Program for the development of a health care institution. The purpose and objectives of the program

Appendix N 6.
to the State Program of the Russian Federation
"Health Development"

providing and distributing subsidies from the federal budget budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Baikonur for the implementation of individual events of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the city of Baikonur (hereinafter referred to as the subjects of the Russian Federation) for the implementation of individual measures of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" (hereinafter referred to as subsidies).

2. Subsidy is provided to co-finance the expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the implementation of the following events:

a) financial support for the procurement of diagnostic tools for identifying, determining the sensitivity of mycobacteria tuberculosis and monitoring the treatment of patients with tuberculosis with multiple drug resistance of the pathogen, in accordance with the list approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as medical devices in accordance with the standard of equipment provided for by the procedure providing medical care patients with tuberculosis;

b) financial support for the procurement of diagnostic tools for identifying and monitoring the treatment of persons infected by the human immunodeficiency virus, including in combination with hepatitis B and (or) C viruses;

c) financial support for medical activities related to human donation for transplantation (transplantation), including conducting measures for medical examination of the donor, ensuring the safety of donor bodies to their withdrawal from the donor, withdrawal of donor bodies, storage and transportation of donor bodies and other events, aimed at ensuring this activity;

d) financial support for organizational measures related to the provision of drugs with drugs intended for the treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoiet and relative tissues, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, pituitary nanice, gosh disease, multiple sclerosis, and after organ transplantation and ( or) tissues, including storage of drugs, delivery of drugs to pharmacy organizations, the creation and support of electronic databases of accounting and the movement of drugs within the subjects of the Russian Federation;

e) financial support for the implementation of measures for the prevention of HIV and hepatitis B and C, including with the involvement of the specified activities of socially oriented non-commercial organizations;

(e) Providing financial support in the execution of expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets arising from construction (reconstruction, including with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment) objects of state ownership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal property) or the acquisition of real estate facilities The state ownership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal property), within the framework of the subprogramme "Improving the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" (hereinafter referred to as objects).

3. Subsidy is provided within the budget allocations provided for in the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for the current financial year and planning period, and limits of budgetary obligations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the purpose specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules.

4. Selection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to obtain a subsidy is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation annually taking into account the following criteria:

a) to obtain a subsidy for the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraph "A" of clause 2 of this Regulation:

the presence of medical organizations in the subject of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing medical assistance to patients with tuberculosis;

subparagraph "a" of clause 2 of paragraph 2 of paragraph 15 of these Rules;

b) to obtain a subsidy for the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraphs "b" and "d" of paragraph 2 of these Rules:

the presence of medical organizations in the subject of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing medical assistance to persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, including in combination with hepatitis B and (or) C viruses;

the presence of the state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including the activities specified in subparagraphs "b" and "d" of paragraph 2 of paragraph 15 of these Rules;

c) to obtain a subsidy for the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of this Regulation:

the presence of medical organizations in the subject of the Russian Federation, subordinated to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and (or) of municipal medical organizations carrying out medical activities related to human bodies donation for transplantation (transplantation);

the presence of a state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including the activities specified in the subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, and containing the target indicator of their implementation specified in subparagraph "in" of paragraph 15 of this Regulation;

the presence of an application of the senior executive body of the state of the subject of the Russian Federation to participate in the activities provided for by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of this Regulation containing the following information:

the presence of a regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which determines the event to organize donation of human bodies for transplantation (transplantation);

the number and name of medical organizations submitted by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and (or) of municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation licensed to carry out medical activities providing for the work (services) on the seizure and storage of bodies and (or ) human fabrics for transplant purposes;

the number and name of medical organizations subordinated to the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) of municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation licensed to carry out medical activities involving the performance of work (services) on surgery (organ transplantation and (or ) fabrics);

the number and name of medical organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and (or) municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation licensed to carry out medical activities providing for the performance of work (services) for the transportation of organs and (or) tissues man for transplant purposes;

the number of patients (donors), in which donor bodies were withdrawn during their lifetime for transplantation (transplantation) in medical organizations, subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (according to the reporting fiscal year) ;

the number of patients (recipients), which was provided by high-tech medical care for transplantation (transplantation) of donor bodies withdrawn from living donors, in medical organizations, subordinated to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and (or) municipal medical organizations located in the territory of the constituent of the Russian Federation (according to the reporting fiscal year);

the number of donor organs, including donor bodies withdrawn from living donors for transplantation (transplantation) in medical organizations, subordinate to the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (according to the reporting fiscal year ), including:

the total number of donor bodies, transplantation (transplantation) of which was carried out in medical organizations of the State Health System, including federal medical organizations, municipal medical organizations located in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (according to the reporting fiscal year);

the number of donor bodies transmitted free of charge for transplantation (transplantation) to medical organizations of the state health care system, including federal medical organizations, municipal medical organizations located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (according to the reporting fiscal year);

d) to obtain a subsidy for the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraph "G" of paragraph 2 of this Regulation:

the presence in the subject of the Russian Federation of citizens, taken into account in the federal register of persons patients with hemophilia, fibrosis, hypophized nanism, Gosh disease, malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and tissue-related tissues, multiple sclerosis, persons after transplantation of organs and (or) tissues;

the presence of a state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including the activities specified in subparagraph "g" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, and containing the target indicator of their implementation specified in subparagraph "G" of paragraph 15 of these Rules;

e) to obtain a subsidy for the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2 of these Rules:

act of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation or the instructions or instructions of the President of the Russian Federation or the instructions of the President of the Government of the Russian Federation on construction (reconstruction, including elements of restoration, technical re-equipment) or the acquisition of an object on the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation;

obligation of the Supreme Executive Body of the Subject of the Russian Federation on the co-financing of construction (reconstruction, including with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment) or the acquisition of an object to the state ownership of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal property) at the expense of the consolidated budget of the subject of the Russian Federation or the funds of extrabudgetary sources in accordance with the level of co-financing provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules;

the presence of a state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including the activities specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, and containing the targets of their implementation specified in subparagraphs "e" - "s" of paragraph 15 of this Regulation.

5. Subsidy is provided on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Executive Body of the Public Authority of the Directory of the Russian Federation on granting a subsidy (hereinafter - the Agreement), which is concluded in accordance with the Model Form of the Agreement approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

6. The conditions for granting a subsidy and its spending are:

a) Activities approved by legal acts of the Russian Federation, to co-financing which subsidies are provided and which include:

the organization of preventive measures aimed at the subject of the Russian Federation, preventive measures aimed at preventing and decreased from tuberculosis;

organization of medical organizations in accordance with the procedure for providing medical care to patients with tuberculosis, as well as the procedure for providing medical care for the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection);

organization of medical activities related to the donation of human bodies for transplantation (transplantation);

organization of activities for the prevention of HIV infection and hepatitis B and C;

organization of activities related to storage, delivery to pharmacy organizations of drugs intended for the treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, pituitary tissue, gosh disease, multiple sclerosis, and after organ transplantation and (or) fabrics, on creating and maintaining electronic databases of accounting and movement of these drugs within the subjects of the Russian Federation;

the list of objects, to co-financing the construction or acquisition of which subsidies are provided;

b) availability in the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation of budget allocations provided for the implementation of the activities specified in paragraph 2 of this Regulation;

c) the use of cost-effective design documentation for reuse (with such documentation) in relation to the activities specified in subparagraph "e" of clause 2 of these Rules (in terms of the construction of facilities);

d) returning the subject of the Russian Federation funds to the federal budget in accordance with paragraphs 16 - 19 of the rules of formation, the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2014 N 999 "On the formation, provision and the distribution of subsidies from the federal budget budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "(hereinafter - the rules for the formation, granting and distribution of subsidies).

7. The total amount of the Subsidy Substitudes provided by the budget of the Russian Federation () is determined by the formula:

subparagraph "a" of clause 2 of these Rules;

The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of these Rules;

The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of these Rules;

The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "G" of paragraph 2 of these Rules;

The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by the sub-clause "d" of paragraph 2 of these Rules;

The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2 of these Rules.

8. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation participating in the current fiscal year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "A" of paragraph 2


The amount of subsidies distributed between the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the current fiscal year;

0,163259 - the share of financial support for the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "A" of paragraph 2

The number of patients with tuberculosis on January 1 of the current year in the I-M Subject of the Russian Federation;

The growth rate of patients with tuberculosis in the subject of the Russian Federation in comparison with the previous year (attitude to the same indicator in the previous year);

The level of computational budget security of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the next fiscal year, calculated in accordance with the methodology for the distribution of subsidies for the alignment of budget security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004 N 670 "On the distribution of subsidies for the alignment of budget security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. "

9. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of these Rules () is determined by the formula:

0,264659 - the share of financial support for the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, in the overall subsidies distributed between the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

0.01 - the coefficient of the cost of screening research on antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus;

The population of the 199th constituent entity of the Russian Federation, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, at the beginning of the reporting year;

The number of people to be examined for human immunodeficiency viruses (the ratio of the number of persons to be examined in the reporting year, and the total population of the Russian Federation);

The number of persons infected by the human immunodeficiency virus consisting of dispensary observation (with the exception of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy) in the I-M of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the reporting year;

The increase in the number of persons infected by the human immunodeficiency viruses who took the dispensary observation in the reporting year (attitude to the same indicator in the previous year). If the number of people infected by the human immunodeficiency virus consisting of dispensary observation in the reporting year is less than in the preceding specified coefficient (), a value equal to one is assigned;

2.5 - the coefficient of the cost of studies of CD4 lymphocytes and viral load during antiretroviral therapy;

The number of people who received antiretroviral therapy in the I-M Subject of the Russian Federation in the reporting year;

The growth rate of the number of persons who received antiretroviral therapy in the I-M Subject of the Russian Federation, in comparison with the previous year (the ratio to the similar indicator in the previous year). If the number of people who received antiretroviral therapy in the reporting year is less than in the preceding, coefficient () is assigned a value equal to one.

10. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation participating in the current fiscal year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of these Rules () is determined by the formula:


0.022553 - the proportion of financial support for the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, in the total subsidies distributed between the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

The number of seized donor bodies for transplantation (transplantation) in medical organizations, subordinated to the executive authorities of the I-th subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) municipal medical organizations located on the territory of the I-th Direct of the Russian Federation, in the reporting fiscal year.

11. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "G" of paragraph 2 of these Rules () is determined by the formula:


0.075724 - the proportion of financial support for the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "G" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, in the total amount of subsidies distributed between the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Number in the I-M Subject of the Russian Federation of citizens, taken into account in the federal register of persons patients with hemophilia, fibrosis, hypophized nanism, gosh disease, malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and tissue-related tissues, diffused sclerosis, persons after transplantation of organs and (or) tissues;

n - the number of recipients of the subsidy (subjects of the Russian Federation).

12. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of these Rules () is determined by the formula:


0.05546 - the proportion of financial support for the implementation of the activities provided for by subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, in the overall subsidies distributed among the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

The population of the I-th subject of the Russian Federation aged 15 - 49 years, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, at the beginning of the reporting year;

n - Number of subjects of the Russian Federation - Subsidies recipients.

13. The size of the subsidy provided by the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the current financial year in the implementation of the activities provided for by sub-clause "E" of paragraph 2 of these Rules is determined by the act of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation or in accordance with the instructions or indication of the President of the Russian Federation or the instructions of the President of the Government of the Russian Federation on construction (reconstruction, including with elements of restoration, technical re-equipment) or the acquisition of an object, taking into account the quantitative assessment of the corresponding costs.

The level of co-financing the consumables of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation cannot be set above 95 percent of the expenditure obligation.

Since 2018, since 2018, the limit level of co-financing the consumables of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation from the federal budget is determined in accordance with paragraph 13 of the rules of formation, the provision and distribution of subsidies and cannot exceed the limit level of co-financing the consumables of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation from the federal budget established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The address distribution of subsidies for objects indicating the size of subsidies is approved by the act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposals of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation agreed with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

14. The transfer of the subsidy is carried out at the expense of the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, which is open to him in the establishment of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to account for operations with the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation.

15. The following indicators are used to assess the performance of the use of the subsidy:

a) coverage of the population with preventive inspections for tuberculosis (percent);

b) coverage by medical examination on HIV infection of the population of the Russian Federation (interest);

16. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the source of the financial support of which are subsidies, is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the basis of comparing the values \u200b\u200bof the performance of subsidies established by the Agreement, and in fact, the indicators of the subsidies provided for in paragraph 15 of this year Rules.

17. Questions regarding the procedure for returning funds to the subjects of the Russian Federation in case of violation of the obligations provided for by the Agreement in terms of achieving values \u200b\u200bof the performance indicators for the use of a subsidy, which includes the procedure for calculating the amount of funds to be returned, the return time, grounds for the liberation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the application of responsibility of responsibility for Violation of the obligations stipulated by the Agreement, as well as the procedure for the use of returned funds by the main head of the federal budget funds, are solved in accordance with paragraphs 16 - 19 of the rules for the formation, provision and distribution of subsidies.

18. The authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation submits to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

a) quarterly, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, - a report on the expenditures of the budget spending of the subject of the Russian Federation, the source of the financial supply of which is a subsidy, in form and in the manner that are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as agreed with the Ministry finance of the Russian Federation;

b) Every year, before February 1, a report on the values \u200b\u200bof the performance indicators of the use of a subsidy in the manner and in the form, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

19. Control over the subjects of the Russian Federation of activities specified in subparagraphs "A" - "D" of paragraph 2 of these Rules is carried out by the Federal Health Supervision Service.

Control over compliance with the subjects of the Russian Federation, the conditions for granting subsidies is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the federal authority of the executive authority that performs functions to control and oversight in the financial and budget sector.

A source: Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2012 No. 2511-p Approved the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health".

The purpose of the state program is to ensure the availability of medical care and improving the effectiveness of medical services, the volumes, types and quality of which must comply with the level of morbidity and the needs of the population, the advanced achievements of science.

The total financial supply of the state program in 2013-2020 at current prices is 30.3 trillion. rubles. The estimated amount of financing of the state program is: at the expense of the federal budget of 2.7 trillion. rubles, the means of consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 10.5 trillion. rubles, funds of the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance 17.1 trillion. rubles. Additional need for federal budget is declared in the amount of 3.4 trillion. rubles.

Within the framework of the state program, 11 subprogrammes have been identified by the main vectors of the health system: prevention of diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the development of primary health care, improving the provision of specialized, including high-tech medical care, development and introduction of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment , Mother and Child Health, Development of Medical Rehabilitation and Sanatorium Treatment, Including Children, Personnel Support of Health System, Development of International Relationships in Health, Expertise, and Health Control and Supervisory Functions, Medical Safety Categories of citizens.

As a result of the implementation of the state program, by 2020 it is planned to achieve the following values \u200b\u200bof the indicators:

1. Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system 622.4 cases per 100 thousand population.

2. Mortality from neoplasms (including malignant) 190.0 cases per 100 thousand population.

3. Mortality from tuberculosis 11.2 cases per 100 thousand population.

4. Mortality from road traffic accidents 10.0 cases per 100 thousand population.

5. Infant mortality of 6.4 per 1 thousand born.

6. Reducing the consumption of alcohol products (in recalculation of absolute alcohol) to 10.0 liters per capita.

7. The prevalence of tobacco consumption among adults is 25%.

8. The prevalence of tobacco consumption among children and adolescents is 15%.

9. Maternal mortality of 15.5 cases per 100 thousand population.

10. Life expectancy at birth of 74.3 years.

11. The ratio of doctors and medium medical personnel 1: 3

12. The average salary of doctors and workers of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education representing medical services (providing the presentation of medical services) from average wages in the relevant region of 200%.

13. The average salary of medium medical (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) from average wages in the corresponding region of 100%.

14. The average wage of the younger medical personnel (staff providing conditions for the provision of medical services) from average wages in the relevant region of 100%.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for the development and implementation of federal targeted programs, and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish the procedure for developing and implementing regional healthcare facilities.
3. Regional healthcare trusted programs, including aimed at leveling differences in the level of medical care to citizens living in various administrative and territorial entities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are created on the basis of federal health care programs in accordance with the mandatory government norms and regulations, taking into account the characteristics, needs and capabilities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional healthcare trusted programs cannot limit the state-guaranteed norms and regulations included in federal healthcare trusted programs.
4. The federal and regional healthcare trusted programs are formed taking into account state social standards in the field of health.
5. Local governments are involved in the implementation of federal and regional healthcare facilities, including investment and personnel policies. Financing specific programs in this case is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6. In the implementation of federal and regional healthcare targeted programs, in accordance with the contracts (contracts) of the health organization, regardless of the forms of ownership. The choice of health organizations for the implementation of federal and regional healthcare facilities is carried out on a competitive basis.

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Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

State budgetary educational institution
higher professional education

"Siberian State Medical University"

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

(GBOU VPO SIBGMU of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia)

Faculty of Economics and Management in Health

Department of Health and Public Health

Course work

under the discipline "Medical and Social Fundamentals of Health"

Federal target programs aimed at protecting public health

Performed: Student 2 courses 7001 groups

Baldandorzhieva N.A.

Checked: Dr. Honey. Sciences, professor

CM. Hinin

cand. honey. Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Kudun

Tomsk 2011


Currently, society and health care has been a very big problem - this is a decrease in public health, primarily the population of the working age. In connection with this health care, a number of federal targeted programs were developed to reduce the incidence, raising the standard of living of patients suffering from socially significant diseases, as well as the development of medical literacy of the population.

So, the topic of my course work "Federal Target Programs, aimed at protecting the health of the population" is relevant today, since federal targeted programs are designed to help solve the strategic tasks of health care and social sphere, especially in cases where it is necessary to concentrate resources to achieve Specific goals on specified time.

The purpose of the course work is:

Studying federal targeted programs, its directions, activities.

Analysis of implementation, activities, financing of the program

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Reveal the essence of the federal target program.

2. Examine funding, formation, approval of the target program.

3. To analyze the implementation of federal targeted programs in the Russian Federation and their role in financing budget investments.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of federal targeted programs

1.1. The basic concepts of the target program aimed at protecting the public health

In modern civilization, human rights to health ceases to be a purely individual property, it becomes an essential value for the state and civil society. Features of the right to protect health are that it relates to inalienable rights, belongs to a person before his birth, is an inherent condition for the life of society and is connected not only with the need for care for his health of every citizen, but also the responsibility of the state for the preservation and promotion of health His citizens. His life and his health are higher values \u200b\u200bfor society, including all other values \u200b\u200band benefits should be determined.

The protection of public health is a combination of measures of a political, economic, legal, social, scientific, medical, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic nature, aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining its long-life active life, providing him with medical and medicinal care . Currently, it is generally accepted that the program-target method serves as the most important tool for the implementation of the state social and economic development of the country and its individual regions, along with forecasting methods and indicative planning.,

The Federal Target Program is associated with the tasks, resources and timing of implementation of a complex of research, development, design, industrial, socio-economic, economic and other events that ensure an effective solution to systemic problems in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the Russian Federation.

Target programs are one of the most important means of implementing the structural policy of the state, the active impact on its socio-economic development and should be focused on the implementation of the large-scale, the most important for the state of investment and scientific and technical projects aimed at solving systemic issues in the field of competence of the federal executive authorities.

The target program may include several subprogrammes aimed at solving specific tasks within the program. The division of the target program on the subprogrammes is carried out on the basis of the scale and complexity of solved problems, as well as the need for a rational organization of their decision.

Budget financing can be divided into two parts - financing services and specific target programs. In the first case, the funds go to a specific subject of budget expenditures, in the second financing can flow into a number of industries. In this case, financing is directed or directly to the Contractor, or through the Office.

The role of the customer of the long-term target program can be a state authority or local government body for municipal targeted programs. It is such an authority that acts on behalf of the state or municipality in the development of a long-term target program and its implementation.

Federal target programs are an effective tool for the implementation of state economic and social policy, especially when solving long-term tasks and implementing large infrastructure projects. It is this, a software-project approach, apply in the countries of the European Union, in the USA, Canada, Japan and others to solve the strategic tasks of the development of the economy and the social sphere, in cases where it is necessary to concentrate resources to achieve specific goals on specified time.

1.3. List of federal target programs aimed at protecting public health

Federal Target Program "Warning and Combating Socially Significant Diseases (2007 - 2011)"

1) Subprogram "Sugar Diabetes"

2) Subprogram "Tuberculosis"

3) Subprogramme "Vaccinoprofilaktika"

4) Subprogram "HIV-infection"

5) Subprogram "Oncology"

6) the subprogramme "sexually transmitted infection"

7) Subprogramme "Viral Hepatitis"

8) Subprogramme "Mental Disorders"

9) Program "Arterial Hypertension"

Federal Target Program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010

· Program "Healthy Generation"

· Subprogram "Children and Family"

Federal Target Program "Improving Road Safety in 2006-2012".

1.3.1. Program "Warning and Combating Socio Significant Diseases (2007 - 2012)"

Federal Target Program "Warning and Combating Socially Significant Diseases (2007-2011)" (hereinafter - the program) was developed in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2006 N 1706-P, a list of socially significant diseases approved by the Government Decree Of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 N 715, the procedure for the development and implementation of federal targeted programs and interstate targeted programs, in the implementation of which the Russian Federation is involved, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 594.

The need to prepare and implement the program is caused by a number of socio-economic factors affecting the decline in the quality of life of the population, including excessive stress loads, a decrease in the level of sanitary and hygienic culture, as well as still high incidence, disability and mortality, despite the implementation of the federal Target Program "Warning and Combating Social Diseases (2002 - 2006)".

The number of newly registered cases of HIV infection has reached 37.7 thousand cases, in correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service - 2 thousand cases, the share of HIV-infected pregnant women included in the prevention program of infection of newborns, amounted to 75 percent.

The proportion of patients with visual localization of malignant neoplasms identified at the I and II stages of the disease, in the total number of patients with visual localization of the tumor, is 67.6 percent, the share of died of malignant neoplasms during the year from the date of the diagnosis is set to account for the first time In the previous year, 31.6 percent, mortality from malignant neoplasms per 100 thousand population is 233.1 cases in men, women - 170.3 cases. (as amended by the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation of 06.04.2011 N 254)

The incidence of syphilis is 72 cases per 100 thousand population, in correctional institutions of the federal sentence of 176.6 cases per 100 thousand people, the incidence of syphilis - 21.2 cases, gonorads - 23.4 cases per 100 thousand children's population. At the same time, the proportion of specialized medical institutions that monitor the variability of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections in the total number of dermatovenerological profile institutions is 15 percent. The total number of adolescent specialized centers for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections does not exceed 12 in the country as a whole.

The incidence of sharp viral hepatitis B and C is currently 8.6 and 4.5 cases per 100 thousand population, respectively, chronic viral hepatitis B and C - 51.4 cases per 100 thousand population. The proportion of patients covered by the brigade forms of psychiatric care, in the total number of patients observed is 5 percent, the share of patients in need of stationary psychiatric care, in the total number of patients observed - 16 percent. At the same time, the average duration of the patient's treatment in a psychiatric hospital is 75.6 days, and the proportion of repeated hospitalizes into a psychiatric hospital during the year - 20 percent.

The incidence of cerebral vascular disorders (cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke) due to arterial hypertension is 5,776 cases per 100 thousand population, and mortality from vascular brain disorders (cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke) due to arterial hypertension - 325 cases per 100 thousand population.

95 percent coverage of children with preventive vaccinations remains. The incidence of diphtheria, cow is currently 0.25 and 1.6 cases per 100 thousand population, respectively.

Main goals and objectives

The objectives of the program are to reduce the incidence, disability and mortality of the population with socially significant diseases, an increase in duration and improving the quality of life of patients suffering from these diseases.

The tasks of the program are:

W Improving the methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in socially significant diseases;

W Development and implementation of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in socially significant diseases based on advanced technologies;

W Construction and reconstruction of specialized medical institutions.

The program is implemented in 2007-2012. (as amended by the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation of 06.04.2011 N 254)

The program provides for a complex of mutually related measures for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in socially significant diseases throughout the entire period of the program.

The program includes subroutines:

v "Sugar diabetes",

v "Tuberculosis",

v "HIV infection",

v "Oncology",

v "sex transmitted infections",

v "viral hepatitis",

v "mental disorders",

v "arterial hypertension",

v "Vaccinoprophylaxis"

Subprogram "Sugar Diabetes" (as amended by the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.06.2008 N 423, from 06.04.2011 N 254)

In patients suffering from diabetes, the need for medical care increases as their condition and the emergence of complications. It remains a high prevalence of threatening life and leading to disability vascular complications of diabetes, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular complications.

The goals of the Sugar Diabetes subprogramme are:

Reducing the incidence rate of diabetes;

Improving the prevention measures of its complications;

an increase in the average life expectancy of patients with diabetes.

1) improving the prevention and diagnosis of diabetic diagnosis;

2) treatment and rehabilitation of diabetes patients;

3) the development and implementation of high-tech methods for the treatment of the disease and its complications;

4) Development and implementation of training programs for diabetes patients on the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

The share of complications for diabetes mellitus is currently 35 percent. Ampeuting limbs were carried out in 1 percent of patients. In total, for the first time during the year, 38.6 thousand people were recognized as a radical diabetes.

Subprogram "Tuberculosis"

In patients suffering from tuberculosis, the decisive factor of socio-economic is to reduce the level and quality of life.

Not all population groups are covered by preventive medical examinations carried out with the aim of early detection of tuberculosis. Additional measures need to reduce the level of morbidity, disability and mortality in tuberculosis, optimizing the treatment of patients with tuberculosis, ensuring early diagnosis and prevention of severe complications for tuberculosis, increasing duration and improve the quality of life of patients suffering from such a disease, including through strengthening material -Technic base of health care facilities.

The goals of the Tuberculosis subprogramme are a decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis and a decrease in the mortality rate from tuberculosis.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) improving the methods of prevention of tuberculosis, including

2) Development of information programs for the population, educational

3) programs for patients with tuberculosis and in contact with them;

4) improving the measures of infectious control of tuberculosis;

5) improving the methods of diagnosis, treatment and integrated programs of medical and social rehabilitation;

6) Construction and reconstruction of tuberculosis medical institutions.

The incidence of tuberculosis in correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service is currently at present 1515 cases per 100 thousand people, mortality - 153.4 cases per 100 thousand people, the share of cases of cessation of bacteries - 73.5 percent, mortality from tuberculosis - 22.6 Case per 100 thousand population.

Subprogram "HIV-infection"

The continued growth in the number of registered HIV-infected persons is largely due to the factors of a socio-economic nature, the spread of drug addiction, insufficient public awareness. It is necessary to increase the share of HIV-infected pregnant women included in the prevention program of the infection of HIV infection of newborns. The study of the drug sustainability of the human immunodeficiency virus to antiretroviral drugs is required. Further development of safe technologies of blood harvesting and its components are necessary in order to reduce the risk of HIV transmission when using donor blood and its drugs.

The objectives of the subprogramme "HIV infection are:

Reducing the number of newly registered cases of infection with HIV infection;

The introduction of methods for the prevention of infection of HIV infection of newborns;

Ensuring the availability of antiretroviral drugs;

Reducing the mortality rate of patients with HIV infection.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) Improving the prevention methods for the spread of HIV infection;

2) improving the methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in HIV infection;

3) development and introduction of modern antiretroviral drugs;

4) Construction and reconstruction of specialized medical institutions and equipping them with modern medical and technological equipment.

Subprogram "Oncology"

There are extremely high disability indicators due to malignant neoplasms. A high proportion of patients who died from malignant neoplasms during the year from the moment of diagnosis is established. Insufficient organization of preventive medical examinations in order to early detecting oncological diseases. It is necessary to continue the study of substances, products, production processes, household and natural factors, carcinogenic for a person.

The objectives of the "Oncology" subprogramme are:

Ensuring diagnostics in the early stages of diseases;

Reducing disability and mortality in malignant neoplasms.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) improvement of methods for the prevention of oncological diseases, early detection of tumor and precancerous diseases;

2) assessment of carcinogenic environmental factors;

3) monitoring carcinogenic industrial factors and industries;

4) ensuring the diagnosis of tumor diseases of visual location in the early stages;

The subprogramme "sex transmitted infection"

The amount of infectious diseases transmitted by sexual means increases annually (including neurosimifilis cases) identified among adolescents. The resistance of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections is developed, to the drugs used. In this regard, the conduct of sanitary and educational events and promoting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the number of specialized medical institutions studying the variability of causative agents transmitted by sexually transmitted, to organize studies aimed at overcoming the therapeutic resistance of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections, and improving their diagnostics, taking into account the molecular characteristics of pathogens.

The purpose of the subprogramme "infection transmitted by sexual way" is to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections.

1) Improving the prevention methods of sexually transmitted infections, including the development of information materials and educational programs for the population;

2) the development and implementation of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in sexually transmitted infections;

3) improving the system for monitoring the stability of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections, to the drugs used;

Subprogram "Viral hepatitis"

The incidence of chronic forms of viral hepatitis B and C, sharp forms of viral hepatitis C, as well as disability and mortality in these diseases, increases annually.

It is necessary to improve the methods of investigating cases of epidemic outbreaks of viral hepatitis, molecular methods of diagnostics, methods for the prevention of viral hepatitis, the further development of specialized medical care.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) improving the methods for the prevention of viral hepatitis and epidemiological supervision;

2) ensuring the quality of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sharp and chronic viral hepatitis;

3) development and introduction of modern drugs and diagnostic sets;

4) Construction and reconstruction of specialized medical institutions, equipping them with modern medical and technological equipment.

Subprogramme "Mental Disorders"

The incidence of population mental disorders and behavior disorders is growing. Every year about 60 thousand people dies from suicides.

The purpose of the subprogramme "mental disorders" (hereinafter refruning) is the development of a comprehensive system of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in mental disorders.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) Improving methods for preventing mental disorders, development and implementation of advisory assistance, training programs for the protection of mental health and prevention of suicide;

2) improvement of methods for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, the introduction of brigade forms of work in a psychiatric hospital, day hospital, a psychoneurological dispensary and a rehabilitation hostel;

3) the introduction of modern methods of psychosocial therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation;

Subprogram "Arterial Hypertension"

The level of morbidity, disability and mortality of the population in case of circulatory system diseases, among which hypertensive disease occupies a leading place, remains high. In this regard, it is necessary to record and prevent factors contributing to the reduction in the quality of life of the population, including those caused by excessive stress loads.

Development and implementation of measures for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases are needed, the implementation of programs for organizing the rehabilitation treatment of patients with stroke and acute myocardial infarction.

The objectives of the "arterial hypertension" subprogrammes are a decrease in the number of diseases by vascular brain disorders (cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke) due to arterial hypertension and reduced mortality from its complications.

The tasks of the specified subroutine are:

1) creating an effective system for the prevention of arterial hypertension in risk groups;

2) Development and introduction of modern methods of early diagnosis, treatment of arterial hypertension and rehabilitation of patients with its complications.

Subprogram "Vaccinoprophylaxis"

When the high level of children's coverage is maintained by prophylactic vaccinations, there are cases of diphtheria, measles and cough, as well as flashes of epidemic vapotitis diseases. It is necessary to create new vaccines for mass use and the introduction of modern technologies for their production. The development of the public awareness system is required about measures to prevent the dissemination of infections managed by means of specific prophylaxis.

The purpose of the subprogramme "Vaccintilaxia" is to reduce the incidence of infections managed by means of specific prophylaxis.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

1) improving the methods for the prevention of infections managed by means of specific prophylaxis;

2) improving the methods for monitoring preventive and anti-epidemic measures;

3) Improvement of the vaccine transportation system.

1.3.2. The program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010

29 million children live in the Russian Federation. The most vulnerable categories of children include orphans and children who remain without parental care (731 thousand children), disabled children (587 thousand children), children in a socially dangerous position (676 thousand children). These groups of children need primarily in social rehabilitation and adaptation, integration with society.

According to the forecast data, by 2010 the number of children will decrease compared with 2003 by 3.73 million people, which determines the further tendency to reduce the number of people's population. The birth rate does not provide simple reproduction of the population. Indicators of maternal and infant mortality remain at a high level, only 30 percent of newborns can be recognized as healthy. Over the past 10 years, the incidence of children in general has increased by more than 1.4 times.

Family disabilities, the asocial behavior of parents and the lack of control over the behavior of children leads the latter to early criminalization.

Statistics show a steady increase in juvenile crime (in 2003, 145.4 thousand crimes were committed, in 2004 - 154.4 thousand crimes, in 2005 - 154.7 thousand crimes).

The objectives of the program are the creation of favorable conditions for the integrated development and livelihoods of children, state support for children in difficult life situations.

The tasks of the program are:

Ensuring the safe maternity and birth of healthy children, the protection of children and adolescents, including reproductive health;

Prevention and reduction of children's and teenage incidence, disability and mortality;

The creation of a state system for the detection, development and address support of gifted children, the preservation of the national gene pool of the country, the development of the intellectual and creative potential of Russia;

Prevention of social disadvantaged families with children, protection of the rights and interests of children;

As a result of the fulfillment of the Federal Target Program "Children of Russia" for 2003-2006, a decrease in infant mortality (from 12.4 per 1000 born in 2003 to 11 per 1000 born alive in 2005), maternal mortality (from 31.9 per 100 thousand born alive in 2003 to 30.5 per 100 thousand born in 2005), a decrease in disability among children with chronic pathology, strengthening the health of children and adolescents at all stages of development. Compared to 2003, in 2005, the number of street children decreased by 3.2 thousand people (4.27 thousand against 7.5 thousand), children who were in a difficult life situation - by 274 thousand people (676 thousand. against 950 thousand). In 2005, more than 440 thousand families with disabled children received help in social service and children institutions, which is 26 percent of the level of 2003.

Within the framework of this federal target program, the construction and reconstruction of 42 institutions of birth and childhood, 77 institutions for orphans and children remaining without parental care, 60 children's boarding houses for children with disabilities and rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities were carried out.

The implementation of the Program made it possible to strengthen the material and technical base of more than 600 institutions of birth and childhood, 1,200 specialized agencies for minors who need social rehabilitation, including centers for families with children and crisis centers for women, more than 500 educational institutions, 92 temporary detention centers of minors The offenders of the internal affairs bodies, more than 50 educational colonies of the criminal executive system of the Federal Penitentiary Service, more than 300 specialized agencies for children with disabilities, more than 400 institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (equipped with motor vehicles, agricultural machinery, contemporary -Profilact, rehabilitation, computer, technological and household equipment).

It is proposed within the framework of the program to allocate the "Healthy Generation" subprograms, "gifted children", "Children and Family".

The purpose of the "Healthy Generation" subroutine is to preserve, restore and strengthen the health of children and adolescents, putting them the skills of a healthy lifestyle.

The tasks of the specified subroutine are:

Ensuring safe maternity, creating conditions for the birth of healthy children;

Introduction of high-tech methods for the diagnosis and prevention of hereditary diseases and congenital malformations in children;

Protecting the health of children and adolescents, including reproductive;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Prevention of morbidity, disability and mortality in children's and adolescence;

The purpose of the "Gifted Children" subprogramme is to provide favorable conditions for creating a unified state system for identifying, developing and address support of gifted children in various areas of intellectual and creative activity.

The tasks of the subprogramme are:

The creation of a state system for identifying, development and address support of gifted children, including on the basis of innovative technologies for identifying and supporting gifted children living in rural areas, settlements remote from major centers of culture, education, science;

Coordination of the basic centers for working with gifted children and their support;

Providing advice to parents and teachers working with gifted children;

The goals of the subprogramme "Children and Family" are the protection and improvement of the situation of children in a difficult life situation, the prevention of social orphans and family disadvantages, a comprehensive solution to families with disabled children, ensuring their full-fledged life and integration with society, the development of family forms of children's children -Ship.

Due to the specifics of the problems of various categories of children, within the framework of the specified subprogramme, such directions are provided as "the prevention of neglect and offenses of minors", "Family with disabled children", "Children's orphans".

1.3.3. Program "Improving road safety in 2006-2012"

The problem of accidents associated with road transport (hereinafter - accidents), in the last decade, has acquired special acute in connection with the inconsistency of the road and transport infrastructure, the needs of society and the state in safe road traffic, insufficient efficiency of the functioning of the road safety system and extremely low discipline of participants road traffic.

In 2004, over 208 thousand road accidents occurred, in which 34.5 thousand people were killed. Compared with 1997, the death toll increased by 27.8 percent. In total over the past 10 years, 312.5 thousand people were killed as a result of road accidents, of which more than a quarter are the people of the most active working age (26-40 years old).

The root fracture in the emergency state occurred after 2000. The growth of the main indicators of accidents in 2001-2004 relative to 1 percent of the growth in the number of vehicles amounted to:

· Travel incidents - 3.6 percent;

· By the number of persons who died as a result of road accidents - 2.7 percent;

· By the number of persons who have been injured as a result of road traffic accidents, 4.5 percent.

Since 2000, such relative emergency rates are steadily growing, as the number of persons who died as a result of road accidents, by 10 thousand units of transport (transport risk) and the number of persons who died as a result of road accidents per 100 thousand population (Social risk). In 2004, they reached their maximum (more than 10 and more than 24 persons who died as a result of road traffic accidents, respectively).

Road traffic accidents cause significant damage to the economy in the last 4 years - 2.6 percent of the gross domestic product of the country (in 2004 the damage was 369 billion rubles, including the death and injury of people - 227.7 billion rubles).

The purpose of the program is to reduce the number of persons who died as a result of road accidents, 1.5 times in 2012 compared with 2004. This will allow the Russian Federation to come close to the level of road safety, characteristic of countries with developed motorization of the population, reduce accident performance and, therefore, reduce the social acute problems.

The conditions for achieving the objectives of the program is to solve the following tasks:

· Preventing the dangerous behavior of road participants;

· Development of a system of training drivers and their admission to participation in road traffic;

· Reducing child road traffic injuries;

· Improving the organization of traffic and pedestrians in cities.

Chapter 2. Implementation Analysis

2.1. "Warning and the fight against socially significant diseases (2007 - 2011)"

The solution to the problem of reducing the incidence, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life in socially significant diseases by software will be carried out through the reasonable choice of activities in all areas of implementation of the Federal Target Program "Prevention and Combating Socially Significant Diseases (2007-2011)".

Events for sale

When solving the problem of the incidence of socially significant diseases, the program-target method are possible 3 options for implementing a program that differs in the amount of financing.

The first option is to financially ensure the implementation of the program in the stated volumes.

Approval of the program according to the first option will allow to achieve the goal.

In this embodiment, the implementation of the program is associated with macroeconomic risks associated with the possibility of reducing the growth rate of the economy and the level of investment activity, the emergence of the budget deficit.

The second option is the adoption of a program with a financing amount of from 50 to 80 percent of the stated volume.

At the same time, the financing of the program will focus on the most effective measures to ensure the stabilization of the main rates of incidence of socially significant diseases, as well as at events requiring relatively small amounts of funding.

The third option is the adoption of a program with a financing of less than 50 percent. For this variant, the financing of the program is focused on the least costly priority events.


Financing the preparation of projects of the target program and the concepts of implementation of the program problem, the development of which is carried out by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, is made at the expense of the funds provided for in the section "Other articles" of the federal budget. Approved target programs are implemented at the expense of the federal budget attracted to the implementation of these programs of extrabudgetary sources, funds of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federations cannot be in the current fiscal year below 5 percent with the condition for the preservation of financing the construction of facilities by the subject of the Russian Federation at least 50 percent of the estimated cost of work during the program.

Funding of the program's activities is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the funds of extrabudgetary sources.

The total costs of implementing the activities of the program are 95820,8577 million rubles (in prices of the corresponding years), of which, at the expense of the federal budget - 45453.4577 million rubles, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 48763.2 million rubles, extrabudgetary sources - 1604.2 million rubles. (as amended by the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation of 06.04.2011 N 254)

Table 1.

Source of financing of FDP activities "Warning and the fight against socially significant diseases 2007-2011"

Fig. 1 source of financing of program activities

The financing of the program at the expense of the federal budget is carried out in the following areas:

· Capital investments - 23064.9064 million rubles;

· Research and development and design work - 1238,7268 million rubles;

· Other needs - 21149.8245 million rubles, of which subsidies from the federal budget - 1593.716 million rubles.

Fig. 2 directions of spending FDP funds "Warning and the fight against socially significant diseases 2007-2011"

Performance at the expense of the federal budget of commitments to the construction and objects in state ownership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in municipal property is carried out in the order of inter-budget relations in accordance with the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Table 2. Financing subroutines


Million rub (plan)




Sexually transmitted infections

Arterial hypertension


Viral hepatitis

HIV infections

Mental disorders

Fig. 3 Financing Subroutines

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation is based on comparison with data for 2005 and taking into account the need to achieve the following indicators:

The increase in the average life expectancy of men, patients with type I diabetes, up to 55.4 years, women - up to 59.2 years;

An increase in the average life expectancy of men, patients with type II diabetes, up to 71.4 years, women - until 73.2 years;

Reducing the incidence of tuberculosis in correctional institutions of the Federal sentence of sentences to 1490 cases per 100 thousand people;

An increase in the abaclization rate of patients with tuberculosis held at the end of the year to 36.1 percent;

An increase in the number of cases of HIV infection again registered during the year to 65 thousand cases;

Reducing the number of cases newly registered during the year of infection of HIV infection in correctional institutions of the federal sentence service to 1.67 thousand cases;

An increase in the share of HIV-infected pregnant women included in the prevention program of the infection of HIV infection of newborns, up to 95 percent;

Improving indicators characterizing the early detection of malignant neoplasms, including an increase in the fraction of patients with visual localizations of the tumor, identified at the I and II stages of the disease, up to 72 percent;

Reducing the share of patients who died from malignant neoplasms throughout the year from the moment of diagnosis, in the total number of patients, for the first time taken into account in the previous year, up to 27.5 percent;

Reducing mortality from malignant neoplasms in men to 231.2 cases per 100 thousand population, in women - up to 170 cases per 100 thousand population;

Reducing the incidence of children with syphilis to 7.1 cases per 100 thousand children's population;

Reducing the incidence of children of gonorads to 7.7 cases per 100 thousand children's population;

The increase in the share of specialized medical institutions engaged in monitoring the variability of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections in the total number of cultivation of the dermatovenerological profile to 62 percent;

Increase in the number of adolescent specialized centers for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, up to 60 units;

Reducing the incidence of acute viral hepatitis B up to 2.6 cases per 100 thousand population;

Reducing the incidence of acute viral hepatitis C to 3.7 cases per 100 thousand population;

An increase in the share of patients covered by the brigade forms of psychiatric assistance in the total number of observed patients to 30 percent;

Elimination of cases of polyomelitis diseases;

Reducing the incidence of cow to 0.999 cases per 1 million population.

2.2 Program "Children of Russia for 2007-2010"

The implementation of the program activities will allow:

Improve the quality of life and health of children;

Improve the quality and availability of social services for families with children, primarily for families with disabled children;

Improve the state system of social protection and support of minors in order to ensure emergency and operational assistance to children who have fallen into a difficult life situation, as well as the fulfillment of long-term consistent work to support children who need special care of the state.

The implementation of the "Healthy Generation" subprogramme event will continue to improve the improvement of state support for motherhood and childhood service, increase the availability and quality of medical care to women and children, achieve 2011:

Decline in infant mortality rate to 9.8 per 1000 lively born;

Reduce maternal mortality rate up to 21 per 100 thousand born alive;

Reducing the mortality rate of children aged 0 to 4 years (inclusive) to 10.9 per 1000 newborn relevant year of birth;

Increase the share of children of the 1st group of health up to 37.5 percent of the total number of children;

Reducing the indicator of the primary access to the disability of children aged 0 to 17 years (inclusive) to 21.4 per 10 thousand children.

During the implementation of the subprogramme "Gifted children", a state system for identifying, developing and address support of gifted children will be created, covering up to 40 percent of the children's population aimed at preserving the national gene pool of the country, the formation of the future highly professional elite in various areas of intellectual and creative activities.

The number of winners of All-Russian competitions, competitions, the Olympiads, tournaments conducted under the subprogramme will increase by 2011 by 8 percent compared with the 2006 data.

Assessment of the implementation of the direction "Prevention of neglect and offenses of minors" by 2011 will be carried out in the following indicators:

· The share of streets in the total number of children's population is 2.17 percent;

· The proportion of children who received social rehabilitation in specialized institutions for minors, in the total number of neglect and street children - 83.3 percent.

Assessment of the implementation of the "Family with disabled children" by 2011 will be carried out in the following indicators:

The proportion of children with disabilities who received rehabilitation services in specialized institutions for children with disabilities, in the total number of disabled children - 43.1 percent;

The proportion of families with disabled children who received services in specialized institutions for children with disabilities, in the total number of families in need of families with disabled children - 25.2 percent.

The implementation of the measures of this subprogramme will reduce the number of orphans and children left without parental care transmitted to the institutions for full state security, increase the number of orphans and children left without parental care transmitted to the education of citizens to ensure the effective socialization of children , founded in a difficult life situation, and their integration with society.

Evaluation of the implementation of the "Children's Syarotes" direction by 2011 will be carried out in terms of reflecting the share of orphans and children who remained without the care of parents transferred to the citizens' families in the total number of orphans and children left without parental care, which should Achieve 72 percent.


The total amount of financing of the program 47845.9 million rubles (in prices of the respective years), including:

At the expense of the federal budget - 10101.7 million rubles;

At the expense of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 36315.1 million rubles;

At the expense of extrabudgetary sources - 1429.1 million rubles.

Table 3. Source of financing of measures of FDP "Children of Russia 2007-2010"

In terms of consumption, funds are distributed as follows:

Capital investments - 25899.3 million rubles, including:

At the expense of the federal budget - 6917 million rubles;

At the expense of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 18812.3 million rubles;

At the expense of extrabudgetary sources - 170 million rubles;

Research and development work - 37.7 million rubles at the expense of the federal budget;

Other needs -21908.9 million rubles, including:

At the expense of the federal budget - 3147 million rubles;

At the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation -17502.8 million rubles;

At the expense of extrabudgetary sources - 1259.1 million rubles.

Fig. 4 sources of financing of the program

2.3 Program "Raise Road Safety in 2006-2012"

health population target investment

Performers of the program activities are determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the program is expected to be implemented within 7 years (2006-2012) in the 2 stages.

At the stage of the Stage (2006-2007), the main activities for implementation are allocated:

· Creating a system of propaganda impact on the population in order to form a negative attitude to offenses in the field of road traffic;

· Ensuring involvement in the preventive work of civil society institutions;

· Improving the licensing system in the field of training of drivers, the development of the legal framework for monitoring the implementation of citizens of independent training to obtain the right to managing the categories "A" and "B";

· Preparation of proposals for the introduction of driving schools of mechanisms to improve the quality of the preparation of drivers;

· Strengthening the control of the presence, health and use of security;

· Increasing the prevention of child road traffic injuries, the active introduction of children's retention devices;

· Implementation of pilot projects for replacing road traffic posts by technical automatic monitoring systems for compliance with parties to the road traffic rules of the Russian Federation and the use of helicopters to accelerate the arrival at the site of the road traffic accident;

· Prevention of road congestion, optimization of high-speed motion modes in the portions of the street-road network;

· Monitoring the dynamics of road traffic injuries, public opinion on road safety and implementation of program activities.

At stage in stage (2008 - 2012), the implementation of the following events is envisaged:

· Further increase in the volume of work on the organization of traffic and pedestrians, including the introduction of integrated projects and projects for the organization of road traffic, the movement of the movement of the main, district and city-wide value;

· Expansion of work on the construction of underground and overhead pedestrian crossings;

· Increasing the role of public associations and organizations in conducting preventive measures;

· Improving work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries;

· Improving forms and methods for monitoring and supervising compliance with the participants in the road traffic establishes established standards and rules;

· Improving forms and methods of international cooperation in the field of road safety;

· Continuing to monitor the dynamics of road traffic injuries, public opinion on road safety and implementing program activities.

The transfer of subjects of the Russian Federation of material and technical resources (equipment that does not require installation, special vehicles) acquired at the expense of the federal budget is carried out by government customers of the program in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


The total financing of the program is 47,755.51 million rubles, including:

At the expense of the federal budget - 21049.01 million rubles (of them - 2446.23 million rubles, capital investments - 15247.58 million rubles and other needs - on research and development work - 3355.21 million rubles);

At the expense of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 26245.4 million rubles (from them for capital investments - 21805.9 million rubles and other needs - 4439.5 million rubles);

At the expense of extrabudgetary sources - 461.1 million rubles (from them for capital investments - 359.9 million rubles and other needs - 101.2 million rubles) (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.08.2007 N 528, of 15.07.2008 N 538, of 14.02.2009 No. 132, from 02.08.2011 N 642) Reduction by 2012 the number of persons who died as a result of road accidents,

Table 4. Sources of financing FTP "Improving road safety in 2006-2012"

Fig. 5 sources of financing program


Upon completion, it can be concluded that today the federal target programs aimed at protecting the health of the population are one of the most important means of implementing the social policy of the state and the active impact on socio-economic development.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the programs under consideration is carried out on the basis of comparison with data for 2005.

The results of the effectiveness of the program "Warning and the struggle with socially significant diseases for 2007-2011"

Reducing the share of complications with diabetes mellitus up to 28.5 percent;

Reducing the incidence of tuberculosis in correctional institutions of the Federal sentence of sentences to 1490 cases per 100 thousand people;

Reducing the mortality from tuberculosis to 15.2 cases per 100 thousand population, including correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service - up to 104.9 cases per 100 thousand people;

Reducing the incidence of syphilis to 49.2 cases per 100 thousand population, including correctional institutions of the federal sentence service - up to 148 cases per 100 thousand people;

Reducing the incidence of chronic viral hepatitis B and C to 54 cases per 100 thousand population;

Improving indicators characterizing the early detection of malignant neoplasms, including an increase in the fraction of patients with visual localizations of the tumor, identified at the I and II stages of the disease, up to 72 percent;

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    Analysis of the structure of the overall incidence of treatment in the clinic of children, adolescents and adults, evaluating the health of the city's population. Investigation of the health of children of the first year of life. Study of the structure of the population, demographic indicators.

    coursework, added 07/09/2008

    Conceptual foundations of preventive strategy in public health. Methods of research in this area. Personal hygiene - the condition for the effective primary and secondary prevention of diseases. Analysis of factors defining a healthy lifestyle.

    presentation, added 26.10.2016

    Rights of citizens to health care, medical and medical and social assistance. Forced medical measures. Laws of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision and the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/31/2017 N 394,

from 07.05.2017 N 539, from 12.08.2017 N 964)

  • Passport of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subroutines 1 "Prevention of diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Development of primary health care" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogramme 2 "Improving the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport Subprogramme 4 "Mother and Child Health Protection" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogramme 5 "Development of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment, including children" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogramme 6 "Providing palliative care, including children" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogramme 7 "Personnel Support of the Health System" State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development"
  • Passport subprogramme 8 "Development of international relations in the field of health protection" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development"
  • Passport subprogramme 9 "Expertise and supervisory and supervisory functions in the health sector" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogrammes b "Medical and sanitary support of certain categories of citizens" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogrammes G "Development of the industry" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subprogramme D "Organization of compulsory medical insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Passport subroutines and "development of emergency medical care" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development"
  • I. Priorities and objectives of public policy, including general requirements for state policy of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • III. General characteristics of the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the program
  • Appendix N 1. Information on indicators (indicators) of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health", subprogrammes of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" and their values
  • Appendix N 2. List of basic activities of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development"
  • Appendix N 3. Information on the main measures of legal regulation in the realization of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health"
  • Annex N 4. Resource Provision of the Implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation
  • Appendix N 5. Plan for the implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" for 2017 and for the planning period 2018 and 2019
  • Appendix N 6. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the city of Baikonur for the implementation of individual events of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development"
  • Appendix N 7. Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget within the framework of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on co-financing capital investments in the state ownership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are carried out from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or in order to provide relevant subsidies From the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to local budgets for co-financing capital investments in the objects of municipal property, which are carried out from local budgets
  • Appendix N 8. Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the procurement of aviation services by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide medical care with aviation
  • Annex N 9. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on co-financing costs arising from the provision of high-tech medical care to citizens not included in the basic health insurance program
  • Appendix N 10. Information on the need for capital construction of health facilities in the Far East for 2017 - 2020
  • Appendix N 11. Information about targets (indicators) of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" in the territory of the Far East
  • Appendix N 12. Information on the resource provision of the implementation of activities of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Health" on the territory of the Far East at the expense of the federal budget
  • Appendix N 13. Information on the resource provision and forecast (reference) assessment of the costs of the federal budget, consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other extrabudgetary sources to implement the activities of the State Program Development of Health in the Far East

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