour with water, add salt, pepper, laurel and at the request of other spices. Put on the stove and boil until readiness. Cool meat is recommended in the broth, which will allow you to preserve a juiciness;
  • Fillet Cut together with pineapple small cubes. Cheese grind on the grater, and sweened garlic pass through the press;
  • In the Saladka, mix the prepared ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste, and then fill all mayonnaise. Before use, hold the dish several hours in the refrigerator.

Women's Caprice Salad Recipe with Mushrooms

Mushrooms plus chicken is a traditional combination, and thanks to pineapple dish, it turns out very original. We are confident that it will decorate any festive table.

For this dish should prepare: 275 g of pickled champignons and canned pineapples, breast, bulb, mayonnaise and oil.

Phased cooking process:

  • Cut the chicken and weld it in salted water, cool and grind the cube. Mushrooms cut slices, and onion - half rings. In the heated oil, fry the onions until goldenness, and then, add champignons to it. Continue to fry until readiness;
  • Pineapples cut into cubes and add other prepared ingredients to them, put mayonnaise and mix everything.

How to cook the Women's Caprice Salad with apples?

In this dish, it would seem incompatible ingredients, but apples make the dish more gentle and easy. You can take both sweet and sour fruits.

For this recipe you need to take such a set of products.: 325 g fillets, 3 eggs, 2 apples, 100 g of almond nuts, 100 ml of cream, spices and sugar, and also mayonnaise.

Phased cooking process:

  • In the water with spices, lean the meat until readiness, and then cool it directly in the broth and cut straw. Separately weld the eggs and grind them with a cube;
  • A nuts are a bit dry on a dry pan, which will allow you to better reveal the taste and aroma. Then shred them in a blender. Mix all prepared components for salad, add spices;
  • To make refueling, mix cream with mayonnaise in a blender. Add a prepared sauce and mix all.

How to cook the Women's Caprice Salad with crab chopsticks?

If you have crab meat, you can use it, but the crab sticks are a more accessible option. Since the products are selected different colors, the dish is turned out to be attractive.